Houses made of metal profiles: what they are and how to build them. House made of metal profiles: technology and features of lstk. what is a steel frame and how to build houses with an iron frame

It will help to build inexpensive and reliable housing in a short time metal carcass for home. These structures were mainly used for the construction of industrial and commercial buildings, due to the high thermal conductivity of the material. With the advent of thermal profiles and different types insulation, metal frame houses have provided significant competition to wooden ones.

A metal frame house can be built in both classic, modern or high-tech style

Features of frame houses made of metal profiles

The profile house consists entirely of metal structures. They are the basis of walls, ceilings and roofs. The thickness of the profiles used depends on the load-bearing loads.

Features of such buildings:

    due to the light frame, the weight of the entire house is reduced;

    a house made of a straight steel profile can be erected quickly and does not require the use of many construction tools.

Despite the emergence of new technologies in construction, a metal house requires additional thermal insulation, since this material has high thermal conductivity. The choice of one or another insulation depends on climatic conditions in which the house will be located

The metal used in the construction of such houses is durable, does not rot or burn, and does not require additional processing. The material can be completely recycled without harming the environment.

Construction work is carried out in any season, regardless of the weather. The steel frame is suitable for the construction of low one-, two-, three-, and four-story buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made of metal profiles

Construction technology frame houses made of metal is becoming increasingly popular. This is facilitated by a number of advantages of this material.

Metallo frame house much lighter than wood and brick. When performing work it is used less material, which makes it possible to build a lighter and less solid foundation. The most commonly used are strip and pile types. Installation work is carried out faster. Their cost is significantly lower than when working with wooden base Houses.

Since a house made of metal profiles is much colder than a house made of wood or brick, the technology of lightweight thin-walled steel structures is used in its construction. In this case, the profile is protected from heat transfer by additional insulation, which fills the entire space between the frame racks. As thermal insulation materials use mineral wool, polystyrene foam, ecowool, expanded polystyrene. These materials are not expensive and also have good soundproofing qualities.

Insulation plays an important part in creating a warm and environmentally safe home

By correctly making the so-called “pie” for insulating the walls of the house, in compliance with the technology of protection from wind outside and from steam inside, you can achieve maximum insulation of the house.

A frame house made of metal profiles, despite the lightness of steel structures, is quite durable. His service life reaches 100 years. Reliability is achieved by using galvanized profiles equipped with stiffeners. The coating of the material protects it from corrosion. The frame of a metal house does not shrink over time, does not crack, has good fire safety and is not affected by pests.

To reduce the electrical conductivity of the material, metal frame buildings are equipped with proper grounding. To decorate the house outside and inside, materials that are themselves dielectrics are used. This complex of works ensures complete insulation of metal parts.

An important advantage of a steel frame is its ability to withstand heavy roofing materials.

The disadvantage of using a metal frame is its rapid destruction during a fire. Due to high temperature, the metal loses its rigidity and becomes deformed. In this case, the house collapses much faster than a wooden one.

In such a house it is difficult to install built-in furniture and household appliances. To install massive cabinets and other devices, additional reinforcement of the installation site with profiles is necessary. It is difficult to combine a steel profile with materials such as cement or brick. This is especially inconvenient when building a fireplace or other structural elements Houses.

Video description

The following video details the features of constructing a house from LSTK:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of frame houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Types of steel profiles

For the manufacture of elements of lightweight thin-walled steel structures, durable structural steel is used. The product itself is made using the cold stamping method. To protect against corrosion on a metal sheet zinc coating is applied.

Metal structures are also made from hot-dip galvanized sheets. They are used less frequently due to their high cost, but are much more durable in use.

To produce the profile, a sheet of steel from 0.7 to 2 mm is taken. The choice of thickness is influenced by the required load bearing capacity structural element.

Apply following types profiles:



Special beams are also used to cover the floor and shelf. The rafter system of the building consists of the same elements. All elements of the metal frame structure are connected using bolts, rivets, and self-tapping screws. In some cases, resistance welding is used.

