A complete list of tools for wallpapering. What do you need to hang wallpaper? Which lapping roller for wallpaper is better?

Pasting wallpaper is enough serious matter, which requires a lot of preparation to get an excellent result when actually creating the interiors of your home. It provides for completing the necessary tools for gluing wallpaper, removing old wallpaper, if any, using the appropriate devices and tools for this work, preparing the surface of walls and ceilings for gluing new ones, cutting them into the necessary panels, selecting and preparing the necessary glue. Strict adherence to this sequence of work will allow you to avoid many surprises: oblique seams, paintings that have fallen off the wall, the appearance of dark spots and uneven walls or mold on the wallpaper, which will sharply reduce the quality of the finish.

Required Tools

The tools used when gluing wallpaper are our assistants, which perfectly ensure convenient and productive work.

Wallpaper pressing spatulaspecial tool, which is used when covering walls with wallpaper with a wear-resistant surface - non-woven or vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis. It can be useful when cutting the edges of wallpaper.

Snap-off knife− is a mandatory attribute in the list of tools used when gluing wallpaper. It is an indispensable aid when cutting off excess wallpaper near doors, baseboards and wherever an even and precise cut is needed.

Knife − used for cutting overlaps, in the case when, when gluing wallpaper, it is necessary to use the “double cut” method to obtain an accurate medium at the junction of two canvases.

Video clip- also a necessary tool, made of synthetic fiber, which is used to apply glue directly to the walls (when it is necessary condition for gluing wallpaper, such as non-woven wallpaper) or for priming walls under it.

Rubber roller (pressure roller) − can be made of microporous rubber or synthetic fiber. It is used for rolling wallpaper to the surface to be pasted (for example, vinyl and structural vinyl wallpaper).

Maklovitsa− a special brush that is used to apply wallpaper glue efficiently. In addition, depending on the properties of the bristles, it can be used for blurring ceilings and walls, as well as for priming surfaces in preparation for gluing.

Brush− used for applying glue to the area where the strip of wallpaper meets the ceiling, floor, and also in corners.

Painting spatula- the most popular of the entire list of tools that are used in preparing the soil surface. It is also used to remove old wallpaper, the outer layer of paint or plaster on the walls.

Roller for wallpaper seams ( conical shape) − used for leveling and rolling seams when gluing walls with vinyl or structural vinyl wallpaper.

Roller for wallpaper seams- a good helper. It is made from synthetic soft material and is usually used for leveling and rolling seams when working with sensitive wallpaper.

Scissors- a standard tool that is indispensable when cutting wallpaper into panels of the required size.

Auxiliary tool for cutting wallpaper− used for cutting and subsequent cutting of panels of various wallpapers.

Plumb− used to determine the vertical position of the first panel on the wall, which will determine the quality of the entire wall.

Wallpaper brush- used to press wallpaper panels, as well as smooth them to avoid the formation of bubbles, folds and wrinkles.

Wallpaper brush− along with a wallpaper brush, it is used for rolling and high-quality smoothing of wallpaper panels. Very successfully used on surfaces that are sensitive to pressure.

Folding ruler − convenient for any measurements, since it allows you to carry them out alone, unlike a tape measure, when an assistant is required.

In addition to the specified set of tools, you will definitely need bucket for preparing glue simple pencil for marking and orienting markings of wallpaper panels. The use of other writing instruments is not permissible. To cut the panels and apply glue you will need workplace. According to old traditions, it was organized on a clean floor, but if you purchase for this folding desk. I am sure that this will not be a waste and you will quickly feel the difference in labor costs.

Removing old wallpaper from walls

Before applying new wallpaper, it is advisable to remove the old ones. The removal technology depends on their type. Of course, on the labels of your old wallpaper there were pictograms indicating how to remove them, but where are they? this moment decision making. You can confidently remember only their type, and this will already help you apply the right technology removal, which depends on it.

