Zoning a living room of 18 sq. m. Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room: design and functional content. Correct zoning of the room

Living room and bedroom in one room have become a fashionable design move for small apartments and houses. Properly dividing one standard room into two completely different zones, you can get a fairly secluded resting place and a cozy living room. Such a tandem (bedroom-living room) good decision in small city apartments and for families with children. By placing the bedroom on the far side of the room and visually separating it from “unnecessary views”, you can put the child to bed and continue doing your business or watching TV in the living area. You don’t have to pack up your bed every morning just because “someone might come in.” To create comfort, in addition to choice the right way zoning will need to pay attention to the selection of optimal furniture and the interior of such a room in which you can fully relax and spend time with friends.

Room zoning

Both zones should look like “halves” of one whole, obey the unity of style, but have their own individuality. The simplest, “roughest” design solution is the installation of a solid partition, that is regular wall. It is finished, covered with wallpaper, hung with photo collages, thematic paintings, and hanging shelves. This option is too “straightforward”, and without that small space will lose its “airiness”, lightness. Partial decorative partitions look good. For example, an arch with a soft curve, to which delicate beaded curtains are attached, will play the role of an illusory “demarcation line”. Simple curtains You shouldn’t write them off either: you can tie them up during the day and curtain your bedroom at night.

IN modern design The idea of ​​installing through shelving is popular. The rack fits harmoniously into the interior if its color is matched to the tone of the wall decoration and the rest of the furniture. It is better if it “stretches” all the way to the ceiling, since in this case the delimiter divides the space completely, leaving no hope of “merging” the two rooms. In general, in such combined options it is not recommended to use cabinets, cabinets and other “closed” pieces of furniture for storing things. Shelving can be installed not only between zones, but also in the living room itself. They help add lightness to an already limited room and visually expand it. It is convenient to zone the space when it comes to indoors rectangular shape. If the room is square, designers recommend abandoning the division and, for example, combining a bed with a sofa or placing a sofa at the “foot” of the bed. Alternative options use a portable screen, which, if not needed, can be easily assembled and placed in the far corner.

It is important to know! This original solution will significantly save space, which is “vitally” necessary in standard one-room apartments in old Khrushchev-era buildings, for example. The apartments in them are of the same type and there can be no talk of a wide “scope”. In private houses, living rooms are usually combined with a dining area, and bedrooms with boudoirs.

Furniture layout

Before renovating and decorating the premises, a detailed design project for a bedroom-living room with an area of ​​18 square meters is developed. m. Each square meter in a limited space must have its own functional purpose. Avoid an abundance of small parts and a large number of furnishings. If a bed, then a transforming bed; if it’s a sofa, then a folding sofa; If it's a table, then it's multifunctional. In the sleeping area, adhere to the golden rule of minimalism when choosing furniture: a bed, a pouf or two armchairs and a compact bedside table are enough.

In the guest area, only the basic furniture elements, which are vital for good rest and convenient holding of guest “audiences”. This is where you should put a soft, cozy sofa, which, if necessary, will be folded out and become another sleeping place for those guests who have nowhere to go at night. A small, low table and a couple of armchairs will allow you to organize leisure time or read away from the noisy “sofa” company. Open shelving will accommodate books, trinkets and functional items. IN alternative Sometimes they use niches in the walls, which are designed not only around the perimeter, but also on the partition between zones. Of course, the question will arise about storage space for your wardrobe. If you still decide on a closet, it is better to use a corner one. It is not so noticeable, and visually “eats up” a tiny space so imperceptibly that it does not at all spoil the microclimate in the room.

It is important to know! The popular Art Deco style can save even tiny rooms. In a small living room, instead of a sofa, it is enough to place a couch with soft blue velor upholstery. The couch is decorated with a pair of pillows and a casually thrown plain blanket. Several compact poufs in light shades with floral patterns will replace massive armchairs. A white through shelving unit made of wood, which rests on a gray wall with rough-textured wallpaper, will become a spacious place to store “all sorts of things.” The picture is completed by a couple of touches in the form of neat lamps on the shiny decorative tiles of the walls.

Color design

For such small room, which has two functions at once, it is better to use pastel shades. They can be combined with bright colors, but the emphasis should be on light wall decoration. Typical apartments with low ceilings (Brezhnevka, Khrushchev) will have to be “inflated” with the help of lighting and light shades of the top. Colors can also be “woven” into the zoning of space. For example, the same, divided wall can be decorated in different colors different scales to emphasize its different functional purposes. Designers love to “play” with such combinations:

  • Lilac, gray;
  • Blue, beige;
  • Burgundy, coral;
  • Mint, gray;
  • Black, yellow;
  • Orange, gray;
  • Green, beige;
  • Blue, walnut;
  • Purple, yellow.

Any of these duets will look harmonious with white and any shades of pastel colors.


Try to avoid heavy, bulky chandeliers that used to be so popular to hang in the center of the room. Firstly, there are now two “centers” in the bedroom-living room. Secondly, all the efforts in playing with color will come to naught if a standard chandelier appears. This should be taken into account even if the room is decorated in an elaborate Rococo or Empire style. It is better to use elegant sconces or luxurious lamps, abandoning the “central” lighting. Modern styles use spot lighting around the entire perimeter of the room. Miniature light bulbs are also placed on the shelves, as if illuminating their contents. Don't be afraid to "play" with metal surfaces, imitation metal and glass, if you need to make a room of eighteen sq.m. even more spacious. In the living area, which is decorated in one of the modern “cold” styles, it is allowed to use “cold” light. Softer lighting is installed in the bedroom.

