Forsythia root system. Forsythia planting and care in the Moscow region, photo reproduction in landscape design. Type of forsythia “dark green”

Forsythia is very popular in European countries; it can be found on the streets and gardens of Berlin, London, and Paris. What explains the popularity of this shrub? For Europeans, forsythia is a symbol of the arrival of spring.

When the white and gray tones of winter are already tired, when the heart wants sun and warmth, forsythia blooms. The yellow flame of its flowers attracts the eye, and in combination with the spherical or drooping shape of the crown, the plant looks simply magnificent. The main advantages of forsythia, in addition to early flowering, are easy landing and the shrub's low maintenance requirements.

Features of species and varieties

In some of the warmer countries, the spring gold shrub blooms as early as February or March. Gardeners who want to achieve the same result often order seedlings of European forsythia varieties. But this is not entirely correct. We will understand all the intricacies of choosing planting material, planting and growing this beautiful flowering shrub.

In European countries, the following types of forsythia are used for landscaping and decorating gardens, squares, and streets:

  • European
  • Giralda
  • Snezhnaya
  • Dark green

Some types of forsythia have 2-5 varieties. The most popular varieties are “Golden Times”, “Fiesta”, “Variegata”, “Spectabilis”, “Weekend”, “Beatrix Farrand”.

However, most types of forsythia, in particular European and dark green, do not tolerate frost very well. Gardeners complain that after frost, only that part of the bush that was under the snow survives. And in our garden centers These are the forsythia seedlings grown in foreign nurseries that are sold.

If a gardener lives in the southern zone, he can buy and plant any variety of shrub. But if you plan to grow the above species and varieties of forsythia in the northern region, it will have to be well insulated for the winter.

Less often you can find planting material for frost-resistant plant species in garden stores. These are, in particular, drooping (drooping, drooping) and ovoid, as well as Zimbold and intermediate forsythia. Well, if you find a zoned variety in some nursery, then it will definitely take root and overwinter well.

All types and varieties of forsythia are similar in appearance, but each plant has its own characteristics– height (up to 3 meters), crown shape, flowering period and other varietal or species qualities. Therefore, before purchasing seedlings, you need to ask the seller in detail about all the important aspects.

How to choose a good seedling

Experts advise purchasing two-year-old forsythia seedlings; it is better not to take older ones, since the older the plant, the more difficult it is for it to adapt to new conditions. If the bush is younger than two years old, it may not take root either.

It is better to choose a plant that has:

  1. There is a quality certificate. It is important to pay attention to the points “supplier country” and “climatic zone of growth”.
  2. Shoots are well developed, they are flexible, without damage or breakage.
  3. Closed root system– seedling in a container. In this case, the roots should not rise above the soil or crawl out of the drainage holes. If small roots emerge from the holes at the bottom, this is normal, and even good.
  4. If there is no ZKS, you can take a seedling with an open root, the main thing is so that the roots are elastic, moist, well developed, without signs of freezing, disease or damage.

In general, you need to choose a plant whose appearance you like and does not cause any complaints. But it won’t hurt to look at the neighboring seedlings, because if other bushes are sick with something, then most likely all the planting material is infected.

Choosing a place in the garden for planting

This plant can become a real highlight of a garden or lawn, because forsythia first blooms, and only then produces leaves and young shoots. It looks impressive against the backdrop of a green hedge and dark green coniferous trees. In autumn, when flowering has long ended, the leaves of forsythia attract attention; depending on the variety, they turn bright yellow or purple-violet.

Therefore, it is better to plant a shrub in a visible place - where it will look advantageous. In this case, you need to take into account the size to which the forsythia will eventually grow. The plant needs a lot of space; it is advisable that there be 100-200 cm of free space around the seedling.

If you plan to plant compact plants in groups, they will look great along paths, fences, and building facades. In this case, the gaps between the bushes can be made small to create a feeling of continuity in the row.

If you plant forsythia near lilacs, then this corner of the garden will be bright and blooming throughout the spring - from the beginning of March to the end of May.

Conditions for landing

What growing conditions are acceptable for forsythia:

  • spacious, bright place, but partial shade is also suitable
  • The landing site should be at least slightly protected from the winds

The soil should preferably be fertile, loose, moderately moist, well drained (avoid acidic and heavy soils). In principle, any soil will do, since you can always water the plant (which, by the way, is drought-resistant) or apply fertilizer. For example, if the land on the plot has high rate acidity level, you can “dilute” the soil with wood ash.

When is the best time to plant shrubs?

In general, this plant can be planted in both spring and autumn. Especially if the garden is located in the southern or middle zone of the country. And if you managed to buy a seedling with a closed root system, then it can be planted even in the middle of the season, that is, in the summer months.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring or autumn planting forsythia:

  • If plant a bush in early spring, it will have a better chance of taking root, acclimatizing and developing a powerful root system. This means that the chances that the plant will overwinter well in a new location increase.
  • If plant forsythia in the fall, especially a frost-resistant bush, it will also probably take root. The main thing is not to delay planting until November, so that the plant has enough time to take root. Optimal time for autumn planting it is September.

But still experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant forsythia at the beginning of the season. If the opportunity to purchase a seedling appears in the fall, but there is no opportunity or desire to plant, you just need to prepare a hole. And bury the seedling itself in a trench or place it in the cellar for wintering (plants with ZKS will overwinter well in a container).

Preparing the hole for planting

It is better to prepare the pit in advance. If the plant is planned to be planted in the spring, the hole is prepared in the fall or at least 1-2 weeks before purchasing the seedling. If in the fall, the hole is dug in the spring or, again, a few weeks before planting.

There are two options for preparing the hole (the second is preferable):

  1. A hole is dug 50x50x50.
  2. A hole is dug 50x50x50. A layer of drainage from scrap materials is laid on the bottom ( broken brick, expanded clay, gravel, small pebbles, crushed stone), a 5 cm layer of sand is poured on top. A soil mixture is prepared - leaf soil, sand and peat or compost in a ratio of 2:1:1. Up to 200 g of ash can be added to the soil mixture (to neutralize peat).

If the site has limestone soil, you can safely choose the first option for preparing the hole, since it is less troublesome and costly.


A peg (or two on either side of the center) is driven in a little away from the center of the hole - it will serve as a support for the young bush.

The roots of the plant are moistened with water and straightened on a layer of sand or at the bottom of the hole. The roots are sprinkled with earth or soil mixture in such a way that the root collar remains above the ground.

After the hole is filled, the soil on top needs to be compacted, watered and mulched. And the last thing to do is tie the bush to a peg.

A good option for mulching the soil around forsythia is compost or fallen (but not diseased!) leaves. It is not recommended to use peat as mulch, as it acidifies the soil.

Comprehensive care - what to do during the season Forsythia is not a capricious or demanding plant.

It requires minimal attention and can be cared for at the same time as caring for other plants in the garden. The most important activity is pruning, but it should be done a maximum of 2 times a year.

  1. Everything you need to do during the season:
  2. Watering (very rarely).
  3. Weed removal and loosening - if there is mulch, this item can be excluded. If forsythia grows on a lawn, then you don’t need to remove weeds or loosen it, but you do need to cut the grass.
  4. Fertilizer application – up to 3 times a year.
  5. Prevention and treatment in case of disease or pest damage.
  6. Crown trimming and shaping.
  7. Sheltering the plant for the winter.

Reproduction of the shrub is optional, if the gardener wants to obtain forsythia seedlings to decorate the garden or for sale.

That's all forsythia needs to bloom the next year after planting. If the site is in favorable climatic conditions, then next March-April the gardener will be the proud owner of a magnificent golden exotic bush.

Learn more about watering and soil care

Getting rid of weeds is part of plant care Since the plant’s homeland is Asia, forsythia survives drought well.

But why create unfavorable conditions for your pet? After all, watering once or maximum twice a month will not be difficult, especially if there are other plants in the garden and area that need moisture. One bush will need 10-12 liters of water, that is, 1 bucket. It is advisable to pre-heat the water under the sun, so as not to upset the plant “ cold shower

To prevent water from spreading over the area, but to nourish the roots of the plant being watered, you can dig a small “ditch” around the bush. Water is poured into the recess, and an earthen shaft made from soil dug from the ditch will serve as a barrier to the water.

If it rained once or twice during the month, there is no need to water the forsythia; it does not really like waterlogging.

Caring for the soil around the forsythia - this means clearing weeds and loosening the surface of the earth - is carried out simultaneously with watering.

Top dressing

If the soil is fertile, you don’t need to fertilize. But the plant responds well to soil fertilization, grows faster, blooms more colorfully and abundantly. Therefore, many gardeners still prefer to periodically feed the shrubs.

Immediately after planting and during the first year of forsythia’s life in the garden, the owner will not have to do anything. But from the second year it is advisable to start applying fertilizers:

  1. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, you need to scatter compost, humus or any other organic fertilizers in the tree trunk area. Then water the bush and the ground around it with water. Organic matter quickly activates the vital functions of the plant, intensifies flowering and crown growth. It will also act as mulch.
  2. When does forsythia form buds? and during the formation of flower buds next year, a complete mineral complex is needed. It is enough to buy a universal mineral fertilizer, apply it according to the instructions or at the rate of 60-120g/1 sq. m.
  3. Beginning of autumn– period for phosphorus-potassium feeding. Such fertilizers will help increase the winter hardiness of forsythia.

When applying fertilizers, you need to make sure that they do not come into contact with the trunk and branches of the plant, since even organic matter can cause harm if it comes into direct contact.

Diseases and pests - infection prevention and treatment

To avoid fungal diseases, you need to comply with agrotechnical requirements in terms of watering - do not overwater.

Forsythia can also suffer from other diseases and pests:

1 Wilting - individual branches begin to wither and die during flowering. Fungicides will help here.

2 Bacteriosis is an incurable disease that first affects the edges of the leaves, then penetrates the stems (darkening of the blood vessels is noticeable on the cut). Once infected with this disease, forsythia cannot be saved. Moreover, a diseased bush can become a source of infection for other plants in the garden. If bacteriosis is detected, the bush must be urgently uprooted and burned outside garden plot. And water the ground where the forsythia grew with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

3 Nematodes - the leaves of the plant are affected, they become translucent, covered with holes, and curl up. Marigolds planted under a bush will help prevent infection by nematode worms. And if infection has already occurred, it is necessary, if possible, to change the top layer of soil and treat it with Carbation.

4 Birds - they peck the buds of the plant in winter. If the forsythia is in a shelter, this problem is not relevant. If there was no insulation, agrofibre draped over a bush will protect you from birds.

Biological products that do not contain chemicals can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases/pests.

Sanitary and formative pruning

While the bush is still young, it will only need sanitary pruning in spring and autumn. In this case, damaged, diseased, frostbitten, broken and other “illiquid” branches are cut off.

