How does the drainage system work to remove water? Drainage diagram around the house: nuances of designing drainage systems. About the diameter of drainage pipes

Draining water away from the house is a problem for almost every owner. country house, which must be solved immediately, without debugging “for later”. During rains and heavy rains, water can destroy the stability of the house, destroying the foundation. Of course, this will not happen from one rainstorm, but if such incidents occur constantly, then the house may simply go underground, that is, “grow” into it. The foundation of the building will be washed away by sewage, the ground under the foundation will be soft and the foundation will sink down under the weight of the house.

And, for example, if the house has a basement? In this case, this problem must be solved immediately; it cannot be postponed even for a short period of time. After all, if the basement is constantly flooded, then within a few years it will fall into an unsatisfactory condition and it will no longer be possible to use it for its intended purpose. Why? Because due to constant dampness in the basement, mold fungi may soon appear, which in turn are extremely harmful to the health of people and animals.

Groundwater can also pose a danger to the site. If your house is located near a river, lake or even a swamp, then you can be sure that there are some on the site. Danger groundwater is that they lie in the depths of the earth. If water from the house flows there during heavy rains, then there is a high probability of disturbing the balance and stability of the house, which may subsequently lead to its collapse. It is for this reason that it is so important to properly drain rainwater from a residential building.

Drainage of water from the roof: features

Water drainage from the roof must be mandatory. For example, in winter a huge amount of snow falls on the roof, which accumulates on it and can simply break it. There is also another significant danger: during daytime snow melting, icicles may form in the evening. They, in turn, can fall on someone’s head. If you drain thawed snow and rainwater from your home, you can forget about the formation of icicles and the danger of them falling on someone’s head forever.

How to make a drainage system yourself, that is the question. You can immediately answer that this is not a complicated process; you can handle it yourself. To do this, you need to buy gutters and drainpipes at a construction hypermarket or market that will drain water from the roof. Gutters for draining water from the roof are the least expensive and simplest option. It is also the most popular. Installing gutters to drain water from your home is quite simple and can be done with your own hands.

There are three types of gutters:

  • semicircular,
  • rectangular or square
  • trapezoidal.

How to decide which would be better suited for your building? You can only rely on your taste, and you should also take into account the design of the building. In terms of functionality, these gutters are practically no different; we can say that they are the same in their properties and characteristics. Therefore, the choice falls entirely on your shoulders.

You can only help with the choice of color: you should not buy light-colored gutters, since in winter the snow on them will melt more slowly than if they were darker. This happens because dark colors“attract” more to themselves solar energy. Light colors on the contrary, they reflect the energy of the sun, so the snow on them will melt more slowly. Also, many experts recommend installing storm gutters that have larger size, therefore they can withstand loads during heavy rainfall.

There is nothing complicated in installing gutters, you just need to follow the instructions from the attached instructions.

The system for draining rain and melt water using gutters is as follows:

Water flows from the roof into an attached gutter; it travels along the gutter to a downspout, through which it flows down to the ground. But the problem remains unresolved; water continues to flow directly under the foundation of the house. To bring the water drainage system from the house to perfection, it is necessary to make an additional drainage system.

Drainage systems

What is a drainage system? What is it used for? What types does it come in? In what cases should it be used?

In fact, the drainage system is a system for draining water from the house, only it removes water almost completely, which will have a good effect on the building and extend its service life.

Types of drainage systems:

  • Ground drainage (surface)
  • Drainage lines
  • Drainage in certain places (spot)
  • Open drainage system
  • Closed drainage system
  • The trenches are filled
  • Deep drainage

When there is an urgent need to install a complex drainage system:

  • If there are natural water bodies near the house.
  • The house is on a low ground.
  • On clay soils, since water drains out quite slowly on such soils, especially after rainstorms.
  • Your area receives high rainfall throughout the calendar year.
  • Groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth's crust.
  • The presence of concrete or tiled paths on the site, as they do not allow water to pass through.
  • Low foundation of the house, because the possibility of flooding increases significantly.

Installing a system that will drain rainwater with your own hands will help save money on further repairs of the building due to possible flooding.

