Examples of wall cladding. Wall decoration: types and features of their application. In terms of performance

Various types of coatings are applied to the walls to decorate the room. Construction stores offer a large selection of them. Wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster - this is what is most often used to decorate the walls of an apartment. In addition to the decorative function, design helps to hide surface defects, zone the space, and achieve a visual change in the size of the room. Often materials contribute to additional heat and sound insulation. They are also able to protect the base from negative external influences (for example, high humidity). When choosing, not only the beauty, but also the practicality of the decor is taken into account. Various materials are often combined, for example, as in the photo below, the combination of soft panels with Venetian plaster is shown.

Wallpaper - a universal finishing option

Wallpaper on the walls is the most popular way to decorate rooms. Thanks to the huge variety of textures, colors and patterns, as well as affordability, they remain relevant.

Wallpapers are presented in a wide range on the modern market. Product types vary:

  • materials used for their production;
  • appearance;
  • purpose;
  • features of care;
  • the weight of the canvas.

Wallpaper is a good option for decorating the walls yourself. They are divided into the following groups:

  • paper (simplex, duplex);
  • vinyl
  • non-woven
  • glass wallpaper;
  • jute;
  • textile (fabric);
  • canvases with a 3D effect are divided into single (standard), panoramic, LED, and fluorescent varieties;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • beaded items;
  • photo wallpaper.

The photo above shows wallpaper with floral patterns.

The material is glued to different types surfaces: wood, concrete, stone, brick, plasterboard, but the base for the canvas must be prepared. The scheme for working with wallpaper is as follows:

  • remove surface defects;
  • level the walls with plaster;
  • putty is applied and, after drying, the resulting coating is sanded;
  • treat the work area with a primer;
  • paste wallpaper strips.

When decorating walls instead of wallpaper with other facing materials, all work is carried out according to a similar scheme: prepare the base, fix the decorative coating. At the same time, the required level of surface quality and installation methods differ.

The wallpaper options considered differ in addition to their appearance, price, and also in their strength (wear resistance), environmental friendliness, durability, and resistance to moisture and ultraviolet rays.

Thick canvases prevent heat loss through the walls and increase the level of sound insulation.

Glass wallpaper is a non-flammable product that increases the level of fire safety indoors.

3D materials allow you to obtain three-dimensional images, enhanced by the glow of diodes. The latter can be controlled using a remote control, creating various pictures.

The original way of pasting is to combine different types canvases, allowing to achieve a number of visual effects.

The use of wallpaper allows you to decorate the wall surfaces in the room in the best possible way in terms of price and the required functionality of the created coating. A huge selection allows you to choose canvases for any design project and decorate the interior in a unique way.

Painting walls

Painting is one of the most common ways to cover the walls in an apartment instead of wallpaper. A huge selection of various coloring compositions allows you to cover bases with them in an original way and implement various design solutions.

In practice, the following paint compositions are used:

  • on water based: water-based, acrylic and silicone water-dispersion, textured decorative dyes;
  • silicate paints made from “liquid glass”;
  • alkyd dyes, their main components are alkyd resins;
  • oil paints made from artificial or natural drying oil;
  • enamels - their basis is varnishes.

Each type of paint has its own characteristic features, for example, alkyd compositions are not recommended for use in residential premises. The general benefits of painting are as follows:

  • painted surfaces are not afraid of moisture and can be washed;
  • you can easily repaint the walls if desired;
  • large selection of colors;
  • presence of various compositions.

The disadvantages of coloring are:

  • it is required to perfectly level the working surfaces;
  • over time, the formed coating cracks;
  • To create drawings or patterns using paint, you need to have artistic skills.

In terms of prevalence, coloring competes with wallpaper, and prices for materials are approximately in the same range. They depend on the quality of the product.

Decorating rooms using decorative plaster

Plaster is a building material that allows you to both finish a wall under other materials and also serve as a finishing coating. its variants compete with wallpaper and paint. They allow you to cover surfaces in a unique way.

Based on the binding component, the following types of plaster are distinguished:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • embossed;
  • Venetian

Various examples of plastered surfaces are shown in the photo below.

These varieties differ in their performance characteristics. Advantages and disadvantages of decorative plaster compositions are presented below in the table.

1 decorative plaster used for imitation various materials: granite, marble, leather, wood, wallpaper and othershigher price compared to wallpaper
2 a wide range of textures and colors, while the coating is not afraid of moisture and has no seamsdifferent mixtures require the use of different application technologies
3 the finishing layer will cover the base defects well; even preliminary perfect leveling is not requiredthe difficulty of dismantling the created coating
4 can be used for a much longer period than wallpaper (more than 50 years)

Decorative plaster is what else you can use to decorate the walls, besides wallpaper and paint. With its help, you can give the room a luxurious look and hide existing unevenness in the base. Due to its properties and environmental safety, the material is suitable for use in any room.

Alternative finishing methods

In addition to painting and applying decorative plaster, there are many more ways to replace the decoration of rooms with wallpaper. These options can add variety to any interior. in the apartment you can also, presented below in the table.

