How to place 3 beds in one room. How to place a sofa and bed in the same room? Zoning using architectural structures

Previously, if there was a need to combine a bedroom and a living room, the room was furnished with a sofa. They slept on it and received guests. This, of course, is not very convenient: the need to constantly fold and unfold the sofa and make the bed will tire anyone. But people put up with imperfection. After all, it was necessary to save space - for example, for a bulky wall.

Over time, a lot has changed. Now, if not everyone, then the majority understand that comfortable and healthy sleep is more important additional cabinet. A bed is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity. However, you shouldn’t give up the sofa either. After all, receiving guests on the bed is, frankly speaking, not comme il faut. And sometimes we ourselves want to sit comfortably, leaning back. In general, a tiny sofa is better than no sofa.

Pros. Low furniture visually highlights areas, but does not create enclosure and, as a result, does not split the room into tiny areas and does not block the path to light and air. Therefore, this “divider” is great for small rooms. The top of low furniture can be used as a “side” table.

Minus. Does not provide privacy for areas.

Design: A STUDIO

Design: Anastasia Barkhatova

5. Sliding partition

We are talking about structures that consist of a profile and a canvas. The partition fabric can be made of glass, plastic, mirror, wood, wood-like material, etc.

Pros. Fast and easy installation. Ease of use. Possibility to ensure maximum privacy of zones.

Minuses. By appearance Such partitions are mainly suitable only for modern interiors. Their cost is quite high.

6. Rack

Pros. Such a partition performs two functions at once: it zones and serves as a storage place. Creates a relatively clear separation of areas. Little obstruction to the flow of light and air.

Minuses. Does not create complete closure. Shelves filled with trinkets and books visually clutter the room.

7. Semi-septum (low wall)

Pros. With a half-partition, the visual integrity of the room is maintained. The low wall does not block the flow of light. The top of the partition can be covered with a tabletop and used as a side table.

Minuses. Divides the room into zones purely symbolically. Does not ensure privacy of areas. "Dirty" installation.

A small apartment is a challenge for those who want to properly arrange their living space. Good advice can help in this difficult matter. The new review has collected 17 such photo tips, each of which is worth paying attention to.

1. Magic harmonica

A spacious double bed that folds like an accordion and turns into one of the walls of a small console table. Such a functional console will fit perfectly into the interior of a one-room apartment or tiny bedroom, or become an additional sleeping place in case of guests.

2. Pull-out bed

A stylish snow-white chest of drawers, the bottom drawer of which is actually a full-fledged double bed, which can be easily pulled out in the evening and just as easily pushed back in the daytime.

3. Two in one

A simple single bed with an orthopedic mattress, under the frame of which another similar bed with adjustable legs. This furniture set can be used as two separate beds or placed side by side to create a spacious double bed.

4. Bookcase with a secret

Modern comfortable folding bed hidden in the lower part of the large bookcase- a great idea for a one-room apartment or a tiny bedroom in a small space.

5. Integrated approach

Stylish furniture transformer, which consists of narrow cabinet, many shelves, a sofa and a folding bed. This piece of furniture is ideal for furnishing a one-room apartment in which the living room is also a place for receiving guests, an office, and a bedroom.

6. Less small

A simple and very laconic bed that can easily be folded into an armchair, stool or cabinet. Thanks to its compact and lightweight design, this piece of furniture can be easily moved from room to room or even taken with you on a trip.

7. Dressing bed

Spacious closet with a bed on top that will help you climb onto it ladder, the steps of which are also bookshelves- ideal for a small bedroom.

8. From Underground

Podium with hidden pull-out bed on wheels will become stylish and practical idea for arranging a modern one-room apartment or loft-style apartment and will allow you to combine a bedroom and a living room in conditions of limited space.

9. Wardrobe bed

A comfortable double bed, which can be raised at any time, turning it into part of an ordinary wooden cabinet with two narrow pencil cases on the sides for storing all sorts of things.

10. Constructor

Two small sofas that fold together turn into an original and spacious double bed and can be used as a main or additional bed. sleeping area in a small apartment.

11. Chair-bed

A soft, bright chair that easily turns into a compact bed for one - great solution For big family, forced to share a modest apartment.

12. Under the ceiling

A large, stylish bed with cables that allow it to be stored under the ceiling during the daytime.

