One-storey house with three bedrooms and a terrace. An ideal home for a large family: designs for a one-story house with three bedrooms. Standards for the minimum area and volume of a bedroom

9 reasons why it is necessary to use designs of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms during construction

Every developer is looking for options on how and on what they can save money during the construction of both residential cottages and seasonal premises. And without thinking about the fact that it is the project that facilitates the construction process and avoids unnecessary costs, developers begin to build private one-story houses with three bedrooms without a project.

In this article, we will look at why you need to buy projects one-story houses with three bedrooms. Let's consider the main advantages of the projects, as well as the presence of diagrams, sketches, photos and videos in them:

1. The design and diagrams of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms allow you to more clearly imagine the final result of construction.

Projects on the basis of which one-story houses with three bedrooms are built (photos of which are also often attached to them) provide an opportunity for the developer to present a new a private house after completion of construction. The project contains a large amount of information that is simply impossible to store in the head (layout, structural calculations, lighting and communications schemes, design of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms and much more).

2. The project is the best guarantee that the finished one-story houses with 3 bedrooms will be of high quality and last a long time.

However, it should be understood that this condition is only feasible when residential one-story houses with three bedrooms are built by professional builders with extensive experience. Copyright original projects and standard one-story houses with 3 bedrooms include parameters that are calculated exclusively in compliance with all construction norms and state standards. Based on this, you can be confident in the quality of the house, that its walls and foundation will not crack, the ceilings will not bend, and there will be a comfortable climate for living. One-story cottages with three bedrooms, which were built according to the project, are, as a rule, an integral organism, with a well-thought-out layout and taking into account a large number of features. For example, plans for one-story houses with 3 bedrooms, which take into account the location of the house to the cardinal points, as well as the thickness, “pie”, and design of the walls; The location and size of windows are more economical in terms of energy and heat use.

3. The project is a guarantee that even inexpensive one-story houses with three bedrooms will be functional and comfortable.

Construction based on individual projects is quite popular, as it allows developers to include convenient and functional layout. The layout of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms is a serious issue that needs to be resolved responsibly and slowly. This is explained by the fact that the catalog of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms offers many layout options, and making a mistake at this stage will cost a lot in the future due to reworking the defects.

4. The project is the most important tool to prevent future rework.

The project allows builders to clearly see the end goal, which helps prevent errors during construction and the need for rework in the future, and therefore avoid unnecessary costs.

5. The project allows you to transfer part of the powers associated with the construction of the house to the involved party.

Construction companies can be involved and begin implementation construction work only if there is a project.

6. The project allows for quality control of construction work performed.

Any claims against builders regarding the quality of house construction work can be made solely based on the information contained in the project. Any verbal wishes regarding the height of the ceilings, the thickness of the walls, the size of the windows do not oblige the builders to fulfill them.

7. The project is the basis for creating an estimate.

Without a project, it is impossible to draw up an estimate, which serves as a reliable tool for controlling costs. building materials.

8. The project makes construction more economical.

Based on the project, the cost of one-story houses with 3 bedrooms can be calculated and an estimate can be drawn up containing information about the types, price and quantity of materials. This allows you to avoid purchasing unnecessary materials.

9. The project allows you to save nerves and time.

When the construction of a house goes according to plan in accordance with the project, you can be calm. This eliminates the need for constant presence at the construction site.

Today, one-story houses with three bedrooms are very popular among families with children and elderly people. This convenient layout for people with limited mobility. Such projects are often preferred by owners of small land plots who want to build cozy and comfortable homes. To build a one-story house with three bedrooms, you must first create a project on paper that will take into account all the details of the future structure. To do this, you can turn to specialists, but it’s cheaper to design your house yourself.

As we have already found out, the very first step in the process of building a house is creating a project. At this stage, the layout of the future structure is thought out, the possible volume of electricity and water consumption is calculated, building materials are purchased and technologies are selected that allow saving on the construction of the facility.

In order for all members of a family of 4-5 people to feel comfortable, housing must be built with an area of ​​60-100 sq.m. At this stage, the wishes of the inhabitants of the future building are taken into account. One-story project three bedroom home pictured may include large kitchen, combined with a living room, fireplace, study, greenhouse, large storage room. Which rooms will be in the house depends on the lifestyle and preferences of the inhabitants of the future building.

