Entrance cleaning companies. Quality requirements. Sanitary cleaning of entrances to apartment buildings

Andrey Sokolov

Articles written

Often the condition of apartment building entrances leaves much to be desired. Who should be responsible for such a problem as cleaning entrances? Who should be responsible for cleaning the house? By law, utility workers, that is, management companies (MCs), must monitor the cleanliness of the entrance. All services provided must be recorded in an agreement that residents apartment buildings sign.

The Housing Code (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code) also did not ignore this aspect and established certain cleaning standards. If the tenant is not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, it is necessary to reconsider the terms of the agreement with the management company, which should be in the hands of each apartment owner. Maybe such a service is simply not on the list?

Legal aspect

Cleaning non-residential premises in an apartment building, according to the law, it is carried out by the management company. What's really going on? Often, residents clean the entrance themselves or hire staff to clean the entrances at their own expense. It turns out that residents pay monthly for cleaning their entrances in their utility bills, but do not receive such a service.

The cleaning standards specified in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provide for the establishment of order at a certain frequency. In addition, there is a special document - “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions". For example, utility workers are required to provide basic cleaning on a daily basis.

Every day, cleaners must sweep the areas of the 1st and 2nd floors and use a damp broom at the same time. If the broom is not moistened, then such cleaning does not meet the established standard. Job description The cleaning staff provides the order and rules for cleaning. If the building does not have enough floors for an elevator, such cleaning is done twice a week. Cleaning frequency means:

  • weekly cleaning (sweeping entrances and stairwells, areas under the entrance canopy);
  • once every two weeks (wipe the elevator car);
  • twice a month (sweeping stairs and landings from the 3rd floor and above);
  • every six months (wiping radiators and window sills with a damp cloth);
  • every year (washing walls, windows, doors and other components of the entrance).

The cleaning schedule assigns the following to technical personnel:
  • remove garbage daily and wash removable garbage bins;
  • clean the loading valves one day a week;
  • monthly clean and disinfect all elements of the garbage chute;
  • inspect the garbage chute twice a month for preventive purposes;
  • Always ensure that there is no blockage in the waste drain pipe.

The listed rules are indicated in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, but are they actually observed or not? It is important for each resident to know them and monitor the work of public utilities, since a third of the amount of bills for housing and communal services is paid for this every month. Any resident has the right to receive high-quality cleaning, as they pay for it.

It happens that the staff themselves provide low-quality services, citing that they will not work to the maximum for such little money. It should be remembered that their salary is not the problem of the residents of the house! If the cleaners do not clean the entrance and violate the instructions, you must complain about the quality of their work to the management company.

How to fight for cleanliness in the entrance

To clean the entrance apartment building did not fall on the shoulders of those living in it, it is necessary to act - to file a complaint about the failure of public utilities to fulfill their direct duties. Legal basis The appeal will be based on the contract signed with the management company. Here is a list of organizations where to complain about poor cleaning:

  • head of the management company;
  • consumer organization;
  • district, city or regional administration.
The complaint is drawn up in two copies: one is sent to the organization, and the second is left with the applicant. To make a claim, it is not necessary to have a legal education; it will be enough to correctly describe the problem using reliable facts. The writing style is free, but at the same time businesslike. The volume of the complaint must be optimal. You should write specifically and concisely, not forgetting to support everything described with evidence. Approximate content of the complaint:
  • introductory part (to whom the complaint is addressed, who is the applicant);
  • reasons for contacting;
  • what violations were recorded;
  • what requirements are put forward by the applicant;
  • what will be done in case of refusal to eliminate violations;
  • applications (evidence base);
  • date and signature.

Previously, cleaning of entrances in an apartment building was carried out directly by the residents themselves according to the duty schedule, which was posted on the ground floor. Currently, management companies or homeowners associations take care of the cleanliness of entrances and adjacent areas. In the article we will consider issues related to the possible risks of receiving a fine for failure to fulfill duties and standards for cleaning the entrance.

Is it mandatory to clean the entrance to an apartment building?

The common property of the apartment building is determined by Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the standards for the maintenance of common property apply to inter-apartment landings, stairs, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, technical floors, attics, basements in which engineering systems etc.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, which came into force on 04/20/2013 (confirmed by the response of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2013), specifies a minimum list of works and services designed to ensure the proper level of maintenance of common property in an apartment building (apartment building). In this Resolution, responsibility for the proper maintenance of equipment, engineering networks and supporting structures of the house is assigned to utility workers. Clause 23 of the List also lists a list of works related to the maintenance of premises belonging to the common property of an apartment building (here we are talking directly about the maintenance of entrances):

  • vestibules, halls, corridors, galleries, elevator landings, elevator halls and cabins, landings, flights and ramps are put in order using dry and wet cleaning;
  • window sills, window grilles, railings, electrical cabinet doors and cabinets themselves, mailboxes door frames, doors, closers door handles wipe with a damp cloth;
  • windows are washed;
  • metal gratings, cellular coverings, pits, textile mats are periodically cleaned.