In the spring after flowering, young shoots should be cut to half, and adult shoots should be shortened further, up to 5 cm above the ground. By cutting off the branches, you can simultaneously give the bush a shape - spherical or cup-shaped (if it is not a “hanging” variety). If the bush is no longer young, you can “refresh” it by cutting off all the branches by 2/3.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out no more often than once every 4-5 years. Otherwise, the forsythia will grow really big, but it will bloom poorly, spending all its energy on growing green mass and branches.

Preparing for a comfortable winter

As mentioned earlier, forsythia, especially frost-resistant and zoned, can spend the winter without shelter. But the climate in our time is unpredictable, you never know what frosts can happen in winter, especially in the northern zone. Therefore, warming forsythia is not mandatory, but a very desirable measure, and for young bushes it is simply vital.

What measures need to be taken before the onset of cold weather:

  1. As soon as the plant has dropped its leaves, it (the leaves) needs to be raked to the side, watered and loosened the soil in the circle around the trunk. Next, mulch the plant high with its own foliage, spruce branches, peat, straw - whatever is available on the farm.
  2. Branches that bend freely are bent to the ground and fixed in this position. On top you can additionally put a layer of shelter (spruce branches, burlap, straw) and cover it with lutrasil, or better yet, with a breathable material.
  3. As snow falls above the plant, you need to form a snowdrift, which will create additional protection from frost and wind.

The second shelter option is to build a mini-greenhouse over a bush bent to the ground. Will do wooden box or a frame made of knocked together boards/branches, covered with any material - lutrasil, agrofibre, burlap, etc. The air space inside the greenhouse will allow the plant to fully “breathe” and protect it from the cold.

The shelter must be removed immediately as soon as the snow melts. Otherwise, the plant may simply stop growing, or the branches bent to the ground will take root.


Beginners and even experienced gardeners prefer to propagate this plant using the vegetative method. You can also use seeds, but this method is for the most persistent and optimistic, because the seeds do not germinate well, and the plant will begin to bloom no earlier than in 4-6 years.

To quickly obtain planting material, two methods of propagating forsythia are used:

1 Cuttings. The material is prepared in spring or autumn with regular formative pruning. Take young shoots that have buds located at a short distance from each other. The cut should be approximately 1 cm below the node. The cut is treated with a rooting agent, then the cutting is planted in sand to a depth of several cm with a distance of 5 cm. The box with seedlings is taken to the greenhouse, the cuttings must be constantly ventilated and moistened with a sprayer up to 5 times a day. Roots will appear in 1 month, cuttings can be planted in the ground after 1 year, and permanent place– in 3-4 years. The plant will bloom in the 4th year.

2 By layering(applies to a variety whose stems creep or hang to the ground). In autumn, the bark of a branch is scratched and the damaged area is pressed to the ground, secured with a staple. Sprinkle the layering with soil. In spring, sprouted cuttings can be divided and planted. Forsythia will bloom in 1 year.

Forcing - flowers for the New Year or February 14th

This lovely shrub can delight you with its golden or snow-white buds not only in early spring. There is a way to get flowering twigs even in winter time, when you really want to remember the splendor of bright forsythia bells.

How is distillation done:

  1. In winter, when the plant has already gone into hibernation, but before frost sets in, you need to cut annual shoots to the required length (about 50 cm).
  2. Wrap the cut branches in plastic ( cling film, a regular shopping bag) and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. On the eve of the holiday (10-12 days before) or simply when the desire arises, you need to remove the branches from the refrigerator and place them in water (temperature 30-35 degrees) for 4-5 hours - this will allow the plant to wake up.
  4. At the end, you need to take a vase or a beautiful bottle, fill it with lukewarm water with dissolved sugar (50g/1l), and put the twigs in the container.

After some time, the forsythia branches will be covered with delicate spring flowers. And a lush golden bouquet will decorate any room or become a wonderful holiday gift.

Forsythia: features, care

Read also:

  • Garden jasmine: description, types, planting in open ground, care, pruning, propagation (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • Rhododendron: description, planting in open ground and caring for it to ensure lush flowering from the Moscow region to Siberia (80 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • Derain: description, types, rules for planting and caring for the plant in open ground, propagation (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • Lilac: description, types and varieties, planting in open ground and caring for ornamental shrubs (85 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
  • TOP-22 The most popular and non-capricious ornamental shrubs for a summer house or private home (90 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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Easy to care for





This might interest you:

The genus Forsythia belongs to the Olive family and is predominantly shrubs.

The height of the species is generally up to 3 m, the bark is brown-gray, textured, the foliage is simple, opposite, oblong, ovoid, with teeth, from 2 to 15 cm. The flowers are rich yellow in color, after flowering a flying box appears.

Forsythia types and varieties

Most often grown in our gardens, it is a shrub up to 2 m high, the foliage is without teeth, its length is up to 7 cm, the flowers are single, bell-shaped, golden yellow.

This species is very similar in appearance to the previous one, but its foliage is longer and the color of the leaves is darker. It also tolerates frost less well, so it is not very suitable for growing in cold areas.

Or drooping this bush grows up to 3 m, its crown grows widely, its branches droop. Has quite large yellow flowers, which form bundles. There is a variegated form, as well as a form with purple branches and leaves when they are young.

Or greenest This tall plant, the shoots of which grow up to 3 m. The foliage is densely located, simple, oblong, rich dark green in color, quite long, the flowers also have green tint. Tolerates drought well.

Or intermediate This is a hybrid species obtained by crossing the species Forsythia drooping and dark green. The maximum height of this plant is close to 3.5 m, the foliage is oblong, toothed, long, and the color of the foliage is deep green. Flowering occurs by the 4th year after planting, the flowers form bunches of yellow color. Tolerates frost and heat well.

It has many varieties due to its popularity:

  • Goldzauber ,

  • Maluch ,

  • Linwood gold ,

  • Golden time ,

  • Spectabilis .

Or snowy a relatively low species with oblong ovate foliage. In summer, the bottom of the foliage turns purple. The flowers are white, but have a yellow throat.

Or ovoid also a low species - 1.5-2 m. The bark on the branches is yellowish, and they themselves are quite spreading. The foliage is 6-8 cm, green in summer, and purple tones appear on it in autumn.

Forsythia planting and care in open ground

Today, forsythia is widely used to decorate city streets and private gardens, primarily due to the fact that yellow flowers bloom in early spring, even before leaves appear on the branches of the bush.

Forsythia should be planted in spring or early autumn, so that the bush has time to take root before frost, so be guided by the conditions of the place where you live. Light areas not blown by winds are good for planting; partial shade is also suitable, but sun is still preferable.

The composition of the soil is also not important, the main thing is that the substrate is not overly wet and has an alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then you need to dig it up with ashes to shift the reaction to alkaline.

The height and width of the planting hole should be approximately 0.5 m each, and the depth 60 cm. When planting several plants, make sure that there is at least 1.5 m between them. 20 cm is placed at the bottom of the planting hole drainage layer, after this 10 cm of sand, then put mixed leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2 to 1 and to 1. Fill the hole so that after planting the root system of the seedling is placed at a depth of 35 cm.

You can also use lilac to decorate your garden plot; it can be easily grown when planted and cared for in open ground. You can find recommendations for growing this plant in this article.

Watering forsythia

Look after it garden plant not difficult. If it rains from time to time in the summer, then there is no need to water the bush. If there is no precipitation, then every couple of weeks you need to pour a bucket of water under each bush.

After rain or watering, you should loosen the soil and get rid of weeds. You can cover the area with compost mulch, and the problem of weeds and loosening will disappear.

Forsythia feeding

Fertilizers are applied 3 times during the growing season. The first time in the spring, compost is spread around the bushes, but so that it touches the shoots, and heavy watering is carried out. This fertilizer will serve as both a source of organic matter and mulch.

In mid-spring, full mineral fertilizing is used, adding 65 grams per square meter. When flowering ends and flower buds begin to form, apply Kemira-universal at 110 grams per square meter of plot.

Forsythia pruning

While the bushes are young, only broken, frozen and dry branches are pruned from them. Large bushes undergo sanitary pruning in the spring, and after flowering the shoots are cut to half, while old branches are cut off, leaving only 5 cm from the ground.

You can also carry out formative pruning to give the bush the look you want. To rejuvenate the bush, you need to cut off two-thirds of all branches - this will encourage the growth of young branches.

But we warn you that this procedure cannot be carried out often, otherwise the bush will become large, but flowering will disappear. The approximate frequency of anti-aging pruning is 4 years.

Forsythia in winter

When preparing forsythia for winter, a thick ball of dry leaves is poured around the bushes, the branches are bent to the ground and attached to it, and spruce branches are placed on top.

With the arrival of spring, the shelter is removed so that the buds do not rot. In snowy winters, there is no need to build a shelter.

Forsythia propagation by cuttings

It is better to propagate forsythia vegetatively. Green cuttings 15 cm long, which are cut in early summer, are well suited for this. The lower foliage is cut off, and the cuttings themselves are treated with a means to enhance root formation. Green cuttings are grown in greenhouse conditions in sand under diffused light, moistening the soil from time to time.

In the fall, woody cuttings can be rooted, and they are stuck directly into the garden, so that there are a couple of buds above the ground. As cold weather approaches, cover the cuttings with dry leaves, and in the spring they should begin to grow and by autumn it will be possible to transplant them to a permanent place.

Propagation of forsythia by layering

You can also propagate this crop by layering. This is done by standard scheme– the young branch is tilted to the ground, slightly cutting its edge, and sprinkled with soil. Over time, roots will appear from the cut and next spring it will be possible to separate the cuttings from the parent and replant.

This bush also reproduces by seeds, but this process is complex and accessible only to specialists.

Forsythia diseases

This crop does not get sick very often, but is still susceptible to some diseases and pests.

Fusarium wilt occurs due to fungal infection. The symptoms of this disease are yellowing of foliage , weak flowering or his absence , general weakness of the plant, on the shoots and leaves it is clear that the vessels have turned black from the fungus. While the disease is not developed, it is necessary to carry out several sprayings with a 5% solution of foundationazole.

For bacteriosis the foliage becomes soft and turns black . The bush cannot be saved from this disease.

Moniliosis can be determined by brown spots on leaves . When a symptom appears, you need to cut off all the diseased parts, touching the healthy tissue.

Occasionally occurs false powdery mildew . Wherein leaves are deformed , on them appears gray plaque . The diseased parts must be cut off and treated with Bordeaux mixture. To protect the bush from this disease, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers on time.

It happens that forsythia doesn't bloom . There may be a couple of reasons for this - too frequent anti-aging pruning (note that if you have rejuvenated, then next year flower buds will have nowhere to come from and there will be no flowering either), lack of nutrients, freezing of flower buds in winter.

