Decorating a flight of stairs in a private house. Design of a staircase in a house: what could it be like? Installation of a direct structure includes the following steps

If your country house or apartment has a second floor, then the need to place a staircase is an obvious fact. The only question is this. How to properly equip and design the structure so that the beauty of the staircase is in no way inferior to its practicality, reliability and safety. Well, the fact that you came to our page means that you are moving in the right direction. Now you can be sure that your staircase in a private home will be the best of the best.

Wooden stairs for the second floor

From the existing huge number of different designs, choosing exactly the staircase that best suits your interior is not entirely straightforward. simple task. After all, here it is necessary to take into account many factors that influence the visual perception of the interior. An important role in obtaining a positive result is played not so much by the shape of the structure (although this is very important), but correct selection from which it will be made.

In Russia today, wood holds the palm among the most popular types of materials. And completely deservedly so. Indeed, in addition to environmental benefits, solid wood products have a number of other properties and qualities that set them apart from the crowd.

Wooden stairs can withstand heavy loads, but over time they do not deform and do not lose their attractiveness. The maximum that will need to be done is to update the paintwork in a couple of years.

The staircase is an important part of the interior, so its design should be given due attention

A staircase in a private house is not only an auxiliary structure that helps to get to the second floor, but also a special element that complements the overall picture of the interior.

When choosing a suitable project, it is important to take into account the parameters of the room itself, whether the staircase is suitable in size, and whether it will disrupt the overall style of the house. Therefore, it is important to approach this issue with full responsibility.

In a cozy country house, the staircase will be harmoniously combined with wooden and second light. And the surrounding interior will be decorated with comfortable, cushioned furniture with a small coffee table in the center.

Staircase in a private house on a metal frame

Another very popular type of structure connecting the floors of a house is a staircase on a metal frame. The reliability and strength of metal does not need advertising, but not everyone knows information about the finishing materials with which it is best combined. We'll talk about this now.

The use of bare metal is, of course, also acceptable, but walking on it will not be pleasant for everyone, especially when the house is cool. Therefore, it is best to use a combined manufacturing option staircase design, frame - metal, steps - wood, glass or artificial marble.

There are two types of staircase designs most commonly used:

  1. Marching flights - consist of marching spans of equal length and a platform separating them;
  2. Spiral (screw) - in the classic version, this is a staircase with a projection contour in the shape of a circle.

Stairs using transparent railings made of impact-resistant glass look lighter and airier. They best suit the high-tech style of the interior.

Their elegant and sophisticated appearance will always attract attention. Glass can also be combined with panels various breeds wood. The most interesting combination will look with such species as teak, oak, cedar, beech and maple.

Glass stairs for a country house (photo)

Despite the fact that glass staircases have a design that is not entirely familiar to the home, today the popularity of these structures is quite high. Their elegant design will be appropriate when decorating any interior, and the specially tempered impact-resistant glass from which the steps and railings are made makes the structure absolutely safe for home use.

But there is no limit to the perfection of beauty, and today's manufacturers offer glass staircases, with neon lighting of each step. In the evening, this spectacle looks truly magical and bewitching.

The variety of shapes and types of designs makes it possible to make the style of your interior unique and inimitable. And with the help of various lighting fixtures and other decorative elements, your staircase can be turned into a real work of art.

Spiral staircases to the second floor (photo)

A spiral staircase in a private house is mainly used if there is not enough free space to arrange a regular flight of stairs. The structure consists of steps fixed on the central pillar of the base and protective fence in the form of railings and handrails of various shapes.

The spiral staircase has incredible attractiveness and beauty. Its smooth lines and curves create an ideal shape that suits most interiors. It looks especially great in spacious living rooms in Art Nouveau, Provence, Eco and Country styles.

Thanks to its mobility and compactness, the screw can be used almost anywhere. This could be a hallway or even a hallway. They are also often installed between the top floor and the attic.

The advantages of a spiral staircase include the following:

  • Small size – minimum requirements for free space;
  • Acceptable cost - when compared with a marching staircase, the cost of a spiral staircase is significantly lower;
  • The visual effect of increasing floor height is especially important for rooms with low ceilings;
  • A huge variety of shapes and designs, allowing you to create a unique interior at home.

A spiral staircase in a private house also has its disadvantages:

  • Operation - in fairness, it should be recognized that using a spiral design is much less convenient than a marching one. If you need to lift something large to the top, you may encounter great difficulties;
  • Manufacturing - in order to correctly design a spiral staircase, you need the maximum exact calculations and great experience;
  • Safety – it will be quite difficult for people with a weak vestibular system to climb to great heights.

The material for making spiral staircases can be wood, metal, concrete, marble and even glass. Based on this, decorative elements for the structure are selected. A spiral staircase in a private house goes perfectly with hanging railings, which are made of metal in the form of peculiar threads stretching from the ceiling.

Depending on the style of the interior, one or another material is selected. Metal will be appropriate in classic minimalism and unpredictable baroque. Glass looks amazing in modern and Scandinavian style interior Concrete or marble will be a wonderful decoration that will emphasize the character of the loft, art deco or eclectic style.

The absence of walls in a loft style interior suggests that the staircase structure will be open to view. Therefore, its design should be thought through to the smallest detail, since it is it that will set the main tone of the interior, emphasizing its exceptional masculine character.

Wood, glass and metal are the main materials for the manufacture of stairs, characteristic of this style. Here we can use both screw and marching type structures, but the latter is still more common. Transparent glass, with openwork steps and forged railings allow a harmonious combination of massiveness and lightness at the same time. But for more discreet interiors would be better suited solid wood, which makes the structure look more luxurious.

