Injection waterproofing at low prices - application features. Injection materials Injection waterproofing work

If mistakes were made during the construction of the building, this may cause a violation of the waterproofing, which leads to the destruction of the foundation and the structure itself. Today, new technologies are known that can help solve these problems efficiently and quickly. However, you should be prepared for the fact that not all of them are available for home use, because, for example, the injection method requires the use pumping equipment.

A fairly effective method of protection against moisture is injection waterproofing. It allows you to treat leaks, which can also be pressure leaks. The principle of the method is to pump waterproofing materials under high pressure using pumping equipment that is designed for this purpose.

The need to use injection waterproofing

The foundation acts as the foundation of any building. The service life of the house depends on its quality. For this reason, at the initial stage of construction, it is important to take the waterproofing of the base as seriously as possible. These manipulations help protect the house from groundwater and rainwater, making it as resistant to corrosion as possible.

One of the possible options for protecting the foundation during the operation stage, as mentioned above, is injection waterproofing. If capillary rise occurs between the wall and the foundation groundwater, then the space will begin to fill with moisture. Capillary moisture can saturate a structure up to 10 m in height, which is also harmful for the reason that the water can be saturated with acids and aggressive salts.

When operating a building, it is important to monitor its condition, ensuring reliable waterproofing of concrete underground structures. Such control can be difficult to carry out due to the inaccessibility of waterproofing, because it is hidden by massive elements, backfill, etc. In this case, the use of waterproofing materials that have a penetrating effect is effective.

Description of injection waterproofing

Injection waterproofing allows the building not to lose strength due to the fact that the structures are kept dry, the reinforcement is passivated, and corrosion processes are initiated at a reduced pH level. Corrosion of reinforcement can be stopped in several ways, including stripping and coating with special compounds. The problem can be solved by changing the operating conditions.

It is physically impossible to clean the reinforcement, because it is encased in concrete. There remains only one option for increasing the pH level by long time, because corrosion will resume with moisture infiltration. Injection waterproofing perfectly protects the structure from exposure to water. The principle of operation of the substances is very simple: they penetrate into the upper porous layer and fill the pores, displacing liquid.

Additional features

If any component is additionally introduced into the solution, properties can be achieved, including:

  • fight against fungus and mold;
  • increasing the chemical resistance of the structure;
  • restoration of technical properties of old materials;
  • eliminating the risk of new corrosion on the fittings.

Reviews about injection waterproofing

According to consumers, the main advantage of injection waterproofing is its durability. The materials have excellent technical qualities, they are able to protect structures from moisture, corrosion and temperature changes, retaining heat in the building. Work is often carried out using liquid rubber or liquid glass. According to buyers, each of these materials has its own advantages, for example, liquid rubber is flexible and highly elastic. It is easy to apply, environmentally friendly and has high adhesion.

Liquid rubber, according to home craftsmen and specialists, is quite easy to repair. No special skills are required to use this material.

Features of liquid glass

Liquid glass is also quite common for injections. It can protect structures from the effects of:

  • sun;
  • corrosion;
  • wind;
  • temperature.

According to users, liquid glass has one important drawback, which is the fragility of the material. He is ready to serve for only 5 years.

Reviews of different materials for injection waterproofing

Injection waterproofing can be carried out using different materials, among them the following should be highlighted:

  • epoxy products;
  • microcements;
  • polyurethane materials;
  • acrylate gels.

According to consumers, the most effective are polyurethane materials and acrylate gels. They have high ductility and do not collapse under uneven loads. The compositions are hydroreactive, which indicates that they polymerize when exposed to water. As for acrylate gels, their density is almost the same as the density of water. In the soil and construction material, they quickly harden, forming a strong bond.

Consumers like that these solutions allow them to control the polymerization reaction time. This helps block the flow of water penetrating into the underground structures. Provide protection from pressure waters It is possible in the walls of the structure and between the soil and the walls. The material is capable of strengthening soil layers by mixing with its particles, this allows for protection against leaching and stabilizes the soil of the building.

If you will be injecting your basement, you should pay attention to polyurethane polymers. According to consumers, they are among the most economical. This is due to the fact that when exposed to moisture, the volume of the material increases 20 times. This property is especially important when installing waterproofing in conditions of loose soils and quicksand.

The material begins to foam and displaces water upon contact with moisture. When applying the next portion of waterproofing in the absence of water, it hardens without foaming and becomes a strong, dense substance that forms an impermeable shell.

Alternative solutions

Quite often, buyers compare epoxy compounds with polyurethane mixtures and acrylic gels. The former polymerize in air, and if water is present, it can negatively affect the characteristics. But after hardening, the material exhibits better waterproofing qualities, protecting the structure from moisture and giving it mechanical strength.

Injection waterproofing of foundations is quite often carried out using microcement, which, according to consumers, penetrates well into cracks and voids, crystallizes and forms a protective barrier that does not allow moisture to pass through. In liquid form, the injection composition remains for 15-40 minutes. Hardening can be controlled by a catalyst contained in the mixture.

Reviews about insulation technology

Injection waterproofing of the basement from the inside from groundwater, according to home craftsmen, should be carried out using a special technology. At the first stage, it involves drilling holes. The distance between them should be 50 cm, and a hammer drill must be used during these manipulations. The diameter of the holes should be equal to the limit of 1 to 2 cm.

It is important to make the holes through if you want to form a waterproof layer on the outside. To repair defects, cracks and breaks, holes should be made non-through. If you plan to use hydro-reactive material, then the holes are pre-wetted with water. When injection waterproofing of walls is carried out, consumers are advised to use the same technology. At the next stage, it involves pumping the composition into the drilled recesses. Next, you can take measures to neutralize salts and protect against mold and mildew. Surface on final stage covered with plaster.


Penetrating injection waterproofing has a fairly wide range of uses. With the help of such materials it is possible to waterproof cold and expansion joints, to carry out anti-capillary cut-off in brick and concrete walls oh, and also stop pressure leaks. The materials are quite expensive, which limits the scope of their use. Quite often, this waterproofing method is used only when it is necessary to protect large structures from moisture, and also when other methods are impossible or even more expensive.

Materials for concrete waterproofing. For injection, penetration and release layer techniques


For introduction use:

  • polymer gels;
  • epoxy mixtures;
  • acrylate gels;
  • special microcements.


Advantages of use:

Creating a separation layer

Coating material base pros Minuses
  • low cost;
  • ease of operation
  • ecological cleanliness
  • very high cost
  • ecological cleanliness
  • ease of use;
  • versatility;
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;

Adding to solution

Advantages Flaws
Ease of use

Materials for concrete waterproofing: penetrating, bituminous

Concrete, despite its high strength characteristics, needs protection from moisture. It, of course, does not have such pronounced hydrophobicity as wood, but over time, water is still able to settle in the pores of its structure, giving rise to destructive processes. In this article we will look at the most popular and effective methods of waterproofing a cement surface to guarantee its long service life.