Forsythia pests

Among pests nematodes appear most often and are probably the most dangerous. These little worms slow down plant growth , makes the roots thin And cause general weakening of the bush , Also the affected areas begin to turn yellow , but it is worth noting that most nematodes attack the roots, so it is the underground part that will turn yellow.

Nematodes do not tolerate dryness and high temperatures well, but with a garden plant it is not possible to carry out the standard procedure of keeping the roots in warm water, as is done with indoor crops. Therefore, all that remains is the introduction of poisons, for example, Nemaphos, Phosfamide.

You can decorate your garden plot not only with flowers. More and more are on sale ornamental trees and bushes. They can be amazing and original jewelry plot. Let's take a closer look at one plant that will interest many with its appearance.

Forsythia - flower or shrub?

If you want your garden to smell fragrant from the beginning of April, then you should opt for a shrub such as medium yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for this plant is not difficult. Even novice gardeners can handle it. Forsythia is a shrub with beautiful Among all the variety of plants, this specimen is the most spectacular and bewitching. The shrub belongs to the early primrose plants, which delight with their greenery when there is still snow outside. If you take a closer look at the forsythia, you can see that the flowers cover the entire space of the branches. Because of the buds, even the leaves are not visible. There are many types of similar shrubs that are worth examining in more detail.

Types of forsythia

As we have already found out, the primrose shrub is yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for it are simple and unpretentious.

First, it’s worth talking about the varieties of this representative of the flora. There are several of them. Let's look at some of them in detail:

Forsythia varieties are not limited to this. We have given examples of the main representatives of this plant. Gardeners should know about the methods of growing forsythia and how to care for it. We'll talk about all this further.

What is growing forsythia?

If you have chosen such a spectacular shrub as yellow forsythia, it must be cared for correctly. This bush, like any other plant, loves watering, pruning and fertilizing the soil. So, a representative of the Olive family requires the following care after planting:

  • glaze;
  • trimmings;
  • fertilizers

Let's consider each point separately.


In order for the bush to grow well and smell fragrant, you need to carefully choose a place for planting it. Particular attention is paid to the soil. Forsythia does not have any serious preferences, but it is better if the soil contains sand, black soil, and humus. If the soil is strongly acidic, then it is pre-treated with slaked lime. Before planting the bush, you can add ash, crushed stone or broken bricks to the dug hole. This will ensure good drainage for the roots.

Also, sunlight is important for such a plant, so it is better to plant it in a bright area of ​​the territory.


Watering is done as needed. Forsythia refers to drought-resistant plants, so there is no need to abuse water. From constant moisture, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, which will subsequently have a detrimental effect on the condition of the bush.


Pruning is done on a bush that has a lot of extra branches. If there are none, then you should not touch the plant. Pruning must be done correctly using special equipment. All young shoots and lower lateral branches are removed. All cuts must be processed by special means. To do this, use or simply cover the cut area with paint. This will help the bush continue to gain strength. All dead branches that do not have buds must also be pruned. This procedure is carried out either in early spring, before flowering, or in late autumn, preparing the plant for wintering.


In spring, forsythia loves fertilizer. It is better to carry out this procedure with special mineral complexes, which contain everything. Next, after the bush has faded, you can do a second feeding. It will help the plant gain new strength for next year. Fertilizer can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can make it yourself using soaked humus.

Beautiful and unpretentious plants will help decorate your garden, such as medium yellow forsythia. Planting and care, as you can see, are simple. Also, do not forget that the soil must be constantly loosened and treated to remove weeds. If you want your garden to acquire bright spring colors as the snow melts, medium yellow forsythia is perfect for you. Planting and caring for it (the photo below will help you visually evaluate how the bush should grow) will not cause much trouble.

This plant is also suitable for home cultivation.

Forsythia at home

Few people thought that this plant is suitable for growing in any room. If you want to decorate your home with something amazing, then medium yellow forsythia will come to the rescue. Care at home is no different from street care. The only thing is to add spraying of the crown before flowering. To plant the plant, you need to choose a large pot, since it has voluminous roots. The soil can be bought ready-made in the store, with all the necessary additives and nutrients. Alternatively, you can prepare the soil yourself, but you must not forget about fertilizer.

For people who are constantly on the go, medium yellow forsythia is perfect. Planting in the spring and properly caring for it will ensure constant flowering. But there is one difference between street and indoor shrubs: on the latter, buds do not bloom on all branches. In order for the plant to look neat within the walls of the house, it needs to be constantly trimmed. This shrub will keep its shape well. Forsythia is ideal for the art of bonsai.

Having learned about such an amazing plant as yellow forsythia, use our tips. They will help you grow colorful shrubs in your garden or home. It will delight with its flowering in early spring. If you want to decorate your garden, you should also choose a plant such as medium yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for the plant does not require any special skills. The unpretentious bush will grow in any area and delight you.

The genus of not very large trees and shrubs, Forsythia, or Forsythia, is a representative of the olive family. They bloom in early spring with deep yellow flowers. This genus is considered very ancient, which explains its wide distribution. So, in East Asia you can see 6 different species of this plant at once (in Korea, Japan and China). And in European countries you can find only one species - European forsythia (Forsythia europaea), most of plants are found in the Balkans. This plant was named after the Scotsman W. Forsyth, who was a botanist, head gardener at Kensington Palace, and also one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. This plant first came from China to European countries thanks to Forsythe.

Forsythia is a not very large tree or shrub, the height of which can vary from 1 to 3 m. The brownish-gray bark has a rough texture. In certain species, the leaf blades are trifoliate. However, most often they are oval, simple, opposite, have no stipules, with a jagged edge, and can reach 2–15 centimeters in length. The rich yellow flowers are bell-shaped. Forsythia blooms at the beginning of spring, and the flowering period is 20 days (in some cases longer). The fruit is a capsule with winged seeds.

Features of growing forsythia

Today in European countries, most public gardens, private gardens and city streets are decorated with forsythia. It is considered a symbol of the arrival of spring. Imagine early spring, when everything is still gray and nondescript on the streets, and suddenly your gaze catches a blazing bright flowers forsythia. A distinctive feature of this shrub is its very early flowering. This plant has also won great love gardeners due to the fact that it does not impose special requirements on growing conditions and care. Main features of cultivation:

  • such a plant grows best in a well-lit place, but it can also be grown in shade;
  • suitable soil must be limed;
  • It is recommended to plant next to dark green coniferous plants.

In autumn, the green foliage changes its color to violet-purple or golden, why plant regains its high decorative value.

Planting forsythia in open ground

What time to plant

Forsythia can be planted or replanted in spring or early autumn, before frosts begin, because the plant must take root well before frosts begin. This plant grows well in the shade, but it prefers a sunny area, which must be protected from gusts of wind. The quality of the soil does not matter for this plant, but it feels best in dry, slightly alkaline soil. If the soil on the site is acidic, it is recommended to add wood ash to it for digging.

Landing Features

The planting hole should have a size of 50x50x60 centimeters, while the root system of the planted plant should be at a depth of 0.3 to 0.4 m. When planting several specimens at once, a distance of at least 150 centimeters should be maintained between them. At the bottom of the prepared planting pit, a drainage layer of crushed stone and broken brick must be laid, the thickness of which should be from 15 to 20 centimeters. It is covered with a layer of sand on top, the thickness of which should be 10 centimeters. After this, a soil mixture consisting of sand, leaf soil and peat, taken in a ratio of 1:2:1, is poured into the hole, to which 0.2 kg of wood ash must be added. Then the seedling must be placed in a prepared hole, which is filled with soil and compacted well. The planted forsythia needs to be watered abundantly. When planting in spring, the seedling will need to be cared for like an adult plant. If planting was done in the fall, then no matter what type of plant was planted, you will need to cover the tree trunk circle with a layer of mulch. The plant must be covered for the winter. In this case, covering material should only be used that allows air to pass through, so that the flower buds do not begin to rot during slight thaws in winter.

Features of care

You need to care for forsythia in the same way as other shrubs grown in the garden. If it rains regularly in the summer, then you will not have to water this plant. This should be done only during prolonged drought, 1 or 2 times every 4 weeks, while 10 to 12 liters of water are taken per bush. After the plant has been watered, weed and loosen the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet; this is the only way to ensure normal air access to the root system. When loosening is completed, the tree trunk circle should be sprinkled with a layer of mulch (dry soil or compost).

Forsythia should be fed 3 times during the season. The first time you need to feed the plant is at the beginning of spring. To do this to the surface trunk circle works hard enough thick layer manure (necessarily rotted), make sure that it does not touch the branches or trunk. Then they water it big amount water. Manure will become not only an organic fertilizer for the plant, but also mulch. Complete mineral fertilizer (per 1 square meter from 60 to 70 grams) should be applied to the soil in April. When the plant fades and the formation of flower buds for next year begins, you will need to feed it with Kemira-universal (per 1 square meter from 100 to 120 grams).

For propagation, vegetative methods are most often chosen. For example, cuttings. Green cuttings should be harvested in June, and their length should be approximately 15 centimeters. The leaf plates located below must be torn off from the cutting, then it must be treated with a preparation that stimulates root growth (Epin, Kornevin or Heteroauxin). It is planted in a greenhouse using sand or perlite. Also suitable for propagation are lignified cuttings, which are harvested in October; for rooting they are planted directly in open ground, while 2 or 3 buds should remain above its surface. Don't forget to cover the cuttings with fallen leaves for the winter. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the shelter, after which the cuttings will begin to grow actively, and in the fall they will become full-fledged seedlings. Layers can be used for propagation. In order to get them, you need to select a stem in summer or autumn that grows very close to the surface of the site. At the base it is tied with wire, and an incision should also be made in the bark on the surface that faces the ground. The stem is fixed on the surface of the soil and covered with nutritious soil. The cuttings take root in a relatively short period of time. In spring, you need to separate the cuttings from the parent plant, and after just 12 months it will begin to bloom.

It is possible to grow forsythia from seeds, but only specialists resort to this method of propagation.

Forsythia pruning

Young bushes only need sanitary pruning, during which all dried, injured, and frost-damaged stems are removed. If the forsythia is mature, then in spring only the frozen tips of its branches are cut off. The main cutting is done in the summer, when the bush has faded. Those branches that have bloomed should be cut off by ½ part, while dried and old ones should be cut off at a height of 40 to 60 mm from the ground surface, in this case young side shoots will come from them. With the help of pruning, you can control the height, density and shape of the crown, which can be spherical or cupped. In case if old bush needs rejuvenating pruning, then all its branches must be cut to a height of 4 to 6 centimeters or shortened by 2/3, thanks to this young shoots will begin to actively grow. However, rejuvenating pruning cannot be carried out very often, because this will cause the forsythia to grow very much, but flowering will stop completely. As a rule, it is recommended to carry out a rejuvenating haircut once every 3 or 4 years.

