Bedroom for children of different sexes in a small room. Nursery design for children of different sexes. With the help of additional structures and furniture

When there are two children in a family, parents always have the problem of dividing personal space between the children.

After all, it is necessary that disagreements and conflict situations do not arise between children.

If your house or apartment allows you to allocate a room for each child, this question does not even arise.

But if the size of your living space is not so large, and the children are also of different sexes, you have to use all your imagination to come up with a nursery design for children of different sexes.

Layout of each child's room

When creating a children's room for children of different sexes, it is necessary to take into account their age and personal wishes. Children should take part in creating the room in which they will live.

You probably know your kids' favorite cartoon or book characters, or your kids' favorite color, but it's still worth checking with them before you start planning the design. After all, this is their future room, and it is very important that they feel comfortable.

It is better to divide a room for schoolchildren into 4 zones. The educational process is very important for a schoolchild, so the best thing is for each child to have his own workplace and computer, because then you will avoid quarrels and disagreements between them.

If your children are not yet schoolchildren, then for now you can not create a study area, but rather focus more on the play area.

Various redevelopment options

In order to clearly see what the interior of a nursery for children of different sexes will look like, you can look at a photo of a children's room for children of different sexes on the Internet.

There are many options to help you create coziness and comfort for your little ones.


In a nursery for two children of different sexes there are two variations of the sleeping area:

By using different colors walls or a closet can be used to divide the room in half so that both children are happy. The girl's area can be painted in softer and lighter colors, and the boy's area in darker colors. Buy appropriate beds for everyone.

If the room has small sizes, then you can put one bunk bed. The main thing is to ask the children in advance which tier they want to sleep on.

You can put images of cartoon characters on the walls, or paint them in different colors. To ensure that your children are close and have common interests, focus on the play area with unifying games.

Decorating a nursery for children of different sexes is not an easy task, so it is very important to approach this issue in detail.

Play area

Availability is very important play area. Swedish wall - good alternative for boy. It would serve not only for entertainment, but also for physical development, because this is very important for young children.

Girls are calmer and prefer at a young age play with dolls and have a tea party. A folding table works well for this. It can also be used for joint games children of different sexes.

Work zone

Any parent does not want to witness the regular screams and scandals of their children. Then it’s worth providing everyone with their own gadgets for work. IN modern world there is such a thing as modular system. It includes two tiers.

The first is the desk, and the second is the bed. If the area is too small for two of these systems, then you can simply buy a large desk that both children can use. After all, children's furniture is for children of different sexes important element in the room.

How and where is the best way to store things?

When creating a room design for children of different sexes, take care of the storage space for things. The ideal option would be a large closet, which needs to be divided into two parts. You can separate it with different colors.

To prevent toys from being scattered throughout the room, you can purchase a basket or small chest of drawers. If the room is very small, then it is better to buy a bed with drawers for storing things.

Furniture selection

When using cabinet furniture, you will not have any problems with decorating the room.

If you have enough Money, then it is not necessary to buy furniture sets in finished form, you can order individual products, taking into account the size of the room and the wishes of the children.

How to decorate nurseries with different sizes

There are several techniques that will help you do everything correctly and conveniently. The color of the interior plays a big role in this case. Choose light colors - then the room will seem visually larger. It is very important to properly design the light on the ceiling. The best furniture in this case, a transformer. Store textbooks and toys on wall shelves.

Having such an area of ​​16 squares, it is recommended to divide the room into two parts, using partitions or color. A bunk bed and a large countertop are a good alternative.

With such space, each child can have everything of their own. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the lack of space, but simply use your imagination and create.

How to decorate a bedroom for children of different ages of different sexes

You can't do without division in the room if you have two children of different ages. In a smaller room, use a curtain or screen as a partition; if the space is large, buy a shelving unit.

The design of the room should be significantly different. For small child you need to focus on bright colors and the play area, but for an older child, you need to use a more restrained style.

How to decorate a room for mixed-sex children yourself?

