Western press about mixed enterprises in the USSR. an opportunity that should not be missed. Automatic writing. Not the slightest movement should be overlooked. “Have such doubts ever arisen?”

1. Each person can fully be himself only while he is alone

2. Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king

3. Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities

4. In illness or grief, memory portrays to us every painless or needless hour as infinitely enviable, like a lost paradise. But while experiencing our red days, we do not notice them at all and yearn for them only when the dark ones come

5. In old age there is no better consolation than the knowledge that all the strength in youth was devoted to a task that does not grow old

6. A fool chases pleasure and finds disappointment, but a wise man only avoids grief.

7. The average person is concerned with how to kill time, but the talented person strives to use it

8. Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health

9. There is only one congenital mistake - this is the belief that we are born for happiness.

10. True friendship is one of those things that, like giant sea serpents, we don’t know whether they are fictional or exist somewhere.

11. A person’s true character is revealed precisely in the little things, when he stops taking care of himself

12. It is better to discover your mind in silence than in talking.

13. The similarity between a genius and a madman is that both live in a completely different world than all other people

14. Just as medicine fails to achieve its goal if the dose is too large, so do blame and criticism when they exceed the measure of justice.

15. Vanity makes a person talkative

16. Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor

17. Don't tell your friend what your enemy shouldn't know.

18. If you do not want to make enemies for yourself, then try not to show your superiority over people

19. To erect a monument to someone during his lifetime means to declare that there is no hope that posterity will not forget him

20. Those who hope to become philosophers by studying the history of philosophy should rather take away from it the conviction that they will be born philosophers, just like poets, and, moreover, much less often

21. It will be too much honor for them to value people's opinions highly.

22. Each sees in another only what is contained in himself, for he can comprehend it and understand it only to the extent of his own intellect.

23. Solitude frees us from the need to live constantly in front of others and, therefore, to take into account their opinions

24. In solitude, everyone sees in themselves what they really are.

25. He who does not like loneliness does not like freedom

26. Loneliness is the lot of all outstanding minds

27. When people enter into close communication with each other, their behavior resembles porcupines trying to warm themselves on a cold winter night. They are cold, they press against each other, but the more they do this, the more painfully they prick each other with their long needles. Forced to separate because of the pain of the injections, they come together again because of the cold, and so on all night long.

28. Just as animals perform some services better than people, for example, finding a way or a lost thing, etc., so an ordinary person is more capable and more useful in ordinary cases of life than the greatest genius. And further, just as animals never actually do anything stupid, so average person much less makes them than a genius

29. What is in a person is undoubtedly more important than that what a person has

30. An individual person is weak, like an abandoned Robinson: only in community with others can he do much.

31. Man is the only animal that causes pain to others without having any other purpose.

32. A person’s face expresses more and more interesting things than his mouth: the mouth expresses only the thought of man, the face expresses the thought of nature

33. You should refrain in conversation from any critical, even benevolent, remarks: it is easy to offend a person, but to correct him is difficult, if not impossible.

34. Wealth is like sea water, which makes you thirstier the more you drink.

35. All scoundrels, unfortunately, are sociable

36. A poor little man, having nothing to be proud of, grabs hold of the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs.

37. Each nation mocks the other, and they are all equally right

39. Preaching morality is easy, but justifying it is difficult.

40. Life and dreams are pages of the same book

41. We deceive no one so cleverly and do not bypass us with flattery as we do ourselves

42. Every child is part genius, and every genius is part child

43. B practical life a genius is no more useful than a telescope in a theater

44. From the point of view of youth, life is an endless future; from the point of view of old age - a very short past

45. Human life, in essence, cannot be called either long or short, since in essence it serves as the scale by which we measure all other periods

46. ​​A doctor sees a person in all his weakness, a lawyer - in all his meanness, a theologian - in all his stupidity.

47. Of the personal qualities that most directly contributes to our happiness, a cheerful disposition

48. Than more people has in himself, the less other people can give him. This is why intelligence leads to unsociability

49. Boredom primarily torments noble and rich people

50. Hundreds of objects that give people pleasure are boring for a big mind.

51. A very mentally limited person is essentially the happiest, although no one would envy such happiness

52. Deep knowledge is the first condition of happiness

53. The opinions of others about our lives are usually valued excessively, due to the weakness of human nature. Just as a cat purrs when it is stroked, it is also worth praising a person so that his face will certainly shine with true bliss

54. It is necessary to moderate excessive sensitivity to other people's opinions, both if we are flattered and if we are blamed. Otherwise we will become slaves to other people's opinions and moods

55. If we happen to hear half a dozen sheep scornfully scold outstanding person, then we will understand that valuing people’s opinions highly will be a great honor for them

56. Pride is a person’s ready conviction of his own high value. Vanity is the desire to induce this belief in others

57. A vain person should know that the good opinion of others, which he so strives for, is much easier and more likely to be created by silence than by talkativeness.

58. Given the shamelessness and stupid arrogance of the majority, anyone who has any inner virtues should openly display them so as not to let them be forgotten. This course of action is especially recommended for those who have the highest real personal merits, which cannot be constantly reminded of (titles and orders). Otherwise, the Latin proverb about the pig teaching Minerva may come true

59. He who communicates with people in simplicity of soul as equals, people will sincerely consider him an equal.

60. The cheapest pride is national. He who has great personal merits, constantly observing his nation, first of all notices its shortcomings. But a poor man, who has nothing of which he could be proud, grabs at the only thing possible and is proud of his nation; he is ready with a feeling of tenderness to defend all her shortcomings and stupidities

61. It must be admitted that there are few good features in the national character, because its subject is the crowd

62. The crowd has eyes and ears, but very little reason and just as much memory. She applauds at the moment of merit, but soon forgets about it. In this case, it is appropriate to create a reminder in the form of a cross or a star everywhere and always audible to the crowd: This one is no match for you, he has merit! However, if unfairly appointed, the order loses this value, so caution should be exercised in this regard.

63. A person sees that it is not so important to be an active member of society in one’s own opinion and conscience, as to appear as such in the opinion of others. Hence the diligent hunt for the favorable opinions of other people

64. By scolding someone, a person thereby shows that he cannot bring anything substantiated against him, because otherwise he would start with this, and would calmly leave others to draw conclusions

65. Whoever violates trust once loses it forever

66. The means cannot be more expensive than the goal

67. Rudeness is the strongest argument against which no mind can resist

68. A sage should not pay attention to insults

69. In the Middle Ages, God was forced not only to take care of us, but also to judge us

70. Each reproach can only hurt to the extent that the slightest hint that hits the target strikes much deeper than the most serious accusation that has no basis. That is why, whoever truly realizes that he does not deserve reproach will calmly despise him. And what a shaky opinion of his own dignity must he have who is in a hurry to cover the mouth of every statement that offends him, so that it is not made public?

71. The honor of a nation lies not only in the instilled opinion that it is to be trusted, but also that it is to be feared: therefore it must never allow any infringement of its rights to go unpunished.

72. Everyone lays claim to honor, but only exceptions to glory, for glory can only be acquired by extraordinary distinctions

73. Everyone can value and understand only what is related to him and of the same essence. But the flat is related to the flat, the vulgar is related to the vulgar, and everyone likes his own works most of all, as the most related

74. Whoever wants to sum up his life in terms of well-being should count not by the pleasures he experienced, but by the number of evils he avoided

75. “Living happily” means “living less unhappily”

76. Brilliant, noisy festivals and amusements have an inner emptiness in themselves, because they loudly contradict the poverty and wretchedness of our existence

77. Academies and departments of philosophy present a sign, appearance wisdom, but it is absent there, and one must look for it in a completely different place

78. Others live too much in the present - they are frivolous; others are too busy with the future - these are fearful and caring. It is rare that someone strictly adheres to the proper measure

79. Those who miss the present, not using it and not enjoying it, and living only in the future with aspirations and hopes - such people, despite their important, wise faces, are like those donkeys in Italy, whose progress is accelerated by being tied to a bale of hay is hung on a stick in front of their nose, and they still hope to get to it. Such people deceive themselves for their entire existence, living constantly temporarily.

80. To maintain peace of mind, we must constantly remember that this day comes only once and never returns

81. We miss thousands of pleasant hours with a gloomy expression, not enjoying them, so that later we sigh for them with vain longing

82. He who lives in the bustle of business or pleasure, without thinking through what he has experienced, but only winding up the ball of life, meaningful consciousness eludes him. His spirit represents chaos, and some confusion creeps into his thoughts, which is immediately noticed by the fragmentary and incoherent nature of his conversation.