From the above it follows that cleaning work on entrances to apartment buildings has been mandatory since April 20, 2013, and the management company of the apartment building is responsible for their organization. She also develops a schedule for cleaning entrances, which is prescribed in the annex to the management agreement for apartment buildings.

What is the residential service “entrance cleaning”

Cleaning of entrances and staircases must be done well, and this is the legitimate desire of any apartment owner in an apartment building. At the same time, no one can force residents to clean the entrances themselves - this is the function of the housing and communal services. A specialized document regulates the frequency of cleaning.

State standards are designed to regulate the frequency of work on cleaning entrances and their quality, the equipment used and detergents used in the work (depending on the type of staircase). The specifics of the work carried out also depend on whether there is an elevator, garbage chute and other similar objects at the entrance.

Features of the work of the management company when organizing the cleaning of entrances

If the cleaning of the entrances of an apartment building is carried out by the management organization or a cleaning company invited by it, then the management company is required to provide the cleaners with access to water. You can do this in several ways:

  • give them the keys to the basement;
  • bring the water pipe directly into the entrance, usually this is done on the first floor, that is, closer to the same basement.

Each option has its own characteristics. Unauthorized people gaining access to the basement is an additional cause for concern for the management organization. Its representatives will have to ensure that the cleaning company's employees close the doors and do not allow actions that could harm common property.

If it is possible to bring the pipe from the basement to the first floor, then it is better to use this option. Here you need to remember that the tap should not be left freely accessible, otherwise sooner or later someone will open it and the entrance will be flooded with water. The right decision for the management organization in this case there will be limited access to the tap, providing it only to cleaners and its own employees. This issue can be solved simply and inexpensively, for example, by closing the water source with a small wooden box with a padlock.

Some management organizations ignore the issue of ensuring cleaners' access to water. In such cases, the latter call apartments and ask their residents to fill one or more buckets. It is better not to allow such a practice, so as not to provoke well-founded discontent among homeowners. Firstly, they pay for water consumption according to meters. Secondly, employees who regularly harass them cause justifiable irritation.

Water for cleaning entrances is a resource paid for by residents, so its consumption is separately approved and kept under control. The amount of water required for washing one entrance is approved at a general building meeting, after which it is entered into the ODN. This standard is communicated by the management organization to the employees of the cleaning company. If it is, for example, 40 liters for a one-time cleaning of the entrance, but in reality 100 liters are consumed, then 60 liters is excess consumption.

Residents do not have to pay for consumption in excess of the standard. This is why they discuss and approve a reasonable consumption rate. Everything above this must be paid for by the management company itself.

Each management company resolves the described issue in its own way. Much here depends on the activity of residents. If they really carefully monitor what amounts and under what justification appear in the “general house needs” column, then the management organization will have to fight hard against overspending. With the small cost of several buckets of water, the amount of water flowing even in one house per month is quite noticeable.

Many management organizations actually manage to write off such excess consumption as ODN. When questions arise, they justify this by the fact that the residents at one of the meetings agreed to pay for all losses arising in terms of maintaining the house. You can use such an explanation, but you should remember that residents can always challenge it if the management company does not have clear documentary evidence of its position.

In most high-rise buildings, residents are quite satisfied with the minimum list of work on cleaning entrances, which are carried out in good faith in accordance with PP No. 290 of 2013. However, in some cases, residents may request to expand the list of activities regularly carried out by cleaners. Management Company is obliged to support their initiative, since the main governing body of the apartment building is the general meeting of its residents.

At the same time, the management company will not pay for additional work. If apartment owners want cleaning to be carried out more often or to include activities not provided for by the standard (for example, caring for those in the entrance ornamental plants), then a meeting is held on this matter. On it, residents approve the list additional work and the amount of payment, and also consider candidates for performers. If the decision is made and a contractor is found ready to work on the proposed conditions, then the management company enters into an agreement with it and enters the adjusted monthly payment into the receipt.

If there is a back staircase at the entrance, then its maintenance and cleaning are subject to the same rules that apply in general to entrances. Some features are introduced only by its purpose.

Back stairs usually get dirty less intensely because they are used less. In some houses, residents close the exits to such staircases on their floors to block access for outsiders. This is a serious violation, and the management organization needs to pay special attention to it. Security against fire safety serviced high-rise buildings is among its main tasks.

The management company should check the condition of the back staircase regularly, as well as the availability of free access to it on all floors. If residents lock their doors, then explanatory work must be carried out with them. Persuasion does not always work. In this case, management companies must enforce fire safety rules. In our country there is a practice of litigating issues in court closed doors on the back stairs. The judicial authority, naturally, takes the position of the Criminal Code and obliges residents to stop violations under the threat of serious fines.

What are the standards for cleaning entrances?

There is an approved list of services that housing and communal services employees are required to provide. These include sweeping and wet cleaning entrances and staircases.

A company engaged in servicing the common property of apartment buildings must comply with the following standards:

  • maintain in good condition building construction, heating appliances and pipelines that are located in staircases;
  • ensure proper sanitary condition of staircases; (Clause 3.2.2 of the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170).

