Modern technologies in an apartment building. New technologies in construction: trends and modern methods. Flexible wood WoodSkin

When choosing a suitable project for a future home, developers primarily focus on the speed of installation work, because for a modern person, any delay seems to be a serious problem - these are the realities of our fast-paced life. It is also important that we all do not want to face unpleasant moments that can be caused by seasonal changes in weather, since this will negatively affect the deadline for the completion of the project, and the desire to quickly find a new home forces us to accelerate. That is why people have increasingly become interested in new technologies in the construction of private houses.

Modern technologies in construction

Now let's talk about the practical aspect, because it is also important. For example, you rent construction tools, the payment for which must be paid daily, who would want to overpay? This is where advanced solutions come to the rescue, allowing you to implement standard project in about two or three months. So what do the authors of innovative developments offer us, and what can we successfully implement on our construction site?

Modern and popular technology

We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that new technologies and high-tech building materials are different concepts, although they are on the same plane. For example, foam concrete blocks, rounded wooden logs and OSB boards- products that appeared not so long ago, but this is not the technology of building a house; the method of their installation is another matter. Here you will find a non-standard approach to the usual construction process and improved performance indicators of private houses, but let's talk about everything in order.


This abbreviation is more familiar to us under the name “folk”, also known as “adjustable formwork”, and in full it reads: Technology of Individual Construction and Ecology. This invention belongs entirely to our compatriots, which is doubly pleasant. The main advantage of this innovative approach is that you can build a house with your own hands, without the help of specialists.

Application of adjustable formwork technology

Principle of technology

Modern construction of private houses, based on this method, is characterized by the pouring of pile or columnar foundations, often equipped with a grillage. Your main tool at this stage will be a drill, which was specially designed for TISE.

The walls of such houses are assembled from hollow lightweight blocks, formed directly on the construction site using modular formwork, which must be periodically moved. The whole point of the construction method is that you fix the modules (forms) in the place where the wall of the house will be and pour concrete into them. When the solution hardens, the modules are dismantled and transferred to a new location.

Construction of walls according to TISE


If you all decide to build such a structure, then you will certainly be pleased with the absence of so-called cold bridges, which modern developers struggle with with varying success. Also, you don’t need a whole team of builders, because this kind of construction does not require more than 2–3 people, including the owner of the house, and even then only for individual processes (moving formwork, drilling soil).

Formwork dimensions

In this case, you do not have to rent or buy special equipment, which significantly reduces the construction cost. Moreover, you can independently choose the composition of the filler for the walls of such houses and combine materials (as an option - brick with concrete).

Frame construction

Currently, we rarely resort to this technology for building houses, but this is most likely due to a lack of information among private developers, which can change in a short time, which means there is a prospect for its spread.


After the foundation is poured, they begin to assemble the frame. This design consists of beam elements located horizontally, vertically and diagonally, and articulated with each other. As a rule, wooden or metal frame elements are used here - it all depends on the personal preferences of the home owners.

Assembling a wooden frame

Metal blanks are naturally stronger, but connecting them will require drilling technological holes, which can be replaced welding work, and this complicates the process, but we want to build a house quickly and without complications. Based on the intricacies of working with metals, wooden “skeletons” remain more popular. Most often, this is a beam that facilitates the construction of wooden houses using new technologies due to the correct geometry.

Frame structure design

The walls here are a kind of cladding, and they can be built from various materials, with which they work according to new principles:

Please note that the second option is more difficult to implement (we are talking about the fact that we want to build a home with little effort). It is quite difficult to assemble ready-made shields correctly without violating the technology. And without a crane it is impossible to lift such massive elements, and this significantly complicates the process and leads to its increase in cost.


Any type of foundation is suitable for the construction of such buildings, no matter what soil it will be poured on, even if we are talking about problematic landscapes. There is also the possibility of quick redevelopment without incurring large costs. The same applies to extensions, with the help of which you can easily increase the area of ​​private houses - install additional elements frame and sheathe new walls.

For finishing you can use any materials, there are no restrictions.

3D panels

New trends in the construction industry sometimes represent modified principles that appeared earlier, and with 3D panels, vaguely reminiscent of the method of assembling frame-panel houses.

Construction from 3D panels

Panels produced on an industrial scale are not prefabricated panels, but monolithic polystyrene foam slabs, pre-reinforced with reinforcing mesh on each side. They communicate with each other using metal rods, which penetrate the structure diagonally and extend beyond its limits. It is not difficult to build a house from such blocks, because they are quite light in weight, and the assembly is strong and reliable.

Features and Benefits

There is no “skeleton” of the house in its classical sense, but instead there are panels connected by a rigid coupling and forming the load-bearing walls of the building. After their erection, the structure is covered with a “jacket” of concrete on each side of the mounted panels.

3D panel design

The polymer material from which modern panels are made allows for heat loss to be reduced to a minimum, and this is an essential point in the construction of modern houses, both wooden and panel.. You can also build a structure from SIP panels - these are also new materials in the construction industry. However, they are little involved in private construction sites due to large dimensions.

