What is the most convenient way to store foil film? Cling film or foil: which is better to store food in? Storage space under the kitchen corner

Or vegetables, and repack the remaining food and bring it back home. On average, prices for foil vary from 30 to 400 rubles. We decided to test food foil various manufacturers and see if it makes sense to overpay.

Cooking foil is always useful in the kitchen

How to properly store food in foil

Most housewives use aluminum foil for its intended purpose: to preserve the freshness of products brought from the store after their packaging has been opened. A piece of this or that product is simply wrapped in several layers of foil and put in the refrigerator. In fact, you can wrap it in one layer, the main thing is that the joint of the sheets is airtight. The air and vapor permeability of even the thinnest foil is almost zero. A number of manufacturers write that you should not use foil to store sour and salty foods, since the metal may oxidize. But we conducted a simple experiment: we placed pieces of foil different manufacturers in ordinary table vinegar. After 3 hours, we washed the leaves and looked. None of them had obvious signs oxidation. Conclusion: for a short time (a couple of hours), acidic foods can be stored wrapped in foil. For more long-term storage It is better to use cling film or a container with a lid.

How to bake in foil correctly

Another popular use of foil is for baking. In this case, it is better to fold the sheet of foil in half - so that it does not tear and for better heat transfer. There is no need to tightly seal the edges - there is a possibility, albeit small, that the bag could be torn by steam.

There is a lot of debate among housewives about which side - glossy or matte - to place food on. By and large, there is no difference: the reflectivity of the glossy side is 88%, and the matte side is 80%, that is, the speed of cooking will be approximately the same. We conducted an experiment: for a delicious salad, we baked two beets of the same size, wrapped in foil differently. An hour after being in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, the temperature of the beets in foil, wrapped with gloss on the outside, was 99.6 °C; beets wrapped in foil with the matte side facing out - 101 °C. So if you want to cook the dish a little faster, wrap the foil with the matte side facing out.

Beets that are wrapped with the matte side facing out will cook a little faster.

But you should not cook in the microwave in foil. Aluminum does not transmit electromagnetic waves, and the potential difference between the foil and metal parts stove or different pieces of foil will cause the metal to start sparking at the points of contact. If you need to heat something in foil, it should be unrolled before heating.

Another use for foil is to make baking cups out of it. To do this, it is better to use thick foil or fold thin foil in several layers.

We tested food foil for ease of use (is it easy to unwind from a roll), strength (does it not tear when wrapped), “stickiness” (does food stick to it when baked), fire resistance - that is, those qualities that housewives usually pay attention to and summer residents.

Tested Instances

For testing, we chose the following brands of foil: Paclan, Toppits, “Every Day”, “Sayanskaya Grill”, “Sayanskaya Universal”, “Food Foil”, “Chistulya”, “Moi Dom”.

Prices for foil vary from 30 to 400 rubles

The Toppits foil was boxed, everything else was shrink wrapped. All foil, with the exception of Everyday foil, contains a warning against contact with acid. The thickness is indicated only for Sayanskaya foil (20 microns and 11 microns). Of all the samples, when you first meet them, the Toppits foil with its honeycomb structure attracts attention. According to manufacturers, this improves its use. But, as it turned out during testing, in most standard situations, foil with embossing behaves approximately the same as without it.

Toppits Honeycomb Foil

All the other foils are similar to each other, and if you put all the samples side by side, you can notice only a slight difference in the degree of gloss.

Ease of use

First of all, the foil must be strong and not tear when unwinding. After opening the package, we carried out the first test - we unwound a piece of foil and tore it off by hand. Only one foil - unnamed ("Food Foil") - broke inside when unwinding. There was a desire to immediately remove it from testing, but after carefully unwinding big piece we managed to curb it.

The “food foil” tore when unwinding from the roll

Later, it was with this roll that problems arose again: the edge did not want to unfold - a situation familiar to many housewives.