It is important to know! Multi-stage lighting, in which devices are placed on different levels, is also welcome. But be careful with this option: you can unconsciously highlight the shortcomings of the room, hiding the advantages. If you do not know how to calculate the finished result of such design in the future, then it is better to contact specialists.

Windows and doors

Most designers advise installing big windows to the floor This French version will harmoniously resonate not only with traditional Provence, but also with modern Scandinavian style, chaotic eclecticism or restrained art deco. Don't clutter beautiful view heavy curtains. There will be enough light curtains that will cover you from the eyes of curious passers-by, but will not prevent you from admiring the views. Window frames It is better to choose classic white. When developing the design of a room of 18 sq.m. bedroom-living room do not miss this important point, like the color scheme of curtains. It should resonate with general style, but a couple of tones lighter than the colors chosen as the main ones. If it is not possible to change the windows, then simply change the frames and get rid of the window sills. They lose their functionality if a special stand for a couple of flower pots is placed in the room. Therefore, it is enough to leave “bare” windows, which in their “nakedness” are ideal for decorating a bedroom in a minimalist or high-tech style.

If the house has a living room-bedroom of 18 square meters, the photos and design options presented in our article will help you create a cozy, comfortable environment in such a room. This issue should be approached with special care, using imagination and showing originality. Then you will want to return to the bedroom interior again and again.

Most city apartments have small rooms, which significantly complicates the process of interior decoration, selection of furniture. The design of a living room with a sleeping area of ​​only 18 square meters pursues– successful zoning so that a person gets a workplace, a sleeping bed and a relaxation area after a hard day in a single space. Do not forget that in this room you still need to organize a place to store wardrobe items: clothes, shoes. In other words, create an interesting, functional, comfortable interior in a tiny room of 18 square meters is not so easy. But if you follow the advice experienced designers, which are present in that article, this process will turn into an exciting adventure for you. And the next photo will help you verify this.

Layout options

The layout as a basis for a small living room will determine its overall design, the functionality of the space, and the degree of comfort for the apartment’s residents. How to arrange the current furniture here, how to divide the room into zones so that it acquires maximum comfort for the residents? Therefore, it is worth listening to the opinion of experienced residential decorators, who certainly know several simple but at the same time successful techniques for solving this problem.

Let's consider the most successful ways to create a bedroom interior, suggested to users by experienced designers:

  • hall – transforming into a bedroom;
  • combination of sofa, bed, workplace;
  • zoning waiver;
  • using a niche to install a bed.

Small cozy bedroom with a niche for a bed
Living room bedroom with work place, sofa and bed
Single bedroom living room space without zoning
Bedroom with folding sofa

Living room 18 square meters with a folding sofa

The design as in the photo is a classic way to decorate the living room of a tiny apartment. The living room is endowed with high functionality, and in the evening and at night it becomes a bedroom. Transformation is achieved by unfolding the sofa from a “sitting” position into a full-fledged sleeping place. After all, it is extremely difficult to place a sofa, as well as a full-fledged bed, in such an area. And the “transformer” option will be distinguished by high functionality and convenience, because the space of the room will not be burdened or overloaded with an excessive amount of furniture.

It is worth noting the fact that it is necessary to arrange all the interior items present in such a room taking into account the fact that at night the sofa needs to be unfolded. This means that no accessories, cabinets, or tables should interfere with this.

Workplace, sofa and full bed

This interior of a living room of 18 square meters is shown in the photo below. It is complex, however, and can be completed without help professional designers. A single or double bed, at the choice of residents, is located behind a light fabric screen, which is mounted using special fasteners to ceiling surface. You can also use a stationary one as a screen plasterboard partition. The design can be carved or decorated in the form of frosted glass. The main rule is that the partition should not look bulky, so as not to visually make a room of 18 square meters even smaller and more uncomfortable. On the other side there is a sofa next to it. You can save money by choosing a non-folding compact model.

The workplace in the interior should be placed with one side towards the sofa, the other towards the window where there is a lot of light. It is important to abandon heavy textiles on the window in favor of light flowing curtains. Then additional lighting when working at a desk will be needed only in the late evening and at night. But the TV needs to be installed opposite the sofa. If possible, it is good to place a cabinet or a small coffee table near the TV.

As for the desk, it is better if it is complemented by cabinets and shelves for storing accessories and items necessary for work.

Holistic space

A rectangular-shaped living room of 18 square meters can be decorated without using zoning techniques at all. Then you will get a single space that will look very original and unusual. Look at the following photo to see this. The pieces of furniture present here will be standard: a bed, a sofa, a TV with a cabinet, a wardrobe (book or wardrobe), a coffee table, and so on. However, their arrangement without dividing the room into zones will look like an innovative solution.

