Appearance of recording cameras. Recording cameras - how they work and what they are like

Which can be recorded automatically is not legally defined. In theory, automatic cameras can record any violation of traffic rules. In practice, cameras are able to record only some traffic violations, but the list is constantly growing.

Let's consider cameras working together with traffic police officers. Such devices are additional tool, allowing you to confirm the driver’s guilt and impose a fine.

There are several possible use cases:

  • When the camera is with the inspector. The inspector films the traffic violation on camera and then stops the car.
  • When another traffic police officer has a camera. He records the violation of the rules on camera, after which he transmits the information to the nearest post. The driver is stopped at the checkpoint and fined.
  • Stationary camera in front of the traffic police post. The stationary camera works automatically; it recognizes license plates of passing cars, checks them against databases and transmits information about possible violations to post

Table 8.23 ​​“Photo and video recording”:

Types of devices with automatic fixation

Cameras operating in automatic mode are divided into:


Portable cameras require daily installation and configuration by traffic police officers. In practice, such cameras only record violations related to speeding.


Stationary cameras are constantly located at the same place on the road. They only need to be configured once, after which they can detect the following violations:

Stationary cameras can monitor traffic simultaneously in several lanes, including on counter traffic.


Mobile cameras are installed in State Traffic Inspectorate vehicles or in public transport. They record violations as these vehicles move.

Mobile cameras can record:

  • Over speed.
  • Violation of parking rules.
  • Violation of toll rules for heavy trucks.

Range and frequency of operation in the Russian Federation

There are several frequency ranges in which road radars are allowed to operate. These ranges are defined by international agreements.

In the world, 4 frequency ranges for road radars are most widespread:

  • X-band(10.525 GHz +25 MHz) - today they have almost completely given way to equipment using other frequencies, although some continue to use it.
  • K-band(24.15 GHz + 100 MHz) - basic for the vast majority of radars. The devices operating in it are more compact, but have a greater detection range than X-band devices.
  • Ka-band(33.4GHz - 36.0GHz).
  • La— laser range.

In Russia, only three of them are allowed: X, K and La - ranges.

What violations are recorded?

Cameras record violations provided for in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation– administrative offenses in the field of traffic.

The main violations that are detected using traffic cameras and other special technical means include:

  1. exceeding the permissible speed;
  2. driving in the oncoming lane or other violations of road markings (including turning from a lane that is not intended for this purpose);
  3. parking violations;
  4. driving on the side of the road, sidewalk or tram tracks (if this is prohibited on this section of the road);
  5. unfastened seat belts;
  6. conversation on mobile phone while driving a vehicle without a headset, etc.

REFERENCE! About 85-90% of all fines issued based on traffic camera recordings are related to speeding.

You can find out more about how and what traffic violations are recorded by video cameras.

Models used



One of the most widespread and frequently used Strelka systems in Russia. The stationary option includes the Strelka ST complex.

It is installed on large stands above the road at a height of 5-7 meters. The operating distance is up to 500 meters, when working on several lanes, up to four cameras are located on the stand.

Strelka can:

  • highlight objects exceeding the maximum permissible speed;
  • record the passage of a prohibiting traffic light signal;
  • recognize state license plates;
  • record the intersection of a solid line.

In this case, the data is recorded in still frames, and information is displayed on the operator’s monitor screen.


The St. Petersburg company Simikon produces the Kordon radar complex, which very different high angle visibility and is able to control up to four lanes of traffic. Its advantage is the accuracy of speed determination and fast transmission of data about violators.

These complexes are installed on lighting masts at a height of up to 10 meters from the road or directly above the roadway.

In addition to speed, Cordons reveal:

  1. those who like to drive on the side of the road, on the oncoming lane or in public transport lanes;
  2. over speed;
  3. It also works effectively at night.

Rapier-1 system

It is used exclusively in a stationary version to measure the speed of cars at a very close distance - up to 20m. It works both separately and together with various complexes.

The radar is placed at a distance of 4-9 meters from the road at an angle of 25° above the road surface. Range of measured speeds: 20–250 km/h.

Most often it is installed at a considerable distance from stationary traffic police posts, which gives traffic police officers time to prepare to stop the offender.

The Rapier device records in the controlled area:

  • state registration plates of cars;
  • violations of speed limits;
  • violations of road signs and overtaking rules.


If even car navigators know the coordinates of stationary video recording systems, then mobile cameras on tripods can appear anywhere, including in the coverage area of ​​temporary signs. They are used to record speed limits among motorists..


Chris-P is a mobile radar system. The radar recognizes the license plates, checks them against databases, and information about the driver and his car is sent to the nearest traffic police posts.

They install the KRIS-P radar on the edge of the roadway on a specialized tripod, and there will be a battery right there. It is important to orient the photo radar complex at such an angle that it covers the entire road surface, every lane.

Under good conditions, it takes photographs at 100 meters, otherwise, paired with infrared light, it can achieve clear photography at 50 meters.

Data is transmitted over a channel over a distance of up to 1.5 km, so if you see CRIS, you should count on a patrol car or a stationary traffic police post.

The model is quite outdated, the advantage is its small dimensions.


A stationary device can provide control of three lanes of traffic simultaneously. Characteristic advantage The device is easy to use. To install and put the device into working condition you need to spend no more than 10 minutes.

