Kitchen layout on the 5th floor. Kitchen interior design in Khrushchev (real photos). How to properly arrange your kitchen space

The owner of an apartment in Khrushchev more than once had to think about remodeling the kitchen space. Indeed, due to the lack of free space (standard 5.5-6m2), a problem arises related to the arrangement of furniture or the selection of the design of this room. But, despite the shortage of squares, with the right approach You can successfully transform a room, bringing into it a touch of coziness and comfort.

The layout of a kitchen space in a Khrushchev-era building does not always allow for successful placement of furniture. Therefore, redevelopment is considered in a great way for increase small room. By getting rid of the wall, the purpose of which is to separate the living part of the house from the kitchen, it will be possible to visually make the kitchen larger.

Some owners install a bar counter to separate the kitchen area and then use it as a dining table.

It is worth noting that ideas for remodeling a kitchen may vary.

Therefore, with the right approach, there are many possibilities for transforming this room:

  • At the first stage of work, you should not develop the design of the room. Experienced craftsmen recommend drawing up detailed description proposed changes to the room, taking into account the zoning of space.
  • When starting to separate zones, you should decide on the purpose of the future room. If this room becomes a place for receiving guests, it is important to take care of allocating some space. But if this room will be used only for cooking purposes, you can do without arranging an area for eating.
  • Thanks to proper redevelopment and successful design solutions When arranging the rooms, both rooms will become not only cozy, but also functional.

A successful renovation will allow for free movement in the kitchen, even despite its small size. Dividing the room into two parts will not disrupt the unified picture of the style design, thereby respecting the overall interior.

Design small kitchens V Khrushchev e (video)

Methods for transforming a small kitchen in Khrushchev

After repair work for remodeling a kitchen with a size of 5.5 sq. m, you need to take care of choosing a method for transforming this room.

There are several methods to increase space:

  1. Functional method. The size of the kitchen can be expanded with the help of the correct and rational arrangement of the main pieces of furniture. It is worth choosing furniture that is small in size and ensuring that the distance between all interior elements is reduced.
  2. Planning method. This method implies that the redevelopment is carried out by removing the wall connecting the kitchen with the living space. Thanks to the use of this method, it is possible to increase the area by 1.5 or 2 meters.
  3. Aesthetic method. This approach makes it possible to apply unusual design. Experienced craftsmen, through various experiments, choose the optimal solution for increasing space. The result of applying the aesthetic method will be interesting design and a significant expansion of the kitchen space.

Even small kitchens can be transformed and enlarged. To do this, you need to use absolutely all the space in the room. You should not ignore a niche or even a corner; perhaps they are the ones who can add those necessary centimeters.

Kitchen design 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

But what to do if the apartment owners cannot use the planning method, and the kitchen space needs to be expanded? If you follow the designers' advice, good decision will enlarge the room with the help of a window opening. It is known that thanks to sunlight Such an illusion is easily created.

For correct design kitchens should take care of:

  • Choosing furniture. It is better to choose custom-made furniture. By giving preference to such interior items, you can free up some space, because the dimensions of such furniture are 20 cm smaller than the standard one. To avoid visually reducing the room, it is recommended to choose light shades in the interior, as well as use mirror surfaces. Some kitchens are small and rectangular; in such rooms it is better to place all the furniture along long wall. And for the dining table you should allocate a place by the window.
  • Built-in technology. For rooms of 5.5 sq. meters, the problem will be solved by using special built-in equipment. In addition to increasing the space, these interior attributes make the room attractive and comfortable.
  • Decor. When choosing a color scheme for renovation, it is recommended to choose light colors. It is worth remembering that dark shades, as well as heavy materials, can visually reduce the already small kitchen. Curtains should be light and transparent; they are necessary to allow sufficient light to enter the room.

  • Lighting. It is important that the light is bright, but not irritating to the eyes. For such purposes there is wide choose small lamps. Some owners prefer to install special halogen lamps in the ceiling or decorate the room with floor lighting.
  • Doors. The interior of the apartment is considered to be fully decorated in compliance with all style features rooms. Sometimes, instead of doors, an arched opening is installed between the kitchen and the living space.

But if you don’t want to remove the doors, a good solution would be sliding doors. They are relatively inexpensive and can save space.

A few tips for increasing kitchen space in Khrushchev

In a small kitchen it is better to refuse oven. Instead, you will have to make do with just the hob. Great solution there will be a transformed hob, which, after covering with a lid, is used as an additional work table.

For those who cannot do without an oven, it is better to purchase an oven similar in size to a microwave.

The space under the sink should be occupied by a dishwasher or washing machine (if it is relatively small in size).

