Anti-wasp products for the street. Fighting dangerous insects: an effective recipe with boric acid for wasps. Effective insecticidal preparations

Before you declare war on wasps, make sure that they actually pose a danger to you. The appearance of stinging insects is not always a threat and then there is no need to specifically purchase a wasp repellent. But, if you have a wasp nest next to a house where small children or someone allergic to wasp venom lives, the answer is obvious - destroy it.

Are all wasps potentially dangerous to humans?

There are two types of wasps: social (social) and solitary. It is the former that people try to get rid of; their large number causes concern for good reason.

Solitary wasps

They have no less frightening effect on us, although they are more harmless than the first. The fact is that they do not have a territory to defend; they lay eggs inside their prey, freeing themselves from the burden of caring for offspring and building a nest.

Solitary wasps have a long body without a bright yellow color. People rarely get stung. A beneficial insect in the economic and horticultural sense, they prey on plant pests. If they are bothersome, simple home remedies for wasps will help drive them away or destroy them. Any spray with citrus oil is dangerous for them.

Wasps building nests

A beneficial insect, it is considered a pest only when it builds its nests close to human habitation. This is the most eco-friendly look social wasp, watching her build her amazing nest is a real pleasure. The most convenient and safest way to get rid of it is pressure spray.


The most formidable representative, but he does not seek to find adventure for himself, so he rarely approaches a person’s home. Used to destroy a nest aerosols.

Yellow jacket

This is the wasp that you will find on sweet fruits and near the sugar bowl. She will annoyingly circle around while you eat a peach or grapes. It is easy to identify by its thick waist and bright yellow patterns.

the same type of wasp so-called. "yellow jacket"

She zealously defends her nest, fights to the bitter end, bites and stings several times until she is destroyed. Of all the wasps, this representative is considered the only “pest” among the family. For the destruction of such pests, they are best suited special traps.

Destroy, cannot be pardoned

Manufacturers did not invent new means to destroy this particular type of insect. Any insecticide is effective remedy from os. Labeling on the packaging that the drug acts against them is nothing more than a move by marketers. When purchasing, do not fall for the tricks of sellers.

To make a choice, pay attention to the composition, method of application and price. A rating compiled from popular and effective means will help you navigate the diversity.

Wasp traps

The purpose is to attract and destroy. A substance is used as bait, the smell of which wasps pick up from a distance. You can purchase ready-made wasp traps or make your own.


For the convenience of consumers, the manufacturer suggests using the ready-made bait that comes with the kit and, if necessary, buying an additional bag. The device works extremely simply. Place the bait in the glass, add water to the required level, close the lid and hang it on the cord that comes with the kit. SWISSINNO Wasp Trap excellent safe remedy from wasps in the country.

Buy now for RUR 486

They hang several traps around the house, periodically check the water and top it up to the level. There is no need to remove dead wasps. As soon as the container is full of insects, change the solution and hang the device in its original place. One charge lasts approximately 3 weeks.

It should be noted:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • freedom from pesticides;
  • efficiency;
  • reusability;
  • ease of use
  • The price of the set in online stores is from 500 rubles.

What remedies for wasps in nature can be made from improvised means if insects bother you? A plastic lemonade bottle will do. The top third is cut off and inserted inside the bottle, neck down. Any sweet drink that will attract wasps is poured inside. That's it - the trap is ready.


The convenience of the form allows the use of a remedy against wasps, destroying an entire family in the nest. Droplets of insecticide are sprayed under pressure into the cells, leaving no chance for their inhabitants to survive.

Wasp spray Dr. Klaus

The aerosol is used to kill flying insects. The poison cypermethrin and tetramethrin penetrate the chitinous shell of the wasp and disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses. The insect dies from paralysis of all organs and systems.

Active substance

  • — cypermethrin 0.08%,
  • - tetramethrin 0.15%,
  • — piperonyl butoxide 0.75%.

Order now for RUB 259

Mode of application

If the room area is no more than 18 m2, spray the aerosol for no longer than 5 seconds, for a room with an area of ​​25-30 m2 - no more than 12 seconds. The stream is directed upward, as well as to places where insects accumulate (nests). It is advisable to close windows and doors while the room is being treated. The room should be ventilated 15 minutes after spraying for at least 30 minutes. If the insects are not completely destroyed, repeat the treatment the next day.

Benefits of use:

  • ease of use;
  • quick effect;
  • economical packaging;
  • range 3 m;
  • affordable price.

The price in stores starts from 280 rubles for a 600 ml bottle.