Finishing materialDescription
1 decorative panelsthis is a modern material for walls instead of wallpaper, which does not require special preparation of the base when laying
2 textilewalls are “lined” with it, which requires certain skills and careful preparation of surfaces
3 cork "wallpaper"environmentally friendly products with high performance indicators
4 ceramic tilestrong, durable, but requiring special skills for installation

Not all rooms are decorated with wall panels instead of wallpaper, but you can do them yourself.

Making walls with your own hands is quite problematic if you lack experience. Post decorative rock and the tiles are beautiful, also not a task for beginners.

It is also better to trust professionals to work with wood. The photo below shows nice example such finishing.

Products alternative to wallpaper are more difficult to install and are often more expensive. The best way to decorate an apartment (house) must be selected in each case according to the properties of the materials and financial capabilities.

After considering all the listed materials, everyone will be able to choose what can best replace wallpaper, based on their needs and capabilities. Subject to installation technology, each finishing coating can create a beautiful, unique, original decor. With proper use, it can be used for the maximum possible time for a given material.

When choosing the type of cladding, you need to think through general style apartment interior and correctly combine different decorative coatings. Then coziness and a comfortable, harmonious atmosphere will always prevail at home.

The following videos discuss various.

The walls in the apartment usually cause the greatest number of problems for owners during renovations. How to decorate them in such a way as to hide the imperfections and make the interior unusual, unlike those of the neighbors. In addition, I want it to be practical and not very expensive. Wallpaper is usually the first thing that comes to mind. We won't argue. With the current variety of their types, it is quite possible to choose a suitable option for any room. Well, then what about the creativity and uniqueness of the interior? And functionality should not be overlooked either. After all, let’s say, while searching for an answer to the question: “How to decorate the kitchen walls in an apartment?”, you begin to understand that wallpaper is far from the most the best option for this room. We need something different, more practical and durable. However, fortunately, the current owners of apartments and houses will not have to rack their brains for a long time over the problem. The building materials market is so diverse that finding a suitable solution will not be difficult. We, in turn, will try to help with valuable advice.

So, what are the walls in the apartment decorated with, besides wallpaper?

General principles

Choosing suitable material For walls, first of all, you need to take into account the room in which the finishing will take place. This is what we need to build on. If this is, say, a bedroom or a children's room, then here you need to opt for environmentally friendly clean materials, in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of chemical components was used. If we are talking about a hallway, then you need to understand that a more durable material is best suited for it, because this is the room where hands most often touch the walls, so the ability to quickly remove traces of those same hands from the walls without consequences for the finishing is of great importance . As for, say, the kitchen, you will need materials that can withstand temperature changes and high humidity. Talking about what can be used to decorate the walls in an apartment, we will, first of all, touch upon issues of practicality and functionality. As for interior design specifically, this is not the topic of our review, however, based on our advice, you, due to the abundance of all kinds of colors and textures of the materials we describe, will be able to independently choose the appropriate option for yourself.

Decorate with plaster

To put it mildly, do you have less than ideal walls in your apartment? How to finish them quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? Consider the option of decorative plaster. If you accept it, you will deal with two birds with one stone - you will hide defects and improve the interior. And there will be no problems with the design, since decorative plaster is covered with paint after application to the surface. So suitable color It won't be difficult to find. And, besides, when you hear the word “plaster,” there’s no point in imagining a gray surface covered in specks of sand. Not at all. Today, decorative plaster is so diverse that you can use it to create a textured, antique, or marbled surface. The only drawback of this type of finishing, perhaps, is that, without good skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality finish yourself. However, if you don’t get too fancy and buy a “bark beetle” type solution, then you can get by on our own. Well, if you want the walls to be finished or their surface to imitate a stone covering, then, of course, it is advisable to turn to specialists.


This material is quite well-known and, it seems, can no longer surprise anyone. However, everything is not so simple. Today, ceramic tiles are so diverse that they are used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but sometimes also decorate the walls of living rooms and hallways. Well, for the kitchen this is perhaps the most suitable option. Its mirror varieties will serve as excellent bedrooms.

PVC panels

Quite often this coating is found in offices. However, who said that they cannot decorate the walls in the apartment. How to finish the surface if you want the work to be done quickly and painlessly, and the coating itself to be durable, beautiful and easy to clean? Of course, you should pay attention to PVC panels. They are simply ideal for the kitchen, great for bathrooms and hallways. For a budget renovation this is an excellent option. Especially considering that all the work can be done independently, it is enough to be able to hold a drill and a screwdriver in your hands. Moreover, today plastic panels They are produced not only in plain colors, but also with patterns, which are sometimes so beautiful that you can easily create an amazing interior. Cheap, practical and original.

MDF panels

In appearance they are similar to plastic ones, but are not as moisture resistant as the latter. In addition, they are usually produced only in a single-color version and most often imitate a wooden covering. However, if you are looking for an apartment, and the material is not particularly expensive, then this option is perfect. These panels are quite resistant to stress, wash well, in addition, you can not only install them yourself, but also hide all communications and surface irregularities under them.


