Temperature standards in residential premises during the heating season. What comfortable temperature should the apartment be? How to increase or decrease the temperature in the apartment

What temperature should be in the apartment is controlled by state level.

The standards set out in detail in the laws must be ensured by management companies. If they fail to comply, they face serious punishment.

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes criteria for the quality of services in.
  • Federal Law No. 190-FZ dated July 27, 2010 “On Heat Supply” regulates relations in the field of heating residential buildings.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises in apartment buildings” in Appendix 1 lists the requirements for the quality of heat supply (permissible breaks, conditions and procedure for changing fees, air temperature standards).
  • Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 “On approval of rules and standards for the technical operation of housing stock” describes the requirements for the maintenance of common property. Clause makes it the responsibility of the management company to monitor the air temperature in residential buildings.
  • SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises. Rules and Standards” in Appendix 2 contains temperature indicators for rooms in the apartment.
  • SNiP 02/23/2003 “Thermal protection of buildings. The updated edition" fixes the requirements for the temperature of external walls and floors.

What should be the t norm during the heating season?

SanPiN has established temperature requirements in cold and warm time of the year. IN winter period the standards are as follows (see table).

Construction features apartment buildings, wear and tear of communications leads to the fact that the first, last floors colder than others. Moreover, when residents complain to the management company about inconsistencies, these features (cold basement, attic) justify non-compliance with the temperature regime. This is absolutely illegal.

The heating season standards established by the state apply to residential premises regardless of location or floor. Temperature indicators below the permissible limits are not permissible, but above the specified level they can be, but not more than 4 degrees.

There is a requirement to install special heating systems for uniform heat distribution in the floors of the first floors. The owners should not be influenced whether their house is brick or panel.

IMPORTANT! Utilities are required to maintain permissible limits temperature conditions in all apartments from which they charge for Maintenance.

The law sets the bar for optimal room temperature, but everyone will have their own comfortable temperature. Objectively, the feeling of comfort at certain temperatures depends on factors:

  1. The age of the person. Infants and older people are more heat-loving; they need to maintain a temperature level above average.
  2. Floor. Typically, women prefer to be in warmer rooms than men.
  3. Individual characteristics. Some people like coolness; for others, comfort lies in warmth.

When the management system maintains the regime at the proper level in homes, creating comfortable conditions and adjusting the temperature by a couple of degrees is not difficult. For this purpose, there are numerous climate control systems, air conditioners, and heaters.

Air temperature standards according to GOST

Residential temperature settings are adjustable normative act– SanPiN, GOST R 51617-2000 Housing and communal services and general technical specifications, where the temperature regime of rooms is regulated from 18 ° C in winter, from 20 ° C in summer. There is a standard in Government Decree No. 354 on corner rooms and cold regions, where a different one is adopted permissible norm.

The standard air temperature in residential premises is set not lower than +18°C (in corner rooms +22°C), in areas with the coldest five-day period (provision 0.92) -31°C and below, the temperature regime is set to +20°C ( in corner rooms +22°С). Failure to comply with the normative rather than the comfortable thermal regime is considered a violation.

In corner apartments

Previously, GOST did indeed establish special rules for corner apartments– 2 degrees higher than usual. Today, the temperature regime is established and regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.

Exterior walls

The creators of SNiP 02/23/2003 believe that the temperature difference between the internal air and the external surface should be no more than 4 degrees. That is, if the minimum limit for a living space is 18 °C, then the wall on average should not be colder than 14.

When this rule is violated, we can conclude that the house is not insulated enough, and perhaps the seams require updating. The management company servicing the building should take care of this.


In accordance with SNiP, the temperature of the floor surface in residential premises must be no lower than 16 ° C (as a rule, it exceeds the minimum permissible and ranges from 18 to 20 ° C.).

SNiP 41-01.2003 establishes normal temperature for heated floors:

  • 26 °C for rooms where people are constantly present;
  • 31 °C for premises where people stay temporarily.