The edge of the foil did not want to unfold

We found the Sayanskaya grill foil the most convenient to use. We rated ease of use on a 5-point scale (see the summary table at the end of the test drive). We also made sure that it is more convenient to tear off the foil with your hand on the edge of the table, rather than cutting it with scissors.

It is convenient to tear off the foil on the edge of the table


To test the strength, we packed a beet tuber in one layer of foil and twisted the ends tightly. Two samples - “Sayan Universal” and “My Home” - were torn, so I had to do a second take. Our expectations that some sample would burst from the steam were not justified; all the packages remained intact.

For another strength test, we wrapped a piece of foil around an ordinary glass and trimmed the edges.

You can make molds from foil

Then a glass of water was poured into each mold. Only the Toppits and Sayanskaya grill foil successfully passed this test; all the others sooner or later unraveled and the water flowed out of them.


The most common use of foil is to use it as a backing or envelope when baking meat or fish in the oven. When baked in an envelope, the products are more likely to stew in their own juices, so they almost never stick. But when using foil as a substrate, this happens quite often.

First of all, we decided to bake chicken wings on foil (see recipe). The wings are baked in two batches: first without everything, at a temperature of 180 ° C for 30 minutes, and then brushed with sauce and sent to the oven preheated to 150 ° C for another 15 minutes. The only thing the chicken didn’t stick to at all was the Sayanskaya Universal foil.

Chicken wings did not stick only to the Sayanskaya universal foil (left in the bottom row)

We also decided to bake salted lemon on foil - it was interesting to see how foil would behave in an aggressive environment. There were no noticeable changes to the foil. The juice released from the lemons has become caked. The lemon only seriously stuck to the Paclan foil, “Every Day” and “My House”.

The only lemon that didn't stick at all was the Toppits foil (second from left in the top row)

Fire resistance

Many manufacturers claim that their foil is suitable for grilling. We gave the samples a brutal test: we burned them with a torch for 30 seconds (about the same as throwing foil onto hot coals).

Burning foil with a torch is almost the same as throwing it on hot coals

The metal heated up, but held on. Later, having examined the foil, we saw that all the sheets had burned through: a transparent mesh was visible in the light. Conclusion: you should not throw vegetables wrapped in foil into the fire; it is better to cook them over smoldering coals.

Instead of a resume. By the end of testing, we remembered the saying about “British scientists”: it became clear that we had proven only one thing - all tested samples behave approximately the same. The leader could not be identified. But they identified a clear outsider: the “My Home” foil did not pass the strength tests, the salted lemon completely stuck to it, and the chicken wings also stuck to it. But the “Food Foil,” which tore when unwinding, passed one of the strength tests, and the wings and lemon almost didn’t stick to it. The most convenient to use was the Sayanskaya grill foil; it holds its shape better than others, but chicken wings, unfortunately, stick to it. Paclan foil was distinguished by an unreasonably high price - in our testing it did not show results worthy of its purchase.

The kitchen is the favorite place for any family. Here we cook delicious home-cooked meals, eat, chat, laugh, and discuss. I want the kitchen to always be orderly and clean. I have selected ideas for you on how to organize storage in the kitchen, photos taken by real housewives. They share personal life hacks on how to make the most of your kitchen storage space.

Space under the sink

We usually store various items under the sink. detergents. Hang cleaning fluids onto the bracket. You can easily and simply screw it on yourself.

Another option: on the inside doors of the cabinet under the sink, place shelves for detergents.

Storing cutting boards in the kitchen

Use the inside doors of your kitchen cabinets to attach a cutting board holder like this.

Vertical divider

You can cut plywood with your own hands and assemble a separator for vertical storage. You can place them cutting boards, baking trays, trays, baking tins and other narrow objects. This method will allow you to fit more items on one shelf and sort them by purpose.

A plastic bottle will help you

Cookies, chocolate chips, yeast or other shelf-stable items sold in soft packaging can be stored using this device. Cut from plastic bottle neck. Insert the soft packaging into it, turn out the edges of the bag and screw on the lid. Brilliant idea!