Stages of building a house from a metal profile

The stages of construction of a metal frame house are:


  • insulation of the structure;

    home decoration.


The frame made of metal profiles is lightweight and does not require the construction of a permanent foundation. Before choosing the type of foundation, you should study the nature of the soil on the construction site.

For such a house, a shallowly recessed one is quite suitable. strip foundation. It can be small in width, since the load is from a lightweight steel structure it will be small. The base is made as a rigid horizontal frame, which allows you to redistribute the load in case of deformation of the base.

Using columnar foundation the frame is made of beams rigidly connected to each other and mounted on supports.

A pile-screw foundation with 200x200 timber frame is ready for attaching a metal frame

Brick, reinforced concrete and monolithic blocks. The construction of shallow foundations allows you to save concrete consumption and reduce labor costs, which in turn reduces the cost of the house.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building frame houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Frame assembly and roof installation

A turnkey metal frame house consists of mandatory elements, which affect the reliability of its operation. These include:

    horizontal frame;

    metal columns that serve to connect the frame to the foundation;

    vertical columns;

    roof trusses;

  • purlins for fastening wall panels.

The rigidity and stability of the frame in all three directions is created in compliance with the rules for installing the main structural elements: frames, trusses and columns. This is achieved in compliance with the rules of spatial geometry. All products are manufactured with a high degree of precision.

To speed up the installation process, each product is marked accordingly. Structural elements The future house is transported to the construction site disassembled and assembled on site. Some modules are delivered ready-made.

Ready-made wall panels with openings for windows reduce time for assembling a house

Not only the individual elements of the frame base, but also the completed wall panels are assembled directly at the factory. IN in some cases they are equipped with windows, heating system and cladding. Wall modules are installed on a support frame and connected to the steel span structure by welding and threaded fastening.

The roof of a house made of metal profiles can be:

  • single-pitched;


Depending on the shape of the house itself, the roof can be complex configuration. The most common types of roofs for metal frame houses are single- and double-slope.

The elements of the steel roof structure are load-bearing trusses, rafter elements and spans. The work itself is no different from constructing a roof from other materials. First they build rafter system and make the roof sheathing. Then steam and waterproofing is carried out and the finishing roof covering is laid.

This is what the roof insulation scheme looks like

For rafters, a galvanized C-shaped profile with a thickness of 0.8 mm - 1.2 mm is used. The sheathing is made from steel profile beams of rectangular or square section. A vapor barrier film, insulation and waterproofing material. Slate, metal tiles, ondulin and other materials are used to finish the house.

Insulation of the house

Insulating a house from metal profile carried out with polystyrene foam and mineral wool. Polyurethane foam is also used. The space that is filled with any material must become dense and effectively retain heat. All cavities inside metal profiles are filled with foam.

From the inside, the surface of the walls of a metal frame house is covered vapor barrier material, and a thick film is attached outside to protect from the wind.

The openings between wall panels are also filled with new materials such as gas and foam blocks, which contain insulation.

For external decoration of walls, plastering of the surface is used, a natural stone, brick and siding.

Video description

The process of constructing a frame house from a metal profile in this video:

Projects and cost of houses

The cost of a metal frame house includes expenseson:


  • installation work.

You can reduce the cost a little finished house, ordering a standard building assembly. The price of housing itself is not much different from a similar one made of wood or brick. Two-story cottage made of sandwich panels with dimensions of 7x10 meters will cost about 1.7 million rubles. However, the price depends on the configuration of the house. If you order only warm contour, then the cost of the “box” will be about 1.32 million rubles. A house with rough finishing costs about 1.75 million rubles.

Metal frame house projects are varied:

Metal frame house in half-timbered style

Small metal frame house with attic floor, with a total area of ​​72 square meters, is intended for families with children. The house is convenient to use, with sufficient living rooms. In construction, ferrous metal is used for manufacturing load-bearing structures and galvanized thermal profile for wall panels. The structural elements of the house are connected using self-tapping screws.

