Growing beans as a business. Growing beans as an additional source of income Assessment of the possible profitability of the project

Beans are an extremely unpretentious, but at the same time incredibly valuable and tasty food crop, which occupies a worthy place in both summer cottages, and on the scale of industrial production

Beans are remarkably preserved when frozen; many healthy vegetarian dishes are prepared from them, because in addition to vitamins and microelements, easily digestible protein occupies an important place in its composition. In other words, beans are a vegetable substitute for meat products.

Characteristics of culture

Beans - herbaceous legume with one in summer growing season, grown for the purpose of consuming fruits. Bean fruits consist of two leaves connected to each other and are called beans. The beans contain curved oval seeds, attached by a stalk and covered with a thin, dense skin. The color range of fruits and seeds is extremely rich and depends on the bean variety. Popularly, the beans are called "pods" and the seeds are called beans.
Beans, thanks to nodule bacteria on the roots, are able to enrich the soil with nitrogen, improving its structure, as a result of which it is also used as green manure. Has very beautiful bisexual flowers of the moth type white or pink-violet shades.
There are more than 90 types of legumes in the world, the most popular and famous of which are:

  • Common beans are a very common and widely cultivated species, having many varieties and varieties. Both beans and seeds are used for food;
  • lima or moon beans. The second most common type after common beans. It has a climbing stem more than 10 meters long;
  • Holly beans - known as Tepari. An extremely drought-resistant species, the fruits are used as food, but contain much less protein and fat than ordinary beans. The herbaceous part of the bush is used as animal feed;
  • multifloral or fiery red beans. Commonly known as Turkish beans. It is grown as an ornamental plant, as it has very beautiful large red flowers. Beans are eaten at the stage of milky ripeness.

According to the shape of the bush, beans are low-growing (bush), semi-climbing and climbing. Bush species beans reach a height of 20-60 cm, semi-climbing from 1.5 to 2 meters, and climbing from 2 to 5 meters.

In addition, depending on the taste and configuration of the beans, beans can be semi-sugar, asparagus (sugar) and grain (hulled). Grain beans differ from asparagus beans in that only beans are used for food - they are stewed, fried, and cooked as first courses. But soft, non-parchment-covered fruit-scapulas can also be used. In green beans, green shoots are eaten along with the small beans they contain.

Planting beans

Beans are a heat-loving plant, so they need to be planted in warm weather. spring time when the threat of frost is guaranteed to have passed. Legumes grow very well in the place of predecessors such as corn, cabbage, pumpkin or vegetable roots. In poor soils in the fall it is necessary to add organic fertilizers, and before planting, potassium-phosphorus (25-30 g per 1 square meter of superphosphate and 15-20 g per 1 square meter of potassium chloride).
For better germination, the seeds can be soaked before spitting. All types of beans are planted according to the same principle - after preliminary moistening the soil, the seeds are planted to a depth of 3-6 cm with the curved edge down, so that the plant takes root more easily and the young shoots reach the light faster.

Climbing varieties are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other, and bush varieties are placed at least 15 cm between plants. If you are not sure that the beans will germinate, you need to plant the beans a little thicker, and when they germinate, subsequently remove the excess sprouts so as not to thicken the crop. If there is a risk of crop freezing, young crops should be covered with film or any non-woven material.

After planting, the beans can be fertilized at the root with yeast fertilizer, and along the leaf with a solution boric acid at the rate of 10g per bucket of water. It is worth feeding the crop with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (ammonium sulfate or urea) only if the bushes are gaining plant mass very poorly and look weak. During abundant flowering and fruit set, fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers should be repeated, reducing the dose to 10-15 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium chloride.

Cultivation care

It is very convenient to grow climbing beans on a trellis, since the bush reaches a height of more than 3-4 meters and thanks to this method the area is used very efficiently. The advantages for the crop are that the beans are well ventilated and illuminated, and are more resistant to various kinds diseases and its yield is higher than that of bush varieties. During ripening, all beans are isolated from contact with the soil, remain dry, clean and do not rot.

It is better to create spatial isolation for asparagus beans - plant them at a distance from other bean varieties to avoid cross-pollination.
Caring for the plant is very simple - beans need regular loosening of the soil and moderate watering. The crop should be watered depending on weather conditions, but on average no more than once a week. During fruit set, beans require additional moisture, so watering must be increased.

Growing beans in a greenhouse

In short summer conditions or in order to obtain early bean harvests, they can be grown in a greenhouse. In a greenhouse microclimate, beans feel very comfortable and produce excellent yields. If the crop is not grown for mass sale, then it is not at all necessary to borrow for beans large areas. You can plant it at the end of the greenhouse, correctly positioning it relative to the cardinal directions, and then it will not shade other crops or, on the contrary, it will shade more from the hot sun tender plants. Planting beans and caring for them in a greenhouse is the same as in open ground- loosening the soil, moderate watering and fertilizing during budding.

Bean varieties

Beans have been grown in our country for several centuries, and during this time the improvement of the crop by agronomists and breeders has developed rapidly. In terms of ripening time, beans, like many vegetable crops, is divided into early, mid-ripening and late with ripening periods of, respectively, 70 days - 80 days - over 100 days. Many varieties have been developed, zoned for different climatic zones of Russia:

  • In the south of the Russian Federation, varieties such as “Lika”, “Rachel”, “Firefly”, “Antoshka”, etc. are recognized as the best for agricultural technology;
  • for the Moscow region and the central European part of Russia, the varieties “Swallow”, “Fantasy”, “Tara”, “Nomad” have proven themselves remarkably well;
  • for the non-chernozem zone, Far East and Siberia, high yields are given by “Skorospelaya”, “Gribovskaya 92”, “Triumph Sugar 764”, “Moscow White Green-Striped 556” and others.

