How to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor. Oil for wooden stairs – protection and excellent appearance. Stylish options for painting stairs in the interior

The staircase in a house is an important part, especially if the building consists of several levels. With its help you can not only climb to the next floor. It should become a unique element of the interior. Therefore, every owner of a two- or three-story private house needs to know how and with what to paint a staircase.

To give the staircase a finished look, several types of paint and varnish coatings are used. These are varnishes, impregnations and paints themselves.

The first ones emphasize the structure of the wood (tinting) or fix the result (transparent), the second ones also emphasize the beauty of the wood pattern, but require additional fixing. The paints allow you to paint the stairs as you please.

Coloring is done not only for aesthetic purposes. On the floor, tongue and groove pine boards are most often used. Despite its strength, unopened wood wears out 5 times faster. This is due to the fact that dust and grains of sand become clogged in the pores, which over time destroy the structure of the floorboards. By painting a staircase made of pine or any other wood with varnish or paint yourself, you extend its service life.

stain Stain is one of the cheapest compositions for covering stairs. Impregnation happens different color

. It is designed to protect the wood and give it some shade. But it is better not to cover the stairs only with stain - after drying, you should use varnish.

It is customary to use a primer before applying varnish or paint, as it improves adhesion to the wood and makes the wood structure more uniform. If you tint the primer a little, you can emphasize the characteristic wood grain. The primer also contains substances that prevent the wood from rotting.

Clear/tinted wood varnish

  1. Varnish is used to cover steps, balusters and railings. The colorless composition does not hide the wood texture. It is very important that the sanding of all elements of the staircase is carried out at the highest level. There are several types of transparent varnishes:
  2. Latex. Non-toxic material, safe for humans and animals. When applied to wood, it forms a thin, durable, water-resistant layer. It has antiseptic properties - protects wood from mold and rot. Can be used both indoors and outdoors. On or acrylate. It has no unpleasant odor, is non-toxic, forms a fairly durable coating that is resistant to mechanical damage, and prevents the aging of wood.
  3. On synthetic resins. Such varnishes dry quickly, are resistant to aggressive environments (alkalies, acids), and are used only for interior works. Do not use synthetic resin varnishes to paint steps. They are suitable for balusters and railings.
  4. Yacht. Happens different types, depending on the base - alkyd and its varieties (urethane-alkyd, alkyd-urethane) and acrylate. It is toxic, so when using it inside a living space, wear a respirator, otherwise the probability of poisoning is 99%.

Advice! Use for painting stairs only as a last resort. It is poisonous even after drying.

Tinting varnishes include oil-based compositions. With their help you can change the color of wood from pale yellow to rich brown. When choosing, you need to look at what percentage of oil is included in the composition. To paint staircase steps, this parameter must be at least 65%. In this case, you will get a durable, wear-resistant coating. If the oil varnish contains only 50% oil or less, there can be no talk of any strength. This composition is suitable only for balusters and railings.

Wood paints

You can find a great variety of different formulations on sale. But which one is suitable for painting? wooden stairs? To answer this question, you need to consider the types of paints used for wood:

  1. Oily. They consist of drying oil, stabilizers and coloring pigment. They do not have a strong odor, are affordable, are available in a wide range of colors, and are used sparingly. However, wood under such paint does not breathe. The resulting surface cannot withstand mechanical damage and quickly wears off and becomes dull. Service life up to 5 years.
  2. Alkyd. Based on pentaphthalic varnish with the addition of coloring pigment and antiseptic additives. Dries quickly. The finished coating is elastic and resistant to mechanical damage, durable. Alkyd paints cheap, have a rich color palette.
  3. Acrylic. Produced on the basis acrylic resins. They are non-toxic, do not have a strong odor, dry quickly, are wear-resistant, have a rich color palette, and do not fade over time. The tree breathes under this coating. Service life up to 20 years.

Advice! Alkyd paints for wood give consistently good results. Choose them if you want to save a little money and get high-quality staircase coverage.

Paste for covering stairs

Paste is considered an unconventional type of coating. It consists of linseed oil and beeswax. The consistency of the paste depends on the hardness of the wood. If the wood is hard, then there should be four times more linseed oil than wax. For soft breeds, use two parts oil to one part wax. You can make your own pasta or buy it at the store.

Surface treatment is quite simple: the paste is simply rubbed in, for this you need to use natural fabric without lint - this will make the surface of the stairs slightly matte, with a silky shine.

What to pay attention to

The criteria for choosing a certain type of paintwork for a wooden staircase are as follows:

  1. Floor load. If the stairs to the second/third floor are often used, then a wear-resistant coating is chosen.
  2. Tree species. Pine floors can and should be painted; larch boards have a beautiful pattern, so it is better to choose a colorless or tinted varnish.
  3. Availability of ventilation. The staircase is usually located close to entrance area, which means there should be no problems with ventilation. Therefore, you can choose any LMB.
  4. Price. The issue of saving is especially important if a lot of money has been spent on repairing or building a house. In this case, you can choose cheaper paintwork materials for the stairs, but not at the expense of the quality of the finished coating.

Dyeing technology

Painting a wooden staircase takes place in 2 stages. This is preparing the base and, directly, opening the railings, balusters, and steps with varnish or paint.

The first stage is very important; you cannot do without it if you want to get a beautiful and smooth staircase.

Preparing the base

To work, you will need a solution for wood putty or alternative methods of sealing cracks (wood chips, wood dust mixed with colorless varnish), an antiseptic primer, an iron brush, a spatula, sandpaper - 80, 100, 120, 180 - 220, 240 - 320 and zero.

  1. The technology for preparing the base with your own hands is simple:
  2. Remove debris from the stairs and wash them with water. Then wait until it dries completely.
  3. Treat the steps with old paint remover. Using a spatula, remove the swollen coating. Remove what hasn't risen with an iron brush.
  4. Seal the cracks. The putty will not last long if the stairs are actively used. Try sealing the cracks with wood chips. Select a piece according to the size of the hole, coat it with PVA glue and place it in place. Another way to seal cracks: mix wood dust with colorless varnish, seal the cracks with the resulting composition and let dry.
  5. Go over it again with 120-grit sandpaper, remove the dust and finish the job with sandpaper. Ideally, the steps, balusters, and railings should be smooth “like an egg.”
  6. Treat the stairs with an antiseptic primer. Use a roller for this. Make sure that the composition gets into all the recesses and decorations (if any).
  7. Wait for the primer to dry.