So, according to tradition, we place the sofa next to one of the more long walls, and opposite the TV on a stand or cabinet. You can install a cabinet or bookcase with books on the side of the TV. But the bed and bedside tables are placed against a short wall, which is located opposite the wall with a window. Do not forget about the benefits of carpets in such an interior. They will make it residential and cozy. Soft carpet Can be placed under the bed or next to the sofa.

Remember, the space of the room should not be overloaded with an excessive number of small items and accessories. Then its design will be complete and holistic, attractive and residential.

Living room design with a bed in a niche

If the hall has a recess in the form of a large niche, it is rational to place a bed in it, which can be hidden behind thread curtains. And decorate the rest of the room in the style of a classic living room with a sofa, armchairs, coffee table, TV, bookshelves and cabinets. A niche with a bed will look very interesting if the ceiling surface above it is decorated using LED strip and spot light. The ceiling in the rest of the 18 square meter bedroom can be decorated using a standard chandelier placed in the center of the room.

If you want to buy a wardrobe small bedroom living room, then let it be a compartment design with sliding doors. Such doors do not require much space when opened, which means the interior will not be overloaded. And if their design includes the use of mirrors, then the space of the room will visually expand even more.

Look at the photo to judge finished interior bedroom hall 18 square meters with a successfully decorated niche. This is a functional space, which at the same time looks very attractive, fashionable and stylish. It’s good to complement this design with green plants in stylish flowerpots. After all, there are many benefits from having such accessories in the house:

  • absorb carbon dioxide released into the air during human breathing and release oxygen. Thereby ornamental plants provide the home with a fresh and healthy atmosphere;
  • prevent the appearance of dust;
  • pleases the human eye;
  • decorate the house.

Color solution

Regarding what colors should be used to decorate the interior of a bedroom of 18 square meters, we note the following:

  • for wall decoration it is better to choose light colors that promote visual expansion narrow space. In a room like this next photo It’s very pleasant to relax and it’s easier to work. The same applies to the finishing of the ceiling surface. The most acceptable option here is white. It, in combination with LED or spot lighting, will add spaciousness to the interior of the room;
  • For finishing the floor, you can choose both medium-dark and light colors. But on dark floor dust and dirt are more noticeable, which is something the housewife should keep in mind. But light shades are more practical;
  • The color scheme of the furniture will depend on the rest of the room’s decoration. In a bright room, as in the photo below, you can choose almost any tone furniture set. The main thing is that it does not look too gloomy and cumbersome;
  • if you want some bright accents, use accessories or textiles in catchy colors. This will allow you to create both a visually spacious and a modern, fashionable living room bedroom. This option is shown in the photo below.

We also add that fashionable decorators of residential premises today advise against using a large combination of different colors when decorating a living room or bedroom of 18 square meters. An interior that is overly overloaded with color will not be conducive to rest and relaxation.


If a small bedroom in a city apartment is dark, you need to take care of proper lighting of this space. Then it will acquire a cozy atmosphere, warmth and a cheerful mood.A well-lit bedroom is the key to the well-being of its inhabitants. Great option can be multi-level ceiling with LED lighting and central lighting in the form of a chandelier. It is good to turn on the lighting in the evening to create the intimate atmosphere that a bedroom should be famous for. But during the day you can use the light from a chandelier suspended in the center of the room. Zoning with spot light will allow you to focus on a specific part of the room space. This design always looks harmonious, laconic, and a person will feel comfortable and pleasant living here.

Items are mobile and, if necessary, can be placed on desk, and if you want to relax while reading your favorite book, move it to the bedside table.


Today the choice of furniture for the hall is huge. Manufacturing factories create many items from different materials, original design, non-standard appearance, color and with original decor. What furniture should be preferred in a small room besides a bed and a sofa? Let's answer this question using a table.

Piece of furniture Relevance
Closet It is compact even in open form thanks to the sliding door system. At the same time, it allows you to accommodate a huge number of clothes, shoes, bedding, and other wardrobe items.
Shelves, hanging open shelves Allows you to successfully place books, magazines, accessories, etc. decorative elements. They look quite airy, relaxed, and the space of the hall is not overloaded with an excessive amount of furniture.
Glass or plastic coffee table or bedside tables They are distinguished by their weightlessness and special charm; they seem to float above the floor, adding special attractiveness, lightness, and harmony to the interior.

Personal space for a child becomes a problem if the family lives in a small apartment. A baby can sleep in the same room with his parents, but older children need not only a full-fledged sleeping place, but also a corner for studying. In such a situation, the solution to the problem is the living room-children's room. The lack of living space is compensated by expanding the functionality of the premises.

Zoning a room into a living room and a children's room

Allocating personal space for a child through zoning is very good decision. To do this, the largest room, which is most often the living room, is divided into two zones. It is very important to do zoning correctly. It is necessary to take into account the size and shape of the room. With an area of ​​up to 15 square meters, zoning is unlikely to work. It is optimal to have at your disposal from 25 sq.m.

When allocating a specific place in a room, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Comfortable temperature. This assumes that the child will not sit directly next to the radiator, where it is too hot.
  • It is also impossible to arrange a children's area in an unheated room.
  • Good natural light.
  • No drafts. You cannot place a children's corner near the door.

At the first stage, you need to create a project that will allow you to visualize how the zones will be placed. A good option For small room– this is visual zoning. It involves separation only due to interior items and the color scheme used in the decoration.