Considering relatively budget options wall decoration, you can’t ignore painting. At one time it was extremely fashionable and was considered a very sophisticated finishing option. Today, painting is not so popular, even though many modern materials have appeared. Indeed, at the very beginning, when such finishing options had just begun to appear (we, of course, do not mean panels in old Soviet apartments, covered with a nasty green color), they took an ordinary water-based emulsion and added dye to it to get the desired shade. It was not always possible to achieve the desired result, and such coating was difficult to clean. No, now there are plenty of ready-made paints on the market, some of which also contain varnish, so dirt can be easily washed off from them. This finishing method is rapidly losing popularity for another reason.

The fact is that to obtain a high-quality result, the desired surface must be carefully leveled and made perfectly smooth. What will require big material costs and attracting specialists. In addition, this method is considered one of the dirtiest. Tip: to reduce costs and speed up the process, you can first cover the plastered walls with special wallpaper, and then apply paint to them.

All the options presented above are the most common and, by and large, publicly available. What is the best way to decorate the walls of an apartment if its owners are not strapped for cash and can afford to fork out for expensive materials. Let us next consider the most promising options in this regard.


Great option. Natural will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room and will allow you to create any desired interior design, because this moment it is produced painted in various colors, and at the same time its inherent nature is preserved. In addition, cork will insulate the walls and contribute to their sound insulation.

Decorative rock

Another expensive finishing option. But it is also durable, in addition, incredibly refined and emphasizing the status of the owners. And if you don’t know what to decorate the walls in the hallway of your apartment with, consider it. Thus, you will make the interior of this room not only original, but also functional, because such a coating is not afraid of any “injuries” or dirt. Advice: I must say that today construction markets You can easily purchase a magnificent fake - not natural, but artificial decorative stone. And, we dare say, it is made so well that not even every specialist can determine its non-natural origin. Such material will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, which, by the way, will practically not affect its quality characteristics.

3D panels

An excellent option for those who don’t know what to decorate the walls of their apartment with, other than wallpaper. After all, this is a super new product on the modern market, so it is ideal for those who want to create a creative, “not like everyone else” interior. As for the coating itself, it is, of course, expensive, but all costs will be covered by its amazing appearance and the stunning visual effect that such panels create. In addition, a huge advantage is that the installation of such panels can be done by hand. Yes and special preliminary preparation surface is not required. So, don't lose sight of it when choosing suitable decor for walls.


We told how it was in the apartment. How to finish them is, of course, up to you. But at the end of the article we want to give one more piece of advice. Don't discount wallpaper. If you don’t want to decorate the walls with them, you don’t need to. The choice of materials, as you may have noticed, is more than large. But remember: sometimes a combination of wallpaper and, say, the same decorative stone looks much more interesting than just walls covered only with the latter. In general, use your imagination. And you will certainly succeed.

An apartment, a place where they come after a hard day, gather with friends, raise children, where they spend most of life. Therefore, it is very important that the repairs carried out are enjoyable. In order to decide what the space should look like after renovation work, you need to look at what types of apartment decoration there are: photo design ready-made options and redevelopment. Modern finishing materials, when used correctly, can turn a room into a masterpiece, and an apartment design project, consistent in the same style, will help create an original interior.

In the pursuit of convenience and coziness, it is often forgotten that incorrectly selected materials for small m2 are not only wasted time and money, but also the effect of repairs is the opposite of the expected result. Before deciding what color the walls, ceiling and floor will be, you need to make a project and choose furniture color options. If the furniture is in calm tones, then when decorating the walls, bright accents are needed.

You can see how it looks in the photo. With bright furniture, on the contrary, you need finishing in soft, soothing colors. The interior should not contain more than four colors. It is desirable that these colors be of the same spectrum.

Already undergoing construction, each room in the house carries its own load, so each room is characterized by certain color schemes. Living room They will look interesting color options
built on contrast, as well as monotonous decoration using accents. Kitchen
This is the place in the apartment whose interior can be safely made bright, juicy, and stimulating the appetite. All light colors, any shades of red will do. The contrast of colors, as in the photo, will look great. Bedroom
Pale tones of pink, coffee, sand. If you like a design project in bright colors, then they should be used as an accent on a pale background, since the main background of the room should be calm. Children's room Delicate, not too bright colors in the decoration. Traditional blue and can be replaced with green, orange. The interior of a student’s room should be in a working mood.
Corridor or hallway Light finishing materials, preferably the use of mirror surfaces. Anything that will visually increase m2 of a small space.

It is necessary to pay attention that if the design of the room is in light colors, then the floor must be made dark. When using bright colors in wall decoration, the floor is made lighter.

Living room
Children's room


Just a few years ago, choosing wallpaper for decorating apartments and studios and gluing it with your own hands was problematic, because there was almost no choice and construction was carried out in the same way. Now the situation has changed in better side, therefore, before giving preference to any group of material, you need to know its features:

  • paper wallpapers are natural. They are divided into simplex and duplex (single-layer and two-layer);
  • non-woven, consist of cellulose and synthetic fiber. A layer of foamed vinyl adds volume to the design;
  • vinyl is a synthetic, durable wallpaper that can be painted;
  • metallized wallpaper has a two-layer structure. Layer of aluminum foil does not allow radiation from household electrical appliances to pass through, and can protect the room from exposure to radiation from power lines. The use of this wallpaper visually increases the m2 of the room. What the interiors of rooms and studios look like after decoration can be seen in the photo;
  • Fiberglass materials are highly durable and are glued with special glue. You can repaint it several times with your own hands without fear of damaging the texture;
  • textile types of wallpaper are made from natural raw materials. The composition includes applied to paper base linen and cotton.