Determining key points

In order for the project to meet the requirements of the owners, at the planning stage, it is important to highlight the main points that determine the purpose of the building:

  • First, we determine what we will build - a house for permanent residence or a summer cottage.
  • We are planning to build additional structures– barn, cellar, garage, sauna.
  • We determine the number of residents and the corresponding number of rooms.
  • We take into account the geodetic features of the site.
  • We select an area to create a courtyard.

All points, except for the geodetic assessment, can be worked out independently. Based on the key points, a master plan is created according to which a three-bedroom house is built.

More about the plan

The plan according to which construction will be carried out is created in 4 stages:

  • The first stage is architectural. At this stage it is taken into account key points, drawing of rooms, doors, window openings, wall thickness and roof slope angle.
  • The second stage is constructive. It involves calculating the depth of the foundation, thickness interfloor ceilings, location of the chimney. The roof structure, the presence of beams, rafters are also prescribed, and the quantity is calculated. necessary materials.
  • The third stage is the creation of engineering and technical documentation, which should include detailed description ventilation, water, gas supply, sewerage, heating systems.
  • Fourth, The final stage– creating a design project, defining a style, color range and arrangement of furnishings.

Increasing functionality

To make the plan of a three-bedroom house convenient and comfortable, you need to correctly calculate the location and area of ​​each room. So, the living room area should accommodate the largest possible number of guests and, of course, all family members. A kitchen can be functional and comfortable if the layout and location are thought out kitchen furniture.

For the convenience of all family members, it is recommended to allocate a room for organizing a dressing room. Although, if desired, a dressing room can be installed in each room. Since the projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms in the photo usually include a separate heating system, during the construction process, it is important to allocate space for the boiler room.

Dreaming about own home, you’ve probably pictured numerous layout and design options in your image. When it comes to the actual preparation of construction documents, of course, it is better to turn to professionals, but even before ordering, you should decide on the basic requirements. The better you think through your desires, the more ideal the project will be. This is one of the most popular options for married couples with kids. How to choose it, what you should pay attention to and possible options– in our article.

Read in the article

A little about general design principles

Whatever house project you choose, it is important to adhere to several basic principles, thanks to which your home is guaranteed to be comfortable and safe:

  • for regions with harsh climatic conditions you should choose layouts with entrance group- or vestibule;
  • premises that need to be equipped with communications should be located nearby;
  • for a family of 5 or more people, at least two bathrooms should be provided;
  • it is important to pay very close attention to the design of the room - for this there are special standards that must be strictly observed;
  • You shouldn’t sacrifice comfort for aesthetics. Over time, any architectural sophistication will become boring, and the feeling of discomfort will remain forever.

What are the features of designing a three-bedroom house?

Before you begin the design procedure, you need to decide on the purpose of all the rooms. They can be rooms for the elderly, guest rooms or matrimonial rooms. Each of these appointments has its own characteristics: it is necessary to understand exactly how they will be related to common area, how and what they are equipped with.

An important point is the organization of natural lighting. The last rule means that at least one wall of the room must be load-bearing wall building.

The location of the rooms is an essential point, and there are several solutions:

Plan of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms along one of the walls

You will find many standard layouts, in which all three bedrooms are located on one side of the house. and are located separately, and it's of its own kind good decision, because nothing will interfere with sleep: neither music in the living room, nor the clatter of dishes and the aromas of food.

Another drawback is that the bathroom is located a little far from the bedroom, so you will have to travel along a dark, long corridor at night. And the corridor itself is an irrational use of space, you will agree.

Nevertheless, such an arrangement has a right to exist, and here is another example of a similar project:

Layout of a one-story house with three bedrooms with a separate location

The separation of the parent's bedroom from the children's rooms dictates its own conditions for the distribution of space. You can completely abandon the corridor by separating a third of the house for children’s bedrooms, placing the living room in the center and planning out the rest of the space for the parents’ bedroom and bathroom.

Good layout 1 storey building with 3 bedrooms, if you don't take into account the need to give up late night parties.

For your information! If there is a need to highlight separate room under the boiler room, it can be organized by separating the area from the parent’s bedroom.

How to properly adapt a house design to the climatic features of the region

When considering standard projects, keep in mind that they were developed without taking into account the climatic characteristics of your region. Agree, there is a significant difference whether your home is located in the north of Karelia or in the Sochi region? Adapt standard version The design office will help you. Specialists will provide special protection and select suitable sizes windows, will correlate the location of window and doorways With .

If all this is not foreseen, during the construction process you will encounter numerous difficulties that will not only ruin your mood, but will also lead to unplanned expenses.