This plant is highly resistant to diseases and pests. In rare cases, the bush may be affected by moniliosis, wilt or bacteriosis. A bush infected with wilt should be treated with a solution of foundationazole (2–5%). If forsythia is affected by bacteriosis, then in this case it will have to be dug up and burned. If brown spots appear on the surface of the leaf plates, this means that the plant is suffering from moniliosis. In this case, it is recommended to cut out all affected parts of the plant and thoroughly clean them to healthy tissue. The bush may also suffer from nematodes; in this case, the soil is disinfected with Carbation.

Forsythia after flowering

To prevent forsythia from freezing in winter, it should be covered. To do this, the tree trunk circle needs to be sprinkled with fallen leaves, and the layer thickness should be 10 centimeters. The branches are bent to the soil and fixed in this position, then the bush is covered with spruce branches. At the very beginning of the spring period, the shelter must be removed and the branches freed, while fallen leaves should be removed from the trunk. If the bushes are still young, then they are covered entirely with spruce branches for the winter. If there is a lot of snow in winter, then forsythia can do without shelter, but no one can accurately predict the forecast for the entire winter.

Types and varieties of forsythia with photos and names

European forsythia (Forsythia europaea)

This species is most popular among gardeners living in mid-latitudes. This upright growing shrub can reach 200 centimeters in height. The entire leaf blades are oblong in shape and about 7 centimeters long. The color of the bell-shaped single flowers is yellow-golden.

Forsythia giraldiana

This species is very similar to European forsythia, but it is less frost-resistant. The bush can also reach 200 centimeters in height. Almost all shoots are straight, but they are colored brown-yellow and tetrahedral. Dark green elliptical leaf blades reach 10 centimeters in length. Flowering occurs in May. Graceful large pale yellow flowers have twisted petals.

Hanging or drooping or drooping forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)

This shrub with a spreading crown can reach 300 centimeters in height. Thin tetrahedral arched drooping branches have an olive or brown-red color. On old stems the leaf blades are simple, while on growth stems they are trifoliate. Large (diameter about 25 mm) yellow-golden flowers are collected in bunches of several pieces. Several forms are cultivated:

  1. Motley(forsythia variegata). The color of the flowers is rich yellow. The leaf blades are pale yellow and variegated.
  2. Fortune(forsythia fortunei). The flowers are dark yellow in color and collected in bunches. The narrow leaf blades are trifoliate.
  3. Purple stem(forsythia artocaulis). Stems are dark red. At the moment of opening, the leaf plates are painted in the same color.
  4. Other forms: forsythia Zimbold, forsythia deceptive, forsythia hanging Fortune.

Dark green forsythia (Forsythia viridissima)

The height of the bush does not exceed 300 centimeters. Its green branches point upward. Densely growing simple leaf blades have a lanceolate-oblong shape, top part they have a toothed one. They are painted dark green, reach 15 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in width. The small bunches consist of flowers that are colored a rich yellow-green color. It is resistant to drought.

Forsythia x intermedia

This hybrid was created by crossing dark green forsythia and drooping forsythia. It can reach 300 centimeters in height. The bush begins to bloom only after it turns 4 years old. The leaf blades are usually oblong with a jagged edge, but they are also trifoliate and reach 10 centimeters in length. They are dark green, and their color remains unchanged until late autumn. The color of the flowers is rich yellow, they are collected in bunches of several pieces. Flowering occurs in April and May. This shrub grows quickly and is resistant to frost and drought. Varieties:

  1. Beatrix Farrand. The shrub reaches a height of 400 centimeters. The rich yellow flowers have a dark yellow stripe at the base.
  2. Denziflora. The height and diameter of the bush are 150 centimeters. The twisted flowers are light yellow. Flowering occurs in May and lasts 15–20 days. Does not tolerate frost.
  3. Spectabilis. This variety is one of the most beautiful. The height of the bush is about 100 centimeters, and its diameter is 120 centimeters. In the warm season, the leaf blades have a green color, which in autumn changes to rich yellow and purple. The diameter of the dark yellow flowers is about 45 mm, flowering begins in the last days of April.

Snowy or white forsythia (Forsythia abeliophyllum)

The height of the bush can vary from 150 to 200 centimeters. The length of the oval leaf plates is about 8 centimeters; their underside becomes purple in the summer. The flowers are white and have a yellow throat. The color of the buds is light pink.

Forsythia ovata

The height of the bush can vary from 150 to 200 centimeters. The spreading branches are yellow-gray in color. The length of the leaf blades is about 7 centimeters; in summer they are colored rich green, which in autumn changes to purple. The diameter of single flowers is about 20 mm, their color is deep yellow. Blossom this type starts earlier than others. It is fast growing and resistant to frost and drought. The most popular varieties are:

  1. Spring Glory. The height of the bush is about 300 centimeters. The leaf blades are green in summer, and in autumn they become variegated (from dark purple to light yellow). Lush flowering is observed in May. Large flowers have a rich yellow color.
  2. Tetragold. The height of the bush is about 100 centimeters. The diameter of the dark yellow flowers is approximately 30 mm. Flowering begins in the second half of April.
  3. Goldzauber. This variety is very valuable and popular. The large flowers are yellow-golden. Resistant to frost. Flowering begins in the second half of April and lasts approximately 20 days.

By layering Cuttings Seeds

Before planting this plant, you need to decide on its type, this is mainly depends on climate, in which the flower will grow.

Although all varieties of forsythia withstands frost down to – 10 degrees, many can freeze even under winter shelter. And this subsequently has a bad effect on growth and flowering.

For example, Forsythia green and drooping are very susceptible to frost; they are best grown in the southern regions. Forsythia ovate and European are the most frost-resistant species.

Also find out about proper care and cultivation of celosia.

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Details about reproduction home roses cuttings:


The holes for planting this plant are prepared in advance. They are filled with the following composition: 1 part humus, 1 part sheet soil and 2 parts sand.

If the acidity of the soil on the site is high, add neutralized lime or chalk solution (300 - 400g) or wood ash to each planting hole (200g).

Drainage is made from crushed stone and crushed brick, the layer of which should be 15-20 cm. A layer of sand 6-8 cm is poured on top.

The distance between each plant should be 1.5 - 2 meters, the depth of the hole should be 50 - 70 cm. Its parameters are 60x60 or 70x50 cm. It is better to plant forsythia in the fall, before frost sets in.

When choosing a location, you should take into account that the plant will bloom in a few years to 3m in height and 2m in width.

Newly planted shrubs are watered abundantly and a layer of mulch is laid (peat, humus, rotted leaves), the branches are tilted to the ground, secured with wire and a shelter is made for the plant so that it can overwinter and not freeze.

Moreover, all types of forsythia need to be covered. For these purposes, materials through which air penetrates are used. This is necessary so that during the onset of a thaw the shoots and buds do not rot.

You can cover the bush with pine needles. In spring, the material is removed from the plant, the branches are straightened, and the covering of leaves is removed.

Although you can plant shrubs in the spring. When buying seedlings, it is advisable to choose them with a closed rhizome. In this case, they will take root better.

Ideal landing spot it will be where there is a lot sunlight. But the plant should also be away from drafts and wind.

But a little partial shade will not harm the plant either. Many flower lovers prefer to plant forsythia in the country because of its unpretentiousness to watering. This is relevant if it is not always possible to water it in a timely manner.

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In early spring, before the bush begins to flower need to fertilize mineral fertilizers- per 1m270 grams.

When the plant fades and the next flower buds begin to form, you can use Kemiru-universal (100 grams per m²).

If there is enough precipitation, then there is no need to additionally water the forsythia.

It is better adapted to dry weather than to excess moisture.

But still, if there is long hot weather in the summer without rain, then once a month the bushes need to be watered with 10 liters of water for each.

After watering, the soil around the flower is loosened and compost is added.

Should be carried out regularly weeding forsythia. When weeding, it is necessary to loosen the soil with one spade blade. This allows air to freely penetrate to the roots and nourish them.

At the beginning of spring it will be beneficial for the plant mulching the ground around manure, which will also serve as top dressing.

The plant is very resistant to pests and diseases. When it wilts, it is sprayed with zineb or foundationazole.

If nematodes are found, the soil around the forsythia is disinfected with carbation. In case of bacteriosis, the bush is uprooted and removed.


For the first year or two, young shrubs are not pruned, except for shoots damaged by frost. An adult bush is also removed from frozen branches in the spring.

The main pruning work occurs in the summer, when the flowering period ends. Branches that have bloomed are shortened by half.

Old or dried branches are cut off and left only 5-6 cm from the ground level; new side shoots will grow from them in the future.

Thanks to pruning, you can give the plant a ball or bowl shape, as well as control the density and height of the bush.

To stimulate growth and make forsythia more luxuriant in the future, it is necessary to trim it by 2/3 or even shorter once every 3 years. This is a kind of rejuvenating procedure.

From the base, young shoots will activate growth, the number of which will be greater than before. To prevent the shrub from losing its decorative appearance, it must be pruned every 3 to 4 years. If you don’t do this, the branches will stretch out and bloom worse.

Circumcision is carried out in several stages:

  • removal of old coarse branches under the base (1/4 of the total);
  • cutting off dead branches and thinning out dense bushes;
  • shortening faded shoots by ½ their length, taking into account the decorative appearance of forsythia.

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The plant propagates quite simply - by layering, cuttings and, less often, by seeds.

By layering

This method is most often used because of its simplicity.

If forsythia branches bend to the ground, and they will come into contact with it long time, they will soon take root on their own.

But it’s better to monitor the reproduction yourself and choose the best branch, bending it to the ground and digging it in.

It is necessary to cut the bark in the place where the branch is buried. IN spring period When the shoot takes root, it can be transplanted from the main bush to another place.

In a year, the young forsythia will already bloom.


This method is also quite simple. Can reproduce woody and young shoots. Young green cuttings are cut in early summer.

To begin with, they are kept in a root solution for some time, planted in specially prepared soil and covered with film so that create greenhouse conditions.

Already in the fall the cuttings will take root and take root well.

At this time, it can be placed in a permanent place and covered with a ball of dry leaves for the winter.

Lignified cuttings for planting are cut in the fall. Their length should be up to 18 cm. They are planted in the ground 10 cm deep. Several buds are left on the surface. In order for the plant to overwinter, it is covered with dry leaves.


This method is used very rarely. The germination rate of seeds is around 40%. Their sow in boxes with soil in spring. A month later the first shoots appear.

Within a year, young shoots grow up to 6 cm. In the second year they can grow up to 30 cm; they can already be planted in open ground and left to overwinter under a thick layer of leaves.

