Unpleasant smell from soil in a flower pot. Why does the soil in a flower pot become covered with white coating and mold? Wisteria flower scent

Flowers smell thanks to phytoncides contained in essential oils. Phytoncides- special substances that plants themselves produce to protect against diseases and insect pests. The term is derived from the Greek words fiton - plant and cedere - to kill. These protective substances inhibit bacterial growth and kill germs. U different types Plant phytoncides have different chemical compositions.

These can be organic acids, essential oils (like marigolds). Most phytoncides are volatile and are released only by living plants. It is necessary to harvest herbs at a certain period in order to preserve phytoncides. After cutting, only wild peony retains the ability to produce phytoncides from flowers.

Essential oils act as regulators of transpiration - the evaporation of water by plants. Evaporating, essential oils surround the plant with an invisible cloud and protect it from overheating during the day and from hypothermia at night. Air mixed with essential oil vapor is less permeable to heat rays. Many have a scent, but it is not always pink; there are roses with an atypical scent, for example, hicynth, musk or violet.

The smells of some plants repel insects; even livestock avoids strong-smelling herbs. Thanks to their aroma, such plants are better preserved and win the struggle for existence.

The strong, pungent smell of wormwood, mint, and lavender repels mosquitoes, midges and moths, and marigolds, due to their smell, free the earth around them from pests.

Small doses of camphor or musk present in plant aromas stimulate brain activity; The bitter smell of wormwood increases the force of contraction of the heart muscle. It is known that the aroma of roses drives away sad thoughts and lifts the mood, while jasmine helps to enhance performance, enhances perception and imparts calmness. As for the aroma of violets, it inspires optimism and gives strength to self-healing. The smell of iris improves the sense of smell and gives new vital impulses. Aroma of bergamot fruits ( evergreen tree citrus fruit) has harmonizing properties and is considered a valuable remedy for depression, as well as difficult mental states. Citrus scents enhance the energy of the body and revive the joy of movement. The scent helps you find inner balance and keep calm, and the smell of honeysuckle helps you perceive problems calmly and sensibly.

Fragrant clove oil has been used in perfumery and medicine for a long time. As early as the 3rd century BC, cloves were used as a deodorant. In China, before meeting with the emperor, it was necessary to chew cloves so that the smell from the mouth during a conversation would be pleasant. Flowers are added to tea to enhance its aroma. Frankincense essential oils, isolated from various types of frankincense tree, are indispensable in aromatherapy. Frankincense has long been famous as an ancient incense.

The main reason for the appearance of a particular aroma in a flower is the high content of essential oils in the petals. The set of elements differs depending on the plant variety, so the smell of different flowers differs from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or due to the moistening of the petals, essential oils begin the process of evaporation. Thanks to this process, a characteristic aroma appears.

Particles of essential oils swirl around the plant for a long time. This is why people who are prone to allergic reactions, try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, tiny droplets of evaporating substances enter the respiratory tract and cause tears, runny nose or even suffocation.

Essential oils are found not only in petals, but also in leaves and even tree bark. As a result of the interaction of existing components, different ones are obtained.

Effects of flower odors

People divide the smells of flowers into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are very popular precisely because of their aroma. The function of smell is completely different.

The main purpose of scent for a flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, the majority flowering plants pollinated precisely thanks to winged helpers. Only a small number of them are able to self-pollinate or transmit their pollen through the air.

Essential oils not only cause odors, but also play a role reliable protection flower. The fact is that their particles remain around the bud for a long time in the form of a thin veil, which prevents overheating or hypothermia of the petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds With different composition and properties.

Features of the smell of flowers

The smell of some flowers changes throughout the day. There are plants that, for example, have a particularly rich aroma only at night. This is due to the lifestyle of the insects necessary for pollination.

Some flowers have a completely unattractive aroma. However, for a certain category of insects it is the most effective beacon, and they mistake the unpleasant odor for products from their main diet.

