Indicate with numbers the sequence of wet cleaning. How to keep large hotels clean. Questions and tasks

There are daily, weekly and general cleaning. Daily cleaning helps maintain overall order in the room. If necessary, wipe dust from furniture, sweep or wash the floor. Mandatory wet cleaning of all premises is carried out weekly. General cleaning is usually done in the fall before the onset of cold weather and insulation of windows, in the spring - with the onset of sunny days, and in winter - before the New Year.

Let's look at the procedure for each type of cleaning.

Daily cleaning:

  1. ventilate the room;
  2. clean the bed, after leaving it open for some time for ventilation;
  3. put things in their places;
  4. wipe off the dust;
  5. watering flowers;
  6. wash dishes;
  7. sweep the floors using a dampened brush, broom, vacuum cleaner (every other day);
  8. clean tables, cabinets, stoves and sinks in the kitchen, and sinks in the bathroom as they become dirty;
  9. wash the bathtub after each use, and the toilet bowl with a special brush and detergents;
  10. take out the trash;

Weekly cleaning:

  1. ventilate the room;
  2. lay out and put things in their places;
  3. wipe off the dust;
  4. clean upholstered furniture and carpets (with a vacuum cleaner or a stiff clothes brush);
  5. wipe window sills, doors, radiators with a damp cloth, clean door handles;
  6. wash houseplants;
  7. rinse the broom, rags, bucket and put everything away in a certain place;
  8. Rinse the sink and wash your hands.


  1. ventilate the room;
  2. remove and wash curtains, napkins and runners;
  3. shake out pillows, blankets, carpets;
  4. ventilate and dry things from closets;
  5. clean up the closets, sort out things on the shelves (change clothes and shoes according to the season);
  6. wipe dust from the walls and ceiling;
  7. clean ventilation grates in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet;
  8. wash chandeliers, mirrors, dishes and various small items;
  9. clean books, panels, paintings, soft toys;
  10. put things in order desks, cabinets, on mezzanines;
  11. wash frames, windows, window sills, doors, radiators;
  12. clean furniture, carpets and carpet runners;
  13. arrange a “bath day” for indoor plants;
  14. wash (wipe with a damp cloth) the floors;
  15. rinse the broom, rags, bucket and put everything away in a certain place;
  16. Rinse the sink and wash your hands.

The basis of household hygiene is cleanliness and order in the house. For example, dirty window glass absorbs almost half natural light, and dusty light bulbs produce half as much light as clean ones. Special studies have shown that after running the vacuum cleaner for half an hour, the number of bacteria in the air was halved. To ensure that the air is always clean, the room must be well ventilated by opening the window (window) for 30 minutes at least 3 times a day: in the morning after sleep, when cleaning the room and before bed.

Rice. 88. Overalls for cleaning the premises

For cleaning you need to have everything you need: several soft rags, napkins for dry cleaning made of thick fleecy cotton fabric, washing powder, drugs household chemicals, vacuum cleaner, brushes. It is necessary to put on an apron and tie a scarf around your head, which will protect your hair from dust settling on it (Fig. 88). It is convenient and hygienic to wipe the dust with a rag-mitten when cleaning.

Basic terms and concepts

    Apartment cleaning: daily, weekly, general

Questions and tasks

  1. What types of apartment cleaning do you know?
  2. What are the features daily cleaning?
  3. How should each cleaning end?
  4. What can make a housewife's work easier when cleaning?
  5. What sanitary and hygienic requirements apply to cleaning?
  6. What do you need to have for cleaning?

Practical work 19.
Drawing up a room cleaning algorithm

  1. Familiarize yourself with the procedure for cleaning premises and the sanitary and hygienic requirements for it.
  2. Create an algorithm for cleaning (weekly or general) one of the rooms in your apartment.
  3. Write down the compiled algorithm in your notebook.
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Algorithm for cleaning in
treatment and preventive organizations

1. Purpose

Cleaning is carried out to ensure preventive/anti-epidemic measures, prevent the spread of infections, comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions, and ensure both the aesthetic appearance of the room and the removal of microorganisms.

2. Definition

Cleaning the premises of medical and preventive organizations is one of the links in the chain of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing nosocomial infections. At the same time, cleaning from dirt, dust, substrates of biological origin and disinfection are carried out, i.e. destruction of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases on surfaces.