Aerosol MOSQUITALL against wasp nests

The powerful pressure inside the cylinder allows you to obtain a directed jet up to 6 meters. This reduces the likelihood of being attacked by angry wasps at the time of processing. It contains a combination of two poisons: cypermethrin and bioallethrin. Acts as a paralytic with a quick effect.

Order for 390 rub.

Treatment of wasp nests can be carried out at a distance of 6 meters, thanks to the aerosol form of the drug, which eliminates contact with wasps. To maximize the effectiveness of the product, you should carry out treatment either early in the morning, before sunrise, or after sunset when all the wasps are in the nest.

It should be noted:

  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • range 6 m;
  • quick result.

Price in stores for a 950 g bottle starts from 390 rubles.

Sprays against wasps

To treat the area, either purchase ready-made solutions placed in special containers, or use concentrated products for dilution with water. The mixture is prepared according to the instructions before processing, then poured into a bottle with a spray nozzle.

Spray against wasps and flies Dr. Klaus

What wasp repellent to buy so that it is convenient to use in the countryside or country house? Then, midges, moths, fleas and aphids. The solution contains alphacypermethrin, which interferes with the activity of nervous system, which leads to paralysis. A hose with water is connected to the bottle and a stream of solution is directed onto the treated area.

Before purchasing, please note that the hose and nozzle are purchased separately, or you will need a special adapter.

Order for 626 RUR

  • Active ingredient: alphacypermethrin – 0.12%
  • Auxiliary components: synergist, stabilizer, emulsifier, water.

Approximate consumption rates of the product (according to the bottle scale):

  • Flies - 40 ml / 10 m 2
  • Mosquitoes - 50 ml / 100 m2
  • Wasps - 50 ml / 100m2


  • versatility of the drug;
  • efficiency;
  • Ease of use.

The remaining container is used repeatedly, solutions prepared from concentrated preparations are poured in. Price Dr. Klaus from 600 rubles for a container weighing 1 kg.

Microencapsulated anti-wasp product GET

Insecticidal solution created by unique technology, developed by Russian chemists. The poison is contained in polymer capsules and is released as the liquid dries. The active substance chlorpyrifos, Get from wasps, effectively disrupts the activity of the insect's nervous system, which leads to death.

Order now for RUB 790

Wasps that have chosen to live near humans pose a rather serious danger. I think it’s no secret why wasps are so dangerous. Almost every person has seen a hornet or a wasp, but it is still very interesting to get to know them better. After all, knowledge about the enemy is a great help in the fight against him.

What a wasp looks like - photo

There are about twenty thousand species of wasps all over the world, differing in color, body shape, type of housing construction, size and degree of aggressiveness. In addition to the fact that wasps are aggressive stinging insects, they are known for the characteristic construction of their nests - in appearance they resemble paper jugs. It should be noted that the types of nests are quite different. For example, there are open nests, with honeycombs, and there are closed ones. Some Hymenoptera prefer to build nests in hollow walls and other inaccessible places. It is in such cases that we can say that there are wasps, but where they are flying from is unknown.

A wasp nest can be found in a barn or garage.

Wasps can also take shelter on trees, in the corners of terraces and other similar secluded places. Sometimes the nest consists of honeycombs fastened together.

The body of the average wasp (16-21 mm) is black, with a yellow pattern on the head and chest.

Common wasps nest in the ground, for example, in burrows abandoned by rodents. They are even able to expand their home to a significant size, so that more than one thousand individuals can live in it. Their length is 13-19 mm.

Below you can see a closed wasp nest in the ground, which was apparently destroyed by a forest animal.

Hornets prefer to live in hollow trees, in birdhouses, under roofs and in the ground. Hornets are much larger than wasps; working individuals have a body 22 mm long, and females up to 35 mm. Their color is brownish with a yellow pattern on the head and abdomen, the tint of the wings is yellowish.

Wasps in a house or country house are found on the surface of old buildings and fences, where they scrape off wood, which they use to build nests.

Hornets love tree bark.

When building a nest, the female first creates a cell in which she lays eggs; it turns out that along the edges of the nest there are cells in which one egg lies.

Wasps feed on meat, insects, fish, berries and tree fruits. They chew off pieces of food and feed them to the larvae.

Having gotten to know wasps better, it becomes clear that they should be quite comfortable in nature. Then why do they fly into houses and apartments?

Where do wasps come from in an apartment?

Often, wasps settle in a house next to people, considering that this place is convenient for placing their colony. With the onset of spring, females go in search of places where they can build a nest. They fly into the room through the window, open window or even in the cracks window frames. In the apartment, the female looks for a secluded place and begins to build a nest there. IN big house or apartment, you may not notice insects right away. But in a month, when the offspring appear, it will be impossible not to notice the wasps.