Pros and cons of one-story three-bedroom houses compared to two-level houses

From a financial point of view, construction or is a more profitable option. The main savings item is the costs of arrangement and. What about comfort? Is a one-story house still inferior to a two-story house? It turns out not!

You need to allocate a place, and even think about its safety: what if your small child Do you want to go to the toilet in the middle of the night?

If we ignore the aesthetic component and think about practicality, then here too we have an advantage one-story cottages. All renovation work It is much easier to carry out, no scaffolding or lifts are needed. One more nuance - two-level house more difficult than single-level. The area of ​​heat loss here is much smaller.

So if the size of the plot allows you to allocate a full-fledged area for cottage- act boldly.

How to choose the right project?

There are several selection rules standard project 1 storey house with 3 bedrooms, which will help you make the best choice:

  • start with the allowable area of ​​the house - to do this, study the dimensions of the plot. It is unlikely that you will be able to build a full-fledged house of 200 square meters; you only have three hundred square meters of land. Building codes dictate the need to retreat 3 meters from the boundaries of the site to the walls of the house and 5 meters from the road. Think about how much space you need for the garden, where they will be located, and whether your neighbor is located too close to you - what if there is a fire? If you risk building a house contrary to the existing fire and sanitary standards, it is possible that after a quarrel with your neighbors you will receive a court order to demolish the building;

  • after calculating the area available for construction, decide on required quantity premises and their purpose. Think about which side is best to place the nurseries and kitchen;

  • and only after the two previous stages begin to consider catalogs of standard projects. And having weeded out most of them as not suitable for your requirements, you can give free rein to your imagination. But don't forget about comfort!

A collection of popular three-bedroom house designs

We have selected for you a small collection of popular standard projects that can be adapted to the climatic characteristics of the region. Take a look, maybe your dream home is among them.

Projects of a one-story house with 3 bedrooms made of brick

- the most reliable and durable material for construction. From it you can build a building of any shape. Here are some typical designs of houses with 3 bedrooms and a living room.

Anyone who has only a small apartment dreams of a one-story private house, where several bathrooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, a work area and a library are harmoniously placed. And such a project one-story house with three bedrooms is always relevant due to the presence of a large number of standard inexpensive architectural layouts. Frame buildings, as well as houses made of brick, concrete or reinforced concrete panel slabs, are popular.

A one-story house is especially suitable for residents with disabilities, elderly people and children. There are no stairs leading to another floor, and moving around the rooms is easy.

Where does construction begin?

First of all, it is important to take into account the special characteristics of the territory (in particular, its slope) and the presence of a yard.

The layout of the premises is what lies at the core. It is created in the form of drawings.

Attention!For proper compilation building plan necessary involve in work existingsketches of projectsdetailed documentation, diagrams and drawings, photos of one-story residentialhouses, 3Dmodeling.

House project by individual order implies the implementation of all the developer’s ideas into reality. The cost of such a service is quite high.

Advantages of forming a project:

  1. Individual with three bedrooms is a guarantee comfortable stay, preservation of nerves and the result obtained.
  2. The project sets the progress of construction and helps determine the volume of purchased materials.
  3. At the initial stage of document development, water supply, heating and electricity supply schemes are formed to clarify the estimate.
  4. Projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms determine the division of powers phased construction residential building.

A small family of 3-4 people will be comfortable constantly staying within a 9 by 12 house, and for a large number of residents the design of a one-story house 12x12 with 3 bedrooms will be relevant - total area 145 m2, and thanks to the use of additional extensions (veranda, garage, attic ) you can increase the coefficient usable area by 40-50%.

In the typical project shown (Diagram 1), the entrance to the building is through the porch. Additional extensions none. In such a house with an area of ​​127 m2, it will be possible to competently design three isolated bedrooms, entrance vestibule and a spacious living room. On the back side of the house there is a terrace, which, if necessary, can always be converted into winter Garden, equipped with heating. Entrance to the terrace area is only through the living room.

On the diagram standard plan(Diagram 2) of a one-story residential building with 3 bedrooms shows a bathroom combined with a bathtub, and a small corridor leading from the living room to the bedroom. It creates a single area with two bedrooms and an entrance to the bathroom. The parents' room is isolated from other rooms in opposite side Houses. All bedrooms are separated from each other.

The spacious living room is the center of the house, making it the warmest. In the adjacent vestibule, you can make a small walk-in dressing room by installing cabinets with compartments for shoes and clothes along any walls of the room.

Formation of a brick building project

This three-bedroom house is especially popular in Moscow and other areas. Its construction implies:

  • installation of a strip base;
  • erection of walls and laying of reinforced concrete floors;
  • installation of roof and truss structure.

In one-story projects brick houses up to 150 m2 means a roof of a single-pitch or gable type. Due to its flat structure, it will need enhanced protection from moisture.

Garage as an addition to the building

Projects of one-story houses with three bedrooms often include this extension. In this case, the parking canopy is combined with the porch. If space allows, the area is allocated for two cars at once. Its average size is 8x9.

Rules and options for creating a terrace

It can have any shape and should face the east or south side from the hallway, kitchen or living room. There are 2 options for its formation:

  1. Terrace on the short side. At the same time, all technical rooms are grouped together, and recreation rooms are separated.
  2. A shortened terrace along the long side of the building. The kitchen, bathroom, and boiler room are combined into one sector, and the bedrooms and children's rooms are located along the long side of the house with an area of ​​150 m2.

We increase the functionality of the project

This problem can be solved by combining adjacent rooms and using a competent approach to using each square meter usable area. It should be based on the following nuances:

  1. How spacious the living room will be depends on the number of residents in a private house and the number of likely guests.
  2. Kitchen parameters should be calculated based on the quantity household appliances and family size. The plan schematically shows in advance the placement of furniture and special kitchen equipment. This is worth paying attention to, since pieces of kitchen furniture should not only fit harmoniously into the interior, but also not interfere with the residents’ cooking.
  3. In all rooms of the recreation area it is necessary to provide space for a wardrobe.
  4. The heating boiler in accordance with this project is installed in separate extension near a residential building. This is done to prevent the possibility of dirt getting into the rooms. Given Utility room is formed in accordance with all necessary standards.

It is quite difficult to think through such an option for an individual project on your own, so you will need to resort to the help of specialists from an architectural company or place an order for the development of this documentation of suitable functionality.

Project of a one-story residential building with three bedrooms, custom-made

The diagram shows a custom-made project with a heating boiler located inside the house and two entrances to the building - from the front and back. Attic space Can be converted into a small attic.

In the proposed layout, although the vestibule has small sizes, but separates the area with the heating boiler from the rest of the rooms, and due to the separate entrance to this auxiliary room, there is completely no chance of dirt spreading throughout the residential building. The only door leading from the vestibule to the rooms helps retain heat in the house. And its constant maintenance is ensured by a chimney built into the wall.

Such projects of one-story houses up to 150 m2 are good because they have two separate bathrooms of different sizes and an isolated toilet. These rooms are located near the bedrooms and quite far from the living room and kitchen.

Projects of one-story residential buildings up to 150 m2 (for example, houses 9 by 12 or 9 by 15 m) in contrast to small-sized options buildings allow the combination of premises into one in order to increase the level of comfort and functionality. There are 3 options for solving this problem:

  1. Combine the toilet with the bathroom.
  2. Combine a storage room and an auxiliary room with a heating boiler located in it.
  3. To increase the functionality factor, connect the dining room with the living room, hall or kitchen.

Important! One separate room is determined for combining premises for eating in order to free up usable space for another room.

If you use the floor option of combining rooms in a building of one floor, then there will be a need to expand the area parameters of each room by the value of the width of the carrier or interior wall. It is important to remember that the distance by which the increase is made must be ≥ 10 cm.

Example of a project with space consolidation

Individual project 1, presented below, included: three bedrooms and a dressing room located in one of the bedrooms. The front porch is the central entrance to the house. There is a back entrance to the terrace from the rear of the building. From it you can only access the next two bedrooms, while the third is isolated and has access to the wardrobe department.

Long corridor, passing through the center of the house and allowing access to all residential and household premises, very convenient. Thanks to this layout, none of the rooms is a passageway. If the customer wishes, it is possible to create a wardrobe or work space in any bedroom with or without a partition. Virtually, the house is divided into zones: night (bedroom) and day (living room and auxiliary rooms). A separate boiler room is located near the main entrance to the building, and you can only get to the heating boiler by passing through the hall and vestibule.

Zoning of a three-bedroom house project:

  1. Entrance area. This includes a vestibule, a bathroom, a room with a heating boiler and a hall.
  2. Kitchen with open passage to the dining-living room.
  3. Bedroom with dressing area.
  4. A glazed terrace from which you can enter the bedroom and living room, and exit the house from the back entrance.