Creating something with your own hands is simply wonderful. Especially when you do it for your children.

To add more little things and details to the children's room, you can make appliques, collages, drawings, etc. with your own hands. You can learn more about this by looking at the photos on the design of children's rooms for children of different sexes.

Photo of a nursery for children of different sexes

Parents of a girl and a boy have twice as much happiness and troubles. After all, it is necessary to take into account the needs of everyone. If the family lives in a four-room apartment or huge house, then there will be no problems solving this problem. Each child can be allocated their own area of ​​living space and arranged according to their preferences.

For those lucky parents who have two children, the problem of delimiting the personal space of children is very familiar.

But from three and two-room apartments the situation is different. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a special nursery design for children of different sexes. The room should be spacious so that there is enough space for two. Everyone will need their own separate corner. Combining these requirements is not easy, but it is possible.

Arranging a nursery - interesting activity. This is where the child spends free time, relaxing, learning lessons, playing.

It is important to make the room comfortable and multifunctional.

The following tips will help you with this.

  1. When it comes to a room for one child, it is enough to take into account his age, gender and preferences.
  2. According to these criteria, the most suitable interior. But for children of different sexes this is much more difficult. Indeed, in this case, there are two owners of the room who need to please. Otherwise, a number of conflicts arising due to the division of a shelf or bed cannot be avoided.
  3. The first place to start is to consult with your children. Especially when choosing the color of finishing materials, furniture and other details. In this way, parents will emphasize the importance of their children’s opinions.
  4. Don't forget about their habits and hobbies. The information will help make the interior of a room for a boy and a girl complete, with a piece of their inner world.

The design should be unique and positive.

Zoning – important stage in arranging a room for small family members. Especially if we are talking about two children of different sexes. It will allow the interests and preferences of each child to be realized. The main thing is to do it correctly.

You need to try to dream up the design of a nursery for children of different sexes, so that each of them has their own corner.

There are special requirements for such a room. It should have a specially designated place for:

  • Recreation;
  • Studies;
  • Sports or games;
  • Personal corner.

It is worth noting that some areas may be shared. We are talking about a games and sports corner. But the place of rest and personal space are purely individual. They are worth focusing on and thinking through the design.

If space allows, it is better to install two beds and the same number of desks. They may be nearby or far away. Their color and design are chosen according to the requirements of the household. This way you will emphasize their individuality, which is extremely important for children.

To visually delimit square meters, use different methods. The most popular is installation special devices: screens, false partitions.

The same effect can be achieved by group arrangement of furniture.

The use of different colors in the design will allow you to select an area for your son and daughter. It is necessary to ensure that they are combined. The space remains unified and has a harmonious appearance. Will help with this different materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings. Surfaces with uneven structures look good.

Tiers are often created for boys and girls. You can use different lighting at each site.

They will allow you to visually delimit the area.

What colors to choose for decoration?

The color of the walls, floor and ceiling plays important role when creating a children's interior. It depends on what tones are used general atmosphere premises. You will need to be extremely careful when choosing the color of materials.

It is important that your children feel comfortable and cozy.

If the area is large, then you can allocate the territory of your daughter and son. For the former, blue, light blue and green colors are mainly used, and for the latter, pink and red.

This will highlight the individuality of the inhabitants of the living space.

How can a brother and sister live in the same nursery?

Boys and girls differ not only in physical characteristics, but also in preferences, interests, and psychological formation. It is quite difficult for brother and sister to get along in the same room. Parents can help with this by correct design children's room

If everything is done correctly, there will be no conflict of interest.

Girls love dolls, boys love transport and robots. It is necessary for each child to choose his own place for storing toys. Shelves and cabinets are indispensable for solving this problem. If you delimit the territory, there will be no reason for disputes to arise.

Thus, the room is divided into two parts. It’s better to be equal, so as not to provoke resentment.

The main requirement for the interior is the integrity of the room. A trick to achieve this is to mix styles in a pointwise manner. On your sister's pink sofa, you can place pillows in the same color as your brother's bed.