Removing regular paper wallpaper− involves softening them with warm water with the addition of detergent, or using a special liquid. You can apply the solution with a sponge or use a spray bottle to indoor plants. Let the water soak in for 15 - 20 minutes. Using a paint spatula, lift up the wet wallpaper, starting from the seams, and remove this piece. Try to avoid new scratches on the wall. Wet any loose pieces again and remove all residues. When working with liquid, do not forget about electricity. Work around sockets and switches in dry conditions. If this is not possible, turn off the electricity. Once you have finished removing the wallpaper, wash the wall with warm, mild water. big amount detergents, and then clean water. Removing washable wallpaper− involves breaking the integrity of the waterproof film in order to allow access of water with added wallpaper remover to the substrate. To do this, you can use wire brushes or special devices− such as wallpaper tiger. Use a wire brush or sharp notched trowel very carefully to avoid damaging the plaster. It's not so much the scratches that are scary, but the fact that metal particles may remain in them, the rust from which can subsequently appear on the surface of the new wallpaper. This water and disturbance procedure may have to be repeated several times. They can also be easily removed with a special steamer, which can be replaced with an iron with a steamer or covered problem area with a wet cloth and iron with a hot iron. After completing wallpaper removal, rinse the wall of old glue. Removing Vinyl Wallpaper− provides for the fact that the front vinyl thin film can be separated from the paper base by lifting both of its lower corners and pulling the film away from the wall with uniform force. If the paper base is well glued to the wall, you can glue new wallpaper on it, and if flaws are found, remove it like paper. Non-woven wallpaper is also removed.

Preparing the wall surface

The future quality of wall decoration with wallpaper directly depends on the quality of their preparation for wallpapering. Of course, it is better to level all the walls and corners, but with a large volume, the main attention can be paid to the places where flaws have the greatest impact on the perception of the finish - ceiling cornices made of polystyrene foam, corners of walls and slopes of doors and windows, places where skirting boards and door frames are attached, which should be level, strictly vertical or horizontal. The angles at which the walls meet must be even, but a slight deviation from the vertical is allowed. The presence of gaps between the platbands and the wall, baseboards and the wall, as well as at the cornices both at the ceiling and at the walls is not allowed, but you should not press the cornices and platbands into the “pits”, and go around the “bumps” with smooth arcs. All identified cracks must be filled with putty. In this case, it is necessary to level the “hole” itself, stretching the putty from the thickness of the gap “to zero” on the wall at a distance of half a meter from it. No need to install ceiling cornice, but it gives the finish a finished look. In addition, the absence of a cornice does not negate the work of leveling the angles between the walls and the ceiling (if necessary). If you have plasterboard walls then they must be completely puttied, otherwise during the next repair you can remove the cardboard along with the wallpaper. Places where putty was applied and all thoroughly cleaned dark spots it is necessary to sand with sandpaper and treat all walls with special antibacterial agents(fungicides) and dry. Walls with a large number of different colored areas must be covered with one layer of water-based paint.

Upon completion of the leveling work, it is necessary to prime the entire surface of the walls with wallpaper glue diluted with clean water by 20–30%. If the base of the walls is loose, it is better to use cheap universal domestic primers, and then prime with wallpaper glue. Often, imported PVA (Turkish) is used instead of primers. It is necessary to dilute the water with 10% PVA, then add 20–30% wallpaper glue to it. However, this technology can make wallpaper gluing irreversible - subsequently it will be difficult to remove it from the walls. ATTENTION!!! Do not use domestic PVA; it was not intended for such use and therefore leaves yellow spots on the wallpaper.

It is not allowed to prime the walls with wallpaper glue when gluing non-woven and glass wallpaper, since they are glued to the glue applied to the wall. The walls are primed using special primer mixtures. “Aqua” soil, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, has proven itself well. For priming, you can use a brush with a wide flange or a roller. The primer should be applied to a surface that has been previously cleaned of dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner. The primer is applied carefully; it must penetrate into all pores of the surface. Drying time for the primer is at least 6 hours (preferably 24 hours).