Where to contact

Small deviations from the norm may go unnoticed, but if residents are constantly freezing in the apartment, this indicates a violation of obligations on the part of utility companies. Especially when heating and maintenance fees are charged in full. Then you need to complain about the poor maintenance of the house.

If t is below acceptable

If it is cold at home, or the temperature is recorded below standard in autumn or winter, you need to report this to the emergency dispatch service. A complaint is written to the head of the management company, where the claims are listed, the air temperature in living rooms, kitchen, bathroom, there is a requirement to bring it into compliance with the standards.

The management company is given 30 days to respond. During this period, utility services must find out which of them is responsible for the cooling of the house. If heating network, at the point of demarcation of balance sheet ownership, is not hot enough, then this is a question of the resource supply organization that heats the room. If heat is lost in the house, then the management company must solve the problem.

ADVICE! It is better to draw up a collective complaint from the residents of the entrance or building.

If the wall freezes

When it's so cold that you freeze end walls, you need to act quickly. You need to contact your manager management company with a complaint, where to describe the problem, demand to insulate the wall, thereby restoring the temperature balance. At the same time, call a representative of the management company, draw up and receive a report on freezing of the wall.

If after the required period the Criminal Code does not take action, the authorities will have to be involved in solving the problem state power:

  1. The State Housing Inspectorate is an executive body that controls the activities of public utilities. Inspectors will initiate an inspection, issue a recommendation to eliminate violations, and impose a fine on the service organization.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor is a multidisciplinary organization whose specialization falls under the described situation. Failure of the management company to fulfill the terms of the contract, combined with the risk of increased humidity, the spread of mold and mildew from a frozen wall, is the competence of this service. After checking the activities of the management company, employees will be obliged to bring the house to the requirements of the law, and if there are grounds, they will fine the management.
  3. The prosecutor's office is the supervisory authority whose employees begin the investigation legal entity, only if there were applications to previous organizations. Or they address the residents’ complaint to the competent authorities to resolve the issue.
  4. The court is the last step that is taken if other government agencies are powerless or it is necessary to compensate for material and moral damage.

The document is drawn up in a standard manner. Several methods of delivering them to the addressee are allowed. You can bring it yourself, register two copies, and keep one as evidence. Complaints are also sent by registered mail with notification or online through the State Services website.

What is the responsibility of utility companies?

The degree of responsibility of the management company depends on the severity of the offense and the consequences.

If utility companies immediately respond to a complaint and eliminate violations, there will be no consequences. When residents have to involve government authorities, punishment is inevitable. The easiest thing is administrative liability, a fine.

If the owners have damaged property or suffered health damage, they can associate this with the low temperature of the house and there is an evidence base for this, then civil proceedings and compensation for damage cannot be avoided.

When the consequences are serious, sanctions are possible, including criminal ones.

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Details about degrees:

Residents of apartment buildings are often interested in questions: what should the air temperature be in the apartment in winter? When does it start and end heating season? In this article we will talk about the rules for measuring air temperature in a residential area and the standards in accordance with GOST.

Warming up rooms in multi-storey buildings in winter, this is the area of ​​responsibility of the resource supply organization that supplies heat to citizens. Heating is carried out according to special standards. The starting point in the calculations is comfortable living conditions.

What should the air temperature be in the apartment in winter?

Regulatory documents clearly state the temperature standard that must be maintained in apartments in winter. In accordance with GOST R 51617-2000, the values ​​of this most important parameter can fluctuate in the range of +18…+25ºС. This plug applies generally to residential areas. The specific meanings within it vary depending on their location and purpose.

If we are talking about a living room, then the air in it should be heated to at least +18ºС. The upper limit of +25ºС applies to bathrooms. This is explained high humidity air in them. To prevent the accumulation of moisture and the development of all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms, the air circulating in such a room should be somewhat hotter.

By law, the established standard temperature in an apartment in winter can fluctuate depending on the time of day. During the day it is strictly observed. At night, when the activity of residents is much less, small deviations in the direction of reduction are allowed. If from midnight to 5 o’clock in the morning the air cools down by no more than 3ºC from the standard, then this will not be considered a violation.