83. You can only be in the most complete harmony with yourself; not with a friend, nor with a lover, because the difference in personality and mood each time produces some dissonance. That's why deep world peace of mind and peace of mind are possible only in solitude

84. What makes people sociable is their inability to tolerate being alone. Dissatisfaction with inner emptiness is what drives them into society

85. In every society, as long as it is populous, vulgarity prevails

86. When good manners come, common sense goes

87. Nature has made the sharpest difference between people in all respects. Society, neglecting this, puts everyone on the same level, and moreover, creates artificial differences according to the levels of class and rank, which are very often opposite to the rank assigned by nature

88. A person gifted with mind and spirit represents a unit, not a fraction

89. Great minds have as little inclination to get along with others as teachers do to interfere in the games of children making noise around them.

90. Just as in every city, next to the noble ones, all kinds of rabble and bastard live, so in every, even the most noble person, there are in the inclinations of completely base and vile traits of human nature. One should not excite this inner rabble and allow it to look out of the windows

91. One should always and everywhere remain master over the impressions of one’s surroundings

92. Truly great minds huddle alone like eagles on the peaks

93. Most of people are so subjective that they are not interested in anything except themselves

94. A person with a correct view among those who are mistaken and confused is like one whose clock goes correctly, while all the city clocks are set incorrectly. He alone knows the present tense, but what is the use of it? Everyone checks and sets their watches to the wrong city hours, even those who know that their watches show correctly

95. It is not easy to lose a friend due to a proud and somewhat disdainful attitude, but it is very easy due to excessive friendliness and courtesy, which make him arrogant and obnoxious.

96. You should be careful not to form a very favorable opinion about a person upon your first acquaintance, otherwise in most cases you will be disappointed

97. A person reveals his character in trifles and trifles, in which he does not hold back. And such cases should not be missed in order to observe about him and draw conclusions about him

98. If someone acts in petty everyday affairs without taking others into account, seeks only his own benefits to the detriment of others, then be sure that there is no justice in his heart, and that he will turn out to be a scoundrel in large matters as well.

99. Understanding a rule is one thing, but learning to apply it is another. The first is assimilated by the mind immediately, and the second - through exercises, gradually

100. Just as you carry the weight of your own body without noticing its weight and feel every extraneous weight, so you do not notice your own vices and shortcomings, but see only those of others

101. Revealing your intelligence and abilities (in front of others) is only an indirect way of convicting others of mediocrity and stupidity

102. Revealing your anger and hatred on your face and in your words is useless, funny and vulgar. There is no other way to show anger and hatred than in reality.

103. Nothing can better adapt us to calmly enduring the misfortunes that befall us than the conviction of the truth that everything that is done - from the great to the last little thing - is done necessarily.

104. Just as hard wax can be made so soft with a little warmth that it takes on any shape, so the most stubborn and hostile people can be made pliable and amiable with a little politeness and affection.

105. Politeness is recognized hypocrisy

106. Politeness is a fig leaf of selfishness

107. Politeness is an openly recognized counterfeit coin

108. If we always remembered that ordinary politeness is only a mask, then we would not scream in horror if it ever moves a little or is taken off for a minute. When someone becomes downright rude, it is the same as if he took off his clothes and appeared in all his natural form.

109. Anyone who wants to be trusted in his judgment must express it calmly and without any passion

110. Never succumb to the temptation of self-praise, even if you have undeniable rights to do so.

111. A man’s face speaks more than his mouth, being the monogram of all his thoughts and aspirations

112. The mouth expresses only the thought of man, the face expresses the thought of nature

113. The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it reaches its maturity

114. Men may not notice what lies under their noses, but women see it clearly

115. There is a natural indifference between men; There is already natural hostility between women

116. How we don't feel general health of our body, but only a small place where the boot pinches, so we just think not about the sum of things going quite well, but about some insignificant little thing that annoyed us

117. Whoever wants to briefly believe the statement that pleasure exceeds pain, let him compare the sensations of two animals - the devourer and the devoured

118. We are like lambs that frolic in the meadow while the butcher chooses with his eyes this or that, for we are among our own happy days we do not know what misfortune fate has in store for us - illness, impoverishment, blindness, injury or madness

119. Everything we fight for resists, for everything has its own will that must be overcome

120. History, depicting the life of peoples, only tells us about wars and disturbances: peaceful years sometimes slip by only as short pauses, as intermissions. In the same way, human life is a continuous struggle - with need, with boredom, with other people. He meets adversaries everywhere, spends his life in continuous struggle and dies with weapons in his hands.

121. If the human race did not experience need, hardship, and troubles, then people would partly die of boredom or hang themselves, partly would fight with each other and cut and strangle each other and would cause themselves much more suffering than nature imposes on them

122. Let us imagine that the act of generating a person would not be accompanied by either need or lust, but would be a matter of purely prudent reflection: could the human race still exist then?

123. The most appropriate way for people to address each other instead of: “dear sir”, “sir”, etc. should be: “comrade in suffering”

124. Courage allows for the following explanation: a person voluntarily goes towards the trouble that threatens him at the current moment, in order to thereby prevent even greater troubles in the future, while cowardice does the opposite

125. Even the greatest genius turns out to be decidedly stupid in any branch of knowledge; even the most beautiful, noble character sometimes strikes us with individual traits of depravity - as if to recognize our kinship with the human race

126. Our civilized world is nothing more than a huge masquerade. It has knights, clergy, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, priests, philosophers. But they are not all what they represent. Under these masks hide notorious traders and speculators

127. A beautiful girl has no friends because people try to avoid her out of envy of her advantages.

128. But still, in this world, striking us again every time, phenomena of honesty, kindness and nobility, as well as great intelligence and genius, emerge very scatteredly. They shine to us from a huge dark mass, like individual shiny points

129. This is the lot of great people in the world: they are only recognized when they are no longer alive

130. If someone stands out among us, let him go - this is the unanimous slogan of mediocrity everywhere

131. As soon as an outstanding talent emerges in any profession, immediately all the mediocrities of this profession try to hush up the matter and deprive him of the opportunity to become famous

132. Envy is an undoubted sign of the lack of what it is directed towards.

133. Everyone can praise only at the expense of their own significance; everyone, asserting glory for another figure in his or a related specialty, in essence takes it away from himself. As a result, people are inclined not to praise, but to blame, because through this they indirectly praise themselves. If they do praise, then they have other motives and considerations for this.

134. A wig is a symbol of a scientist. He decorates his head with an abundant mass of other people's hair in the absence of his own, just like learning in adorning the head with a huge variety of other people's thoughts

135. The most perfect scholarship is to genius as a herbarium is to the ever-regenerating, ever-fresh, ever-changing world of plants

136. Constant reading takes away all elasticity from the mind, just as a constantly pressing weight takes it away from a spring, and the surest way to not have your own thoughts is to immediately grab a book at every free moment

137. The least worthwhile thing to do is to move away from the contemplation of the real world for the sake of reading.

138. Scholars are those who have read books; but the thinkers, geniuses and movers of humanity are those who read directly in the book of the universe

139. Every great suffering, whether physical or spiritual, tells us what we deserve, for it could not befall us if we did not deserve it

140. Instead of being exclusively and eternally concerned with plans and worries about the future or indulging in longing for the past, we must always remember that the present alone is real and the only certainty. Therefore, we should always honor the present with a warm welcome, enjoy every tolerable hour with a consciousness of its value, and not darken it with annoyed grimaces due to unfulfilled hopes in the past or worries about the future

Many people feel very strongly about missed opportunities in life, they deeply regret that they did something wrong in the past or did not do something at all that they thought they should have done, they regret that they made the wrong choice, from their point of view, in a given situation. Some of them even become depressed because of this, being absolutely convinced that the best they could do is in the past and that nothing can be returned or changed. This problem is so vast and so closely related to many other psychological problems that I decided to write a comprehensive article on this topic that can help people cope with this absurd, from my point of view, problem. On the face of it, it’s really terrible to miss opportunities, but it’s not catastrophic, and even necessary; missing opportunities is an integral part of our lives. Yes, friends, there is also benefit in missed opportunities, and not a small one, so read this article to the end and you will understand what I mean.