Waterproofing methods

Various waterproofing agents differ in their composition and method of application. They can be used to treat an already hardened surface, or for adding to a mixed solution. But let's move on to more specific options.


This is very innovative method, which, as the name suggests, involves injecting a gel-like substance inside a concrete structure, where it transforms into a waterproof, dense membrane.

It has several important advantages:

  1. Very high efficiency. Prevents any penetration of liquid for many years.
  2. Wide range of applications. Makes it possible to cope even with gushing leaks, and not just with increased dampness.
  3. Versatility. Application is possible not only to concrete, but also to such porous materials, like brick, artificial foam concrete or real stone.

  1. Gain strength characteristics processed object.
  2. Easy to use DIY. The process itself is easy to carry out during pouring, after it, and during restoration work.

It also has some disadvantages:

  1. High price. You have to pay for a quality result, but you will be confident in it.
  2. The need for special equipment, including a pump high pressure.

Advice: it makes sense to purchase necessary equipment if you plan to install waterproofing professionally. This will allow you to quickly recoup all the money spent.

For introduction use:

  • polymer gels;
  • epoxy mixtures;
  • acrylate gels;
  • special microcements.


Penetrating concrete waterproofing is widely used due to its ease of use and high quality of the final result. The appropriate solution is applied to the surface, after which it enters the pores and subsequent crystallization.

Advantages of use:

  1. Possibility of application from the inside of the house under finishing materials.

  1. Use of water as a catalyst.

Two things follow from this: positive points:

  • Possibility of application on wet surface. This will only improve the result.
  • “Self-healing” - as a result of the appearance of a new portion of moisture, even after a long period of time, it will again provoke the chemical process of crystal formation.
  1. Vapor permeability. Allows storage inside the building favorable microclimate.
  2. Long service life, which is almost equal to the durability of the concrete itself.
  3. Simple instructions for use.

The disadvantages of this option are very minor:

  1. Combination is only possible with concrete. On the other hand, we are considering protection from moisture of this particular material.
  2. During the application process, an air temperature of at least +5 degrees Celsius is required. That is, either choose the summer period, or treat the wall from inside the building.

The best representatives of this type of waterproofing today are the Spanish-made Millennium and Penetron brands.

Creating a separation layer

Applying coating waterproofing to a concrete surface allows you to create a reliable moisture-repellent layer between the wall itself and the finishing material. Has the following features:

The following types of this type of moisture protection can be distinguished depending on the base used and their characteristics: specifications:

Coating material base pros Minuses
  • long service life, no shrinkage;
  • low cost;
  • ease of operation
  • need for plastering skills
  • resistance to any chemical attack;
  • ecological cleanliness
  • easily tolerates prolonged contact with water;
  • deep penetration into the structure;
  • Possibility of use if necessary urgent repairs;
  • ecological cleanliness
  • requires special handling skills
  • ease of use;
  • versatility, goes equally well with any surface;
  • deep penetration into pores;
  • high resistance to frost, tolerates down to -50 degrees Celsius without consequences
  • requires preliminary surface treatment with a special acrylic solution
  • also requires careful preliminary priming with special acrylic mixtures
  • the need for preparatory work, and in some cases even reinforcement

Tekmadray elast - a two-component hard-elastic material will become excellent choice for implementation of coating waterproofing.

Adding to solution

There are many modifying additives that can speed up or slow down the rate of hardening, protect against freezing, and increase strength. There are also those that, when they get into concrete, crystallize in it, preventing the penetration of water.

The method of using such moisture protection contains both its advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is ease of use, since you only need to pour the purchased solution into the general solution. The downside is that this can only be done at the concreting stage.


Concrete, despite its excellent strength, can still be damaged by water over time. To avoid this, you should use one of the methods to increase the moisture resistance of cement, a brief summary of which is summarized in the following table:

Method and materials used Advantages Flaws
Injection waterproofing with a gel mixture High efficiency, versatility Need for special equipment
Penetrating waterproofing with a solution formed into crystals Possibility of combination with a wet surface, ease of use, use of water as a catalyst The need to maintain a temperature regime of at least +5 0C
Coating waterproofing of concrete, creating a waterproof layer Frost resistance, economical Need for preparatory processing concrete surface
Additives that increase the moisture resistance of the cement mortar itself Ease of use Possibility of use only at the initial stage of concreting

The video in this article will provide you with additional information. Take care to protect your concrete structures from harmful effects excessive humidity.

Injection waterproofing is an effective way to protect the foundation.

Just as a theater begins with a coat rack, so a house begins with a foundation. It is this part of it, invisible to the eye, that ensures the normal transfer of the weight of the structure to the soil. And if anything happens to the foundation, the entire building suffers.

That is why, given the importance of this structural part, from 20 to 30% of the estimated cost of the house is allocated for the construction of the foundation. And that is why it is very important that the foundation is built in compliance with all the rules.

Unfortunately, often people who build their own houses, and even construction companies, violate the work technology, which leads to problems with the operation of buildings.

One of these violations is poor-quality foundation waterproofing.

Consequences of poor foundation waterproofing

During its operation, the foundation is affected by three types of moisture:

  • surface, caused by precipitation, snow melting and random runoff;
  • soil moisture (capillary) – is constantly present and cannot be gotten rid of;
  • groundwater (groundwater), the level of which depends on the time of year, terrain and waterproof layer of soil.

The purpose of waterproofing is to prevent water from entering the structures and premises of the building.

Due to the penetration of moisture into the thickness of the foundation and through it, dampness forms in the basements, and sometimes they even flood. All this leads to a weakening of the foundation and penetration of moisture into the walls (especially if the horizontal waterproofing, which protects the wall material from the penetration of moisture from the foundation), is poorly done.

The consequence of this may be:

Thus, the result is, at best, an unhealthy microclimate in the house, and at worst, the destruction of the building as a whole.

In order to avoid all these consequences, it is necessary to take care of the quality of all work at the stage of building a house.

But there are cases when the house already exists and the owners have to take measures to save it. To do this, you need to carry out extensive and expensive excavation work and waterproof the foundation, which is not always possible and sometimes undesirable.

How to deal with moisture in such a situation?

Methods of foundation waterproofing

There are many ways to protect the foundation from moisture:

But all these methods are good when the entire surface of the foundation is available for work. But what to do when the house is already standing and there is no reason to dig up the foundation?

All these methods make it possible to isolate it only from the inside, when the outer part in direct contact with the soil is inaccessible.