Discomfort for a person is created not only by too cold, but also by an overheated atmosphere. That is why SanPin also indicates the maximum level of air heating. In living rooms this limit is +24ºС.

Separately, the standards stipulate conditions for corner apartments. This is explained by the fact that they have more direct contact with external environment walls In such housing, heat exchange with street air occurs more actively. For this reason, the minimum temperature for corner apartments is slightly higher - +20ºС.

Comfort when living in an apartment building is ensured, among other things, by the warmth of the entrances. They also have heating appliances and modern plastic windows. Otherwise entrance doors apartments are becoming additional source heat loss. In accordance with the standards, the air staircases should be warmed up to +14…+20ºС. The layout of many houses involves the presence of inter-apartment corridors. The air in them should be even warmer - +16…+22ºС.

There are others regulations, which can be relied upon when determining the optimal temperature in the apartment in winter. For example, there is GOST 30494-2011. It contains recommended temperatures in some locations that may differ slightly from those listed above. However general principles providing comfort remains the same. We present tabular data from this GOST.


Room type


Living room

Living room (northern regions)

Bathroom, combined toilet

Inter-apartment corridor

Children's rooms

Living spaces

Start of the heating season

If heat is supplied to houses centrally, then the decision to start the heating season is made at the local government level. For this to happen, the necessary conditions must exist.

According to existing standards, the heating season starts if the average daily air temperature drops below +8ºC for five days in a row. The shutdown date is calculated using the same principle. central heating. To do this, it is necessary that during the same period of time the air warms up above +8ºС on average per day.

In special conditions, deviations from the general procedure described may be possible. For example, in the spring, heating is often returned to city apartments again if warming is followed by a serious, persistent cold snap.

How to measure heat in a room

Non-compliance with the normal temperature parameters in an apartment in winter established by GOST is the basis for complaints, followed by investigation and elimination of the causes. To defend your position, violations must be correctly recorded. Heat measurement occurs subject to certain conditions.

Firstly, there is no need to record the temperature of the air in your home on a sunny day. Even in winter, the rooms warm up noticeably due to direct rays. You can postpone measurements, for example, until early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen. By this time, the effect of heating the building by the celestial body will disappear and will not interfere with obtaining reliable readings.

Secondly, before measurements, the room is carefully checked for leaks. If heat leaks are detected, measurements are suspended until they are eliminated. One of the common causes of leaks is poor condition of windows. They may be poorly installed or simply old and require repair (replacement). Another frequently encountered issue is broken sealing of interpanel seams. Unlike windows, it is not the owner of the living space who is responsible for their condition, but the management company.

To ensure that there are no heat leaks, special devices are used - thermal imagers. Previously, they were only released as separate devices. Today, there are models of thermal imagers that are installed as accessories on modern smartphones. The cost of such models is quite high. However, many specialists have them, as they really make it easier to complete daily tasks.

Temperature measurements in an apartment in winter to ensure compliance with standards are carried out in at least two rooms. This rule does not work only in 1-room apartments, where the window occupies 30 percent of the wall area.

The measuring device is located as follows:

  • removal from outer wall and heating devices - 50 cm or more;
  • distance from the floor – 60 cm or more.

If there are complaints about the discrepancy between the actual temperature in the apartment in winter and the norm required by law, you should first take measurements on your own. This will make sure that there really are discrepancies. The following is a message to the emergency dispatch service. In some cases, problems with heat supply may be caused by force majeure, for example, a break in the heating main. If nothing like this happened, the dispatcher will schedule a visit to the specified address of the emergency team. She takes measurements according to all the rules and draws up the corresponding official act.

Registered instruments are used to carry out measurements. This fact is confirmed by special technical documentation. The act is drawn up indicating the following information:

  • date of measurements;
  • general description of the apartment and house;
  • list of specialists included in the commission;
  • instrument readings;
  • measured temperature;
  • signatures of the persons who formed the commission.