Now you can begin the final stage.

Paint coating

This is a crucial moment. The quality of the coating determines the appearance of the staircase and how harmoniously it fits into the interior of the house. To work you will need paint and a brush/roller. You can use a spray gun (it costs significantly more than conventional tools for applying paintwork).

DIY paint application technology:

  1. Open the jar. Using a long, strong wooden stick, stir the paint thoroughly. There should be no lumps in it.
  2. If the composition is excessively thick, dilute it with a solvent.
  3. Dip your brush or roller into the paint. Start painting. All movements should be along the fibers. After priming, the paint should not be absorbed too quickly. If you notice that the composition goes into the wood like a sponge, paint the entire staircase and wait until the first layer dries.
  4. Reapply paint. Pay special attention to the joints of the baluster/floor, baluster/railing, as well as various notches and squiggles (if there are shaped elements on the stairs).

Advice! After the paint has dried, open the stairs with clear varnish. This will increase the strength of the coating. As an option, paint only the steps, and varnish the balusters and railings.

Varnish coating

The preparatory work before such finishing is somewhat different. Sanding is carried out only once before the first opening. This is due to the fact that the varnish will inevitably raise all the fluff on the surface. Interlayer sanding will be required (180 - 220 sandpaper), and for the first layer it is better to use a special primer varnish.

Note. After stripping the primer varnish, the staircase is always a pitiful sight. It looks much worse than after removing the old paint. Don't be alarmed. A second coat of varnish, applied to a properly prepared surface, will do the trick.

Painting the stairs is carried out in steps:

  1. Prepare a clear varnish (if it is two-component, mix it with your own hands according to the instructions).
  2. Dip a velor roller into varnish.
  3. Start coating by running the roller along the grain of the wood.
  4. Let the layer dry. This is approximately 3 hours.
  5. Do another intercoat sanding. Use fine sandpaper (240 – 320).
  6. Apply a second coat of varnish. The third or more layers are applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

If you don’t like the natural color of pine, larch or other wood, use stain to make the stairs darker. You can apply an oil-based varnish, choosing the desired shade. It's up to you to decide which is better.

The drying time for the staircase depends on the number of layers of varnish. After a day, you can walk along it in socks or knitted slippers without hard soles. On average, the coating gains working strength in 7 - 10 days. In order to tidy up the staircase with your own hands and not spoil its appearance, you must have minimal skills in working with paints and varnishes.

Follow the instructions exactly, and then the result will meet your expectations. Stairs are very sensitive to impact environment . Even the coating is negatively affected plain water , but often when cleaning, various detergents

. It must be taken into account that all materials, be it wood, metal or concrete, have their weaknesses and can be damaged during operation. Even those stairs that are located indoors are exposed to changes in humidity, temperature fluctuations, and sunlight.

  1. If you do not take care of surface protection in time, external factors will significantly reduce the service life of the product. The most effective way to prevent aging of the material is to cover the stairs with enamel, varnish, paint and stain. Depending on certain conditions, you can choose one or another paint coating. Let's figure out how to cover the stairs just for you.;
  2. Types of paint and varnish coatings;
  3. Painting wooden stairs
  4. Metal;


Paints are divided into thickly grated ones, sold in the form of a powder that must be dissolved with drying oil, and ready-to-use. Drying oil can be artificial or natural. Artificial drying oils are cheaper, but provide a lower quality coating.

For painting interior products that will only experience mechanical loads, staircase paint based on artificial drying oil is suitable. If the treatment of a street structure is intended, then mixtures exclusively on a natural basis are required;

Lacquer for stairs

If you want to paint a flight of stairs and at the same time emphasize the beauty of natural wood, then you better buy stair varnish. Most of them dry quickly and are easy to apply. To decide which varnish to coat a wooden staircase, pay attention to the conditions of its use and the type of wood from which the product is made.

Oil varnishes

is a mixture of vegetable oils with artificial or natural resins, for example, oil-rosin varnishes. When dry, the varnish forms a hard layer of yellowish color. Due to their low resistance to external factors, oil varnishes are used for painting stairs installed inside the house.

Alcohol varnishes

When alcohol interacts with natural resins such as sandarac and shellac, varnishes with a concentration of 30-45% are obtained. Due to the high rate of weathering of alcohol and the low rate of dissolution of resins, it is possible to apply several layers without destroying the previous ones. The resulting coatings have excellent resistance to mechanical damage and adhesion to most materials. The treated surfaces are well polished, but have low water resistance.

Today, oil and alcohol varnishes are produced in small quantities, since their production requires expensive natural raw materials. Typically, they are used in special cases, such as covering musical instruments.

Alkyd varnishes

The films are transparent, hard, with a slight tint. They have good adhesion to many surfaces and are waterproof. Suitable for both street and indoor internal stairs. In everyday life, alkyd varnishes are often confused with oil varnishes - this is wrong, because although in the production of alkyd resins vegetable oils are used, which have a serious impact on the characteristics of the final product, but in terms of chemical and quality composition alkyd varnishes differ from oil varnishes and significantly surpass them in properties.

Nitrate cellulose varnishes

Nitrovarnishes cover the surface with a dense, almost colorless, quick-drying film. Typically, nitro varnishes are used for varnishing wooden stairs. However, in some cases, they are used to paint a metal product, applying it as the last layer. Cellulose nitrate varnishes are excellent for indoor use; they are less often used for protection against natural factors.

Polyester varnishes

Surely, many people have applied the epithet “polished” to the shiny surfaces of wooden fittings - this is the result of applying polyester varnishes. These protective coatings for wood are multi-component mixtures and require special precision. Polyester varnishes do not shrink because the solvent does not evaporate during the hardening process, but polymerizes with the dissolved resin; form hard thick films that are resistant to water and other reagents.