This material is mainly chosen for the installation of large-scale objects. If for some reason you still do not give up the thought of application of SIP panels on own plot, it’s better to order them from the manufacturer according to individual drawings, which will cost a pretty penny, and a considerable one.

Permanent formwork

One of the most well-known technologies, often used in private construction due to its availability and ease of implementation.

Ready-made house using technology permanent formwork

Construction principle

Like TISE technologies, the basis of the principle here is that you can quickly build a house without a team of craftsmen.

Fixed polystyrene foam formwork

Permanent formwork can be formed from block or panel elements, which during operation are placed along the perimeter of the base at a certain distance from each other, forming a partition. Reinforcement is placed in the cavity between the blocks and concrete is poured.


As mentioned earlier, you can build such a house yourself, which will save you a lot of money. Helpers may only be needed at the stage of pouring the foundation and when installing the floors; otherwise, you can handle the rest yourself. At the same time, by choosing the right filler for wall formwork, you don’t have to worry about additional thermal insulation.

It turns out that building houses can be inexpensive and quite simple, and we are talking here about both block structures and their wooden counterparts. Knowing and applying the latest technologies, build quality housing Today it won’t be too difficult.

Modern innovative construction technologies, striking the imagination with their originality and fantasticness, use both the achievements of the latest scientific research and the invaluable experience of ancestors.

Let's start with the most common building material - wood. It would seem that what else can be invented here? But here, too, modern innovative technologies come to the rescue.

1. Technology of construction of domed houses without nails, Vladivostok, Russia

Scientists from the Far Eastern Federal University are creating modern wooden domed houses. At the same time, as in the good old days of Russian architects, without single nail. Their uniqueness lies in the use of new designs of locks between the individual parts of the wooden spherical frame.

Dome house from wooden parts created in record time. The frame grows in just a few hours unusual house. Today they want to try this technology in several Russian cities. The links are connected to each other using a special lock, which absorbs all loads - vertical, lateral, and so on. The parts are made with such precision that it looks like a Lego set. Any person, having such a kit with small assembly instructions, can mount this structure themselves.

At one of the recreation centers in the Primorsky Territory there is already a domed express cafe “Snezhok”, built by scientists, which is very popular, attracting visitors unusual shape. Second domed house much larger - this is a two-story twelve-meter structure with an area of ​​195 m2.

2. Multi-storey wooden buildings, London, UK

We are all somehow accustomed to the fact that wood is used to build low houses, one or two floors. But US developers believe it is possible to use wood to construct buildings up to 30 floors high.

The first of the modern residential buildings, built of wood using modern technologies of wooden house construction (from five-layer wooden glued panels), has 9 floors and 30 meters in height. This house is located in London, it has 29 residential apartments and offices on the ground floor.

It is amazing that the entire above-ground part of this house was built in 28 working days by just five people, armed with only one mobile crane and electric screwdrivers.

3. Technology of construction of wooden houses Naturi, Austria

The technology consists of profiled thin tree trunks, called “balance” by specialists, which are cut on a four-sided machine. The fact that a fine gauge is used is clearly demonstrated by the fact that in every element, without exception, there is necessarily a core of wood.

Then from such “puzzles” you can assemble any part of the building. When drying out, individual elements become deformed and jam “tightly” ", creating a very strong and lightweight structure.The purpose of inventing such a technology is the use of low-quality raw materials, which in Russia, for example, are only used for cellulose or simply thrown into waste.

4. Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China

Chinese architects have invented a way to build cheap houses. Their secret is a huge 3D printer that literally prints real estate. And there would be nothing unusual in this - the technologies for “printing” buildings are already known. But the point is that chinese houses will be made... from construction waste.

Thus, the specialists of the architectural company Winsun intend to solve two problems at once. In addition to creating inexpensive houses, the project will give a second life to construction waste and industrial waste - this is what houses are made from.

The giant printer has truly impressive dimensions - 150 x 10 x 6 meters. The device is quite powerful and can print up to 10 houses per day. The cost of each of them is no more than 5 thousand dollars.

A huge machine is erecting external structure, and the internal partitions are mounted later manually. With the help of 3D printing technology, the Celestial Empire hopes to solve the pressing problem of affordable housing. In the near future, several hundred factories will appear in the country where construction waste will be used to produce Consumables for a giant printer.

5. House printed from bioplastic, Amsterdam, Holland

Dus Architects has developed a project to print a residential building using a 3D printer from bioplastic. Construction is carried out using an industrial 3D printer KarmaMaker, which “prints” plastic walls. The design of the building is very unusual - walls are attached to the three-meter end of the house, like in a Lego set. If redevelopment of the building is required, it can be easily changed by replacing one part with another.

For construction, bioplastic developed by Henkel is used - a mixture of vegetable oil and microfiber, and the foundation of the house will be made of lightweight concrete. Once completed, the building will consist of thirteen separate rooms. This technology could change the entire construction industry. Old residential buildings and offices could simply be “melted down” and made into something new.

