Planting tomato seedlings at home. Growing tomato seedlings at home. How to plant tomatoes correctly? Preparation for planting seedlings in a permanent place

A good tomato harvest cannot be obtained without strong and healthy seedlings. If you plant the seeds immediately in open ground, the fruits will not have time to ripen. Adhering to certain rules, grow good seedlings won't be a big deal.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings

Healthy seedlings mean a good harvest!

To obtain high-quality seedlings, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • choose a tomato variety (according to ripening time);
  • take into account climatic conditions (planting times are different in different regions);
  • determine the growing conditions (in a greenhouse or open ground);
  • adhere to the lunar calendar.

To determine the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings, you need to decide what varieties of tomatoes you will grow.

According to the timing of fruit ripening, tomatoes are early ripening (90–95 days), mid ripening (100–115 days), and late ripening (120–130 days). Pay attention to the height of tomatoes - they are determinate (short) and indeterminate (tall). Low determinate varieties are better suited for open ground; high indeterminate varieties develop well in greenhouses. All information is on the seed packets. If you grow tomatoes with different ripening periods, you will have a harvest on your table all summer.

  • It is necessary to take into account climatic conditions in different regions of the country:
  • in the south, planting is carried out from mid-February to mid-March;
  • in the Moscow region, seeds are planted in early March and until the end of the month;

in the Urals and Siberia, seeds are planted in early April. Don’t rush to sow seeds for seedlings ahead of schedule

. Overgrown seedlings get sick for a long time after planting in the ground, and the harvest will not be so abundant.

If the seedlings are very overgrown, then try cutting off the top part of the plant. Place the cut tops in water, where they will quickly sprout roots. Then plant the lower part of the seedlings with a lump of earth and rooted tops as usual. This method is called "Chinese". By the way, it is used not only in case of overgrown seedlings, but also when there is little planting material. Decide where you will grow tomatoes - in a greenhouse or directly in open ground. Seedlings can be planted in greenhouses 2–3 weeks earlier than in open ground. In regions where there is a threat "", it is better not to rush with planting seedlings in open ground.

Depending on the climate zone, transplant the seedlings into the ground:

  • in the southern regions, seedlings can be transplanted as early as late April - early May;
  • in the Moscow region - from mid-May to early June;
  • in the Urals and Siberia - no earlier than the beginning of June and until the middle of the month.

Grow seedlings in accordance with the Lunar calendar. If you adhere to the favorable phases of the moon, the plants will grow and bear fruit better.

Favorable days in 2019:

  • in February - 14,16,18,24,26,27,28;
  • in March - 3,4,10,12,20,25,30,31;
  • in April - 8,12,13,22,26,27,28.

During the new or full moon phase, you should not germinate or sow seeds - the plants will develop poorly.

Preparing seeds for planting

Before sowing tomato seeds for seedlings, you need to prepare them. If the seeds were purchased in a store, they do not need to be disinfected. Seed producers have already taken care of this.

If the seeds were purchased at the market or you decide to grow tomatoes from your own seeds, they need to be disinfected.

There are several methods of disinfection:

  1. Soak the seeds in Fitosporin solution (2 drops of solution per 100 ml) for two hours.
  2. Cut the aloe leaf and put it in the refrigerator for 5 days. Then dilute the aloe juice in half with water and soak the seeds for a day.
  3. The simplest and most proven method of disinfection is to soak the seeds in potassium permanganate for 15–20 minutes (1 g per 100 ml of water). After soaking, rinse the seeds with clean water.
  4. You can soak the seeds for a day in a soda solution (1/2 teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water).

To identify dummy seeds, pour clean water into a glass and pour the seeds into it. After half an hour, stir. The seeds that have sunk to the bottom can be sown. Don't spare the ones left on the surface - they won't sprout.

Soil preparation

Coconut substrate is very good for growing seedlings. Its loose structure allows delicate roots to develop well. If you sow seeds in a bowl with further picking, you can only use coconut substrate. If sowing is done in individual containers without picking, then the plants will not have enough nutrients. To do this, mix soil soil(10 liters), coconut substrate briquette (7 liters), vermicompost (1 liter) and agroperlite (1 liter). In this soil mixture, the seedlings will develop well until planting in the garden.

Video: preparing soil for seedlings

If you decide to use soil from your garden, then it must be pre-treated. Methods for soil disinfection:

  • pour boiling water over the soil well;
  • spill the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate;
  • place the soil in the oven for 10–15;
  • You can heat it in the microwave at full power for 2-3 minutes.

Selection and preparation of containers for growing seedlings

When choosing a container, you need to decide whether you will pick the seedlings or not. For cultivation without picking, sowing seeds is carried out in individual containers. The seedlings grow in it until they are planted in the garden. If you plan to plant seedlings, then sow the seeds in containers or boxes.

The stores offer a large variety of packaging. For cultivation without picking, peat tablets, peat pots, and plastic cassettes are used. Peat containers are good because the seedlings are planted in the garden along with a tablet or a glass. Plastic cassettes can be reused multiple times.

To grow plants for further picking, plastic boxes are used. They can also be used for several seasons.

If you have been using plastic containers for more than a year, be sure to disinfect them. To destroy possible pathogens of vegetable diseases, wash the container with laundry soap and scald with boiling water.

It is very convenient to grow seedlings in plastic disposable cups. For tomatoes, take a container with a volume of 500 ml.

If you don't want to spend money, use improvised materials. These can be jars of yogurt or sour cream, cut plastic bottles, juice or milk boxes.

Methods for planting tomatoes for seedlings

There are many ways to plant seeds for seedlings, both traditional and original.

Planting seeds in boiling water

The method of planting seeds in boiling water is becoming increasingly popular. With this method of planting, the seedlings are more friendly and the seedlings are strong and healthy.

Planting seeds in boiling water:

  1. Place the seeds on top of the soil in the container where you will grow the seedlings (for example, a plastic container).
  2. Deepen slightly with a toothpick.
  3. Pour boiling water over and cover with a lid.
  4. Wrap it in a towel and place it on the radiator for 1 hour.
  5. Then we put it in a permanent place - on a windowsill or under a lamp.

Planting seeds in a snail

To save space on the windowsill, you can use the method of planting seeds in a snail. There are two types of snails: soil and toilet paper.

Snail with soil

Seedlings in a snail take up little space

To make a snail with soil, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Cut strips 10 cm wide from the laminate backing.

    Cut the laminate underlayment into strips

  2. Having retreated 5 cm from the beginning, pour the soil onto the substrate 1–1.5 cm high. The soil should retreat 2 cm from the upper edge of the strip. Do not immediately cover the entire length of the substrate with soil, do it in parts, approximately 20–25 cm.

    Pour the soil in sections

  3. Lightly moisten the soil and compact it.
  4. Place the seeds at a distance of 2 cm.

    Place the seeds at a distance of 2 cm

  5. We begin to roll the substrate with the seeds into a roll, gradually adding the next portion of soil. Try to keep the roll tight. At the end, leave 5 cm of the substrate without soil.

    Start twisting the snail

  6. Secure the roll at the top and bottom with rubber bands.

    Secure the roll with rubber bands

  7. Place the rolls vertically in the container where the seedlings will be grown. If necessary, add soil.
  8. Pour 2 cm of water into the bottom of the container and spray the snails on top with a spray bottle.

    Spray the snail from above with a spray bottle

  9. Cover the snails with film and place them in a dark and warm place to germinate the seeds. Do not forget to periodically remove the film for ventilation.

    Cover the snail with film or a bag

  10. As soon as the first loops of seedlings appear, the film is removed and the snails are placed in a well-lit place.

    Place the hatched seeds in a bright place

The method is similar to the previous one, only instead of soil they use toilet paper (from 1 to 4 layers). All distances are the same as in the previous version.

Planting seeds in cassettes

Sowing seeds in cassettes

It is very convenient to grow seedlings in cassettes with trays. To grow tomatoes, choose cassettes with large cells. Cassettes with a cell size of 5x6 cm and a height of 10 cm are well suited. The advantage of cassettes with a tray is that “bottom watering” is used. This is a method where water is poured into a pan. And also, cassettes take up little space on the windowsill, since they are compact. They are convenient to rearrange. This container can be used multiple times.

Fill the cassettes with soil, make 1–1.5 cm indentations, place the seeds and sprinkle with soil. Cover with film or glass and place in a warm place. After germination, remove the cover and place it on the windowsill.

