Anti-cockroach medications. Rating of the most effective remedies for cockroaches in the apartment: the best preparations for controlling insects. Regent - effective against both cockroaches and the Colorado potato beetle

The most common household insects are cockroaches. It is imperative to get rid of them, as they spread serious diseases. Constantly using chemical poisons is dangerous for humans, they will come to the rescue folk remedies from cockroaches.

Cockroaches are ancient insects that have adapted well to change. external conditions. They live only 7 months. But they multiply very quickly. You can get rid of them only by thoroughly studying their reactions.

These pests quickly adapt to toxic chemicals and stop perceiving them. But some natural remedies cannot be tolerated, such as vinegar or kerosene. Traditional methods of getting rid of cockroaches are based precisely on such negative reactions.

Cleanliness comes first!

All products must be stored in closed containers, making sure there are no crumbs. Be sure to regularly take out the garbage and not hoard packaging; cockroaches will find something to eat there. You need to move the refrigerator, wash the floor underneath it, preferably with ammonia added to the water (cockroaches do not like its pungent smell).

More than food, house pests need water. You should try to leave the kitchen sink dry. The lack of water on tables, in the bathroom, on the floor will force cockroaches to look for another habitat. Maintaining cleanliness will protect your home from uninvited tenants.

Advantages of traditional methods

For many centuries, people have been fighting cockroaches. Chemicals and folk remedies are used. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone agrees to use toxic chemicals at home, choosing folk remedies that are harmless to humans.

Advantages folk ways getting rid of domestic insects:

  • can be used if the family has small children;
  • the recipes are easy to make and use, and inexpensive;
  • traditional methods do not harm people who suffer from allergies;
  • Use is allowed if there are pets in the room;
  • does not affect the health of people with chronic diseases, weakened immune systems, and the elderly.

Making poison according to folk recipes with your own hands guarantees quality, which cannot be said about those purchased in stores. chemicals. Thanks to such advantages, more and more people are using the advice of folk wisdom when starting to fight cockroaches.

Disadvantages of traditional methods

While there are advantages, there are also disadvantages to using non-chemical methods for exterminating domestic insects. Folk remedies act slowly, so don’t count on quick results. It is better to use several of them at once, the effect will be more noticeable.

You will have to use traditional methods constantly, often changing poisonous baits for cockroaches, traps, and sticky tapes. Insects get used to the drugs, the next generation no longer responds to the drug, so all pests must be destroyed within 7 months.

Svetlana 38 years old, Kostroma

In a multi-storey building, according to folk recipes, it is difficult to remove cockroaches. You destroy some, others come. It is necessary to act with more aggressive methods - chemicals. For the summer we went with the children to their parents in the village, poisoned. Although I'm not a chemistry fan.

Types of household insect repellents

According to their effects, all anti-cockroach products can be divided into repellent and poisonous. They have different characteristics that must be taken into account when using.

Poisonous agentsRepellents
The toxic substance penetrates the digestive system when the cockroach eats poisoned bait, and also through the shell upon contact with the poison.Repelling occurs when inhaling odors that are unpleasant to insects, for example, the smell of kerosene, the aroma of fresh cucumber, or blooming geranium.
They act definitively for a long time.There is a risk of insects returning after some time, so you need to carry out preventive actions by repelling.
Examples: borax, boric acid. Examples: turpentine, ammonia, pyrethrum.

To successfully combat uninvited guests, you need to use all methods, remembering the ability of cockroaches to adapt to external conditions.

Preparing for decisive action

It is important to remember that cockroaches can be found everywhere, feeding on things that are inedible from a human point of view. Therefore, everything needs to be cleaned and processed.

The main thing for cockroaches is water. If they are poisoned, the presence of water will save them from death. To avoid saving cockroaches, you need to remove water from the sink in the kitchen and bathroom (cockroaches will not get water from the toilet). Be sure to inspect the pipe joints for leaks. Such preparation will allow you to achieve positive results faster.

Methods of folk control of cockroaches

Remedy #1: Freezing

This method does not require toxic substances; nature will help get rid of the tormentors. Cockroaches are native to the tropics, so they cannot stand the cold. When the temperature drops to minus 10 o C, they die. The method of freezing a room is based on this feature. Adults and larvae die, the cold penetrates into every corner, and it is impossible to hide from it.