Cutting cloths

Having completed everything preparatory work, you can start cutting the wallpaper. Once the preliminary work is completed, you can begin cutting them. If your wallpaper has two edges and is glued overlapping (which is rare these days), then one of the edges will need to be cut strictly along the existing line, depending on the orientation of the surface. For rolls that will be used for pasting the right wall (if you are facing the window), the left edge is cut off, and for the left, the right edge is cut off. For wallpaper that is glued to the joint, there is no need to cut anything. Next, the wallpaper is cut into panels of a certain (whole cuts), pre-calculated length. In order to later be able to combine the pattern on adjacent panels, you must strictly follow the icons from the “Start of patterns” group on the wallpaper label. The length of panels for wallpaper without joining patterns must correspond to the height of the ceiling, and in the case of necessary joining - to the whole number of joined patterns corresponding to the height of the ceiling. It should be taken into account that all canvases should have a slight excess in length of 5-10 cm - a margin for unequal room heights along the perimeter of the walls or possible shrinkage of the wallpaper after the paste dries. The number of panels required can be determined by walking around the entire perimeter of the room, using the roll itself as a measurement. This does not take into account sections of walls with doors and windows. From one roll standard length you can get 4 whole cuts with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters in case of lack of joining of the pattern and 3 of the canvas, taking into account the necessary joining. The remnants from the rolls are quite suitable for gluing the panel above the door and the walls of the window opening. All prepared strips must have their top marked with a pencil. This is especially important when applying counter stripes. The wallpaper prepared in this way is placed in a stack on the desktop (or on the floor covered with clean newspapers or plastic film) so that the edge of each canvas protrudes 2-3 cm in relation to the previous one - the top one. This will help avoid accidental contact of paste on the front side of the material. After this you are ready to start wallpapering.

Types of wallpaper glue

Universal glue Suitable for most light or medium wallpapers. For heavy wallpapers, you can reduce the amount of water used to dilute it.
Heavy wallpaper glue Designed for pile, fabric and other heavy wallpapers
Fungicidal glue Fungicide prevents the development of mold on waterproof wallpaper (heavy vinyl, washable, etc.)
Thixotropic glue For heavy wallpaper and fabric coverings
Non-staining glue Use it for wallpaper that might be damaged by regular wallpaper paste.
Repair glue For gluing loose parts. Can glue vinyl to vinyl

That seems to be all that needs to be done to prepare for successful wallpapering.

When your apartment hasn’t been renovated for a long time, you really want to change something. This is quite simple to do - you just need to re-glue the wallpaper. And even against a new background old furniture will seem something interesting and original.

After the materials have been selected and the walls have been prepared, the question arises: “What tools are needed for wallpapering?”

Nothing too expensive or special, suitable only for a certain type of wallpaper or related to the characteristics of the room (unless, of course, you buy a special table). And this is where the gluing tool compares favorably with tools for others. finishing works in the house.

Set of tools for gluing

So what you might need:

1. Hand tools:

  • construction bucket for glue (10-12 l);
  • rectangular tray for a small amount of glue;
  • low stepladder;
  • a wide flat brush for the edges and a round one for the main canvas, where a roller cannot be used;
  • tape measure (5 m) for measuring and cutting wallpaper, measuring the length of walls, ceiling height;
  • square and protractor for correct design corners;
  • plumb line and construction level for gluing the first strip and checking verticality after passing the corners;
  • wallpaper knife with replaceable blades for cutting strips;
  • scissors for cutting or making a shaped cutout in the wallpaper;
  • pencil for marking walls;
  • a screwdriver for unscrewing sockets and switches;
  • metal spatula;
  • fur roller with medium length pile;
  • pressure roller for joints;
  • large rubber roller for smoothing wallpaper;
  • plastic spatula for final smoothing;
  • wide metal spatula for even cuts when removing unnecessary parts of the canvas;
  • hammer with nail puller;
  • pliers;
  • sponge for removing excess glue;
  • masking tape to protect the ceiling and floor coverings.

2. Electrical tools:

  • drill with a mixer attachment for mixing glue or putty;
  • hammer drill for installing skirting boards.

In the video you can see in detail the set of tools for wallpapering:

How to choose the right roller for gluing

Previously, wallpaper glue was applied with a rag, which distributed the glue unevenly, leaving lumps. And they smoothed it out with their hands or a dry cloth. Now there are special rollers for both procedures.

Why a roller? Because it is very convenient to work with:

  • the glue is rolled out in a special tray evenly over its entire cylindrical surface;
  • You don’t have to wash the attachment on the roller after work, but simply replace it with a new and clean one;
  • when working carefully with the roller, your hands remain clean;
  • the work gets done much faster.

Advice! Use a brush when applying glue in the corners of the room and when applying a small amount of glue.

There are several types of rollers:

  • for applying glue;
  • for processing joints;
  • for corners.

There are also several types of roller attachments:

  • polyamide or perlon;
  • fur with different lengths of pile;
  • foam rubber.

