Responsibilities of the executive director of a construction company. Job description of an executive director, job responsibilities of an executive director, sample job description of an executive director

Executive Director is a prestigious position that many applicants want to fill.

His work is quite multifunctional. He must control financial condition companies, staff work.

A person holding this position must have a number of qualities: be responsible, purposeful, organized and stress-resistant. An applicant without certain work experience and mental abilities will not be hired.

Therefore, before applying for the position of executive director, you need to familiarize yourself with his responsibilities and nuances that may arise during his service in this place.

What does this position entail and its relevance?

With the growth of enterprise activity, senior managers have a need for assistants who can take a leadership position and motivate employees and monitor the work as a whole. Therefore, positions such as executive director and director in charge of the company were introduced. The executive director holds a leadership position and reports only to the general director, who has the right to delegate his powers.

Manager's competencies described in constituent documents companies. An employee of this kind is needed by large firms and organizations engaged in diverse activities. The amount of work at enterprises is quite large, so a director (executive) is needed in order to control the entire organizational process.

Personal and professional requirements for the candidate

To fully perform the duties of an executive director, a person must have personal qualities. These include:

Without professional qualities You won't be able to become an executive director. Employers have the following requirements for potential applicants:

  • availability of higher education in the specialty profile;
  • experience in a similar field (from 3 years);
  • knowledge of current laws and regulations directly related to the activities of the organization;
  • experience in conducting negotiations and business meetings;
  • availability of budgeting, planning, and organization skills.

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Functional and job responsibilities

The executive director typically works irregular hours. This is due to the presence of a large number of official and functional responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

The main function of a manager is to control the work of all departments of the company. He must draw up plans that promote the development of the company and its branches, and ensure that all parts of the organizational structure adhere to them.

Occupant of this position obliged to control activities of enterprise employees. His powers include drawing up and signing orders, imposing fines and incentives on workers. He has the right to conduct and select suitable candidates.

All documentation of the HR department:, etc., is checked by the manager. This also applies to other departments in which they prepare reports and carry out transactions with finances and material assets that are the property of the company.

Responsibilities related to clients, customers, third-party companies:

  • timely verification of receipts Money to the company's account from counterparties;
  • holding business meetings and negotiations with clients;
  • work with debtors (to the judicial authorities in case of non-payment);
  • attracting audit companies to audit financial activities in departments.

Executive Director must keep under control all business transactions involving money. Under his leadership, the planning and distribution of the organization's cash flows is carried out.

The manager holds events among shareholders and monitors the timely payment of dividends. Organizational functions also include holding corporate seminars and meetings.

Rights and responsibilities

The executive director has rights. These include the right:

Executive Director bears responsibility for the following:

  • the quality of your work;
  • damaged or lost company property;
  • violations in the workplace in your presence;
  • efficiency of the enterprise;
  • wrong decisions that resulted negative impact on company affairs;
  • concealment of financial statements;
  • financial result of the organization.

What to include in your resume

In order to apply for the position of executive director, you must indicate:

Features of the position

Any field has its own characteristics regarding the specifics of work.

Executive director who works in a construction company must have a higher education technical education and experience as a manager in construction industry at least 5 years. He needs to know the laws relating to capital construction, as well as all technical regulations.

Concerning HOA, the executive director in this area is appointed through elections. He must be honest and protect the rights of owners apartment buildings. Before taking office, he is obliged to convene an audit commission to inspect all property belonging to the partnership.

IN associations The executive director is elected for a period of one year. He has the right to assemble commissions to resolve issues related to the problems of the association and take into account the interests of all members of the association.

The importance of this position in the work of any company is described in the following video lessons.
Part 1:

Job responsibilities of the executive director, sample job description executive director

The main emphasis in the executive director's job responsibilities is on monitoring the execution (of orders, instructions, instructions) and operational planning. Additionally, the CEO job description (like other executive job descriptions) emphasizes rights as well as responsibilities. Our proposed sample job description for an executive director also meets this principle.

Job Description of the Executive Director

What are the benefits of being an executive director? First of all, by developing in a person the following personal qualities, interests, and inclinations:

  • responsibility
  • integrity, perseverance
  • performance
  • tact
  • organization
  • ability to manage a team.


    Last name I.O. ________________

    "________"_____________ ____ G.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The executive director is classified as a manager.

    1.2. The executive director is appointed and dismissed by order of the general director.

    1.3. The executive director reports directly to the general director.

    1.4. During the absence of the executive director, his duties and rights are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.

    1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of executive director: professional higher education, management experience in the relevant field for at least 3 years.