Insulation made on the basement side of the foundation may stop the flow of moisture into the basement, but the foundation itself, almost throughout its entire volume, will still be exposed to it and destroyed.

Therefore, you need to find a way to insulate its outer part, or better yet, the entire thickness of the structure.

And there is such a method - injection waterproofing.

Injection waterproofing - what is it?

This method, which has long been used abroad, appeared in Russia relatively recently. But it is already widely used to insulate and strengthen the foundations of existing buildings.

The essence of this technology is to pump waterproofing compounds into the material of the foundation, walls and other structures that require protection from water.

To carry out such insulation, special materials are used, which can be classified into several groups, according to their properties:

All these substances are introduced into the foundations using special equipment. Moreover, the technology resembles the well-known “injections”, as a result of which the waterproofing mixture penetrates into the cracks and pores of the material, closing the paths for moisture penetration.

Acrylate gels. Their density is almost equal to the density of ordinary water, so they easily penetrate into the smallest pores and quickly harden, forming a strong bond with the foundation material. At the same time, it is possible to control the polymerization time.

These gels create protection not only in the foundation walls, but also between the foundation and the soil. The material, mixed with soil particles, strengthens it, protects it from washing out and stabilizes the condition of the soil near the building.

Polyurethane polymers are considered the most economical, since when interacting with water they can increase their volume by 20 times. This property is widely used for waterproofing foundations located in loose soils and quicksand.

The material, coming into contact with water, foams and displaces it. The following portions of the polymer will harden without the formation of foam, forming a dense and durable substance. The end result is a completely moisture-impermeable shell.

Both polyurethane and acrylate materials have high ductility, so they are often used in structures subject to changing loads.

Epoxy materials polymerize in the presence of air; the presence of water has a negative effect on their properties. But after the hardening process is completed, they become completely impenetrable to water, not only reliably protecting the structure from it, but also giving it additional strength.

This method is often used to perform horizontal waterproofing.

Microcements easily penetrate into the smallest cracks and voids, crystallize in them, creating a protective barrier that does not allow moisture to pass through.

Injection technology is used in cases where:

  • network the need to increase the bearing capacity of a foundation made of rubble stone or brick;
  • it is necessary to eliminate the influx of water formed in the foundation;
  • it is necessary to arrange a cut-off waterproofing that runs between the foundation and the wall of the house;
  • for sealing cracks and seams between the foundation and the ground;
  • it is necessary to secure the soil adjacent to the structure;
  • there is no free access to the foundation;
  • Previously used waterproofing methods turned out to be ineffective.

Injection waterproofing technology

It is very important to take into account that all the compositions used remain liquid for no more than 35 - 40 minutes. Their curing time is controlled by the catalysts included in the mixture.

It is advisable to carry out work at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.

The work order is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to clean the inner surface of the foundation from fungus, mold, and old waterproofing.
  2. The number of holes required to uniformly pump the mixture into the foundation is determined. This depends on the thickness of the foundation and the type of mixture. The required amount of injection mixture is also determined depending on the amount of its consumption per square meter of foundation.
  3. Using a hammer drill or a drill, holes with a diameter of 25–32 mm are drilled in the foundation (their size depends on the diameter of the injection capsules or packers). The holes are drilled at an angle of 45 degrees. The depth of the holes leaves approximately 2/3 of the thickness of the foundation wall. Then I rinse these holes with a stream of water.
  4. Packers are inserted into the resulting holes, serving as nozzles for the pump. Through them the mixture is pumped into the wall. To carry out the work, a pump creating a pressure of about 0.5 MPa is usually sufficient. More powerful pumps are used for units of industrial structures.
  5. At the end of the process, the holes are sealed with ordinary cement-sand mortar.

Liquid waterproofing compounds can be injected not only into the body concrete foundation, but also into masonry, as well as ground cracks.

Waterproofing materials, coming out, form an elastic waterproof membrane between the soil and the foundation, thus restoring the external waterproofing of the foundation without excavation.

Advantages and disadvantages of injection waterproofing

The growing popularity of this method is explained by its many advantages:

  • There is no need for excavation work.
  • High adhesion of injection materials even to wet surfaces, which does not require preliminary drying of the structure and reduces work time.
  • High penetrating ability of the compositions due to their low density.
  • Solidity of the formed coating.
  • Elasticity and high chemical resistance of waterproofing.
  • Ability to perform work at fairly low temperatures.
  • Rapid hardening of the compositions, allowing to eliminate the flow of water in a short time.
  • Injection mixtures do not contain harmful impurities and are safe for health.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The relative high cost of the method, which is compensated by the speed of work and its high quality.
  • The need to use special equipment and involve specialists to perform waterproofing.

Each person decides for himself what he is willing to pay for. Someone, having waited until summer and dug up the foundation, will prefer to save money and do all the work themselves. But in a situation where delay threatens an accident, the injection method is also good for private owners.

Injection waterproofing - materials and resins for concrete injection

Today, the concept of “injection waterproofing” can be understood as very wide area waterproofing works.

Moreover, there is often a substitution of concepts or simple confusion.

The purpose of this article is not the ultimate truth, but our idea of ​​this currently quite popular concept, which we want to convey to you, based on a specific example: the presence of materials for injection waterproofing in the line of materials of the PENETRON waterproofing system.

First, let’s understand the terms a little so that we ourselves do not allow substitution of concepts or confusion.

Waterproofing is a sequence of measures using special building materials, the purpose of which is to prevent contact with a specific building structure or to prevent water from penetrating into the building structure.

Types of waterproofing

Pasted waterproofing is waterproofing, which is carried out by gluing (sticking) a waterproof coating to the surface of a protected structure.

An example is waterproofing using bitumen-based roll materials, which adheres to the surface of a concrete structure using molten bitumen or using bitumen glue (bitumen mastics).

Coating waterproofing, which is carried out by applying (coating) various compositions, bitumen, bitumen-polymer, polymer composition on a concrete surface, which after hardening form a waterproof coating. Examples are: tar, bitumen and polymer-bitumen mastics.

Plaster (or armor) waterproofing is waterproofing, which is carried out by applying various cement-based materials with various sealing additives to the concrete surface, which form a dense waterproof cement “crust”.

Membrane waterproofing - attaching thin rolls or sheets of various polymer compositions to a concrete surface, which form a waterproof film (membrane) on the concrete surface.

All of the above types of waterproofing share the following disadvantages:

All of them form a waterproof coating on the surface of concrete

With the exception of plaster waterproofing, they all require a device protective coating from mechanical damage

In the event of mechanical damage or destruction of the integrity of the waterproofing coating created with their help, the concrete structure becomes defenseless to the effects of water

To prevent contact or penetration of water into a concrete structure, all of the above types of waterproofing can be used only during the construction stage, since they are applied only from the outside of the protected structure, forming a waterproofing coating on the concrete structure from the ground (for underground structures) or water (for structures which come into contact with water during operation)

When water penetrates into the premises, restoring waterproofing of the above types requires complete excavation of the structure, creation of a new waterproofing coating and backfilling pit.