According to clause 3.2.4 of the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 dated September 27, 2003, simultaneous ventilation of the staircases of the lower and upper floors through open vents, windows, transoms or ventilation ducts.

The work schedule for the maintenance of staircases is drawn up in accordance with clause 3.2.7 of the Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003.

A separate procedure has been established for Moscow, according to which cleaning of entrances in an apartment building is carried out. Standards for cleaning apartment building entrances in the capital include the following points:

  • elevator cabins, flights and landings are swept with a moistened broom and washed;
  • Dust is swept from the ceilings;
  • walls, doors, lampshades, window sills, railings, electrical panel doors and mailboxes are wiped down;
  • the area at the entrance to the entrance is also swept and washed.

When servicing a garbage chute, you must: the following types works:

  • The garbage chute must be inspected, if necessary, garbage must be removed from the garbage receptacle, and the garbage receptacle must be removed;
  • loading valves and bins must be cleaned periodically;
  • waste collection containers and waste chutes must be cleaned periodically. Mandatory cleaning and disinfection of these objects must be carried out;
  • minor blockages and malfunctions must be eliminated in a timely manner.

If damage or malfunctions of the garbage chute are detected (valves are not fastened tightly, ventilation is impaired, rubber gaskets are worn out or cracks are found in the garbage chute), they must be promptly repaired. This is done by utility workers.

WITH full list works can be found by studying Appendix No. 8 “Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 465 of 06/04/1996”.

What should be the frequency of cleaning entrances and what does it depend on?

Depending on the equipment installed at the entrance, cleaning of the entrances of houses can be carried out at different intervals.

If there is an elevator and a garbage chute at the entrance, the following cleaning frequency is observed:

  • daily
  • once a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • daily
  • once a month;
  • The floor of the elevator car is washed daily;
  • twice a month wipe with a damp cloth.

If the entrance is equipped only with an elevator, then the list of cleaning jobs changes slightly (cleaning the garbage chute area is excluded due to its absence), but the frequency remains the same:

  • staircases and flights of the two lower floors daily sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors once a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights are washed no more often once a month;
  • The floor of the elevator car is washed daily;
  • walls, doors, lampshades and ceiling of the elevator car twice a month wipe with a damp cloth.

If there is no optional equipment, some types of work are excluded, and the frequency of cleaning changes:

  • staircases and flights of the two lower floors daily sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors two times a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • twice a week;

If the entrance is equipped only with a garbage chute, then the list of works and the frequency of their implementation will look like this:

  • staircases and flights of the two lower floors daily sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights of the third and subsequent floors two times a week sweep with a wet broom or brush;
  • zone y loading valve garbage chute daily sweep with a damp broom or brush;
  • staircases and flights are washed at least less often twice a month.

Garbage chutes in entrances of MKD must be maintained with special care, the types of work and the frequency of their implementation are given below:

  • twice a month Preventive inspection of garbage chutes is carried out;
  • daily garbage collection chambers are cleared of debris;
  • daily garbage collection chambers are cleaned;
  • once a week garbage chute loading chambers are removed;
  • daily Replaceable waste bins are washed;
  • once a month The gate of the garbage chute and its lower part of the barrel are washed;
  • once a month all elements of the waste chute are disinfected and cleaned;
  • once a month waste bins are disinfected;
  • as needed Garbage chute blockages are cleared.

The following types of work, regardless of what equipment is installed in the entrance, are carried out once a year:

  • windows are washed;
  • the area at the entrance to the entrance is cleaned;
  • the pit and metal grate are cleaned;
  • The following objects are wiped with a damp cloth:
  • walls.
  • attic stairs.
  • window bars.
  • doors.
  • lampshades on staircases.
  • mailboxes.
  • cabinets for electric meters.
  • low current devices.

Twice a year dust is swept from the ceilings, window sills and heating devices are wiped with a damp cloth.

How is the cost of cleaning entrances calculated?

The price of services that include cleaning the entrance is determined by several factors:

  • salary of the staff cleaning the entrance;
  • time spent by staff on cleaning;
  • execution frequency various types cleaning.

An employee classified in the first category (the same cleaner) should not receive a salary that does not correspond to the subsistence level of the category of able-bodied citizens. This is some specificity of the calculation wages personnel cleaning the entrance. Tariff rates for the repair and maintenance of residential premises are set for a period of one year or more; accordingly, during this period the cost of living may increase. Therefore, in order to correctly calculate the planned tariff rate for a cleaner, it is necessary to operate with the cost of living in the second quarter of the current year, which, in turn, will be indexed to the planned growth rate of consumer prices.

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When calculating, it will be necessary to take into account compensatory payments that take into account cash used to pay personal income tax.

Insurance premiums and industry insurance payments are also taken into account when calculating wages and are included in the total amount of expenses. When determining labor costs, it is necessary to take into account production calendar(number of working days) and cases when the cleaner may simply not show up for work.

When calculating the tariff rate, many others are taken into account, no less important factors. These are the detergents used, payment of taxes, cleaning of entrances by the management company, posting payments, generating and delivering bills to residents, etc. To obtain a reasonable cost of work, it is necessary to take into account the totality of all of the above influencing factors and the area of ​​​​the premises in which cleaning is carried out.