When taking measurements, two copies of the report are prepared. The first is transferred to the owner of the living space, the second remains with the specialists of the utility service that carried out the measurement.

The microclimate in an apartment is determined by many factors. This includes air temperature. The word temperature is of Latin origin and means " normal condition" Approximately normal room temperature According to scientific calculations, it ranges from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. But, undoubtedly, the main requirement for it is to be comfortable for the people living in the apartment. In addition, the temperature regime in the house may depend on numerous nuances. It's worth considering them to create comfortable atmosphere in your home.

Factors influencing the temperature in the apartment

First of all, let's take into account external factors affecting the temperature in the apartment. So, room temperature may differ due to:

  • General climatic terrain features;
  • Shift season;
  • Age and preferences residents;
  • Features specific premises.

How the amount of energy allocated for heating is measured is explained in this article:

Climatic features

The normal temperature in the room varies for each specific area. So, for example, she will different for northern and southern regions, for eastern and western. For African countries it will be one, and for Asian or, for example, European countries, another.

Climate different countries is different. And climate is not just temperature. This concept also includes air humidity in the apartment and outside, as well as Atmosphere pressure. The combination of these factors influences the determination of the normal air temperature in the room. As a rule, in hotter countries with high air humidity, temperature standards for living spaces are higher than for northern countries with a cold climate.

Change of season

Depending on the change of season, the temperature in the apartment may also vary. For example, in winter it will not be too high, but in summer period will grow accordingly. On average, for the European climate, acceptable temperatures during the cold season 19−22 degrees Celsius, and for roast 22−25. The difference at first glance seems insignificant, but begins to matter with constant exposure.

Human factor

the main objective Regulating the temperature in an apartment is creating a comfort zone for the people living in it. Some people feel comfortable even in hot weather and don’t think about buying an air conditioner, while others live with the windows open even in cold weather. However, we should not forget that human preferences do not always correspond to the correct temperature regime. Overheating of the room, as well as its excessive hypothermia, can be extremely adversely affect human health.

It is definitely worth considering the difference in temperature standards for people of different genders and ages. Eg, comfortable temperature differs for men and women approximately by 2−3 degrees. Women are more thermophilic than men.

Particular attention must be paid to the temperature in the apartment where he lives. Small child. For example, a baby’s body’s thermoregulation has not yet developed, so it is very sensitive to temperature changes, quickly freezes and overheats. Therefore, the temperature in the children's room should be stable. On average it is 20−23 degrees Celsius.

Temperature for each room

Depending on what functionality a particular room in the apartment performs, the temperature standard changes.

You should also remember that too large a temperature difference in different rooms there shouldn't be. A difference of 2-3 degrees is considered ideal, so that when moving around the apartment, a person does not feel the difference.

Normal temperature in the apartment regulated by one of the GOSTs, as well as rules for the provision of utility services. It is noteworthy that this standard only has a lower temperature threshold of 18 °C, but does not have a higher one. That is, the highest standard must be set by themselves, based on their own preferences and focusing on research in this area.

There is also a table that shows the recommended indoor air temperature for housing, as well as the speed of movement and air humidity.

Despite personal preferences, temperature norm should still be adhered to at least minimally. This is especially true during summer and winter, when the temperature in the apartment and outside are radically different. Consequently, going out and returning home, we constantly exposed to temperature changes. First of all, it is worth considering that the difference between the air temperature inside and outside the apartment should not exceed 4−5 degrees. Failure to do this leads to the body receiving a certain amount of stress. Having, for example, cardiac problems can cause a heart attack. Also, failure to comply with the temperature regime can lead to overheating or hypothermia of the body. Both conditions have dangerous consequences, about which a few additional words are worth saying.

Overheating of the body

An excessively hot atmosphere in the apartment creates conditions favorable for the proliferation of all kinds of bacteria. As a result we get infectious diseases in a seemingly inappropriate hot season.