To begin with, let me convince you that you have always had, have and will have opportunities, life constantly provides them to us, because it expects the right decisions from us. Right decisions are those decisions by making which we make ourselves better, better, stronger. And they are correct because they meet our personal interests and the interests of the one who invented this world, in which everything is aimed at development and improvement. Our life is structured in such a way that everything in it either develops or degrades, and this, of course, also applies to humans. We either grow as individuals or slowly but surely degrade. And I believe that life is given to us so that we can develop, because everything in this world develops and strives for something common to us all. Therefore, everything that happens in our lives is aimed at making us better. After all, everything must have a meaning, correctly, nothing exists or happens in this world without purpose, everything performs some function, for some common purpose. So, missing opportunities does not mean missing them completely, irrevocably, it means missing specific opportunities in a specific period of time. And as soon as you have missed one opportunity, you immediately have a new, even better, larger-scale, more promising, more interesting opportunity that you can either take advantage of, or, as in the case of the previous opportunity, miss it, ignore it . So one opportunity is always followed by another opportunity - this is the most important thing that you must understand. Moreover, we have many opportunities and at each specific period of time we must make a choice - which one to take advantage of. Therefore, the fact that we miss some of our opportunities is natural and inevitable. We can't do everything we want to do, we can't take all the roads at once, we have to choose one of them. In each specific situation we must make a choice between various solutions. Consequently, if you missed some opportunities, it turns out that at the same time you took advantage of other opportunities - you made a choice and decided how best to act in a given situation. And since you decided the way you decided, then why should you condemn yourself for this decision? Do you think it's wrong? But I don’t think so.

The whole problem of a person, because of which he torments himself, is that he does not know how to manage his attention and his thinking. Now, if it gets stuck somewhere there - in the past, where, as it seems to him, he should have made another - the right decision, and not the decision that he made, that’s how he sticks out there in this past. And in the present, at this moment, there may be a lot of new, even more interesting and grandiose opportunities - take advantage, as they say, I don’t want to. It’s good, of course, when there are people nearby who can point out these opportunities to a person, switching his attention from the past to the present, from what should have been done in the past to what can be done in the present. Therefore, many people turn to the same psychologists, intuitively feeling that they can help them in this case. Psychologists, of course, can help, help a person stop reproaching himself for missed opportunities and for mistakes made in the past, but a person himself must be able to help himself in such situations, so as not to poison his own life by pointlessly delving into the dead past. Thinking about what you don't have means not understanding what you have. And we all have a present in which we can, if not everything, then a lot, but in the past we definitely can’t change anything. Usually people, although not all, but many, are firmly convinced that if they had acted this way and not otherwise in the past, everything would have been different for them, everything would have been better for them than they are. So friends, you can be very wrong about this. You and I are not smart enough to be able to calculate all the consequences of our actions, taking into account the multiple factors that influence our destiny. Even supercomputers have not yet learned this, although they calculate faster than us. It is quite possible that if you had acted in the past, as it seems to you, more correctly, you would not have made the mistakes that you are now worried about, then you would not be here at all. What makes you think that, having made a certain mistake in the past or missed some opportunity, you have not avoided even more serious mistakes and have not deprived yourself of new, better opportunities? Where do you get such confidence that your actions in the past were wrong? You just think so – right? But you don’t know for sure, you can’t know exactly what would have happened if you had not acted as you did when, as it seems to you, you missed great opportunities.

We do not need to be so self-confident in such a complex issue as the question of our possible fate, in principle, we cannot know everything, and therefore we should not assure ourselves that some of our decisions that we made in the past were correct and others were incorrect. Moreover, what is done is done, and thanks to everything done in the past, we exist here and now in the present, and at the same time we still condemn this past, thereby actually devaluing our present. Why do we need this? We don’t need to do this, all we need is to think about what each of us has here and now. And in the present, each of us, without exception, has a lot of opportunities, you and I can even choose which ones to take advantage of and which ones to ignore, that is, which ones to miss. You, as I said, have done this in the past when you've missed opportunities, you've made choices between what you should do and what you shouldn't do - do you understand that? You missed some opportunities, but took advantage of others, maybe less profitable, maybe not. We, as I have already said, do not know and cannot know exactly where another decision that we could have made in the past could have led us to; perhaps it would have ruined us. Therefore, here and now, in our present, you and I must take a close look at the opportunities available to us in order to choose the most suitable opportunity for us and take advantage of it. Why must something better necessarily be in the past, why not in the present, why not here and not now?

So there is no need to regret anything, how can you regret what led you to new opportunities in the present? This is somehow unreasonable in my opinion. What about yours? I am absolutely sure that at the moment in your life there is everything necessary so that you can change it in the direction you need. And this is all thanks to those actions, those mistakes that you made in the past. I think that in order for you to finally decide on your attitude towards your actions in the past and the decisions you made in it, you need to realize all the prospects that you have today. You can do it yourself, you can do it with the help of others, preferably not stupid people, which will point out to you what you yourself do not notice. After all, from the outside people can see better who you are and what you are like. But I personally am absolutely sure that each of you has promising opportunities, taking advantage of which you can get everything that you really need, that will make you happy, even without knowing anything about yourself and your life. Well, there cannot be hopeless people who, no matter what situation they are in this moment were not there, nothing shines anymore, according to the laws of our universe, this cannot happen. I won’t prove this to you now, because most of you are not interested in this evidence anyway, you are more interested in making your life better and getting rid of your deepest regrets due to the opportunities you allegedly missed. This is what I know for sure. Am I right?

So, what opportunities do you currently have - do you know about it? What do you think about this? You are reading this article and looking for answers to your questions in it, you want to know what is happening to you and what you can do to change the existing reality. You want to change your life, but you don’t know how to change it, but at the same time you are already taking advantage of the opportunities that you have here and now, because you are not inactive. But if your life were different and you didn’t miss those opportunities that you regret, would you be reading these lines now, would you think about what you need to do today, now, to make your life better? You and I don’t know this, right? But now, at this very moment, you can choose for yourself the path along which you will go further. As I already said, you and I have the opportunities in the present thanks to missed opportunities in the past, or rather, thanks to the choice we made in the past when we decided to miss some opportunities but take advantage of others. And now each of us faces exactly the same choice - where to go now. And we cannot help but do it, because life does not stand still - it requires decisions from us, decisions on how to act now, and not how one could have acted sometime in the past. There should be no subjunctive moods in our explanation of our current choice, if you want to do the right thing now - don’t think about how you did it before, your attention and your thinking should not be in the past, otherwise today you will do something wrong again or you won't do something.

Think about what you want and how you can get it, return to the present and live in it, because all the most important things in your life happen in the present. And, if you haven’t done this yet, then answer yourself the question - do you want to live and act in the present, aren’t you afraid of it? It’s more difficult, isn’t it, to decide on something right here and now and take action? It is much easier to poke around in the past and justify all your failures, if any, or simply do nothing, assuring yourself that nothing significant can be done. The past does not scare us as much as the present, in which we have to do something in order to get something or change something, and the future, which will be the consequence of our actions in the present, also scares us. This is something you will need to think about before you give up on your regrets about missed opportunities that, on the one hand, make you uncomfortable, but on the other hand, make your life a little easier. Perhaps you will say that you do not see any real opportunities in front of you now, contrary to my statement that they exist. So that’s what we’re talking about, friends, that our choice is not obvious, you didn’t see a lot before and didn’t understand a lot, that’s why you acted as you did in the end. That’s why I’m talking about the need for you to concentrate your attention on the present you have, so that you see and understand what opportunities you have now and make a decision to take advantage of them.

I repeat, the problem of missed opportunities lies mainly in the fact that our mind and our thinking are stuck in a certain period of time, around some situation that we would like to replay, correct. And so we circle and circle around this situation, around this dead period of time, not paying attention to the reality around us and the possibilities available in it. We live in an imaginary world when we think about the past, and do not pay attention to the real world - in the present. Probably, if we knew how to manage our attention and our thinking, we would have no psychological problems did not have. And so, we either somehow get out of the situation in which our thinking is stuck, or we turn to psychologists for help so that they can help us do this more correctly and much faster. Somehow a person must get out of the unreal world into the real one. In the end, without making the right decisions in the present, we will not change anything in our lives, so do not regret anything, but will have to come to terms with what is. We will have to solve the problems facing us today in order to change the existing reality, and no mistakes we have made in the past can justify our inaction here and now. People often think about and discuss the possibility of correcting mistakes they have made in the past when they are trying to rid themselves of gnawing thoughts about missed opportunities. But I am absolutely sure that there is no need to correct anything, you need to be able to correctly navigate the present, in which each of us finds ourselves thanks, as I already said, to mistakes made in the past. And again, I return to the thought I already stated above - do you really want to change something in your past? Are your mistakes in the past an excuse for your unwillingness to act in the right way for you in the present? Why can’t anything be done now, because nothing can be done, or because you don’t want to do anything? I won’t leave you alone with this question, because I know how the human mind works, I understand that regretting what you didn’t do is easier than actually doing something. And you should understand this too.

