Fungicides are chemicals used to control fungal plant diseases. List of drugs, instructions for use, reviews. Names and types of fungicides for plants Tablets for fungal plant diseases

Today, hundreds of fungicides are sold in stores that kill harmful fungi on plants and also protect them from the most terrible diseases.

There are too many factors that go into choosing the right fungicide for each application. Type and age of the plant, type of disease and its “neglect”. Even the weather, the amount of green space and the presence of pets nearby play a role. It's easy to get confused.

We do not recommend buying a fungicide at random: an advertised chemical may turn out to be a “dummy”. It is possible that it can even harm a sick plant. The best thing is to trust the opinions of professionals.

In our manual, we have collected recommendations from scientists and advice from experienced farmers. We intentionally put a review of the most effective fungicides at the very end of the material, because in order to cure a plant, you first need to make a correct diagnosis. And to make a correct diagnosis, you need to know everything about plant pests. This is what most of our guide is devoted to.

You need to defeat the fungus wisely!

Why is fungus dangerous for plants?

All fungicides have a common enemy - pathogenic fungi, which so easily infect ornamental and agricultural plants. They affect farmers and housewives, food producers and gardeners.

Here's what fungal spores and the mushrooms themselves are capable of:

  • - They disfigure plants: various diseases affect the color and shape of fruits, leaves and flowers;
  • - Mushrooms deprive us of our harvest. In just a couple of weeks they can cause damage to plantings of potatoes, apples, grapes and wheat, tomatoes and cucumbers, blueberries and strawberries;
  • - They kill them. Your favorite lawn or home flower may die if they are not treated with the necessary fungicide in time;
  • - Fungal diseases hit the pockets of farmers and the state. In some cases, the degree of crop loss from the fungus becomes catastrophic, even to the point of ruin.

It is very difficult to avoid fungal infection without preventive measures. Spores live in soil, air, other plants and water. They are carried by the wind, animals and even people! And then the mycelium comes into play: thin threads, something like a mycelium. They penetrate the plant tissue and begin to devour living matter. In addition, leaves covered with fungus do not receive light and die without the possibility of photosynthesis.

The most common fungal plant diseases

The presence of fungus in a plant is most often indicated by external symptoms. A white coating and rusty pads, colored spots and sores, fragments of rot and lumpy growths may appear on the greenery. In addition, fungi cause plants to wither, become deformed, dry out, become thinner, become overgrown with tumors and stop bearing fruit. In the case of lawns and grass, bald spots form on the ground. Any of these symptoms cause dozens of different types fungi. This system is not easy to streamline, but still the most common diseases received their folk and scientific names. Here are some of them.

Powdery mildew. This is a universal villain that affects the leaves, fruits, stems and flowers of plants. White plaque (mycelium) can completely tighten in a couple of days garden rose or grapevine. The disease takes the longest to kill fruits: they rot and crack. Powdery mildew especially loves young shoots. Pumpkins, peaches, gooseberries, grains, roses, even sugar beets... who doesn’t suffer from it!

Snow mold. This is the enemy of all lovers of natural lawns and tall grass. “Snow mold” usually appears in early spring, after the snow melts. It spreads in circles 3-12 inches in diameter. When these circles “multiply”, the lawn may completely die. First, the lawn will be covered with pink, white or gray mold... then the mushrooms will draw all the juices out of the grass, and it will die. Most often, meadow and reed fescue, perennial ryegrass and meadow bluegrass suffer from this fungus.

Root rotting. These diseases, such as rhizoctonia and black rot, are dangerous for most plants. Fungi undermine the roots of indoor and garden greenery. You won’t find out about this for a long time: you’ll just watch the gradual withering of the plant. An insidious disease will turn the root system into black dust or rusty dry lashes.

"Spotted" fungus on leaves. A disease that affects vegetables. Oily oils form on the leaves dark spots. Most often, tomatoes and peppers, potatoes, asparagus, and rhubarb suffer from them. This “beauty” directly affects the yield of vegetables. Although the fruits themselves rarely suffer.

There are also various fungi that attack grass. It may become covered with rust-colored blisters and red-brown rings (Fusarium disease). The lawn may turn brown and disappear under small clouds of cotton (Pythium disease).

Prevention of fungal diseases

Fungi love high humidity, stagnant weather and proximity to other plants. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain interval between plantings, and also to rid them of excessive watering and poor air circulation. These rules are especially relevant for greenhouse plants. You need to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the soil and dispose of dying plants.

American scientists who have studied this issue ask everyone to be careful with mulching and pruning plants (mistakes during these operations can lead to infection). They call the best way prevention... purchasing specially bred varieties resistant to fungi. Roots from fungi will protect sterile pots, control over purchased soil mixture– a competent irrigation system that eliminates stagnation of water.

The classification of fungicides divides them according to the purpose of use. It looks like this.

  1. Protective fungicides. Organic and inorganic products for the prevention of fungal diseases.
  2. Medicinal fungicides. Drugs that can stop the progression of the disease and even destroy it.
  3. Systemic or complex fungicides. They work for both prevention and treatment of plants.
  4. Immunizing agents. They improve the plant’s metabolic rates and teach it to fight not only fungi, but also bacterial diseases.

The principle of action of the chemicals also differs. There are, for example, contact fungicides. Most often, these are protective agents that “protect” from fungi only the part of the plant on which they are located. The farmers and experienced gardeners"Protectants" are popular. They treat seeds and bulbs so that they are not disturbed by pests in adulthood.

IN Lately Organic liquid products that move freely through the plant’s vascular system have become fashionable. They can save individual shoots of an already infected plant from diseases, work as a protective and remedy.

Which is better: organic or inorganic fungicides?

First, it is important to decide whether you are looking for an organic or inorganic fungicide. The former are considered more environmentally friendly and safer for nature and humans. But we are more interested in the practical side of the matter. Moreover, many “organic products” are also synthesized using chemicals.

The advantage of organic fungicides over inorganic ones is that they do not contain rare and hazardous metals. These metals pose a danger to animals, earthworms and, in rare cases, to soil. In case too much copper or mercury accumulates. And here " natural remedies" decompose underground by themselves, this happens very quickly. True, this property also affects the duration of the healing effect (synthetic chemicals last longer).