First of all, overheating has a detrimental effect on the heart. In conditions of excessive heat, the human body begins to lose moisture, the blood begins to thicken and, accordingly, the heart requires hard work to distill the blood. This can be a serious problem for people with cardiovascular disease.

Overheating of the body is also dangerous dehydration, because, trying to maintain a balance between external and internal heat, we begin to sweat and, accordingly, lose moisture. Without replenishing it from the outside, we get dehydration of the body, which can lead to serious disturbances in water-electrolyte balance and nervous system.

To maintain optimal temperature in winter, you need to choose high-quality heating radiators:

Hypothermia of the body

Hypothermia, in medicine " hypothermia", is extremely dangerous for human health. Hypothermia affects the entire human body as a whole and can cause serious illness.

When the temperature drops, heat transfer from the body increases; with prolonged low exposure, the body does not have time to compensate for heat loss and maintain a normal temperature. Body temperature is considered low below 36 degrees Celsius.

Hypothermia can cause acute respiratory diseases, as well as diseases of the nervous system. Hypothermia is especially dangerous in little children, since their body does not have adult heat emission and therefore cools much faster and suffers more from it.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that ambient temperature has a significant impact on human health. She can help him carry out hardening of the body, and vice versa, it can create conditions for the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the acquisition of new diseases.

That is why you should be careful about maintaining a comfortable temperature in the apartment. This will be easy to do by following the above recommendations.

Quite often we hear complaints: “It’s cold at home! Why should we pay for barely warm batteries? What should be the temperature in the apartment in winter? Let's look at these issues and find out in which cases it is legal to file a complaint with the Housing Office and in which cases it is not.

Heating season

For every little thing in Russia there are special regulatory documents. Our legislators did not ignore the climate inside homes. They clearly established what temperature should be in the apartment of the average resident of the country. The law states that the period when the premises begin to be heated centrally occurs when the temperature outside has been at “plus eight” for five days. The heating season ends similarly. Again, short frosts in the off-season do not oblige housing offices to anything.

But what if the heating season has begun, but it’s still cold in the house? Residents can write a statement to the Housing Office. However, the concepts of “cold” and “hot” are very subjective. In order not to be unfounded in your complaint, you need to measure the temperature with a thermometer and provide clear figures for the indicators. Thus, the law meticulously establishes minimum standards For different rooms: residential corner room it should be +20, in the kitchen - +18, and in the bathroom, where we have to strip naked - and everything is +25.

At a height of one and a half meters from the floor, and a meter from the outer wall, install a thermometer and record its data. Housing and communal services know what temperature should be in the apartment. They also know that for every hour you deviate from these parameters, your heating bill should decrease by 0.15 percent. Now take a calculator and calculate: how much you should pay for barely warm batteries.

There are also clearly defined standards on this issue. Hot water should be supplied to the taps all year round: not lower than + 50 and not higher (to avoid burns) + 70 degrees. During the heating season, such water should also fill the radiators. How to check if hot water is supplied to your home as required by regulations? Open the tap, place a glass with a thermometer. A deviation of 4 degrees is allowed, but only upward.


Perhaps the housing office is not to blame for anything, and your batteries are simply “airy.” In this case, the tenant writes a statement to the DEZ.

The repairman must come and fix the breakdown within a week (depending on the complexity of the repair). After the inspection, the DEZ engineer draws up an act, one copy of which remains in the hands of the tenant and can serve as the basis for recalculating the rent for this period.