Instead of a conventional vertical refrigerator, today many people prefer horizontal models. They are placed under the work surface, thereby not freeing up more space in the kitchen.

All kitchens in Khrushchev have a window with a window sill. Instead of flowerpots, it is recommended to use this surface more rationally. After all, it can be used as an additional work surface.

Kitchen layout design in Khrushchev 5 meters (video)

Kitchen in Khrushchev with dimensions of 5.5 sq. m is quite possible to increase and make it more cozy and comfortable. Thanks to the redevelopment of the room, it will be possible to significantly expand the space of the room and advantageously emphasize the overall interior. You should not leave a single centimeter of this room unattended. After all, by choosing the right furniture and taking into account the advice of designers, you will be able to transform the kitchen and make it spacious.

Kitchen layout in Khrushchev 5 meters (photo)

The kitchen is one of the most frequently visited rooms in modern apartment. Depending on the lifestyle of the owners, as well as the number of people living in the apartment, the kitchen can become not only a place for preparing food, but also a dining room, and perhaps even a place for privacy. Unfortunately, not all apartments have sufficient space, which is why the creation comfortable interior, meeting all the needs of residents, is a rather problematic task.

In a kitchen with an area of ​​5 square meters you won’t be able to really move around, but with the right approach everything you need will fit here

Modern styles and design trends imply rational use free space and proper space planning, so they are the most suitable options for furnishing the interior of small kitchens. Simplicity of forms in furniture, as well as modern Decoration Materials will help create a comfortable room that can accommodate all the necessary equipment, and at the same time leave enough free space that the owners can use at their discretion.

Design of a 5-meter kitchen: expanding the space

When planning the interior of a small kitchen, it is important to understand that a person will not be able to experience comfort while being closely surrounded by walls and pieces of furniture. Despite the relatively small dimensions of the room, there are many options for its visual expansion.

Visual techniques will help create the effect of expansion, add light and air, and correct the shortcomings of a limited space

Proper use of the methods below will allow you to create free space even in a relatively small area. Let's consider the possibilities for visually expanding the space in order.


  1. Method of leveling walls. This may not be the most obvious point, but it should not be ignored. The fact is that layers of leveling plaster, as well as sheets of drywall, can take up to five centimeters of space from each wall. It would seem like quite a bit, but in conditions of limited space even this is worth taking into account. The best option– hire qualified craftsmen to carry out the work, capable of achieving straight walls using a minimum layer of plaster.
  2. Type and color of wall decoration. One of the most simple ways visually expand the space. Everything is simple here: light colors expand the room, dark colors narrow it. Using more light shades, regardless of the overall color, can create the feeling of a spacious room, even if we are dealing with a small kitchen.

Focus on light shades

Matte surfaces will visually expand the space and make the ceiling higher

Advice. If you're a fan of dark tones but still want to achieve the feeling of a spacious room, try lightening just one wall - for example, the one opposite the door. In this case, the opposite wall will visually move away, without changing the overall impression of the room.

A good color scheme for a small kitchen

Floor and ceiling

The principle is the same as with walls - the lighter it is, the larger the room appears. Dark ceilings (even if it is just a suspended fragment against a generally light background) will put pressure on people in the kitchen, creating the feeling of not only a small, but also an indecently low room.

The reflective surface of glossy PVC film will allow you to increase the dimensions of the kitchen.

Important! Don't go too far with flooring– floors that are too light do not provide a feeling of solid support, and it will be uncomfortable to be in such a room. Interiors with floors that are slightly darker than the walls look best.

Flooring made from small tiles contributes to visual magnification room area


The most important point when planning furniture in a small kitchen is the rationality of its placement. It is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail: how many people will be in the room at the same time, how many utensils need to be placed, what Appliances can be used simultaneously, etc. It is advisable not to place the work surface on the wall opposite the entrance - this will greatly narrow the room.

Cabinets up to the ceiling help you store more kitchen utensils without prejudice to working area

Choose multifunctional furniture with convenient system storage

Example of rational use narrow space between the stove and the cabinet

An interesting solution for organizing a place to eat

In addition to all of the above, important role plays in expanding the space of a small kitchen right choice equipment, as well as lighting planning. But we'll talk about this below.

Kitchen design 5 sq.m.: from renovation to decor

High-quality kitchen design 5 sq.m. implies not only the need for a clear understanding of the tasks and ways to solve them, but also the presence of an action plan, following which allows you to save significant money and time. If we are talking about repairs, then the dismantling of used building materials should be carried out extremely carefully. If possible, it is worth trying to preserve the existing plaster or screed - if it was made with high quality and can last longer for a long time, there is no point in spending money on updating it.