The idea for a similar material was found in ordinary shells. The fact is that shells are enriched with the necessary complex of minerals that give them elasticity. It is these minerals that are added to the concrete composition. New type concrete is incredibly elastic, more resistant to cracks, and is also 40-50 percent lighter. Such concrete will not break even with very strong bends. Even earthquakes are not scary for him. An extensive network of cracks after such tests will not affect its strength. Once the load is removed, the concrete will begin the recovery process.

How does this happen? The secret is very simple. Regular rainwater, when reacting with concrete and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, promotes the formation of calcium carbonate in concrete. This substance seals the cracks that have appeared and “heals” the concrete. After removing the load, the restored section of the slab will have the same strength as before. This type of concrete is going to be used in the construction of critical structures, such as bridges.

7. Concrete from carbon dioxide, Canada

The Canadian company CarbonCure Technologies has developed an innovative technology for producing concrete by sequestering carbon dioxide. This technology will reduce harmful emissions and could revolutionize the construction industry.

The production of concrete blocks uses carbon dioxide emitted by large industries such as oil refineries and fertilizer plants.

The new technology allows us to achieve a triple effect: concrete will be cheaper, stronger and more environmentally friendly. One hundred thousand of these concrete blocks will be able to absorb as much carbon dioxide as one hundred mature trees will absorb in a year.

Thatched houses are being built all over the world using modern technologies. Reliable, warm, cozy, they have stood the test of our climate perfectly. However, so far modern technology construction from pressed straw (in the West it is called strawbale-house) is known to few in our country. It is based on best properties this unique natural material. When pressed, it becomes an excellent building material. Pressed straw is considered the best insulation. The straw stems of plants are tubular and hollow. They and between them contain air, which, as is known, has low thermal conductivity. Due to its porosity, straw has good sound insulation properties.

It seems that the phrase “fire-resistant straw house” sounds paradoxical. But a plastered straw wall is not afraid of fire. Blocks covered with plaster can withstand 2 hours of exposure to an open flame. A straw block that is open on only one side will not support combustion. The bale compaction density is 200–300 kg/cubic. m also prevents combustion.

Straw houses are built in America, Europe, and China. In the USA there is even a project to build a 40-story thatched skyscraper. The tallest straw houses today are five-story buildings that are combined with reinforced concrete and metal frames.

Indeed, everything new is truly a well-forgotten old. Earthen houses are gaining popularity again. This material is still used today for the construction of supporting structures and walls.

The basis of the earth breaker is ordinary earth soil. Zemlebit has been tested by time; it was used to build back in the Ancient Rome. The earthen soil mass has high moisture resistance and practically does not shrink. A thermal characteristics Earth breakers can be strengthened by adding, for example, straw slices. After a few years, the excavator becomes almost as strong as concrete.

The most famous building built from broken earth can be considered the Priory Palace located in Gatchina.

10. Chameleon brick, Russia

Since 2003, the Kopeysk brick factory has been producing bricks nicknamed “velor” for their ability to literally absorb light with their surface, as a result of which it becomes rich, reminiscent of velvet.

The effect is achieved using vertical grooves applied to the surface of the brick with metal brushes. At the same time, it becomes possible to deepen the main color when changing the angle of incidence of light, which likens a brick to a chameleon - in different time During the day, it is able to change color depending on the lighting.

The texture of velor brick works great in tandem with smooth brick in ornamental or figured masonry.

eleven. "Flying houses, Japan

Japan never ceases to amaze with its developments. The idea is simple - in order for a house not to collapse as a result of an earthquake, it simply... should not be on the ground. So they came up with flying houses, and all this is quite real.

Undoubtedly, the word “flying” is a beautiful allegory, reminiscent of childhood dreams of flying in a hot air balloon house. But Japanese design company Air Danshin Systems Inc has developed a system that allows buildings to rise above the ground and “float” above it during an earthquake.

The house is located on a cushion of air and after the sensors are triggered, it will simply hover above the ground, and during such a change the residents of the building will not feel anything. The foundation is not attached to the structure itself. After floating, the house sits on a frame located on top of the foundation. During an earthquake, seismic sensors are activated, which are located around the perimeter of the building. After which they will immediately start the injection compressor located at the base of the house. It will ensure “levitation” of the building at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground. Thus, the house will not be in contact with the ground and will avoid the consequences of tremors. The new product has already been installed in almost 90 homes in Japan.

“Flying houses” have been developed by many Japanese companies; in the near future, the know-how will appear in other regions of Asia, which often suffer from earthquakes.

12. Container house, France

Disused containers have long been used for the construction of budget housing in different cities and countries. Here is one example.

Eight old ones were used in the construction of the house. sea ​​containers, which created the unusual architectural form of the building. In addition to containers, wood, polycarbonate and glass were also used. Total area of ​​the house – 208 square meters.

