DIY septic tank from 3 eurocubes. Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes with a high groundwater level, diagram with video. Preparing European cups for assembly

Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes - step-by-step technology installation

In country estates you can relax from the bustle of the city, enjoying the privacy and beauty of green plantings. But in front of everyone positive aspects, good rest impossible without the proper level of comfort and convenience to which we are accustomed. The sewage system is very important, because without it no hygiene procedures are possible. This is especially true for families with small children who constantly need to take a bath, wash their hands and do other activities. However, purchase from famous manufacturer not always feasible from a financial point of view. An excellent replacement for industrial treatment plants is a do-it-yourself septic tank made from Eurocubes.

Eurocubes are sealed containers made of plastic (polyethylene) with wooden/metal/plastic pallets designed for storing and transporting liquids. The outer casing is placed in metal carcass, protecting the Eurocube from deformation. Capacity volume - 1000 liters. Weight - no more than 67 kilograms. This design is not only ideal for a septic tank and has an affordable price, but is also so easy to install that even one person can install a septic tank in a maximum of 2-3 days without any help.

Since a septic tank is treatment plant, consisting of several consecutive chambers, then two identical Eurocubes are purchased to construct a septic tank. They are equipped with air ducts ( ventilation pipes), inlet and outlet pipes through which liquid will enter and leave the septic tank, as well as a pipe for overflowing clarified waste from the first container to the second. Outlet pipe equipped with a reverse valve to prevent the reverse movement of purified liquid into the septic tank cavity.

In order to effectively use the entire working volume of the second Eurocube, the two containers are rigidly fastened together, moving them vertically by 20-25 cm.

All joints plastic walls and pipes are additionally insulated with sealant, and the structure is insulated with foam plastic or a material with similar properties.

You may be interested in information about what kind of septic tank and how to use it.

Advantages of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

  1. As already mentioned, such a septic tank is cheap, but at the same time effective. Treated wastewater can be reused, subject to additional treatment.
  2. Thanks to the insulation, year-round use of the treatment plant is possible.
  3. There are no unpleasant odors during operation.
  4. Cleaning a septic tank can be done with a pump or a vacuum cleaner, and this procedure is quite rare.
  5. The structure is sealed, reliable, durable, does not corrode or collapse under the influence of chemical, climatic and other unfavorable factors.
  6. Installation does not require the construction of massive floors or the use of special equipment.
  7. Installation is possible in any type of soil, regardless of the height groundwater(these factors only affect the method of removing purified water from the septic tank).

When you build a private house The question always arises: where to put sewer waste? On this moment there are many solutions - this is the main purpose, which is to accumulate waste that accumulates in a certain place and, with the help of a sewage system, remove it and dispose of it. The second way to eliminate sewage waste is to create a septic tank on your site, the main purpose of which is to process sewage waste with the help of bacteria and then purify the water and dispose of it in groundwater, thereby not disturbing the ecological atmosphere on your site.

Speaking about creating a septic tank on the site, at the moment there are many types of septic tanks, for example -, speaking about the use of this device, it is worth saying that there is quite a bit about it positive reviews, but there is one significant drawback- this is the complexity of creation. Often a septic tank from concrete rings Only specialists in this industry can install it; in addition, we advise you to read information about.

But in front of all these devices, septic tank from eurocubes there is one big advantage, its organization on the site does not require large cash injections and organizing it correct work Even a simple man in the street can do it on his site, so let’s start installing it.

Installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes at a summer cottage

Speaking of Eurocubes, these are ordinary containers in composition; they consist of multilayer polyethylene. Thanks to its design and material composition, a Eurocube can stand for several decades without anything happening to it. The cost of used Eurocubes ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles apiece, which is inexpensive compared to imported septic tanks or well rings. As for the volume, it is about 1,500 liters (which is quite enough for country house or dachas).

Digging a ditch for a septic tank

Please note that the ditch for the septic tank is being dug based on the volume of the future Eurocube, but important point it will be that on the sides and bottom the ditch should be concreted- this is done so that the Eurocube does not bend or deform under the influence of the weight of the soil; in addition, after concreting, a layer of foam plastic is installed directly next to the septic tank, which allows us to insulate our structure from freezing in winter period.