    1.6. The executive director must know:

    Labor legislation

    Fundamentals of commercial, civil, tax, financial law

    Order and forms financial settlements, registration of monetary transactions, organization in commercial activities document flow

    Strategy and structure of company development.

    1.7. The executive director is guided in his own activities by:

    This job description

    Legislative acts Russian Federation

    Charter of the organization, Internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company

    Directions and orders from superiors.

    2. Job responsibilities of the executive director

    The Executive Director performs the following duties:

    3.1. Organizes effective interaction and work of the company's structural divisions and production units.

    3.2. Participates in the development of the company's development strategy.

    3.3. Conducts operational economic and the financial analysis activities of departments and the company.

    3.4. Monitors, organizes and is responsible for the implementation of all orders of the General Director.

    3.5. Works to improve the remuneration (motivation) system for company employees and is responsible for implementation.

    3.6. Responsible for the implementation of labor discipline, execution of orders and instructions.

    3.7. Responsible for the company proper organization office work, economic and legal elaboration of contracts, agreements, agreements and so on

    3.8. Draws up monthly and ten-day operational plans for the company and approves them with the General Director.

    3.9. Regulates the work of departments to implement approved plans.

    3.10. Identifies with management and independently eliminates shortcomings in the company's activities.

    3.11. Performs special official assignments and tasks of the General Director.

    3. Rights of the executive director

    The executive director has the right:

    3.1. Represent the interests of the company within the boundaries of competence in relations with other organizations.

    3.2. Within the scope of competence, endorse and sign documents, issue orders signed.

    3.3. Establish job responsibilities for subordinate employees.

    3.4. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise documents and information that are necessary for the performance of his official duties.

    3.5. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise proposals on the release of appointments, relocation of occupied positions of employees who are subordinate, proposals for involvement in material and disciplinary liability violators of financial, production, labor discipline, rewarding employees who have distinguished themselves.

    3.6. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

    3.7. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical specifications execution of established documents that are necessary for the performance of official duties.

    4. Responsibility of the executive director

    4.1. For failure to perform or poor quality performance of job duties that are provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.2. For failure to comply with current orders, instructions and instructions for maintaining confidential information and trade secrets.

    4.3. For violation internal rules labor discipline, labor regulations, rules fire safety and safety precautions.

    An executive director is the head of an enterprise or institution who deals with production issues. The main emphasis in the job responsibilities of the executive director is on monitoring the execution (instructions, orders, instructions) and operational planning. In addition, in the job description of the executive director (as in a number of other job descriptions of managers), special attention is paid not only to responsibilities, but also to rights. This sample job description for the executive director also meets this principle.

    Alphabet Instructions:

    Executive Director

    You can download the CEO job description for free. Job Responsibilities of the Executive Director

    _____________________________ (Last name, initials)

    (name of organization, its ________________________________

    (name of institution)

    00.00.201_g. №00

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This job description establishes the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the executive director of _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise). Name of institution

    1.2. A person with the highest vocational education and experience in management

    positions in the relevant industry for at least _______ years.

    1.3. The executive director is appointed and removed and dismissed from office

    decision ______________________________________________________________.

    (general meeting of founders or other body of an organization, enterprise)

    1.4. The executive director must know:

    Regulations of regional, federal and

    local government bodies and authorities who determine

    important directions for the development of the relevant industry and economy

    Regulatory and legislative acts that regulate

    financial-economic and administrative-economic activities


    Regulatory documentation and teaching materials other bodies that relate to the activities of the enterprise

    Economic, technical and social prospects

    industry and enterprise development

    Specialization, profile and structure of the enterprise

    Environmental and tax legislation

    The procedure for drawing up and approving business plans for the financial, economic and administrative activities of an enterprise

    Labor legislation

    Methods and principles of forecasting

    Market methods of enterprise management and management

    The procedure for concluding and executing financial and economic


    The procedure for the development and conclusion of collective agreements, sectoral tariff agreements and regulation of social and labor relations

    Market conditions

    The procedure for developing and concluding employment contracts

    Best Manufacturing Practices in

    relevant industry and scientific and technical achievements

    Organization of labor and production

    Enterprise financial and economic management

    Methodology for conducting audits and verifications of documentation

    Ethics of business communication

    Office Basics

    (list qualities)

    2. Job responsibilities of the employee

    The executive director is entrusted with the following duties:


    2.1. Organization of work and effective cooperation of all

    structural divisions of the enterprise.

    2.2. Management of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documentation.

    2.3. Taking measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

    2.4. Management of the structural divisions of the enterprise through the heads of these divisions subordinate to him.

    2.5. Provides:

    Execution of instructions and orders from management


    Organization of work of structural units related to the implementation of approved plans

    Compliance and implementation of approved standards, regulations and


    Keeping records of the execution of planned tasks

    Checking compliance with deadlines for submitting reports and other documents

    2.6. Organization of administrative and economic activities of an enterprise using progressive forms

    labor organization and management, latest technologies, scientifically based standards for financial, material and labor costs.