Design tricks

Very often, metal stairs are covered with dark paint, or patina is used to achieve the effect of a copper surface. This technique allows you to create the illusion that the structure has been in use for quite a long time. These stairs look very interesting, and they also create a feeling of lived-in space.

To make your interior as close as possible to the loft style, some of the walls should be decorated with artificial stone. Also, decoration for the walls and ceiling can be parquet or, which are quite simple. A pronounced wood texture on the wall facades will bring the missing warmth and tranquility to the interior.

Modern staircase design that can surprise

A staircase in a private house with an original design will turn your interior into a true work of art. Quirky architectural design in a futuristic and modern style, with beautiful railings made from a variety of materials will allow you to create a truly unique structure that will be the center of attention of your unique interior.

Noble metal, chromed steel, lacquered steps, transparent glass - here is a small list of materials that will emphasize that your staircase belongs to the above styles.

Modern style does not accept the presence of a large number of different accessories that distract unnecessary attention. The overall picture must strictly comply with the general rules of the interior. The color scheme is selected carefully, according to the preferences of the homeowners.

Concrete staircase to the second floor

What could be more reliable and better quality than concrete? That's right, only even more reliable and high quality. This is an incredibly durable and strong material from which you can make truly stunning structures, marching and spiral staircases, enchanting with their unearthly beauty. The uniqueness of the material allows it to be used and combined with almost any finishing materials, be it stone or glass.

In order for the external appearance of the structure to be worthy of admiration, the railings and steps must have an impeccable appearance that can satisfy even the most sophisticated connoisseur of beauty. However, while chasing beauty, it is important not to forget about the main functional purpose of the staircase design - it is a safe, convenient ascent and descent for a person.

One of the most important principles for choosing the right design for a staircase is a harmonious combination of its shades with the rest of the interior. A staircase in a private house should blend perfectly with the overall landscape and have common features with it.

Gray color is the color of rigor and sophistication

We hope you were able to see that the world of stairs is simply huge. In it, everyone can find something suitable, both for themselves and for their friends.

By following the basic rules, you will be able to choose exactly the staircase you have been dreaming about for so long.

The design of a hall with a staircase in a private house requires the use of certain artistic techniques to give the entire room stylistic unity. In this case, you need to correctly connect the requirements for utility and ease of use, as well as the solemnity of the first acquaintance with the house.

Features and Requirements

The staircase from the first to the second floor in the hall of a cottage or apartment is of particular importance. It connects the rooms of different floors and is the architectural accent of the hall.

Thus, the following requirements are imposed on the stairs in the hall:

  • The staircase should be comfortable and safe for the ascent and descent of household members and visitors. Railings and additional lighting may be required;
  • Should be considered sufficient size flight of stairs to lift furniture to the next floor. If the size of the hall does not allow the installation of a suitable staircase, it is necessary to have an elevator, spare steps outside the house, or lift furniture to the second and subsequent floors using special rigging through the windows;

  • Possibility to provide storage space under flights of stairs;
  • The staircase requires a stylish design approach to the design of this part of the interior. The design of the staircase depends on the type and location in the room.


A common design is a rectilinear design with an interspan platform. This is the most reliable and convenient system: flights of stairs are connected by landings; as a rule, flights are equipped with railings. Often such a staircase structure has a window, which provides additional opportunities for interesting interior design options. Such stairs can become the main decoration of the entrance space, but require a significant area and ceiling height.

For small halls compact option is a straight span configuration without turning platforms. This is a convenient design that is more affordable in terms of installation costs, but due to the steepness of the rise, it is not suitable for every homeowner.

In very small rooms they install spiral staircases. They can fit beautifully into the space, decorated with forged elements, but it is not always possible to equip them with railings, so they have limitations in terms of safety of ascent and descent.

Disabled and elderly people will find it difficult to climb and descend such stairs.

Types of fencing

Fences are designed to provide security. Their aesthetic value also plays an equally important role. The material for the manufacture of railings is used depending on the material for the manufacture of spans and steps.

Fences also have a decorative function in the design of stairs. It is desirable that their structure duplicates the main forms of the hall interior. So, if the design of the room is made in clear geometric lines, then the type of staircase railings is also kept in straight lines. The presence of smooth forms and arched designs indoors requires the use of curved railing elements.

Glass structures are at the height of fashion. Frameless ones look harmonious sliding doors made of glass in the entrance space with the same frameless glass railings. Glass framed in thin metal will add stylish chic to the interior.

Extreme design ideas exclude railings. It's very beautiful and lightweight design, when the steps are attached directly to the wall and do not have any fencing.

But not everyone is comfortable with this, and it can be dangerous for children.


The design of a particular structure depends on the location of the staircase in the hall.

  • Central placement places increased demands on design. Here the staircase is the main accent of the hall, and the most presentable finishing materials are chosen: natural marble, columns and wrought iron railings will add palace splendor to the entire entrance area. The parquet on the floor of the hall is supported by the same parquet on the steps, and the railings and balusters are made of the same type of wood as the doors, which are located on both sides of the stairs. A staircase without turning flights, located in the central part of the hall, is made of accent materials;

  • Lateral position assigns the staircase a secondary role in the interior. The main thing here is the organization of the space of the hall itself. The decoration of the staircase supports the basic concept of the hall style solution. For lateral placement, both traditional straight-line designs with or without turning platforms, and screw ones are suitable. Regardless of the location, great attention is paid to the materials used to make the stairs.