Exist the following types cleaning:

I. Wet cleaning;

II. Spring-cleaning;

III. Cleaning according to the type of final disinfection.

3. Scope of application

The rules apply to nursing and junior medical staff of clinical departments. Cleaning personnel must undergo qualified, documented training on types of cleaning.

Control over cleaning is carried out by senior nurses and sister housewives of the departments.

Control and monitoring of cleaning activities is carried out by the infection control service.

4. List of equipment

4.1. special clothing (robe, cap, mask, gloves);

4.2. a set of cleaning equipment (rags, brushes, mops, brushes, spray bottles);

4.3. detergents and disinfectants approved for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4.4. containers for cleaning purposes must be labeled and used for their intended purpose.

5.1. Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 87 dated January 17, 2012. " Sanitary rules“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for healthcare facilities.”

6. Document

6.1. Journal for recording cleaning and quartzing.

6.2. Disinfectant instructions;

6.3. The procedure for disinfecting indoor air.

I. Algorithm wet cleaning

1. Definition

Wet cleaning of floors, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors is carried out at least twice a day (in operating rooms between operations) and when soiled, using detergents and disinfectants approved for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Cleaning is carried out daily at least 2 times a day:

1st time with the addition of detergent (50 grams of detergent per 10 liters of water).

2nd time - using disinfectant approved concentration.

2. Procedure

2.1. Wipe the bed, window sills, and other furniture with a damp cloth;

2.2. After feeding the sick, the distributor wipes the bedside tables and tables; ends with washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

2.4. then quartz treatment is carried out (according to the list) according to the volume of the premises, followed by ventilation;

2.5.after cleaning, the rags are disinfected in a disinfectant solution according to the instructions for diluting the disinfectant, washed under running water until the smell of the disinfectant disappears and dry;

2.6.about carrying out quartzization nurse notes in the Journal general cleaning and quartzization.

II. Algorithm for general cleaning.

1. Definition

2. General cleaning is carried out once a week according to the approved schedule with the processing and disinfection of equipment, furniture, and inventory in the following premises:

3. Operating units;

4. Dressing rooms;

5. Maternity rooms;

6. Treatment rooms;

7. Manipulation rooms;

8. Sterilization;

9. Intensive care wards;

10. Examination rooms;

11. Invasive rooms;

12. Premises with aseptic conditions.

13. General cleaning once a month according to the approved schedule and according to epidemiological indications is carried out with the treatment of walls, floors, equipment, furniture and equipment in the following premises:

14. Chambers;

15. Auxiliary premises;

16. Offices.

2. Procedure

2.1. Preparing for general cleaning:

a) wear special clothing (robe, cap, mask, gloves);

e) prepare working solutions (cleaning and disinfecting) according to the instructions for preparing solutions;

f) remove medical waste and disinfect containers.

2.2. Carrying out general cleaning:

a) treat ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables and other furniture, as well as office equipment with a 0.5% cleaning solution (50 grams of powder per 10 liters of water or a disinfectant with a detergent effect*) and wash off with clean water;

b) treat ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables, and other furniture, as well as office equipment by spraying or wiping with a rag moistened with a disinfectant of an approved concentration;

c) after which the room is closed for a certain exposure of the disinfectant solution;

d) after exposure, the room is ventilated;

e) all surfaces are washed off with water and dried (walls, ceiling, furniture, apparatus, equipment) with a clean rag;

f) cleaning ends with washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

f) then quartz treatment is carried out (according to the list) according to the volume of the premises, followed by ventilation;

g) after cleaning, the rags are disinfected in a disinfectant solution, washed under running water until the smell of the disinfectant disappears and dried;

h) special clothing is handed over to the laundry;

i) the nurse notes about the general cleaning and quartzing in the Journal of general cleaning and quartzing.

III. Algorithm for cleaning according to the type of final disinfection

1. Definition

Final disinfection - after discharge, transfer, or death of the patient, the vacated ward is cleaned according to the type of final disinfection.

2. Procedure

2.1. Preparation for cleaning according to the type of final disinfection:

a) wear special clothing (robe, cap, masks, gloves);

b) bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets) is subjected to chamber disinfection or treatment with disinfectant solutions;

c) clear the room as much as possible of furniture or move it to the center of the room to ensure free access to the surfaces and objects being treated;

d) prepare working solutions according to the instructions for preparing solutions;

e) remove medical waste and disinfect containers.