A distinctive feature is the ability to photograph a vehicle at the moment of speeding. The battery is designed for 8 hours of continuous operation.

Excellent photo quality helps inspectors recognize license plates with up to 90 percent accuracy. The traffic police uses the ARENA radar detector both on federal highways and in urban environments.

The operating range within which the device records speed is 20-250 kilometers per hour. Device so accurate that you can see the driver's facial features in photographs. In the photo in the upper left corner, photo radar records the exact date and time of the violation, as well as the speed of the vehicle.


"Radar Visir"

The Vizir speed meter is a new generation device. It not only measures the speed of moving cars, but also allows you to take photos and videos of violators, which is indisputable evidence when resolving conflict situations.

IMPORTANT! The radar allows you to measure speed in stationary and patrol modes at a distance of at least 400 m.

The advantages of the complex are:

  1. 10x optical zoom lens: clear, low-distortion images;
  2. high quality photographs;
  3. work in video (photo) modes with speed measurement;
  4. provides information about the date, time and speed of the vehicle into the frame;
  5. storage of frames in the archive.

"Radar Binar"

This is a hand-held video speed meter. An exclusive feature of the device is the presence of two television cameras that provide simultaneous recording of the traffic situation:

  • general plan (for a wide view of the road);
  • close-up (to obtain an image of the intruder with distinguishable license plates at a great distance).

Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Speed ​​measurement and video recording.
  2. Capable of recording two video streams (close-up and general plan).
  3. Displays an image of the intruder with a recorded speed, date, and time.
  4. The ability to quickly switch from one camera to another when measuring or viewing.
  5. Visually distinguishable license plate at distances of up to 200 meters.
  6. Enlarging the viewing frame, optimizing the license plate image.
  7. Saving videos and data on an SD flash card.

Speed ​​meter "Berkut"

The Berkut speed meter is a lightweight, compact, small-sized device. A bracket, handle or video clip can be easily attached to the meter. The handle has a built-in charger and battery, which ensures operation of the device for 10 hours in measurement mode without recharging.

Distinctive features and advantages:

  • easy to use, compact, easy to mount on a panel;
  • measuring the speed of vehicles both in the oncoming and in the same direction;
  • ability to work in patrol mode;
  • non-volatile memory;
  • equipped with backlight, which allows you to work with it in dark time days.

Which ones are they planning to connect?

"Fast and Furious"

The new Forsazh video recording system is capable of recording 11 types of traffic violations.

The complex has two ultra-clear image cameras, each camera is designed for four lanes of traffic. Installed on supports of any shape. The device is lightweight and compact.

The advantage is also:

  1. Speed ​​measurement is carried out using a non-radar method, with a small error.
  2. Fully automatic unloading.
  3. Equipped with remote diagnostic tools.
  4. Unpretentious to the quality of the supply network.
  5. Accuracy ± 2 km/h in the range 0-175 km/h and ± 5 km/h in the range 175-250 km/h.
  6. Measuring distances between objects on the road with an error of 0.1 m.


The Integra system is designed for information and analytical support for monitoring the movement of vehicles on highways, intersections and pedestrian crossings, operational analysis of the traffic situation and bringing the required information to users with access rights.

Using the Integra system:

  • helps reduce accident rates;
  • increase discipline among drivers and pedestrians;
  • control the traffic situation to organize traffic flow management;
  • promptly record violations.

The complex allows you to identify violations such as:

  1. crossing the stop line at a prohibiting traffic light;
  2. running a red light;
  3. driving in the oncoming lane;
  4. Failure to turn on (malfunction) running lights at a given time of day, etc.

About private video recordings

Private video cameras for recording traffic violations are currently a legal option for bringing car owners to justice under the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Since cameras on “tripods” are installed temporarily, no additional markings are required.

Surely, many drivers have seen cameras on tripods on the side of the road. But Not everyone realizes that it is not traffic police officers who are guarding these vehicles., and private individuals who transmit data on violations to traffic police stations and receive their interest from the fines issued.

The most common option is the use of private video recording equipment on mobile vehicles.

The specified mobile video recording system can be placed in hidden or open mode; the law does not establish restrictions in this regard.

The specified document must be sent to the violator, after which a complaint can be filed with a judicial authority within ten days. And it is impossible to track who recorded the violation by traffic police officers or private individuals.

In the future, the number of cameras on Russian roads will only grow. An increase in the number of stationary photo-video recording systems is provided for by the federal program “Improving road safety in 2013–2020.” Local targeted programs that include the installation of cameras on the roads are also increasingly being adopted.

Have good roads and don't break traffic rules!