    2.7. Participation in the development of enterprise strategies.

    2.8. Planning the enterprise's needs for tools and resources.

    2.9. Control and improvement of business processes.

    2.10. Drawing up an enterprise budget.

    2.11. Development, implementation and improvement of enterprise management methods (together with the general director).

    2.12. Management of all operations of the organization related to financial control.

    2.13. Communicating results

    analysis of enterprise management.

    2.14. Development and construction of enterprise organization.

    2.15. Regular economic and financial analysis

    activities of the enterprise.

    2.16. Planning the enterprise's personnel needs.

    2.17. Making decisions on the appointment and dismissal of employees.

    2.18. Monitoring compliance with production and labor

    discipline, assistance in the development of initiative, work motivation and

    activity of enterprise employees.

    2.19. Taking measures related to the provision of the enterprise

    qualified personnel, as well as the development and rational use of them

    professional experience and knowledge, creation

    working conditions that would be safe for the health and life of employees, compliance with the requirements of the environmental protection law.

    2.20. Monitoring the development and implementation of employee incentive schemes

    In accordance with the priorities of the enterprise.

    2.21. Ensuring the correct combination of administrative and economic management methods in resolving issues

    material and moral stimulation of employees and increasing the efficiency of their activities.

    2.22. Using the principle of responsibility and material interest of each employee for the work entrusted to him and its results, as well as the results of the work of the team as a whole.

    2.20. Timely payment of wages according to the contract.

    2.23. Representing the interests of the enterprise in interactions with partners and in government bodies. authorities.

    2.24. Ensuring that the enterprise fulfills its obligations to the regional, federal and local budgets, as well as suppliers, state extra-budgetary social funds, creditors and customers, including bank institutions.

    2.25. Protection of the property interests of the enterprise in the authorities state power and management, as well as in the courts.

    2.26. Ensuring the implementation of labor and business contracts and business plans.

    The executive director has the right:

    3.1. Make decisions and organize them

    performance by employees of the enterprise within the framework of their

    3.2. Make suggestions to senior management

    3.5. Open current and other accounts in banking institutions.

    4. Responsibility

    The executive director is responsible:

    4.1. For causing material damage to the employer in

    defined by the current civil and labor legislation of the Russian Federation within the framework.

    4.2. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their professional

    responsibilities that are provided for in this job description

    defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation within the framework.

    4.3. For offenses that were committed during the period of his work in certain current administrative,

    civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation within the framework.

    4.4. For the results of the enterprise's activities.

    4.5. For the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers established by the Charter of the enterprise, current legislation and other regulatory legal acts.

    4.6. For inaccurate or untimely provision of information about

    implementation of work plans by structural units.

    4.7. For the development and management of the enterprise.

    4.8. For failure of employees of departments under his subordination to comply with labor discipline.

    4.9. For the profit and loss of the enterprise, budgeting.

    Information about the position of the sole executive body

    Depending on the organizational and legal form (LLC, OJSC, CJSC, etc.) and the conditions specified in the constituent documents of the organization, E.i.o. may be elected by decision of the general meeting of participants/shareholders and the board of directors (supervisory board).

    To E.i.o. relate:

  • director
  • CEO
  • the president
  • Chairman of the Board
  • and more.
  • As E.I.O. an outsider or one of the participants/shareholders of the general meeting can be elected.

    As E.I.O. (directors) can only speak individual, except if the function of the sole executive body transferred to the managing legal entity.

    To the person applying for the position of E.I.O. Most often, the following requirements are presented: higher education, work experience in managerial positions in a certain industry for at least 5 years.

    The procedure for drawing up a job description for the director (sole executive body)

    After the election of a person to the position of E.I.O. an employment contract is concluded with him and an order is issued to assume the position. On behalf of the organization, an employment contract with E.i.o. basically, the chairman of the general meeting concludes.

    Despite the status of the person holding the position of E.i.o. he is subject to the same requirements as other employees upon hiring.

    After the person assumes the position of E.I.O. HR specialists draw up the job description of the director (president, chairman of the board, etc. - depending on the name of the position).

    List of all rights and obligations of E.i.o. (directors) are established by the job description.

    The job description can be drawn up by personnel specialists in any form or in accordance with the Qualification Directory of Positions approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37 (hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Directory).

    In accordance with the Qualification Directory, the position of E.I.O. (directors) is classified as a “manager”.

    In section 1 Qualification directory registered qualification characteristics director of the enterprise.