If you dream of going back to the past in order to change something in it, in order to apologize to someone for something, to forgive someone for something, to be in time for something and for something dare, then be sure that your mind is deceiving you. With this maneuver, your mind tries to shift your attention from what you can do in the present to what you know you can never do in the past. He, your mind, does not want to work on tasks here and now, he wants to dream about what will never happen, for him this is an easier task. I am already explaining to you the reason why our thinking gets stuck in certain periods of time, around certain situations. Keep in mind that our body is tuned to quite practical energy-efficient work, and our brain is no exception - it does not like to work in vain, it does not like to work at all, because it often does not see the point in it. Our brain spends a lot of energy when we really think, think a lot, think well, so for it this is an impractical type of activity, it does not want to spend energy to solve certain problems. So he deceives us by concentrating our attention on tasks that can no longer be solved, which means there is no need to do so. Our brain simulates work when it sends us to the past and points out to us the mistakes we made in it, instead of actually working in the present on everything that we have and can work with. But even if we could change our past, it is not at all a fact that our changes would lead us to a better present; it is quite possible that we would only make things worse for ourselves and others. So there is no need to return to the past, even if tomorrow a time machine is invented for this purpose, you need to work in the present with the present, forcing your mind to return to it.

So what kind of problems do we have, what kind of friends do you have with the present? Just don’t say that it’s not what it should be. You don't know what it should have been like, you don't even know what it could have been like if... What if? If you would have acted differently then, if you would have made a different decision? Do not deceive yourself - you cannot know which of your actions were absolutely correct and which were not. You just want, if you regret something, for it, your real one, to be different. But what other friends should your present be like, what should your past be like, and what should your future be like? Why should it be different, and not as it is, why should your life correspond to all your expectations and patterns, why should it correspond to them? Do you really think that when everything in a person’s life turns out the way he wants, he is absolutely happy? Our whole life is one big mystery, because we don’t even really understand for what purpose we live, for what we follow our natural instincts, eat, reproduce, strive for something. And it is in this mystery that our interest in life is hidden, it is the unpredictability of each subsequent moment in our lives that forces us to appreciate, love and take care of our lives. Therefore, you will never be able to fully know how right or wrong your choice turned out to be in a given situation, even if you achieve great success in worldly affairs. Everything has its own price, and therefore, having received one thing from life, you will definitely miss something else. You and I cannot keep absolutely everything in our hands, because we don’t need it - to have everything. We take one thing from life and do not take another from it, and in the same way we give something in return and do not give something back. We choose, consciously or unconsciously, what to take from life and what to give to it. But we don’t need everything in the world, even the best, otherwise life will become uninteresting to us.

So you need to find the strength to work with the present in order to get rid of worries about missed opportunities in the past. Now you also have opportunities and there are quite a lot of them - see them and use them. And if you have problems with this, seek help from specialists, they will help you believe in yourself and show you the reality that you do not notice and are afraid of. The lack of self-confidence, with the help of which a person is able to change his life at any time he wishes, forces him to regret missed opportunities. Regrets are a manifestation of our weakness. A person, thus, hides his fear from himself in the ephemeral past, which is alive only in his memories. So think about it, friends, maybe your missed opportunities that you are worried about are just your excuse for your reluctance to change your present, due to fear and lack of faith in yourself? And your laziness feeds on this fear, it keeps you in that zone of discomfort in which you are more comfortable than the real reality, which requires you to make decisions right here and now? Your brain, as I already said, is lazy, it does not want to solve real problems, it prefers to indulge in not very tedious thoughts about how it could have been if you had done it this way and not otherwise. Reflection should help you, friends, cope with your negative feelings. Pay attention to the meaning of your experiences, not to why you regret the past, but to why you regret it. Ask this question to your mind, let your brain work on this question, let it give you the answer - why do you need a dead past when you have a living reality in the present that can and should be changed. Find the reason for your laziness and your fears in your misunderstanding of yourself. Don't be afraid of reality - it will submit to you as soon as you start working on it, and not on the dead past.

In the present, friends, you can make a choice - which opportunities to miss and which to take advantage of. As I said above, you always have this choice. Don’t tell yourself that you can’t do this or that, just because you don’t have time, money, energy, motivation, spirit, self-confidence, the necessary knowledge. You always don't have something, am I not right? When will you have all this? So that there is enough for all your grandiose plans? Never – both you and I understand this. You already have everything you need, and everything else is a deception of the mind, which is busy and doesn’t want to work, you and I already know that. This is what you need to work with, friends - your laziness, if you do not want to regret the opportunities you missed. And laziness feeds on your fear, which in turn feeds on your ignorance. You need to know more about yourself and about this world in order to always be able to make the right decisions at the right moments. I help you with this with my articles. So, you did not miss anything and are not missing anything, I repeat this to you again. You just do something and don’t do something here and now. You make – choices about what to do and what not to do. This choice is made either by your consciousness or your lazy brain, when your mind, that is, your ability to think, either works with the present, or tinkers in the past, or walks in the future. You, of course, need to think about everything, about the past and the present and the future, in order to do right choice at one time or another, but priority should be given to the present, because you can only do something in the present. Other people can also make choices for you, who, as you yourself understand, if they make decisions for you, may not make them in your favor. Which option suits you personally? I am sure that as a rational and proud being, with your own “I,” you would like to decide for yourself what you need to do and why. Well, decide, make your conscious choice - what opportunities you have that you should take advantage of right here and now. People need to solve their problems with the present and not with the past, but in order to get rid of unconstructive thoughts about the past, it sometimes needs to be thoroughly analyzed in order to fully understand it. The past must be left in the past, breaking away from it by realizing the pattern and necessity of everything that happened in the past. We must understand that here and now we have many times more opportunities than the opportunities that we think we missed in our past.

And we can come to this understanding, you, dear readers, can come to this understanding, perhaps with the help of strangers, if you yourself are not able to deal with all your thoughts and feelings, and perhaps yourself, but the main thing is that you can . But whether you want this is another question, the answer to which will depend on your worldview and your desires. After all, each person has his own vision of this world and his place in it. If you are satisfied with your present, then it will be difficult to convince you of the need to change it. But then what's the point of worrying about the past? Again, as you can see, an interesting question arises - think about it. In general, no matter who says what, and no matter what we think about ourselves, but personally, I am absolutely sure that in every second of our lives, we can make a choice that will lead us to the future we are talking about. we dream. In our present it is real, but our past is dead, it no longer exists. And to regret it and the opportunities that we seem to have missed means not understanding that the present is more important than the past, even though it stems from it. As long as you think about what you did wrong in the past, and what you didn’t do at all, and what you didn’t have time to do, you won’t do what you can do right here and now. And this will lead you to the fact that in the future you will again regret your past, that is, your present present.

And why do you need it, friends, do you really not want to do anything significant right now, that you are forced to constantly tinker with something that no longer exists? There is no need to underestimate yourself - make the right choice here and now so as not to regret anything later. After all, if someone else makes this choice for you, then you will definitely regret it, because in your life it is you who should make the choice in order to live your life yourself, and not make it someone else’s shadow. I hope now you understand that you have never missed any opportunities, that it is all about the choices you make and on the basis of which you take certain actions. And these actions of yours lead you to certain results. Therefore, what choice you make right here and now and what actions on your part then follow will determine your future and your attitude towards the past. I hope that this choice will be wise, and you will not have to look for your happiness where it does not exist - in your past, because this happiness is within you. Realize it and all your worries and fears will disappear.


Signs: Pay attention to these. Issue No. 19

Events, phenomena and processes that should not be overlooked

The site’s journalists continue to communicate with sources, closely monitor events and tell their readers about the most important stories that explain what is happening in the regional elites. In this issue - who framed Denis Pasler (or who he is), Vladimir Mironov goes to new job, Oleg Bogomolov will conduct New Year in Montenegro, and Vladimir Yakushev will not be able to leave Russia, and we found out why, Alexander Voitovich began to be suspected of inciting another conflict and much more.