By choosing the right finishing colors and kitchen facades, it is quite possible to make a small kitchen more spacious and comfortable

The next step is finishing the surfaces. Follow the finishing technology and the intervals between works, otherwise after a short time the surfaces will become unusable. Having completed the finishing, start installing furniture and lighting - the main part of the work is already behind you.

Decor is an important element in creating a comfortable small-sized kitchen. Maintain balance - excess decorative elements will simply “eat up” the entire space, and their lack will not contribute to the comfort of the room. It is worth giving up lush curtains, which visually take up a lot of space - instead, depending on the style, you can use Roman blinds or other, more compact, interior elements.

Open shelves for kitchen utensils act as decoration and are practical to use

Advice. Spare no expense on the services of a designer - a qualified specialist will help you correctly place all the interior elements and think through it down to the smallest detail. As practice shows, rework and correction of defects after unsuccessful amateur performances cost a lot more expensive than the cost design project.

Bright, saturated shades can act as color accents when you need to highlight a particular area

Kitchen design 5 sq.m. with a refrigerator in Khrushchev

Design of a small kitchen with an area of ​​5 square meters. m. is an extremely difficult matter, especially if we are talking about an apartment located in a Khrushchev-era building. How to get comfortable kitchen, which will fit all the necessary equipment? Try following a few tips:

  • it is better to place the working surface in the shape of the letter “L”, one side of which is a wall with a door;
  • Place the sink and stove on different sides work surface;
  • Place the refrigerator in the corner, at the end of the work area. WITH opposite side can be positioned symmetrically vertical cabinet for dishes;
  • try making a dining table as an extension of the window sill, with high chairs;
  • Don't forget about the space expansion tips mentioned above.

Compact linear layout - everything is there, but to a minimum

Corner layout will add work surfaces and increase the functionality of the kitchen

Breakfast table instead of window sill

By following these tips, you can organize a cozy space in a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building.

Ventilation and lighting in a small kitchen

Ventilation - required condition for a modern kitchen. According to building regulations, kitchens have ventilation duct outlets, but their mere presence is not enough. It’s worth finding a place for the hood - forced ventilation will remove excess moisture and harmful gases from the room much more effectively. In old houses ventilation ducts may be clogged, or connected to a large number of apartments. In this case, it makes sense to make a separate ventilation outlet through the wall, masking the pipe with cabinets or casings.

Contrasting combination of a black hood with a light-colored set

Lighting is one of the most important factors responsible for the comfort in the room. In addition, bright lighting can visually expand the room. It is advisable to place the main light source near the center of the free space, and as close to the table as possible. Additionally, spotlights can be placed around the periphery.

Proper lighting will visually expand the space of a small kitchen

Built-in lamps will add volume to the kitchen

To ensure high-quality illumination of the work surface, it is recommended to attach LED strips to the underside of wall cabinets - these are small-sized, but powerful sources lights will add comfort at work. For each group of light sources, it is worth providing a separate switch - this way you can save electricity by turning on only the necessary lighting.

Household appliances for the kitchen

When choosing household appliances for a small kitchen, you should exercise caution. Since there simply cannot be excess space, do not purchase large-sized equipment or equipment that is unlikely to be useful to you. So, the refrigerator should not take up much space in width or length - it is better to let it be a little larger in height. The stove should also be compact - it is better to purchase it separately hob and an oven. Choose the size of the stove based on the amount of food being cooked at the same time - you should not buy a stove with 4 burners if one or two of them will always be empty. The microwave and oven can be built into a vertical cabinet, and thus save a lot of space on the work surface (don't forget about fire safety!).

If the family is small, it makes sense to install a hob with two burners

A cozy kitchen interior should be thought out to the smallest detail, so you should be careful even when choosing small-sized appliances. For example, it is better to take a universal food processor - it will take much less space than various blenders, mixers and meat grinders. Also, do not forget to provide a sufficient number of moisture-protected outlets that can ensure the simultaneous operation of all your devices.

Try to take care of sufficiently spacious kitchen cabinets. Kitchenware, stored in large quantities on the work surface, will spoil the appearance, as well as visually reduce the already small volume of the room. At the same time, leave enough free space - cluttering furniture will worsen general form room, and also visually reduce it.

Corner kitchen with sink in place of the window sill

Remember: the main thing is to see the line between necessity and excess, and under no circumstances cross it.

