Dark spots appeared on the orchid leaves. Spots on orchid leaves. The leaf at the base turned yellow, withered and fell off

Fungal diseases on orchid leaves

Orchid diseases are quite common. Most often, representatives of the orchid family suffer from various rots and fungal diseases. But they are also susceptible to viral diseases. The most common orchid diseases and their treatment are described in detail below.

One of the most dangerous and common fungal diseases. The first signs of the disease appear within 12 hours from the moment of infection. Young shoots are the first to suffer. They become black and covered with a slimy coating. The types of orchids most often affected by black rot are: and.


  • Constant overheating of the roots.
  • High level of ambient humidity.
  • Substrate too dense.
  • Excess nitrogen.

Preventive measures:

  • Compliance.
  • Ventilation.
  • Use specialized ones for orchids.
  • Regular processing from .


The first thing to do when black rot is discovered is to isolate diseased plants from healthy ones. The harmful fungus is easily transmitted by contact, so it is quite difficult to treat fungal diseases of orchids. To prevent further infection of healthy tissues, all cutting tool must be calcined or treated with alcohol.


  • Abundant watering
  • Low air temperature
  • Incorrect soil used during planting

Prevention and treatment

The best prevention of occurrence is the use of specialized, high-quality planting material. And also the plant must be cared for accordingly and strictly observed.

Treatment of the roots of the affected plant begins with their disinfection in a fungicide solution and the removal of rotten areas. The substrate is also processed. To do this, use Fundazol or Topsin powder. Treat the plant at least 3 times with an interval of two weeks. For the most complete disinfection, the pot with the plant is simply immersed in a fungicide solution for 10 minutes.

Root rot in Paphiopedilium

Fusarium rot

Gray rot, manifestations of signs of disease on orchid flowers.

Bacterial leaf spot

Diseases of phalaenopsis orchids can also manifest themselves in the form of various leaf lesions. For example, if the watering regime is not followed and high temperature air, bacterial spot begins to spread on the plants.

First, the affected leaf plates begin to turn yellow, then they darken, become soft, and cracks begin to appear on their surface. The most characteristic feature Bacterial leaf spot are wet black spots on the surface of leaf blades.


To treat an infected plant, all spots on the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid are cut out with a previously disinfected sharp instrument. After this, the wound surface is treated with powder charcoal or an alcohol solution of iodine.

In cases where dark spots have occupied almost the entire surface of the leaf or the damage has already affected the central vein, undiluted Fitolavin is used for treatment. He has the ability long time persist in tissues. If there are no signs of disease within 2 weeks after treatment, the plant is considered to have fully recovered.

Bacterial spots on orchid leaves


Problems with orchid leaves also occur with anthracnose. Its characteristic feature is small dots on the leaves, which later increase in size, turning into spots, and then merge. Places of such mergers become black and appear depressed. At the last stage of the disease, yellow spots appear.


  • High air humidity
  • Stagnation of water in the leaf axils
  • Poorly ventilated area

Prevention and treatment

The appearance of spots on the leaves of an orchid most often indicates improper conditions for keeping the flower. The gardener's mistakes include:

  • excessive humidity. are important, but excess water can lead to rotting of the root system;
  • sunburn. Often, sunburn is a prerequisite for the appearance of defects on the plant. This problem is possible if the plant is exposed to direct sun rays;
  • lack of quality ventilation. On the one hand, stagnant air is contraindicated for orchids, and on the other hand, drafts or direct exposure to air from an air conditioner can destroy the flowers;
  • unsuitable pot. For orchids, a one-to-one size pot is recommended, that is, not too large, but not too small. In addition, transparent pots are used for orchids, in which there is light root system;
  • poor quality soil and fertilizers. Soil is of paramount importance for growing plants, but fertilizers are equally important. Poor-quality fertilizing applied at the wrong time can destroy the orchid.

Video “Rules for planting orchids”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant an orchid.

What diseases are characterized by the presence of spots?

Spots, growths, cobwebs and other painful manifestations indicate the onset of the disease.


Signs of hives are small amounts on the outer surface of the leaf. The spots begin to grow from the center to the edge, forming a black closed ring in the middle of the defect. Urticaria occurs when the microclimate is disrupted - musty air, a prolonged drop in temperature and, at the same time, high humidity.

Dry spots

Dry spots do not look like closed round spots, but like a dry crust that can eventually spread to the entire plant. It is a mistake to believe that dryness is caused by a lack of moisture. On the contrary, increased soil and air humidity is an ideal breeding ground for fungus, which, in fact, is the cause of dry spots.

