Do I need to wash the refrigerator after purchase? Life story: how to clean a refrigerator so that there is no smell. Washing with detergent

The refrigerator is an excellent storage food products. Unfortunately, the appliance absorbs all the aromas of the food, and often getting rid of them is not so easy. To clean your refrigerator from odors, you need to follow a few simple rules.

An unpleasant aroma in the refrigerator appears due to various reasons:

  • as a result of accumulation of dirt in the device;
  • if something is rotten in the device. The smell of rotten meat is more difficult to remove than other stench, so it is worth monitoring the freshness of food stored in the refrigerator.

Defrosting and cleaning

To simplify the process of washing the refrigerator, washing the refrigerator should be carried out after defrosting the electrical appliance.

The optimal defrosting frequency is once or twice a year, depending on the model of equipment. The treatment also applies to those models that are equipped with a no-frost system.

Before rinsing the device, you need to empty it of food, and then unplug it. If the appliance is equipped with a defrost function, you need to set this mode. You also need to remove the shelves and trays. If you want to clean the refrigerator from the smell directly from the inside, you risk damaging the equipment. Removable parts can be treated with soda solution. It will speed up the defrosting process and destroy everyone harmful bacteria

. Only after complete defrosting can the device be washed with cleaning chemicals.

Although you can wash the inside of the device with household chemicals, you should not do this. Since after using detergents a specific aroma remains, and it is extremely difficult to remove this smell.

So what should you use to clean your refrigerator? Usually the manufacturer recommends certain substances for use. However, you can also use a soda solution. The use of the solution is especially effective in case of mold growth. Removable parts should be put back in place only after all the moisture inside has dried.


How to clean the inside of the refrigerator to eliminate the unpleasant odor? To eliminate unpleasant odors from electrical appliances, use chemical substances recommended only in extreme cases. After use household chemicals

You should not wash your refrigerator with powder detergents, as they leave noticeable scratches. To combat long-standing stubborn stains, you can use dishwashing detergent. After using it, all areas should be washed clean. running water and wipe dry with napkins.

Folk remedies

To avoid smell from their refrigerators, many people follow people's councils. In particular, soda and vinegar are considered to be the main assistants in this matter. Pure baking soda, when stored in the refrigerator, will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant aroma. And its solution will get rid of the smell of rotten meat, mold and dirt.

Some people prefer to wash household appliances with vinegar. Its pungent aroma will neutralize all other “odors” and will also have a disinfecting effect. You can also get rid of the smell in the refrigerator with coffee. Coffee beans are capable of absorbing unpleasant aromas, so their use is quite effective.

What's the best way to clean your freezer?

How to clean a refrigerator to get rid of the unpleasant smell in it? What to wash with new refrigerator? Wash the outside of the device with soapy water.

Having cleared technical means outside, wash the inside of the appliance. To do this, mix water and vinegar in equal proportions and use the resulting solution as a detergent. There is no need to rinse the solution after applying it. It is enough to leave the device open for a few minutes so that the acrid acrid smell disappears.

Lemon juice will also remove the unpleasant “aroma”. A couple of tablespoons of this liquid should be mixed with a glass of water and treated with it inner surface electrical appliance. After lemon juice The unit can be put into operation immediately; there is no need to ventilate it.

All visible dirt has been washed off, but the smell from the refrigerator remains? Perhaps the reason lies in the improper operation of the cooling system. An aromatic liquid could have leaked under the casing or accumulated in an open compartment. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.


Removing an unpleasant odor from an electrical appliance is a problem that is often caused by improper care of the electrical appliance. Following simple rules will help avoid the appearance of “odors”.

  1. Did you see dirt? I wash it right away. Drops and smudges should also be wiped off before they dry.
  2. Only clean dishes should be placed inside.
  3. Expired food must be removed from the appliance immediately.
  4. Food to be defrosted should be placed in deep containers.
  5. It is advisable to clean the refrigerator every week. And once a quarter - “generalize” it.
  6. It is advisable to ventilate the equipment by disconnecting it from the network.
  7. Prepared meals should be stored in an airtight container with a lid.
  8. At the bottom of the compartments in which vegetables are stored, place plastic film or package.
  9. Use baking soda or other substances that absorb odors.