Bush beans (except for varieties with late ripening) have advantages over climbing varieties in that they simultaneously produce a harvest and do not require staking. The friendly return of the harvest is very valuable in regions with short, cold summers. You can grow varieties such as “Oil King”, “Early ripening”, “Contender”.

In regions with warm and long summers, beans are often re-sown, producing two harvests per season. For these purposes, varieties are used early date ripening “Saksa 615”, “Golden Nectar”, “Belozernaya 361”, “Oil earliest 273”, “Oran”.

Diseases and pests of beans

The most common bean pests are the bean borer or bruchus beetles. They climb into the bean and eat it from the inside, taking away all the beneficial substances. Pests infect beans while still in the beds, and migrate with the crop to places where it is permanently stored, actively multiplying (up to 5 generations), reducing the yield to 50-60%. Most often, pests choose white beans. Infected plants must be treated with insecticides (Aktara, Fastak) a month before harvesting. Seeds can be saved by heating them in the oven or freezing them for several days. freezer- beetles and larvae die at +60 and -10 degrees.

The most common diseases affecting beans are anthracnose, bacteriosis, different types rot and mosaic. Anthracnose and white rot are fungal diseases, which affect both leaves and fruits of plants. When affected by these diseases, the leaves of the crop turn yellow and dry out, the fruits rot, the crop lags in growth and produces very weak yields. At the first signs of disease, plants are treated Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride.
When affected by mosaic, the leaves become variegated in color, subsequently shrinking and falling off. The carrier of this disease is aphids, which are destroyed by insecticides.

Harvesting and storing beans

Harvesting of beans begins selectively, a few weeks after the start of flowering - depending on the variety, properties of the vegetable and intentions for use. The beans should be cut with scissors or pruning shears to avoid damaging the main stem of the plant. In order to prolong the fruiting of the crop, harvesting must be done before the technical ripeness of the beans and the ripening of the seeds, since otherwise the plant will decide that the task of forming seeds has been completed and will end its fruiting function.
Asparagus beans are harvested during the entire fruiting period, but ordinary beans can be collected at the same time by cutting off a bean bush with beans hanging on it 2 weeks before the fruit ripens and hanging it in a dry place for ripening.
In shelled varieties, when the fruit is ready for picking, it will look dry, yellowed and wrinkled. It is worth remembering that ripened beans are stored very poorly.

Attachments: from 2.3 million rubles

Payback: from 1 year

Agriculture is actively supported by government policy. Therefore, business in this area can become good source income. One of the directions is growing beans. Let's explore this business idea in this article.

Business concept

Beans are one of the most popular products due to useful properties and protein content. It’s not for nothing that they call it “meat from the garden.” In addition, beans are not difficult to care for.

Mineral soils with neutral acidity. The technology for growing beans involves the following manipulations:

  • fertilizing the soil with minerals;
  • soaking seeds in a special solution;
  • washing and drying;
  • landing;
  • crop care - watering, weeding, pest control;
  • cleaning and processing.

You can sell bean products to shops and catering establishments.

What will be required for implementation?

Can't get by here minimal investment, since the goal is to organize successful business, which will bring profit for more than one year. To implement a commercial project you will need:

  • land plot;
  • seeds for planting - 500 kilograms per 100 hectares;
  • fertilizers and pest control products;
  • transport;
  • hired workers.

Step-by-step launch instructions

Since sowing of beans occurs in the spring, preparation must be carried out several months in advance, even better in the fall.

  1. Register an LLC. Working officially in the field of agriculture, you can count on subsidies and benefits, and receiving land.
  2. Buy equipment necessary for large farms . In other cases, you can use a rented one: a tractor for plowing the land, a combine for harvesting.
  3. Purchase seeds, fertilizers and pest poisons.
  4. Hire workers.
  5. Find a sales market.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

How much will you need to spend:

  • 20,000-25,000 – LLC registration;
  • 500,000 – land rent;
  • 50,000 – seeds 500 kilograms;
  • 100,000 – fertilizers and poisons;
  • 200,000 – plowing;
  • 500,000 – rent of a warehouse for storage;
  • 500,000 – wages for hired workers;
  • 500,000 – transport and other expenses.

In general, 100 hectares of land will require an investment of 2 million 400 thousand rubles. The larger the land plantation, the greater the investment, but also the higher the profit.

Monthly expenses

There are no special expenses expected each month. If fertilizers and poisons are purchased, then you will have to spend only on hired workers and unforeseen needs. This is approximately 200-300 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn?

Using simple arithmetic, we calculate the profit. From one hectare of land you can get 5-10 tons of beans, depending on the yield. In turn, productivity depends on several factors: proper care crop, seed quality, weather conditions. On average, a kilogram of beans can be sold for 60 rubles. From 10 tons of harvest, the net profit will average 600 thousand. From a plot of 100 hectares, the average profit will be 40-60 million rubles, excluding all expenses and investments for the next year. If you grow beans in the southern regions using seeds of early ripening varieties, you can sow the legume crop twice a year.

Payback period

All expenses will be paid off after harvesting and selling the crop, that is, in two to three months.

