Roof with dormer window rafter system. Installation of dormer windows on the roof of the house. Plastering with cement-sand mortar

Even a non-residential attic space needs to be equipped with windows. This helps simplify its use and save on electricity. But such structures should be selected and installed as carefully as possible in order to eliminate the slightest errors.


Roofs on residential buildings come in quite a variety, but the most popular are structures with inclined slopes. Thanks to them, it is possible to create voluminous attics, facilitate the melting of snow and the flow of rain downwards. But in order for the building to really become complete, it is necessary to install windows in the roof. Once they were used exclusively for ventilation, and then they discovered that such designs can increase illumination and visually expand the space. Traditionally, small windows in the roof are called dormer windows, but sometimes they are made large, and ventilation and stabilization of the building are provided by other means.


Dormer window– this is a kind of “house” with a couple of external slopes. Attic openings are located on the same level with the slope and are not covered with awnings, which allows them to transmit maximum light. For vertically directed dormer windows, it is necessary to form a special frame. As a rule, they are made triangular, not recessing the area from the pediment side inward, but exposing them in the same plane as the facade. In an acute-angled roof, the pediments are sometimes equipped with large frames and complemented with atypical details borrowed from temple architecture.

Roof inspection windows can be installed on a single-pitched, gable, or sloping roof.

Any types of roofing structures can be combined with openings of various sizes and geometries. Whether such openings are placed on the roof surface or on the gable is solely up to the homeowners to decide. There are usually no technical obstacles to either solution. If a flat roof is equipped with windows, the drainage sometimes has to be supplemented with new gutters with a slope of 5 to 15 degrees.

A hatch to access the roof is needed no less, and sometimes more, than a simple window.

Getting out of it is much more convenient, especially if you need to inspect and repair those located high or in hard to reach places:

  • antennas;
  • air conditioning systems;
  • gutters;
  • skates;
  • lightning rods.

Even in the absence of such elements at the top, according to the rules, only a roof whose area does not exceed 100 square meters can be used without a hatch. m. When exiting the hatch, an external or sliding staircase. Quite often stepladders are mounted close to the walls, as well as roof ladders. Stepladders are usually placed perpendicular to the horizon in the plane external wall. Any ladder must be protected from corrosion and made in such a way that it is absolutely safe to use. It is more convenient to climb onto a flat roof using an external ladder, which is firmly attached to the walls.

Returning to the windows, we cannot help but say about their ceiling options. Such designs are carried out in the very different style, may differ in shape. Their role is not limited to simple illumination of the attic room - often only this technique allows you to create a light and romantic atmosphere in the home. It is not at all necessary to use a simple rectangular or square system: round windows look even better.

The installation of stained glass helps to complement the unusual feeling.

Skylights are a confident competitor to conventional lighting elements and stained glass. They must be assembled by qualified specialists, since it is impossible to do everything efficiently without a specific technology.

They are never made flat, consumers have a choice between shapes such as:

  • cut cone;
  • semicircle;
  • dome;
  • trapezoid

Thanks to its special configuration and carefully thought-out assembly, the light diffusion fully realizes the designers' intentions. When creating skylights, in addition to glass, polycarbonate can be used; Moreover, simple glass elements cannot withstand the required load in most cases. With the help of lanterns it is possible to illuminate halls and attics that cannot be equipped with the required number of windows. This is the lighting method used in buildings large area, when you need to illuminate a room that stretches 20-30 meters in length.

To open the skylight, you will need several button presses.

Moreover, some of these structures are equipped with systems that automatically open access to the roof in the event of a fire or other emergency. In residential buildings, this approach is practiced only occasionally; generally, skylights there add a sense of luxury and increase the overall decorative appearance of the building. Electronic equipment, if provided, is mounted together with the mechanics. Before final fixing of glass or polycarbonate, their position is carefully adjusted.

A triangular window in the roof is installed when the main rafter system is being installed. Despite the differences ready-made form, exit openings should be in the form of a standard rectangle. Then they install vertical rafter shapes, bringing the edges of the triangular structure beyond the contours of the main opening. The ridge beam connects the floor beams to the highest point of the triangle and runs strictly horizontally. In most cases, a beam with a cross section of 10x5 cm is enough.

This product differs from an ordinary wall window by the presence of a bead - a protrusion inside which a seal is located; the mounted glass unit is pressed against the ledge. In most cases, glazing is not done directly onto the frame, but onto special linings, which reduce the risk of chipping and deformation. Shprosses, that is, special interlacing of the internal parts of double-glazed windows, help improve the aesthetic properties of the system. To secure the package, glazing beads are used. Most often, the size of the fixing profiles for a specific frame size varies, since a balance must be struck between holding the glass and maintaining its integrity.

Deaf skylight not intended for ventilation or exit to the outside. It is often believed that making such structures from just a few parts allows them to be installed without unnecessary difficulties. But this is not entirely true, if only because there are only partially blind windows. They allow you to save money and radically reduce the load on parts of the fittings. The fewer moving elements, the smaller it is, and therefore the window as a whole will work longer.

Most often, fixed windows are made from PVC profile, which is further strengthened.

Fixed glazing is preferable simply because it saves customers money. Eliminating the profile of the sashes and special fittings immediately reduces the fee by 30 - 40%. Even if the window breaks, it will be easier, faster and cheaper to repair it than a structure with opening parts. It is necessary to replace everything at once only when complete destruction, but it doesn’t happen that often. The bulk of defects can be eliminated by replacing the glass unit without affecting the profile.

Fixed windows are much more efficient than opening windows in terms of heat conservation, because the glazing bead is invariably denser than the strongest and most stable fittings. What is important, the only limitation during installation is the strength of the glass unit. And if there are sashes, you also need to take into account the size of the fittings and the permissible load on the hinges, which limits the size of the structure. Not to mention the fact that the closed frame occupies only the space of the opening and allows for fuller use of the internal volume of the attic.

Lack of air access is the most obvious difficulty when using fixed windows.

Usually this problem is solved by ventilation, but this alternative is not always and not everywhere acceptable. The larger the glass unit, the higher the risk that it will break. Preventive measures (booking) partially eliminate the danger, but then you will have to forget about saving money. It is very difficult to clean a sealed window; such work often ends in falls from a height; Evacuation during an emergency also becomes more difficult, so all this must be taken into account.