Types of water drainage systems

Surface drainage

Surface drainage will allow for the removal of storm water; it is also called a storm drain. It is very simple to install this type of drainage system that drains storm water. Such a system will help to cope exclusively with the drainage of rain and melt water, but such a system will not be able to cope with groundwater. On my own surface drainage is further divided into two types: linear and point.

Linear water drainage works as follows: special trenches are dug throughout the entire area, which merge into one common drainage well. Usually the trenches are covered with gratings.

Point drainage of water allows water from different places on the site to be drained into a common well, and such a system is usually used simultaneously with a linear one. Point drainage is usually installed in places where there is no need for constant mandatory drainage of water. For example, in outbuildings or baths.

There is also combined drainage, that is, both linear and point drainage. Most often used in country houses and in country houses exactly this kind drainage systems.

Drainage systems on private properties will not affect the water supply, since they usually draw water from more deep wells or wells.

Drainage systems: open and closed type

Open systems are a set of trenches, channels and gutters that allow water to be drained from the house to a specially designated place, usually a well.

Closed drainage systems also represent a combination of various drains and channels, but they have a more aesthetic appearance, since they are covered with decorative gratings. The drainage channel in the form of a pipe is often buried underground and is in no way visible from above.

All construction experts agree on one general plan when organizing drainage systems on a private plot: “Arrange a drainage system on your plot in modern conditions not that difficult. Before construction, it is advisable to take a site plan and mark all channels and trenches on it, as well as determine the best place for a well into which the water will be drained. The next important step is to count necessary materials. You need to do this so that you don’t waste your time on unnecessary shopping trips. Work must begin from the roof, and only then construct surface drainage channels on the ground.”

The decision about the need to make a drainage system is often made after the fact, when part of the house, the foundation with a basement or ground floor, is raised to a level of a meter and a half above the ground. Most often, it is at this moment that water rises around the building due to the pressure of the heavy foundation on the soils lying below the depth of embedding the support of concrete blocks. In this case, to ensure normal condition soil, it is necessary to arrange a drainage system for water removal on the site.

Less often, the groundwater level rises due to errors during geological exploration on the site for the future construction of a house. In this case, when digging a pit on a site, it is possible to reach the location of an underground key or water lens in a clay layer. Emergency drainage of key soil water using a drainage system and special blocking pads can save the situation. In this case, you will need to separately make a special drainage system designed only to remove the key. For the area around the foundation of the building and the surrounding area with underlying soils, a drainage system will be required if the groundwater level is high.

How to make drainage systems for water removal

A set of measures to prevent flooding of the site and rising groundwater involves the creation of one or more modern drainage systems:

  • Stormwater surface systems drainage of water from the foundation of the building;
  • Underground drainage systems for draining groundwater from the foundation;
  • System for collecting rainwater and draining moisture from the surface of the site;
  • Drainage system for removing soil water on the site.

Important! The listed drainage structures have different nature of water collection and quality of collection and disposal of water flows, therefore it is impossible to create a universal drainage scheme using one set of pipelines.

Cost of special drainage pipes and wells is small, since 99% of drainage fittings are made of polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.

Modern drainage systems

Even under conditions of use modern means calculations and design cannot take into account all possible changes in the state of groundwater. Too many factors affect the water level in the ground:

  1. Natural factors - significant changes in the amount of precipitation falling within a short time, floods, river floods;
  2. Technogenic reasons - high-rise construction or changes in infrastructure around the site, for example, an increase in the number of asphalt surfaces and roads, or the use of large volumes of water in irrigation areas near the house.

In both cases, the amount of groundwater and its level increase sharply, even during the summer heat. A qualitative sign of an increase in the volume of groundwater is the soaking of the walls of the basement or basement and the increased growth of grass, shrubs and vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the house.

Installation of a drainage system for a home

If, during a strong rise in groundwater, moisture is not removed from the foundation in time using drainage pipes, you can get a very unpleasant “quicksand” effect. Excess water is especially dangerous when there is an excess of clay and loam in the soil. In some cases, even a two-meter strip foundation, the building begins to sag and lose stability, which leads to the appearance of cracks in the masonry walls. In addition, the basement walls at the joints of concrete blocks invariably become damp, dampness appears, and after some time groundwater begins to accumulate at the bottom.

To correct the situation, it is necessary to create a complete drainage system that removes excess groundwater and rain moisture penetrating from the surface.

For normal drainage, it is necessary to install two drainage systems - storm and ground. Both are laid around the perimeter of the building, the storm drain is directly adjacent to the foundation blind area and serves to drain rain flows from the roof. Ground drainage is designed to collect moisture that has seeped from the surface, as well as accumulating in the soil from aquifers.

Storm drainage system

It is almost impossible to drain water from the foundation without effective storm drainage. Storm drainage is installed much simpler than ground drainage; it is a system of gutters and pipes laid around the building. At installation sites drainpipes, through which it merges rainwater from the roof, special water intake wells are installed. The location of such a device is coordinated with the direction of fall of the water jet in such a way that the entire flow is captured without dispersing and splashing moisture onto the foundation and walls of the building.

The water collected by gutters and water intakes is sent through pipes to storm drainage or to the place general collection water drainage system. Conventional water pipes are used as water conduits. polyethylene pipes diameter from 100 to 150 mm. Each water collector is equipped with its own drainage pipe. The cross-section of the water pipeline is calculated based on the maximum amount of precipitation and, accordingly, the power of the water flow for a given specific roof surface area. Typically there are at least three water collection wells per building. To avoid clogging with sand and leaves, a settling filter must be provided in the design of the water collector, which allows the accumulated debris to be periodically removed from the receiving device.

A storm drainage system can significantly reduce the amount of moisture in the soil in areas adjacent to the building, but its capabilities are clearly not enough to make water drainage as efficient as possible. Therefore, in any case, if there are waterlogged soils, you need to do underground structure drainage

Design and installation of groundwater drainage system

Equipping the foundation with a drainage system must be done at the stage of laying the ground floor blocks. But most often this has to be done after the fact, after the building is built and groundwater rises. In this case, the drainage system must be made to a depth below the floor level of the basement or basement. Otherwise, groundwater will flood the basement.

To make a modern drainage system truly effective requires much more work than a stormwater system. The main costs are associated with the need to make a large volume earthworks, namely:

  1. At a distance of one to three meters, depending on the location of the building and the nature of the soil, dig a trench to the depth of soil freezing;
  2. Fill the bottom of the trench with small crushed stone or crushed stone screenings, carefully level the layer of material;
  3. Lay geotextiles and drainage pipe;
  4. Install rotary wells at the corners. These elements will allow you to connect individual pipe sections into one circuit. When connecting a drainage pipe to wells, it is necessary to make a drain slope;
  5. After assembling all the elements of the system into one drainage circuit, the pipes are wrapped in geotextiles and covered with a layer of sand at least 15 cm thick. We carefully level the sand and compact it using a manual or electric tamper;
  6. On top of the sand, it is necessary to make a backfill of crushed stone with a thickness of at least 30-40 cm; after leveling the layer, we fill the drainage structure with soil.

In some cases, digging out the foundation walls directly is more effective. Due to the risk of damaging the surface of the foundation waterproofing, it would be more advisable to make a trench around the foundation box manually using a shovel. This greatly complicates the work due to the need to use non-mechanized manual labor.

Moreover, it significantly worsens bearing capacity foundation, especially if there is a lot of water and it has significantly eroded part of the soil. If you have doubts or concerns about the appearance of cracks or subsidence of the foundation, it would be right to have the situation examined by a specialist. The main reason why people decide to undergo such a risky procedure is the restoration and strengthening of the waterproofing layer on outer surface foundation box. In this case, a trench dug under the drainage system will make it possible to revise the waterproofing, restore the insulating layer and even strengthen it. Placing the drainage system in close proximity to the foundation makes its operation more efficient. In some cases, this arrangement of the drainage system helps prevent it from freezing in the most severe frosts.

Drainage system maintenance

If you make the installation of water pipelines in rotary wells airtight, wrap the drainage pipes with an additional layer of geotextile, you can practically eliminate the seepage of tiny particles of clay, silt, and organic substances into the drainage system that can stick together and clog the inner surface of the pipelines.

Most often, an industrial perforated polyvinyl chloride pipe with a corrugated surface is used for the drainage system. Thanks to this design, it easily bends and bends at any angle. Inner surface Such a pipe creates strong resistance to the flow of water and conditions for the accumulation of all kinds of contaminants and deposits on the walls. Because of this, after some time the throughput of the holes on the walls decreases. In some cases, owners require additional holes to be made on the surface of the pipe. This does not add to its throughput, but only increases the amount of dirt entering the drainage.

You can check the efficiency of the drainage system using an inspection well. If the amount of moisture removed by the pipe has dropped to a minimum, then it is necessary to perform a control flushing of the drainage system. The easiest way to do this is with a pump. high pressure and a regular irrigation hose.


The greatest efficiency in using the drainage system can be achieved if the entire structure is made of high-quality polymer materials. An attempt to replace them with asbestos cement or sewer pipes, may reduce its cost, but does not guarantee stable operation over a long period of time.

Your own cottage is not just housing, but a whole complex of interconnected communication systems. In order to make full use of the sewer system, it is necessary to properly arrange drainage in a private home.


The drainage system in a private house consists of a number of individual elements connected to each other. Each of them is mandatory and intended for a specific purpose. The standard design consists of the following parts:

As is clear from the design, a complete drainage system design includes the development of both external and internal parts sewerage. The external one is a branch of this communication to the well, the internal one is a sewer system within a private house. These are pipes coming from washbasins, toilets, bathtubs and other consumers. They connect at a certain point and remove all drains. But if their lengths and diameters are incorrectly calculated, the efficiency of the discharge system can be seriously affected.

Rules for arranging water drainage in a private house:

  1. When installing external pipes, it is imperative to consider their insulation. They must either be underground - below the freezing level of the soil, or (if located above ground) insulated with geotextiles;
  2. Shut-off valves must be installed on the outlets of all consumers inside the house. They will provide security sewer system in case of emergency;
  3. All sewerage is installed on a slope. This applies to both external and internal drainage systems. GOSTs vary for various types buildings and pipeline diameters, but it is considered. What is optimal is a slope of at least 12 degrees per linear meter.

How to do

Before starting construction of a sewer system in a private house, it is necessary to calculate consumption and drainage. In order to calculate everything correctly, you need to use special GOSTs and SNiPs.

First of all, you need to find out what the norm of water consumption per day is. It is believed that these parameters differ for residents of villages, megacities and small towns. For example, for a small city, the norm is about 200 liters per day per adult, while for a resident of a metropolis it is more than 700. Accordingly, the requirements for the diameter and slopes of pipelines change.

Video: Drainage systems for a private home.

The diameter of the pipes is selected taking into account the use of specific receivers. For example, a toilet is necessary to drain a large amount of waste, so a pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm must run from it. Washbasins, washing machines, bathrooms, dishwashers need a smaller diameter - pipes up to 50 mm are connected to them.

An equally important parameter is the slope of the pipes that provide drainage in a country private house. It is also calculated individually; there is a special formula for this.

If you want your area near your house to be constantly dry and clean, so that the foundation of the house is not exposed to moisture, does not rot or collapse, so that puddles do not form and there is no discomfort, then you definitely need drainage. Arrangement of surface water drainage is one of the main tasks during the construction of a site using landscape work.

Drainage solves the problem of organized drainage of groundwater and rainwater into the drainage system. Organized drainage of rainwater prevents water from entering through adjacent groundwater in the basement of the house. There are two main options for water output - linear and point drainage.

Foundation drainage

In case of high humidity, in order to prevent damage to the house, we recommend that you install foundation drainage personal plot. This is an engineering design protecting the house from moisture, using output excess water. By installing drainage on the site, you will protect your home from damage such as:

  • mold;
  • frost;
  • high humidity in basements (flooding);
  • icing and so on.

Effective drainage system and correct installation drainage pipes imply the use of material that does not retain moisture, for example, crushed stone. It is possible to lay drainage and storm sewer simultaneously. But the top of the edge of the pipes must be lower than the base of the house. Crushed stone is poured into the trench a layer of about 15 centimeters, then it is leveled according to the given parameters and compacted. The slope for pipes must be calculated accurately. Turns, bends, etc., are installed using flexible parts of the structure.

Seals are not installed in the coupling elements. For the drainage system to work properly, the pipe must be laid so that there is water-permeable material near it.

The trench of the drainage pipes is filled with earth, from which all stones must be removed. From the foundation to the surface there must be a layer of crushed stone or other material without water penetration. If the house has basements or basements, then it is necessary to waterproof outside foundation, for example, using film. You can also change the structure of the soil and regulate moisture absorption. The soil and material must fall asleep at an angle of 1:50 in relation to home.

Why does increased soil moisture occur?

Waterlogging of the soil can occur for a number of reasons:

  • the garden area is surrounded by houses with deep foundations;
  • the homestead territory is located on a slope from which water flows (stream, groundwater, melted snow, etc.);
  • The garden area is located in a lowland.

What does high soil moisture cause?

In addition, high humidity can damage the vegetation in the garden area, and it can also affect buildings located in this area. In winter, the wet ground freezes and begins to expand. As a result, layers of soil begin to put pressure on the foundation of the house. This leads to the fact that the basement becomes unusable, cracks form on the walls, and window and door openings become warped.

To prevent this from happening, an effective drainage system is necessary. Excess moisture from the surface passes into pipes (drains) connected to each other, and is then removed outside the garden area. But this is a rather rough explanation of how the drainage system works; in reality, everything is much more complicated. There are several types of drainage systems that are installed taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the location of the garden area. Eg, clay soil It does not allow moisture to pass through quite well, and this leads to stagnation of water in the area.

Horizontal drainage systems

Most popular now horizontal systems drainage are considered deep and linear drainage. To remove water from the roof of the house and drain it outside the territory, linear drainage is installed.

Deep drainage is considered the most complex system. The condition of the entire garden area will depend on how the deep drainage system is installed. To set up this system you need to be very careful. Moreover, there is no need to overuse the shallow installation of drains, as this can lead to uneven drainage of the garden area. Deep drainage can be lay in separate areas, it is possible throughout the territory according to the principle of parallel lines or a Christmas tree. In many ways, the option of installing a deep drainage system implies the presence of all kinds of obstacles and obstacles on the territory (buildings, fences, trees, etc.). Drains must run perpendicular to the collector, which ensures the removal of water.

What you need to know when designing a drainage system

Options for the location of drains and the composition of the soil are the main conditions, without taking into account any drainage system will simply be useless pipes. For soil that does not permeate moisture well, systems with frequent drains are installed. For example, for clay soil systems are installed where drains are located every 11 meters, and for sandy soils every 52 meters.

The effectiveness of soil drainage depends significantly on how deep the drains are located. Here you need to select golden mean. So that groundwater does not flood the area and feeds the plants at the same time. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the composition of the soil, but also the plants growing here. For example, for a traditional English lawn you need to install drains to a depth of 25 centimeters. The slope with which drains are laid in the ground depends on the thickness of the drains themselves. The thinner the drainage pipes, the greater the slope required.

Installation of ground drainage pipes is done in specially made trenches at a given depth. Moreover, the width of the trenches must be at least 3 pipe diameters. Geotextiles are placed on top of the drains, which are then covered with a layer of crushed stone. The thickness of the crushed stone must be equal to the diameter of the drain. Then everything is covered with sand and covered fertile soil. Sometimes, if it is not possible to discharge water into tanks or reservoirs, drainage systems are equipped with a pump and a well.

Before starting to develop a ground drainage system, it is necessary to determine the groundwater level (GWL). To an ordinary person without specialized equipment it is almost impossible to do this yourself; for this you need to invite specialists who will do it topographic survey of the territory And detailed diagrams plot. A specialist can calculate the groundwater level for any time of the year.

Closed and open ground drainage system

Drainage systems can be closed or open. The latter are quite cheap and easy to work with. For arrangement open system For drainage, you just need to make drainage ditches throughout the entire garden area and make sure that the ditches do not become clogged. Moreover, they are required to pass at a slope from the building outside the territory of the house.

The closed view has several varieties. The closed system is designed quite simply: the main element of its installation is the inclusion of soft drains. To do this, you need to make ditches, pour layer of sand or crushed stone, and on top there is a layer of earth.

Another type of closed systems is a linear water drainage system and the arrangement of drainage trays. This drainage system requires a specific determination of the load on the garden area:

  • class “A” - laying paths in the garden area;
  • class “B” - arrangement of garages and parking lots for cars weighing up to 5 tons;
  • class “B” - arrangement of garages and parking lots for cars weighing up to 20 tons.

The choice of trays, safety gaskets, and gratings used will depend on the load class. The number of drain lines will depend on the size of the area and the type of soil. The most popular option for installing drainage systems today is laying drainage pipes. Most often used polymer pipes, which are considered quite durable and reliable.

Drainage wells

No drainage system can do without a well. There is a drainage well rotary, absorbent or water receiving. Rotary wells are installed in areas where wastewater turns; it is these wells that provide the direction of movement for wastewater.

A water intake well is needed for drainage Wastewater outside the territory. This well can also be installed for watering the area.

An absorption well is installed to release wastewater into the ground.

Drainage systems

These are protective devices used to protect your backyard area from the aggressive action of groundwater. The financial investment in these mechanisms is quite high, but the payback time for capital investments is quite fast. Restoring damaged soil will cost much more than the cost of drainage itself.

Drainage systems are branched pipe system, connected to each other, and have many holes on the walls located along the place protected from water. This is where water flows through the ground and moves to a water collection well located at the lowest part of the property. The installation depth of the drainage itself depends on the boundary of the accumulation of water in the well.

The groundwater accumulated through the drainage system can be used to irrigate the garden area or discharge into a drainage ditch. The absorption of water from the lower layers of the soil is inversely proportional to the depth of the well. The level of vegetation on the site determines the need for a drainage system. This system is really useful if the vegetation cannot adapt to the conditions as a result of waterlogging of the soil. Bandwidth soil taking into account surface and groundwater varies significantly, which is reflected in the soil.

This is a whole complex of interconnected subsystems and elements, which include linear drainage, point drainage, underground drainage system, collector well and sewer pipelines.

  • Point drainage has two main characteristics: the first is the local collection of melt and rainwater, the other is protection from dirt. In the first installation method, storm water inlets are installed under roof gutters, under irrigation taps and in other places where local water collection is needed. In another embodiment, shoe cleaning systems or dirt-protecting complexes are used, which are installed in pits near the door.
  • In places where organized and quick removal of thawed, rain and other excess (for example, car washes) moisture is needed, surface moisture is installed linear system drainage. This complex consists of sections of various lengths of sequentially fixed and buried sand traps and channels. They are covered with removable grilles, which have decorative and protective functions.
  • Sewage pipelines in complex drainage systems they play the role of moving water collected on the personal territory to the final container (collector). Sewer pipelines are a system that consists of pipes for external sewerage, as well as many transition, rotary, connecting, and all kinds of shut-off and inspection fittings for them.
  • Underground drainage system – this is a network of drainage pipes installed underground along specific system. At the same time, underground drainage systems have observation wells that serve to monitor the operation of the system and flush out in case of flooding. There are two main uses underground system drainage: drainage of the garden area and drainage of the foundation of the building. Drainage of the territory of a personal plot can be shallow - to collect melt and rainwater, or deep - to reduce general level groundwater in the territory. Drainage for the foundation of a house can also be of two types: ring and wall. Wall mounted is used if the house has ground floor or a basement, a ring room - if they are not available.
  • The drainage system is being completed collector well. These wells can be: water absorption or water intake. The collected water from the water intake well is collected for subsequent irrigation or discharged outside the territory. The absorption well is installed without a bottom and drains collected by the system drainage water into the lower soil layers.

Also very important role plays a role in collecting and removing excess water from the territory drainage system on the roof. She complements it very much complex system drainage and makes it completely finished.

Types of surface drainage

Now, in addition to deep drainage, which is used to reduce groundwater, another type of drainage system is being installed - surface water drainage and drainage systems. Surface drainage for draining and collecting water on roads, sidewalks, lawns and dacha area, cottages. This drainage, taking into account the use of water drainage elements, is divided into linear and point drainage.

Linear water drainage and drainage

Water drainage systems and linear drainage installed to collect water over a large area. Their main advantage is that they do not require complex soil preparation. For linear drainage, you only need to organize slopes on both sides of the drain. This linear drainage of water allows you to cover a large area of ​​the site and reduce the length of storm drains, which is much easier to install and maintain than surface water drainage.

So, let’s summarize how profitable it is to install a ground drainage system. For most country house owners, a drainage system seems like an unnecessary expense. In fact, a huge amount of excavation work, the purchase of polyethylene plastic pipe and protective membranes, install concrete wells for drainage - all these are significant and additional financial costs. But without this, the house will not last long; it will require significant repairs, and constant moisture will cause serious problems.

Let’s make a reservation right away: drainage and waterproofing are different concepts and one of them does not exclude the other. Drainage around the house (drainage system) allows you to remove or reduce the water level in the area.

The danger lies both outside (precipitation, flood waters) and inside (groundwater). Waterproofing protects the foundation of a building from water getting inside.

But even a foundation that is well insulated from water will not protect the foundation of a private house (basement) and basement from water ingress for a long time. After all, if water presses constantly, it will find weak spots in the waterproofing. And on the contrary, if you take her away in time, your home or dacha will be safe.

When a drainage system is needed:

  • site location. The lower it is, the more pressing the drainage problem;
  • soil quality - on clay and loamy soils, the water level decreases slowly;
  • precipitation levels in your area;
  • groundwater level;
  • deepening of other buildings on the site. If a nearby building has a deeply buried foundation, the water will have nowhere to go and will accumulate on the surface, increasing the risk of flooding;
  • the presence of waterproof coatings - concrete paths, asphalt yard - these are places inaccessible to water penetration.

Installing drainage around the house with your own hands will eliminate the problems caused by the factors listed above.

Types of drainage systems

Depending on the severity of the problem of flooding in the area, there are several ways to make drainage around a private house.

Surface drainage

This type includes storm drainage (storm drainage). The advantage of such drainage is that its arrangement is simpler and accessible after most types of work on the site have been completed. Surface drainage systems allow you to remove only rain and melt water, which can cope with groundwater they can't do it.

There are two types surface device drainage: linear and point.

Linear drainage

Focused on drainage of storm water or melt water from the entire site and from the house in particular. Water flows into channels dug in the ground and is discharged into a drainage well. As a rule, the channels have a straight linear shape and are closed with gratings.

Point drainage

Focused on the rapid removal of water generated from local sources (for example, under roof gutters, watering taps, etc.). Point drains are covered with decorative metal gratings to prevent clogging of the channel with debris and leaves. Drainage pipes are laid from each point and connected to the main main pipe leading to the drainage well.

Combined drainage combines the two above-mentioned systems: point and linear drainage.

According to the method of installation, drainage can be open or closed

Open drainage

A system of trenches, gutters, drains or drainage trays.

This drainage is a trench that is designed to drain storm and melt water from the house and the site.

The principle of an open drainage system

A ditch up to half a meter wide and 50-60 cm deep is dug along all sides of the site and around the house. All these trenches are connected to a common drainage trench.

In order for water to flow freely into the trench from the side of the house, a bevel is made in the ditch at an angle of 30°, and a slope towards the main water intake trench (or drain well) will allow water to be drained by gravity in the desired direction.

The advantage of an open drainage system is the low cost and high speed of work. But, if you need to drain a large amount of melt and rain water, you will have to install a deep drainage line into which someone could fall. Unimproved ditch walls are destroyed. This system spoils appearance plot.

The service life and safety of such a system can be increased by using special trays (made of plastic or concrete), which are covered with gratings on top.

Closed drainage

It has a more aesthetic appearance compared to the previous one, as it is equipped with a protective grille, but the receiving ditch is much narrower and smaller. Their types are presented in the photo.

Backfill drainage - a system of backfilled trenches

It is used when the area of ​​the site is small and it is impossible or impractical to make open drainage. The disadvantage of this system is the inability to carry out maintenance of the trench after installation without dismantling.

Proper drainage around a house of this type is achieved in several stages.

  • a trench is dug to a depth of about a meter with obligatory observance of a slope towards the drainage well;
  • Geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the trench;
  • the trench is filled with gravel, crushed stone, etc.;
  • A layer of turf is laid on top. This stage is optional, but allows you to give the site a more aesthetic appearance.

Deep drainage

Disposal of a large amount of groundwater requires the construction of a solid system - deep drainage of the site. The device of a deep drainage system is used in areas with clay soil located in lowlands and characterized by high groundwater levels.

The installation process is labor-intensive and consists of laying pipes (the diameter depends on the amount of water drained) from perforations into deep trenches (depending on the height of the soil water).

Closed drainage - pipe system

How to make drainage around the house with your own hands

Step-by-step instructions for installing closed drainage

  • Determine the location of the closed drainage system, which can be implemented in two options:
  1. pass only near the foundation, i.e. around the house (wall drainage), preventing water from penetrating directly into the house.
  2. be located throughout the site, thus protecting the basement of the cottage, as well as plantings and other outbuildings.

The drainage diagram around the house is shown in the photo

  • Mark the location of drainage ditches on the site. Typically, devices such as a laser range finder and level are used for this. But, you can make it simpler, trace where the water grooves remain after the rain - that’s where drainage trenches should be laid.
  • Dig trenches. When digging, be sure to observe the height difference. After all, water should flow to the drainage well, and not accumulate in pipes.

Advice. To check the “operability” of the trench, it is better to wait for heavy rain and see if there are any places of significant accumulation of water.

  • Lay a layer of geotextile. Its role in drainage is to filter water from impurities that could clog the drainage pipe perforations.

Advice. If you have clay soil, geotextile is a must; if you have crushed stone or sand, then it is not necessary.

You can use any geotexyl, the main thing is that it allows and filters water well. It is better not to use dense needle-punched geotextiles, because... it does not pass water well.

  • Fill the bottom (bottom) of the trench with gravel.

Lay a perforated pipe - the basis of the drainage system. Pipes can be ceramic or plastic. But any type of pipe must have perforation to receive water (perforation can be done independently, using a drill). The pipes are connected to each other using a cross or tee. Material prepared for the website

Advice. The pipe perforation should be smaller than the size of the smallest gravel particle.

  • Bring the ends of the pipe to inspection wells. Such wells are installed at all turns so that the system can be maintained. For example, clean a pipe with water pressure or evaluate changes in water level.

Advice. Collecting pipes over a large area of ​​the site must converge into a main pipe (with a diameter of more than 100 mm), which will carry collected water into the drainage well.

Lead the ends of the pipe into the drainage well. This is the last component closed system drainage.

According to their functional purpose, drainage wells are divided into two types:

  1. accumulating. This well has a sealed bottom. Water is accumulated in it and then used for irrigation;
  2. absorbing. A well without a bottom, the water in it gradually disappears into the soil.
  • Fill the geofabric with crushed stone without reaching top level earth 200mm.
  • Fill the drainage pipes with crushed stone to a height of 300mm.
  • Wrap the pipes with geotextile overlapping and secure the joints with rope.
  • Fill in sand, soil and/or lay turf.

Advice. Surface drainage can be installed on top of a closed system ( storm system) and also take it into the drainage well.

The finished drainage system is shown in cross-section in the photo.


Which of the listed types of drainage is right for you can only be determined by knowing the characteristics of the site. In general, you should choose the drainage around the house whose cost of installation and operation is the lowest, and of course, which you can do yourself. At the same time, it must perform the role of drainage efficiently and reliably. After all, according to experts, proper drainage around the house will extend its service life by more than 50 years.

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