    The job description of the director is the main organizational and legal document, which clearly defines the place and meaning of the E.I.O. in the structure of the organization.

    In the job description, E.i.o. the following information is entered:

  • labor functions (for example: management of production - economic and financial - economic activities of the organization, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, etc.)
  • level of professional training E.i.o. (education, work experience, length of service, list of professional knowledge and special skills, etc.)
  • a list of knowledge, methods and means that an E.I.O. should be able to apply. (for example: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the organization, methods of managing the organization, the procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts, etc.).
  • A sample job description of a director (J.i.o.) can be formatted as independent document or as an annex to an employment contract.

    E.i.o. must be familiar with the job description, which is indicated by his visa for familiarization on the document itself, or on a special form.

    Job Description of the Executive Director


    executive director


    (name of employer's department)

    Developer: _________________

    Agreed: _________________


    This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


    1.2. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights, duties, responsibilities, working conditions, relationships (relations by position) of the employee, criteria for evaluating him business qualities and the results of work when performing work in the specialty and directly at the workplace at “______________” (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”).

    1.3. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.

    1.4. The employee reports directly to the sole executive body of the Employer.

    1.5. The employee must know:

    legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial-economic activities of the Employer, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and management, defining priority areas economic development and employer

    profile, specialization and structure features of the Employer

    prospects for technical, economic and social development industry and employer

    material and technical capabilities and human resources of the Employer

    Employer's production technologies

    tax and environmental legislation

    procedure for drawing up and approving business plans for the Employer’s activities

    market methods of management and management of the Employer

    a system of economic indicators that allow the Employer to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new markets

    procedure for concluding and executing business and financial contracts

    market conditions, pricing procedures, taxation, marketing basics

    scientific and technical achievements and best practices in the Employer’s field of activity

    theory and practice of working with personnel forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns basics of sociology, psychology and labor motivation ethics of business communication

    economic and financial management of the Employer

    methods for assessing the business qualities of employees; basics of office work; methods of information processing using modern technical means, communications and communications, computing

    procedure for the development and conclusion of industry tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations; labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

    1.6. Qualification requirements: higher education in the specialty and work experience in management positions of at least 3 years.


    2.1. Job responsibilities:

    On behalf of the sole executive body, manages the activities of the Employer in accordance with current legislation, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the safety and effective use of the Employer’s property, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities.

    Based on the strategic goals of the Employer’s activities, plans entrepreneurial or commercial activities.

    Monitors the development and implementation of business plans and commercial conditions, concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.

    Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales volumes, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and effective use material, financial and labor resources.

    Carries out the selection and placement of personnel, motivates their professional development, evaluates and stimulates the quality of work.

    Organizes connections with business partners, a collection system necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.

    Participates in the development of innovation and investment activities, advertising strategies related to the further development of entrepreneurial or commercial activities.

    Ensures increased profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, and increased labor efficiency.

    Involves consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solve problems.

    Organizes the Employer’s activities based on widespread use the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization, scientifically based standards of material, financial and labor costs, studying best practices (domestic and foreign) in order to comprehensively improve the technical level and quality of services, economic efficiency, rational use of reserves and economical use of all types of resources .

    Organizes the work and effective interaction of all structural divisions, directs their activities to the development and improvement of production and provision of services, increasing the efficiency of the Employer, the quality and competitiveness of the services provided, its compliance with international standards in order to meet the needs of the population.

    Ensures that the Employer fulfills all obligations to the federal, regional and local budgets, state extra-budgetary social funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including bank institutions, as well as economic and labor agreements (contracts) and business plans.

    Takes measures to provide the Employer with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creation of safe and favorable working conditions for life and health, compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

    Provides the right combination economic and administrative methods of management, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives for increasing efficiency, application of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of the entire team, payment of wages on time.

    Together with labor collectives and trade union organizations, based on the principles of social partnership, ensures the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, compliance with labor and production discipline, promotes the development of work motivation, initiative and activity of employees.

    Entrusts the management of certain areas of activity to other officials - deputy chief physicians, heads of structural divisions.

    Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the Employer and the implementation of its economic relations, the use of legal means for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the Employer in order to maintain and expand the scale of its activities.

    Protects the property interests of the Employer in court, arbitration, government and administrative bodies. By power of attorney, represents the Employer in government, judicial, insurance and arbitration bodies.

    Organizes work to improve the qualifications of subordinates.