Late blight

The fungus Phytophtora cactorum is the cause of the disease late blight, a well-known disease among houseplant owners. During late blight, small lilac spots appear on the orchid leaves, which grow over time and cover the entire leaf. The fight against this fungus should begin as early as possible, first eliminating the causes - excessive soil moisture and its high density.

Mesophyll collapse is the death of leaf cells under the influence of cold water. Using cold or ice water, the plant uses too much energy to heat and transport moisture, which causes plant cells to lose essential substances. As a result, black depressed spots of heterogeneous shape begin to appear on the plant.

Bacterial spot

Caused by the bacterium Phyllostictina Pyriformis. The appearance of phyllocytosis is indicated by multiple small spots of black and yellow flowers, which cannot be eliminated for a long time.

Typically, the lesions do not increase or decrease in size, but may for a long time be in the same state. The result of the disease is a dead leaf blade.


The presence of the disease chlorosis can be indicated by multiple black spots, which dry out over time, causing the leaf blade to curl and die. It is necessary to combat chlorosis immediately, because the result can be the death of the orchid.

Signs of soft rot are dark black spots on the surface of the leaf. Such spots have a soft structure (they can be pressed through), and they resemble putrefactive decomposition. The prerequisites for the appearance of soft rot are poor conditions for keeping the flower - low temperature air with abundant watering with cold water.

How to deal with it

How to fight diseases preventive measures, and emergency.

As for prevention, this, of course, is compliance with the conditions for growing a flower: optimal lighting according to the time of year and length of daylight hours, timely sufficient watering and spraying, comfortable air ventilation, fertilizing and a growing vessel. Also try to prevent any damage, cuts or untreated creases on the flower.

However, we do not always manage to prevent the disease of our favorite orchid. If a problem occurs, it is better to immediately contact chemicals, excluding natural solutions, which may be safe, but act too slowly on the fungus.

The best option would be to use pesticides and insecticides that can be sprayed on the orchid, as well as treated with the pot and soil.

Diseases of Phalaenopsis orchids, which are most often grown in at home, are not numerous, but their appearance, including spots and yellowing, signals improper care, as well as other reasons, including the natural aging of the plant.

If the plants bloomed and then suddenly stopped, which is accompanied by the appearance of other problems, then urgent measures should be taken to correct care errors. It is possible to develop a treatment regimen and begin the process of healing the plant only after visually examining it and determining the root cause of the disease.

General information about the Phalaenopsis orchid

Phalaenopsis orchids are quite undemanding and easy to grow at home, thanks to which this plant has become very popular among flower growers in our country. However, quite often flower lovers, especially beginners, do not know the reasons why spots appear or the leaves of their orchids wilt.

The further the moment of treatment is from the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, the more difficult it is to cope with the problem. It is better to familiarize yourself with the main forms of manifestation of the most common diseases of orchids grown at home by looking at photos of plants during the period of illness, so it will be easier for you to determine what problem your flower has and how to deal with it.

Why are the leaves wrinkled?

Sometimes the leaves of any type of orchid become quite soft and completely lose turgor, and the plant itself looks too lethargic and sheds its green mass. There are several reasons why indoor plants Similar leaf modifications occur.

  • This may mean that a significant problem has arisen with the root system, and it has ceased to fully supply water to the leaves of the plant, which is most often a consequence of not proper care.
  • The reason may also be a general weakening of the plant, which may subsequently die altogether.
  • Wilting and loss of elasticity of leaves can occur due to improper watering and other water procedures.
  • In Phalaenopsis, as well as Vandas, the lowest leaves may turn yellow and even fall off for natural reasons.

Leaves on Phalaenopsis live for a very long time under conditions of high-quality care, but, of course, not forever, and dropping them, starting with the lowest leaf, while maintaining the overall healthy appearance of the plant is not a problem.

Beginners in the field of floriculture should remember that the leaves on Phalaenopsis can most often wither, lose elasticity or fall off for several reasons, including overwatering or, conversely, constant drying out of the plant, as well as too cold conditions and improper care. The plant should be treated based on the root cause of the disease, and photos and descriptions of diseases in books for gardeners and on specialized websites on the Internet will help you determine it.

How to get rid of gray rot (video)

Why did black spots and white dots appear on the leaves, how to treat them

A healthy Phalaenopsis orchid should always have leaves that are shiny and shiny and free of spots. However, as a result of a number of reasons, spots on the leaves may still appear.