Next, a trench is dug for the sewer outlet, which is sprinkled on the sides with gravel and crushed stone, and it would also be better to insulate it - please note that the pipe is placed in the calculations of 2 cm of recess per 1 meter of length, this calculation will allow you to organize a sewer without any problems. In addition, the septic tank is only an element of water purification, the final stage any treatment is one that accumulates our water in fields for aeration, and then discharges it into the ground or into a well.

Septic tank installation

It is best to fasten the Eurocubes together next to the ditch, and then, with the help of neighbors, lower them into the hole - this will allow you not to dodge when connecting the Eurocubes to each other.

How to properly and effectively organize sewerage on summer cottage do it yourself, a question that often arises among people who are deprived of the opportunity to use the centralized option. And really the need for autonomous, and most importantly effective system drainage of sewage and waste is simply necessary for a comfortable existence modern man in a private wooden house.

And although the thought is firmly ingrained in our minds that only cesspool is a way out of the current situation, this is far from true. Nowadays, septic tanks (a cesspool with several chambers for cleaning, see do-it-yourself septic tank) are becoming more and more widespread, due to a more sophisticated sewage filtration system and excellent productive capacity.

As a basis for Wastewater There are many various materials. Let's consider one of the simplest and most effective of them - a do-it-yourself septic tank made from Eurocubes.

Memo: Eurocube is a container for transporting large volumes of liquid.

It turns out that we remove the pipe from the house at a depth of 50 cm, until sewer pipes When they reach the septic tank, the depth will be approximately 56-62 cm, we will insulate the pipes (with polystyrene foam or mineral wool - I don’t feel like digging into frozen soil in winter), then the septic tank itself and the absorption field/drainage well. We anchor the septic tank itself so that it does not float up in the spring with the rise of groundwater, we strengthen/insulate the walls so that the soil does not squeeze the septic tank. It turns out that from the surface to the top of the septic tank is about a meter. We insulate the septic tank from above and fill it with crushed stone/earth.

drawing/diagram of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

Even a person with little knowledge of construction will be able to make a septic tank from a Eurocube with his own hands; it is enough to know a few basic rules.

The advantages of the Eurocube compared to other options for constructing a septic tank are undeniable:

  1. Its price is quite low compared to similar designs (plastic septic tanks).
  2. The time required to install such a septic tank will not exceed 2-3 days, provided that you perform all the main work alone.
  3. The plastic from which the Eurocube is made is durable and has excellent waterproofing.
  4. Such a septic tank requires a minimum additional work, there is no need for its covering and additional finishing, unlike a septic tank made of concrete rings.

As in any other business, from the beginning we need to decide what goals and results we set for ourselves. Having made the necessary calculations about the average daily volume of wastewater that the septic tank has to cope with, proceed to search for the necessary cubes. Remember, the total volume of septic tank tanks must be at least three times the daily waste.

Tip: it is preferable that there are no more than two containers for drainage, this will reduce total number connections between cameras, but will not affect the efficiency at all.

Next, armed with a shovel (or hiring the necessary equipment), we begin to dig a pit with our own hands. Due to the fact that the Eurocube is sealed and additional drainage system, the location of such a septic tank can be in any convenient place.

Having prepared the pit for the future sewerage system, we proceed to the actual installation DIY septic tank from Eurocubes. To do this, you should make a cushion of sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the pit. Well, if there is a risk of soil subsidence under the weight of a filled cube (and, accordingly, a risk of damage to the connecting pipes), it is worth making a concrete screed.

Note: upon completion of installation, you need to make sure that all pipe connections. As additional insulation, it is worth using a special sealant or liquid rubber.

This is what an almost finished septic tank looks like

The second chamber is equipped with a special drainage pipe (several pipes can be used), which is located at a level of 15-20 cm from the bottom of the cube. To improve drainage capacity, it is advisable to additionally build a drainage well or filtration field.

Both chambers are required to be equipped with a ventilation pipe protruding a couple of meters above the ground. Inside the first chamber, the ventilation pipe should be 10-15 cm higher connecting pipe, and performs the role of not only removing harmful fumes, but also serves to pump out sewage with a sewage machine.