So, unpleasant aroma can smell like a new refrigerator, just like one that should have been written off long ago. Solving this problem is not difficult, the main thing is to constantly monitor the condition of the device, do not forget about prevention and systematic cleaning.

Video “How to properly clean the inside of a refrigerator”

From this video you will learn how to properly clean the inside of the refrigerator so that there is no unpleasant odor.

In this article we will answer a popular question that every housewife asks: how to clean the refrigerator? You will learn what solutions to use to clean the refrigerator outside and inside, how to get rid of unpleasant odors, and how often you should carry out a thorough cleaning.

Preparing for washing

Before you begin, be sure to unplug your equipment and empty it of food, sorting through and discarding anything that has been sitting for more than a week. After unloading, remove shelves, containers and racks and soak them in warm water.

Prepare in advance everything you need to clean external and internal surfaces:

  1. Rubber gloves to protect hands from household chemicals.
  2. Kitchen sponge or napkins.
  3. Cleaning spray or mild soap solution.
  4. Soda, ammonia, vinegar.
  5. Clean towel.

Now you can start washing. This should be done slowly to remove all contaminants.


In this section you will learn:

  • Is it possible to use solutions prepared independently?
  • Which folk recipes effectively clean surfaces.
  • Like lemon, vinegar or soda will help fight bacteria.
  • What means to treat surfaces against mold and mildew.

In addition to the usual household chemicals, improvised means are also suitable for washing.

  1. Any soap(it’s more profitable to use household cleaner) will easily clean dirt on rubber seals.
  2. Regular baking soda can remove old dirt and stubborn stains.
  3. Toothpaste will cope with dried stains, this soft abrasive will gently and carefully clean plastic surfaces. You can use tooth powder as a replacement.
  4. Surprisingly, it will help to thoroughly clean the refrigerator compartments apple cider.
  5. Solutions containing bleach, effectively remove mold. Read more about this in the “” review.
  6. In addition to bleach, it will cope with fungi and mold white solution with water.

Important! To wash glass shelves, use only cool or lukewarm water. Due to temperature changes, the glass may crack or break.

To wash refrigerator inside and outside, you can use home remedies.

Recipe one

Grate the soap, dilute it in warm water and rinse the folds of the seal. Afterwards, wash the seal with water and wipe dry with napkins or a towel.

Recipe two

Dilute 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in 0.5 liters of water, soak a cloth in the resulting solution, after which you can begin cleaning. Lemon will help combat unpleasant odors and provide freshness.

Recipe three

Mix 2 tablespoons of soda in 0.5 liters of water. This product works great against bacteria: soak a cloth in it and wash thoroughly internal walls, grilles and shelves.

Recipe four

The basis of the solution is ammonia. It is suitable for cleaning equipment after defrosting. To prepare, take 30 ml of ammonia and 300 ml clean water.

Recipe five

An effective product for removing the smell of spoiled food. Mix vinegar essence and water in 1:1 proportions.

In addition to cleaning, it is recommended to defrost once a month to prevent ice from forming on the walls of the freezer. If your equipment is equipped with the No Frost system, then large-scale cleaning once every 3 months is enough to maintain stable operation.

Caring for a new refrigerator

It is not recommended to turn on the equipment immediately after purchase. IN winter time leave it at rest for several hours, in the summer one hour is enough. Before using it for the first time, be sure to wash the refrigerator; to do this, use special cleaning sprays or solutions you make yourself. Since the equipment is new, you should not use chemicals; abrasive substances are strictly prohibited.