The cottage is being built without the use of special equipment.

One-story metal frame house with garage

Made of metal structures that can withstand the necessary loads. Exterior finishingdecorative plaster. Possible finishing options are brick or siding. Roof type – metal beams, roof covering - metal tiles.

Classic house with attic

Quite often buyers prefer projects two-story houses or cottages with a residential attic. There are no restrictions in the design - the project can be chosen with a garage, balcony and other extensions.


In terms of design, frame houses made of metal profiles do not impose any significant restrictions on architects. True, after construction, the house will not be able to be redesigned over time, but this is a feature of many technologies.

Special attention should be paid to the insulation of a LSTK house. Since metal has good thermal conductivity, in order to eliminate the appearance of cold bridges, a special approach to insulation and strict adherence to technology are required. For this reason, the construction of a LSTC house should be carried out by professionals who will guarantee their work.

The walls are made of brick and wood and are familiar. They are reliable, durable and require large material and physical costs. ABOUT frame method construction, we remember when you need to quickly build a refrigerated warehouse from sandwich panels or a change house for a team of builders. The metal frame of the house is assembled and sheathed in a matter of days. In terms of its ability to retain heat and other characteristics, a structure made of profiles and plasterboard is superior to brick ones.

Metal frame structure

Advantages of metal frame house structures

House using metal frame structure

Construction brick house with its shrinkage of the foundation, hardening of the solution and drying of the materials, it takes 2-3 years. It is necessary to make a strip foundation and wait several months after pouring for the deformation to stop and internal stresses to be relieved. Acceleration leads to distortions, cracks, and a reduction in the service life of walls.

The positive point of brick and wooden house in its familiarity and predictability. Everyone knows what a house is made of, how to lay out the walls and attach the roof. A frame house seems light and unreliable. It, like Ellie's house, can be blown away by the wind. After all, in America they often report the destruction of houses during a cyclone.

In fact, a metal frame house can withstand the elements and has advantages over classical buildings.

  1. It retains heat better than brick or stone.
  2. The metal frame and cladding are stronger than a wooden frame.
  3. Making a building with 2 floors takes a couple of weeks, and is carried out in any weather, even frost. The exception is heavy rain. It dampens the insulation and makes it unpleasant for workers to work. Do not use power tools.
  4. Cost of materials and installation work much cheaper.
  5. It is easy to make redevelopment and extensions in a house from a profile.
  6. Work at height is carried out without cranes.
  7. The light weight of the walls allows the building to be placed on a light pile or support-column foundation, and the house to be located on a slope and any soil.
  8. Dismantling and installation of the frame can be done in a few days. If desired, it is easy to transport the building to another location.
  9. If a hurricane destroys a structure, then a house made from a profile is much easier to restore. The frame can withstand loads. It is enough to make a new casing. No need to dismantle.

The first frame houses began to be built in America. Some have survived in cold Alaska from the Gold Rush to the present day. In Australia, stingy with rain, they appreciated the ease of construction, quick installation frame made of rolled metal and the possibility of using it for cladding simple materials available nearby. During dry periods, a house made from a profile keeps the inside cool.

Complex calculations and fast construction

We are building a house

For the hobbyist budget house independently, the metal frame can bring surprises. Complex calculations Only specialists can do it. The calculation of beam loads itself corresponds to the level of the first semester of strength-of-materials. But in construction there is a concept of safety. All nodes have a certain safety margin. Should be considered:

  • specific gravity of the metal frame profile itself;
  • the sheathing is laid on it, the weight of the ceilings presses on it;
  • furniture and various equipment;
  • external loads from snow on the roof, wind;
  • you need to know the coefficient of resistance to statistical and dynamic loads;
  • permissible force for twisting and stretching of a metal profile of a given section;
  • aging and fluidity of metal;
  • seismic vibrations in a given area.