  • Burn spots may occur on leaves as a result of spraying plants in the sun. Such “sunburns” are light and dry.
  • Orchids, when grown at home, can be carriers for a very long time viruses and various diseases and yet there is no way to detect it. The first signs of disease are black spots that first appear on the lower leaves of the plant.
  • From excessive use hot water During shower procedures, Phalaenopsis orchid leaves may also appear of various sizes. black spots.
  • Calcium salt stains cannot be attributed to disease symptoms, since they appear due to the use of hard water. To remove them, wipe the leaves of the plant with a weak solution of orange or diluted lemon juice. Such processing must be done with extreme caution.

Flower growers should remember that if wet spots appear on the leaves of plants cultivated at home, they must be removed urgently. This needs to be done as quickly as possible, since these spots grow very quickly and can provoke rotting of the whole plant and the appearance of a number of other diseases. To correct the situation, it is enough to assess the extent of changes from the photo, develop a treatment regimen and adjust care.

You can find out about the reasons for the appearance of black spots on the leaves and flowers of orchids.

Why do leaves become soft?

There are several reasons why the leaves of an orchid such as Phalaenopsis become too soft and lose their natural turgor.

  • If the leaves of any indoor orchids become soft or too limp, then the root cause may be damage to the plant's root system.
  • Very often the leaves of this indoor flower become due to severe moisture deficiency or significant disruption of all irrigation measures and basic care.
  • Sometimes the leaves of an indoor orchid can become soft and also lose turgor as a result of excessive moisture in the planting substrate. At the same time, the plant looks rather lethargic.

Beginners in growing Orchidaceae plants at home should remember that if the condition of the plant worsens day by day, they turn yellow and become soft leaves, this indicates problems with the root system, and the plant needs urgent rescue and care control.

However, it is impossible to draw hasty conclusions, much less treat orchids, without complete data on the condition of the plant. To effectively cope with the problem, you must first of all correctly assess the current situation.

Other orchid diseases and their treatment

As a rule, disruptions in the plant’s vital activity system are associated with diseases and consist of the following manifestations, easily identified from the photo:

  • Swelling of the leaves of the Phalaenopsis orchid may be associated with prolonged contact of the plant with moisture.
  • Viral diseases in plants are quite rare and manifest themselves in the form of mosaic spotting of leaves and flowers.
  • Some diseases are characterized by the appearance of small spots in the form of arrows, as well as peculiar circles or stripes.
  • Spots on the leaves may be a manifestation of bacterial spotting of the plant.
  • Changes in leaf color may occur due to anthracnose or powdery mildew.
  • It is quite common for such indoor plants to be affected by rust or sooty fungi, black fungi, as well as various rots.

How to save an orchid with blackening roots (video)

Orchids are wonderful “residents” of houses, gardens and greenhouses. They attract the eye with their beauty and grace. Their fragile nature is always in the hands of humans. Caring for them requires attention and consistency. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to preserve a flower in its original state. original form. Spots may appear on orchid leaves, the reasons for which are difficult to understand at first glance.

In this article we will discuss the occurrence of spots on the foliage of domestic beauties. Possible reasons this and ways to troubleshoot problems.

general information

Orchids are delicate flowers native to the tropics. There they most often grow on trees, attached to them by the root system. Plants adapted to home conditions still require some adaptation to their native conditions.

The temperature and lighting should be such that the flower does not dry out and is not burned by direct sunlight. The daily temperature difference should not exceed 7 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature was +28 °C. At the same time, the minimum level is kept no lower than +17 °C. So that direct sunlight does not burn the foliage, the flower is placed in a slight shade or created diffuse lighting. This solution will be ideal.

Important! A healthy plant should not have a single spot.

The rays of the rising and setting sun do not harm orchids at all. If daylight hours last less than 12 hours, then additional lighting is organized by installing special lamps.

The humidity in the room should be close to natural levels. That is, to be at least 50%, and best of all 60-70%. Such indicators can be easily achieved by installing indoors additional source with water. In this case, the beauty will take root and absorb moisture from the air.

Watering should be carried out depending on the time of year and phase life cycle orchids. In general, it turns out that it needs to be irrigated approximately once a week or every 10 days. IN winter period During the period when heating devices are operating in the premises, the degree of drying of the soil is carefully monitored. The substrate is checked by touch, and if it is almost dry, then it is time to water the flower.

Important! This approach to caring for an orchid will allow it to delight the grower with its beauty and health for a long time.