Despite all the differences in shape, size and design of roof windows, they have common feature– use of a strictly limited range of materials. Metal-plastic structures have undoubted advantages such as environmental friendliness, long service life, visual appeal and affordability. In any case, the importance of the type of material is greater than the name of the company that undertakes the work. In turn, a double-glazed window is more important than a profile, because it is thinner in design. Simple plastic window on the roof is preferable because it practically does not allow heat to pass through, the thermal expansion of the profile and glass is very close, and it also has a decent elastic modulus and can easily withstand loads.

Wooden crafts they look beautiful and last a long time, but significant technological difficulties do not allow them to be made cheap.

Even the quality of the wood, which is better than that of PVC, does not allow it to leave the elite niche. To produce windows of the highest category, Siberian cedar or teak is used, both species last over 100 years. Larch falls just short of this level. Pine wood is relatively cheap; windows made from it last approximately 60 years, which is quite acceptable in practice.

Products made from pure aluminum are worse than wood and plastic, since their thermal conductivity is high. In addition, aluminum and glass have different rates of thermal expansion, so the window's use time is reduced. Considering these problems and the comparative softness of the metal, it is recommended to use it for decorative purposes or harmoniously combine it with polyvinyl chloride - this way they mutually cancel out each other’s shortcomings. As for glass composites, almost zero thermal conductivity is negated by instability in any severe frost.


Having chosen the geometry and material for the roof window, you need to carefully understand its design. The chalet style is characterized by panoramic windows occupying a significant area. Romanesque (medieval style) structures are relatively small and rather resemble cracks. If the building is designed in the Gothic spirit, it is worth using arrow-shaped openings directed upward or imitation of fire tongues (this is already late Gothic). Not everyone, of course, will be satisfied with such a stylistic set.

Baroque architecture goes best with curved window shapes– round, elliptical and so on. A subtype of such elements are French windows, which start almost from the floor itself. Classicism in the form in which it came to the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries always looks simple and monumental. Symmetrical constructions and geometrically correct elements are widely used. It would not be a stylistic mistake to use imposts on the lower sashes and intricately curved lintels.

The design of translucent structures was approached completely differently in the Art Nouveau era - from the beginning of the twentieth century.

Imitating this stylistic direction, you will have to abandon any straight lines and angular designs. It is allowed to use additional crossbars for upper transoms equipped with straight or rounded mullions. Transoms are often divided into small segments, but the lower part of the sashes always remains intact. Functional styles, which appeared a little later, are distinguished by the use of asymmetrical sashes. Constructivism is primarily expressed in strict square and rectangular designs, but art deco lovers should prefer stepped or zigzag-shaped windows and an abundance of curved planes.


Regardless of the style and shape, the sizes of roof windows are clearly regulated by GOST provisions. There are many attractive offers on the market, but they are quite easy to understand. As in a regular attic, every 10 sq. m attic should be illuminated with 1 sq. m of glazing. If there is a children's or living room inside, the ratio is already 8: 1. You can increase the illumination of the interior space by installing windows on both slopes at once.

Dimensions and configuration are also selected taking into account the roof layout. On flat roofs the best way Tall windows show themselves. Small translucent structures are optimal for toilet rooms: it just requires a certain intensity of illumination and the difficulty of peeking from the outside.

The opening axis can be located:

  • in the middle;
  • upstairs;
  • 2/3 in height.

Placement in the center is recognized by experts as the most convenient and practical, and the other two methods will not allow you to accidentally get injured when open window. Observing the outside world and what is happening there will be quite possible if the window is 1 m high and wide.

Usually the distance from the floor is 90 - 120 cm.

The first of these figures is minimal and should under no circumstances be underestimated. On a roof with a slope of 35 degrees, windows 1.6 m in length are installed, and if it is 70 degrees, then the frame is made 1 - 1.2 m in length.

Device options

The design of the window in the acute-angled roof allows large frames to be placed on the gables, while original parts are used. In old houses that have retained the same architectural features, it is advisable to use the usual dormer window. When the home is more modern in spirit, the use of an attic format is already allowed. An important difference Dormer windows are that they are not installed without special niches in the roof. The number of fasteners is very large in this case.

Dormer windows are simply attached to the gaps in the rafters. Such elements, in addition to their main function, turn out to be an obstacle to water flows. That is why it is recommended to install them on sloping roofs, the angle of inclination of which is from 15 to 20 degrees. You need to think through the entire scheme very carefully when drawing up a drawing. Much attention is paid to protecting the interior space from cold air, wind and precipitation.

A special type of roof windows is the “balcony”.

Using it allows you to correct the shortcomings of the designers and still use an almost full-fledged balcony in the attics. A similar technological solution was found relatively recently, when designers from Western European countries took up the work. The concept of a transformer is taken as a basis, and the precise selection of dimensions to the parameters of buildings helps not to overload the facades.

How to do it yourself?

Dormer windows begin to be made by thinking through and installing the frame. It is advisable to combine this work with the arrangement of the roof rafters as a whole. The window must have an independent ridge beam, its own rafters and sheathing, and a roofing pie is placed on them. In fact, this is another roof, only in a miniature version. The installation of rafter legs to enclose the opening should be made from the strongest possible materials: after all, they will have to bear the loads from all the components and the roof.

Cross beam, located below, is placed flush with the outer wall. The top one is positioned according to how high the window is wanted. The vertical posts rest against the bottom beam and are then secured at the top with a crossbar. A longitudinally directed beam needs to be added to the finished frame, which will connect it with a beam resting on the rafters. This frame is later supplemented with rafters; they need to be built in exactly the same way as under the main roof of the home.

Fastening the jumpers should be done without cutting into the bases of the rafter legs, because then they will be too weak.

Fasteners are stocked in advance, carefully checking whether they are made of good metal. Having finished installing the frame with your own hands, you must evaluate its evenness. The check is carried out by level and plumb line, and even the most insignificant distortions are unacceptable in principle. Without such a test, it is not advisable to install the ridge and set up the rafters.

The side surfaces of the windows are covered with waterproof materials, and special attention is paid to possible leak points. Such problems often appear at joints and corners, at pipe outlets and ventilation.

All these areas are supplied with waterproofing; for it the following can be used:

  • pressing strips;
  • membranes;
  • Weather-resistant silicone-based sealants.

