Creation of electronic tests. Master class for teachers on the topic “Creating electronic tests”; methodological development on technology on the topic. Conducting trial testing

1C: Electronic learning 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner

Development of electronic tests

Allows you to develop your own electronic tests and import tests from other developers. Other educational materials can also be imported: files, electronic courses, knowledge bases, glossaries, presentations, etc.

To make it easier to develop tests, there is a “wizard” for creating them. The test can be flexibly configured:

  • Purpose (purpose of application): certification or exercise;
  • lead time
  • Number of questions
  • Number of valid response attempts
  • Sequential or random order of questions

1C: Electronic learning. Examiner provides the ability to use a wide range of different question types when creating a test:

  • One of many. Allows you to choose one correct option from several proposed ones.
  • Many of many. Allows you to select several correct answers from several proposed ones.
  • According to the template. Allows you to set the ability for the user to enter an answer from the keyboard or select the correct answer from the list of available ones.
  • Table. As an answer, the user fills out the proposed table.
  • Correspondence. Allows you to establish correspondence between options.
  • Subsequence. Allows you to build an answer in the form of a logical sequence of elements.
  • Working with the program. Allows you to automatically check the result of actions in the information base of the configuration being studied on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.
  • Open question. Allows you to give a detailed answer to the question. The user enters the answer from the keyboard into the text field. The answer to the question is checked by the teacher.

For questions of the “One of many”, “Many of many”, “By template” types, it is possible to select answers from a pre-prepared list common to several questions (faceted presentation of questions).

It is possible to set the weight of a question in each test, as a result of which more important questions will have a greater influence on the final grade for passing the test than less important ones.

For open questions, there is an opportunity for them to be checked by the teacher.

It is possible to create hints for questions. The system allows, if necessary, to set rules for calculating penalty points for using hints.

The application solution provides a mechanism that allows the test taker to provide comments on the answers, if necessary, indicating errors and sections of the course that require additional elaboration. Thus, the interactivity of learning is maintained and prompt feedback is provided to the student on the quality of his knowledge acquisition.

The test can be formed in the form of a list of questions or in the form of rules for selecting questions from their thematic collections. One question can be added to several thematic collections. It is possible to automatically generate tests indicating which topic and how many questions should be included in the test. Questions from topics are selected randomly.

The exchange of training materials within the system is supported by the ability to import and export data in XML format, and training materials from external providers can be imported in the SCORM 2004 standard. It is possible to configure parameters for exporting and importing data.

Designed in 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner tests can be saved in the following formats:

  • SCORM 2004. This format is used to load electronic resources into an external learning management system that supports the SCORM 2004 format.
  • HTML, to run the test offline using any modern browser. This format is convenient to use if you need to transfer an electronic resource for review or post it on a website, but do not need to record and save test results.
  • For viewing in the web account. Subject to integration with the software product “1C: Electronic learning. Teacher and student web account" electronic tests will be published in the web account so that students and teachers can access them through the website under the terms of an unlimited client license for 1C: Enterprise 8 workstations.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • creation of electronic tests in the word processor MS Word;
  • form protection;
  • saving a text document.

Software used: word processor MS Word.

1. Explanation of new material.

  • · What is needed to create an electronic test?
  • · How to protect Forms?
  • · How to edit Electronic Tests?

2. Demonstration display on the Main computer through the Multimedia projector:

2) Open Microsoft Word. Bring up the “Forms” panel on the screen by executing the command View Forms Toolbar.

3. Practical work.

1) Using an example Applications 9 I invite students to answer the test.

2) Then we start creating the test on the computer.

Enter last name, first name.

Enter class.

Do you have a computer at home?

Your favorite subject:

Fixing the material. Using the “Check” and “Combo Box” icons, continue typing the test (the tests are prepared in advance in printed form).