The cost of building such economical “container type” houses is usually half that of building a similar house from conventional building materials. In addition, it is built twice as fast.

13. Exhibition complex made of sea containers, Seoul, South Korea

If residential buildings made from containers have not surprised anyone for a long time, then a completely unusual building has appeared in the center of the business and shopping district of Seoul. It was built from 28 old shipping containers.

The area is 415 sq. m. The complex will host exhibitions, night film screenings, concerts, master classes, lectures and other public events.

14. Student dormitories made from containers, Holland

Each individual container room has all the amenities. In addition, the roof is equipped with an effective drainage system that collects rainwater, which is subsequently used for domestic needs.

In Finland and other northern countries, hotels are being built out of ice. At the same time, a room in an ice hotel costs more than a room in a hotel made from other, more traditional building materials. The ice hotel first opened in Sweden more than 60 years ago.

16. Mobile eco-house, Portugal

A variety of technologies are used in the construction of such mobile structures. The peculiarity of this house is its complete energy independence. Solar panels are attached to the surface of the object to produce energy, which fully supplies the unique house with the required amount. By the way, the house is not only environmentally friendly, but also completely mobile.

The eco-house is divided into two sections - in one there is a sleeping space, and in the other there is a toilet. The outside of the house is covered with environmentally friendly cork.

17. Energy-efficient capsule room, Switzerland

The project was developed by architects from the company NAU (Switzerland), who sought to make the most comfortable and compact housing. The capsule room, called Living Roof, can be placed on almost any surface.

The capsule room is equipped solar panels, wind turbines and a rainwater collection, storage and recycling system.

18. Vertical forest in the city, Milan, Italy

Innovative project Bosco Verticale - construction of two multi-storey buildings with living plants on the facade. Height two high-rise buildings is 80 and 112 meters. In total, 480 large and medium-sized trees, 250 small trees, 5,000 various shrubs and 11,000 grass-forming plants were planted on them. Does this number of plants correspond to an area of ​​10,000 m? ordinary forest.

Thanks to almost two years research work Botany specialists successfully selected tree species that are most adapted to such difficult living conditions at altitude. Various plants were specially grown and acclimatized for this construction. Each apartment in the house has its own balcony with trees and bushes.

19. Cactus house, Holland

A luxury 19-storey residential building is under construction in Rotterdam. It received such an original name because of its resemblance to this prickly plant. It contains 98 apartments with increased comfort. Construction is carried out according to the design of the architectural company UCX Architects.

The peculiarity of this house is the use of open terraces-balconies for hanging gardens, located one above the other in a stepped order, screwing up in a spiral. This arrangement of the terraces allows the sun to illuminate the plants from all sides. The depth of each terrace is at least two meters. Not only that, but these balconies will also have small swimming pools built into them.

We are accustomed to the fact that we are usually talking about energy efficient houses. And in preparation for Expo 2020, an entire energy-efficient city will be built in the United Arab Emirates. It will be a “smart city”, fully self-sufficient in energy and other resources. The project is planned to be implemented near the Al Awir settlement in Dubai.

It will become the first of its kind to be an absolutely self-sufficient city in terms of providing residents with all the necessary resources, transport and energy. To achieve this, the energy-efficient city will be equipped to the maximum with solar panels, which will be placed on the roofs of almost all residential and commercial buildings. In addition, the city will independently recycle 40,000 cubic meters Wastewater. The area of ​​this super complex will be 14,000 hectares, and the residential area itself will be built in the shape of a desert flower. Surrounded by a belt of green spaces, the smart city will be able to accommodate 160,000 residents.

"Construction Rules", No. 43 /1, May 2014

The copyright holder of all materials on the site is Construction Rules LLC. Full or partial reprinting of materials in any sources is prohibited.

The evolution of housing construction over the past decades has allowed us to radically change the idea of ​​comfortable, safe and functional housing. Implementation automated systems, increasing the efficiency of engineering and unsurpassed technical and physical properties of building materials - these are the key areas in which it is developing modern construction Houses. New construction technologies are actively incorporating innovative solutions from related fields.

Development of alternative approaches to production processes, electrical know-how as well as scientific discoveries leave their mark on technological solutions in the construction field. At the same time, development covers almost all existing niches - from foundation laying methods to power tools and finishing materials.

Block formwork

As you know, the foundation of a house is the foundation. To obtain a strong and reliable structure, it must have an appropriate platform. The principles on which houses are built using the new technology of block (or permanent) formwork suggest several directions. One of the most popular in Russia is the formation of formwork from polystyrene foam hollow elements with

The peculiarity of the design is that the load from the walls is transferred to a monolithic reinforced concrete base - the formwork itself includes slabs, block components, as well as lightweight panels. By the way, the latter do not require removal after the concrete has hardened, and provide two functions: thermal insulation and form-building.

In addition to polystyrene foam materials, the new technology for building houses also allows the use of wood-cement construction, made from slabs and blocks. In the manufacture of such formwork, cement and pine chips from wood processing waste are used, which also affects the environmental qualities of the building.