It is recommended to make the lower rafters according to templates, and before installation, unnecessary parts are sawed off, giving the product the required size. Having put all the parts in place, the window roof is sheathed with hydrophobic plywood and selected roofing. The plywood is placed moving from above from the ridge beam, this is especially important on a steep slope. The sheet should be clearly oriented along the upper end. Once the plywood is attached, they go down, measure and adjust the other corner pieces.

Working with an attic roof seems simpler because there is no need to build “houses”. But in fact, it is precisely for this reason that the list of requirements is only growing. The awning provides protection against mechanical loads. The flashing from a variety of materials is chosen according to the type of roof covering, since it must be flush with the slope.

Additionally, an external circuit is installed to protect the structure from heat loss and getting wet.

Blinds and curtains are almost never supplied as a set, so you have to buy them separately, focusing on the interior design and your own taste preferences. Slopes must also be used. Having found out how many windows will have to be installed and what their size will be, they begin marking. The necessary points are marked with a reserve of 20-30 mm on the right and left; the upper and lower marks should have a reserve of 100-150 mm. When cutting waterproofing materials, it is worth providing a margin of 0.2 m in all directions compared to the size of the window.

If the main roof has already been laid on top, it is removed or cut off in the designated place. In some cases, it is necessary to dismantle those that interfere with normal operation. rafter structures. Below, 80-100 mm from the sheathing, a support beam is nailed, its cross-section is 5 cm. The lower part of the waterproofing needs to be filled onto this beam, and its top is attached to the sheathing. Side sections waterproofing material supposed to be taken out.

Frame mounting from different manufacturers cannot be done in the same way.

It is best to read the instructions that come with the kit, or get advice from the official representative of the supplier. When the installation of the frame is completed, the brackets are attached to it. The insulation must be attached to the top and laid out on the support beam at the bottom. Now you can mount the sash and adjust the tightness of its pressing using the upper brackets.

The previously released edges of the waterproofing are attached to the frame, and insulation is placed under them. A drainage gutter is installed at the top, which should take into account the design specifics of the window modification. Almost always at this stage they again turn to technical documentation or the help of consultants. The window is equipped with an apron on the outside to prevent leaks.

The edges of the aprons are placed under the sheathing, and a gutter is placed above the lower ones. It is unacceptable to fill joints polyurethane foam. It increases the waterproofing properties of joints, but strong pressure flow can distort the geometry of the window block. Experienced craftsmen Weather-resistant sealants are used. When creating both roof and dormer windows, it is necessary to use equipment and safety devices for working at height.

Spectacular examples

For a private home, you can use a variety of roof window designs. This is what one of the solutions looks like - opening up window unit noble black color. Its external attractiveness is harmoniously combined with the discreet light brown metal tiles around it.

But here they didn’t make a color contrast - they just played on the symmetry of the two structures.

Blind rectangular windows in a very steep roof slope look quite nice.

A balcony format window may look like this: one part rises, and the other, which has a barrier of medium height along the perimeter, appears outside. As can be clearly seen from the photograph, if everything is calculated correctly, the system is quite stable and beautiful, nothing prevents you from going to Fresh air. This is what one of the final stages of installing elegant roof windows looks like: the sheathing is already filled, but facing material not posted yet. And these white windows, built into a small protruding “house,” will leave few people indifferent, especially because of the contrast with the dim reddish finish of the roof.

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How to make a dormer window on the roof: an overview of options and 2 step-by-step technologies

A beautiful dormer window on the roof is not only an effective element of roof design, but also a rather useful structure, because the more such windows in the attic, the better the natural light will be. Next, you will find out what types of similar structures are divided into, and how they differ from each other. And I’ll tell the DIYers about assembling the 2 most simple options with your own hands.

What types of dormer windows are there?

Whatever you say, a roof with windows always attracts attention. Initially, a dormer or observation window served exclusively for ventilation in the attic and as a convenient access to the roof. But over the course of a couple of hundred years, its functionality has expanded significantly.

Types of viewing windows

There are 4 types of roof window openings:

  1. Window opening on the pediment between the roof slopes;
  2. Dormer;
  3. Antidormer;
  4. An attic window built into the roof plane.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Pediment windows mainly typical for gable roofs and broken attic structures. This is the simplest type of viewing windows. The gables, in fact, are a continuation of the end parts of the external walls, and the arrangement here is no different from installing a regular window;

  • Dormer- these are windows extended beyond the roof, a kind of superstructure on the roof. This type of viewing structures is considered the most common. This is caused by the fact that the add-on does not pick up usable area attic, moreover, it, albeit slightly, adds this area;

  • Antidormer unlike dormer, on the contrary, they are recessed into the roof structure. Their installation is a little easier, but big problem is the arrangement of enhanced waterproofing, because rain almost unhinderedly pours into this depression. It makes sense to install anti-dormers in the lower slopes of sloping attic roofs;

  • Arrangement of flat roof windows considered the latest in fashion. The principle is simple - a finished window structure is cut into the plane of the roof slope. The boom in such windows is also due to the fact that they can be embedded into a finished roof without serious disassembly of the roofing pie.

There is also such a thing as lucarnes. In lucarnes, a vertically located window and the wall of the lower floor are in the same plane, the bottom of the structure actually rests on the wall.

Types of designs

Now let's talk about types of structures. If you look at architectural delights and popular names, then there are several dozen types of structures. There is no point in trying to tell about everyone, because each master claims to be unique. Therefore, I took the most common directions.

Illustrations Recommendations


One of the simplest options, where the roof of the structure is actually a continuation of the roof of the main slope, except that the angle changes slightly.

Gable design.

Here we see a standard gable roof in miniature, and the structure of the rafter system in the large and small versions is absolutely the same.

Triangular window.

This window is also a type of gable roof. The design differs from the previous version only in the absence of side walls; everything else is mounted in a similar way.

Hip roof.

Typically used in vintage styles. Installation is more difficult than a classic gable, but it looks elegant.

Arched dormer.

The construction of spherical arched roofs has always been a troublesome task, so I do not recommend that you equip them with your own hands, without the appropriate skill.


New trend in modern architecture. Soft and smooth shapes look great on roofs with a relatively small angle of inclination, but this type of structure also requires professionalism in installation.


The skylight looks very impressive, but such structures are very rare in private homes.

Self-assembly options

It is advisable to plan and arrange dormer windows at the stage of assembling the roof truss system.