Bible stories (Card No. 1)

Question No. 1: Patriarch, son of Isaac and Rebekah, legendary ancestor of the “twelve tribes of Israel”:

Question #2: The first temple dedicated to Yahweh was built in Jerusalem under the king:

2. Solomon

Question No. 3: Jeremiah’s lament about the sad fate of the city:

1. Jerusalem

2. Babylon

3. Jericho

Question No. 4: “Vanity of vanities - all is vanity”, these are the words:

2. Ecclesiastes

3. Jeremiah

Question No. 5: The Philistine hero Goliath was defeated:

Question #6: The main character of the book "Exodus":

3. Solomon

Question #7: The first king of Israel was:

Question No. 9: Container of the tablets with the commandments:

3. ark of the covenant

Question No. 10: Beloved wife of Jacob, mother of Joseph:

Culture of the Age of Enlightenment (Card No. 2)

Question No. 1: Name the country in which the slogan “Liberty, equality, fraternity” was born during the Enlightenment:

1. Germany

3. France

Question No. 2: In the 18th century in France, wonderful comedies “The Barber of Seville” and “The Marriage of Figaro” were created. Indicate which of the following writers is the author of these works:

1. Alain Rene Lesage

2. Joseph Chenier

3. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

4. Rouget de Lisle

Western European culture of the 19th Century (Card No. 3)

Question No. 1: In the last third of the 19th century, a new direction in painting emerged, which is characterized by the fact that the artist in his works strives to naturally depict the world in its mobility and variability. Select the name of this direction from the options below:

1. surrealism

2. impressionism

3. expressionism

4. abstract art

Question No. 2: By the middle of the 19th century, realistic tendencies were becoming increasingly stronger in French literature, which then became the main direction of all French literature. The novels “Lost Illusions”, “Père Goriot”, “Shagreen Skin”, “Gobsek” are not a complete list of works by one of the realist writers of France. Choose from the following 19th-century French realist writers the author of these novels:

1. Frederic Stendhal

2. Honore de Balzac

3. Prosper Merimee

4. Gustave Flaubert

Culture of Ancient Egypt (Card No. 4)

Question No. 1: What is the name of the architect, astronomer, and doctor who built the step pyramid for Pharaoh Djoser in Saqqara in the 38th century BC:

3. Imhotep

4. Amenhotep

Question No. 2: To which god were the famous Theban temples in Karnak and Luxor built:

1. Osiris

5. Anubis

Question No. 3: Ushabti is:

1. part of the sarcophagus

2. painting of the wall of the burial chamber

3. magical funeral figurines

4. vessels for storing the entrails of the embalmed body of the pharaoh

Question No. 4: What is the “Golden Ratio”:

1. part of the area of ​​a geometric figure

2. point of intersection of two lines

3. the ratio of two segments having a constant value

4. line of intersection of two planes

Question No. 5: Name the only female pharaoh of Ancient Egypt:

1. Nefertiti

2. Hatshepsut

Question No. 6: Name the period (kingdom) of Ancient Egypt when jewelry was made from iron, and gold and silver began to act as materials of value:

1. Early Kingdom

2. Ancient kingdom

3. Middle Kingdom

4. New Kingdom

5. Late period

Culture of Ancient Rome (Card No. 5)

Question No. 1: During the period of the Roman Republic, a sculptural image of the togatus type began to develop, which represented:

1. relief image of statesmen

2. sculpture of noble Romans

3. image of a Roman dressed in a toga

4. sculptural portraits in the spirit of the Etruscan cult of veneration of ancestors

Question No. 2: In 81, one of the best triumphal arches was erected in Rome, which is a twenty-meter marble structure, decorated with a bronze sculptural group depicting the emperor on a chariot drawn by four horses. In honor of which emperor was this arch erected?

1. Vespasian

4. Tiberius

Question No. 3: Among the squares of imperial Rome, the Forum, built in 109-113, stood out for its grandiose size. On the forum square there was an equestrian statue of the emperor and a thirty-meter column named after him. In honor of which of the following emperors was this Forum created, a column and an equestrian monument erected:

2. Vespasian

5. Caligula

Question No. 4: In 211-216. In Rome, Emperor Caracalla erected one of the largest structures. What kind of building was this?

1. Pantheon

2. aqueduct

4. basilica

Question No. 5: Around 70, the famous equestrian statue was created of the Roman emperor - “a philosopher on the throne”, who wrote in his diary: “The time of human life is a moment, its essence is an eternal flow, sensation is vague, the structure of the whole body is perishable, the soul - unstable, fate - mysterious, glory - unreliable." To which emperor was this monument erected?

