Thermostat for heating boiler temperature regulator. Room thermostat for heating boiler. Why an air thermostat for a heating boiler?

Some models of heating boilers are equipped with electronic circuits, necessary to expand the functionality and more convenient control of the microclimate in the house. The equipment turns out to be complex, but with a pleasing abundance of service capabilities - from automatic temperature control in circuits to control of external auxiliary units. An undeniable advantage is the ability to connect additional control modules. For example, a thermostat for a heating boiler will maintain the set temperature and provide convenient heating control.

What are room thermostats for?

Owners of simple heating boilers do not have to think about the convenience of climate control in the house. Most often, all adjustments on such boilers come down to one simple knob for selecting the degree of heating of the coolant - a simple scale with numbers from 0 to 9 is used here. In the autumn cold, the equipment operates on one or two, and in severe frosts, users set the knob to higher numbers.

Thus, a simple thermostat is used here, focusing on the temperature of the coolant in the system. The required heating level is set manually, and then a simple thermoelement based on a bimetallic plate begins to work in the boiler - it turns on the ignition and supplies gas to the burner. This scheme is used in many simple models.

More advanced boilers regulate the temperature and degree of heating of the premises as follows:

Models with a remote sensor will regulate the temperature of exactly the place where the sensor itself is installed.

  • By electronic sensor for monitoring the temperature of the coolant in the heating system;
  • By remote air temperature sensor;
  • By air temperature outside the premises;
  • According to the sensor located in the remote room thermostat.

Weather-dependent sensors are used extremely rarely by consumers - people are accustomed to relying on their own feelings. Therefore, they choose to control the coolant temperature or control the internal air temperature.

A remote thermostat for a boiler is an external control module installed at any point in a household or apartment. It includes a room temperature sensor and controls. The main function of this miniature device is to monitor the set temperature based on the readings of the thermocouple. As the temperature drops, the regulator sends the command to turn on the heating to the boiler, and after reaching the set value, turns off the burner.

Thermostats for heating boilers also have additional functionality:

  • Adjusting the temperature in the circuit hot water– not the most necessary regulator, but some models have it;
  • Setting day and night temperature conditions - the equipment itself will lower the night temperature to the set point;
  • Heating control according to a given program - the thermostat will turn the boiler burner on and off, based on pre-entered data. For example, we can program equipment a week in advance;
  • Control of external equipment - these are indirect heating boilers, solar collectors and much more.

Thanks to remote structure, thermostats provide convenience for controlling the operation of a heating boiler, which can be located in any remote room - a kitchen, bathroom or basement.

The functionality of thermostats varies widely. The simplest modifications consist of a single adjustment knob with a mechanical scale. More complex devices are equipped with several regulators and electronic displays that display various data. Accordingly, the prices for such devices are higher - they are more advanced, giving users many service functions.

How thermostats for heating boilers work

The thermostat for a gas boiler is a full-fledged remote control panel. Judge for yourself - if the boiler is hanging in the kitchen, then in order to reduce the heating temperature, you will have to get up from the couch and visit the kitchen area. If the room had a thermostat installed, all you had to do was turn the knob or press the temperature decrease button. The worst thing is if the heating equipment is installed in hard to reach place– in this case, you simply cannot do without a remote control panel.

Programmable thermostats can set different temperature settings for day and night.

The basis of any thermostat for a heating boiler is temperature sensor. It analyzes the air temperature in heated rooms, controlling the operation of the burner and other components. By setting the knob or buttons to +22 degrees, you can leave the equipment alone - it will ensure that the desired temperature is achieved. Whatever the outside temperature, the indoor temperature will remain at the same level.

A programmable room thermostat is more complicated - here we can set a specific heating operating program. For example, in the daytime we set +23 degrees, and at night we set +20 degrees (at low temperature your sleep will be stronger and healthier). We can also set the temperature in the hot water supply circuit or adjust the degree of heating of underfloor heating.

A more complex and advanced room thermostat for a gas boiler will be able to work with several heating circuits at once, providing separate temperature control.

Pros and cons of room thermostats

A thermostat for a heating boiler is just a convenient addition that provides temperature control and control of various service functions. This device is not a mandatory component of the heating system; in some cases you can do without it. A room temperature controller is convenient in large households and in multi-room apartments, when the boiler may be too far away - in this case the temperature can be adjusted, for example, from the living room.

Let's look at all the advantages of a thermostat for a heating boiler:

Once you set up such a device, you can for a long time enjoy a comfortable temperature in your home.

  • Ensures compliance with the specified temperature regime - you can create a comfortable environment in your apartment or house without additional effort;
  • Automation of the heating system - the programming function is responsible for this;
  • The use of a thermostat will reduce the gas consumption of the heating boiler - thereby achieving savings on utility bills.

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks:

  • A wired room regulator for a gas boiler requires laying a cable - this is easier to do at the stage of building a house than to lay it on top of the repairs made;
  • Cost of equipment – ​​advanced thermostats are quite expensive. Otherwise, you will have to do without additional functions.

The shortcomings are not the worst, so you can put up with them. After all, you have to pay for convenience.

Main types of thermostats

A room thermostat for a heating boiler is a necessary and convenient thing. But there are so many of these thermostats on sale that it’s dizzying. Let's see how these devices differ from each other and what are the features of their operation in heating systems. First, let's discuss the division into electronic and mechanical models - by the way, the latter are noticeably cheaper, but inferior in functionality.

Mechanical models are distinguished by their simplicity and reliability.

A mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler is a temperature controller with the simplest internal structure. Inside we will find a simple thermocouple based on a bimetallic plate (sometimes other types of sensors are used) that controls dry electrical contacts. The corresponding regulator is responsible for setting the temperature. Thanks to its simple design, the equipment is inexpensive. But there is no automation here.

Please note that the thermostat for the heating boiler and the room mechanical thermostat for the heating boiler are two different devices - the first is an internal unit heating equipment.