Most often, wasps settle in attics, loggias and balconies, and sneak into the room to look for food.

Insects can gnaw passages even through cement mortar, let alone wooden blocks.

The destruction of wasps is a necessary measure, since their bites are very dangerous for humans.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous?

A wasp sting is extremely difficult for a person to bear. And if bees sting only in defense, then wasps are very annoying, they fly into vehicles, get under clothes and into bags.

With the help of a sting, the female wasp lays eggs, but when threatened, she releases a toxin from there.

By the way, only the female has a sting. The danger of bites lies in the injection of poison, more than once. The venom contains serotonin, histamine, amino acids, peptides and a strong neurotoxin. The substances act on red blood cells and hepatocytes in human blood. Repeated entry of the poison into the bloodstream provokes an allergic reaction. The consequences can be dire - Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis and death.

In addition, a wound will appear on the skin, and bacteria can penetrate into it, after which inflammation will develop, developing into a purulent process.

According to experts, insect venom can cause partial paralysis, myocardial ischemia, vascular collapse, bronchospasms, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and this is not a complete answer to the question of why a wasp sting is dangerous.

By the way, not everyone has allergies. Many people experience discomfort after a wasp sting and forget about it after a couple of days. The causes of an allergic reaction depend on heredity and sensitization (the allergen was encountered for the first time, a false reaction).

Allergy symptoms - redness and itching at the site of the bite, pain, swelling, dizziness, Quincke's edema, loss of consciousness.

Being bitten by wasps is very unpleasant and even dangerous, which means you need to minimize the risk of their appearance in advance.

How to protect your home from wasps

Wasps and hornets are attracted to sweets, open food, and strong-smelling perfumes, so you should definitely place them on windows. Mosquito nets. Do not leave sweets, pies or sugar on the table or nightstands. You can also put a mesh on all cracks and ventilation shafts. The smell of vinegar and the drug “SOCHVA” with the smell of smoke repels insects. Wasps will fly around the windows if the curtains on them are sprayed with a solution of food vinegar. After half an hour, a person will no longer feel the smell, and insects have a keen sense of smell, vinegar will definitely scare them away.

If wasps have already settled in the neighborhood, then it’s time to act more harshly.

Wasps - how to get rid of insects in an apartment

Since a wasp nest in the house causes a lot of trouble, the question of how to get rid of wasps is acute. The fight against them first of all involves. To locate their home, it is necessary to monitor the movement of insects. You can even use a trick, put meat or fish on a saucer, the workers will take the food and fly off to feed the female and the larvae.

The nest indoors does not need to be immediately sprayed with pesticides. So the wasps will get angry, and then there will be no mercy for anyone. It is better to wait until the insects fall asleep and carefully prepare for the “operation”. You need to find clothes with thick fabric, leather gloves, reliably protect your eyes, face and neck. Make sure that every area of ​​skin is covered and protected from bites. Children and pets should not be in the room.

The first stage of the operation - the destruction of wasps - involves putting a bag on the nest, preferably a very tight one, and tightening it at the attachment point. Then, cutting a small gap, insert a cap of spray (“Karbofos”, “Dichlorvos”) and fill the wasp’s nest.

In those places where it is not possible to put a bag on the nest, the fight against wasps looks a little different. In this case, a tube is attached to the spray, on which a rag is pre-wound, to block the exit from the hive. The tap hole is plugged with a tube and the insecticide is injected. In ten minutes the wasps will die. Now the nest can be removed and burned, and the room can be ventilated.

On the balcony and loggia, the nest is destroyed in a similar way. You can also pour boiling water over the nest, although there is a risk of scalding your own body. The place where the hive was attached must be thoroughly cleaned, treated with a solution of vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise, the remaining smell will attract wasps, and they will form a new colony here.

A wasp nest under the roof or under the eaves of windows is just as dangerous, because wasps can or have already made passages into the building. It is necessary to inspect the surface; insect passages are holes 4-6 mm wide.

At night, these passages must be treated using any wasp repellent, after which pieces of cotton wool moistened with insecticides - “Fufanol”, “Sipaz” - should be pushed into the passages. Plaster the holes with Karbofoos added to the mixture.

If it is impossible to destroy wasps yourself, let the relevant services solve the problem.

Ground wasps - how to get rid of insects in your summer cottage

The surest way to get rid of earthen wasps on your site is to call a specialist. After processing the problem will be solved by for a long time. But if the wasp nest is small, you can get rid of the insects yourself.