2.2. Carrying out cleaning according to the type of final disinfection:

a) using the method of irrigation or wiping, treat ceilings, walls, beds, bedside tables, tables and other furniture moistened with a disinfectant solution with a damp rag of an approved concentration for final cleaning;

b) after which the room is closed for the duration of the exposure;

c) after exposure, the room is ventilated;

d) all surfaces are washed off with water and dried (walls, ceiling, furniture, apparatus, equipment) with a clean rag;

e) cleaning ends with washing the floor with a disinfectant solution;

f) then quartz treatment is carried out (according to the list) according to the volume of the premises, followed by ventilation;

f) after cleaning, the rags are disinfected in a disinfectant solution, washed under running water until the smell of the disinfectant disappears and dried;

g) special clothing is handed over to the laundry;

h) the nurse notes the final disinfection and quartzing in the General Cleaning and Quartzing Journal.

2. List of quartz treatment of premises

Quartzing is carried out after each cleaning of the room volume, followed by ventilation in the following rooms:

· Operating units;

· Dressing rooms;

· Maternity rooms;

· Treatment rooms;

· Manipulation rooms;

· Sterilization;

· Intensive care wards;

· Examination rooms;

· Invasive rooms;

· Premises with aseptic conditions.


All cleaning in sensitive rooms is carried out jointly with the nurse; the nurse begins cleaning from the clean area, i.e. manipulation table, dressing table, medical cabinets, refrigerator, couch, nurse's desk, and the nurse wipes the window sill, chair, door, door handles, sanitary facilities and ends with washing the floor.

In the wards, the nurse starts with the beds, window sills, door handles, sanitary facilities and ends with washing the floor.

Dining tables, bedside tables and the food refrigerator is handled by the distributor.

Window glass is washed at least once a month from the inside, at least once every 3 months from the outside, and when dirty.

* when cleaning is carried out with a disinfectant with a detergent effect, the 1st stage of treatment with a 0.5% cleaning solution is canceled.

The main difference between large hotels and medium and small ones is technical equipment, the composition and quality of the room stock, the range of services provided and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The housekeeping department is responsible for the quality of the room stock and cleaning, which is responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the hotel.

Nadezhda Rendorevskaya, head of the hotel management service at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel, told us about the cleaning procedure and technology.

Nadezhda Rendorevskaya

Room cleaning procedure and technology

The hotel housekeeping staff includes thirteen maids and two supervisors (senior maids) who are responsible for cleaning the hotel premises and its grounds. The engineering department is responsible for maintaining order in the parking lot and engine room.

During cleaning, maids use specialized Ecolab detergents. The company provides the hotel with all cleaning equipment - from napkins to vacuum cleaners.

Types of cleaning

Daily cleaning

1. Open a window or turn on the air conditioner.

2. Collect trash.

3. Apply detergent to the bathtub and leave.

4. Make the bed.

5. Remove dust from all surfaces with a napkin.

6. Vacuum.

7. Wash the bathtub, clean up the bathroom.

8. Check the integrity of all light bulbs.

Cleaning the room after guests check out. All the same as daily cleaning, and replacement of bed linen and hygiene products.

Spring-cleaning. Once every 7–10 days, the maid washes the walls and windows with inside, changes curtains, dry-cleans carpets and cleans all hard to reach places- under and behind furniture.

Easy cleaning. If the room has been empty for a long time, it is necessary to ventilate it and wipe off dust from all surfaces.

There are general rules for all types of cleaning

Cleaning begins with preparing a trolley, in which the maid puts all cleaning supplies and things that need to be replaced - towels, linen, printed materials, cosmetics.

Maid trolley Premium-Basic

The maid performs any type of cleaning in a circle from left to right or from right to left, so as not to miss a single object in the room.

“Order always comes from little things,” says Nadezhda Rendorevskaya, “so you should always pay attention to such details as the seams of the lampshade, towel labels, and the wires of electrical appliances. The guest should not see seams and labels and should not untangle the wires of the telephone and iron. The order in such little things creates the impression that the guest is the only one and welcome, that everything is just for him alone.”