Modern kitchen in minimalist style with built-in appliances

Kitchen interior 5 sq.m.: secrets of success

In fact, creating a comfortable and cozy interior a small kitchen is a completely doable task. To ensure everything works out for you, remember the following secrets of success:

  1. Have a plan. You must have a good understanding of what the kitchen should look like in the end, and in what ways you can achieve this. Follow the correct order of interior implementation, and you will avoid many inconsistencies.
  2. Use light colors. Follow the tips from the first part of the article, and your kitchen will seem larger than it actually is.
  3. Follow technology. Do not violate the instructions for performing the work, and the finish will last for many years, maintaining its beautiful appearance.
  4. Household appliances are also part of the furniture. All household appliances must match the rest of the furniture in color, shape and size.
  5. Imagine! From the very beginning of your renovation until its completion, keep a clear picture in your mind of what you want the finished space to look like. Imagine all the angles and details in great detail - this will help you not make mistakes as you work. What to do if you are not okay with volumetric presentation? See the next tip!
  6. Don't try to be a superhero! Assess your capabilities soberly. If you find it difficult to imagine what it will look like ready kitchen or how to plan lighting - contact a designer. A professionally completed project can save you a lot of money and time.

Accommodation furniture set in one line allows you to fit a round dining table for two

Cozy kitchen in Provence style

Modern kitchen with wall shelves for plates and open shelving for large utensils

By following these tips, you can create a cozy small-sized kitchen that will delight both you and your friends with its beauty.

The kitchen in any apartment is one of the key, perhaps the most important room where food is prepared and eaten. If you live in a Khrushchev-era apartment building, then when renovating your kitchen you need to decide how you can transform such a small space.

After all, kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings are often from 5 to 7 square meters. m. Therefore, it is necessary to use the space as efficiently as possible, so that every centimeter of space is occupied truly productively, making the room more comfortable and functional. Let's now figure out what you should pay attention to.

How to properly arrange your kitchen space

The refrigerator is usually placed at the side of the room or at the intersection of walls. This way you can make the most efficient use of space and at the same time open the refrigerator doors without any problems. It is advisable to select narrow and tall models that will not take up a large area.

The washing machine, if you decide to install it in the kitchen, must be mounted inside the fittings, that is, be an organic part of it.

The color must be selected according to the shade of the furniture in the room to maintain harmony in the interior. Take care of safety precautions so that using the washing machine does not lead to floods, short circuits and other troubles. It is also advisable to install a gas burner or stove surface in fittings.

This should only be done by professionals who can carry out this procedure as safely as possible. After all, this technique is not to be trifled with! Electric burners are usually used, which are safer than gas burners, but you always need to be careful with fire. A window sill in the kitchen can also become a useful functional part of the interior , because with such a limited space it is necessary to wisely use all the possibilities. So, under the window sill you can install a compact cabinet or extend it, making something like a compact corner bar counter. Fittings for window sill Lately

became especially popular. A bar counter can be an excellent alternative to a table

, especially if not many people live in the apartment. So, this furniture option is compact and very stylish; it will become not only a functional, but also a stylish part for.

Which layout should you choose? It is rare in the kitchens of Khrushchev apartments, because it requires oversized furniture, as well as a wider space. Therefore, this option is suitable only for those who are used to eating or cooking alone, because it will be inconvenient for several people to move around the room due to the narrow space. But, when correct selection furniture, such a layout can be a very successful solution.

Corner layout perfect for kitchens in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, because in the corners, as a rule, the largest items are placed, and the rest of the space is left for movement and placement additional elements interiors. This layout option requires proper selection of the dimensions of the refrigerator and kitchen furniture. Then it will be truly optimal.

Parallel layout can also be considered as an option, but in a limited space arrange furniture and household appliances So it's quite difficult. This is usually done under the wall, reminiscent of a U-shaped layout, but the parallel way of arranging interior items leaves more space for people to move around.

One row layout used in Khrushchev-era apartments extremely rarely, only in cases where the rooms are narrow but long enough. This method of space planning is quite convenient for residents. But the difficulty of bringing it to life in conditions where every centimeter counts does not allow its widespread use.

Color spectrum

The choice of color for the kitchen depends, rather, on your preferences, but no one usually decorates a small kitchen in colors such as black and white, because they are very easily soiled.

Light colors are often chosen to decorate kitchens., since they are the ones who visually expand the space and also look very pleasing to the eye. And it’s quite easy to choose interior items to match a similar color scheme; you don’t need to order furniture of a specific color.

Dark colors for small kitchens are practically not used, because as a result of such an interior solution, the space is reduced even more, which is very inappropriate.

Much more often you can see a kitchen made in warm colors. Peach, olive and other shades give a pleasant sensation to the eye, improve your mood, and give positivity. Kitchens in a similar design are especially often made if the room is located on the north side.