Hello everyone! I do not know what to do. Yesterday I watered my violets with diluted Schultz. Today it is impossible to enter the kitchen because of the unpleasant smell. What to do with this, will it disappear after the earthen clod dries out? I look forward to your advice.

Hello, Elena! Herself

Hello, Elena! I myself used this fertilizer before and was very pleased with it, everything except the price, so now I’m already using others. Unpleasant odor never happened from pots. I think you should make sure that the smell is from them, maybe the source is different? If, however, the smell clearly comes from the pots, then look at the expiration date of the fertilizer, this may be the problem. What does the fertilizer itself smell like? What kind of soil mixture do you have? Maybe there was some kind of reaction, which, to be honest, seems very strange to me, but probably possible. Besides, are you sure that this is the real Schultz? How do the fiaks themselves feel? I don’t know if the smell will go away long time that I used this fertilizer, I have never encountered anything like this.

Watered the children with fertilizer

I watered the baby violets that stand on the window and the adult violets on the rack with fertilizer. The soil is the same for everyone - peat with agroperlite and vermiculite. And this is not the first time I water like this. But now this stench has appeared. She took the kids out onto the balcony. The date of manufacture is 2011, everything is fine with the timing. Schultz ordered in Russia from the online store "Fertilizers from Natalia".

For me, the worst thing is that if the smell does not disappear, my husband will throw away all the violets. After all, we have two children and it is unknown how the stench affects the body.

Lena, I use it too


Lena, I also use Schultz and have been for a very, very long time. There was never any foreign smell. Violets grow both on a wick and on regular watering. I don't even have the smell of wet soil. Maybe the reason lies in something else. How do you breed it? Maybe a higher concentration?

It looks like you caused this smell yourself. Any fertilizer should not be kept diluted - diluted, spilled, and if there are any leftovers, then, alas, it must be poured out. When I water my violets, I first add 1 liter of water, but personally I do it as indicated in the instructions, and the violets feel comfortable, no overfeeding. Of course, one liter is not enough for me to water the entire collection, so I dilute the last portion based on how many outlets I have left to water, and if another half liter of water is needed, then I add 3 drops, etc., that’s all. Read the instructions for any fertilizer, stimulant, etc., it is indicated everywhere that the diluted solution cannot be kept for more than a day!!! And it’s been a month for you, not only can there be a smell, but it’s also poison for the violets (of course, let them endure this watering without loss). So calm down, but it’s better to replant the violets as quickly as possible, and then you won’t have any smell from violets in your apartment and you won’t have any reason to part with your violets either. I think that more experienced ones will also advise you that it is better to replant the violets as quickly as possible in order to get rid of the smell and to get rid of them from the last such watering.

Natalya, children of violets I

Natalya, I have already transplanted the baby violets and taken them out to the balcony. I also placed flowering ones there, which I also watered with this solution. It doesn't get any more pleasant to be in the kitchen. The sun shining through the windows makes the smell stronger. I already think that someone climbed under suspended ceiling and died. The smell of rotten meat is clearly felt. When I was a child, I had hamsters and sometimes they would run away and never come back, and the neighbors who lived several floors above us would complain about the unpleasant smell in the apartment. Maybe this is the situation here too. In the evening my husband will come and sniff everything out. The most important thing is to prove that the stink is not from the flowers.

Elena sniffed and sniffed everything.

Elena sniffed and sniffed everything. The children stood at the window. Those on the left had a smell of earth. But the rest don't. I came to the conclusion that the damp earth had absorbed the smell. It is above the violets under the suspended ceiling that it stinks strongly. Still, this is not a fertilizer. Thank you all very much for your advice! They calmed me down.

Hello, here I am sharing

Hello, here I am sharing the reason for the terrible smell.

2-3 times a year we buy pork carcass. this time they took half the carcass and it was very late to do anything with it (2 o’clock in the morning). My husband removed the bottom containers from the refrigerator. I put the meat in the cold storage. Blood entered the condensate drain and then into the evaporator. That's where it stank!!!