Cleaning technology involves choosing the right detergent and tool.

For each surface - carpet, stone, plastic, mirror, chrome - there is a separate detergent and tool - napkin, mop, rag.

Wipes are needed to clean surfaces from dust and polish them. You can use napkins for both dry and wet cleaning, and periodically rinse the napkins or replace them with clean ones.

Rags are needed for cleaning floors, walls and windows.

A mop is a microfiber or cotton attachment for a flounder mop, which consists of an elongated handle and a mop holder. Mops are used for wiping floors, walls, windows and hard-to-reach places under furniture.

Extended flower handle

All detergents indicate what they are intended for, and a certain color of a mop or napkin corresponds to the cleaning area and that detergent, which is used on it.

Cleaning other guest rooms

In addition to the rooms, there is a hall, lobby, restaurant, bar, conference room, elevators, toilets, stairs and corridors available for guests.

Employees clean elevators, staircases and corridors during the day when they are away most of guests.

The hall, lobby and toilets are cleaned continuously, around the clock. As it gets dirty, you need to wipe the floor, clean all surfaces from dust, put chairs back in place and lay out pillows on the sofas.

The restaurant, bar and conference room are cleaned by maids at night when the premises are unoccupied.

Cleaning of office premises, territory and external walls of the hotel

Maids clean service areas and offices every day and in the evening, when there are no more employees.

In offices, it is necessary to wash the floors, wipe the windows, take out the trash, and clean the surfaces from dust.

The housekeeping department staff cleans the outside of the building and the hotel grounds with smoking areas daily. The outer surface of the walls is cleaned once a year by employees of cleaning companies.

Personnel training

There is a hierarchy in the housekeeping department, which is responsible for cleaning. At the very first level - maids, then - supervisors, and after them - the head of the department, Nadezhda.

Before a new maid starts work, she must undergo training - theoretical and practical. Training takes place in small groups under the guidance of a supervisor, who brings the maids to the room and cleans the room himself. in the right order. Next, the maids themselves try to clean up.

The duration of training for maids depends on the availability of work experience and its duration. As stated in hotel standards, a maid can undergo re-training with a supervisor if she feels insecure.

Despite the length of service and experience, each maid has in her cart such a scheme, which prescribes the right plan actions.

“Each hotel complex has its own cleaning standards. Thanks to our standards, which I described, the level of cleanliness is beyond last year is 88%” - this means that 88% of guests noted in their reviews perfect cleanliness their numbers.

Living space lighting

Connect with an arrow the type of lamp with its name and the corresponding image.

Lamp name


Ceiling hanging

Floor lamp


Desk lamp





Art objects

and interior collections

check yourself

1.Lighting device

2.Light control device

3. Device for regulating the power of the light flux.

4. Plank for making frames for paintings, graphics, photographs.

5. Cardboard frame for drawings, photographs, small paintings.

Home hygiene

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence of wet cleaning.

Wash the floor.

Vacuum clean upholstered furniture, carpets and floor coverings.

Wipe radiators, window sills, doors with a damp cloth.

    check yourself




    Residential cleaning must be done daily

    It is advisable to vacuum the floors every day

    Windows should be washed on a hot, windless day

    Wipe the laminate with a damp cloth

    Before using a new cleaning product, you need to read the instructions

Household appliances for cleaning and creating a microclimate in the room.

    Match the name household appliance and its functions.


Multifunctional vacuum cleaner

Creates and maintains the desired temperature in a closed room and purifies the air.

Air purifier

Saturates the air with ozone

Air conditioner

Allows you to remove dust from various surfaces, carry out wet cleaning floor coverings. Clean furniture, wash windows


Clears the air of all known species pollutants, ionizes and disinfects the air with ultraviolet light.

Ionizer – air purifier

Humidifies indoor air and maintains optimal humidity


Cleans the air from dust and soot.

Answer : A___; B___; IN___; G___; D___; E___.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




    A robot vacuum cleaner can clean a room in the absence of its owners

    Climatic devices are devices that can change the climate.

    Climate control units purify the air using special filters

    You can clean the air of bacteria using an ultraviolet lamp

    Ozone in large quantities is beneficial for humans

Dishes made from milk and fermented milk products.

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence for preparing milk soup or porridge.

Add salt and sugar to taste.