13. Secluded place

A small bed, hidden behind the doors of a structure similar to an ordinary wardrobe, will be a wonderful solution for arranging a nursery shared by several children.

14. Built-in bed

A stylish modern built-in bed that will allow you to zone the space and create a secluded place to relax even in a one-room apartment.

15. Two levels

Ergonomic design, which consists of two folding beds and two spacious drawers for bed linen will be a wonderful solution for properly arranging a small room for two children.

16. Attic

Stunning loft bed with spacious wardrobe below and functional staircase, each stage of which is equipped pull-out cabinet for storing a variety of things. This design will replace all necessary furniture for the bedroom and will save valuable space in a small apartment.

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17. Unexpected decision

Equipping a sleeping area under the ceiling in the kitchen is a very original and bold solution that may appeal to owners of small private houses with a tiny area but high ceilings and can become a real highlight of the interior.

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When designing a nursery for two children, the most important thing to remember is that young children are independent individuals. They want to have their own things that will belong only to them. Therefore, it will be simply wonderful if you still manage to place two separate sleeping and working spaces in one room.

Let's look at ways to arrange furniture and zoning space in a nursery for two children with a small age difference.

1. Two beds side by side

Place two children's beds next to each other, symmetrically to each other. If desired, you can divide it into a bedside table, chest of drawers or shelving.


Room for two girls:

Two girls can get along very well in a room with textile draperies, ruffles and decorations. Most likely, in this sense, their interests will coincide. Place their favorite books, toys or just girly decorations between the beds.


Room of two boys:

For two boys, the environment should be more restrained. The beds can be decorated the same way, and a neutral color can be placed on the bedside table or chest of drawers. table lamp and an alarm clock.





Boy and girl room:

If both a girl and a boy live in the same nursery, try to maximize the space between their beds. Children most likely have different interests and ideas about what should be on bedside table and inside her. Therefore, it is better to either divide ownership and provide each child with a cabinet, or give it to one of the children for use, and, say, allocate more space in the closet to the second.

2. Bunk bed

One of the most economical in terms of space use is a bunk bed. It is ergonomic and correct design textiles can look very cozy. Give your children the freedom to choose who will sleep and where. If this issue cannot be agreed upon peacefully, you can simply agree with the children that they will change places once every six months, for example.


Same-sex children's room:

In a situation with children of the same sex, it is more logical to place an older child on the upper tier. If the difference is very small, first of all, ask the children’s opinion - perhaps they will decide among themselves who will sleep and where.

Boy and girl room:

If such a dilemma arises between a boy and a girl, it would be more correct to explain to the future man that he must give up a more comfortable bed to the girl.


3. Workplace and bed on two floors

If space allows, you can equip one child with a separate bed and table, and provide the second with a transformable table/bed for use. Such designs are unusual and appeal to many children. In addition, their sleeping and workplace are in close proximity to each other. Depending on the temperament of the children, you can make a choice - to put one such bed or two in the room. Try to find out from the children how it will be more convenient for them.


Same-sex children's room:

In a situation with children of the same gender and if it is possible to vary the layout, let the children make a choice whether they want to sleep on the second tier.

Boy and girl room:

If there is both a boy and a girl in the family, it is preferable for the boy to sleep on the second floor. He is more resilient, physically developed and has big amount energy, part of which he will spend on rising/descending from his sleeping place.

4. Symmetry and equality

When there is only one child in a family, all attention is focused on him. When there are two children, they willy-nilly begin to compare themselves with each other and compete. This is where your role as parents is very important. In the design and construction of the room, try to balance the “possessions” of each of the children as much as possible.


Decorate your beds with similar textiles - if not in color, then in texture and sewing method. Arrange identical bookshelves symmetrically, buy chairs from the same manufacturer, and the like. In a word - leave as much as possible less space for thinking about who has it better. Let things be very similar, even the same, but different colors. This is important for a favorable atmosphere between children.


Room for two girls:

If there are two girls in the family, pay attention to textiles and decor. Because they will also turn him towards this. Take care of an equal number of pillows on the bed, the same quality of bed linen and bedspreads, and similar little things. Girls are also concerned about storage space in the closet - it must be divided strictly equally.

Room for two girls:

Boys pay more attention to the design - the shape of the bed, the color, the number of cabinets and the size of the workplace.