    3.1. The employee has the right to:

    management of subordinates

    providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract

    workplace that complies with government regulatory requirements labor protection and conditions stipulated by the collective agreement

    timely and full payment of wages in accordance with one’s qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed

    rest provided by establishing normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, providing weekly days off, non-working holidays, paid annual leave

    complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace

    professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws

    association, including the right to create and join trade unions to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests

    conducting collective negotiations and concluding collective agreements, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement and agreements

    protection of your labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law

    compensation for damage caused to him in connection with the performance of labor duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws

    compulsory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws

    obtaining materials and documents related to their activities.


    4.1. The employee is obliged:

    fulfill your duties conscientiously job responsibilities assigned to him by the employment contract and job description

    comply with internal labor regulations

    observe labor discipline

    comply with established labor standards

    comply with occupational health and safety requirements

    treat with care the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees

    immediately inform the Employer or immediate supervisor about the occurrence of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the employer’s property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).


    5.1. The employee is responsible for:

    Failure to fulfill one's duties.

    Inaccurate information about the status of the work.

    Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer.

    Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions, failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety rules, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees.

    Failure to comply with labor discipline.


    6.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.

    6.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

    6.3. Characteristics of working conditions in the workplace: ____________________.

    (If necessary: ​​6.4. The Employee is familiar with the Employer’s provisions on official and commercial secrets and undertakes not to disclose them.


    12.03.2018, 14:28

    What should be the job description for the executive director of an LLC: sample 2018? It is clear that instructions are not mandatory documents, and employers (organizations and individual entrepreneurs) may not compose them without any consequences for themselves. However, despite this, it is better if the company still has job descriptions for the personnel. After all, the presence of a document defining the employee’s labor function can play an important role, for example, if conflict situation. We will talk about the job description of the executive director of an LLC in the article.

    Instructions – internal document of the company

    The current legislation does not contain any approved rules for drawing up job descriptions for personnel. Therefore, each employer has the right to independently approve the procedure for drawing up and the content of this document for a particular position, enshrining it in the appropriate local act. In this order, responsibilities are approved for all personnel: instructions for a sales specialist or job description for the executive director.

    Developing this document, you need to indicate the following information about the employee:

    • labor function;
    • list of job responsibilities;
    • experience;
    • education;
    • responsibility.

    Typically the instructions consist of the following sections:

    • general provisions;
    • job responsibilities;
    • employee rights;
    • responsibility.

    The developed and approved instructions are not something immutable. If necessary, adjustments may be made to it. For example, the executive director's job responsibilities may change. In such a situation, you will need to make changes to the document.

    It is mandatory that only state bodies draw up job descriptions (Article 47 Federal Law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ). Organizations in the commercial sector draw up instructions only for at will. The company cannot be forced to draw up instructions or, moreover, fined for their absence. Therefore, it is the employer who decides whether to develop a job description for an executive director in construction or not.

    The correctness of such conclusions is confirmed by Rostrud officials (letter dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0).

    It’s better to write instructions

    Despite the fact that current legislation does not force commercial organizations develop and approve job descriptions, it is better to have these documents. After all, for example, only with instructions can one justify the legality of a disciplinary sanction against an employee or dismissal due to inadequacy of the position held. For example, the job description of the executive director 2018 obliges the specialist filling this vacancy to meet the requirements specified in it.

    The staffing table in 2018 is necessary to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing level organizations (Article 57 of the Labor Code). The staff list contains a list of employee positions, indicating the number of staff units, salaries, allowances and additional payments. In other words, the staffing table is a document that fixes the basic structure of the organization. The staff distributes salaries by position and indicates at what rate the employee is.

    It is the instructions that allow you to distribute responsibilities between employees. It is clear that the job description of the executive director of an individual entrepreneur or organization will differ from a similar document developed for another employee of this department.

    Please note that instructions should be developed for the position, and not for a specific employee. The reverse approach will lead to the fact that in the event of personnel changes or dismissal of employees, they will have to be re-approved. Therefore, it is better if the company approves, for example, the job description of the executive director construction organization, and not instructions for Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.

    The executive (administrative) director is one of the highest officials of the company. This is a manager - an administrator who deals with the operational management of the organization's activities.

    We add that one instruction can be drawn up for employees occupying the same positions. It makes no sense to develop several identical documents for employees with similar job responsibilities.

    Our specialists have prepared a sample job description especially for our readers. You can download it directly from the website.

    The position of executive director of an enterprise or LLC is considered one of the most prestigious, so most applicants strive to get it. But it is worth remembering that the director has a number of serious responsibilities. So, before accepting a tempting offer, you need to read the job descriptions in order to avoid problems in the future.

    What kind of position is this?

    An executive director is the head of an enterprise or LLC who reports directly to the general director and the meeting of founders. Often such specialists work in medium and large businesses.

