We arrange a summer cottage with our own hands. Do-it-yourself garden plot How to arrange a small garden plot with your own hands

The areas allocated for planting vegetables are becoming smaller and smaller. More and more, owners are beginning to pay attention to the beauty of appearance and a comfortable stay in the fresh air. How to arrange a summer cottage with your own hands?

Classic options

Decoration with flowers - a classic of the genre

Decoration with flowers - not invented by us

The easiest way to start landscaping a summer cottage with your own hands is with flowers. When creating flower beds, it is important to pay attention to the used color scheme. Flowers can be planted both in the form of flower beds and in the form of a border. At the discretion of the owner, perennial or annual plants, as well as ornamental herbaceous plants and flowers that vary in height. We described what flower beds are and how to arrange them correctly in separate thematic articles. Today we are talking specifically about ideas for garden styling.

Plants and flowers planted along the lawn and forming a flowering border will look appropriate. The center of a lush, bright lawn can be decorated with a flower bed with colorful plants of varying heights. There are a lot of options for designing flower beds! You can frame them with a wooden fence or picturesque stones, make a fence from plastic bottles, sow the edges with ornamental plants or decorate them with wooden saw cuts. Even unnecessary household items and a wide variety of improvised devices are suitable for decorating a site with your own hands.

Alpine slide: without snow, but with flowers

The Alpine slide always attracts attention

Landscaping a summer cottage is possible by installing an alpine slide with your own hands. Alpine slides are now very popular even among novice garden designers. It is important to remember that their creation will require a change in the terrain of the earth, as well as the selection the right stones. Folded alpine slide on a flat surface and decorating it with cobblestones and flowers, you are unlikely to see your dream in the end. Such a slide will not add any aesthetics, but, on the contrary, will only add foreignness to it.

When the entire plot is already occupied and it is difficult to find a free corner, pay attention to the space next to the house. This place would be an excellent option for creating a blooming front garden.

Mobile solutions - for decoration

When there is no time and opportunity to fully improve the garden, you can use tubs, flowerpots or flowerpots. Having planted them unpretentious species plants, you can easily distribute all the beauty throughout the territory, and if necessary, you will rearrange it, thanks to the mobility of such a solution.

Flowerpots made from decorated buckets are a great option

By showing your imagination, you can elevate even an ordinary wooden box. By painting it in an unusual manner or hanging it from ropes that look like hands, you will add some humor and fun to the design.

Flower pots are great for creating sculptures. Having selected pots of different sizes, they are fastened with wire, refreshed with paints, flowers are added and woo-a-la - you have very cute and unique figures in front of you!

Ponds visible from afar

What else do they like to decorate summer cottages with, besides flowers? Of course, bodies of water. Ponds and little ponds in combination with green plants will become a piece of paradise in your garden. On hot summer days, sitting here will be a real pleasure. Ponds can be decorated in different ways; here an immense horizon of possibilities opens up for your imagination. Along the shore of the pond you can build a deck from wooden boards, which, in order not to have to worry about impregnating and painting them, can be replaced with composite ones. The advantage of this material is that it does not rot, does not change color and is very reminiscent of wood. The correct name for this coating is decking. It is also perfect for building a veranda or terrace, or for the side areas of a swimming pool.

Even a small pond will add the charm of water

Stone slabs will also do an excellent job as banks. The time spent will be justified, because as a result you will have a stunning and reliable pond. To better fix the stones, you should prepare the soil. Part of the soil is removed, crushed stone is poured in, thoroughly compacted and covered with a layer of sand on top. Stone slabs are already laid on top of the sand layer. For greater reliability, sand and cement should be poured into the gaps between the slabs in the form of a mixture. You need to remove the excess and wait for the rain, which, by wetting the blind area, will allow the cement to fasten the slabs to each other.

The owners, whose house is located not far from a quiet river, can collect suitable boulders on the shore and decorate the pond with them. However, it is quite possible to buy such stones at a garden center.

Made from paving stones garden paths It would be appropriate to move it to the shore of the pond. Then all the garden decoration will be decorated in the same style. The technique is similar to what we already mentioned above.

Lawn - beautiful music

Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands will be half finished if you create a well-groomed lawn on a small area. Maintaining green beauty is not easy. Consider the following lawn care tips:

  • seeds for planting must be of high quality and suitable for the local climate;
  • the edges of the lawn should be neat (you can use border tape);
  • regular mowing of grown grass is necessary;
  • Don’t forget about weeding, watering, fertilizing and repairing lawn imperfections.