An electronic thermostat for a heating boiler is a more advanced device. Temperature control in it is provided by a precise electronic sensor that records temperature changes with an accuracy of tenths of a degree. The simplest modifications have a minimum set of functions - monitoring the operation of the heating circuit. More advanced models will delight you with powerful functionality:

  • Control of the hot water supply circuit;
  • Work according to the program;
  • Working with heated floors;
  • Date and time display;
  • Day and night heating operating modes;
  • Night lighting and much more.

The majority of thermostats for heating boilers on sale are represented by electronic models - “mechanical” ones are much less common in stores.

Wireless thermostats are very easy to install, as they do not require cabling.

Thermostats for heating boilers are divided into wired and wireless. Wired models differ more at an affordable price. The thermostat is connected to the boiler using a two-wire cable - it is laid under the plaster or placed in baseboards or cable channels. Optimal cross section each conductor is 0.75 sq. mm.

A wireless thermostat is a more interesting thing, since it does not require wiring. The range of this device is up to 100 meters in line of sight. In real conditions, it falls 1.5-2 times due to the walls. The signal is worst in apartments where the walls are made of reinforced concrete. But there is no need to lay a connecting cable, which is important for buildings where repairs have already been made.

Popular models

A typical representative of the mechanical category is the Zilon ZA-1 thermostat. This is the simplest model with a relay output, designed to work with equipment that supports “mechanical” connections. The temperature sensor response range is from +10 to +30 degrees.

This model uses a gas-filled sensor that controls dry electrical contacts. The thermostat is not recommended for installation in rooms with high humidity.

Protherm Exacontrol

A room thermostat for a gas boiler called Protherm Exacontrol is designed to work with heating equipment from the brand of the same name. But it can work with any other boilers. It regulates the temperature in the range from +5 to +35 degrees, and only in the heating circuit. For ease of operation, the device is equipped with a liquid crystal display. The thermostat was created for those who do not need unnecessary functionality.

Among the wireless room thermostats for heating boilers, we can highlight the SALUS Controls VS20WRF model. This is a multifunctional device that can control servos. It provides temperature control in the range from +5 to +35 degrees, can work according to one of the programs stored in the memory, and supports connection remote sensors. To control the current operating mode, the device is equipped with a large liquid crystal display.

How to install a thermostat

You can buy a suitable thermostat at any store that sells heating equipment. They are represented by hundreds of modifications, both simple and more advanced. After selecting and purchasing the appropriate model, you can begin installation. Next, we will tell you how to connect the thermostat to the boiler - there is nothing complicated about it.

Correct installation of the thermostat in a living room.

In order to install a thermostat on the boiler, you need to decide on its installation location. The device should not be exposed to direct sunlight, it should not be located in a draft area. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no heating devices nearby - otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the required temperature. A two-wire cable is laid from the thermostat to the heating boiler.

In the case of wireless equipment, it is enough to screw it to the wall in any suitable place.

Next, you need to set up the thermostat - to do this, you need to remove or install a jumper located on the boiler board or in some specific place. This way, the unit will be able to understand that it will work with a remote thermostat. After this we proceed to tests, checks and programming. When using a wireless model, it is paired with the boiler according to the attached instructions.

A temperature sensor for a heating boiler, which is an internal unit of heating equipment, is installed by replacing a failed sensor.


Effective heating control is a vital part of running your boiler and home heating system efficiently. Proper use of controls will reduce the energy consumption of the unit, while creating a comfortable temperature in every room of the house, avoiding overheating of the premises. A thermostat (or programmer) controls the operation of the boiler depending on the room temperature.

Up to 20% of the volume of energy consumed can be saved by using this type of automation. And energy prices are quite high and every normal person wants to reduce their expenses.

We consider the situation when the boiler is designed correctly, necessary insulation the premises have been completed and the heating system is functioning normally.

Main types of boilers and temperature control

There are several types of boilers: solid fuel, gas, electric and liquid fuel.

Boilers have become widespread throughout the world. There are domestic samples, and there are also imported boilers. Material of manufacture: steel or cast iron. Easy to use, economical, with the function of adjusting the coolant temperature. In cheaper models, this function is implemented using a special device - a thermoelement.

Structurally, a thermoelement is a metal product, the geometric dimensions of which decrease or increase under the influence of temperatures (depending on the degree of heating). And this, in turn, changes the position of a special lever that closes and opens the draft damper. The photo shows an example of such a regulator:

Photo: thermostat sample

The more the damper is open, the stronger the combustion process, and vice versa. Thus, the volume of air that enters the combustion chamber closed type, is fully controlled by the thermostat, and if necessary, its supply is stopped and the combustion process dies out. More modern models are equipped with controllers that, depending on the specified thermal conditions, control the air flow, turning on (or off) a special fan (see photo below):

Gas boilers- the most common and cheapest units to operate. Boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. Single-circuit boilers have one heat exchanger and are intended for heating only. The connection diagram is shown in the figure below:

Switching diagram for a single-circuit boiler

Double-circuit boilers have two heat exchangers and are designed for heating and producing hot water. The boiler switching diagram is presented below:

Some boilers have separate controls for heating and hot water temperatures.

Electric boilers

A fairly common alternative to gas and solid fuel boilers. Lots of advantages, high efficiency, but long payback period. The connection is simple, like with gas boilers, but without a cold water supply. Temperature regulation and overheat protection are provided.

Mechanical boiler timer

Using a simple mechanical electric boiler timer There are three options for starting the central heating system:

  1. The boiler is turned off;
  2. The boiler supplies warm water;
  3. The boiler turns on and off at the set time.

Mechanical timers usually have a large round dial with a 24-hour scale in the center. By turning the dial you can set right time and then leave it in that position. The boiler will turn on at the right time. The outer part consists of a set of tabs for a 15-minute period, which are inserted for easy adjustment of operation and setting of modes. Emergency reconfiguration is possible, which is performed with the boiler connected to the network.