All Tupperware on display

In our opinion, this is very convenient! Original idea store plastic containers in a basket from dishwasher. Of course, you can adapt another basket.

Lids for plastic containers

While it is convenient to stack plastic containers one on top of the other as they decrease in size, their lids often create clutter on the shelves. Use a CD holder to hold the lids of your plastic containers.

Storing pot and pan lids

Here's another idea for using the inside of kitchen doors. Screw on horizontal towel holders and insert pot lids into them. Amazing!

Ideas for storing bags in the kitchen

Organize your home packing shop. Keep garbage and food storage bags on the brackets under the sink and they will always be at hand.

Storage in the kitchen: a photo will help you do it effectively

Foil, cling film and parchment paper can be conveniently stored on a screwed shelf on inside kitchen cabinet doors.

Narrow kitchen cabinet for storing kitchen utensils

Do you have it in your kitchen? narrow cabinet, where little fits? What do you think of this idea of ​​sorting kitchen items? Store wooden, metal and silicone utensils separately. Place the food processor parts on the bottom shelf.

Diagonal storage in a drawer

In the kitchen there are always long items that need to be stored somewhere. Use a drawer and store them diagonally with dividers.

Spice sorting

A great life hack on how to organize storage in the kitchen; the photo shows how to use jars of baby puree to store spices. By labeling the lids on top, you will always find the spice you need.

Drawer optimization

Even the narrowest drawer can be optimized by adding another small roll-out shelf on top.

Storing small items in the kitchen

We are delighted with this idea! Glue a magnet onto the back of a used tea can and attach it to the refrigerator. You can store anything in this mobile box.

Storage space under the kitchen corner

Many housewives love kitchen corners. Provide in them drawers- this will be another place to store towels, napkins and tablecloths.

Glass jars

Storing cereals in the kitchen in glass jars is a great idea for decorating the space. It also allows you to use bulk food products before their expiration date.

We hope the selected life hacks will be useful. If you have other ways to organize storage in the kitchen, photos of how you did it, share with us in the comments below.

Previously, all this was called tricks, now more and more life hacks. Be that as it may, the global network sometimes throws up interesting ideas. For example, about how to make the kitchen, where so much time is spent, even more convenient.

Housewives already seem to know everything about the functionality of transparent containers and the convenience of devices such as a vegetable cutter from a well-known German brand. Some people cover the stove with foil when hot oil is boiling in a frying pan to make it easier to clean, while others cover the entire table with cling film when cutting up fish.

We will pay attention to the storage of food, utensils, appliances and other items needed in the kitchen. The Internet has brought 13 unexpected solutions.

1.​ Use mesh shower shelves. This is not only a way to use the space in the corner of the kitchen (if the shelf is corner, of course), but also to increase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.


2. A wire basket will also work.

3.​ ...or a laundry bag.

4. Place mounts for spatulas, skimmers, whisks, tongs and ladles on the side wall of the kitchen cabinet, use shower curtain hooks as holders.


5.​ The towel holder from the bathroom is quite suitable for frying pans and saucepans.


6.​ For storage kitchen towels, bags, parchment, cling film and napkins, etc., you can use a wire basket placed on the side wall of the buffet, which will free it up inner space for food, fragile utensils or infrequently used appliances.


7.​ In general, side walls kitchen cabinets– wall-mounted and floor-mounted – provide a lot of room for imagination. Why not place heavy cutting boards and colanders on them.


8.​ If you attach magnets to the lids of baby food jars, you can store spices directly on the refrigerator.


9.​ A transparent organizer with pockets - why not replace shelves for bulk products?


10.​ The door to the kitchen is also a vertical surface on which shelves are attached.


11.​ Velcro hooks can be found in any hardware department and can be used for more than just towels.