1. Konstantin

3. Marcus Aurelius

Grade 6 Atmosphere (Card No. 6)

1. The main source of increasing carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere is...

A. stoves and fireplaces

b. car exhaust gases

V. plant breathing


2. The destruction of the Earth's ozone layer can lead humanity...

A. to population growth

b. to skin cancer

V. excess food

to clean drinking water

3. The air near the Earth's surface contains the most...

A. oxygen

g. carbon dioxide

4. Why is it better to sunbathe on the beaches of the Moscow region rather than in Moscow?

A. houses block out the sun

b. high dust content in the air

V. asphalt reflects the sun's rays well

there are few bodies of fresh water

5. Acid rain may fall...

A. everywhere

b. only in the northern hemisphere

V. only in your area

only in the southern hemisphere

6. With altitude, air pressure...

A. rises

b. goes down

V. first decreases, then increases

g. does not change

7. Clouds consisting of tiny ice crystals -

A. feathery

b. layered

V. crystalline


8. The condensation of water vapor in the surface layer of the atmosphere is called..

A. clouds

b. air

V. fog

9. Air movement in the horizontal direction -

b. clouds

g. air masses

10. Condensation of water vapor at different heights above the earth's surface -

A. air

g. clouds

11. Moving parts of the troposphere, differing in their properties -

A. clouds

V. air masses

12. The ozone layer is located in...

A. troposphere

b. mesosphere

V. stratosphere


13. The layer of the atmosphere where all weather phenomena occur -

A. stratosphere

b. ozone

V. troposphere


14. With altitude, air temperature...

A. goes down

b. rises

V. goes down, then goes up

g. rises, then falls

15. Clouds that look like cotton wool scattered across the sky and form at an altitude of 1-2 km -

A. feathery

b. cumulus

V. layered

d. crystalline

Grade 6 Geographical discoveries (Card No. 7)

1. Who was the first of the 15th century navigators. discovered the lands of the Western Hemisphere (New World)?

A. H. Columbus

b. J. Cook

V. A. Vespucci

Mr. Marco Polo

2. The first voyage around the Earth in the 16th century. committed...

A. H. Columbus

b. F. Magellan

V. R. Scott

Vasco da Gama

3. Who was the organizer of the world's first Geographical Research Institute?

A. M. Behaim

b. A. Vespucci

V. H. Columbus

Mr. Henry the Navigator

4. What great traveler is named after the strait separating the mainland of South America and the island of Tierra del Fuego?

A. H. Columba

b. A. Vespucci

V. F. Magellan

Vasco da Gama

5. The New World includes continents...

A. North America and South America

b. Australia and Antarctica

V. Africa


6. Which of the sailors in the 15th century. first to open the sea route to India?

A. H. Columbus

b. Vasco da Gama

V. A. Vespucci

Mr. F. Magellan

7. Christopher Columbus’s expedition included...

A. 5 ships

b. 3 ships

V. 8 ships

4 ships

8. In the Middle Ages, sea charts were called...

A. tablets

b. portraits

V. portolans


9. What geographical feature is named after H. Columbus?

A. island

b. strait

V. state

10. For the first time, America, as a separate continent, was depicted on the map...

A. Beheim

b. Mercator

V. Waldseemuller


11. F. Magellan’s expedition included...

A. 5 ships

b. 3 ships

V. 8 ships

4 ships

12. The unity of the World Ocean was finally proven by the expedition...

A. H. Columba

b. F. Magellan

V. V. Gama

Mr. M. Polo

13. The first round-the-world expedition was organized...

A. A. Vespucci

b. H. Columbus

V. F. Magellan

Mr. V. Gama

14. What geographical object is named after F. Magellan?

A. island

b. strait

V. state

15. In the Middle Ages, a ship capable of sailing long distances was called...

A. sailboat

  • What did you have difficulty with?
  • 6. Homework. Compose a test on the topic: “Paint graphic editor”

    The work is designed to train teachers and additional education teachers in order to improve computer literacy. The workshop is aimed at more efficient use of electronic resources. The effectiveness (intended and (or) existing) of using this educational and methodological development is designed for better assimilation by students of the content of the new topic, and contributes to the achievement of the level of required results by schoolchildren.