Partition options

It’s simply wonderful when the footage allows you to separate the living room and children’s areas using a partition. In such an area, the child can sleep peacefully. He will not be disturbed by a working TV or lamp light. Such a space will allow everyone to feel comfortable. Noisy games will also not irritate parents.

Types of partitions

      • Glass. It is well suited when you need to create good lighting for two zones.

      • Plasterboard or plywood. These materials allow you to create an artificial doorway, which can be made in the form of an arch.
      • Fabric. This partition can be easily moved or moved apart. This makes it possible to quickly return the room to its original condition.

      • Plastic or wood.

    Often the division of zones is done using furniture. Shelving is good for this. They are also quite roomy and can accommodate a lot of books, children's toys, as well as family photos. In addition to shelving, cabinets are successfully used.

    When choosing a plasterboard partition, you need to take into account that its installation will require significant changes in the room. Most likely, you will need to renovate and create additional lighting sources. It is also not easy to dismantle such a structure.

    Visual division of zones

    In rooms with a small area, the only possible way to highlight a children's area is visual. There are various design techniques that allow this to happen:

    1. multi-level ceilings,
    2. creating a podium (elevation),

    3. use of different colors,
    4. connecting the loggia to the main room,
    5. arrangement of a niche.

    You can use various combinations of the above design solutions or each of them separately.

    Obviously, the presence of a niche makes it easy to solve the problem of identifying a children's corner. But it is not always there.

    In order to attach the loggia to the room, it will need to be carefully insulated. Such work will require significant financial costs. You will also have to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment.

    Most often, the choice stops at a combination of colors and decorative elements. For example, placing children's themed paintings or drawings made by the child himself on the walls makes it possible to more clearly delimit the space.

    Practical children's furniture

    It is important to arrange the furniture correctly in the living room. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Children's furniture should be harmoniously combined with the interior of the living room. What furniture a child needs depends on his age.

    For small children under one year old you will need:

    Children under three years old can sleep in a crib, but then they will need a full-fledged sleeping place.

    Children from 1 to 6 years old need a lot of space to play and store toys.

    Schoolchildren need an equipped place to do homework, store books and school supplies.

    Manufacturers offer combined designs that include a bed, a desk, various drawers and cabinets. This is very convenient and saves space significantly.

    The style of furniture should be different from adult furniture. This will also highlight the division of the room.

    There are a lot of different design ideas for zoning a living room. All that remains is to choose the option that is suitable for a particular room. Modern materials and a variety of furniture will allow you to bring any project to life.

    Design options for children's living room

    At self-creation It’s better to get acquainted with the project different ideas, which are easy to find on the Internet. There are photos and detailed descriptions. If difficulties arise, then you should order a design project for the living room and children’s room from professionals.

    Recommendations for decorating the living room and children's room:

    Zoning the living room with a children's corner is easy to do. You just need to use the available space wisely. To choose an acceptable option, you will have to study many catalogs with photos of various interiors. The main thing is that the room after separation is comfortable for all family members.

Small rooms and spacious rooms need proper renovation and arrangement of their space. Therefore, the design project of the bedroom-living room 18 square meters causes some difficulties for its creator.

Proper distribution of space in a small living area can be called a real art.

Designers go to great lengths to squeeze two functional objects into such a small space. This article will detail all the nuances design projects with attached photos.

Thoughtful interior design of a room of 18 sq.m. for the living room and bedroom will make the room original, comfortable and cozy.

Options for design projects for bedrooms and living rooms of 18 square meters with photographs

In order to competently arrange a living room-bedroom of 18 square meters as in the photo, you need to fully take into account all the subtleties of arrangement for such interiors.

It is necessary to follow the rule: an abundance of little things overloads the space of the room.

  • To give greater effect to the interior of the bedroom-living room, a pastel palette is used to decorate the space in combination with bright shades to visually enlarge the space.
  • To increase the amount of light that enters the room, you can install panoramic windows.
  • To increase the functionality of the room, furniture transformers are used.
  • To visually raise the ceiling, you can install a small chandelier instead of a large and bulky one.
  • Using shelves instead of cabinets can give your interior a more miniature look.
  • You can use a spectacular contrasting wall as a division.

This, in combination with the shades of the bedroom or living room, will allow you to highlight this or that area against the background of the entire room.

Varieties of bedroom designs 18 square meters

The location of the dressing room in the bedroom has its advantages and disadvantages.

Partitions that change the perception of space will allow you to divide a room into several zones.

The advantages include the following factors.

  • Clothes are always at hand. You can get dressed much faster.
  • The interior of a bedroom combined with a dressing room and decorated in the same style looks more attractive.
  • In the process of searching for suitable clothes, other inhabitants of the apartment will be left alone.
  • The presence of a dressing room allows you to avoid installation additional cabinets, dressers.

With proper planning of the dressing room, you can organize a place to change clothes.

Advice. By using various devices (clamps, rods), you can use the usable space more intelligently.

In order to more competently design the bedroom-living room, you need to select more suitable option. There are times when creating a design is beyond the ability of the apartment owner. In this case, it is necessary to seek the help of qualified specialists.

First, the location for the future installation of the dressing room is determined.

You can choose from one of the options.

