Do-it-yourself MDF wall panels installation: options for installing MDF wall panels with glue and frame. How to glue MDF panels with liquid nails or attach them to a wall on a wooden frame: cladding options, choice of materials What are wall panels mounted on?

MDF panels - excellent decorative finishing material, which is characterized by high installation speed and the absence of the need for “wet” work at all stages of finishing.

The panels also have their drawbacks (for example, MDF, like any wood, is afraid of water and high humidity, and is less resistant to mechanical damage compared to synthetic materials, work to restore damage to it is associated with a number of difficulties, etc.).

Fastening MDF panels depends on the type of base and the desired result. The most common type of fastening is mechanical (on the base, a frame is often equipped with wooden or metal guides, to which MDF panels are attached using nails, screws or clamps) and chemical - using adhesive compositions.

The last method assumes an even monolithic base, since in this case there is no frame made of profiles or guides.

Glue for MDF - review of the best options

The most commonly used adhesives for MDF panels are:

  • Liquid Nails . A universal adhesive characterized by high adhesion, resistance to corrosion and moisture. Liquid nails do not react with substrates, unlike deep penetrating glue.
  • Polyurethane (or construction) foam. Characterized by various properties such as heat insulation, sound insulation and high adhesion.
  • Universal construction adhesive. A wide group of products, divided into many segments and areas of application. For MDF panels, it is necessary to use only those adhesives that provide adhesion to the base materials (brick, concrete, plasterboard, tiles, etc.) and wood (MDF consists of fine sawdust).

The most popular adhesive for MDF panels is liquid nails (TYTAN or TITEBOND Multi).

In addition to the economic effect when choosing an adhesive, you need to take into account the specifics of working with it (time for initial fixation, final drying time, method of application, service life, necessary tool and materials, etc.).

Installation of MDF panels with glue - instructions

Let's consider the technology for installing MDF using the adhesive compositions indicated above.

Liquid Nails(similar to universal construction adhesives). The thickness of the adhesive layer is only 3-5 mm, so the base on which the panels will be glued must be perfectly flat. Otherwise, the panels will follow all the unevenness of the walls or peel off in places where they do not fit tightly.

Therefore, before gluing MDF panels to the wall, it must be leveled.

  1. Degrease the surface, remove all dirt, and fill the crumbling areas with putty.
  2. Before starting work, you need to make sure there are no irregularities using building regulations, long level or other tool.
  3. The glue is applied in wave-like movements or in another way (for example, pointwise in large drops) so that it is evenly distributed over the width and length of the panel. The pitch between the adhesive strips determines the force with which the panel will stick to the base. That is, for example, when installing in places of greatest load, the frequency of application can be increased. Usually this is 10-15 cm. If the manufacturer determines the waiting time before gluing, it is necessary to maintain the required pause.
  4. Using a construction bubble or laser level launch pad installed at the desired angle (depending on the intended pattern and installation direction). Vertical installation of panels is most often used. You should start from the corner.
  5. The glue on the first panel must have time to set to the base before installing subsequent ones (the same principle applies to other difficult places adjacencies, for example, internal or external corners). Setting time depends on the type of glue (see instructions).
  6. Thanks to the tongue-and-groove connection, subsequent panels can be installed without waiting (except for the waiting time before gluing).

Corners (internal or external), as well as horizontal and vertical junctions without a tongue-and-groove connection, are covered with decorative moldings (universal MDF corners). The glue should be applied to the middle of each side of the decorative corner (so that when pressed, excess glue does not come out).

The main thing is not to damage the decorative layer of the panels.

Option 2. Polyurethane foam.

Installation technology for MDF panels using construction foam is in many ways similar to installation technology using liquid nails or universal glue, with the only difference that the error of wall unevenness using foam can be higher due to a significant increase in foam volume.

The waiting time before gluing the MDF panel to the base depends on the requirements of the foam manufacturer.


Basic installation errors

For liquid nails:

  • Do not overexpose the glue before installing the panel on the base. Otherwise, adhesion will be significantly lower.
  • Incorrect application of glue - MDF panels will lose their attractiveness appearance if glue gets on the decorative front surface.
  • Wiping off excess glue with a heavily dampened rag may cause the decorative coating to peel off.