Maybe someone will think that I'm an alarmist. But when it comes to violets - to be them or not to be them - then all means are good! So I started analyzing it and asking you all for advice.

This is how it happens!

Helen, hurray! Violets

Helen, hurray! The violets have been completely rehabilitated, I am so happy for them! What if you threw them out, and then the cause of this trouble was found out? How can we continue to live with this injustice to violets?

That's why it was cancelled. the death penalty to eliminate possible errors.

You see how everything is

Here you see how it all turned out. But it’s good, of course, that the violets most likely were not damaged and will remain at your home. Apparently, someone or something really came under suspended ceiling and caused you a lot of trouble and trouble. But for the future - do not leave the prepared solution, pour out the rest. Good luck to you and lush flowering Your wards.

Reminder for a newbie!

Uzambara (Uzumbar) violet- a plant of the Gesneriev family, grows in the natural environment of tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Eastern Australia, South America and islands of the Indian Ocean.

Saintpaulia- a plant named after the Saint-Paul father and son, who brought a plant unknown to Europeans from the Uzambara district (modern Tanzania) in the 19th century, presented for the first time at international exhibition flowers in Ghent in 1893

Indoor violet- one of the most popular in indoor floriculture plants since 1927. By 1949, more than 100 varieties had been bred, and today their number exceeds several thousand.

Rooting- possibly in water, in substrate, moss.

Priming- purchased soil or a mixture of leaf, coniferous, turf and peat soil in a ratio of 3:1:2:1 with the addition of raising agents (perlite, vermiculite, river sand, crushed sphagnum moss.

Lighting— it is best to place flower pots on western or eastern windows. To ensure that the plant is evenly illuminated from all sides, the pots are periodically rotated. In winter, when daylight hours decrease, you can use artificial lighting- fluorescent lamps.

Care- real art and serious painstaking work at the same time, including watering, fertilizing, creating a favorable humid climate. Water Saintpaulias as the soil dries. The soil must be moistened regularly, but excess moisture should not stagnate in the roots. When watering, you must ensure that water does not get on the leaves. You cannot water the Uzambara violet. cold water. Fertilizing is carried out in a comprehensive manner mineral fertilizer once in two weeks. Saintpaulia reacts negatively to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Optimal humidity air approximately 50%, temperature - 20-22 ° C, without sudden fluctuations and drafts. The leaves of the plant should not touch the window glass. Removal of faded flowers and damaged leaves is carried out regularly.

Reproduction— planting a leaf cutting, part of a leaf, or a daughter rosette. The most popular method is rooting leaf cuttings. The formation of roots and the development of children lasts 4-8 weeks.

Pests- this is one of the problems of the gardener. There are many different types of pests and it is very difficult to classify them. Among Saintpaulia pests, several groups can be distinguished: mites (spider mites, flat mites, transparent mites, etc.), insects (aphids, thrips, springtails, poduras, scale insects, whiteflies, scale insects, etc.), worms (nematodes).

Diseases- distinguish between infectious ( gray rot, powdery mildew) and non-infectious diseases (rotting of the stem and root, wilting of the lower leaves, yellowing, spotting of leaves, incomplete opening and premature drying, falling of flowers) of plants. The causative agents of infectious diseases are bacteria, fungi, and viruses. To prevent infectious disease You should strictly observe the regimes of watering, temperature, humidity, and illumination. Non-communicable diseases usually arise due to poor agricultural practices. They may appear in one instance and not spread to others.

Flowers are a beautiful creation of nature, in addition to their pleasant appearance, they have their own and unique aroma. With the help of odors, flowers attract insects for pollination, helping them subsequently produce seeds. The aroma can also serve as a warning to insects and animals. Few people wonder why flowers smell. The aroma of each flower originates within the buds and spreads around thanks to sunlight - when the flower blooms. In other words, the smell comes from the essential oils inside the flower.

The process of creating a scent is actually very simple: the evaporation of oil due to exposure to temperature. Many flowers smell really nice, attracting attention not only appearance, but also by creating aroma in the air.