The first flowering of such a shrub occurs in the 4-6th year of life.

Forsythia is a good option for gardeners and summer residents. This shrub can be used to create a vibrant, colorful fence. In addition, by giving it the desired decorative shape, you can organically fit it into the landscape design of any area.

A bright and sunny eastern guest, forsythia is a shrub that is the first to bloom in an empty garden, just waking up from hibernation. Forsythia (also known as forsythia) is a shrub that grows up to 4 meters in height and reaches a diameter of 2 meters. It blooms in a burst of bright yellow in early spring, but its bloom ends in April. At the same time, it continues to decorate the garden all summer with its rich green or variegated foliage, turning into a golden-purple miracle in the fall.

Forsythia belongs to the Olive family. Breeders have worked hard on the plant and have developed many varieties that differ in size, crown shape and leaf color.

Features of growing forsythia in the garden

In order for the flowering to be lush and long-lasting, forsythia needs to be looked after. One of the basic elements of care is pruning.

Forsythia overwinters well provided it is carefully covered.

The shrub loves light very much, but is ready to live in a little shade, the main thing is that the place is not blown by the wind.

It will tolerate drought much easier than excess moisture. Periodic weeding and loosening of the soil in the near-trunk zone of the bush is necessary.

Landing in the ground

Forsythia is planted in spring or autumn in holes at least 60 centimeters deep and at least 50 centimeters wide on the sides. This is due to the fact that the root ball must be dug to a depth of 30-40 centimeters. Since the bushes grow quite widely, the distance between forsythia plantings should be 1.5-2 meters.

Planting methods

Sand and peat are added to the hole prepared for planting shrubs. If the soil is acidic, it is also good to add wood ash or lime. First, the bottom of the pit is drained with broken bricks, large expanded clay or crushed stone. The layer should be at least 20 centimeters, then 10 centimeters of sand. At the end, soil is poured on which the forsythia bush is planted. Next, everything is completely filled with earth, compacted and watered abundantly.

Optimal time for planting

The optimal time for planting is early spring after frosts have stopped and autumn before they occur.

Soil for the plant

The plant prefers slightly alkaline dry soil with the addition of leaf soil, sand and humus. In this case, the flowering of the bush will be more abundant.

Planting in autumn and spring

Forsythia should be planted and replanted in spring or autumn, but there are differences in subsequent care.

If planting is done in the spring, then care during the summer will be normal, without any special features.

At autumn planting mulching of the soil will be required. The mulch should be breathable so that the buds under it do not rot when a thaw occurs.

Features of caring for forsythia in open ground

Caring for the shrub is not difficult, but you still cannot leave the plant without attention. Forsythia needs weeding and loosening of the soil. These procedures must be done after watering. Moreover, the forsythia needs to be loosened thoroughly - approximately to a depth of 20-30 centimeters. This is necessary so that its roots can “breathe”. After loosening, you need to sprinkle compost and dry soil around the trunk.

Location and lighting for the plant

Forsythia feels best in a bright sunny place. The main condition for it is that there is no draft. If there is no such place in the garden, then you can plant it in the shade - forsythia will tolerate it more easily than the wind.

Many, trying to decorate their garden, plant forsythia hedges and decorate the entrance to the site with it (those varieties that have hanging branches are easier to place on the frame of the arch above the entrance). The bright flowering bushes on the sides of the entrance to the house look very beautiful. If there is a coniferous trees, you should plant a forsythia bush in front of them - it looks great against the backdrop of their dark greenery.

Air humidity

Forsythia lives well in our temperate climate and does not require additional moisture.

How to water correctly

What forsythia does not tolerate at all is excess water. It is better to underfill it than to overfill it. If the summer is not dry, forsythia does not need additional watering at all; it will have enough rainfall.

If the summer is too dry, then it needs to be watered once or twice a month at the rate of 10-12 liters of water per bush.

Important! It is better to use settled water for irrigation.

Feeding and fertilizing the plant

Fertilize forsythia three times a season. The first time is in the spring, when the bush is just beginning to bloom. At this time, manure is scattered under the bush and watered with water. The manure should be spread out so that the lower branches do not touch it.

The second time, fertilizing is done immediately after flowering, that is, in April-May. This is due to the fact that at this time the plant begins to lay buds for the next flowering. Therefore, how this “sun” will bloom next year depends on the quality of feeding.

It is necessary to use mineral fertilizers at the rate of 70 grams per 1 square meter.

And the last fertilizing is done in the fall also with mineral fertilizers.

Important! If the bush was planted in the fall, spring feeding they don't do it to him.

Forsythia pruning

Pruning is perhaps one of the most important elements of forsythia care. The splendor of flowering, the appearance of the bush, and its lifespan depend on this.

Trimming methods

Mandatory pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. After flowering, all old or dry branches are cut out, the rest are shortened by about half. In the spring, be sure to cut off the frozen parts of the branches. If you trim individual aged branches, leaving 4-6 centimeters from the ground, fresh shoots will come from them.

You can do anti-aging pruning in the same way. Then all the branches are cut almost to the ground - leaving no more than 6-10 centimeters. But such pruning can be done no more often than once every 4-5 years.

During the summer, pruning can be done to give the bush a certain shape or to slightly thin out its density. If you don’t do this, then it will be much more difficult to make your way through the jungle of overgrown branches, and the quality of flowering may suffer, since old branches bloom poorly and reluctantly.

Important! Pruning is done only on mature plants. Very young bushes are allowed to grow and branch first.

Pruning in autumn

Autumn pruning is also carried out to remove old branches, but it is not decisive for the growth and flowering of the plant.

Replanting forsythia

Forsythia is most often replanted in the fall. It is done using exactly the same technology as planting. Before the onset of frost, the seedlings are carefully covered with dry leaves and spruce paws so that they can withstand winter frosts well.

Plant propagation

Forsythia can be propagated by seeds, layering, cuttings or dividing the bush.

Reproduction methods

Weeping varieties of forsythia, the lower branches of which lie on the ground, often take root themselves. Sometimes they just need a little help. Propagation by cuttings and layering are the most commonly used methods of propagation. Seed propagation is more often used by breeders for species plants.

Propagation of forsythia by green cuttings

Green cuttings from young shoots are cut around mid-May after flowering has ended. Sequencing:

  • The upper end of the cutting is cut straight, and the lower end slightly oblique. The length of the cuttings should be no more than 10 centimeters
  • The cuttings are placed in oblique cuts for 8-12 hours in a root solution. The cuttings should be immersed in the solution by 2-3 centimeters.
  • cuttings are planted in a five-centimeter layer of wet sand to a depth of three centimeters
  • The greenhouse with seedlings is covered with film and watered regularly
  • Before the onset of winter, the greenhouse with cuttings is carefully covered
  • In spring, the finished plants are transplanted into open ground.
  • And only in the fall the grown bushes are planted in a permanent place.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in early June.

Forsythia can also be propagated from lignified cuttings. They are cut in November, tied into a bunch and stored in a cold place all winter. You can leave them in the garden, wrapped in paper and generously sprinkled with mulch on top. They need to be planted in the spring in the same way as green cuttings.

By layering

To propagate forsythia by layering, just select a good flowering lower branch on the bush, make a small cut on it and press it to the ground with the cut. The top of the branch needs to be properly sprinkled with soil and secured with something so that the branch does not rise.

Next fall, this part of the branch together needs to be carefully trimmed and the roots should be dug out together. earthen lump. The finished new plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

Dividing a bush is the fastest way to get a new one. flowering plant. To do this, dig up the bush completely or partially, cut off part of the rhizome with a sharp knife and plant it immediately in a permanent place.

Planting is carried out following all the rules described in the section “Planting forsythia in the ground”


Seeds are planted in the fall, immediately after they are collected, or in the spring. If planting is delayed until spring, the seeds should be kept for two months at a temperature of +2 to +5 degrees.

Seeds are sown in containers filled with a mixture of leaf soil, sand and humus. There they grow throughout the year. After a year they are planted in separate containers, and after two to three years they are planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Important! Bushes grown from seeds will bloom only at 4-6 years of age.

Forsythia blooming

The good thing about forsythia is that it blooms very first after a long winter, bringing joy and awakening to life.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

Flowering begins in early March and continues until about mid-April. Bright yellow flowers completely cover the branches almost from the base to the very tips. Small - no more than 2.5 centimeters - they are collected in inflorescences. The shape of the four-leaf flower resembles a bell. Flowers appear on the branches before the leaves bloom.

Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

In general, forsythia is quite resistant to diseases and pests. Diseases that can affect shrubs:

  • withering. Can be treated with foundationazole;
  • monoliosis. Sign of the disease - dark spots on the leaves. In this case, cut out the affected branches;
  • bacteriosis The bush must be dug up by the roots and destroyed;
  • nematodes. It is treated by treating the soil with carbation.

Popular types (varieties)

Forsythia intermedia

The type of forsythia with the most bright colors, which does not lose its decorative appearance even in the summer thanks to the lush green leaves. It is forsythia intermediate that has several of the most popular varieties among gardeners, such as

  • "Tetragold" - small, up to 1 m bushes with dark large flowers;
  • frost-resistant variety "Goldzauber" - the flowers are very large, lemon-colored;
  • "Spring Gloria" is a tall bush with large flowers and leaves that turn yellow, purple and red in autumn;
  • "Melissa" is a dwarf shrub often used in the design of alpine hills.

Forsythia ovate

It has good frost resistance. The shades of large, numerous flowers range from bright to dark yellow.

Forsythia drooping

Delicate thin hanging branches strewn with large flowers give the bush a delicate and slightly defenseless appearance.

  • Autumn fertilizing should be done with fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. Then the forsythia will overwinter better and the ripening of spring shoots will be ensured;
  • In preparation for wintering, forsythia is insulated with spruce paws. In this case, large branches are left outside, and small and thin ones are pressed to the ground, secured and covered with spruce branches, after mulching with a layer of foliage or straw.
  • Pruning the bush should be done with care, without cutting off too much. Otherwise, the bush will grow very quickly, but bloom poorly.

Answers to readers' questions

  • Plant lifespan

Forsythia is a perennial plant that requires rejuvenation once every four to five years.

  • Why doesn't the flower bloom?

Perhaps the pruning was done incorrectly or the shrub is growing in deep shade.

  • Why do the leaves turn yellow (dry)?

Perhaps the plant is affected by one of the diseases listed above

  • Flower care in winter

Forsythia overwinters in the ground, the main thing is to properly prepare it for winter by thoroughly feeding it, mulching the soil around the trunk and covering it with spruce branches.

An ancient species of shrubs of the olive family, it blooms beautifully in early spring. Thanks to its decorativeness and unpretentiousness, it has become widespread. Forsythia is easy to care for, and planting it in open ground is very simple.