Mechanical timers are easy to set up, but the boiler always turns on and off at the same time every day, and this may not satisfy the owners if the family is large and bathing procedures are carried out several times a day at different times.

Types of thermostats

Based on the type of functions, they can be divided into several groups:

— with one function (temperature maintenance);

- With big amount functions (programmable).

Based on their design, thermostats are divided into types: wireless and with wires for communication with the boiler. Install thermostats in comfortable spot, connect the temperature sensor, connect it to the boiler control system and use it.

Room thermostats require a constant flow of air for normal and proper operation, so they should not be covered with curtains or blocked by furniture. Neighboring with electric thermostat devices may interfere with the correct operation of the device: lamps, televisions, heating devices located nearby.

A programmable electronic room thermostat allows you to select the desired and comfortable temperature at any time; it is easy to reconfigure and change the operating mode. The timer allows you to set a different heating pattern on weekdays and weekends. Some timers allow you to set different settings for each day of the week, which can be useful for people who work part-time or shift work. Many Terneo and KChM models are equipped with such thermostats.

A programmable room thermostat allows you to set individual heating standards for each day in accordance with your lifestyle and maintain the temperature of the house all the time, regardless of the presence or departure of the owners.
Video: Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler

If the heating system is controlled by a boiler with a radiator, as a rule, only one programmable room thermostat is needed to control the entire house. Some patterns need to be adjusted in the spring and fall as the clocks move forward and backward or certain changes in climatic conditions occur. We also recommend changing the temperature settings when changing from day to night.

This climate controller has several options that expand its capabilities:

  • “Party”, which stops heating for several hours, then resumes;
  • “Override” allows you to temporarily change the programmed temperatures during one of the configured periods;
  • “Holiday” increases the heating intensity or reduces it for a certain number of days.

Central thermostat

This thermostat is located far away from your boiler and usually allows you to turn the heating on or off throughout the house. Older versions are connected by wires to the boiler; newer systems tend to send signals to the device's command post. It is precisely the new type of devices that are equipped with quite expensive but effective appliances: double-circuit boilers Ferroli, Beretta and domestic AOGV.

The most famous room thermostats for a double-circuit boiler trademark Gsm and Protherm. They have a built-in dilatometric thermostat for the boiler, which, depending on the model, can operate remotely; this technology is often used for an electric boiler or solid fuel units.

Room thermostat turns off system heating as needed. It works by measuring the air temperature, turning on the heating when the air temperature drops below the thermostat setting, and turning it off when the set temperature is reached.


  1. It is recommended to set the thermostat to 20°C;
  2. At night, the set temperature should be between 19-21° C.
  3. It is advisable that the temperature in the children's room is about 22 ° C.
  4. The temperature should not fall below 22°C in rooms for elderly and disabled people.

As a rule, only one climate microcontroller in the heating system is based on the temperature of the entire house, or separate rooms. The best option its location in the living room or bedroom, which should probably be the most visited place in the house.

Room thermostats need free air flow to measure temperature, so they should not be covered with curtains or blocked by furniture. Devices adjacent to the electric thermostat may interfere with the correct operation of the device. These include lamps, TVs, neighbors' boilers through the wall, touch switches.

Thermostatic control valves

The thermostatic valve is a simple solution to the problem of obtaining a coolant at a given temperature by mixing colder water with warmer water. View three way valve presented below:

A thermostatic radiator valve allows you to control the room temperature by varying the flow of hot water through the radiator. They regulate the flow of hot water through the radiator, but do not control the boiler. Such devices must be installed to adjust the temperature needed in each individual room.

This idea should be considered as an addition to the thermal control installation. Also, such devices require periodic readjustment and regular performance checks (every six months when changing operating modes).

Homemade external thermostat for the boiler: instructions

Below is a diagram of a homemade thermostat for a boiler, which is assembled using Atmega-8 and 566 series microcircuits, a liquid crystal display, a photocell and several temperature sensors. The Atmega-8 programmable microcircuit is responsible for compliance with the specified parameters of the thermostat settings.

Strictly speaking, this circuit turns the heating boiler on or off when the outside air temperature decreases (increases) (sensor U2), and also performs these actions when the temperature in the room changes (sensor U1). It is possible to adjust the operation of two timers, which allow you to adjust the time of these processes. A piece of circuitry with a photoresistor affects the process of turning on the boiler depending on the time of day.

Sensor U1 is located directly in the room, and sensor U2 is located on the street. It is connected to the boiler and installed next to it. If necessary you can add electrical part circuits that allow you to turn on and off high-power units:

Another thermostat circuit with one control parameter based on the K561LA7 chip:

The thermostat is assembled on the basis of the K651LA7 microcircuit and is simple and easy to adjust. Our thermostat is a special thermistor that significantly reduces resistance when heating. This resistor is connected to the electricity voltage divider network. This circuit also contains resistor R2, with which we can set the required temperature. Based on this scheme, you can make a thermostat for any boiler: Baxi, Ariston, Evp, Don.

Another circuit for a microcontroller-based thermostat:

The device is assembled based on the PIC16F84A microcontroller. The role of the sensor is performed by a digital thermometer DS18B20. A small relay controls the load. Microswitches set the temperature, which is displayed on the indicators. Before assembly, you will need to program the microcontroller. First, erase everything from the chip and then reprogram it, and then reassemble it and use it to your health. The device is not capricious and works fine.

The cost of parts is 300-400 rubles. A similar regulator model costs five times more.

