At what temperature to plant peonies in spring. How to grow gorgeous peonies on your site? The dimensions of the division must be sufficient to

They go on sale in February, and having purchased a piece of wood, many doubt whether it will survive until planting. Therefore, they ask the question: how to plant in the spring? And most importantly, how to conduct this event correctly.

Best time to plant

It is generally accepted that the best time to plant a seedling is autumn: definitely warmed up after summer, but there is no longer a steady heat that does not contribute to the rooting of the future bush. This one is capable of growing suction roots not only in the fall, but also. The main thing is to do it before stable warm weather sets in, otherwise the shoots will grow back without allowing the roots to take root. If you decide to plant a plant, then April is considered the period when you can already plant it.

Did you know? In suitable conditions and proper care A peony bush grows up to 100 years.

Is it possible in the spring?

By planting a future bush immediately after the soil has thawed, you risk no more than when planting in the fall, because often seedlings planted in the fall, which have managed to bud, freeze or rot if they are not covered properly. Like any other plant, a grown bush will look depressed at first after planting: quickly emerging shoots will take away growth energy from the root, so the period of establishment of spring seedlings lasts longer.

Choosing a place and weather

Remember that there is a plant in place will not bloom magnificently. Also, its development will be harmed by planting close to any structure, since the walls will reflect heat that is excessive for the bushes. Low-lying planting, especially high-lying groundwater, will also not lead to abundant bud production.

Lighting and temperature

To plant the cuttings, you should choose a slightly ventilated place with partial shade during the day. It is worth planting peonies when the above-zero weather has been stable for a couple of days, since the plant may not tolerate a sharp change in temperature in the spring.

Soil for planting

This plant prefers loamy soil. If your site is suitable for planting rhizomes, it will help to make it. Also, before planting, the plant needs to be provided with a good system.

Choosing divisions

Properly selected, high-quality planting material is already half the battle of successful spring peony planting. Check with the seller how old the bush was from which the cutting was taken. The best option- plant peonies from a young bush, up to 7 years old: such rhizomes are visually neither thin nor coarse. It is also necessary to have at least 4 renewal buds and a pair of adventitious roots. If there is visible damage to the planting material, you should refuse such a purchase.
The packaging of the cuttings should indicate:

  • title and description;
  • number of divisions;
  • disembarkation instructions;
  • quality control sign.

Important! In order for the bush to bloom luxuriantly for many years, in the first year after planting, pick off all the buds that have formed.

Landing rules

The process of planting peonies in open ground And further care behind them in the spring is no different from similar events in the fall.

Pit preparation

The holes for planting future bushes are prepared sufficiently deep, wide and at a distance of at least 1 m. A drainage layer is laid to a depth of about 70 cm. Then pour out a layer and fill the hole halfway. Sprinkle the layers with earth, and leave a hole at a depth of no more than 10 cm for planting rhizomes.


Peonies are beautiful plants that can decorate any flower bed! But in order to grow healthy and lush flowers, it is necessary to provide them with competent care, which is what it consists of - in the article.

Autumn or spring: features of planting at different times of the year

Experts recommend carrying out all garden work on planting and replanting peonies in the fall. The root system of bushes becomes stronger over the summer, by the end of the season it goes into a dormant state and reacts to any actions with it more adequately than at other times of the year.

It takes longer for peonies to take root in the spring, as a result of which their flowering is delayed, it may not be as bright, and the plants themselves are more prone to diseases. However, it should be taken into account that the period from April to May is the same full-fledged period of regrowth of suction roots as August-September, therefore, subject to planting rules and proper subsequent care, gardeners have the right to count on future beautiful flower garden from peonies planted in spring. An additional argument in favor spring work is the opportunity not to wait for autumn if planting material was purchased in winter or in early spring.

Types of flowers

There are quite a large number of classifications of pions. The most common of them in origin and form.





Peony evasive (Maryin root):

Pion Mlokosevich:

Hybrids: intersectional or ITO

Choosing the right timing for spring planting

It is recommended to plant peonies in the spring months taking into account that the plants have a reserve of time to take root, that is, immediately after the snow grows, without waiting for stable positive weather. The optimal months for such gardening events in central Russia are April-May. For warm and cold regions, these dates shift accordingly.

Lunar calendar 2018 counts good days for landings:

  • February - 16, 18;
  • March - 1, 15, 16;
  • April - 25–27;
  • May - 18–20, 27.

General principles and rules

Planting options can be divided into two groups:

  1. Depending on weather conditions:
    • in open ground;
    • in a container with subsequent transplantation into open ground.
  2. By method of reproduction:
    • dividing the bush - one of the most common options, possible from 5-7 years;
    • bush pruning;
    • root cuttings with a bud - used to obtain a large amount of planting material;
    • stem cuttings - the hard way, not suitable for propagation of most hybrids;
    • layering - a simple option, suitable for bushes from 5-8 years old;
    • seeds - labor-intensive method, is used mainly by breeders.

Important stage: choosing a location and preparing the land

For the successful growth and development of peonies, it is necessary to choose the right place for the flower bed and prepare the soil. Peonies belong to light-loving plants, not tolerating strong drafts. The best place for them, the eastern part of your site will be, preferably slightly elevated to avoid stagnation of water, at least at a relative distance from trees and buildings.

An important condition for these flowers is to plant them in soil with a moderate level of acidity, to regulate which you can add wood ash or sand to the soil.

Planting peony seedlings in open ground

There are several options for such planting work. If you already have ready-made sections, then the stages of work will be as follows:

1– drainage layer, 2 – nutrient layer, 3 – top layer, 4 – seedling planting depth level

When using this method of planting peonies in open ground, pay attention to the quality of the planting material, since a correctly selected seedling is the key to a future beautiful flower. When purchasing a cutting in a store or market, examine it carefully for the presence of 2-3 renewal buds and at least 2 adventitious roots, the length of which should be at least 5 cm. The seedling must be whole and healthy, not wet and not too dry, without growths and nodes.

Spring planting of peony divisions in holes prepared in the fall (video)

Reproduction of peonies in spring

If you are going to plant your own peonies in the spring, then it is also worth considering several of the most common methods.

Reproduction by pruning

  1. Dig the plant to a depth of 6-8 cm.
  2. Using a sharp shovel, cut the bush horizontally.
  3. Divide into pieces.
  4. Plant in a separate bed and then transplant to permanent place.
  5. Sprinkle the roots with wood ash and cover with soil.

Planting root cuttings

This propagation method is suitable for varieties bred on the basis of the officinalis peony. Produced in March-April.

  1. We dig up the rhizome of the plant.
  2. We cut off adventitious roots whose thickness is more than 1 cm.
  3. Divide the pieces into pieces 5-7 cm long.
  4. We plant to a depth of 4-5 cm.
  5. Water well.
  6. With this planting option, the buds of the seedling will be formed within 2-4 years.

Propagation by stem cuttings

You can begin such gardening work approximately 2 weeks before the peony begins to bloom, that is, in mid-May, early in the morning.

  1. We cut off a strong shoot near the root collar that is not inclined to flower.
  2. We treat the cut with wood ash or coal.
  3. We shorten the cutting to a height of 9-10 cm, cutting off its upper part.
  4. We plant it with the end down in a hole 4-5 cm deep in moist soil in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  5. We regularly ventilate the plant and spray it 2 times a day.
  6. When obvious rooting occurs, the greenhouse is removed.

By layering

Such propagation of peonies is possible by two types of layering: ordinary and air.

Regular layering begins in late spring. The outermost shoots of the peony are tilted towards holes dug in advance in the ground about 15 cm deep, the tops are secured in the holes, they are covered with soil, which includes humus, and watered abundantly.

Reproduction of tree peony in spring by layering (video)

An excellent option for propagating tall peonies is the Chinese method. air layering, which should be started 2-4 weeks before the flowers appear.

  1. We choose a bush whose age is between 5 and 8 years.
  2. We put on a box or box without a bottom, the dimensions of which depend on the size of the bush.
  3. Pour a soil mixture consisting of humus, garden soil and sand into the box to a height of 10-11 cm.
  4. Water generously.
  5. As new shoots grow, we add soil mixture with natural or mineral fertilizers.
  6. In the fall, we remove the box, cut off new shoots with buds and send them for growing.


When choosing this method of planting peonies, you should consider a number of features:

  • peony seeds have extremely low germination;
  • theirs is at the same level enzymatic activity, that is, even healthy seeds will have to wait about 2 years for germination, if you do not resort to additional measures (stratification);
  • It is unlikely to obtain plants with outstanding decorative properties.

Transplanting peonies in spring (video)

Features of planting various types

There are no fundamental differences in the stages of planting peonies of different types, except perhaps in the depth of the holes for planting low- and tall varieties, but even if you purchased a very long section of some exotic peony, there is no need to dig a huge hole, just place the seedling at an angle, it will sprout just fine.

However, when purchasing planting material, you should carefully study the information about it. It is quite possible that the conditions of the region where you live simply will not suit him. This is especially true for intersectional hybrids.

In addition, soberly assess the landscape capabilities of your site, check whether certain peonies will fit into its appearance. It is also worth reading the reviews of those who have already planted the variety you like. Sometimes, in pursuit of particularly outstanding, for example, double flowers, gardeners are disappointed that the stems are not able to withstand such heavy buds falling to the ground, losing the much-anticipated showiness of the bush.

Care after work

Caring for the future bush immediately after planting consists of abundant watering and, if desired, mulching. Later it may be necessary to add fertilizers and fertilisers.

Important. Sometimes a seedling does not absorb the water with which it is watered. Try providing some shade by covering it with a mesh wastebasket. Keep in mind that the best water for watering peonies is rainwater, especially if the water supply in your region is very hard.

What to feed

During the first few years, the plant will have enough of the substances that you added when preparing the hole for planting. After the plant has fully developed, the peony's requirements will increase.

Feeding stages:

  • In April - mid-May, when the plant is growing green mass, it is necessary to apply about 50 g of nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • At the end of May, phosphorus and potassium are added during budding; in addition, you can use a solution of mullein, which is prepared in advance. To do this, dilute a bucket of manure in six buckets of water and leave it for 10 days to ferment, while the mixture needs to be stirred once a day. Before applying the solution under the bush, dilute it with water.

Much attention is paid to foliar feeding of peonies, which is carried out in the second year after planting. This method should be carried out in calm weather using a sprayer. It includes several stages, the interval between which should be about two weeks:

  • The first stage is carried out immediately after the appearance of the “green part” of the plant - treatment with a urea solution;
  • The second stage is after 14 days, and one tablet of microelements is added to the urea;
  • For the third spraying, use 2 tablets of microelements, which are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water, and Heteroauxin is used to stimulate the growth of the root system. Weak buds in the first two years of life should be removed with garden shears, because they will interfere with the growth of roots.

Organic and mineral nutrition

The third year of a flower's life is marked by colorful and abundant flowering and pomp. So it's time to use mineral fertilizers, the amount of which depends on the weather: in dry times the amount of feeding decreases, in rainy times it increases. Stages of work:

  1. Use of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers - 15 g of potassium and 10 g of nitrogen are enough for one bush. Fertilizers should be carefully applied around the flower while the snow is melting;
  2. At the second stage, phosphorus fertilizers are added. The flowers are fed while the buds are setting - in no case should this stage be skipped, because it is important for obtaining luxurious bright flowers;
  3. The third stage is carried out two weeks after the end of flowering. Fertilizers for peonies at this time are needed to grow healthy renewal buds, which increase the frost resistance of the bushes.

Considerable importance is also given to organic fertilizers, which are required for the formation of buds. To prepare them, use fresh mullein diluted in water. This mixture is infused for 10 days, after which it is applied to each plant. It is very important here that the solution does not get on the root collar, which can lead to “burns.” “Organics” are added only once a season - during budding. Do not forget that it is important to combine fertilizing and watering the plants, because peonies require a lot of liquid to absorb them.

​Similar articles​

​if you bought it now, it will get steadily warmer and plant it. They sell them in tiny pieces anyway, so they won’t bloom quickly anyway. It will increase in mass and bloom in three years. And if you are planning to take it, take it in August. Autumn planting is better for them.​

​When cutting flowers

​that if there are too many buds in the planting part and few roots, then the developing shoots will lack nutrition and develop poorly. If there are few buds and many thick storage roots, then young plants will not form new roots in the first year, and the next year they will suffer from insufficient development of the root system. When dividing the bush into small parts - with 1-2 eyes and a piece of rhizome, the plants develop slowly (flowering occurs a year later), but these will be healthy plants with a well-developed root system. Such small plots need to be grown for 1-2 years on special beds.​

​to soil moisture throughout the growing season, but at the same time they absolutely cannot tolerate damp, marshy places where their roots rot. The reaction of the soil environment should be slightly acidic or neutral (pH 6-7). Peony roots penetrate to the depth to which the soil is treated.​

​Peony herbaceous

Peonies growing from seeds | How to plant peonies in spring

​Landing. The pit is filled with a mixture of rotted manure (1/3) and the top layer of soil (2/3), adding about a glass or 400 g of superphosphate, 150-200 g of potassium sulfate and dolomite flour or chalk, slaked lime if the soil is strongly acidic. The top third of the hole is filled with a mixture of topsoil, compost and river sand, expanded clay or broken foam. The peony is planted in this mixture so that the root collar is at ground level. The soil is added gradually, lightly compacting and pouring 5 liters of water, and then the soil is added to the edges of the hole.​

After watering, the root system of the tree peony will deepen and take its normal position.

Growing peonies from seeds

​The best predecessor of peonies on earth are fallow areas. These plants also develop well after lupins or other legumes.​

​If the peony receives severe darkness for just two hours a day, the flowers will be of poor quality or there will be no flowering at all. But light partial shade, especially at noon, is not terrible for growing peonies. It is also negative for growing peonies from seeds that the peonies are located next to buildings or other large plants. The soil for planting peony must have a neutral reaction. In terms of composition, soils that are best suited for growing peony are moisture-intensive and loamy. Peonies can grow on various soils, but it is precisely on such soils that they are of the highest quality. The distance between peony bushes should be at least 1 meter. This is due to the long-range growth of peonies. If you plant small peonies in the spring, they will grow only to the sides in the top layer of soil, and the bush will not be provided with much moisture.​

Peonies serve as an excellent decoration for any garden. Their large bushes with beautiful fragrant flowers will delight even the most experienced gardener. These amazing plants make their way out of the ground with plump, pinkish-colored shoots in a short period of time. This then develops into a luxurious bush, throwing out beautiful huge buds that will fill the entire garden with their aroma.

If this happens, you can plant it in the spring. But then you will have to cut off all the buds so that the root grows.

​At least half of the stems should be left on the bush (otherwise the plant will weaken).​


​With shallow cultivation, the roots, having reached solid soil, grow to the sides, located in the upper layer of soil. In this case, the plants lack moisture and nutrition and grow poorly. Therefore, deep tillage is required.​

Caring for peonies

- one of the most popular and widespread perennial ornamental plants. It is highly valued for its beautiful large and delicate flowers, a decorative bush from spring to autumn. And, of course, for the ability to reproduce well and grow in one place for a long time (up to 20 years or more).​

​With proper planting, the root collar of the peony (or its rootstock) should be at the level of the soil surface. If they are planted in long-prepared holes with settled soil, then when planting, the root collar of the plant can be buried 5 cm from the soil surface. If the plant is grafted onto the roots of the herbaceous peony, and you want to transfer it to its native roots, then plant it deeply so that the border between the rootstock and the scion is at a depth of 10-15 cm. After planting, make a hole around the seedling for watering 10-15 deep, water it abundantly (10 liters per bush). After the water is absorbed, the soil is leveled, mulched with peat, compost or rotted manure with a layer of 15-20 cm. In wet spring, it is advisable to water the plants at the roots with a solution of foundationazole (20 g per 10 liters of water).​

​Now you know how to grow peonies from seeds, as well as how to plant peonies in the spring.​

Tree peony - planting and care

​Tree peonies can tolerate light shade, but they do not bloom in overly shaded areas. In this regard, they are not recommended to be planted near large shrubs, buildings and trees.​

​How to plant peonies in spring?​

​Many foreign varieties are delivered to our stores at the end of February or beginning of March, so planting peonies in the spring is forced. If possible, planting the bush should be done in late August and early September, planting young plants in a permanent place. When store shelves are filled with cuttings of peonies, novice gardeners experience double sensations. On the one hand, I want to acquire new varieties, but on the other hand, it’s scary if you can’t preserve fragile plants before planting them in open ground.​

​When the ground thaws They are planted in a hole 60cm deep​

​U terry varieties the stems cannot always hold large, heavy flowers. Therefore, supports are installed on the bushes during the budding period. They can be made from thick (0.5 cm) wire in the form of rings with stands, which are painted green.​

When planting peonies in a permanent place, they are placed at a distance of 100-120 cm from each other. Plants are placed in the upper third of the hole in a fertile layer of soil without fertilizers. There should be a 4-5 cm layer of soil above the top bud of the planted division. If the buds are deeper, the plants, although they will grow well, will not bloom. When planted shallowly, the bushes can be “squeezed” out of the ground. In the future, the buds may be damaged by late spring frosts, and flowering will be weak. The roots should be positioned freely and should not be bent or pressed.​

​Planting pits​

​It is currently known​

In the first two years, abundant watering is desirable throughout the growing season. If necessary, peonies are watered once a week (3-4 buckets per bush). In hot weather, water daily. In the second half of August, watering is stopped. The work of the plant to recreate the numerous suction roots takes many years, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. However, tree peonies, like all other peonies, do not like excess moisture, especially stagnation. Let us remember that they came down to us from the mountains East Asia, and in the mountains water does not linger. Good drainage and removal of melt water from plantings will help the soil warm up faster. It is useful to mulch the plantings - this will protect the soil from overheating and erosion by rain. During the season, ash and bone meal are regularly sprinkled on top of the mulch. It is advisable to systematically loosen the soil, especially after rain or watering, and pull out weeds. Loosen carefully so as not to damage the surface roots and those lying at a depth of 5-7 cm.


Before planting peonies, add 80-100 g of bone meal, or 40-50 g of granulated superphosphate, or 60-100 g of potassium salt into the hole.

​To grow peonies, you need to prepare a hole for planting. To do this, it needs to be covered with a soil mixture consisting of soil and organic matter in equal parts. You can add wood ash or mineral fertilizers. It is best to fill 2/3 of the hole with this composition and fill the top layer of the hole with seedlings. If you plant peonies in the spring on heavy soil, then dig a hole deeper, fill the bottom layer with crushed stone and sand so that the soil is drained.​

​Planting a peony in the spring differs in many ways from the same process, but occurring in the fall. Firstly, the purchased division should be planted in a 3 liter pot. It is best to use a ready-made substrate, as it is light, nutritious and permeable to moisture. If the flower was purchased in early March, then you need to try to restrain the development of its ground part (peonies grow it very quickly). Planting and care in the spring consists of planting the cuttings in a pot and placing it in a dark and cool place where the temperature remains around +1-3°C.​

Since this is a question, then you have no experience with planting peonies. The optimal time for transplanting and dividing a peony in the middle zone is the second half of August - the beginning of September. In Samara, September is optimal, or even early October; you need to navigate the weather. But this is all for dividing the peony and replanting it. So to speak, theory for beginners.​

​Late autumn with the onset of the first frosts​

​After landing​

​must have a depth and width of at least 50-60 cm. The bottom is loosened and the hole is filled 2/3 with a nutrient mixture. The mixture consists of 15-20 kg of organic fertilizers (rotted manure, compost, peat), to which 400 g of granulated superphosphate or 400 g of bone meal, 150-200 g of potassium sulfate and for acidic soils - lime are added. It is important to know here that 300-350 g of lime per 1 m2 increases the pH by one, i.e. significantly reduce the acidity of the soil environment.​

​more than 6 thousand varieties​

​Fertilizers applied to the planting hole will provide the plant with nutrition for two to three years, so in the first year it is better to do only foliar feeding. The first two years after planting, the buds should be removed so that the underground part of the plant can develop better. Only in the third year will peonies bloom. Fading flowers are promptly removed to stimulate the formation of new buds. Regularly, especially in spring, when the buds are swelling, weak and frozen shoots are cut off. Constantly update the mulch in the tree trunk circle.

​End. The beginning of the article is here.​

​It is best to plant peonies on cultivated su clay soils.​

Peony rhizomes should be placed at the level of the edges of the hole, and then the peony should be filled in and watered.

In April and May, the period of growing suction roots begins. If you take the plant out of the pot, you can see that the entire earthen lump is braided with white threads. When the soil warms up well, you can transship it, planting the grown peony in a permanent place. In this case, the earthen lump must be intact so that the root system is not damaged. Planting a peony in the spring seems to many gardeners to be a rather dangerous activity, which can lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, sometimes flowers are dug into the garden along with pots, and then planted in a permanent place in the fall.​

​But the reality is this: peonies are sold in trade only in the spring. Moreover, I bought peonies from collectors and for some reason they also only sent them in the spring. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with spring planting, millions of people are forced to plant in the spring and millions of people succeed.

The entire above-ground part of the peony plant is cut off and burned. Early pruning may be the reason for the lack of flowering next year.​

The plants should be watered and then topped up with soil so that the buds are not exposed. If there is no rain during the planting period, then watering should be repeated every 2-3 days for 2-3 weeks, then mulch the hole with peat.​

​On heavy clay soils​

​. Strive to collect a large collection of peonies on a small personal plot hardly advisable. It is enough to plant several varieties with just one plant. And, most importantly, the flowers of these varieties should be of different colors and different flowering periods.

​Feeding. Starting in the spring of next year after planting, regular fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. Peonies are responsive to the use of rotted manure, bone meal and wood ash. Plants do not tolerate fertilizing with fresh manure, as well as acidic fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied after abundant watering under the bush three times a season. The first time - immediately after the snow melts (nitrogen - 10-15 g, potassium - 10-20 g) or foliar, immediately after the growth of the above-ground part (40-50 g of urea per 10 liters of water); the second - 2 weeks before the start of flowering (nitrogen - 10-15 g, phosphorus - 15-20 g, potassium - 10-15 g), or on the leaves (40-50 g of urea plus a tablet of microelements per 10 liters of water); the third - 2 weeks after the end of flowering (potassium - 10-15 g, phosphorus - 15-20 g), or foliar - 2 tablets of microelements per 10 liters of water. Fertilizer application is combined with watering.

Tree peony

There are no specially developed agricultural technologies for growing varietal peonies, Ito hybrids and mountain peonies in our conditions. So we will be content with time-tested agricultural technology for caring for their ancestor - the species tree peony.​

We cherish and cherish the unearthly beauty

​The hole is filled 2/3 with a fertile mixture consisting of peat, humus and the top layer of soil.​

Where, when and how to plant

​Peonies are very unpretentious, they bloom profusely and are suitable even when there are an abundance of weeds and a wild area. Peonies do not need to be fertilized at all, they do not need to be loosened. Growing peonies is ideal for the lazy summer resident. In addition, peonies have amazing durability. They can grow in one place for 50 years without getting sick and blooming.​

​Planting of the herbaceous peony should be carried out within a year from the moment of priority, because, being in a pot, it will not build up the root system, and a disease such as gray rot. When purchasing, you must conduct a thorough inspection of the plant. Sometimes sellers try to sell sick and wilted flowers, claiming that they will come back to life if you just plant them in the ground. It is better to avoid dried and blackened buds and overdried divisions, because they can either take root or die. A growth stimulator will not help here.​

Now let's look at options for spring planting.

​N. Ya. Ippolitova

​Planted peonies​

​Add 1 bucket of sand to the mixture (preferably river sand), and on very light sandy soils - 1-1.5 buckets of crushed clay. Upper part holes (about 20 cm) are filled with fertile soil from the top layer of soil.​

​From the right agricultural technology​

Feeding secrets. To improve leaf wetting during foliar feeding, add a spoonful of washing powder. In parallel with the 2nd and 3rd feedings, it is useful in the first season to water the plants with a solution of heteroauxin (2 tablets per 10 liters of water) or sodium humate (5 g per 10 liters of water) to stimulate root formation. The last agricultural technique is especially relevant for plants planted after long-term storage or not in optimal timing.​

How to care for our pets

​We already know that the flower from the Celestial Empire has whims. He is conservative in his affections, demanding of warmth and spoiled by good soil, does not tolerate our winters, transplants and plantings in a new place of residence. It takes more than one year for a tree peony to completely master and take root in a new place, but then it grows for decades, and if you’re lucky, for centuries! It does not tolerate acidic soils, waterlogging and stagnation of groundwater, as well as clayey, marshy soils. Therefore, it is necessary to fulfill all its requirements: more light, warmth, sufficient feeding and good shelter.​

​Peonies do not tolerate wetlands at all.​

Peonies are completely unpretentious in care, but if you want the flowers to be of the highest quality and bloom profusely, then peonies can be weeded and watered. Peonies do not tolerate waterlogged soils, but regular, sufficient watering promotes plant health and abundant flowering.​

​Yellow peonies are usually expensive, so you should not buy varieties at low prices- they cannot be of high quality. Sellers are thus trying to sell inexperienced flower growers a product of dubious quality. You should not waste money on purchasing blue and black flowers, since they simply do not exist in nature. Labels are deceiving, so the result will be completely different from the picture. Although planting a peony in the spring is forced, in most cases the bushes turn out no worse than those planted in the fall.​

​1. You bought a piece of peony rhizome and it is in a state of complete or almost complete dormancy (the buds have just begun to swell). If your soil has already thawed and you can dig a hole for planting, then feel free to dig a hole and plant. If the ground has not thawed, then safely place such planting material in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. It’s better to sprinkle it with peat so that it doesn’t dry out. As soon as possible and the ground has thawed a little, plant. Early boarding will help you adapt better and may even help build up the root system.​

Expert advice. Herbaceous peony, agricultural technology, planting and care

  • ​, candidate of agricultural sciences​​in the first year it is recommended to cover it with peat or leaves (not peony) for the winter. In early spring, plantings are cleared of cover by raking it into the row spaces. You need to make sure that the buds are not above ground level and, if necessary, add soil.​ ​On waterlogged soils​

​, taking into account the biological characteristics of peonies, the decorativeness, productivity and longevity of the crop depend.

​N.V. Macedonian.​ The landing site should be sunny, sheltered from the wind and spring frosts. At the same time, light partial shade during the midday hours will not harm him at all. Choose a place for it that is protected from the winds, well lit (morning sun is preferable) at a rate of 1.5 x 1.5 m per plant.​

Peonies should be planted in such a way that the buds are placed no lower than the level of the top layer of soil. ​5.​ ​As for fertilizers, in the first half of summer, peonies can be fed with organic fertilizers, as well as mineral ones. During the budding period, you need to install supports on the peonies, and the first two years after planting are the time when peonies can be stimulated for better development and flowering.​

Correct agricultural technology for peonies

​Peonies are plants that are not at all difficult, and are quite possible to grow in a summer cottage. Even a novice summer resident can do this. The main thing is to get the necessary material for planting peonies and acquire some knowledge about these plants.​ ​2. You bought a piece of rhizome and it has already begun to vegetate (sprouts have started to appear). Plant in a pot and place on glazed balcony. A slight drop in temperature with a slight night minus and a day plus is not scary. Planting in the garden by transshipment when it finally gets warmer (landmark - peonies in the gardens have begun to grow). You can simply dig a pot of peony into the ground and keep it like that until the optimal planting time in the fall.​

Of course, peonies should be planted and replanted correctly from the end of August.... but in the retail chain they are often sold in the spring. Therefore, gardeners have to get sophisticated with spring planting. If you have already bought it, then plant it as soon as the soil thaws to the planting depth... here it is important to choose this very depth correctly, otherwise you will wait a very long time for flowering.​ ​Caring for plants.​

It is necessary to do drainage. To do this, gravel, pebbles, and broken bricks are poured into the bottom of the planting hole, deepening it 15-20 cm.​ ​First of all, you need to know​

​Read other articles on this topic here.​​Deadlines. The best time to plant tree peony is August - September. Usually at this time the plants begin a second wave of root growth and they manage to partially take root before frost. But what to do if you purchased peony seedlings with an open root system at flower shows in winter or early spring? The kidneys have already woken up. And even the leaves begin to grow. Most often, seedlings of tree peony varieties are sold at exhibitions precisely at a time when the snow has not yet melted. The main thing here is to slow down the growth of seedlings and preserve them without loss. Optimal temperature storage - 0-2°C. They are most often stored in the refrigerator or basement. Such cooling will not affect the subsequent development of the plant, but high humidity may have a negative effect, since the buds have already begun to grow and may rot. Therefore, the main thing is to prevent them from growing, without over-wetting them or drying them out. If you have nowhere to store it, then you can plant the division in a spacious pot and keep it on a cool windowsill until planting. As soon as the threat of early spring frosts has passed, the peony is carefully transplanted to a permanent place in the garden. If you purchased the emperor flower in April, then plant it in open ground at the end of April - beginning of May, provided that the plant is protected from night frosts, for example, by non-woven covering material.​

​If you plant tree peonies on sandy soil, then peat, humus and turf soil should be added to it.​ ​Preventively, the plant can be treated with copper oxychloride. In the fall, after the first frost, when the peony leaves have already fallen to the ground, they are carefully cut down to the soil level. If the leaves have turned yellow, but have not yet fallen, then you cannot cut them off yet.

​In this article you will learn how to grow peonies from seeds, as well as how to plant peonies in the spring.​ ​In any case, it is important to consider the following: the peony cannot be buried, the distance from the buds to the surface of the earth is 2 centimeters. That is, the buds are buried 2 centimeters below the surface of the earth. When buried more than 5 centimeters, the peony may not bloom for years or never at all.​

​Actually it goes in August, closer to autumn.​​Annual care consists of systematic removal of weeds, loosening, watering, fertilizing, and protective measures. Young plants should be fertilized from the first year of life. It is better to apply fertilizers, especially in liquid form, and mullein into the holes around the bush and cover them with soil after watering. This has a beneficial effect on the development of the young plant.​

Herbaceous peony, preparation of planting material

​Preparation of planting material.​​that peonies are very light-loving. They can tolerate light partial shade, especially during the midday hours, but strong shading for 2-3 hours leads to the fact that the plants either do not bloom at all or the flowers are of poor quality. They should not be planted near buildings: they will suffer from overheating and dryness from the walls, as well as from dripping from roofs and from snow debris. And if planted near trees and shrubs, they will lack moisture and nutrition.​

​We bring to your attention an article by a candidate of agricultural sciences​​However, we note that spring planting for peonies is in any case untimely. A plant planted in the spring suffers for a long time, produces almost no growth, and looks depressed. The tree peony really doesn’t like it when its suction roots are disturbed, and spends two or even three years restoring them! And it does not form actual suction roots, which essentially feed it. Just imagine how defenseless he is during such a long period of exploration of a new place and how much he needs our attention.​

​In the center of the hole, which is filled with a nutrient mixture, you need to make a mound on which to spread the roots of the seedling.​ ​Planting tree peonies​

Planting herbaceous peonies

​We owe a huge variety of amazing varieties of tree peonies Great love the Chinese people to these flowers and the efforts of their breeders. At first glance, these plants seem very tender and intolerant, however, this opinion is wrong. Of course, like many plants, tree peonies, depending on the variety, vary in the degree of frost resistance and hardiness. Almost all known peonies belong to the subshrub genus. Peony is a flower that was planted to protect against evil spirits near temples and palaces in China. China is the birthplace of peony, where it has been grown from seeds for 2000 years.​

When planted in spring, the peony may fade in the middle of summer. The leaves will dry out. There is no need to be afraid. Next year it will sprout normally and enter a normal growth rhythm.​ ​In general, peonies are not planted in the spring.​

​Rates, timing and frequency of fertilizer application The main and most reliable way to propagate garden peonies is by dividing the bush. The best time for this operation is from mid-August to mid-September. This is the time when renewal buds have already fully formed (from which shoots with leaves and flowers will form in the spring), but mass formation of suction roots has not yet begun.​

Caring for herbaceous peonies, timing and frequency of fertilization

Peonies can grow​Ippolitova N. Ya.​

Another thing is that tree peonies are grown and sold in containers. They can be planted in open ground from April to September. The roots of tree peonies in containers are protected by the walls of the container and are not damaged during transplantation. It is important to plant them in a permanent place immediately after acquisition.​ ​7.​

​1.​ ​Below are the main features of how to plant a peony correctly treelike in spring. By following these simple rules, you will be rewarded with long, bright and lush flowering these beautiful flowers.​

Peony is loved by many for its unique unpretentiousness. Today, about 6,000 varieties of peony are known, which differ in color, shape, and flowering time. Thanks to this, you can put together your own small collection of peonies, which will delight you with flowers all year long. Peonies are either tree-like or herbaceous. Herbaceous peonies are most widespread among gardeners. Peony is a light-loving crop. Therefore, if you want to plant peonies in the spring, then choose a place to grow the peony with enough light. Peonies have a complex root system consisting of several types of roots. Absorbing small roots grow at low positive temperatures in two stages in autumn and early spring.​

​I once dug it up at the end of April and planted it, it bloomed only 2 years later!​

​depend on soil fertility, age and developmental phases of plants. At the beginning of growth, the plant requires a large amount of nitrogen, during budding and flowering - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, when buds are formed - only phosphorus and potassium. In the first two feedings (in the spring on snow and during budding), you can give nitrophoska at 100 g/m2. The third feeding should be done immediately after flowering: add granulated superphosphate (25-30 g) and potassium sulfate (10-15 g) or potassium magnesia (15-20 g). The mixture is dissolved in 10 liters of water (dose per 1 m2).​ ​After trimming​

There are a lot of beautiful flowers, but among them I especially want to highlight peonies. Genuine beauty, brightness, richness of colors, elegant shape, pleasant aroma... All these qualities characterize this plant. If you are in doubt whether you should plant it on your plot of a private house or in your country house, then do not hesitate! You will definitely fall in love with this beautiful flower when it graces your garden with lush color. The most popular way to propagate a flower is by dividing the bush; you can get divisions yourself if you grow the plant in your garden or buy it.

A natural question for a beginner, inexperienced gardener or person who has not previously dealt with these flowers is when is it better to plant peonies, in spring or autumn? Experienced flower growers, relying on their many years of experience and knowledge about the characteristics of the plant, claim that It is better to plant in autumn.

Planting in spring has certain disadvantages. Spring is a period of rapid growth of the above-ground part of the plant, which means that during spring planting, the above-ground part of the peony will actively develop, to the detriment of the root system. And this feature can lead to long survival times, weakening of the plant, and poor flowering in the future. But at the same time, many gardeners and gardeners successfully plant cuttings in the spring. Therefore, the main thing is to plant the plant correctly.

When to plant peonies in autumn and spring: optimal timing

It is necessary to plant the plant during the period when the suction roots are growing. Plants planted during this period take root and grow more successfully.

Planting time in spring

The optimal time for planting in the spring - the moment the roots grow, usually occurs in April and May, so it is advisable to carry out the procedure at this time.

Planting dates in autumn

When is the best time to plant peonies in the fall? It is necessary to choose a period such that 3-4 weeks left before the first frost. During this time, the plant will have time to take root and its roots will grow. Otherwise, if the procedure is too late, the plant will not have time to take root, which can result in weakening of the plant, lack of flowering, development of diseases and even death.

The optimal timing for planting peonies in the fall differs in different regions:

  • IN Middle lane(Moscow region)- all September;
  • In Siberia, the Urals, the North-West ( Leningrad region) - end of August and first half of September;
  • In the South (Krasnodar Territory (Kuban), North Caucasus)- end of September, first half of October.

You can also choose the optimal timing for planting a peony in the fall by Lunar calendar 2019:

  • Favorable days:
    • in August - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
    • in September - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
    • in October - 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days:
    • in August - 15, 16, 30, 31;
    • in September -14, 15, 28, 29;
    • in October - 14, 28.

What to do if you were unable to plant peonies in the fall at the right time

It is not always possible to bring plans to life required deadlines. A situation may also arise that you did not have time to plant a peony in the fall. optimal time, for example, certain circumstances arose, there was a lot to do, or it was not possible to get a seedling on time. You can successfully plant late in the fall (in October, November) if you follow a certain technology:

  • You need to plant the seedling in a pot and move it to a greenhouse or loggia, but it is required that this room maintain a positive temperature. In such conditions, the plant will have time to take root.
  • After about two weeks and after the temperature drops to 0 or below, the division should be planted in open ground directly in a pot in late autumn.
  • Next year, in the fall, dig up a pot and transplant the plant to a permanent place in the ground.

Video: late boarding peonies in autumn.

How to plant peonies in a flower bed

A person who strives for harmony and beauty in the garden will probably have a logical question - what can you use to plant peonies in a flower bed? To make flowers look most advantageous and beautiful, they should be planted next to suitable plants and according to the rules of landscape design:

  • An important point is the combination of colors. You should not plant a peony in front of or next to flowers of the same shade if they bloom at the same time (red with red, pink with pink).
  • It is also important what kind of flowers you plant next to the peony. Irises, delphiniums, lilies, bells, daisies, and clematis look harmonious. But they must have contrasting colors so as not to merge and mutually drown out the beauty.
  • Between the flowers, a smooth green lawn or just green grass looks appropriate.
  • Flowers look great in the background big trees and shrubs, including against the backdrop of juniper and thuja.
  • Excessive proximity to other flowers is not recommended, as they will interfere with normal care.

The photographs below show options for placing peonies in a flower bed with other flowers and plants:

Step-by-step instructions for planting peonies in autumn and spring

There are two main types of peony: tree and herbaceous. Despite their differences, the planting scheme of the first and second types is no different. And in order to properly plant both a tree and herbaceous peony in the fall or spring, which will look beautiful on the site, I advise you to use step by step instructions, which describes in detail all the necessary steps.

By the way! A gardener may wonder: when do tree and herbaceous peonies bloom after planting in open ground? So, the plant blooms 3-4 years after the procedure.

Selecting a seedling

The quality of planting material plays a very important role important role in successful flowering and growing of the plant. Therefore, the choice of seedling must be taken responsibly. Below are Recommendations for choosing high-quality, correct seedlings:

  • The best option is a three- or four-year-old peony division with 3-5 buds.
  • You can also purchase a one- or two-year-old cutting with a pair of buds.
  • It is necessary that the division has at least two or three buds (that is, growth points).
  • If the buds are dried out and have a black tint, then they should not be planted.
  • It is recommended to choose seedlings whose roots are about 20 centimeters long.
  • The seedling should not be dry or too wet.
  • You should not choose a seedling that exudes a putrid aroma or the smell of mold.
  • The root system of the seedling must be healthy, fresh, and free of suspicious growths.

Selecting a location

Tree and herbaceous peonies have special requirements for their growing location. The splendor and beauty of flowering largely depends on it. When choosing a place to plant a peony in your garden, consider the following recommendations:

  • The place should be sunny and well lit throughout the day. The plant critically tolerates shade and responds to it with weak flowering or a complete absence of flowering. Only a little shade is allowed at lunchtime.
  • The flowerbed should be protected from cold winds and drafts, but there should be no air stagnation, Fresh air should act normally.
  • There should be a distance of about 1-1.5 meters between the flowers and the walls of buildings and the fence.
  • You should not choose lowlands where moisture stagnates or areas where there is high humidity, as it can cause root rot and plant death.
  • The groundwater level is at least 0.7-1 meters. If the level is higher, then it is imperative to make good drainage or make a high flower bed.
  • You should not choose a place under trees with a wide, spreading crown that will cast a shadow.

The ideal place for a peony would be a sunny, sheltered area on the south or southwest side of the garden.

Soil selection

In terms of soil, the crop is not capricious; with proper care, cultivation is possible on any soil. But still, tree and herbaceous peonies have their own preferences in terms of soil:

  • the earth should have neutral or slightly alkaline acidity (6-7.5);
  • the soil must be moisture-absorbing and well-drained;
  • the soil should be light and fertile.

Note! The ideal option is cultivated loamy soil.

How to prepare a planting hole

Preparation of the planting hole should be done in advance, approx. per month before the proposed work. It is recommended to dig a hole with the following parameters: depth - 70-80 centimeters, width - 60-70 centimeters. When making a recess, set aside the top fertile layer land in a separate pile!

Note! The recommended distance between the bushes of a herbaceous plant is one meter, the distance between tree peonies is one and a half or two meters. Consider the recommended pattern when preparing holes and when planting.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the pit, the recommended layer thickness is 10-15 centimeters. You can use crushed brick, gravel, coarse sand.

To plant peonies, it is very important to put fertilizer in the hole.. What fertilizers are best to apply? The best option: half the top fertile layer of soil + compost or humus (one bucket) + ash (300 grams) + superphosphate (100 grams). Everything is thoroughly mixed in the pit.

Then fill the hole with the remaining half of the topsoil to form a mound. There should be a gap of 10 centimeters between the soil and the edge of the pit.

Advice! If your soil is sandy, then add a bucket of clay to the hole, and if it is clayey, then add a bucket of peat or sand. problem acidic soil can be solved by adding two glasses of dolomite flour to the pit.

Seedling preparation

Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the division. To do this, you need to inspect the planting material. If traces of rot or any damage are found, then these places need to be eliminated sharp knife , and then disinfect in solution potassium permanganate or drug "Maksim"(leave the division in the solution for twenty minutes). It is recommended to process the sections wood ash.

For faster and more successful establishment in spring or autumn, it is recommended before planting in open ground dip the roots in Heteroauxin solution. To do this, mix ten liters of water + two tablets of heteroauxin + clay + 50 grams copper sulfate. Mix to a creamy consistency, dip the roots into the solution. Then you need to dry the seedling before the event - just leave it in the shade for a day.

Landing instructions

Autumn or spring planting essentially do not have any significant differences, but still, as noted above, the plant does not really like the procedure performed in the spring, so during this period it must be done as carefully as possible.

Produce correct landing The following step-by-step guide will help peony in spring and autumn:

  1. You need to very carefully place the seedling in the hole, and you need to direct the roots to the sides or down. And you also need to straighten the roots very carefully; creases should not be allowed.
  2. An extremely important point in the procedure is the planting depth. The buds of the seedling need to be immersed in the soil 3-5 centimeters(if the soil in the area is heavy, you need to deepen the plant 3-4 centimeters from the beginning of bud growth, and if the soil is light, you can bury it 5-6). If you leave the buds on the surface of the ground, they will freeze slightly, and excessive deepening can provoke rotting, all this will affect the flowering and health of the plant.
  3. You can sprinkle a little river sand under and around the seedling.
  4. Now we fill the plot with soil. In this case, you need to compact the area as carefully as possible with your palm so as not to damage the kidneys. Do not compact the soil with your feet.
  5. Now you need to form a watering circle and water the flowerbed. It is recommended to do this with a solution of the drug Kornevin (one gram of the substance per liter of water), the solution will stimulate good and rapid survival.
  6. When the ground settles, it is necessary to fill up the soil.
  7. We do mulching. You can use peat and humus. The thickness of the mulch layer is 10-15 centimeters.

The photo below shows a diagram of planting and placing a seedling in a hole:

How to care for peonies after planting

The herbaceous and tree-like peony needs full care after planting in open ground, because at this moment it is especially vulnerable and needs care. The following instructions will help you properly care for your flowers after planting:

  • Watering after the spring procedure must be done regularly for faster rooting. In the first three days you need to water every day. The optimal amount of water is two buckets for one bush. It is necessary to water at the root, but the water should not fall on the stem or leaves. It is worth noting that the plant loves abundant, but not frequent watering. In hot weather, moisture should be added approximately once every ten days.
  • Watering after autumn planting must be carried out within 30 days after the procedure, that is, before the first frost. During this period you need to water the plant two or three times. But if it rains heavily at this time, then there is no need to water!

Important! It is better to water the plant in the morning or evening.

  • Loosening. Garden manipulation improves air exchange in the soil and the root system of the plant receives oxygen in optimal quantity. Loosening the soil around the plant should be done after watering, approximately 2-3 hours later.
  • . If you added fertilizers to the hole during autumn or spring planting, then you do not need to fertilize in the next two years, the plant has the necessary supply nutrients. Then fertilizing should be done in the spring, after all the snow has melted (using nitrogen fertilizer with a small potassium content), at the time of budding (potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used, in which potassium predominates, you can also add a little nitrogen), and in the fall, about three weeks after flowering (produced phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, with a predominance of phosphorus).
  • When planting a seedling at the age of one or two years, it is recommended to prevent the plants from flowering for the first two years. To do this, you should carefully tear off the buds. Thanks to manipulation, the plant will successfully grow root system, and in particular suction roots. Because of this feature, many gardeners plant a 3-4 year old seedling, since it is at this age that the plant begins to flower.
  • After planting a tree or herbaceous peony in the fall, it is necessary to shelter before the winter cold, it will help the plant to overwinter normally and will not allow it to freeze in cold weather. Shelter is especially necessary in colder regions - in Siberia, the Urals, the Middle Zone, the Volga region, so it should not be neglected. To protect young flowers, spud trunk circle. And then mulch, the thickness of the mulch is 15 centimeters. For mulching, you can use compost, peat, sawdust, humus, and spruce branches.

The flower garden is the highlight of any vegetable garden. Planting flowers on the site of a private house, in a country house, or in a garden is a noble activity, especially if you are planting a perennial peony. Because in this way you improve the area, making a significant contribution to the transformation of the garden. And the diagram and rules of procedure given in the article will help you do this correctly in spring and autumn.

Majestic peony bushes decorate our gardens with their lush blooms in late spring and early summer. Depending on the type of peony and geographical latitude region, the flowering time of peonies in the garden varies from late April to mid-July.

In general, a single peony bush blooms for about two weeks. But when selecting varieties of peonies for your garden with different terms Flowering can extend this beauty for about a month and a half.

I will share my experience of early spring planting, growing and propagation and - caring for these peonies is absolutely the same. We haven’t even tried to grow it in our garden (we have heard from the experience of various gardener friends that in the Moscow region this idea is practically useless).

But peonies must be supplied with mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers - both in spring and autumn.
Of course, it is more correct to pre-dilute mineral fertilizers in water or embed them dry in the root top layer of soil. But I always don’t have time to do this (measure grams of fertilizer into a bucket, dilute with water, etc.), so I feed peonies differently.
In the spring I scatter peonies marked “spring” around the bushes (approximately Matchbox per bush). In the fall, I apply “autumn” fertilizer in the same way. During the summer, if possible, I feed it, also scattering it around the plants on the surface of the soil.

I always process young peony bushes (planted this year or last year) periodically. I use them both, alternating treatments. I spray the solution of the drug on the foliage of peonies, according to the instructions. These drugs promote faster rooting and increase the resistance of young fragile plants to various diseases, viruses and adverse weather conditions.

Peonies do not like constantly wet soil, so in the Moscow region they often get enough rain without additional watering. But, if the summer is very dry, then the peonies will need watering.
I water peonies rarely (no more than once a week), but a lot. I usually do this: I just put the hose on the peony bed (for a couple of hours every two weeks), and periodically move the hose around the flowerbed. At the same time, the water does not gush, eroding the soil, but flows slowly and is absorbed into the ground, without forming standing puddles. Naturally, such watering is only possible on very loose soil. If the soil is heavy, then it is better to pour 2-3 buckets of water directly under each peony bush.

Prevention of diseases in peonies

In my garden, I did not notice any terrible diseases that led to the complete death of plants, to the spread of infections from a specific place throughout the garden (according to different types plants, for plants of the same species).
Yes, plants often get sick after being planted in the garden, especially if greenhouse plants are transplanted into open ground.
Also, peonies do not always feel good after dividing the bushes.
Many plants react poorly to sudden changes in temperature (when very cold and rainy weather comes after prolonged heat, due to watering with ice water in the heat, etc.).
Usually, after a plant takes root in a new place, its immunity is strengthened, and the plant begins to grow and develop normally.

I believe that if the pre-planting treatment of the seedling and soil is carried out correctly, the strengthening of the immune system and the rapid rooting of the young plant are stimulated, then possible diseases retreat - they do not touch healthy and strong plants.

Of course, there are exceptions: initially weak, diseased varieties, which no matter how much you treat, they will still get sick (apparently, this is genetically inherent in them, they do not know how to resist diseases). Such plants can sit (just sit, not grow) in the garden for years and get sick, but do not die. Many gardeners don’t want to bother with them - they quickly remove such underdeveloped plants from the site and forget about them.
But there are also many gardeners who are ready to constantly treat some weak, but very beloved variety, and often they manage to get good results - after all, plants also feel love and care.

You can eliminate the occurrence and reduce the spread using simple preventive methods:
- do not plant peony bushes too often, thickening of plantings contributes to the spread of viruses;
- follow the watering regime; under no circumstances water peonies with ice-cold well water in hot weather;
- if the place where peonies are planted is low, groundwater is close, provide the bushes with very good drainage or even refuse to plant peonies in an area of ​​the garden that is unfavorable for them.

In the photo: herbaceous peonies of the “Celebrity” and “Etched Salmon” varieties

The proximity of peonies to other plants

Peonies bloom at their peak at the very beginning of summer. The peony bush after flowering looks quite decorative due to the beautiful carved foliage, but bright colors I want it all summer!
For example, if a peony bush is located in a mixborder or in a flowerbed next to other plants, then there are no problems - one plant has faded and the other is blooming.
But flower beds consisting of only peonies, most Summers are simply green. I advise you to “dilute” such flower beds with tall perennials that are not prone to strong growth and bloom in the second half of summer. Plants with bright flowers look good against the background of dense green foliage of peonies.

I have tested many plants as neighbors of peonies. In my opinion, they cope best with this role.

Advantages of using lilies in peony plantings:
- the conditions for growing lilies and peonies are very similar: they do not require frequent watering and nitrogen fertilizing, they are afraid of damping off;
- you can easily select high varieties of lilies with different flowering periods, so a flower garden with peonies and lilies will always be blooming.

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