If the roof is completely assembled, but you are determined to make a window in it, my advice to you is to call a professional.

A few words about standards

When constructing such structures, according to the law, one must be guided by GOST 1250681, as well as SNiP II-26 and SNiP 21-01, but these standards are relevant during construction administrative buildings. As for private houses, almost all the instructions written in the documents are more advisory in nature:

  • In particular, it is not recommended to install a dormer window in the roof plane closer than 1 m from the gable wall;
  • If the roof slope angle is less than 35º, then it is better to limit yourself to a window on the pediment;
  • In cases where several windows are installed in a row on one slope, the distance between them must be at least 800 mm;
  • The lower cut of the window frame should be at a distance of 1 m from the attic floor.

Normal natural light is ensured if the window area is 14–16% of the floor area in the attic. But according to regulations, the area of ​​windows should not exceed half the floor area in the attic.

Option No. 1: the simplest single-pitch design

Illustrations Recommendations
Framing the structure.

The first to install a rectangular frame in the rafter system of the slope:

  • Rafter legs that get in the way are simply cut to the width of the opening;
  • Then horizontal bars are placed on top and bottom. For these purposes, it is best to use the timber from which they are made rafter legs.
Supporting racks.

The extreme vertical posts are made of 2 bars. One bar is nailed to the side of the rafter leg, and the other is placed on the rafter leg, plus the bars are fastened together.

Horizontal roof rafters are nailed to the vertical posts. The angle of inclination of the rafters should be from 5º.

We knock down the frame.

The rest of the frame is knocked together, as shown in the diagram on the left, from the same bars. It is not worth installing intermediate posts and upper rafter beams too often; a step of 50 cm will be enough.

Don’t forget, you still need to lay insulation between these bars, and each block is a cold bridge.

Roof frame.

Since our roof is flat, roof frame It is made reinforced, from 2 rows of cross bars.

The lower support frame under the window can be mounted as desired; I recommend raising the window above the roof by at least 100 mm, this way you will protect it from snow and water.

Sheathing the frame.

For external cladding OSB or waterproof plywood with a thickness of 10 mm or more is used.

To insulate the main roof, dense slabs of mineral wool are usually used.

In the frame of the viewing window, the vapor permeability of the insulation is not so important, so foam plastic or EPS can be used here.

The roofing material used is the same as on the main roof, and side walls You can sheathe it with galvanized iron and paint it to match the color of the roof.

Option number 2: triangle

The triangular structure is installed at the stage of arrangement of the main rafter system. Although our final shape is triangular, the exit opening is made in the same way as in the previous version, rectangular.

Next, a vertical face truss is installed, with the edges of the triangle extending beyond the main opening. The top of the truss should be flush with the horizontal beam of the opening.

Simultaneously with the installation of the front triangular truss, the ridge beam is installed. It connects the floor beam of the opening with the vertex of the triangle and is located strictly horizontally. In this case, 100x50 mm timber is sufficient.

After this, a triangle is arranged on the roof plane. You need to connect the ridge beam attachment point in the opening to the edges of the face truss. The rafter legs of the window frame will rest on these bars.

After covering the front truss with OSB sheets or waterproof plywood, a small frame is stuffed on the sides to allow the roof to “extend.” At the last stage, everything is covered with sheets and you can begin installing the roofing, insulation and finishing.


The assembly options that I talked about can be improved and changed as desired, for example, when you combine the first and second options, you will get a full-fledged dormer with a gable roof. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

November 1, 2017

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It is quite possible to make a dormer window with your own hands, the main thing is to decide on its type and location. Installation involves complex technology, so it is important to follow everything step by step. What are such structures on the roofs of houses used for? They will be a wonderful decorative architectural element- firstly, and secondly, if you decide to make it out of the attic cozy room, then window openings are necessary. It is especially common to find houses with unusually designed roofs in Europe - they love to experiment with design.

Dormer windows maintain the temperature and humidity conditions of the attic, and are also beautiful decorative elements.

Anyone can make such a design on their own, but up to a certain level of complexity. Some types of structures can only be built by specialists, so you can start with a simplified version.

If you are not a construction specialist, you can make a regular dormer window with flat roof. The installation process in this case can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Make holes in the roof for windows.
  2. Adjust the frame to the hole parameters.
  3. Install the window.

What are the differences between a dormer window and a dormer window?

Frame and structure of the dormer window.

The difference is primarily in their design. The window opening is the shape of a house, decorated with a glass facade, as well as side walls located vertically relative to the top of the building.

Attic structures are installed in the roof of the house. That is, it is done on the roof surface special hole under the frame. Such a window is a part of the upper part of the building, so it must be reliable and resistant to all kinds of precipitation.

What is the purpose of windows? First of all, this is lighting the space inside the room (attic or living room). Further, it should be remembered that it serves to ventilate the house from the inside. In some cases, a dormer window can act as an exit to the roof to allow installation work to be carried out. And finally, people use them to make a decorative element that will highlight the interior of the building.

Windows come in various shapes, which determines the level of complexity of their installation. There are oval, round, square, rectangular dormer windows. However, despite the variety of forms, they are built using the same technology.

According to the shape of the roof window, there are the following types:

  • quadrangular structures with a pitched roof;
  • rectangular windows with a gable roof;
  • flat roof windows;
  • hip type windows;
  • panoramic design with a trapezoidal roof;
  • transparent window;
  • semicircular.

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How to make a dormer window: installation technology

Any installation work starts with making a plan. You must put on paper all the details of the upcoming work: from the necessary tool to the shape of the structure. Windows can hide any flaws in the house, so their appearance should be impeccable.

The first stage of work is based on choosing the shape of the window. As you know, each of the above structures has an individual installation technology. Which to choose? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the installation features. For example, windows with a flat roof are accompanied by the installation of additional elements. They are gutters that are used for drainage. That is, the angle of the roof under the window is taken in the range from 5 to 15°. The work has many nuances that are strictly followed according to the instructions. However, a window opening of this shape is considered the simplest option.

Such roof decorations in the form of a quadrangle with a pitched or gable roof differ from windows with a flat roof only in the angle of inclination. It is usually more than 15°. The rest of the design is similar. Despite the unique design, this form is used quite rarely.