Sverdlovsk region: scandals in the government, new security forces, FSB investigations

To the Chairman of the Sverdlovsk government Denis Pasler had to be seriously nervous because of the negative conclusion to the federal bill on changing the system of gubernatorial elections in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Nenets Autonomous Okrug (in fact, we are talking about the abolition of direct elections of regional heads), which was sent to Moscow with his signature. A website source in the Cabinet of Ministers says that the reaction from the presidential administration came quickly and was “sharply negative.” They decided to blame the head of the department for interaction with the Legislative Assembly and maintaining the register of municipal acts of the government, Sergei Naimushin, who will most likely leave the government. However, the consequences of this story may be more serious, although a new conclusion, this time positive, has already been sent to Moscow.

Denis Pasler (left) is not considered an intriguer, but the story with the “erroneous” review turned out to be strange

Despite the fact that Pasler seeks to attribute what happened to a bureaucratic mistake, at least two conspiracy theories have matured behind the scenes of the Cabinet of Ministers. According to one of them, the Sverdlovsk prime minister deliberately framed the governor, provoking discontent with the AP. According to another, on the contrary, someone framed Pasler. However, there is no confirmation of either version; outwardly, the relationship between the head of the region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, and the prime minister has not changed. According to the site’s interlocutor, in the current situation, only one thing can be said for sure: Naimushin is not the person who is engaged in placing political emphasis in landmark documents.

Changes will occur in the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region in the near future. Head of the Main Investigation Department Vladimir Mironov will move to work in another region– according to the website, he is undergoing approval for appointment to a similar position at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Krasnodar Territory. In his place, the current head of the Main Investigation Department for the Republic of Adygea, Colonel of Justice Dmitry Demin, who has worked for a long time in the Belgorod region and Stavropol Territory, will most likely come to work in the Sverdlovsk region.

The dismissal of the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Yekaterinburg, Dmitry Gnatyuk, about whom the site wrote this week, may slow down the career of his boss, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel Igor Trifonov. But sources close to law enforcement agencies say that there are more serious complaints. According to the publication's interlocutor, Gnatyuk ended up being developed by the FSB in the Sverdlovsk region. The security officers allegedly suspected the policeman of having connections with illegal gambling establishments. His boss, Igor Trifonov, was in Moscow for a long study, after which, as the site’s source says, he could receive the shoulder straps of a major general and a new duty station. But after an inspection by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the dismissal of Gnatyuk, these plans are in jeopardy.

There's another one problematic topic for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg. The department of licensing and permitting work of the city police department (OLRR) came to the attention of the FSB and the GRU of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It all started with Pervouralsk lawyer Anatoly Zlokazov, from whom a collection of 47 weapons and 5.5 thousand ammunition was confiscated several years ago. During the inspection, it turned out that spare parts for some barrels were removed from weapons that had previously been abused by security forces and were subject to disposal. In July of this year, another reason for complaints appeared. A shooting occurred in the parking lot of the Yekaterinburg nightclub "Havana Club". The shooter, who turned out to be citizen Dmitry Konev, arrived alongside the police and showed him a Grand Power T12 pistol and a license to carry it. Neither the gun nor the documents for it were listed in the law enforcement database. Next, information was received from the Musket weapons store about ex-policeman Anton Gulakov, who was trying to buy a Vepr carbine. His license was also not found on the lists. An internal review showed that about 200 weapons licenses were not included in the database and, therefore, their owners were in no way controlled by the LRR department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Yekaterinburg. Immediately after this, department employees Ilya Mamaev and deputy head Zhanna Zagrai were fired (today the Leninsky District Court began hearing her claim for reinstatement). However, a shadow also fell on the head of the OLRR, Dmitry Afanaskin. The FSB and the GRU, meanwhile, are now concerned about where and how spare parts from barrels to be disposed of were used and what happened to weapons purchased using documents not recorded in the database.

Investigators working on the case of the ex-director of the Yekaterinburg Tram and Trolleybus Administration, now the head of the Oktyabrsky district of the city Alexandra Miroshnik, who was placed under house arrest on November 21, there is a serious clue. As the site learned, we are talking about an episode involving construction and installation work at ETTU facilities. In the spring of this year, the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region opened a case on it (under Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud committed in large size"). Searches were carried out on June 4. However, no charges were brought against anyone. It turned out that the 650 thousand rubles in shortfall sought by the police went to repair the sponsored children's institution. However, investigators recently obtained evidence that this money was first cashed out, which is a gross violation for a municipal institution. Miroshnik himself does not appear to have signed these documents, and for him it all came as a complete surprise. Meanwhile, the problem is serious, and now the official is hastily thinking about how to build a line of defense.

A new appointment may await the permanent head of the Sverdlovsk Federal Reserve System, Mikhail Zatsepin.. Rumors that this influential representative of the Sverdlovsk notary-security clan will resign or change jobs appear regularly. The latter says that Zatsepin is going to become a judge. Considering that lawyer Sergei Minin, no stranger to him, recently took the post of chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court, it may turn out that Zatsepin will work in this region. Earlier, another respected Sverdlovsk lawyer, judge Vyacheslav Malashkovets, moved there.

Deputies of the Yekaterinburg Duma, considered loyal to the regional authorities, showed unexpected activity at the last meeting of the representative body this year. Deputies Igor Volodin and Alexander Kosintsev sharply criticized the fact that City officials are planning a salary increase for 2015 amid the crisis. The action can be considered a success: there was great media attention to this topic, despite statements from the mayor's office that there was no growth. It is too early to talk about a significant strengthening of the region’s position in the Duma - the majority of city deputies chose not to speak out on this topic. But the fact that the regional authorities began to launch attacks “on the enemy’s field” indicates an ongoing reconfiguration of the political bloc of the governor’s administration.

In the career of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov, elected in 2012 for a five-year term, is facing an unexpected turn that could lead to early resignation. According to the site, it is considered as one of the candidates for the head of Magnitogorsk, where the government recently changed: the mayor of Magnitogorsk, Evgeny Teftelev, resigned due to his transfer to work as a city manager of Chelyabinsk. Until the elections, which are scheduled for September 2015, the acting Vitaly Bakhmetyev was appointed head of the city. Sergei Nosov has close ties with Magnitogorsk: he grew up in this city and worked at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (in particular, he was the deputy general director of the plant), and Magnitogorsk Technical University was named after his grandfather, the famous metallurgist Grigory Nosov. The brother of the Tagil mayor, Alexey Nosov, general director of Uraltransmash, is a deputy of the Magnitogorsk city assembly. In addition, Nosov is connected with the Chelyabinsk region by the fact that he is considered one of the ideologists of the development of the Suroyamskoye titanomagnetite ore deposit. In the spring, Nosov participated in a meeting on the development of this field, which was chaired by Boris Dubrovsky, who then held the post of acting. governor.

. “In general, many of us know and respect Nosov. We used to live nearby, but I haven’t seen him in Magnitogorsk for a long time and haven’t heard anything about him being able to lead the city,” Morozov said. It should be noted that in 2015 Magnitogorsk will face elections of local government bodies under a new system. It is planned that city residents will elect a Duma, one of whose deputies will become the chairman - the head of the city. The administration will be led by a city manager.

Dmitry Kolezev, Igor Pushkarev, Maria Plyusnina

Chelyabinsk region: intra-clan wars have begun in the region

To Chelyabinsk immigrants from Magnitogorsk continue to arrive. This week, the mayor of Magnitka, Evgeny Teftelev, became the city manager of the regional center, and a place in power was found for his common-law wife Irina Kharina - she is moving from the post of head of the security department environment Magnitka on post for now acting First Deputy Minister of Ecology of the region. It also became known about the appointment of Natalya Saleeva, who previously headed the Magnitogorsk construction company Sinai (an asset of Boris Dubrovsky, transferred to trust management), as the general director of the South Ural Housing Construction and Mortgage Corporation. True, in light of recent events, not all officials happily agree to move from the second largest city Chelyabinsk region at first. The most superstitious of them noticed an unpleasant and downright karmic pattern: as soon as the decisive moment comes for one of the leaders, their relatives get into high-profile accidents. “This is just some kind of evil fate,” they say on the sidelines. – First, Dubrovsky’s daughter-in-law was involved in an accident on the day of the gubernatorial election, where two people died and the grandson of the head of the region was injured. Then, when the issue of the city manager of Chelyabinsk was being resolved, the 18-year-old daughter of his common-law wife crashed an expensive foreign car and fled the scene...”