How to use a lawn to make your property unique and inimitable? Land it in the form unusual shape. This landscaping technique will add zest to your garden.

Lawn as the basis for the wealth of green spaces

Arches and pergolas so that the flowers are not bare

When thinking about how to improve a summer cottage, one cannot help but think of pergolas, arches, and trellises. You can decorate the path to your home by installing a pergola or decorative arch. A durable, but at the same time elegant structure, entwined with a variety of bindweed, will be the ideal conductor to the recreation area. By installing the arches at a short distance from each other, you will eventually, after some time, get a shady corner where it will be so nice to sit and read on hot summer days.

The arch at the entrance lifts the mood

Selecting plants for landscaping decorative arches very wide: it can be ivy, grapes, honeysuckle, or climbing rose, which have very beautiful buds when flowering. If you choose virgin grapes as a plant, you won’t go wrong either. The color of the leaves will change from time to time: in early spring You will be pleased with the soft green fresh leaves; in the summer the foliage will acquire a rich green color, and in autumn you will enjoy the sight of bright red leaves.

Decorating the toilet as if it doesn't exist

The first building in a dacha is usually not even a change house, but a toilet. A necessary thing, I must say. How can a toilet become a decoration, you ask, since our conversation today is about transforming the site? We'll tell you how to turn a very prosaic thing into a source of pride for the owner.

Of course, putting the toilet in a visible place is not the best best idea, but it can be perfectly decorated. For example, make it from logs in the form of a birdhouse. Such a cute hut in itself evokes sympathy, and if you do some landscaping and plant flowers or low shrubs around, and even decorate a stone path, then the building will sparkle in a new way. See the photo below for an example.

A royal toilet for a royal owner

When we are arranging a site, it is important to pay attention to style, where the priority is appearance Houses. That is, when choosing a toilet design, you need to coordinate it with existing buildings.

If you want to make a toilet out of stone, show your imagination and depict it in the form of a knight’s castle. My home is my fortress, but don’t overdo it, otherwise neighbors and passers-by will consider it a rarity and want to visit it.

Original options

Dacha is a small country for creativity and limitless design. For beautification own plot the owner can use a variety of means and materials. We'll tell you how to transform and improve a boring garden patio and help him become sweet, cozy and unforgettable. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy anything, just look around and you will find a lot of useful, but, alas, unnecessary things. We offer ideas for the design of a summer house, garden and vegetable garden that are easy to implement with your own hands.

Flower bed but can't sleep

An old unnecessary bed will be an excellent base for a flower bed. Fill the base with soil and sow with perennials. This design solution will certainly fit perfectly into the garden landscape. The photo below shows one of the interesting options.

If only all dreams were like this

Fairytale straw goby

Your house is so reminiscent of your native village, where your grandmother kept a cow, pigs and other animals. How to bring back nostalgia into modern landscape design? A hay bull will be very appropriate, and most importantly, not much labor will be required. A frame is tied from wire and covered with hay on top. Be curious how great it turns out.

The touching charm of something made by hand

The stump feeder is not a rattle at all

It is not necessary to uproot the old stump that remains on the site. Make a bird feeder out of it. In cold weather, your yard will become a haven for titmice, sparrows and other birds looking to refresh themselves. Everyone: both children and adults, will enjoy watching the birds' meal. Inner part The stump should be hollowed out, leaving the side surfaces intact. Place some grains inside, and your feeder is ready to receive its first guests. Having made it from a tree stump, you can hang the product on a branch near the house.

Birds on a homemade feeder always sing beautifully

The grass figures are right in their own way

Something similar happens if the figure is topped with a sheet of artificial grass. The coating is reliable, weather-resistant and does not require watering. The frame can be made from almost any material, taking into account, of course, exposure to moisture and sun. Wonderful example garden sculpture- rhinoceros in the photo below.

A donkey from the grass drags a mass of beauty

Mesh figures are just sweets

Mesh garden figures are becoming increasingly popular. It could be a jug, a bird, a donkey, etc. Of course, you need to tinker a little to tie a beautiful figure from a green PVC-coated mesh with wire. Such products are complemented by weaving and climbing plants. Internal cavities can be covered with chalk plastic mesh also green, and then filled with soil. Then you can plant any plants that do not require moisture.