They are used to produce high-quality automotive putties.

Epoxy varnishes

They are used with special hardeners, the volume of which depends on the type of resin and the nature of the hardener itself. Epoxy varnishes They are characterized by increased resistance to water and alkalis, compatibility with other coatings and mechanical strength, however, they remain insufficiently weather-resistant.

Polyurethane varnishes

They are distinguished by exceptional mechanical strength and high wear resistance. Perhaps the best varnish for stair treads. Polyurethane coatings are expensive, but the outstanding performance and extended service life make up for the high cost. For example, parquet floors, staircases and fittings in the halls of museums and palaces, which are of artistic value, are coated with these varnishes.

Water-based polyurethane varnish is an innovative development. Combines the environmental friendliness of acrylic varnishes and the durability of polyurethane varnishes. Water-based varnishes are inferior to pure polyurethane ones, but the use of special additives significantly improves performance.

To cover large areas with varnish, a sprayer is useful, and if the stairs are small, then a wide brush will do.

Some varnishes are durable, wear-resistant, completely transparent and do not have a strong odor, but they also have one significant drawback: stairs treated with this coating can only be used a week after painting. If you are not satisfied with this prospect, use another paint coating that is also wear-resistant, but dries almost instantly. Naturally, it will cost more or be inferior to the first in a number of other characteristics.


Enamels are produced by mixing coloring pigments and varnishes, combining the advantages of both materials. Enamels, like varnishes, envelop the surface with a shiny protective film, and like paints, impart a certain color. However, enamel is destroyed by exposure to water, which is why it is almost never used for covering stairs.

There are glyphthalic, oil, nitro enamels and other types of enamels. Depending on the type of varnish added, you can get a glossy, matte, or semi-matte surface.

Stains and impregnations

Stain is a type of impregnation that also has antiseptic properties. After treatment with stain, the wood becomes non-fire hazardous. Sometimes a layer of varnish is also applied on top. In this case, you need to make sure that the stain and varnish for the stairs are compatible with each other.

When choosing a stain, you must remember that under its action the wood darkens slightly and the color becomes more saturated. For an inexperienced craftsman deciding what varnish to coat a wooden staircase with, we can recommend wax- or oil-based impregnations, which can be applied in several layers. There are also alcohol impregnations and nitro impregnations.

Oil for stairs

Today oils are produced using modern technologies and have a base of wax and natural vegetable oils. Product contains:

  • jojoba oil;
  • sunflower oil;
  • flaxseed oil;
  • candelilla wax;
  • carnauba wax;
  • beeswax.

Oils for painting stairs are a worthy replacement for traditional varnish. The material is deeply absorbed into the surface, forming a protective coating for wood, withstands significant loads and highlights the texture of the wood. The surface of the steps acquires excellent performance characteristics. In addition, the oil has good bactericidal properties: wood fungi and mold do not form on the treated surface. Suitable for use in high traffic areas.


  • ease of application;
  • has water-repellent properties;
  • suitable for local repairs;
  • increases the level of wear resistance;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • is an environmentally friendly product.

Once you have decided how to paint the stairs, you can proceed directly to processing the material. If you do not have sufficient experience, seek professional help, but remember that this will affect the final cost. If you are going to do everything yourself, then let's take a closer look at how to paint a wooden staircase.

How to paint a wooden staircase

Before application paint coating the surface must be prepared. The painting technology largely depends on the type of wood, on whether you want to hide the texture of the wood or, on the contrary, highlight it, and what exactly you decided to cover the flight of stairs with.

Preparatory work

If dense painting is expected, then the surface of the stairs must be thoroughly cleaned and covered with putty, which will hide all chips. Then the wood is sanded, and the work is carried out in two stages with a break of several days. This is how maximum results are achieved. After this, a primer is applied.

If painting has been done previously, try applying urethane-alkyd paint to the small area. If the layer lays flat, does not peel off or warp, then you can continue. Otherwise you will have to delete old paint. To do this, you should use a cleaning compound. Alternatively, you can try heating the wood with a heat gun and then scraping off the paint with a putty knife.

Resin removal of coniferous wood

Staircases made of coniferous trees, such as pine, require special attention. This material, due to its low cost and ease of processing, is very popular, but requires additional processing - de-resining. This is necessary for several reasons:

  • protruding resin creates a sticky film that prevents the absorption of the protective composition;
  • places where resin accumulates darken and look ugly;
  • Because of the resin, the product is painted unevenly and of poor quality.

Wood de-resining is a process of treating the surface of wood in order to completely or partially remove excess resin. Basically, all kinds of solvents are used for degumming. For pine best choice There will be a 25% solution of technical acetone, which should be applied with a brush, and then rinse the treated surface with warm water and dry thoroughly. Too large tarred areas will have to be cut out with a knife and the irregularities filled with putty.

Listed below are the components that make up the degumming solution.

  1. hot water - 1 l;
  2. potash - 50 grams;
  3. baking soda - 45-50 grams;
  4. soap flakes - 30-40 grams;
  5. acetone - 200 grams;
  6. alcohol - 10 grams;

Further painting of the pine stairs is possible only after the wood is completely dry.

Do-it-yourself painting of a wooden staircase

It is important to know not only what, but also how to paint the stairs. It is best to apply paint coatings using a sprayer. There are electric and pneumatic sprayers. With their help you can cover the product with an even layer. But if this device is not available, ordinary wide brushes will do. With thick and slow-drying paints, it is recommended to work with brushes with short and hard bristles. For thinner finishes, use soft hair brushes, also called flute brushes. The brush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the working surface. To clean the brush, soak it in solvent or turpentine.

The paint coating should be applied in 2-3 layers, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the product. First they paint one side, then turn it over and paint the other side. In this case, you need to have time to paint the entire surface before the coating dries, so that there are no uneven spots or smudges left. To make it more convenient to work and not to smudge the paint or varnish, it is necessary to adapt wooden stands. And by periodically stirring the paint, you will prevent the appearance of lumps and sediment.