A few final tips:

  • although they fit most models different variants thermostats, it is still desirable that the thermostat for the boiler and the boiler itself are made by the same manufacturer, this will significantly simplify installation and the operating process itself;
  • before purchasing such equipment, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the required temperature in order to avoid “downtime” of equipment and changes in wiring due to connecting devices of higher power;
  • before installing the equipment, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the room, otherwise high heat losses will be inevitable, and this is an additional cost item;
  • if you are not sure that you need to purchase expensive equipment, then you can conduct a consumer experiment. Buy a cheaper mechanical thermostat, adjust it and see the result.

The thermostat for the boiler allows you to control the operation of the heating unit in automatic mode, thereby ensuring the most comfortable temperature in your home.

Types of heating boilers - how are the temperatures regulated in them?

There are several types of units used for heating residential premises. Consumers install electric, gas, solid and liquid fuel boilers in their houses and apartments. All these installations have certain features regarding temperature control. Electrical units, for example, are equipped with a special mechanical timer. It allows you to choose one of three options for boiler operation:

  1. 1. The equipment is turned off.
  2. 2. Hot water supply.
  3. 3. Starting and shutting down the unit at a specified time.

Such a timer in most cases is made in the form of a dial with 24 divisions. The user sets the disk to a certain point. At the specified time, the boiler automatically turns on and begins to heat the room. In addition, the timer can be programmed to turn the unit on/off at certain intervals (15, 30, 60 minutes).

Liquid and, as a rule, are equipped with a special thermoelement - a device that is elementary in design for automatic opening and closing the draft damper. Everything is simple here. The more the damper is open, the stronger the combustion will be. In more modern boilers For liquid and solid fuels, it is not the thermoelement that is built in, but the controller. It makes it possible to more accurately regulate the operation of heating equipment by controlling the air flow entering the combustion chamber.

Installations operating on natural gas, have become most widespread. They are cheap to operate, reliable, economical, and can be single- or double-circuit. In the first case, the unit has only one heat exchanger. Such installations are used exclusively for heating. Double-circuit devices not only heat the home, but also supply hot water. Gas units are always used with a thermostat, which is often called a thermostat, programmer, temperature sensor or temperature sensor. We will describe this device in as much detail as possible. After reading the article, you will easily select and connect the thermostat for the boiler.

Types of thermostats - which device to buy for a private home?

The devices we are interested in are central, radiator, and room. Thermostats for radiators allow you to adjust the temperature in each room of your home. Such devices are very simple. They are a valve with which you can reduce or increase the supply of hot water to the radiator.

Central thermostats are usually installed in boiler rooms that provide heating for multi-family cottages, apartment buildings. But in separate apartments with autonomous heating, room temperature regulators are mounted on gas units. They constantly maintain the optimal temperature in the home without the need for human intervention in the operation of the heating system.

The temperature regulator for a gas boiler has a clear operating principle. It's not difficult to deal with him. The consumer programs a certain temperature in the room (for example, +22°) and turns on the heating unit. The boiler begins to heat the water, which flows into the radiators. When the temperature in the house (apartment) reaches +22°, the thermostat turns off the heating system. The boiler is not working. When the air temperature in the home drops by 0.5°, the thermostat starts the heating equipment again and turns it off when it reaches +22°.

Important point! The thermostat turns off not only the burner of the gas unit, but also its pump. This means that the consumer is already beginning to save electrical energy.

There is one more point here. The coolant in the heating system cools down noticeably faster than the room temperature. Due to this, we save again, since the boiler will turn on much less often (5-10 times). The result is a reduction in electricity bills, an increase in the durability of the gas heating unit and, at the same time, always a comfortable temperature in the house.

Features of room thermostats - what does the consumer need to know?

When choosing a thermostat, it should be taken into account that the described devices are divided into:

  • wireless;
  • wired.

Wireless temperature sensors consist of two blocks. One of them has a device that measures temperature. It is placed indoors. The second block is connected to the boiler. These two elements communicate with each other via a radio signal. The main advantage of such a thermostat is that there is no need to lay cables. Installation of wired devices is more complex. You will have to run a wire from the boiler to the unit installed in the room, dismantle the baseboards, thresholds under interior doors and so on.

Thermostats are also divided into simple and programmable. They are characterized by different functionality. Single-circuit boilers are usually connected simple devices, which perform one task - keep the temperature in the home at a given level. With a dual-circuit unit everything is more complicated. In this case, it is recommended to connect a programmable one. This device allows you to:

  • select day and night temperatures;
  • program the boiler several months in advance and for each day of the week;
  • set any operating modes of the heating installation.

The ease of use of the programmable device is obvious. With its help, you will be able to maintain the temperature in your home at the required level, regardless of how long you will be away from home (a week, a month), and also adhere to the heating standards that are most acceptable to you.

Selecting and installing a temperature controller – a minimum of difficulties!

In order to properly purchase a temperature sensor and connect it to the boiler without any problems, you should consult a professional in the field of residential heating. It is advisable to buy a temperature controller from the same manufacturer that produced the gas unit. Then connecting the thermostat to the heating installation will be truly simple. And the process of operating the heating system itself will be reliable and trouble-free.

Now let's figure out how to connect a thermostat to a gas boiler. But first, consider the following. It is prohibited to cover the temperature sensor with curtains and curtains, false panels and various decorative elements (shelves, awnings, etc.). Do not install the thermostat near objects and structures that will interfere with the free circulation of air in the room, as well as near air conditioners, electric furnaces, and heaters. If these requirements are not met, the sensor will not be able to accurately measure the temperature in the room.

The devices we are considering are connected according to the following algorithm:

  1. 1. Carefully study the thermostat installation instructions.
  2. 2. Disconnect the heating unit from the power supply.
  3. 3. Find contacts in the boiler for connecting the regulator. They are indicated in the diagram supplied with the unit. The connection point in the boiler is clearly visible visually - manufacturers install a special jumper on it. It's hard to make a mistake.
  4. 4. Remove the jumper and connect the thermostat. There is no need to perform any additional actions with the connected wires.