  • Corner installation - the product is installed in a corner that is free. In this case they use sliding doors. The installation looks more attractive if it is placed at the head of the bed.
  • In the direction of a blank wall - an option for a room with large dimensions. The wall can be made from plasterboard material coated with finishing materials. Proper lighting should also be installed to cover the entire dressing area.
  • Near window wall– a niche-like design is suitable. You can install a dressing table near the window opening for trying on clothes or combing.

This option is suitable for a rectangular or square room.

In most cases, the dressing room is an enclosed space, separated from the rest of the living space.

For your information! In a living space, several areas for storing things are often created.

A competent dressing room is distinguished by versatility, convenience and attractiveness with a competent arrangement of elements.

The color of the cabinet can be updated to change and diversify the interior.

Qualified experts suggest taking the following points into account.

  • The far corner is reserved for a closet and shelves on which things that are used less often will be placed.
  • The size of this zone should occupy at least two square meters.
  • It is recommended to pack small items in labeled boxes.
  • Ties and belts are placed in special compartments to avoid loss.
  • Using high shelves or cabinets, it is recommended to use a folding ladder.
  • Metal and plastic fastenings tubular in shape, attached to the crossbar.
  • For comfortable fitting, a mirror is installed.

The product range allows the buyer to choose the material.

Furnishing the bedroom-living room

When creating a design project, it is calculated correctly required quantity furniture for a comfortable environment. It is better to leave more space than to overload the interior with unnecessary objects.

Thoughtful organization of space on limited area- it's almost art.

You can select the necessary interior items, namely:

  • the presence of a sofa or bed;
  • small table;
  • several chairs;
  • wardrobe;
  • open hanging shelves;
  • bookshelf.

A cabinet or rack, which will be used as a delimiter, perfectly divides the space into zones.

A folding sofa is an integral part of the bedroom and living room. This sofa is used for its intended purpose during the day and as a sleeping place at night. It is better to purchase a high-quality sofa model in order to extend its service life.

A folding sofa will help combine the living room and bedroom in one room.

A corner sofa saves a lot of space if a lot of people live in the apartment or a large group gathers. Built-in shelves and drawers will be an additional convenience.

Perfect for a studio apartment modern styles in design interior space rooms.

Planning a bedroom according to the principle “Fit everything in”

Before installing furniture, you need to draw up a real plan of the living space, which will clearly demonstrate how the room will look after installing the furniture.

Keep the bedroom and living room clear of clutter, using only necessary furniture.

When compiling it, pay attention to the following features.

  • How the windows are placed.
  • Measure the walls.
  • How are the sockets located?
  • Where doors, niches, ledges are installed.

Zoning a room is a great idea for dividing space that designers use.

Furniture is usually arranged according to the following rules.

  • In general ergonomics.
  • According to the rules of Feng Shui, the direction of the legs in a lying position should not be turned towards the exit. The best option– place the sleeping place with its head to the wall.
  • Towards the cardinal points - you will have a good sleep if you lie in a north or east direction.

Attention! When installing objects, leave a gap of at least 70 millimeters. The bed is installed at a distance of 4-5 meters from the TV.

If there are several windows in the room, the bed can be placed between them. In this case, select a bed with a low headboard.

Sunlight will enter the room unhindered.

To balance the space, a chest of drawers is installed opposite the bed. You can also install a TV on it.

A wardrobe can help with compact storage of things. It blends harmoniously with any layout and easily occupies corner space.

Look at examples that show distinctive features bedroom-living room design.

Room interior 18 sq.m. living room-bedroom and photo

Look at options for design solutions that save space, as well as photos of the design of a room of 18 square meters. m. bedroom living room.

The problem of zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room of 18 sq.m. lies in the design solution for dividing the living space.

Areas of space must be divided so that the zones of the room combine as a single whole.

For zoning you can use:

  • racks;
  • bookshelves;
  • sliding partitions.

Zoning with shelving is a simple and budget option. The main advantage of such a partition is the abundance of space for a home library. The disadvantages include the small height of serial production models and installation additional system for storing clothes.

Zoning with bookshelves is similar to zoning with shelving.

Using sliding partitions as a divider allows you to create separate zones. This option is distinguished by its perfection and sophistication of designs. They are made from high-quality fittings and are characterized by smooth operation. Sliding partitions can clearly divide a room or blur the outlines in a common space.

Bedroom-living room in one room

This design solution is used as a forced measure. For example, in a one-room or small apartment.

Comfortable free space in a stylish bedroom-living room.

Let's look at the main advantages of this design solution.

  • Availability of a full-fledged sleeping place in the living room.
  • By combining the bedroom and living room, space is freed up to create a work area.
  • Contact is constantly maintained with other family members while in the same room.

The disadvantages include:

  • not everyone is ready to sacrifice their intimate space;
  • inability to have privacy in front of other visitors;
  • When the TV is on in the living room, there are problems with silence in the bedroom.

The living room is the center of every home, and if combined with the bedroom, the room becomes the most important in the apartment.

The following rules for zoning premises can be distinguished.

  • It is necessary to functionally divide the room, dividing according to importance and secondary importance.
  • It is necessary to comply with the same designer style in the planning. Different zones should contain the same interior items.
  • Experts advise setting aside a place for the sleeping area next to the window.