Planting seeds in peat tablets and cups

Sowing in peat tablets

To grow tomato seedlings, it is recommended to take peat tablets with a diameter of 4 cm. Place the tablets in a container (for example, a plastic container). Fill the tablets with water to swell. Place the seeds in the depressions and sprinkle vermiculite or soil on top. Cover the swollen seed tablets with film or glass. Further cultivation seedlings are produced in the same way as in cassettes.

Planting seeds in peat cups is carried out in the same way as in ordinary ones. The cups are filled with soil, holes are made and seeds are placed. Peat cups are good because seedlings are planted in open ground along with the cup. The tender roots of the seedlings will not be harmed, and the decomposed peat cup will act as additional fertilizer.

Planting seeds in scrap materials

You can plant seeds for seedlings in any container - the choice is yours. You can use plastic disposable cups; for tomatoes, use 500 ml cups. You can cut plastic bottles, cardboard bags of juice or milk, cups of sour cream or yogurt. Make holes for drainage, fill with soil and grow seedlings according to the same rules as above.

Growing seedlings in cottage cheese boxes

How to care for seedlings at home

When the first loops of sprouts appear, the seedlings must be moved to a well-lit place. You can simply place it on the windowsill, but since daylight hours are short in spring, it is better to use additional lighting.

For these purposes, purchase a special phytolamp. In the first 2-3 days, light the seedlings around the clock. Then, so that the seedlings do not stretch and are strong and healthy, provide at least 12 hours of daylight. Water with caution. Drying out the soil or waterlogging it will have a bad effect on the quality of the seedlings.

Water with settled water 2 degrees above room temperature. Watering is carried out under the root, preventing water from getting on the leaves. If the seedlings are strong, with good green leaves , then there is no need to feed it. Excess fertilizer will not do any good. If the seedlings are weakened, feed them. Now there is a huge selection of mineral or organic fertilizers

in specialized stores - the choice is yours. If seedlings are grown in individual containers (cups, cassettes, peat tablets), then there is no need to pick them. If the seeds were sown in a container or box, then when three true leaves appear, the seedlings must be planted. Carefully, using a wooden stick or toothpick, remove the sprout and place it in a separate glass. For tomatoes optimal size

Even a novice summer resident can grow tomato seedlings. Select tomato varieties, use different containers for growing seedlings, and follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners. Try it various ways cultivation and get a good harvest!

Tomatoes are one of the most popular and sought-after vegetable crops. Many gardeners try to grow this crop themselves, but not everyone has an idea of ​​how to plant tomatoes as seedlings. This is a very long process, in which it is important to comply with agrotechnical standards of care and carry out timely procedures (watering, fertilizing, picking, etc.). We will tell you in more detail about each stage of planting and growing tomato seedlings in this article.

To obtain a bountiful harvest of tasty and aromatic fruits, you should try by going through the following steps:

  1. Selecting a tomato variety and selecting seeds.
  2. Choosing a suitable container for planting.
  3. Soil preparation.
  4. Preparing seeds for planting.
  5. Proper sowing of seeds.
  6. Picking seedlings.
  7. Preparing seedlings for planting in a permanent place.

Seed selection and preparation

The choice of seeds is enough important stage. Even knowing how to plant tomatoes for seedlings, you can only get high-quality seedlings if the tomato seeds are of good quality. The success of planting depends, first of all, on the correct and reasonable choice of variety. You need to weigh the pros and cons.

You must select a tomato variety based on the following criteria:

  1. Growing region. Today, tomato varieties are very diverse. There are sun-loving and heat-loving tomatoes that will die in cold, wet conditions. And there are varieties that love coolness and moisture, so they will not develop well in the climate of the southern regions. On the market you can select varieties for almost any region. The choice is huge.
  2. Open ground or greenhouse? You immediately need to decide where the tomatoes will be grown. As a rule, greenhouse tomatoes are more demanding: they need to create the right microclimate, comfortable temperature and provide regular care. But in return they reward the gardener with a rich harvest of beautiful fruits. Tomatoes grown in the garden are less difficult to care for and more resistant to temperature changes. Their fruits are fragrant and tasty. True, they bear fruit later, and their appearance often inferior to greenhouse tomatoes.
  3. Appearance of the fruit. Taste is important, but also external characteristics also need to be remembered. There are special varieties for pickling and canning. Their skin is dense, the fruits are very elongated and medium in size. There are salad (table) tomatoes. They are large, their flesh is juicy, sugary and aromatic. And there are varieties with small rounded fruits that decorate table dishes. Color is also an important characteristic. There are varieties with black, purple, green and yellow fruits.
  4. Bush height. This criterion is of a practical nature. In open ground, tall bushes require more intensive care. In order to save space and money, they are best grown in greenhouses. They are easier to harvest. Medium and low growing tomatoes ideal for growing in open ground. Unlike tall bushes, they do not need to be pinched, pinched, protected from the wind or hanging structures for tying up to 3 m high.

Processing and preparing seeds for planting

Before sowing seeds at home, planting material definitely needs to be processed. This is done for the purpose of disinfection and to improve the quality of the seedlings. But first, they must be selected. Small and damaged seeds are not suitable for planting.

Dissolve salt in water, place seeds in this solution, and mix thoroughly. Let them sit in it for 5-7 minutes. Those that float to the surface should be removed. The remaining seeds (those at the bottom) are washed with clean water and dried, and then placed in cheesecloth.

Seed disinfection occurs as follows: prepare a 0.8% solution acetic acid. The seeds are dropped there for a day. To prevent viral diseases, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate is used. The seeds should remain in it for about 20-30 minutes.

Or they can be soaked for 1-2 days in a solution of aloe juice. Bushes grown from such seeds have high immunity, good yield and tasty fruits. After treatments, the planting material is washed with clean water.

You can speed up the onset of fruiting by soaking the seeds for a day in a soda solution (1 g of substance per 200 ml of water). To increase productivity, they can also be dipped in a 4% solution for a day. ammonium nitrate.

You can improve seed germination using ordinary water. They are heated with hot water for 2-3 hours. The most convenient way is to put the gauze bags with seeds in a thermos. After this, they are kept for two to three days at a temperature of +25 degrees.

The gauze should be damp. During this time, the seeds hatch. Then they are planted in the soil, and after 2 days shoots appear. However, first, the germinated seeds can be placed in the refrigerator for a day to harden them and facilitate the acclimatization of seedlings when transplanted into open ground.

Instead of the solutions listed above, complex growth stimulants are used. They activate the growth of seeds, disinfect them, improve the taste and nutritional value of the fruit. The seeds are kept in solution for 6 hours. The liquid temperature should be 18 degrees Celsius. After processing they should be dried.

Soil preparation

Before sowing seeds at home, you should prepare the soil. The land must have the following characteristics:

  • light composition;
  • water permeability;
  • breathability;
  • absence of weeds;
  • looseness;
  • presence of nutrients and organic elements;
  • acidity within 5.5-6.0 pH.

It is best to prepare the substrate yourself. There are several options. The first involves mixing garden soil, humus, black or pressed peat in a 1:1:1 ratio. Wood ash (0.5 kg per bucket of substrate) and superphosphate (2 matchbox for 1 bucket). The soil needs to be moistened with water.

The second option differs from the first in one component. Garden soil is mixed with black or pressed peat, instead of humus, river sand is used (the components are taken in equal proportions). The fertilizer is prepared in the form of a liquid solution: 20 g of potassium sulfate, 30 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Seedlings can be planted in peat tablets. 2 seeds are planted in each peat tablet with a diameter of 3.3-3.6 cm. After the roots have formed, the plant is transplanted into a 0.5 liter container.

At home, you can also use ready-made soil mixtures purchased in the store. This is very convenient, especially if growing tomato seedlings takes place in an apartment. The soil already contains all the necessary substances; all that remains is to find a container, moisten the mixture and plant the seeds correctly.

Selection of capacity

What containers can I plant tomato seeds in? There is a huge range of containers for growing tomatoes on the market today. You can purchase ordinary plastic pots, peat tablets and cups, wooden boxes, snails, etc.

But the container can be easily found in your own household; you can create it yourself. For example, you can put together a box from unnecessary boards at home, and “snails” and “diapers” are created from dense polyethylene.

Even carton boxes, plastic cups for yogurt, curds, pastries and cakes - any container that can be found in the house. The exception is metal utensils. It is not recommended to grow tomato seedlings in them.

Before planting tomatoes as seedlings, the container must be disinfected. This even applies to new purchased cups and pots. The container is immersed in a strong manganese solution for several minutes, and then allowed to dry. It is necessary to lay a layer of drainage at the bottom of the container (crushed shells or small crushed stone will do).