Risks and disadvantages of business

Agricultural business is always associated with certain risks. Profit depends on yield, which may be reduced due to weather conditions. Beans - heat-loving plant, so cold summers and rains can be detrimental to it. Timely work on fertilization and treatment with pest control agents is also important. Be a little late and you may be left without a harvest.


Labor in agriculture requires not so much financial resources as a great physical return. If you approach the matter responsibly, you can make good money by growing tasty and healthy beans.

It is interesting that, along with villagers and summer residents, beans were willingly grown by melon growers until recently - when there was a poor harvest for watermelons, he saved the situation good harvest beans.

Common beans are used as a final product in two forms - ripe or unripe seeds, and how green pods, which are eaten lightly boiled in salted water.

Growing beans

The best for growing beans predecessors- pumpkin, cabbage, root vegetables and potatoes. Beans should not be planted in the same place for two years in a row, or after legumes, otherwise they will be more damaged by diseases. You can re-sow beans, or after legumes, no earlier than after five years.

The beans themselves are a good precursor for non-legume crops - they saturate the soil with nitrogen and leave behind loose, weed-free soil.

The soil

Beans love light, loose and well-fertilized soil. If the soil is too acidic and its pH is less than 5.5, it should be limed in the fall.

In autumn on square meter plot, add 2-4 kilograms of humus, 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 10-15 grams of potassium salt. In the spring, before planting, add 10-15 grams of ammonium nitrate.


As a rule, beans are planted by seeds, although sometimes the seedling method is also used. Seeds Before sowing, they are treated with a 1-2 percent solution of potassium permanganate for 45 minutes, and then placed in a solution of complex microfertilizers for up to 24 hours, as a result of which the yield often increases almost 2 times.

Sowing produced in May-June, after the soil has warmed up by 10 degrees at a depth of 10 centimeters, and there is no threat of night frosts. Beans can be planted throughout the summer - if there is a need to distribute the harvest over time.

Landing is in progress in rows, between plants in a row 10-12 centimeters, between rows a distance of 25 centimeters for compact bushes, and 40−45 centimeters for spreading bushes. Planting depth seeds on heavy soils 3-4 centimeters, on light soils - 4-5 centimeters.

At seedling method When sowing, bean seedlings begin to be grown a month before transplanting into open ground. The cups are filled with a nutritious mixture consisting of 50 percent compost and 50 percent turf land. If there is no compost, then use 70 percent garden soil and 30 percent turf soil. Add 2 cups of wood ash per bucket to the mixture. Then the mixture is moistened, 1-2 seeds are placed per glass to a depth of 4-5 centimeters, and mulched on top. The optimal temperature for growing seedlings is 20−24 degrees.


Beans love warmth - they are more thermophilic than. Seeds begin to grow at a temperature of 10 degrees, but optimal temperature for beans - 20-24 degrees. Zamorozkov beans cannot tolerate it - at minus 1-2 degrees the plants die, and even at a positive temperature of 2-3 degrees the leaves begin to turn yellow.


Beans are a moisture-loving plant, although they tolerate drought well. In any case, it is advisable that the soil in the area with beans is constantly moist. The best soil moisture is 60-80 percent of the maximum. Most of all, beans need moisture during flowering and seed ripening.

But beans also don’t like excess moisture, especially in combination with low temperature. Rain during flowering is also harmful to beans - they can cause flowers to fall off.

After filling the fruits for semi-climbing beans, watering is stopped, otherwise the humid air can cause an outbreak of diseases. For bush beans, do one final watering.


The harvest is harvested, depending on the variety and purpose of the beans, or when it is ripe. or in unripe form, like green pea seeds. Bean yield reaches 60−150 kilograms per hundred square meters.

Bean pods, unlike seeds, cannot be eaten raw, as they contain toxic substances that are destroyed by heat treatment. Therefore, dishes made from bean pods are cooked for 7 minutes until cooked.

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Annual, heat-loving herbaceous plant, self-pollinator. Weight of 1000 grains is 120-600 g. Germinates at a temperature of 11-12 degrees. optimal pH 6-7.5. Sowing is done when the soil warms up at a depth of 10 cm to 10-12 degrees, in the third ten days of May, to a depth of 3-6 cm. The optimal density is 500 thousand plants per 1 hectare. Beans are responsive to the application of manure and especially to the application of potassium fertilizers. To avoid severe infection of plants with diseases, it is recommended to plant beans in their original place no earlier than after 4-5 years.

There is more protein in bean grains than in meat, and the quality of the protein is equal to protein chicken eggs. The calorie content of grain is 3 times higher than the calorie content of meat.

Beans are useful for diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Increases resistance to infectious diseases and even to cancer.

There are varieties:

  • Hulling - to obtain grain, leaves with a parchment layer, to speed up the ripening of seeds, reduce the number of beans on the plant and pinch the growth points. Harvesting is carried out before the onset of frost when 75% of the beans are ripe, the plants are tied into sheaves and ripened under a canopy;
  • Sugar (asparagus) - to obtain beans that do not contain a parchment layer and veins, unripe whole beans are used for food when the grain ovary reaches the size of a wheat seed, or 8-10 day old bean ovaries.
  • Semi-sugar beans do not contain a parchment layer, but there are veins that are removed before use.

Existing varieties are also divided according to growth vigor - bush varieties with a plant height of up to 50 cm and climbing varieties with a plant height of 2.5 meters or more.

According to early ripening, varieties are divided into: early ripening up to 65 days, mid-early 65-75 days, average 75-85 days. Mid-season 85-100 and late more than 100 days.