Organics are easier to “cook”: most often you just need to mix a powder or liquid product with water. Let us add that organics can be combined with a larger number of pesticides than inorganic preparations.

The advantage of inorganic products is consumer confidence. It was products based on copper, sulfur, mercury and chlorine that first appeared on the market: our grandfathers used them. And this is already a certain habit and tradition. Although, logically, younger synthetic organics should be more perfect. But even here, not everything is so simple. For some diseases, old copper oxychloride preparations with a concentration of 0.5-0.75% are still not inferior in effectiveness to fashionable synthetic drugs.

Are chemical fungicides really that bad? The USA environment agency portal writes: “Some of the worst pesticide poisonings occur due to the misuse of organic mercury or hexachlorobenzene for treatment. seed material. However, most fungicides used and registered for use in the United States are not capable of causing frequent or serious poisonings."

So you can only harm yourself and the environment if you use products not according to the instructions! The portal asks you to be especially careful with these substances: triazoles, mercury, thiocarbamates, dithiocarbamates, mercury.

The best commercial fungicides

Experts have approved dozens of different fungicides; it's easy to get lost in this large list of names. Therefore, we decided to help you and selected the most effective products that can be purchased on the Internet.


Classic copper-based fungicide. Suitable for flowers, fruits and vegetables. Copes perfectly with powdery mildew, black spots and “early” fungi. It must be mixed with water in the proportions indicated on the package and used as a spray. Buyers write that one spray per month is usually enough. But with frequent rains and irregular watering, the product is used more often.

There are several mentions effective use remedies against fungi on the lawn. In total, about 85% of buyers call the product useful.


Similar product from the same manufacturer. Only here you don’t need to dilute anything: the product is sold as a ready-made spray. The fungicide contains copper octanoate, which is a compound of copper salts with fatty acid. At the same time, the concentration level of the chemical protects the greens from burns.

The developer insists on generously spraying the leaves. You can even pay attention to their lower part. People in the comments advise not to spray the product on the eve of rain: it takes 24 to 48 hours for it to be completely absorbed. Next time spraying will need to be done in 2-4 weeks.

We find several dissatisfied comments. Some farmers find the solution “weak” But these are special cases - about 80% of farmers were satisfied with the performance of the chemical.

Fungicide Topaz

A well-known universal fungicide that has earned high praise from users. It is suitable for most garden plants and lawns. Fans of spray roses rate it especially highly. This is a protective fungicide. It is optimally suited for the prevention and protection of plants from fungi. The chemical is not afraid of rain and stays on the leaves for two weeks. Depending on the purpose of use (treatment, prevention, protection), the developer recommends using different methods of spraying the medicine.

Users write that it works best with delicate plants and thin foliage. There are many reviews about the successful fight against lawn diseases.

Fungicide Forecast

Famous manufacturer, the quality of the product is unlikely to raise questions. It is a highly rated organic systemic fungicide that not only prevents but also treats disease. Almost 80% of all users are satisfied with its effectiveness. Controls black spots, powdery mildew, gray mold, plant rust, scab. The instructions say that it can be applied until the days of harvest. But we still wouldn’t risk it.

One bottle is enough for 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture can be applied to both leaves and fruits. We found conflicting reviews of the product regarding the need for reapplication. Some people wrote that they solved the fungus problem the first time. Others talk about mandatory repetitions of the procedure after 1-2 weeks. Perhaps it all depends on the type of fungus and the degree of infection of the plant. Fortunately, the fungicide is not harmful to the worms and beneficial insects.

Fungicide Comparison Chart





Concentrated liquid

Fungicide Chistotsvet

Fungicide Topaz


Fungicide Forecast


Daconil® Fungicide Concentrate 16 oz.

A product based on chlorotolanil, tested by experts. Excellent for combating powdery mildew. All ingredients are indicated on the package, you can always find them on the Internet. One bottle is enough for 240 liters of liquid, which should be used as a spray. The product is considered a protective fungicide with contact action of the widest spectrum.

Scotts Lawn Fungus Control, 5,000-sq ft, 6.75 Pounds

A product designed to exclusively prevent lawn diseases. The active ingredient is 2.3% methyl thiophanate. Experienced users recommend using the substance in the spring: otherwise you may be late. After all, kill the fungus Scotts Lawn no longer capable.

One bag is enough for 300-400 m2. Please note that users have different opinions about this product. Some have called it too toxic for use on local area.

  1. First of all, determine the exact disease. Try to make an accurate diagnosis for your plant based on external signs of the disease, communication with “brothers in misfortune” and professional consultations. Try to buy a remedy specifically for this type of fungus, and not universal options.
  2. Pay attention to your environment. Place of growth of the diseased plant, time of year, air temperature at the time of application of the fungicide, rate of development of the disease. All this influences the choice of medication. The corresponding recommendation for optimal conditions for use is often found on the label.
  3. Study the contraindications. Quality medicines contain a list of plants that do not tolerate these fungicides.
  4. Choose between liquid and powder form. Powders are often created for working in the soil, and liquids are often created for treating leaves and flowers. The effect of liquids, as a rule, begins earlier, but also goes away faster.
  5. Compare prices. Prices for the same product or for different fungicides with similar ingredients can vary greatly. As in the case of medicines, you don’t always need to overpay for a brand if there is a cheap analogue. Of course, it is necessary to check the state certification of all products.

Even organic products can harm plants and humans if used incorrectly. Here are 9 tips for new gardeners on how to use them correctly.