    The executive director is responsible for the company's actions before government authorities - the tax office, the prosecutor's office, and the court. He is obliged to speak on behalf of the organization at various seminars, conferences and meetings, resolve all issues with local authorities, and work with trade union organizations.

    The terms of reference are determined by the charter and constituent agreement. The general director may delegate some of his responsibilities and rights to the director.

    Job description

    The job description is the main document defining the rights and responsibilities of the executive director. Its content directly depends on the type of activity of the company, but at the same time, when compiling it, management must rely on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other regulations in the field of labor activity.

    The job description states:

    • The procedure for selecting and appointing an executive director.
    • Requirements for the candidate - work experience, requirements for professional training and education.
    • Requirements for knowledge in certain areas of law, economics and business.
    • Job responsibilities of the executive director.
    • Specialist rights.
    • Responsibility.
    Upon taking office, the executive director must read the job description against signature. It is advisable for the specialist to have one copy of the document on hand so that he can subsequently consult it in case of controversial issues when making decisions.

    Professional and personal qualities of a director

    The profession of an executive director requires the fulfillment of a number of job obligations, based on which a number of professional requirements are put forward to specialists:
    • Only a person with a higher education related to economics or the company’s work profile can become an executive director.
    • He must have experience in this field and know the nuances of the work of companies of this type. Of course, often employees who have been working in the company for a considerable time are appointed executive directors, but sometimes an outsider who has worked at a similar enterprise is hired for this position.
    • Knowledge of laws and regulations related to the activities of the organization is required. This is due to the fact that he is responsible for the operation of the enterprise, including violations in the conduct of business and activities.
    • The executive director must have experience in negotiations, business meetings, and be able to plan the work of the enterprise.

    Speaking about personal qualities, it is important to note the presence of the following personality qualities: focus, desire for leadership, resistance to stress, discipline, analytical skills, organization.

    Main responsibilities

    The main responsibilities of the executive director include:
    • Control over the work of the company, its departments and branches. He is obliged to draw up plans for the company's development and monitor their implementation. Often the executive director has to come to the enterprise for inspection.
    • Control over the work of employees. The executive director is obliged to draw up orders, fine or reward employees.
    • Selection and approval of candidates. He has the right to entrust the conduct of interviews and selection of candidates to one of the company’s specialists or the head of the department, as well as independently select personnel for further work. In addition, the executive director is responsible for staff training - he organizes courses for them or sends employees to third-party institutions to improve their professional literacy.
    • Monitoring the work of the HR department. The executive director is obliged to check all the documentation drawn up by HR officers (from employment contracts and vacation schedules to ).
    • Check the receipt of money into the account from counterparties, monitor dividend payments, control all expenses of the organization. If violations are detected in the financial sector, he is responsible for them in the same way as the chief accountant.
    • Conduct business meetings, negotiations with clients, organize shareholder meetings.
    • Work with audit companies to check the work of departments.
    • Provide High Quality provision of services and manufactured goods.

    In most organizations, the main emphasis is on monitoring the execution of orders and orders, work plans, as well as on the operational development of planning.

    Rights of the executive director

    In addition to his duties, the executive director has a number of rights that he can exercise.
    • Propose to the company's management a number of activities and innovations aimed at improving the company's performance and increasing economic efficiency.
    • Distribute work among subordinates within the limits of their authority. So, the executive director can order to hold a campaign or event, collect data to analyze the work of the enterprise.
    • Work with banks to open corporate accounts.
    • To perform certain actions and transactions, issue a power of attorney to company employees (for example,).
    • Open new vacancies in accordance with business needs.
    • Within the framework of the law, decide on the distribution of funds received by the organization and their spending.
    • Ask the CEO or other senior management for help.
    • Require additional leave and receive all social guarantees.


    Any leadership position provides for liability in case of violation of certain obligations and one’s functions as a leader. Thus, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the management and owners of the company for:
    • The quality of work of both the organization as a whole and its individual departments.
    • Damage to the organization's property. Often we are talking about violations of job descriptions of responsible persons and safety regulations. In the event of force majeure circumstances, liability does not arise.
    • Violations in the workplace during the presence of the general director at work. These include safety violations and employee absence from the workplace.
    • The efficiency of the enterprise, which is determined by financial well-being organization and its reputation.
    • Making decisions that negatively affected the company’s work and its reputation.

    The executive director is responsible for violations not only before the CEO or the owners of the company, but also before the law. Especially if these are violations in the legislative or financial sphere of the company’s activities.