But during freezing, damage to radiators, water supply pipes, and heating can occur. To prevent this, you need to protect them with thermal insulation in advance. This method will only help during the cold winter, in the Far North even in autumn and spring. In the southern regions of Russia, such frosts do not always occur.

Freezing can be implemented already at an outside temperature of minus 5 o C. You need to open all the cabinet doors in the apartment, pull out the drawers, empty the shelves as much as possible so that the cold can penetrate everywhere without obstacles. Next, you need to open the windows in the apartment and leave for about 3 hours. During this time, the temperature in the apartment will become equal to the outside temperature, and the cockroaches will begin to die.

Remedy #2: Adhesive tape

Adhesive tape should be left in areas where cockroaches are heavily concentrated:

  • under the sink;
  • behind the trash can;
  • next to the refrigerator;
  • In bathroom;
  • at the front door;
  • in food cabinets.

Such sticky traps should be checked often and replaced with fresh ones, especially if there are a lot of cockroaches in the room. Disgusted people should be prepared to see the unpleasant picture of insects stuck to the tape.

Remedy #3: homemade traps

In addition to sticky tape, you can make other traps with your own hands. To obtain a positive result, they must meet two conditions. They will contain sweet bait; insects should not come out.

Honey or beer is dripped into the bottom of a half-liter jar. This is an insect bait. The edges inside the jar must be coated with Vaseline or vegetable oil, which will not allow the cockroaches to crawl back out. The trap should be placed in the places where they accumulate, which are indicated above, and in the morning, shake out all the insects into the toilet.

Can be cut plastic bottle slightly above the middle. Upper part turn over, unscrew the lid, insert into the lower part (filled with sweet water or beer). House pests will climb through the hole to the bait, and it will be more difficult to get out; they will quickly drown. The lower part will need to be separated and the cockroaches poured into the toilet. Replace the bait and put it back in place. Usually you need to check every 3-4 days.

Traps made by yourself can be used repeatedly, so they are cheaper than purchased disposable products.

Remedy No. 4: using essential oils

Cockroaches are sensitive to odors. Having found their way to a new source of food or water, they mark the road with their special pheromones. Next time they follow the paved path. Essential oils lead insects astray, make them hungry, and repel them with a strong smell.

Essential oil can be applied to cockroach habitats, on the edges of the trash can, treated, pipes under the sink, around the water drain.

You can also mix essential oils with warm water, pour into a spray bottle, and treat the surfaces of cabinets, shelves, surfaces under the bathtub, behind the toilet.

Cotton pads soaked in essential oil can be inserted into the ventilation grille and placed in cracks that may lead to neighbors to prevent the migration of cockroaches.

It must be remembered that people and pets may be allergic to aromatic oils. Then you will have to use another method of fighting cockroaches.

Remedy No. 5: ammonia

Hope. N. Kaliningrad

A neighbor told me to use ammonia against cockroaches; she works as a nurse. Good, effective method. There is no smell of ammonia; it somehow disappears quickly. For the cockroaches, what remains is probably enough next wash floors But I don’t use any other product anymore.

Remedy No. 6: borax for cockroaches

You can mix the powder with a small amount of powdered sugar, vanillin and starch. Cockroaches will definitely not miss such a sweet bait.

Remedy No. 7: indoor plants

House insects do not like the smell of mint. Fashion direction design - growing grass in pots can help get rid of cockroaches. Fresh mint has a persistent aroma that sensitive insects will feel more strongly than humans.

Remedy No. 8: Pyrethrum

Using vinegar helps get rid of domestic insects. The essence works well, the usual 9% solution. They need to treat surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom, baseboards, and shelves. After diluting with water, apply through a spray bottle. hard to reach places.

The disadvantage of this method is the persistent vinegar smell, which will persist for a long time and will slowly dissipate. Small children, elderly people, and pets react poorly to this method of fighting cockroaches.

Remedy No. 10: method of desperation - kerosene and turpentine

If no method helps, there are no fewer cockroaches, and despair sets in, then it’s time to use a radical method - kerosene with turpentine. Rarely can anyone withstand the terrible smell of these liquids, especially insects that are sensitive to aromas.

You should coat cracks, baseboards, corners, surfaces under the sink, bathtub with turpentine or kerosene. It is advisable to repeat after a few days. When processing, you must use gloves and make sure there is no open flame nearby. These liquids are flammable!

Turpentine and kerosene smell strongly. Therefore, it is better to leave the treated area for a few days and take your pets with you. People with changes are especially sensitive blood pressure, migraines, heart and vascular diseases. After returning, you need to do some general cleaning.

A complex approach

Traditional methods will be effective when integrated approach to get rid of cockroaches. You need to choose several methods to use at once. For example, treat the surface with aromatic oils, skipping small intervals. Place poisonous baits on them.

For a long-term positive result, you need to remove cockroaches together with your neighbors. Especially it concerns apartment buildings. Otherwise, they will migrate from apartment to apartment through sewer and water pipes.

Some tricks

In the centuries-old fight against domestic insects, man has accumulated a lot of experience and many tricks to defeat his mustachioed opponent.

It has been noticed that cockroaches do not like wormwood. Its branches can be placed in cabinets. It is good to put the dried wormwood in gauze bags and distribute them on the food shelves. By the way, its aroma reduces headaches and normalizes blood pressure.

It is good to add a decoction of wormwood to the water for washing floors; this will also serve as a repellent against cockroaches, but will not smell strongly like vinegar.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects and do not like light. If you leave the light bulbs on in the kitchen, they will gradually leave this “inhospitable” place for them. This trick only works on a small number of insects.

Yulia, Novosibirsk region

Sometimes there are unwashed dishes left in the sink. To prevent cockroaches from eating leftover food from it, I sprinkle it with chamomile powder from the pharmacy - pyrethrum. Noticed - cockroaches are not suitable. Of course, the dishes need to be washed right away, but with a small child it’s not always possible. Chamomile is harmless to people, I wash it off in the morning, everything is fine.

Prevention measures

It is important not only to get rid of household pests, but also to follow preventive measures. They will help you forget about the existence of cockroaches forever.

Preventive action:

  • keep the house clean;
  • repair leaking pipes in a timely manner to prevent insects from accessing the water;
  • prevent the accumulation of crumbs and food debris;
  • hermetically seal all cracks in the floor to prevent cockroaches from getting in from neighbors;
  • constantly ventilate the apartment;
  • If possible, take furniture, carpets, and things out into the cold;
  • close the ventilation with nets;
  • adjust door frames to size;
  • When cleaning the apartment, use any repellent substances.


People have been using folk remedies to get rid of cockroaches for many years. They are less effective than aggressive chemicals. You have to wait longer for a positive result, but natural remedies do not have a negative impact on households and pets. By choosing the right control method, you will be able to successfully deal with cockroaches.

Moths, bedbugs, fleas - this is not the entire list of pests that a person may encounter in his home. For example, today we are looking at remedies for cockroaches in an apartment. They are all different; the most effective effect on pests is achieved when using the drug at home, taking into account the instructions. So let's explore the purchased and folk remedies. Share your results in the comments!

Purchased products for cockroaches in the apartment: TOP-10

The products below help both remove cockroaches from your apartment and permanently prevent their further appearance.

No. 1. Gel "Dohlox"

Price – 50 rubles. A Russian-made insecticide based on fipronil. It is completely safe for pets and humans, but cockroaches die quickly due to the paralytic effect on nervous system. Pests die 6-8 hours following consumption. Use is not difficult. Using a convenient dispenser syringe, you need to distribute the product in a dotted line in areas where cockroaches are spreading. Complete relief occurs after three days.


  • equipped with a syringe dispenser, convenient to use;
  • does not harm the health of humans and animals;
  • acts quickly (pests begin to die after 6-8 hours).


  • if used continuously, the effect decreases (increasing the dosage will help correct the situation).

We continue to consider remedies for cockroaches. For use in an apartment, Dohlox gel – perfect option. The most effective product is first on our list due to its low price and ease of use at home.

No. 2. Powder “Clean House”

Price – 25 rubles. Another Russian effective remedy for cockroaches in the apartment. Toxic composition, be sure to wear a mask and gloves when handling the room. There can be no question that cockroaches will survive after using the product. Also, they will not get used to the poisonous powder, which guarantees the complete disappearance of pests after 20-24 hours.


  • due to toxicity, it helps to quickly solve the problem;
  • crazy action eliminates entire broods of pests in just 24 hours;
  • after use it is valid for another 1-3 weeks (it all depends on the frequency of ventilation of the room);
  • it's cheap.


  • toxic, can be dangerous for families with animals and children;
  • 2-3 days after the cockroaches hatch, a major cleaning is required to eliminate powder residues.

A good remedy for cockroaches, but should not be used if small children live in the apartment. Adults also need to be careful and strictly follow the instructions.

No. 3. Boric acid powder

Price – from 30 rubles. It is convenient to use when there are small children or pets in the house. When considering remedies for cockroaches in an apartment, it is worth saying that boric acid is famous for its ability to negatively affect the nervous system of mustachioed animals (this effect is the most effective). To make bait at home, you need to combine powdered acid in large quantities with boiled potato tubers. Then roll this mixture into balls and distribute them to areas where cockroaches gather.


  • easy to make traps;
  • no damage to the health of the younger generation and pets;
  • rapid impact and destruction of cockroaches.


  • literally after 2-3 uses the pests get used to it.

We can say that boric acid is the most effective remedy for cockroaches if children live in the apartment. It is necessary to try to remove the pests immediately in flocks so that they do not have time to get used to the bait.

No. 4. Aerosol "Raptor"

Price – 240-260 rubles. If we consider aerosols from the point of view of effectiveness, they occupy a leading position among cockroach repellents. "Raptor" is much better than "Dichlorvos". It repels and immediately kills insects that get in the way when sprayed. The smell is pleasant, the composition itself is safe for humans.



  • with prolonged use, cockroaches can get used to it (the situation can be corrected by simply increasing the “dose”).

No. 5. Chalk "Mashenka"

Price – 20-30 rubles. A contact insecticide includes toxic compounds that will not cause harm to animals or humans. However, for cockroaches this chalk is a real disaster, it kills them outright. It is enough to apply chalk very liberally in stripes or any other patterns in the habitats of the baleen. They will die within 20 hours of walking on it. The chalk retains its properties for a week.


  • Easy to use;
  • effectiveness has been proven by numerous reviews;
  • no smell;
  • safe for humans and pets;
  • sold in all stores with household chemicals;
  • kills baleen within 24 hours;
  • It lasts for another week after application.


  • does not always cope with large broods of cockroaches.

If you are looking for a cheap store-bought product, Mashenka chalk is definitely suitable.

No. 6. Aerosol "Dichlorvos"

Price - 70-90 rubles. There are many varieties of this remedy for cockroaches in the apartment, but modern, odorless developments are the most effective solution. Application at home is simple, just spray “Dichlorvos” over the habitat areas of the baleen. It contains 6 poisons, so be prepared for the inhabitants to die.


  • repellent (not only kills, but also repels all insects in the house);
  • effectiveness has been proven by numerous reviews;
  • kills cockroaches almost immediately.


  • toxic if inhaled and enters the body;
  • If used for a very long time, the pests will stop reacting.

This option is good if only adults live in the apartment or house without children or pets.

No. 7. Trap "Combat Superbait»

Price – 280 rubles. Korean-made cockroach traps quickly gained popularity. The active ingredient is hydramethylnon. When a cockroach successfully escapes from the trap, it transfers the toxic composition to the entire flock. The brood becomes infected and literally dies within 1-3 days. For greater efficiency, many traps are used at once.


  • do not smell;
  • do not cause harm to humans/pets;
  • easy to use.


  • it takes many packs to eliminate a large brood.

There are many analogues of this remedy for cockroaches in the apartment, but the Combat Superbait trap is the most effective solution. Moreover, using it at home is not difficult.

No. 8. Liquid concentrate "Tsifoks"

Price – 200 rubles. This composition must be handled with extreme caution. The drug begins to act immediately after spraying over the usual areas of the mustache habitat. The format of the action is a killer composition. After entering the esophagus, the cockroach dies within an hour.


  • immediately begins to act, killing the mustachioed;
  • eliminates cockroaches in a short time;
  • convenient to use at home.


  • toxic, it is necessary to use protective equipment;
  • Does not kill larvae, only adults.

If you plan to use Cifox, explore the entire line.

No. 9. Pasta "Globol»

Price – 260 rubles. German remedy effectively paralyzes the nervous system of pests. As soon as the cockroaches taste the paste, after 1 hour their activity noticeably decreases. After a few more hours, complete paralysis sets in. It is possible to completely get rid of pests after a few weeks.


  • pests do not adapt to the composition, so it is used on an ongoing basis;
  • with one tube you can completely get rid of the entire family of cockroaches;
  • low price and proven effectiveness.


  • not found.

When considering remedies for cockroaches in an apartment, you should not overlook Globol paste. Chemical substance practically the most effective and harmless. Before using at home, read the instructions.

No. 10. Traps "Raid Max»

Price – 220 rubles. The American product copes well with small families of pests. Therefore, it has a narrow focus. This method of fighting cockroaches is the safest for people and pets. The problem is that pest control will require a large number of traps.


  • traps are absolutely harmless to pets and humans;
  • there is no characteristic chemical aroma;
  • ease of use;
  • sterilizes adults and negatively affects larvae.


  • ineffective against large numbers of pests;
  • relatively high price.

When thinking about how to quickly get rid of cockroaches, you should consider only effective means that can be used in the apartment.

Folk remedies for cockroaches: TOP 10

Folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment have proven themselves no worse than store-bought ones. It is difficult to select the most effective remedy. Try them all at home.

No. 1. Sugar

When studying folk remedies, you should use the popular tandem of soda and sugar. Mix in equal quantities. To get rid of cockroaches, you need to scatter a trap in places where they accumulate. To facilitate the cleaning process in the apartment, the composition must be poured onto thick paper. The mixture is replaced if necessary.

No. 2. Borax

Borax can be used as the best remedy for cockroaches. Prepare the composition and use it in your apartment. To do this, combine 70 g in a container. powdered sugar, 210 gr. borax, 65 gr. starch and 35 gr. vanilla sugar. Pour in some water and roll into balls. Place them in places where pests are most often seen.

No. 3. Kerosene or turpentine

The method has long been known for its effectiveness. It is enough to treat all baseboards, corners and surfaces where pests are most often found with turpentine or kerosene. Repeat the manipulation for several days. Cockroaches cannot tolerate such odors and run away every single one.

No. 4. Soda

Remedies for cockroaches in the apartment can be made from various available products. To do this, boil 2 medium potatoes in their skins, cool and grate. Mix 30 gr. baking soda and roll into balls. This way you will get the most effective remedy. Place bait in home areas where pests are present.

No. 5. Ethers

Use a strong-smelling essential oil. The most commonly used are lemon, geranium, eucalyptus, cedar, mint, etc. Add a few drops to water and wipe all surfaces where pests live. Keep in mind that this method will only help scare off cockroaches. Use chemistry.

No. 6. Ammonia

No. 8. Vinegar

Pests cannot tolerate the smell of 9% vinegar. Thoroughly wipe down vents, baseboards and other surfaces where cockroaches might run with the liquid. Alternatively, you can use a spray bottle. Spray all work surfaces with the solution.

No. 9. Pyrethrum

As an effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, it is recommended to use a powder based on chamomile inflorescences. The most effective remedy can be purchased at any pharmacy. Mix 20 gr. with boiled yolk. Make balls and place them in different angles. All individuals will die.

No. 10. Onion

Combine flour and powdered sugar in equal proportions (take 60 g each). Add 20 gr. baking powder and 50 gr. fresh onion pulp. Enter 90 g. soda and 30 ml. sunflower oil. Mix enough water to form a thick mass. Make pea-sized spheres and place them around the perimeter of the apartment.

Nowadays you can get rid of cockroaches different ways. Use store-bought formulations. If you don’t have time to go shopping, you can use folk remedies. If none of the above works for you, you should seek help from a professional disinfection service.

Cockroaches are one of the most tenacious domestic insects. In addition, they are present everywhere - and in country houses, both in new buildings, and in cluttered rooms, and in clean ones. After all, they can migrate along sewer pipes and ventilation shafts. If at least one representative of this family appears in your house, you need to immediately decide how to get rid of cockroaches at home once and for all. And contacting companies or services involved in pest control (getting rid of cockroaches and other insects), such as SES, is not at all mandatory - in most cases they use products that can be used by residents themselves with the same effectiveness. We will look into what these means are in this article.

Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches

Without a doubt, the fight against black and red cockroaches (Prussians), as well as American cockroaches, must be carried out until complete victory. After all, these insects not only make your life uncomfortable, but also spread a number of dangerous diseases, among which:

  • cholera (an acute intestinal infectious disease that, when developed to varying degrees, can be fatal),
  • dysentery ( infection striking gastrointestinal tract),
  • hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease).