  1. Wasps cannot tolerate the smell of petroleum products. If possible, you should water the nest and the soil around it. diesel fuel. This must be done carefully so as not to anger the inhabitants of the nest.
  2. Another way to get rid of wasps in the country is to pour poison or gasoline into the sprayer. The contents are carefully sprayed near the nest. The surviving wasps will still leave this place forever.
  3. The nest can simply be burned, but this must be done in the fall, when there is no one left alive except the queen. The place where their home was located needs to be treated with chemicals.
  4. Ground wasps will die from exposure to various powders and gels. The chemical is poured near the nest, applied to the bait, and the insects themselves will carry the insecticide into their abode. Then all that remains is to get rid of the nest.

What means allow you to effectively and without negative influence on people's health to get rid of annoying insects?

Effective remedies for wasps - drugs

Almost all insecticides are now universal and are aimed at killing many insects. But fighting wasps requires taking into account some nuances.

A fast-acting insecticide will give you 100% results in getting rid of adult wasps, queens and larvae. Baits and traps are effective against insects flying to the site in search of food.

Anti-wasp drugs are conventionally divided into two types.

The first group is means for preparing traps and baits. They are highly toxic to insects, but safe for humans and do not have a persistent strong odor.

The second group is means for quick and reliable destruction of wasps.

The form of release of the drugs is concentrates in the form of sprays, aerosols, powders and gels. There is also a special glue to which wasps stick.

Drugs that kill wasps:

  • a powerful remedy for wasps - “Get”. The drug has a slight odor, is not dangerous to humans, it is included in baits and used for complete destruction nests;
  • boric acid is also included in the baits. The substance is odorless, harmless and accessible, and has a powerful toxic effect on insects;
  • Dichlorvos has been used for a long time, it can be replaced with another aerosol preparation. But its use requires precautions;
  • "Delta Zone" is an effective preparation with a weak odor, which allows it to be used in bait;
  • "Karbofos" is an effective and inexpensive product, but has an unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • insecticidal gel is both poison and bait. The gel is convenient to apply to various surfaces or pour into the nests. The gel “Absolut”, “Fas” or “Globol” will destroy the wasps;
  • Cardboard is smeared with special glue, and sweet bait is placed in the center. Naturally, they will flock to the treat. It is very easy to get rid of stuck insects later. The adhesives “Kapkan”, “Apcoll”, “Alt” and many others are equally effective.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to get along with wasps, and fighting them is a severe necessity. Whether to do it yourself or with the help of specialists - everyone decides for themselves. It is not easy to destroy wasps; usually the fight takes place in several stages. Because a common person does not have experience in using pesticides, the quality of processing may suffer from this, and professionals will carry out a complex of work, after which insects will not appear for a long time.

And of course, the most compelling argument to turn to specialists is the skills of professionals in the field of wasp removal tactics. It is worth noting here that the method or technology for removing wasps in the case of a nest closed type(in a wall or other inaccessible place) must be very delicate, as with ants. This is achieved by luring out workers and gradually poisoning the entire hive, as well as some other techniques. Otherwise, following the approach of “stir up, burn, gouge, etc.”, having achieved the destruction of wasps, you can cause significant damage to property or even burn down the house.

Effective wasp removal should allow you to get rid of them with minimal losses. It is important to prevent catastrophic consequences, as in the following video.

Wasp repellents are often universal, meaning they have a negative effect on different insects. For this reason, it is recommended to study the manufacturer's recommendations before purchasing. Flying pests often set up nests near human habitation, and sometimes even right under the roof of a house. Insecticides, which are included in most effective drugs, will help destroy them.

To get rid of wasp nests, concentrated solutions, gel-like substances, aerosols, powders, baits and traps are used. These funds are divided into two groups:

  • Those that contain specific substances that are practically odorless, due to which insects fly closer (traps, gels, baits);
  • Those that quickly erode (aerosol, spray), but are highly toxic to pests.

Each drug is characterized by a relatively low level of toxicity to humans. However, you should still work with aerosols while wearing a respirator.

More about concentrated liquids

This is an effective wasp repellent as it gives good results no matter what form is used.

Possible uses:

  • The concentrate is used in the manufacture of the trap, but in this case they use products that do not have an intense odor;
  • Prepare a solution (water is added to the base substance) and treat the nests.

To achieve a good result, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.


These are ready-to-use anti-wasp products (for example, Dichlorvos, Mosquitall, etc.). They do not need to be diluted, which means less time is spent on processing. Considering that aerosols contain volatiles, with their help you can easily treat the nest, since the insecticide spreads throughout all the cracks.

Be sure to provide yourself with a protective suit and mask.

The main disadvantage of this product is its short-term effect, since pests usually have to be destroyed outdoors. A good result is achieved due to the high toxicity of the drugs and prompt processing.