The relationship between the traffic police and drivers in Russia has long been unique: inspectors show miracles of ingenuity, trying to catch violating motorists from roadside caches and ambushes, and they are no less inventive in disrupting this “hunt.” Both sides are attracting more and more new people to help in the unspoken struggle. technical means. A special role in this “game” is played by radars used by traffic police. Today, inspectors are armed with an impressive number of different speed meters. All devices differ in their features and operating principle, but they have one purpose - to measure the speed of the vehicle, identify and record a violation. Motorists are armed with radar detectors that warn the driver if radars and traffic police cameras are interested in his car. These devices record the emissions of police speed meters, thanks to which the person driving has the opportunity to take measures to safely overcome a patrol post or “ambush”. In order to choose the right anti-radar (radar detector), you need to have an idea of ​​what radars are currently used by traffic police patrols. The main detectors of the traffic police in Moscow (and Russia as a whole) form a fairly extensive list. The most common is ISKRA-1, supplied since 1997, and its more functional modifications ISKRA-1D, ISKRA-VIDEO 2MD, ISKRA-VIDEO 2MR. Portable BINAR is widely used, which can be operated both from the hand and from a patrol car on the move. Multifunctional devices BERKUT and RADIS can be seen everywhere, but technically and morally outdated SOKOL-M or PKS-4 are practically no longer used by traffic police inspectors in Moscow, although in the regions they have not yet been completely withdrawn from service due to their reliability and ease of operation. DPS radars RAPIRA-1, laser radars AMATA and LISD-2 are widely used. Modern radar systems KRIS, STRELKA can greatly spoil the nerves of traffic participants.

New radars developed in 2011 and 2012

The fight is going on with varying degrees of success. Patrol services are updating their arsenal, and motorists are quickly receiving radar detectors that can detect new traffic police radars. But appeared in Lately new products tend to tip the scales in favor of road safety services.

Radar frequencies and ranges

Traffic police radar ranges are determined by international agreements. Three bands are certified in Russia; the frequencies of all radars used by the traffic police in our country must be within their range.

X-band(operating frequency 10.525 GHz). The first detectors worked in this range, but today they have almost completely given way to equipment using other frequencies, although some foreign and Russian ones (BARRIER, SOKOL) continue to use it.

K-band(carrier frequency 24.150 GHz). Basic for the vast majority of traffic police radars in the world. The devices operating in it are more compact, but have a greater detection range than X-band devices.

L-band(operating frequency 700-1000 nm).

Promising Ka and Ku bands They have not yet been certified in Russia, and we do not use radar cameras in these ranges. The detectors used by motorists are tuned to the traffic police radar ranges of all frequencies used in our country.

Explanation: What types of photo and video recording cameras are used on Russian roads.

Today, the authorities have a lot of ways to bring drivers to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules. Indeed, in addition to traffic police officers, there are now photo and video cameras on the roads to guard the law, capable of monitoring vehicles around the clock and recording traffic offenses.

And their number is only growing every year. So, if at first such equipment could only record exceeding the established speed, today it easily records vehicles passing through a red light, driving beyond a stop line, driving along the side of the road, turning out of their lane, etc.

As a result, the cameras have become effective assistants to traffic police officers in the fight to reduce accidents on the road. This allowed the traffic police to partially reduce the number of traffic police officers and also focus on other equally important tasks in the field of road safety.

Photo recording of vehicles using the Skat-RIF complex.

Our online publication offers readers detailed review all photo and video recording cameras, which are currently widely used on Russian roads to monitor compliance with traffic rules by road users. Before we get into the characteristics of these complexes, we advise you to familiarize yourself with full list violations they detect. However, it should be noted that at the moment not every one of them threatens to draw up an administrative protocol. Some traffic violations are currently recorded only for the purpose of collecting statistics.

Here's the full list:

Illegal driving in public transport lanes

Driving on the side of the road

Traffic on tram tracks

Movement of freight transport in areas where the movement of this type of vehicle is prohibited

Vehicle traffic on a red traffic light

Entering a reversible lane at a red traffic light

Driving beyond the stop line

Turning from a lane not intended for such a maneuver

Entering an intersection if there is a traffic jam behind it

Driving in the oncoming lane

Registration of vehicles that have not paid for paid parking

Unfastened seat belt

Talking on a cell phone without using speakerphone

Low beam not turned on and dimensions

Ignoring road signs (stopping and parking in the wrong place, etc.)

Naturally, the most common violation recorded by photo and video cameras is exceeding the established speed limit. This is due to the fact that most of these cameras installed by the traffic police so far capture and administer only this type of traffic violation. As a result, it turns out that drivers most often receive fines for speeding.

However, as we have already said, every year new “electronic guards” appear on the roads, with much greater capabilities. So, today in some cities of Russia you can see cameras that record red light driving, cameras that control the legality of movement on public lanes.

Camera "Cordon-M" 4

In particular, the country's roads are being massively equipped with cameras that monitor compliance with stopping and parking rules, and cameras that monitor intersections (detection of violations of intersection rules). Here you can also add photo and video recording systems that control traffic in lanes (oncoming traffic is recorded), as well as monitoring illegal passage of freight vehicles.

Many traffic police cameras are designed to record violations of travel rules at railway crossings.

Recently, cameras have also appeared that detect drivers who do not give way to pedestrians.

This is how the Cordon camera recognizes license plates

And, apparently, the list of types of traffic offenses that are recorded by traffic police cameras will only expand over time.

So we don’t think that even the most law-abiding car owner will be able to go without fines for a long time. There are probably no drivers left in the country who have never received fines from traffic police cameras.

Naturally, the appearance of the “all-seeing eye” on the road led to a sharp increase in the collection of fines for traffic violations. True, at first the traffic police were faced with massive non-payment of fines from cameras. But after the introduction of a 50% discount on the payment of fines in the first 20 days from the date of the decision on an administrative offense, the debt of car owners decreased significantly.