Another type of dormer window is especially popular. The triangular shape is considered the most advantageous. In this case, the line of contact between the roof and the frame of the future dormer window is much smaller compared to other types of structures. But it is the presence of dormer windows in the form of a triangle that allows moisture to penetrate into the roof space. However, such a roof element of a similar shape will greatly facilitate the work process itself: there will be no need to do additional installation waterproofing.

One of the disadvantages of such a window opening is poor lighting inside building. Experts have also solved this problem: they propose placing the front part of the window in one line relative to the wall of the house.

The triangular design is practical and convenient.

You will find such a window on almost every roof of a private house or cottage. The difference between this structure is the absence of side walls. Instead, the function is performed by the roof slopes, which are located under the window. One of the main advantages of such work is considered to be ease of installation, since, as already described above, you do not have to spend a lot of time on waterproofing measures. This happens due to a decrease in the number of joints with the roof.

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Some nuances and features

So, before you start, you should consider the following:

Frame diagrams for rectangular dormer windows.

  1. First, make a sketch of the window in natural scale, not forgetting about the connection to the roof.
  2. In order not to make a mistake with the width, take into account the distance between the rafter beams.
  3. However, it is not recommended to start work without the approval of the relevant stations. This applies to those who live in a multi-storey building.

After obtaining permission and preparing a construction plan, you can purchase tools and equipment. You need to have in stock:

  1. Beam (dimensions: 10×5).
  2. Nails (several types will be needed - 100 mm, 75 mm and 50 mm).
  3. Plywood (lining can be a substitute).
  4. Square.
  5. Construction protractor.
  6. A hacksaw designed for cutting wood.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Vise.
  10. Polyethylene film.
  11. A window that can be ordered from the relevant company.

Greetings, dear readers!

Construction term for important detail roofs called “dormer window,” according to Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, means an opening prepared “for hearing.”

This is not an accurate definition of the functional abilities of the window with the definition of “auditory” suggests that Vladimir Dal, of course, was a writer, ethnographer, doctor and very educated person, but had nothing to do with construction.

If he were a builder, he would give a different definition to this element, which is installed on almost all pitched roofs and is not at all intended for the unhindered penetration of sound waves.

Why and how dormer windows are installed correctly, you will learn by reading this article.

Dormer window - what is it?

A window opening in a roof slope, in which a vertical frame is installed, closed at the top and sides, is called a dormer window.

Initially, such a window was conceived as a way to ventilate the under-roof space, but over time it became one of the elements of the roof structure that can simultaneously perform several functions.

To add a “zest”, to revive and decorate the roof of any house - this is one of the purposes of a dormer window acquired over many years of its use.

Changing its appearance and its dimensions, the window began to evoke different visual associations and received many original names: “bull’s eye”, “frog’s mouth”, “pike window”, “gnome’s house”, “bat”.

When houses in densely populated cities could no longer accommodate all their residents, they had to look for a way out: how to expand the living space. And it was found interesting solution This task is to arrange attics in the attic spaces.

Simultaneously with the arrangement of the attic space, another important function appeared at the dormer window - to serve as a source of natural light.

Thus, as a result of all kinds of additions and changes, the usual “birdhouse” on the roof has become architecturally and structurally necessary part installation of the roof and the premises under the roof.

In the future, for high-quality performance of dormer windows, all those added over time functional responsibilities, they began to be installed in certain areas of the roof space, which are located in the southern direction.

When a dormer window is installed on a conventional uninhabited attic, and its main purpose is to ventilate the space under the roof, then instead of a frame a simple ventilation grille can be inserted into the opening.

It allows the dormer window to cope as much as possible with the responsibility initially assigned to it.

As a result, there are no such negative phenomena in the attic space as:

  • condensate, which it turns into warm air, penetrating under the roof from the lower floors and cooling sharply in the under-roof space. In the absence of proper ventilation, this phenomenon not only has a detrimental effect on the roof, but can have a destructive effect on load-bearing structural elements and significantly reduce their trouble-free operation;
  • formation of fungus and mold, which, under comfortable conditions, may well find a way and move into the room located under the attic. Sometimes residents upper floors residential buildings have been trying for a long time to cope with black spots in the corners and under the ceiling in their apartment, without finding the real reason this phenomenon. But installing a dormer window can help them completely solve this issue - for additional access of fresh air into the under-roof space.

There is another meaning in installing a roof element called a “dormer window” that does not lie on the surface, but has a special meaning for the reliability of the roof structure and its operation in strong winds.

Only a flat roof is not subject to air pressure.

All single-, double-slope, and also broken protruding roof structures are built with the expectation of providing decent resistance to wind loads.

Left unattended, the wind load factor can destroy the roof, gradually creating vibration and loosening load-bearing structure.

Destruction can also occur simultaneously when, due to the high speed of air flow, a vacuum of air is created outside the building under the roof. The stronger the wind, the greater the pressure difference outside the roof and under it, and this in some cases ends with the entire roof lifting, like a balloon taking off.

The installation of a dormer window in the roof is designed to counteract this scenario - at first glance, an ordinary ventilation opening, but in fact structural element, taking into account the complex laws of physics.

It is this window that is the valve that, if necessary, will operate and relieve the under-roof space from excess pressure.

Even if the dormer window is closed not by a ventilation grille, but by a glazed frame, the air flow is more likely to squeeze out the glass than to have a destructive effect on the roof itself.

Technology for installing a dormer window on the roof in the video:

Design features of a classic dormer window

A standard dormer window is a rectangular structure, which is an additional roofing superstructure.

Its purpose is to, without letting precipitation into the under-roof space, provide access to fresh air and daylight there.

A conventional dormer window is installed in the space between the rafters so as not to disturb the supporting structure of the roof. If it is necessary to ensure greater air access, it is possible to install several dormer windows in the spaces between the rafters in one row or one above the other. Classic dormer window looks like glass window frame with ventilation holes around it covered ventilation grille

in the form of blinds. If the window is small, then, as a rule, it is closed only with a ventilation grill. Often this type

For window openings A difference of about 5-10 degrees compared to the air temperature outside the building is considered optimal.

Temperature values ​​that differ in big side, will be fraught with the formation of condensation on the internal structure. And this, in turn, may require the use special materials, able to withstand high humidity.

Such troubles are dealt with by installing dormer windows, which come in different shapes and design features.