Powdery substances

They are used in the manufacture of baits and traps. Based on the powders, concentrates are prepared for treating the nest. In dry form, this substance is not suitable for destroying pests directly in their habitat.


These are universal means that allow you to fight pests of various types: cockroaches, ants, wasps, etc. The nest cannot be treated with a gel-like substance, but it is applied near the wasps’ habitat, which increases the likelihood of contact with poison. In addition, using the product it is quite possible to make a bait/trap. The main advantage of the gel is that it both poisons pests and attracts them thanks to the components in the composition.


Their only purpose is to collect pests. Usually glue is used along with bait. Flying closer, the insects stick and quickly die.


Offered different types, the difference between which is the speed of impact on pests. Thus, products of one group destroy wasps almost immediately as soon as the substance enters the digestive system. The second type of product is characterized by a prolonged action: when pests feast on a poisoned product, they will give food, after chewing, to the offspring (larvae) and the uterus. This means that the entire population in the nest will soon die.

Which remedies are most effective?

There are different methods of dealing with wasps. This is the well-known universal “enemy” of many pests, Dichlorvos, and the folk remedy boric acid, and numerous, different types of chemical-based preparations. It is recommended to select a method of destruction based on where the wasp nest is located and what size it is.

Its advantages: high level toxicity, odorless, safe to handle for humans. Sold in the form of a concentrate (100 ml in a bottle). Ratio of product and water: 100 ml per 2 liters of liquid. To destroy a nest located on a branch, fill a thick bag with the product and immerse the entire structure created by the wasps in it, after which the edge is secured with tape. Duration of exposure – 2 days.

In a hollow or in the soil, processing is easier. In this case, it is enough to fill the nest with a solution, and then plug the inlet with poisoned matter. Baits are also prepared. Popular recipe: 1 bottle of product per 1 liter of product (jam, beer or kvass). All that remains is to pour the mixture into containers and place it near the nest.

Boric acid for preparing baits

This is another means of getting rid of wasps. Its advantages: universal; highly effective; is inexpensive; non-toxic to humans; there is no smell. Available in powder form. The bait is prepared from the same products as in the case of the GET preparation: beer, kvass, jam. The components are mixed and poured into containers, after which they are placed around the nest.

An auxiliary measure is to treat the meat with a solution based on boric acid. The product is placed as close as possible to the wasp habitat. You can use a substance similar in structure and properties - borax.

This is another effective remedy for getting rid of wasps. Dichlorvos is offered in aerosol form. The main component is a substance from the pyrethroid group. Previously, Dichlorvos contained organophosphorus compounds. The treatment is carried out in closed clothing, always at night, when the wasps are inactive and are in the nest. The procedure is repeated several times; a single spraying is not enough to destroy all individuals, since after each approach only a portion of the pests die.

Gets rid of various insects, including hornets/wasps. It does not have a pronounced odor, which makes the drug suitable for bait. In terms of effectiveness, the product is similar to the substance GET. Sold in the form of a concentrate (100 ml in a bottle).

Country of origin: Holland. The drug represents a group of professional products. This means that it is characterized by a high level of toxicity. Tetrix is ​​not sold in the public domain, this is what distinguishes it from products like Mosquitol, etc. However, if you manage to obtain Tetrix, it will be possible to remove wasps in a short time. It is recommended to work in a protective suit and respirator. Contact of the substance with plantings should also be avoided.


This is another popular universal remedy. Its advantages: affordable price, relatively high level of efficiency. Karbofos is offered in the form of powder and concentrate. It cannot be used as bait, since the smell will interfere with attracting wasps. The concentrate is diluted with water 1:10, for example, 100 ml per 1 liter of liquid. The nest is immersed in a thick bag filled with a poisonous solution, and its edge is closed. Alternative method destruction of wasps - a standard spraying procedure (carried out repeatedly).

Glue for traps

This is a non-toxic product that acts differently than the insecticide-based preparations discussed above: the surface (cardboard) is treated with an adhesive and left close to the nest. Bait is placed in the center of the site, using a product that wasps love (watermelon, meat). Examples of adhesives: ALT, Kapkan.

Lack of remedy - destruction and beneficial insects. In addition, glue-based traps must be constantly renewed and used over a long period of time.

Interesting video:How to get rid of wasps yourself

Simple and inexpensive way implementation - bottom plastic bottle, where the cut top part is inserted. To attract insects, a product attractive to wasps is poured inside: jam, beer, kvass, etc. You can mix the bait with a poisonous substance (any insecticide). The main condition is that the selected drug has no odor, otherwise the insecticide will repel wasps.