    Master class lesson

    For teachers of general education institutions, teachers of additional education on the topic:

    “Creating electronic tests in PowerPoint environment.”

    Developed by: Usoltsev Alexander Gennadievich, teacher of technology and drawing, teacher of additional education of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Muzhevskaya secondary school named after N.V. Arkhangelsky", I quarter. cat.

    Target : Studying and consolidating ways to create electronic tests,

    For frontal testing of students' knowledge.

    Men 2013


    1. Introductory safety training on working on a personal computer.

    2. The importance of test control in the lesson (session).

    4. Introduction to the algorithm for creating electronic tests with demonstration.

    5. Practical part.

    5.1. creation of electronic tests based on the algorithm of actions.

    5.2. independent work.

    6. Summing up the lesson.


    1. Computer class.

    2. Multimedia projector.

    3. Interactive whiteboard.

    4. Programs Paint, PowerPoint.

    Induction training.

    First of all, listeners are reminded of the need to follow safety rules when working on a PC and are reminded of simple rules by following which you can protect yourself from the harmful effects of working on a computer and maintain your health for many years. In order to activate attention, listeners are asked to answer the question: “How to properly organize your working time when working at a computer?” During the conversation, general conclusions are drawn:

    1. To provide the brain with rest when working at the computer and preserve its resources, it is necessary to take 10-15 minute breaks every hour.

    2. The user needs to perform special eye exercises every 50-60 minutes.

    3. An important condition is the arrangement of the user’s workplace. The seat height of an ergonomic chair should be such that the hands placed on the keyboard are horizontal. The chair must have armrests and a headrest. The chair must be adjusted to suit your body shape (height, build, etc.). Feet should rest on a special stand or floor. It is necessary to place special massagers such as the Kuznetsov applicator on the seat to improve blood supply to the pelvic organs.

    3. The monitor (its upper level) should be located slightly below eye level, the lower part of the monitor should be tilted at a slight angle to the person working (that is, located closer). This provides an optimal level of visual axis tilt, which will lead to less eye fatigue.

    The importance of close control in the work of a teacher.

    Each person is individual and unique, and the individual characteristics of the student must be taken into account when combining students into groups in the process of implementing level differentiation. The student’s educational motivation, his will and the content-operational component influence the final result of the activity. An ideal group of students can be considered if all three components are at the highest level - strong motivation, will and the content-operational component. Such students grasp new material on the fly; a small number of examples is enough for them to be able to solve problems in standard and modified situations, as well as to show creativity in learning activities.

    A special group in the educational process consists of students who show motivation and volitional efforts, but barely achieve the required learning outcomes due to the low level of the content-operational component. Such students need a large number of training exercises to master new material. For example, when monitoring students' knowledge, the teacher needs to have a set of tasks that help the student better understand the content of the topic and remember it. Such tasks can be presented in the form of tests. To create and preserve such didactic materials, it is reasonable to use the capabilities of information and computer technologies. Training exercises created with the help of computer technology, in addition to their main purpose, teach schoolchildren to navigate in various learning environments. An example is a test on the topic: “a machine and its main parts”, an electronic version created in PowerPoint using hyperlinks.

    A hyperlink is a specially formatted text or picture that contains a hidden address for another resource. Clicking a hyperlink takes you to the specified document, which appears either in the active browser window or in a newly opened window.

    Hyperlinks are one of the most important elements of web pages. We can say that web technology was developed precisely for the sake of hyperlinks. The creators of HTML and some other earlier hypertext tagging languages ​​were tasked with dynamically linking documents located in different files and on different computers. Indeed, instead of rewriting and copying data, it is much more convenient to be able to indicate the address of the original source in the document and go to it with a mouse click. The electronic test will be designed on this principle.

    The question is asked in the form of text, and the answer options can be either in the form of text or in the form of images.

    Practical part. Creation of electronic tests based on the algorithm of actions.

    “It’s better to see once than to hear five times” is one of the basic rules when working with application programs. Therefore, the next stage of the master class demonstrates the sequence of constructing the test. For this purpose, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, and pre-prepared versions of images are used (for clarity, I used ready-made graphic technology tests).

    1. In PowerPoint, create a title for the test.

    2.Create a blank slide.

    3. Open the image in Paint.

    Use the selection command to frame the copied image.