For polyurethane foam:

  • For gluing, use foam with low coefficient shrinkage and professional tool(high-quality guns for construction foam can smoothly and strictly dose regulate its supply).
  • If you do not wait for the first panel to set, then when subsequent panels move, the foam may collapse and not be fixed to the base.

Question: why can’t you glue MDF onto liquid nails?

Liquid nails glue is distinguished by its versatility. It is suitable for installation large number various building materials. And if “wood” is included in the list of materials to be glued, then liquid nails are not only possible, but also must be used for gluing MDF panels.

Often, ordinary people can confuse “liquid nails” glue with sealants or silicones (they are applied using the same tool, the tube is very similar to the tube of liquid nails and in the store they can be on the same shelf).

However, sealants for gluing MDF panels are not recommended, since their main purpose is to fix plumbing products and seal seams.

The modern interior provides a beautiful and original finish, which especially emphasizes the style of housing. Therefore, in Lately are extremely popular among designers Wall panels MDF. Unlike wooden board They are inexpensive, come in various colors and are easy to install, giving the room a refined look.


MDF is a unique building material produced in the form of panels made from wood-fiber raw materials medium density. Since the slabs are produced by dry pressing of wood shavings under high temperature and pressure with the addition of urea resin, they are extremely strong and durable in use.

Decorative finishing with such panels has many advantages.

  • Easy installation. The material can be fastened in any direction: diagonally, across or along the surface of the wall. In addition, to install the panels you do not need to carefully prepare the working base. The condition of the walls does not in any way affect the quality of the cladding.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Huge assortment color palette and textures allows you to use MDF for any style. In addition, during installation there remains small space, which can be used to hide insulation and wiring.
  • Good thermal insulation. The material is characterized by excellent heat resistance, so after MDF fastenings the room receives additional insulation.
  • Easy care. To clean the panels from dust and dirt, simply wipe them with a soft sponge soaked in warm water. If damage occurs during operation, there is no need to completely change the casing. To do this, the panel with defects is removed and a new one is attached in its place.
  • Durability. This cladding will reliably last for decades.

Despite the presence of positive characteristics, MDF also has some disadvantages.

  • Low moisture resistance. When exposed to moisture, the material is subject to deformation. Therefore, for finishing rooms with high humidity It is recommended to use special boards with a protective layer.
  • Instability to mechanical damage and loads. Decorative panels require careful installation and maintenance.
  • High risk of fire. Electrical wiring, which is laid under the trim, must be placed in the fire resistance of the box.
  • Education hollow walls. Since MDF is fixed to the frame, there is a “emptiness” between the skins, so when you need to fix furniture to the walls, you have to use long nails or dowels.

Before purchasing cladding slabs, it is important to consider that they are produced different sizes depending on the model range each brand.

As a rule, the most common products on the market are thicknesses from 7 mm to 14 mm and sizes 2600×200 mm, 2600×153 mm, 2600×325 mm. Attached wall blocks usually on glue or lathing made from wooden beams and metal profiles. At the same time, installing slabs on a wooden frame is much simpler, but before installation, the wood should be coated with antiseptic solutions that protect it from the formation of mold and mildew.

To date, MDF boards have been found wide application in various fields. They line the walls, door leaves, window sills, ceilings, and screens for heating and ventilation systems and arches. This finish looks great in modern interior, since the panels imitate not only expensive types of wood, but also natural stone.

Calculation of material quantity

Installation of MDF, like any other material, must begin with preliminary calculation number of panels. To do this, first of all, determine the area of ​​the room: everything is done necessary measurements, and the perimeter is multiplied by the height. It is also important to consider the presence of doors and windows in the room. Their quadrature is calculated in a similar way, multiplying the height by the width, the resulting result is subtracted from the total area of ​​the room.

Then, knowing all the numbers, you can go shopping for wall panels. Since the products are sold in different sizes, you will have to additionally calculate how much square meters in each slab. Usually manufacturers write this on the packs. If, for example, a panel is purchased with a width of 900 mm and a length of 2600 mm, then it is enough to multiply 2600 mm by 900 mm. As a result, it turns out that there are 2.34 m2 in one slab. Then the area of ​​the room that is planned to be covered must simply be divided by 2.34 m2, and you will get required quantity panels.