You can also combine colors; don’t be afraid to experiment even with bright colors.

The main thing is that you adhere to some rules

  • Finishing elements should be light or neutral tones.
  • Create a single composition using all the interior elements present in the room: furniture, household appliances, curtains, curtain rods.
  • The furniture must be in harmony with the walls so that there is no dissonance.
  • When using bright colors, it is important to correctly place accents that will attract the attention of the owners and guests of the Khrushchev.

Interior styling

If we consider the style, then it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • The classic style with its rather bulky interior elements is not suitable for Khrushchev. It is advisable to use it in kitchens where there is more space for interior items.
  • High-tech kitchens are very popular for kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, because here all the functional elements are arranged as compactly as possible, built-in household appliances, appliances and even furniture are widely used. Therefore, it can be recommended for use in the limited space of a Khrushchev building.
  • Modern is also suitable for this kitchen option due to compactness and comfort. This style characterized by smooth lines that look very impressive even in limited space. And modern appliances fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen.
  • The Provence style can be used in terms of color solutions , but its pomp is not suitable for a kitchen in Khrushchev. As a rule, Provence is used in larger rooms to reveal all its beauty.
  • Minimalism is ideal for a Khrushchev kitchen, because there are both built-in elements and interesting solutions, and special elegance. It can be called truly optimal for such a room.

Choose the style of the room correctly so that it is aesthetic and functional, comfortable for the residents of the apartment.


It is extremely important in a small kitchen to correctly design its components:

  • Walls. They should be in light colors. Very common and convenient option design and decoration of walls will be the creation kitchen apron, which will help divide the space into functional zones.
  • It is advisable to make the ceiling suspended, because this material visually increases the area and is easy to care for. The finishing must be light.
  • The floor can be laid from various materials , but recently wood-look colors, which are laid out with tiles or laminate, have become very popular. This lower part of the room looks very impressive and interesting.
  • There may even be no doors to the kitchen at all., often use an arched entrance. If you decide to use a door, then it is advisable to choose an option with an abundance of glass elements, which makes the room area much lighter and more interesting in terms of design.
  • It is advisable to choose curtains a tone darker than common space in the room. But under no circumstances should you hang very dark ones. Interesting options are turquoise, purple, pink. These tones look interesting, perfectly complement the space, and protect from the sun.

Rules for selecting furniture

The set should be compact and, at the same time, maximally functional, contain built-in elements.

It is also important to choose the right table. It should have rounded corners. Using a bar counter would also be a great idea.

The sink should be integrated into the set so that it does not take up unnecessary space. Underneath there is usually a locker for the trash can.

All cabinets in the kitchen should contain a large number of elements and be spacious in order to arrange dishes and other utensils as compactly as possible.

The pencil case fits perfectly into the interior.

The stove should also be integrated into the set so that it does not catch the eye in the space of the room.

Lighting and ventilation

In a Khrushchev-era kitchen, it is imperative to install the most powerful hood, which will not allow odors to spread throughout the home.

As for lighting, it should be bright. But due to the small area, you won’t need too powerful chandeliers.

If they are positioned correctly, your kitchen will always be light and bright.

You can conduct an experiment to understand how much a kitchen means to a person - try not using it for a while. It turns out that you can’t live a day without her. Boil the kettle, cook food, wash the dishes - you need to do this all the time. Kitchen design is very important.

Miniature kitchen

Kitchen in Khrushchev and not only in Khrushchev - it’s only 5 square meters. m. Design influences the subconscious. Where does it come from - claustrophobia? Perhaps the whole point is that the kitchen is too crowded? An obese person will feel uncomfortable in such a room. Is there really nothing that can be done?

If the atmosphere is uncomfortable, gloomy, sad, this is bad. It is not always possible to combine the kitchen with the living room. You have to rely on imagination and tricks, techniques, methods of design art. In most cases, they really solve the problem and work wonders.

You will need composure and precision: if you try, the kitchen will turn into a beautiful, comfortable, safe room. Photo of a kitchen 5 sq. m., different styles, interesting options will help you create a sketch, inspire change and risky, bold decisions.

There cannot be a smaller area. This is the maximum permissible figure - 5 sq.m. Prove that in such a kitchen you can cook a lot delicious dishes easily. All you need is a cookbook and some time. But it is important to first prove that cooking is interesting, fun, and enjoyable.

If you don’t like the interior design deep down, it means that sooner or later you’ll get tired of cooking. This is, of course, not the best scenario. It’s nice to tinker with the stove in the winter, bake a pie, cut a salad, prepare a smoothie or kvass in the summer.