To clean the refrigerator before turning it on for the first time, use a soda solution. You already know the recipe and can start washing. If the refrigerator has two chambers, use a dampened cloth to clean both chambers, not leaving out the shelves, containers and racks. Use a dry towel to wipe surfaces and removable parts.

  1. Check your food daily and throw away anything that has already started to spoil.
  2. Carry out a wash every week without defrosting, just take out the food.
  3. To avoid odor, store baking soda or Activated carbon, do not forget to change them every three months.
  4. Never wash a refrigerator while it is on: getting in warm air inside the chamber contributes to the formation of condensation.
  5. Do not use harsh abrasive substances when defrosting or washing equipment.

Regular care will eliminate the need to spend hours washing stubborn stains from containers, shelves and seals and will significantly extend the service life.

We have revealed all the secrets of proper cleaning of the refrigerator, now you can easily clean up the outside and inside using the means at hand. Follow these simple tips to keep your equipment clean and fresh.

Household appliances require regular maintenance. However, almost more than others, it requires cleaning and correct operation namely the refrigerator. It stores food that emits a variety of aromas. All these odors are absorbed by the surfaces inside the unit. Over time, an unpleasant “background” is created from a mixture of aromas, which is not always pleasant. This means that sooner or later you will have to decide what to use to clean the inside of the refrigerator. Maintenance of equipment is performed regularly, and not as needed.

For cleaning, special chemical compositions. Dishwashing detergent will do. You can also use substances that you almost always have in the house: vinegar, lemon, soda, ammonia. There are many recipes based on these ingredients.

Some of the popular solutions:

  1. A solution is prepared based on vinegar essence. The substance must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For example, it is enough to take 100 ml of vinegar and the same amount of clean liquid. If you are deciding how to wash the inside of the refrigerator, you should know that a solution of this consistency is enough to remove extraneous odors from prepared food, as well as avoid the appearance of a persistent smell of essence. Treat all surfaces with the resulting liquid using a dishwashing sponge or rags.
  2. Soda solution. It is prepared on the basis of baking soda (2 tbsp) and clean water (0.5 l). You need to stir the specified amount of soda in warm water. How to properly clean a refrigerator using this product? It is necessary to moisten a rag in the prepared liquid and wipe the unit from the inside.
  3. A solution based on ammonia. To prepare the product you need to prepare 30 ml ammonia. The substance is diluted in water. To obtain a solution with the desired properties, it is recommended to take 300 ml of liquid. When deciding how to clean the refrigerator after, you can use this recipe. This product removes odors, disinfects, and removes dirt well.
  4. Lemon juice based solution. You will need 2 tbsp. l. juice and 0.5 liters of water. The product mixes well. The rags are wetted in it and you can begin treating the surfaces of the unit. When deciding how best to clean the inside of the refrigerator and remove the smell, you can use this particular product, as it will provide a pleasant aroma. However, after washing the walls and shelves, the aroma will soon disappear. To prolong the effect of the product, you can put 1-2 saucers with lemon zest in the refrigerator.

Advice: It is better to use products that will not only help wash the shelves and walls of the chamber, but also disinfect all surfaces, for example, baking soda and ammonia are well suited for this purpose.

Sequence of actions for cleaning inside and outside

From time to time, you need to thoroughly clean all chambers, in addition to this, you should also take care of the outside of the unit. To do all the work as efficiently as possible and in a short time, you need to know how to properly clean a refrigerator. Instructions:

Commissioning a new refrigerator: washing, connecting

Before connecting the unit to the network, you need to give it time to stand at rest. This is more important in winter. When the refrigerator is brought in from the cold, it should sit for several hours. In summer 1 hour is enough. Then you need to decide what to use to clean your new refrigerator before using it for the first time. To do this, use special chemicals or home remedies. The use of abrasive compounds is prohibited. Considering that there is no odor inside the new unit, there is no need to use odor eliminators.