Landing instructions

Proper planting of seeds at home implies, first of all, compliance with sowing dates. Sowing of seeds of late-ripening and tall varieties occurs in the second half of February (from the 15th to the 25th). Seedlings aged 70-80 days are planted in a greenhouse in early May (1st-10th).

Mid-season varieties are sown on March 5-10, seedlings aged 60-65 days are transplanted to a permanent place on May 10-20. Early ripening tomatoes are sown between March 15 and March 25. Ripe seedlings aged 55-60 days are planted in open ground on June 5-10.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings? It is somewhat easier to sow dry or swollen seeds than sprouted ones. Planting seeds in a box or other large containers is done using the ditch method.

Any suitable subject furrows are made in the soil 1-1.5 cm deep, the distance between the grooves is 3-4 cm. Seeds are planted every 2-2.5 cm. After that, they are buried in soil. Too thick planting will cause the seedlings to grow weak due to lack of nutrients. Before this procedure, the soil should be watered.

If the seeds were germinated in advance, it is better to plant them using tweezers. Each seed is lowered into the soil strictly vertically, sprouts up. Then the seeds are sprinkled with soil, but not pressed down with soil. After this, the soil needs to be moistened with a sprayer (it should settle).

After sowing the seeds, cover the container with cellophane film and place it in a warm, bright place. The air temperature should be about 22-23 degrees. After green shoots appear (this happens approximately 5-10 days after planting), the film is removed so that the seedlings do not spoil.

The container itself is placed in a cooler place for 5-6 days (not higher than 15-16 degrees Celsius). A week later, the strengthened shoots are again moved to a warm place. The temperature during the day should be 24 degrees, and at night - 12 degrees.

Seedling care


If tomatoes grow in one container, then at the stage of two or three true leaves they should be planted in separate containers with a volume of 0.5 liters. They can also be transplanted into separate cups with holes for drainage. Tomatoes tolerate transplantation to a new location well.

The dive stage has two positive points: firstly, this procedure hardens the seedlings. She becomes stronger and squat. Secondly, picking makes it possible to slightly reduce the growth of elongated seedlings. To do this, seedlings are deepened into the soil up to the cotyledon leaves.

Before picking, water the seedlings with warm water. Prepare the cups: pour moist soil into them, compact the earth, and make a depression in the center.

The seedlings are carefully removed, the main root is pinched by a third. Weak or damaged seedlings must be removed from the bed. The plant is lowered into the hole and covered with soil. For 3-4 days, the air temperature is increased by several degrees, and after acclimatization, it is again lowered to the same level. During this short period, the lighting should not be so intense.


Seedlings need to be watered as needed. It is very easy to overdo it; the roots in the early stages are easy to rot. If the soil holds moisture well, then it is better to postpone watering until the first true leaf appears. If the substrate is dry, then the seedlings are moistened with a spray bottle. It is convenient to water the seedlings with a teaspoon.

After the first true leaves appear, the seedlings are watered once a week. During the period when the plant has developed five true leaves, the soil is moistened once every 3-4 days. The seedlings are watered with warm, settled water, the temperature of which is several degrees higher than room temperature. By the way, the room should be ventilated 2 times a day.


Tomatoes need good lighting. In low light conditions, seedlings stretch out, become frail and weak. Daylight hours for seedlings should last at least 12 hours.

It follows that they need to provide additional lighting. And in the first few days after sowing artificial lighting should work around the clock. The best decision- Fluorescent Lamp. It is placed at a height of 20-25 cm above the seedlings.

Top dressing

If all agrotechnical standards were observed during planting, and if the seeds are of high quality, then the seedlings do not need to be fed. Do seedlings need fertilizing? The answer will be given by appearance.

Plants with strong, thick stems and juicy, bright green leaves do not need fertilizer. If doubts still arise, then it is better to feed the seedlings. In any case, fertilizer will not be superfluous.

Fertilizers are applied for the first time 10 days after picking. For 10 liters of water take 30 g of superphosphate, 3 g of urea and 10 g of potassium sulfate. Two weeks later, a similar feeding is carried out. Ready-made fertilizer can be purchased at the store. Follow the dosage carefully. After each feeding, the seedlings are watered and the soil is loosened.

How to determine the quality of seedlings?

The leaves of properly grown seedlings should be green, juicy, without spots or plaque. The development of a weak plant occurs slowly; the seed coat is not always shed. The seedling has an irregular shape, the edges of the leaves are curled.

But the reason for late germination may be different. For example, a seed was sown at a greater depth than it should be. The plant does not shed its seed coat due to loose soil. Therefore, to identify weak seedlings, all seeds should be planted at the same depth, and the soil should be compacted.

Tomato seedlings can be bought on the market, but the best seedlings there will be one that is grown with your own hands at home.

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Seed preparation

​A good harvest of tomatoes depends on the quality of the work done to grow them​

Don't forget to water your tomato seedlings on time

​Seeds must first be planted in one large container, and then the best sprouts must be picked into a separate container. Pickled sprouts can be planted in special containers, which are sold in gardening stores, or plastic bottles can be used for this. Don't forget to make drainage holes in the bottom of each container.​

​At home, you can use ordinary plastic cups and cardboard bags from under shelf products to plant tomato seedlings. It is only necessary to first make through holes in them in the bottom to ensure drainage excess water when watering. Or you can buy special containers in a store for summer residents.​

- it is a very painstaking task that requires a certain accuracy and concentration. The timing of germination, further growth and development of the plants will directly depend on how you plant the seedlings. There is a certain technology for planting tomatoes as seedlings. In this publication, we will tell the reader how to plant tomato seedlings, namely: choosing dishes, choosing a variety, we will talk about soil preparation and directly about planting agricultural technology. At the end of the article you can watch a very useful video on this topic.​

Picking tomatoes goes like this.

Soil preparation

​Tomatoes are not particularly demanding on soil fertility, but it is still preferable to use light, loamy or sandy loam soils.​

Possible soil options for seedlings

​Good insolation is a necessary condition in order to obtain high-quality tomato seedlings.​

​In terms of taste characteristics, the tomato is a leader among other vegetable crops. Tomatoes are very heat-loving, so they are grown mainly through seedlings. It is possible to get a good harvest at home if you know how to plant tomatoes.

​Soil requirements for growing tomatoes: it must be highly nutritious; loose - allows water and air to pass well to the roots; with a pH level in the range of 5.5-6.0. The following soil mixture composition is often used: humus and chernozem in a ratio of 2:1. I like a mixture of black soil, soil for seedlings and sand in equal parts (1:1:1).​

A good harvest directly depends on the quality of the seedlings. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of seeds; it is better to take several varieties and subsequently choose the best one, most adapted to your area and weather conditions. Before planting, sort out the low-quality seeds and process the good ones. Prepare the soil mixture, plant the seeds and provide them with proper care. Only if you follow the recommendations described above can you hope for a large and tasty harvest.​

Growing seedlings

​Before transplanting the sprouts into the ground, they need to be hardened off. To do this, seedlings are gradually accustomed to cold air: ventilation is increased, and the windows are left open at night.​

​Planting tomato seeds​

​Sowing tomato seeds photo​

Plant care

​In order to plant tomatoes correctly, you need to stock up on some important theoretical knowledge.​


​Prepare separate pots for seedlings and fill them with good soil, you can add a small handful of vermicompost. Water the seedlings in the boxes a day before planting so that the soil is well saturated with moisture.​

To plant shoots, you need to prepare the holes and water them with water. Planting strong seedlings occurs at right angles. Tall varieties or seedlings that have stretched out are planted at an angle of 45°.​

How to water plants correctly?

​Water the seedlings moderately; at the initial stage, a teaspoon is enough. As a result of excessive watering, the roots will develop poorly and lack oxygen. Watering is increased gradually, observing weather conditions. During the cold season, watering and fertilizing are done less frequently, and on sunny and hot days - more often. You need to water as needed, without allowing the soil to dry out. It is better to use not water for this, but a weak solution of mineral fertilizers.​

​Forcing seedlings is a very important stage in growing tomatoes, which begins with preparation seed material. Seeds germinate unevenly: it all depends on their size, density, degree of maturity, hereditary characteristics, etc. Therefore, sowing tomatoes for seedlings cannot be done without preliminary preparation to increase the germination and productivity of plants.​

How to determine the quality of seedlings?