So, let's take a closer look at what photo and video recording systems are used on Russian roads.

APK "AvtoUragan-VSM"

255 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar?: No

Products webpage:

Type of control:


What kind of camera is this: The AvtoUragan complex refers to stationary equipment that is designed to automatically read and record state license plates of vehicles on the road. The error in measuring the speed of this complex is only 2 km/h (both downward and upward).

Photoradar "PKS-4"

Maximum speed transport fixation: 250 km/h

Many radar detectors do not detect

Products webpage: n.d.

Type of control: Speed ​​and checking of vehicles using the databases of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Is the camera currently in use: No

What kind of camera is this: This photo complex for recording the flow of vehicles with control of state license plates was previously produced by the company SKB Tantal, which is currently declared bankrupt. But despite this, cameras from this company are still found on Russian roads. Although in most cases they don't work. By the way, the camera has an error in measuring speed of only 3 km/h.

Complex PTIK "Odyssey"

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 250 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: Yes

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: is an autonomous electronic unit to which remote cameras that monitor vehicles are connected. The complex was developed by TCOBDD LLC.

"Odyssey" can be equipped with a radar unit that records the speed of vehicles in order to detect traffic violations associated with exceeding the established speed.

Each remote camera monitors only one lane of traffic, while the unit itself can monitor up to 8 lanes simultaneously. Currently, Odyssey cameras can detect the following traffic violations:

  • - Exceeding the set speed of the vehicle
  • - Crossing a railway track outside a railway crossing, entering a railway crossing with a closed or closing barrier or with a prohibitory traffic light signal
  • - Driving on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks in violation of traffic rules
  • - Driving onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, as well as driving in violation of traffic regulations onto the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic, combined with a U-turn, a left turn or a detour around an obstacle
  • - Driving, in violation of traffic rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article
  • - Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed road signs or marking the roadway, except for the cases provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article and other articles of this chapter
  • - Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings
  • - Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road
  • - Failure to give priority in traffic to pedestrians or other road users
  • - Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas (speed)

In addition, the Odyssey complex has the ability to check vehicles using various government databases, including the search databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

Complex "Owl-2"

The Sova-2 photo complex for recording road traffic, like the PKS-4 photo radar, is outdated equipment that was previously widely used by the traffic police. As a rule, the Sova-2 complex was used at traffic police posts.

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 250 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: Yes

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: No

What kind of camera is this: is a complex consisting of a central electronic unit and cameras that record vehicles in traffic lanes passing by a stationary traffic police post. The main purpose of the complex is the automatic recognition of state vehicle registration plates for automatic checking against databases.

At the moment, the Sova-2 complex, developed by Prominform CJSC, has been discontinued due to outdated technology, which had a large measurement error. Thus, when recognizing license plates, the complex was able to identify the entire license plate of a car in 10% of cases.

In particular, some complexes previously used a radar module that recorded the speed of vehicles, which had a large error. The reason for the ineffectiveness of the equipment is the outdated technology for recording traffic, based on optical recognition.

Avtodoriya complex

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 250 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: No

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: a new generation of photo and video cameras for recording road traffic, designed primarily to detect traffic violations on various sections of roads. First of all, the complex is designed to control the set speed.

The main difference between Avtodoriya cameras is that the camera does not use a radar system to measure speed. Speed ​​measurement occurs by calculating the average speed of movement between several complexes. Avtodoriya cameras are equipped with an infrared system designed to illuminate vehicle license plates at night.

Currently, Avtodoria cameras are able to detect the following traffic violations:

Exceeding the set speed

Driving in a public transport lane or on the side of the road

Violations of parking and stopping rules

Driving through a prohibitory traffic light

Exiting the stop line

Unfastened seat belt

Low beam not on

Complex "Arena-S", "Krechet-SM", "Skat" and "Skat-RIF"

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 250 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: Yes

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: a rather old complex of photo and video recording, which at one time was widely used on Russian roads. This complex was produced by the company ZAO Olvia. Currently, this company has developed new traffic control systems with the ability to detect traffic violations. Thus, the Olvia company currently produces the following photo and video recording systems for vehicles: Krechet-SM, Skat and Skat-RIF. Despite the fact that the production of Arena-S complexes has been discontinued, this equipment is still used in many regions of Russia.

The Arena-S complex is primarily intended for speed control. As a rule, Arena-S cameras are installed on the side of roads (most often on poles) or above them. Thanks to the technology used, one camera can simultaneously monitor up to three lanes of traffic.

Automatic photo radar MultaRadar SD580

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 250 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: Yes

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: This is a photo radar camera protected by a vandal-proof iron box, manufactured by Jenoptik. This camera, despite its foreign origin, is used to control speed on Russian roads. As a rule, MultaRadar SD580 is equipped with a high-quality photo and video camera, which can not only take photographs of a vehicle that has violated traffic rules, but also record video footage.

Complex of photo and video recording of vehicles “Chris-S” and “Cordon”

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 250 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: Yes

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: At the moment, this complex, like the Arena photo radar, is not in production. But nevertheless, the complex is still used on many roads in the country. The stationary photoradar complex "KRIS-S" was produced by Simikon LLC.