The final amount of payment for entrance cleaning services will be based on the proportional share of the owners of apartment buildings in the ownership of common property (depending on the area of ​​the apartment). Next, the resulting amount of annual costs is divided by the total area of ​​​​the premises and by twelve months.

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What are the consequences of poor cleaning of entrances?

Residents of apartment buildings often complain that the cleaning of the entrance halls is carried out poorly, irregularly, and that the stairs are dirty or dusty (depending on the time of year). Unfortunately, these statements are not unfounded - just go to the majority modern entrances. In addition to dirt, you can find cobwebs, garbage, and walls with inscriptions left by a marker. People get used to everything, including seeing dirty entrances every day, but there are those who are ready to defend their rights.

Indignant speech, according to many owners, is a sufficient measure to change something, but this is not entirely true. By paying for utilities, residents of the house also pay for maintaining cleanliness in the entrance. That is, you need to contact the housing and communal services on whose territory the house is located, or the management company to which the house is assigned. These organizations should advise them on all issues related to cleaning entrances. In addition, residents are required to provide qualified assistance.

Usually, to resolve the issue of cleaning a staircase or entrance, it is enough to write a statement indicating the main complaint and requirements. This statement is written in free form; the nuances that should be taken into account when writing will be explained by representatives of the management company or housing and communal services.

When making a complaint, you must consider the following points:

  • it is recommended to provide links to the relevant clauses of the contract and/or specific legislative acts (for example, clause 23 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/03/2013 N 290 (as amended on 02/27/2017));
  • if there are copies of acts and documents (for example, a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service or a certificate of failure to provide services), you must attach them to the application;
  • it is necessary to write a complaint in two copies - one of them, with a note from the organization that the complaint has been accepted for consideration, will remain with the residents, the second is registered with the responsible organization.
  • A situation is possible in which the executor refuses to sign the application or does not want to accept it; in this case, you can send the documents by a valuable letter with a list of the attachments.
  • the statement must end with an indication of the measures that residents will take if the organization does not voluntarily satisfy their demands (for example, filing a complaint with a higher organization or supervisory body).

The management organization sends a special commission to assess the quality of the list of works established regarding cleaning the entrance.

In the absence of measures to change the situation on the part of the management company or the organization servicing the house, residents can send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, city or district administration.

Applications on current issues are considered up to 30 days from the date indicated on the admission stamp, and in urgent cases, the period is reduced to 1–5 days.

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How can cleaning of the entrance be organized for residents?

Cleaning the entrances of residential buildings can be done in two ways. The choice is made based on specific circumstances.

The first option involves hiring a cleaner who will keep order in the entrance and on the staircases. This could be one of the residents of the house. Residents collect a fixed amount of money each month to pay the cleaning lady.

It is necessary to appoint a person responsible for contacting the hired employee, handing him the payment and transmitting comments received from residents. Cleaning agencies have become very popular. They provide a wide range of services and maintain apartments, houses and other premises. Residents can enter into an agreement with such a company and pay it money according to the agreement.

This option provides guarantees of high-quality cleaning of the entrance, since the employees are qualified, use professional tools and equipment, strictly adhere to the rules of the contract, and their work is effectively organized. In addition, it is possible to receive additional services if necessary, that is, they offer flexible terms cooperation.

For many management organizations, the option of involving specialized companies in cleaning the entrances is the most preferable. The exceptions are those management companies that have their own cleaning work well established. In this case, they can provide this service themselves, collect payment for it and manage the funds received. To ensure that residents do not have complaints, two basic conditions must be met:

  • carry out cleaning in a quality and timely manner;
  • set a tariff corresponding to the average market prices for this service.

For the rest of the management companies, concluding an agreement with a cleaning company will allow them to relieve themselves of worries about maintaining cleanliness in the entrances. In most cases, residents are also satisfied with this option. Few people today are ready to clean entrances on their own, but specialized companies do this on a clear schedule and with sufficient quality.

The decision to choose a cleaning company is made at a house-wide meeting. It can take place with or without the participation of the management company. In the first case, the management company proposes a candidate and announces the monthly fee for his services. Upon receipt of approval from the majority of residents, an agreement is concluded.

The initiative can be taken by the residents themselves or cleaning companies. If they bring the minutes of a general house meeting with a decision to order services from a specific company, then the management company can only accept it and formalize it properly. In both cases, a new line appears in the receipt for housing and communal services for cleaning entrances with a fixed fee.

The second option is more complicated, since activities related to cleaning the entrance are organized by the residents. This issue must be resolved at a general meeting, in which case the decisions made at it will be valid throughout the entire common territory.