What kind of roller is needed for wallpapering? You need to use three rollers (or one with three attachments):

  • a fur roller with medium pile for applying glue to the canvas;
  • foam or rubber roller to expel air and smooth the surface;
  • plastic narrow for processing joints.

Plumb for wallpapering

Before starting gluing, very few people think about whether they have everything necessary tools. And the lack of equipment makes itself felt only during work that has already begun. What is not obvious to a professional is the presence of a plumb line or laser level when gluing wallpaper. How is a plumb line used?

You will need a plumb line at the very beginning of work and after passing corners. It is needed in order to draw a strictly vertical line on the wall, which is needed for gluing the first canvas.

It’s great if you have a laser level at hand, but rarely does anyone have one. Therefore, you can use a self-made plumb line. Follow the instructions to make it.

Instructions for self-production plumb:

  1. You need to take a cord equal to the height of the ceiling and tie a weight to it.
  2. The load must hang freely.
  3. Rub the cord with chalk.

To draw a vertical line, we retreat from the corner a distance of 5 cm less than the width of the wallpaper. We fix the cord near the ceiling and give it time for it to take a vertical position. We press the load against the wall, pulling the cord. Pull the cord and release it. It turns out a straight vertical line, which you need to focus on when gluing the first sheet. We repeat the same procedure after passing the corner.

Warning! Evenly pasting the first sheet of wallpaper will allow you to evenly paste the remaining sheets. Possible errors will only be in the corners of the room, where they are not so noticeable.

Instructions for wallpapering a room

To work, prepare:

  • wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • wallpapering tools;
  • film or cardboard to protect floors and furniture from glue;
  • clothes, hats that you don’t mind;
  • work gloves.

Comment! It is better to hang wallpaper together. Then there will be control over both the upper and lower parts of the glued canvas.

The surface of the walls must be freed from old wallpaper, leveled and dried.

Depending on the type of wallpaper, glue is applied to the wall if non-woven wallpaper is used, or directly to the wrong side of the canvas in all other cases.

Make sure that before applying the next sheet of paper, all the glue is removed from the surface on which it will lie. The surface for coating is usually the floor or a wide table.

The height of the ceiling and the length of the wallpaper strip are measured with a tape measure, respectively. The canvas is cut required length and placed face down.

Using a plumb line or laser level, a vertical line is drawn from which work begins.

The line is marked and you can begin applying glue to the underside of the wallpaper sheet using a fur roller with medium pile.

Now there is colored glue that makes it easy to track uncoated areas:

Advice! The greatest attention should be paid to wallpapering corners.

Usually, the canvas is glued in the corner so that part of it, about 5 cm in size, extends onto next wall. Then draw a vertical line with a plumb line near the corner. The next sheet of wallpaper is pasted vertically, overlapping the previous one, as close to the corner as possible.

In places where previously removed sockets and switches are located, holes are made directly on the wet wallpaper.

If it is impossible to remove the trim and baseboards, the edges of the canvas are carefully coated with glue and brought inside with a spatula.

After work, all tools are washed and dried.

If you are one of those people who are happy to create comfort in your home with your own hands, then most likely, when the question arises of who to entrust wallpapering, you will take this task upon yourself without hesitation. It's fascinating and creative process, requiring precision, attention, accuracy and some knowledge about this stage of finishing work. If you have already become familiar with the gluing technology, decided on the type of wallpaper and are ready to get to work, then the next question that will arise in front of you will be the question regarding the equipment and tools that you will need for the work. In this article you will learn what you need to hang wallpaper. Having provided yourself with all the necessary tools required for work, you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the work process, without being distracted by searching for equipment that you did not ensure availability on time. Of course, your work will be of higher quality this way.

Tools needed for wallpapering

Of course, in the process of wallpapering, you can always replace the tools with improvised means. For example:

  • The glue can be applied not with a roller, but paint brush, which is available in the house. Some even manage to do this with a sponge or rag.
  • To smooth the wallpaper after gluing, some craftsmen do it with an ordinary clean rag and with my own hands without using a special rubber roller. And there are many such examples.

However, we are talking about a serious approach to wallpapering, aimed at high-quality and durable results. If you take this issue seriously, then you should know that there are basic tools, without which it is impossible to properly hang wallpaper, and there are also auxiliary ones, which are not always required, but without a doubt, they facilitate the work process and make it more comfortable.