The weight of responsibility from flowers will not allow the peacock to fly away

Decorative well - landscape miracle worker

Flower wells look beautiful, from which various flowers seem to spill out. The presence of a well or a well made of concrete rings at the dacha will allow you to create decor on an existing foundation. Choose brick or stone to clad the walls. Such materials are most suitable, because they tolerate dampness well, and, therefore, will be a reliable “shelter” from rain, sun and frost. When you need to disguise frameless installations, choose any material for decoration - lining or boards, siding, plastic panels or tiles. The photo shows one of the options.

The decorative well harmonizes wonderfully with the decoration of the house

Cart for decoration - support for vision

Such an unusual design solution solves two problems at once: it serves as a flower bed on which you can place the volumes of two flower beds at once, and it will also be very original item decor. Today you can choose the most different variants carts Both sizes and styles will vary. The classic version is a cart in rustic style, but some prefer to choose a cart in the style of the Wild West or from Provencal streets for their garden. Carts can be made of wood or metal, or have combined parts.

The old cart scatters beauty

Small confusions and ways to solve them

Let's look at the most common site problems that worry owners the most. We improve uncomfortable and inconvenient areas:

  1. Lack of space for a flower bed. Great solution There will be a selection of beautiful stylized pots, flowerpots and flowerpots in which any plants can be planted. Such point decorations are very mobile and can be easily moved from one point in the garden to another.
  2. A simple chain-link fence does not have decorative feature and does not protect from prying eyes. The problem is solved by planting climbing plants next to the fence, which, entwined around the mesh, will not only create protection from prying eyes, but also give aesthetic pleasure. Choose as plants climbing rose, maiden grapes or ivy.
  3. Lack of space for arches and pergolas. As an alternative, choose any vertical object available in the garden: an old tree, a fence, walls of house buildings. This way you will receive blooming garden with climbing plants and decorate unsightly objects.
  4. An unsightly pillar on the place of execution, spoiling the view. Decorate it with flowers that can be planted in tin cans. You can also plant bindweed at the bottom of the post and let it brighten up the ugly object.

If you tickle your heels, you'll laugh
  1. You can beat up a boring garden with shrubs and plants that can be trimmed, such as boxwood. Thanks to this find you will decorate garden plot original greenery figures.
  2. Places that require camouflage, such as a crack in the foundation, can be decorated with cushion-shaped plants with a pleasant shade and three-dimensional shape. Such plants are usually shade-tolerant and can be planted in both shade and sun.
  3. The compost heap has unpleasant smell and does not add aesthetics to the landscape. Having created a green barrier around the perimeter from berries or decorative ones, but fragrant shrubs, You can solve both of these problems at once.
  4. The untidy appearance of the area is created by fallen autumn leaves. Due to the abundance of work, you don’t have time to remove them, and they spoil the whole look. Plant ground cover plants in the garden that will perfectly decorate fallen leaves.
  5. The existing path from concrete slabs can also be played. It is worth taking out the slabs in a checkerboard pattern and planting low ornamental plants in their place. So, the appearance of the path will become more attractive.
  6. Children run shortcuts across the lawn, and new paths appear that do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Fill them with gravel and it will look like it was intended.
  7. You can refresh the faded and dull colors of buildings and fences by painting. Wall painting will give the garden a bright, unusual and attractive look.

All dacha owners one day think about decorating it, adding something special to the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their vacation spot to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make the decorations with your own hands. Jewelry made independently will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

Choosing original ideas for a summer residence

Each dacha owner, if desired, can find a lot of different ideas for decorating his site. To make most of the decorations, only improvised means and minimum costs. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and dishes, car tires, remaining building materials and much more.

No dacha decoration is complete without intricate, interesting flower beds. Uniqueness flower arrangements you can add them by planting them in old containers. These can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various picket fences for flower beds.

They will always add comfort original tracks on a summer cottage. They are made from timber or stone. And leftover materials can always be used to build another composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular among country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build many interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, and borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

You should definitely place a bird feeder in your dacha. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a feeder, birds will be a frequent visitor to your summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, from an unnecessary block of wood, or from twigs.