Varieties and hybrids of beans

  • Gait- a variety of bush beans with green beans. The beans are narrow, 12-13 cm long. The variety is resistant to disease. SeDeK.
  • Amalthea. Early ripening variety vegetable beans for canning and fresh consumption, bush form. The variety is resistant to bacterial and viral mosaics. Productivity up to 12 t/ha. Selection of Krasnodar Research Institute of Chemical and Chemical Chemistry.
  • Bona- bush, vegetable variety of beans with a period until the first harvest of 48-75 days. Plant height 30-40 cm. Beans are light to dark green in color, without a parchment layer and fibers, 13.5 cm long. Seeds are greenish-white. The variety was bred in Poland. Zoned in 1998 Central region. For use in home cooking, canning and freezing. The harvest is 10-13.6 t/ha, ripens together.
  • Bürk Pinto- a variety of vegetable climbing beans, 2 beans in an inflorescence, flat green beans 11-12 cm long.
  • climbing vegetable- an early ripening variety of beans with curly stems requires a mandatory garter. Bob in the phase of technical ripeness yellow color, length 12-13 cm, smooth, round in cut. 8-9 beans are formed on the plant. Growing season 67-72 days.
  • Harmony Mid-season climbing bean variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 65-85 days. The plant, 3-3.5 m long, requires support for growth. The beans are 20-25 cm long, round, slightly curved, without a parchment layer, yellow. Mature seeds are elongated, kidney-shaped, white. Universal use.
  • Gribovskaya 92- mid-early grain bean variety, period from germination to biological ripeness 90-110 days. The plant is medium-branched, 20-45 cm high. The beans are xiphoid with the presence of a parchment layer, 12-15 cm long. At technical ripeness, green, the seeds are white.
  • Crane 9906061. Originator Voronezh vegetable experimental station. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small plots farms. Recommended for use in home cooking and in the canning industry. Early ripening. Bush plant, 40-52 cm high. Green leaves. Medium size flower, white. The beans are slightly curved, elliptical to ovoid in cross section, without a parchment layer and fiber, green at technical ripeness, 11.7-12.8 cm long, 0.9-1.1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 19-21 cm. The taste of canned products is excellent. Bean yield 0.9-1.3 kg/m. Seeds are elliptical, white, white scar, weight of 1000 seeds is 290-320 g. The variety is resistant to bacteriosis.
  • Riddle 9906819. Originator GNU Crimean experimental selection station VNIIR station. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking and in the canning industry. Mid-season. Bush plant, height 40-47 cm. Leaves are dark green. Medium size flower, white. The beans are straight, slightly curved, round in cross section, without a parchment layer and fiber. At technical ripeness, green, 11-14 cm long, 0.9-1.1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 14.5 cm. The taste of canned products is good and excellent. Bean yield 0.7 kg/m. The seeds are elliptical, white with veins, weight of 1000 seeds is 305 g.
  • Golden saxa- Early ripening variety of beans (45-50 days). Fruiting is extended, from the first to the last harvest 60 days. The plant is a bush plant, 30-40 cm high. The beans are light green, juicy, fleshy without a parchment layer. The seeds are greenish-yellow. The yield of green beans is up to 1.6 kg/m.
  • Golden nectar. A productive variety of climbing beans. The period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 67 days. Pod length 23 cm. Seeds white.
  • Golden neck- an early-ripening, productive variety of climbing beans. Plants are 2-2.5 m high. Yellow beans are 20-22 cm long and 12-14 mm in diameter. The grain is white, oblong. The beans are suitable for canning and freezing. SeDeK.
  • Zoryushka - early variety asparagus beans selection of the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 44-47 days. The bush is compact, compressed, 27-33 cm high. The flowers are pale lilac. The bean is slightly curved, pointed, light green, 10-11 cm long, 0.8-0.9 wide, 0.7-0.9 cm thick, the distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 1.3 cm. Bean weight 5, 5-*6 g. Beans contain 8.5-10% dry matter, 1.7-2% sugars, 18-21 mg% vitamin C, the taste of canned beans is 4.3-4.6 points. Seeds in the phase of biological ripeness are light yellow, oval. Weight 1000 fam. 300-320 g. Bean yield 6-7 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis, as well as low positive temperatures. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Inga- early high-yielding variety grain bush beans with white barrel-shaped grains. SeDeCa.
  • Contender- early (45-50 days) variety of vegetable beans, bush plant up to 50 cm high, green beans with purple streaks, up to 20 cm long, light brown seeds.
  • Kentucky Belle- Medium late (55-60 days), climbing variety beans, 1.8-2 m high. Yellow beans without a parchment layer. The seeds are brown.
  • Nomad- a variety of climbing beans obtained by selection in the Kaluga and Moscow regions from the Sukhumi sample. The variety is mid-early, the bean is short, medium-width, ovoid in cross-section, at technical ripeness it is light green with a faint purple pattern, which becomes brighter as it ripens. There is no parchment layer and fibers in the bean. The main color of the grain is ocher, the pattern is mottled pale purple. The plant is slightly affected by anthracnose in open ground and by medium gray rot when grown in a greenhouse. In greenhouses of the Moscow region. bears fruit until the end of October.
  • Laura- an early ripening, high-yielding variety of green beans. Beautiful fruits taste qualities, yellow pods. Bushes 40 cm high. Collection period 15-20 days. An excellent variety for cooking and canning. SeDeK.
  • Mauritanian- a variety of climbing bean. The bean is straight green, round, 12 cm long.
  • Butter King- a variety of green beans with yellow beans.
  • Oily earliest 273- an early ripening bean variety (75-90 days). The bush is medium-branched, compact, erect, 25-30 cm high. The flowers are light purple, the beans are straight, flat-rounded, small. Seeds are round-elliptical, black. Relatively resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.
  • Moscow white green bean 556. Mid-season bean variety. Beans with a thin parchment layer. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 100 days. Bush 25 cm high.
  • Nerine- a hybrid of asparagus beans of Dutch selection. Green pods without a parchment layer and veins, 12-15 cm long, good taste, suitable for canning and cooking. The hybrid is resistant to diseases, adverse weather conditions and high yield. Bush 40-50 cm high.
  • Nina -318- mid-season variety of asparagus beans selected by the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 53-56 days. Until the seeds ripen 75-82 days. The bush is compact, compressed, 28-36 cm high. The flowers are white. The bean is slightly curved or straight, light yellow, 8-11 cm long, 0.8-1 cm wide and thick, without a parchment layer and fiber. The distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 2.2-5.1 cm. Bean weight is 5.1-5.5 g. Beans contain 8-10% dry matter, 2.1-2.5% sugars, 18-32 mg% vitamin C ,2-2.2% protein, 08-1% fiber, taste of boiled beans 4.5-4.8 points. Seeds in the phase of biological ripeness are white, elongated with a white scar. Weight of 1000 seeds 200-260 g. Bean yield 7-9 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis, as well as low positive temperatures. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Nodak Pinto- a variety of vegetable climbing beans, in an inflorescence from 2 to 4 beans, green flat beans, 11-14 cm long.
  • Note- a variety of bush asparagus beans. The bean is round and green.
  • Fiery red (winner). High-yielding fiberless bean variety. The beans are ready for harvest 90 days after sowing. The beans are dark green, flat, up to 30 cm long. The seeds are colored.
  • Olaze Pinto
  • Oran. Early ripening (79-90 days) variety of grain beans. Productivity up to 200 g per 1 sq. meters. Bush-shaped plants with a height of 35-54 cm. The digestion of the grain is uniform, the taste is excellent.