The list of data for calculation is not complete. My friend, scientist mathematician, set out to calculate a metal frame from a square profile. This turned out to be difficult. He abandoned existing programs and wrote his own. I constantly help him with the construction and renovation of his house and apartment. He gave me this program in gratitude.

Installation starts with a solid base

Metal frame structure of a private house

The main load-bearing and supporting elements of the frame are bottom harness– platform and racks. Depending on their location, there are different types of frames:

  • with continuous racks;
  • frame with overlap;
  • post-beam;
  • frame-rack;
  • mixed.

The common element is a frame made of a metal profile of a larger section at the bottom of the frame. Basically, it is this that lays on the foundation. An exception is the frame-rack structure, when the load-bearing vertical racks below they turn into piles or rest on them. They try to make such a frame on swampy and flooded soils. There is a gap between the soil and the floor for ventilation. Water flows freely between the metal supports without flooding the house.

Easy to implement metal structure, when the frame is made with solid height, uncut racks. At the floor level, vertical framing beams cut into it. Making such a frame for a house yourself is easier than others. But it has a number of limitations:

  • the structure has only a rectangular shape;
  • the height of the house can be “one and a half floors”, or rather a full-height first level and a residential attic.

Canadian technology for assembling houses from ready-made pallets has become widespread. It is convenient to make and sew metal frames separately, then lift and connect them. The load-bearing parts are not only the frame, but also external cladding walls It is often made from durable LSP, MDF, gypsum board and plywood. Immediately after assembling the house, you can begin finishing the walls. The installation time for a metal profile frame and its cladding is reduced to 4 – 6 days. Inside, lining is most often used for cladding.

The disadvantage of all designs is the absence ground floor. A basement under the house can be made if the metal frame profile is attached to a strip foundation. The walls of the premises are laid out separately, and the plinth masonry is not used.

The metal profile frame is connected:

  • welding;
  • bolts and crabs under them;
  • with rivets.

Welding can only be done by an experienced welder who has been certified for this type of work. Otherwise, the connection near the seam may soon fail. Load-bearing metal beams are often fastened in this way. The rest of the frame can be attached to them using crabs and bolted together.

Rivets firmly hold the structure in seismic zones. They allow the frame to slightly deform under changing loads and thereby remain intact during earthquakes and vibrations.

Internal partitions and sound insulation

Metal frame house

Metal frame made of profiles and pipes, convenient for creating internal layout any type and quickly change it. Partitions are placed in the right place, filled with polystyrene foam, or less often with mineral wool. You can sheathe with plasterboard in one layer, on load-bearing walls It’s better to double the gypsum board. Moisture-resistant materials are chosen for slopes.

The thickness of the metal profile and insulation is small, 40 – 60 mm. This is enough for soundproofing and installing interior door frames.

Thermal insulation

The metal frame has a high coefficient of thermal conductivity and the profile represents cold bridges in the design of the house. When building a frame house, metal parts are insulated with foam insulation. It is cut into strips or filled with foam into the voids and surface of the metal during installation. Additional insulation is finishing the walls with plaster or siding.

Waterproofing is installed between the insulation and the inner lining. Use vapor barrier films, allowing air to pass through and allowing the walls to breathe.

Reliable metal frame houses 29.07.2016 12:55

The construction of frame houses was still known in the 17th century, in order to solve the problem of constructing high-quality and inexpensive housing. This technology is economical, simple and, moreover, in demand. Traditional material for most frame low-rise buildings is a tree. Lightweight steel thin-walled structures have become an alternative to it in the building materials market.

Installation of metal frame

There are many known ways to build metal frame houses. One of them involves the use of a galvanized steel frame. Such structures are strong and durable. There are several ways to assemble this frame: its elements are connected to each other using welding or self-tapping screws. The frame for a house is installed on an existing foundation in about three weeks. Tools you will need: a screwdriver and a cutting machine. If on construction site there is no light; cordless tools are used to install the metal frame.