  1. When deciding how to coat the steps, keep in mind that it is better not to use glossy enamels, as the painted surface will become slippery. If you decide to use varnish for stair steps, then give preference to matte or semi-matte coatings that will hide imperfections;
  2. If you know how to properly paint a wooden staircase, then it is no secret to you that the paint coating must be applied in three layers. The first layer of paint is applied along the structure of the wood, then across the grain and again along it. Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has dried;
  3. In cases where long-drying varnishes or paints are used, and there is no spare lift, it is recommended to varnish a wooden staircase across the step. This way you can operate it, although it is not entirely convenient;
  4. Before you paint or varnish the stairs, make sure that not only the steps and railings are sparkling clean, but that the entire room is clean. Otherwise, dust will settle on the undried surface and ruin the entire work.

How to paint a metal staircase

In a private home there will definitely be a metal staircase, the durability of which largely depends on protective coating. Therefore, you need to know how and with what to paint the stairs.

In this case preparatory work boil down to removing rust. To do this, you can use an angle grinder with a stiff wire brush, sandpaper or special solvents.

After the rust is removed, the metal surface is degreased and covered with a primer. Painting the stairs can only be done after the primer has completely dried. It is recommended to treat areas where there was rust especially carefully.

If you are working on a ladder that has welded seams, be sure to clean them to a shine.

The coating of a metal staircase should be different high resistance to abrasion and environmental influences. Selecting the desired enamel or paint , Proceed directly to applying paint. If the stairs have been previously painted, apply the coating to a small area. If after drying the paint lies well and does not show through old layer, you can continue working. If the quality does not satisfy you, the old paint will have to be removed.

The painting of steps must be carried out especially carefully; usually twice as many layers are applied to them as to other elements.

Painting concrete stairs

Painting concrete not only gives the product a more attractive appearance, but also protects the surface from premature wear, damage, and exposure to atmospheric factors.

The following options are possible:

  1. adding coloring pigments to the concrete mixture;
  2. painting a finished staircase, as in the case of a wooden or metal structure.

In the first case, special pigments are used that are resistant to moisture and sunlight. To achieve purer tones, it is recommended to use white concrete. This method allows you to get a more saturated color and uniform coverage. Disadvantages include high cost, labor intensity and the impossibility of using ready-made concrete stairs.

The second option provides that flights of stairs coated with special paints for concrete:

  • one;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane.

At the stage preliminary preparation the stairs are sanded to eliminate unevenness and primed to ensure better adhesion to the surface. And then, having decided what color to paint the stairs, you apply the coating to the steps using a wide roller with medium-length bristles.

In many cottages and country houses the owners install wooden stairs. Although wood is a very popular and versatile material for construction, it also has its drawbacks. If it was improperly processed, the product will not last long. Therefore, you need to make sure that painting a wooden staircase with your own hands brings it not only aesthetics, but also reliability.

How to paint the stairs in the house

Painted wooden staircase

Staircase in the process of painting

When choosing a method for processing a staircase, you need to take into account the type of wood from which it is made, as well as its quality. The varnished design emphasizes the beauty of the natural material. But this effect will be achieved if a high-quality array was used.

Many manufacturers and customers highlight the long service life and durability of the staircase, and its decorative qualities do not play the most important role. If an unpainted staircase has visual imperfections, it is best to disguise them with paint.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of types of coatings. You need to choose the most optimal option taking into account the following factors:

  • If you choose to treat a wooden staircase with varnish, it should be matte or semi-matte. Glossy varnish will lose its shine on the railings and in the center of the steps, because these places are experiencing high loads and will look untidy.
  • If stains are used before covering the stairs with clear varnish, then it is worth considering that sometimes they greatly darken natural shade wood, so they first cover it with stain small plot for testing.
  • If a wooden staircase is covered with paint, then you should choose a composition based on natural drying oil, but for internal structures it may also be synthetic.

Once you have decided how to paint the wooden staircase in your house, you need to find out whether it will be used in the painting process. It is advisable not to use it until the composition dries. If this is not possible, then the stairs are painted one step at a time. Thanks to this method you can move around the house. But if painting is done in two stages, people, going up to the second floor, may forget that half of the steps are not yet dry.

Work with varnish should only be carried out in clean room, otherwise dust will settle on the treated surface. You also need to take care to protect your hands and respiratory organs, because the composition releases toxic compounds.

Also, many people think about how to paint a wooden staircase with their own hands: before assembly or during finished form. In a new home, it is usually painted before installation. This will allow you to completely paint even hard-to-reach places.

Painting the stairs yourself will be more convenient if you prepare in advance necessary tools and materials. For this you need:

  • suitable coloring agent;
  • protective gloves;
  • brush, roller or spray;
  • masking tape, allowing you to paint the stairs neatly; it is also used to create ornaments.

Approaches to determining shade

It is important to decide on the color in which you plan to paint the structure. To do this, two approaches are used.


Stair color and flooring on the first or second floor the decoration of the room is slightly darker. It is better to avoid very dark shades. Universal color scheme For floors and stairs made of wood, brown is considered, which can be used to paint surfaces in any interior.


Allows you to break away from conventional solutions and create a unique staircase in your home. Here you can safely use different colors and decorative methods by looking at the examples in the photo.

Procedure for painting stairs

Before painting, the surface must be prepared. To do this, putty is applied to surface defects, sanded and treated with a layer of primer, as shown in the video. After sanding, wait two days until the fibers straighten so that they can be easily removed during the second sanding. The primer and paint must match each other. If varnish will be used, then a primer is not needed.

To properly paint a wooden staircase to the second floor, you need to carry out the work in the following stages.

  • It is advisable to start from the top step and work your way down. This convenient solution helps to monitor the quality of painting. Painting the structure starting from the bottom is rational if the room has access only at the top level. This could be the stairs to the basement.
  • If the paint has a thick structure, then it is more convenient to use a bristle round brush. Thinned liquid paint can be applied using a flat soft object. A roller will also allow you to get a high-quality coating.
  • Painting a wooden staircase can be done across and along. But last layer It will be correct to apply only along the structure of the wood so that the quality of processing is high and the surface has a beautiful appearance.