The current remedy for wasps is a broad-spectrum insecticide. The drugs are sold in hardware stores, specialized departments of the supermarket, and on the market; the most effective and expensive ones are ordered via the Internet. Fighting wasps is a hazardous occupation. Even in people not prone to allergic reactions, bites from a dozen insects will cause deterioration in health. You should protect yourself with a beekeeper's suit or clothing made of thick fabric that wasps cannot bite through. Angry wasps bite without stopping. Everyone rushes into battle at once. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to invite SES specialists. On the other hand, it is much easier to deal with wasps than with bed bugs, cockroaches, ants. The wasp nest is of impressive size and is located under the roof of buildings, in a hollow tree, or in the ground. The choice of anti-wasp remedy depends on its location.

Insects are omnivores. Wasps are attracted to sweets, fruits, vegetables, along with raw meat, sausage. This is because adults feed on juices, while the larvae in the nest prefer meat.

Bait with boric acid

One of the most popular remedies among the people is boric acid. It is part of the poisoned bait as an active component. Mix into jam, honey, meat, sugar. Placed near the nest. The drug begins to act when ingested. Initially, boric acid blocks nerve impulses of insects, then causes paralysis, death.

If the wasp nest is located in the ground, it is better to place the bait with boric acid nearby. This way the wasps will detect it faster and the effect of the poisoned bait will begin faster. Boric acid is poured into a wasp's nest. They do this early in the morning or late in the evening, when there is a whole swarm in the nest. Dilute a sachet of product in 1 liter of water. You can increase the amount of the drug if the wasp's home is in the ground. Then dilute the product in 1 bucket of water.

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies. A significant advantage is low price. A 10 g bag of boric acid powder costs 34 rubles.

Gel baits

Modern manufacturers of insecticidal products offer ready-made bait in the form of a gel. The remedy is considered most effective if the location of the nest is unknown. No danger to humans. The wasps themselves will find the bait, taste it, take it to the nest, and feed it. cubs, they will treat the queen. The product is available in the form of an oil-based gel. To attract insects, the poisoned bait contains flavorings. Improves taste nutritional supplements. The active ingredient is an insecticide. In most cases fipronil. The substance is resistant to high temperatures, sunlight. Suitable for use on open areas. Retains properties indoors for up to 60 days. Outdoors, you need to refresh the bait periodically.

  • Raptor;
  • Global;
  • Dohlox;
  • Brownie;
  • Clean house;
  • Combvt;
  • Trap.

Prices for drugs vary. For example, for one syringe of Raptor gel you will have to pay about 650 rubles.

What to do if you don’t know where the nest is, and the number of wasps on the site makes you fear for your health. In this case, they begin to make traps. You will need bait, possibly with a poisonous base. Next is a matter of fantasy.

The simplest option is a trap made from a plastic bottle with poisoned bait. Cut off the top part, place the neck down in the form of a watering can. The edges are fixed with tape. Thread a thread and hang it in the right place. A trap with poisoned bait can also be hung near the nest; here the tactics to combat wasps work slowly. Gradually, all the working wasps will fall into the trap with the poisoned bait. The queen and larvae will be left without food. You can't count on them dying by starvation. But destroying a wasp's nest will not be so problematic and dangerous to health. There will be no one to attack. You can safely remove it and then do whatever you want. But it’s easier to put it in a bag and drown it.

Despite the position of some people about the ineffectiveness of wasp traps, they are still effective. Every day there will be several dozen wasps in a trap with poisonous bait. Well, even if the insect gets out, it will carry poison with it. In this way it can poison other wasps.

Otos powder can be used as poison bait. It contains insecticide, sugar, and flavorings. The drug is inexpensive. But it may be difficult to purchase - it is not available everywhere. In the worst case, you can order online; modern delivery services allow you to receive your parcel the very next day.

Insecticidal preparations for wasps

If the question arises about what to poison wasps, you need to familiarize yourself with modern drugs. Most of them are broad-spectrum. And those that are designed to kill cockroaches are suitable for fighting wasps. The products are sold in the form of a concentrate. Prepare the solution yourself the day before use. Since all preparations contain an insecticide, you need to take care of your own safety. However, in the fight against wasps you will have to wear a suit. You also need to add a respirator or gas mask.

The finished preparation is poured into a spray bottle or spray bottle. But you need to choose one so that the stream was quite strong. Carry out destruction wasp's nest necessary in the morning before sunrise, in the evening after sunset. At this time, the entire family of wasps will be assembled. When approaching a wasp nest, you should not make sudden movements or make loud noises. But when the target is visible, you will have to act quickly. The entire wasp's nest is flooded. Some of the wasps will drown, and the remaining inhabitants of the wasp's nest will receive fatal poisoning from the insecticide.