Penetrating and injection waterproofing: buy and ensure waterproofing of concrete

The following types of waterproofing are fundamentally different from those listed above, since they change the internal structure of a concrete structure in different ways, turning the concrete itself into a waterproof environment.

These types of waterproofing can be divided into the following categories:

Penetrating waterproofing:

The operating principle of this waterproofing is determined by the special chemical composition of the penetrating waterproofing material and the method of “delivery” of these special chemical components inside the concrete mass with a subsequent change in the structural composition, giving the structure the property of waterproofing.

The second name for this type of waterproofing is penetrating, which is no coincidence.

So this type of waterproofing began to be called by the name of the company that 50 years ago was the first to produce penetrating waterproofing materials - PENETRON.

And when these materials began to gain more and more popularity every year, these materials, and then the type of waterproofing, began to be called “penetrating”.

Pressure or injection waterproofing, the price of which, by the way, is quite low:

To perform waterproofing work using injection waterproofing technology, special equipment is required, since, unlike penetrating waterproofing (when the penetrating waterproofing material “PENETRON” penetrates into the concrete as a result of physical processes, and waterproofness is imparted to the concrete over the entire thickness of the concrete as a result of chemical processes), injection materials are pumped into the concrete under pressure by special pumps.

In addition, injection materials, unlike penetrating materials, are not chemically similar to concrete; usually they are polymer compositions, which, due to their initial viscous-flow state, are called injection resins.

Since injection resins have a much higher viscosity than water, they cannot fill the capillaries of concrete, so concrete injections are usually work to waterproof cracks formed during use. Injection resin, for example, when penetrating cracks in floors or walls turns into a solid state, reliably waterproofing static cracks, that is, not subject to deformation.

But, often, cracks in concrete form in those places where periodic deformations of concrete occur.

Cracks in such places are characterized by a change in the width of their opening over time.

They are called dynamic, and for their waterproofing an injection resin is used, which, after entering the floor or wall, forms an elastic filling of the crack cavity, which allows waterproofing to be provided when the width of the crack opening changes.

If water flows from a crack, the cavity of which must be filled with injection material, then before using injection waterproofing it is necessary to stop this leak.

To do this, an injection is carried out into the concrete in such a way as to get into the crack as close as possible to the outside of the concrete structure.

In this case, an injection resin is used, which is hydroactive, i.e. which, upon contact with water, begins to increase very quickly in volume, filling the crack, thereby preventing the flow of water. After the water stops flowing, the cavity is filled with injection resin, which creates a long-lasting waterproofing of the cavity.

Injection resins included in the line of materials of the PENETRON waterproofing system are effective materials to create waterproofing of cracks that arose during the operation of concrete structures by injection (pumping) into concrete. You can buy injection waterproofing from the Penetron-Moscow company.

Injection waterproofing: methods, stages, materials

Injection waterproofing is one of the modern and most effective moisture protection technologies. Waterproofing materials - one- and two-component polymer and cement compositions, are pumped into cracks in concrete and stone elements with high-pressure pumps or directed by gravity. Let's take a closer look at the possibilities and features of implementing injection waterproof technology.

The principle of operation and areas of application of injection waterproofing

Injection of materials is carried out either along the object-soil boundary, or into the structure body itself. In the first case, a membrane is formed between the foundation, walls, ceilings and moisture-saturated soil. Depending on the type of composition used, the resulting membrane has different rigidity. At high level In this indicator, the membrane plays a dual role - waterproofing and reinforcing frame. At the same time, not only does the level of water protection of the object increase, but it is also further strengthened

The use of the injection moisture protection method makes it possible to stop leaks, waterproof seams, and repair cracks.

Thanks to your special characteristics, injection technology is used to create or restore waterproofing of private facilities, in planned and emergency repairs of critical structures.

  • Buried structures - foundations, basements and ground floors, underground garage spaces.
  • Water pipelines, underground tanks.
  • Rocks and loose stones, soils that need to be stabilized for safe excavation work.
  • Tunnels, stations and subway structures.
  • Bridges arched type, built from natural stone.
  • Brick and masonry buildings of architectural and historical value.
  • Any objects made of concrete or reinforced concrete with cracks, structural and shrinkage joints, including those filled with water, structural moving joints.

Advantages of using injection waterproofing

Protecting an object from external moisture penetration by injecting hydrophobic gels and other compounds provides a number of positive factors:

  • Using this method, you can avoid a full-fledged repair that involves opening the surface covered with soil.
  • These works can be carried out both during the construction of the facility and after completion of the work. When implementing this technique, it is not necessary to dismantle the plaster layer or facing tiles.
  • The waterproofing membrane is guaranteed to tightly and reliably envelop the protected surface.
  • Injection technology can be used during emergency local repairs to eliminate pressure water breakthrough.
  • Hydroprotection is able to withstand water pressure up to several atmospheres and does not lose its qualities when low temperatures and other negative influences environment.
  • The injected material is able to penetrate even the smallest pores and cavities.
  • The hardening time of the material used depends on its chemical composition and can be only a few seconds, which is important when eliminating accidents.
  • This type of waterproofing is safe for drinking water.

However, the implementation of this technology cannot be classified as an activity that is easy to implement. Firstly, special equipment is needed, and secondly, many waterproofing compounds thicken very quickly, so only specially trained specialists can handle them. This technique can only be carried out after examining the object, selecting the material for injection and clarifying the composition and procedure for carrying out the work.

There are several options for injection formulations:

  • Polyurethane polymer gels are highly effective and the cheapest compositions. When in contact with water, the polymer gel can increase its volume up to 20 times. This material ensures complete plugging of cracks, leaving absolutely no room for moisture. When hardened without the presence of water, the gels form a rigid, single-strength mass. In the presence of water, hard foam forms. If work is carried out at low temperatures or the pressure of water is too strong, catalysts are used. The use of these substances makes it possible to reduce the hardening time to 12 seconds.
  • Gels based on acrylic acid esters are called acrylate.

Polyurethane and acrylate gels are among the most effective injection materials that can harden upon direct contact with water.

To protect against the action of pressure water, acrylate gels are injected onto the surface of the insulated structure. Acrylate gel, when mixed with soil particles, hardens to form an effective barrier that prevents pressure water from penetrating into the structure.

