A variety of finishing materials for finishing the facades of cottages. Exterior cladding of a house: materials and technologies A new word in exterior decoration: façade wallpaper

Having even a small country cottage is the dream of many city residents. And, as life shows, these dreams are coming true today. Many city dwellers are gradually moving away from the noise and dirt of cities closer to nature, acquiring suburban areas, on which cottages are built or ready-made houses are purchased.

All owners have their own claims to the design of facades, so countryside villages are replete with a variety of shapes, sizes, color design built houses. In this article we will talk about the facades of cottages: what materials they are faced with today, what designers offer, etc.

Types of finishes

In fact, in the façade market finishing materials great amount. And every year new ones appear, which many summer residents do not know about. In this article we will talk about the most popular ones.

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In our video we will talk about Japanese facades. Let's take a closer look at what errors occur during the installation process:


Plastering cottage facades - old and traditional version finishing. Traditionally, these are two solutions: cement-based or lime-based. The second one is better because it does not crack during the drying and shrinking process, which cannot be said about the cement variety. But in any case, both options are not decorative, because they mainly serve as leveling wall surfaces. After application, they have to be decorated with other finishing materials. Most often this is painting.

Today, manufacturers of plaster mortars offer a category of materials that can be classified as “decorative”. That is, these are mixtures (dry or ready-made) that are applied to the facade, resulting in an even and beautiful wall. Such plaster mixtures include “bark beetle” and “fur coat”. They are simply applied and leveled in the plane of the wall. At the same time, the latter not only levels out, hiding flaws and differences in plane, but also becomes decorative.

In total everything plaster mixtures are divided into four main groups:

    mineral, which are based on cement and sand;

    silicate, which contain liquid glass;

    acrylic, acrylic is added accordingly;

    silicone according to the same anology.

It should be noted that the latter two are becoming increasingly popular today. They are more flexible, so applying them to walls is easy. At the same time, they have all the required characteristics that modern façade coverings should have. And this is vapor permeability, waterproofing, long-term operation. But this is not all the advantages.

    Plaster mortars with polymer additives in progress shrinkage building don't crack.

    Huge variety of colors filling. And here they have no equal. Even today, manufacturers have released new products imitating on the wall masonry.

    High strength caused layer.

Brick cladding

Ceramic brick, or rather, facing with it, is always fashionable. Such a cottage looks standard, but such cladding never oppresses. At the same time, using yellow and red bricks, you can diversify appearance suburban building.

On the market facing brick presented in three varieties: ceramic, hyperpressed and silicate. The first, in turn, is divided into clinker and ordinary ceramic.

Sand-lime facing brick is in last place among brick cladding. He is not very popular because he has grey colour. But among all the options offered, it is the cheapest.

Ordinary ceramic option has always been popular. And today it is often used for finishing cottage facades. But it is gradually moved by clinker. The latter has a more interesting texture. Wherein clinker brick sold in the form of thin tiles, which simplifies the process of finishing external walls. But the price is higher than ceramics. Although today it competes with glazed ceramic brick, whose outer side is covered with glaze.

As for the hyper-pressed model, its production technology is very different from all the others. Firstly, there is no firing operation. Secondly, the material is molded under high pressure, which ensures the highest strength of the brick itself.

Today, all of the above materials are used in finishing the facades of cottages. Some varieties are larger, some are smaller. But it should be noted that the cladding technology itself is quite complex.

Stone cladding

In principle, stone (natural or artificial) is not often used in facade decoration. This pleasure is too expensive. But it is the stone that gives the country house a peculiar solidity. One-story buildings with stone trim look a little pompous. She's not for them. But two- or three-story cottages can be finished with stone. Although most often foundation plinths or individual parts of the house are sheathed with this material. For example, the photo below shows how the stone facade decoration was applied country house.

On our website you can find contacts of the best construction companies who offer , . You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

It should be noted that this type of finish is heavy. And this is a special disadvantage, because you have to build a powerful foundation under it. And the stone presses on the walls with quite a lot of force. Here we must add the high price of the material itself.