You will be in a great mood in the morning at any time of the year if you come to the kitchen, make a sandwich, eat an apple or drink juice, or brew coffee.


Kitchen interior 5 sq.m. These are mainly household appliances. Standardly it includes the following elements:

  • fridge;
  • stove;
  • oven;
  • sink;
  • microwave;
  • column or boiler;
  • washing machine;
  • countertop or table;
  • hanging cabinets.

In this case, only one person can stay on it, maximum two. The three of us are already uncomfortable. We need to decide whether there is anything unnecessary in the kitchen. Perhaps it's time to move the refrigerator into the living room, install it next to the bar, if there is one, and put the washing machine in the bathroom.

The dimensions of equipment and furniture and configuration are of great importance. There is no price for hanging cabinets or cabinets if they are long but not wide.

The window sill can be dismantled and a countertop or even a sink can be installed in its place. The flower will fit on the shelf. It just seems like a window sill is needed in the kitchen. In fact, nothing bad will happen if you dismantle it. The window frame will still function well.

Small-sized kitchens are not only obstacles and problems, but also a source of ideas. There is no need to remove walls if we are talking about load-bearing ones, when there is no desire to spend a lot of time and effort. At the same time, it is quite possible to make one decorative “window” in the wall small sizes overlooking next room, or several, place a vase or candlestick.

Such “windows” can be round or triangular. They can be decorated with colored glass. A partition is an elegant decoration, a separate element. The wall is the background for furniture and equipment.

The secret to a successful layout is corner sets and cabinets

Main secret good planning kitchens - use of corners. Usually a solid wall is created from a sink, stove, washing machine or refrigerator, countertop. If you use the corners, more elements will fit and it will be convenient. True, the walls will attract a lot of attention. You may or may not like this effect.

Shelves will help hide the walls. You can seriously think about mosaics made of stones, for example, replacing tiles and wallpaper. It is rational to attach an artificial vine to the wall, hang wooden spoons, boards with photo printing. You can leave everything as is or add another module.

It is important not to forget that hanging cabinets are not very convenient and safe to place using corners. The doors must open in such a way that the doors do not interfere with each other.

You can simply stumble upon them in the dark when entering a room, hit them - next to doorway It’s better not to hang them. You need to pay close attention to their color. It should be:

  • beautiful;
  • not too dark or combined with other colors;
  • one of the favorites;
  • match the color of the stove, sink, refrigerator, etc.

Natural colors - orange, green, yellow - have been proven to improve appetite. But if an abstract design is applied to the surface, the colors can certainly be different. This is an artist's workshop, every professional chef knows this.

They create paintings, portraits, and landscapes from cream, ice cream, chocolate and more. So you can conduct an experiment, choose kitchen set with strange, mysterious flowers. The main thing to remember is that it is orange, yellow, green that improves mood - light, rich colors, bright colors.

From floor to ceiling

Wardrobes cover the entire wall, including corners - this arrangement can visually narrow the space and make it dark. A lot of spotlights will not solve the problem. A corner kitchen with rounded lines is a good option worthy of attention. Light is reflected from the surface more evenly, and not as many shadows are formed.

If it is assumed that the equipment will be built into the kitchen set, this is very good. This technique reduces the risk domestic injuries, the space is filled with aesthetics.

Using space vertically is another secret to a successful layout. Creating a kind of column from equipment or installing high vertical shelves is a rational use of space, maximum efficiency

Kitchen 5 sq. m. with a refrigerator up to the ceiling and a layout with an emphasis on vertical placement looks great. There will most likely be a place in it for a dining group - a corner bench and a coffee or tea table of a triangular, for example, round shape.

Does it make sense to look for a place for a chair or bench? Sometimes you want to sit down and wait for the water to boil. Need a chair. It is advisable to install it, despite the fact that the area is small.

Perhaps a small kitchen is not a place for a meal; it is better to put a table in the living room, but it is at least relevant to add a soft bench or one soft stool to the interior.

If a guest comes to the house, why not sit in the kitchen while the food is prepared? This is a long-standing tradition - to gather not in the living room, but in a place where you can smoke, drink tea, and discuss something without strangers.

You can carve out a place in the kitchen for one bar stool - it’s beautiful, bright option, comfortable, extravagant. Kitchen design 5 sq. m with his appearance will become more elegant and interesting. Such chairs, like a home bar, are not a problem to purchase. They are always available in furniture stores.