In addition, they can significantly damage your food supplies, books, leather goods and even plants. Choosing effective methods fight against domestic cockroaches, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their life processes - for example, they can feed on both food crumbs and various materials, from a human point of view, inedible.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home, basic methods

Not knowing how to quickly and effectively get rid of large black and domestic red cockroaches does not mean that you will tolerate them. It is unlikely that a truly adequate person will take seriously advice that has long since become obsolete or recommendations to sprinkle the floor with a powder of unknown origin. It is obvious that the fight against cockroaches at home must be effective, but at the same time minimal costs time and money.

If we think about what should be the best and most effective method getting rid of cockroaches, you can get the following picture:

  • the insecticide used must be intended for treatment of residential premises,
  • the product should not have a strong odor,
  • One (maximum two) treatments should be enough to completely get rid of insects,
  • cockroach treatment must completely target the entire insect population,
  • safety of the product for humans is mandatory,
  • speed and efficiency, as well as protection against repeated “intrusion”.

Now you can consider the main methods for getting rid of cockroaches, comparing them with the latest drugs.

DV included in the latest developments

You should definitely understand that you need to effectively fight black and red cockroaches with a drug that can destroy the entire population. After all, even if 5% of the original number of pests remains alive, then after some time the cockroach colony will be able to grow by 20%. Fortunately, you can decide how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using more than one option.

Part modern means to get rid of insects includes one or more active ingredients. They are responsible for this. Modern medications today mainly contain the following active ingredients:

  • chlorpyrifos,
  • deltamethrin,
  • temephos,
  • imidaclopyride,
  • cypermethrin,
  • tetramethrin,
  • piperonyl butoxide,
  • lambda-cygolotrin.

As a rule, all cockroach repellents come in different forms and packaging, and they have different concentrations of the active substance. In this regard, all these funds are divided into:

  • household,
  • professional.

All household products intended for use in domestic conditions. And the concentration of the active substance (AI) in them ranges from 0.5 to 1%%.

The concentration of active ingredients in professional products varies from 5 to 25%. And some have two or more DVs. Many such drugs, in order to get rid of cockroaches, can be used not only by special services, but also by ordinary users. That is, they can also be used in everyday life.

The difference between these means is only in the strength of action. For professionals it is 10 times higher.

On this moment There are several, according to manufacturers, “the most effective” remedies against cockroaches. Moreover, there are many effective ways how to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment. You just need to separate what is important and what is not, and use only those recommendations that will help you achieve the desired result.

Types of household products:

  • Gels are a fairly effective and pain-free way to get rid of cockroaches. It becomes clear that it is quite simple to be effective. The effect of using the gels will be visible on the third day. Proven professional products are products from the Globol (Germany) and Kaput brands. Such poisonous agents are sold completely ready for use (they are a paste-like mixture of toxic and attractive substances with an active ingredient concentration of up to 1%) and are packaged in sealed syringes and tubes. You will know that the product has started to work in a couple of hours by the first dead insects. By the way, gels are a proven method for getting rid of cockroaches in a private house and high-rise building;

  • Traps - they come with adhesive base, mechanical, with poisoned bait (DV bait concentration - up to 1%) and electric. All types of baits are effective, but with different timing and principles of action;
  • Crayons - these drugs were one of the very first on the market, about 20 years ago, and still have good success;
  • Smoke bombs- designed for both technical and residential premises.

  • Aerosols have a quick effect on cockroaches and create conditions for their rapid death. If you are deciding how to kill and control black cockroaches at home, you can use sprays.
  • Powders and dusts - dusts are the same as powdered preparations. As practice has shown, they are used without complications and have a certain period of residual action. we recommend only in technical rooms;
  • Tablets are placed in areas infested with insects and infect pests when eaten.

All these types of drugs are interchangeable and their composition contains no more than 1%. Only your personal preference decides which one will kill the insects.

One recommendation is to use crystalline white powder - boric acid. This is a very dangerous poison, belonging to the group of intercellular poisons, and dangerous both for insects and for the human body as well. It is strictly not recommended for use in a home where there are pregnant women or children. Moreover, if cockroaches have access to water, then boric acid will not be a hindrance to them.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using professional means, what are their advantages

Cockroaches are insect pests that simply terrify almost all housewives with their mere appearance. And only the most desperate begin to take any measures against them. Finding the most effective remedy for cockroaches is not so easy, even with current technologies and the abundance of manufacturers and drugs in stores. And all this for one simple reason. Cockroaches have a very good immune system, developed over many years, it is able to neutralize the poison to the next generation of insects. And if the cockroach has access to water, then you will get away with a slight fright.

Therefore, professional insect repellents are aimed at their complete destruction. To ensure that the next generation of pests does not develop with innate immunity to a particular disinfectant, it is necessary to destroy them completely. Then there will be no one to produce the next generation.

Professional methods of exterminating and controlling cockroaches are the appropriate means that are quite commercially available and do not require special knowledge or equipment for their use. We offer several proven ways to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever:

  • liquid concentrates - microencapsulated suspensions, diluted for application with water (such as Get and Dobrokhim) will always come to the rescue. They contain the insecticide chlorpyrifos, which serves as both a poisonous and luring substance;
  • sprays - unlike concentrated liquid products, they are ready for use, that is, they do not need to be diluted with anything. These are effective disinfectants with which you can completely get rid of insects.

Buy the most strong remedy against cockroaches, which are professional products, will not pose any problems, they are always in the assortment of our store.

Preventive measures to combat insect pests

Prophylactic agents are used in two cases:

  1. Immediately after the destruction of cockroaches, in order to avoid cases of their return,
  2. From transit insect scouts, they determine new places for the colony to settle.

  • Ultrasonic repellers do not kill insects at all, but have the effect of scaring them away from your apartment, so cockroaches do not adapt to the action of the device and do not return. If you have eradicated insects, but are afraid that your neighbors have them and expect them to appear every day, turn on the repeller. And your fears will end. Insects will no longer move to you;

  • Mechanical traps in the form of special sticky “houses” or baited bait - you can use them in the refrigerator or microwave. This method is suitable for large areas. But it is effective in preventing the appearance of insect pests. After all, if at least one pest appears, it will fall into the trap and you will know that pests have appeared in the house. Such events will not take you by surprise, because you will have time to destroy the enemy at the very beginning of his appearance;
  • Glue against cockroaches and other insects. You can use it to make your own glue trap. Take pieces of cardboard and apply glue on one side. So the trap is ready for prevention purposes.

Once the cockroaches have left your home, you will need to take the following additional preventive measures:

  • Try to remove as much moisture as possible, especially from the kitchen sink.

You shouldn’t stop at using all kinds of folk remedies to fight cockroaches, which have completely lost their leadership. Cockroaches have long developed an antidote to them in their rapidly progressing body. Therefore, use professional products that are given time without a doubt they took the top spot of leadership.

In what cases is it necessary to use comprehensive measures?

Keep in mind that removing cockroaches in a dorm is a priori more difficult than fighting cockroaches in an apartment. After all, they can easily travel from one apartment to another. However, this difficulty may also affect residents multi-storey buildings who are wondering what they can do to get sewer cockroaches out of their home. You can continue ineffective actions - for example, pour various drugs into the drain hole, or you can convince your neighbors to start “expelling” pests at the same time. Moreover, it is advisable to carry out such events in the house complex means and at the same time.

After all, a couple of traps placed near the garbage disposal will not save the entire house from a large number of insects. Therefore, poison them with professional means. Destroy them all at once. This is the only way to rid the entire house of their invasion.

Benefits of Sinuzan:
  • high efficiency - most of insect populations die in the first hours after treatment;
  • prolonged action up to 1 month;
  • affects imago, larvae;
  • moderate price in comparison with analogues;
  • the smell disappears after 3 hours of airing.

A working solution is prepared to destroy household pests. To do this, you need to dilute 10 ml of Sinuzan in 1 liter of water. room temperature, after which the mixture is poured into the spray equipment. The consumption of the working solution is 50 ml per 1 m² of non-absorbent surfaces. For absorbent materials you will need twice as much.

The fight against cockroaches was carried out for 2 years. Aerosols had only a short-term effect. Having “played enough” of being an exterminator, I turned to the sanitary service. The apartment was treated with Sinusan. The effect is simply amazing - now there is not a single insect in the house. The only thing I didn't like was the persistent smell. I ventilated the apartment for 24 hours to get rid of it.

Anna, Moscow


The drug is produced in the Netherlands. Requires careful handling and use of products personal protection, since it is classified as class 3 when ingested, and class 2 when in a state of volatility. Includes:

  • cypermethrin 10%;
  • chlorpyrifos 20%;
  • solvent;
  • emulsifier.

The concentrate is light yellow in color with a rich chemical odor. Effective on cockroaches at all stages of development, household fleas, adult mosquitoes, bedbugs, and ticks. It has a nerve-paralytic effect, causing paralysis and subsequent death of pests. Thanks to the tandem of two active ingredients, it has a detrimental effect even on those insects that have adapted to pesticides.

Sold in liter containers. Approximate price 2300 rubles. To treat premises against cockroaches, 5 mg of the drug is diluted with a liter of water. A significant proportion of individuals die immediately after disinfestation. The residual effect of Sichlor is 4-5 weeks, which allows you to destroy the emerging larvae or those insects that managed to survive during treatment.

All my independent attempts from the apartment were unsuccessful. I have tried literally everything that is on the shelves of hardware stores and... However, it was not possible to completely destroy the insects. A friend advised me to use professional preparations for cockroaches and gave me a small bottle of Sichlor. The smell of the product is terrible, but it did the job. I didn't even expect such an effect. For literally two days I swept up and disposed of the dead individuals. A year has passed since the treatment and cockroaches no longer visit my apartment.

Marina, Perm


Systemic insecticide from the group of organophosphorus compounds. Designed for disinfestation of residential, medical, and industrial facilities by a professional contingent. Effective against all types of synanthropic household pests.

The composition is similar to Sinusan and contains 48% chlorpyrifos. The transparent, light honey-colored emulsion has a strong unpleasant smell. Available in containers of 1 liter or more. Price for 1 liter 2000 rubles.

Like all concentrates, Averfos is diluted with water before use, according to the instructions. The working solution is not subject to long-term storage, as it loses its properties.

Averfos should be stored in a cool, dark place, avoiding direct contact sun rays onto the container with the drug.

After completion of disinfestation, after maintaining a certain time interval, the room is ventilated. In wet cleaning Only those surfaces with which there is daily contact are needed. The residual effect of the product lasts for 4-6 weeks, so it is not recommended to wash baseboards and the space behind furniture during this period.

Xulate s25

A new generation microencapsulated drug from Spanish manufacturers. The cost of 1 liter of product is quite high - 5800 rubles. In online stores you can find 50 ml packaging adapted for household use. This amount is more than enough to process 100 m². There is also Xulat micro - narrow long bottles for home use.

Xulate C25 is used to destroy all blood-sucking insects, flies, and cockroaches in the house. Hazard class 4. And although the product contains chlorpyrifos, it differs from other drugs in its improved formula. The active component is placed in a microcapsule, due to which the substance becomes less toxic to others and retains its properties for 6 months. The only drawback of microencapsulation is that the process itself is expensive, which is reflected in the final cost of the product.

I work as an exterminator in a Moscow company. We purchased a batch of Xulat, it is very popular among customers. The product showed the greatest effectiveness in apartments with average infestation. I can recommend Xulat C25 to people who are afraid of chemical odors, since only fragrance is felt in the preparation. Otherwise, it is inferior to ordinary professional concentrates for fighting insects, and people often neutralize its prolonged effect by cleaning.

Evgeniy, Moscow


Another remedy for cockroaches, whose homeland is the Netherlands. The smallest packaging is a 250 ml bottle costing from 2000 rubles. Smaller factory packaging may indicate a fake. Tetrix is ​​used for disinfestation of residential premises, children's premises, medical institutions, public catering facilities. Effective against all synanthropic insects that annoy humans.

The composition is:
  • metaphos - an analogue of thiophos;
  • cypermethrin.

The combination of two active components has a detrimental effect on the insect’s nervous system, which leads to its paralysis and death. The high price of the product is compensated by its economical consumption and the absence of the need for a repeat procedure, with a residual effect of 60 days.

We struggled with our neighbors for a long time and couldn’t get rid of the cockroaches. Aerosols, and, and even were used. Patience came to an end and we decided to buy a professional product. The choice fell on Tetrix. Having cooperated, we purchased a liter bottle. The processing was carried out in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. The effect is amazing, I just want to warn everyone who will use Tetrix on their own not to forget about the respirator. One of our comrades decided to do without it, then felt a chemical taste in his mouth for 3 days and suffered from headaches.

Mikhail, Kazan

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