In the fight against wasps, you can buy drugs without a prolonged action, as is the case when killing cockroaches, bed bugs, and ants. One treatment of a wasp nest is enough to kill an entire generation. All living beings die. The wasp nest, along with the remaining eggs, is destroyed mechanically.

The situation is even simpler with the destruction of a wasp nest if it is in the ground. The insecticidal preparation is diluted in a large amount of water (1 bucket). They pour everything into a hornet's nest.

You can poison wasps with the following drugs:

  • Dichlorvos;
  • Karbofos;
  • Delta Zone;
  • Executioner.

The product in the form of aerosols can also be used. Spray the bait, for example. Only in this case it is better to choose unscented ones. So that the insect smells food and not poison. It is better to treat the nest with more concentrated products.

Additional steps for effective destruction

Wasps cannot tolerate strong odors or smoke. You can drive them out of your home in this way. When insects are located on personal plot, in the garden, you need to light a fire nearby. So that the smoke gets into their house. The pungent smell will prevent insects from approaching their home, and those that were inside will hasten to get out. This will make it possible to reach the uterus with eggs. Destruction is carried out mechanically - simply crush.

Products with a strong odor have the same effect. For example, you can use kerosene, gasoline. Douse the insects' home. If it is located on garden plot, throw a match, set it on fire. This way you can get rid of pests instantly.

In some cases, folk remedies are much more effective. A hanging nest on a balcony or under the roof of a building can simply be drowned. Take a bucket of water, add 400 ml of detergent to it, stir well, but do not foam. Arm yourself with a protective suit, get close to the cocoon with pests, and quickly dip it in a bucket of water. Detergent It is necessary that the wings stick together so that the insects cannot fly away.

The second option is to vacuum. Turn on the vacuum cleaner full power. Place all insects in a bag and crush the rest by crushing them. Carefully remove the bag and dip it in water.

Wasps in the neighborhood of a person are always an unpleasant phenomenon. If their number rapidly increases, it is necessary to start searching for the nest and take emergency measures.

They are unpleasant not only because of their importunity, but also dangerous. After all, their bite is painful and causes skin allergic reactions. And for allergy sufferers and children it may even carry risk to life. They become especially aggressive at the end of summer - during the period of fruit harvests, the ripening of watermelons and melons. To avoid trouble, many prefer to destroy them. In this article we will offer several methods on how to get rid of wasps in the country.

The main reasons for the appearance of wasps in the country

Not counted exact amount There are many types of wasps. They are varied in color; in addition to striped yellow-black ones, there are also blue and black ones. Their sizes are different - from 2.5 to 10 cm. The lifestyle of insects can be either solitary or family. Their food is nectar and juice. The larvae feed on small insects.

In order for the process of getting rid of wasps in the country to be successful, you should find out the reason why they equipped the nests in this particular place. There may be several of them:

  • settlement near a food source - flower bed, orchard;
  • natural migration;
  • the location of nearby insects suitable for food for young offspring;
  • settling in old nests or places where their relatives also previously lived.
You need to know that, as a rule, insects build their nests in secluded places, so they cannot always be detected. Most often they choose corners, attics, windows, walls, slate, and rarely used utility rooms. In the house, these may be inaccessible places behind the air conditioner or behind drainpipes. Insects can make moves in insulation materials, under wood floors, behind siding and even in cement.

The family equips a large nest from scrap materials and from those that its members produce themselves. Single individuals build small nests - about 5-8 cm in diameter.

It is easy to track the habitat of insects. You need to put tasty bait - a juicy fruit, a piece of fish or meat. When the wasps discover it and begin to feed on it, they will often take the same route: from food to home. This way you can set the location of the socket equipment. To combat insects, it will be sufficient to detect not the nest itself (since it is not always possible to get close to it), but the entrance to the home.

How to get rid of wasps in the house

There are several situations in which the question is relevant: how to remove wasps? The fight should begin if the wasps have formed nests in corners located near the place of residence of a person and his frequent stay there:

  • directly in the house;
  • in the attic of the house;
  • on the balcony;
  • under the roof;
  • V utility rooms and near them.

Did you know? Only females have a sting; males do not have one. Only the fertilized individual survives the winter and goes into hibernation. Other insects die.

You need to understand that a wasp will never attack just like that, only in case of self-defense and defense of its home. However, no one can say exactly at what moment she will decide that a person is threatening her nest. Often the entire swarm flies out to defend itself.