Description of forsythia

Bright flowering shrub in early spring it immediately attracts attention. Against the backdrop of nature that has not yet awakened, the delicate golden bell-shaped flowers of forsythia remind of the arrival of spring.

The country of origin of the plant is China. Different kinds have a wide geographical distribution on the Balkan Peninsula, Japan and Korea. You can grow shrubs in the Leningrad region, Moscow and even Siberia. But in the latter case, they will need careful shelter for the winter.

Forsythia or European forsythia grows 1-3m in height. The shrub grows up to 2 m in width. After vigorous flowering, oval-shaped leaves from 4 to 13 cm in length bloom. Forsythia is cold-resistant, resistant to pests and is easy to cultivate in the middle zone.

Forsythia bush flowers close up

The most popular varieties

Among the wide variety of varieties and types of shrubs, the following are most widespread:

  • Greening. Distributed on mountain slopes in China. The plant is large in size and has upright branches. It has large dark green leaves. The size of yellow-green flowers is up to 3 cm.
  • Hanging. Place of growth - northern and central region China. Cultivated in Crimea, Moldova and the Caucasus. Hanging forsythia grows up to 3 m. The green foliage is yellow in summer and shades of purple in autumn. Golden flowers have corollas orange color. It is considered the most beautiful view.
  • Giralda. It is of Northern Chinese origin. Externally, the plant is similar to the European one. During abundant flowering Giralda is covered with small yellow flowers that hide the shoots. The leaves are oval, dark green, glossy above and pale below. It is winter-hardy.
  • Ovoid. It grows in Korea, where the bush grows 1.5 m. The flowers have elongated petals of bright yellow color. Leaves with a glossy dark green color are oval in shape and grow up to 7 cm. Cultivated in the Non-Black Earth Zone.
  • Intermediate - it is a hybrid obtained from the drooping and greening species. The shrub has a decorative appearance thanks to its slightly hanging branches. Blooms in early summer. During this period, the bush is completely covered with golden-yellow flowers. After flowering, the leaves bloom and remain green until autumn. The hybrid has several forms. All are cold-resistant and suitable for growing in the Non-Black Earth Region.
  • Goldzauber. Popular view. Prized for its large yellow inflorescences. Flowering period from mid-April. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks.

Landing rules bush in open ground

Forsythia has good survival rate and growth. The best time for planting is spring or autumn, while there is no frost yet. When designing a garden plot, shrubs are given a place in the garden, along a fence or path.

Choose a place for planting shrubs that is sunny or with slight partial shade. Lack of light and heat negatively affects the plant and flowering may not occur. Dry soil is suitable for planting, because the plant does not require moisture. Sufficient for the growth of rain and melt water.

The flowering time of forsythia is from 20 to 25 days.

How to plant a bush?

The bushes are planted in prepared holes 50x50 cm and 60 cm deep. The holes are filled with drainage from broken brick or crushed stone with a layer of 20 cm. Then a layer of sand is poured 10 cm and a nutrient mixture of sand, peat, leaf soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 with the addition of ash (200 g).

When planting, you need to deepen the root by 30-40 cm. The seedling is sprinkled, the soil is compacted and watered.

When planting several bushes in a group, the pits are located at a distance of about 1.5 m from each other.

When spring planting bush, she doesn't require special care. When planting in autumn, mulching with “breathable” material will be required so that the buds do not disappear during thaws.

Newly planted forsythia cuttings

Rules for care after landing

The shrub is unpretentious in care and does not require watering. The plant only needs to be watered during drought 1-2 times a month, at the rate of a bucket of water per 1 bush. The moistened soil should be loosened and weeds removed. To ensure air flow to the root system, loosening is carried out using the bayonet of a shovel. The adjacent area is mulched with compost.

The plant needs feeding three times a season. At the beginning of spring, spread a thick layer of rotted manure along the contour of the trunk circle and water it with water. In April, the soil is fertilized with mineral fertilizer, adding 70 g per 1 m2.

At the end of flowering, the formation of flower buds begins. During this period, forsythia also needs feeding. Use the drug Kemira-universal at the rate of 100 g per 1 m2.

Young plants do not require pruning, only frozen areas are removed in the spring.

An adult plant is pruned in the summer after flowering. Dry and old branches are cut at a height of 5 cm above the ground. Faded branches are cut in half. Pruning gives the bush decorative form. Once every 4 years, rejuvenation is carried out by cutting the bush by 2/3. Pruning stimulates flowering and prevents the bush from stretching.

An unusually beautiful forsythia bush near the house

Propagation by cuttings

A common method of reproduction is vegetative. Cuttings are carried out in June. Branches of 15 cm are cut and the lower leaves are removed. Treated with a stimulant. For planting, prepare perlite or sand and plant it in a greenhouse. Sometimes cuttings taken in October are rooted. Planted in the garden, buried in the ground to the second or third bud. Buried branches are covered with fallen leaves for the winter. With the arrival of spring, the cuttings will begin to grow, and in the fall there will be seedlings.

Forsythia takes root well by layering. In summer or early autumn, young branches bend to the ground.

At the base the branch is tied with wire. An incision is made in the area of ​​​​the bark that comes into contact with the ground. The shoot is fixed to the ground and sprinkled with soil. After a short time, rooting will occur. In the spring, they are cut off from the bush and planted. Flowering occurs within a year.

Green forsythia cuttings ready for transplanting

Sowing seeds in autumn

The seeds are collected in the fall after ripening. In the last ten days of March, they are placed in containers with soil, watered and covered with film. Shoots will appear after 4-5 weeks. When the seedlings grow 5 cm, they are planted in a greenhouse or open ground.

Young forsythia bushes with flowers

When sowing seeds, flowering will occur in the 5th year.

Diseases and growing problems

The plant is resistant to disease. However, wilting, moniliosis and bacteriosis are sometimes observed. To treat wilting, spraying with 5% foundationazole is used. Bacteriosis, unfortunately, cannot be treated. The bush will have to be destroyed.

Moniliosis disease manifests itself as brownish spots on the foliage. The fight is carried out by cutting out the affected areas.

Forsythia is damaged by a nematode. To eliminate the disease, the soil is treated with carbation.

Application in landscape gardening

Forsythia bushes are decorative and are planted in large alpine hills, hedges and individual plantings. When planted with muscari it produces attractive yellow-blue blooms. Goes well with conifers. Planting single shrubs against a background of blue and green spruce and juniper gives a beautiful composition.

With little time spent, you can grow it on your own plot. decorative forsythia, which is within the power of novice flower growers.

The genus Forsythia belongs to the Olive family and is predominantly shrubs.

The height of the species is generally up to 3 m, the bark is brown-gray, textured, the foliage is simple, opposite, oblong, ovoid, with teeth, from 2 to 15 cm. The flowers are rich yellow in color, after flowering a flying box appears.

Forsythia types and varieties

Most often grown in our gardens Forsythia europaea, which is a shrub up to 2 m high, foliage without teeth, its length up to 7 cm, flowers solitary, bell-shaped, golden yellow.

Forsythia Giralda This species is very similar in appearance to the previous one, but its foliage is longer and the color of the leaves is darker. It also tolerates frost less well, so it is not very suitable for growing in cold areas.

Forsythia drooping or drooping this bush grows up to 3 m, its crown grows widely, its branches droop. It has fairly large yellow flowers that form in bunches. There is a variegated form, as well as a form with purple branches and leaves when they are young.

Forsythia dark green or greenest This is a tall plant, the shoots of which grow up to 3 m. The foliage is dense, simple, oblong, rich dark green in color, quite long, the flowers also have a green tint. Tolerates drought well.

Forsythia medium or intermediate This is a hybrid species obtained by crossing the species Forsythia drooping and dark green. The maximum height of this plant is close to 3.5 m, the foliage is oblong, toothed, long, and the color of the foliage is deep green. Flowering occurs by the 4th year after planting, the flowers form bunches of yellow color. Tolerates frost and heat well.

It has many varieties due to its popularity:

  • Goldzauber,
  • Maluch,
  • Linwood gold,
  • Golden time,
  • Spectabilis.

Forsythia white or snowy a relatively low species with oblong ovate foliage. In summer, the bottom of the foliage turns purple. The flowers are white, but have a yellow throat.

Forsythia oval or ovoid also a low species - 1.5-2 m. The bark on the branches is yellowish, and they themselves are quite spreading. The foliage is 6-8 cm, green in summer, and purple tones appear on it in autumn.

Forsythia planting and care in open ground

Today, forsythia is widely used to decorate city streets and private gardens, primarily due to the fact that yellow flowers bloom in early spring, even before leaves appear on the branches of the bush.

Forsythia should be planted in spring or early autumn, so that the bush has time to take root before frost, so be guided by the conditions of the place where you live. Light areas not blown by winds are good for planting; partial shade is also suitable, but sun is still preferable.

The composition of the soil is also not important, the main thing is that the substrate is not overly wet and has an alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then you need to dig it up with ashes to shift the reaction to alkaline.

The height and width of the planting hole should be approximately 0.5 m each, and the depth 60 cm. When planting several plants, make sure that there is at least 1.5 m between them. A 20 cm drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the planting hole, after which 10 cm of sand, then add mixed leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. Fill the hole so that after planting the root system of the seedling is placed at a depth of 35 cm.

You can also use lilac to decorate your garden plot; it can be easily grown when planted and cared for in open ground. You can find recommendations for growing this plant in this article.

Watering forsythia

Caring for this garden plant is easy. If it rains from time to time in the summer, then there is no need to water the bush. If there is no precipitation, then every couple of weeks you need to pour a bucket of water under each bush.

After rain or watering, you should loosen the soil and get rid of weeds. You can cover the area with compost mulch, and the problem of weeds and loosening will disappear.

Forsythia feeding

Fertilizers are applied 3 times during the growing season. The first time in the spring, compost is spread around the bushes, but so that it touches the shoots, and heavy watering is carried out. This fertilizer will serve as both a source of organic matter and mulch.

In mid-spring, full mineral fertilizing is used, adding 65 grams per square meter. When flowering ends and flower buds begin to form, apply Kemira-universal at 110 grams per square meter of plot.

Forsythia pruning

While the bushes are young, only broken, frozen and dry branches are pruned from them. Large bushes undergo sanitary pruning in the spring, and after flowering the shoots are cut to half, while old branches are cut off, leaving only 5 cm from the ground.

You can also carry out formative pruning to give the bush the look you want. To rejuvenate the bush, you need to cut off two-thirds of all branches - this will encourage the growth of young branches.

But we warn you that this procedure cannot be carried out often, otherwise the bush will become large, but flowering will disappear. The approximate frequency of anti-aging pruning is 4 years.