How can you clean a new refrigerator in this case before turning it on? A soda solution is perfect for these purposes. Should be processed detergent all cameras. Removable elements(side racks, containers, shelves) are also treated with a solution before installation. After finishing washing, wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth. After making sure that the refrigerator is completely dry, you can connect it to the network and load food.

The walls of refrigeration equipment deteriorate quite quickly, and as they operate, dirt accumulates in corners, containers and on surfaces. To avoid such troubles, you need to regularly follow simple rules:

If you decide to purchase a refrigerator for your home, you should know: how to clean a new refrigerator before you start using it. You may think that you don't need to do this because it's new. But it’s just the opposite: it should be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and dust that has accumulated there during your stay in the store. household appliances.

In the cool season, you may need to wash your new refrigerator. about four hours, if it’s summer outside, then you can handle it in an hour and a half.

Do not connect your new refrigerator to electrical power until it is completely dry.

Chemical cleaning products

Range chemicals wide enough for cleaning refrigerators. You can find it in any store or household chemicals department.

Now we’ll tell you how to use refrigerator cleaning products:

Recently, all kinds of cleaning pastes for refrigerators have become popular, the peculiarity of which is that they have a creamy texture and do not contain abrasive particles.

It is not recommended to use powdered cleaning products to clean a new refrigerator: it can leave small scratches on the plastic

We proceed with pastes as follows:

    • apply any of them to all surfaces inside the refrigerator;
    • after applying the cleaning cream, thoroughly wipe all shelves, trays and walls of the refrigerator compartment;
    • wash away big amount water and wipe dry;
    • It is advisable to do this procedure in the evening so that the refrigerator is thoroughly ventilated overnight.

Cleaning the refrigerator with soda

If you do not welcome the use of chemicals to clean the refrigerator, in which you will later store food for the whole family, there is an environmentally friendly alternative to replace any cleaning product.

Surely there is one in your house. So, it is ideal for cleaning a new refrigerator. It will not cause any harm to your health, and will cope perfectly with the unpleasant smell of plastic in the chamber of a new refrigerator.

So, take baking soda, a soft sponge and warm water, and then carry out the following manipulations:

    • dissolve several tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate in one liter of warm water;
    • completely soak the sponge in the resulting solution and treat all surfaces inside the new refrigerator (do not forget about shelves, drawers, trays and grates);
    • after treating with soda, thoroughly wash the refrigerator with clean water;
    • Dry with a clean cotton towel or let the refrigerator dry on its own with the door slightly open.

Don't forget about freezer, because before you start using the refrigerator, you need to do the same procedure with it.

Before purchasing a new refrigerator, remember that the material should not emit a pungent odor. If, upon opening the door, you notice a strong smell of plastic, it is better not to buy such a refrigerator. Even treatment with chemical detergents will not destroy this smell in the chamber.

If there are foreign odors from aromatic products in the chamber of a new refrigerator, it means that the employees of the household appliance store have already tried to eliminate this problem. It is better to refrain from such a purchase.

After the new refrigerator is completely dry, you can connect it to electrical network. Now you can safely send food to the camera. Make sure that food is fresh and tightly packaged. Otherwise, in a week you will again be scratching your head over what to use to clean the refrigerator.

Being a kind of storage facility, this unit, unfortunately, actively absorbs all food odors, and eliminating them can be quite difficult. How to clean a refrigerator and how to prevent it from emitting an unpleasant odor, read on this page.

Cleaning the refrigerator with vinegar and soda

It is recommended to wash the refrigerator more often, without waiting for an unpleasant odor or stubborn stains to appear. In addition, food should be stored in tightly closed containers. To remove dirt and foreign odors, it is best to use natural liquid products.

So, I clean the refrigerator with vinegar and baking soda.

Recipe No. 1.

You will need: 100 ml table vinegar.

Cooking method. Add table vinegar to 100 ml of water.

Application. When washing the refrigerator with vinegar to remove various contaminants The walls of the refrigerator must be wiped with a sponge soaked in the resulting solution.

Recipe No. 2.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Cooking method. Add baking soda to 500 ml of water.