Innovative ideas in design

For increase usable space The living space is combined with a balcony.

Free space can be arranged for a desk, dressing room, bar counter.

If the loggia is spacious enough, this space can be turned into a sleeping area. This eliminates the need to install a dividing wall.

In order to connect the living space to the loggia, you need to do everything necessary work on insulation, glazing, installation of heated floors.

Using the same color scheme on the balcony will look like one common area, at the same time it will allow you to turn the living room into a hall.


The bedroom-living room is an effective and multifunctional design solution for small apartments.

Competent preparation of a design project will allow you to effectively and comfortably use the living space, which will delight the inhabitants of the home every day.

VIDEO: How to harmoniously create a living room-bedroom design.

50 design options for living room-bedroom 18 sq. m.:

Regardless of the reasons why the owners of an apartment or house have to connect the living room with the bedroom, this room can be complete in each of its functional areas. Traditionally, sleeping areas are arranged using folding sofa, which also serves as a bed. But it will still be healthier to rest on a quality mattress, rather than on a folding sofa. That is why the living room-bedroom in one room should be fully functional, that is, on 18 square meters you need and, of course, can place both a sofa and a bed, even if you need a double bed.

Designers offer many interesting ideas for arranging such a space. Considering that not much space is needed for a full bedroom, the living room will be spacious and quite free. True, this will require giving up bulky furniture and detailed decor.

The photo shows the design of a living room-bedroom of 18 square meters. m in a modern style.

Any room can be made visually more spacious, and it can be divided into several functional zones without compromising freedom and ergonomics. Simple design techniques will help with this.

What you need to think about before starting repairs

Before starting to renovate any room, it is worth considering the details of design and finishing. If you can arrange it in any palette and style, then when you include an additional zone in the interior, you should make sure that the furnishings are light and the room is spacious.

A thoughtful color palette, an optimal stylistic solution, and a couple more secrets from designers will help with this.

  1. A living room-bedroom of 18 meters will be brighter and more spacious if you choose a light color scheme for its decoration. In this case, the ideal color is white, which in its achromatic essence simply reflects any rays, due to which it remains invisible. If you paint voluminous furniture in the room in the same tone, it will also visually not take up space, especially if it matches the color of the decoration.
  2. If it is possible to expand window openings, it is worth increasing them: The more natural light that enters the living room and bedroom, the more spacious they will appear.
  3. It is worth giving up bulky cabinet furniture. If there is a need for it, it is better to prefer the most capacious models, transformable products or built-in wardrobes. Any body elements can be open or closed. In the first case, you should not fill them with a variety of small objects, and in the second, it is advisable to choose smooth facades without fittings or glossy surfaces with backlighting.
  4. For lighting, you should choose laconic ones: volumetric chandeliers take up space not only actually, but also visually. Of course, a central lamp is needed in each zone, but it can also consist of many small light bulbs or reflective elements located in the same plane in order to be compactly placed parallel to the ceiling.
  5. If it is technically and financially possible, combine not only a bedroom, but also a balcony with the living room. Increasing the actual area will expand the design possibilities. In this case, there is no need to completely demolish the walls - you can leave their upper and lower parts for zoning and arranging work points - places for decoration, study or games.

A living room-bedroom of 18 square meters can be exactly what you would like: just imagine what you really need and cut off everything unnecessary. By decorating it in a light color scheme that is pleasing to your eye, you can achieve at least visual space and freedom.

Finishing the floor, walls and ceiling in the bedroom-living room

The choice of finishing materials largely depends on who will do the repairs: when ordering the work of craftsmen, you can choose different coatings of varying degrees of complexity, but self-finishing room determines the choice of simpler solutions. In any case, before you start arranging the bedroom and living room, you should identify the main parameters - style, color, zoning tools.

Bedroom-living room of 18 sq. m cannot be too delicate, as pompous details take up space. Therefore, designers recommend choosing minimalist, technologically advanced styles that use simple and laconic forms. At the same time, the content of such an interior will be capacious, because in a small area it is necessary to achieve maximum functionality.

To decorate the living room in an apartment, it is recommended to choose effective reflective surfaces. Of course, this does not mean that you need to decorate all the walls and ceiling with mirrors. Glossy coatings on furniture facades, glass inserts, and polished parts are enough.

Another nuance when choosing a finish is the shape of the room. A rectangular room is ideal, since here the bedroom will take less space than in a square living room. To decorate the latter, you can use stripes in wall decoration - to increase both the height and the length/width of the room.

Many owners wonder whether zoning is necessary in a room of 18 square meters. m. Designers are confident that a clear separation of zones helps make each of them more comfortable, even if the sleeping area takes up only 4 square meters of the entire area. By drawing boundaries, it is possible to achieve impeccable comfort.


One of current solutions– glossy, which promotes visual increase room height. But a continuous reflective coating is not universally welcomed by people who want to get the feeling of home in the walls of their apartment. The gloss is applicable to the multi-level design, which will also help define the living area. Above the bedroom it is better to use matte - satin canvases. Moreover, the color of these can be different - it is comfortable for you.

Along the contour of the living room combined with the bedroom, Spotlights in the same style as the central chandelier. To maintain a harmonious composition, you can devote a little space and effort to decor and creating a design in accordance with it. To do this, you can choose an elegant floor lamp and/or a pair.