Boy and girl room:

When both a boy and a girl live together in the same room, in terms of equality and symmetry everything is much simpler. Everyone has their own needs, and they will rarely overlap. The main thing here that is required from parents is to distribute storage space and action areas - for example, a table by the window, a piano and a shelving unit for a girl, a table and a sofa nearby for a boy. This way, children will understand the boundaries of their territory and will not quarrel about it.




The small area of ​​the room in the apartment forces residents to solve the problem of proper furnishing. Furniture in this case should not only be beautiful and comfortable, but also compact and functional, so as not to take up precious square meters.

Features and Benefits

Professional designers constantly looking for original solutions on the issue of zoning the space of small rooms. They must be comfortable and multi-functional, and therefore the only correct solution for a bedroom is a loft bed.

The design with the sofa has mass positive qualities, which makes it popular among buyers:

  1. It helps to rationally use the square footage of the room, while saving usable space.
  2. The loft bed will look good in small room and fill the space with a feeling of comfort and warmth. In addition, this option looks modern and stylish.
  3. Multifunctional furniture performs several important functions for a one-room apartment, but at the same time takes up minimal space.
  4. Many types of loft bed models are made specifically for adults, so find suitable option won't be a big deal.
  5. The service life of this furniture is decades, which makes it popular and necessary for owners of small apartments.

But, like any other furniture, a loft bed has its downsides. Its main disadvantage is its high cost. But if you compare the cost of several full-fledged pieces of furniture, such as a sofa, armchairs, desk and a closet, the amount will be much larger. Therefore, the high price of such a bed is justified by the fact that it can replace other furniture.

Some buyers believe that a loft bed has another significant disadvantage - the low level of safety of the upper tier. But modern models equipped with all necessary systems safety, so they do not pose any danger to an adult.

And additional fastenings will allow you to better fix the bed so that it does not wobble. The bunk bed features a comfortable and durable ladder that helps an adult climb to the second tier. It also combines several functions of other pieces of furniture. For example, there are several models of attics that combine in their design a table, drawers, shelves and a sofa, which are placed on lower tier . In some cases, the staircase can also serve as a storage place for various things: accessories, useful little things

, bedding and other items. To do this, you need to install cabinets correctly so that they do not interfere with free movement. In a word, by choosing a loft bed, you can purchase a sleeping place, work area

, storage system and resting place. The main thing is that the area of ​​the room will not look cluttered, but, on the contrary, everything will look very neat.

Horizontal organization of the room with the help of this furniture will help create an interesting design.

You can purchase a loft bed in almost any furniture store, which usually offers a wide range of products. There are several types of adult beds that differ from each other in design features and functionality.

If we differentiate furniture by the number of sleeping places, we can distinguish single and double beds. A single room is intended for one adult, who will be provided with a comfortable and safe rest. In combination with an orthopedic mattress, it is an ideal sleeping option. A double bed is designed for comfortable and practical use by a married couple.

If the product is distinguished by design features, then we can select the following types: single bed with desk, double bed with sofa and bed on the lower tier. The products also differ in the material they are made from. If it is made of wood, it is characterized by wear resistance, durability, massiveness and high weight. Wood is environmentally friendly pure material, so it is advisable to choose it. But natural wood costs a lot of money, which is a bit of a disadvantage.

A more affordable option is chipboard. The plate has less weight, looks aesthetically pleasing, but has a small service life compared to wood. But metal can create a durable and stable structure with unusual design. But metal bed not very convenient to use.

There are loft beds based on the type of stairs: vertical, inclined and with a podium:

  • The vertical staircase is compact in size and does not visually spoil the space. But it is not very convenient and safe. The inclined staircase can be made in both overall and compact sizes. It all depends on the capabilities of the room. In a small room, an airy inclined staircase will not be noticeable and fill the space, but will perform a specific function.
  • The most practical option can be considered a staircase with a podium, which consists of steps with niches. On these shelves you can place small interior items, books and accessories. When choosing a loft bed, you need to focus on personal preferences, the size of the room and the number of occupants. By combining all the necessary qualities in a design, you can get a structure that is ideal in every sense.


A loft bed for an adult, depending on the model, has different sizes. Therefore, when choosing this furniture, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room and the height of the people who will use it. Exist standard sizes products, based on which you can purchase the required option.

So, a single bed comes in sizes 0.7×1.8 m, 0.7×1.9 m and 0.7×2 m; one and a half - 1.1×1.8 m, 1.1×1.9 m and 1.1×2 m; double bed - 1.4x1.8 m, 1.4x1.9 m and 1.4x2 m.