Spots on leaves

Foliage spotting occurs for many reasons. These could be errors in care, improper use of fertilizers, various pests or diseases.

Here are some aspects of improperly managed care:

Improperly organized watering

If there is an excessive amount of water in the substrate and on the soil surface, stagnation occurs. This provokes rotting, which initially appears as spots on the leaves of the Phalaenopsis orchid at the growing point and roots. Gradually the spots become larger. They are slimy to the touch and painted in dark colors. When you press them, liquid oozes from the root. Through the walls of the pot one can see how the root system is dying off. At the same time, the entire plant withers and loses its elasticity.

Excessive soil moisture also leads to some fungal and bacterial infections that affect orchids.

Types of spots on an orchid

  • Bacterial rot. It appears as brown spots on the leaves that become larger over time. Then the disease spreads to the remaining parts of the flower until it completely engulfs it. In the first stages of the disease, it is best to carefully cut out all the spots with a sterile instrument, capturing some healthy tissue of the flower. If the entire leaf is affected, you will have to part with it.
  • Brown rot. This disease affects the rhizome, which becomes soft. Appear brown spots on the roots, which worsens appearance other parts of the orchid. The leaves become covered with brown spots, which gradually cover the entire leaf. Treatment of this disease is carried out by changing the soil to a new one. And the roots are treated with foundationazole.
  • Gray rot. Affects above-ground areas of the plant. It can even start with flowers. In appearance, the affected areas of the leaves look like dark spots covered with white fluff. It is better to treat this disease in the early stages, because it very quickly affects the entire plant. The best drugs are considered fungicidal solutions that are sold in flower shops.
  • Anthracosis. It's a disease high humidity and water in the leaf axils. If on initial stages black spots appear on the leaves, which tend to increase, then this is it. Dark spots also appear on the leaves, which gradually merge into spots. This disease is treated promptly. Using a sterile instrument, carefully cut out the spots and rub the sections with charcoal. Then the entire flower is sprayed with antifungal agents.
  • Bacterial spotting. At the initial stages, the leaves turn yellow in circles, cracks appear in which liquid collects. Completely affected leaves are removed, and the sections are rubbed with charcoal or treated with antiseptic drugs. Then a general antibacterial treatment of the entire flower is carried out.

Important! Special drugs for treatment various types rot or bacterial diseases are sold in specialized stores.

With insufficient watering, the flower gradually dries out, and yellow areas appear on the roots and leaves, which gradually become larger. These are signs of plant tissue dying due to lack of nutrients.

To cure an orchid from this disease, carefully examine the entire flower. If the roots have already dried out, you will have to remove the beauty from the pot and sanitize the roots. There is no need to remove dried leaves, because they give off nutrients the rest of the plant.

Constant drought leads to atrophy of the roots. In this case, grayish-yellow spots appear. Changing the watering regime will bring the plant in order within a month.

Location and temperature

Swelling on the leaf from overheating or hypothermia

Incorrect placement of the flower leads to direct sunlight on the leaves. White spots appear. Over time there are more of them. Such mistakes can have serious consequences for orchids. Changing this situation is easy. You need to move the orchid into the shade or create diffuse lighting.

High temperatures lead to drying out of the soil and loss of the root system. At the same time, the leaves lose their elasticity and spots may appear on them.

Poor quality soil

Over time, the soil becomes compacted and a lump is created around the roots, which provokes stagnation of moisture. This negatively affects the health of the flower. Putrefactive diseases occur and blackening occurs. First, dark spots appear on the roots, which increase over time. To cure a flower, you urgently need to change the soil.

Or purchase it at a specialty store.


In addition, pests also lead to the appearance of various stains. Most often these are insects that settle in various parts of the flower. In addition to stains, pests contribute to other damage. Here are the pests we are talking about:

  • Scale insect. Light waxy tubercles appear on the leaves of Phalaenopsis, under which the insect hides. To cure a flower, you need to clean off all the tubercles, and then treat the plant with an insecticidal preparation.
  • Scaleworms. They feed on plant juices, which they suck from the leaves. Look like spots white. They can usually be seen under the foliage, under the scales or at the growing point of the flower. In order to cure the plant, it should be treated with insecticides.

Important! Black, yellow and gray colors– indicators of the disease.

In this article we discussed errors in care and their consequences, as well as various spots on the plant that spoil its appearance.