  • Orbel yellow- an early variety of asparagus and bush beans. The bob is 15 cm long and yellow.
  • Option. Mid-early variety bush vegetable beans. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 78-81 days. The beans are dark green, round, 13-15 cm long. The recommended sowing pattern is 30 * 40 cm at a depth of 3-5 cm.
  • Panther- mid-early, bush asparagus variety, with bright yellow beans.
  • Flat long High-yielding early-ripening variety of climbing beans. The period from germination to the first harvest of the blade is 45-50 days, seed ripening is 70-75 days. The plant is climbing and requires support for growth. The beans are dark green, sword-shaped, flat, 24-25 cm long, without a parchment layer and fibers. Mature seeds are white. Universal use.
  • Welt- a sugar bean variety bred by VNIISSOK, zoned in 1997 for the Central Chernobyl region. Forms a bush with 15-27 sugar beans, the period from germination to the first harvest is 42-58 days, the yield is 12 t/ha, resistant to anthracnose and ascochyta. Green beans without a parchment layer and fibers, 11-13 cm long, cylindrical in shape with 5-6 grains. The seeds are pink with lilac streaking. Beans are used in cooking and canning.
  • Rebus 99004000. Ekaterininsky Experimental Station VNIIR. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking. Early ripening. The plant is bushy, slightly leafy, 35-40 cm high. The leaves are green. Medium size flower, pink. The beans are straight to slightly curved, xiphoid in cross section, elliptical to ovoid, without a parchment layer and fiber. At technical ripeness, green, 8-9 cm long, 1.1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 7-12 cm. The taste of canned products is good. Bean yield 1.8 kg/m. The seeds are elliptical, brown with weak venation, white scar, weight of 1000 seeds is 305 g.
  • Pink High-yielding mid-season variety of climbing beans. The period from germination to the first harvest of the blade is 65-85 days. The plant is climbing, 3-3.5 m long, requires support for growth. The beans are long, marbled pink, sword-shaped, without a parchment layer and fibers, each with 6-10 grains. Mature seeds are elongated, kidney-shaped, pink with purple streaks and streaks. Universal use.
  • Rosinka 9803262. Crimean experimental station VNIIR. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms. Recommended for use in home cooking and the canning industry. Mid-season. Bush plant, 35-40 cm high. Green leaves. Medium size flower, white. The beans are straight to slightly curved, cylindrical in cross section, rounded, without a parchment layer and fiber. At technical ripeness, yellow, 11.5 cm long, 0.9-1 cm wide, smooth, pointed apex with a medium, slightly curved beak. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 11.4 cm. The taste of canned products is good. Bean yield 1.2 kg/m. Seeds are elliptical, white with weak veining, white scar, weight of 1000 seeds is 300 g.
  • Gardener- Mid-late bush variety of beans for grain. The plant is 40-45 cm high. The seeds are chestnut with red spots. The variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and stable yield. SeDeK.
  • Sachs- early ripening (50-60 days) variety of green beans. Beans without a parchment layer are distinguished by their delicate taste and meatiness.
  • Saxa without fiber 615. An early ripening bush bean variety. The height of the bush is 40 cm, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 50 days. A variety with soft sugar beans of excellent taste and a long fruiting period. The seeds are greenish-yellow.
  • North Star- mid-season variety of grain beans.
  • Second- an early ripening variety of sugar beans bred by VNIISSOK. The plant is bushy, compact. The stem is green, 30-39 cm long. Unripe beans are cylindrical, without a parchment layer and fibers, green, 10-12 cm long. There are 5-6 yellow-brown seeds in a bean. Weight 1000 pcs. 280-320 g. Intended for use as green beans after heat treatment.
  • Siesta- an early ripening variety of bush asparagus beans. The beans are yellow in color with white grains.
  • Sisal Mid-early variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness of beans is 60 days. The plant is a bush type, tall, spherical in shape. The beans are green, straight, round in cross section, fleshy, without fiber, 11-12 cm long, up to 8 mm wide. Harmonious ripening of beans. The variety is highly resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.
  • Scuba- an early ripening variety of bush asparagus beans. The beans are green in color with white grains.
  • Tara- bush, vegetable variety of beans with a period until the first harvest of 60–72 days. Plant height 30-40 cm. Beans, without parchment layer and fibers. The variety was bred in Poland. Zoned in 1998 in the Central region. For use in home cooking, canning and freezing. The yield is 8.1-10.6 t/ha, ripens together. Resistant to major
  • Tiraspolskaya- mid-season variety of asparagus beans selected by the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 49-54 days. Bush 30-35 cm high. White flowers. The bean is green, 11-13 cm long, 0.9-1 wide, round, without a parchment layer and fibers, straight or slightly curved. the distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 1-2 cm. The mass of the bean is 6-6.5 g. The beans contain 8.5-10% dry matter, 2.2-2.5% sugars, 18-40 mg% vitamin C, the taste of the beans is 3. 9-4.2 points. Bean yield 7-8 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Triumph sugar 764- early ripening bean variety (85-90 days). The bush is compact, erect, medium-branched, 30-40 cm high. Pink flowers. The fruits are flat-cylindrical, straight, 12-16 cm long. The seeds are yellow. Relatively resistant to fungal diseases.
  • Generous. An early ripening bean variety (85-95 days). The bush is erect, medium-branched, 25-45 cm high. Pink flowers. The seeds are grayish-yellow. Moderately resistant to anthracnose and bacteriosis.
  • Jubilee 287. Mid-season asparagus bean variety selected by UkrNIIOB. The plant is bushy, compact, 30-35 cm high. The bean is straight, straw-yellow, juicy, fleshy. There is no parchment layer or fiber in the beans. There are 9-12 beans on the plant, 9-13 cm long. The taste is excellent. Productivity up to 2 kg/m. The seeds are white with pink streaks.
  • Eureka- grain beans with white grains.
  • Esperanto- mid-season variety of asparagus beans selected by the Pridnestrovian Research Institute of Agriculture. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 50-55 days, until seed ripening is 76-81. Bush 31-44 cm high. White flowers, 2-4 pairs in a raceme. The bean is slightly curved or straight, rounded in diameter, green, 8-12 cm long, 0.9-1 wide, without a parchment layer and fibers, the distance from the tip of the lower bean to the soil is 4-5 cm. Bean weight is 6.5 g. 9- 13 beans. Beans contain 8-11% dry matter, 2-2.6% sugars, 19-31 mg% vitamin C, protein 2.1-2.7%, fiber 0.8-1, taste of canned beans 4.1-4.6 points . The seeds in the phase of biological ripeness are white, rounded-oblong with a white scar. Weight of 1000 seeds 380-334 g. Bean yield 7-9 t/ha. Resistant to bacteriosis, as well as low positive temperatures. Zoned in Moldova.
  • Kharkov white-seeded D −45- Early ripening variety of beans (70-75 days). Bush plants, 25-30 cm high. The buds are yellow, flat-round, 12-15 cm long, without fibers, but the parchment layer is formed early. The seeds are white. Bacteriosis and ordinary mosaic weakly affected.
  • Brittle wax 509- a mid-season sugar bean variety, very suitable for freezing.
  • Hetton Pinto- a variety of vegetable climbing beans, light green beans, 10-12 cm long.
  • Fantasy- a variety of asparagus bush beans with green pods, 13 cm long. SeDeK.
  • Fatima- a variety of climbing beans. The bean is flattened, up to 50 cm long.
  • Purple Mid-season climbing bean variety. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 65-85 days. The plant, 3-3.5 m long, requires support for growth. The beans are long, without a parchment layer, rounded-flat, slightly curved, purple, each with 6-10 grains. Mature seeds are elongated, kidney-shaped, light brown. Universal use.