Wall decoration will, of course, be more varied than ceiling covering. To do this, you can choose paint, plaster, wallpaper, and panels. The last option is of little use for a small room, because to install them you need to “subtract” a few centimeters from the perimeter to attach the guides.

As a rule, for finishing a small living room, 18 sq. m in the understanding of designers is not a lot at all; they choose a light palette, which can be realized using any finishing material. To save space, it is also recommended to abandon patterns - both large and small. To make a modest room comfortable and free, you should use a minimum of objects and surfaces that attract attention. In a similar way, you can implement the interior of the bedroom, then this area will be invisible, giving the main role to the living room. However, this is how it should be: the guest area is intended for spending time together and receiving guests, but the sleeping place is an exclusively personal space for one or a couple.

Among the harmonious design options:

  • Functional areas can be decorated in different shades, but in one organic range. In the area of ​​the sofa in the guest area they are installing accent trim- behind him or behind the TV. If there is a wall around the TV, it is better to make the surface behind the sofa an accent wall. To do this, choose coatings with a pattern or a color different from the main one. For a low room, it is optimal to choose wallpaper with vertical stripe. Suitable for a square room are large flowers, sunny skies, abstraction, etc.
  • Open horizontal shelves with lighting can become accents on any background.. Color radiation will create a special atmosphere, changing the shade of the finish.
  • For a comfortable bedroom, you can choose rich dark color . If it is in a gray palette, it will be possible to create the effect of a play of light and shadow, so that even during the day it will be cozy and comfortable enough to relax.
  • If the windows are located in the living room and not on the bedroom side, then you should take care of light finishing in this area. The surface behind the bed can be made in a deep color, but around it it is worth painting the surface in a neutral tone and providing high-quality lighting.


The floor in the combined living room-bedroom will be the same. Flooring is rarely used here for zoning, since it should be comfortable and warm throughout the room. Is it just highlighting with color when choosing identical material for the entire room.

In a combined space, there is no need to invent something new and special for the floor: here it is important to ensure harmony and comfort, as well as take care of practicality so that the surface is wear-resistant and easy to clean.

Choosing the color of the bedroom-living room interior

The color palette is one of those nuances that you can endlessly argue about, not so much with the designer as with your family. But it is important to understand that the interior of the living room, like the design of the bedroom, largely depends on the shade of the walls, furniture, and ceiling. Clean white design Many people do not like it because it is soiled, excessive external sterility and monotony. But it is this color that can make any room visually more spacious and illuminated. White seems to glow when the rays of the sun or light from lamps hit it. Sparkling surfaces allow you to expand the room, fill it with living light, and make it elegant.

Refusing white, you can choose other light shades and harmonious companion tones:

  • Instead of snow color, you can choose cool gray. In light shades, such a palette performs the same function as white, but plays the role of a shadow. In this range, intense asphalt looks beautiful, which can be chosen for accent surfaces. Harmonious in gray color There will also be textiles used in - knitted blankets, fluffy carpets, knitted upholstery of poufs. Design of a bedroom-living room of 18 square meters. m at the same time it will turn out to be quite cozy. Of course, with glossy surfaces and an abundance of glass, steel will also be cold. Therefore, the combination of techniques should be carefully considered.
  • – a warm and elegant palette that is widely used in interiors. This range contains ultra-light and fairly saturated shades, so well-composed compositions will be monochromatic and not boring. But the effect when designing with sand will not be the same as when choosing a white color, so here it is worth considering additional light sources. For example, useful techniques include lighting using sconces aimed at the ceiling. At the same time, the room will appear higher and there will be visually more space.
  • Pastel colors of green, blue, and yellow will provide a positive mood in the design. These shades look good with white, gray and beige. At the same time, the style actually doesn’t matter: in any ultra-technological direction, such tones will be cheerful and fresh, and in a more restrained design, close to the classics, a bedroom-living room of 18 m will be more emotional than in a white or beige design.

The photo shows a living room with a bedroom, separated by a chest of drawers.

Color design directly affects the mood in the interior. It can be a restrained environment - in gray or white tones, or a more emotional positive - in yellow tones, elegant with good taste– in beige shades. But at the same time, it’s still worth thinking about successful combinations for rooms of different shapes. For example, design square room 18 m for the bedroom and living room will require thinking about the layout and the least cumbersome zoning. Spatial and color illusions will help here, they will hide the sleeping area from view and allow you to comfortably spend time in any functional area.

We correctly place furniture on 18 square meters. meters

The interior of a living room is traditionally formed by a sofa, a TV, a wall or a couple of wardrobes. If you include a bedroom in it, you will also need to put in a table for cosmetics. Although instead of it, a place can be organized for study and work, and even an additional chair with a green area where you can relax, think, read, and engage in your hobbies. Combination in one room of 18 sq. m several functional areas does not mean that there will be no room for comfort. It is only important to choose the optimal furniture – proportional to the room and your needs.

Choosing multifunctionality in a small living room means cutting out the excess. You should not get carried away with living room sets - they take up quite a lot of space, sometimes causing an oppressive feeling of cluttering the space. Such sets are being replaced by compact shelves, hanging shelves, and similar cabinets. Furniture that does not rest on the floor is perceived as a light, almost weightless structure. In addition, it is important to choose smooth, perhaps even glossy facades. If they are equipped with lighting, then eighteen square meters will seem like a more significant area.