Basic Tools

As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to imagine a high-quality workflow without basic tools. What tools are indispensable for wallpapering?

Paint roller

It is a fleecy roller that is used to apply glue to walls and wallpaper. Using this tool, you can apply glue evenly to any surface. A wallpaper paste roller helps you quickly and efficiently distribute the glue - with relatively little time spent, you can apply the glue to quite a wide area. large area. The roller can be fleecy or foam rubber. The latter option does the job quite well and is more affordable.

Paint bath

This tool helps to evenly distribute the glue over the entire surface of the roller and remove all excess. Working with a tray will prevent splashing during application. When coating the walls, the glue simply will not drip down, because the excess has been eliminated from the surface of the tool.

The paint bath is a tray with a recess into which glue is poured, and a ribbed plane. Dipping the roller into the glue, you need to run it along the ribbed surface, this will ensure even distribution of the glue.

Important! The tray should be a size that is slightly larger than paint roller.

Construction tape

Almost no stage can be completed without it. repair work. This tool is necessary and indispensable for measuring planes that need to be covered with wallpaper. It will also come in handy when you measure strips of wallpaper for gluing.

Container for mixing glue

Before you start gluing wallpaper, you must dilute the glue according to the instructions. For this you will need a large container. A bucket is often used for these purposes. You can use any household container of the required volume.

Wallpaper knife

A stationery knife is perfect for these purposes, because it is incredibly sharp, flat, and thanks to the bevel of the blade, it is easy to reach hard to reach places. Without a knife, it will be impossible to cut off the required strip for gluing, cut off excess wallpaper near the wall or at the baseboard. This tool is indispensable in work.

Perhaps these are the most basic tools needed for wallpapering. There are a lot of auxiliary tools that will make your work easier. If possible, we advise you not to save money and purchase auxiliary tools, especially if you decide to cover a large area yourself. Let's figure out what else is needed for wallpapering.

Additional and auxiliary tools

To auxiliary and additional tools include such.

Rubber roller

In design, it is no different from a paint roller, however, the roller itself in this case is made of rubber. A wallpaper roller is necessary so that after gluing the wallpaper to the surface, smooth it out and disperse bubbles, if any.

Using such a roller is not comparable to smoothing it with your hand and a rag. It ensures a tight fit of the material to the surface, making it quick and convenient to work with.

Important! If your wallpaper has a relief on its surface, then it is worth purchasing a yellow roller - it carefully handles smoothing the wallpaper without damaging the patterns and coatings. If your wallpaper is smooth, then you can safely purchase a black roller.

Corner roller

This roller is quite narrow, so it’s easy for them to work in hard-to-reach places. It presses the wallpaper well at corners and joints; it can be used when moving from the wall to the ceiling.

Important! Please note that if you work along the joints, be careful when using it on embossed wallpaper, because it can damage the three-dimensional pattern.

Soft sponge

With its help you can easily remove excess glue. Use the sponge exclusively on the joints; do not rub the canvas with it.

Construction mixer or drill with a stirring attachment

This tool will help you thoroughly mix the glue in the container, the mass will be homogeneous and without lumps. The most important thing is that when using it you will save a huge amount of time and effort.


With its help, you can mark the border of gluing the strip on the wall in order to glue the canvas evenly and accurately, especially when gluing the first strip on the wall. It is also necessary if you need to cut a piece of wallpaper non-standard shape. In this case, you will need to apply borders of the desired shape and size to the back of the wallpaper in order to subsequently cut a piece along the borders. For these purposes, you can use a simple pencil, or even better, purchase a special construction pencil.

Paint brush

A paint roller will not always be able to coat the surface well in hard-to-reach places; in this case, you will need a brush for wallpapering. Using a narrow brush, you can easily paint the corners, the area closer to the ceiling.


They can be used if you don’t have a utility knife, however, they are not able to cope with all tasks. They are necessary and indispensable when you need to cut a piece of wallpaper of a non-standard shape along given boundaries.


If you decide to re-glue wallpaper on the walls in an already living room, then you will need to dismantle the covers on sockets and switches; in this case, you will not be able to do without a screwdriver.