Boil in a separate bowl pasta, cereals or vegetables until half cooked.

Cook the soup (porridge) until done.

Add pasta, cereal or vegetables to hot milk.

Bring milk to a boil.

    Test yourself

1. Heat treatment of milk at temperatures below 100 0 WITH

2. Heat treatment of milk at temperatures above 100 0 WITH

3. A group of dairy products obtained by fermenting milk with special starter cultures.

4. Concentrated solid milk food product, which must “ripen”.

5. A dairy product that is a “waste” from the production of cottage cheese

Products made from liquid dough.

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence of cooking pancakes.

Add flour and knead the dough until smooth.

Do not dilute the mass big amount milk.

Add the rest of the milk and stir.

Beat eggs with salt and granulated sugar.

Bake pancakes in a frying pan.

    Test yourself . Write the answer words in the boxes

1. Products made from thick dough with baking powder, can be baked.

2. Products made from liquid dough without baking powder.

3. Products made from thick dough small sizes, thick and lush.

4. A stack of batters with filling between them.

5. Utensils for preparing batter products.

Types of dough and baked goods.

1.Set which type of test is which image confectionery corresponds.

Answer: A_____; B_____; IN_____; G_____ .

2. Test yourself. Are the following statements true?


1. To prepare any type of dough you need yeast

2.Eggs must be washed well before preparing the dough.

3.When preparing baked goods, only food coloring can be used.

4. During the baking process, a cavity is formed in the biscuit dough, which is filled with cream

5.Modern gingerbread dough is prepared only with honey.

Technology for preparing products from unleavened puff pastry

    Label with numbers the correct sequence for preparing early puff pastry.

Dissolve in cold water sugar and salt

Sift flour into a bowl

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out twice, each time folding it into three or four layers.

Chop the flour and butter with a knife.

Cover the dough with a napkin and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Cut into pieces butter and place on flour.

Pour water into the chopped flour and quickly knead the dough.

    Label with numbers the correct baking sequence for puff pastry products.

Spray the baking sheet with cold water.

Place the products on a baking sheet and prick them in several places.

Cut the layer of puff pastry into portions.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Brush the surface of the products with egg.

Bake the products until golden brown.

Leave at room temperature for 1.5 hours

Technology for preparing shortcrust pastry products

    Label with numbers the correct sequence for preparing shortcrust pastry.

Mix flour with baking powder.

Knead the dough, gradually adding flour.

Grind butter, sugar and salt.

Add eggs and mix with butter.

Chill the dough in the refrigerator.

    Label with numbers the correct baking sequence for shortcrust pastry products.

Place cookies on a baking sheet

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Form cookies

    Check yourself. Write the answer words in the boxes

1.Product necessary for preparing any dough

2.Baking powder 3.Dough with plenty of butter and sugar. 4. Dough with many layers. 5.Item kitchen utensils for rolling out dough.

Technology for preparing sweets, desserts, drinks.

Test yourself.

1. Boiled in sugar syrup, dried and candied fruits.

2.Airy cookies made from egg whites whipped with sugar.

3. A drink made from a mixture of various products.

4.A cooling sweet drink made from the juice of berries or fruits diluted with water.

Serving a sweet table.

Holiday etiquette.

Test yourself. Write the answer words in the boxes.

1.General name for table forks, spoons, knives..

2. Serving items intended for serving dishes.

3.Common name for tablecloths and napkins.

4.Meals, when guests serve themselves independently and eat while standing, using cutlery fork.

5.A written or oral request to take part in the celebration.

Textile materials

made from animal fibers

and their properties.

Test yourself . Write the answer words in the boxes.

    Animal hair.

    A thread produced by a silkworm caterpillar.

    Wool fabric with the addition of chemical fibers.

    The ability of materials to absorb dust and become dirty.

    Plain dyed soft fabric made from goat hair.

Design of waist clothing

Test yourself




Waist clothing includes a belt, girdle, corset

You cannot take your own measurements, as they will be inaccurate.

The hip measurement is taken around the hips at the widest point

When measuring the length of the back, a measuring tape runs vertically along the spine from the seventh cervical vertebra to the lace at the waist

The drawing of a straight skirt is based on half the figure: from one side to the other.

Modeling of waist clothing.