The cameras of the KRIS-S complexes detect the following traffic violations:

  • - Exceeding the set speed
  • - Driving in violation of traffic rules to the side of the road intended for oncoming traffic
  • - Driving in the public transport lane

The Simikon company is also a manufacturer of another, more modern complex photo and video recording, which received the name “Cordon”. The advantage of this complex is that the cameras can monitor the movement of vehicles in both directions.

Moreover, one camera can record vehicles in four lanes at once (in both directions). The complex, as a rule, is used to detect traffic violations, as well as to register road traffic in order to calculate the intensity of the number of vehicles passing along a certain section of roads. Most often, Cordon cameras are used to control the set speed.

Photo and video recording complex "Strelka-ST"

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 180 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: yes (only expensive radar detectors can detect)

Products webpage:

Type of control: road traffic, traffic violations (including speed)

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: automated stationary complex “Strelka-ST” of the KKDDAS-01ST series is designed for automatic control of vehicles for automatic identification and measurement of vehicle movement parameters, for monitoring compliance with the Traffic Rules by its participants in terms of speed and placement on the roadway, for video recording of violations of traffic rules by vehicles, for the generation and transfer to the traffic control center of materials that reliably characterize the violations.

One of the most reliable assistants to the traffic police, created to identify traffic violations by road users. According to some reports (unfortunately, there is no official information on the manufacturer’s website), the operating range of the equipment is 1000 meters. However, according to other sources, Strelka-ST cameras record traffic violations (most often speed) at a distance of up to 500 meters. Visual fixation occurs at a distance of no more than 50 meters (photo fixation).

In other words, this type of radar detects a speed violation at a distance of 500 meters and then drives the car until the distance to the photo lens is 50 meters. Next, the traffic violation is photographed. The database ultimately contains a photograph showing the trajectory of the vehicle from the moment the speeding was initially recorded. The only disadvantage of the camera is the inability to record violations when vehicles move at speeds over 180 km/h.

Currently, in addition to speed measurements, the Strelka-ST camera can record the following traffic violations:

  • - Driving in the oncoming lane
  • - Driving in public transport lanes
  • - Driving on the side of the road
  • - Movement of freight transport in places where it is prohibited
  • - Violation of rules for crossing intersections
  • - Driving out of your lane
  • - Driving beyond the stop line

Complex "Parcon-S"

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: ---?

Is the camera detected by radar: No

Products webpage:

Type of control:

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: the stationary complex for monitoring violations of parking rules "PARKON-S" is produced by the company Simikon LLC, which previously also produced the photo radar "Kris-S" and is currently producing the photo and video recording complex "Cordon".

Unlike other complexes designed primarily to control the speed of vehicles, the stationary complex “PARKON-S” was created to detect violations of stopping or parking rules, to control parked cars in publicly important places, and to carry out operational search activities at federal or regional bases.

VOCORD Traffic complex

Maximum vehicle fixation speed: 300 km/h

Is the camera detected by radar: No

Products webpage:

Type of control: automatic detection of violations of stopping or parking rules

Is the camera currently in use: Yes

What kind of camera is this: this complex was developed by Vocord Telecom CJSC, which is located in Skolkovo. VOCORD Traffic cameras and equipment can currently recognize up to 15 types of offenses:

  • - Over speed
  • - Violations at intersections
  • - Violations at railway crossings
  • - Crossing a solid line (driving into oncoming traffic)
  • - Parking and stopping in the wrong place
  • - Entering the public transport lane, pedestrian or bicycle path, tram tracks in the opposite direction
  • - Failure to allow a pedestrian to pass at a regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossing
  • - Exceeding the maximum permissible weight and axle load (when integrated with WIM systems)

Today it is one of the most innovative complexes of photo and video recording of traffic offenses. For example, the main advantage of VOCORD Traffic cameras is the recording of traffic violations up to 300 km/h. True, this control is only possible when the speed is recorded by special detectors. When recording speed by the optical method using a conventional radar, the maximum speed of a moving object should not be higher than 250 km/h.

Mobile mobile cameras for photo and video recording

In addition to stationary photo and video recording cameras, mobile systems for recording traffic violations have also begun to be used in our country. Many of them are based on stationary photo and video recording systems, which we described above. True, unlike stationary cameras, mobile cameras have not yet become widespread in the country.

Here is the main list of mobile photo and video recording systems for traffic violations:

Have you heard about this Moscow story? The driver received a “letter of happiness” because there was… a shadow from his car on the side of the road. Literally the next day, a camera on the Moscow Ring Road mistook the glare of the headlights of a car driving without violation in the far right lane for an intruder. Then the collection of chamber art was replenished by a Nizhnekamsk fine for speeding by a tow truck, but the fine was issued for the car that this tow truck was transporting. And in the Moscow region, a driver was sent a fine for stopping on the side of the road at the request of a traffic police inspector. 

Let's add speed measurement errors here. For example, in Ulyanovsk the GAZelle “accelerated” to 233 km/h, and in Izhevsk Nexia, as it were, took off - the speed was recorded at 269 km/h. Judging by the delusional resolutions, none of the responsible persons are bothered by mistakes. In theory, the inspector’s signature on the “chain letter” serves as confirmation that the document was drawn up correctly. In fact, it is extremely rare for a living person to receive papers for verification - for example, if it was not possible to recognize the license plate automatically. How so? And so: electronic signature

- and no responsibility.