The smell of flowers captivated even such a baby

It is quite difficult to explain why the scent of flowers is felt from a distance, because the plant itself does not move. There is an opinion that it is insects that spread the scent of flowers over long distances, since the flower itself cannot do this. However, this is not connected in any way; insects only collect pollen and transfer nectar, which subsequently has a beneficial effect on plant reproduction.

Flowering plants contain aroma molecules that, under certain conditions, external influence temperatures, dissolve in the environment and spread through the air due to diffusion processes. It is these molecules that give a person a unique feeling of the fragrant aroma of flowers. The molecules, reaching the nasal receptors, allow you to feel the whole range of shades of smell embedded in a single bouquet of floral aroma.

Shades of floral scents

The aroma of flowering plants depends almost entirely on which insect pollinates the flower. For example, if the main insect is a fly, then the smell will be of rotting, actually corpse-like. Such flowers are predominantly predatory, luring flies with their scent and feeding on them, for example

The most smelly flower in the world Amorphophallus titanum / Amorphophallus titanum

The appearance of a flower almost always directly corresponds to its aroma. But there are also pleasant-looking flowers that smell simply disgusting. This mechanism is similar to an animal: strong and unpleasant aroma the plant protects itself, like some reptiles have an aggressive coloration, while being harmless. Also, flowers with a strong aroma often do no harm.

It is worth noting that especially fragrant flowers are usually white or yellow in color. The brighter ones, on the contrary, have a weak aroma.

The smell is felt when essential oils combine into a single bouquet of aromas when exposed to sunlight. Flowers can be called nature's spirits.

Why do flowers smell and what does it depend on? Brief summary"

  • smell is necessary to attract insects, as well as repel herbivores and pests;
  • the aroma appears due to the essential oils contained in the plant;
  • The smell of the plant depends on the color.

The aroma of a flower is necessary for vital existence, since without it there would be no pollination and reproduction.

The most fragrant flowers - top - 15

Flowering plants undoubtedly attract attention with their beauty, range of colors and unique aromas. There are many all over the world various colors, each of which really smells different. There is even a kind of top 15, which contains the most fragrant flowers in the world.


The most fragrant exotic flower- plumeria

This exotic flower grows in the tropics, preferring islands in the ocean and near the Caribbean Sea. Truly unique shades of these beautiful flowers. There are a wide variety of colors: from soft pink to passionate red, from faded white to bright yellow. Only the golden core remains unchanged.

Plumeria smells distinctly tropical - a lush floral scent with hints of fruit, and releases its scent towards dusk. And it is considered immortal, because the flower does not burn in hot fire, and is also capable of being reborn even from its leaves. But, despite the attractive external beauty and aroma, plumeria is poisonous. In the Russian climate it is grown as a houseplant.


Sweet Alyssum also has other names - mason and alyssum. Annual flower, all in bloom summer period. The scent of this baby is incredibly long lasting and, as the name suggests, suffocatingly sweet. Easy to care for, great for decorating or

Black cosmos

Black cosmos, a vanilla and chocolate scented flower

It grows in Mexico, and thanks to its unique color called chocolate space. Black cosmos flowers are reddish-brown, and the persistent aroma is associated with vanilla. And again, the innocent appearance is deceptive - the plant is poisonous, and the alluring smell attracts insects. Moreover, the aroma intensifies along with the temperature: the hotter it is, the stronger the smell of the flower.


Wisteria profusely blooming

Wisteria grows in southern latitudes and blooms in clusters that hang down like bunches of grapes. The petals are white and purple and the sweet scent is considered a harbinger of spring. Cultivated plant species are more adapted to the Russian climate, for example, Blue Moon wisteria can withstand quite low temperatures in winter.

Sweet pea

Sweet pea

The perennial plant Sweet Pea has a wide range of colors, and the aroma is so persistent that it is difficult to forget it. At the same time, it is completely unobtrusive. Unfortunately, this plant is also slightly poisonous.

Lilies of the valley

Small white flowers have a wonderful tart smell, as if cool. The plant is perennial and quite easy to grow. garden care. At the same time, the fragrant aroma is not intrusive and creates a pleasant atmosphere, which is why the flower is often grown in gardens.


Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia blooms almost every year, but is a very capricious plant. However, its atypical, rich and sweet aroma is worth all the effort. After all, the silky scent of gardenia even served as inspiration for a line of perfumes from Chanel and Jacobs.

Night beauty

The night beauty will delight you with its aroma in the evening

An interesting flower that opens only in the afternoon, contrary to the usual saying that flowers reach for the sun. The British even nicknamed it the “four o’clock flower.”

The night beauty lives up to its name in color scheme. Shades of purple, yellow and white flowers coupled with a strong aroma, gives the plant a special charm.


Mock orange or garden jasmine

Grows in warm climates. Jasmine is known all over the world; its white flowers smell delicate and sweet. Essential oils based on this plant are widely used in cosmetology and aromatherapy. And jasmine tea is even made from dried flowers.

The characteristics of the flower are that root system The plant is poisonous, and the buds smell much stronger than the flowers. And the aroma can only be felt after sunset.

In the Moscow region, mock orange or garden jasmine are successfully grown.


Bright yellow flowers attract attention. And the aroma of narcissus is incredibly strong. The sweetish smell with a bitterness is literally intoxicating, because it is not for nothing that the flower bears the name of a narcissistic young man.


Delicate mimosa balls exude an unforgettable aroma

The beautiful yellow balls attract attention with their appearance even before the smell is felt. And the aroma of mimosa flowers is extraordinary: sweet, combining honey and the bitterness of wood. It’s not for nothing that the smell of mimosa is associated with late spring.


Hyacinth - a fragrant spring flower

It is not for nothing that the delicate white and lilac flower is considered a symbol of happiness. Likewise, its honey aroma intoxicates the head and excites, leading a person to a state of bliss. The bright smell cannot be forgotten or confused even after a while.


Lily "purple rain" Asian hybrid

Lily truly confesses royal flower with its sophisticated and noble appearance. The aroma of the lily is thick and sweet, like balsamic. And the floral notes add a wonderful charm to the plant.



Snow-white flowers, despite their innocent appearance, are a symbol of forbidden passion. The aroma of the flower is unusually intense, sweet and heavy. He intoxicates and conquers, and essential oil This plant is one of the most expensive thanks to its aroma.


Musk rose variety “Guirlande d’Amour”

The list is completed by the queen of all flowers - the rose. Roses are usually incredibly beautiful and come in a wide range. Surprisingly, even the aroma is different for each type. But one thing is constant - the sweet aroma of roses is always unusually captivating.

And, of course, these are just the top lines. There are countless beautifully smelling flowers in the world that seem designed to bring joy to people.

The scent of flowers has a great influence on people. Aroma rose bushes lifts your spirits, driving away sad thoughts and dispelling stress. Not to mention the fact that roses are certainly associated with love. The scent of jasmine has a beneficial effect on concentration and performance, and bergamot seems to encourage. And the heat of the summer months is perfectly smoothed out by the aroma of snow-white magnolias. Thus, flowers not only are a wonderful decoration for the garden, but also saturate the air with their aromas.

When to water

Errors when watering occur quite often. Many novice gardeners, overestimating the plant’s necessary need for moisture, act with the slogan: “More is not less,” while being surprised that they, nevertheless, grow poorly. But the plants themselves tell us best when they need watering. Our job is only to be able to notice this.

Soil sample pressing index finger so that it sinks into the soil to a depth of about 1 cm, you will feel whether it is still moist enough.

Watering should be done only when used up most of moisture contained in the soil. But you shouldn’t wait for the typical signals indicating a lack of moisture to appear. When the soil dries out so much that it moves away from the walls of the pot, then, when watering, the water instantly pours out of the pot and practically does not have time to be absorbed by the soil and a small part of it reaches the roots. To prevent this from happening, try to check the soil for moisture as often as possible. The easiest way to do this is to test the soil in the pot with your finger. You should press with your index finger or thumb until it is immersed in the soil to a depth of approximately one centimeter. If you feel that under dry top layer the soil is still quite moist - do not rush to pick up a watering can.

You can also lift the pot when the size of the plant allows this, and estimate its weight. If the soil contains little moisture, the pot will be noticeably light. In this way, you can check the water content of the entire soil, not just surface layer. This method is especially convenient for plastic pots, due to their low dead weight. When it comes to clay pots, then you should pay attention to their walls: their dark red color indicates sufficient moisture content in the soil. When the soil is dry, the walls of the pot become light yellow.

You can also determine soil moisture using the so-called “tapping method,” although it requires some experience. To do this, take the pot in your hand and tap it with a wooden stick, pencil or the tip of your nail. If the soil in it is wet, the sound will be quite dull; if the soil is dry, it will be more sonorous.

General rules There is no watering and each plant needs its own regime, but, simplified, depending on the moisture needs of specific plant species, watering intensity can be divided into:

Abundant watering.

Plants are watered immediately after the earthen ball dries out. Most people require this kind of watering. tropical plants having thin and delicate leaves (begonia, allocasia, heliotrope, fittonia), as well as some of the plants with leathery leaves (ficus, lemon, ivy, oleander)

Moderate watering.

Plants are watered one or two days after the earthen ball has dried out. These include plants with fleshy or heavily pubescent stems and leaves (columnaea, peperomia), with thick roots and rhizomes (dracaenas, palms, aroids, aspidistra), as well as those with water-bearing tubers on the roots (chlorophytum, asparagus, arrowroot) and bulbous. For some plant species, light drying is prerequisite during the dormant period, as it stimulates the formation and maturation of flower buds (clivia, zygocactus).

Rare watering.

Plants remain dry for days, weeks or even months. These include cacti and succulents, as well as deciduous tuberous and bulbous plants that require a dormant period (gloxinia, crinum, caladium, hippeastrum).

Signs of under- or over-watering

At excessive watering the tips of the leaves turn brown with pronounced yellowing

Based on a number of signs, it is quite easy to recognize when plants are clearly suffering from a lack of moisture. The soil dries out and moves away from the walls of the pot, tree plants the leaves droop, and in herbaceous plants, not only the leaves, but even the trunk itself. Other signs can tell us that although the plant is watered quite regularly, it still does not receive the amount of water it needs - the leaves fade, their tips and edges become brown, flowers and buds fall off.

When watering with cold water, yellowish-gray spots may appear on the leaves of Saintpaulia.

Excessive watering can cause root rot, the consequences of which can be very sad. When the roots rot, water stops flowing to the plant, as a result of which it behaves in the same way as when there is a lack of moisture. Therefore, if the plant is drooping, first of all you need to check the soil moisture, and if it turns out to be damp, try to carefully remove the plant from the pot.

The easiest way to do this is by “shaking” it out of the pot, turning it upside down and holding the pot with one hand and the soil with the other so that it does not crumble too much. If the earthen lump, however, does not easily separate from the pot, then you need to carefully knock the pot on the edge of the table. After removing the plant from the pot, carefully examine its roots. They should be light or even white at the tips. If they have Brown color and they give off the smell of rot, then, in this case, it is necessary to cut off the affected areas and replant the plant in fresh soil.

Irrigation violations

Signs of lack of water:

Signs of excess water:

  • Drooping leaves, loss of turgor in leaves and shoots.
  • Flowers and buds quickly fade or even fall off.
  • In plants with tender and soft leaves(Vanka is wet) they become lethargic and droop. In plants with leathery and hard leaves (laurel, ficus, myrtle oleander, etc.), they dry out and begin to crumble (old leaves fall off first)
  • Drooping leaves, with soft areas showing signs of rot.
  • Yellowed, curled and withered leaves with brown tips.
  • Growth slowdown
  • Mold on flowers.
  • Both old and young leaves fall off.

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