Draw a sketch of the model according to the proposed description and apply the lines of the model to the drawing.

Model description :

A skirt widened downwards along the side line and due to partial closure of the dart, with a counter pleat in the middle of the front panel.

Obtaining a sewing pattern

products from the package ready-made patterns,

fashion magazine or from the Internet.

Test yourself . Are the following statements true?




The skirt can be expanded towards the bottom using the conical expansion method

The skirt can be narrowed by completely or partially closing the darts

Using the parallel expansion method, folded models can be obtained

Along the middle line of the back panel of the skirt, it is advisable to make a seam for sewing in the zipper tape

It is not necessary to indicate the direction of the grain thread on each detail of the skirt pattern.

Cutting out the waist garment

and duplicating the belt detail

    What seam allowances and hem allowances should be provided for the cuts indicated in the table?

Allowance size, mm

Middle of the rear panel

Top cuts (at the waistline)

Side cuts

Bottom cuts (along the bottom line)

Belt cuts

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence of connecting the part with the adhesive gasket using an iron.

Place the iron on top

Place the corsage pad on top, adhesive side down.

Place the waistband piece on the ironing board, wrong side up.

Iron the bodice pad

Preheat the iron to the desired temperature.

Remove the ironing iron and let the part cool.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




The details of the skirt are cut out taking into account seam and hem allowances.

Bias tape is cut at an angle of 54 0 to the lobar thread

Bias tape is cut out with a 5mm seam allowance.

In order not to spoil the sole of the iron, you need to lay the iron on top of the bodice pad

When ironing the corsage pad, you need to make sliding movements with the iron

Technology handmade

    Determine which term corresponds to which definition.




Temporary thread fastening of the folded edge


Attaching the folded edge of the product with hidden stitches, invisible from the front side


Temporary thread connection of small parts with large ones


Temporary thread connection of two or more parts


Temporary thread fastening of pre-stitched and turned-out edges of parts.

Answer: A - _____; B - _____; IN - ______; G - ______; D - _____.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




Before hemming, the hem allowance is basted

Before hemming, the edge of thick fabric is overcast and folded once

When hemming, choose a thread that contrasts with the color of the fabric

Hemming is done with a thin needle and thread in one fold

The hemming operation is carried out only after preliminary ironing

Machine technology

    Determine which type of machine seams is which symbol corresponds.

A. Straight ironing.

B. Edging with a closed cut.

B. Hem with an open cut.

D. Hem with closed cut.

D. Overcast with the seam located on the fold.

E. Edging with an open cut.

Answer: A - _____; B - _____; IN - _____; G - _____;

D - _____; E - _____.

    Test yourself. Write the answer words in the boxes.

1.Attaching the folded edge to sewing machine.

2. A narrow oblique strip of fabric designed for processing a cut. 3. A narrow strip of fabric along the edge or seam of the product. 4. The operation of processing the cut of the part with a strip of fabric to protect it from shedding. 5.Adaptation to a sewing machine for blind hemming. Technology for processing the middle seam of a skirt with a zipper and a slit.

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence for processing the middle seam of a straight skirt.

Sew the parts from the top edge to the cut mark for the zipper using 4-6mm stitches.

Place the back panel pieces right sides together.

Place running stitches.

Sew the parts from the cut mark to the bottom cut using 4-6mm stitches.

Sew the parts with 2.5mm stitches to the start of the cut mark.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




It is better to process the middle seam and sew in the zipper after trying on

Processing of the middle seam begins with overcasting the corresponding sections

The zipper can be stitched by hand

The opening for the zipper is sewn down with stitches 2.5 mm long

After stitching the middle seam, the seam allowances need to be ironed.

Fold processing technology

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence for processing a one-sided fold.

Machine stitch from the top edge to the cross mark.

Without interrupting, continue the line in an arc.

Fold the fabric right side inward and sweep away.

Baste the depth of the fold to the top edge.

Unfold the piece and place the fold in one direction and iron.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




One-sided fold can be ironed

Finishing stitches can be placed on both sides of the one-sided fold

The counter fold consists of two one-sided

At the counter fold, the folds meet on the wrong side of the product

The bow fold can be soft.

Preparation and execution

fitting of a belt product

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence for eliminating defects after fitting

Iron the details of the product

Sweep the product along new lines

Rip out old basting stitches

Place straight stitches in areas where corrections have been made.