Advantages of a steel frame over a wooden frame

There is no shrinkage, houses made of metal frames do not rot, the building assembly time is very short. That's why this method construction is now the most relevant and popular. In addition, it is completely impossible to notice that the house is built on a metal frame, because this is not visible (both inside and outside). Sandwich panels close up frame structure, and when finishing the room, gypsum boards or other materials are used. Communications are hidden inside the frame.

Frame-panel buildings are built using a special profile that can well resist low and high temperatures. Consequently, walls made of it also have this property. Houses built using this technology are always dry and warm.

Currently, thermal profiles are effectively and widely used in small-scale construction, significantly reducing the cost of wall insulation. It has special slots that, by creating an air gap, leave heat inside the house. And the design of the thermal profile itself has low thermal conductivity.

A residential building made of a metal frame is a durable and reliable structure that can be erected in the shortest possible time with minimal labor costs. The construction of such a building is carried out using light steel thin-walled structures (LSTK), which are perforated profiles in the form of the Latin letters Z, S, C. They give the building high level rigidity, guaranteeing the durability of its trouble-free operation.

Features of steel housing, their pros and cons

The technology under consideration has many advantages. It involves the use of ready-made metal parts, which are manufactured for a specific project with high precision. This makes the construction process truly simple. It is only necessary to correctly assemble all the elements to obtain a durable structure.

A metal frame house is erected by 2–4 people in 3–8 weeks. Work may be carried out at any time of the year. Other advantages of private residential buildings from profile products include:

  • environmental friendliness of the materials used;
  • low weight of the frame and at the same time its high strength;
  • no need to use heavy special equipment for transportation and installation of steel elements;
  • minimal costs for arranging the foundation;

An iron house does not shrink during construction and during operation. It is easy to repair if necessary, carry out reconstruction, change external and interior decoration without affecting the metal frame itself.

The galvanized profile from which the walls, roofing and all ceilings are made does not require additional painting or processing in a special way. Insulation of buildings is carried out using materials of various prices. Pick up best option heat insulator is easy for any financial budget.

The disadvantage of a metal frame house is the need to carry out accurate calculations of the potential equalization system that protects the building from atmospheric discharges and industrial electric currents. It is advisable to have them performed by professionals.

The second disadvantage of the described buildings is some limitation in the choice of finishing and roofing materials. Structures made of steel profiles cannot be lined with heavy products.

Frame dwellings are not covered ceramic tiles due to its heavy weight. It is problematic to make a fireplace out of brick or stone.

Where to start building a metal house?

All work is carried out in stages. The first step is to draw up a project for your future home. It states:

  • dimensions of the building and its individual premises;
  • thickness and number of metal profiles;
  • location household appliances, heating radiators, furniture, various hanging structures.

Design should be carried out by specialists. An ordinary self-taught master will not cope with this task.

After preparing all the necessary drawings, they are transferred to the plant, where they are manufactured on special production lines. metal elements frame house. They are numbered, packaged and delivered to the customer.

Finished parts have holes for gaskets engineering systems and assembling profiles into a single structure. The kit for the construction of a steel building includes hardware and connecting devices.

The second stage of the event is the arrangement of the foundation. Frame buildings installed on a light pile or shallow strip foundation.

The choice of a specific option depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site. Therefore, before starting work, it is recommended to carry out geological surveys in order to determine soil characteristics.

Important point! Pipes for organizing water supply, sewerage and others engineering Communication, necessary for the comfortable operation of a metal dwelling, are laid at the stage of arranging the foundation.

Assembling iron parts – it couldn’t be easier

The technology for erecting walls, floors and other turnkey frame elements is truly simple. The metal profiles delivered from the factory, as noted, were marked. The craftsman just needs to connect them correctly with his own hands, focusing on the diagram included with the set of building materials.

Compound individual parts produced using a screwdriver method. This means that the work is performed without the use of a welding machine.

The metal elements are fixed together with self-tapping screws, screws, and bolts. There is no need to measure or trim profiles. Everything is calculated at the factory. Each piece of steel processed zinc coating, has its place. Due to this, the time spent on assembly work is literally calculated in hours.