Living room design for 18 square meters. with a place to work, study or relax will require additional furniture, and therefore the area that will have to be occupied by a table and chair. It is worth considering transforming models that will allow you to fold items and hide them out of sight so that they do not interfere with your rest at other times.

Often used for zoning. Such furniture in the living room-bedroom with an area of ​​18 square meters. m should be quite compact. The lower compartments are used as cabinets and covered with sliding facades, and the upper ones are used as shelves for books, photographs, and fresh flowers.

Zoning the room into the living room and bedroom

It is difficult to imagine a room with several functional components, in which all the furniture stands as if it had just been delivered and installed. In order for everyone to feel comfortable here, it is necessary to create an interior in which each area would be independent while visually combining the room into a single whole. This is precisely why zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room is used, when the space of the zones remains common, but at the same time divided into comfortable parts.

The layout of the room is adjusted to the needs of the owners. Of course, in most cases, a sofa also performs the sleeping function, but still, sleeping on a full-fledged bed with an orthopedic effect will be more comfortable and healthy. That is why designers recommend dividing the space in the most convenient way and zoning the room so that it can be truly separated from the rest of the room.

Among the simplest and most popular solutions is dividing the living room with curtains. Cornices can be used to mark the outline of the sleeping part of the room or just a bed, then, if necessary, you can easily move apart and move the canvases. It turns out an alcove - cozy for sleeping, but not the most comfortable for the guest part, especially in a square room.

Zoning with curtains is appropriate when the bedroom is completely separated from the living room from wall to wall. Then it seems that the window is located immediately behind the canvases, and thus it is possible to hide the bed for night rest from view.

But there are always other options: zoning the bedroom and living room in any area is most often realized with the help of partitions.

Partition as a divider

To separate the living room and bedroom, the most often used are sliding, stationary, transparent and matte, shelving and screens. The design of such depends largely on the chosen style, color palette and other nuances, but you always need to evaluate the need for choice functional designs. For example, you can choose block modular systems, when some of them remain open - on one or both sides to ensure visual unification of functional areas. Other parts of the racks are covered with smooth facades. As a rule, such modules do not have fittings, so the furniture looks as if it is a wall with niches for decoration.

Sliding partitions are equivalent to curtains, but the latter are easier to perceive because they allow air to pass through and hint at the fact that there is a window or balcony behind them.

You can choose openwork decorative partitions - in the form of forged metal structures or carved wooden ones. Such parts occupy part of the opening between functional areas, leaving the passage clear.

Vertical zoning

A non-standard solution today is to vertically divide a room into two or even more zones. Of course, this is only possible with high ceilings, because it is difficult to imagine that in an ordinary living room something would hang from the ceiling - then there would not be enough space above and below.

For the bedroom, it is quite possible to allocate not the full height of the room - it is possible not to full height get to the bed. But for the living room, it’s worth leaving a full 2.5 meters or even more in order to feel comfortable here. However, modern manufacturers and designers offer one more unusual solution- bed on lifting mechanism. This option has its advantages - the bed will be located under the ceiling during the day, and a lamp and other functional points can be installed under it, but in fact, all the nuances are calculated based on the features of the lifting mechanism.

Of course, if you have really high ceilings, you can choose just such zoning. You can’t get by with just one shelving unit – you’ll need both a ladder and 1 of the most convenient options arrangement of the area under the bed. Although this could be a living room sofa, a work area, or just a place to store things.

Color and textures

Zoning with color or texture in the case of separating the bedroom from the guest room is appropriate, but not very effective. In fact, one shade is not enough to make even a small area cozy, so such techniques can be additional, but not basic.

As a rule, the room is covered with one flooring material - the one that determines the interior design. Most often this is parquet or laminate. To separate zones, you can use coatings of different colors.

Wall decoration works in the same way, but still more effective options more “tangible” means remain. Choosing different shades to decorate individual zones is quite appropriate, but then the colors should be harmonious. For example, a chocolate bedroom will be combined with a beige living room, and a slate seating area will be combined with a white living room.

Combining a living room of 18 sq. m and bedrooms involves the arrangement of two separate and independent zones. That is why in this case color and texture are ineffective.

Attaching a balcony

One option for expanding the space is to combine a room with a balcony. This difficult decision, which will require a solution technical issues, and sometimes problems. Nevertheless, it is worth considering this possibility, especially for a room of 18 square meters. m in Khrushchev. By the way, when combining a room with a loggia, you can leave part of the wall and make it decorative partition– for flowers, lamps, books.

Photo gallery: 65 photos of bedroom-living room interiors

If you need to arrange a living room and bedroom in one room, it is quite difficult to find a truly effective and at the same time stylish, comfortable solution. Pictures of the most will help with this different interiors: every project here is an example of ergonomics, comfort and functionality.

The photo shows the design of a living room with a bedroom with a total area of ​​18 square meters. m.

When looking for ideas for zoning a room into a bedroom and living room, you should pay attention to the work of leading designers. Here you will find interesting tips on how to design simple interiors, highlight their functionality and your individuality, so that you can feel that this is exactly your home!

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