Recalculation of heating charges

If you suffer from a systematic deviation of indicators from accepted standards (and they are determined by special Rules, which describe in great detail how services are provided for which utility bills are charged), you can start a lawsuit. As a result, housing and communal services will either fix problems with heating, or you will pay less for it. Even in the event of an accident or other emergency, it is clearly stated how long people can remain without hot water. According to Section VIII of the above Rules, residents must report in writing to the service dealing with accidents (housing office, housing and communal services, etc.) about all problems, including improper indoor climate. A commission comes with an inspection and draws up a report indicating what temperature should be in the apartment, and what it actually is. This document is signed by the complainant himself. If the commission does not appear, a similar act can be drawn up by the tenant, who took neighbors as witnesses. The recalculation of fees is set for the entire “ice age” - until the breakdown is fixed and your home becomes warm again.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The annual rise in price of resources forces the end consumer to think not only about their savings, but also about the quality of the utility services provided. One of the most significant expense items in paying for an apartment is heating, so consumers monitor its parameters especially carefully. To do this, it is worth finding out what the normal temperature of the batteries in the apartment is in 2020.

Temperature standards for the heating system in an apartment building

The heating scheme in apartment buildings is built in cooperation with centralized system, to which the pipes are connected. Through them, the coolant is directed to the apartment building, where its further supply is regulated by inlet valves. After this, the water goes through the risers and eventually ends up in the radiators and radiators of each apartment.

The described processes, as well as everything related to the rules for providing the population with utility resources, are reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 354). Heating quality requirements are set out in Section VI of Appendix No. 1 to the rules of Decree No. 354.

Besides, detailed rules the provision of heating services is prescribed in the Order of Rosstandart dated June 11, 2014 No. 544-st “GOST R 51617-2014. National standard Russian Federation. Housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Public utilities. General requirements"(hereinafter - GOST R 51617-2014) and "GOST 30494-2011. Interstate standard. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”, approved by order of Rosstandart dated July 12, 2012 No. 191-st (hereinafter referred to as GOST 30494-2011).

These acts establish the parameters of the heating system coolant apartment building. Thus, the temperature of the coolant (water) when supplied to the system is equal to the temperature of the water when it leaves the heating boiler. As a rule, the coolant should be brought to a temperature of 130-150 °C, but this indicator also depends on the outside temperature in the region.

Typically, the water leaving the boiler should have a temperature of 115 °C.

However, the standard temperature in heating system may be within 95 °C or 105 °C (for different systems).

Next, to create comfortable conditions in the room, the proper condition of the parameters of the riser, which conducts water from the heating unit to the apartment, is ensured. They vary depending on the summer and winter seasons.

Of course, in practice, the temperature of the coolant in the riser depends on the operation of the thermal power plant and on heat loss on the way to the house. However, the riser temperature in winter should be in the range of 70-90 °C.

Air temperature standards in the apartment

The feeling of comfort from heating a room is subjective. However there is common standards, determined by the physiological needs of a person, as well as the purpose of the premises in which he resides.

Although there is a fairly wide range of standards that prescribe what the temperature of the water in the heating system of an apartment building should be, the standards for the thermal conditions of the air in the apartment are very unambiguous.

So, in accordance with the standards, during the heating season the following temperature regime must be maintained in the apartment:

  • in the living room - 18 °C;
  • in a living corner room - 20 °C;
  • in the bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the toilet (separated from the bathroom) - 18 °C;
  • in a shared bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the kitchen - 18 °C.

Factors affecting room heating include thermal conductivity, other specifications, as well as the procedure for installing batteries. Therefore, compliance with the rules for their installation and use will ensure that the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment and in the house meets the established standards.

In addition, you should carefully consider determining the number of battery sections depending on the area of ​​the room. For example, a device in which the coolant is heated to an identical temperature will have a different effect on the heat flow with sections 5 and 7 on it.

Minimum value

In order to ensure air heating standards in residential premises, certain temperature conditions radiators. However, at the legislative level, the minimum permissible temperature of the battery itself is not established.

It is logical that at low temperatures heating equipment it is impossible to provide +18-25 °C in housing during the cold season.

If the batteries do not provide the proper level of heating, it is worth starting to look for the cause. Before checking the temperature of the pipes, you should pay attention to the placement of the device and the availability of free access to the battery.

It is quite possible that the only problem is that the radiator is covered with furniture that prevents the circulation of heated air, or is fenced with a special protective panel.