After completing the work, it is enough to wait until the painted staircase dries and it can be used. Many argue that increasing the drying time specified by the manufacturer helps achieve a lasting result. After all, this is influenced by room conditions, for example, temperature, humidity.

If you are the owner two-story house, you will have to take care of availability stationary stairs. This design may also be needed for the attic. They are popular and successful wooden structures. It is pleasant to climb them - there is no unpleasant sound that is present when climbing metal steps.

Many are captivated by the environmental safety of the material. It is no secret that such structures have an acceptable cost. If you choose the right composition for processing, you can forget about some of the disadvantages of wood - fire hazard and wear resistance. Specialists in painting and making wooden stairs for private homes and cottages will help you with

Wooden stairs look stylish and cozy, but many are afraid that constant mechanical impact will not have the best effect on the aesthetic qualities of the structure.

Most problems can be avoided if you choose the right covering for the stairs in your home. Reliable protection will protect the steps from excessive humidity and abundance of sunlight. What means can perform a protective function? This:

  • Paints;
  • Lucky;
  • Stains;
  • Oil;
  • Pastas.

Before you go to a hardware store, it is better to study the following questions:

Are stairs located outside exposed to precipitation (for such steps you will need products with water-repellent properties)?

Do the straight lines fall? Sun rays on the design. Staircases exposed to ultraviolet radiation require special compounds that can protect them from harmful effects.

Is it possible to remove people from the premises after applying the composition?


If you are interested in the specified coating for the steps of the stairs in the house, you should choose the product with an eye on the design of the room and the attributes surrounding the structure.

Better pay attention to oil paint: drying oil penetrates deeply into the wood and protects the wood as much as possible from negative impact. The paint will become ideal option if there are cracks and other visual defects on the steps, they can easily be “hidden” behind an attractive color composition.


Don’t know how to cover the steps of a wooden staircase in a house without spoiling the natural beauty of the material?

Pay attention to the varnishes. They only emphasize the advantages of the wood texture and do not hide the beauty of the species.

To choose the ideal product, you need to know what kind of wood was used in the production of the tree. The following products are widely available in stores:

Oil varnishes are made on the basis of vegetable oils, with artificial and natural resins added to the composition. When natural resin interacts with sandarac and shellac, a product with a concentration of 30-45% is obtained. Thanks to the ability of alcohol to quickly erode, we obtain a coating that does not have a negative effect on the lower layers.

Such varnishes have a drawback - low moisture resistance.

Internal and external stairs are often treated with alkyd varnishes.

Nitrocellulose varnishes are suitable for pine structures with a high resin content. This varnish quickly turns into a film that protects pine steps from various kinds pollution.

Polyester varnishes are often used, which form a shiny film on the surface of the product.

Polyurethane varnishes, which are highly expensive, are characterized by long term operation.

Don't know what varnish to coat a wooden staircase in your house with?

How to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands?

When choosing this type of protective equipment, you need to take into account the type of wood. It is better to cover coniferous wood with opaque varnish products. It is better to treat oak, beech, and ash with transparent compounds - this way you will emphasize the external charm of the material.

  1. It is better to apply the composition to a disassembled item.
  2. It is worth remembering that staircase varnishes are more dense than their parquet counterparts.
  3. Experts advise choosing semi-matte types of varnish - they show less visible signs of wear.
  4. If you want to add depth to the wood tone, it makes sense to use stain instead of colored varnish.


Are you wondering how to cover a wooden staircase in a house without compromising your budget? Choose a stain that is antiseptic and fire-fighting properties. It is often used in conjunction with varnish; in this case, you should make sure that these 2 types of coatings are well compatible (this data is in the product instructions; a construction department consultant will advise you on this).

The following products are distinguished:

  • Water-based stains are available in several forms: dry and liquid. By purchasing dry stain, you can adjust the concentration yourself. Usually, after applying the product, sand the surface to prevent swelling.
  • Alcohol stains dry quickly.
  • Solvent-based stain has the disadvantage of creating an unpleasant odor when applied.
  • Acrylic and wax based stains are valued by professionals and novice users - they are easy to apply and easy to dry.
  • Alkyd-based stains combine several functions.


This product is based on wax and the following types of natural ingredients:

  • Sunflower;
  • Linen;
  • Jojoba oil;
  • Beeswax;
  • Candelline wax;
  • Carnauba wax.

Today, oil successfully competes with varnishes: it penetrates deeply into wood, highlights the external advantages of the material and copes well with protective functions.

Due to the bactericidal properties of the oil, fungi do not appear on the stairs.

Advantages of impregnation:

  • Water-repellent characteristics;
  • Easy to apply;
  • Extends the service life of steps;
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor.


An unconventional coating option is a paste consisting of beeswax and linseed oil. Depending on the type of wood, paste of different densities is used: for hard wood, a larger amount of linseed oil is used.

Have you decided what to cover your wooden stairs with?

Now you need to properly plan the upcoming work.

It can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparatory work;
  • Painting process;
  • Finish coating.

At the initial stage, the wood is sanded and all visible flaws are removed. The grinding process takes several days. Then there is general cleaning. Then the product is primed, sometimes in several layers. It's good if you have an electric or pneumatic tool, otherwise you will have to use a brush to paint.

Which color should I choose? If you have a pine staircase, the choice is wide and ranges from milky white to brown shades.

In this article we answered the question of what to cover wooden steps stairs.

As you can see, the choice of coating is determined by a combination of different factors: features of the structure’s location; type of wood, financial capabilities, interior features of the room. Construction stores offer wide choose means to emphasize the aesthetic properties and extend the service life of the structure. If you don’t get confused by this variety and carry out the painting procedure in accordance with all the rules, the staircase will delight you for a long time.

Added: 12/20/2016 21:32:44

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How to paint a baluster? | Painting balusters

concrete balusters - step by step guide: 1) We process the seams of the baluster with a file or sandpaper so that the surface is smooth.