Without much difficulty, you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the country atmosphere. For their manufacture, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, leftovers polyurethane foam, gypsum and other building materials. You just have to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised materials

The most popular among available materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think through the details so that the result is truly beautiful and does not resemble a pile of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut and can be easily shaped into the desired shape. And if you cover the result of the work suitable paints, then you get bright, unique decorations for your dacha. For example, you can make figures of animals (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale characters. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will become more and more perfect. With a large amount of unnecessary plastic, not only crafts, but also furniture are made from it.

If you have a glass cutter among your tools, you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle stands can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use containers from chocolate egg toys.

Leftovers natural stone Perfect for decorating a pond in your country house. A small pond will add unique comfort to the atmosphere of the dacha. Flower beds, crafts or a recreation area will look good around. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist always has old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area at the dacha

When landscaping and decorating your summer cottage, don’t forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of any age love swings. They can be made from regular boards and ropes or use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. It’s easy to build slides and swings from scrap materials. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

For kids, you will definitely need a sandbox. Its borders will look interesting from colorful bottles or wooden log houses. A sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will definitely love having their own playhouse on a summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. It all depends on your imagination. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the children themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence at the dacha

The uniqueness of the dacha plot is best emphasized by its fencing. A fence is not only the protection of the territory, but also the so-called calling card of the owners.

A simple wooden or iron fence is trivial. It definitely needs to be decorated. You can decorate the fence in the most different materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything your imagination allows for. For example, unnecessary brightly colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old disks. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any lighting. You can also apply different patterns to the discs.

A fence made of round timber, painted to look like colored pencils, looks impressive. This fence can also be used to fence off a children’s area in a dacha.

Any fence will look cozier if some climbing plants grow along it. Eat different kinds, which grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. There is no comparison in this case with wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until frost. It looks original when the “grape fence” turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an antique look.

Beautiful decorations for a low fence will be flowering shrubs, planted along it. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering times.

In the evening, different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It’s also possible to make them yourself from scrap materials. Or you can simply place candles in painted glass jars attached to the fence. The main thing is that the flame does not reach the fence.

Lovers of drawing will have a lot of room for imagination. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, scenes, cartoon characters, ornaments, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It’s easy to draw on any fence, but it’s easier on a fence made of corrugated board.

Compositions made from lids, shells, stones, and dishes look original. It’s easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on wooden fence.

We design flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform your dacha plot and add color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, you should definitely take into account their individual characteristics. First of all, you should decide on the “soloist” flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed. The choice can be made of three or four types.

The flower arrangement looks beautiful ornamental grasses and leaves of interesting shape. With them, the flowerbed will be original, even when the flowers are not blooming. But you shouldn’t try to place many different plants in your garden. The territory of the site should look holistic and harmonious.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. Flowerbeds also look more original if they are decorated around them. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article already mentioned that it is not difficult to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, cart, an unwanted beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done carefully and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, and interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flowerbed. To make it, you can use plastic bottles or cups, fencing made of tyna, and stones. The flower bed looks beautiful and smoothly turns into a lawn.

Setting up a relaxation area

The dacha must have a comfortable place to relax in the fresh air. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. This could be simply a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

A gazebo, which can be made from the remaining building materials, will look impressive on any summer cottage. Gazebos whose walls are decorated with climbing plants look beautiful. Bright soft pillows or blankets look cozy as decorations.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build wide wooden swing for relaxation or make canopies somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

You will definitely need a barbecue in the recreation area. It can be made, for example, from an old barrel. For evening and night time, flashlights can be provided.

When designing and decorating a dacha plot, it is worth remembering that a dacha is a place of rest from the everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm here, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the area with crafts or other design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

In order to relax comfortably at the dacha, it is not enough to just have a house. It is desirable that it be furnished with taste, regardless of its size. Even in a house with one room, where a cozy atmosphere has been created, you can feel more pleasant than in a tastelessly furnished mansion. Do you agree? Then we invite you to consider the simplest, but at the same time cool ideas for arrangement country house inside with your own hands. Photos of projects will help you choose your style.

Ideas for arranging the inside of a country house with your own hands, photo

Country house inside: how to arrange it?

Design small house It will be successful and comfortable if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Remove unnecessary things from the room.
  • When choosing furniture, it is best to give preference to multifunctional options: a folding bed, a sofa - a bed, folding table, or a model that goes into the closet. For small rooms, the ideal option would be transformable furniture.
  • The space should not be cluttered with wall cabinets. Their absence allows you to expand the room, it is better to hang several light shelves.
  • To expand the space use light shades furniture, textiles, decoration.