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This option is implemented according to the following algorithm:

  1. A house-wide meeting is organized, before which the apartment owners must be convinced of the need to attend.
  2. The person who will take on the control functions is determined. It is better if he is trusted, since he will be responsible for resolving controversial situations.
  3. Volume is being discussed necessary work related to cleaning the entrance. Usually, this means cleanliness of the floor and walls. Sometimes you will need general cleaning with washing windows, radiators and lighting fixtures. If there is an elevator, then its cleaning also needs to be taken into account.
  4. The frequency of cleaning the entrance is established. You can take as a basis the deadlines specified in the current legislation, but at the request of the residents, the deadlines can be changed.
  5. The order in which the entrance will be cleaned is discussed. A schedule is drawn up. It is worth hanging it in a visible place on the landing, and not relying on a verbal agreement.
  6. Penalties are being developed. Although the administrative code provides for a fine for violating the rules of keeping entrances clean, everything is not so simple. Most likely, the impact will come through conversations and comments. Another option is to hang a sign on the door of unscrupulous tenants.

Anyone normal person the sight of dirt evokes negative emotions, especially since cleanliness directly affects the health of his body.

In their own apartments people keep order on their own and can create cleanliness and comfort every day.

At the entrances, cleaning and maintenance are included in the service of the apartment building.

This requirement is specified in Housing Code in Article 36. Content standards are described in detail below. landings in order.

Definition of concepts and legislative regulation of the issue

The law does not provide for the presence of a cleaner for each individual entrance. It can remove from three to ten objects at once. If the housing and communal services sector does not provide such specialists at all, then it violates legal norms.

According to Resolution of the State Construction Committee Russian Federation 170 , approved since September 27, 2003, employees of the management company must clean the staircases. It is also allowed to enter into agreements with contractors. In accordance with Government Decree under Article 290, adopted on April 3, 2013, as well as GOST on housing and communal responsibilities and services, cleaning of staircases is carried out by designated persons. Carrying out professional duties, they are guided by the rules from the listed documents.

Mandatory cleaning of entrances apartment residential complex is carried out in accordance with Government legislation dated April 20, 2013. Display graphic arts A similar process is included in the annex to the contractual agreement with the housing authority.

Rules for putting things in order

From section 36 Housing Code It follows that the common property of an apartment building consists of elevators, corridors, platforms, attics, technical floors, stairs, basements and other premises located in this building.

According to Government Resolution 290 the management company is responsible for performing a minimum number of various actions related to keeping the house clean and providing an acceptable appearance to each entrance.

The same paragraph contains provisions according to which cleaning and wet cleaning are produced for the following areas:

  • corridors and vestibules;
  • window sills, elevators, window grilles and pits;
  • cabinets and doors to electrical panels;
  • mailboxes and staircases.

Cleaning entrances that complies with all legal standards is a responsibility. Consequently, the money contributed by residents for its repair and maintenance is sent to this organization.

Frequency of implementation

In general technical specifications GOST of the Russian Federation 51617-2000 about housing and utilities ah, the cleaning lady must do the following work:

Responsible for maintaining cleanliness

In accordance with the Government Decree, it is the responsibility of all public utilities to properly maintain bearing structures residential building, equipment, engineering and technical systems.

From the twenty-third point one can clearly distinguish actions related to the maintenance of premises located in an apartment building. These include:

  • carrying out wet and dry cleaning in halls, vestibules, galleries, corridors, elevator cabins and landings, ramps, staircases;
  • wiping off dust that covers window grilles, window sills, stair railings, electric meter cabinets, mailboxes, low-current devices, door leaves, boxes and handles, closers;
  • cleaning window glass;
  • removing dirt from protective devices. As a rule, these are metal gratings, cell covers, pits, and textile mats.

Conflict situations and methods for resolving them

Today, apartment residents very often encounter poor quality cleaning in their hallways. Many people complain about the poor condition flights of stairs due to a noticeable layer of dirt or dust on them, debris, cobwebs, surrounding inscriptions, including on the walls. Obviously, these situations arise due to irregular restoration of order in the entrances.

Not everyone can silently react to this state of affairs, so they try to defend their own rights. You can be indignant for a long time, hoping for changes for the better, but the most effective way is to contact the housing and communal services or management organization that services the relevant residential building. These companies are required to provide advice on maintaining cleanliness in the premises, because payment for utility services includes cleaning of entrances belonging to a particular house. Dissatisfied residents should be provided with qualified specialist advice.

Residents have the right to send written complaint in the form, regarding the dirty condition of stairwells or entrances. Such a document is drawn up in any form indicating the requirements. Employees of the management company or housing and communal services are required to provide a number of necessary explanations for completing the application.

Conflicts may be related to the work of cleaners in hallways. All complaints regarding failure to complete the tasks assigned to them, violation of laws regarding the maintenance of staircase landings, as well as the absence of an employee at the place of his work are submitted to the management of the management company at the place of residence. They, in turn, must take measures against the negligent employee, including removing him from his position for further neglect of his work.

The residential building management company is obliged send a special commission, in order to assess how well the work was done to maintain cleanliness in the entrances.

If the apartment building maintenance company does not take any action on a complaint received from the owners, then they have every right to send to the following organizations:

  • Federal Service Rospotrebnadzor;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • city ​​and district administration.

Review period of complaints sent is no more than one month from the date of their receipt. If the application is urgent, the consideration period is reduced to one or five days.

Thus, maintaining cleanliness in the entrances of buildings with big number apartments is a mandatory legal norm approved on April 20, 2013. When concluding a contractual agreement with a management company servicing an apartment building, a cleaning procedure must be attached to it. This organization is responsible for the provision of such services to the owners of residential premises.

The rules for providing cleaning services in apartment buildings by management companies are described in the following video:

Regarding cleaning the entrance to an apartment building, there are specific standards that must be observed by employees. They include quantitative (cleaning frequency, mode) and quantitative indicators. What requirements are described in the legislation, and where you can complain in case of systematic violation, is described in detail below.

The legislation states that the territory of the entrance, elevators, and garbage chutes is a common area. This means that it belongs equally (in proportion to the area of ​​the apartments) to all home owners (as well as official tenants). Full list such property is listed in the Housing Code.

Therefore, apartment owners must monitor the cleanliness of the entrance themselves or entrust responsibility to the Management Company (MC) or HOA. An official agreement is concluded with these organizations, in accordance with which the maintenance of the common territory is carried out (cleaning, short-term and major renovation, eliminating the consequences of accidents).

The statement that cleaning in the entrance of an apartment building is carried out by employees of the management company in accordance with accepted standards can be found in various legal acts, for example:

Along with these federal acts, there may also be municipal documents that should not contradict the former. In the same sources you can find out what specific requirements are imposed on the quality and quantity of cleaning work. They concern not only the actual cleaning of the floors, but also the cleaning of lampshades, windows, railings, etc.

Frequency of work: features of the service delivery mode

The standards by which the cleaning schedule for the entrance to the house is developed are presented in the table.

type of work frequency
cleaning flights and stairs with a damp broom on the first and second floors daily
cleaning flights and stairs using a damp broom from the third onwards top floor inclusive weekly
cleaning with a damp broom the area in front of the garbage chute, where the hatch into which waste is dumped is located daily
wet cleaning of the entire entrance 1 time per month
wet cleaning of the floor surface in the elevator daily
wet cleaning of wall surfaces, lighting shades, as well as flow surfaces in the elevator 2 times a month

Sometimes the entrance to an apartment building is equipped with a garbage chute: it is important to know that it has its own cleaning standards.

A schedule has also been established for cleaning specific parts and equipment in the entrance. At least once a year(usually in the warm season) the following types of work should be performed:

  1. Wet cleaning of all windows, including dormer windows.
  2. Flushing entrance area(vestibura) in front of the door leading directly to the entrance.
  3. Wiping the surfaces of the walls, stairs leading to the attic, and all doors with a damp cloth.
  4. Wiping lampshades, mailbox surfaces, and communal meters with a rag.

As for cleaning ceilings (dust, dirt, cobwebs), radiators and window sills, it is carried out at least 2 times a year using a damp cloth.

Quality requirements

Specific quality indicators are not indicated in the documents. However, it is obvious that if the established frequency is observed, the order in the entrance will meet the following requirements:

  1. The floors are free of significant dirt, there are no stubborn stains or dried dirty stains.
  2. There are no large quantities of foreign debris (beer cans, pieces of paper, foreign objects, bags, etc.).
  3. There are no cobwebs in the corners, large lumps of dirt, or accumulations of dust.
  4. The garbage disposal is clean, there is no clogged debris, and all garbage receptacles are empty and ready to go.

SIGNS IN ENTRANCES. From a formal point of view, there is a standard for cleaning entrances, which states that the walls in an apartment building are washed once a year. However, inscriptions tend to appear much more frequently. And eliminate them using conventional means household chemicals impossible. Therefore, the cleaning lady is not obliged to display drawings, letters, etc. Residents can only wait for scheduled repairs to be carried out, when the walls will be plastered and painted. To speed up the process, you can jointly organize independent repairs.

Where to complain about poor cleaning

In practice, it is often observed that established standards are not fully implemented or are even directly violated. Even if formally cleaning takes place the required number of times a week, month or year, in fact the services are provided with poor quality, which is why dirt constantly accumulates in the entrance, and general form spoils quickly.

In such situations, you should not come into direct contact with the cleaning lady, since in most cases this will only end in an unpleasant conversation. It is preferable to follow this procedure:

  1. First, they contact the Management Company, which sends a cleaner and other employees to maintain order in the house.
  2. The next authority is the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Next, they contact the Housing Inspectorate, which is located under the City (District) Administration.
  4. Then you can write a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office, and also go to court. Moreover, in all cases, both an individual tenant and a group of owners can complain, which is more common.

The complaint itself is drawn up in any form. The application is drawn up in the name of the relevant official- for example, to the head of the Management Company or to an employee of Rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutor's Office, etc. The text must reflect that the applicant is the owner and regularly pays for the service "". If possible, you should also refer to regulations and the agreement itself with the management company.

If similar appeals have been submitted previously, copies of them are also attached to the complaint. Resolutions and acts of services (for example, sanitary and epidemiological) are also attached if they have previously analyzed the condition of the entrance at the request of the residents. In this case, the application itself is always drawn up in at least 2 copies, 1 of which remains in the hands of the owner (owners).