12. Nowadays, more and more often in hardware stores there are special organizers for the kitchen sink, in which it is convenient to hold sponges and bottles with liquid soap, as well as defrost food or use it for cleaning when preparing vegetables. But they and sink nets can also be attached to the wall of a cabinet or in the space between the cupboard and the door for storing groceries (jelly, powdered sugar, packets of pasta or cereal, for example).


13. By the way, you can use a hanger for trousers and skirts for bags.


And what interesting ideas Do you have storage for items in the kitchen?

Fortunately, now those who want to get sausages no longer need to stand in a kilometer-long line and gather all their relatives in order to get more of the “delicacy”, which is sold only for three hundred grams “per person”. However, the desire to buy food for future use is firmly wedged into our subconscious and does not allow us to leave the store with a half-empty bag. And sometimes your appetite fails you. Not everyone can eat everything brought from the store in one sitting.

You shouldn’t be guided by the motto: “It’s better to burst your belly than to waste your goods,” you just need to learn how to store food correctly. And you can’t do it without proper packaging.

Bags and films

Plastic bag– a good container for most products. However, the package is different from the package. Plastic bags in which non-food products are packaged are not intended for storing food. Therefore, it is better to leave the food in the bag in which you brought it from the store. All packaging there is intended for food products. A good alternative to a bag is cling film. True, after you have unwrapped the piece wrapped in film once, you will have to throw it away and unwind a new piece of cellophane.

What to store: vegetables, fruits, cheese, smoked meats, meat, fish.

Not suitable for: sausage storage, butter and other fatty foods. In cellophane packaging, they quickly become slippery and covered with an unpleasant white coating.


Does not allow foreign odors to seep through, does not absorb fat and does not allow moisture to pass through. Products in it will live longer than in a bag or film.

What to store: Ready-made food and fatty dishes are perfectly preserved in foil.

Not suitable for: hot dishes, do not wrap them in it. When heated, the foil becomes brittle, breaks easily, and food can become airy.


In parchment paper, products “breathe”, and this will prevent them from appearing unpleasant odor and excess moisture typical of “suffocated” sausage or brisket.

What to store: confectionery, sausage, smoked meats, cheese, cottage cheese, butter.

Not suitable for: vegetables, fruits, herbs, fish.


Perhaps one of the most civilized packages. Square plastic trays with a lid are very practical way save products. But when choosing a container, you need to be careful. Naturally, the tray you choose should be intended for food products. This will be indicated to you by the icon in the form of a glass and fork placed on the container. However, this is not all. Find out what kind of food, hot or cold, this tray is intended for. The fact is that some types of plastic are quite safe when used room temperature, when heated, can release toxic substances. The most “resistant” are containers made of polypropylene. They can easily withstand even the most high temperatures, so you can reheat food in microwave oven without removing them from the container.

What to store: anything. You can even freeze food in plastic containers. Look for the appropriate labeling and safely place the container in the freezer.

Vacuum packaging

Oxygen is the “main enemy” of fresh food. They oxidize in air, and most bacteria cannot live in an airless space. Therefore, after removing the air from the packaging, the food will remain fresh, if not forever, then for a long time. Vacuum containers are made of glass or plastic. You place food in a package and use a special pump to pump out the air. There are two types of pumps - mechanical and electric. The first ones are cheaper. But you will have to pump out the air manually and it is unlikely that you will be able to create a completely airless space. The latter are more expensive, operate on mains or battery power and provide sufficient rarefaction of air. At the bottom of each container there is a special grid that prevents products from coming into contact with the moisture that they release. The lids of expensive trays have a date and month indicator so you don't forget when you put food in the tray.

What to store: cold cuts, ready meals, fresh meat and fish, sausage, semi-finished products, cheese.

Not suitable for: vegetables, fruits and herbs.