Preparing tools

An important point before the beginning MDF sheathing The preparation of the instrument also counts. Since the installation of wall panels is not particularly difficult, it is quite possible to do it yourself, without the help of specialists.

To get the job done quickly and efficiently, you need to have a basic set of tools on hand.

  • Roulette. It is best to use a 5-meter tape measure.
  • Level. It can either be purchased in a store or made from jute, with a nut attached to the end.
  • Drill with complete set nozzles It will perfectly replace a screwdriver and simplify the task of fastening the plates.
  • Metal square. For installation, the one that has different legs and is usually used by mechanics is suitable. Using a square, panels for cutting slopes will be measured.
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw. It is recommended to stock up on both at the same time. In this case, a hacksaw should be selected with small teeth that have a transverse and longitudinal cut.
  • Bulgarian. It is needed for cutting metal profiles if the frame is planned to be assembled from metal.

In addition to the above, you will also need ordinary tools that everyone has in the house: a screwdriver, a knife, a hammer, drills and a marker.

Installation methods

Before sheathing the walls with MDF, it is necessary to determine how to fasten them. Install decorative panels You can use glue or on the sheathing. Each of these methods is characterized by its own installation technology.

Before choosing, you should evaluate the condition of the surface, taking into account some nuances.

  • The boards are made from wood fibers, so the material must be protected from contact with substrates damaged by mold. Installation on walls in rooms with high humidity is not recommended. In addition, the panels must be mounted on a flat base.
  • If the walls are well cleaned of old finishing and dry, then MDF can be installed on them using glue or liquid nails without assembling the sheathing. This will simplify fastening, but will eliminate the possibility of replacing individual plates if they are mechanically damaged.

The installation of wall blocks on a frame is as follows: guides are attached to the surface, serving as the basis for installation, then MDF is fixed to a metal profile or block.

This technique has many advantages.

  • The lathing hides defects in the base, so the walls do not need to be leveled and leveled. This, in turn, significantly saves time and money.
  • The resulting “void” between the sheathing will serve as an ideal place for laying important systems communications and laying the thermal insulation layer. In addition, additional sound insulation is created, which is especially important for apartments in which the partitions between the walls have poor sound absorption.
  • Opportunity quick repair finishing if individual panels have been damaged.

As for the disadvantages of such cladding, it significantly reduces the area of ​​the room, and if you need to hang pieces of furniture or decorative elements, then it is worth considering that the structure will not withstand such loads.

Unlike the previous method, planting with glue does not have any significant disadvantages. MDF boards are attached directly to the wall; in this case, the connecting element is glue. To additionally secure the panels together, clamps are also used. Thanks to this finishing option, the area of ​​the room is not reduced, installation is carried out quickly, without damaging the material with screws or nails. But if the surface of the cladding is damaged during operation, then it will be necessary to restore not just one fragment of the finish, but the entire wall.

When deciding on the choice of one method or another, it is worth taking into account not only the features of the room, but also calculating the costs of covering. For example, in some cases it is much more economical to putty the walls and not build a frame. For large premises Of course, it is best to install the sheathing, since perfectly leveling their walls will be problematic.

Execution of work

Due to their performance characteristics and aesthetic appearance, MDF panels are widely used in finishing work. Wall panels can not only be used to decorate the ceilings of a corridor or hallway, but also to sheathe a doorway or window slopes in an original way. Furniture fittings and wall corners can also be easily made from the material at home. Since the product is easy to install, it is quite possible to do all the work yourself. Before attaching MDF, you should prepare the surface for finishing by cleaning it from the old coating and eliminating all defects.

Regardless of whether the cladding is planned on concrete, wood or brick, the base must be primed; this will protect the finish from the appearance of mold and mildew in the future.

For additional thermal insulation of window slopes, walls and doorways, it is recommended to lay insulating material, he will not only serve good insulation, but will also cope with the task of vapor and waterproofing.

To install panels on slopes, they can be fastened along or across, it all depends on the size of the slope. This finish, made from a combination of light and dark pieces of slabs, looks original. Installation of panels on walls and ceilings is carried out either with glue or with pre-installed assembled frame. To do this, first attach the starting profile, and then the guides, along the length of which you need to correctly join the decorative parts. To make a beautiful corner, you should trim the material before installation, rounding its edges.

