4-section washing bath for processing eggs. Egg categories. Basic rules for using disinfectants

What specific knowledge is in demand today in the baking and fat-and-oil industries, in restaurants, canteens, cafes, bars, buffets, organizations catering Sakhalin region, including canteens in children's and medical institutions? Along with the rules for production control these are methods and modes of use of disinfectants, safety requirements when working with them, technological procedures for disinfection, a list of disinfectants approved in the established manner intended for disinfection of table eggs used in the preparation of various dishes.
The most frequently asked question is about the list of disinfectants officially approved for processing eggs used for preparing food in public catering. We answer - in accordance with SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations Catering, production and turnover in them food products and food raw materials" (clause 8.19), eggs are processed in special marked containers in the following sequence: first, they are washed with warm 1-2 percent. soda ash solution, 0.5 percent. solution of chloramine (domestic production), and then rinse with cold running water. Clean eggs are placed in special labeled containers. Currently, there are disinfectants with a cleaning effect from domestic and Western manufacturers (Nika-2, Deson, Sokrena, Polidez, Khimitek, Ekom-25M, Ekom-50M, Ekom), approved for disinfection, including eggs at bakery enterprises and oil and fat industry.
Preparation of working solution
Working solutions are prepared by dissolving the disinfectant concentrate in drinking water in glass, plastic or enamel dishes(without damaging the enamel).
The processing technology is as follows: eggs, previously ovoscoped and placed in wire cages metal boxes or buckets, are processed in a two-section bath in the following order.
In the first section soaking and washing are carried out at 4 percent. Deson solution for 15-20 minutes, or in 2 percent. Niki-2 solution for 30 minutes, or in 7 percent. Polydes solution for 15-20 minutes, or in 0.2 percent. Ekoma-25M solution for 30 minutes, or in 0.1 percent. Ecoma-50M solution for 30 minutes. Water temperature - 40-45°C.
In the second section The eggs are rinsed with running water until traces of the disinfectant are completely washed away. Water temperature - 40-45°C.
The solution in the washing bath is replaced at least twice a shift.
Disinfection of the surface of egg shells with Sokren and Ecom has its own peculiarities. So, in particular, when manually washing and disinfecting chicken eggs, 0.4-0.5 percent is used. Sokrena solution at a temperature of 25±5°C with exposure for 5 minutes, with machine washing - 0.5-0.6 percent. with an exposure of 2 minutes. During operation, the working solution is adjusted every hour by adding additional Sokrena to the container in an amount from 10% to 50% of the initially added amount, depending on the effectiveness of removing contaminants from the shell. Change the solution once per shift or when dirty. After processing, the eggs are sent to washing machines, and if there are no such machines at the facility, they are washed manually drinking water from a hose.
Washing and disinfecting the surface of egg shells with Ecom is carried out differently. The processing technology is as follows: eggs, previously ovoscoped and placed in lattice metal boxes or buckets, are processed in a four-section bath in the following order.
In the first section The eggs are soaked for 5-10 minutes. Water temperature - 20-25°C.
In the second section they are washed using any approved detergent in accordance with the instructions for use.
In the third section carry out disinfection at 0.025 percent. Ekom solution (according to the preparation). Water temperature - 25-30°C.
In the fourth section, the eggs are washed with clean running water until traces of the disinfectant completely disappear. Water temperature - 25-30°C. Control of washed-off traces of Sokren is carried out by the presence (absence) of quaternary ammonium compounds in wash-off waters when rinsing on the surface of the equipment. Monitoring of residual amounts of quaternary ammonium compounds in the wash water of food production facilities, when rinsing on the surface of equipment, after treatment with Sokrenaya is carried out using Molkont-CHAS indicator strips (Russia), Dezikont-CHAS indicator napkins (Russia), immersing indicator paper in the wash water and applying to the surface of the processed object.
Safety precautions and first aid
Persons at least 18 years of age who have no medical contraindications to this activity, who do not suffer from allergic diseases, and who have undergone appropriate instruction in production duties, safety precautions and first aid in case of accidental poisoning. Employees whose responsibilities include this work must sign the safety briefing log. When working with disinfectants, it is necessary to avoid getting them into the eyes and unprotected skin, so it is carried out with rubber gloves. During the work process, it is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke. In the department where working solutions are prepared, it is necessary to hang on the wall the appropriate instructions and rules for washing eggs. Having a first aid kit, which includes products used when the disinfectant gets into the eyes, mucous membranes or inside, is mandatory

Dietary and table eggs, depending on weight, are divided into 3 categories:

selective- the mass of one egg is 65g, designated - 0;

first- 55g, designated – 1;

second- 45g, designated – 2.