Combining a kitchen and a living room as part of a project for one-story residential buildings up to 150 m2 makes it possible to make the dining room space in the house practically isolated. On summer period It is important to include a terrace here. Due to the combination of several rooms, a small hall was formed - a partition between the bedrooms and commonplaces. All recreation areas are fenced with walls and a door to eliminate the possibility of unwanted aromas from the kitchen and bathroom.

The following project of a fairly large one-story house with an area of ​​160 m2 has a different layout from the first option, suitable for families with children different ages. The parents' lounge is located at the opposite end from the children's bedrooms, while the children's rooms are also maximally isolated from each other. The comfort and functionality of this project are as follows:

  1. The parents' bedroom has plenty of space for a double bed, working area and organizing a small dressing area. The bedroom opens onto the living room without interfering in any way with the children’s personal area.
  2. Opposite, across a small hall (or living room area), is the nursery for younger children. There is enough space in this room to organize everything required areas: recreation, educational and play.
  3. The room for older children is located at a greater distance from the parent's bedroom. There is also full functionality here.
  4. Projects of one-story brick (or any other type) houses with 3 bedrooms must necessarily include rooms such as:

    1. Guest room.
    2. Kitchen or dining room (combining them is allowed).
    3. Storage room and dressing room.
    4. Bathroom and toilet – combined with a bath or separate.

    A terrace, vestibule, room with a heating boiler can be included in the project at the personal request of the customer. There are quite a lot of options for their formation. For example, the construction of a boiler room can be designed directly next to the house, and the terrace can be designed as part of the overall plan, or a veranda can be added.

How many bedrooms should there be in a house?

The main advantage of a private house is its space and sufficient living area. As a rule, there is a shortage of the latter in apartments, especially if the family is large. In 2, 3 room apartments You won’t get more than two bedrooms, and there’s not enough space for personal belongings. When the season changes, the shuffling of clothes begins. In the fall, summer things are hidden on the mezzanine, and winter ones in the spring. And even the average family with two children, especially if the children are of different sexes, needs three bedrooms: one for parents and two for children. And if there are more children, there is nothing to talk about at all. In this case, three-bedroom house plans are a godsend. Naturally, in addition to bedrooms, the house should also have a bathroom, hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen, optional office and other rooms. Even if there is one child in the family, the third bedroom can be used as a guest room or simply wait until there is a new addition to the family.

The design of a three-bedroom house can involve any number of floors, layout or style. The material from which the house is built does not matter. It's good when all the bedrooms are concentrated in one part of the house. In this case, it turns out to be a kind of recreation area. This is convenient because the clatter of dishes in the kitchen will not disturb sleeping family members. In addition to the bedrooms, this area may have a bathroom and a wardrobe. If the house is one-story, then part of the house, approximately half, is allocated for bedrooms. The second houses the kitchen, dining room, living room, utility rooms, etc. But it’s even more convenient when the house has an attic or second floor. Then the recreation area will be even more convenient. In addition to the fact that the second floor has better sound insulation, so it’s also warmer. This is due to the fact that the first floor acts as an air gap. The floor on it must be insulated, it is advisable to install waterproofing so that cold and dampness are not drawn from the basement or from the ground. But the floors of the bedrooms will be much warmer.

Where and how can I buy a three-bedroom project?

It turns out that three bedrooms in a private house is optimal quantity, For modern family with two children. Projects of three-bedroom houses can be viewed and purchased on the website of our company Dom4M. We offer our clients a wide range finished projects, but we can also make an individual one. The latter will be developed specifically for the customer. Such design begins with studying the site: soil composition, landscape, proximity groundwater. Naturally, the price individual projects houses with three bedrooms will be slightly higher than for ready-made ones, but, in general, all the company’s prices are economically justified and affordable. Also, if necessary, it is possible to adapt the standard project you like. This service is especially important for a country like Russia. Vast open spaces, different climates and weather conditions in different regions of a large country contribute to the diversity of building materials used. For example, what is good in Krasnodar region, is unlikely to fit Far East. Possible foundation adaptation or reorientation frame house under brick, at the same time appearance the home will be preserved as much as possible. In any case, when choosing a three-bedroom house project, it is better to first consult with specialists. Our company’s employees will tell you which project is more suitable for certain conditions and help you choose the best option.

Today, purchasing any project comes down to visiting a website, clicking the “buy” button and filling out a simple form. You can get the project using courier service, pick up from the company's office or receive by mail.

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