Therefore, many country property owners choose cheaper artificial variant. It is no different from natural material in terms of strength and appearance. But the price is two times less. You can also add a smaller one here specific gravity, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of building a foundation.

Video description

The video examines the cladding of a country house with natural stone, that is, how you can use stone in finishing a country house:


This finishing material, as well as all its varieties, for example, block house, for many country cottagesperfect option repair and finishing. This is especially true for buildings frame type. In this case, the lining is laid along frame technology, which means it is possible to simultaneously insulate the cottage.

There are several types of lining, which differ from each other in the material of manufacture. There are three options: wood, plastic and metal. The first model is traditional. They are distinguished by their natural beauty. Disadvantages - wood begins to warp under the influence of humidity and temperature changes. This is why its service life is reduced. True, today the characteristics can be increased by using various liquid compositions, varnishes and paints for protection.

As for plastic and metal lining, it is primarily an artificial decorative material that imitates the structure and texture of wood. They are present on the market and are purchased. And if there is demand, then there is supply.

On our website you can familiarize yourself with price categories ranging from - from the best construction companies with an impeccable reputation in the market. You can choose a facade from any modern building material. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Facade cladding with siding

In principle, it can be considered that plastic lining is a variety vinyl siding. It’s just that in the “siding” category there is a huge variety of products offered that imitate various Construction Materials. That is, not only wood, but also brick, clinker, stone, sand, etc.

Unlike other types of finishing materials, siding does not require painting or other additional decoration. This is a ready-made cladding that just needs to be installed on the frame against the wall. At the same time, a gap of 5 cm is left between the finishing and the wall of the cottage, which serves as façade ventilation. That’s why such a façade is called ventilated. It is also convenient because you can lay a thermal insulation layer underneath it.

Siding, like many finishing materials, is divided according to its raw materials. Vinyl models are mainly used in private housing construction. But on the market there are those made from galvanized steel sheet coated with a polymer decorative layer. There are aluminum strips and acrylic-based plastic ones. That is, there is actually a choice, and each variety has its own price.

Video description

In the video, the owner of the cottage talks about siding as a finishing material and shows how to install it:

Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

The huge variety of tiles on the market, which is represented by tiles with different designs, makes it possible to decorate facades with them. For example, the photo below shows a country cottage lined with ceramic tiles, stylized as limestone stone. That is, such a facade looks quite respectable. From a distance it is difficult to distinguish whether a wall is lined with stone or tiles.

The same can be said about porcelain stoneware. But it is a more durable material with the highest indicators waterproofing. Porcelain tiles are expensive, a little cheaper natural stone. True, we must pay tribute to this material, which can be laid on facades using two technologies:

    ordinary " wet" with help adhesive compositions;

    frame, So how ventilated facade.

The second technology, as in the case of siding and lining, allows you to insulate the walls of cottages directly under the cladding. There is no need to level the wall surfaces. For a ventilated facade with porcelain stoneware, a special frame system made of metal profiles is used. Only she can bear a lot of weight ceramic cladding. It is very important to carry out the assembly correctly frame system, because the quality of the final result depends on it. The porcelain stoneware itself frame structure secured with special brackets or clips.

Conclusion on the topic

There is a lot of variety of materials used to decorate the facades of country cottages. Therefore, it is difficult to make a choice. But here it must be based on the protective qualities of the cladding, its long-term operation, as well as decorative properties. Although the price range is so wide that it often becomes the main selection criterion.

Today they are used different technologies exterior finishing and there is wide choose building materials. If we consider this assortment in terms of “price-quality-durability”, then the choice can easily be reduced to several options. We talked about the advantages of the most modern and technologically advanced fiber cement panels in a previous article. Next in line are much more “massive” ones - plaster, siding and timber simulator.

Exterior decoration of a country house

Exterior finishing of houses with plaster is widespread and is traditional look finishing in all regions. You can often hear the term " Wet facade" “Wet” because the materials used are applied in the form of a mixture of filler and water. The facade of the house is covered with several layers of plaster, reinforced with alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh.