    4. By pressing the key combination Ctrl+C, copy the image. Go back to PowerPoint and press the Ctrl+V key combination to insert the image.

    8. Go to the slide with the images, select the first one, then right-click and select “hyperlink” from the menu that appears.

    9. In the window that appears, select the “place in document” mode and select the appropriate slide.

    10. The slide is incorrectly correct.

    Practical part. Independent work on the algorithm of actions.

    To consolidate knowledge in the field of creating electronic tests, those present are invited to try their hand. Each participant in the master class is given a pre-printed algorithm for constructing a test (Appendix No. 1); on all computers in the office, folders with test images are prepared in advance on the desktop. Teachers, using an algorithm, begin toindependent work.

    Summing up the lesson.

    The use of programmed test tasks in practice has shown that students become more motivated to learn and better assimilate the content of a new topic. Responsibility for the results of acquired knowledge increases, since the assessment is completely independent of the teacher. Depending on the goals set, the teacher can use this type of control both at the intermediate stage of mastering the level of knowledge and at the final stage.

    At the end of the lesson, students are asked to complete

    The test starts by pressing F5.

    Selecting an answer is done by clicking on the expected answer option.

    If you select the wrong answer, the computer returns to the test; selecting the correct answer automatically loads the next test question.


    To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:

    Machine and its main parts






    Algorithm for constructing an electronic test

    1. Create a test title in PowerPoint

    2.Create a blank slide

    3. Open the image in Paint

    and use the selection command to frame the copied image

    4. By pressing the combination Ctrl+C, copy the image. Go back to PowerPoint and press the Ctrl+V key combination to insert the image.

    5. By stretching the frame, set the desired image size.

    6. Copy and paste the rest of the images needed for the test.

    7.Create two more blank slides. In one we write correct, the second is incorrect.

    8. Go to the slide with images, select the first one and click the second mouse button, in the menu that appears, select the hyperlink item

    9. In the window that appears, select the location in document mode and select the appropriate location

    10. The slide is wrong. create a hyperlink to a slide with images, and to the slide Right hyperlink to the next test.

    11. We demonstrate how the test works.

    Interdistrict competitions for young researchers

    "Step into the Future"

    Research work on the topic:

    Computer science section.

    Scientific supervisor: Tatyana Aleksandrovna Dremukhina, 1st category teacher of mathematics and computer science

    Severobaykalsk. MAOU "Secondary School No. 3"

    “Creating electronic tests using computer programs”


      Introduction 3 pages

      Creation of electronic tests using information technology 5 pages.

      Survey results 9 pages.

      Conclusions. 10 pages

      List of information sources 11 pages.

    1. Introduction.

    Currently, the field of computer technology is developing rapidly, and new products are constantly appearing. However, within the existing and long-used capabilities of the computer there are a huge number of secrets. Electronic tests, as an effective way to control knowledge, are of interest not only to computer science teachers, but also to teachers of other disciplines not related to information technology. However, if the creation of text documents and electronic presentations is not a problem for modern teachers, then creating their own computer tests causes significant difficulties. Not all teachers are competent enough to write tests on their own.

    The use of electronic tests allows you to:

      Immediately after completing the test, each student receives a mark;

      Students themselves evaluate their knowledge and capabilities;

      Simultaneous testing of the knowledge of all students;

      Form motivation in students to prepare for each lesson, discipline them, develop students’ conscientiousness and accuracy;

      Individualize the work: with a strong student - study, ahead of the group with the expansion of knowledge, and with a weak student - master the mandatory minimum at a pace acceptable for him;

      Check with the teacher a large amount of studied material;

      Use time in class more rationally;

      Carry out inspections more often;

      Avoid paper costs.

    The idea for my topic arose as a result of the fact that my supervisor suggested the topic to me: Creating electronic tests in the programMSExcel, but as a result of searching, I discovered that tests can be created in other programs using a programming languageVisualBasicforApplicationthis language turned out to be quite simple and similar to the languageBasic, so it turned out to be easy to create tests using it.

    Relevance of the topic : Since the importance of testing technologies in the educational process is steadily growing, I decided to learn about additional possibilities for creating tests. The compiled tests can be used by both students in preparation for exams, and teachers in their lessons and in extracurricular activities. Also, having mastered the technology of creating tests, you can do them in different subjects. In addition, I plan to enter a university with a degree in programming.

    I set myselftarget : create tests in a programming languageVisualBasicforApplications. This goal was accompanied by the followingtasks:

      Learn a programming languageVisualBasicforApplications

      Familiarize yourself with the technology of compiling computer tests with selective answer options in various programs;

      Develop questions for tests;

      Analyze the results obtained.

      Conduct a survey about the benefits of computer testing

      Prepare an electronic application with a set of tests for basic subjects in 9th grade.

    Hypothesis: I suggested that using a programming languageVisualBasicforApplicationsIt is possible to create a universal testing program that allows testing online.

    Research methods: searchmethod (use of reference and educational literature, as well as information resources of the global Internet);practicalmethod (creating tests);researchmethod.analysisdata obtained during the study; descriptive.

    Object of study: programming languageVisualBasicforApplications.

    Subject of study: testing program located on the Internet at

    2.Creation of electronic tests using information technology

    Currently, there are many test shells, including free ones, in which you can create various tests. But you shouldn’t miss the chance to create colorfully designed tests using the program’s capabilities:

      Microsoft Office Word - text editor.

      Microsoft Office Excel - spreadsheet editor;

      Microsoft Office PowerPoint - presentation software.

    Here are some examples of tests with instructions for creating programs created in these programs.

    First, I'll talk about creating tests inExcelsince this program is the most convenient for this. Using it, I created a small test of 10 questions

    The first question looks like this:

    It’s not difficult to create such a test, you just need to write a question, answer options and create a field with a drop-down list under them; to do this, go to Data → Click → Data check and in the data type field, select a list, enter in the source field the letters you need to select or numbers (separated;) or select cells from which you need to select an answer option.

    Click ok and the list is ready. Next, you should make a “Next question” button. To do this, just go to Insert, then click the hyperlink and indicate what this link should point to in this test, it points to the next sheet with the question

    Having created a certain number of questions, we proceed to creating a sheet with the results.

    The easiest way to create this page is to use the sum function to write the number of points in the corresponding cell and using the if function to write the score in the corresponding cell.

    Calculation of results

    Creating tests inPowerPointmore difficult and requires programming skillsVisualBasic.

    Likewise with languageVisualBasicforApplications, you can create a test inMSWordAndMSPowerPoint.

    3.Survey results

    At my school, I conducted a survey between students in grades 8-11 and teachers, the results of which showed that 86% of students would like to work with electronic tests; 72% of students believe that the computer is more objective when checking tests; 90% of students do not know how to create these tests on their own, but would like to learn, and 100% of teachers would prefer to work with electronic tests if they have an office.

    There are specialized programs for creating tests. Of the free programs, there was only one that allowed you to work with testsMyTestand therefore the ability to create tests in the languageVisualBasicformApplicationhas quite a large practical significance because Any teacher can master it, and it is cost-effective.

    My work haspractical significance , since interactive tests can be used in any lesson and their use saves the teacher’s time. They attract the attention of students with their variety, brightness, and the ability to independently create a mini program for a computer, which not only calculates the grade, but will also be used in lessons, acquiring practical significance for students.

    4. Conclusions.

    As a result of working on the project, I concluded that using a programming languageVisualBasicforApplications, it is possible to create a universal testing program that allows testing online. The versatility of this testing program lies in the fact that for a certain group of test takers it is possible to select questions from any subject area.

    I have created a set of electronic tests in the main subjects (mathematics, Russian language, computer science, social studies, geography) that are most often chosen when taking the OGE, and instructions for creating such tests are attached.

    5.List of information sources

      MS Office Excel, as a convenient tool for creating tests with automatic checking and grading: Gavrysh S.V., teacher at Smolensk Republican Center for Educational Education.

      Chelyshkova M.V. Theory and practice of designdevelopment of pedagogical tests.

      Ugrinovich N.D. and others. “Workshop on computer science and information technology.” Tutorial.

      Gabova O.V.,Rusakov A.A. Testing is one of the forms of diagnostics and verification of the success of training. Pedagogical Informatics, No. 3, 2005








      8. -1.jpg

      9. Miklyaev A. “User’s Handbook”, M., 1998.

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