Where to retire?

A person wants to be with himself at any age. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the child’s place of solitude. This is the zone where he can think, do what he loves, when no one disturbs or disturbs him. Moreover, both girls and boys will need such an opportunity.

When arranging this area, it is worth remembering the child’s hobbies.

If he likes to draw, then he will need to install a table and an easel. So that it would be convenient for him to do business. For those who like to read, it would be a good idea to install soft chair near the window. Sitting on it, you can take a book and relax. This option is suitable for older children.

Features of the room for schoolchildren

The design of a room for a boy and a girl largely depends on their age. When it comes to schoolchildren, the study area is a special place for them. It should be convenient and comfortable. It is useful for a child to focus on completing a specific task. Moreover, everyone does this separately, so as not to distract each other.

To do this, you can install two tables or one, but long one.

The student's interests are different from those they had before. Toys fade into the background and new preferences appear. They are different, but require additional free space. This can be achieved due to the high ergonomics of the zones.

You should not install a large amount of furniture in a schoolchildren's room. It should be the most necessary, compact and functional. Often cabinets are used as a screen, allowing you to divide the room into zones. Boys and girls need freedom to live in the room.

This will avoid quarrels and provide them with required amount personal space.

An excellent option for small children's rooms is to install bunk bed. It takes up minimal space, is comfortable and beautiful. You can use it to decorate your home different styles. As for schoolchildren, the classic one is good. The walls may have green or yellow wallpaper. These are neutral colors that are suitable for both boys and girls.

A light ceiling and one rug will make the space feel whole.

Layout secrets

Small children do not need a partition. Zoning is done using decor that will highlight the overall interior. To divide the space, hang a photo of the child on the wall, and hang his favorite characters in the area where the bed is installed.

When decorating walls, you can use different materials: paint, wallpaper. The combination of several shades must be done correctly. Otherwise it will look pretentious and ugly.

If you select bright colors, then the room will be interesting and original.

The materials used to decorate the nursery must be of high quality and safe. Otherwise, there is a high probability of allergies and deterioration in the well-being of the bedroom owners. It is worth paying attention to the fact that they are easy to care for. Children are mischievous and love to play pranks. An accidental drop of paint on the wall should be easily removed. Therefore, it is better to use practical and washable materials when finishing.

Large and small room

The area of ​​the room plays an important role when choosing a design for children of different sexes. There are a number of options that can be implemented. It will be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to arrange a small area according to their principle.

A room with a small area is not the best suitable option for children's.

You will need to find a place not only to sleep, but also to do other things. This is important for the development of children, especially if we are talking about different sexes. Everyone will need their own personal space.

The arrangement is not large room has a number of nuances. They relate to the design style, color of the walls, ceiling, choice of furniture and so on. In such a room it is better to use light shades.

Light colors will visually expand the space and fill the room with light.

Tricks of decorating a nursery for children of different sexes with a large age difference

If one child is three years old, and the second is ten, then this significantly complicates the process of arranging a children's room. Children have different genders and ages. For the younger ones, the main activity is games, for the older ones – study.

It will be necessary to combine interests on the same square meters in such a way that they do not interfere with each other.

Some tricks will help with this. When completing homework, the child needs to focus his attention on the process. Therefore, he should be positioned with his back to the toys. This will allow the younger sister to pay attention to the dolls at any time without disturbing her brother. For these purposes, you can use a screen or curtain.

If you properly arrange the room, then children of different genders and ages will be able to do their own things at the same time and not interfere with one another. Everyone will do what they love.

Even in childhood, personal space is necessary.

Which furniture and accessories to choose?

The modern market offers a huge selection of furniture. When arranging a small nursery, it is good to use bleached oak products. They will fill the room with light and will rarely be used artificial devices for these purposes.

Light wallpaper on the wall will enhance the effect, flooring and light curtains on the window.

Interior design helps to generalize the preferences of children of different sexes. This happens rarely and the boundaries of each of its inhabitants are visible in the room. This allows them to assert themselves and learn to be loyal to the interests of others. Thus, the future model of adult life is formed.

Girls from the age of three begin to pay special attention to their appearance. The mirror and the closet in which they store help them with this. beautiful dresses, beads and other jewelry.

It is necessary to take care of the presence of these pieces of furniture in the room.

The tastes and preferences of girls and boys are different. Despite this, the requirements for furniture are the same for everyone. It should be comfortable and ergonomic. We're talking about cabinets. furniture sets and accessories.

In the nursery, you need to pay special attention to the place where the toys will be stored. For this purpose, boxes, baskets, and cabinets are used. A spacious box will suit girls well. It can be used as a table and serve as storage for various items.

This will allow you to use free space more efficiently.

Practicality in arranging a room

A nursery for children of different sexes should be as practical as possible. Interior items made from colored materials will help achieve this. They will make the room bright, interesting and give the interior areas a neat look.

Such elements play an important role in the process of raising children.

It’s quite difficult for two children of different sexes to get along in one room. And this is not surprising. They have different interests, tastes and preferences. But there is a solution to the problem - zoning the premises.

A boy and a girl will have their own place that everyone will like.

VIDEO: Design of a children's room for children of different sexes.

The child should have his own work and play area, where he can feel like he’s in charge.

There are the following options for dividing space:

  • diagonal;
  • parallel;
  • undivided.

A children's room for children of different sexes is arranged not only depending on the above points, but also on the size of the room.

Another important parameter is the age of the children. If the kids are small, then excellent option will be number 3.

It is great for children with a small age difference who like to spend time playing together. It will be enough to install separate beds, leaving the rest of the room for children's games.

Options 1 and 2 are suitable for teenagers when everyone has their own interests. The key element in the room will be the partition; you don’t have to make a wall, you can just put a large closet or desk.

But this is not suitable for a large room. If the nursery has several windows, then a diagonal arrangement would be ideal.

And parallel is more suitable for square rooms, because such a division in narrow space It just looks ridiculous.

Sleeping area

The design of a children's room for children of different sexes always begins with the choice of beds. This is especially difficult when dealing with children of different sexes.

Even a small baby understands that he needs his own corner where only he will be. This is worth thinking about in advance.

If the room is divided into equal parts, then the easiest way is to buy two identical beds, decorated to match the color of each part.

It is important to maintain a consistent style. Most often, beds are arranged as follows:

  • in the corners;
  • near the walls;
  • along the wall.

Of course, the beds can be placed close to each other, but then it is worth dividing them with at least a bedside table or some kind of partition; if you choose a corner arrangement, place the children with their heads facing each other.

Place to play

A children's room for two children of different sexes must have a play area. If the children are small, then this is where the most of their day.

Kids have a lot of energy, so try to make the most extensive play area possible.

For each child, you need to equip your own play area, for a boy - wall bars and put his construction sets and cars there, and a large dollhouse is perfect for a girl.

In adolescence, the play area changes its purpose, because they rather need comfortable spot for meetings with friends and classmates, it wouldn’t hurt to put a couple soft chairs or ottomans.

Storing things

There is a common belief that girls have more things than boys. This is not always the case, which is why it is worth putting a large wardrobe in the nursery.

But you can also install two small vertical cabinets, then you can definitely avoid quarrels over cleaning the closet.

Don't forget that things are not just clothes. Young children have plenty of toys, and teenagers have educational literature and books.

In addition, in adolescence it is normal to collect various crafts or models; this also needs to be taken into account and an additional shelving installed.

Furniture for the nursery

If you don't want to trust professional designer, then at least look at the photo of a children's room for children of different sexes on the Internet.

When making repairs yourself, carefully study this issue and think about how to organize and arrange the furniture as profitably as possible, while leaving enough free space.

Nowadays there is a huge amount of various modular and cabinet furniture that will help arrange the room:

  • bunk beds;
  • bed-chair;
  • massive beds with integrated shelves and cabinets;
  • loft bed, second floor sleeping area, and below is the desktop;
  • folding and pull-out beds that rise to the wall;
  • partition racks;
  • long secretaries.

It wouldn’t hurt to order production custom furniture, rather than purchasing it in a store.

Furniture must be made from natural materials and have quality fittings.

Photo of a children's room for children of different sexes

Do you have two children? Lucky. Twice as much happiness and...responsibility. To parents whose treasures live in separate children's rooms, you can sincerely envy, and those who do not have such an opportunity can take advantage of our advice and get a lot of ideas for arranging and renovating a children’s room for two.

Design of a children's room for children of different sexes

The main criteria that you should focus on when decorating a nursery are the age, gender and individual preferences of the children. To please two children at the same time, so that in the end there is no fight for favorite shelves or a children's bed, is an extremely difficult task. Therefore, it is imperative when choosing color range, furniture and other interior elements, consult with your children. Let them know that their opinion is important and necessary for you, even if it concerns a miniature version of a gingerbread house(if desired and possible, modern Decoration Materials will allow us to bring this idea to life).

Don't forget about their habits and hobbies; it is important to try to transfer their inner world into the interior of the room. Favorite toys, books, cartoons and games - all this will tell you what your dream room should be like. If you want to turn your child's life into a daily fairy tale, do not try to camouflage pastel, faceless walls with bright posters with pop stars.

The design in the nursery should be unique, bright and radiate positivity. When selecting color palette, stop at bright, cheerful colors (yellow, orange, green, pink) and their harmonious combinations.

Children's zoning

In fact, you have uncrowned representatives of two kingdoms. For comfortable coexistence, the room is divided into functional areas: work, play and relaxation area. Children are active and prefer active, interactive or sport games? Allocate a little more of the planned space for the play area with the installation of a dense carpet, wall bars or folding ping pong table and others board games. If children different ages, then in work area the older child will stay longer.

For the younger one, being with his favorite toys will be a pleasure. When children are approximately the same age, it is worth considering the option of separate desktops. God forbid you leave your children alone with one computer. For peace and family tranquility, allocate additional funds to purchase a second device.

Save working space Portable ultrabooks and tablets will help. A nursery for children of different sexes must include a secluded corner for each child - this is his relaxation area. Here the child feels secluded and protected, here you can read your favorite book or just daydream without even your most beloved brother or sister coming into view. Therefore, the use of curtains and mobile transforming partitions is the most preferable option.

With a significant age difference, zoning is simply necessary. Between the recreation areas you can place, for example, bookshelf.

Brother and sister in the same room

The most difficult variation of interior design for a nursery is when you have two children of different sexes growing up. Here, a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, but you can try to reduce it to a minimum. Girls develop physically and psychologically faster than boys. The difference in tastes can be assessed with the naked eye.

You can visually divide the space into separate zones, designing them in different colors. But ideally, in a room for two children of different sexes there should be at least a small partition.

Children's room for two girls or two boys

Here the situation looks simpler. You won't have to worry about how to balance fragile gender equality, but that doesn't relieve you of the responsibility to accommodate the different tastes of same-sex children. If you are planning to arrange a room in the same style with two beds, 20 drops of valerian at night await you in the near future. Being an attentive parent of two sons or daughters (even more so), you will, of course, try to emphasize the individuality of each color solutions, forms and design of zones.

Children's room for girls, made in the form of a house with an imitation of a tiled roof on the ceiling, a fence as a railing, volumetric or cut-out windows

The birth of a child is associated not only with joy, but also with numerous worries, one of which is creating a comfortable children's room. It is especially problematic if you need a shared nursery for children of different sexes, because in this case the task becomes more complicated due to the fact that each of the children will need personal space. Although the process of creating such a nursery for two children is complex, it allows you to show all your imagination after first familiarizing yourself with photo options on the Internet.

Before starting renovations, you should draw up an action plan and a sketch of the future premises. Dividing one large room into two small parts is the basis for future renovations. Each of the two children should be allocated a space where he will be a full-fledged owner.

Options for dividing space in the room:

Parallel zoning of the nursery
Zoning diagonally
Zoning with common areas

The choice of one of the above points depends on the room allocated for the nursery, its size and shape. An important factor is the age of the children, and the most in a simple way division is an option with common areas. It is ideal for two small children of approximately the same age who enjoy playing together and do not need privacy. It's enough for kids to have separate places for sleeping, and the rest of the space is given over to games.

Parallel and diagonal divisions are suitable for older children, when each of them already has their own interests. Required element is a partition, its role can be a cabinet, whatnot, desks, book shelves, screens. These types of division are suitable for large premises. Diagonal will become ideal option, if the room has two windows on adjacent walls, which is common in private houses. Parallel division is great for large square rooms, but can also be used in narrow, elongated ones, for which you will have to first carefully think through and study various options.


The basic principle of zoning is to provide each of the two children with places to sleep, play, work, store things and design them individually. The task is successfully accomplished using the color of the walls, different reliefs, different levels of floor and ceiling, and lighting.

Another main factor that should not be forgotten when decorating a nursery is the age of the children. If they are just kids, parents rely entirely on their taste and imagination. You will have to listen to the opinions of children over three years old. Usually they have preferences in color, favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons, girls dream of being princesses, fairies, sorceresses, boys dream of being racers, superheroes. Therefore, each part of the room must be decorated individually.

A particularly difficult case is one in which one child is much older than the other. In this case, parents will have to try very hard to make each child feel cozy and comfortable in the nursery.

Places to sleep

You can't do without sleeping places in the room. When it comes to children of different sexes, the issue becomes more complicated. Even if they are still very small, in the future each of the two will want to have their own corner, to which their brother or sister will not have access. This should be foreseen in advance.

The most simple option The way out of the situation is to purchase two beds. The room is divided in half, each part is decorated in its own colors. The style is respected alone, or the children's imagination is given the opportunity to run wild. There are several options for arranging beds:

  • near the walls;
  • perpendicular to the wall;
  • in the corner.

If the beds are placed side by side, they should be separated by a bedside table, curtain, shelving or partition. When choosing a corner arrangement, children should sleep head to head.

If the room is small and narrow, it is preferable to use a bunk bed. This will significantly save space. You should decide in advance with the children who will sleep on top and who will sleep on bottom. Often this question becomes a problem, especially if the children are about the same age, and each of them claims to be on top of the bed. If an agreement cannot be reached, better idea discard. You should also avoid it if the room has very low ceilings, as it will be uncomfortable and stuffy for children.

Game Zone

Games are an important part of the lives of children, especially young ones. We must not forget that babies contain a source of energy, so the space for its release should be quite large. You can install a wall bars on the boy's territory. Girls love to play with dolls; they will need a table, chairs, a board for drawing with chalk, and an easel. Children will be happy to visit each other.

While they are small, one large carpet or covering will be suitable for the floor; in the future it will be possible to replace them with two different ones. When making renovations in a nursery, it is worth considering additional sound insulation. This will protect not only children, but also neighbors.

For teenagers, the role of the play area changes and they need a place to meet with friends, it would be a good idea to stock up soft ottomans, easy to put away for storage in the pantry.

Area for activities and lessons

In a nursery for two children, everyone needs to organize a comfortable place to study. This could be one common desk. Great idea There will be a long tabletop, located near the window and occupying the entire length of the wall. Children will have enough not only space, but also natural light. You can buy individual tables. Don't forget about comfortable chairs that help maintain correct posture.

A modern child can hardly imagine his life without a computer; ideally, everyone should have their own. Considering the need to save space, you should prefer laptops or tablets.

For young children, furniture should be appropriate for their height. They, of course, study less, but still love to draw, sculpt, and put together puzzles. Transformable desks are very convenient for kids, they are very functional and do not take up much space.

Storing things

There is an opinion that boys have few clothes, girls have a lot. This is actually not true. Therefore, a nursery for children of different sexes presupposes the presence large closet. Installing two separate ones will be an ideal option that will eliminate confusion and disputes about cleaning.

Children have more than just clothes. Children usually have a lot of toys, and the number of books gradually increases. Teenagers love to collect, they have a lot of secrets that need to be stored somewhere, which is very convenient to do in boxes, baskets, and also on shelves.

Beds with a podium, in which drawers, will help save space.

Color solution

A nursery for children of different sexes is often decorated in one neutral color, confirmation of which can be found in the photo. For young children, the theme of their favorite cartoon, zoo, birds, forest is ideal. On the walls you can hang photos of funny animals and the owners of the room themselves. In this case, you should use soft pastel shades, because excessive brightness has a bad effect on the child’s psyche.

Much more interesting option will be the application various colors, which will help divide the room into two parts. It is best to abandon the hackneyed options with pink and blue zones, because the room should please both children, not hurt the eyes, and be a single whole, despite the presence of two owners.

Interesting combinations that will look harmonious (there are many photos of color combinations):

  • lilac with green or gray;
  • soft pink with silver;
  • yellow with orange, blue, green.

Showing your imagination, you can try to play with shades. The constant classics in this direction are yellow, sand tones, Brown color. To make the room brighter, you should use various accessories: interesting lamps, flower pots, photo in bright frames.

Furniture: difficulties of choice

It is preferable to entrust the design of a children's room for children of different sexes to professionals who know all the possibilities and offers that exist on the market. this moment. If you want or need to do repairs yourself, you should figure out what will help save valuable space.

Many options for cabinet and modular furniture will allow you to create a beautiful and comfortable living space from any room:

  • bunk beds;
  • chair-beds;
  • beds with built-in shelves, racks, drawers;
  • loft beds, with workplaces and wardrobes on the first tier;
  • pull-out, folding beds;
  • racks that successfully serve as partitions;
  • long tabletops.

Bunk bed
Chair bed

Loft bed
Pull-out beds
Long table top
Wardrobe shelving

Best not to buy ready-made furniture in stores or from photos in catalogs, and order its production according to individual measurements. But in any case, it must be environmentally friendly pure materials, strong, all fittings are well secured.


The correct selection of accessories will help make the room more comfortable and emphasize the individuality of the owners. Boys need sports section, especially if they like to play sports. Girls will be delighted with the elegant dressing table, in the drawers of which they can store their jewelry and cosmetics. Kids love playhouses very much. You can purchase nest beds for them, in which they are arranged on the ground floor. Older children love to place photos of musicians or movie characters on the walls, so this should be taken into account when thinking about the design style.

An important element of the decor is textiles. These are bedspreads, blankets, pillows, bed linen, curtains. With their help, you can diversify the interior of the room and add bright notes. If the nursery is decorated in one color, then textiles should be chosen with neutral patterns. You can make unique items by decorating them with prints of children's drawings and photos of babies.


Lighting plays an important role in a nursery for two children. It helps with zoning and is necessary for normal functioning child's eye. Daylight is often not enough; this is where the system for creating light levels comes to the rescue. Overhead light is great for a play area. There will be enough rest area diffuse lighting from the sconce. Required for work desk lamp, and each of the two children should have their own.

What to pay attention to depending on the age of the children

When arranging a nursery, you should take into account not only the different genders of the children, but also their ages. There are some features that you need to remember when arranging a nursery.

If the children have a large age difference, the best solution will become a bunk bed. The baby must be placed on the ground floor; he may fall from above. It is important to curtain the crib. This will create for the child cozy corner and will allow you to sleep peacefully while the elder does homework, works on the computer, and reads. Every child must have a place for personal belongings, toys, and clothes. Desk One thing is enough, the baby will draw when the older one is at school. Before you start designing a nursery, it’s worth studying photos of interiors, where you can always find many interesting ideas.

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