The first layer of plaster is applied to the primed surface of the walls in a thin (4-5 mm) or thick layer (30-40 mm). The surface is primed so that water from the solution is not absorbed by the wall material and participates in strengthening the plaster material. The outer layer is made of cement or silicate plaster. Let us clarify what we mean by more High Quality used in last years materials and construction standards, plastering with a layer of 50 mm and reinforcing layers with iron mesh are a thing of the past.

The final layer of plaster can be made from the most different materials. It could be simple facade paint, a mixture of mineral fillers or plaster with decorative texture. All of the above coating options are distinguished by their service life, as well as the frequency of maintenance and repair.

Let us make special mention of the so-called “warm plaster”. This is the most modern way, combining both finishing and insulation of the walls of a country house. Essentially this is mortar, which combines insulating fillers and their binding compounds.

“Warm plaster” seriously increases the energy efficiency of the exterior structures of the house. After hardening, a significant layer of material is additionally formed on the walls, which is literally stuffed with insulating additives. “Warm plaster” is justified where the external dimensions of the facade have limitations or the base is unsuitable for installing slab materials.

Wall cladding with wooden cladding boards or hanging panels(hinged ventilated facades) is a very common technology for exterior finishing of country houses today. It is also one of the most effective ways in the fight for durability load-bearing structures Houses. It's all about ventilation, which is ensured by the presence of a gap between the wall and the finishing material, set at 20×100 mm from load-bearing wall. Due to convection, excess moisture is removed from the gap and an air buffer is formed that prevents the outflow of heat. The most common material for ventilated facades is siding. IN modern construction Various types of it are used: wood, vinyl (PVC), metal, fiber cement (see article « » ) . Siding provides good wind protection and moisture insulation, and its service life reaches 50 years. You can cover a house of any design with siding, and the structure acquires a neat and attractive appearance.

Wood siding - clapboard or clapboard. Simple, cheap and comfortable material for exterior decoration of a country house. Cladding walls with clapboard is easy to do; you can do it yourself if you have even basic skills in working with wood. The boards are connected to each other using grooves and tongues (on opposite edges of the board), and then nailed to the pre-installed sheathing on the wall. The disadvantages of lining include the need to periodically paint it to maintain its appearance and protect it from rotting. In addition, lining is a fire hazardous material.

Vinyl siding is relatively cheap, so today it is widely used for cladding one- or two-story country houses and cottages. It is made from polyvinyl chloride and is environmentally friendly. Has different colors and shapes. For the plinths of the house they use panels “under brick” and “under a natural stone" For wall cladding, panels with a “wood-like” texture are often used. Vinyl siding does not require additional painting, does not burn, and is not exposed to chemicals and bark beetles that destroy wood.

Vinyl panels are produced in lengths from 2 to 6 meters and widths of 20 - 50 cm. The technology for finishing a siding facade is not much different from assembling it with clapboard. The panels are inserted into one another and secured with screws, self-tapping screws or nails through special holes.

It is worth noting that PVC siding cannot be repaired and requires mandatory replacement when cracks appear; in addition, vinyl (like wood) tends to expand and contract with sudden temperature changes.

Metal siding is made from galvanized steel or aluminum alloy and coated paint and varnish materials. Metal siding is most often used in industrial construction. With the exception of the regions of the Far North of Russia, where PVC panels cannot withstand low temperatures and crack, metal siding is widely used for cladding residential buildings. Caring for this material is extremely simple: just wash the facades with water from a hose, and the house will take on its original appearance.

Imitation timber appeared on the country house construction market relatively recently and has already become one of the most popular options for exterior finishing of cottages. The material has excellent environmental properties and a pleasant natural appearance, which creates a harmonious atmosphere of unity with nature. For its production, as a rule, they use conifers trees (pine or larch) and cedar. There are also more expensive ones tree species, from which imitation is also made - oak, beech, etc. When choosing an imitation material, you should take into account the climatic characteristics of your region. So for the humid climate of North-West Russia it is best suitable material from larch.