Decorative plaster

When finishing studio apartment made using decorative plaster, it has a presentable appearance, looks attractive and modern. The design depends only on the wishes of the owners and the interior. The photo shows only some options for work with decorative plaster, done with your own hands. This finishing method has whole line positive aspects:

  • you can make adjustments to the wall after the rough finishing of the apartment has been completed;
  • insulated outer wall, sound insulation is enhanced. No need to produce additional insulation walls losing m2 of room area;
  • treatment against mold and high humidity;
  • The coating can be adjusted independently at any time.

Decorative plaster is used only when finishing walls in the apartment. There are several types of finishes:

  • textured plaster gives the walls volume. Has high plasticity. You can imitate natural materials;
  • structural plaster, due to the mineral inclusions included in the composition, forms pores with unevenness when applied, creating the appearance of an old surface;
  • Bayramix - high-quality plaster with a base of marble chips;
  • decorative Venetian plaster will decorate the interior and make it unique;
  • Liquid wallpaper is the easiest way to make cosmetic repairs yourself and refresh the interior.
Liquid wallpaper


Tiles are traditionally used to decorate bathrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens. All those places where the moisture content is high. Despite the variety in the choice of tiles, all of their types differ only in the quality of workmanship and size, on which the number of pieces per m2 depends.

  • Otherwise, this building material for work is selected according to three rules that you need to pay attention to:
  • When renovating rooms smaller than 4 m2, choose light colors that will visually expand the space;
  • high-quality tiles should have clear proportions with strict geometric shapes; required for different types of tiles various brands



with such elements.

  • It should be noted that depending on the premises in which the work plan is planned, different types of this material are used:
  • conventional is used in heated dry rooms;
  • moisture-resistant plasterboard is used for decorating a kitchen or bathroom;

fire-resistant is used where high fire safety requirements are put forward.

Wall panels are modern materials used for finishing apartments and studios. They have a huge selection of colors and textures. They are made in several versions from artificial and natural raw materials.

Wall panels have different types. They differ in the number of parts per m2 and in the raw materials from which they are made:

  • natural wood will give a respectable look, the interior decoration of apartments will look elegant and sophisticated;
  • particle boards are well suited for DIY decoration of hallways and corridors. They have low cost. Fits well into the design of rooms with small m2;
  • Fiberboard will decorate the interior of any room where there is no moisture. They have a wide color range;
  • MDF panels are universal, have high sound and heat insulation qualities;
  • the disadvantage of PVC panels is that it artificial materials. Moisture-resistant and durable, they are used in finishing rooms with high humidity;
  • glass wall panels are mainly used in the design of partitions;
  • gypsum vinyl panels are the same plasterboard in which the cardboard is replaced with vinyl. Their outer surface with a pattern or a certain color is ideal for decorating studios.

Gypsum vinyl

Decorative rock

Created for outdoor use and considered cold, decorative stone has increasingly begun to be used in the decoration of apartments and studios. When used wisely, it makes the interior of the room warm and cozy. This universal material, which is not afraid of changes in temperature, moisture and at the same time is easy to care for. It will not be difficult for anyone to decorate a piece of wall or window opening with this material with their own hands. Options for using it with decorative plaster and wallpaper look very good; the photo shows such a finish. It fits organically into the design project of any room. If damaged, it is easy to remove the damaged part and insert a new one in place of the old part.


Making repairs using paints and varnishes is the most economical way to change the interior. Before starting work, please note that paints are divided into several groups:

  • based on drying oils (oil) - they take a long time to dry, when painting it is necessary to use personal protective equipment, they are diluted with drying oil;
  • based on varnishes (enamel) - immediately ready for use, dry within 24 hours, special solutions are required for dilution;
  • based on aqueous solutions of polymers (adhesive);
  • based on aqueous polymer dispersions (water-based). They dry quickly, are not allergenic, and thanks to the coloring pigments, you can achieve any color shades.

Before painting, the room must be vacated. The furniture is taken out or covered with film, all objects are removed from the walls, and the floor is also covered. Preparation is a must. Walls are divided into two types:

  • in a newly commissioned house. Before work, it is enough to putty them, clean them with sandpaper and then prime them;
  • in an old apartment, the walls need to be cleaned, washed and only then puttied.

Painting is a way to completely change the design of a room in a short time, just by making minor repairs.


When creating a design project for a room, the floor plays an important role in it. All floor coverings are divided into piece, sheet and monolithic seamless. The peculiarities of the floor are that, in addition to being attractive, it must be warm, wear-resistant, and, after repairs, fit perfectly into the interior. All floor coverings have their advantages:

  • parquet is an environmentally friendly, durable coating. Its surface can be renewed many times by cycling. Matches any style of room;
  • Ceramic tiles are used mainly in the bathroom, kitchen, corridor, and when decorating loggias. It is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and is often installed as a finish in a heated floor system;
  • laminate is an artificial floor covering that resembles parquet, but the cost per m2 is much less. When making repairs, it is necessary to take into account its features; it can quickly deteriorate when incorrect selection class and incorrect installation;
  • tongue and groove boards are used to create classic interiors of apartments and studios to highlight the finish;
  • linoleum is the most versatile and inexpensive type of flooring. Has a variety color solutions and drawings, thanks to which it can be suitable for any room;
  • The carpet has a variety of colors, is comfortable when walking, and creates coziness in the room. Very fussy to care for.