It is recommended to saw or cut panels using special tools for working with wood. The best option A jigsaw is considered suitable for this, but if you don’t have one at hand, a fine-toothed saw will do. Having decided on the direction of the MDF sheathing, the panels are measured and cut to the required length. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the tenon along the entire length of the first slab; if this is not done, then difficulties will arise when installing the corners.


When choosing a method for attaching MDF to the sheathing, you will first have to make a durable frame from metal profiles or wooden beams. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that wooden structure requires preliminary impregnation with antiseptic solutions that will protect it from rot and mold. If you plan to lay thermal insulation, then the thickness of the beams is chosen according to the thickness of the insulating material. For plating brick walls and rooms with high humidity, wooden frames are not recommended.

To wooden beams were not deformed during installation; it is worth choosing well-dried wood. The structure is fixed perpendicular to the direction of installation of the panels, leaving a small margin of 5 cm from the floor and 3 cm from the ceiling. First of all, fix the vertical elements, which are placed along the edges of the recesses, in the corners and next to the openings. The slats should be spaced 700 mm apart from each other. To fasten the structure, self-tapping screws or nails with a diameter of 4 to 6 mm are usually used.

For assembly metal structure UD racks and horizontal CD profiles are used. The sheathing pitch is similarly 600-700 mm.

The CD profile is inserted into the rack and everything is secured to the wall with self-tapping screws. Metal profiles can be cut with a special circular saw. If the ceiling is finished with panels, then the frame must be assembled only from horizontal elements, using additional fasteners.


After frame construction ready, start paneling. MDF boards are fixed to each other using a tongue and groove lock, consisting of a recess and a ridge. TO wooden sheathing the parts are secured with small nails, they are driven in obliquely with a hammer. To install the material on the metal profile, clamps are used, they are placed in the groove of the slab and secured with self-tapping screws.

At vertical installation The MDF begins to be fixed from the corner, smoothly redirecting to the left. The first slab is attached to the beam with nails, and from the groove side the fixation is carried out with clamps. Then the ridge of the next slab is placed in the groove of the first. The last panel should be cut to length, leaving a small margin of 5 mm, and its ridge should be cut in half. It must be inserted into the groove of the previous panel and the free edge secured.

Pieces of wall slabs are used to cover slopes. To beautifully close the skin, use special corners. They are placed on liquid nails or glue, decorating the edges near doors and windows. In addition, MDF is excellent for finishing ceiling surface, in this case, the panels are installed in a direction perpendicular to the base of the walls.

Wall decoration consists of several stages. Installation of MDF on walls will require preliminary selection necessary materials. The technology for installing MDF panels on walls is quite simple., if you follow the tips and recommendations. Everyone can arrange a room.

Every person wants to have stylish and comfortable housing to emphasize their individuality and create a unique atmosphere.

Description of MDF wall panels

Installation of MDF boards on walls can be done correctly, quickly and cheaply, without putty, primer, painting or wallpapering. Minimum construction waste, stylish and practical.

Wall panels have been known for more than 10 years on the Russian market. During this period, their popularity has not subsided.

The advantages of using MDF panels are:

  • wide selection of sizes and textures, glossy and matte;
  • low cost;
  • excellent quality;
  • environmental friendliness of the materials from which the panels are made;
  • optimally suitable sizes;
  • ease of adaptation for premises of any configuration;
  • Possibility of attachment to wooden and metal sheathing;
  • indicators of mechanical, thermal and ultraviolet resistance;
  • long service life without loss of its original appearance;
  • resistance to tobacco smoke;
  • ease of cleaning and washing;
  • ease of installation if you need to mount MDF panels on the wall. You can repair a room in half a day, without dust, dirt, preliminary work and a large number of special tools.

This building material Suitable for both dry and wet areas. Even when exposed to moisture, MDF furniture will not become covered with mold or mildew. Mounting it in wood will also be an advantageous way to decorate the surface.

There is a wide variety of MDF panel designs:

  • matte;
  • glossy;

Large format ceramic slab effect

Some tile panels small size. I alternate tiles, different in texture and color, so you can lay out different patterns of any level of complexity.

Visually this will achieve the effect ceramic tiles large format.

Thanks to the panels with dimensions of 120 by 80 cm, it is possible to cover the panels faster. By studying the recommendations, you can give the modules an excellent appearance.