A recent inspection by the prosecutor's office showed that at the Moscow Parking Space Administrator (AMPS), fines for illegal parking are issued by persons not authorized by law. And the digital signatures of some employees are on orders issued on their day off. This is what complete trust in technology looks like: they say, since the camera recorded a violation, then an error is excluded.

And, for example, the owner of a Lada receives a fine, where a Mercedes-Benz is clearly visible in the photograph. The system identified the license plate, or the driver of the foreign car used a counterfeit tin. But none of the responsible persons even saw this discrepancy! The last one is, as usual, a motorist. He will have to run through authorities, waste time and nerves, proving his innocence. This is how the system is built. Or maybe the camera creators themselves are making mistakes?

The progress of Doppler radars is comparable to that of automobile radars: some things have become better, some things have become worse. Let’s remember the ancient “Barrier-2M”, the main tool of traffic cops twenty years ago. He identified the offender if he was driving alone or was 20–30 km/h behind the flow speed. Discussion on the topic “Whose speed is on the screen?” happened with the inspector on the spot and sometimes ended in favor of the driver. Nowadays, radars are crossed with cameras and can work autonomously. Does this mean that errors are excluded?


How does Strelka work? Like any other police camera, it recognizes images stored in memory - motorcycles, cars, trucks. She begins to lead the target (and not just one, but dozens - exact amount developers do not disclose) for 450–500 meters. This is the range under ideal conditions - with clean lenses and no precipitation or backlight. To keep the lenses in working condition, special fans and even washers are used.

A violation can be detected as soon as the vehicle enters the radar field of view. The camera then tracks her. Automatic license plate recognition and photographing are performed 50–70 meters before the Strelka installation site. If the car changed lanes several times or completely disappeared from visibility, hiding behind a truck or bus, then... theoretically, the system should “forget” the offender and free up the memory cell. In practice, there are often cases when the already saved speed is assigned to another car, which unfortunately ends up next to the real offender. It is she who is photographed by the “dispassionate” Strelka. I myself received an undeserved “letter of happiness,” so I readily believe stories about such cases. However, there is another scheme of work that should eliminate such errors. For example, the Cordon radar recognizes the license plate of a car, measures its speed and coordinates at the same time.

Today, most cameras on the roads read front license plates. As a result, motorcyclists feel unpunished and do not pay attention to speed limits. A fast and compact bike may not be captured correctly by the camera, since it rides almost right next to the cars. Guess who will receive a “letter of happiness” in this case? There are precedents.

Speed ​​can be measured in other ways. For example, Avtodoriya complexes calculate the average speed over a distance from a couple of hundred meters to several kilometers. There is no radar part in Avtodoria, only cameras photographing the car at the beginning and end of a given section. The distance is known, the travel time is also known - the speed is calculated using the simplest formula. But mistakes happen! There are cases when the system compiled pairs of photographs incorrectly, recording one car at the entrance and another at the exit. This is due to similar license plates and failures in their recognition.

The Vocord system can measure average speed with one camera taking several pictures in a row. In this case, radar is also not used. Considering the extremely small section of the road in the camera's field of view, we can talk about punishment for exceeding the actual speed.

The Autouragan system determines speed using a “certified optical method based on video images.” Translated from the language of the instructions into normal - for changing the size of a fixed object in the frame. For a car, this is the license plate.

Error cannot be excluded by any of the measurement methods. In the case of radars, it does not lie in the peculiarities of the application of the long-known Doppler effect, based on the laws of physics. The reasons are common to all - a computer failure or a virus. Radarless systems may incorrectly determine time and coordinates. “Vocords” and “Auto-Hurricanes” operating at short distances only need a small displacement at the moment a violation is detected (for example, due to a strong gust of wind) for awkward speed indicators to appear in the resolution.

All manufacturers unanimously say: it is useless to deceive the camera by trying to hide the license plate. But miracles don't happen. If it is overgrown with mud or ice, there will be no fine. There are also failures when the processing system does not recognize a seemingly clean tin.

Someone tries to be cunning to the best of their own imagination and depravity. The Internet abounds with various license plate sprays and fake numbers on magnets, which - in theory - confuse the camera and prevent identification of the characters.

As experience shows, they are all useless - we even tested “miracle” films and got a zero result (ZR, 2014, No. 5). And remember that if discovered by the inspector, these tricks will result in deprivation of rights.

The article will be found

Traffic cameras catch not only those who like to exceed the speed limit. You can receive a “letter of happiness” for driving into a bus or oncoming lane, for crossing a stop line, changing lanes, turning from the wrong lane, driving through an intersection or railroad crossing on a red light, for driving on the sidewalk or side of the road, and also if you don’t miss pedestrian

All these violations are monitored by radarless systems, which are configured according to a single scheme.

Manufacturers protect image processing and object recognition algorithms like a military secret. But general principles known. The camera is rigidly mounted on a pole or ramp, zones or trajectories are specified in its field of view, which the installation will monitor. Built-in positioning sensors monitor its position in space. If a slight shift occurs, the settings will be automatically adjusted. If the position change is significant, a signal will be sent to the technical support service.