The modern construction industry produces a huge variety of finishing materials that satisfy the most intricate requests: from classic marble to colored impact-resistant glass for decorating a flight of stairs. Let's look at these options in more detail:

  • A natural stone- the oldest material used in construction. Flights from concrete structures on metal fittings they are decorated with marble or granite tiles with an anti-slip effect. Skillfully carved figured railings and balusters are made from solid this stone or have forged elements. This decoration will add solemnity and create a feeling of luxury. Especially if these stones are used in the decoration of the walls and floor of the hall; This is an expensive finish and will only look appropriate in large areas.

  • Instead of natural, it is advisable to use fake diamond. Its wear resistance is several orders of magnitude higher, and its appearance is indistinguishable from natural. This material has a huge variety of textures and a wide range of colors;

  • The most popular were natural wood stairs. Wood has the necessary strength and has a centuries-old history of use in construction. Conifers are most often used, as they are durable and create a feeling of warmth and comfort. The wealth of the owners will be emphasized by structures made of more valuable species - mahogany or oak, which, when processed, give a beautiful fiber structure and have a richness of color and texture. As a rule, railings are also made of wood, and in the case of oak, railings can be made of metal or glass;

  • Along with solid wood they use wood-shaving and wood-fiber materials. They are finished with natural wood veneer, which significantly reduces the cost of such stairs, but they have less wear resistance;

  • Plastic material for stairs in terms of design is metal. A metal staircase can be given any most intricate shape. Color solutions have no restrictions. The strength of the structure is the highest. Metal goes well with any material from the interior decoration of the hall: with glass, with stone, with brickwork and simple plaster. A laconic metal staircase will fit in the smallest room and can become the central element of the hall exposition, being decorated with elegant railings;

  • An innovative approach was the use laminated glass for steps and railings. It gives lightness and weightlessness enough robust construction, but not everyone likes to walk on transparent steps. Much more often, glass fences are installed.


The staircase in the hall should be properly lit. The brightness of the lighting on the stairs is deliberately somewhat reduced in relation to the illumination of the hall, so that the space of the hall is dominant. Mounted in the ceiling above the stairs Spotlights in a row along the length of the span. This gives dynamics to the room.

On the wall along the flight of stairs you can hang several sconces at the same distance from each other in the style of the chandelier in the hall itself. Modern stage designs allow the installation of LED lighting, which creates a magical atmosphere in the house. This lighting looks especially impressive on glass steps.

The window on the turning platform, located opposite the entrance, visually enlarges the space and provides a source of natural light. You can decorate such an opening with lambrequins that match the style.

It is worth installing on the site large flower in a spectacular flowerpot or on a stand in the form of a column with stucco molding, repeating the pattern of stucco molding on the front ceiling.

Space under the stairs

The traditional staircase design occupies a fairly large space, and niches appear under the flights, which can be successfully used in the design of the room.

  • In the halls with classic renovation the niches are finished with the same materials as the walls of the entire corridor. An arch is arranged in a low space and a couch and a table with a sconce or floor lamp are placed. The central partition in such a niche can be decorated with photo wallpaper and a chest of drawers can be placed. For better illumination of the space, in addition to lighting, pasting with bright wallpaper to match or contrasting canvases is used;

  • IN European style the space under the stairs is used as an additional bedroom for temporary accommodation;

  • IN small cottage Requires a lot of storage space. A system of cabinets and drawers for household items is built under the flight of stairs. Sometimes such additions are installed under each step.


To create an aesthetic composition entrance area With a staircase, you need to choose structural and finishing elements of the same architectural style. For example:

  • Owners of huge halls can afford luxurious flights of stairs made of marble or granite in a classic style. The walls of the hall and the inter-span area are decorated with the same columns, and the fence supports the same stucco pattern. Opposite the entrance on the first landing there is a huge mirror in a matching frame, a valuable painting or a window beautifully draped with fabric. Restraint and sophistication of the classics with a staircase made of wood or metal will emphasize the nobility of the interior;
  • The modern dimensions of the halls perfectly match the decor in the style of minimalism. Metal, high-strength plastic or glass create functional designs and do not clutter up the space. An art deco staircase will require expensive quality materials. Illuminated glass and the golden color of metal stairs are emphasized by laconic metal lamps;

One-story houses are gradually losing their popularity, giving way to cottages, which are now being built in large numbers. Despite the fact that these buildings may differ not only in cost and number of living meters, but also in the method of interior decoration, there is a feature that unites them and implies the presence of several floors, and, accordingly, an interfloor staircase, which is a separate design object. The design of a staircase in a cottage depends not only on the layout of the building and its general architectural style, but also on the financial capabilities of the owner. Interfloor stairs, which have undergone constructive and aesthetic evolution during their existence, are characterized by a functional and decorative purpose and in most cases become a successful decoration for the hall or hallway of a country cottage, visually expanding its space. However, an essential condition for creating a winning interior solution is the unity of texture of the finish, which is relevant for stairs, door portals, skirting boards and screen radiators. This unity means the same type of wood, the presence of a connecting decor of profiles and secondary elements and, of course, solidarity of colors. How to design a staircase and a corridor so that it becomes the unifying stylistic core of the honeymoon neighboring rooms, whose interior has nothing in common? What structural types and design options exist for stairs? Find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Staircase - a functional and aesthetic element of the interior

The concept of “cottage” in Russia is quite ambiguous and includes both small country houses on personal plot, as well as luxury country houses in elite cottage villages. Design differences between buildings called cottages, there are also differences between the requirements that apply to the stairs that complement the interior of these buildings. In order for the interfloor staircase to become a harmonious addition to the interior and fully realize its integrating function, its location, structural type and the material from which it will be made must be determined at the stage of construction of the cottage. Being a key element of the interior, the staircase performs two main functions, namely aesthetic and constructive. In this regard, it is around the staircase that the fundamental elements of the interior concept are concentrated, and the arrangement of furniture and the highlighting of the main functional zones carried out taking into account its location. The material from which the staircase structure is made is no less important, since it is this that determines the holistic interior concept.