In general, with the traffic accident in which Kharina Jr. allegedly participated, everything is not so simple. The press, from the words of Valentina Bredneva, who was injured in the accident, claims that her Audi is in Magnitogorsk crashed a Mazda SUV allegedly belonging to Anastasia Kharina. The culprit of the accident disappeared, and now the victims are looking for her to present a bill for 300 thousand rubles in damage. However, the Magnitogorsk police say that there were no accidents involving Audi and Mazda in the city at all! According to a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Magnitogorsk, information about the accident is this is a rumor from Chelyabinsk, aimed specifically at Evgeniy Teftelev, recently approved by the city manager of the regional center. “The Magnitogorsk landing party in the authorities of Chelyabinsk is becoming more and more numerous,” the security officials say. – So, if information soon appears that Magnitogorsk residents drink the blood of Chelyabinsk babies at night, we will not be surprised. You have to keep your eyes open and not allow yourself to be used. Now all of Chelyabinsk will look at the new officials through a microscope and magnify all their mistakes. All this is very sad, but inevitable: We are not as afraid of the crisis as we are of intra-clan squabbles" Evgeny Teftelev himself, we note, also does not confirm the participation of his young unofficial stepdaughter in the accident. However, according to a website source in the Chelyabinsk administration, he assessed the attack on himself and is slowly finding out who started it.

Security officials: “If there are rumors that Magnitogorsk residents drink the blood of Chelyabinsk babies, we will not be surprised”

The prosecutor of the Chelyabinsk region, Alexander Voitovich, began to be suspected of inciting another conflict between regional authorities and security forces. Let us remind you that the last such “war” that happened between ex-governor Mikhail Yurevich and the former chairman of the regional court Fyodor Vyatkin and the security clan ended sadly for all participants in the conflict. And now - a new series, which is associated with Voitovich’s statements made in Lately. He, as the site reported, spoke out about the “medical case,” to which the regional prosecutor’s office has nothing to do with it, then stated that he participated in the formation of Boris Dubrovsky’s team: “The head of the FSB and I convinced the governor that individuals should not be appointed. Now we will form a new team – the Chelyabinsk administration,” he said earlier this week in an interview with the Chelyabinsk Worker newspaper. And at the final press conference, he shocked journalists by instructing them to immediately deal with an accident in which 18-year-old Anastasia Kharina, the daughter of the ex-head of the Magnitogorsk ecology department Irina Kharina, who is considered the common-law wife of Evgeniy Teftelev, was allegedly involved. At the same time, Voitovich said that he does not care whose children cause accidents there. Everything would be fine, and many would probably like the objectivity of the prosecutor’s office, but the head of the supervisory authority, according to a number of political scientists, for example, Alexander Melnikov and Andrei Lavrov , began to overemphasize his role in the political life of the Southern Urals. This means that retaliatory moves by officials and, as a result, a new round of conflict between the authorities and the security forces are not far off.

Observers this week noticed that at the last meeting of the Chelyabinsk City Duma, deputies did not elect deputy speakers. Meanwhile, there were no obstacles that could prevent the head of the city, Stanislav Mosharov, from acquiring three deputies: changes to the city charter were made back in November, there was enough time to draw up the document in the Ministry of Justice and publish it. This means there were some internal reasons. As a source in the City Duma told the site, Stanislav Mosharov was not satisfied with all the candidates for the proposed deputies. So, instead of Sergei Ovchinnikov, he would like to see Vladimir Bodrov as his first deputy. He also does not like the candidacy of the not very accommodating Ilya Mitelman. But, since no consensus was found on this issue, it was decided to stall for time. Officially, the absence of deputies was explained by the fact that “they did not have time to include the issue in the regulations.” They say that after this meeting the head of the city was given a thrashing at Zwilling, 27. After all, according to the charter, he has the right to introduce any issues for consideration directly at the meetings, regardless of the regulations. However, already in the middle of the week at a meeting of the United Russia faction, the candidacies of Ovchinnikov and Mitelman Jr. were approved. The appointment will take place next year.

In the media community they began to discuss information that already next year The state-owned “Regional Television” may be liquidated. Such plans allegedly originated in the governor’s administration, where they believe that OTV is a tool of the 90s, ineffective and requiring enormous investments. At the same time, all ideological topics can be easily worked out through federal TV, that is, through the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Southern Ural", with the new head of which regional officials have developed excellent relations. In general, the media market of the Chelyabinsk region seems to be entering a new stage of its transformation, say local journalists. And they are right: a source close to the governor says that at least They have no plans to liquidate OTV, but they need to optimize the work of this TV channel. "Competition on information market high. Changes are needed. And this applies not only to OTV, but also to other state or affiliated media,” says our high-ranking interlocutor.

Clouds are gathering over the permanent chairman Public Chamber Chelyabinsk region Vyacheslav Skvortsov. Our sources claim that the governor Boris Dubrovsky is clearly dissatisfied with the public figure, as shown by the recent plenary meeting of the regional OP, where Skvortsov spoke with a standard, formal report, boring the audience. The head of the OP made a blunder, obviously believing that the attitude towards him and the body he heads on the part of the new governor would be the same as on the part of the previous two - that is, formally indifferent. Dubrovsky was not satisfied with such a report, which he said directly and made it clear that he expected something else from the Public Chamber of the region. As an experienced apparatchik, Skvortsov perked up, especially since he understands that there are many who want to remove him from his position (for example, the suddenly formed Surkov-Ryzhey tandem). By the way, Skvortsov had already suggested the idea of ​​how to rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the governor and: it is necessary to organize and conduct the Civil Forum of the Chelyabinsk Region as a review of healthy and constructive forces in society that can become allies of the head of the region in the implementation of the 2020 strategy, supplemented by anti-crisis themes.

On the eve of the New Year, civil strife occurred in the ranks of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Popular Front For Russia. Unexpectedly for many, a prominent activist of the movement, a well-known businessman and public figure in Chelyabinsk, Arsen Hunanyan, stated that In recent months, the ONF has not been engaged in really useful things, but exclusively in self-PR. The site’s sources find it difficult to say why Hunanyan criticized his comrades so much. The only thing that comes to the experts’ minds is Arsen Hamletovich’s resentment towards people who are also members of the ONF and the association of entrepreneurs “Opora Rossii.” Unanyan, we recall, claimed to head the regional “Opora” after the rise of its former chairman Alexander Kalinin, but instead of him the businessmen elected a certain Artem Artemyev from Verkhneuralsk - a young, promising man, but practically unknown to the general business community.

Leadership of the regional branch of the party " United Russia"The site is trying, according to experts, save on political strategists in the 2015 elections. United Russia prefers its own clerks - deputy secretaries of local United Russia branches for agitation and propaganda work - to political PR professionals. Not long ago, the top leadership of United Russia in the region - Vladimir Myakush, Alexander Motovilov and Yuri Karlikanov - even held a meeting with these “commissars”, and, according to a source close to the leadership of the regional branch of United Russia, they persistently advised the “political officers” to urgently raise their level. The blame for the failures of these “tame” political strategists, who for the most part do not shine with professionalism, is supposed to be shifted to the curator of elections from the executive branch, and win simply due to the powerful administrative resource . They say that Vasily Zorin, who was appointed the main ideologist of the future elections, did not like this approach to election campaigns very much: he, unlike most “campaign deputies,” is a professional political strategist and fully understands that if he does not hire other specialists himself, then they will opponents of United Russia will hire, which will greatly complicate the task facing the party.

At the end of the year, in Ozersk, as in most cities, they approved the budget for 2015 and made a number of other important decisions. However, observers noticed that one of the issues was removed from the session, which greatly upset some local officials. They proposed to the people's representatives to change the structure of the city administration. The changes are not fundamental: to join the youth team to the department of physical education and sports. During the discussion, this issue gave rise to opposing opinions. As a result, his decision was postponed until next year. But, according to experts from ZATO, the initiative will most likely be buried. “This is not the first time that Ozersk city manager Pavel Kachan has tried to change the structure of the administration,” our interlocutors recall. - And that’s normal - everyone new chapter the administration changes it to suit itself. It was especially difficult to get rid of the “legacy of Evgeny Tarasov” (convicted ex-city manager - editor's note), who made serious adjustments that turned out to be extremely ineffective. Therefore, now deputies are wary of such proposals. To Kachan, with his structure, every time it was more questions than answers. And now the administration came out at the last moment, and even with such meaningless changes.” But most importantly, the people’s representatives are asking themselves: Is it worth changing anything at all on the eve of the elections? After all, the authorities in the “ban” may change, and the officials will only be “seated” for a few months.