Creative solutions

Furniture and appliances, their surfaces, as well as the walls and ceiling of the kitchen are affected by many negative factors - moisture, steam, heat and more. If the room is well ventilated, the ventilation system functions normally, the degree of harm will be small. Relevant to use in this case open cabinets, without doors, shelves.

Thanks to this, the effect of lightness, intricacy and ornateness will be created, but not heaviness or clutter. Original design kitchen 5 square meters will lift your spirits. This is the ideal atmosphere for creating culinary masterpieces and creativity.

Glass doors are another non-standard move. Cabinets can resemble a sideboard or a bar. Is it good or bad? The glare from the lamp may be a little disturbing, but maybe the kitchen will be a hundred times brighter and more comfortable.

Dishes and seasonings will definitely not gather dust. On the other hand it is less rational decision than ordinary doors, because on such a surface any contamination will be noticeable.

A small kitchen area motivates you to look for a way to accommodate all the necessary items, create the illusion of space, and an atmosphere of absolute comfort. It’s not for nothing that small rooms are considered more comfortable. This is true. This is easy to verify.

Photo of a kitchen 5 sq. m.

Repair work in a house or apartment most often takes place in all rooms of the apartment or house. It all depends on the condition of a particular room and, of course, financial situation owners. But, wherever and whatever the repair, ordinary people want to get excellent results and use every square meter wisely.

There is never too much space in an apartment - especially when it comes to Khrushchev. Today we’ll talk about one of the rooms in such an apartment – ​​the kitchen.

The essence of the problem of renovation work in a small kitchen

There is no need to say again that apartments in the so-called “Khrushchevka” - panel or brick two- to five-story buildings - are not only very small, but also have a very inconvenient layout. The problem is especially acute square meters touched the kitchens.

Back in the USSR they brought a lot of inconvenience, and the situation decades later is even more complicated: the presence of a large number of different kitchen appliances drives many into a dead end, turning the problem of kitchens of 5-6 square meters into a real headache.

Is it possible to make a kitchen in a Khrushchev building with an area of ​​5 square meters? m, both functional and compact, so that you have everything you need for proper cooking? Place household appliances - for example, a refrigerator, gas stove, washing machine? Place a dining table for at least 2-4 people? How to properly organize the kitchen space so that you can cook and relax comfortably?

There are many similar questions. We will try to answer these questions to the best of our knowledge and capabilities.

Organization of space

Before embarking on the topic of kitchen interior design in Khrushchev, take note of the basic rule for its design - this is order in the full sense of the word.

Important! Clutter is the main enemy of your small kitchen. Therefore, when starting renovation work, remove everything unnecessary, and best of all, empty the room completely.

Any kitchen can be made more functional: believe it, plan everything correctly and at the end of the renovation work you will get an excellent result.

Rule #1. Space is king. Down with clutter is the first and main rule. Always remember him.

Let's give an example. If you follow main point When using the kitchen, namely cooking, the room can be freed from the dining table. This way, we get more space to move around the kitchen and move the eating area into a larger room.

A refrigerator will also help save space. Of course, if you prefer horizontal version. They are not so common, but its surface can serve as a working part. It can be built into a cabinet/cabinet. As a result, you are guaranteed cozy kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq. m with a refrigerator.

Small kitchens in Khrushchev also do not tolerate heavy curtains, huge carpets, many decorative plates, various photos in frames and paintings.

Transformable furniture is welcome.

Rule #2. Interior design of a small kitchen: selecting colors and visualizing. When renovating a small room, give preference only to cream or light beige tones, which, unlike dark tones, make the room visually larger. It becomes light, bright and spacious.

A large chandelier will also help make your small kitchen look bigger. She's pretty dimensions will allow you to divert attention from the small size of the room, and the room will seem much more spacious.

In addition, you can choose a chandelier with a strong construction and its top part use as a shelf, for example, for spices.

Give preference to light colors and shades that match the furniture. They, of course, can be a little darker than the walls, but not too dark. Select everything according to the rules of contrast. If the selection is not entirely successful, the room may turn into a solid bright spot. Strong contrast is also not an option.

That's all for now. Let's summarize briefly. A small kitchen welcomes space and visualization that makes it feel bigger.

Let's take this into account and look for several solutions to the quadrature problem.

Increasing the area

Having outlined the problems of renovation work in a small kitchen and considered the main rules for renovation, we present several ways to increase the area of ​​​​the kitchen space.

Method one - demolition of partitions between the kitchen and the adjacent room. The ideal option in this case would be the proximity of the kitchen to the living room. Removing the partition will not increase the area, but it will increase the space. Dinner table You can safely move it from the kitchen to the living room. The refrigerator can also be moved.