Orchid is a beautiful and amazing flower, which appeared 120 million years ago, but it reached its peak of popularity only 3 thousand years ago. This flower is native to China and Japan. This plant was first brought to Europe about 2 centuries ago, and today there are over 40 thousand varieties of orchids. With the help of scientists and breeders, today it is possible to grow an orchid at home.

Phalaenopsis, the most popular orchid hybrid, is a rather susceptible and capricious flower to various diseases. Therefore, in addition to proper care and growing experience, it is necessary to consider all orchid diseases and methods of treating them.

It often happens that phalaenopsis begins to hurt due to excessive care. Therefore, the most popular diseases are non-communicable diseases that are associated with illiterate care. Very often, these diseases lead to weakness of the bush, its death, or the formation of pathogenic organisms and pests.

Description of the phalaenopsis hybrid

One of the most common varieties of orchids is considered to be phalaenopsis - the most popular hybrid in our country. This plant can have a wide variety of flower buds (from pure white to dark blue with various spots and blotches on the leaves). Orchids can be various sizes, the number of leaves, and also have no aroma.

Number of flowers per plant depends significantly on the condition of the orchid itself, as well as the number of branches and can be in the range of 6-35 pieces on one branch. This plant can be grown quite successfully at home. Phalaenopsis has a single stem form with compacted leaves of different shapes and types, and there is only one growing point.

This hybrid requires the same careful care as their other representatives. Since these species are the most common in cultivation, we need to talk in more detail about their various phalaenopsis diseases with descriptions and photos.

Phalaenopsis is the orchid variety that is most often infected non-communicable diseases leaves. The appearance of phalaenopsis orchid disease is explained by illiterate care. However, there are other bush pests: bacterial spots, rot, various viruses, anthracnose, fusarium.

Let's take a closer look at orchid diseases and their treatment, as well as photos of various diseases.

Non-infectious diseases of this plant are considered the most common. Gardeners often complain that the leaves of orchids begin to turn yellow, and soon the bush gets them completely yellow tint. The reason for this may be illiterate care. This happens for the following reasons:

Phalaenopsis, like any variety of orchid, needs good and high-quality lighting. Lack of lighting can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition of orchids: flower stems rapidly stretch upward, leaves take on a pale green tint.

These plants are most susceptible to any disease. And direct exposure to the sun's rays contributes to yellowing of their leaves.

Phalaenopsis orchid is much less likely to become infected viral diseases. These diseases are distinguished by the appearance of spotting in the form of a mosaic on the petals of the buds and leaves of the flower. This spotting may resemble the shape of lines, circles, or arrows. When did you see the signs viral disease in an orchid, then first of all it must be isolated from healthy plants. Be sure to show the infected phalaenopsis to a specialist; if this is not possible, then at least take a photo. If your guesses are confirmed, it is best to burn this flower to prevent damage to healthy bushes.

Spotting on the leaves of the bud is considered the first signal that the orchid has begun to suffer from a fungal or bacterial infection. As a rule, it is the phalaenopsis variety that is affected bacterial infection. Everything happens with yellowing of the foliage, which after a certain time becomes dark color and becomes very elastic. Afterwards the leaves become covered with wet ulcers, from which liquid substance leaks out. The only way to escape this infection is to cut off the infected leaves, and you also need to cauterize the cut site with iodine.

There are also more potent drugs; their use occurs at a very advanced stage. If, two weeks after pruning, no new spots have formed on the orchids, then the plant is no longer contagious and can be safely placed in a window with others.


This is also a fairly common disease that appears on phalaenopsis leaves. First appear small round spots, which after a while begin to turn black and have a concave surface. After a certain time, a pink or pink coating appears on these spots. yellow color. The cause of the formation of anthracnose is considered to be high air humidity, as well as prolonged presence of water in the axils of the foliage.

To prevent the formation of this disease, you need to periodically ventilate the room. Air humidity in the room should be no more than 65%, but not less than 45%. It is also advisable to blot accumulated water in the leaf axils. When affected by anthracnose, the infected leaves are removed and the cut sites are cauterized with iodine. Treatment with such agents as Skor, Ritomil, Mikasan is carried out already at an advanced stage of the disease.

Powdery mildew

This is very . The disease appears in the form of a purple-white coating on the foliage. Externally, the flower looks as if the plant was sprinkled with flour. It's pretty dangerous disease, which can lead to the death of the bush. The reason for the formation is considered to be high air humidity and elevated temperature, and this leads to steaming of the plant. For preventive purposes, spraying with Fitosporin is performed.