A timber simulator is wood panel from 2 to 6 meters long and 135-195 mm wide, equipped with a tongue-and-groove system and mounted on the wall, outwardly very similar to real folded timber. This material is excellent for exterior decoration of walls of houses consisting of various materials: wood, brick, concrete, foam blocks, etc. The simulator is fastened after installing the insulation, waterproofing film and installation of wooden sheathing. The fairly simple installation of the material and its reasonable cost attract homeowners, so the relevance of using imitation timber is growing every year!

The timber simulator has whole line positive qualities. Firstly, it is safe for health, as it is natural and environmentally friendly. Secondly, it is durable: the service life of the simulator can last for decades, of course, with correct installation and aftercare. The simulator has excellent heat and sound insulation thanks to special properties wood - in winter, a house with such a facade will better retain heat, and in summer, on the contrary, prevent it from penetrating into the room. The simulator panels are lightweight, which facilitates the transportation of the material and its subsequent installation. This material can be used for both exterior and interior work during the construction of a country house. Finally, the timber simulator will give your cottage a presentable appearance, the facades will look neat and stylish.

To the above, we add that the woody nature of the imitation material requires care. The panels must be periodically treated with antiseptic agents, varnishes, etc.

In conclusion, we note that in any case, the choice facing material you need to take it with full responsibility, since your preference directly determines how warm and cozy your Vacation home, and how many years it will serve its owners.

Look standard projects IZBURG:

High-quality external finishing of a country house gives it a presentable and neat appearance. It is very important not only to choose the right materials, but also to approach repair tasks professionally. The façade and basement of the cottage must be finished after the roofing work is completed. The Moscow construction artel carries out external finishing of houses in accordance with the requirements of GOST and SNiPs. We strictly monitor the safety of the materials we use and use only the most effective and economical technologies.

What materials are used for the exterior decoration of a country house?

The modern market offers many options for decorating a cottage, which will give it water-repellent and heat-insulating properties. Exterior decoration of a country house can be done using the following materials:

  1. Plaster– can be based on cement, acrylic, silicone, etc. It levels the walls, strengthens and insulates them. Mesh reinforcement technology is often used to provide greater strength. You need to choose exclusively plaster for exterior work, without confusing it with varieties for interior decoration of a cottage, which cannot withstand temperature changes.
  2. Siding. This material is attractive due to its affordable cost and ease of installation. External finishing of cottages in this way allows you to build a façade with ventilation, which can also be insulated.
  3. Stone, tiles, porcelain stoneware. These finishing materials belong to the expensive category, so they are less in demand. Also, working with them requires certain experience and skill. At the slightest mistake the wall may collapse, so it is better to immediately entrust the finishing to specialists.
  4. Decorative brick. It can come in a variety of shapes and colors. Its laying occurs in the same sequence as that of ordinary brick. It is very aesthetic and allows you to install thermal insulation between the wall and the finishing layer.
  5. Ventilated facades. This option is considered relatively new, but it has already gained many fans, since it is simply installed on any type of surface, is easy to repair, looks attractive and allows the walls to be ventilated.

Thus, the exterior decoration of a country house provides a lot of scope for the imagination of the building owner and designer. Our craftsmen are ready to assist you in choosing materials and their installation; all work is guaranteed. We produce all types construction work in Moscow and the region, starting from

Some building materials from which walls are erected immediately imply the need for exterior finishing of the house: the resulting picture is very unsightly. Others may lose their appeal over time. And the third case is extensive crack formation, which is “treated”, but the results remain visible. In all these cases, the question arises: “How to sheathe the outside of the house.” Moreover, most often it is necessary to “sheath” it - without using mortar or other similar means that require a lot of money and time. I want to do everything quickly and, very preferably, inexpensively, and, if possible, with my own hands. Oddly enough, there is a choice of materials and technologies, and a considerable one.

Basic Rules

When selecting materials for cladding a house from the street, be sure to remember that in order to maintain normal humidity in the rooms, the vapor permeability of the materials must decrease from inside the room to the outside. That is, the exterior finishing should conduct steam better than the wall material. Then high humidity, which is typical for our homes, will be discharged through the walls naturally (explanations in the photo).