When planning permanent summer residence at the dacha, you should provide for the presence of running water and drainage Wastewater in an equipped septic tank. If in a holiday village there are interruptions in the water supply, then you can put a water tank with a volume of about 200 liters on the roof or a special pedestal. In addition, during the day, the water will heat up in the sun, and it can be used for summer shower. The container is installed higher than the taps.

If you need to arrange a warm toilet, you can purchase a dry toilet and install it in a house or an adjoining building, not forgetting to ventilate the room. Heating the house is very important. Even in summer, with prolonged rains, the room becomes damp and cool. If the house is not equipped with a stove or fireplace, you can install an infrared or convection heater that allows you to set a constant temperature mode.

The finishing of walls and ceilings inside the house can be done from various materials, many of which are environmentally friendly and practical. There are two types of gypsum boards on sale - gypsum fiber boards and dry plaster. The slabs are gypsum, strengthened with reinforced fibers, and pressed with cellulose fibers. Thanks to this, you get a reliable product into which it is not dangerous to screw a screw or hammer a nail. Gypsum fiber board is moisture resistant and can be used to decorate a kitchen, basement, bathroom. Dry plaster is gypsum, covered on both sides with cardboard, to which, for greater porosity, a foaming agent has been added, which helps reduce weight and thermal conductivity. Such products are convenient to use for interior decoration.

Plywood is a material that has been used since Soviet times. It is sold in any specialized store and is easy to work with. Plywood is pressed from several wood-fiber layers and can be standard or with increased moisture resistance. When covering a room, the walls “breathe,” which creates a healthy microclimate in the room. Good thermal insulation qualities will help make the house warmer, and sound insulation will ensure silence. Walls and ceilings covered with plywood can be painted, varnished or stained, or covered with wallpaper.

Materials for interior decoration of a country house

IN last years, used for finishing the interior of the house plastic panels, which are produced in two types - with photo printing and laminated. The first option is more suitable for creating original design, and the second will appeal to lovers of the classic style. The advantages of the panels include their ease of use, long term service, ease of care, variety of colors and textures, fire safety.

Wallpaper is no less popular for the decorative finishing of a country house; moreover, there is currently a wide variety of them: paper, liquid, textile, vinyl, photo wallpaper, glass wallpaper. In addition, natural or artificial stone, plastic lining, and plaster are used for finishing. The more time spent outside the city, the more comfortable the living space should be. To do this, you can take the following actions:

  • If the house does not have a porch, it is advisable to add one with a canopy on top. This will help unload the hallway; you can leave dirty shoes on the porch without bringing them into the house. You can put a small bench or a folding chair on it for relaxing.
  • Even if the house consists of one room, it needs a kitchen. Since it is impossible to allocate a full-fledged room, it is necessary to equip at least Kitchen Area. To do this, you need to put a cupboard for dishes, a table with chairs. It is convenient to use a sliding table or equip a tabletop that is attached to the wall, and it can be raised at any time to free up space. The chairs can be folding, which are easy to put away or take out if necessary. Ensure the availability of household appliances, from the minimum necessary devices– an electric stove (or electric stove) and a refrigerator, which will greatly facilitate living conditions.
  • It is necessary to take care of the arrangement sleeping place for each family member. It is no secret that many owners of summer cottages take furniture there that has already served its purpose. But sleeping on a sagging sofa or mattress is not only not comfortable, but also not healthy. After working day in the garden, you need good rest, on a comfortable bed. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase normal furniture, even the simplest one, but with a good mattress, which will allow you to feel rested after sleep.
  • Must be hung on windows and doors Mosquito nets, or use tulle curtains to prevent the access of flying insects.

IMPORTANT! The internal contents of a country house are determined by the type of its structure. If the room is small, then it is better to use built-in furniture (cabinets, benches), which can be built

Country house design styles

For a small country house, you can choose a country style design. This style is characterized by bright colors and organically combines wood and textiles. Colored pillows, napkins, and curtains will help create coziness. Handmade crafts, knitted items, and homemade items are also suitable for this.

If the furniture in the house is quite old-fashioned, but still good quality, you can equip the room in a retro style. Previously fashionable paintings and figurines will harmoniously fit into the interior. Arranged vases with fresh flowers will add a touch of charm. The general design of the room is done in light colors.