Note. Programmable temperature controllers are often connected to terminals on the gas unit. The principle of performing work in such cases will be similar.

Setting the thermostat also does not cause any serious problems. Study the instructions, try different operating modes, choose those that suit you. And don’t forget - you can always re-adjust the thermostat at the time you need. Let your home always be warm and cozy!

Automation in the heating system allows you to more accurately control the temperature in heated rooms and save on fuel. By installing a thermostat for the heating boiler, the owner of the cottage increases the efficiency of the boiler equipment by 20–30% and greatly simplifies its maintenance.

We will talk about the types of thermostats used in practice, the rules for their location and connection features. The article we have proposed describes in detail the options and diagrams for connecting devices. Taking into account our advice, you can choose the device wisely and install it if desired.

A conventional heating system with water as a coolant consists of heating equipment or a connection point to a centralized network, internal wiring pipes and radiators.

To regulate the volume of heat coming from it into the rooms, you have to either constantly monitor the boiler or regularly close/open the valves on the radiators.

At the same time, the inertia of such a system does not allow maintaining the desired temperature throughout the day. established level. If you put more firewood into the stove or supply gas to the boiler, the coolant in the pipes will heat up more, and it will also release more heat through the radiators.

This is good at low temperatures outside. But with sudden warming outside, the heat in the house becomes unbearable. The fuel is already in the firebox, and the water has already heated up, there is no way to get rid of the heat. Plus the boiler continues to work.

Without a thermostat in the system, you have to turn it off manually. You can, of course, open the windows for ventilation and let out the heat, but then your fuel bills will definitely ruin you. The conclusion suggests itself: a heating thermostat simplifies living and makes it as comfortable as possible.

The thermostat for the heating system consists of:

  • temperature-sensitive sensor (element);
  • tuning unit;
  • control module;
  • electromagnetic relay or mechanical valve.

In the simplest models there is no control unit. Everything happens due to pure mechanics and changes physical properties temperature sensitive element.

These thermostats do not require power supply. In terms of efficiency and accuracy of system adjustment, they are inferior to electronic devices, but they are non-volatile. If there are problems with the voltage in the network, they will definitely not stop working.

The operating principle of the thermostat is as follows:

  1. Using the control unit, the desired temperature is set.
  2. When the required parameters are reached, the sensor is triggered, which leads to the boiler turning off or the shut-off valve in the heating pipes closing.
  3. After the air temperature in the room drops, the boiler equipment or heaters turn back on.

Module electronic control allows you to set not just one temperature indicator, but several for each time of day separately. Plus, if such a unit is available, it is possible to install an additional temperature sensor outside and link the functioning of the thermostat to the data from it.

Depending on the type of device, the thermostat is connected directly to the boiler to regulate its operation or at the inlet to the radiator to control the volume of coolant supply

The simplest thermostat is a shut-off valve with a temperature sensor, located on a pipe near the battery. When the desired temperature is reached, it closes and reduces the coolant current. And when cooling room air it opens again, causing the volume of incoming heat to increase.

More complex and advanced models require wireless sensors and control units. All communication between individual elements occurs through a radio channel. In this case, wires are not laid, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic side of placing such thermostats in the room.

Types of thermostats for boilers

The main difference between thermostats is different types of temperature-sensitive sensors. Some are installed on the heating pipe, others inside it, and others are mounted on the wall. Some are designed to measure air temperature, and the second - coolant.

The choice of thermostat model depends on:

  • boiler type;
  • heating system wiring diagrams;
  • availability of free space;
  • required functionality.

Many modern boilers are pre-designed to connect thermostats to them. Moreover, the manufacturer of boiler equipment immediately writes down all the nuances of this installation in the technical data sheet.

If an electronic thermostat model is selected, then it is best to give preference to the most efficient one - the one recommended by the boiler developer

Ideally, the thermostat should regulate the operation of the heating device itself, that is, the supply of fuel to it. This is the most efficient connection scheme in terms of fuel economy. In this case, the energy carrier will be burned exactly as much as the heat required.

But such a thermostat can only be installed on or. If so, then a thermostat with a mechanical valve, which is mounted on the pipe, will help regulate the room temperature.

Battery-mounted regulators are designed to shut off the water supply when too much high temperature in the room or near the coolant. In this case, the boiler stops working a little later, when its own temperature sensor inside is activated, preventing overheating of the equipment.

Group #1: mechanical

The operation of a mechanical temperature sensor is based on a change in the characteristics of a material when its temperature changes. This is an easy-to-use, budget-friendly, fairly effective and completely power-independent option. It is designed to be installed on pipes to regulate flow.

The following substances are used in mechanical thermostats as a substance that responds to temperature changes:

  • liquid.

When the liquid is heated, the gases expand, which leads to their pressure on the shut-off valve stem. When the temperature drops, they compress, the constipation is returned by a spring, and the heated water again flows through the pipes into the heating radiators.

They are characterized by low sensitivity and large adjustment errors. They only work when the temperature rises by 2 degrees or more. Plus, over time, the bellows filler loses its characteristics, the numbers on the knob for setting the required temperature parameters and the actual degrees begin to diverge.

These thermostats are quite large in size. The vast majority of them are designed to measure the temperature of the water in the batteries, and not the air in the room. It is often difficult to precisely adjust them the way the home owner wants.

Group #2: electromechanical

These thermostats operate on principles similar to their purely mechanical counterparts. Only a metal plate is used here as a heat-sensitive element.

When heated, it bends and closes the contact, and when cooled, it returns to its original position and opens the circuit. And through this circuit a signal is sent to the burner control unit.

The electromechanical thermostat requires power supply; it controls the valves or burners in the boiler that regulate the flow of coolant using electrical signals.

Another option for an electromechanical thermostat is a device with a sensor in the form of two plates made of different metals. In this case, the heat-sensitive element is installed directly into the firebox of the solid fuel boiler.