A vivid illustration of the advantages of using polystyrene foam and block formwork is a thermode. It provides for the construction of a monolithic concrete base, which is implemented using insulated molded components from Obviously, new technologies for the construction of private houses in cold regions require increased thermal insulation, which is provided by polystyrene foam elements.

These are hollow thermoblocks, into the niches of which is poured concrete mortar. In this way, a 15-centimeter monolithic wall is formed, which has double-sided insulation with polystyrene foam panels 5 cm thick.

3D technologies in construction

Not to mention the fact that the use of three-dimensional modeling has been practiced in development for many years design projects interior design and preparation of technical documentation, 3D material itself is gaining popularity today. Special panels that act as a connecting link between the monolithic one and made it possible to master new technologies. Materials in construction based on 3D panels can be thought of as factory-made polystyrene foam elements.

In design they resemble regular slabs, but enclosed in a braid of two running parallel. The connections in the panels are formed by diagonal rods made of stainless or galvanized wire. The rods are fixed at an angle - thus the polystyrene foam base breaks through, which creates a spatial cavity together with reinforcing mesh. When completed, such a system is covered with concrete and looks like a solid monolithic structure.

Innovation in frame housing construction

Experts may associate the name of this technique with sets of ready-made prefabricated elements from which the rapid construction of a house is carried out. New construction technologies have undoubtedly succeeded in this area, but in the case of frame know-how, something else is important.

The design of such buildings involves dispersing the load from the walls and components that provide the load-bearing function. That is, the former in this case do not act as a retaining element - this task is transferred to the vertical frame by a fundamentally new technology for building houses using the frame principle, thanks to which new opportunities open up for builders in the construction of walls, since one of the key functions (load-bearing) is eliminated.

Smart home idea

Perhaps the most relevant area, which is being developed by the largest manufacturers and construction organizations. According to the concept of a “smart” home, the living space is maximally optimized both in terms of energy efficiency and ease of use.

Since there are risks of a significant increase in the cost of such projects, companies are striving to focus on economical home construction. New construction technologies from different areas make it possible to combine communication systems, security devices, lighting equipment, electrical devices and other elements to provide functionality and comfort into a single infrastructure. The interconnection of individual systems, implemented in one complex, significantly facilitates the operation of the house and optimizes the consumption of its resources.

Innovations in lighting technology

At this stage of development of lighting devices, LED products clearly stand out. This is confirmed by the massive transition to LED lighting of industrial and public facilities, however private sector shows interest in an advantageous light source. The use of new technologies in construction is especially pronounced country houses, which are the most energy-consuming. Comprehensive supply of cottages with LED devices allows you to save up to 50%, while maintaining high productivity and quality of lighting. In the latest models of LED lamps, manufacturers use fundamentally new solutions - for example, they introduce polycarbonate and aluminum elements into the body, and the base of the lamp is provided with prismatic light diffusers.

Tools and equipment

In these areas, product improvement is driven by intense market competition. Convenience, efficiency and safety when using construction tools are increased due to the introduction of new clamps for processing heads, more reliable cutting components, high-power batteries, anti-vibration systems, etc. Ergonomics are not ignored - manufacturers use special plastic and rubber compositions in the tool, which makes it easier construction. New technologies, new equipment and a wide range of auxiliary systems make it possible to carry out repair and installation operations safely, quickly and efficiently.

"Green" technologies

Technological advancement in construction can no longer be imagined without composite and synthetic materials. Despite manufacturers' assurances of the absolute safety of such products, a truly environmentally friendly home is only possible if natural raw materials are used. Despite their exotic nature, designs for structures made of adobe, clay, earth and other materials are in demand and are being improved. The foundation is made on the basis of harmless concrete, and shingles, reeds, straw, etc. are used in the roofing.

The concept of the “Fox Hole” project also seems very original - in essence, it involves the earth construction of a house. New construction technologies here can be seen as the very idea of ​​getting as close to nature as possible. Less radical options for eco-houses include buildings in which the use of potent mixtures is minimized, paint coatings, plastic cladding and other non-natural building materials.

Trends in housing construction development

It is difficult to highlight or outline at least approximate directions that may continue in the future. There are quite a lot of them, and the close interrelation of different approaches during direct construction does not allow us to differentiate between the specializations of technologies. For example, occurrence fiberglass reinforcement entails changes in foundation construction methods, and the application places new demands on fixing elements. It follows from this that the latest technologies in construction are aimed at achieving a specific task, taking into account the development of related areas.

It is also impossible to predict what construction will be like in 20-50 years. Today, the use of some space technologies is coming into practice, gunpowder tools are appearing - perhaps these areas will soon lay the foundation for new concepts in house building, leaving behind the once revolutionary “warm” floors, polycarbonate alloys and vinyl wallpaper. But in any case, the latest technologies in construction will be focused on a completely traditional set of characteristics modern house- energy efficiency, comfort and ergonomics, reliability and durability, safety and economy. Technologies for the development of building mixtures, block materials, equipment, etc. are tailored to such requests.