In Zlatoust, New Year's holidays are greeted with forebodings. As the economic crisis deepens, there is growing evidence that Zlatoust Electrometallurgical Plant (ZEMZ) is facing bankruptcy. Let us recall that ZEMZ was created on the financial ruins of the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant (ZMZ), which went bankrupt in 2013. Then the city experienced severe unrest and found itself at the center of a negative information agenda at the federal level. It is not surprising that during the first conversation with Boris Dubrovsky after the appointment, President Vladimir Putin ordered to take the situation under personal control. And at the end of 2014, information appeared that the owners and owners of ZEMZ violated the agreement on debt restructuring to the gas supplier NOVATEK-Chelyabinsk. Immediately, the arbitration court received an application from ZMZ to declare its successor, ZEMZ, bankrupt. They say that bankruptcy will be technical in order to write off the growing debt, since this allegedly becomes, in fact, the only way out for the plant. It’s difficult to say what to do next. Indeed, in 2014, Boris Dubrovsky’s team tried to manually set up management, and this helped pay off debts to workers and solve other problems. But as soon as the authorities abandoned manual control, problems began to pile up with renewed vigor.. The situation was aggravated by the fact that conflicts around ZEMZ began to be used as a lever of pressure on the head of the city, Vyacheslav Zhilin. Be that as it may, Chrysostom enters the New Year with the ghosts of old fears and vague prospects.

Svetlana Grigorieva, Kirill Babushkin, Irina Kryuchkova

Tyumen region, Yugra, Yamal: Governors and priests restricted from traveling

Last week, Vladimir Yakushev called on Tyumen residents not to visit countries that “create difficulties” for Russia. “Because of patriotic feelings, I am not going anywhere, and my colleagues supported me on this issue,” Yakushev noted, making it clear to everyone that, while advising the people, he himself is an example, and not a hypocrite. But, according to our sources, Vladimir Vladimirovich told, if the truth, then not the whole truth. “I have no doubt about the sincere love of the Tyumen leader for the Motherland, but there is a nuance,” says our interlocutor. “The fact is that the FSO collected foreign passports from all the governors, so they simply could not go abroad even if they wanted to.” Let us remind you that previously a similar action of “coercion to patriotism” was already carried out against police officers and other security officials. To be fair, we note that, according to our source, the ban can be circumvented. To do this, those who especially wish to leave their beloved Fatherland for a while simply need to write a corresponding application. After this, the “foreign passport” can be temporarily returned. How many regional heads will risk taking this path is still unknown.

Lists of candidates for governors of the Tyumen Matryoshka autonomies will be approved after the New Year holidays. This website was reported by one of the likely rivals of the Governor of Ugra, Natalya Komarova. “The holidays will end, consultations will begin in Moscow,” says our interlocutor. – Of course, provided that the law on appointment is adopted in its current version. There is still a possibility that the law on the appointment of heads of northern autonomies will be rewritten for the second and third readings. It is possible that the concept of approving lists through the governor of the Tyumen region will live on for a long time and everything will go according to the previously tested scheme - one candidate, whom the president of the country “sends” to the regional parliaments for voting.” However, most likely, nothing will be replayed, since a significant amount of time and money has already been spent on training residents of the districts and the local elite.

Meanwhile, Natalia Komarova’s PR people, according to our sources, decided to change the governor’s photographers and plan to hire new people from Surgut. This means that the Grand Photo company, which previously created the image of Natalya Vladimirovna (and before her, Alexander Filipenko), will remain out of business. On the sidelines they say that this idea belongs to the relatively new head of the press service of the head of Ugra, Vera Tsareva. Our interlocutors prefer not to speculate out loud about the reason for this decision.

Bye Tyumen governor With the new procedure for appointing heads of autonomies, Vladimir Yakushev becomes more important than them; in the spiritual sphere of the regions, the opposite process is taking place. This week, the head of the Khanty-Mansi diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, Pavel, dealt another hardware blow to the former sole shepherd of the “Tyumen nesting doll,” Metropolitan Dimitry. Let us recall that at the end of the week it became known that Pavel, like Dimitri, was becoming a metropolitan, that is, quite equal to the “Tyumen” religious heavyweight, which, according to observers, cannot but worry Dimitri. Let us recall that during the “zero” years, the Archbishop of Tyumen and Tobolsk was the sole minister who cared for as many as three oil and gas regions of the country. But in the spring of 2011, the Holy Synod decided to form two more dioceses in the Tyumen region - Khanty-Mansiysk and Surgut, as well as Salekhard and Novy Urengoy. Patriarch Kirill appointed Bishop Pavel to lead the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and Bishop Nikolai to lead Yamal. Thus, Demetrius, in a political sense, lost control over the flock in two huge and budget-forming territories. Afterwards, the patriarch decided to create another diocese in the south of the “matryoshka” - Ishim, and Demetrius was promoted to metropolitan. That is, formally the southern ruler became, in a hardware sense, superior to his northern colleagues. And these days, his leading status began to fluctuate again. “The hardware solutions of Patriarch Kirill in political terms, as we see, are at odds with similar decisions President Putin. If the head of state strengthens the influence of one leader over the other two regional heads, then the primate is pursuing a Machiavelli policy. And very wise, by the way,” comments one of our interlocutors, familiar with the life of the northern dioceses.

Natalya Komarova has been financially independent for a long time. Now the time has come to get your own spiritual authority, which has wiped the nose of the “southern” Lord

The topic of Surgut's transition to a two-headed system of government (the head of the administration plus the head of the Duma) unexpectedly resonated in neighboring Nefteyugansk this week. After information appeared in the press that the head of Surgut Dmitry Popov expressed his readiness to introduce new system, and at the same time join it, becoming a city manager, in Nefteyugansk they suddenly remembered a similar story. In particular, on the sidelines, the local elite started talking about the former mayor of Nefteyugansk, Sergei Burov. As is known, at the end of 2010, he also agreed with the proposal of the district authorities to introduce a two-headed system and even advocated in its favor before deputies of the local Duma, who then made appropriate changes to the charter of Nefteyugansk. Then, in the spring of 2011, Burov, believing in his future success, refused to participate in the elections of city Duma deputies, hoping that the newly elected deputies would give him the opportunity to become a city manager. In fact, as the site’s interlocutors note, after the elections, deputies refused to even consider his candidacy as a city manager. The district leadership also did not help Burov, considering that during his leadership of the city he had made many unforgivable mistakes. As a result, the oilman found himself, as they say, overboard from power. The mayor of Surgut, Dmitry Popov, who, as is known, made no less mistakes both in politics and in the leadership of the city, is predicted to suffer the fate of Sergei Burov. There is another version according to which Popov knows that the district leadership has its own person to replace the city manager of Surgut, but, being a man of the system, he carries out input from the center and with his own hands introduces a new management system for Surgut so that the team of Governor Natalya Komarova is in this story has nothing to do with it. For this, it is quite possible that Popov, for example, could be returned to Duma of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, elections to which will be held in 2016.

The other day it became known that Mostostroy-11 of the Rotenberg family will complete the construction of a bridge across the Nadym River in Yamal. The company won a competition worth more than 3.3 billion rubles. This in itself is not news. Our experts made forecasts on this matter several months ago, as soon as the Development Corporation broke the agreement with Mostostroy-12 of Alexander Zabarsky. Sources close to the construction report other interesting details. Firstly, according to them, all the shortcomings that the general director of the corporation, Sergei Maslov, with the help of independent auditors, discovered in the project were not made by the general contractor, but by a subcontractor, who was Mostostroy-11. These reports, of course, should be questioned until we find out how everything really happened from CEO Nikolai Russu. But he was not available for comment today. Secondly, those around Mr. Zabarsky say that they still do not see their fault in the conflict between the corporation and the enterprise, therefore Mostostroy-12 intends to sue the Development Corporation for several billion underpaid.

Kurgan region: businessmen rest, officials work

The Kurgan elite are in full swing making plans for the upcoming holidays, and many of them, according to the website, are preparing to celebrate the New Year abroad. Thus, the former governor of Trans-Urals Oleg Bogomolov, as they say, is definitely going abroad - perhaps to Montenegro, where he settled for a long time former leader United Russia region member Alexey Dudich. Vice-Speaker of the Regional Duma Marat Islamov will probably also go there. The “gray cardinal,” according to sources on the website, has real estate in Montenegro, which he acquired from the same Alexey Dudich. “Perhaps someone else from the “old team” will join here,” our interlocutors suggest.