At high temperatures, a potential difference occurs between the plates, affecting the electromagnetic relay. The contacts in the latter alternately open and close. As a result, air injection into the combustion chamber is turned on/off.

Group #3: electronic

This type of thermostats for hot water boilers belongs to the energy-dependent category. Such devices have a remote temperature sensor that monitors the room temperature and a full-fledged control unit with a display.

For electric boilers, such thermostats are a mandatory addition. Without them, electric heaters will work without stopping, heating the air or coolant too much.

In the vast majority of cases, boilers and boilers operating on electricity are equipped with thermostats at the factory.

An electronic thermostat has two main elements:

  1. Temperature sensor.
  2. Microcontroller.

The first measures the temperature, and the second controls it and issues signals to increase/decrease the supply of thermal energy to the room. The sensor can send an analog or digital signal to the controller. In the first case, the thermostat’s capabilities are similar to its mechanical counterpart, only it greatly exceeds it in the accuracy of temperature measurements.

Digital thermostats are the pinnacle of development of these devices. They allow you to regulate heat supply according to a preset algorithm. Plus, you can connect many more sensors to them, located both in rooms and outside.

Many electronic thermostats have remote control capabilities via infrared or cellular. This allows you to regulate the room temperature not only using the remote control in the room, but also from any point outside it.

For example, while still leaving work, you can send a signal to heat the room air to comfortable parameters, and when you arrive the house will delight you with comfort and warmth.

Electronic devices designed to automatically adjust the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the coolant are a mandatory component. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with their device.

Connection diagrams

All methods of connecting a thermostat to a heating system are divided into three connection options:

  1. Directly to the boiler.
  2. To the circulation pump.
  3. On the pipe supplying coolant to the radiator.

The first two schemes eliminate the deterioration in the throughput of the heating pipeline. No additional locks are placed in it, and the hydraulic resistance of the entire system does not change. The thermostat here only controls the operation of the pump or boiler; it “does not come into contact” with water.

When installing a thermostat on a battery or a common pipe with several radiators, the hydraulic resistance, on the contrary, increases. Even when fully open, the thermostat valve slightly slows down the flow of coolant.

Ideally, the boiler piping project should be carried out immediately, taking into account all thermostatic and other devices.

Thermostats should only be installed into existing heating pipes as a last resort. maximum efficiency their use can only be achieved if they are included in the system at the design stage

If the water heating system in the house is made according to, then it is better to immediately abandon the third option. When the temperature sensor is triggered, the valve will immediately shut off the entire radiator line in several rooms, and then you can immediately forget about comfort in rooms far from the boiler.

The thermostat should be connected to the radiator input via. So, when triggered, it will redirect the coolant flow bypassing the battery. In this case, the water will return uncooled back to the boiler. The latter will stop heating it, thereby reducing consumption gas fuel or electricity.

The temperature sensor must be mounted:

  • in a place where there is no direct sunlight;
  • away from cold bridges, drafts and rising heat flows from radiators;
  • so that it is not covered by decorative screens or curtains;
  • at a height from the floor within 1.2–1.5 meters.

At incorrect installation sensor, the thermostat will begin to produce false signals. This can lead to overheating not only of the air in the room, but also of the coolant in the system. And in the second case, it won’t be long before there are problems with the boiler.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

There should not be any particular difficulties with installing the thermostat. You just need to choose it correctly for a specific heating system. And the selected video materials will definitely help you with this.

Video #1. Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler in all its nuances:

In this case, you can choose either a simple mechanical option with manual control, and a more advanced device with a programmer.

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Given the rise in energy prices, the issue of energy saving is extremely pressing. That is why a large number of models of heating devices have been developed that are economical in fuel consumption. However, the equipment itself is not enough. A thermostat for a heating boiler (thermostat) will help you spend energy resources most efficiently, allowing you to control and maintain the set air temperature in a heated room.

To be able to control the energy consumption of heating equipment, it is equipped with special devices - thermostats. These devices allow efficient use of fuel by shutting off the equipment when the set temperature level is reached. Thermostats are used for electric, gas and boilers, as well as convectors, heaters and other heating systems.

To achieve economical operation of the heating boiler, the thermostat turns on the equipment when the temperature drops below the set value and turns off when the set value is reached. This method allows you to avoid unnecessary consumption of gas or electricity when, for example, some of the rooms are located on the sunny side and less heat is needed to heat them than for other rooms.

Helpful advice! Even a slight decrease in temperature within 1 degree helps reduce energy consumption by 4-6%.

In addition, using thermostats, you can set the operating mode of the heating system, in which the temperature in the absence of people in the house or at night will be 4-5°C lower. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve savings in electricity or gas consumption of about 30%. Thus, if your heating equipment does not have such a built-in device, it would be advisable to buy a thermostat for the heating boiler. The temperature regulator will provide a solution to the problem of excessive energy consumption.

Types of thermostats for heating boilers

Equipping heating equipment with thermostats allows you to maintain a given temperature climate in the room with an accuracy of 1 to 0.5 degrees. They control the operation of the heating system using various actuators. There are electromechanical and electronic thermostats. The design of the mechanical thermostat for the heating boiler has an on/off key and a rotary button for control temperature conditions.

Electronic or programmable thermostats have a more advanced structure, but are simple and easy to use. With their help, you can adjust the daily temperature cycle: in this case, the boiler will automatically switch to the set mode. Such devices can regulate both the entire heating system and individual heating blocks.

There is a classification of devices into wired and with remote control. For the former, the connection of conductors, as well as external protection from mechanical damage, is important. The quality of the signal supplied from the boiler to the controller, notifying the entry of coolant into the circuit, depends on this. During installation, the question may arise about how to disguise the signal line so that it is invisible.

In a wireless boiler thermostat, control occurs through the transmission of a radio signal. Such a device has two blocks, one of which is mounted in close proximity to the heating boiler, connecting to the equipment terminals. The second node is located indoors. There is a dedicated radio communication channel between the two blocks. The control unit is equipped with a display and control keyboard.