    Video: Who is an executive director
    You can learn more about who the executive director is, what his responsibilities and powers are from the video. It describes in detail the specifics of the specialist’s work and the basic requirements for him:

    An executive director is one of the company's managers and a key person responsible for the financial well-being of the company, planning the work of departments and branches, and holding corporate meetings and events. The responsibilities and rights of a specialist are prescribed in the job description, which the specialist must familiarize himself with when occupying a new position.
    • What are the responsibilities of the executive director?
    • What personal and professional qualities should an executive director have?
    • Where to find a suitable professional - in your company or in external circles
    • What salaries are set for executive directors at various enterprises, depending on the scope and scale of activity

    The executive director of the company can confidently be called “ right hand» General Director. Unlike immediate deputies, the list of responsibilities of the executive director includes overseeing all aspects of the company.

    Simply put, the head of the company draws up a business plan, and the executive must propose tactics for implementing the plans. Thanks to this division of labor, the CEO is able to focus on communicating with the company's business partners and clients, without having to lose resources to resolve and control the internal issues of the organization.

    Powers of the Executive Director

    As a rule, the executive director has the right to participate in meetings of the board of directors, representing the interests of the company in outside organizations. And at the same time, similar to the general director, the executive can sign documents within the framework of the company’s economic activities.

    The main function of the executive director is to control production and timely fulfillment of contract obligations. Let us focus on the detailed list of tasks of the executive director in our company.

    1. Production management:

    • compilation production plans companies, with control over their implementation;
    • providing the necessary resources for production (including materials, equipment, suitable personnel, etc.);
    • coordination of equipment maintenance at the enterprise;
    • monitoring compliance with safety standards, product quality, costs and productivity;
    • taking measures aimed at increasing production efficiency, reducing the level of defects, optimizing technological processes, increasing labor productivity.

    2. Personnel management:

    • planning the number of employees;
    • planning of personnel costs (including investments in their training);
    • operational management of administrative personnel (staff of more than 100 people).

    3. Monitoring the timely fulfillment of the organization’s obligations when working with customers.

    4. Solving other operational issues. Among other things, the competence of the executive director includes issues related to production services, information technology, technical support and the like.

    CEO speaks

    The executive director of our company is responsible for a fairly wide range of important issues. In particular, he controls the expenses of the enterprise, the execution of the company’s budget, ensuring income (including those received from key clients with whom this manager personally works), and directly profit. The executive director is also responsible for monitoring and ensuring the efficiency of internal corporate processes in the operation of the enterprise.

    In our company, the right of first signature is traditionally vested in the deputy general director, the right of second signature is valid for financial director. We recently decided that signing rights will soon be extended to the executive director. In this case, he will also be held legally responsible.

    In their practice, they note 4 categories of all executive directors. The right manager for a company depends on its goals.

    1. Innovator. Many businesses are trying to find an executive director who can be entrusted with leading a new strategic direction, with the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the entire business. The best option– searching for a charismatic personality for the company who can attract attention, interest people, drawing them along with him.
    2. Mentor. In the work of such a specialist, the main task is to help an insufficiently experienced general director in debugging the necessary business processes (including marketing, financial accounting, sales, etc.). If you need a mentor, you should look for a competent manager with extensive knowledge and significant experience in applying it in practice, as well as established useful connections and networking opportunities.
    3. Successor. If you are planning to transfer management of the enterprise to the executive director, you need to find a professional whose approach to business, experience and vision of future business prospects coincide with yours.
    4. Partner. You should invite someone who shares your values ​​to fill such an important role. It will be optimal if you can complement each other with him. As an example of such a duet, we can note the work of a relatively soft general director, prone to the principles of liberalism in management, and a tough executive director, who carefully understands all the details. To others effective option can be considered a general director who is passionate about development, who is actively searching for new niches for the enterprise and new business partners - together with the executive director, who ensures control of all financial flows and business processes of the company.

    Our company has an executive director who belongs to the mentor type. In his work, he ensures control over the work of key functional blocks of the organization - including the IT department, project department, finance, marketing, administrative services and personnel management departments.

    What should an executive director be able to do?

    Like all top managers, it is desirable for the executive director to have a higher education and at least two years of experience in management positions. Also, certain personal qualities are required from the executive director; various skills and knowledge are important for effective work. Let's focus on the main ones:

    1. Active life position.
    2. Personal organization and time management skills.
    3. Analytical skills, systematic approach to solving professional problems.
    4. Ability to make responsible decisions.
    5. Organizational skills, with delegation of authority.
    6. Adaptation to dynamically changing jobs, employee stress resistance.
    7. Ability to simultaneously work in an ERP system with a significant volume of documents and production tasks.
    8. Public speaking skills (in particular, positioning yourself as public company. Consequently, the executive director will be required to regularly participate in various conferences, communicate with the media, etc.).
    9. Ability to find original ways for work, survival and further development companies.
    10. Knowledge of various technical aspects(including production technology), with an understanding of the specifics of production processes.
    11. Knowledge of current regulations and legislative acts that cover financial, economic and production activities company, understanding of the country's environmental and tax legislation, regulations government agencies at local, regional and federal levels.
    12. Knowledge of economic, technical and social prospects in the development of a particular industry.
    13. Knowledge of the nuances of the general structure of the company.