Preparation and sowing of bean seeds:

1. Preparation and sowing of bean seeds:
- Do bean seeds need to be treated before sowing, what is the time frame for seed treatment?
- what are the optimal times for sowing bean seeds, including Ukrainian weather conditions (early spring frosts)?
- What is the sowing rate of bean seeds per 1 ha;
- what are the ways to do this?Do you hesitate when sowing bean seeds, taking into account the different soils of the earth?
If there are no bacteria in the soil where the beans will be sown Rhizobium, then sowing is carried out by inoculation ( inoculation, seed) seeds. These bacteria provide plants with the opportunity to take advantage of nitrogen in the air. After inoculation in the first year, there is no need to repeat the process in subsequent years, since the bacterium multiplies on its own after the first year. The inoculation process must be done in the shade immediately after the month of October.
Beans as a plant are negatively affected by temperatures below 0 ºC. If consider climatic conditions In Ukraine, on the coast of Crimea and on the coastal regions of the Black Sea, the month of April is considered the most ideal time for sowing, and near Kirovograd, the middle of the month of May is desirable. The northwestern part of the country, where the altitude above sea level is high and is a cold region of Ukraine, is especially unsuitable for growing beans.
The volume of seeds of species with short growth for sowing per 1 hectare is 70 - 100 kg, and for species with a parchment layer and with elongated growth 30 - 50 kg. The sowing volume varies depending on the size of the seed.
The most ideal sowing is carried out by sowing agricultural machines. If seeding machines are not available, sowing is carried out manually. Beans consume a large amount nutrient Therefore, on infertile soil, sowing should be less dense. The sowing depth on heavy soil should be 2.5-5.0 cm, and on light soil it should be about 5.0-10.0 cm.