2) Before you start processing the material, you should always wash it! 3) In order for the paint to last better and longer, it is necessary to prime the surface of the balusters with a primer deep penetration. 4) It is better to paint balusters with a spray gun or spray gun in 2 layers so that there are no streaks or smudges. 5) A prerequisite is to enjoy the process!

How to paint a wooden staircase correctly

6) And then we are thinking about purchasing balusters made of artificial marble, which do not require processing, painting, etc. p.s. For more information on painting balusters, watch the video from start to finish.

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Painting the stairs

Do you need to paint wooden stairs after installation, repair or repair those who have served faithfully? The LEVIS company offers its services in Moscow, the region and other cities of Russia.

We specialize in the design, production and installation of stairs for private houses, apartments and other facilities.

Price for painting wooden steps

Painting wood

This is the most common material used on stairs.

The tree is beautiful, but quirky in its own way. It must be protected from moisture, all microorganisms, aggressive agents and other effects. There are two finishing options - highlight the natural structure or order a color with a different color.

It all depends on the condition of the tree and your desires.

You can use:

  • oils with hard wax, which will make the shadows deeper and richer, they will retain the ability to breathe and at the same time provide surface strength, resistance to moisture, aggressive agents and mechanical stress;
  • transparent varnishes (water-based polyurethane, waterproof coatings), recommended for stairs with high loads.

    They also highlight the natural beauty of the wood and are highly resistant to wear;

  • stains, colored varnishes, tinting, depilation - ways to change the natural color of a product. Depending on the composition, the surface can create shades with various effects, including imitation of natural (for example, bleached wood, which was once popular in Moscow).

    The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of reconstruction.

The cost of varnishing wooden stairs depends on the materials used and the complexity of the work.

Painting the stairs to the second floor of the house. Do you need advice

We also provide wooden overlays.


Purpose of coloring metal structures is to create an aesthetic appearance and protect against corrosion.

It is clear that we are not talking about stainless steel or chrome elements. Metal steps and skeletons that do not have an aesthetic appearance must be painted. You can order compositions with silicone additives and powder paint. They cover the surface with a thin, durable film and protect it from damage. Prices for work are also calculated based on the material, its quantity and the complexity of the process.

Useful pages

Choosing a color for a wooden staircase

Adding charm to the interior of any home is not complete without careful selection. color range wooden stairs. Their appearance creates a feeling of respectability and luxury, combined with practicality. Often it is the color scheme that determines the aesthetic effect produced by the lifting structure in general, and the interior style in particular.

How to choose a shade

Brown stair steps

The combination of white and brown in a classic staircase

The color of the wooden staircase to the second floor inside each house directly depends on the following factors:

  • lighting;
  • shades of color variations of room doors;
  • wood species

Deciding what color to paint a wooden staircase depends on some important aspects.

The difficulty when choosing a specific shade is determining the prevailing type of lighting in the room. For example, in the absence of natural illumination, the color of the wood is not able to completely spread to the walls of the room, so their saturated variations look much darker in this case. Having decided on this point in advance, you can avoid repeated painting work in the future.

To create the most non-standard visual effect, many other subtleties of choice are used.

The harmonious combination of tint characteristics of stairs and doors is the second prerequisite creating an elegant and pleasant interior.

The vintage design style involves whitening the steps and emphasizing the wood texture. Stair color in wooden house, made in dark oak tones, gives an elitism to the entire interior of the room, but it is worth considering the impossibility of further brightening it. The stain penetrates the wood so deeply that it is almost impossible to remove.

In most cases, tinting softwood stairs turns out to be unnecessary.

Ideas and methods for painting the stairs in a house to the second floor

After all, it hides the already beautiful texture. Staircase openings, narrow and dark areas can be painted in light shades. This way you can dispel the gloom of the room. Spacious halls require bold, unconventional experimentation. Bright warm colors become most applicable here. They easily harmonize with almost any interior design.

It is also worth considering that a certain type of wood has its own color that is suitable for it:

  1. Pine staircases are painted "light oak" and "red walnut".
  2. Birch products look gorgeous in “red” walnut" and "mahogany".
  3. Oak texture is similar to pine and can be painted in similar shades.

The colors of wooden stairs in the photo will help every designer make a choice.

White stairs in the interior

In modern cottages, special attention is paid to creating style using staircase structures.

After all, they are a significant part of the interior and are able to qualitatively emphasize a certain style.

A win-win design option lifting structures In any home, a light color scheme is considered. The extraordinary airiness of this lifting structure gives it the effect of floating.

Suitable mainly for minimalist styles, and also freely used for “classic” interiors. Used in fairly bright rooms.

Features of white

The predominance of this color in the room is not a prerequisite.

You can limit yourself only to the light design of furniture. The staircase can also act as an accent element. The main thing is the designer’s successful idea. The main purpose of the light design of lifting structures is to accentuate certain effects of the interior style. White risers look especially beautiful in combination with the dark design of the steps, as can be seen in the photo.

The squatness is created by the opposite color option. This option is a non-standard color of a wooden staircase.

White color in the interior has some advantages over others:

  1. It is universal for designing any stylistic solution.

    Its specific shades can vary from baked milk and ivory to cream and mother-of-pearl.

  2. The naturalness of this color is associated with environmental purity and flora.
  3. Ceremonial, pompous and minimalist styles calmly incorporate any shades of white.

A white wooden staircase in the interior to the second floor requires careful choice suitable color for both the lower and upper levels.

The peculiarities of the choice are also hidden in the tastes of the owner. After consulting with professional designers, you can more accurately determine a specific shade and paint a certain part of the interior in the most aesthetic way.

If the process of constructing a staircase is already behind you and a magnificent pine structure, made by yourself, is already in your country house, then it's time to start painting it. How and with what to paint the staircase system, what types of paint and varnish products to give preference - this article will tell you about this and much more.

A pine staircase coated with varnish looks beautiful and durable

Features of painting wooden surfaces

Varnishing and painting pine products has its own characteristics. After all, as you know, wood, unlike metal, plastic and stone, is hygroscopic. Besides, don't worse than water its surface is eaten away by paints, varnishes and solvents. This can cause the wood fibers to change and the surface to become rough.