If this principle is violated, moisture will accumulate at the interface of materials with different vapor permeability. It condenses, creating conditions for rotting and the development of fungi and mold. IN winter time freezes, destroying the wall material and/or finishing. Sooner or later such a system will have to be dismantled and rebuilt.

The trouble is that only wood meets this requirement. Most of other materials for exterior decoration of the house have low vapor permeability. The problem is solved in two ways:

Today the second option is becoming increasingly popular. Very effective thermal insulation materials, allowing you to significantly reduce heating costs. But they have very low vapor permeability (expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene foam). When using them, only the second humidity control scheme is possible. When choosing what to cover your house with, consider these points.

Wood paneling

Wood has been used in construction and decoration for centuries, and it seems that it will be relevant for a long time. All thanks to its excellent appearance and ability to regulate indoor humidity. This is perhaps the only material that will remove excess moisture without problems, regardless of what material the walls are made of.

Wooden cladding can have a completely non-standard appearance: different colors and sizes, different directions. It's simple, but the effect is amazing

The most popular materials for wall cladding are block house and imitation timber. There is also lining for exterior finishing - it is thicker than what is intended for it, but otherwise it is no different.

The block house imitates the surface of a rounded log - front part has a round shape. Imitation timber is very similar to planed timber. Both types of cladding are attached to the sheathing, then sanded and coated with protective impregnations, and optionally varnished or painted.

What does lumber look like? external cladding Houses

If you can't decide how to cover the outside of a foam block house, consider wood cladding. In this case, lathing (metal or wood) is nailed to the walls. If necessary, insulation is placed between the slats - basalt wool(foam or polystyrene foam cannot be used) and then the wood sheathing is nailed on.

This building is sheathed with imitation timber. Under the skin there can be brick, log frame, frame or any of the building blocks

If you need the most cheap option, for most regions of Russia this is an ordinary planed board. Its thickness is from 40 mm, it is stuffed in the same way as a lining or block house onto the sheathing, the lower end of the upper board extends 10-20 mm onto the one located underneath it. It turns out the principle of the cone. So you can veneer it cheaply country house or even residential. When properly processed, such cladding has a very good appearance.

How to cheaply cover the outside of a house? For middle zone Russia - wooden planed board

The disadvantages of such finishing are the same as with any wood: it can be damaged by pests, rot, without proper care it quickly loses its decorative effect, becomes dark and ugly. If you want to cover your house and not think about it for years, this is not your choice. Behind wood paneling maintenance is required, and, most often, annually.


In some regions, boards and other lumber are far from the most available materials. In this case, it’s cheaper. This is the option when, having completed the finishing once, you can forget about it for a long time.

If you are thinking about how to decorate the outside of a timber house, perhaps your option is siding

Since the sheathing is nailed onto the sheathing, the façade is ventilated. If you need to inexpensively finish wooden walls(made of timber, logs, panels) siding is one of the options. It can also be used for buildings made of any other material: foam block, aerated concrete, slag-filled concrete, etc. This cladding is universal.


Siding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is therefore also called vinyl. It consists of strips of material 205 and 255 mm wide, 1.1 mm and 1.2 mm thick. The longitudinal edges have a lock on one side and perforation for fasteners on the other (self-tapping screws are more often used).

The siding is also attached to the sheathing. It is recommended to use a special metal one, but impregnated ones are quite suitable wooden blocks. Only standard starting and side stripes will be needed. The only caveat: the screws need to be “undertightened” a little, leaving some play in order to compensate for temperature changes in the materials. With this installation, the siding will not crack due to stress.

The advantages of this material for external cladding at home: low prices, easy installation.

The disadvantage of vinyl siding is that it quickly fades in the sun, so it is advisable to use soft colors. Has quite a wide temperature regime operation: from +50°C to -35°C, but even in slight frosts it becomes brittle and easily damaged.

One more point: houses covered with siding and having a broken configuration look good. If the building is rectangular, without architectural frills, it does not have the most attractive appearance (as evidenced by the photo below).