Insulating tape

If you removed old sockets and switches, be sure to insulate everything exposed wires. This is a necessary safety measure and should not be neglected.

Masking tape

An indispensable assistant if you need to protect certain areas from glue. Good example when you need to protect the ceiling and slopes from glue. This applies to rooms in which the condition of the slopes and ceilings meets your requirements, and they do not require further painting.

Putty knife

This tool is helpful when trimming excess wallpaper near the floor and ceiling. In order to carry out this manipulation, you need to press the spatula tightly against the wall, right along the transition joint, and use a utility knife to trim off the excess wallpaper.

In this version, this tool is made of metal, and should be quite wide for ease of use. There is also a spatula for wallpapering, which is made of plastic and is used to smooth the surface after gluing. This tool is also called a pressing spatula. It is used as an alternative to a rubber roller.

Soft cloth

Along with a sponge, it is capable of removing excess glue. In this case, you should choose what is more convenient and comfortable for you to work with. Most people prefer a soft cloth, however, unlike a sponge, it cannot be rinsed so quickly and squeezed almost dry.


If you need to cut a piece of wallpaper of a non-standard shape, a square will help you draw a right angle.

Building level

In order to hang wallpaper evenly and level, you need this tool. It is often used in conjunction with a plumb line.

Painting plumb line with thread

This tool is a strong thread with a weight attached to one end. A plumb line helps create an accurate vertical line along the level, which is a guide for gluing strips of wallpaper.

Important! Knowing what this tool is, you will know how to make a plumb line for wallpapering yourself. To do this, you can use a nylon thread and any weight that can be tied to it.


Of course you can use regular table, place chairs and stools on it one on one. This way you can reach any heights. However, do not forget about comfort and safety. It is best to use a stepladder. If you don’t have it on your household, you can borrow or rent it for a while.

Tool for gluing non-woven wallpaper, wallpaper on paper based, acrylic, textile, vinyl and fiberglass wallpaper can be easily found on sale. Many of the necessary tools are definitely available on your farm. Remember that careful preparation for the wallpapering process, the use of high-quality tools, your accuracy and precision depend general form your premises. Therefore, approach the process thoroughly, with all responsibility and seriousness.

Doing repairs yourself is a very responsible business. Of course, the easiest way is to turn to specialists, but in this case you will have to spend a lot of money, and this is a huge minus in family budget. To save money, you can do the repairs yourself. And one of the easiest jobs will be to do the wallpapering yourself.
In order for the gluing to be done efficiently and without flaws, it is necessary to carry it out according to the planned plan, having first studied the technology of the process and all the tools that are necessary for it.

Preparing the room for wallpaper

When starting to decorate the walls with wallpaper, you first need to clear the room of unnecessary objects: take out the furniture, clear the walls of paintings (if any). So now you can bring the rolls into the room.

Preparing walls for wallpapering

Enough important stage. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the walls from the previous layer of decorative coating.

When removing old wall coverings, the following problems may occur:

  • if it is impossible to remove old wallpaper from the wall, then you can use alkyd primer paint, after diluting it with white spirit in a ratio of 1:3;
  • In some cases, it can be very difficult to remove dirt, oil and grease stains, as well as fungal infections from surfaces: this problem can be solved by rubbing with a dry, lint-free cloth soaked in acetone or pure gasoline.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of cracks on the wall. If they are present, they should be primed with plaster or cement mortar. For more thorough bonding to the wall, existing defects must be moistened with water and then the prepared mixture must be applied.

When preparing walls for wallpapering, you should putty the surface, then prime the completely dry walls. The better and smoother the putty, the fewer problems there will be when gluing wallpaper.

From proper preparation walls will depend on the final result. After all, if the walls are poorly cleaned of old decor and the cracks are not sealed, then all this will be reflected in the wallpaper.

Glue selection

Depends on this stage appearance wallpapered wall. After all, even expensive wallpaper will be ruined by the appearance of unadhered joints. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right glue.
Types of wallpaper glue:

The first type of glue is mainly necessary for additional gluing of joints between wallpaper; it is very convenient for gluing hard-to-reach places. This glue is also used for ceiling borders.