​I add a little vermiculite to this composition. In general, there is no single recipe, so choose the ingredients at your discretion, mix, experiment. For example, a friend of mine has been growing tomato seedlings for a long time on a mixture of deoxidized high-moor peat and sand (3:1) and is very pleased with the result of its use.​

Picking seedlings

​It is recommended to plant seedlings in late spring - early summer, when frosts have passed and the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees. How to determine that the sprouts are ready to “move”? If the sprout has 5-6 leaves and its stem is thick and strong, then it’s time to replant it.​

Picking methods

​When growing seeds, the main thing is to follow the rules for planting them, the temperature regime and follow the recommendations regarding watering and providing lighting to the sprouts.​
Sowing tomato seeds
​Tomatoes are quite late-ripening vegetable crop. There are several types of tomatoes that differ in the speed of ripeness: early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening. However, on average, the period of fruit ripening from the planting date is 100-140 days. Tomatoes are the second vegetable crop that needs to be planted in seedlings (after peppers).​

When to plant seedlings?

Gardeners living in the central regions choose the following dates when they can plant tomato seedlings:

Using a toothpick or an ice cream stick, remove the plants along with a lump of earth. Usually, at this moment the central root breaks off on its own, so I don’t pinch it additionally. But if you see that the root is long, pinch off the tip. When transplanting tomato seedlings, you need to deepen the plants almost to the very cotyledon leaves.​

Mistakes when growing seedlings

​Then the hole needs to be filled with soil, compacted and watered. You need to stick a peg near the stem as a support for the plant.​
Tomato seedlings for a greenhouse must undergo a hardening procedure, for which ventilation is increased. Then the tomatoes need to be transferred to a greenhouse that is not heated and kept there for several weeks with the windows closed. If there is no frost, you can gradually leave the windows ajar for a while, and then leave them open at night for a week. After this, the hardened seedlings can be planted in the ground.
Even knowledge of how to plant tomatoes for seedlings will not be useful if the seeds are of poor quality. Their choice is a very important and responsible moment. Seeds from last year's harvest should not be used; they will not give a good result. It is advisable to purchase several varieties in special stores or at the market. After a few seasons, it will be possible to determine which one gives the best harvest.​
​I keep it to a minimum: disinfection in a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide: (100 grams of water and 3 ml of peroxide). I heat the solution to +40°C and keep the seeds in it for 10 minutes. For germination, I take several cotton scraps of fabric, number them, and write down in a journal which number is which variety.​
​Almost every owner of his own home sets up a cellar in his home - a place where he can store canned goods, products from the garden, and seasonal items. In a properly equipped cellar, due to its proximity to the ground, the temperature is always kept low...​
The process of planting tomato seedlings in open ground

​It usually takes 1.5–2 months to germinate tomato seeds, and accordingly, the planting time depends on the area in which they are planned to be grown. If you rush into planting, the sprouts will form before the weather stabilizes and it will simply be impossible to plant them in the ground due to the cold weather. If you plant the seeds too late, the sprouts will not have time to grow stronger and will not survive after being transplanted into the ground. Early spring - optimal time for planting tomato seeds for seedlings.​

Planting tomato seedlings

​.The agricultural technology for planting tomato seedlings is not complicated. First of all, drainage must be poured into the selected containers. It is needed for better air exchange. Can be used as drainage eggshells or various small pebbles.​

Each experienced vegetable grower has his own date for planting tomatoes in seedlings, each one calculates it in his own way. The seed packets say they should be planted in mid to late March. However, some believe that seedlings should be planted earlier - in early March. In this case, when proper care, the fruits will certainly ripen faster, but there is a risk that the seedlings will overgrow and become weak. To prevent this, there are separate articles, so we will not focus on this. The conclusion can be drawn as follows: if you have experience in this matter, then it is recommended to plant tomato seeds early, and if not, then follow the instructions written on the bag.​

​to home​

​Between rows an interval of about 70 cm is maintained, between plants - 30-40 cm.​

Proper tomato seedlings have green, well-developed leaves without white blooms or spots. A weak plant germinates slowly, not always shedding its seed coat, has an irregular shape, grows and develops poorly.​

​Good tomato seedlings will only come from high-quality seeds. First of all, you need to sort them, removing empty, small and damaged ones. You can pour salt water over the seeds, mix thoroughly and let stand for about five minutes, then remove those that float to the surface, and rinse the remaining ones at the bottom with clean water several times and dry. It is advisable to store seeds of different varieties separately. To do this, they can be wrapped in pieces of gauze, placing the label from the bag inside.​

How to plant, plant and grow tomato seedlings correctly.

I wet the fabric and place the seeds on one edge, placing them so that they do not touch each other. Then I cover it with the second edge of the flap, press it down a little and place it in a plastic container. I close the container with film, but not tightly, to allow air access.

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Features of growing large tomatoes:

​Pour the prepared mixture into the container and press it lightly with your palms. Afterwards, water the soil a little, cover the container with a plastic bag and leave overnight so that the moisture is evenly distributed. After the surface of the earth is leveled, I make grooves 0.5–1 cm deep at a distance of 4–5 cm from each other. The seeds are carefully placed in the depressions and covered with soil and watered again.​

After this, pour the previously prepared soil into the container. It should be poured so that the earth does not slightly touch the upper edges of the vessel. Then the soil must be watered generously with warm water.

​Before sowing, you need to correctly select and prepare the seeds, prepare the soil and do a lot of other things. necessary procedures. All this is necessary in order to provide the best possible conditions for germination and further growth.​

How to properly plant tomato seedlings.

​Timely planted seeds guarantee timely germination, good growth, development and high fruiting. Gardeners often make mistakes about when to plant tomatoes as seedlings, because such a procedure depends on the influence of many weather factors, light and temperature. How, when and how to plant tomatoes, we will talk in today's article.​

​Growing tomatoes at home is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. If you follow the planting rules, even inexperienced gardeners will be able to reap an excellent harvest. And knowledge of how to plant tomatoes for seedlings will help with this.​

​But it should be taken into account that the plant may germinate later due to the fact that it was sown at a greater depth than the others, and the shell cannot be shed due to uncompacted soil. Therefore, the soil must be compacted and the seeds buried equally - then seedlings with a capsule will be a clear signal that the quality of the seeds is low, and good harvest you can't expect it.​

After this, the seeds are disinfected. To avoid diseases such as bacterial cancer and blossom end rot, soaking the seeds for 24 hours in a 0.8% solution of acetic acid helps. Prevent viral diseases A one percent solution of potassium permanganate helps, in which the seeds are kept for 20-30 minutes. After this they need to be washed running water.​

​Several times a day I remove the film and ventilate the seeds. Tomato seeds germinate quickly; after 2-3 days they are ready for planting. But keep in mind: depending on what type of seeds you use, the methods of their pre-sowing preparation change.​

​A garage is a multifunctional room. In it you can install and repair cars, design and make various things and mechanisms with your own hands.​

Seedlings should be planted in a well-lit place, protected from the wind;

​Then the container is covered with glass or a bag and sent to a warm place where the temperature is not lower than 22 degrees - to a radiator or to a windowsill (in the sun). After 5–7 days, when the first shoots hatch, the glass (film) can be removed and the seedlings can be sent to a cooler place (up to 16 degrees) for approximately the same time. And when the sprouts get stronger, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime - up to 24 degrees during the day, not lower than 12 at night.

​It is very important to choose the right seeds for planting. There are early-ripening, late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties. It is recommended to plant all types of varieties in seedlings in order to ensure harvesting at different fruiting times.​

​Tomatoes grown in mid-February have time to stretch out and get sick by the time they are planted. Vegetables that have sprouted by mid-March will be stronger. Each gardener must correctly independently determine the date when to plant tomato seedlings, and before that, the time of sowing.​

What time should you plant tomato seedlings?

​Before properly planting tomato seedlings, prepare soil mixture for seedlings, containers for planting and tomato seeds. In order for tomato seeds to germinate better, they need to be soaked for a day in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. After this, you should transfer them to a cloth moistened with warm water, and cover with a damp cloth on top. When the seeds swell and the germ of a sprout appears, you need to place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight for three days, leaving them at a warm temperature during the day.