Ceramic tile
tongue and groove board


The main principle in finishing the ceiling is that it should be lighter than the walls and floor, should not be discordant against their background, and should be in the same stylistic integrity.

View finishing works depends on the height of the ceiling and is produced in several ways:

  • by whitewashing is not only the most cheap repairs apartments and studios, but also the most impractical. The whitewash easily peels off at the slightest disruption of the technological process;
  • painting is more reliable than whitewashing, but requires preparatory work;
  • stucco decoration looks good on high studio ceilings;
  • a suspended ceiling is convenient for hiding defects in ceilings;
  • tension, or French, reduces the height of the room, but at the same time hides the imperfections of the ceilings, is not afraid of water, has a varied color scheme. The variety of its species is shown in the photo;
  • multi-level ceiling is made using plasterboard. Allows you to model various projections on the ceiling and install lighting lamps according to any pattern. The photo shows several ways to design such ceilings.

Stucco molding

Stages of finishing work

After the construction of the house is completed, residents, in most cases, are offered bare walls that must be finished themselves. The finishing of a living space is divided into rough and finishing.

Having completed construction, before remodeling the space of the apartment or making any changes in it normal repairs, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. This is especially necessary when planning studios.

Incorrectly made calculations and inaccurately placed accents may not only fail to increase the m2 of the apartment, but also turn it into an uncomfortable concrete box that delivers only negative emotions. Almost all design studios carry out repairs and remodeling. In addition, you can view user photos on the Internet. By looking through several photos and choosing the most interesting from them, you can eventually find an idea for that unique, original design, which will not be found anywhere else and which you can be proud of.


Apartment design options, interior design.

Photos with apartment finishing options

Examples of surface finishing in various rooms of the apartment.

Natural wood is very popular building material, which will never go out of style. Wooden houses are just as actively being built today as they were 100 years ago. We will talk about the rules for selecting finishes for their walls in this article.

The best wall covering materials – which ones to choose?

To qualitatively sheathe walls in a modern wooden house, you need to choose facing materials taking into account many factors. The region where the residential property is located, the climatic conditions in the area, as well as the proposed rules for operating the structure should be taken into account. In a small country house used only in the summer, you can simply paint or varnish the walls, saving your money.

For residential buildings in which the owners live all year round, we recommend choosing more expensive, attractive and reliable facing materials. The ease of use of the structure, its functionality and aesthetics depend on the quality of interior design. By investing more effort and money, you can achieve better design results. Among the most suitable finishing materials, it is customary to highlight cladding made of natural wood. Their use allows you to preserve the visual appeal of wood and create a microclimate in the rooms that is favorable for people’s lives.

  • wooden lining;
  • block house;
  • various panels;
  • drywall.

These cladding options are the most in demand, as they allow you to create ideal smooth walls, differ simple installation and do not require preliminary leveling of the surfaces to be coated before installation. To choose the optimal finish, it is necessary to take into account not only the features of the house, but also the individual characteristics of the interior rooms, for example, in the kitchen and bathroom, the walls should be decorated with materials that are resistant to high humidity, and for the living room and bedroom, the most important thing is the visual appeal of the finish.

Walls and facing materials may also experience weight load due to installed decorative elements, furniture, lamps and other things. The load must also be taken into account when choosing a finish, so that during operation the facing layer does not collapse and retains its technical and visual characteristics for a long time.

Wooden lining - the most important advantages of natural finishing

The lining is an ordinary wooden board with special fastening grooves that allow the individual elements of the wall cladding to be adjusted as tightly as possible during installation. This finishing material retains all the features, advantages and disadvantages of natural wood:

  • wide palette of colors and textures;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • high-quality sound absorption;
  • long service life with correct installation and quality care;
  • fear of high humidity;
  • susceptibility to biological contamination (fungus, mold);
  • fire hazard.

Considering these features of the lining, when choosing it, give preference to models that have good protection against moisture, coated by special means, preventing wood from becoming infected with mold and reducing its flammability. The surface of the lining can be either smooth, well-treated, or untreated. In the second case, after installing the cladding, you will have to independently protect the boards from negative influences and varnish them.

When studying the lining market, special attention should be paid to the type of wood from which it is made. If for dry living rooms Any materials are suitable, then for wet rooms it is better to choose a board made of linden, alder and oak, and not from coniferous species. Correctly chosen and wisely installed lining It is distinguished by its versatility, practicality, environmental friendliness and attractiveness. With its help, you can decorate any room in a residential wooden house in full accordance with the design ideas and preferences of the users.