Store diet eggs at a temperature not higher than 20°C and not lower than 0°C; canteens - at a temperature not higher than 20°C; In refrigerators, eggs are stored at temperatures from 0 to -2°C and at relative humidity air 85-88%.
Sanitary requirements for egg processing.

Before use chicken eggs must be examined through an ovoscope, then washed in a 4-section bath, as eggs can be a carrier of salmonella. You cannot use eggs with food defects, as well as egg melange, since when thawed it serves as a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Eggs are processed in a 3-section bath in the following order:

- in the first section - treatment in a 0.5% solution of soda ash at a temperature of 40-45 degrees C for 5-10 minutes;

- in the second section- disinfection with a 2% solution of bleach or 0.5% solution of chloramine for 5 minutes;

- in the third section- rinsing with running water for 5 minutes.

After handling eggs, workers should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water before breaking them. Disinfect them with a 0.2% solution of bleach and change sanitary clothing.

In order to prevent eggs with odor and other defects from entering the total mass when broken, several eggs (no more than 5 pieces) are poured into a small container, and then poured into a larger volume production container. Before use, filter the egg mass through a sieve with cells no larger than 3 mm. The duration of storage of egg mass at a temperature of 2-6 o C is no more than 24 hours. Containers for collecting and storing egg mass must be marked; The use of these containers for other purposes is prohibited. They should be stored in the room for preparing the egg mass.

Reading time: 9 min

Processing eggs according to SanPIN in catering is necessary at any food enterprise. For this purpose, cafes, restaurants, canteens and confectionery factories are required to comply with sanitary standards. Basic provisions for the use of disinfectants, requirements for primary processing of products and egg washing allow us to comply with regulations and take care of consumer health.

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General provisions of SANPIN and scope

Many different dishes are prepared from eggs. They are used both in public catering places and in schools and preschool institutions. Many people are mistaken that the shell reliably preserves the testicles. It must be processed before the product is added to food.

Egg processing in catering establishments, bakeries and preschool institutions is carried out according to a certain method, the order of which must be followed and carried out correctly. This is evidenced by the current sanitary regulation No.

Instructions for processing eggs according to SanPiNU have a number of requirements:
  1. The standards are aimed at protecting human health.
  2. Rules for the premises and territory.
  3. Temperature conditions.
  4. Natural or artificial lighting.
  5. Availability of water supply and sewerage.
  6. Acceptable equipment.
  7. Medical care.
  8. Sanitary condition of the premises.

Egg products are sorted without fail before processing and if they are found cracked, they are immediately disposed of. The standards apply to all enterprises that sell or store public food products. The functions of control over compliance with standards are carried out by bodies appointed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Egg storage standards

Additionally, there are instructions, a number of requirements and standards for the maintenance of testicles. GOST protects consumers from expired products and has established that the shelf life of eggs is 25 days. If we are talking about quail eggs, then the period is slightly increased - up to 30 days. Despite this, it is not recommended to consume this product raw after 10 days.

Watch the video:"Bubble Egg Washer"

Basic standards:
  1. Homemade fresh eggs should be stored in a dry place.
    The temperature should not be higher than 10 degrees. Avoid direct sunlight on the product. It is allowed to keep outside the refrigerator for no more than two weeks, and in the refrigerator for up to 4 months.
  2. After cooking, the shells are removed from egg products, so they can be stored indoors for no more than three days and 7 days in the cold.
    Although experts are confident that if the shelf life of a raw product is approaching, it is better to boil it in order to increase the shelf life. In addition, chicken eggs in this state should be kept in containers in a cool place. In this case, they will be fresh for a month, and quail ones - two.

Please note: the white or yolk should only be stored separately in the refrigerator. The period is fixed - a maximum of two days. Then their use is prohibited.


Public catering points are required to process egg products in accordance with the standards and comply with the concentration of the substance. Eggs are cleaned with drugs that include helminths. He disinfects products.

The table shows the concentration of the product and the disinfection scheme:
GroupQuantity, pcs.Degree of pollutionProduct concentrationWashing and disinfectionExtension of storage periodС°
1 150 Clean- - 7 12-13
2 150 - - 1 -
3 150 1/8 DM LED 0.5%DM LED7 12-13
4 150 1/8 1 -

Hygienic processing extends the shelf life of the product. The concentration of the drugs is approved by SanPiN.

Regulations for egg processing according to SanPiN 2020

The instructions are intended for schools and kindergartens, enterprises and catering establishments. The product must be processed strictly according to SANPIN 2020. Before starting the procedure, you should conduct a thorough inspection of each egg and then proceed to disinfection.