If standard product sizes do not fit custom sizes premises, then you need to contact a private workshop to order furniture according to own project. In some cases, you can call a specialist to your home so that he can independently determine the scale of the future product. To accurately calculate the length of the bed, you need to measure the height of yourself. tall man, which will be in it. You need to add 2-3 cm to his height to get an ideal sleeping place. This is necessary so that any family member can sleep comfortably in the bed.

It is important to focus on the interior of the room. The loft bed should fit perfectly into the space and be in harmony with all pieces of furniture.

Installation options

Despite its simplicity, a loft bed can decorate a bedroom or bedroom-living room. Its design allows rational use of space for installing other pieces of furniture.

On the ground floor, designs can be brought to life different ideas, which will be relevant for specific residents:

  1. You can organize a work area under the upper tier, which will be a desk with numerous shelves and drawers, a chair and a computer. Thus, you can get perfect space for work and rest.
  2. On the ground floor you can create a recreation area, consisting of soft sofa or two chairs and coffee table. These ideas will help you restore strength after a difficult time. working day or spend time in good company. In this case, the attic will not be conspicuous, and the room will be a full-fledged living room.
  3. Organizing a dressing area will be a salvation for a small room. You can store all the necessary things in it without worrying that they will be conspicuous.

Decorating a studio apartment or one-room apartment, you can turn a boring room into a cozy nest. To do this you just need to select original design loft beds for adults.

Review of popular manufacturers

Many manufacturers of high-quality and modern furniture They make loft beds for adults. They match international standards quality and have all the necessary certificates. A wide range of products allows you to choose a model of any color and size, offered by a well-known manufacturer:

  • "Profi"– a domestic furniture factory that produces high-quality and practical cabinet furniture. She has her own warehouse, production workshop and logistics service, which is why many furniture factories and stores cooperate with it. The company considers it its duty to make people's lives more practical and comfortable, therefore, when producing furniture, it focuses on the desires of potential buyers. All furniture is made in current styles under the guidance of experienced designers.

  • "Furniture industry"– the largest furniture factory in the Volga region. It produces furniture using modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. That is why all factory products have high quality and comfortable modular system, which helps to please any buyer. Furniture Industry invites customers to purchase its products to help them accept correct solution for arranging an apartment.

  • "Style"– engaged in the production and sale of cabinet furniture. The company has its own state-of-the-art production base to ensure full cycle production of their products. All furniture meets all quality standards, and the process of its creation is controlled by highly qualified specialists. Thanks to this, the entire furniture range of the company meets customer preferences and combines affordable prices and high quality.

  • "Yuka"– engaged in the production of furniture for comfortable and safe sleep. the main objective factory is to provide customers with a restful sleep and easy awakening. High-tech European equipment and quality materials, which allow you to quickly and efficiently produce furniture. And to achieve maximum comfort, Yuka offers to purchase comfortable mattresses of its own production.

  • "Furniture"– is engaged in the production of furniture products both according to standard and individual projects. The latest equipment and modern technologies, which are almost completely automated. The company has an individual approach to furniture production and offers a wide range of products to suit every taste. Despite affordable prices, all products are of high quality, and their guarantee period is two years.

  • "Four Seasons"– engaged in the production of not only cabinet furniture, but also orthopedic mattresses. When creating them, only the highest quality materials are used, which you can see for yourself when you come to furniture factory. For the convenience of clients, the company offers its services for transporting and installing furniture, the conditions of which are negotiated with the manager.

  • "Aster"– offers to purchase ergonomic and wear-resistant furniture products. The factory is constantly improving and expanding to produce modern and safe furniture. After studying the company's catalog, you can select a completed project to create an analogue in own interior. Besides finished products, the company provides services for the manufacture of custom-made products according to customer sketches. Experienced specialists are ready to go to the client’s address to produce necessary measurements taking into account the characteristics of the room and the personal preferences of the owner.

Whatever factory is chosen, the main thing is that it meets all quality standards. Therefore, when buying a loft bed, you need to study all the information about the manufacturer and reviews from real customers. All this will help you avoid mistakes and purchase a truly unique and high-quality product.