Advice: it is better to make the ventilation pipe from several elements so that it can be disconnected if necessary top part and use it to pump out waste.

In the second chamber, the ventilation pipe should also be located at a level of 10-15 cm, but already from the drainage pipes.

After preparing and checking all the connecting elements, the Eurocubes take their designated place in the pit and are re-fixed, this time, with the pipes.

Alpine slide - filtration field

If the level groundwater is high, then you have to make a bulk filtration field - it can be designed in the form of an alpine slide :).

So when high level soil, the septic tank is installed as usual, but here you will have to carefully secure the Eurocubes to the bottom of the pit, as if the soil level is high, they can float up and damage the tightness of the connections. Then you will need another container (you can install a third Eurocube as an additional filter block or well). A pump with a float switch is installed in the third compartment, which will pump water into the filter field that we made above groundwater.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes crushed the soil

The final stage is the formation around external wall concrete screed to protect the cube from soil pressure on it. If the soil is quite loose, you can get by by simply compacting sand around the cubes or installing OSP panels/slate/corrugated sheets.

This is the creation process autonomous sewerage can be considered completed.

For drainage, you should use special perforated pipes sprinkled with coarse crushed stone. Crushed stone will prevent pipes from silting and at the same time has excellent throughput.

If possible, try to use additional means of wastewater disposal, for example: a filter well or special biological mixtures.

Plastic is very sensitive to low temperatures, so you should not allow it to be completely filled in the winter; in severe frost it can simply crack from internal pressure. One way to avoid this problem is to build a septic tank below the freezing level of the soil or by additionally insulating it.

To make the Eurocube more stable from the impact of soil, you can make its outer sheathing with rocky wire.

Many private houses are not connected to central sewer. Their owners are getting out of this situation different ways. The cesspool has long been used as one of the possible options arrangement of an autonomous sewage system, but this is not very convenient and practical.

This technology is being replaced by more modern methods. Nowadays, various septic tanks are widely used. These devices make it possible to develop excellent sewage systems, while wastewater is purified to such a level that it is suitable for watering and irrigation.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is one of the most simple options autonomous sewerage. Eurocube is a container that is designed to transport impressive volumes of water or other liquid.

Sewage from Eurocubes will be for a long time serve faithfully to your master.

How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands

First, you need to carefully prepare, namely, make calculations that will help determine what volume the Eurocube should have. To do this, you need to calculate the approximate volume of wastewater that will pass through it per day. In any case, you need to buy Eurocubes with a reserve. This nuance should not be forgotten.

Now you can start digging a pit. The Eurocube itself is a sealed element. For the outflow of wastewater it will be mandatory to use additional system drainage, so Eurocubes can be placed anywhere on the site.

We proceed directly to the process of installing a septic tank from Eurocubes with our own hands. At the bottom of the pit, a cushion of sand and crushed stone is made. In the event that there is a possibility that the soil will float, it is better to make a concrete screed.

Once all the connecting elements are prepared and checked, the Eurocubes can take their rightful place. They are placed in a pit. In it, the septic tank is thoroughly fixed with pipes that have passed the leak test by this time.

If the groundwater level is high...

If the groundwater level is high, the septic tank is installed using the same method, but it must be firmly fixed to the bottom of the pit. Eurocube for a septic tank is a fairly heavy material, but the groundwater level can directly affect its position. In this case, Eurocubes can float and damage sealed connections. When there is high water in the ground, it is necessary to make a bulk filtration field.

Here it is worth making another container in which the pump is installed. It will pump wastewater into the filter field that was made earlier. It will be very beautiful if you make it in the form of an alpine slide.

Now you can finally fill the Eurocubes with sand. If necessary, such a septic tank must be insulated. In most of the territory of our state, such a procedure is a necessity, since the cold period of time prevails there. Can be used for insulation mineral wool, as the cheapest insulation.

At this point, the process of installing an autonomous sewage system from Eurocubes can be considered complete.

The process of filtration and sewerage of such a septic tank is quite simple and primitive. Through the pipes, all wastewater enters the first section of the septic tank. Heavy particles settle in this compartment. They simply remain at the bottom of the first chamber. When the level of waste becomes high enough, the wastewater flows into an adjacent chamber. You can use a height difference for this, or make a drain pipe at a certain height.