The most popular are:

  • single-pitched. One of the longest used and structurally simplest auditory roof structures. The roof angle of this window should be about 15 0. Increasing this size is permissible only if the roof itself has a significant slope. If this rule is not followed, water may flow in at the junction of the main roof with the roof of the dormer window, which will require additional measures to waterproof this area;
  • gable. Just like single-pitch roofs, they have been installed on roofs since the Middle Ages. This is confirmed by many historical architectural monuments that have preserved these roof decorations to this day.

A distinctive feature of the gable auditory structure is the relative complexity of its installation. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the connection of all its components, both among themselves and with the structure of the main roof. But the complexity of manufacturing a gable dormer window (compared to a single-pitch one) is fully justified by its greater practicality in terms of distribution of water flows.

Visually, the two slopes on the roof of this window look like a complete architectural form and do not require any additions.

The materials for the side and front gables of the dormer windows can repeat those with which the façade of the building is finished, but they immediately take on the appearance decorative element, if their exterior decoration is made in contrast with the facade decoration.

Dormer roofs, unlike gables, are usually covered with the same material that covers the main roof.

Why a window on the roof?

If you look at a dormer window from the street, the answer to the question of why it is on the roof comes by itself: in many cases, to decorate the overall appearance of the building.

The builder will explain the need to build a window with practical benefits, citing several purely technical arguments as proof.

A person living under a roof in an attic will talk about the comfort that a dormer window creates. In particular, it will tell you about the daylight and fresh air coming through it, and most importantly, about the opportunity to look at the world from a point of view other than through the windows below.

A building with original dormer windows becomes unlike others that do not have such an element in their design.

Here we can draw an analogy between buildings and people - some hairdresser will transform his client so much with an elaborate hairstyle that his own mother will hardly recognize him. A dormer window on the roof, just like the bouffant on a fashionista’s head, can be one and only.

Over time fashion trends This element of the roof structure was not ignored either. The ornate dormer windows, into which residents of cozy attic spaces looked out three hundred years ago, have been replaced by inconspicuous dormer openings in rapidly constructed houses of the last century.

But fashion and freedom of thought are now making themselves felt again with the appearance on the roofs of many private houses, seemingly a thing of the past, “houses for a gnome” and a “bull’s eye” look.

Our time has not been able to wash away the patina of centuries from dormer windows, except that it has added a few changes in the form of double-glazed windows in the frame and automatic closing of the window in case of bad weather.

But for the attic space not equipped for housing, the dormer window remains exactly the same and performs the same functions: preservation performance qualities roof structure and the material covering this structure.

The principles of installing dormer windows on a roof with a cold attic in the video:


The definitions by which dormer windows are classified correspond to the visual characteristics of the roofs installed over a particular opening.

For example:

  • flat roof. It is used mainly for purely technical purposes and does not affect the appearance of buildings. The angle of inclination relative to the main roof ranges from 5 0 to a maximum value of 15 0;
  • the roof is pitched. Very similar to flat, but differs in the angle of inclination, starting from 15 0 and increasing in parallel with the increase in the slope of the main roof;
  • gable. In addition to the mandatory functions, it also has architectural significance for the appearance of the building;
  • hip roof. A type of gable roof, with a cut front slope located at the same angle as the main roof;
  • triangular roof. Minimum daylight source;
  • glass roof. Designed to provide maximum access of daylight to the attic;
  • semicircular roof. The famous "bull's eye". Stylish option, differing from all others not only in its attractive appearance, but also in the significant cost of the work on its construction.

Acute dormer window

A dormer window with a triangular or, as it is also called, a “sharp” roof can often be found on buildings of historical value.

The main task when installing windows with such a roof is to ensure that they are not too large or too small in relation to the total volume of the roof. Their sides should have the same angle as the main roof. If these conditions are not met, the triangular window will look like a foreign fragment on the roof.

Another condition for matching acute-angled windows general style buildings is the correct location for their installation. They must be on the same axis with the façade windows located below them.

The advantage of these dormer windows over other options is that they can be located at a higher level.

Another advantage of acute-angled windows is the simplicity of waterproofing the junctions. Since the roof covering of the window is connected at a straight angle to the main roof, their joint is designed as an internal connection on ordinary broken roofs– internal and external.

Installing triangular dormer windows does not significantly increase the volume attic space, and this factor is their main disadvantage.

Design features of the installation

There are no clearly defined rules and strict instructions for installing a dormer window. The main requirement relates to maintaining the rigidity and reliability of the entire roof structure.

The installation location depends on the individual requirements of the developer and the aesthetic perception of the entire appearance of the building.

Before drawing a dormer window on the plan, it is important to decide what function it will have to perform - aesthetic or practical. The choice of window shape and size largely depends on this decision.

If you install two dormer windows at a close distance (less than one meter), then it will be difficult to install a roof covering between them.

IN winter time nearby windows will contribute to education snow bags, which will negatively affect the waterproofing of window junctions and will cause an increased weight load on the main roof structure.

Dormer windows that serve only purely technical functions are usually installed without disturbing the structure in the space between the rafters.

When it is necessary to install a dormer opening in the place where one or more rafter legs are located, then changes are made to the design of the main roof based on calculations related to snow and wind loads. In this case, reinforced rafter legs are necessarily added under the side walls of the dormer window.

How to expand the attic space

Setting up a living space in an attic under a roof is quite simple - just insulate the walls and roof. However, there is a certain difficulty in how to provide access to a sufficient amount of daylight into the room and at the same time at least visually expand the attic space.

Installing a roof window in the plane of the roof partially solves the problem - it lets in light and fresh air. But this is a partial solution to the problem, since the actual volumes of the room do not increase, but remain within the same contours limited by the roof.

The design of a large-sized dormer window allows you to install the same (in size) window in its front gable as on facade of the building, increasing the height of the protrusion in the room under the dormer to the height of the ridge of the main roof.

With sufficiently large dimensions - the height to the ridge of the roof and the distance from the central axis of the building to its side wall, the opening built into the roof for a dormer window may well be a separate house for its residents.

When increasing the internal living space, one must not forget that this may negatively affect the external appearance of the building. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the proportions between the dimensions of the main roof and the dormer window installed on it are maintained.

Dormer window configurations

The architectural style within which a particular building was built is not limited to the foundation and facade. As a point set in any business, the same point in construction is the roof installed on a building. Its outlines should not violate the general idea of ​​the architect. Therefore, many creators of grandiose projects install spiers or domes instead of roofs.