In shops construction goods depending on the wallpaper coverings you can find the following types dry wallpaper glue:

  • universal glue - this type of glue requires diluting it with water: as a rule, it is prepared taking into account the choice of coating - if it is heavy wallpaper, then the consistency of the glue should be thicker, and if the wallpaper is paper, then it should be more liquid;
  • adhesive for vinyl wallpaper - designed specifically for this type of coating;
  • for non-woven wallpaper - this adhesive can be used for vinyl coverings based on non-woven material;
  • adhesive for textile coverings;
  • glue for velor wallpaper;
  • for glass wallpaper.

Of course, first of all, before diluting the dry glue mixture with water, you need to read the instructions on the packaging and follow them, taking into account the type of wallpaper chosen.

The main rule to remember is that dilution is carried out by adding the dry mixture to water, and not vice versa. In this case, the solution must be mixed with a construction mixer or simply with a long stick. The solution is considered ready when there are no lumps in the resulting mixture. On modern store shelves you can also find glue with an indicator. This type very convenient, as its pale pink color helps you see where the adhesive solution is applied and where you should go over it again with a brush or roller.

The article will help you avoid situations when, in the process of gluing wallpaper on a wall, or you encounter unforeseen moments that force you to “take off” and go to a hardware store to buy the same narrower spatula, or run around the floors and beg your neighbors for a shaped screwdriver. Read our article and select the necessary tools for yourself.

List of all possible tools

When you make the list necessary materials and tools, take into account the fact that during the preparatory stage you may need not only tools associated with applying glue, etc., but also improvised means for tearing wallpaper off the walls (or removing old paint), and for filling various holes with putty.

First, let's list all the tools for gluing wallpaper:

  • paint roller,
  • wallpaper roller,
  • wallpaper roller for corners,
  • painting bath,
  • bucket,
  • sponge,
  • drill,
  • insulating tape,
  • pencil,
  • brush,
  • ruler,
  • stationery knife,
  • scissors,
  • screwdriver,
  • plumb line,
  • construction tape,
  • construction mixer,
  • rag,
  • square,
  • level,
  • cord,
  • painting spatula,
  • wallpaper spatula,
  • wallpaper brush,

Please note that this list of tools is not mandatory. So, you can apply glue with one roller (rather than several). You can cut the canvas either only with scissors, or only with a stationery knife.

Wallpaper rollers come in different varieties. Let's look at painting first. When choosing a paint roller at a hardware store, ask the sales assistant to bring you a roller with medium-length bristles. This tool is used to apply diluted glue to the surface of the cut fabric or directly, depending on the type of wallpaper chosen.

The purpose of this roller is not to apply an adhesive solution to the surface to be glued or rolls, but to smooth out the cut canvas that is already glued to the wall. Thus, thin wallpaper is not intended for use with a spatula, as it can damage it. This tool will come to the rescue and help you get rid of bubbles and excess glue between the wall and the canvas. Wallpaper roller comes in two colors – yellow and black. The first is used if your wallpaper has a raised pattern and you don’t want to “crush” it, and the second is used for a more even surface when there is no fear of ruining anything.

Wallpaper roller for corners

Thanks to its conical shape, it allows you to give required pressure in certain areas of the canvas - namely in the corners.

After you dilute the glue in a randomly selected container, you should choose a good tray that will allow you to distribute the glue evenly over the entire working area of ​​the roller. The bath consists of two parts - one is flat, and there is smooth surface. The roller needs to be rolled exactly along uneven surface with ribs. The size of the paint bath directly depends on the size of the roller (its width should be slightly larger than the width of the roller).


You will need a bucket to dilute the glue solution in. At the same time, if you expect to use glue the next day, then it is best to choose a bucket (or any other container) with a tightly closed lid. This is the only way to store glue! Of course, do not forget to place the container in a cool place, out of reach of sun rays. If you are interested in the question of how to glue wallpaper, then we suggest that you read another article on our website.


It will be useful for wiping off excess glue along the edges of the canvas glued to the wall. Choose a sponge that is as soft as possible, and if its side has a more ribbed surface, then do not even think about wiping it with it, as you can easily damage them.


This tool can come in handy if you don't have a construction mixer. Select a nozzle so that you can stir the glue solution.

Insulating tape

It is quite natural to have at least one switch and one socket in any room. After you unscrew them and take out the boxes, you should be sure to insulate all the wires, otherwise you will expose yourself to danger. And electrical tape will help you with this.