They can be controlled using chemical insecticides and folk remedies. There are also special services that help cope with the scourge using professional means (the cost of their services is from 1.5 thousand rubles for apartments and from 2.5 thousand rubles for dachas).

Measures to get rid of wasps include the following:

  • destruction of nests;
  • catching insects in traps;
  • extermination using poison baits.

Chemical remedies

Using an insecticide you can get rid of wasps both on and in the apartment. The following drugs will help cope with this task: “Aktara”, “Karbofos”, “Tetrix”, “Executioner”, “Moskitol” and others. You can buy them in specialized stores. Prepare the working solution strictly according to the instructions.

For a positive effect, 200 ml of solution is poured into a large plastic bag(it needs to be selected according to the size of the nest) and abruptly put it on the nest. It is important to tighten the bag well and tie it with rope, tape, etc. to completely block the flight of insects.

The nest should remain in this state for two to three days. After this, remove the bag, first tapping it with a stick. Removal of polyethylene is carried out only if a buzzing noise is not heard.

If the nest is inaccessible, then the drug should be injected into the opening of the entrance to the home - insecticides are sold in aerosols (Raid, Dichlorvos Neo, Raptor, Combat, etc.). Then the exit must be covered with a cloth soaked in insecticide. Do not open the hole for several days.

Another way to use insecticides is to make poisoned baits - a product (for example Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone) is added to sweet food or drink that is specially used to lure wasps. Either sweetened beer is best suited for these purposes, or the poison is dripped onto watermelon (melon) rinds. The container with the bait is placed in a visible place, where insects can definitely notice it, and the “delicacy” is added a few days later, until all the wasps in the house are destroyed.

Important! The location of the bait with poison should be inaccessible to children and pets.

For those who are planning to conduct their own fight against insects, it will not be amiss to know that if any individual stings you during the process of destroying a nest, you cannot kill it - this will provoke aggression of the whole swarm. The best way out in such a situation, leave, take the necessary measures in case of a bite (see below in the section “First aid for a bite”) and return after a while, when the wasps have calmed down, to repeat the operation.

Folk remedies

The simplest and in a fast way The way to destroy a wasp nest is to expose it to fire - the home is doused with flammable material, such as gasoline, and set on fire. This method is effective, but it is not always possible to apply it everywhere. For example, it is absolutely not suitable for those who are looking for options on how to get rid of wasps in wooden house. If the socket is equipped with wooden building or under a wooden roof, its use is strictly prohibited, as it can cause a fire.

Some spray gasoline, kerosene, or diesel fuel from a spray bottle into nests and entrances to homes. However, it is also better to do this away from wooden structures.

Another way - placing the nest in water. This method requires additional equipment. For example, if the nest is located on the ceiling, then you can place it in a pan or bucket of water, pressing their edges tightly to the ceiling, and then place a stepladder or some furniture under them. The wasp's home should be in water for at least 24 hours.

Important! It is recommended to carry out work to get rid of wasps at night, when they are all in the nest and inactive.

Specialized stores sell traps designed to catch wasps. It is also possible to make them yourself - you can find many videos on the Internet that talk about the technology. Make a trap from a plastic bottle this way:

  • remove the cover;
  • cut off the top (1/3);
  • a solution is poured into the lower part, which should lure bees (fermented or fresh jam, beer with the addition of an insecticide);
  • the upper cut part is inserted into the lower part with the neck down so that it fits tightly - according to the principle of a funnel;
  • hang on the wall, window, under the roof, etc.
The fluid should be renewed once every few days.

You can also purchase it at the store or make your own glue trap. Glue, for example RaTrap, Alt, etc., is applied to a cardboard sheet, and a spoonful of jam or rotting fruit is placed on top. The wasps, trying to feed themselves, will stick to the cardboard and get stuck.

Important! Whatever methods – chemical or traditional – you decide to use, be sure to take care of personal safety measures: carry out the work in thick clothing that covers your arms and legs, gloves and a beekeeper’s mask (as an option, a hood with a mosquito net over your face).

Wasps in the country: prevention

To avoid mass colonies of wasps in the house and subsequently not to think about how to get rid of them, you need to resort to the following measures:

  • destroy already empty nests in the fall and spring before they are settled, since with a very high probability they will be occupied again in the new year. The mark from the nest attachment must be treated with one of the following agents: potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, insecticide;
  • get rid of rotten fruits in a timely manner and prevent their storage;
  • eliminate cracks in the attic or other rooms;
  • during the construction of a new house or during repairs, carry out preventive treatment with insecticides and seal all cracks and voids;
  • do not store unnecessary things in large quantities;
  • wash furniture periodically.

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