Application. To remove various contaminants, the walls of the refrigerator must be wiped with a sponge soaked in the resulting solution. After this, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

If we wash the refrigerator with soda, we not only remove fatty deposits, but also disinfect the surface.

Cleaning the refrigerator with lemon and ammonia

Recipe No. 3.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. lemon zest.

Cooking method. Add lemon juice to 500 ml of water.

Application. To clean the refrigerator, you need to soak a rag in the solution and wipe the walls inside and out. Then, to eliminate unpleasant odors, put the lemon zest in a saucer and leave it inside for 3-4 days.

Recipe No. 4.

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You will need: 30 ml of ammonia.

Cooking method. Add ammonia to 300 ml of water.

Application. Moisten a sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the walls of the freezer. This procedure should be carried out once a week.

The solution has disinfecting properties and also helps get rid of dirt and unpleasant odors.

Recipe No. 5.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. baking soda.

Cooking method. Before cleaning the refrigerator inside and out, laundry soap need to be cut using a knife or grater, mixed with baking soda. Add the resulting mixture to 500 ml of water.

Application. Moisten a cloth with the prepared solution and thoroughly wipe the refrigerator inside and out. Then rinse the cloth with clean warm water and wipe dry.

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Cleaning the refrigerator: how to remove the smell from the refrigerator with vinegar

Many people have experienced the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator. The reason for its appearance may be related to long-term storage products. In addition, even the freshest products stored without packaging become sources of specific odors. Products with a strong odor should be stored in the refrigerator in tightly sealed containers or wrapped in foil. The new refrigerator I recently purchased also has a distinctive aroma.

If various unpleasant odors appear, the refrigerator should be turned off, thoroughly washed from the inside, and then ventilated for several hours.

There are also many ways to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, below are the best of them.

Recipe No. 6.

This recipe is how to remove smell from the refrigerator with vinegar diluted with water.

You will need: 100 ml apple cider vinegar.

Cooking method. Add apple cider vinegar to 100 ml of water.

Application. Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the shelves and interior walls of the refrigerator. Then leave the refrigerator open for 2-3 hours.

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How to clean the inside of a refrigerator: effective recipes

Suggested here effective recipes How to clean a refrigerator to get rid of the smell for a long time.

Recipe No. 7.

You will need: 100 ml vodka, 50 ml lemon juice.

Cooking method. Before eliminating the smell in the refrigerator, you need to mix vodka and lemon juice.

Application. Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the shelves and interior walls of the refrigerator. Then leave the refrigerator open all day.

Recipe No. 8.

You will need: 100 g rye bread, 50 g mint, 5 clove inflorescences.

Cooking method. Finely chop the rye bread and mint leaves.

Application. Place sliced ​​rye bread, mint leaves and clove inflorescences on plates, place them on the refrigerator shelves and leave for several hours. The bread will absorb all the unpleasant odors, and mint and cloves will act as natural flavors.

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Recipe No. 9.

You will need: 1 lemon, 1 tsp. baking soda.

Cooking method. Carefully peel the lemon, set the peel aside, squeeze the juice from the pulp and mix with 100 ml of water.

Application. Wet a sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. Place the lemon peel on a plate, sprinkle baking soda on top and refrigerate for a week. It is also recommended to store citrus slices or peels in the freezer. Citrus juice can be squeezed into a container and left in the freezer for 1-2 days. Unpleasant smell will disappear.

How to eliminate odor in the refrigerator using coffee

In the fight against strong unpleasant odors, dry coffee grounds or fresh ground coffee, which needs to be left in the refrigerator for several days.

Charcoal or activated carbon has the ability to absorb odors. A small handful of coal must be crushed and poured into a saucer, then put in the refrigerator for several hours. This powder can be placed in a container with holes and stored in the refrigerator permanently.

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the freezer, it is necessary to defrost and wash it at least twice a month with a soap solution with the addition of vodka.

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