  1. Always follow the safety rules specified in the instructions. It is better to carry out all spraying in special protective clothing. Most often, a fungicide is a threat to the skin and mucous membranes. Even potted plants should be processed on the street or balcony.
  2. Keep track of the time of year. It is believed, for example, that dithiocarbamic acid derivatives have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants, which is why they are usually recommended for use during periods of intensive growth (spring and early summer). And by the end of summer, copper-containing preparations should be used.
  3. Do not mix organic fungicides - captan, zineb, ziram, polycarbacin, dichlon with mineral oil preparations, since such a mixture can cause plant burns.
  4. Keep track of the frequency. Most often, the plant is re-treated every 15-30 days. But each product has its own rules, they are indicated on the label. This indicator is also affected by the time of year and precipitation.
  5. Don't poison your crop. It is better not to use fungicides at all at the time of fruit ripening, but to solve the fungus problem earlier. If the matter is too advanced, you need to use low-toxic drugs. And before that, find out how many days before harvest you can use them in last time.
  6. Spray in the morning. Experts say that night and early morning will be the best time to spray liquid fungicides.
  7. Keep an eye on the weather. It is better not to use sprays, liquids and all contact products in rain and wind.
  8. Remember about phytotoxicity. Phytotoxicity is a condition when a medicine begins to harm the plant. Its cause is a violation of the concentration of the substance, too frequent use of chemicals and incompatibility of the product and the plant.
  9. Don't give them the opportunity to adjust. The effect of “resistance” is observed quite often. Fungi simply evolve under the influence of fungicides and cease to be afraid of them in future generations. In such cases, Australian scientists advise either combining remedies or eradicating the fungus before it has time to multiply. The same Australians recommend seed treatment.

Fungicides for getting rid of powdery mildew

Powdery mildew spores are transmitted through air, water and “from human hands.” They love damp and cool weather and just love indoor plants. You can invite trouble by watering your greens too often and having a high nitrogen content in the soil.

On initial stage(prevention and first week) you can use traditional methods. For example, a solution of potassium bicarbonate and soap, a copper-soap solution or a decoction of horsetail. There are plenty of such recipes on the Internet. But if the moment is missed, it is better to take on more serious means.

Engage in comprehensive plant treatment. Begin spraying at the first symptoms of illness. Among biological drugs Neem oil, insecticidal soap, horticultural oil and the same potassium bicarbonate will help you with this. From chemical compounds look out for copper, fenarimol, myclobutanil, propiconazole, triadimefon, and sulfur.

Systemic fungicides: Spectracide Immunox (several), Ferti-lome F-Stop Granular Fungicide, Green Light Fung-Away Systemic Granules

System on water based: Ortho Lawn Disease Control and Fertility, Liquid Systemic Fungicide, Bayer Advanced Fungus Control.

Protective: Bonide Copper Spray or Dust, Bonide Liquid Copper, Dragon Copper Fungicide, Hi-Yield Copper Fungicide, Ferti-lome Black Spot & Powdery Mildew control.

Protective, contact effects: Ortho Garden Disease Control (Daconil 2787), Hi-Yield Daconil Lawn Vegetable, Flower Fungicide, Fertilome Lawn & Garden Fungicide, Fertilome Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide and Bonide, Fung-onil, Ortho Dormant Disease, Control Lime-Sulfur Spray, Hi -Yield Improved Lime, Sulfur Spray, Lilly Miller, PolySul Summer and Dormant Spray, Bonide LimeSulfur.

Fungicides for treating fungus on the lawn

Most lawn diseases, despite differences in symptoms, are treated in much the same way. In preventing and eliminating them, the quality of the drainage system plays a particularly significant role. It should not resemble a marshy swamp or an African desert. Gardeners advise watering early in the morning so that the soil has time to absorb moisture during the day.

Fungi are more likely to appear in lawns that are cut frequently and heavily with a lawnmower. Any cut is a risk of fungal attack. It is also known that young grass has weak immunity compared to old grass. Note that fungi do not like heat, which means that it is easier to fight diseases in the summer.

But all these are just preventive measures. What treatment methods do experts recommend? For lawn root rot problems they recommend the following remedies: Spectracide immunox, Fertilome Systemic, Ortho lawn disease control, Propiconazole. For the most part, these are water-based systemic fungicides.

For colored circles on the grass: Turfcide, Spectracide immunox, Hi-Yeld Maneb and Green Light broad spectrum. Here the emphasis is placed on broad-spectrum protective equipment. However, some complex fungicides may also be suitable.

Fungicides for the treatment of snow mold

What distinguishes “snow mold” from most fungal diseases is that it attacks plantings in winter. The fungus settles in the lawn with the first cold weather and early snow. You will only see manifestations of the disease in spring and summer, when young grass sprouts on your lawn. The owner of the weed will have time to prevent the “epidemic”. Firstly, it will be necessary to remove the remnants of old greenery in late autumn in order to destroy the springboard for a possible “landing of fungi.” Secondly, in the spring, remove all natural debris again and properly mow the young animals.

There are many on the market preventative fungicides against this rubbish. Experts recommend the following line of products (most are chemicals in granules that need to be mixed with water): Terraclor 75WP, Ferti-lome Azalea, Camellia, Crape Myrtle Insecticide and Fungicide, Hi-Yield Turf and Ornamental Fungicide(containing 10% PCNB), Hi -Yield Terraclor Granular Fungicide. (we will tell you more about them below)

For autumn prevention The DMI fungicides strobilurins and dicarboximides are also suitable. They need to be added to the soil at the very end of the season.
To protect plantings the already familiar Ortho Garden Disease Control (Daconil 2787), Hi-Yield Daconil Lawn Vegetable Flower Fungicide, Fertilome Lawn & Garden Fungicide, Fertilome Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide and Bonide Fung-onil are suitable.

Potassium bicarbonate is a traditional homemade fungicide.

Potassium bicarbonate is an organic chemical compound (KHCO3) in the form of a white powder, which is widely used in various fields: from medicine, sports, cooking, etc. Agriculture. This protective fungicide is a real salvation for plants growing in acidic soils because he:

  • has low toxicity;
  • protects vegetables (particularly pumpkins) and ornamental plants from powdery mildew;
  • reduces the rate of reproduction of harmful fungi and bacteria.

BUT! Potassium bicarbonate does not protect against black spots on roses or against direct plant contact with fungi.

Why is it often used as a replacement for soda (NaHCO3) for treating plants. Based on the composition of these chemical compounds, it seems that there is almost no difference in them and they are similar in chemical properties. But this is only at first glance.