Bogomolov passed the baton to Kokorin and can rest peacefully during the New Year holidays

Businessman Sergei Muratov is going to Austria for the New Year, where he goes skiing or snowboarding every year. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Iltyakov was also planning to indulge in winter sports. Usually, according to our data, he travels to Austria or Germany. This time, Iltyakov rescheduled his trip and will go abroad later, after the New Year. There is information that he can take with him a group of schoolchildren from Chastoozerye. It is unknown where furniture oligarch Igor Potyutkov will spend the holidays, but he is said to have recently returned from Crimea. But the general director of Kurganstalmost, Dmitry Paryshev, according to our sources, will definitely stay at home - a joyful event recently occurred in his family: a boy was born. The deputies of Kurgan regional Duma there are no grandiose plans. As they say, Many parliamentarians decided to stay home due to the sharp rise in prices for tourist packages. For example, Deputy Speaker Evgeny Kafeev considered the possibility of traveling to Thailand, but abandoned this idea. However, now, when travel agencies are offering various promotions in order to somehow lure tourists abroad, perhaps some of the deputies will change their decision.

Meanwhile, in the government of the Kurgan region - I'm not in a New Year's mood at all. At a press conference, Governor Alexei Kokorin announced that three days would be enough for officials for the New Year holidays, and the rest of the weekend should be spent at work. First of all, this will affect members of the government, all heads of government bodies and heads of municipalities. In past years, if something happened, it was difficult to find the person responsible both in person and over the phone, they recall on the sidelines. This New Year marks the end of that tradition. The governor himself is not going to use the holidays for relaxation: he has planned trips around the region. They try not to say where and when exactly: let it be a surprise for the heads of districts, directors of enterprises and organizations. But it is the lower-level officials who are most worried. There are rumors that they are actively discussing the governor’s initiative and some of the most conscientious have already come to terms with the fact that from January 4-5 they will have to be at work, completing reports for the year and preparing for the first working days of 2015. According to sources in the regional head’s team, there will also observe the manifestation of the “fool” effect when, instead of completing their tasks, people simply come to “sit” at work on the orders of zealous bosses and show their loyalty. “This is not what the governor wants,” our government sources say. “He cares about the efficiency and efficiency of the authorities during the big New Year’s weekend.”

The latest rating of governors, which was published by the Civil Society Development Foundation (CSD), clearly pleased Alexei Kokorin, who received a plus of 55 points and good grades. In the summer and autumn, experts were restrained and did not give the head of the Trans-Ural region high marks, so the current result indicates the strengthening of Kokorin’s position, first of all, at the federal level, according to his team. “Based on the results of the work of the head of the region (appointed on February 14, elected on September 14), the growth of Kokorin’s position and influence was objectively recognized,” political scientists believe. Thus, the head of the Ural branch of FoRGO, Anatoly Gagarin, believes that “in general, Kokorin follows the program that he announced before the elections, and does it consistently.” “This includes saving money, reducing the number of officials and eliminating “preferential parachutes,” recalls Gagarin. The expert also notes team approach, absence of intra-elite conflicts and confrontation between “city and region” in the Trans-Urals.

Vice-Governor, Director of the Department of Industry Alexey Tatarenko will not be able to evade the report on the results of the work of the industrial complex region for the year. According to deputies of the Kurgan Regional Duma, the issue, which was excluded from the agenda of the parliamentary meeting on December 23 due to an urgent business trip of the official, will be heard in February 2015. By that time, as parliamentarians expect, the vice-governor will already be able to present a report not on the preliminary results of the industrial complex, but a complete picture of the state of affairs in the industry. Let us recall that Alexey Tatarenko did not speak before the deputies on December 23 due to the fact that he had to urgently fly to Moscow for a meeting with the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, where the topic of import substitution was discussed.

While the new chief tax officer of the Kurgan region, Vladimir Ryzhuk, is making personnel changes in the department entrusted to him, giving serious posts to a team from Tyumen, the local elites have not had the opportunity to get to know him better. According to the website, Ryzhuk has not held a single meeting with business or deputies in recent months. Ryzhuk’s public appearances took place twice: when he was introduced to deputies at a meeting of the Kurgan Regional Duma, and when he took part in a meeting of the Duma Budget Committee. However, Ryzhuk did not perform either here or there (there was no suitable questions), and the deputies still have not been able to form any opinion about the new leader, the parliamentarians admitted. Vladimir Ryzhuk, we recall, headed the department of the Federal Tax Service after the resignation of Yuri Kasyanenko in October. He has already made serious personnel appointments. First, the head of the Shadrinsk interdistrict inspection, Oleg Bubnov, was fired. Then, employees of the Tyumen Department of the Federal Tax Service, where Ryzhuk himself had previously worked, came to major posts in the Federal Tax Service in the Kurgan Region.

Irina Kryuchkova, Anastasia Gein

The French newspaper Le Monde reports the adoption of a new law on mixed enterprises in the USSR and asks in this regard the question: will foreign entrepreneurs rush to Moscow? The first interested parties have already appeared: a West German publishing company and the All-Union Association Vneshtorgizdat will jointly publish the fashion magazine Burda in the USSR.

In addition, the creation of a mixed enterprise for the production of forest protection products has already been officially announced with the participation of one of the Estonian factories and the Finnish company Oil Sadolin, and Intourist and the Finnish airline Finn Air will jointly engage in the reconstruction and operation of the Berlin Hotel. in Moscow.

The purpose of creating mixed enterprises in the USSR, the newspaper notes, is to increase export opportunities to Western countries, improve management methods (and, in particular, the sale of goods) and become better acquainted with certain types of latest technologies. This is at the same time of interest to Western industrialists, who, by concluding agreements with Soviet enterprises, strive, first of all, to increase the sales of their goods in this huge potential market.

Documents defining the conditions for creating mixed enterprises have already been published. The share of capital of Western enterprises should be less than that of Soviet ones, Monde emphasizes. These mixed firms will pay 30% income tax, but in the first 2 years of activity they are exempt from it. Income returned to the country will be subject to an additional 20% tax.

Mixed firms will plan their activities independently. Their management is based on two principles: self-financing and self-financing. As for the import needs of these firms (including, for example, the salaries of foreign personnel), they must be financed by mixed enterprises independently, that is, by exporting part of their products.

According to the newspaper, the Soviet side is showing great business activity in this direction. A special department has been created in the Soviet Chamber of Commerce and Industry to deal with these issues.

Currently, 105 projects are being discussed, with companies from the USA, Germany and Japan showing the greatest interest in cooperation with the USSR. Among them are Oxydental Petroleum (chemical production), Monsango (herbicide production) and Singer ( Sewing machines) from the USA, Siemens (electrical goods) and Salamander (footwear) from Germany, Indian and Turkish entrepreneurs express a desire to participate in the construction of hotels on the Black Sea coast. Against this background, notes Le Monde, French entrepreneurs are still acting sluggishly, showing a certain skepticism.

Decree of the Soviet government on the procedure for creating and operating on the territory of the USSR joint ventures caused a great resonance in the business circles of Germany, the West German press reported. The adoption of this document was preceded by a wide discussion in the country of Soviet proposals defining the legal and organizational framework for the activities of mixed enterprises. During this discussion, many positive assessments were made, as well as various kinds skeptical judgments, doubts and outright speculation about the effectiveness of the new form of trade and economic cooperation.

In particular, the chairman of the Eastern Committee of the West German Economy, O. W. von Amerongen, in an article published in the Handelsblat newspaper, noted that the business circles of Germany “undoubtedly welcome Soviet initiatives.” He simultaneously emphasized that “joint ventures are not only the highest, but also the most complex shape cooperation." At the first stage of cooperation, according to von Amerongen, it is advisable to create small joint ventures in the field of services and, as experience is gained, gradually move on to cooperation in the production of industrial products.

The newspaper "Handelsblat", in particular, indicates that the Soviet side, when creating such enterprises, aims, along with attracting advanced foreign equipment and technology, management experience, and developing the country's export base, to reduce irrational imports into the national economy of the USSR. The importance of securing in the document the property rights of a foreign participant in joint ventures, in particular guarantees that its property is not subject to requisition or confiscation in an administrative manner, is also noted. How positive point granting joint ventures the right to self-management export and import operations, including supplies to CMEA member countries.

The German press agrees that the effectiveness of the regulation on mixed enterprises will be tested in practice in the near future. Already this year, using the example of the first joint projects, it will be possible to judge the viability of the most important provisions of the law. “West German firms must take care to gain access to the Soviet market,” says von Amerongen. “This is precisely the chance of the Federal Republic.”

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