To create a waterproof membrane on the outside of the structure, it is recommended to use soft, elastic, low-viscosity acrylate gels

  • Epoxy compounds. They can harden only in air; the presence of moisture inhibits this process. This property of the material allows it to be used only with a dry structure. Therefore, it is not suitable for emergency repairs. The advantage of epoxy compounds is their ability, after hardening, to increase the mechanical strength of the structure.
  • Cement-sand compositions, called microcements. This material is capable of not only creating waterproofing protection for an object, but also improving its internal structure, since it completely fills all its internal voids.

Alkaline solution is used to fill large water-carrying cavities. cement mixture, the properties of which are similar to those of masonry

Waterproofing technology using injection compounds

The process of injection waterproofing of walls during emergency repairs includes the following activities:

  • By inspecting the object, the penetration points of pressure water are determined.
  • Through holes are drilled along the wall every 25-50 cm. Their diameter is up to 20 mm. At established points of action of pressure moisture, additional perforation is performed. Blind holes of approximately the same diameter are drilled along the crack line.

    In order to create additional protection, holes are made at the intersections of walls and ceilings.

  • Parkers, which are metal or polymer tubes with a valve attached to the outer end, are inserted into the manufactured holes.
  • A reservoir with a waterproofing compound is connected to the valve.
  • Forcibly or when organizing gravity flow, the composition is directed into the enclosing structure or behind it.
  • Parkers are removed from the structure only after the waterproofing mass has hardened.
  • Creation waterproofing protection foundation using the injection method:
  • Before carrying out waterproofing work, the foundation is cleaned of dirt and remnants of rolled insulation.
  • Determine the required number of holes - boreholes. They must be spaced in such a way as to ensure the formation of a continuous waterproof layer in the foundation.
  • The holes are drilled at a slight angle.
  • Parkers are inserted into the holes.

    The compositions are supplied using low-pressure pumps, which ensure mixing of the low-viscosity gel with the hardener just before its introduction into the concrete element. Therefore, before hardening, the composition has time to penetrate deeply into the structure mass.

  • The gel hardens and swells upon contact with moisture, forming a completely waterproof layer in concrete, eliminating capillary suction of groundwater.
  • Parkers are removed from the structure.

Impregnation is carried out until the holes are completely filled with gel.

Options for injection waterproofing technologies

In practice, two schemes are used for supplying the injection composition to the boreholes.

According to the first scheme, the gel enters the holes by gravity, under the influence of gravity. In this case, the holes are drilled at an angle to the surface of 30-45°. First, the underlying holes are filled with gel, and then the holes located above.

It is necessary to pump a larger mass of gel into the upper holes than into the lower ones.

Complete impregnation of the walls takes at least a day. This method is impossible for emergency situations when using quick-hardening compounds.

According to the second scheme, the composition enters the blast holes under pressure. This technique is used for wet brick and concrete walls, when eliminating pressure breaks and leaks. This option allows you to make holes with a diameter of up to 15 mm, which saves time on processing the structure. It is allowed to use a maximum step of 0.5-0.6 m.

Forced injection is carried out using a pressure pump. The process continues until a wet spot forms around the hole.

The only limitation on the use of pressure injection is low temperatures. Already at +5°C, waterproofing treatment of the structure is not carried out.

The implementation of injection waterproofing technology requires special, quite expensive equipment, knowledge and skills. It is impossible to carry out this process independently.

If you are interested in the topic of penetrating waterproofing, we can continue its discussion on the pages of the site.

The essence and methods of injection waterproofing, 3.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

technology, materials, equipment and prices

Injection waterproofing is an almost absolute moisture protection technology. It is effective, durable and, if available, the necessary equipment, easy to implement. And in this article we will look at the waterproofing process, focusing on injection materials and examining the injection technology in detail.

The essence of the injection waterproofing process

The injection method of waterproofing is based on the process of forming a membrane between a layer of moisture-saturated soil and the enclosing structure (wall, foundation, ceiling).

Simply put: through the protected structure, into the external space, a hydrophobic gel is injected, which, when solidified, clogs the pores, both in the wall and in the ground.

Moreover, such a membrane, depending on the type of injection material, has different degrees of rigidity. As a result, the gel plays the role of not only waterproofing, but also a reinforcing frame. And the technology itself works no worse than timely equipped external waterproofing.

Therefore, injection waterproofing is used not only in the process of correcting flaws in the moisture protection of basements. This technology is used during emergency or scheduled repairs of subway tunnels, main sewers, large-sized artificial reservoirs, underground parking and other facilities.

Moreover. both at the industrial and domestic level, injection waterproofing promises the following advantages:

  • Saving money on full repairs, including opening the surface covered with soil.
  • Saving time. The injection can be performed both after completion and during the construction process.
  • Guaranteed high quality waterproofing membrane, enveloping the entire outer surface.
  • Possibility of using this technology in the process local repairs, when a pressure water breakthrough is eliminated with a one-time injection.

However, due to the complexity of working with the composition itself, which thickens right before our eyes, only experienced specialists can “handle” such technology.

Therefore, injection waterproofing is not found in the list of services of every construction company.

Materials for injection waterproofing

The following formulations are commonly used as the basis for injections:

  • Polyurethane-based polymer gels.
  • Epoxy solutions.
  • Gels based on acrylic acid esters (acrylates).
  • Special cement-sand mixtures (microcements).

Moreover, waterproofing with injections of polymer and acrylate gels is considered the most effective. Such compositions have the penetrating ability of water and harden upon prolonged contact with liquid. That is, it is water that acts as a catalyst for the transition from a gel to a solid.

In addition, using gels with controlled polymerization, it is possible to level the pressure of pressurized water at a specific point on the protected surface. To do this, it is enough to inject a hydrophobic composition behind the enclosing structure. Acrylate gels are mixed with soil particles and, when hardened, form an insurmountable barrier that separates the protected surface from pressure moisture.

Polyurethane-based polymer gels are not only highly effective, but also the cheapest waterproofing agents.

Upon contact with water, the volume of such a gel increases 20 times! Therefore, prices for injection waterproofing with polymers will be lower than the costs for a similar procedure carried out using competing compounds.

In addition, the polymer gel simply displaces liquid from the capillaries, and the subsequent portion of the composition completely clogs the protected surface, leaving pressure or capillary moisture no chance.

Epoxy compounds only harden when exposed to air. And the presence of moisture only slows down the hardening process. Therefore, mixtures based on epoxy compounds are applied only behind a “dry” wall. That is, this waterproofing option cannot be used during emergency repairs. However, epoxy compounds, after curing, enhance not only hydrophobicity, but also the mechanical strength of the protected structure.

Microcements not only isolate from moisture, but also “heal” the structure of the protected structure, filling internal voids, cracks, drilled shafts and other cavities.

Waterproofing by injection - how is it done?