Treatment of this disease of phalaenopsis orchids is carried out by spraying with Scor or a mixture of colloidal sulfur. But first, the plant needs to be thoroughly watered, and after a few hours the treatment process can begin.


Rust is also a fairly rare disease. is a fungal infection for orchids. This disease, like those described above, infects the leaves of phalaenopsis. As a rule, weak bushes are susceptible to this disease. Rust appears in the form of spots on the inside of the leaves, which very soon take on a reddish hue. This is caused by sporulation of fungi that have a reddish tint, hence the name of the disease – rust.

Treatment methods are quite similar to those used for the diseases described above. Infected areas must be removed and the sections treated with a 25% alcohol solution. Treatment of orchids is carried out by spraying with Mikasan, Skor and Ritomil.

Black fungi or sooty

Pests also often infect orchids. They are: scale insects, scale insects, and aphids. This fungus appears in the form of a black coating on the sweet formations of the flower. These pests prevent the passage of light to the flower by clogging the stomata of the foliage.

Among other representatives of this type of pest, the scale insect is the most dangerous. This insect has oval appearance, and its size can be about 4 mm.

There are two varieties that the mealybug has that can infect phalaenopsis:

  • The bristly bug is a pest that has a pronounced reddish body color and an oval shape with a snow-white coating.
  • Citrus mealybug. This is a pest that has different color orange to black, but usually pink with a distinctive snow-white tinge. Largest size body can be up to 6 mm.

The scale insect is very similar to the scale insect, but it lacks a scute. Both varieties secrete honeydew, a sweetish liquid that protects them from various external factors. The scale insect is quite a malicious pest, and if measures are not taken to remove it in a timely manner, the orchid may die.

The mealybug harms the plant so much that it manages to suck all the juice out of it, and at the same time adds its poison to the flower. These substances weaken the bush, which leads to foliage falling or turning yellow.

The formation of sticky drops and a snow-white coating on the foliage is the first sign that the orchid has a bug infestation.

It infects only weak orchids that are grown in conditions insufficient for this plant. Often these pests form on bushes overfed with nitrogen. As a rule, the mealybug infects flowers in winter, at which time the daylight hours are significantly shortened and the flowers do not have enough light. This pest may also appear when you purchase a new flower. Therefore, when buying an orchid, you need to be especially careful and attentive.

For prevention, a quite popular remedy is based on Neem tree oil. It is used only for prevention, since treatment with this drug will not show a positive effect.

You can also use the hot shower method. The point of this method is to water the orchid with warm water 45-55 g. Since these pests die at temperatures above 40 degrees, this option is very effective in treating the plant. Scale insects also often infect orchids.

Viral and fungal infections of phalaenopsis can lead to the formation of rot. The roots and foliage of the plant rot. The cause of rotting may be increased high humidity and temperature.

Treatment consists of repeated treatment of roots and soil. 0.3% composition of the foundation or 0.2% benlate mixture. It is necessary to completely immerse the orchid in this substance. The interval between sessions must be at least 2 weeks.


A common disease of phalaenopsis is considered gray mold. This rot appears on the foliage as brown and black spots with a fluffy appearance. The cause of the formation of rot is considered to be high air humidity, and for prevention it is recommended to use Kendal when watering. It increases the plant's resistance to various diseases. If an orchid is infected with rot, it is necessary to carry out spraying with fungicide. And in case of secondary damage, it is recommended to use a different fungicide, since rot spores adapt to the means used.

  1. Black rot occurs on plants that are already infected with pests and diseases. In order not to completely destroy the plant, you need to remove the affected areas and foliage, and soak the cut areas with colloidal sulfur.
  2. Fusarion rot infects the leaves of the plant, after a while they begin to turn yellow and curl. The leaves take on a grayish color. Treatment is carried out by completely immersing the orchid in a 0.3% mixture of foundationazole. This procedure must be carried out within 2 weeks.
  3. A characteristic feature of brown rot is the infection of young orchid leaves. Rot appears in the form of bright brown formations that grow very quickly and take on a rich brown hue. The methods of fighting are exactly the same as with other types of rot. And for prevention, you can spray with a light solution of vitriol no more than once every 30 days.

To summarize, we can say that at elevated temperatures and excessive humidity it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, do not place orchids very tightly together, make sure that water does not remain on the foliage for a long time. It is necessary to water and spray orchids only at the beginning of the day. It is advisable to place it in a room with big amount and crowding of plants, fan and let it work at least during the hottest time. This can help prevent many problems and various kinds diseases.

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