Sowing time

It is more convenient to pick up tomato seedlings if individual containers with a volume of 0.5 liters are prepared for the young plants. A more luxuriant root system can be achieved by pinching the main root.​

​To improve the germination of seeds, they need to be heated for several hours with hot running water (you can use a thermos with bags placed in it). After which the seeds are kept in damp burlap for two to three days at a temperature of about 25°C. The sprouted seeds are sown in moist, loose soil. After such preparation, seedlings appear in 1-2 days.​

Peat, paper and plastic pots, cassettes - now the choice of containers for growing seedlings is quite large. This year I bought cups with an insertable bottom.​

​What is a workbench? If a person likes to spend time in the garage doing repairs...​

​the most suitable watering regime is 2 times a week;​

Cover the seeds with polyethylene

Secrets of proper sowing

Having placed the prepared seeds in the holes, we bury them and water them again using a sprayer. Sometimes it happens that when tomatoes sprout, their seeds remain on the first leaves. This has a very negative effect on the growth of tomatoes. To prevent this after planting, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil river sand a layer of 1-3 millimeters, then this will not happen.​

​When choosing a variety, first of all, you need to take into account its suitability to your climatic conditions; you need to ask where certain tomatoes are best grown - in a greenhouse, in open ground or in a greenhouse.​

​In the first ten days of June it can be removed. When you need to plant tomato seedlings, pay attention to the preparedness of the soil, since good readiness will allow the plants to quickly adapt.​

​It is necessary to understand: when we plant plants in a permanent place, they must be provided with the most comfortable conditions. The slightest frost can destroy tomatoes and all your work. If the air temperature is below +5 degrees for several days, nightshades will stop growing and will continue to get sick.​

​Another option is to soak the seeds in warm water for better germination. To do this, wrap them in a bandage or cloth and wet them with just water. Leave the soaked seeds on a saucer for a day.

​There are two options for this agricultural technique:​

​So that the seeds are resistant to low temperatures, use hardening. To do this, the swollen seeds are placed in the refrigerator for 24-48 hours. To increase the yield, you can immerse the seeds for a day in a solution of ammonium nitrate (4%) or a solution of potassium salt (2%). A good result can be achieved by placing the seeds in a 0.5% aqueous solution of manganese sulfate with zinc sulfate for twelve hours.​

Landing time

​Very convenient: when you need to remove the seedlings from the cup, you simply press the bottom on the bottom. The glass is slightly expanded at the top, so the lump of soil is easily squeezed out. I always disinfect containers, even new ones, not to mention those that I’m not using for the first time. I soak them in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, then rinse them with clean water.​

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  • It is better to use light, sandy and loamy soils;
  • ​It is also worth remembering that it is harmful to tomatoes wet air. The room in which containers with seedlings will be placed should be regularly ventilated. To prevent plants from dying, you need to avoid drafts and sudden temperature changes.​

​Proper planting of tomato seedlings will lead to rapid germination and good further growth. Usually tomatoes sprout 5-7 days after planting.​

  • ​When purchasing or selecting seeds from your home arsenal, you need to pay attention to the date of their release. Better germination seeds appear if they have been stored for no more than 1-2 years. If the seed has been stored for more than 3 years, then before planting you need to carry out several procedures that will have a good effect on their germination.​
  • ​Video about how to correctly calculate the timing of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings, how to carry out pre-sowing treatment of seeds and how to sow seeds.​

​When determining the timing of planting seedlings in a permanent place, it is necessary to take into account the region where your garden is located, the equipment of the greenhouse and permanent residence in the country. For example, in Siberia and Leningrad region this time will vary. In the latter region, in order to plant tomatoes in unheated greenhouses, it is better to sow after March 15.​ ​The next step is to prepare the place for planting.​

Video “When to plant tomatoes for seedlings”

- planting one plant. This ensures that you receive strong seedlings with a good root system;​

How to plant tomatoes correctly

​For processing, growth regulators can be used, which awakens seed embryos to life, disinfects them and helps improve the taste characteristics and nutritional value of the fruit. Treat the seeds for six hours at a temperature of 18°C. Only fresh solution is used. After processing, it is necessary to dry the seeds.​

​For tomatoes I always do drainage layer at the bottom of the container. I read this advice a long time ago on a piece of tear-off calendar. The author argued that in this way the risk of seedlings being damaged by the “black leg” is reduced. I don’t know if drainage plays a saving role, or if I’m just lucky, but seedlings have never been affected by this disease.​

​If you keep hens and chicks on your property only in the summer, then you shouldn’t worry about building a strong, long-lasting chicken coop. But if you keep poultry throughout the year, seriously think about how to make a chicken coop…

​plant the sprouts in pre-prepared and spilled holes at right angles;​

The formation of the first leaves is a sign that it is time to remove weak and non-viable shoots from the container. The root is pinched during this procedure to accelerate the growth of the root system.​

​Watch also a very useful video about sowing tomato seeds for seedlings.​

There are many ways to improve seed germination. It is especially important to apply them to old tomato seeds. We will describe the two most popular such methods.​

​Most often, gardeners and gardeners plant tomatoes on their plots, even though this plant is very delicate and capricious, and therefore requires increased attention during growth. It is very susceptible to diseases, so it is important to know how to plant tomatoes correctly.​

​If you have set a date for planting tomatoes, count 55-65 days ago from it. When you grow seedlings by picking, take away another seven days. The resulting number is the date when you need to sow tomatoes. For example, if the date of planting in a fixed place is June 1, then you need to plant in the last days of March.​

​Pour soil into a sufficiently large container (it is better to buy soil special for tomatoes), press it down by patting it with your palm, and water it. Now unwrap the soaked tomato seeds and place them on the surface of the ground with a distance of 3 cm between the seeds. Sprinkle about 0.5 cm of dry soil on top and cover with a transparent plastic bag or glass. Place in a warm, dark place.​

- planting two plants in one container. The resulting plants have two roots. To do this, the stems of the plants, when they reach a height of about 15 cm, need to be tightly tied with nylon thread. After the shoots grow together, the thread must be removed. Then pinch off the top of the weaker plant. This method of cultivation helps increase productivity. It is used most often for tall varieties.​

If the above drugs are not available, you can use wood ash. To do this, approximately ten tablespoons of ash are diluted in five liters of water, which has previously been warmed up in the sun. Throughout the day, the solution must be stirred periodically (4-6 times), then strained and poured into jars, into each of which gauze bags with seeds of the same variety are lowered for three hours. So, I pour crushed shell rock into the cups in a layer of 0.5 cm, then soil mixture. I water everything with water at room temperature, cover the cups with film and leave it like that for 5-6 hours. During this time, moisture evenly permeates the entire volume of soil.

Planting tomato seedlings

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​The sprouts should be planted at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other;​

​But there is no need to rush into picking. Before starting the process of sorting the sprouts, you should make sure that they are sufficiently strong and the bases should be thick. Otherwise, the picking should be postponed.​

​Before sowing the seeds, they are sorted. Empty, damaged and small copies are removed. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to fill them with salt water (60 grams of salt per liter of liquid) and remove from the total mass those seeds that float to the surface. To make it easier in the future to choose the best variety, it is better to store and plant seeds separately or in groups and marking which type is where.

Seed preparation and variety selection

​Tomato seeds can be germinated (this is also mentioned in the article “Planting pepper seedlings”). To do this, just take a cotton swab or a rag and put the seeds there. Moisten a swab or cloth with water and place it in a warm, damp place. You need to make sure that the seeds do not dry out. Tomatoes will germinate in 3-5 days, then they should be planted in seedlings immediately and not wait until they outgrow.​

​Since tomatoes are considered a southern plant, they require a stable climate and air temperature. Temperature variability greatly affects the growth of tomato seedlings and the number of fruits. You can, of course, grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. At the same time, one optimal temperature is maintained, regardless of the time of year. In such conditions, plants grow faster and bear fruit longer.​

Gardeners often rely on the lunar calendar to determine when to plant tomato seedlings. The phases of the moon affect all areas of our lives. In such a calendar, everything is planned out for gardeners. Lunar phases recommend making the first sowings on February 20-22. It is better to choose varieties based on taste and for preservation: “Persimmon”, “De Barao”, “Yellow Giant”, hybrid “Zlatozar”.​

​If you plant tomatoes from films correctly, the first shoots will appear in 3 to 4 days. Then the film needs to be removed, the seedlings should be placed in a sunny place and watered with warm, settled water.​

​Many gardeners are concerned about the question of when to plant tomato seedlings in the ground and how to determine their readiness? Seedlings ready for planting have a thickened stem no higher than 30 cm with 6-7 leaves. As well as short internodes and a flower brush.​

In order for sowing tomato seedlings to give good results, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. The substrate must have the following characteristics: lightweight mechanical composition, air and moisture permeability, absence of pathogens and weeds, sufficient amount of nutrients and organic substances, friability.​