It is known that when in contact with the soil, both soda and B.C. eventually settle in it in the form of chlorine salts - which are useful for the growth and nutrition of plants, but in excess quantities cause great harm (especially sodium from soda). Therefore, these fungicides should not be used haphazardly! Treatment with them is possible only in certain seasons - spring or autumn, depending on the type of soil. You can use any of them, but B.K. considered more effective than soda.

Unlike B.K., soda does not kill powdery mildew on plants, but only prevents its spread, which has been repeatedly recorded by those gardeners who used it as a fungicide and compared the effect with B.K. Therefore, the choice between potassium bicarbonate and soda seems virtually obvious to us.

We offer you the most popular recipe using potassium bicarbonate:

“Mix 4 teaspoons (or 1 heaping tablespoon) of potassium bicarbonate with 4 liters of water. Lightly spray the leaves of plants affected by black spots, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. In this case, potassium bicarbonate is a good substitute for soda.”

Many gardeners began to grow various crops on their plots. In order for plants to grow healthy, you need to use fungicides at all stages of planting and growing. To choose the right drug, you need to know what fungicides are available for plants and how they work. Before using any drug, read the instructions for use. Subject to the right approach to treatment, the beds are rarely attacked by pests.

What are fungicides?

A fungicide is a chemical drug responsible for the prevention, prevention of development, and destruction of bacteria and fungi that can cause all kinds of diseases. On this moment There are several types of drugs that are divided into categories.

  • Medicinal - used if pests or diseases appear on the plantings.
  • Contact - provide protection only to those parts of the plant where they are located.
  • Protective - used for preventive purposes for healthy plants.
  • Systemic - capable of spreading throughout the plant and protecting new shoots.

These products are used before planting, during growth, and also during winter dormancy, depending on the type of plant and the fungicide used. All drugs have their own time of action, depending on the active substance, as well as on the amount of time the drug was on the plant. The greatest effect can be achieved if treated with an average frequency of 3–5 times at intervals of 10–13 days.

Chemical and biological fungicides

Fungicides come in different varieties, and depending on the purpose of use, you need to choose the best option. It must be remembered that all drugs penetrate plants and can accumulate in fruits and pose a danger to humans. Before purchasing any products, carefully read the instructions for use.

Each package must indicate the hazard class. Chemical fungicides contain both dangerous and harmless substances that, if used incorrectly, can cause harm to humans or animals. Compounds of mercury, iron, nickel and sulfur are sometimes present in varying proportions.

You cannot use the drugs without protective clothing and a special mask. Chemical fungicides are used for a lasting effect on entire populations of fungal infections. If the plantings are slightly affected, use chemicals with a minimum concentration harmful substances.


The active substances in this category are chemical compounds. One of the erroneous actions of novice gardeners is to buy products that assume high efficiency when using a small amount of the drug.

Among the chemical fungicides, there are effective products despite their chemical structure, which are popular among experienced gardeners. Treatment with chemical contact fungicides can be carried out only before the buds begin to ripen or after harvesting the fruits.

Chemical agents:

  • Copper sulfate.
  • Oksikhom.
  • Tsineb.
  • Tiram.
  • Bordeaux liquid.
  • Soda ash using adhesive.


Now the market has big amount biological fungicides, some of which have contact action. The main component of the biofungicidal effect, in contrast to the chemical one, is the active bacterium, which has a negative effect on the cause of fungal diseases in plants.

Such products do not cause much harm to the human body, fish, animals and insects. The advantage of biological fungicides is that they can be used throughout the entire period of plant growth. The most effective drugs, according to most experienced gardeners, are:

  • Trichodermin.
  • Albite.
  • Planzir.
  • Agate.
  • Fitosporin.
  • Alirin-B.

Fungicides are divided according to the purpose of use into:

  • Seed protectants.
  • Preparations for soil treatment.
  • Substances for working with plants during their dormant period.
  • Substances for use during the growing season.
  • Preparations for processing storages of vegetables and grains.

But for ease of use, many universal drugs are now being created, which, due to their characteristics and properties, can be used in several directions. It should be noted that some contact fungicides are able to penetrate the upper seed coats.

10 effective drugs

These fungicides have proven themselves to be effective among gardeners. Many drug names are known and in demand. Choose chemicals of low and medium toxicity class. For active infestations, use contact and systemic fungicides.

Before purchasing any type of fungicide, consider what result you want to get, the type and variety of the plant, and the degree of infection. To choose the optimal drug, you need to try different means of protection.


A product with an active spectrum of action. Used for garden and indoor plants. The concentrate is excellent for use on fruit crops such as gooseberries, currants, tomatoes, and potatoes. Compatible with many types of pesticides, which simplifies the conditions for its use.

The active ingredient is difenoconazole. The activity of the drug depends on its shelf life. After preparing the solution, it should be used immediately. Seeds of indoor crops can be soaked before planting for disinfection. The dosage depends on the type of seedling.


The drug is developed in the form of a concentrated emulsion. A systemic remedy against fungal diseases, relieves plantings of rust and powdery mildew. Works great against fungus at the initial stage of infection.

When the infection is active, it is used in conjunction with any contact fungicide. The active ingredient is penconazole. Application interval is 1–2 weeks. The price is affordable and in demand.


A drug for active control of fungal diseases, has a therapeutic and preventive effect. Low toxicity and easy to use. It has good absorption and penetrates into all parts of the plant. The active ingredient is azoxystrobin.

The product has a prolonged effect; after the first treatment it lasts 15 days. The drug is sprayed on the leaves of the plant in windless, dry weather.


A fungicide with active and broad action. Suitable for vegetables fruit trees, cereals and wild plants V middle lane Russia. Actively removes powdery mildew, scab and rust. The effect can be noticed after 2-3 procedures. Sold in granule form. The active component is xerozyme - methyl.

Once in the soil, the fungicide instantly decomposes and does not pollute water bodies. To prepare the mixture, 5 grams of the drug are dissolved in a bucket of water. Use strobe immediately after preparation. Treat with a sprayer during the growing season.


This drug has proven its effectiveness and is used in the processing of grapes, beets and grain crops. Thanks to the use of various active components in the emulsion, the product acts on the entire plant.