Important! If classical-style staircases are made mainly from valuable wood species or a combination of materials, then for the manufacture modern stairs The most unexpected materials are often used, including glass or chrome. Also welcome original decor and the presence of intricate lighting.

Structural options for interfloor stairs: brief description

All staircase structures can be divided into two main types:

  • Marching, the design of which is a continuous series of steps from one landing to another. Usually, two- or three-flight staircases are installed, consisting of several flights of stairs, but in case of a shortage of space, you can limit yourself to a single-flight staircase, the design feature of which is the absence of an intermediate platform. The most spectacular variant of a marching design is swing spans, a striking example of which is the main staircase, decorated with columns, balustrades or statues;
  • Spiral or spiral staircases are structures that do not require flights, since, in fact, they are a single span. The design features and shapes of these stairs open up a wider field for imagination for the master, erasing all design boundaries and “twisting” the interior around itself. Spiral staircases made of wood are in no way inferior to classic marching designs, and models made of sparkling chrome or using an extraordinary combination of stainless steel and glass will become an integral attribute modern modern. Stairs of this type instantly attract the eye, enlivening the interior and adding an element of lightness and weightlessness to it.

Important! Designers advise giving preference to spiral staircases if small area premises in which it will be located lifting structure, does not allow placing stairs with a large slope of steps, which take up a large amount of free space. In most cases, spiral staircases are used to climb to the attic or basement.

The design of a spiral staircase consists of a load-bearing pillar around which a “ribbon” is twisted. Variations of the curls of this tape allow you to install stairs of various shapes: from the traditional round shape to the original octagonal.

More details about the types of marching stairs

There are several types of marching stairs:

  • Stairs on stringers (stringer is a support located under the steps), the design of which involves the presence of beams individually fixed to the base. Can be made of metal, wood or concrete. Despite the fact that outwardly they look light and airy, they can withstand significant loads.
  • Stairs on bowstrings (string is a support located on the side of the steps) are also a complex structure, the steps of which are attached to the inside of the support beam;

Important! Bowstring and stringer are terms denoting the load-bearing elements of a staircase structure, the length of which corresponds to the length flights of stairs. In both cases, the supporting structures are located on the sides of the stairs. The only difference between them is this:

  • Stairs on bowstrings involve fastening steps between them, while the edges of the treads, located in pre-prepared grooves, are hidden;
  • Stairs on stringers involve placing steps on top of the supporting structure. To install the steps, the stringer is cut out in the form of a comb.

Stairs of this type will fit well into both classic and modern interiors.

  • Stairs with bolts are frameless structures, the steps of which are secured to the wall with bolts - special large bolts.

Designs of this type are no less relevant for modern cottages. Translated from German, “bolz” means “pin” or “bolt,” from which we can conclude that the name of the design already contains its fundamental differences from the previous two options. A staircase on rails requires the presence of steps that are adjacent to the wall and are fixed using invisible fasteners - heavy-duty bolts. The main advantages of such stairs are the expansion of design possibilities and the visual lightness of the structure. Reliable fastening of the steps on the rails makes it possible to refuse the use of risers that block the view, which allows you to make the staircase weightless and the interior unobtrusive.

Popular materials for making stairs

It's quite problematic to talk about options beautiful design stairs without mentioning the most popular materials for their manufacture.

Wooden stairs in the interior

Wood, which has proven itself to be a reliable and durable material, occupies one of the first places in the list of materials for the manufacture of staircase structures. Design features wooden stairs are no different from those for stairs made of other materials.

Stairs to the second floor can include from one to three flights, but in most cases craftsmen prefer two-flight designs. Moreover, in accordance with the rules fire safety, in private houses it is prohibited to install stairs characterized by the presence of more than two flights. In this case, the steps are attached to bowstrings or stringers, which serve as load-bearing elements. In view of this, increased demands are placed on their safety.

Depending on the number of load-bearing elements used, the following types of stairs are distinguished:

  • Single-string, when one end of the steps is mounted into the wall, and the other is attached to the string;
  • Double-string, when both ends of the steps are secured to strings or bowstrings;
  • Without stringers, the design of which involves fastening one end of the steps to the wall, while the other end remains unsupported. In this case, it must be taken into account that in order to ensure reliable fastening of the steps, the wall thickness must be at least 1.5 bricks.

Important! From an aesthetic point of view, structures mounted on stringers look most advantageous. One cannot ignore the fact that in this case the strength of the structure is negatively affected by the cutouts for the steps, which are a mandatory part of such stairs. To protect the structure, experts recommend giving preference to timber with a large cross-section.

Metal stairs: advantages and disadvantages

Unlike wooden stairs, metal constructions are considered more durable. By purchasing a ready-made metal structure, you can customize it to suit your individual needs. Currently, it is difficult to find staircase structures made entirely of metal, which are gradually giving way to combined staircases. Most often, metal is combined with plastic, stone, glass or wood, which not only makes the structure lighter, but also improves its aesthetic characteristics.

Advantages of metal stairs:

  • Durability and long service life;
  • A variety of shapes and the ability to combine straight and curved lines;
  • Democratic price.

As for the disadvantages, among them the main attention should be paid to the labor-intensive process of covering the structure with protective coatings.

In addition, an integral stage of installing a metal staircase is welding, the implementation of which guarantees the strength and safety of the structure. Due to the specificity and labor-intensive nature of the process, its implementation should be trusted only to professionals. They will prevent damage to the aesthetic appeal of the staircase, which will be very difficult to restore. Current level of development construction technologies allows you not only to order a metal staircase with individual design, but also purchase a ready-made kit. The production time, as well as the cost of these projects, will vary and directly depend on the complexity of the design and the availability of components.