Planting tomato seedlings - soil preparation

​Using a toothpick, I make 0.5 cm indentations, carefully lower a seed into each one, and using a toothpick, carefully sprinkle it with soil, pressing down slightly. Then I use a sprayer to moisten the planting site so that the soil settles. I cover all the glasses with film and put them in a warm place.​

​In one of the previous articles we looked at solar collectors(or solar systems, as they are also called), so we will not dwell on the principle of their operation. Let us only note that such systems do not “rest” either in winter or even in cloudy weather...​

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil and fertilize it;

​Choosing strong tomato sprouts for seedlings​

To prevent seed contamination, it is necessary to carry out a disinfection procedure. To do this, the seeds are placed in a container with a solution of acetic acid (0.8%) for a day, after which they are dipped for 20 minutes in a cup with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 grams per glass of water). After the manipulations to protect the seeds are completed, they must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.​

Another way to stimulate seedlings is simpler and faster. It is usually applied to old seeds that may not germinate completely. Take a glass of water and stir 0.5-1 tablespoon of baking soda in it. Place the seeds there for 3-6 hours. Then rinse thoroughly under running water.​

Planting tomato seedlings - choosing a container

​What to do if it is not possible to install a greenhouse? How to plant tomatoes in the ground correctly? Tomato seedlings are planted in holes 20 centimeters deep. It is important to maintain the distance between the lanks; it should be 30 or 50 centimeters, depending on the plant variety. Two liters of water are poured into each hole. To disinfect the soil, you can add a little potassium permanganate to the water to make a weak solution.​

All chemical and biological processes in them are inhibited. The vegetable grower’s task is to awaken and give impetus to a long chain of natural transformations.​

​Advice for growing healthy tomato seedlings.​

​Planting in open ground must be done when the threat of frost has passed, that is, in late May - early June. When answering the question of when to plant tomato seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the climate zone in which this occurs. To protect plants, it is necessary to use covering material. It must be remembered that temperatures below 150 C can adversely affect growth and flowering.​

Planting tomato seedlings - agricultural technology

​For the first option, use garden soil, humus, black or pressed peat (1:1:1). Add wood ash (half a liter per bucket of soil mixture), superphosphate (about two matchboxes per bucket of soil). In addition, water is needed to moisten the mixture.​

​The room temperature should be +23°C both day and night.​​ No comments​

​Next to each sprout you should stick a peg for support;​

​Picking is done in seedling cups, the sprouts go deep into the soil up to the cotyledon leaves. Using this procedure, you can reduce the stretching of sprouts. To do this, you need to add more light to the sprouts.

​Warming up​

Peat-based soil for tomatoes

Planting tomato seedlings video

The seedlings are planted in the hole at a slight angle. Use your hands to immerse the roots of the plant in soil with water. Having poured the soil into the hole, it must be compacted, pressed with your palms, slightly hilling the stem of the seedling. Peat or some other soil is poured on top of the ground. The main thing is that it is soft and light. This prevents the ground surface from hardening and moisture evaporation. Leaves of seedlings touching the ground must be torn off.

How to grow tomatoes - step by step instructions

​But before doing this, the embryos must be disinfected. To do this, they are placed for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 gram per 0.5 cup of water). In order to speed up the ripening time of tomatoes, you can pre-soak the embryos in solutions of microelements or growth stimulants. You can use this method: soak in wood ash infusion (pour half a liter of water and add 1 tablespoon of ash). After stirring, leave the liquid for two days, stirring occasionally. Having wrapped the grains in a gauze bag, you need to lower the future tomatoes for 4-5 hours.

To ensure that the seedlings do not stretch and are more prepared for open ground conditions, you should monitor the lighting of the room in which they are located. Lack of light leads to fragility of the processes. Excessive watering of seedlings can lead to such a dangerous disease as blackleg, which leads to the death of the plant.​

Video - correctly planting tomato seeds for seedlings

Ways to improve seed germination

  • ​Many gardeners know how to plant tomatoes, but even they are not immune to mistakes. The reduction in quality and yield is caused by:

​The second option is to take garden soil, black or pressed peat, and replace the humus with river sand (all in one part). Mineral fertilizers are added in the form aqueous solution(per 10 liters of water take 20 g of potassium sulfate, urea - 10 g, superphosphate - 30 g).​

  • ​As soon as the seedlings have sprouted, we remove the film. We are not lowering the temperature yet. Water the seedlings as needed, trying to avoid overwatering. For irrigation, it is best to use rain water, and if it is not available, then tap water purified with a household water filter. As a last resort, let the tap water sit for a day, only then water it.​

Unfortunately, in our country almost no one knows about the rocket stove. Meanwhile, similar design extremely useful in a number of cases due to the almost complete absence of soot during operation and high combustion temperature.​

​Between rows there must be at least 60 cm.​

Picking tomatoes into seedling cups

A bag of seeds is placed in a thermos with hot water for several hours, or the seeds are washed under hot water.

Video - the process of sowing and soaking tomato seeds for seedlings

Preparing soil mixture for seedlings

​Before planting tomato seedlings, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. It is best to use a special purchased soil, it contains a very good composition for plant growth. However, it would be most advisable to mix special soil with ordinary soil from the garden in a 1:1 ratio.​

​Before planting tomatoes correctly, it would be nice to know how to choose the right seedlings. Most gardeners buy it at the market and choose tomatoes with tall stems and large roots. Such plants are planted in early June, as expected. But it may turn out that your seedlings will be too young and will not be able to take root in time. Nice leaves- is not yet a guarantee of good seedlings. It is advisable to grow it yourself.​

​Now your embryos are disinfected and saturated with microelements. The time has come to begin the process of awakening them. Remember - grains need oxygen, moisture and heat. Wrap them in wet gauze or a rag, placing it on a saucer. Then put it all in a plastic bag and provide heat in the range of 22-28 degrees.​

Picking tomatoes is replanting tomato seedlings after they have grown and become strong enough. Picking tomato seedlings strengthens the roots of the seedlings before their final transplantation into the ground.​

How to grow seedlings correctly

- low quality soil;

Best time to plant seeds

​Planting tomatoes for seedlings without picking can be done using peat tablets. Two seeds are planted in a peat tablet with a diameter of 33-36 mm. When the plant has roots, it is planted in a half-liter container.​

Seed planting process

​After a week, the temperature in the room where the seedlings are located should be gradually reduced to +17...+19°C. The room should be ventilated regularly (1-2 times a day), but do not create drafts.​


​Today we will talk about how...​

Harvesting occurs when the tomatoes turn red. If you pick tomatoes when they are green, it will affect their taste qualities ah.​

For seedlings to be strong and green, they need good and long-term lighting, and in the first days even around the clock. If the windows are on the sunny side, then there will be enough light for the seedlings placed on the windowsill. If there is not enough sun, you need to install several special lamps. Tomatoes are very demanding of light, so additional lighting is required.

Picking tomato sprouts

​Enrichment with mineral fertilizers​

​If you can’t buy soil in a store, then it’s okay - you can use ordinary land. The soil should warm up thoroughly before planting. As a rule, gardeners store soil in a shed or balcony, so it should be brought into the house and placed near heating devices 3-5 days before planting seedlings.​

​You can simply plant tomato seeds in the ground, but this option is not recommended. Seeds must be carefully prepared. As a rule, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for fifteen minutes. It is undesirable to keep the seeds in solution so that they do not lose their ability to grow and bear fruit. The main principle of growing tomatoes from seeds is not to overdo it.​

​It is important to know that future tomatoes should not be soaked in containers with water - they will not receive enough oxygen and should not be placed near radiators with temperatures above 30 degrees.​

The optimal time for picking tomato seedlings is when 2-3 true leaves appear. During picking, the main root is damaged, so the lateral roots develop very well, which leads to the development of lateral roots. As a result, tomato seedlings grow healthier. It is better to use paper or peat pots so as not to damage the roots when transplanting into open ground and not to disturb the earth.


- disturbed temperature conditions, lack of light, improper watering;

Tomato seedlings can also be grown at home in ready-made soil mixtures from the store. Conscientious producers add everything to the soil necessary supplements and useful substances.​

​Tomato seedlings are not afraid of transplantation, so if there is not enough space, you can first sow the seeds in one container. When their cotyledon leaves have developed well, and the first true one has reached a size of 5 mm, it’s time to pick (transplant). It is recommended to shorten the main root by 1/3 during transplantation. This is done in order to stimulate the formation of a fibrous root system. When planting in a separate container, the seedling is buried down to the cotyledon leaves, the soil is lightly pressed around the stem with your fingers and carefully watered. It is best to use a sprayer so as not to wash the seedlings with a stream of water. Additional lighting can be resumed after 3-5 days, and if the seedlings are exposed to direct sunlight, during this period they should be moved away from the window.​

Watering seedlings

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  • ​The main mistakes of a bad tomato harvest:​
  • ​We recommend that you read the material about illuminating seedlings at home.​
  • ​The seeds are soaked for 24 hours in a special solution, which can be found in a specialized store or prepared independently. In one liter of clean water you need to stir a mixture of copper sulfate and ammonium sulfate. Boric acid, potassium salt and superphosphate should also be added there.