The difference between wall panels is noted by such indicators as:

  • dimensions;
  • texture;
  • thickness;
  • color;
  • fastening principles.

At correct execution works can be created perfect interior. Interior decoration walls with natural materials are now in trend. However natural materials quite expensive, and working with them is labor-intensive. Therefore, synthetic materials are widely used.

Thanks to high quality they are difficult to distinguish from natural analogues. MDF panels repeat the texture natural wood, create the appearance of a wooden covering.

At the same time, they are easy to wash and clean. And the installation process is characterized by simplicity and speed of work. It is necessary to cut the panels to the required length and secure them to the frame.

MDF is resistant to moisture. about moisture-resistant MDF for walls. There are special corners to match the color of the panels; they can change shape. With them you can build a platband, internal or outside corners. This kind of material used to give the interior a finished look. You can learn how to install MDF panels on walls from the recommendations.

If the installation is carried out in winter time, you first need to keep the wall panels indoors for several days so that they regain their size. When choosing panels, keep in mind that the narrower they are, the longer the work will take, but there will be less scrapping.

It is necessary to determine how much smooth walls. If the level shows good data, then there is no need to make a wooden sheathing.

You can simply glue them to the cement using special glue. If the walls are not level, you will need to do lathing.

This situation is more common. What materials will be needed for it? The sheathing is made from soft wood. Preliminarily think about what kind of sheathing will be. In dry rooms it is better to use wood, and in wet rooms - metallic profile. It is necessary to select fasteners based on the same parameters.

Self-tapping screws - if a metal profile is used, fasteners made from wood screws or staples, if you need to work on a wooden sheathing. In the space of walls and sheathings you can lay a layer of heat or sound insulation.

How to attach the MDF panel to the wall:

  • with lathing;
  • without sheathing.

How to attach and install - installation

We mount the sheathing to the surface of the batten

You need to start work from the corner. Laying must be done tightly. The thin part faces towards the corner. The fastening is carried out on the surface of the rail.

You can successfully install MDF panels on the wall with your own hands if you prepare slats with a cross-section of 20 by 40 mm. They will need to be secured using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

The location of the slats must be perpendicular to the direction of the panels that will be mounted. In order to mount the sheathing elements, we adhere to an interval of 40 - 50 cm.

Using the mounting level, we constantly check the evenness of the installed slats. If the wall surface turns out to be uneven, it is necessary to level the sheathing using building materials such as:

  • plywood;
  • beam;
  • assembly adhesive.

Used to secure the surface long screws or dowel - nails. This will depend on what materials the walls are made of. Also constantly monitor this process by measuring the evenness of the surface using a level.

The bottom of the slatted sheathing should be located taking into account a distance of 3 - 5 cm from the floor. This will allow you to successfully secure the floor plinth in the future.

At the top, the sheathing is mounted at ceiling level.

  • the sheathing is attached in different positions:
  • in the corners;
  • along the window opening.

If work is carried out where there is a high level of humidity, it is advisable to install elements plastic sheathing or made of metal. You can watch a video on how to install MDF panels on a wall surface. If you use the “groove-to-groove” fastening method, over time you can easily disassemble the structure.

Installation and installation technology of the first panel

To perform installation work on MDF installation panels on the walls must be started from the corner:

  • attach the first panel;
  • We check the level;
  • We fix the panel with self-tapping screws to the slats along the entire height.

A thematic video from the Internet will tell you how to attach MDF to the wall.

How to attach to the sheathing

In order to fasten MDF panels to the wall sheathing, clamps are used - special type staples.

The clamps are pushed into the cavity of the panel groove and secured using a construction stapler.

It is best to use nails. Constant care must be taken not to damage the edges of the panel.

To avoid this, use pliers. We install the remaining panels. The crest of the panel that will be next in the row is inserted into the grooves of the panel that is already installed.

A video about installing MDF panels on a wall can be viewed before starting work. Next you need to attach it to the sheathing and carry out the work in the same way in the required quantity.

The last panel next to the wall may not be the right size. If necessary, you can cut mdf panels jigsaw or wood saw.

Cutting it out will not be difficult, the main thing is to correctly measure the part that will be cut. This way they will be the right length. By following the instructions in the instructions on how to attach MDF to a wall, you can do such work yourself. We install the fittings.