You will need a pencil to mark the walls. Choose a pencil that will be visible on concrete wall. So, construction stores offer everyone who wants to buy a construction pencil.


Here we will not consider each brush option in detail. They differ in width, elasticity of the fibers (soft or harder) and their length. If you do not use rollers, which, if you have already understood, can have different purposes (for canvases, for corners and for joints), then be sure to buy one wide and one narrow brush. A wide brush will help apply a layer of glue to the canvas or the surface of the wall, and with a narrow brush you can coat the walls at the joints and corners between the wall - ceiling and wall - floor.


If you don’t have a construction tape at home (like any other), you’ll have to use what you have. A ruler will help you measure the height of your walls and determine the length of the wallpaper. Do not forget that you need to add about 5 cm to the obtained value of the wall height to adjust the canvases to each other.

Stationery knife

You will need a utility knife to cut the canvas to the specified length. It is very convenient if you want to trim corners. A knife is also used to trim the fabric along the baseboard or ceiling. In addition, during the process of wallpapering walls, bubbles may appear under the canvas, which cannot be removed with a roller or spatula. In this case, you can try to make a small cut in the wallpaper. True, it is best to use a thin needle for these purposes. It is better to make 3-5 small holes with a needle and spend a little more time than one large and conspicuous “hole”.

By the way, if the knife blade becomes dull, do not rush to buy a new one. Drive the blade inside the knife so that one part remains outside (until the last notch). Take a pair of pliers and break off a piece. So, you can use a new sharp blade on the edge of the knife. In addition, you can protect yourself from unnecessary injuries by hiding your eyes under construction glasses.


They will suit you for cutting fabric the right size. But, unlike the same stationery knife, it seems to us that cutting off the corners, and even more sharply a thin line under the ceiling, will be much more difficult and inconvenient with scissors.

Scissors are an important tool in wallpapering.


A screwdriver is useful for removing boxes from sockets and switches. Do not forget to insulate the wires after this, as described above.


Very the right tool, because from its presence and correct operation It depends on how smoothly you glue the canvas to the wall. Attach top part to the top so that the weight “dangles” at the bottom. Now draw a straight line along the hanging thread with a pencil or felt-tip pen. A plumb line allows you to apply even vertical markings.

Construction tape

I think there is nothing to explain here - a tape measure will help you measure the height of the walls, their width, and also cut out the wallpaper correctly.

The mixer is designed for stirring adhesive solution. If you don't have a construction mixer, don't despair! In any case, even if you use a clean wooden stick, this process will not affect the properties of your glue for the worse. You just have to devote a little more time and effort to the stage of bringing the glue to the desired concentration, plus you will have to add the dry mixture in smaller portions than using a mixer. But if you are the happy owner of this tool, then pick up a construction mixer, turn on low speed and gradually pour out small portions of glue into a bucket of cool water ( hot water Not recommended).


Using a rag soaked in water (be careful: it should be wet, but not to the point that water drips from it), wipe the surface of the glued canvas, getting rid of excess stains and stains. It is best that it is soft - it will not damage the wallpaper.

The tool will be useful to you if you need to cut out various geometric shapes from a roll of wallpaper. Use a square to draw a right angle.

A level is required in order to stick the canvas in a straight, vertical position. Level and plumb – important tools for wallpaper work!


You can make a plumb line out of it by attaching a small weight. On the other hand, the cord can be used to mark walls horizontally.

To cut wallpaper near the ceiling or floor, place a spatula there and draw a straight line with a utility knife.

Working surface Such a spatula is not metal, but plastic or rubber. The fact is that it is necessary to smooth the canvas, which will allow you to expel excess glue and bubbles. Plastic and rubber won't hurt. But remember that if your wallpaper is very thin, best choice For this stage of pasting you will use a wallpaper roller.

If you don’t have a roller or brush, you can use a brush to apply glue to the canvas or wall surface. But its main purpose is the same smoothing of the canvas glued to the wall. The brush is especially convenient when used when gluing not walls, but the ceiling.


We tried to tell you about all the wallpaper tools. Which of them will be useful to you is up to you. The article provides interchangeable tools. This means that you can apply glue to the canvas either with a roller or brush, or with a regular brush for smoothing the wallpaper. If you are interested in a description of any other tool, then leave your wishes in the comments below.

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