You can play with the external perception of any building by adding projections in the form of dormer windows to the roof of various shapes.

This solves two problems at once:

  • technical. The solution that is necessary for long-term and trouble-free operation of the roof structure and covering;
  • aesthetic. Without a solution, the construction of modern buildings is in principle impossible.

Located in a certain sequence, in correctly chosen places and with dimensions that meet certain proportions even the most ordinary single-pitched dormer windows can look like a decorative fragment of the interior.

With a pitched roof

Flat roof windows are the simplest form of dormer windows installed on roofs.

The slope of the single slope above this window is not much different from the slope of the roof itself.

Windows of this type are most often installed on ready-made roofs, because their installation does not require insertion into the supporting system. It is enough just to cut out part of the sheathing together with the roof covering between the rafters.

An insufficient slope of the flat roof of a dormer window, if it is covered with tiles, can cause snow to accumulate on its surface and water to drain poorly.

This drawback can be eliminated by replacing the coating with a more suitable one, for example, metal tiles or profile sheets. For drainage, use conventional semicircular or square section


With a gable roof Windows with gable or semicircular roof

require special attention in the approach to their installation.

The opening for a gable dormer window, as a rule, cuts into the structure of the main roof and can significantly affect its reliability.

The location of this dormer window may have special connections depending on the purposes that the window should serve.

If this window is a technical exit to the roof surface, then its location in the attic space should be at a free access height.

  • A window with a gable roof can be designed in different architectural styles:
  • with or without gable projection;
  • with or without cornice overhang;

with or without gutters for water drainage.

The best option for the appearance of a gable window is when it has one window opening on the front gable, not separated by partitions.

Several small windows make the dormer too bulky.

The process of installing a dormer window into a finished roof The first step is to choose the optimal installation location. If a mistake is made and the window needs to be moved to another location, it will be extremely difficult to seal the opening in the roof.

Having decided on the installation location, you need to pay attention to the location of the rafter legs in this place.

The best option would be to not touch the rafters at all.

They can be dismantled only after the dormer window installation process has been completed.

Then you should consider how and with what material the cut opening can be temporarily protected from precipitation.

If the marking has been carried out and all safety actions have been completed, you can begin to dismantle the sheathing and material covering the roof.

To avoid downtime and inconsistencies in the process of installing a dormer window, the builders must have a draft of the future finished product and all the materials necessary for the work before starting work.

Technology for installing a Dolmer dormer window on the roof of a house in the video:

How to apply

On buildings built in our country, four types of dormer windows are most often found. This:

  • with flat roof, the slope of which does not exceed 15 0;
  • with gable roof, the slope of both slopes of which must correspond to the slope of the roof;
  • gable roof– a gable option with an additional slope starting from the ridge and lowered to the front gable;
  • semicircular roof with an arched front gable.

There are no strict restrictions on the use of covering materials for these roofs, but there are recommendations.

They are as follows:

  • It is advisable to cover a flat roof with materials that allow water to flow freely at a slight slope;
  • in cases where the slope of the slopes is sufficient for good drainage, they should be covered with the same material as the main roof.

To decorate the gables, you can use any materials used in finishing the facades of buildings, but with the indispensable condition of their light weight.

Window openings in dormer windows (both rectangular and arched) are installed in the same way as on the facade of the building - strictly horizontally.


On many residential and industrial buildings with a roof having a general slope, dormer windows are installed.

The space under the roof can be used for arranging a room there or for purely technical purposes - maintenance of the rafter system and roof covering.

Depending on the purpose of the attic space, approaches to choosing a specific shape and functionality dormer window.

The functions performed by the dormer window include:

  • room lighting;
  • constant flow of fresh air;
  • possibility of access to the roof surface;
  • decorative design of the building.

The main part of the dormer opening is the window itself, which can be:

  • round or oval;
  • square or rectangular;
  • triangular.

The shape of the window does not affect the reliability and design features.

Window contours are important only for the aesthetic perception of the architectural integrity of the building.

Slope slope

Provide correct slope slopes and protect problem areas where the dormer window meets the main roof from leaking - the main task in its design and installation.

If the roof area of ​​the dormer window is large, provision should be made for water drainage using gutters.

It is best to additionally waterproof the junction of the walls of the dormer window with the roof, and also install a valley there, and the lower one must extend a few centimeters beyond the main roof.

The slope of the slope for a flat roof should not exceed 15 0. In other cases, the slope must be selected relative to the slope of the main roof.

Roben dormer window installation in the video:

Window outlines

If you choose a dormer window based on simplicity of design and practicality, then a triangular or acute-angled shape meets these criteria better than others.

This configuration has a small line of contact with the roof, which significantly reduces the severity of the problem of possible moisture penetration under the roof.

Choosing a window to install triangular shape, you should know that it gives the least effect of illumination of the room, and increasing it to eliminate this drawback will negatively affect appearance building.

How to best position

In order not to disrupt the visual design of the building, architects can arrange the dormer openings in one row along a horizontal or vertical line. Or they can scatter the windows chaotically or in a checkerboard pattern - there are practically no restrictions on placement.

The only condition is that external beauty does not create inconvenience for those who may have to use dormer windows from the attic space.

If we take this aspect into account, it is advisable to place the windows at a distance of about one meter from the attic floor.

Procedure for installing a dormer window

When installing different types Dormer windows have some features inherent in the design of a particular type of window, but there is no fundamental difference in the order of the actions performed.

However, the order itself must be strictly observed:

  • draw up an accurate plan for the location of dormer windows, taking into account all the features of the main roof. Make a drawing of the window with an exact indication of all overall dimensions;
  • if necessary, you should determine in which places the safety supports should be located, and install them before starting work;
  • cut an opening in the roof for a window according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing;
  • strengthen the opening with horizontal beams, attaching them to the ends of the cut rafter legs;
  • strengthen the rafter legs, on which the sides of the dormer window rest - they will bear the entire load from the cut rafters;
  • after lining the opening around the perimeter and creating a rigid base, you can begin constructing the selected type of dormer window;
  • the further procedure repeats the procedure for installing a conventional roof with mandatory vapor and waterproofing and installation of an appropriate insulation system;
  • in front of the device exterior finishing areas of the walls and roof of the dormer window should be carefully waterproofed, connecting to the base of the roof.