​First of all, the land must be rid of pests, to do this, the soil should be watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then you need to let the soil settle for 1-2 days.

Here's how to plant tomato seeds correctly: pour tomato seeds into a small bag, fill them with clean melt water and place them on a radiator, watering them every day. The seeds germinate within about two weeks. Very useful for seedlings rainwater. There are also several other methods for treating tomato seeds before planting.​

Planting tomato seedlings

There are industrial methods for preparing embryos - panning, or granulation. They are covered with a protective shell of an organomineral nutrient mixture. If you purchased such grains, they do not need to be pre-soaked or processed. Dried grains are planted dry so as not to wash off the protective shell.​

It is correct to pluck tomatoes if the seedlings grow too densely. In this case, the plants do not have enough light and they stretch out, the stem becomes thin. Another advantage of picking is that when transplanting, the root system is strengthened. This applies not only to tomatoes, but to any seedlings.​

- planting tomatoes for seedlings too early;

​Before planting tomatoes as seedlings, the soil mixture must be moistened and poured into a container. The earth is leveled and compacted, furrows are made one centimeter deep with a distance of five centimeters between them. Then the seeds are lowered into the furrows and sprinkled with soil.

  • ​I admit, I have never pricked my seedlings or pinched the ends of their roots. In the fall, when I harvest tomato bushes, I clearly see that the root system is excellently developed even without this operation.​
  • ​Constructing a staircase in a house is not an easy process, but it is doable. The main difficulty lies in calculating the angle of inclination and span parameters, because not only the ease of use, but also the durability of the structure depends on this. Durable and beautiful wood…​
  • ​poor quality seeds;​
  • ​Additional illumination of tomato seedlings​
  • ​After the seeds have been processed and disinfected, they are placed in a damp cloth and germinated, constantly making sure that it does not dry out.​
  • ​After 2 days, add purchased soil to the garden soil in a ratio of 1 to 1. For good growth of tomatoes, you should add the resulting wood ash soil. Ash is very good source potassium, it should be added in a ratio of 1 to 20.​
  • ​One such method is heat treatment of seeds (approximately 50C) for twenty-five minutes. Then the swollen seeds are planted in the ground. Here's how to plant tomato seeds correctly and get a good harvest from them.​
  • ​Grains that have received heat, moisture and oxygen begin to sprout within 2-3 days. This means it's time to sow them. Tomatoes are grown with or without picking, and the grains are planted directly into pots. When planting without picking, a large area is required. More often, seedlings are grown with picking. Pour the soil mixture into the prepared container. If you sow future seedlings in individual containers, the height from the ground to the edge should be at least 10 cm. If you plan to dive further, then a height of 6 cm is sufficient.

​Tomatoes are easiest to pick with your hands and do it very carefully so as not to damage root system, especially lateral roots.​

Video - how to properly plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Mistakes when growing tomato seedlings

- use of varieties that are not resistant to stretching;

  • ​The soil surface must be moistened. The container with seedlings must be covered with film and placed in a bright place at a temperature of at least 220 C. After five days, when the shoots appear, the film can be removed and the box with seedlings placed in a place with a lower temperature (up to 15 ° C) by 4- 6 days. After about a week, when the sprouts become strong, the temperature is increased during the day to 24 degrees, at night - to 12 degrees.​
  • ​Experts advise additional lighting of tomato seedlings no more than 18 hours a day. I can’t do this: I turn on the fluorescent lamp at 9 am, turn it off at most at 11 pm, but this is enough for the seedlings: the leaves are green, the plants are compact, with short internodes.​
  • ​ No comments​
  • ​planting seeds for seedlings too early or, conversely, very late;​
  • Soil moisture must be constantly monitored. At the initial stage, a few tablespoons of water are enough, after which the volume gradually increases, but in cold weather you need to water less often. Tips for watering the soil:​
  • Place the tomato seeds on a damp cloth or gauze

​The resulting soil must be mixed very thoroughly so that it has a uniform consistency.​

​You shouldn’t skimp on land; you need to plant tomatoes at the optimal distance from each other for future growth. Seeds need to be planted in special containers, one variety at a time in a separate container. Weak, slightly mature seeds are discarded. Don't waste time and space on them. Before picking, it is not recommended to water the plants so that they do not begin to grow quickly, but gradually, receiving all the substances necessary for growth, take root and become stronger, before future planting in open ground. Watering begins after several leaves appear.

​Water the soil with warm water. You can make grooves every 3-4 cm, up to 1 cm deep, and spread the embryos in them every 1-2 cm. Then backfill and moisten the grooves. You can simply spread the germs on the surface in rows, cover the top with a 1 cm layer of soil and water. For planting, choose sprouted grains, as they have more energy and will not lag behind in development.​

    But the main roots need to be pinched so that the lateral roots develop better.

    - lack of hardening.

    After the tomatoes have two or three leaves, they are planted in pots filled with a mixture of soil sprinkled with potassium permanganate (per 10 liters of water - 0.5 g of potassium permanganate). Weak and damaged plants are discarded. For active growth of the root system of tomatoes, when picking, pinch the main root. The picked seedlings are watered every week, making sure that the soil does not dry out between waterings.

    ​It so happens that this year I have repeatedly heard about growing tomato seedlings without additional lighting. Moreover, not from beginners, but from experienced vegetable growers, with rich practical experience. I trust them completely, so I decided to specifically grow several tomato seedlings without additional lighting. Personal experience is best, don’t be afraid to give up the usual rules and try something new.​

    Anyone who has tried to grow tomato seedlings on their own at least once will probably do it all the time. Firstly, the process is extremely exciting. The gardener’s passion pushes him to success: “I can do it, I can do it!”

    ​failure to comply with temperature conditions;​

    The soil in containers should not be allowed to dry out;

    ​For better adaptation of sprouts to the climate, it is recommended to harden the seeds. The swollen seeds are sent to the refrigerator for 1–2 days, this is how resistance to low temperatures is developed.​

    ​When planting tomato seedlings, you need to select containers for planting. There is nothing complicated here. You can plant tomatoes in various containers.​

    ​Be sure to provide the seedlings required quantity light and warmth. And after planting tomatoes in the ground, they can be covered with halves of plastic bottles or other devices to retain heat inside. This stimulates plant growth. Here are the basic tips on how to plant tomatoes correctly.​

    ​Pack containers with sifted sprouts in plastic bag. If the seed boxes are large, you can cover them with glass. This is done to keep the soil mass constantly moist. Place in a warm place with a temperature of 25-27 degrees. The tomatoes will remain in this state until the first shoots. Afterwards the plant needs to be transferred to the light.

    ​When picking seedlings, the tip of the main root is damaged, causing active branching - the formation of lateral roots. Consequently, the feeding area of ​​the seedlings increases, which makes it possible to grow stronger, healthier seedlings.​

    ​Too moist soil, insufficient lighting and high temperatures lead to elongation of the seedling stem, yellowing and poor development of the root system. Violation of temperature and water regimes causes thinning and lodging of plant stems, leaves become fragile, flowers and buds fall off.​

    ​Seedlings need to be fed. This is first done ten days after picking with the following solution: 10 liters of water, superphosphate - 30 g, urea - 4 g, potassium sulfate - 10 g. Ready-made fertilizer can also be purchased in the store.​

How to grow tomato seedlings

​Once again, when it comes to feeding seedlings, I emphasize that I never feed mine with anything. Meanwhile, it turns out to be strong, takes root well in open ground, blooms quickly and gives high yield. But if it seems that the seedlings have become depleted and you are determined to feed your seedlings, use biofertilizers. Good feedback received the preparations “GUMI” and “Baikal EM-1” from practical vegetable growers.​

​Secondly, if you use soil from your garden as part of the soil mixture, tomato seedlings will be immediately adapted to the soil conditions of your site and, when planted in open ground, will experience less stress and will take root more easily and quickly. Also, if you know how to grow tomato seedlings yourself, you can buy the seeds yourself exotic variety, which seedling sellers have never even heard of, and grow it to your delight and to the envy of all skeptics.​

​improper watering (abundant or insufficient);​


For tomatoes to be large and healthy, they need to be planted in turf soil mixed with humus and sand. To maintain normal acidity, resin and chalk should be added to the soil (for every ten kilograms of soil: resin - 0.5 l, chalk - 100 g). But you can buy a ready-made soil mixture or peat tablets in the store (about two seeds per piece), the main thing is to choose a trusted manufacturer.​

The soil

​You can plant in large containers for several plants. A lot of seeds are planted in such vessels and, when the tomatoes grow to a certain size, they will need to be planted into separate pots.