Designers recommend zoning the area, allocating areas for rest, sleep, and cooking. If it is not possible to allocate a separate room for a bedroom, you can fence it off sliding screen or a closet. It would be appropriate to place a small floor lamp or hang a sconce in each zone, which will add coziness in the evening.

Having bought or inherited a dacha, every owner thinks about how to arrange a dacha plot. There are many answers to this question. Some publications advise paying special attention to garden design when landscaping. This will allow you to decide on a recreation area and place it in a cozy place. Country forums recommend moving car parking off-site - this allows you to free up additional space.

Planning the design of the cottage

When planning how to decorate a summer cottage with your own hands, you must decide on the location of all areas: recreation, garden, car parking, gazebo, outbuildings. This needs to be done in advance, since your comfort depends on where and what will be located in the dacha. Visualize what a flower bed, garden or gazebo will look like. The layout can be designed on paper. Well, if you lack experience and don’t know how to create a design for a summer cottage, you can turn to specialists for help.

A beautiful garden is the pride of the owner

As practice shows, gardens in summer cottages have small sizes. The best option would be a landscape style location. To visually expand the boundaries of the site, it is recommended to plant shrubs, create rounded lawns, and meandering paths.

Remember that on small areas There should be no tall or bulky trees. If you still have one, it is advisable to give its crown an original shape. You can use pruning for this.

The design of a summer cottage can be done as in classic style, as well as in any other. Choose trees according to your taste: plant birches, linden or maples. If you want to have a garden of fruit plants, then it is better to choose dwarf varieties. You will free up space for lawns, and you can always place a bench for relaxation under the tree canopy.

Work on creating landscape design

Landscape design plays a special role in creating the design of a country residence. Firstly, it is beautiful, fashionable and cozy, and secondly, if you put in a little effort, your imagination and finances, the result will be amazing.

Work on landscape design should begin with planning and outlining the picture that you want to bring to life. Here there can only be your individual vision or simply a copy of the option you like.

When sketching on paper, do not forget to take into account existing buildings and plantings. It is also worth keeping in mind the area where your site is located. For example, if you live near a forest, then the landscape design should be in the style of the forest.

Don’t forget about the vegetation on the site. If you love fruit trees, then adding several types of wild ones will only add originality to the design. Plant linden, raspberries, blackberries, walnuts. These trees will both bear fruit and decorate the site.

Flower beds, pond - additional design elements

When arranging your summer cottage with your own hands, do not forget about flower beds. Experts recommend planting flowers that are low maintenance and low growing.

If you have a sufficient plot of land, then your own small pond will only make it more comfortable. Near the pond you can soak up the coolness on a bench, talk with friends, or just relax in the shade of the trees.

When deciding how to arrange a summer cottage, it is worth remembering that the main thing in design is simplicity, elegance and modesty.

The garden, made in Japanese style. Everything in it is in harmony with each other, looks natural and compact. A feature of such a garden is the presence of small-sized architectural structures, while flower beds, paths and lawns must only be of the correct shape.

Flowerbeds in the style of the four seasons look very original.

Swings in the country: rules of choice

In order for the dacha to be not only a place of work, but also a place of relaxation, you need to place a swing on the site. Swing sofas are considered the best option; they are suitable not only for entertaining children, but also for comfortable relaxation for adults.

To choose the right swing for your garden, you need to understand their types and operating principles. They are stationary, folding and folding, small-sized and designed for a large number of seats.

In stores you can be offered three options:

  • Economy class swing. Their cost is up to 200 USD. e. The frame is made of metal pipes with a polymer coating. Here you should pay special attention to the upholstery. In products from Russian or Belarusian manufacturers, it is made from cotton fabric, which quickly becomes unusable. But you can always buy a new case, they are on sale. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the presence of limiters or clamps. This is necessary for those owners who like to relax on a swing with coffee or another drink. When giving preference to Polish manufacturers, you must remember that their swings have a minimum load capacity and non-folding seats.
  • Comfort class products. Price category - up to 500 USD. e. You will receive products from Chinese or Swedish manufacturer. They may offer you wooden version swings - they are reliable; options made of metal and fabric of artificial origin.
  • Luxury swing. As a rule, the price for them is from 1500 USD. e. They have large warranty periods, are distinguished by high comfort and reliability.

Gazebo for a summer residence - which one to choose?

There are a lot of options for arranging and building a gazebo. You can order already ready-made option from the material you like or build it yourself.