To control the curb, oncoming lane or sidewalk, the following principle is used. An intruder is any car that appears in the designated sector. Moreover, to get a fine, it is enough to drive into the restricted zone even by a third of the width of the car. But if the camera malfunctions, even driving according to the rules will not save you. The system can detect the movement of a shadow or highlight that cannot have a license plate, and “designate” the nearest car as the violator.

True, in the case of the roadside there is a nuance - we are talking about an emergency stop permitted by the rules. Recognize currently used cameras alarm or a triangle placed on the road they don’t know how to do. So, if you happen to break down right in front of the lens, you will have to challenge the fine and prove your innocence. First, file a complaint with the traffic police or another authority responsible for issuing decisions. If it doesn't help, go to court. Which justification a particular inspector or judge will believe is an open question. I advise you to request a video fragment from the violation recording center where your offense is captured. It must be retained as evidence for each disposition, and only photographs are sent to the offender. You can provide a document confirming the fact of the breakdown, for example an invoice for a tow truck or from a service center. As a last resort, take a photo of the broken down car with the warning sign displayed.

When monitoring turns in the second or third row and changing lanes, cameras monitor the movement of specific vehicles. The memory contains a sector where you cannot move, as well as options for prohibited and permitted trajectories. Those who drive straight in the second lane or turn from the first are not considered violators.

If in all the described cases the complexes detect violators in a continuous mode, then those monitoring intersections and railway crossings- only when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal. However, they also work constantly to form a complete picture of what is happening.

You cannot “cover” the entire intersection with one camera, so multi-component systems are used for monitoring. The exact number of electronic monitors depends on the manufacturer, the number of violations monitored, and the lanes. If the system detects the car only when crossing the stop line after turning on the red light, a fine is issued under Part 2 of Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for entering the intersection when the traffic light is prohibited. The fact that the markings are erased or hidden by snow is not an excuse. After all, the stop line is duplicated by the “Stop” sign in front of the intersection. To its absence or incorrect installation you need to complain, and not give yourself indulgence to break the rules.

If the cameras also detected the car at the exit from the intersection, the resolution will indicate Part 1 of Article 12.12 (driving through a prohibiting traffic light). A similar scheme applies to railway crossings, only in this case the punishment is more severe (Part 1 of Article 12.10).

In 2011, traffic police surveillance cameras began to be installed and launched throughout Moscow. Cameras meet different types, and many of them record not only speed, but also driving through a red traffic light, making a U-turn across a solid road, entering the lane of fixed-route transport (which became relevant in the fall of 2011.) Cameras are hung and installed almost everywhere, in cities and regions, on suburban roads highways and busy intersections. In large cities, such as Moscow, more expensive cameras(for obvious reasons), but often we come across simpler types of cameras. I would like to note that simple traffic police radars have not gone anywhere, because... stationary cameras, fine you remotely, send you a receipt by mail. But with a simple or portable radar you can already get a fine on the spot;). Which makes their distribution more widespread.

As you know, there is always a counteraction to every action, and they come to the aid of motorists modern technologies. Car radar detectors versus cameras are devices that detect radiation from measuring instruments and are capable of warning the driver about a speed control zone. A radar detector is perfect for alerting about portable cameras on tripods that measure vehicle speed, spark-type cameras that are fired from the hand or installed in a traffic police car and connected to a laptop. And also about stationary cameras.

Let's figure out which traffic police cameras are found on the roads:

Arena– stationary traffic police camera. Measuring range from 20 to 250 km/h

Transmits information about a violation up to 1.5 km via radio channel, which often happens, for instant response and issuance of a fine, either via a wired network to a data collection point or to a storage device. The image will contain an image of the car, its speed, date and time of the image. The arena is capable of simultaneously controlling up to two lanes of traffic, the width is no more than 10 meters, and the coverage length is no more than 8 meters.

Arena 2– traffic police camera, differs from the Arena only in its anti-vandal housing. Arena mobile camera– its characteristics are no different from a stationary camera. Placed along the edges of the road, power is supplied from external source. Takes photographs of all cars exceeding the set speed threshold, usually more than 40 km/h, because below doesn't make much sense. The information is transmitted further to the traffic police car, after 500-1000 meters you are stopped and issued a fine. Almost all modern radars can handle Arena.

They see from afar and perfectly:

Visir– Measures and takes a photograph or video of the violation. Radar Visir allows you to measure speed in a patrol car or at a stationary post; it sees the car 400 meters away.

It has a 10x zoom and adds date and time information to the image.

Radice has compact size and weight. Can be mounted in a car or “shoot” from your hand. Capable of exchanging data with a computer or monitor. Radar Chris.

This is a photo-radar complex that produces video and photo recording of violations, not only of vehicle speed, but also of driving through a red light and violation of markings. Capable of transmitting data via radio channel up to 1.5 km to a traffic police post or vehicle. Has two modifications CHRIS S– Stationary complex and CHRIS P– mobile camera, placed on a tripod.

The maximum vehicle license plate recognition range is up to 100 meters.

Tripod option:

They take Chris without any problems, at different radar distances:

, for 1-1.5 km.

, more than 1–2 km. If Chris shoots in the back of the car, they'll handle it well devices with the best sensitivity from the premium segment

And They will take such a tripod for 500 meters. Radar PKS-4 – Speed ​​control post. Found at checkpoints on the Moscow Ring Road, often turned off. Radar ISKRA

– The most common traffic police radar. There are several modifications. Operates in the K frequency range.