The technological process of injection waterproofing is carried out as follows:

  • At the very beginning, the surface to be protected is examined. The purpose of the examination is to localize points of pressure penetration of moisture.
  • At the next stage, through holes with a diameter of up to 20 millimeters are drilled along the wall in increments of 0.25-0.5 meters. Moreover, additional holes are drilled at localized points of penetration of pressure moisture.
  • Next, blind holes of the same diameter are drilled along the fault line or crack. In addition, the same perforation can be performed in the area of ​​the corner junction of walls and ceilings.
  • At the next stage, fittings (metal or polymer tubes) are inserted into the drilled holes, to the outer end of which valves are attached ( Ball Valves).
  • A reservoir with an injection composition is connected in series to the ends of the valves. After that, by pumping up pressure in the tank, or by ensuring “gravity flow” of the gel, the composition is transported through the tube behind the wall (or into it).
  • After the gel has hardened, the tubes are removed from the wall, and the outer surface is covered with a layer of moisture-resistant plaster, which will seal the injection perforation.

It should be noted that this technology can only be offered by specialized companies. After all, to implement it, you need special equipment for injection waterproofing (drills, gel supply systems, etc.), which is simply not affordable for individuals. Therefore, implementing this process “with your own hands” is simply impossible.

Review of waterproofing injection technologies

Like any other technology, injection waterproofing is carried out using different techniques. In this case, the classification of technological methods can be built on a diagram of the supply of the composition to the protected surface. Moreover, in practice, only two schemes are used: supply of the composition under pressure, supply of the composition by gravity.

Gravity injection

In this case, the filling of the holes occurs due to the movement of the gel through the supply pipes under the influence of gravity. Therefore, injection holes - boreholes - are drilled at an angle of 30-45 degrees, and not strictly perpendicular.

Filling the holes with gel begins from the bottom up. Moreover, a larger volume of gel is pumped into the upper holes than into the lower holes.

As a result, it takes at least 24 hours to completely impregnate the walls, and “emergency” impregnation at the point of pressure breakthrough using this method is impossible in principle. Moreover, not all gels are suitable as an impregnating material for gravity injection. Quick-hardening compounds, in this case, are contraindicated.

Pressure injection

Such waterproofing injections are made into damp walls made of brick or concrete. Another option for using injections under pressure is to eliminate a leak or pressure breakthrough.

Moreover, in order to save time, it is customary to reduce the hole diameter to 15 millimeters and increase the spacing of injection holes to a maximum value of 0.5 meters.

Forced injection of the gel is carried out using a pressure pump, providing supply with a pressure of at least four atmospheres. The injection itself continues until a wet spot appears around the hole, signaling saturation of the protected surface.

As a result, the only “contraindication” for forced injection can only be low temperature. It is not recommended to saturate the soil even at 5 degrees Celsius.

When carrying out work to repair damage and repair cracks and voids in concrete structures, as well as if the situation requires radical action, when moisture, rising through the capillaries, saturates the walls from the bottom up, injection technologies are removed from the construction arsenal.

Injection waterproofing is a method of waterproofing carried out by pumping special compounds through prepared holes into the soil adjacent to building structures, structures, or into the seams and cracks of building structures.

This method of waterproofing requires specialized equipment and the skill of the producers of the work is expensive.

Injection technology

  1. Drilling holes
  2. Installation and tightening of internal packers (connections between the pump and the structure)
  3. Installation check valve on the first packer and the beginning of the process of pumping the composition
  4. As soon as the injected material begins to flow out of the adjacent packer, a check valve is installed on it
  5. Stop injection on the first packer and continue the process on the second (adjacent).

The distance between the holes and the injection pressure are determined depending on the permeability of the processed mass and the viscosity of the injection composition.

Waterproofing filters

Membrane injection involves forming a waterproof membrane on the outside of the structure, which prevents water from entering the damaged underground parts of the building.

The device of an injection anti-filtration curtain is used if it is impossible to carry out repair work on the outside of the structure, or if there are moving cracks, as well as in case of high costs associated with installing waterproofing from the outside.

To form a waterproof coating over the entire area of ​​the leaking structure, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern at intervals of 30-50 cm. Injection is carried out evenly, moving from one side to the other and from bottom to top.

Horizontal waterproofing of walls

Restoring horizontal waterproofing to protect masonry walls from capillary suction using the injection method is an effective and widely used solution. To create a horizontal barrier at the bottom of the wall, holes are made in two rows and pumped with an injection compound.

Waterproofing large volumes of masonry

Materials with very low viscosity and long hardening times are ideal for wall injection. Thanks to this, such compositions fill both the joints of the masonry and impregnate the pores of the brick.

Waterproofing cracks in concrete

Crack formation in concrete is a prerequisite for its shrinkage. Cracks can appear in concrete in a plastic or hardened state due to internal stresses caused by temperature changes and changes in water content.

Crack repair
and filling voids in concrete

The presence of various cracks negatively affects the load-bearing capacity of the structure. Water often accumulates in damaged areas, moisture enters the room through cracks, and subsequently it begins to increase.

The use of traditional methods, as a rule, does not lead to effective solution Problems.

One way to eliminate such problems is to inject cracks using adhesive packers, which increases bearing capacity and strength of structures by filling voids and gluing structures in the zone of crack formation.

Every year the development of human civilization is moving in a progressive direction, and this development in various areas of human activity is proceeding in geometric progression. This applies to such areas of the economy as energy, industrial and housing construction, transport and special construction, etc.

The vast majority of facilities under construction have the buried part or are completely underground. In this regard, the relevance of reliable waterproofing is becoming increasingly urgent.
However, it is no secret that in practice it is almost impossible to find an object where its protection from moisture would be carried out without defects. There are many reasons for this - errors in the design and quality of construction, and of course unjustified savings, especially in the use of injection waterproofing technologies. As a result, what was considered secondary at the construction stage comes to the fore at the stage of commissioning of the facility and its operation.

This situation today is very typical, which causes enormous damage to our economy, leads to delays in the commissioning of facilities, a reduction in turnaround time, their service life, an increase in operating costs and can lead to emergency situations and even impossibility of exploitation and leads to an increase in lost profits.

Most often in buried and hydraulic structures for various purposes leaks occur through working and expansion joints, connections and interfaces structural elements, communications entries, formwork attachment points, etc.

Effectively combating this type of leakage- namely, with the help of injection waterproofing, the main specialization of our company LLC INJECT, which was created in 2007 in partnership with our German colleagues and partners Minova CarboTech GmbH specifically to solve problems for the most advanced and effective method eliminating leaks and installing waterproofing.

The video shows: Educational film. Practical classes on injection waterproofing on injection of acrylate gels. Filmed in Samara (Russia) Moskovskaya metro station (2008). Training is conducted by Heinrich Arnold (Germany).