If you love originality and the chosen design allows you to harmoniously fit the conversation into your summer cottage, then a forged building will be the best option. It will definitely be individual, since you yourself will be able to think over the type of elements.

A summerhouse made of wood looks good. You can also buy it ready-made or build it yourself. Suitable for this construction material from pine.

The building itself can be decorated with climbing plants, which will help harmoniously fit it into the existing design. The main thing you must remember: a gazebo for a summer residence should be spacious and comfortable for spending time.

A toilet in a summer cottage is one of the most basic outbuildings

When thinking about how to arrange your summer cottage, pay special attention to the toilet. You don’t have to invest a lot of money to create it. Today, ready-made toilet blocks - dry toilets - are available on the market. You can also order a ready-made wooden structure.

If you decide to build a toilet for your dacha yourself, you will need the following materials: slate, sheet iron, corrugated board, wooden board, plywood, fiberboard.

Waste disposal issue

Before starting construction, you must decide on the issue of waste disposal. There are several options:

  • Dig a cesspool and install a plastic or metal container. This method has minimal advantages, but there are a lot of disadvantages. Where should I take the filled container? Who will do this work?
  • Cesspool. After it is completely filled, you will have to move the toilet to a new place, fill the hole with bleach and bury it. This method is suitable for those who have large plots of land.
  • Dry toilet with special liquid. Waste products decompose under the influence of this liquid and can be thrown into the ground.

Once you decide on the type cesspool, you can move on to building a toilet. Optimal distance the distance to a residential building is considered 12 meters. Do not place the toilet on the border with your neighbors; they also dislike the odors from your premises. Do not forget that this structure should be at a distance of 25-30 meters from the water well.

How to arrange a summer cottage is up to each owner to decide for himself. Consult with your loved ones, and a solution will definitely be found regarding the placement of all buildings, gardens, lawns and decorative flower beds. When creating coziness and comfort in your summer cottage, do not be afraid of your fantasies. The main thing is that you feel good in this place. If you set a goal to create the most best site, you will definitely achieve it.

Buying a summer house comes with high expectations. In addition to the desired unity with nature, many want to create something aesthetically stunning there. Beautiful summer cottages made with one’s own hands are no longer a rare phenomenon. But everyone who has been involved in this type of work knows that this is not an easy task. To often fit everything you want into a modest area, you will need to try, and a selection of budget but original ideas can help with this.

Original ideas for landscaping

The Internet is a treasure trove examples arrangement of a summer cottage, but basically this is a cliched approach to zoning and planning. All beautiful plots ultimately grow from these two calculations. Of course, you can always find detailed diagrams the location of garden objects indicating the distances between them, adjusted almost to millimeters. However, these are such typical projects that they definitely won’t warm your soul. The only way out is your own decision.

Where to start

If the arrangement of the site with a chain-link mesh, a flower bed at the gate, straight landings trees and a square nesting-type vegetable garden - clearly not what we would like, we should realize: truly fairy garden can only be obtained by creating it with your own hands.

To do this, you will need to arm yourself with a pen, a notepad and set aside just a few hours of unoccupied time to generate your own original ideas for a country house. It would be very good if household members also joined this process.

Often the purchased dacha has already been ennobled with global buildings, then the entire mission will be limited to adjusting the territory to suit you, in other words, reorganizing the space surrounding the house.

Work on the garden project will begin with a discussion, so to speak, of a general strategic question: what exactly everyone would like to see in the suburban area and in which parts of it. On the site diagram it is necessary to mark each element taking into account its dimensions. It is important to respect the scaling.

If the site does not represent a separate island, but is inserted into the middle of a built-up complex, then, most likely, the draft project for optimizing the dacha will have to be transported and adjusted to regulatory requirements.


You should adhere to the prescribed rules not only because of possible fines, but also to save good neighborly relations. Embodying the most original ideas for a summer residence, you still need to not forget about your own conveniences and the comfort of those around you. Therefore you should:

  • try not to build a house closer than 3 meters from the boundary line;
  • take the trouble to coordinate the location of the septic tank and compost pit with your neighbors;
  • take into account the location of planting future trees - will they interfere with the neighboring territory, etc.

Regarding the last aspect, it is worth saying that the rules prohibit planting free-growing trees near neighbors. If there is a desire or need to grow them, then be sure to do so behind a three-meter exclusion zone. Detailed advice on the nuances of arrangement or development of the site can be obtained from the board.