Depending on the degree of automation, thermostats can be digital or analog. The operation of digital devices is based on the signal of microcircuits, thanks to which the device can record and apply several specified modes. Analog thermostats are controlled manually using mechanical regulator connected to a rheostat.

Thermostat for a heating boiler (thermostat): which one is better to choose

Before buying a thermostat for a boiler, you need to decide on the type of device. To do this, you need to understand the fundamental difference between the models of mechanical room thermostats and electronic ones. There is an opinion that the latter are difficult to configure and they are unreliable, but this is not the case.

The principle of operation of a mechanical thermostat for a heating boiler

In most cases, mechanical thermostats for heating boilers are used in gas installations. This is due to the fact that gas boiler manufacturers initially produce devices that are compatible specifically with mechanical models of thermostats. The design of a mechanical thermostat has a gas membrane, inside of which there is a special gas.

When the temperature deviates from the norm, the volume of gas inside the membrane changes and the mechanism for closing or opening the power supply system of the heating boiler is activated accordingly. This is a fairly simple way to control the operation of a boiler, when its operation depends on the temperature not of the coolant, but of the air in the heated room.

Using a mechanical model of a thermostat, you can set an acceptable temperature regime by turning the round button with divisions, which is connected to the membrane. Thus, the walls of the membrane approach or move away from the control device: this is how we set the temperature at which the connection or rupture of the contact will occur.

Helpful advice! Simple design mechanical thermostats for heating boilers allows you to make the device yourself.

Among mechanical devices, Siemens room thermostats have proven themselves well. Models RAA21, RAA31 have a temperature setting range of 8-30°C. Devices with a laconic design are mounted like ordinary switches and do not violate the integrity of the interior line. Easy to install and operate. The approximate price of a room thermostat for a gas boiler is 1,500 rubles.

The advantages of mechanical thermostats include low cost, repairability and resistance to power surges. The disadvantages include the low sensitivity of the device to temperature changes. Inaccuracy may be up to 3°C.

Advantages of electronic wireless thermostats for gas boilers

The use of programmable wireless thermostats for gas boilers makes it possible not only to control the operation heating devices, but also do it remotely. Electronic regulation allows you to set different operating modes of the boiler depending not only on temperature, but also on a certain time of day.

By purchasing a wireless thermostat for a gas boiler with programmable functions, you can count on significant fuel savings. Purchase relative expensive device justifies itself within two heating seasons.

Modern models of thermostats are equipped with the GSM standard, which allows you to transfer information to mobile phone via SMS messages. Considering the fact that boilers from leading manufacturers support Wi-Fi technology, and their electronic control unit is connected to a thermostat, it is possible to configure the operation of heating equipment via the Internet. Know-how in this area is the development of special applications for smartphones.

A convenient operating system, no need for wires, and automatic control of equipment are important advantages in using a wireless room thermostat for a gas boiler. You can buy devices with additional options, such as joint control of the gas burner unit, adjustment of equipment depending on the outside temperature, system diagnostics and other functions.

Among the disadvantages of programmable room thermostats, one can highlight, perhaps, the possible incompatibility of the latter with boilers, depending on their manufacturer. This problem arose due to the large number of manufacturers of electronic equipment and gas heating equipment.

Helpful advice! Before buying a thermostat for a gas boiler, you need to inquire about the compatibility of the device with the model of gas equipment from a specialist from the selling company.

An excellent example for autonomous heating are the models of room thermostats for the Baxi gas boiler. The devices allow you to set the temperature depending on the time of day and season, adjust the temperature according to different rooms. In addition, they provide an economical operating mode for gas equipment. Estimated price of a thermostat for a heating boiler Baxi models AURATON 2030 RTH - 6900 rub.

Functions of room thermostats for gas boilers

Before you buy a room thermostat for a gas boiler of one type or another, you should familiarize yourself with it functionality. It should be noted that when choosing between analog and digital models, the latter have a lot of advantages and, accordingly, their price is higher.

However, the use of a programmable room thermostat for a heating boiler can significantly reduce the frequency of equipment switching on/off, which has a positive effect on its overall operation.

Extremely important feature The room thermostat for the boiler is a programming function that makes it possible to set a comfortable microclimate depending on the time of day, weather conditions and other factors. The available timer allows you to set the necessary parameters, taking into account the days of the week (working, weekends), calendar season and other settings. This is very convenient for those who have a shift work schedule or work part-time.

The main advantages of a programmable room thermostat for a gas boiler:

  • remote control of the heating device;
  • the “day/night” setting makes it possible to set an individual heating level taking into account a certain time of day;
  • ease of control allows you to quickly reconfigure the temperature in the room;

  • the programming option makes it possible to configure the operation of the equipment taking into account weather changes;
  • Due to minimal switching on/off, wear is minimized and service life is extended. service life heating equipment;
  • significant savings in energy consumption;
  • high accuracy and reliability in operation.

Helpful advice! By purchasing a room thermostat for a programmable boiler, you get the opportunity to control heating equipment at any time of the day, regardless of your presence in the house.

Connection diagram of the thermostat to the heating boiler

After the model has been selected, the question arises of how to connect the thermostat to an electric boiler or gas heating unit. The device is connected according to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer in technical passport for equipment. You just need to find the necessary section in the documentation, which will describe the method of connecting to the boiler additional devices and all the required diagrams are provided.

On some models of thermostats, the diagram is shown with reverse side decorative cover. All modern models boilers have connection points for a thermostat, which will control the operation of the heating equipment. The device is fixed using a terminal on the boiler at the appropriate point or using a thermostat cable (included in the kit).