Drywall is a modern and affordable means of decoration

Drywall for finishing wooden houses It is not used as often as lining, but it also allows you to effectively hide construction defects and elements engineering communications, has a low cost and makes it possible to place with inside the walls have an additional layer of insulation. Another advantage of drywall is that it is able to absorb and release moisture, and this has an extremely positive effect on the internal microclimate in the premises.

Drywall is usually used to decorate residential buildings in modern designer styles. Sheets of this material can be bent, giving walls and corners any convenient shape. In order for tiled walls to retain their visual qualities for a long time, they should be additionally protected from rodents. Many large manufacturers impregnate drywall sheets with special chemicals, repelling mice, rats and insects.

There is a wide range of plasterboard sheets on the market:

  1. 1. Wall plasterboard. Used for covering surfaces in rooms with normal humidity.
  2. 2. Moisture-resistant drywall. Suitable for decorating walls in “wet” areas of the house.
  3. 3. Fireproof drywall. Used to decorate rooms with strong temperature changes and an increased risk of fire.

Any type of drywall can be purchased relatively inexpensively and quickly installed on the walls yourself. Simplicity and high speed of installation are ensured by large . The lined surface can be additionally painted or plastered.

Drywall can only be used to cover surfaces in houses that have gone through the shrinkage process, and still, when installing, you should make an indentation from the floor and ceiling, taking into account the tendency of wood to expand under the influence of temperature. Due to fragility plasterboard sheets they may simply rip or break due to seasonal temperature changes.

Types and characteristics of wall panels

In stores today you can find a large number wall panels made from different materials. Most often, panels made of MDF, fiberboard, plastic, bamboo and glass are used to decorate private wooden houses. Fiberboard panels are the most popular and diverse. To decorate the house you can use:

  • type-setting rack panels;
  • tiled;
  • leafy.

The main advantage of fiberboard panels is their availability and durability. They are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws, thanks to which the cladding is able to withstand even heavy loads. On a wall lined with fiberboard panels you can easily hang various shelves, lamps and decorative elements. For panels of this type, suitable fittings and moldings for decorating joints are available on the market. You can choose moldings, baseboards, corners, trims, etc. for any panels.

MDF panels are characterized by good moisture resistance, low cost, ease of installation and environmental friendliness. Due to their strength and durability, they are commonly used to decorate walls in bathrooms, kitchens and toilets. The products are distinguished by great variety on the market and visual appeal, that is, with their help you can beautifully decorate all the “wet” areas in the house.

Modern glass panels are also widely used in repairs. They allow you to create in separate rooms of the house unique design, corresponding to the tastes and preferences of users. It is best to use glass panels not as wall coverings, but as inserts that decorate the room. Complete walls using glass panels are designed only in functional rooms: bathrooms, kitchens and others.

Glass panels can be made from colored materials and have not only a smooth, but also a corrugated surface covered with patterns and three-dimensional images.

SMP () are well suited for decorating walls in log houses. Such facing materials have good flexibility; during installation, the permissible radius of curvature of the sheets is about 3 m. That is, the risk of damage to this finish during the operation of the house is almost zero. SMPs are lightweight, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant. Thanks to large sizes they are used not only for finishing surfaces, but also for creating thin interior partitions.

Block house - is it worth the money?

A block house in its visual characteristics is practically no different from an ordinary one wooden board, however, has a convex cylindrical shape face and machined ribs for easy and quick installation. This is an ideal material for decorating walls in wooden houses; it allows you to maintain a microclimate favorable for living in decorated rooms and can be installed by the owners themselves. For interior decoration It is customary to use slats up to 25 mm thick, which are fixed to the sheathing.

Experts recommend purchasing a block house for finishing wooden walls with a 10% reserve. Buying too much cladding will increase the cost of renovation, but it is necessary for a quality finish. If there is not enough block house, you will have to urgently go to the store for new party materials that may not match the shade of already installed boards.

The walls decorated with a block house are aesthetically pleasing, but require careful handling during operation and constant maintenance. You will need to regularly clean the lined walls from dust, and also update them every 1-3 years. varnish coating. Wall repairs should include not only the installation of sheathing, but also the laying of an internal thermal insulation layer, on top of which the block house is hung.

The paneling of a block house looks like the surface of a log house with unlined walls, which is why it is so attractive and popular. To decorate the walls, you must use decor that matches rustic style interior – Forged Products, carved accessories, beams, etc. Proper decoration is as important for the attractiveness of rooms as the competent choice of cladding and installation work.

Decorating the walls in the kitchen is a creative and complex process that sets the tone for the entire interior. The kitchen is a room with difficult conditions. There is always high humidity here, moisture evaporates, and a greasy coating settles on the walls. Despite the presence of a hood, the apron and walls must be protected as much as possible from the adverse effects of steam, grease and smoke. That is why the requirements for finishing materials are high. If you dream of a stylish kitchen space, pay the main attention to the wall decoration.

Requirements and finishing features

Properly finished walls should be easy to wash and not deteriorate when exposed to water. For finishing working area you can use ceramic tiles, marble, washable wallpaper, waterproof paint, MDF panels, decorative plaster. High demands are placed on finishing materials. They should not ignite or release substances hazardous to health, but must absorb moisture and fat. Durability is the main condition quality material for finishing.