That is why you can paint a pine staircase with your own hands only with a coating that is intended specifically for these purposes.

Due to its unique resinous structure, pine wood requires a special approach and certain knowledge

Does wood need to be painted?

The texture of the wood itself is quite beautiful and can be used as part of the decor. In this case, its coating can be made transparent or translucent.

Pine has a high content of resin that impregnates the material. Therefore, not all paint will apply evenly to the tarred area.

By painting wood, you not only make it more attractive, but also protect it from external factors


This layer is mandatory and should be the first when processing wood. Its advantages:

  • firstly, it prevents the tree from fungus;
  • secondly, it protects against rotting;
  • thirdly, it does not allow midges to breed in the wood.

In addition, the stain forms a barrier against moisture and prevents the pine from cracking.

Pine wood releases a large amount of resin and therefore requires very careful processing

However, this coating alone is not enough, since it is not able to protect the wood from mechanical wear. And you will agree that walking along the soaked stairs only barefoot or in slippers is not very comfortable.

What coating to apply

The second layer after applying the stain should be varnish or enamel.

From the right choice quality coating depends on the appearance of the entire structure


For painting wooden stairs made from low-grade wood, enamel is the best choice. It will hide the putty on knots and cracks and protect the surface from wear and mechanical damage. In addition, the enamel layer is very easy to care for – you just need to wash it periodically.

Enamel can hide all imperfections in wood texture


If the surface of a pine staircase is smooth and free of any damage, then varnish would be the best choice. It will highlight the beauty of the texture and elevate its appearance.

If pine wood highest quality, then it can be varnished

The varnished surface of a pine staircase looks extremely beautiful.

When to paint

Many novice craftsmen are interested in the question of when to paint and varnish a pine staircase - before installation or after.

You can paint the stairs both after assembly and before, depending on the type of structure

According to many experts, you need to coat a product with varnish or paint like this:

  • If for installation staircase design If anchor bolts, screws and studs are used, it is best to apply a layer of coating to the component parts before joining them together. This will reliably protect against negative external influences those planes that will be inaccessible after installation of the system.
  • If, when building a staircase with your own hands, you use glue to connect its components, then you need to coat the surface with varnish or paint on a ready-made staircase structure.

Varnish better stairs already in a ready-made, finally assembled form

How to choose the right paint and varnish

Before deciding on the right coating, must be divided work surface pine stairs into separate components, since they have completely different modes of operation.

When choosing paint and varnish, you should give preference to proven brands

For example, steps are subject to more severe wear - stilettos and heels can leave marks on the wood surface if the protective layer of the coating is weak.

At the same time, handrails and fittings, as well as risers, experience almost no overload. And, therefore, their coating has more of a decorative function. Hence the choice of materials.

Fittings (balusters and railings) must also be coated with high-quality paint and varnish products

Deciding on the type of coverage

So how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands and choose the right varnish and paint?

For the working surface of the steps, alkyd floor enamels are used - for example, domestic paint PF-266, as well as its imported analogues.

In a specialized store you can choose any color

The best varnish for pine stairs - polyurethane parquet. Its cost is quite high, but despite this it is of very high quality and forms a strong and wear-resistant protective surface.

For those surfaces that do not experience strong mechanical stress, we can recommend PF-115 enamels.

The paint and varnish industry today offers many high-quality types of varnishes and paints for wood processing

As for varnish, the most the best option are affordable nitrocellulose varnishes of the NTs series or alkyd PF-170.

Dyeing process

So, we now know how to paint a pine staircase. It remains to figure out how to do it yourself.

When purchasing varnish for pine wood, carefully read its instructions

The entire dyeing process is divided into the following stages:

  • Degreasing the surface.
  • Application of putty.
  • Sanding the product.
  • Painting the stairs.

Processing of the staircase structure must occur in a clearly defined sequence


This is the first step of preliminary work. Pine, as you know, has a resinous surface, and in order to remove it, it is necessary to treat the product with a special solvent. Regular turpentine is perfect for these purposes.

To degrease the surface of a pine staircase, you can use regular turpentine.


In order to repair all existing flaws in the structure, it must be puttied. In this case, the best choice would be a special acrylic wood putty.

Before painting, the product must be puttied, thereby making the surface perfectly smooth.


Immediately before painting a pine staircase, to obtain a flawless surface, the product must be sanded. It is better to process steps using a grinder, and balusters and railings by hand.

The paint will lay down in an even layer on a well-sanded surface.


It is better to paint a pine structure with a brush. Alkyd enamel or viscous varnish cannot be sprayed with a spray gun; for a roller, the surface of the stairs has a rather difficult shape.

Painting is carried out in three layers, and polyurethane varnish can be applied to steps in 6-7 layers, since in addition to its aesthetic function, it also serves as protection against mechanical damage.

Painting should be done with gloves and in compliance with all safety standards.

After applying the first layer and drying it completely, the entire surface is sanded with zero-grade sandpaper.

Now you know how to paint a pine staircase with your own hands and choose the varnish. But, if for some reason you do not want to build and then paint the structure yourself, then you can always take advantage of the offers in our online store and buy from us already finished staircase from pine or any other material

A pine staircase painted carefully and in compliance with all the rules looks extremely beautiful and impressive

Being natural material, wood is in great demand for the construction of buildings, partitions, for the production of furniture and as additional interior elements. However, the tree is very susceptible to certain atmospheric phenomena, and it is also afraid of rodents and insects. That is why correct processing wood is very important and if you want the maximum service life of a wood product, then you should know not only the names of suitable solutions, but also the technology for processing certain mixtures. Today I want to talk about how to paint a staircase with your own hands, how to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor, and what is special about painting a pine staircase.

Need painting

Painting the stairs

Many people don’t understand why paint wooden surfaces if they have one beautiful texture, which may change due to chemical materials. However, the application of impregnations and coloring agents is necessary for:

  • In order to protect your flight of stairs from various pests
  • To prevent its rapid wear
  • From negative influence sun rays
  • Moisture, mold or, conversely, excessive drying of the material

One of the main advantages that are not related to protective functions is the appearance of the stairs after painting. Since with its help you can fit this element into any interior solution.