Falcon contains: tebuconazole, spiroxamine, triadimenol. When infected, plantings are treated 1 to 4 times depending on the type of plant. Price for 1 liter 2000 thousand rubles.


A fungicide that is used to treat fruit, pome, and stone fruit crops. It has proven itself in the treatment of scab, curl, rot of fruit crops and other diseases. Sold in the form of granules for further production of the solution.

The main advantage is resistance to washout. After rain or in damp weather at a temperature of +15 degrees, the drug remains on the plantings. Can be used using other means. The active ingredient is cyprodinil. Release form: granules from which a mixture is prepared for processing. Can be processed 2-4 weeks before harvest.


A drug belonging to the type of contact fungicide. The product fights fungi of the Ascomycetes class. It is distinguished by its high efficiency, since it belongs to a new chemical class of phenylpyrroles. Well suited for treating potato roots, bulbs, garden and indoor plants.

The active ingredient is fludioxonil. The composition of the fungicide is considered unique, as it is similar to natural antifungal properties. To achieve an effective result, you can carry out one treatment.


Combined, effective remedy in the fight against gray rot on grapes. Used for treatment and prevention, suppresses the development of harmful microbes. Granules are used to prepare the mixture. The drug belongs to the third class of danger for humans and bees.

It has good resistance to washout, prevents fruit rotting, improves the keeping quality of grapes for transportation, and preserves the vine. Adapted to work with different temperatures. Contains two active components: fludioxonil and cyprodinil.


A modern fungicide that belongs to the contact type. Effectively fights fungus even with a high degree of infection. Available in the form of granules for further preparation of the solution. Can be used as a pesticide and fungicide.

Combination with other drugs promotes complex resistance to the lesion and reduces the risk of resistance.

Easily dissolves, leaves no dust, easy to spray. You can wait a long time between treatments.


The product is supplied in the form of water-dispersible granules for dilution. It has an active effect and adheres well to the planting surface. An important note is that its use is permissible no more than 4 times in one season.

The product is resistant to washing off, has a therapeutic and preventive effect to combat Alternaria, late blight, powdery mildew, white and gray rot. It is actively used for processing potatoes and tomatoes. You can purchase the fungicide on the market, on the Internet, or in specialized stores.

Instructions for use of fungicides

First of all, it is worth remembering that when working with a list of drugs of similar action, there are a number of generally accepted rules:

  1. 1. Carry out work using a respirator or medical mask.
  2. 2. Protect the mucous membrane of the eyes with transparent glasses from contact with the product.
  3. 3. After processing garden crops, wash your hands and open areas bodies with soap.
  4. 4. Carry out activities only if your clothing is closed and protects from chemicals.
  5. 5. Do not eat or smoke while working.
  6. 6. Processing must be carried out under the condition that there are no children or animals nearby.
  7. 7. Store chemicals in a dry place.

When working with fungicides you need to:

  1. 1. Follow the instructions for the selected product that you have studied in advance. Do not apply instructions to the drug that are attached to another type of fungicide, because they may have a different spectrum of action and conditions of use.
  2. 2. Contact fungicides are used exclusively during periods when precipitation is not expected. At least 2-3 hours should pass between treatment and water entering the garden crop. Spraying with a medicinal preparation acts only on the surface of the plant, therefore, the main task is to keep the fungicide present for as long as possible.
  3. 3. It is very important to comply with the repetitions of irrigation with fungicides recommended in the instructions. No less important is what active drug is included in the product. It is recommended not to take fungicides with the same active drugs together. This will contribute to the development of resistance of pathogenic organisms to the substance used.
  4. 4. Despite the fact that systemic preparations are quite strong and act almost immediately after application, you should not use them before rain or at a time when liquids may get on the plantings.
  5. 5. If a dangerous substance enters the human body, drink a large amount of water, then induce vomiting and call an ambulance.

The working solution should only be used in suitable weather conditions. If the weather is windy, it is better to refrain from using the products. If the plant is too affected, then systemic fungicides should be chosen, which are used not only by spraying, but also by watering the plant at the root.


Fungi are the causative agents of many diseases in plants. To destroy them, special chemical and biological substances are used. Fungicides are one of the types of pesticides - products intended to destroy pests and diseases of various crops.

What is the fungicidal effect of drugs on plants?

The name of the substances - fungicides - comes from the merger of two Latin words “fungus” and “caedo”, which mean “mushroom”, “I kill”. The compositions are directed against pathogenic fungi that cause plant diseases. Study the effects of fungicides:

  • fungicidal - responsible for destroying the fungus;
  • fungistatic – partially suppresses the development of unwanted organisms;
  • preventive – prevents the formation of fungus.

Fungicides belong to the category of pesticides: they are included in the group consisting of insecticides, bactericides, nematicides, and acaricides. Protective and preventive properties are manifested due to the content:

  • sulfur and its compounds: barium polysulfides, calcium;
  • metal salts: especially copper, mercury, cadmium;
  • salts of dithiocarbamic acids;
  • phenol derivatives;
  • triazole derivatives, imidazole;

To learn more about the effects of fungicides, study their main varieties. Each type has individual characteristics:

Classification characteristics

Examples of drugs


According to the effect on the pathogen: protective, therapeutic.

  • protective - used to treat healthy plants to prevent diseases;
  • medicinal – destroy the existing disease.

Purpose of use: standard, for treating seeds, treating greenhouse and greenhouse soil, for perennials during their hibernation period.

According to the nature of distribution within plant tissues: contact and systematic.

  • contact - active in that part of the vegetation and soil where they were introduced;
  • systematic or systemic - penetrate the vascular system of the culture, move through its tissues, and act for 30 days;
  • system-contact - consist of components of contact and system action, this combination is considered the most effective.

By active substance: organic, chemical.

  • organic - contain microorganisms that, after exposure to crops and soil, decompose;
  • chemical or inorganic - consist of chemical compounds: rich in copper, iron, mercury, sulfur, nickel, manganese.