Thanks to serious technical support our German colleagues managed to gain significant positions in the waterproofing services market already in 2008 (injection waterproofing) since the demand for this type of service, due to its effectiveness, did not decrease even during the crisis of 2007 - 2009! During which the period of formation of the company fell.

The point is that the method injection waterproofing, despite its “high cost”, it generally turned out to be very effective and reliable compared to “cheaper” technologies, and most importantly, it solved several problems at once.

Today, unlike the “zero” years, when in Russia injection waterproofing technology appeared no one needs to prove its effectiveness. So how does injection waterproofing compare favorably with other waterproofing methods and why has it gained so many fans so quickly?

See what it allows:

  • Allows you to install or restore external waterproofing from the inside. That is, without external excavations.
  • Allows you to repair and stop water flow locally, preventing water from entering the structure.
  • In most cases, injection waterproofing is repairable.
  • Allows you to heal cracks and restore the load-bearing capacity of the structure in its thickness.
  • Allows you to create volumetric waterproofing, combat loss of compaction, while simultaneously increasing the load-bearing capacity of the structure.
  • Allows you to restore the functionality of expansion joints located in hard-to-reach places, etc.

Today it's hard to imagine, how just a few years ago we managed without this “magic wand”. Injection waterproofing has found its consumers both among private owners during construction:

  • foundations,
  • basements
  • swimming pools,

and in residential and industrial construction, as well as the operation of objects for various purposes. Such objects include:

  • Moskollector,
  • Moscow subway,
  • Moscow Metrostroy,
  • Gormost,
  • Vodokanal,
  • other hydraulic structures,
  • Hydroelectric power station, railway and automobile tunnels,
  • swimming pools,
  • underground parking, etc.

Over the ten years of existence of Inject LLC, With our materials and with our participation, many iconic objects were completed throughout the country, which clearly confirms the fact that injection waterproofing can successfully combat leaks, including pressure ones, and its use is absolutely justified.

If you do market overview of products used as injection materials, then first place in terms of volume (but not in importance) occupied by polyurethane resins. Often, hydroactive polyurethane resins are used for this purpose; they foam upon contact with water and, expanding, they clog cavities, providing temporary waterproofing. Along with the undeniable advantages of these resins they have, significant drawback - not long service life.

As a rule, after a year, and sometimes earlier, leaks form again in the repaired areas. The fact is that in most cases we use one-component polyurethane to localize leaks. The catalyst (accelerator), often mistaken for the second component, is not such.

The second component for them is water, without which polymerization of “one-component” resins is not possible. Such polyurethane resins are intended only for temporarily stopping leaks and are completely unsuitable for long-term waterproofing.

Another common mistake is considered to be the use in construction of injection materials intended for other purposes, for example intended for use in the mining industry! It should be borne in mind that in mining there are different requirements for materials and other priorities are set.
So, as in construction, such high requirements for the quality of waterproofing, as well as increased requirements for physical and mechanical properties resin It is no secret that the properties of polyurethane depend on the foaming coefficient, which in resins intended for construction is strictly limited in order to obtain a more dense structure. For the same reason, injection materials for construction have a significantly different pore structure, which determines longer service life.

In order to provide the tasks required specifically for the construction industry, special, more expensive raw materials are used; in addition, the use of phenols in injection materials used in construction is prohibited.

“Low” price of construction injection materials should alert consumers.
Another important group of injection materials for injection waterproofing are acrylate (polyacrylate, methacrylate gels). They are indispensable when constructing expansion joints and cut-off waterproofing.
World experience and our practice over the past 10 years have shown significant advantages of injection waterproofing and injection technologies, which are most often used in the most hopeless cases.
Inject LLC is one of the informal leaders in the field production and use of injection waterproofing materials in Russia. Consumers have already been able to evaluate our materials and technologies at such facilities as:

  • Moscow subway,
  • Government House (" The White house»),
  • building of the Presidential Office on Myasnitskaya Street,
  • music school named after Gnesenkh,
  • building of the tennis development fund in Russia,
  • new Olympic swimming pool on Leningradskoye Shosse,
  • Zagorskaya PSPP-2,
  • Balakovo hydroelectric station,
  • Saratov hydroelectric power station,
  • automobile tunnel No. 2 and railway tunnels No. 3 and 5 in Sochi, etc.

Over the years, we have supplied hundreds of tons of our products to various Russian facilities. The most well-known injection waterproofing products include such brands as HansaCryl and Proflex.

- this is one of the technologies for protecting the foundation, walls and supports of horizontal floors, which are located below the ground level, from capillary moisture, groundwater and storm water. If moisture gets inside building structure there is a decrease in its load-bearing capacity, corrosion of reinforcement and destruction. Protrusion of moisture on internal surfaces premises leads to the creation of conditions for the formation of mold and colonies of microorganisms. The technology makes it possible to restore the water tightness of any type of foundation if it is impossible or due to high repair costs by other methods. For example, in case of violation or poor quality external waterproofing multi-level operating parking there is no other way to restore insulation.

Technology of injection of waterproofing materials

During repairs, the injection of a sealing compound is performed at the location where moisture appears on the inside of the foundation or room. At a distance of 0.25...0.5 meters from each other, a series of holes with a diameter of 0.2...0.35 mm are drilled at an angle of 45°. The vertical distance between the rows is selected depending on the thickness of the foundation. A plastic, aluminum or steel packer is inserted into each hole, which seals the connection and serves as a fitting for connecting the composition supply pump. The mixture supply installation is designed to connect several packers and create a pressure of up to 0.5 MPa at each point. The holding time under pressure is selected depending on the thickness and material of the foundation or wall and the penetrating ability of the insulating composition.

There are two ways to create injection waterproofing:

  • Formation of a protective layer in the body of a slab or foundation masonry, for which holes are drilled to a depth of 2/3 of the wall thickness, packers are installed and a pump is connected. As a result, a volumetric area is formed, which is filled with an insulating composition through capillaries. The vertical and horizontal distance between the injection points should ensure the overlap of volumetric zones, which ensures the quality of work.
  • Formation of a protective layer between outer surface foundation and soil. The injection holes are drilled through. When the composition is pumped, an insulating layer is formed that connects the soil layer with the outer surface of the wall or foundation. For this method, materials with a high ability to expand during polymerization or are relatively cheap are used, because their consumption can be large and poorly controlled.

The cracks are sealed. After it sets, holes are drilled and the expanding composition is pumped in. All work is carried out at an air temperature of at least 5 ° C.

Most of the materials used have a limited polymerization or curing time (15...30 min), which is used to determine the time of injection and holding under pressure. The pressure at the beginning of the exposure begins to drop, because the composition “disperses” through capillaries and pores. The cessation of pressure drop indicates the maximum possible filling of voids and the beginning of curing of the composition. At the end of curing, the holes are sealed with a sand-cement mixture based on expanding cement. Additionally, the surface is finished by impregnation, coating or painting.