Maximum value

In turn, more attention has been paid to what the upper norm should actually be in winter. Thus, the permissible maximum temperature of a radiator in a residential premises is 95 °C, if the housing is equipped two-pipe system heating.

If the system is single-pipe, the maximum temperature of the battery should not exceed 115°C.

It should be noted that the optimal recommendation is 85-90°C. It is defined for practical purposes. This maximum water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building is associated with water boiling at 100°C. If this figure is exceeded, the radiator fails faster.

Take a sociological survey!

How to find out the temperature of the coolant in the batteries

When doubts arise about the quality of the heating services provided, and the inhabitants of the apartment simply begin to freeze, measures should be taken to determine the cause. To do this, measure the temperature:

  • air in the room;
  • pipes;
  • batteries;
  • coolant - water in the heating system.

The data obtained will help you understand whether the room is really unreasonably cold or whether it’s just a subjective feeling.

It must be taken into account that independent measurements of heating indicators are not direct evidence of violation of standards. However, they can serve as a basis for filing a complaint and inviting representatives of the service organization for control measurements.

Determining the water temperature in the central system

It should be noted that reliably measuring the temperature of the coolant in a central heating system is not so easy. The most accurate indicator remains only the air temperature in the room. However, you can do the following:

  1. Open the tap if it is installed on the radiator in the apartment.
  2. Place a container under it, after placing a thermometer there.
  3. Collect water.
  4. Wait for the final thermometer reading.

This indicator must comply with the described standards, but upward deviation from them is also allowed. Maximum deviation temperatures - up to 4 °C.

In addition, if air is detected in the heating system of the apartment, you should contact a service organization.

Determining hot water indicators

There is another way to establish the truth, related to the fact that the temperature heating batteries in the apartment and hot water supply indicators are directly related. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the water temperature like this:

  1. Open the hot tap.
  2. Wait 3 minutes for the water to heat up to maximum.
  3. Take a container and place it under the stream without closing the tap.
  4. Place the thermometer in the center of the container.
  5. Wait for the final readings from the device to be received.

If the device shows a number from 60 to 75 °C, everything is normal with the coolant. If the temperature data is lower, it is possible that the water in the heating system is not heated enough.

How to measure battery temperature correctly

When the issue with the coolant is clarified, you can think about how to measure the temperature of the battery in the apartment. This is easy to do in the following ways:

  1. Use a regular household thermometer. You need to apply it to the battery and wait until it warms up. To account for the error, it is better to add 1-2 degrees to the data obtained.
  2. Use an alcohol thermometer, attaching it to the radiator with tape, and then insulating it insulating material, for example, foam rubber. The information obtained by this method is indicative in dynamics. The device can be left for a long period to continuously monitor the situation.
  3. Use an infrared thermometer. In practice, they have a small error and do not require direct contact with heating device. And the result is given instantly.
  4. Use electric measuring device with thermal ramp and sensor. The sensor is installed on the battery, and when the “measure temperature” function is selected, the device displays its value.

What to do if standards are violated

If you find that the radiators in the apartment are cold, you should find out whether this is a problem exclusively for this room or whether all residents of the house are faced with it. A collective appeal always attracts more attention than an individual one.

If the quality of heating is unsatisfactory and does not comply with SNiP, a complaint can be filed:

  • to the service organization: , housing construction cooperative;
  • resource supply company;
  • housing inspection. It usually has a special hotline for such requests.

Organizations will receive the complaint over the phone and then register it. After this, specialists will establish and eliminate the cause of the lack of heating, recording a violation.

Later, based on the heating network inspection report, a recalculation for the period of no heat occurs.

If the above organizations do not take any measures to restore heating, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.


The legislator established standards for the characteristics of the heating system, paying special attention optimal temperature in a residential area. Its value is the most important for residents, and it is also easy to check. If it is lower than required, it means the battery is not heated enough. And in case of non-compliance with the standards, you can file a complaint with the service organizations, not forgetting about recalculating the fee if it is discovered that heating services are of inadequate quality.

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

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Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites