How to choose the color of a flower pot. How to choose which pot is needed for geraniums? We choose the appropriate size, and also find out what this flower likes. What is the best pot to choose for a houseplant?

Of the numerous varieties, most grow in places with no soil:

  • Climbing up tree trunks
  • Find a place on rocky ledges,
  • On stumps, etc.
  • What pots should I plant phalaenopsis in?
  • What should you consider when choosing a container for?

Let's try to figure it out.

How to choose a pot for a phalaenopsis orchid?

What kind of pot is needed for an orchid and how to choose it?

When choosing a pot for phalaenopsis, you should be guided by the requirements for it.

Moisture drainage

Orchids do not tolerate waterlogging of the roots.

When choosing a container for growing, you must make sure there are drainage holes on the bottom and bottom of the pot. Or with the opportunity to make them yourself.

If impossible make these holes you will have to strictly monitor the humidity and come up with something with drainage.

Only professionals can grow in such containers - orchidists who, thanks to many years of experience, “by eye” determine the condition of their pets.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of the flower dying.

Root aeration

Advice! If there is insufficient air circulation, you can install a small fan nearby.

The root system, due to its natural structure, covered with velamen. It is spongy, multi-layered, hygroscopic dead tissue filled with air.

In the absence of air circulation at the root zone velamen begins to rot.

After losing such a shell the plant is unable to absorb moisture and microelements necessary for life.


One more an important condition The requirement for selecting a flower pot is a material that provides required temperature regime for roots.

He should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of the root part of the plant.

Safe root extraction

Home for the root system should not constrain her and be too free for her. Ideal size The diameter of the pot is considered to be 3-4 cm greater than the size of the root part.

This will protect the roots from damage and ensure even absorption of moisture and drying.

There's no need to choose flower pot with cone shape top part.

What kind of pot is needed for orchids: photos and descriptions of species

Today, diversity flower pots for orchids is amazing.

Sometimes beginners find it difficult to make a choice.

The variety of pots used for orchids is great, but each container has its own characteristics.

Let's try to understand the pros and cons of each type.

First of all, they must meet the requirements:

  • Ensure sufficient moisture drainage;
  • Have good internal air circulation;
  • Be safe to extract the root system;
  • Maintain the required temperature.


Considered the most common and acceptable option when growing phalaenopsis in normal home conditions, especially for beginners.

Easy to maintain and allow you to do it without much effort required amount drainage holes. Material well tolerated Sun rays and temperature drop, maintaining the root temperature regime without sudden jumps.

Transparent containers give opportunity to monitor the condition of the roots and substrate humidity.

Convenient for replanting plants.

Even when roots grow through the drainage holes, the pot can be easily cut without disturbing the integrity of the rhizome.

Transparency of plastic pots promotes roots to photosynthesize well.


Ceramic or clay flower pots used extremely rarely when growing orchids.

Even with good breathability, drainage holes and constant temperature regime,they have significant disadvantages.

Growing phalaenopsis in ceramic pots is possible, but only for experienced orchid growers

  • The roots grow to the porous surface.
  • Also there is no way to monitor the condition of the substrate and the root part of the flower.
  • Glazed flower containers do not provide aeration.

To grow an orchid in a ceramic pot, it is necessary to create a good drainage system and provide the correct.

And this can only be achieved by extensive growing experience, which is characteristic only of professionals.

Flowers in this form also requires certain procedures. Purchased pot must be baked in the oven and disinfected.

A used container keep in acidified water to get rid of salt stains.

Glass flowerpots

An orchid in such a pot looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.

With drainage holes and good air exchange there are two serious drawbacks:

  • Accumulation of condensation on the walls;
  • Growth of green algae on roots.

To avoid such problems, you have to change the soil substrate two to three times a year.

If plastic containers vary in size, then choosing the right glass creates difficulties.

Phalaenopsis loves a little cramped root, so choosing a glass flowerpot of a certain size can be difficult.

From branches and twigs (baskets)

Flower baskets are made from both natural and artificial material. A flower in a beautifully made basket looks very impressive.

Bamboo baskets are considered the most acceptable or similar in smooth surface materials.

The non-porous nature of the material is not enables root germination systems in them.

It is considered a disadvantage the speed of drying of the root part with the substrate, which creates certain difficulties and frequency when watering using the immersion method.

Mostly, hybrid species with peduncles are planted in such baskets, directed downwards.

You should also use a larger substrate before planting. close the gaps between the rods so that the soil substrate does not spill out during the growing process.

Hanging planter

Growing in hanging plantergood option. The plant, due to its height and asymmetrical growth, does not fall on the windowsill. Looks more natural.

The main condition for this is considered to be ensuring good aeration root part and sufficient lighting.

A flower pot with a plant is placed in a flowerpot so that a finger passed between the wall of the flowerpot and the container with the flower.

It is better to hang the pot near the window, providing the flower with enough sunlight.

There should also be more pay attention to the humidity level root part.

How to determine the size of the pot?

Basic Rules

Error in choosing size will not allow the phalaenopsis to fully show its lush, of sufficient size bloom.

The choice of size must adhere to certain rules:

  • So, the height should be almost equal to the diameter of the neck;
  • The root part fits freely in the container.


Since mini prefers high humidity , then a glass container would be a good container for it.

In order to maintain humidity, mini phalaenopsis needs a glass pot.

This type of orchid prefers a little close quarters in the root system, which is taken into account when choosing a mini-pot.

For kids

Mainly for children capacity is selected small size , calculated for a year of growth. This could be a plastic cup or a jar of cotton swabs.

Basically, Any small plastic container will do taking into account the child's growth. There are ways to growing in mini-greenhouses or even foam.

Transparent containers

The determining factor is possibility of visual observation behind the root system of the flower. Define time and amount of watering or drying.

Also, phalaenopsis has not only leaves participate in photosynthesis, but also the roots of the plant. Therefore, transparency creates the necessary amount of light for this.

Transparent pots not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also promote photosynthesis in phalaenopsis roots.

Possibility of using additional options

Automatic watering

When breeding and growing several hybrid species of phalaenopsis in last years floriculture lovers prefer irrigation automation.

In addition to factory pots with automatic watering options, many gardeners use homemade remedies . Aesthetic appearance and quality of watering determined by the owner of the orchid flower garden himself.

Convenience, time reduction, ease of settings automatic wateringmain advantages of this additional option.


They go on sale every year flower pots with new ones additional options and functions that make it easier to care for plants.

For orchidaceae appeared containers with additional phytolighting. WITH various kinds dipping trays and providing automatic watering, with frequent business trips or long-term absence.

DIY pot

Manufacturing a perfect home for your decorative pet within the power of any person.

Main - choose a suitable plastic container.

For this suitable:

  • food container any shape,
  • PET bottles or any other container the size of which corresponds to the root system of the flower.

In the bottom and on the side walls drainage and air permeation holes are made.

The aesthetic appearance of such an invention can give a self-made flowerpot.

It can be with weave from any available material- twigs, wire, etc. It all depends on your design abilities, skillful hands and available material.

Useful video

Video instructions on how to choose a pot for orchids:

Video review of orchid pots:

Watch the video for errors with closed systems:


The price of potted phalaenopsis may vary depending on the container in which it is sold. Experienced orchid growers prefer to purchase in a plastic shipping container and choose the growing vessel themselves.

So that your pet develops, grows and delights with lush large flowers, it is necessary to study in advance and decide which pot is needed for phalaenopsis exactly in your own home.

And according to the humidity, temperature and illumination of the room, choose the necessary option.

A lot depends on the choice of pots: often plants develop poorly and even get sick because they sit in unsuitable pots. The most suitable pots for plants are those in which the width at the top is equal to the height, and the bottom is not too narrow. The walls should be smooth, not thick, without depressions that could prevent the coma from being knocked out of the pot. An essential requirement is the porosity of the material so that the walls and bottom of the pot are breathable. Most of all, pots made of well-fired clay satisfy this purpose.

A porous pot, being wetted with water, immediately absorbs it, which can be used as a guide to distinguish porous pots from similar-looking non-porous ones. The bottom should be flat or slope towards the middle, so that the drainage hole falls on its lowest part. If it is on a mound or with the edges wrapped inside the pot, then you should either make another hole or expand the existing one. In general, depending on the pot, the drainage hole should not be less than 1.3–2.5 cm in diameter. In very large pots, several drainage holes should be made, and it is best to cover the middle one not with a shard (which should be porous and with its hump facing up), but with a tiny pot turned upside down.

Non-porous pots made of metal, porcelain, pressed paper, dense clay, and also covered with glaze (polished, glazed), are suitable for successfully growing plants in them only if their width significantly exceeds their height, such as, for example, hanging pots or ampli, used for creeping plants hanging from the edges. If they want to have porcelain pots to decorate the rooms, then the plants are not planted in them, but simple porous pots are placed in them. Finally, it is very important that pots are always kept clean, free of dirt and mold, otherwise their pores will become clogged and the walls of the pot will become airtight.

It is also important that the bottom of the pot does not come into direct contact with the saucer, because otherwise the water flowing onto the saucer after watering will cause the bottom layer of soil to sour and deteriorate. To avoid this, you should place 2-3 tall flat stones on the saucer, on the edges of which the pot is placed; At the same time, such a device allows for a free flow of air to the lower layer of the earth, which has a very beneficial effect on the plant itself.

Which flower pots are better: plastic or ceramic?

Popular question: what pots for indoor flowers Are clay or plastic (plastic) better? We can say with confidence that both have their advantages and disadvantages.

The service life of pots made of plastic (plastic) is practically unlimited, they rarely break and have all kinds of colors, allowing them to fit into various interiors. But plastic tends to overheat when high temperature, and overheating of the substrate may damage root system.

Pots made of baked clay break when dropped, do not always match the color, and the moisture from them evaporates quickly. But ceramics, unlike plastic pots and cache-pots, with sufficient thickness, do not overheat in the hot sun; air exchange occurs through the clay with environment. The exceptions are clay pots, covered with glaze.

Clay pots

Ceramic dishes are rightfully the most popular, as they are an excellent container for almost all types of plants. The proportions of the pots are as follows: the height is equal to the upper diameter, and the diameter of the base is 2/3 of the upper diameter. This shape ideally ensures gas exchange through the expanded upper part and water drainage during irrigation. The undoubted advantages of this type of cookware are porosity and breathability. Through the ceramic walls, the air necessary for the roots to breathe penetrates into the soil, so you should not wrap the pots with foil or paper, much less paint them with oil paint.

Disadvantage clay pots is the possibility of soil supercooling, which can occur due to intense evaporation of water through the pores of the ceramic. In plants that are sensitive to soil temperature, this can negatively affect the root system.

It is recommended to immerse new clay pots in water for 1-2 hours before planting. As a result, gases and harmful salts that are formed during firing are removed from the pores. If the pot has already been used, it must be washed with soap and a stiff brush, and then boiled with soda and rinsed with water.

Ceramic pots with glaze

Due to the glaze, such containers are airtight, so plants cannot be planted in them. They can only be used as decorative outdoor pots to house main flower containers.

Plants for which ceramic pots are not suitable are planted in ceramic vats and vessels. It is necessary that they have sufficient drainage layer at the bottom, which could absorb excess water. Drainage is prepared from expanded clay, broken bricks or pottery shards. It is recommended to isolate the soil from inner wall ceramic vessel using film, since the glaze releases substances harmful to plant growth.

Clay bowls, bowls

These shallow containers (their diameter is greater than the height) have all the advantages of simple clay pots. They can be recommended for growing ferns, bromeliads, as well as for rooting cuttings and sowing seeds.

Plant compositions look good in them. Due to the shallow depth and large area surface of the bowl, evaporation here occurs more intensely than in the pot, so the likelihood of root rotting when excessive watering decreases. Groups of succulents look impressive in clay bowls.

Styrofoam pots

Polyfoam has high thermal insulation properties, which is undoubtedly an advantage. However, such pots are rarely used, as they are unstable and easily overturned, especially when the plant reaches a large size.

Plastic pots

Plastic pots are often used by amateurs indoor plants. They are light, durable and have a variety of designs, which allows them to be used in any interior.

Unlike ceramic pots, they are not porous, so there is no danger of the roots becoming too cold due to moisture evaporation. The water retention capacity of plastic utensils is very high. This should be taken into account when watering.

It is better not to plant plants with very sensitive roots in plastic pots.

Sometimes plastic containers seem to contain substances that inhibit root growth.

New plastic pots must be washed thoroughly hot water with soap before planting.


These are bowls or saucers that are placed under pots with indoor plants for drainage. excess water. There are many decorative trays on sale, made of ceramic or plastic.


Can be made of plastic. It is important that they have a hole for water drainage and drainage. In such containers, plants can be planted directly into the soil of the greenhouse or winter garden. Sometimes the container is filled with peat or expanded clay, and pots with plants are immersed in them.

Cooper's ware

Wooden barrels can be used without restrictions. The risk of harming plants is minimal here. A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the vessel. For guard wooden walls They can be insulated from rotting with film or burned with a blowtorch.

Wooden lattice baskets

Such containers are especially good for growing ferns, bromeliads and other epiphytes. The bottom slats of the basket are covered with a thin layer of foam. The spaces between the side slats are filled with marsh moss to prevent soil from falling out. The soil in such baskets dries out faster than in other containers, so the plants in them should be watered more often and more abundantly.

Many plants do well in aquariums specially prepared for their cultivation. The microclimate that forms in them is favorable for pets with increased requirements for air humidity. This is especially important in rooms with central heating.

In glass containers they develop well and tender tropical plants, and various succulents. You can place such mini-greenhouses with plants not only near the window. When placing flowers in the back of the room, you should take care additional lighting using fluorescent lamps. Such aquariums with green compositions will decorate any corner of your apartment or office.


Wall or hanging vases - flower pots - are lightweight decorative elements. They consist of a container for a small flower pot (or a plastic bag with a lump of earth) and a protective surface adjacent to the wall, which protects the wall from damage when watering. Such flowerpots are hung on cords of various lengths and are used to decorate arches, windows and doorways, niches, etc. The shape of the flower pots, as well as the material for their manufacture, can be very diverse, which provides great opportunities for creative imagination designer.

For ferns and hanging plants, you can use hanging containers made of ceramic or plastic, but it is interesting to make a flowerpot with your own hands in the form of a hanging basket. The ends of round sticks 20-25 cm long (according to the size of the pot) are drilled at the ends. Next, the sticks are stacked in the form of a “log house”. Soft wire or thick fishing line is passed through the holes. From below, the ends of the connecting material are secured with beads or tassels made of cord. The bottom of the pots is made of materials that are resistant to rotting: plastic or birch bark. This basket contains a dense plastic bag with holes for air penetration. A tray with pieces is placed at the bottom of the bag charcoal, which actively absorbs moisture during watering and then releases it to the substrate. Next, the package is filled out nutritious soil, the composition of which meets the requirements of the plant being planted.

When choosing a pot, it is important to remember

    • The walls of the pot should be smooth, without depressions or recesses, this will interfere with planting and replanting.
    • Be sure to have a drainage hole or be able to make one yourself without damaging the pot. Large pots should have several drainage holes.
    • There must be a pallet. Sometimes it has to be purchased separately. Pallets in the form of a disk or with low sides are very inconvenient.
    • The shape and volume of the pot are selected individually for each specific plant (depending on the size and shape of the root system).

Even the most luxurious plant, placed in a nondescript pot, will lose its appearance. After all, flower houses, - important element in decorating both the living space and the flower itself.

And if the pot is incorrectly selected for this species vegetation, it will become sick or die altogether. Therefore, florists pay great attention not only to the appearance, but also to the shape and material of the plant’s future habitat.

Flower pot shape

When choosing the shape of a container for planting a flower, it is advisable to choose the classic one. round shape without edges bent inwards. This makes it easier and less traumatic to replant the plant.

If you have difficulty combining shape, color and favorable conditions for a flower, then use a flowerpot (from the French - “hidden pot”). Presented on the floristry market widest choice these universal items decor. Therefore, a flower can grow in an unpresentable, but comfortable container for it, which will be covered original flowerpot.

The container must have a tray. Otherwise, streaks and stains from leaking water will form on the surface where the pot stands.

Depending on the characteristics of the roots, a flower house is selected. For example, cacti and many citrus fruits have long, but not branched, roots. Therefore, the pot should be narrow, but deep.

And for begonias and chrysanthemums, geraniums with short fibrous roots, the container should not be deep, but wide.

Pot sizes

The main criteria in choosing flower containers are height and depth. The pot should contain 1/4 drainage, 1/4 substrate and 2/4 soil. The root system in it must fully develop.

IMPORTANT! When replanting a plant, pay attention to how much it has filled the old pot. If it has filled the container completely, then the new pot should be 2–3 cm wider in diameter.

Adult healthy flowers are rarely replanted, which is what dictates the increase in living space. And if your plans include planting large plant, dividing it into several small ones, then select the pots according to the kids.

Carefully study plant preferences! Some, like Anthurium, do well in close quarters. And in general, most plants prefer medium containers.

IMPORTANT! Experienced florists advise not to spend money on high-cost containers when planting “babies” and shoots. It is unknown how they will take root. Therefore, you should use small plastic cups or cardboard egg containers.

To make the plant happy and not cause unnecessary trouble, follow the generally accepted rules! For example, the more luxurious the crown of the flower, the wider the diameter of the container should be. Proportionally, the ideal container will be one where the diameter is 2/3 of the height of the plant.

The following rule is based on the water needs of the flower. For moisture-loving green friends, choose a taller pot. But if it’s the other way around, then the pot should be wider and lower. In this case, the substrate will dry out well.

And one more rule! The pot must be stable, regardless of whether it stands on the surface or is fixed at a height. “The tops should not outweigh the roots.” The height of the container should correspond to approximately 1/3 of the height of the plant.

IMPORTANT! Designers and florists strongly recommend:

  1. Firstly, the pot or flowerpot must fit harmoniously into the interior.
  2. Secondly, a luxurious plant needs a simple pot so as not to overdo it with “beauty”. The gaze should focus on one thing.
  3. Thirdly, if the flower is modest, dilute it general form an interesting, intricate pot (in color or design).

Materials for pots

Today there are a large number of containers for flowers made from different materials. From antique clay and ceramic to ultra-modern silicone designs. Which pots are best to place flowers in, and which ones are best to avoid, replenishing design solutions a variety of flowerpots.

Ceramic pots

From time immemorial, plants were planted in pots made of baked clay. Made from natural material, porous and therefore “breathable”, they are ideal for the life of plant family members.

And today they are popular among gardeners. Thanks to various technologies When processing clay, choosing an effective ceramic container is not difficult. Just make sure that the inside is covered with glaze (this will protect the soil, and therefore the plant, from chemicals from the outside).

Now the trend is handmade pots, decorated with stucco and hand-painted.

The pots are quite heavy, which means they are stable. They provide a flow of oxygen to the roots and evaporate excess moisture due to their porous structure.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Price category of this type. Natural materials roads, and if you add handmade, then the cost will increase accordingly.
  2. The container cannot be installed on all surfaces (due to the total weight).
  3. Care must be taken when handling pots; they will break if dropped.

Plastic pots

Financially economical. Various in shape and size. Available in a wide range of colors. Perfect option for gardeners who grow a large number of plants.

They can be hung, they can be placed in a row even on a plastic window sill.

They make it easy to replant flowers without fear of damaging the container. After the previous occupant, the container can simply be washed well with soap.

Variety of sizes to suit all types of plants.

But using these containers also has its disadvantages:

  1. Due to their lightness, they are not very stable (additional weighting in the form of drainage is required).
  2. IN plastic containers evaporation occurs only from the surface, since the material “does not breathe” (additional drainage holes are required).

Glass containers

Glass containers look very stylish. Free spaces are filled with colored gel, sand, pebbles, beads, creating original drawing.

They are also ideal for plants like orchids whose root systems need sunlight!

If you decide to start breeding indoor plants or there is a need to replant the plants - you will need a new flower pot.

Let's take a closer look: how to choose the right flower pot, what material is better, with or without a drainage hole, what are flower pots and why are they needed.

So you bought a houseplant or the plants simply grew bigger and became cramped in the old pot; you need to replant them. Especially purchased ones indoor flowers often sold in shipping containers, transplanting into a new pot simply necessary.

Flower pot sizes

Let's decide on the size of the flower pot. If the plants are tall and mature with massive leaves, they will need big pot(for example monstera, ficus, clerodendrum).

Plants such as violets, gloxinia, pelargonium and the like are better suited small flower pots.

Pay attention to the diameter and height of the pot. The height of the flower pot should be at least 1/3 of the height the plant itself.

The diameter of the pot is selected as follows: the wider the crown of the plant, the wider the diameter of the flower pot. For plants with a height of 30 cm or more, a pot with a diameter of 20 cm or more is suitable. The ideal proportions of the pot are obtained when when the diameter is equal to 2/3 of its height.

When you choose a pot for very tall plants , such as common myrtle, pay attention to the diameter of the base, it should be at least 1/3 of the height of the plant.

Plants feel especially comfortable in clay and ceramic pots. One of the disadvantages of such a pot is fragility. It may break if dropped, you need to be careful. When reusing such pots, they must be disinfected.

For large plants standing on the floor buy plastic pot , it is much lighter than ceramic and it will be easier to move the plant.

The most practical and relatively cheap. Today there is a huge selection of plastic flower pots in stores.

Video – Flower pots

If you have to replant and divide the plant bush, you will need several small pots.

When transplanting adult plants, choose a pot 1.5-2 cm larger than the old pot. When replanting plants, a new soil mixture is partially added.

When replanting young plant which continues to grow, you will need a pot 3 cm larger than the previous one.

When replanting fast-growing or large plants, and when the next replanting occurs in 2-3 years, select a pot 4 cm more than the old one.

If you have old flower pots in stock and want to use them, they must be disinfected and then dried. Chlorine-containing products are suitable for disinfection.

Flower pots for growing plants must be with drainage holes to drain excess water.

But there are pots that serve as decorative ones - flowerpots without drainage holes. The main disadvantage of pots is the accumulation of excess water at the bottom after watering, which leads to rotting of the roots and the development of various diseases.

If you purchased a pot without a hole, you can use a drill to carefully drill it. There should be one hole in the pot for every 10 cm2 volume.

Such pots perform a decorative function. Flowerpots are made from various materials: ceramics, plastic, wood.

Often flower pots with plants are placed in flowerpots. Flowerpots give an interesting aesthetic appearance to the interior, but excess water must be drained every time after watering.

You can put moss between the walls of the flowerpot and pot, which will absorb excess water after watering, gradually evaporating the moisture. If you use flowerpot, as a way to increase humidity, you need to choose a size 3-4 cm wider than the pot that will stand inside.

Perhaps, today it is unlikely that a more popular plant will be found than the ficus. These flowers are often planted both at home on the windowsill and in office premises. Found everywhere different types ficus: Ficus Benjamin and even Ficus Rubber. They look pretty nice and are also very easy to care for. But in order for them to please you, you need to adhere to some rules. One of them is a suitable pot for ficus. In this article we will tell you what kind of pot is needed for a ficus, and how to choose it correctly.

If you are planning to plant small plant, then a standard pot is selected for it. You need to more carefully select a pot for a ficus that has already been growing for some time (or if you purchased an adult specimen at a flower shop).

In fact, standard-sized pots with a diameter equal to the height are perfect for planting ficus plants. For example, for ficus Benjamin (one of the most popular varieties of this house plant) such a pot is ideal - you can safely place it in such a container. For Ficus Rubber, also choose a standard-shaped pot.
If you plan to plant and grow a tree using the technique, it’s worth changing your approach a little. In this case, when selecting pots, make sure that they are flatter. For example, from “Benjamins” a beautiful tree using the “bonsai” technique will be quite simple, and such ficus trees will perfectly decorate your home. For them, it is recommended to choose beautiful pots in the form of a bowl or a small container that will fit perfectly into any interior. Plants planted without the use of such equipment thrive in standard pots.

In addition, you can choose not only a pot, but also build a tall plant pot for your ficus yourself. Fortunately, today the Internet contains enough information on how this can be done.

How to choose the size for a plant

What size should ficus pots be? We choose the size, paying attention to the degree of development of the root system of your pets. Again, while a small standard size pot will do for newly planted babies, with older specimens you have to consider how long their roots are.

Also remember that these plants need timely care. Eg, Rubber-bearing ficus replanted once a year, since their root system grows very quickly (like their “relatives”). When the roots completely fill the entire space and entwine the earthen ball, choose a pot whose size will be several times larger than the previous one. If in right time If appropriate measures are not taken, the flower may gradually wither.
In general, any ficus - Benjamin or Rubber - will require more and more space as it grows. Therefore, when choosing a small container for them before planting, think about the fact that in a couple of years they will grow quite well and will need larger “houses”. But don't overdo it! The situation will not change in better side, if you select a container that is too loose. You should select a pot that is only slightly larger than the previous one, so that after some time the roots completely fill the free space.

But in case this moment you are just starting to plant this plant, you can limit yourself to standard size pot. We calmly place the baby in a small pot - the planted ficus will feel great in the new place.

Material suitable for the pot

In principle, this plant cannot be called too picky about the materials from which its “house” will be made. However, in order to know exactly which pot to plant this lovely flower in, you need to take several aspects into account.

The first of these is the toxicity of materials. It's no secret that among today's manufacturers there are many who want to save on materials. Therefore, they can make flower pots from materials that will not have a very favorable effect on the health of the flowers. So pay attention to the quality of the materials that were used in the manufacture of the container.

Next, it should be said that for such flowers you can select clay and plastic pots, as well as ceramic ones. It is even possible to plant flowers in wooden tubs - among other things, they have an excellent appearance and will decorate any room.

Naturally, preference should be given to containers made of natural materials. If you are planning to master the bonsai technique, then in this case you should approach the task more responsibly, choosing bowls or containers made of clay. In addition, it is better to choose containers without a characteristic glossy sheen.

Be sure to ensure that there are drainage holes, otherwise the root system can easily rot, which in turn will lead to the death of your pet.

In general, as you can see, this flower is very unpretentious in choosing its “house”. The requirements for choosing a container are minimal, and meeting them in practice will not be difficult at all. Since manufacturers can always please us with a huge variety of containers for flowers, you can easily choose a suitable pot for your pets. In addition, you should not have any problems with the flower not fitting into the interior. And this is undoubtedly another plus in favor of this pretty green plant.

Video “Care and transplantation of ficus”

From this video you will learn how to care for and replant ficus.

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