Forged stairs - an original element in the interior

One of the most original ways to decorate a staircase is artistic forging. Forged stairs, despite the peculiarities of metal, do not seem bulky; on the contrary, forged flights visually lighten the interior, making it more elegant and graceful.

Let's consider the advantages inherent in forged stairs:

  • Peculiarities forged metal allow you to use it to decorate stairs of various configurations, be it spiral, round or corner structures any height and complexity;
  • The appearance of decorative elements of artistic forging is quite diverse. As a rule, the complexity and massiveness of a forged ornament is determined by the area of ​​the room, its stylistic decision and other important criteria. For example, in a spacious hall and living room, in most cases, wide flights of stairs are installed, which are complemented by forged railings with complex and rich ornaments;
  • Aesthetic expressiveness, characteristic of metal staircases, is achieved due to the openwork of forged railings;
  • Artistic forging is a concept that includes original plant motifs, classical ornaments, floral rosettes decorated with fancy spiral curls. All this variety forged elements highlighted by the mesmerizing shine of gilding, achieved through the use of patina techniques.

Important! IN small rooms Experts recommend installing spiral staircases with handrails in the form of a spiral. They do not take up much space and also contribute to the visual lightening of the interior.

Decorating a staircase in a house photo

Contrary to popular belief that wrought-iron staircases fit harmoniously only into classic interiors, as well as interiors in the Gothic and Baroque styles, they will be a beneficial addition to other stylistic solutions. For example, if in the Empire style you can often find forged metal structures, the details of which are characterized by symmetry, simplicity of lines and the presence of geometric inserts, then Art Nouveau, on the contrary, dictates amorphous and asymmetrical forms, expressed in original bends.

Popular high-tech can be complemented by strict marches, decorated with simple fencing and a minimal amount of decor. Within the framework of the modern style, straight models complemented by twisted rods and clamps, as well as cylinders, will look relevant.

Popular stylistic solutions for decorating stairs in a house

By analogy with other interior elements, staircases are characterized by certain stylistic solutions. Generally speaking, we can highlight the following main design directions that are used to design stairs:

  • Classic style;
  • Neutral style;
  • Art Nouveau style;
  • And finally, country music.

Classic style- this is the laconicism of elegant and restrained forms, muted tones and the original texture of natural stone. From this we can conclude that it involves the manufacture of flights of stairs from noble wood, marble or granite.

Decorative elements such as carvings, balusters and curls must also be present.

Important! In the process of decorating walls and stairs in a classic style, it is important not to overuse the decor so as not to cross the fine line between luxury and pretentiousness. Otherwise, the aristocracy befitting the classics will be replaced by cheapness and bad taste.

In the process of decorating the room in which the staircase is constructed, it is also important to adhere to the classic direction and complement the interior with appropriate accessories:

  • Forged decorative elements;
  • Carpets of discreet tones with original patterns;
  • Table lamps;
  • Strict armchairs and a wooden or stone table;
  • Heavy curtains.

Neutral style is perhaps the only one design solution, where the staircase structure can be characterized by any shape, color and material used. This is explained by the fact that the “neutral” style is recognized as the only stylistic solution where the staircase is not the central object of the interior and gives up this role to the interior of the hall or living room, depending on where it is located. The function of the staircase in this case is to not attract unnecessary glances, creating dissonance in the room.

In view of this, flights of stairs in such rooms, as a rule, are distinguished by restrained lines and the absence of any excesses. There are also no special requirements for the choice of material: it can be either wood or metal.

Modern- ultra-modern, categorical and shocking style, within the framework of which narrower stylistic solutions are also considered:

  • Minimalism;
  • Art Deco;
  • High tech;
  • Urbanism and other design innovations.

Important! To design the environment and staircases within these modern styles, experts recommend using glass, plastic and various metals. The materials used for flooring, including steps, are clinker tiles in avant-garde colors and original neon lighting for the steps of the stairs.

For example, within the framework of a high-tech style, the most appropriate would be a large amount of chrome and nickel, which complement the staircase railings and continue in other interior details. An abundance of fittings and lighting fixtures is also welcome.

Country- a stylistic decision reflecting rural life. The distinctive features of the style are naturalness and spontaneity, which are achieved through the use of a large amount of wood and textiles. The textile theme within the country style requires special attention, since it is present everywhere: on the steps, which is reflected in the form of a carpet for the entire span or overlays on the treads, and in the rest of the decoration of the room, which can be seen by finding overlapping color spots on carpets, pillows and window textiles.

The main “setter” of tone within the country style is the staircase and, in particular, the material from which it is made. Most suitable material alder, pine or birch are considered natural shades, while solid oak will not be appropriate.

Important! There is another type of country style, where neatness and simplicity give way to wildness and originality, achieved through the predominance of rough stone. A rough stone floor or a straight woven rug would look equally appropriate here. bright colors. As decorative finishing For a flight of stairs, in this case it is recommended to choose colored ceramics for paving the steps or simple iron rods that will replace the balusters. The final touch in the country style will be pots with fresh flowers, which can be placed on the intermediate platforms of the stairs.

Decorating the space under the stairs: original ideas

The staircase in the house takes up quite a lot of free space, however, the ergonomic organization of the space under the stairs will help minimize the loss of free space.

The most common way to use the space under the stairs is to create a dressing room or closet, however, if you approach this creatively, you can find many interesting options.