According to professionals, wireless room thermostats should be installed in living rooms away from existing household electrical equipment (TV, refrigerator, lamps, etc.), since proximity to the heat emitted from them can lead to incorrect operation of the device. Some recommendations for installing a wireless thermostat for a gas boiler:

  • to correctly measure the room temperature, it is necessary to ensure free access of air to the thermostat;
  • It is not recommended to cover the devices with pieces of furniture or heavy curtains;
  • the device should be located in the coolest rooms or in living areas where residents spend the most time;

  • Avoid exposing the device to direct sunlight;
  • Do not install the device near heating radiators or heaters;
  • The devices must not be located in the area of ​​drafts.

Helpful advice! The room thermostat sensors for heating are triggered when the room temperature changes by 0.25 degrees.

Heating control using a thermostat for a gas boiler

You can control the operation of heating equipment using the settings in manual mode or via a thermostat for a gas heating boiler. I would like to note that using manual settings you can set the temperature of the coolant in the system. This operation of the equipment does not respond in any way to changes in the air temperature in the room, and if this occurs, you will have to manually reconfigure the boiler again.

The operation of the boiler in the case of manual control is associated with frequent switching on and off of the equipment, as well as the functioning of the circulation pump, regardless of what mode the unit is in: operating or standby. This causes heating equipment to wear out quickly and does not contribute to efficient fuel consumption.

If we are talking about control using a thermostat for a gas boiler, then such a device sets the optimal mode for the unit, taking into account the air temperature in the heated room. If, for example, there was a sudden warming and the room became extra heat from sunlight, the thermostat will instantly respond and give a signal to the control device to turn off the boiler.

Considering that using a thermostat (temperature controller) for a gas boiler you can set the required temperature in the room, heating will only occur if it decreases. Thus, if the device is set to 20°C, and during the day the room has also warmed up due to solar heat or operation of cooking appliances, the boiler will remain in the standby stage for a long time.

In this case, fuel consumption will be significantly lower. Before you buy a thermostat for a gas heating boiler, you should ask how to properly configure the device.

Setting up a thermostat (temperature controller) for a heating boiler

After you buy a thermostat for your heating boiler and connect it to your heating equipment, you will need to configure it. Each product comes with instructions that outline how to set it up. Having carefully studied it, you can independently set the necessary mode that meets the individual level of comfort of the microclimate.

On external panel The device contains buttons and switches through which configuration is carried out. The switches allow you to control heating and air conditioning, delay switching on (does not allow the boiler to start operating during a short-term drop in temperature, for example, a draft) and temperature deviation (if you set the fluctuation value to 1°C, switching on or off will be available when the temperature increases or decreases by 0.5 degrees).

Using the buttons, two modes are set: optimal and economical. Thus, during the day the temperature will be provided at an optimal value, at night the temperature will drop to a level sufficient for a pleasant sleep. This mode will allow you to significantly save on energy resources. Various models thermostats have several preset modes, one of which can be selected for use.

Helpful advice! In rooms where children and the elderly are most often present, it is recommended not to lower the temperature below 22°C.

Thermostats for electric heating boilers: how to choose a device

In places where gas supply is not available, they are used for space heating. electric boilers. Among the advantages of such equipment are the absence of the need for a chimney, ease of installation, environmental friendliness, silent operation, high performance and equipped with a control unit for operation in automatic mode.

The disadvantages of electric heating include one, but quite significant drawback- significant energy consumption. This results in high costs electrical systems heating. Installing a thermostat for an electric heating boiler will reduce energy costs by 20 to 30% and set an individual heating mode for each room.

As with other types of heating equipment, it is possible to use an electronic or mechanical room thermostat for electric boilers. The type of device is selected depending on what options are needed in your particular case. Mechanical models are simple and inexpensive, but can be inaccurate. Electronic programmers are accurate, multifunctional and allow the equipment to operate in an economical mode without owner intervention.

Before buying a thermostat for an electric boiler, you need to decide on the temperature regime used and take into account the area of ​​the heated room. It is recommended that the purchased thermostat and electric boiler be manufactured by the same manufacturer. Models produced by Baxi, Ariston, Salus Controls ltd, BOSH and others are popular.

Helpful advice! A voltage stabilizer will help ensure uninterrupted operation of the electric boiler and electronic thermostat during possible voltage drops in the network.

Where to buy thermostats for heating boilers

You can buy thermostats for gas boilers, electric and solid fuel heating equipment at specialized points selling heating equipment, as well as on websites and online stores selling elements of heating systems. The catalogs present a huge selection of modern thermostats various types from leading manufacturers. All devices are accompanied by a manufacturer's warranty.

The product range includes wired and wireless models, mechanical and electronic thermostats for solid fuel boilers, gas, electric and diesel installations, as well as convectors, infrared heaters and underfloor heating systems. All products from the catalog have quality certificates.

The advantage of online shopping is that it is possible to get acquainted with the cost of devices in different companies and do comparative review prices Having chosen a thermostat, you can get competent advice on its installation, connection and configuration. Some companies offer device installation and setup services. All questions you are interested in can be clarified by phone numbers located in the contact section.

Prices for thermostats of different models

The cost of thermostats for heating boilers depends on the type of device, the number of supported functions and the manufacturer. The most advanced models of programmable thermostats with a large selection of settings will cost much more than models of simple mechanical devices, however, their level of accuracy is much higher.

When choosing a particular type of device, it is worth considering the level of energy savings that it can provide heating apparatus and the degree of ease of equipment control to achieve a comfortable indoor climate. approximate price mechanical thermostat for a Baxi heating boiler with a temperature setting range from 5 to 30°C and frost protection is 1180 rubles.

You can buy a room thermostat for a mechanical gas boiler, model SAS816WHB-0, with a 5-minute response delay option for RUB 1,490. A special feature of this device is the ability to control not only the operation of gas heating equipment, but also the operation of the air conditioner. A room mechanical thermostat Cewal RQ10 will cost you 790 rubles.

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