The second chamber contains a special drainage pipe. It should be at a distance of 15–20 centimeters from the bottom of the cube. To improve drainage capacity, you can build a filtration field or drainage well.

Both chambers of the septic tank must be equipped with ventilation pipes. These pipes should protrude approximately two meters above the ground level. In this case, in the first chamber the pipe is located approximately 15–20 centimeters above the connecting pipe. It serves to eliminate harmful fumes. In the second chamber, the ventilation pipe is also located at a distance of 15–20 centimeters, but this time from the drainage pipes.

Thus, the design of a septic tank made from Eurocubes is quite simple. It should be understandable not only to professionals, but also to all those who decide to arrange a autonomous system sewerage.

If possible, additional means should be used to drain wastewater. These include specially created biological mixtures or a filter-type well.

Plastic is a very sensitive material. He is influenced low temperature. In winter, you should not fill the septic tank entirely from Eurocubes. This can lead to cracks and system failure. To prevent this from happening, you can place the septic tank below the freezing level of the soil or use insulation. As mentioned earlier, ordinary mineral wool is ideal.

To make the septic tank more stable, its outer sheathing can be made using steel wire.

As you can see, such a septic tank is installed quite simply. In order to make it, you do not need any supernatural knowledge or skills. In addition, all the materials that will be needed for arranging a sewer system are widely available. You don't have to run to different stores. Everything can be purchased in one place.

Video: septic tank from Eurocubes

With independent sewerage, life in the country or in own home will not be intimidated by the lack of basic amenities. If not extra funds To purchase a ready-made sewer point, you can build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. It will not require special investments. Agree, this is a solid plus.

The information presented to you is based on personal experience independent builders of their own sewerage structures from euro packaging. Requirements taken into account regulatory documentation. In order to facilitate the understanding of information, attached step by step photos and helpful video tutorials.

Arrangement sewer system using Eurocubes among summer residents is considered one of the most economical options.

Moreover, a properly manufactured and high-quality installed septic tank is able to effectively cope with the functions assigned to it.

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All that remains is to firmly connect all the containers to each other by welding metal rods to the frame. It is important that the structure does not fall apart, otherwise all the pipes connecting the compartments to each other will break

Step #2 – installation and installation

When all work on installing pipes and sealing joints is completed, you can proceed to the next stage - installation.

The type of soil matters here - with clayey, mobile soils, it is important to compact the bottom as efficiently as possible by constructing a cushion of sand and gravel. A concrete screed should be made on top of it to ensure that the bottom does not deform under the weight of the filled flasks.

When pouring a concrete screed, it must be taken into account that the pit must have a stepped bottom, because each subsequent container is shifted 20 cm lower than the previous one

Then you have to lower the septic tank into the pit. It is advisable to anchor it to further secure it in place and protect it from floating. Now you need to connect the incoming and outgoing pipelines to the septic equipment.

The pipes are laid with a slope towards the septic tank of 2 cm per 1 m of length. Moreover, the outlet pipe with the purified liquid is laid at an angle to the filtration field. It is advisable to insulate a section of the pipeline laid above the depth of soil freezing in the region

The walls of the septic tank and the pipeline will need to be insulated. To do this, you can take polystyrene foam or other material. All that remains is to fill the cleaning equipment, assembled with your own hands, with water and cover everything with sand.

Between the walls of the pit and the septic tank, as well as on top, foam or other insulation must be carefully laid

If the groundwater level is high, the walls of the Eurocubes will have to be further protected by pouring concrete. To do this, reinforcement or boards are placed in the gap between the container and the pit wall and the concrete is carefully distributed. If you do everything consistently, not forgetting to fill the septic tank with water, then the walls will not deform.

To prevent extrusion heaving soils and damage to the hull, backfilling of the walls can only be done with sand, carefully compacting

Whether or not to concrete the top of the pit depends on the terrain. Pipes protruding above the surface must be protected so that nothing unnecessary gets into the septic tank through them.

To perform ground-based post-treatment of wastewater treated in a septic tank, it is necessary to construct one of the following structures:

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