  • Arranging a library under the stairs will add dynamism and nobility to the interior;
  • The space under the stairs is a suitable place for arranging a study;
  • If desired, under the stairs you can organize a relaxation area for adults or a play area for children;
  • If you have pets, they will appreciate your efforts if you organize an individual seating area for them under the stairs.

Staircase design video

The harmonious coexistence of stairs in the style of a cottage sometimes becomes not an easy task for owners of private houses, unless, of course, they are professional architects. According to the designers, railings and steps for movement between floors contain both a stylistic and an important structural load, helping to recreate comfort and individuality in the interior of the entire house.

Before you start designing the staircase, you need to understand the options for its design. As a rule, the staircase structure is the central element in the interior of the house and takes up quite a lot of space, so the choice of its material, shape and type should be made at an early stage of design.

Types and designs of interior staircases at home

In order for the staircase to fit perfectly into the interior of the room, first of all, you should know about the main types of design and layout of staircase elements:

  1. Spiral staircase.

This is a spiral structure, where the winder steps are attached to a vertical support (pillar). Compact, but not very convenient, spiral staircases do not require careful calculation and look very effective.

The most common are screw structures with a central post to which the steps are attached. The spiral staircase can be mounted on limited area living space.

If the project has a two-flight screw design add an intermediate platform, then the style of the staircase to the second floor will look more decorative.

For a round staircase that is not tied to the walls, it is not necessary to have a supporting central pillar. This type of structure can be supported by social supports and walls.

  • Three-flight staircase.

If the distance between floors is large enough, it makes sense to install a staircase structure with two intermediate landings and three flights. Occupying a lot of free space, this type of staircase perfectly emphasizes the grandeur of the building, doing an excellent job of arranging large spaces.

Equipped between sites S-shaped staircase allows you to organize the area of ​​your house or cottage as efficiently as possible.

A decorative staircase in the interior of a room can be U-shaped with a short middle flight.

In the main hall or in the large hall, a T-shaped swing staircase is most often installed.

  • Double flight staircase.

Installation of stairs with two flights is preferably carried out when space is limited country house. Double-flight structures differ from single-flight structures by the presence of platforms between the flights.

You can organize the most comfortable movement and save space on the second floor using an L-shaped staircase with a 90-degree rotation.

In the case where the height between the floors is large, it is considered most appropriate to install a two-flight straight staircase with a small intermediate platform near one of the walls of the house.

The difficulties of convenient lifting in limited spatial conditions are perfectly eliminated thanks to the two-flight design with the winder steps rotating 180 degrees or using intermediate platforms. It is recommended to install additional supports in the corner of the building for such a staircase.

The smooth transition from a two-flight staircase to a one-flight one looks very impressive. Most often, the Y-shaped structure is mounted in the center of the hall (living room, hallway).

  • Single flight staircase.

A classic option for a summer house or a small private house. A straight single-flight staircase is installed for a more comfortable climb to the second floor. If you place the staircase structure along the guide wall with three lower and three upper steps, turned at an angle of 90 degrees in one direction, then it will not hide the area of ​​​​the house.

A complex spiral single-flight staircase involves winders and regular steps to ensure convenient ascent on straight sections and turns.

A staircase with a zigzag (arc-shaped) turn, mounted against the inner wall, looks decorative and very unusual.

Deciding on the type of construction is only half the battle. The main thing is that people who will climb the stairs feel safe and comfortable. That is why the design must be correctly calculated, and all elements of the staircase should be purchased from high-quality, reliable and durable material.

Design of internal staircases of houses - design features

The staircase can be built as follows:

  • On consoles. For fans of minimalist or electronic interior, you will certainly like the design without balustrades and fences, as if floating in the air.
  • On the bowstrings. Bowstrings in this case act as the main load-bearing element onto which steps and fences are fixed.
  • On the stringers. Stringers are load-bearing beams that support handrails, steps and risers. The design of staircases on stringers is mounted with one end into the upper floor, and the other rests on the lower floor. Ideal for classic interiors.
  • On pain. One of the main conditions for successful installation is a strong load-bearing wall, to which the steps are attached, connected to each other with special fasteners (bolts). The absence of noticeable load-bearing elements makes these stairs light and airy, but at the same time they do not compromise on the reliability and strength of other types.

Design of internal stairs of houses in wooden interiors

When talking about the absolute favorite among materials for the production of stairs, we mean wood. It is wooden stairs in the style of a private house that deserve special attention. Why?

Firstly, the advantages of wooden stairs:
  1. A wide color palette and unique wood texture allows designers to implement a variety of design solutions, such as load-bearing staircase structures and decorative finishing elements for balusters, railings and steps.
  2. Expensive wood species (Karelian birch, maple, ash, oak, hornbeam, beech) demonstrate high strength, as well as resistance to physical impact and decay.
  3. The homogeneous and dense structure of the wood is relatively easy to install and easy to process.

Secondly, wood can give a home warm atmosphere and positive energy.

Thirdly, in wooden houses there is no place for cold calculation and excessive pretentiousness. Traditionally, a staircase in a wooden house should be in harmony with the interior of the design project. In addition, modern manufacturers offer a wide range of color and creative solutions, so everyone can find something they like.

Design of internal staircases of houses: glass staircase in the interior

Glass steps are visually cold, but they look harmonious in a high-tech interior. When you look at the fragile glass structure, only one thing comes to mind: will the staircase support the weight of an adult? Undoubtedly, yes. To make glass steps, special tempered plexiglass is used, thanks to which the reliability and strength of the structure is on par with wooden and metal stairs.

As a rule, glass alone is not used to construct a staircase; it is combined with wood and metal. For example, a glass fence and wooden steps or a glass staircase on a metal frame.