Before installing a dormer window, it is advisable to calculate the cost and need for its installation. Perhaps installing a regular dormer window will solve all the issues regarding lighting and ventilation, and it will probably cost less.

If the decision is made in favor of a dormer window, then you need to choose its shape wisely. Because an attractive-looking arched window called a “bull’s eye” will cost its future owner a price equal to installing several windows of simpler contours.

You can find out what optimal shape of a dormer window to choose for each specific case by systematizing the data presented in this article.


The viewing window on the roof has several functions; it serves not only an aesthetic purpose, but also a practical one. For example, with its help, the interior space of the attic becomes illuminated and is able to be ventilated. You can install such a structure either by professionals or by yourself.

What needs to be provided?

It is better to include drawings of the roof dormer window into the house design at the development stage, before the roof begins to be erected, but this is not necessary. It is quite possible to remake the usual attic floor, adding the necessary window structures to it after the roof has been erected, such installation will simply take more time and cost more, since you will have to dismantle the installed roofing material.

Before choosing which design is suitable and installing it, you need to consider the following factors:

  • How the floor will be used will determine how bright the lighting will be needed.
  • High-quality floor ventilation.
  • Sometimes an emergency exit to the roof is made through the window. It is needed for its maintenance and repair.
  • When choosing a dormer window on the roof, it is better to make a design drawing in advance in order to assess how well the chosen system fits the architecture of a particular building.
  • The window shape can be any, so its choice depends on considerations of practicality and taste of the owner of the room.
  • The window model will largely depend on the type of roof.
  • To prevent moisture from entering the room, the window must be tilted, which should not be less than 50 degrees if the roof is flat, and 150 degrees for pitched options.
  • The windows can be of any shape, but a triangular skylight is the easiest to make. Such a window will not require a large amount of materials or complex work on waterproofing the installation site; the disadvantages of this design include the insufficient ability to transmit light.
  • It is important to consider the direction of the world. If all the windows face south, the room will be too bright and hot in summer; the north side will not provide the right amount of light in winter. Windows can be arranged in any order.

Exterior view of a house with dormer windows

How to install a window?

The installation of a roof dormer window does not have to be commissioned construction companies. You can cope with it yourself if you strictly follow the instructions and do not violate the sequence of actions. The order of work should be as follows:

  • Draw a plan, decide where exactly the dormer windows will be located. The drawing will also need to indicate the dimensions of the structure.
  • For the window, you will need to equip an independent rafter system and make a frame.
  • You can use an existing roof truss system, but it will need to be strengthened with timber, since due to the weight of the window, additional load will be placed on it.
  • Beams are attached to the rafters; their location should be horizontal. One beam is located at the bottom, the other at the top of the window.
  • Not only the frame, but also the ridge of the structure will be attached to the top beam .
  • The structure must be securely fixed. For this, special staples, nails and corners are used.
  • It is necessary to form a ridge span: this is the future basis of the window.
  • The window frame that will be inserted must be attached not only to the profile, but also to the beams and crossbars.
  • After this, you can mount the lintels and supporting frame, and create the sheathing.
  • The contact points between the frame and the frame must be well sealed.
  • Self-expanding tapes and sealants can be used to close seams.

Roof structure with dormer windows

How is installation carried out?

It is quite possible to install a dormer window on the roof with your own hands; for this you will need a simple set of tools in the form of:

  1. Roulettes.
  2. Tiskov.
  3. Nails.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Protractor and triangle.
  6. Hacksaws.
  7. Chisels.
  8. Wood saws
  9. Films.
  10. Bars, the size of which is 100*50 mm.

Installation of a dormer window on the roof is carried out in several stages; you need to act consistently and carefully. You will have to start by building a frame for the future window or dismantling the roofing material if the roof is already done. If there is no hole, it is carefully sawed through so as not to touch the load-bearing elements of the roof. The beam will be needed to create beam supports. They should be the same, you will need two in total for each window. It is not difficult to secure them; you can only use nails. The beams need to be placed between the two outer beams. You will need a vice; they will help to correctly position and secure the elements.

For corner risers you need to create a reinforced structure. For this, a piece of timber will again come in handy: you can use it to make a lower support. The support should be 20 cm longer than the length of the window. It is attached parallel to the sub-beam at the bottom of the structure; it is most convenient to nail it to the floor. The beam should protrude 10 cm on each side; you will need to cut two more pieces - they should be slightly longer than the distance between the roof and the floor. In the place where it is located cross beam To strengthen the structure, you need to make a mark: the block is cut along it.

After this, you can start making a corner stand. For it you need to measure two beams that will be slightly higher than the planned window. Each will need to be nailed at two points to the support and the reinforcing beam. The upper part of the structure will be mounted on a reinforcing beam. It needs to be pressed to the post as close as possible from the corner side and only then nailed securely; the bottom of the structure is attached in exactly the same way. It is more convenient to do the work first on one side, then on the other. On each side you need to add approximately 20-25 cm. The beam should be attached to the beam at one end, and to the beam at the other. corner design. Check that it is positioned correctly. After this, the excess can be sawed off.

Dormer window frame

To install a triangular dormer window on the roof, the design of which is the simplest, it is still recommended to make a drawing in advance. A visual diagram will help you navigate faster and complete the work more accurately. After the first part is completed, you can proceed to installing the upper rod and mounting the ceiling part of the structure. To do this, you will need to measure a beam, the length of which is equal to the distance between the ends of the corner and outer posts. You need to install it on the cuts of the racks and secure them firmly with nails. Ceiling on the side there will be a beam that was used to level the side posts.

After all the work done, you will need to create a window sill. To do this, you need to find out the size of the gap between the racks, take two beams, the length of which is 2 cm greater than the length of the gap. For the window sill in corner posts It is necessary to make grooves, their depth should be 1 cm. A ready-made wooden window sill is inserted into the prepared, pre-cleaned place and nailed. For reliable fixation, you can use two small bars, which will also need to be nailed.

To install the roof of the structure, oblique beams are used, which are fastened close to each other with a small step. A sheet of plywood is nailed on top of them for installation of roofing material.

A triangular dormer window on the roof, the design of which is the simplest, can be easily made independently. This will require a minimum of materials and skills, however, due to the shape of the windows, they will let in less light than standard ones.

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