Step-by-step algorithm:
  1. A disinfectant in a certain concentration is dissolved in water in a glass container.
  2. The products are removed from the catering unit and placed in the egg washer.
  3. Cleaning occurs with a disinfectant.
  4. The chicken product is then removed from the sections and processed. You need to wash eggs according to SanPiN. The water should be clean and warm.

Note: after complete drying, the egg products are placed in a sterile container. The solution must be changed twice per shift.

Primary processing of eggs in public catering establishments

Primary processing of eggs in the catering unit should be carried out in a specially designated place. The products are placed in labeled containers and filled with a two percent soda solution, then chloramine.

After this, the processed products are rinsed with cool water. Already clean egg products are transferred to a new, disinfected, labeled container.

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Basic rules for using disinfectants

The rules for processing eggs according to SANPIN apply to all catering organizations. Disinfectants are used for this process. The drug must contain antimicrobial components.

Requirements for the procedure:
  1. Regardless of the product, you must strictly follow the instructions on the product packaging.
  2. The room in which disinfection is carried out must be clean, as well as the food product being processed.
  3. The container in which the substance is diluted is pre-sterilized.
  4. The dosage of the drug must be observed.
  5. The product must be added to the water gradually.
SANPIN allows the use of several compositions:
  1. Deson 4% - 20 minutes.
  2. Optimax 1% - 15 min.
  3. Polydex 7% - 20 minutes.
  4. Eco-com 0.1% - half an hour.
  5. Nika-2 2% - 30 min.

Before using the substance, you need to read the instructions. Experts recommend using the drug "Nika-2" because it is easily washed off and hypoallergenic. To prepare the solution you need plain water. Each of these products is non-aggressive to dishes and is explosion and fireproof.

Note: it should be remembered that the substance must be used for its intended purpose. The product should only be washed in special clothing.

Egg washer - sanitary standards in 4 baths

The bathtub has 4 sections and must be made only from of stainless steel. It is produced seamless or with welded supports. In one compartment there is a substance for disinfection, in the second there is a soda solution, and in the third there is plain water.

Watch the video:"Bubble Egg Washer 2"

Washing eggs in a bath proceeds as follows:
  1. The solution is diluted.
  2. Having previously cleaned the container, a disinfectant substance is added to it.
  3. Eggs are placed in the bath individually.
  4. First, to the section with the drug. They stay there for 20 minutes.
  5. Then in a soda solution for 10 minutes.
  6. Then comes rinsing with water - 5 minutes. The temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees.
  7. The third container is for drying.

Note: the liquid in the baths should be changed at least 2 times per shift.

Disinfection of eggs in schools

Eggs should be processed according to SanPiN in schools using special hygiene rules. Without this cleaning procedure, cafeteria employees are prohibited from adding egg products to food.

The process takes place according to the regulations:
  1. The testicle is examined for damage.
  2. The eggs are placed in a disinfectant solution, then in a soda mixture.
  3. Next, the products are washed in warm water.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the food product is placed in a clean container.
  5. The last stage is drying.

The procedure is carried out in separate room. Employees who carry out disinfection must be adults and undergo mandatory training. Labeling the containers in which the products are stored is the main condition. Overalls and rubber gloves are also an essential rule during cleaning.

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The following organizations are required to have it:
  • Sanatoriums;
  • resort guesthouses;
  • catering;
  • educational establishments;
  • companies that store and sell food;
  • saunas and hotels.

Journal compilation

The first part is the cover. It contains information:
  1. About the organization and a link to the order of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision No. 167/465.
  2. Start and end of filling.
  3. Enterprise address.
  4. FULL NAME. those who carry financial liability for disinfectants.
  5. Information about the authorized person for carrying out the processing process.
  6. Company seal.
  7. Signature of the head and inspector of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
The second part consists of several columns in the form of a table, which contain the following data:
  1. Study number.
  2. Disinfection object.
  3. Room area.
  4. The product that was used.
  5. Drug consumption figure.
  6. Processing requirement (in days or months).
  7. Responsible person.
List of information for the third part:
  1. Record number.
  2. Date of receipt of the drug.
  3. Name of the substance.
  4. Ordinal code in reporting.
  5. Best before date.
  6. The amount of composition used.
  7. Responsible person.

It is mandatory to register the invoice on the basis of which the company received the product, as well as full information about the supplier. The fourth part is last in number, but not in importance. It describes the stages of each disinfection.

Watch the video:"Pasteurizing Eggs - Grandma Emma's Recipe"

Rospotrebnadzor checks this document at each scheduled visit to the enterprise. Organizations that are not yet three years old are exempt from maintaining this journal.

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