2.What herbicides should be used when caring for crops?
Herbicide application varies depending on soil conditions. For soil with an average level, Nitrogen (N) 20 - 40 kg/ha, Phosphorus (P) 40 - 60 kg/ha and Potassium (K) 40 - 80 kg/ha are used.
During the period of growing beans in the northern regions of Ukraine, where the volume of the cyclone is higher (especially in the northern regions), in soils with acidity it is desirable to use nitrogen in the form of nitrate (NO3).

3. What are bean pests, pest control?
Bean seeds have pests ( Callosobruchus maculatus And Acenthoscelides obtectus). They grow by feeding inside the seeds during storage. This can be stopped by storing the seeds in cold conditions and cleaning storage facilities medicine against pests. Bean aphid ( Aphis fabae) and red spider ( Acarina) harm by sucking stem water ( Xylem sap), and tobacco thrips ( Thrips tabaci Lind.) by rolling up the leaves. In addition to chemicals, methods such as removing damaged or dead leaves from the field can be used against such pests.

4.What are the diseases of beans, disease control?
The most common bean disease is anthracnose ( Colletotrichum lindemuthianum). It spreads especially in humid environments. The disease leads to loss of seedlings, deterioration of the sowing and commercial qualities of seeds and a decrease in yield. The cause of the disease is sometimes rotting roots ( Fusarium ssp. vb.), rust mushrooms ( Uromyces phaseoli), mold ( Erysiphe poligoni), bacterial rot ( Corynebacterium flaccumfciens) yellow bean virus. These diseases can be stopped with chemicals and also with rotation ( crop rotation) and burying crop residues in the field.

5.In order to achieve an optimal harvest, do you need to irrigate the crops and how many times, in what period is it better?
During growth, beans require 400-500 mm of water. It is necessary to pay attention to the short duration of irrigation. The beans won't last long if the roots remain. long time under the water ( water logging). Watering, especially after flowering in Ukraine, can significantly increase fertility. In dry times, watering before flowering will be helpful. But at the same time, if at the time of sowing the soil moisture is at a good level, then there is no need for watering in the initial stage of growth.

6. At what stages and what are the best fertilizers to use (mineral, organic, nitrogen)?
All herbicides including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied together with sowing. The most ideal application of fertilizers is at a distance of 3 – 7 cm from the crop row and at a depth of 4 – 8 cm. Zinc (Zn) is important element for beans this should be fed if there is not enough in the soil.

7. When is the best time to harvest beans?
Beans are harvested approximately 90–120 days after sowing. The most ideal period for harvesting is considered to be the period when most beans ( pods) will turn yellow but does not dry out completely. It is usually harvested when the bean seeds reach 40% moisture. Early harvesting will lead to wrinkling of the casing and later spilling of seeds onto the field. After harvesting, the beans are left in the field to dry (for about 10 days).

1.What is the best soil for sowing lentil seeds?
Lentils do not require special soil selection. The soil does not need to be fertile. But the yield is high in acidic soil ( slight asidic soil). Along with this, soil density will be useful ( heavy soil).

2. What is the sowing rate of lentil seeds per 1 hectare, sowing methods?
The sowing rate for species with small seeds is 40–80 kg/ha, and for species with large seeds it should be 100–140 kg/ha. The sowing depth is about 4–5 cm. If the seeds are small, you cannot sow deep. Sowing is done manually. But the use of a seeding machine is useful. You can easily use wheat seeding machines ( sowing machine)r.

3.Veg periodetation after highEating lentil seeds?
It can be grown on the southern coast of Ukraine as a winter crop; due to sufficient soil moisture, there will be no need for watering. But in the northern regions, especially the high-mountain northwest, sowing in spring will be useful. Under such conditions, watering after flowering will increase the yield.

4.What are the most common lentil pests and how to combat them?
On a lentil stalk big pest is stino ( Stino spp..) leaf pest. These pests only thrive in humid environments. During the period of possible growth of the disease, watering is not recommended. Along with this, caryopsis is dangerous ( Bruchus). These pests are not active at low temperatures, so seeds should be stored at temperatures below 7 ºC. A pest like the green vegetable bug can also be harmful. Nezera virdula L., alfalfa aphid ( Aphis cracivora Koch.) and clover seed eater Apion.

5. Lentil diseases, disease control?
Among lentil diseases, the causative agent is the Fusarium fungus ( Fusarium oxyporum) may be dangerous at temperatures above 17 ºC. You can slow down the disease by applying phosphorus (P) fertilizer. Rotten roots are also a characteristic disease of lentils. This can be avoided by treating the seeds before sowing. In addition, there is also rust ( Uromycec fabae), which can lead to losses complete product. If a disease is noticed, it is necessary to apply medicine and remove the diseased plants. The moment of flowering is dangerous for this disease. Along with this there is mold Erysiphe poligoni And Ascochyta lentis.