Forsythia in winter

When preparing forsythia for winter, a thick ball of dry leaves is poured around the bushes, the branches are bent to the ground and attached to it, and spruce branches are placed on top.

With the arrival of spring, the shelter is removed so that the buds do not rot. In snowy winters, there is no need to build a shelter.

Forsythia propagation by cuttings

It is better to propagate forsythia vegetatively. Green cuttings 15 cm long, which are cut in early summer, are well suited for this. The lower foliage is cut off, and the cuttings themselves are treated with a means to enhance root formation. Green cuttings are grown in greenhouse conditions in sand under diffused light, moistening the soil from time to time.

In the fall, woody cuttings can be rooted, and they are stuck directly into the garden, so that there are a couple of buds above the ground. As cold weather approaches, cover the cuttings with dry leaves, and in the spring they should begin to grow and by autumn it will be possible to transplant them to a permanent place.

You can also propagate this crop by layering. This is done according to the standard scheme - the young branch is tilted towards the ground, slightly cutting its edge, and sprinkled with soil. Over time, roots will appear from the cut and next spring it will be possible to separate the cuttings from the parent and replant.

This bush also reproduces by seeds, but this process is complex and accessible only to specialists.

Forsythia diseases

This crop does not get sick very often, but is still susceptible to some diseases and pests.

Fusarium wilt occurs due to fungal infection. The symptoms of this disease are yellowing of foliage, weak flowering or his absence, general weakness of the plant, on the shoots and leaves it is clear that the vessels have turned black from the fungus. While the disease is not developed, it is necessary to carry out several sprayings with a 5% solution of foundationazole.

For bacteriosis the foliage becomes soft and turns black. The bush cannot be saved from this disease.

Moniliosis can be determined by brown spots on leaves. When a symptom appears, you need to cut off all the diseased parts, touching the healthy tissue.

Occasionally occurs downy mildew. Wherein leaves are deformed, on them a gray coating appears. The diseased parts must be cut off and treated with Bordeaux mixture. To protect the bush from this disease, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers on time.

It happens that forsythia doesn't bloom. There may be a couple of reasons for this - too frequent rejuvenating pruning (note that if you have rejuvenated, then next year there will be nowhere for flower buds to come from and there will be no flowering either), lack of nutrients, freezing of flower buds in winter.

Forsythia pests

Among pests nematodes appear most often and are probably the most dangerous. These little worms slow down plant growth, makes the roots thin And cause general weakening of the bush, Also the affected areas begin to turn yellow, but it is worth noting that most nematodes attack the roots, so it is the underground part that will turn yellow.

Nematodes do not tolerate dryness and high temperatures well, but with a garden plant it is not possible to carry out the standard procedure of keeping the roots in warm water, as is done with indoor crops. Therefore, all that remains is the introduction of poisons, for example, Nemaphos, Phosfamide.

The blooming forsythia, strewn with hundreds of bright yellow flowers, is impossible to miss! If a summer resident wants his plot to be decorated with forsythia every spring, planting and caring for it in open ground - key milestones on the way to success.

To Europe perennial shrubs, one of the first to break monochrome early spring, came from Asia and were named after the botanist who brought the first seedlings to the Old World. Today, forsythia is the most popular species for landscaping and creating hedges.

How and when to organize planting and caring for forsythia in open ground at a summer cottage? What does a shrub need for healthy growth?

Conditions for planting forsythia in open ground

Forsythia is an amazing plant that changes its appearance every season. In spring, these are branches devoid of leaves, but densely strewn with flowers. In summer, the bush is covered with greenery, which changes color to golden or purple in autumn. When looking for a place for forsythia, you should pay attention to areas where the shrub will be clearly visible and illuminated.

Although forsythia tolerate being in the shade, in the sun the bush becomes denser and more even. The plant is undemanding to soil fertility, but develops better in soil with an alkaline reaction and good drainage. Culture:

  • undemanding to care;
  • has excellent frost resistance, which simplifies the wintering of forsythia in open ground;
  • tolerates drought well;
  • responds well to trimming and can be used for growing hedges.

There are two options for planting forsythia in the ground: in spring and autumn. In the first case, young shrubs, after acclimatization, immediately begin to grow, producing new shoots. Bushes brought into the garden in the fall only take root and begin to grow after wintering.

Timing for planting forsythia in the ground

The time for transferring seedlings to the garden is chosen depending on the region and the quality of the planting material. Many nurseries today offer young plants with a closed root system. Seedlings grown in containers are transplanted together with a ball of earth, so the roots are not damaged, and the bush easily and quickly adapts to its new place of residence. And the summer resident is guaranteed easy care for forsythia in the open ground after planting, whenever it occurs: in spring, summer or autumn.

For seedlings with an open root system, it is better to plant in the spring months, when the threat of sudden frosts has passed, or in the fall, about a month before the onset of seasonal cold. During this period of time, the bush will acclimatize and be able to prepare for winter.

Since the climatic conditions in the regions of the country are significantly different, there is a significant difference in the timing of planting and caring for forsythia in the open ground, in the Moscow region and, for example, in central and northern Siberia, where the heat comes later and summer is much shorter:

  1. If you delay planting plants in the garden, their adaptation and rooting will be delayed, and the shoots that have sprouted over the summer will not have time to get stronger before the onset of frost.
  2. Early spring planting poses a risk of freezing of the buds and tips of the shoots, and in case of severe frosts on the soil, damage to the growing points and roots.

In autumn, planting forsythia in the ground also depends on weather and climatic conditions and can vary even within one region, for example, such a large one as the Urals. If in the south gardeners live according to a calendar similar to that used by summer residents in the middle zone, then in the north the weather is much harsher and more changeable.

Planting forsythia in open ground

Forsythia prefer dry, well-drained soil and do not tolerate stagnant soil moisture. Therefore, at the bottom of planting holes 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide, powerful drainage is made from broken brick, expanded clay or gravel. It is especially important not to neglect this measure in areas with dense soil that retains water and where groundwater is too close. An example is the planting and care of forsythia in the Leningrad region.

A layer of sand and a pre-prepared soil mixture based on:

  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part sand.

For each hole, 200 grams of sifted wood ash are mixed into the soil. The substrate is poured into a mound, along the sides of which the roots of the bush are spread. After filling the hole, the soil is compacted and watered abundantly at the rate of 10–15 liters per plant. In the fall, after planting forsythia, caring for the shrub consists of thick mulching around the tree trunk. This will help conserve water in the soil and protect the roots from hypothermia.

Mulch will help in the spring, especially where summer comes quickly and the soil dries quickly, becoming covered with a dense, impenetrable crust.

Caring for forsythia after planting in open ground

An important advantage of forsythia is its undemanding nature and the absence of any special care. In the warm season, shrubs that grow quickly with minimal care need:

  • in watering, if there is no natural precipitation and the soil under the plants is completely dry;
  • in maintaining cleanliness and looseness of tree trunk circles;
  • in triple feeding;
  • in a haircut that helps maintain the health and shape of the crown.

In hot, dry times, the plants are watered generously once or twice a month, after which the soil is loosened, weeded and mulched. Lowland peat mixed with humus and wood ash can be used as mulch. This composition protects the roots from overheating and is an excellent long-acting fertilizer. In addition, shrubs respond well to the application of complete mineral fertilizers before and after flowering.

In the second half of summer, you should not fertilize shrubs with nitrogen. It will cause active growth of young shoots, which even with correct landing and caring for forsythia in the Urals, Siberia and the middle zone will not have time to ripen and will die with the onset of frost.

An important part of caring for forsythia is pruning the bush. For sanitary purposes, the removal of dead, old or damaged branches is carried out in the spring, and pruning to maintain shape is carried out in early summer, when mass flowering is completed. Until recently, shoots yellow from flowers can be shortened by half their length, and old branches are cut out above the ground so that a few buds remain at the base.

Once every 3–4 years, forsythia is rejuvenated by evenly cutting all shoots by half or two-thirds of the length. Over the summer, the plant will restore the crown, which will be thick, uniform and young, so that next spring it will delight you with friendly bright flowering.

In most regions, the plant overwinters excellently without shelter. If the winters have little snow, before wintering the forsythia in the open ground is carefully tilted to the ground, secured and covered with spruce branches or dense non-woven material. At the first opportunity, the bushes are covered with snow.

Propagation of forsythia in open ground

The parts of branches remaining after pruning are excellent material for obtaining cuttings that will serve for propagation of forsythia. Green shoots are cut into pieces 10–15 cm long so that each has several healthy buds. The lower leaves are torn off, and the resulting cutting, after treatment with a root formation stimulator, is planted in a greenhouse.

In autumn, another method of propagating forsythia in open ground is possible. Lignified cuttings are planted in a school organized in a quiet place protected from wind and flooding. During the time remaining before the cold weather, the seedling will give roots, and 2-3 buds left above the soil surface will wake up in the spring and form a young crown of the shrub. Next autumn, such plants can be planted in a permanent place.

Planting forsythia in a permanent place - video

A beautiful spreading shrub, reaching a height of about 2.5-3 m, blooms in April-May with luxurious bright yellow bells. Forsythia, planting and caring for it in open ground is absolutely simple, immediately attracts attention. Compared to other shrubs and trees that have not yet awakened, it looks very elegant, flowering lasts for almost a month.

The most interesting and popular types:

This species is most widespread. Height – up to 2 m, flowers – rich yellow.

  1. Giralda

By appearance similar to the European one, but it tolerates cold worse. Yellow graceful flowers bloom in May.

  1. Drooping (hanging)

Spreading crown up to 2.5 m in diameter. The flowers are quite large (up to 3 cm), bright yellow. It has the following varieties: deceptive, variegated, Fortune, etc.

  1. Ovoid

A small shrub with leaves that acquire purple tint. It can be successfully grown even in regions with harsh winters. Known varieties: Tetragold, Spring Glory, etc.

A low (up to 1.5 m) bush that stands out among other species because of its flower color, which is unusual for forsythia.

  1. Greenest (dark green)

Drought-resistant, but very heat-loving shrub, suitable for growing in the southern regions. Yellow-green flowers are collected in small bunches.

  1. Average (intermediate)

Grows up to 4.5 m in height, bright yellow flowers open in April. It grows very quickly.

Principles of planting forsythia

Planting is done in August–early September, so that the plant can be established before the onset of winter cold, or in the spring. Places for this shrub are chosen to be sunny, although it can grow normally in partial shade. Planting forsythia in open ground is carried out taking into account the fact that the bushes must have enough space for full development.

The planting pit is formed with dimensions of 50x50 cm and 60 cm in depth. Drainage (broken brick, expanded clay) is laid at the bottom, then compost or mineral fertilizers (with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus) are added. This crop is completely undemanding in terms of soil composition.