Important! As you can see, the need to paint a wooden staircase with your own hands is obvious. An untreated transition will not serve you for a long time and efficiently, and the possibility of replacing some parts or the entire structure is an expensive pleasure.

If you use the right means for processing a pine staircase, then you will not only be able to not spoil the appearance of the structure, but also emphasize its advantages. The materials can be:

  1. Coloring is done not only for aesthetic purposes. On the floor, tongue and groove pine boards are most often used. Despite its strength, unopened wood wears out 5 times faster. This is due to the fact that dust and grains of sand become clogged in the pores, which over time destroy the structure of the floorboards. By painting a staircase made of pine or any other wood with varnish or paint yourself, you extend its service life.
  2. Enamel
  3. Dye
  4. Varnish

Advantages of pine stairs

Painting a pine staircase

When I independently built a house on my summer cottage, the construction of the second floor was fundamental for me. To save a little money, I decided to use solid pine as the material for constructing the stairs. Therefore, let's tell you a little about the properties inherent in a wooden staircase:

  • Being budget material, pine is perfect for economical construction
  • Despite the fact that pine is not as durable as oak or larch, it has a favorable appearance and good wear resistance
  • If we compare spruce and pine, the second material is much better, as it has fewer knots and a denser texture
  • Unique pattern and light color pine trees are an additional plus

Important! The growth time of the tree directly plays a role in the density of pine. And since this process It is impossible to control, then when purchasing the material and carrying out the processing, you may notice that the products are absorbed unevenly.

When arranging a staircase with your own hands, its step is most often made from edged solid boards. However, for steps you can also use laminated boards, which are more durable and wear-resistant.

How to paint the stairs

Painted pine staircase

If you are thinking about what to use to process a pine staircase, then here is a small list and short description possible materials:

  1. Impregnation with antiseptic and fire retardant properties - can be made on a water, acrylic, alcohol or wax basis
  2. Stain for tinting - the wood texture remains the same but becomes more expressive. Can be produced on the above bases and additionally on chemical
  3. Polish is a transparent mixture that does not give the material a new shade and retains the existing color and texture. Very often the polish is applied over paint or varnish, thereby giving the stairs an even more favorable appearance.
  4. Varnish – is transparent protective layer, which should be applied over stain
  5. Enamel is a pigmented varnish that can create matte or glossy layers.
  6. Paint is a very popular material that has not only protective, but also decorative properties. You can choose paint to suit any interior and room design.

You can paint a wooden staircase yourself, but before doing so, you should look at the table. When we have figured out how to paint the stairs, it is worth finding out the advantages and disadvantages of types of paint:

Type of paintwork pros Minuses
Oily It is moisture resistant and has a rich color. When painted, it forms a dense and protective film They are not breathable and take a long time to dry. Over time, peeling may begin
Enamel Has the property of quick drying, is moisture resistant and evenly applied Can only be used for interior spaces, also the only matte surface is obtained
Acrylic, Acrylate Lays down evenly, water-soluble, dries quickly. Is breathable Matte finish
Alkyd Ability to create smooth surfaces, dries quickly, moisture resistant There is a pungent odor and the contents contain solvents. Is a short-lived coating

Painting the stairs can be done using any of the above materials; which type to use is your choice. I hope with the help of the table you will be able to choose the right paint.

DIY painting

DIY painting of pine stairs

Before painting the stairs, you should study the technology of the work. At the same time, I want to give some tips on how to paint a pine staircase in order to get a coating with maximum service life.

So, how to paint a wooden staircase made from solid pine:

  • The first step is to deal with the problem of pine - it's resin. To do this, use acetone or turpentine. These materials remove all tar manifestations, and the processing tool is an ordinary rag
  • At the next stage, preparatory work is carried out, which consists of puttying damaged areas. For this process, it is better to choose acrylic wood putty. Since the material shrinks when it dries, the mixture should be applied in 2-3 layers, and the surface should be sanded between layers. Since we will be painting our stairs in the future, the color of the putty can be any color. But if you have to apply varnish, then you need to choose a putty that matches the color of the stairs
  • Sanding is a mandatory and important activity. Using this will help you in this process. grinder, however, be prepared for the fact that hard-to-reach places will still have to be processed manually. Sandpaper is used in different grits, but do not jump from finer to coarse grains. Zeroing during processing is used only at the grinding stage between layers
  • Painting flight of stairs should be done with a brush. Due to their viscosity, alkyd enamel and varnish cannot be applied using a spray gun, and the use of a roller is prohibited due to the complex surface. The material is applied in several layers, and if you decide to use polyurethane varnish, then prepare for the fact that the number of layers may increase to 6-7. After you have applied the first coat, let it dry well and sand it down with fine-grade sandpaper. This is important when using enamel or varnish for pine, since raising the pile interferes with a high-quality coating, and we absolutely do not need this
  • Please remember that before you begin any Finishing work problems associated with coating with various paints and impregnations should be very carefully removed in the room where the pine staircase is located. The fact is that dust can harm the appearance of the coating by settling on it at the most unnecessary moment. The painting material must be of high quality, so think about choosing the type of paint in advance

Do-it-yourself painting of pine stairs

Cleaning of the room is carried out after work with surface grinding, as this process is very dusty. Before painting, several layers of primer should be applied, and if in this case the villi begin to rise and swell, then sanding and application of primer will need to be done again. When applying paint, which is thinner than varnishes, you can use a pneumatic sprayer - but do not forget to use a respirator. When several layers are applied, the second should be applied perpendicular to the first, and the third perpendicular to the second. Do not forget that subsequent layers can be applied only after the previous one has dried, this way you will not have smudges and the coating will be of the highest quality without color transitions. When you paint an already installed staircase, always start at the top and work your way down - this way you will not catch the already painted surface.

Never be afraid to do something with your own hands, because without trying you will never know about your abilities and if you succeed, then you can really save not only on purchasing a structure from available material, but also on the painting work itself.

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