In recent years, new technologies for building cottages appear almost every day: in addition to the fact that the speed of building a house has increased significantly (if previously this process could take a couple of years, now it can actually be completed in a month), builders are relying on the environmental friendliness of the materials used. We have prepared short review the latest world developments, which are gradually beginning to take root in the Russian expanse.

Frame construction

Houses with metal or wood frames first appeared in Europe in the late 60s, and since then this technology has been one of the most popular in the world. The house is actually assembled, like a designer kit, from ready-made panels that are produced at the factory; panels can be wooden (made of laminated veneer lumber), polyurethane foam, or aerated concrete. This is the most quick way get a new one warm house in the shortest possible time. In recent years, there has been widespread interest Canadian technology EcoPan and domestic NESST - we will talk about them below.


This technology involves the use of heat-insulating panels for the roof, walls and ceilings, consisting of three layers (“sandwich” structure): two pressed slabs of wood shavings(OSB) are connected to each other by a layer of insulation, the functions of which are performed by solid polystyrene foam.


A house using the Ecopan technology can be built on any foundation: first, a wooden frame is installed (boards or beams are used; however, you can do without a frame if you use panel technology). Then panels of three begin to be assembled onto the frame various types– the thickest (about 200 mm) for the roof and walls, and thinner (100-150 mm) for internal floors. In this case, the main supporting function will be performed not by the frame, but by OSB slabs: due to the fact that the layers of chips in their structure are oriented perpendicular to each other and pressed at high temperatures, one such slab can withstand the same load as a beam 70-80 thick cm (tested by laboratory tests).


Our compatriots still don’t really trust “imported houses”, preferring the logic “the thicker the walls, the warmer the house.” Meanwhile, in the northern states of the USA and Canada, the average annual temperature is sometimes lower than in middle lane Russia, and cold winds and snow storms are frequent guests in autumn and winter period. Nevertheless, frame technology has successfully proven itself even in unfavorable weather conditions: the slabs are tightly fitted to each other during assembly, and the house can easily be operated in a wide temperature range, from frost to -45 degrees Celsius to forty-degree heat.

In addition, when assembling such a house, all communications are mounted into the wall, so you immediately get a cozy and aesthetic home. If you start a renovation, it is easy to dismantle the internal OSB board, get to the pipe or cable, and then install it back - the thermal insulation properties of the house will not be affected. And, of course, unlike log houses, the design of the walls allows the use of any interior and facade decoration.

In addition to heat resistance and practicality, one of the most attractive advantages is the speed of assembly of the EcoPan house: different developers give a period of one and a half to three months with a guarantee of quality and reliability. The sizes of houses are also not limited by anything: standard 6*6 and 8*8, and any other parameters; OSB boards are made in different sizes, maximum – about 7.5 * 3 m.

What about the cost? Here we can also please future owners: according to estimates, the construction of an Ecopan frame-slab house will cost 1.5-2 times less than the construction of a brick or cobblestone house of the same area.

LSTK (NESSST technology)

This is one of the types of frame construction based on metal structures: mounted on a steel frame from the outside on top of plasterboard sheets facade slabs, which can be made of any material: fake diamond(fibre-reinforced concrete), natural stone, corrugated sheets, wooden beams, siding, cassettes and any other materials at the request of the customer.


After installation LSTK frame the internal space of the wall and voids are filled with polystyrene foam or high-density foam concrete: thanks to its fine-porous structure, it provides excellent heat and sound insulation, and also practically does not accumulate water at any level of air humidity (which, for example, an ordinary tree, which collects in winter, cannot boast of). up to 3 liters of water per cubic meter).

Communication channels and ventilation ducts are also laid in the voids of the frame, with output to inner part Houses. The formwork is glass-magnesite sheet: environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, it provides additional thermal insulation and is suitable for any finishing - painting, wallpapering, etc.

The roof is also assembled from galvanized steel profiles, often in combination with wooden rafters. As roofing material Ceramic (soft) tiles or metal tiles can be used.


The main advantage of NESST, which determines its virtually universal use in office and industrial construction, is the speed of construction of a finished house - perhaps this is the fastest type construction technology. The average turnkey period for a house is about 5 days; almost all parts are manufactured according to individual drawings at the factory; no lifting mechanisms are required.

Compared to other types of frame construction, installation from LSTK will allow you to implement almost any architectural ideas using a single material for the entire building: add an additional floor or add a terrace, design curved and asymmetrical surfaces, as well as crossbars, columns, arches and bay windows. A smooth, leveled wall surface will save you from additional hassle during repairs.

It is impossible not to note the economic benefits: in addition to the fact that you will significantly save on construction (when compared with brick houses), the expanded polystyrene concrete filler has very high thermal insulation properties, which will reduce heating costs and provide a comfortable temperature at any time of the year. In addition, walls made of LSFC are vapor permeable, seismically resistant and non-flammable.