A huge variety of textures and colors allows you to create an interesting and unusual space. Taking into account the fact that the kitchen is divided into two main zones - working and dining - the walls are also being repaired. Surfaces that will bear the main load can be made from sustainable materials, and for dining area choose decorative finishes.


Treatment of the working area is practical, reliable, and easy to maintain; dining room - comfort and beauty. Near the table where the family gathers, it is appropriate to choose fabric wallpaper, photo wallpaper, or plaster as decoration. The more creativity designers show, the better! A modern kitchen combines two types of finishes, which allows you to save on materials and basic work.

Types of finishing materials

A large selection of finishing materials allows you to create interesting interiors. Beautiful and original textures look luxurious on the kitchen wall. A huge advantage of modern finishing materials is their relevance and durability.

Plaster. A popular material for wall decoration in the kitchen. It is easy to apply, but is expensive. Only professionals who have special skills and artistic taste can cope with it. Decorative plaster comes in different types: flock, Venetian, polymer, water-based, silicate, structural, lime, and marble chips.

Before applying plaster to the walls, you should treat the surface with a special primer. The plaster looks original and modern. Its advantage is that it does not lose its relevance over time. The main advantage is that it washes well, retains its presentable appearance for a long time, and does not fade.

Stone slabs. Non-standard, but original solution– decoration of walls with decorative or natural stone. This material creates a spectacular kitchen space. The slabs naturally imitate the surface of stone and are laid quite simply. It is easy to decorate a wall with such slabs yourself, but it will require certain skills.

First you need to level the surface before laying the material. The slabs are held in place with glue, and the seams between the stones are rubbed with a special solution. After laying, the slabs are varnished. This simplifies the process of caring for them.

Brick. If you dream of a loft-style kitchen, try using brick as wall decoration, including the backsplash. It can be decorative or natural brick, processed in a special way. Textured material harmonizes perfectly with furniture with metal elements. It is fireproof and wear-resistant.

Lining. An excellent option for decorating walls in the kitchen. It is only suitable for the kitchen; it is better not to use it in other rooms. The lining is made of wood, glass, plastic and MDF. This material has a specific appearance, but it looks beautiful and stylish in the kitchen. The disadvantage of this material is that it ignites quickly. Brown lining on the wall harmonizes well with light-colored furniture.

Mosaic. The small mosaic on the wall looks interesting and unusual. It can be ceramic, glass, made of ceramic or glass. The mosaic looks like a small square. Many squares are pasted on the wall in the form of a pattern or picture and create an impressive and large-scale effect.

Mosaic tiles are more expensive than ceramic tiles. Due to its aesthetic appearance, this material can be used to decorate not only the work area, but also the dining area. In order to realize design idea, it will take patience and time. The advantage of mosaics is that they are easy to clean and last a long time.

Plastic panels. A good way to make repairs quickly and inexpensively. Plastic panels are not afraid of fungus, mold, temperature changes, and pests. This material hides uneven walls, it is inexpensive, and therefore is in great demand. For the kitchen it is better to use moisture-resistant rather than mirrored plastic panels. A large selection of panels allows you to create an interesting and modern interior.

Wallpaper. A classic option for wall decoration. Ordinary wallpaper is not suitable for the kitchen, so it is better to use the following types: liquid, glass wallpaper, vinyl, non-woven.

Liquid wallpaper is a new fashionable finishing material. They are sold in bags, not rolls. They should be diluted with water before application and then covered the walls. Liquid wallpaper looks aesthetically pleasing, does not deform or scratch.

Fiberglass wallpaper is made from glass threads. The resulting canvas is pasted as wallpaper on the wall. Advantages of the material: resistance to damage, fire safety, strength, reliability, environmental friendliness. They are glued on with special glue and are inexpensive.

Vinyl wallpaper is easy to wash, resistant to moisture, and is not afraid of dirt, soot, grease, and sun.

Tile (ceramic tiles). The work area in the kitchen can be finished with durable ceramic tiles or tiles. This material is durable and strong. It is not affected by high temperatures, the tiles are easy to clean, and the large selection of colors and designs adds to its advantages. Tiles can be smooth, matte, textured, glossy.

Using ceramic tiles you can make an apron or part of the wall near dining table. Designers do not recommend finishing all the walls in the kitchen with this material, as it will look heavy and narrow the space.

MDF panels. This finishing material is environmentally friendly and durable. He is easy to work with. MDF panels are mounted on the sheathing, but are more expensive than plastic ones. The panels are great for creating an apron; they can also be used to decorate a wall near the dining area. MDF panels are made from shredded wood waste, which is pressed into slabs. The resulting tiles are covered with a special film with a different pattern, shade or color.

Parquet boards. A beautiful and original solution in eco style. Parquet boards are often used to create a Scandinavian interior. Boards effectively fill empty space. The board is used not only to decorate walls in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, living room, and bedroom. Parquet boards are easy to clean, wear-resistant, and have an attractive appearance. The advantages of this material are environmental friendliness and aesthetics. A wooden board on the wall looks luxurious.

Dye. Finish paint from conventional coating differs in composition, color, stability. When choosing, focus on the criteria. Choose acrylic paint. It dries quickly, washes well, creates protective film on the wall. The finishing paint is resistant to steam and humidity.