Caring for forsythia after planting boils down to abundant watering of seedlings and mulching with dry fallen leaves. For the winter, be sure to cover it with materials that allow air to pass through. Next spring the cover is removed.

Rules for caring for plants in open ground

To get a beautiful, healthy plant, do the following:

  • water only in very dry times (overmoistening is detrimental to the plant) - 1 bucket per plant;
  • fertilizing is applied starting from the third year after planting, at the rate of 100 g of complex fertilizer per bush - 2 times a year: after winter and after flowering;

If the plant lacks nutrients, the number of flowers, their size and color saturation decreases, and the shrub loses its decorative effect.

Pruning and shaping forsythia

Since caring for forsythia in the open ground necessarily includes pruning, it must be carried out according to all the rules.

  1. For the first three years after planting, the plant is not touched.
  2. Starting from the 4th year, sanitary and formative pruning of forsythia is carried out in the spring. The first involves removing dead and old branches, thinning the bush for better lighting.
  3. Additionally, to add splendor, the shoots are shortened slightly (by 3-4 cm). For greater decorativeness, using a haircut, you can give the bush a ball shape.

During the flowering period, forsythia is not pruned.

The thickest unnecessary branches are cut out into a ring, and those that have just bloomed are shortened a little.

How to prepare a plant for winter?

At the end of the season, you need to pay attention to preparing forsythia for winter. Around mid-September, watering is completed so that it can be covered before the onset of persistent cold weather.

More frost-resistant species of this crop can simply be sprinkled with snow. And, for example, ovoid forsythia requires complete shelter for the winter, otherwise there is a risk of flower buds freezing or death of the entire plant.

Methods for propagating forsythia in open ground

This flowering shrub has 3 methods of propagation: seeds, layering and cuttings. Each gardener chooses how to propagate forsythia independently. But the seed method is used extremely rarely, since it is quite labor-intensive and does not always give the expected results (germination rate up to 40%).

To do this, seeds are collected in the fall and stored in a dry place in winter. In March, seeds are sown in shallow boxes and covered with film. The first shoots will appear in a month. The film is removed and the sprouts are watered moderately. Such plants will bloom no earlier than 5-6 years. The most common are the second and third options.

A good effect is obtained when propagating by layering. To do this, suitable shoots are selected (closer to the ground), secured and covered with earth. You can water it a little. Already in the spring, young seedlings are ready to be separated from an adult bush, and after a year, subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, they should bloom.

In some varieties, natural rooting of shoots occurs on its own, without outside participation. The shoots fall to the ground and sprout.

Cuttings are also quite popular among gardeners. After the plant has flowered, annual cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut. The leaves located in the upper part are shortened by half, and those in the lower part are removed completely. For better rooting, they can be treated with a growth stimulator.

Planted at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other, creating a mini-greenhouse. With regular watering, roots will form by the end of the fifth week. For the winter, seedlings are mulched with a thick layer of compost or dry leaves. In spring, young specimens settle into permanent places.

Lack of flowering: reasons

Sometimes it happens that the bush develops well and grows, but the flowers do not appear. The reasons why forsythia does not bloom can be different.

Despite all its unpretentiousness, the shrub requires periodic fertilizers; on very poor soils it may not bloom.

  1. Illiterate pruning

It must be remembered that flowers form on one- and two-year-old shoots, so if you cut too much, flowering will be delayed for more than one year. It is also better to prune old branches gradually.

  1. No trimming

Heavily dense bushes also usually do not please with an abundance of flowers: shoots that are not removed in time take up some of the nutrients. Plus, many of the branches of such a bush do not have enough sunlight.

  1. Improper care in winter

This is especially true for delicate varieties. Freezing of flower buds (in the absence of proper shelter) will inevitably lead to the fact that forsythia will not bloom in the spring.

Landing and further care Forsythia will not cause much trouble if you protect it from possible pests and diseases.

Forsythia fit perfectly into the overall landscape composition. They can be planted in the center of the flower bed, supplemented with juniper. Lower flowers or decorative foliage plants are planted in the foreground.

Forsythia: features of the plant and rules for caring for it on video

You can learn more about forsythia from the video:

Plant unusual shrub(sometimes a tree) called forsythia. From the Latin Forsythia, the beauty is also called forsythia. Externally, it is an ornamental flowering shrub with bright yellow, medium-sized flowers. In spring it is covered with a golden cloud of fragrant inflorescences.

The plant comes in compact sizes, but can reach a height of 3 meters, depending on the variety. Bell-shaped flowers bloom in early spring and delight the eye for almost a month. In Europe, the beauty is found everywhere, being an integral part of urban design. Our gardeners should also pay attention to it.

Forsythia growing conditions

The shrub is very unpretentious, but still several conditions must be met:

  • Forsythia loves sunny areas, but also tolerates partial shade.
  • Soils with a slightly alkaline reaction are preferred; acidic soils are recommended to be alkalized with lime or dolomite flour.
  • To achieve high decorativeness of your landscape composition with forsythia, plant juniper or other low-growing conifers nearby.
  • Keep in mind that forsythia leaves turn purple-violet or golden in the fall, which can also be used effectively in your garden.
  • It is preferable to choose a place protected from strong winds.
  • It is advisable to mulch the soil with a layer of pine needles or other mulching material.

When and how to plant forsythia

Forsythia photo planting

Forsythia should be planted or replanted early autumn or in spring, when there is no chance of night frosts. It is important that the plant, when planted in the fall, has time to take root before the dormant and wintering period begins.

  • For planting, prepare a hole slightly larger than the size of the roots of the purchased seedling. Usually this is a hole with a diameter of about 60 cm and a depth of half a meter.
  • The distance between forsythia bushes is left at least 1.5 meters.
  • If there is a risk of flooding in the selected location melt water, make drainage: deepen the hole somewhat and lay broken bricks, gravel, small stones on the bottom, and sand and garden soil on top.
  • When planting in autumn, it will be necessary to cover it for the winter with a thick layer of fallen leaves or straw (30-40 cm). It will even be possible to pre-heat the soil into the tree trunk area, but in the spring it is necessary to remove the shelter so that the roots do not dry out.

Forsythia is regularly watered for the first two weeks as the soil in the holes dries out. But you shouldn’t be too zealous either: flooding the plant is harmful.

How to care for forsythia

What everyone loves about forsythia is its unpretentiousness. Usually, precipitation is enough for the bush. Only in conditions abnormal heat the plant will need to be helped by sometimes watering a bucket of water under each bush.

Particularly attentive gardeners can take care of forsythia plantings by applying organic fertilizers in the fall: rotted compost or humus, scattered over the surface of the ground in a layer of 10-20 cm, will become an excellent shelter for the winter and a source of nutrients for development in the coming season. In the spring, you can feed the plants with phosphorus-containing mineral fertilizers to stimulate flowering. For example, natroamophoska (a tablespoon per bucket of water, consumption of 1-2 liters of solution per bush). At the end of flowering, it is advisable to fertilize with Kemira-lux or potassium nitrate according to the instructions. This will help prepare the plant for the next flowering season and wintering.

Winter hardiness of forsythia

It is best to grow ovoid forsythia in central Russia, whose winter hardiness is above average. Such a beauty survives even in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia, but requires shelter for the winter.

Propagation of forsythia by cuttings

Forsythia propagation by cuttings photo

Most often, green cuttings are used: in June, green young branches 10-15 cm long are cut and planted in cups with nutritious soil, covered with bags or transparent plastic cups on top.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the cuttings for a day in a solution of heteroauxin or root, which will stimulate root formation. In about a month to a month and a half, the cuttings will produce new shoots, which will be evidence of rooting. In September they can be planted in the ground, and before frost they can be insulated with a layer of earth and fallen leaves for a successful wintering.

In October, you can cut woody cuttings and bury them directly in the garden, leaving them under cover for the winter. In spring, the shelter is removed, and the cuttings quickly produce young shoots. By autumn, the seedlings will be ready for planting in a permanent place.

The video will tell you about propagating forsythia by cuttings at home:

Propagation of forsythia by layering

Branches, tilted and pinned to the ground, lightly dug, quickly take root in the digging area. especially if you make a small cut in the bark at the pinning site. Layering can be done almost throughout the warm season, starting in spring and ending in autumn. In a year, you will receive an excellent seedling that can be separated from the mother bush and planted in the place you need.

Pruning and shaping forsythia

Forsythia tolerates pruning, but should not be overused. Young bushes undergo only sanitary pruning, removing frozen, dry and diseased branches. Only in the 3-4th year can you begin formative pruning, giving the bush the desired shape: spherical or rectangular. Remember that you can cut no more than a third of the length of the branches so that the forsythia continues to bloom. By cutting up to 6 cm at the tips of the branches, you do not risk anything and can safely experiment.

If the bush is already old, it can be rejuvenated by radical pruning, leaving only a third of the length of the branches. This will stimulate the active growth of young branches. But such an operation can be carried out no more often than once every three to four years.

When to prune forsythia?

Sanitary pruning of forsythia is usually done in the spring, and formative pruning in the fall or summer, after flowering.

Pests and diseases of forsythia

Forsythia gets sick and is rarely affected by pests. However, the danger still exists.

  • Appearance brown spots on the leaves indicates the development of moniliosis. Sanitary pruning of all affected parts and treatment of the bush with a fungicide will be required.
  • The appearance of nematodes is recognized by the fact that the bush stops growing and even withers. Soil treatment with carbation is required.
  • If the bush begins to fade sharply, immediately treat it with a five percent solution of foundationazole.
  • If you notice signs of quickly spreading rot, this is a sign of bacteriosis. It will not be possible to save a diseased bush; it must be dug up and burned as soon as possible so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants.

Forsythia in autumn Preparing for winter

Young bushes can freeze, so take the time to cover them by raking the soil and covering them with leaves. The branches need to be bent and pinned to the ground, covered with spruce branches. In winter, it’s good to shovel some snow on top. In early spring, the shelter should be removed and the branches freed from spruce branches. It is important to do this on time (before the start of sap flow) so as not to disrupt the natural development cycle of the plant. Mature bushes do not bend to the ground, but covering the roots is still necessary.

Forsythia in landscape design

forsythia in landscape design photo

Forsythia is often planted together with evergreens: conifers, boxwood, periwinkle, holly, etc. Blooming in early spring, the shrub looks impressive against the background of greenery.

Forsythia shrub planting and care Photos with flowers

Can be planted under forsythia lawn grass, which will also be an excellent backdrop for golden flowers bush. And next to it, plant a flowerbed with primroses or the well-known daffodils.

How to plant forsythia Bagryannik and forsythia photo

Forsythia is planted next to the Canadian scarlet, such joint plantings look simply fantastic: delicate purple and bright yellow flowers create a magnificent combination.

Forsythia hedge photo

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