Transfer corrections to the symmetrical side of the product

Place the pieces right sides inward and pin together.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




You can baste the product by hand or using a sewing machine

Fitting is carried out on the left side of the figure

Dart - stitched pleat in the form of a wedge

When basting the dart, combine its side lines and control notches

After eliminating the defects, you can process the skirt further.

Processing technology

skirts after trying on

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence for processing the dart.

Stitch up the darts

Unfold the piece and iron the darts

Iron the darts.

    Indicate with numbers the correct sequence for processing the side cuts.

Sew the front and back panels along the seam lines.

Press seam allowances.

Sew side edges.

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




When sewing darts, the line is laid from the top of the dart to its base.

On the left edge of the cut, the end of the waistband should protrude the width of the seam allowances

The belt is stitched next to the line marked on the spacer using perforation

The welt loop should begin at a distance from the edge of the belt equal to two button diameters

The button must be sewn on using a match to create a “leg”

Hand painted fabrics

    Eliminate the extra word and determine the type of painting on the fabric.

A) Paraffin, chanting, brush, salt, newspaper, iron - ____________

B) Glass tube with reservoir, reserve, outline of the design, raw fabric, craquelure - ______________________________

B) Wax, knots, folding, sewing, dye, vinegar - _


D) Silk, gelatin, starch, sketch, aniline paints, free strokes - _____________________________________


    Test yourself . Write the answer words in the boxes.

1.Hand painted fabrics

2. A type of fabric painting in which the reserve is a thick mass based on rubber glue. 3. A type of fabric painting in which the reserve is wax or paraffin. 4. Decorative aging effect in the form of cracks and veins

Hand stitches and seams based on them

check yourself . Are the following statements true?




When embroidering, straight stitches may be various sizes

Loop stitches can be used to create a stem stitch

The chain stitch is made from oblique stitches

You can use cross stitches to embroider goat and velvet seams.

You can use loop stitches to embroider small leaves and flower petals.

Embroidery with counted stitches

check yourself . Are the following statements true?




In ancient times, homespun cloth was used to perform counted embroidery

The cross stitch is made using cross stitches.

A pattern for cross stitch is checkered paper with symbols printed on it.

When embroidering in vertical rows, first perform all the bottom stitches, and then all the top (covering) stitches.

On the wrong side, all stitches should be vertical, with the exception of transitions from one row to another.


along a free contour

    Eliminate the unnecessary phrase and determine the type of surface.

A) Overlay grids; red with the addition of blue, green and yellow; Verkhoshov; delicacy and lightness - ___


B) The finest shades; silk on silk; embroidery with banners; flowers of peonies and lotuses - ___________________________


B) Thin transparent fabric; landscapes and animals; white threads; small floral ornament - _______________

    check yourself . Are the following statements true?




You can embroider still lifes and landscapes with artistic satin stitch

The Vladimir region is famous for its masterful embroidery

Vladimir smooth surface – ancient Russian embroidery

For satin stitch embroidery you need a smooth, dense fabric

To transfer the outline of the design onto a white fabric, it is better to take yellow copy paper.

Satin and hatched surface

check yourself . Are the following statements true?




Satin stitch is made with loop stitches that fit tightly together

Convex shape a pattern in satin stitch can be achieved using shortened rows of stitches

Satin satin stitch can be embroidered with floss threads in three folds

In lined satin stitch, the motif is embroidered with stitches of various lengths and directions.


When embroidering with line satin stitch, it is convenient to divide a large convex motif into separate sections.

The seams are French knot and rococo.

check yourself . Are the following statements true?





French knot stitch allows you to get a smooth shiny surface


By using threads of several colors, you can achieve a volume effect.


To make knots you need a special needle: without thickening in the eye area


The rococo seam knot is made using the “forward needle” stitch


The thickness of the thread for embroidering knots and the number of windings are determined experimentally

Embroidery with ribbons.

check yourself . Are the following statements true?





The basis for ribbon embroidery is rigid fabric


To embroider with ribbons, you need a needle with an extended eye.


Before embroidering with ribbons, the fabric can be painted with aniline dyes.


To secure the ribbon, make a knot on the wrong side of the fabric.


Ribbon embroidery cannot be framed with glass.

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