Prevention and protection against diseases is carried out using watering, spraying, and seed dressing. Methods of using fungicides:

  • dressing of seeds, bulbs, tubers - disinfection of planting material is carried out, further infection by fungus and death of seeds and plants are prevented;
  • spraying and pollination - contact fungicides are used, the compositions are sprayed onto the affected crops using a spray bottle, if necessary, the procedure is repeated, start pollination in the spring, end in the fall;
  • application to the soil - systemic fungicides are used, which not only effectively destroy fungal spores and pathogenic microorganisms, but are also well absorbed by the root system of plants.

Like any others chemical compositions, fungicides should be used taking into account certain safety rules. Use the following recommendations:

  1. Before work, wear protective clothing: gloves, goggles, apron, respirator.
  2. Read the instructions on the package.
  3. Make sure that small children and animals do not come into contact with the substances.
  4. Do not eat processed fruits; wait until the substance dissolves.
  5. Remember that fungicides are poisonous, so keep them out of drinking water.

Effective fungicides for indoor plants

Emulsions, powders, and solutions are produced for treating indoor plants. There are biological and chemical antifungal preparations for plants. The latter are recommended to be used before the period of active growth, after flowering and harvesting. Biological fungicides are often approved for use at any time.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Features of application

Benomyl (concentration 500 g/kg).

Suitable for eliminating many fungal diseases. Can be used in conjunction with pesticides, growth regulators, and fertilizers. After preparing the solution, no sediment remains.

The planting material and foliage are treated. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water, 20 g of concentrate. Treatment up to 2 times every 3 months. The maximum effect of spraying is noticeable at high temperatures.

Antibiotic complex based on Streptomyces fradiae.

Release form - flowing paste in jars of 10 g. Protects against fungal diseases, improves immunity, promotes seed germination, development of the root system, and ripening of a high-quality harvest.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor crops. The solution is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. concentrate, 3 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times every 3 months at intervals of 20 days.

Propiconazole suspension concentrate.

Copes with powdery mildew, scab, oidium.

Processing of pears, apple trees and grapes is carried out. The liquid is prepared from 2-3 ml of Vectra and 10 liters of water. For one fruiting tree, up to 5 liters of working solution are used, for a growing crop - up to 2 liters. Treatment is carried out at least 10 days before harvesting the fruits.

Biological antifungal agents for the garden

Fungicidal biological products contain active bacteria that destroy pathogens and prevent their reappearance.

Name of the drug

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Features of application

Copper oxychloride (concentration 400 g/l).

Release form: aqueous suspension. Refers to contact fungicidal agents. Copes with fungal diseases.

Processing of ornamental, vegetable, flower, industrial and fruit crops. Spraying is carried out when it is warm and there is no wind. The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of concentrate (the amount depends on the type of crop being processed).

Bacillus subtilis.

Release form: dry powder and tablets. Eliminates alternaria, rhizoctonia, septoria, root rot, powdery mildew, fungal infections on foliage and in the ground.

The working solution for irrigation is made from 10 liters of water, 2 Alirin tablets; for spraying, take 1 liter of water, 1 tablet. Up to 3 treatments are carried out per season, with intervals of 5-7 days between treatments.

Biofungicide "Baktofit"

Bacillus subtilis, spores and cells of the producing culture, metabolites.

Protects against the occurrence of pathogenic microorganisms. For the prevention of powdery mildew. Recommended when it is impossible to use chemicals.

Processing of fruit and berry crops, carnations, roses. The solution is prepared from 2 g of the substance, 1 liter of water. Should be used when it is cool and damp. Spray 24 hours before rain. Processing at intervals of 5 days.

Bordeaux mixture

Slightly soluble copper compounds in liquid.

The mixture is an acidity neutralizer. It must be used very carefully, otherwise there is a risk of burning the plants. The fungicide is stored for 24 hours if you add 7-10 g of sugar to it (the amount for 10 liters of working solution).

To create a solution, 300 g of lime is slaked with water. The same is done with copper sulfate. Add 2-3 liters of boiling water to the mixture with lime. Each solution is brought to a 5-liter volume. The mixture with lime is filtered through cheesecloth, copper sulfate is gradually added to it, and everything is thoroughly mixed. The result should be a bright blue liquid - this will indicate the correct proportions. The liquid is sprayed.


Fungal culture Trichoderma harzianum VIZR-18.

Biological fungicide, used for the treatment and prevention of root rot.

Treatment of indoor and outdoor plants. 1-4 tablets are placed in the soil when sowing. Protection lasts about 1 month.

Bacillus subtilis.

Biological fungicide, suitable for the treatment and prevention of diseases, effectively fights leaf spot of bacterial origin, powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium.

Spraying, watering indoor and outdoor plants. The irrigation solution is prepared from 1 tablet, 5 liters of water. Spraying is carried out with a liquid of 2 tablets, 5 liters of water. Remember that the activity of the drug decreases in cool, humid weather.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate.

Release form: soluble powder. Protects, heals, gets rid of pests, increases immunity, and the ability to resist infection by harmful microorganisms.

Processing of pome, stone fruit, ornamental, flower, berry and fruit crops. Mix 50-100 g of copper sulfate with 10 liters of warm water. The solution cannot be prepared in a metal container. The liquid is used on the day of creation. Treatment in the morning and evening, 2 times a year, in spring, autumn at above-zero temperatures, when there is no wind or rain.


Soil bacteria Bacillus subtilis.

Release form: liquid, powder, paste. Microbiological fungicide, ideal for the treatment of bacterial fungal diseases. Do not use with drugs that have an alkaline reaction. Fitosporin-M tolerates freezing, which does not change the effectiveness of the composition.

Suitable for treating seeds, bulbs, and foliage of adult plants.

Systemic fungicides for the garden

Systemic fungicides quickly move through the vascular system of adult plants, protecting their growths that have developed after treatment. The main purpose of such compositions is to eliminate existing diseases and prevent their occurrence. The most effective fungicides are listed in the table:

Name of fungicide

Active substance

Characteristics and properties

Features of application


Release form: 1 liter bottles, 6 ml sachets. Helps get rid of brown spots on vegetable crops, grapevine, powdery mildew, late blight.

Cymoxanil, copper oxychloride.

Protection against fungal diseases, preventive, therapeutic effect. The effect lasts up to a month. Not dangerous for bees and warm-blooded animals.