After a complaint to the Criminal Code, she must form a commission that is sent directly to the site to inspect the entrance and draw appropriate conclusions about the quality of the cleaning work being carried out. The response to the complaint must be received within 30 calendar days. As a result, disciplinary measures are taken against employees (cleaners) up to and including dismissal.

Regardless of where to complain about non-compliance with entrance cleaning standards, it is better for residents of an apartment building to take care of the evidence themselves. Photo and video materials are provided that confirm the fact of poor-quality services provided. In addition, it is better to sign the application collectively. The opportunity to sort out the situation is in the interests of all owners.

Alternative option: cleaning by residents

In some cases, it is easier for residents to organize their own cleaning work. There are two options:

  1. The owners come to the meeting and choose one person (neighbor) who will clean the premises for a fee. As a rule, he also collects money and also provides the relevant reporting documents (receipts for the purchase detergents, mops, etc.).
  2. The owners also organize a meeting, but decide to invite an outside cleaner. A responsible person is selected who will enter into an agreement with the cleaning company, as well as develop a schedule, organize fundraising and reporting.

In practice, the second option turns out to be preferable, since the cleaning of the area will be carried out by a professional, experienced worker. In any case, the corresponding decision is made in writing in order to subsequently avoid disagreements and other unpleasant situations.

The entrance to an apartment building is considered a “common area”. Like any room, the entrance to the house requires cleaning: sweeping and washing floors, cleaning window sills, washing windows, keeping walls and ceilings clean. In many cases, this is done by the residents themselves. They distribute duties among apartments, chip in to pay the cleaning lady, or find other options to keep their front door clean.

Everything seems to be correct, we need to live in purity, everyone understands this. The problem here is that residents pay for this work, pay monthly for cleaning the entrance, and then do it themselves.

The author of these lines worked for several years in the housing and communal services department of the municipality, in management companies, and I also had to spend several years fighting with management companies and defending the rights of apartment owners. Let's look at the laws governing this process and how it works in real life. Or you will have to draw up a schedule for cleaning entrances in an apartment building, where the names of the residents will be written down. This is specified on.

The standards for cleaning entrances in an apartment building are described in three regulations Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 (02.27.2017) This resolution regulates the activities of HOAs and Management Companies.

Point 23 examines the work of organizations to keep entrances clean. It lists the areas to be cleaned:

  • vestibules;
  • halls;
  • corridors;
  • galleries;
  • elevators;
  • landings;
  • window sills;
  • window;
  • window;
  • stair railings;
  • mailboxes;
  • and much more.

Standards for cleaning the entrances of apartment buildings are not established by chance. Cleaning is divided into dry and wet. The resolution directly states - take awayOur entrances are the responsibility of the Management Company or Homeowners Association.

As you and I understand, it is not enough to say: we must do it. It is also necessary to regulate the timing and frequency of this work. The government decree does not establish this procedure, but clearly and clearly delegates this right to the owners of the premises themselves.

The resolution contains “Rules for the provision of services and performance of work.” They list methods and methods for determining the frequency and schedule of cleaning the entrance:

Resolution of the owners' meeting. Remember that the decision must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, and each owner has the right to receive a certified copy of such minutes. The frequency and timing of cleaning of common areas may be reflected in the management agreement for your home.

It happens that the owners signed an agreement without knowing about their rights, and entered into an agreement under which cleaning of the entrance to a residential building is not carried out. If you find yourself in such a situation, don't worry. You can go to court and declare the contract invalid, on the basis that it does not comply with “Government Decree No. 290” (the decree clearly states that cleaning in entrances MUST be carried out, but your contract states the opposite), and does not comply with Russian GOST No. 51 617 and “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Funds No. 170,” which we will discuss below.

“GOST of Russia No. 51 617 on housing and communal services” does not describe the rules and regulations for cleaning entrances. He only makes a reference in paragraph 4.10 to the order of the USSR State Architectural Committee of 1988 and Sanitary rules maintenance of the territory of populated areas of the USSR, also from 1988.

That is why, apparently, in most of the materials that I have come across on the Internet, the authors write terms and types of activities about the frequency of cleaning in entrances, adding the word “recommended” to them. I recommend closing such sites immediately and not wasting your time on them. A recommendation is not a legal requirement, but a good wish.

In this article we are considering clear, ACTUAL AND WORKING laws that will help us defend our rights in court.

Rules and regulations for technical operation of housing stock No. 170. This document, approved by the State Construction Committee on September 27, 2003, will also help us understand state regulation of cleaning common areas.

This document contains ChapterIII. « Maintenance of premises and local area " If you are preparing for a confrontation with the management company, be sure to find this document and study it very carefully. We are primarily interested in it clause 3.2.7. It spells out in black and white the terms and frequency of cleaning indoor premises:

Dry cleaning and washing the floor of staircases and flights, as well as sweeping the floor and walls, window sills, heating devices etc. should be done at least every five days. Dry cleaning and washing of walls - at least twice a year. Wet cleaning of all surfaces must be done at least once a month.