Frameless technologies

Frameless technologies are already familiar to many of us from urban multi-story construction: due to the use of large panels, the need for additional support structures disappears, the system of walls and ceilings itself provides an excellent load-bearing support. But gradually, construction from concrete and gas silicate blocks is giving way to environmentally friendly technologies using plant materials - reeds and even straw. Are these houses really safe?

Reed panels

Houses based on layers of reeds have been known to mankind for at least five thousand years: it is known that in Asia Minor, reed huts were built on the basis of wooden hollow frames, the cavities in which were filled with bunches of reeds - such a house retained heat for a surprisingly long time and did not become damp, good air permeability. Modern builders decided to adopt technologies developed in antiquity; they tried adding reed stalks to both concrete and cement, and eventually developed wood-frame panels called “reed panels”.

The design of the panel is a “sandwich”: two wood boards are laid between each other with bundles of reeds, and the cavities are filled with rigid polyurethane foam, which combines lightness and excellent thermal insulation properties. This “union” of a plant base and modern materials is not afraid of dampness or fire and is not subject to rotting.


Almost the entire mass of the panel falls on the wooden frame, and even then the weight of the structure is small: the weight of one square meter does not exceed 40 kilograms. Thanks to this, a lightweight foundation can be suitable for installation, and lifting equipment is not required. In addition, due to the presence of a wooden frame in the panels, they can independently perform a load-bearing function.

The speed of assembling the house will also pleasantly surprise future owners: two-storey house The construction team builds a total area of ​​about 100 square meters in a maximum of a week of work.

The structure can withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 9. If a house is destroyed, the panels retain their integrity, and due to their low weight, they are safe for human life. Unlike most prefabricated construction technologies low-rise buildings, reed panels have high level sound absorption. All characteristics are confirmed by the State Unitary Enterprise "NII MOSSTROY".


The combination of thermal insulation materials allows you to significantly save on heating in the cold season - compared to brick buildings, 60-70% less fuel is spent on heating; At the same time, the house stays warm even when the heating is turned off (about 3-5 days), and in hot weather, on the contrary, the rooms remain pleasantly cool.

Secondly, careful treatment with fire retardants and antifungal compounds in combination with natural resistance reed resistance to water and rot makes reed panels virtually a universal material, suitable for any climatic conditions and any soils: successful experience has already been gained in constructing houses on such a basis in the Far North. If desired, the house can be easily completed with any elements (new floor, attic, extension, etc.) or disassembled and transported to a new location.

An ordinary house one to three floors high looks like it was assembled from wooden shields, external finishing involves painting, plastering, siding or brick cladding - in principle, the panels are compatible with any finishing materials. At a relatively low cost, manufacturers provide an excellent guarantee of house service: at least 60 years; this allows us to conclude that the “well-forgotten old” can indeed be trusted.


In Europe, the technology for the production of formwork blocks based on natural wood and stone has been known since the late 30s of the last century: it was developed in Holland and quickly became widespread in the northern countries. Subsequently, Durisol blocks began to be used not only as formwork, but also as an independent load-bearing structure that does not require additional support.


The production technology of Durisol blocks is as follows; chipped wood coniferous species(pine, spruce, fir) is mineralized and bonded with Portland cement M400. Depending on the thickness of the block, which usually varies from 150 to 370 mm, Durisol blocks can be used for the construction of almost any building element: from external walls to interior partitions.

Assembly is carried out according to the principle of a construction set or a 3D puzzle: the blocks are connected to each other with special protrusions and grooves, sequentially along the contour of the wall from the corner - no binding solution is required. Portland cement is poured after the blocks are assembled, as a result the cavities are filled heat-insulating material and “cold bridges” are eliminated.


Here we get all the advantages of natural materials: hypoallergenic and non-toxic, a porous structure that allows air to pass through and retains heat. Additional bonuses are the properties of coniferous species: the resins contained in their composition prevent rotting, the development of pathogenic bacteria and mold on the surface of the slab. At the same time, treatment with fire retardants and mineralization of wood chips practically negates the flammability of the material. The sound insulation characteristics are also very good: the 15 cm thick slab absorbs up to 98% of noise.

From a construction point of view, Durisol has also proven itself to be excellent: firstly, special qualifications of workers are not required, and the lightness of the blocks does not require the use of lifting equipment. Work can be done at any time of the year, including winter: the slabs can withstand up to 400 cycles of temperature changes without losing properties (for example: the first houses built in Europe using this technology before the war are still in excellent condition). At the same time, the material can be easily cut and drilled for laying engineering communications and pipes, and also allows for any method of interior and exterior finishing.

And again, as in the case of the previous technologies we described, the cost of building such a house will be at least 20-30% lower than traditional brick or log masonry; Therefore, we once again urge you to think about whether it is worth unconditionally following “grandfather’s” advice?

Experiments continue!