For safety, glass steps are covered with a special anti-slip substance, corrugation or overlays.

Glass railings and stairs have the unique ability to visually increase the space of a room. To equip such stair railings, UV printing is used, which increases the strength of the steps or railings.

The glass staircase goes well with stained glass windows. Compact designs are great for decorating small spaces.

The spiral staircase made of glass looks especially attractive. Made with space ergonomics in mind, it facilitates penetration sun rays into the room and the “visual lightness” of the entire space in the house.

Design of internal staircases of houses

The following factors directly influence the style of a flight of stairs in a house:

  1. Direct location of the owners of the house.
  2. Functional purpose of the staircase (attic, basement, attic, front (upper), interfloor).
  3. Room layout.
  4. Ceiling height.
  5. The size of the house.

Designers and interior architects of wooden houses have concluded that the staircase in a room carries a decisive structural and stylistic load. That's why, owners country houses must clearly and carefully consider the dimensions of the stairs, deciding on the material for the manufacture of the flight and taking into account the operating conditions.

When choosing a material for the manufacture of a staircase structure, it would be advisable to pay attention to its strength characteristics and quality. Marble and wrought iron stairs in the interior are quite a significant option. They are monumental, durable and also wear-resistant. While wooden stairs are no less aesthetic and functional.

Moreover, the total cost of any of the presented options can be either low or high. It all depends on some parameters: installation, design features, amount of work, cost of material.

Types of stairs in a wooden interior

  • Combined (wooden steps with glass railings, on concrete base, on a metal frame).
  • Open, closed.
  • On two or one stringers.
  • With goose step steps.
  • Screw.
  • With rotation of 360, 180 and 90 degrees, with winder steps, with a platform.
  • Straight march (multi-march, one-, two-).
Let's take a closer look at staircase structures in the interior of a private house, as well as their stylistic features.

Staircase design in various styles:

  • Loft.

Metal handrails and wooden steps - this combination of materials is very popular in the loft style. It is very important to remember that this stylistic direction does not accept cluttering with unnecessary spaces, small spaces. Therefore, the flight of stairs is arranged ergonomically and as comfortably as possible.

  • Mediterranean.

This style evokes peace, lightness and airiness. Therefore, romance and good nature emanate from the staircase structure. The wooden elements of the staircase are richly decorated with bright tiles, textured plaster or frescoes. Handmade elements are also welcome. The main colors in this style are the following: turquoise, olive, beige or brown.

  • Country.

In a rustic style it is impossible to do without a wooden staircase. Naturally colored wood such as birch, pine or alder is preferable to oak. Moreover, quite often in country music they cover the stepped flight with colorful textiles. And along the staircase you can hang crafts self made or paintings.

  • Provence.

Wooden stairs in the French style are elegant, light and natural. The main distinguishing feature of staircases of this style are pastel shades with uneven coloring, which gives the structure a scuffed appearance combined with a unique aging effect. Comfortable railings and wide steps can be varnished or painted in light colors.

  • Ethno.

An integral attribute of a wooden cottage in an ethnic style is a wooden staircase (preferably made of oak or ash). In this case, the design of the staircase directly depends on the chosen style of the house. Thus, the interior with Indian design is a combination of turquoise, orange and crimson shades, African motifs suggest a staircase structure in the shape of a curved branch. And if preference is given to the tropics, then dark wood species should be chosen as materials.

  • Classical.

A universal staircase style that has been popular for centuries. As a rule, the basis classic models marching structures with fastening systems are located (on stringers or bowstrings). Staircase in the interior of this style has a consistent and elegant shape, with summary decorative elements: pattern, curls, carving. Most often, wooden stairs are painted in dark and subdued light colors and surrounded with luxury items designed in a “classic” style.

  • Deco.

A flight of stairs with thin, elegant steps and strict lines fits best into the interior. Richly decorated transparent white glass lamps also look great in a bright house. In the Art Deco style there is a place for a play of contrasts, ethnic geometric patterns, additional decorative elements, like ivory, bronze, crystals or snakeskin. A distinctive feature of a staircase in this style is the free space between the steps.

  • Neoclassical style.

Neoclassicism in the interior of a wooden house is the reign of splendor and luxury. And the staircase in such possessions should be solemn and wide. For staircase structures in a neoclassical interior, elegant wooden elements with carvings, expressive forging and stone can be used. Key design elements are balusters in the form of a cone-shaped pilaster, stepped podiums and short roller shutters.

  • Victorian style.

Wooden staircases in this style are impossible without the typical carved balusters and vertical supports, complemented by elegant dotted balls or spherical decorations. All kinds of carving, edging and stucco will be very useful. Sometimes railings can form groups of vertical or horizontal elements in the form of lattice.

  • Modern.

If you are partial to expressive and bright forms, then you will certainly like a wooden staircase in Art Nouveau style. Its graceful, curved “plant” lines, various wood elements and futuristic shapes harmoniously combine with an interior in this style.

Design of space under the stairs

The interior of the area under the stairs directly depends on the features of the house, and yet any free space can be successfully used in interior design.

For example, the most expedient way to use the free space under the stairs is to create storage space various items and interior elements. You can also place various shelves and built-in cabinets under it, as well as build all kinds of drawers for accessories, books, souvenirs and other unnecessary things.

A high-quality wooden staircase design is only half the success in organizing a balanced interior.