Having analyzed several dozen articles about how to pay a management company for cleaning entrances (should this be a separate line or, on the contrary, is already included in the housing maintenance service), I fell into a stupor from the illiteracy of the answers and the pseudo-lawyers who are trying to confuse the population. Therefore, I will try to clarify the main point, which at first glance does not need clarification.

You live in YOUR house and YOU are the one who sets the RULES in this house. .

Of course, they should not contradict Russian legislation, but this house is YOURS, not the management company. Most often, in my experience, it is the management company that imposes the tariff on residents, often simply deceiving them. spring-cleaning entrances are generally carried out at inflated prices - this is wrong and dishonest!

How the Management Company fraudulently imposes tariffs on residents.

Once a year, deputies of the municipal duma adopt a housing maintenance tariff. Management companies go to the population and, showing this document, declare: “Here is the tariff, officially adopted at the mayor’s office, stamp, signatures, etc. We have nothing to do with it, we will collect as much from you, let’s fix it at the meeting.”

But, deputies adopt a tariff not for your home, and for apartments owned by the municipality. Remember: THIS TARIFF DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU. It is for other apartments. If there are one or two municipal apartments in your house, then they will pay not according to the tariff adopted by the deputies, but according to the tariff established by YOU. Because your minutes of the meeting are more important document than the decision of your city council deputies.

Now to the answer to the question of whether cleaning the entrance is included in the maintenance of housing. The answer to this question is given by the meeting of owners (that is, you yourself) and is made by a decision of 50% +1 sq. m. (when making decisions at meetings, they vote not by show of hands, but square meters owners). It will be the way you like it. Do you want it to go in a separate line, or not.

Perhaps you have a natural question:

Yes, you can, in the practice of my work, one house lowered the cost of maintenance to 3 rubles 70 kopecks (at a time when the tariff set by the municipality was 11 rubles 40 kopecks per square meter) and the management company accepted this tariff. There were also several cases when management companies refused to service houses at the rates set by residents and broke the contract with them.

You should not worry about whether this service is included in a separate line or not. The total cost of the service and the quality of its implementation should be important to you. You are the buyer of the service. There are several management companies in your city who simply dream of servicing your home and making money on it, perhaps making money in in a good way, without deceiving, for the benefit of everyone. Go to them with proposals and tell them in advance that price matters. Or arrange an auction between organizations. Or set the price yourself, the one you think is right.

Complaint about cleaning at the entrance - sample

Let’s say you’ve figured out the prices for services. Everything suits me. But suddenly it turned out that everything was fine on paper, money was being paid, but the floors were dirty. The cleaning lady is a mythical character for you, about whom you hear a lot, but never see, and everything is sad.

There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. The first is to come to an agreement. The management company is interested in your home. Go to the director and honestly tell him that you will not break spears forcing his organization to do its job. Well, it's not your responsibility. give him probation and promise to change the management organization if it doesn’t improve. If in a month everything is just as bad, change the management company. Paying them money and then forcing them to work is masochism. You don’t regularly visit a bakery and force them to bake quality bread. We will tell you how to quickly change the management campaign in another material. If you just can’t get to the director, then there’s no need for any deadlines. Change it. This management company doesn't want to work, and you won't force it. Look for another company that will work in good faith.
  2. If you wanted to fight and win. Organizations to which you can complain for failure to fulfill the duties of the Management Company:
  • Management Company;
  • municipal housing and communal services department;
  • GZHI;
  • Court.

Sample application:

To the Director of the Management CompanyFull name of the directorFrom the owner of the premises, house No.__ apt. No.__Your last name, first name and patronymic
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 N 290, at the meeting of owners, house No.__ st. _____ it was decided to clean the house by the management company servicing the house in accordance with contract No. ___. This decision is not being implemented (not being implemented in full). Please explain the reason for the non-execution of the decision of the meeting of owners, inform about the timing of the start of execution of the decision, and also recalculate the payment for the period taking into account the work not completed by the management company.
Signatures. Ideally, the chairman of the house, but the signature of one or several owners of the premises is possible.

The management company will respond within 30 days. If there is no result, you can complain to two more organizations: GZHI (state housing inspection) and the housing and communal services department in the municipality. Most likely, this will not give results. If you don’t have CCTV cameras in your entrances, which can be used to prove the absence of a cleaning lady on time, then these organizations will immediately suggest that you go to court. It is almost impossible to prove the low quality of work performed.

Given my experience, I do not recommend doing this. In court, you will spend your money on lawyers, and the management company will spend your money on lawyers, suing you, and will even officially report to you for this.

There is no absolute guarantee that you will win the court, and if you win, it will oblige the Management Company to fulfill its duties. The management company, as has often happened in my practice, will not comply with them, and you will again go to court to waste your money and nerves.

It is possible and necessary to sue unscrupulous management companies, but not in order to force them to work, but so that they return the unearned money. And it’s easier to win and it hits them much harder.

What to do? I wrote about this above:

  1. Refuse from a management company that is unwilling to work.
  2. Sue her for money for uncompleted work.

Video “How entrances should be cleaned”

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