In order for the MDF wall mount interior to look like a finished product, it is necessary to install MDF fittings. You can close the joints using a folding corner.

Apply glue to the surface inside and press firmly to corner panels. After finishing the finishing work using MDF panels, the appearance of the walls will change significantly.

How to secure without wooden guides

You can attach mdfc panels to the wall without lathing. In this case, the lower part of the panel must be clamped between the wall and the plywood. Top part must be inserted into the start profile. It is screwed to the top panel.

To be able to further secure the structure, you need to make another hole in the middle to secure the panel. Fastening MDF panels to a wall without slats is done using wooden choppers and self-tapping screws with caps.

The panel will fit perfectly tightly to the wall, and you will be able to save at least 4 cm of space if you install the MDF panel on walls without lathing.

For additional fixation of the panel to the wall, a professional polyurethane foam. The foam will not be destroyed under the panel, since it does not get there. sun rays. Spray the top and bottom of the surfaces with foam. The fastening of MDF boards to the wall must be reliable.

The panel is glued, and one additional screw is added in the middle. about how to glue MDF to the wall. This will be quite enough. The strength and durability of the entire structure depends on how you can attach the MDF to the wall.

For more information about installing MDF panels on walls, watch the video:

How to attach a plinth - installation methods

MDF plinth can be attached to the wall in several ways:

  • on self-tapping screws;

  • mark the place of cutting;
  • make a cut;
  • apply glue;
  • press against the wall with force;
  • install the corner element.

Most often, the baseboard in an apartment matches the platband, this gives the structure an unesthetic appearance. To sharp corners do not spoil the appearance of the baseboard, you need to file the corners, turning them inward.

Do-it-yourself MDF mounting on walls in the kitchen

Can be installed attractively with wall mount. Panels with photo printing are perfect.

Compared to aprons made from other materials, it can be installed directly in the kitchen, adjusting all technological dimensions during the installation process.

The panel needs to be marked and, if necessary, holes cut for electrical outlets. On a flat surface panel MDF is glued using liquid nails.

Gives the room beautiful view. Installation of apron and additional elements carried out quickly and with minimal construction waste.


Practical and environmentally friendly MDF panels are widely in demand in modern construction. They are made by pressing wood dust in a vacuum. In this case, the color of natural wood of various shades is achieved.

If you learn in detail how to mount MDF panels on a wall, You can radically change the appearance of any room in the house. Installation of MDF panels on walls, the price of which will depend on the quality of the selected materials and volumes necessary work, more profitable than working with natural materials.

You can learn how to install MDF panels on the wall from the video. This material is so easy to use that work can be done quickly and efficiently.

MDF is common, cost-effective and universal material. It is often used as decoration inside a building. Having selected a product, it is not necessary to seek help from specialists. Execute installation work easy with your own hands. Do you just need to figure out how to attach MDF panels to the wall yourself?

Organization of finishing works

Wall cladding requires proper preparation which includes:

  1. Calculating the amount of material required. A simple way to find out the volume for purchasing MDF panels is to use an online calculator. To the data obtained it is necessary to add about ten percent in reserve. For simple architectural structures Wall calculations can be done independently.
  2. Selection of tools. To cover walls with MDF panels, you first need to stock up on: a level for construction work, tape measure, pencil and hammer. During the work you will need: electric jigsaw, a hammer drill, a fine-toothed hacksaw and a special stapler.
  3. Surface preparation. First, the entire area is thoroughly impregnated with a primer, which protects against fungal deposits and mold. If MDF sheets are attached with glue, then, first of all, the wall is cleaned of unnecessary paint and remnants of the old finish.

Important! The surface should be coated liberally with primer liquid. Sometimes two layers of impregnation are used. After treatment, you need to let the walls dry completely.

Mounting options for MDF panels

Basically, covering walls with MDF panels with your own hands has several methods of fastening:

  • on a frame base made of wood or metal;
  • using adhesive mass.

Wooden base for securing panels

It is not difficult to build a wooden structure onto which MDF boards will be fixed. This frame device placed in rooms with low humidity. The sheathing is usually secured with self-tapping screws or dowels.

Attention! Before work wooden product must be treated with an antiseptic intended for such material.