  • The staircase in the living room should be beautifully arranged, even if this requires sacrificing free space in the room.
  • If you want to create a stunning effect on others with the help of an unusually creative staircase (for example, a spiral staircase), think about the fact that you still have many years to live with it.
  • The structure, located in the hall or hallway, will provide the house with autonomy and will allow you to easily descend from the second floor.
  • To make a staircase beautiful and safe, you need to choose a material of exceptional strength: laminated glass, stainless steel, natural wood, etc.
  • A comfortable staircase should a priori be sufficiently illuminated and have free space above your head (at least two meters).
  • The most durable combination is considered to be the combination of wood and metal. And the most effective are combined stairs with wooden steps and elements of artistic forging.
  • Experts call the optimal combination of depth and height of a step 30 centimeters of depth by 15 centimeters of height.
  • The staircase design should not be a test for children and the elderly (lack of handrails, steep spiral staircases, steps with clearance, slippery materials). Even the most effective and stylish staircase must be safe and convenient.
  • The upper and lower steps of the stairs should be turned towards the central entrance.
  • When installing a staircase in the center, against a wall or in a corner, it is important to position it in such a way that it takes up a minimum of living space.
  • The staircase is a connecting element between interior items. In order for these links to create a single composition, everything must be kept in the same style (textiles, furniture, arches, floor, ceiling, doors, stairs).
Leave exotic stylistic solutions to the daredevils. The design of a staircase in the interior (marble, glass, wood, forged), first of all, should be stylistically correctly complemented and comfortable.

Design of stairs in a private interior

At the design stage two-level apartment or a country house, the staircase design is selected, technical calculations are prepared. But the staircase is installed after finishing the room, in the prepared place. Until then, a temporary structure connecting the floors is in use.

Classification of stairs

  • On pain.

The steps seem to hang in the air, attached with bolts (metal bolts and pins) to the wall. In fact, there is no frame, but each step can support a weight of up to 600 kg. It looks very light and weightless and will decorate modern interiors designed in the styles of minimalism, loft, and constructivism.

  • On the stringers.

Its elements: steps, handrails, stringers (one or two beams on which steps are laid on top). This design of stairs to the second floor looks solid and reliable, so it is better to install them in spacious rooms.

  • On the bowstrings.

The bowstring performs the same task as the stringer. But the steps are not placed on top of the beam, but cut into the inner edge.

  • Screw.

Designed for small rooms where you need to save space. The steps are arranged in a spiral around a central support - a metal or wooden post.

What is a march?

The layout of the staircase is influenced by the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​the room. In this regard, the design of staircases distinguishes: single-flight, double-flight, multi-flight.

The march is one flight of stairs. In a two-story house, one- or two-flight ones are installed. The optimal lifting angle is 45 degrees.

Closed or open

Depending on the presence of risers (vertical jumpers that connect two adjacent steps), stairs are divided into closed and open types. When closed they look more impressive, this staircase design is ideal for classic interiors and spacious rooms. For modern situation They usually choose an open structure without risers; it allows light to pass through and gives a lighter impression.

What materials are stairs made of?

The characteristics of the material, its wear resistance, and decorativeness play a key role in the design. Typically, the design of stairs to the second floor uses:

  • tree,
  • metal,
  • concrete,
  • glass,
  • combined materials.


The budget option of softwood (pine, spruce, cedar, fir) is affordable, but their inherent fibrous structure reduces the service life of the stairs.

Birch and maple are semi-hard species, average price and decent strength indicators make them the best option to design the stairs. In addition, the structure does not need to be further strengthened. Elite hardwoods of oak, ash, walnut, and beech have a maximum service life: up to fifty years without restoration measures.

Wooden elements are treated with special impregnations to prevent rotting. The stairs are installed after the house has completely settled, because... wood - flexible material and during the “movement” of the building it can cause deformation. In order for a wooden structure to last longer, the room must be maintained at a room temperature of 20-25 degrees and a humidity level of no more than 70% (if it drops below 60%, turn on household humidifiers).

Thanks to its decorative capabilities, the design of wooden stairs is suitable for interiors in the spirit of Victorian classics, country, Provence, and Russian hut. It can be expensive varnished wood decorated with carvings or smooth wood of an inexpensive species.


The indisputable advantages of the material are functional, durable, fireproof, and do not require maintenance. To make load-bearing parts, metals with maximum strength are used - stainless steel, brass, less often bronze, they are less susceptible to destruction. As decoration, the interior of the stairs in the house uses forged and chrome-plated elements with painting or external coating.

In the living room, the design of metal stairs is used very rarely due to a significant drawback: high noise levels. To avoid discomfort in the residential interior, metal parts combined with wood.


Production technologies have made this material impact-resistant due to multi-layer bonding (triplex), external polymer coatings, additional reinforcing layers. The increased strength coefficient allows it to be used for open interior stairs. No less high production costs turn glass into an expensive, elite material.


Stone and concrete

Natural stone is massive, so the design of stairs will require a large planning area. Load-bearing structures and steps are made from it. To reduce the final cost, in non-load-bearing elements a natural stone replaced with artificial one. The decor and railings are made of metal or wood; they are lighter materials.

Alternative natural stone - concrete plates. Thanks to steel reinforcement, they are not inferior to it in strength. In terms of wear resistance, they will require periodic restoration work, and when decorating, cladding is required.

Combination principles

By combining materials, the design of stairs neutralizes disadvantages and highlights advantages:

  • durable and inexpensive concrete slabs are perfect as load-bearing structures;
  • hardwood is an excellent material for steps;
  • metal - for railings;
  • from soft tree species, glass, artificial stone, an attractive decorative finish is obtained.

Working on a project in the company "TopDom"

This step by step process, in which the purpose, configuration, materials and appearance of the staircase structure are discussed with the customer. Engineers take measurements, calculate the optimal length and width of steps, slope, height of fences, and solve safety issues for family members. Decorators fit the staircase design into the living space.

A technically complex set of tasks is a reason for us to show competence and creativity!

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