6.Do I need to water lentil crops, how many times?
A lentil plant will require approximately 400-500 mm of water. When sowing in winter in the south of Ukraine, in coastal areas close to the Mediterranean climate, there may be no need for irrigation. But when spring sowing in the middle and northern regions (Kyiv and inland areas), watering after flowering will increase the yield.

7. Ripening period and harvesting of lentils?
The harvest period for lentils is short and critical. Harvesting is done when the beans turn yellow ( pods). When this time comes, cleaning must be done within 7 - 8 days. If there is no harvesting, the crop may crumble.

8. How are lentils harvested?
If harvesting is done manually, it should be when the seed moisture reaches 30%. When harvesting with a machine, the seed moisture content should be at the level of 13-14%.

9. How to achieve the maximum using everything modern technologies good lentil harvest results?
Mechanical sowing and harvesting of lentils will increase yield. At the same time, in addition to the resistance of lentils to cold weather in the direction of developing winter sowing, the improvement of cold-resistant species is important. Lentils are a type of plant that actively uses nitrogen (N) from the air and saves fertilizer by using less bacteria on the seeds. Rhizobium before sowing.

1 . Central Asia's need for Ukrainian chickpeas.
More than 90% of pea production occurs in Asian countries. But consumption in these countries is also higher. India accounts for more than 65% of production and is the largest market. Ukraine will be able to supply peas to the countries of Central Asia, India and Pakistan. But chickpea production in Ukraine is low, almost zero. We need to educate people by distributing chickpeas, which are easy to grow.

2. State of the chickpea market: trends and prospects for production, exports from Ukraine.
Ukraine is not giving up grain production ( cereals) crops has the opportunity to start chickpea production in an alternative area. Chickpeas can be used as a new industry for Ukraine as they quickly and easily adapt to different environmental conditions and do not require special care. Along with the direction to the foreign market, it should create demand in the domestic market.
India, part of its chickpea imports comes from countries like Canada, Iran and Australia. Ukraine should be directed to the production of Desi chickpeas for this market Desi.

3. In what fields should chickpeas be planted?
Chickpeas do not require special growing conditions. Chickpeas can be grown even in conditions where wheat cannot be grown. Only air exchange and soil cultivation should be done well. On dense and very wet soil, the yield will be reduced significantly. Soil acidity should be between pH 6-9.

4. Harrowing chickpea crops

  1. Is this necessary or not?
  2. Stages of harrowing crops.
  3. Timing for harrowing crops?
  4. What is the best way to harrow crops?
  5. How effective is harrowing of crops?

One of the limiting factors for pea yield is slowdown during germination. To do this, the soil for the seeds must be well prepared ( seed bed). When sowing in winter, the field must be plowed with a plow ( plow) depth (15–20 cm), disking should be carried out before sowing in the fall ( disk harrowing) and trailing. When sowing in spring, the soil must be plowed and disced and scoured in the fall before sowing.

5. Weed control: Early stage of weed control, after chickpeas emerge.
In growing chickpeas, the main problems are weeds. When sowing with seeding machines important role Plowing plays a role in weed control. Along with this, you can use chemicals such as prometrin (2–3 kg/ha), simazine ( simazine) 2 kg/ha and aretite ( aretit) 5 kg/ha in weed control.

6. How to minimize the impact of weeds on chickpea yield.
In the fight against weeds, a great contribution to increasing productivity is made by mechanical restoration soil 3 times after sowing with an interval of 30, 45 and 60 days or 30 and 60 days. The use of chemicals is useful before sowing and during sprouting of the blade. If applied to leaves after emergence there may be harmful effects.

7. System for protecting chickpea crops from diseases and pests
a) Do I need to apply any fertilizer when sowing chickpea seeds?
b) what kind of fertilizers should be applied?
Provided there is sufficient existence of rhizobia bacteria in the soil ( Rhizobium) It will be sufficient to use 15 – 25 kg/ha of nitrogen (N) together with sowing. These volumes should be increased during spring sowing. If there is not enough phosphorus (P) in the soil, nitrogen production will decrease even if there is enough bacteria in the soil. In this case, the use of 50 kg/ha of phosphorus fertilizer will increase the yield.

8. Technology for growing chickpeas in Turkey
In Turkey, chickpea sowing is usually done by hand. After sowing, the seeds are covered by pluming and cultivation. But despite the limited use of agricultural machinery, the yield in such cases is much high. When sowing, small seeds are used in a volume of 80–120 kg/ha, large seeds 120–160 kg/ha. In Turkey, in cold regions, sowing is carried out in the spring. In the hot climate zone of the Mediterranean Sea, sowing is carried out in the fall. Where winter sowing will be carried out, cold-resistant seeds are selected. In places where winter sowing is used, flowering and grain formation occurs in the appropriate environment, which increases productivity.

9. How to increase the yield to 5-7 tons per hectare?
In order to increase the yield by 5 - 7 tons/ha, species that in the southern regions are resistant to the cold of the region and to anthracnose should be used. Before sowing, anti-weed medications should be applied and, if possible, at least two weed control operations should be carried out in the first two months. The germination of plants is important; therefore, before sowing, it is important to carefully till the soil. If the devices and machines are not sufficient, the volume of seed must be increased. The presence of the bacterium rhizobium must be ensured ( Rhizobium) When sowing and harvesting, it is necessary to use agricultural machinery as much as possible. Especially when using the small variety as desi.

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