Rules for the location of buildings

What exactly will grow on the dacha plot is being decided everyone independently. It can be turned into a wild forest and you can go there to pick mushrooms or stylize it as a noble nest. However, here we will consider a compromise average solution to creating an arrangement suburban area with your own hands, which suits most families and takes into account their basic needs.

What does this kind of project include:

  1. House.
  2. Utility premises.
  3. Garage.
  4. Parking for guests.
  5. Compact but productive vegetable garden.
  6. Gazebo.

Here you can add a children's playground, a swimming pool in summer, a trampoline, etc.

Don't be afraid of combinations! While the planted trees are growing, it would be nice to set up a small park in the garden area. You can try to combine a vegetable garden and a garden. Some gardeners consider this step to be a mistake, but in reality this is a very original idea for arranging a summer cottage.

Under trees with a well-groomed crown, trunk circles turn out to be a wonderful place for laying out spherical beds, on which the following will feel great:

  • beans;
  • cucumbers;

Specification of improvement tasks

When the plan for arrangement of suburban space is finalized family council, the moment will come to concretize its aspects. First of all, you should focus on the plants that will live on the territory of the house.

Simply listing what exactly will be planted is not enough. Everything should be analyzed:

  • what the grown plantings will look like;
  • how they will interact with each other;
  • whether family members are allergic to them;
  • what to expect from them in general, in specific seasons, etc.

A closer acquaintance with the selected types of flora will help you figure this out. It is worth noting on the plan the plants that are supposed to be planted.

Geography of the suburban area

Landscaping a suburban area with your own hands is associated with various subtleties. For example, if there are wetlands or simply waterlogged places on the territory, it is rational to use them for moisture-loving plants, especially if they are included in the wish list for seedlings. Otherwise, you will need to engage in soil drainage processes.

When selecting plants, consider the degree of illumination of the area and the type of soil. The shortcomings of the inherited area can be regarded not as flaws, but as an opportunity to get a unique landscape. These include:

  • stones;
  • soil unevenness;
  • unrooted stumps, etc.

So that they become not enemies, but allies, you can use either your own developments to transform them, or look for original ideas on how to equip your dacha from designers.

Garden space planning

The arrangement of the garden part begins with calculating its suitable area and the technology for forming beds. The latter do not necessarily have to be arranged in parallel rows.

Arc or circular plantings of herbs, berries and vegetables will look interesting. Such vegetable beds do not necessarily need to be concentrated in one corner. They can be scattered throughout the garden space.

Circular planting of vegetables

If the dacha plot is small, then there is a reason to think about vertical bed layout. This will require the construction of appropriate devices.

Vertical beds will come in handy for small areas. If in the beds with climbing varieties Install trellises for vegetables, you can organize very cute garden alleys. By combining the trellises with crossbars and running greenery along them, you can get luxurious pergolas. This solution will be especially appropriate and modern in arranging a dacha if you plant a vegetable garden right in front of the garden. Vegetable arcades will turn out to be a fabulous road deeper into it.

Trellis with climbing varieties

When planning a vegetable garden, it would be good to use such extraordinary ideas for summer cottage design as pyramidal beds. It's easy to build them. It is necessary to install a support, and it could easily be, for example, a beach umbrella, and attach about 20-25 ropes to it, the second end of which will be secured to pegs driven in around the perimeter.

Legumes, cucumbers and other plants with creeping shoots will rise along these strings.

Zoning works

When carrying out landscaping work, it is important to consider location of zones shading. Without this, it will not be possible to get a fruitful vegetable garden and beautiful garden. Fruit crops never planted in remote shady areas. This doesn't just affect herbaceous plants. The tree will also not begin to produce a crop until it leaves the shading zone. It will constantly grow upward, trying to expose its branches to the direct rays of the sun.

It should be remembered that only gazebos, benches, paths, hammocks and other inanimate things will feel great in dense shade, while everything else requires at least a small amount of sun.

So, the question of how to equip a dacha and its plot should no longer frighten anyone. After all, optimizing country estates is a protracted process, but it is incredibly exciting and truly creative, so it will never seem too boring or uninteresting.

As is already clear, there are no specific formulas for planning the territory of a site. Everything is entirely individual and depends on various factors. Do not be afraid of experiments: original ideas for a country house, without exaggeration, always give simply excellent results.

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