By the way

Do not store food in cast iron pans or aluminum pans. Cast iron is highly susceptible to rust, and aluminum is highly susceptible to oxidation. It is better to use glass or enamel cookware. But if you want to pour soup from one pan to another, you need to boil the soup before putting it in the refrigerator, because the second pan was not sterile, which means the soup will spoil faster.

Is your mouth happy with a big piece? Sweets and other culinary temptations are sold mainly in small packages. It is believed that this helps control the amount of “harmful” food eaten. But according to a study by European scientists, in reality things are somewhat different. A small package of high-calorie sweets is often considered completely acceptable and provokes you to eat more. Large packages, on the contrary, make people think about overeating and limit themselves accordingly.

The study proceeded as follows. In a group of participants, scientists activated “dietary concern.” Simply put, they were forced to think about the problems of weight and nutrition by taking a series of tests “How satisfied are you with your body,” as well as weighing and measuring volumes in front of a mirror. The subjects believed that their goal was to evaluate commercials, but in fact the scientists were monitoring the consumption of potato chips that were provided free of charge in the hall. The chips came in large and small bags. As a result, those who took larger packages ate less. They thought longer before opening a packet and ate fewer chips.

On a note

To keep fish fresh longer, it must be gutted and scaled before putting it in the refrigerator.

  Greens will not wither for a long time if you put a quarter of an onion in the bag where they are stored.

  Do not store apples in the same bag as other fruits and vegetables. This “neighborhood” leads to the fact that vegetables and fruits spoil faster.

  Milk should not be left in the refrigerator door. In order not to sour, milk needs a constant temperature, and slamming the door makes it difficult to maintain it.

  Do not wash vegetables and fruits before putting them in the refrigerator.

  The oiler should not be transparent. Oil deteriorates quickly in light.

Many experienced housewives prefer to cook for future use. In this case, the relevant question is about proper storage food products. It is important to know what to pack them in to keep them fresh and attractive longer. Today, polyethylene and foil lead the ranking of packaging materials. Each of them has its own characteristics and scope of application.

Meet packaging materials

One of the most sought after materials is for products. It can be seen on almost any modern kitchen. In stores, fruits and vegetables, cheeses, sausages and meat are packaged in it.

Its widespread use is due to:

  • optimal adhesiveness – the layers of the film are connected to each other, preventing it from unfolding;
  • good strength characteristics for rupture and puncture;
  • transparency - this provides an excellent overview of the product.

When choosing film for storing food, it is important to pay attention to the presence of the appropriate mark (“food film”). Also, not all of its types are applicable for use in low temperatures ah in freezers. Therefore, it is important to study the label before purchasing.

Aluminum foil for food storage has good protective characteristics.

Its advantages include:

  • non-toxic – foil does not emit harmful substances;
  • impermeability to vapors and gases with a thickness of at least 0.025 mm;
  • absence of odor and taste that can be absorbed by food.

When in contact with hot foods, the foil becomes brittle and brittle. Therefore, experts advise waiting until it cools completely. It doesn’t matter at all which side you put the food on. Matte and gloss are slightly different in reflectivity, but do not affect the “liveability” of the packaged food.

Aluminum sheets should be thin but strong. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the presence of appropriate markings - domestic products must have a mark of compliance with GOST.

In film or foil?

The refrigerator is a safe container for most perishable foods. Therefore, when asked how best to store food, most housewives think of it first. But what should you wrap foods in so that they retain their beneficial and tasty qualities longer?

Cling film is resistant to low temperatures, so it can withstand refrigerator conditions well. You can pack herbs, various vegetables and fruits in it. There is an opinion that bread can be stored in cellophane for a long time, but this is far from true. Wrapped in film, it becomes moldy faster, and in the refrigerator it also becomes stale. Also, according to food storage rules, you cannot keep butter, lard, sausages, etc. in film.

Thinking about how to properly store food in the refrigerator so that it does not absorb foreign odors, housewives came to a clear conclusion - in foil. It is ideal for smoked, fatty and fried foods. You can store raw meat in it for up to 4 days.

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