In order to build a base for wood panels you need:

  1. Measure the place to secure the starting strip. To do this, you should find the most convex point on the wall and level all the other slats from it. The wooden support is always placed perpendicular to the length of the MDF boards.
  2. Use a drill to mark holes for self-tapping screws on the wood strip. The distance between holes should be 50 centimeters.
  3. Make marks for the dowels according to the holes on the rail. To do this, the plank is placed horizontally against the finishing surface and leveled with a building level.
  4. Use a puncher to punch holes in the places marked on the wall and place plastic fastening dowels.
  5. Attach the main rail with self-tapping screws, screwing them into plastic sockets. During the joining process, level the strip along its entire length with a level. If necessary, wooden pegs are placed under the plank in places with deviations. A correctly aligned strip is screwed to the wall until it stops.
  6. Fix subsequent planks in the same way over the entire surface, based on the first fixed support. The distance between the crossbars should not exceed 50 centimeters. The slats that cling to the adjacent wall must be a continuation of the horizontal line of each already fixed wooden strip.
  7. Using plumb lines, install vertical supports evenly in the corners. Such strips must be used to outline all the boundaries of window and door openings.

A wooden slatted frame for self-cladding walls with MDF panels is considered the most in a simple way fastening to uneven surfaces.

Metal profile lathing

Mounted metal carcass the same as wood. To install it, you will need a special profile - narrow (guide) and wide - as well as fasteners for connection. The metal sheathing is fastened with self-tapping screws.

Bonding profiles

First, a wide profile is installed in openings and corners. Narrow posts connect it on the floor and ceiling. Between horizontal slats The distance is set to 60 centimeters.

All elements of such a sheathing are fastened together with short self-tapping screws.

Advice! Before covering the surface, the space in the sheathing can be filled with insulation.

A metal frame is built in large rooms, because such a base for cladding significantly reduces the area of ​​the room.

Lathing made of metal profiles

Fastening panels with adhesive solution

This installation option is very simple and fast. First of all, you should choose the glue wisely. The structure of the adhesive mass should be thick and elastic.

You can do the installation of MDF panels on the wall yourself by following the following steps:

  • clean the surface;
  • soak with primer, leaving until completely dry;
  • Apply glue onto the MDF board in generous drops;
  • attach the cladding product to the wall and press well for a strong grip for 5 minutes;

All work with the adhesive must be done carefully and accurately.

Installation of MDF panels

Planning to produce self-cladding walls with MDF panels, you should designate in advance all the wiring remaining behind the wood material, and also fix the plan for placing the sheathing slats, so that, decorating over time finished wall, don't guess where you need to use a nail or screw.

Important! Before use, MDF panels must be removed from the packaging and left indoors for a day to subsequently avoid deformation due to temperature changes.

In order to properly decorate a room, you need to know how to properly attach MDF panels to the wall:

  1. Measure the desired length of the panel and cut it with an electric jigsaw.
  2. Attach the first product to the wall, starting from any corner, and, holding it, screw it to the sheathing. Self-tapping screws are screwed into each sheathing strip at a distance of 1 centimeter from the edge of the panel.
  3. Install the clamp on the MDF panel from the groove side. The protruding part of the clamp should fit into the groove of the next panel in each row. This fastening plate is fixed with nails on each batten of the sheathing.
  4. Gradually cut off each MDF strip and connect it with a clamp on the frame base until the entire wall is filled to the next corner.
  5. Measure the width on the wall for last panel. If the size does not match the product, then the MDF sheet is cut to the proper measurements and only the half of the strip with the tenon is installed.
  6. Insert the last corner-adjacent plank, nailing the side that connects to the adjoining wall sheathing.

To hide all joints at the corners and between the canvas, special, decorative strips and corners are used. Such parts are attached using liquid nails.

Using this principle, you can do self-installation MDF sheets over the entire area of ​​the room. Having finished finishing work, the upper and lower skirting boards should be installed.


MDF products for wall decoration do not contain harmful substances. With the help of such finishing you can keep the heat in the house. The product is characterized by good sound insulation and has high strength. To care for the casing, only wet cleaning is necessary.

Today, fabrics of various colors and textures are produced. Having chosen the material, it is not necessary to seek help from professionals for installation. Guided by step by step descriptions work, you can qualitatively install MDF panels on the wall with your own hands.

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