    How to choose an executive director

    The company's executive director is, in fact, the first deputy general director. Unlike deputies, the executive director oversees all aspects of the enterprise. His main task is to implement the strategy developed by the CEO. In other words, the head of the company draws up a general business plan, and the executive director proposes tactics for its implementation. This division of labor allows the CEO to focus on contacts with clients and partners, without being distracted by solving current internal issues.

    Read CEO magazine's article on how to choose the best CEO for your company.

    Responsibilities of the Executive Director

    The responsibilities of the executive director are similar to those of the general director. After all, both act as directors of the company (except for situations where personal responsibility is established for the general director). Article 277 of the Labor Code regulates that the head of the organization bears full financial responsibility for damage. The condition for the responsibility of the manager does not need to be fixed in employment contract. But in our company, the employee has to enter into a certain condition “about financial liability for direct actual damage to the employer due to guilty actions on the part of the employee.” The responsibilities of the executive director are discussed in detail in his job description “The executive director is responsible for:

    • personnel Management;
    • providing reliable information on the state of work in the designated area;
    • untimely provision of various data in your reporting;
    • failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the general director and members of the board of directors;
    • failure to ensure compliance with executive and labor discipline on the part of employees who work under the executive director;
    • material damage to the company;
    • violation of internal labor regulations, as well as safety and fire safety rules in force in society;
    • violation of labor discipline and other offenses within the scope of their activities.

    The executive director, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 30 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is also responsible for the consequences decisions taken if they are beyond the scope of his authority. Responsibility also remains for actions committed by employees to whom the executive director has delegated his rights. It is possible to apply against the executive director all disciplinary measures prescribed by law - including dismissal under clause 5 of part 1 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Like any official in an organization, the executive director also bears responsibility, which is established by administrative, civil and criminal legislation.

    What is better: look for an executive director from outside or promote an employee of your own company

    The company was supplied not an easy task– had to strengthen its leading position in the smart card market. We needed an experienced professional who would not require additional training. Therefore, we started looking for a third-party specialist, without trying to develop such an employee within our ranks. Moreover, the company at that time did not have employees who were potentially suitable for this task. But sometimes situations are possible when the head of a company is more important than the employee’s loyalty to the organization than his qualifications. In this case, a candidate can be attracted from the personnel reserve of his company.

    CEO speaks

    Alexander Buidov, General Director of the company "R.V.S.", Moscow

    It is better for the company to attract outside specialists, although this option is not without certain disadvantages. When trying to find an executive director, they needed a fresh look and new solutions. Only under this condition would they be able to identify existing shortcomings that were perceived by existing employees practically as the norm. Therefore, an employee who had not previously worked in our company became the executive director. But when choosing a specialist, be sure to consult with business partners, taking into account their recommendations.

    Alexander Orlov, owner of the Nota Blanca restaurant, Moscow

    It is logical that it is difficult for a shareholder to transfer management of his company to a third party - after all, he has invested significant funds, time and effort in his business. There is always a certain trust issue. Often, new managers begin to perceive themselves as full-fledged business owners, confusing personal profit and enterprise income. Therefore, it is important to attract “your” person. In my case, it was my son who took up restaurant management. Now we are equal partners, but all administrative issues are on his shoulders. I decided to free myself from many routine tasks; I don’t have to worry about the problem of abuse of powers of this executive director.

    I can confidently call family business ideal option. But still, the relative must be truly a professional.

    Executive Director Salaries

    The total remuneration of a specialist is formed from salary and additional bonuses. Depending on the list of responsibilities and the scale of the enterprise, options are possible for the executive director if he achieves the specified KPIs, and the provided social package may also vary.

    1. Executive director of an all-Russian retail chain. The fixed salary is from 15 thousand dollars per month. To attract such a manager to a region where lower salaries are expected compared to Moscow, it is necessary to provide an expanded social package, options and bonuses.
    2. Executive director of a large diversified holding company. The fixed salary is from 20 thousand dollars per month - and is supplemented by bonuses. Total monthly income can exceed 30-35 thousand dollars per month.
    3. Executive director of a metallurgical company. The salary is in the range of 20-50 thousand dollars per month. Remuneration for executive managers at subsidiaries is lower, starting at $10,000.
    4. Executive director of a small enterprise. The monthly salary is from 7 thousand dollars.

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