Matte ones hide wall imperfections and unevenness well. Using paint you can create an interesting space. Before you start painting the surface of the wall, it should be prepared - leveled and primed. Good for processing water-based paints. They are easy to wash and repaint. The paint is applied to the surface in several layers.

An interesting decorative technique - light furniture and bright walls or contrasting furniture and light surfaces.

Glass panels. Rare and unusual way wall decoration in the kitchen. Such panels can be used to treat both the working area and the dining area. This material is beautiful and durable. Glass can be decorated in an interesting way by putting a drawing, pattern or photograph on it. This means that the kitchen will gain exclusivity.

For the manufacture of glass panels we use reliable armored glass, which is difficult to damage. Glass panels are easy to care for, they are not afraid of humidity, temperature changes, and are not susceptible to mold and mildew. Grease and dirt can be easily removed from glass panels with a damp cloth. This is a durable and beautiful material.

Metal finish. Metal is externally and in fact a heavy material, which is difficult to imagine in the interior. But today it is often used to organize spaces in the style of minimalism, high-tech or loft. Metal panels are durable, reliable, fire-resistant. They are easy to care for (wash and clean).

How to choose

In a private home it is better to use natural and textured materials. These include wood, stone, lining. In a small kitchen, it is appropriate to use mosaics to decorate the work area or plastic washable wallpaper. If you choose the right color and pattern, as well as the manufacturer, such wallpaper will last at least ten years.

Tile, paint, plastic and MDF panels look appropriate in the apartment. If the renovation is started in a “Khrushchev” building, it is important to carefully approach the treatment of the walls. It’s easy to make a kitchen room in such a small apartment even smaller if you choose the wrong finishing material. For example, parquet panels, tiles on all walls, lining, brick will take up space. It is better to use wallpaper or paint.

When it comes to decorating the walls in a Khrushchev-era kitchen, it is important to take the choice of color seriously. It’s good if these are light, neutral shades: gray-blue, beige, white, light green, lemon. The space should be as organized as possible. Do not overload the kitchen with details or unnecessary interior items. Small equipment If possible, hide in niches or cabinets.

Repairs must be approached individually. Consider not only fashion trends interior and design, but also your own budget. Remember that the decoration can look modern and stylish, even if you allocate a small amount for renovation.

DIY finishing

For self-finishing For walls, it is better to choose simple materials that are easy to work with. Among them are wallpaper, plastic, paint, ceramic tiles. Kitchen walls - universal platform for work due large selection materials.

Any renovation begins with clearing the room of furniture and all items.

The next stage is cleaning the walls from old wallpaper, paint, tiles or plaster. This is an exhausting task, but further repairs will depend on the quality of its execution. If you need to remove tiles, use a hammer drill or wallpaper hammer with a flat head.

Then the walls need to be primed. This stage ensures reliable adhesion of finishing materials to the wall. The wall is primed with a roller. After the surface has dried, apply the first coat of putty to the wall. After it dries, the second and finishing layer is applied. When the wall is dry, it should be primed again to make it easier to decorate in the future.

The next stage is finishing. The most common options are painting, tiles, plastic siding, wallpaper, drywall, and decorative plaster.

In order to bring any idea to life on your own, you will need a layout or project. It is necessary to take measurements of the room - length, height, width, taking into account many nuances. If the repair is being done from scratch, you will need the help of professionals.

Ecological style

The most environmentally friendly style today is Scandinavian. Walls in Scandinavian style finished with parquet boards. However, designers advise choosing a finishing option that contrasts with the floor, otherwise the kitchen can be turned into a box.

The combination of dark wood and light furniture, dividing the partitions into two horizontal parts - interesting option decor. The lower part is finished with wood or plastic, and the upper part is finished with wallpaper for painting. This option reminds English style. The kitchen partition can also be made of MDF or glass.

Best material for eco-style - wood. The lining and stone fit organically into the style. All four walls can be treated with these materials, taking into account that the material will be light and not dark. The Scandinavian interior fits appropriately and most organically into the kitchen of a country house.

Gain popularity classic style finishing kitchen walls with modern details. In this case, glass wallpaper is perfect for repairs.

Modern materials And creative ideas when combined they give interesting and unusual results. White and dark color, calm and bright shades, tenderness and contrast are beautiful and stylish. Do you dream of transforming kitchen space and not spend a lot of money on repairs? Everything is possible thanks to the variety of finishing materials. pay attention to original interiors and try to bring the idea to life.

White wall and furniture in tandem with a dark wall, horizontal imitation of a parquet board gives the kitchen lightness and style. Weightless curtains, metal lampshade, glass table, white chairs of simple design – perfect space in the style of minimalism.

White furniture in the kitchen - modern trend. Pairs perfectly with snow-white furniture contrasting walls. For example, wallpaper with a floral pattern looks organic and gives a feeling of comfort.

An excellent example of finishing a dining area with decorative bricks. Photo wallpaper will bring a country element to the kitchen. The clear lines of the work area, white color, and lighting harmonize perfectly with the textured wall opposite. Green plants will add naturalness to the room.

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