One- and two-component polymer gels based on polyurethanes(e.g. MasterInject or gel line). The peculiarity of these mixtures is their increase in volume up to 20 times during polymerization. When mixing the components, the composition acquires high turnover(density 1.03 g/cm³) and fills voids well. One-component insulating compounds have a higher density (1.1 g/cm³) and are recommended for filling cavities in cracks and seams. Polymerization occurs upon contact with moisture, which allows the gels to be used in humid conditions.

Acrylate gels and solutions based on acrylic acid(eg, or). Gels have good fluidity and adhesion. The rate of polymerization depends on the presence of additives (accelerators or retarders). Polymerization occurs through a chemical reaction to form solid bonded crystals. The use of acrylate-based gels allows you to strengthen the material and masonry seams or body monolithic foundation. When mixed with soil that touches the outer surface, the composition forms a waterproof monolith of soil and wall.

Compositions based on silicon and its compounds(eg, ). When dried, aqueous emulsions of silicon compounds form a durable waterproof film. Based on silanes and siloxanes, a concentrated silicone microemulsion is produced, which has good adhesion to all building materials. For injections they are used to a limited extent, because do not form a strong filling mass in cavities.

Compositions based on epoxy resins (e.g., or) have a relatively high density (1.1...1.5 g/cm³) and polymerize upon contact with atmospheric air, which limits their scope of application to insulating horizontal floors in a dry room and filling cracks or voids. At a relatively low cost, the use of epoxy resins can significantly increase the strength of the connection between the horizontal and vertical components of the structure.

Microcements(For example , ). The particle size of microcement does not exceed 1...2 mm. Used to fill cracks or voids in masonry or monolith. Waterproofing properties depend on the brand and amount of cement in the mixture.

If you require high-quality injection waterproofing, then REMSTROYHYDRO is the right choice.

Waterproofing by injection method

Waterproofing by injection is used to protect a building from the destructive effects of moisture. The use of this technology involves the introduction of a special substance inside a wall or foundation, which allows you to create protective layer, repels moisture. What types of injection waterproofing do we offer:

  • - Protection of a brick wall, cut-off waterproofing of the foundation using the injection method;
  • - Insulation of the concrete seam from moisture;
  • - We work with foam and expansion joints.
    The price of injection waterproofing is reasonable. Let's consider each type of service in more detail.

Waterproofing brickwork

Injection waterproofing of brick walls can be done independently. The execution algorithm is simple - you need to drill holes at an angle and make an injection inside. After injecting the walls, a special substance will do the rest of the work. The walls will dry out within 90 days. After completing this procedure, you will be able to get rid of a wet wall in a residential building.
Injection waterproofing of the foundation is carried out using a similar technology. If you have questions about performing this procedure, we recommend contacting our specialist.
Injection waterproofing of foundations and walls allows you to completely get rid of the threat of excessive amounts of moisture. The use of this technology will make it possible to extend the life of the building. Most objects under construction have a recessed part, which is completely located under the ground. Therefore, complete protection from moisture is always relevant. Leaks most often occur through working and expansion joints - waterproofing floor joints will significantly improve protection against moisture.
Particular attention should be paid to the junctions of structural elements and the areas where communications were connected. Sealing seams with waterproofing is a popular service.

Waterproofing concrete joint

Waterproofing a cold concrete joint using the injection method is becoming popular in modern construction. Worker cold seam concreting is formed during the process of laying concrete structures. This area is extremely vulnerable to mechanical stress and temperature changes. If moisture gets in and freezes, cracks appear inside the concrete joint, which leads to loss of strength. Injecting concrete under pressure can solve the problem and patch up the damaged area. The reason for ordering this service is to create an effective barrier to moisture, which leads to the destruction of reinforcement.
The integrity of the building structure is at risk. It is necessary to use a sealant to waterproof joints in concrete. It is important to treat the following areas:

  • - Column connections and ribbed floors;
  • - Joints of slabs and foundation;
  • - Seams along the edges of beams made of various materials.
    When waterproofing a cold concrete joint, it is necessary to perform jointing, cleaning and caulking. Next, holes are made for introducing the waterproofing solution. It may also be necessary to inject concrete into the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Waterproofing foam seam

Foam seams are also highly susceptible to the damaging effects of moisture. Despite the high strength of the frozen substance, frozen water easily breaks the foam mass, creating cracks. Injections into a foam concrete wall will protect the joint from constant exposure to moisture.
Professionals recommend waterproofing the seams from the inside during the construction stage to significantly increase the durability of the building. In any case, this procedure can be carried out at any convenient time. Thanks to the ease of application of the technology, within three months you will receive a durable barrier that repels moisture but allows air to pass through.
Waterproofing the seams between the slabs does not affect the ventilation rate. To get a good result, it is recommended to use the services of our company. We will provide professionals who can produce everything within a short period of time necessary actions to complete the task.

Waterproofing seams

Waterproofing panel seams of houses is an important stage of construction. It allows you to restore the protective layer inside a building without excavating the soil. In most cases, renovation work is carried out inside the house. The surface is processed locally and if the shut-off structure is damaged for some reason, repairs can be made at any time.
Waterproofing interpanel seams makes it possible to get rid of cracks, restoring the load-bearing capacity of the building. The volumetric layer prevents the formation of decompactions. This technology also increases the strength of expansion joints placed in hard-to-reach places. Modern builders today cannot imagine how they used to manage without waterproofing the seams between floor slabs.
Thanks to the technology described above, workers construction companies There are more opportunities to improve the load-bearing capacity of the building and achieve total cut-off of the wall or seam from moisture. It is very important to contact a trusted contractor who can complete the task according to the established algorithm. Despite the simplicity of execution, trusting a professional is a smart decision.

Waterproofing expansion joint

Modern materials for waterproofing expansion joints can partially eliminate the destructive effects of moisture. However, over time, the joints various designs buildings begin to lose strength. Therefore, many building owners order the service of waterproofing expansion joints from the inside. This technology allows you to establish within a short period of time full protection water.
A building block is a cut in the building structure that divides the entire structure into separate blocks. This allows you to reduce the amount of load on the object in the place of possible deformation. After completing the work, a hollow space is formed, filled with filler. The expansion joint waterproofing unit prevents moisture from penetrating into the filler, which significantly reduces the degree of destruction.
During the work, sometimes it is necessary to partially dismantle the joint filler and lay a new one in two layers. Next, holes are drilled and injection materials are introduced. The device for waterproofing expansion joints is simple and effective. During the final stage, the holes are caulked. This type of injection method requires professionalism.

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