Spark and its varieties are one of the most common police radars and are detected by almost all radar detectors, such as inexpensive brands Crunch, Sho-me, Neoline and more advanced ones such as Cobra, Street Storm, Beltronics, etc. Radar LISD-2F – DPS laser radar. Has a highly targeted laser beam

, which allows you to isolate any car from the stream, which also makes it difficult to detect for radar detectors. Photo with number up to 200 meters.

Laser radars are very weakly detected, they are guaranteed to be accepted by radars from Cobra, Street Storm, Radartech, as well as new Beltronics and Escort models.

– The latest stationary, less often mobile, difficult to detect complex. Until recently it was considered elusive.

The complex is based on a radar installation used in military aviation to intercept and track targets, so the Strelka camera begins to track the car already from 50-350 meters, when the driver cannot yet see it. The system can view five lanes of traffic simultaneously in zoom-in and zoom-out modes. The automated stationary traffic control complex "Strelka-ST" is fundamentally different from all others developed by domestic and foreign manufacturers

in that it measures the speed of not just one, but all vehicles within the radar coverage area. This eliminates errors in determining the speed of vehicles when they move at the same distance on different lanes of the road. In addition, it measures speeds not at one point, but at distances of up to 350 meters. Simultaneous service of up to 3-4 lanes makes the complex, compared to others, more cost-effective. The complex is available in stationary (Strelka-ST) and mobile (Strelka-M) versions.

Reasons for the wide spread of this complex:

Processing signals from all lanes at once (up to four) and generating a report with data on the speed and range of all objects;

Automatic identification of objects moving at speeds exceeding set thresholds;

Automatic issuance of a command (at a distance of about 50 m) and detection and recognition of the vehicle license plate;

Automatic formation of a freeze frame of a car that has violated the speed limit (the license plate number is clearly visible);

Unlike the police radars you know, the Strelka radar processes not only the signal with the maximum Doppler speed, but all reflected signals. The maximum processing speed of radar data is currently 80 ms, which makes it possible to synchronize radar readings with a stream of video signals from a panoramic video camera that produces readings at 12 frames per second.

Typically, this speed is sufficient to create a visually continuous series of video data.

The system operates as follows: The pulse radar emits pulses along the road surface(24.15 GHz with a pulse duration at the level of 0.5P emitted = 30 nsec with a pulse repetition period of 25 μsec), the signal reflected from all vehicles at a distance of up to 1000 meters is sent to the fast Fourier transform unit from where, after processing, speed-range data pairs are formed for all vehicles. At the same time there is a signal from the television digital camera aimed in the same direction. The video signal is processed by an image recognition program, which identifies moving vehicles against the background of the road and calculates the coordinates of the vehicle in the image frame, builds the trajectory of the recognized image across the frame and calculates the approximate speed of the vehicle across the frame. Data from the radar and data from the image analyzer are fed into a cross-correlation program, which correlates objects on the television image with range-velocity pairs received from the radar system. If any vehicle exceeds a given speed threshold, after identification has occurred by range and movement dynamics, then such a vehicle is considered an intruder and, when approaching a distance of 50 meters, it is photographed under conditions most favorable for the subsequent launch of the license plate recognition program.

Main technical characteristics

The maximum speed measurement range is 1000 m;

The minimum speed measurement range is 50 m;

The range of measured speeds is from 5 to 180 km/h;

Speed ​​measurement accuracy - 2 km/h;

Range measurement accuracy - no more than 5 m;

Video recording of movement - at least 8 frames per second,

The number of simultaneously processed strips is 4;

Data transmission range: - via fiber optic communication line - up to 30 km, via radio channel up to 5 km;

On this moment"Strelka" is detected by almost all modern radar detectors. The difference lies in the signal reception range, the notification method and the ability to determine the strength of the received signal.

The most advanced models for “catching” Strelok are:

Street Storm STR-9540EX

Street Storm STR-9020GPS EX

Street Storm STR-9000EX Blue display

Beltronics RX968S-R

Radartech Pilot 21RS

An example of Escort Redline RU working along the arrow in the city

We also have the opportunity to add the Strelok database and traffic police posts to any GPS navigator! These are the main and most common traffic police cameras and radars.

Recently, hybrid radar detectors combined with a GPS module and a coordinate base have begun to gain increasing popularity.

Another option to combat stationary cameras is a radar detector with a GPS module. A car radar detector that will pick up signals from conventional police radars, using a wave receiver, and also, using GPS, will notify you when you are approaching the installation site of a camera or traffic police post. Due to the built-in GPS, the radar detector understands where you are at the moment, and due to the camera base included in the radar detector, it knows when you are approaching such a point and warns the driver. This function is very helpful in identifying difficult-to-detect traffic police cameras like Strelka.

Manufacturers quickly picked up the new trend and released devices with built-in GPS. The list is quite diverse; you can check out the latest new radar detectors here at

The database of stationary cameras can also be entered into any GPS navigator, but this method will only help when detecting cameras that are in the database. But portable police radars are useless. Because The GPS navigator does not have a receiver for the waves emitted by police radars.

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