The solution is made from 30-50 g of powder, 10 liters of water.


Release form: ampoules of 2 ml and bottles of 10, 50, 100 ml. The liquid contains 1.5-2 ml and 10 liters of water. Long time protection against scab, powdery mildew, coccomycosis. The effect is noticeable already 2 hours after spraying.

Suitable for fruit crops. Treatment up to 1 time every 2 weeks.

Kresoxim-methyl (concentration 500 g/kg).

Protects and prevents the appearance of powdery mildew, black spot, rust, scab, and basal cancer of shoots.

The solution is prepared from 10 liters of water, 3-5 ml of Strobi. Used for disease prevention. If there are already fungal spores, you will not be able to get rid of them. Suitable for treating seeds before planting.


The release form is water-soluble granules, which, after preparing the working solution, are resistant to washing off: due to the ability to bind to plant wax. It penetrates deeply into the foliage, so the effect is noticeable even 1-2 days after being affected by the disease.

Suitable for tomatoes, potatoes, onions.

Penconazole (proportions 100 g/l).

Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate. Protects against powdery mildew, sulfur, and rust. It is characterized by moderate toxicity for people and animals, and is safe for fish and birds.

Recommended for processing vegetable, ornamental, fruit crops, and grapevines. If sulfur is present, take 2 ml of concentrate and 10 liters of water. Powdery mildew is treated with a solution of 4 ml of the substance and 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out once every 14 days.

Cyprodinil (concentration 750 g/kg).

Release form: water-dispersible granules. Treats Alternaria, moniliosis, scab. In grapes, berry rot is prevented, in fruit and stone fruits - moniliosis, leaf curl, coccomycosis.

The substance is not washed off with water. Recommended for use when it is cool and damp. The effect decreases at air temperatures above 25 degrees. Treatment is carried out 14-30 days before fruit harvesting. The working solution is prepared from 2 g of Horus and 5-10 liters of water (the choice of volume depends on the disease).

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Fungicides, the list of drugs of which will be described below, are means used in crop production to combat plant diseases that are caused by protozoan fungal microorganisms and non-spore-bearing bacteria. Any preparations that are used to protect plants from various diseases and pests are called pesticides. Fungicides are one of their varieties. The name is based on 2 Latin words: fungus - mushroom and caedo - to kill.

For those involved in any type of crop production, from farmers and agronomists to amateur flower growers, it is important to be able to choose the right drug. The list of drugs will help you choose the most suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of plants in crop fields, in the garden or vegetable garden, as well as for indoor flowers.

Classification of fungicides

Depending on the composition, these drugs are divided into:

  • biological fungicides;
  • chemical.

Biological fungicides contain certain types of bacteria, fungi or components of plant origin that have an active antifungal effect. Organic fungicides are easy to use, have little toxicity to insects and warm-blooded animals, and can be used in combination with other herbicides. But the effect of their action is relatively short-lived - from several days to a month. Preparations of this type have gained wide popularity among summer residents and gardeners.

Chemical, or inorganic, fungicides consist of various chemical compounds that have a more pronounced fungicidal effect. They are divided into:

  • copper-containing (for example,);
  • sulfur-containing (colloidal sulfur, Tiovit Jet);
  • iron containing ( inkstone);
  • containing compounds of other elements that have a fungicidal effect.

Chemical organic fungicides, such as carbamates ( Consento, Tattu), dithiocarbamates ( Acrobat, Bogatyr), morpholines ( Cabrio Duo), imidazoles ( Mirage) and others. The effect of using chemical fungicides is more obvious and long-lasting, but these drugs can cause damage to both plants and animals. In addition, they pollute the soil for a long time.

Various fungicides remain on the surface parts of the plant or are able to penetrate into the internal tissues. Depending on this, they are divided into

  • contact;
  • systemic.

Contact - form a surface film on plants and actively influence fungal infection only with direct contact.

Systemic fungicides, after contact with the surface, penetrate all tissues of the plant and destroy the pathogenic fungus in any part of it.

Fungicides for plants are produced in the form of powders, tablets, suspensions and concentrated solutions. Each preparation is accompanied by instructions that must be strictly followed when preparing the solution or while spraying the powder. The fungicidal effect of biological preparations is most pronounced in freshly prepared solutions, so they must be used immediately after preparation. Chemical fungicides should also not be stored to avoid poisoning pets or children.

There are preparations for treating soil against fungi that can live in the soil. These fungicides in powder form are poured into the ground when digging it or dissolved in water and applied during watering. Some preparations are used to treat seed material and tubers before sowing. And, of course, the largest group of fungicides is used to treat the green parts of plants during the period of active growth. Several preventative sprayings are usually carried out during the season.

Fungicidal preparations are also used to prevent damage to grain or vegetables by fungi during storage in vegetable warehouses or granaries. Universal remedies have been developed that can be used both for the prevention and treatment of mycoses. IN different periods During the growing season, it is recommended to use certain types of fungicides.

Principles of drug selection

When working with fungicidal preparations, it is imperative to observe personal safety measures. You can prepare the solution only with rubber gloves. The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage. Eye protection is provided by glasses.

The choice of antifungal agent must be made taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the types of plants being treated, the degree of toxicity, and the extent of damage to plants and soil. It is worth listening to the advice of agricultural technicians, gardeners and gardeners, and amateur flower growers. Because many types of pathogenic fungi can develop resistance to a particular chemical, medications must be changed from time to time to ensure their effectiveness.