The external finishing of the walls of the erected frame is carried out with profiled sheets, oriented strand boards (OSB), sandwich panels, and special heat blocks. The last of these products are especially popular now. They have three layers:

  • Facade - made of high-density expanded clay concrete.
  • Insulation – polystyrene foam PSB 25.
  • The load-bearing material is expanded clay with pores.

Heat blocks are stacked on cement mixture or with a special adhesive composition. They are decorated by painting. This operation is most conveniently carried out with a spray gun.

Wall cladding may be made of wood or plastic lining, light decorative brick. If you want to give the house a special extravagance, it is sheathed with materials that imitate natural stone.

After installing the enclosing structures, they begin to insulate the house with expanded polystyrene, mineral or ecowool. These materials must be covered with a vapor and moisture insulating film.

Thermal protection can be carried out using polyurethane foam, gas and foam concrete. Such compositions are blown into the space between the walls, resulting in a homogeneous layer of increased density. It effectively retains heat, providing a comfortable home temperature regime even in harsh winters.

The roof of metal-frame residential buildings is constructed using any not very heavy materials - wave slate, roofing felt, ondulin. Selected products are mounted on a pre-laid vapor barrier layer. And on top they are covered with a waterproof film.

A classic frame house means a structure based on a frame made of wooden elements, but there is also metal frame. Let's look at what the difference is and which one is better to choose for building your own home.

On this moment the most advanced technology is houses made of LSTK ( Lightweight Steel Thin Wall Structures).
The frame of such houses is made from of stainless steel with a wall thickness of no more than 3 mm. However, such a profile is bent into certain structures (channels, I-beams, etc.), which gives it additional strength.

Metal frame made of LSTK based on aluminum or steel. The metal profile in wall frames has a thickness of 0.7 to 2 mm. and is connected to each other using self-tapping screws or rivets. Installation is carried out without using welding work.

  • This profile is not afraid of moisture and can last for a very long time.
  • It is also not susceptible to rotting, aging, or shrinkage.
  • Thanks to the perforation system, it was possible to practically get rid of “cold bridges”.

It is as easy to assemble as a wooden one (you can do it yourself). Although for cutting you will need metal cutting tools. However, the profiles are attached to each other quite simply (as simply as a profile for gypsum plasterboard), using ordinary metal screws. By the way, this profile already has places for attaching bolts, which makes assembly much easier.

As you can see, LSTC is a rather tempting technology.
When correct assembled house it can stand for a very, very long time.

Metal frame construction has a lot of advantages, the most significant of which is the simplicity and speed of installation. All frame elements are already prepared for assembly, so their installation can be done without any help. construction crews. A wooden frame is more complex in this regard, and its installation must be done more pedantically.

The metal frame is most popular in Canada, Australia and Sweden, although in Russia you can also find houses of this type of construction.

Wooden frame for home

What can be said about a wooden frame? This is a classic construction option, the most widespread in the world. Almost 80% of frames are based on a wooden frame, and only a small part of the metal frame.

The basis wooden frame- wood coniferous species, and as you know, construction from wood has been going on for centuries, and only improves over time. Yes and frame option Tree houses today tightly occupy their niche in country cottage construction. Its advantages: high speed of installation, the ability to move into the house immediately after completion construction work, and high energy efficiency.

There is a lot of forest in Russia, which means developing wooden frame house construction simply necessary!

When choosing a metal or wooden frame, pay attention to the following points.

  1. Wood is susceptible to rotting - METAL does not rot!
  2. The tree can be attacked by rodents - Rodents are not afraid of METAL!
  3. Wood is sometimes difficult to adjust to size to the nearest millimeter - METAL - please!
  4. A metal frame will last longer than a wooden one!

When choosing this or that material for the frame, it is also necessary to take into account the experience of people living in such houses.
By reading reviews, you can understand how good a metal or wooden frame is in terms of operation.
After all, building a house is half the battle, but living in it is life!

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