If the building is simply long, without reliefs or protrusions, covering the walls with sading will not embellish it very much


Metal siding consists of strips of thin aluminum or galvanized steel, onto which a protective and decorative coating is applied. It has the same fastening system as vinyl.

House cladding metal siding simple: you can do it yourself even without much construction experience

The coating can be made of polymers. It is distinguished by its reliability, resistance to fading, and other climatic factors. Its disadvantage is the limited choice of colors. The second coating option is powder coating. The color range is much wider, the paint lasts for years without signs of peeling.

If you are looking for something to clad the outside of your home for a durable and bright finish, one of the metal siding options may be right for you. It can be bent, it is very difficult to break, installation is not very difficult: you need good metal scissors, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver or a screwdriver. All installation features are the same as for vinyl, with the only difference being that metal can be installed at sub-zero temperatures.

It is not easy to harmoniously decorate a building covered with metal siding

From the point of view of durability, this is a good option, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is difficult to work with: it looks too “manufactured”. The building no longer resembles a residential building, but rather a warehouse or some kind of workshop.


This is one of the varieties of vinyl siding, but it has a completely different configuration, appearance and greater panel thickness. It was developed specifically for decorating and protecting the plinths of buildings, but I liked it so much that it began to be used for cladding facades. Exterior design- under brickwork different types and colors, with or without patterns, wild stone. Sometimes the imitation is so successful that you understand that what is in front of you is not brick cladding, and vinyl, you can only touch the wall.

It is mounted, like other types, on the sheathing, there are perforations and locks. The difference is that the basement siding panel does not look like a long rectangle, but a certain section of the wall with curly edges. These curly edges are used to join. Accordingly, the sheathing must be adjusted to the size of the fragment. When installing, first the edge of the panel is inserted into the already installed lock, a match is achieved, and then secured. The main thing is that during installation, do not overtighten the screws, leaving the siding room to move with temperature changes.

The sheathing can be made of treated wooden blocks (with protective impregnation) or from plasterboard profiles (galvanized). How to mount basement siding Look at the base in the video. It is mounted on the wall in the same way. The difference is in area.

Fiber cement boards and siding

Relatively recently, a new cladding appeared on our market: fiber cement boards and siding made of the same material. They consist of wood fiber, quartz, mica, cement, and may contain chlorine and asbestos (some materials used only for exterior decoration). This mixture is formed into sheets, then dehydrated in several stages, and fired using some technologies. Then a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface:

The coating can be smooth - glossy or matte, or can imitate brickwork, wood and other finishing materials. Installed on guides mounting strips, attached to the wall with clamps. This material may suit you if you don’t know what to cover frame house outside: it creates a continuous surface, the panel joints are sealed and precipitation will not get inside.

This house is also lined with fiber cement slabs

Watch the video to see how to attach fiber cement boards.

Fiber cement siding is produced using the same technology, only it is molded into long strips. They are basically standard: 3600*190*12 mm. This material is cut with a jigsaw and installed on wooden sheathing overlapping (like a cone) and nailed to it or screwed with self-tapping screws.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are a material that performs two functions at once - cladding and external insulation of houses. A layer of thermal insulation is applied to the thermal insulation layer at the factory. decorative covering. It looks like marble or natural stone, does not burn, and has low water absorption characteristics.

This finishing material is made from foam plastic, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. Depending on the type of insulation, the installation method is selected: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam are glued to the appropriate composition. The joints are closed with a special aluminum strip or rubbed with paste.

Based on mineral wool, they are mounted only on a special system of profiles; the joints are also sealed.

A very attractive idea is to immediately insulate the house and cladding it. Excellent appearance, and the characteristics of this cladding are impressive. It’s just a pity that there is little operating experience and no reviews yet: it appeared only recently.

There are also clinker thermal panels. Clinker tiles are glued to the insulation. The material is not cheap, but the characteristics are impressive, as is the variety of finishes.

Another option for thermal panels is with clinker tiles

The choice of materials that can be used to cover a house at any time - winter or summer - is considerable. There are expensive options and cheaper ones. In any case, in addition to cost, be sure to consider vapor permeability. Then you won’t have to deal with mold and dampness.

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