Examples in the interior

Even if the bedroom is not as large as you would like, you can make it original and cozy with the help of a loft bed. This bed will appeal primarily to creative people who can make all their fantasies come true. Raising the sleeping area closer to the ceiling will free up space for another significant area. This could be your own mini-workshop or recreation area:

  • The dining table with chairs under the attic looks quite original. Sometimes this option becomes a salvation in a studio apartment, which is not very large.
  • Another interesting option– storage room on the ground floor bunk bed. You can organize it using glass panels or plasterboard walls.
  • Creative people can turn the space under the top tier into their own studio. For example, musicians can compose new melodies in it, and poets can write poems and poems. The main thing is that it is carried out good lighting so as not to spoil your eyesight during evening classes.
  • Double bed under the ceiling will become a secluded place for two lovers. It can be covered with curtains or a canopy, and a romantic seating area can be organized below.

Your baby is growing and needs personal space, so if before he could easily be in the same room with you, now it’s time to think about decorating the nursery.

Very important for a baby's room correct location, it is better to choose the sunny side, it is advisable that noisy rooms (living room, kitchen) are located at a remote distance and do not disturb the baby.

How to properly distribute zones in a nursery

The layout of a children's room does not imply the development of a design, but the correct arrangement of furniture.

After all, interior design depends on the taste preferences of each person, but zoning takes everything into account necessary requirements to create a comfortable environment in the nursery.

A modern nursery layout should include three main areas: relaxation, work and play space.

Work area

It is better to choose a place for your workspace closer to the window, this is where the best lighting is. Be sure to install in the training area:

  • Additional lighting (table or wall lamps);
  • Comfortable chair;
  • Folding table.

Relaxation area

Place the place where your baby will sleep in one of the corners of the room. It is important to install the bed correctly; it is great if there is a window opposite.

When a child wakes up, he will immediately admire beautiful view from the window.

Don't neglect buying a bed, make sure it is comfortable, good quality. Do not save space in the room at the expense of the bed; it is better to choose folding chairs and a sofa.

In addition, folding furniture is an excellent option when planning a narrow children's room. When buying folding furniture, make sure that your baby can sit in it comfortably.

You should not choose a sleeping place based on the baby’s growth. Don't forget that it grows very quickly. For children up to four years old, you can purchase a playpen bed with removable sides. For older children, buy a single crib.

Can't decide on the size of your bed yourself? Stop with a transformer, you won’t have to change it for a long time, until adolescence the child will fit in it perfectly and sleep well.

Don’t buy a crib with unnecessary decor; stick to minimalism. Similar furniture has bright colors, but it takes very little square meters rooms.

Game Zone

This area is equipped at the last moment; it gets the “remains” of square meters of the children’s room. The main thing is that it fits a spacious cabinet for baby’s toys, a soft rug and a bedside table.

When planning a small children's room in play area install a mini sofa, it will take up very little space.

How to arrange a nursery for a girl and a boy

If you think that there is no difference in how to decorate a room for a girl and a boy, you are very mistaken! Let's look at the options for planning a children's room for boys and girls.

Girls are more critical of the design of their personal space. They need numerous cabinets and bedside tables to store their “jewelry.”

So, a girl’s room must have:

  • Bed with built-in drawers. The switches should be at a convenient distance for the child so that he can easily reach them. It is advisable to install a lamp near the bed;
  • Table with bedside tables. You can install a table by the window, and install cabinets on both sides of it. Every little thing, photographs will fit perfectly on shelves and in cabinets;

Wardrobe with convenient design, the doors should open and close easily.

This piece of furniture must have only two characteristics: made of natural material and roomy.

Comfortable table and chairs (armchairs). Here the child will study and have tea parties with friends.

Instead of a conclusion

The best place for a table is near the window, closer to the corner. Thanks to this zoning, there will be enough space for games in the center of the room.

The second corner from the window can be equipped wall bars. Perfect option to save space in the layout of a children's room for two children - a bed with two tiers. Its main advantages:

  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Downstairs there are lockers for things and bed linen;
  • You will have two places to sleep at once.

Do not fill the children's room with unnecessary furniture and accessories. Installation of a TV is not recommended.

After all, the main purpose of a child’s room is healthy sleep and rest for the child, maximum freedom for healthy image life and good studies.

Before you start decorating a room for a child, read designer photos children's room layouts.

After you decide on the interior, purchase materials and start decorating. And don’t forget, your child’s comfort depends on your decision!

Photos of children's room layout ideas

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