Characteristics of the most popular fungicides

The most popular fungicides:

  1. is a contact-type drug that is effective against many plant diseases caused by bacteria and fungi. The package contains a concentrated aqueous suspension. The fungicidal effect is provided by copper oxychloride. This drug is intended for the preventive treatment and treatment of many types of cultivated and wild plants. The toxicity of the drug towards insects is not high. Phytotoxicity is not expressed.
  2. Topaz- systemic fungicide. It is used for the prevention of various mycoses in cultivated plantings in gardens and vegetable gardens. The effect of application was detected when plants were affected by powdery mildew and rust. Contains a concentrated emulsion in glass packaging. The antifungal compound is penconazole.
  3. Screen KS is a new generation contact fungicide that is very effective against late blight of potatoes, apple scab, mildew and black spot of grapes. Release form: concentrated suspension, active active substance- fluazinam. The drug has mild toxicity and is not toxic to plants.
  4. Fitosporin-M- biological fungicide. Contains spores and living cells of Bacillus subtilis. Used to prevent fungal diseases on eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers and other garden crops. Cart of garden, indoor and greenhouse plants. Effective against most known plant mycoses. Possible combined use with chemical pesticides, fertilizers and growth regulators.
  5. Quadris- a drug with a wide spectrum of action. Contains azoxystrobin. Release form: concentrated suspension. It is used against all known plant mycoses. It is used to process grapes, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as sports lawns.
  6. Profit Gold— the drug acts both on the surface tissues of the plant and in the deep ones. Effective against diseases of cultivated plants caused by various fungi. Contains 2 compounds with active antifungal action. Cymoxanil, the main active compound, penetrates the internal tissues of the plant and spreads along with the juice flow to all parts. Famoxadone remains on the surface tissues of the plant for a long time in the form of a film, providing protection against infection. It differs from other drugs in color (brown granules) and a slight specific odor. Packages with different weights of the drug are available for sale.
  7. Thanos- deep action fungicide. A substance with a pronounced antifungal effect - cymoxanil - quickly penetrates the plant tissue. Recovery of the plant when using this drug occurs even 1-2 days after infection. Sold in the form of water-soluble granules. With this drug you can protect potatoes, sunflowers, tomatoes and onions from diseases. The solution is wash-resistant.
  8. Trichodermin- a drug of organic origin. The fungicidal effect of the drug is ensured by the spores of a fungus living in the soil present in its composition, which saves the plant from infection by many types of different pathogenic microorganisms that cause rotting of roots and fruits, late blight and other plant diseases. Trichodermin solution is suitable as a preventive measure for indoor plants. It is also used to treat plant seeds before planting. Available in powder form. This drug is safe for both warm-blooded animals and insects, fish, etc. It is not phytotoxic.
  9. Alirin B- an organic preparation containing beneficial soil microflora. Release form: dry powder and tablets. This biological fungicide is used to suppress fungal diseases of plants and the spread of fungal pathogens in the soil. It protects plants from root rot, septoria, rhizoctonia, late blight and many other dangerous and widespread diseases. It is used to restore beneficial soil microflora after the use of toxic pesticides. Suitable for all types of garden crops and indoor plants.

Conclusion and conclusions

Now it has become clear what fungicides are, but before using the selected or recommended drug, it is very important to carefully study the instructions. It is necessary to carefully observe all proportions when diluting. Otherwise, many drugs can cause significant harm to plant crops instead of benefit. When working with chemicals, you should protect yourself with rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

Drugs called fungicides, which literally means “fungus killers,” protect plants from diseases caused by fungi or bacteria. Fungicides destroy and prevent the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, strengthen plant immunity, and create comprehensive protection.

There are an infinite number of them created, and there are also many options for classifying these drugs. They are divided into organic, inorganic and biological.

Treated with fungicides:

  • planting material (seeds or seedlings);
  • substrate;
  • protect perennial plantings in winter;
  • protect plantings during the growing season.

Preventive fungicides prevent the occurrence of diseases, medicinal fungicides suppress the activity of fungi and bacteria, immunostimulants increase plant resistance to infections. Contact - prevent infection from penetrating inside the plant, systemic - fight fungi in the plant’s conducting system.

Fungicides can be used to pollinate plants and the soil around them, spray plantings with a suspension of the drug, and use it to treat the premises with smoke from burning drugs.

Most commonly used fungicides

Strobe - contact-systemic fungicide, organic origin. Available in the form of water-soluble granules. Used to treat many diseases during the growing season of plants. This drug is used on tomatoes (against late blight), cucumbers (against powdery mildew and downy mildew), roses and chrysanthemums (against powdery mildew and rust), apple trees and pears (against scab, fruit rot, leaf spot, Alternaria blight and sooty fungus), grapes (against oidium). Applied to a plant, Strobi does not wash off for a long time and is resistant to temperature changes. Hazard class 3. Manufactured by BASF, Germany.

Prestige- Available in the form of a flowing paste. It is a combined drug for combating insects and bacteria with contact-systemic effects. Tubers and bulbs are treated with Prestige before planting. Throughout the summer period it protects plantings from scab and rhizoctonia. Hazard class 3. Manufactured by Bayer KropScience, Germany.

Horus- non-phytotoxic, systemic drug. It has found application in protecting crops such as apple trees, pears, cherries, cherries, plums, and grapes from diseases. Effectively fights pathogens of scab, moniliosis, oidium, mildew, gray rot, fire blight. Created by the Swiss company Syngenta.

DNOC- loose powder for wide application. As an insecticide it destroys wintering pests - scale insects, aphids, scale insects, copperheads, and as a fungicide it protects apple and pear trees from scab, spotting, and moniliosis; stone fruit trees from clasterosporosis, cocomycosis, curls, moniliosis; used on plantings of grapes, currants and gooseberries. Apply before buds open or after leaves fall.

Tiovit Jet- a fungicide that fights a variety of fungal infections and has an acaricidal effect. Retains protective properties for almost 10 days. Hazard class 3. Manufactured by August.

FITOSPORIN M- a universal drug for the prevention and treatment of a large number of fungal and bacterial diseases, such as scab, late blight, root rot, blackleg, powdery mildew, rust. Seeds are disinfected in a solution of the drug before planting, vegetative plants are sprayed with the diluted drug, and sick plants are watered at the roots. The advantages of the product include environmental friendliness - it does not have a harmful effect on bees and beneficial insects, after treating plantings with Fitosporin, the harvest can be harvested immediately, it is very economical - 200 liters of a working solution are prepared from a 100 gram package of paste, which is enough to treat three acres of garden during the season . Created and produced by the Russian company NVP BashInkom LLC.

No less well-known and high-quality drugs for the fight against fungal and bacterial diseases are the fungicides Topaz, Skor, Quadris, Maxim.

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