These are far from the only possible experiments in the field of cottage construction: for example, literally in the last decade, the technology of building houses based on straw blocks, additionally reinforced with piles or wooden stakes, has become widespread. This technique is very similar to the reed construction described above, and straw houses also show excellent results in terms of heat-saving and energy-saving properties. However, so far only very brave people have decided on such options - perhaps straw does not inspire confidence in everyone who remembers the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.

There are also unique, extravagant solutions, such as a house made of beer cans or glass - however, they have not yet gained popularity. It can be assumed that in the near future we will be able to see new options for cottage construction technologies.

Construction technologies are constantly being improved. New discoveries differ in their scope of use, but the developers pursue a common goal: to make the construction process easier, and life in new-style buildings more comfortable and modern. Let's look at the most interesting know-how of 2017.

Salt blocks

The author of the idea was an architect from the Netherlands, Eric Jobers. The building material looks unusual, but very impressive. Salt is extracted from water using solar energy. Natural starch obtained from algae is used to hold the particles together. Essentially waste-free production. Such blocks can be used even in countries with arid climates. The mixture is also suitable for designing flexible arched structures. To protect against external factors the blocks are coated with an epoxy resin-based composition. It remains to be seen whether the new product will become widespread.

Isoplat Plates

Invented in Estonia by specialists from the Skano Fiberboard company. It's natural thermal insulation material, made from fibers of coniferous trees. They are pre-soaked in boiling water, pressed and cut into sheets of different thicknesses. To make the boards moisture resistant, they are treated with paraffin. Isoplat has high vapor permeability and sound insulation, protects from wind, and retains heat. Thanks to their fibrous structure, the boards are fireproof and resistant to pests and protozoa (mold, fungi). The elements are connected to each other using a tongue-and-groove type and are suitable for insulating roofs, floor coverings and frames. Width varies from 60 to 120 cm, thickness - from 12 to 50 mm.

Lego blocks EverBlock

Outwardly, they really look like elements of the popular children's construction set. Perhaps American engineer Arnon Rosan was inspired by him. The blocks are made of foam concrete and are connected in a tongue-and-groove manner without the use of adhesives. Only vertical seams need to be treated. The water permeability of the material is less than 3%. For the construction of two-story or more buildings, the Lego block is reinforced through technological holes. The most common block size is 25x25x50 cm.

Light blocking glass facade

Transparent glass facades are easy to pass through Sun rays, increasing the temperature in the rooms. The development of scientists from the Frankfurt Institute allows you to regulate the light transmission of glass. Theoretically, the facade consists of many circular segments. Each of them contains a fabric disk with wires made of titanium and nickel alloy - they have shape memory and respond to ambient temperature. If the room temperature drops, the material curls, returning transparency to the glass; when the temperature rises, it darkens the glass.

"Live Tile"

Liquid tiles that respond to steps or touches by changing their pattern. The surface is made of tempered glass. It can be used not only floor coverings, but also walls, countertops. It absorbs sounds well and suppresses vibration. You can walk on such tiles almost silently. Disadvantages: instability to high loads, fear sharp objects(chips may remain). But this tile looks great.

Conductive Concrete Shotcrete

The brainchild of a team of scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Conductive concrete that absorbs and reflects electromagnetic waves of various origins. Magnetite, a mineral, has replaced the standard concrete filler. natural origin, having excellent ferromagnetic properties. Metal and carbon components are also present. The material was originally designed for runway hair, but can also be used in residential areas. Can be applied by spraying.

Thermal wallpaper

Their trick is that when the air temperature in the room changes, the pattern on the canvas also changes. The invention of a designer from China responds to changes in thermal conditions. Under the influence of heat, buds appear on the wall, and then flowers bloom. The inventor applies special thermal ink to the surface. Wallpaper reacts to both sunlight and touch, but is afraid of moisture and cannot be washed.

Flexible wood WoodSkin

Marvelous flexible material, which can be given any abstract shape. Consists of sandwich tiles. Polymer mesh, composite nylon composition and plywood are used. The new product is available in rolls and sheets. The shape is given using special three-dimensional machines, connecting small elements together. Sheet thickness can vary from 4 to 30 millimeters.

Insulation with sheep wool

A new product that has been available in Russia since November 2017. Environmentally friendly fiber insulates noise well, does not burn, and is suitable for insulating any premises. Oregon Shepherd currently produces two types of insulation - Batt and Loft. Insulation is also good because it absorbs harmful substances emitted by furniture, synthetic finishing materials and other interior elements.

Plaster that regulates humidity

Condensation is a problem familiar to many. Developers from the Swiss company STO AG presented innovative material. Plaster effectively absorbs excess water vapor from the air (about 90 g per 1 sq.m.). The thickness of the applied layer is up to 2 centimeters. There is no condensation, no mold and fungi, but there is an even, environmentally friendly coating.

Naturally, the developers are not going to stop there and new ones are ahead of us interesting discoveries. Perhaps they will change your life for the better!

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