Another option - combine the kitchen with a balcony or loggia. There are two options for unification: with the demolition of the partition or without demolition. The first option will increase the area, the second will add space.

As in the previous version, we place everything that is “poorly priced” in the kitchen from appliances and furniture on the balcony or loggia.

And the last option - moving the wall. It is not used very often as it very rarely helps with space problems.

Important! Any apartment has load-bearing walls, which cannot be transferred or can be transferred, but only with the permission of special services.

Method number 2. Visualize, visualize and visualize again. If the first way to solve the area problem is not quite your option, then we use the art of visualization.
Use of various design techniques and ergonomics will help us visually increase the kitchen space.

Firstly, do not clutter square meters.

Secondly, choose a kitchen set that consists of many cabinets. With a large presence of elements, it will appear larger than its actual size. Wall cabinets choose high. Perfect option- up to the ceiling.

Third, use mirrors. The presence of a reflection will make you think that the room is larger than it actually is.

Fourthly, let's work with light and color. About the bright one color scheme we have already mentioned. But here we focus your attention on the fact that you can add a few bright spots to your kitchen design, highlighting functional areas. Then we turn on the light.

Ideal if the entire ceiling and functional areas are illuminated.

Duet of light on the ceiling and backlit functional zones V bright colors will visually increase the space.

Work zone

Dealing with the issue of designing a work area in a kitchen of 5 square meters. m, you need to make the right bet: we choose not quantity, but quality and functionality. Sink, stove and refrigerator - you can’t do without these “three pillars”. We definitely install it.

But what about installing others? useful inventions in the field of kitchen appliances? We adhere to the following tips:

  • the stove is sacred, but we can also save money on it by installing a hob;
  • a mini-oven can replace the absence of a stove;
  • if we choose a microwave, then only the mini option;
  • remember, you can install a small washing machine or dishwasher under the sink;
  • You can solve the issue with the refrigerator by choosing one of the options given above in the article;
  • We select either a transformable table or a folding one, like on a train. Another option is to take it out of the kitchen;
  • the window sill can act as an additional work area. To the right and left of it you can place several shelves. Just think through everything so that the window opens. If it is large, then one of its parts can also be used for shelves.

Having already somewhat understood the interior design of the kitchen, let's look at the two most popular options for its arrangement. It's about about the kitchen with a gas water heater and about the corner set.

We suggest you study; You can also decide on the design option, the required number of cabinets, shelves and other furniture using visual examples.

You can see photos with design options for a 5-meter kitchen with a refrigerator.

Ideas for the design and layout of a bathtub in Khrushchev can be studied in the article at:

Corner kitchen

Yes, the kitchen in Khrushchev is 5 square meters. m is really a real “headache”, but it’s not as bad as it seemed. Let's see how you can design a corner option.

We will not repeat the tips that we have already mentioned. You can look at several kitchen options in the photo and roughly select the design that you like.

But there was no mention of the furniture arrangement elements. There are three of them:

  • in the shape of the letter G;
  • in the shape of the letter P;
  • round.

The first option involves the use of two walls. This layout option corner kitchen- the most popular.

The second option involves placing the kitchen set along three walls, thus creating two corners. But this option allocates much more space specifically for the headset.

The third option guarantees good functionality and pleases the eye with an unusual arrangement. This method is not widely used.

Important! For a kitchen in Khrushchev, it is best to make custom-made furniture. As a result, you will get exactly the one that is ideal for your kitchen. For any of the layout options, they will make you excellent furniture from MDF, chipboard, multiplex - these materials have a higher priority in use.

Kitchen with gas water heater

To have in stock geyser- a very good option for any kitchen, although if the area is insufficient, the problem of the location of the unit itself always arises. This everyday question can also be solved by choosing the right place.

In addition, it is very easy to hide it, since many housewives are not entirely sympathetic to this “architectural excess.” A hanging cabinet will correct the situation.

Read on for basic tips on how to hide a speaker in a wall cabinet. Such disguise has its own nuances:

  1. When starting work related to the installation of a geyser, consult a fire safety specialist.
  2. Having learned all the nuances and details from a specialist, make a wide cabinet for the gas water heater, which should have many ventilation holes.
  3. Insulate the walls well.
  4. Make holes for gas pipe and corrugations.

Instead of a total

No matter how many square meters your kitchen or other room occupies, always remember: a little of your imagination, invention, a couple of consultations with specialists - and your interior, even a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, will look like the photo from fashion magazines!

We invite you to watch a video that will demonstrate other kitchen options in Khrushchev:

Photo gallery

This photo selection of interiors small kitchens in Khrushchev - for your inspiration and the birth of new design ideas:

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