​Planting tomato seedlings​

Pre-sowing seed preparation

The time when you can plant tomato seedlings is the beginning of June. It is impossible to give precise recommendations here, because each climate zone has its own characteristics. Climate change and sudden changes in weather conditions force vegetable growers to plant vegetables when constant warmth is established. This temperature is not lower than 20 degrees during the day and 12 degrees at night. Focus on the lunar calendar. You should look at the condition of the plants - it is better to plant them when the stem height has reached 25-30 cm. If the soil is well heated, after planting the vegetables will set fruit in a week.​

​Picking of tomato seedlings is also carried out in order to delay the development of plants.​

Homemade tomato seedlings are planted in a place protected from the wind, well lit and warmed up. How to grow a good harvest of tomatoes from your seedlings? To do this, you need to follow some rules.​

What container should I plant it in?

​After 14 days, a second feeding is performed. After feeding, the seedlings need to be watered and the soil loosened. It is necessary to ensure that seedlings are not watered excessively: this can cause disease or death of the plants.

​I talked about how I grow tomato seedlings at home. I don’t know whether I follow all the rules of agricultural technology or not, but the end result is important to me: seedlings turn into strong plants and produce a good harvest.​

Planting process

Every year I plant tomato seedlings of several permanent varieties: they are time-tested and will not allow you to go without a harvest. But you always want something new!​

​poor lighting quality;​

​It is better to water with a weak solution with mineral fertilizers instead of water.​

​Carefully choose soil for tomato seedlings​


​You can plant tomatoes directly in separate pots, then there will be no need for picking.​

​Planting tomato seedlings​

To dive or not?

​Residents southern regions should be guided by the following calendar dates when you need to plant tomato seedlings:

This is done if the tomato seedlings are ready to be planted in open ground, but the weather does not allow planting. Too cold. Picking tomato seedlings helps prevent seedlings from overgrowing.​

Additional lighting

Tomatoes can be preceded by pumpkin, cabbage, legumes, carrots and onions. The place where peppers, eggplants, and potatoes were grown can be used for tomatoes after three years.​

In addition, tomato seedlings at home need good lighting. The backlight can be passive or active. In the first case in window opening a reflective screen is placed. With the active method, illumination is provided using lamps. For the first few days, round-the-clock illumination is desirable, since tomatoes are very demanding of lighting.​


​How do you grow tomato seedlings? Do you do everything according to the rules, or do you also experiment?​

​This year I decided to try growing the “Shuttle” tomato; I was seduced by the description of its excellent taste. True, this is the first time I’ve bought seeds from this manufacturer, so I’m a little worried: what are their germination rates, and do they correspond to the declared variety. Seeds are the basis of our success in growing seedlings.​

When to plant pepper seedlings for a greenhouse Brussels sprouts when to plant seedlings

The transformation of small tomato seeds into a powerful bush takes more than one month. Therefore, they are planted early, in winter. The most impatient vegetable growers carry out pre-sowing seed treatment as early as January 23-28. The dates for mass sowing are February 7-14. You can start germinating seeds before March 14, but not later. It is better to sow seeds in 2-3 terms. This will help insure you in case some of the seedlings die. With this technique you can “stretch” fruiting from early July to mid-October.

Growing seedlings

Once you have decided on the date, remove the seeds. Place them in a small glass jar. Place a piece of double gauze on it and secure it to the neck with an elastic band. Prepare a solution by dropping 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate into 200 g of water. Stir it and pour it into the jar. After 20 minutes, drain the liquid. Rinse the contents of the jar with water.

Place the seeds on cheesecloth, which you place on a saucer. Prepare a solution of any growth stimulant according to the instructions. If you don’t have it, add a quarter teaspoon of aloe juice to 100 g of water, pour this solution into the seeds for 10 hours. Then pour it out and place the saucer in the refrigerator for a day. Now you can plant the seeds in the prepared container with soil.

Make grooves to a depth of 1.5 cm. Cover the container with soil with cellophane and put it in a warm place. As soon as the first light loop of the sprout appears, place the container on the window. When the seedlings are 4 weeks old, transplant each one into a small glass. After another amount of time - in a larger container. All this time, from the moment of emergence, provide the sprouts with additional lighting in the evening and morning hours. Do not over-moisten the soil, and do not raise the temperature on the window where the seedlings are above +24°C. Then she won't stretch out.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Tomatoes are planted in warm conditions on May 1-15, under light cover on the 15-25th of this month, in open ground on May 20-30.

Make holes 15 cm deep at a distance of 50 -60 cm in a checkerboard pattern. First pour 0.5 tsp into them. complex fertilizer, a tablespoon of ash. Cover this with a liter of humus. Water the holes well. Using scissors, cut the cup on one side and its bottom. Carefully release the plant. With a lump of earth, plant it in the prepared hole. Immediately place a support stick near each plant. Tie it to it with a figure eight loop of rope.

You need to plant in the evening or in the afternoon in cloudy weather. If the next days promise to be sunny, shade it with light fabric or newspapers.

In winter, many owners of garden plots and summer cottages begin to stock up on planting material various vegetables and wonder – when to plant seeds of peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes for seedlings? We talked about the timing and rules for planting peppers in a separate article, which you can read by clicking on this one. Here you can learn how to sow tomato seeds correctly and when in 2019 in order to grow and get a good harvest.

Tomatoes are a very popular product that only very lazy or busy summer residents do not grow in their gardens. Because the heat-loving crop It grows for quite a long time, it is grown in seedlings. Approximately sixty days should pass from the emergence of seedlings to planting in the garden. The timing of planting tomato seeds depends on this:

  • greenhouse varieties should be sown in late February - early March;
  • tomatoes for open ground Planted no earlier than the end of February, since overgrown plants take root worse.

Also, the timing of planting tomatoes depends on the weather conditions of the region. If in areas with a warm climate, tomatoes are planted in a permanent place in April and May, then seeds for seedlings can be sown in February. In Siberia and the Urals there are frosts as early as the end of May, so it is recommended to sow seeds in March or even April.

We must not forget that different varieties have different development periods, so when buying seeds you need to pay attention to this:

  • varieties of large tomatoes are usually late-ripening, so they should be planted after February 20th or early March;
  • low-growing varieties for greenhouses– from early to mid April;
  • tall plants for indoor soil(greenhouses, greenhouses) - at the end of March;
  • early tomatoes that will be planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse - in the second half of March;
  • early varieties for open ground- in the beginning of April.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019?

Like other plants that produce land crops, tomatoes are planted during the waxing moon.

Favorable days for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2019 will be:

  • January - 15,16,18;
  • February – from 6 to 8, 11, 13 and 16;
  • March – 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,16. 19, 20;
  • April – 8, 11. 18;
  • May – 9, 15, 17, 18;
  • June: 5, 11,12, 13, 15.

In the northern regions, Siberia and the Urals, where tomatoes are planted mainly in April, auspicious days There is practically no way for this, so it is recommended to choose a day according to the zodiac circle with the waxing Moon and plant tomatoes from April 7 to April 17.

Growing tomato seedlings at home

To get healthy and strong seedlings in the spring, before sowing the seeds you need to prepare:

  1. Seedling containers in the form of boxes, plastic containers, peat tablets, disposable cups or cassettes with a tray.
  2. Suitable soil mixture.
  3. Seeds that may need to be treated before sowing.

Soil preparation

For tomatoes, you should choose soil consisting of turf land, humus (1:1) and a small amount of peat or sawdust. Today, many specialized stores sell soil mixtures for planting tomatoes, so you don’t have to prepare the substrate yourself. But if possible, you can prepare the soil yourself from the above components or from garden soil, sand and black soil (1:1:1), to which a little vermiculite is added. The finished soil for tomatoes should have a pH between 5.5 and 6.0.

Any soil mixture may contain fungal spores and pest larvae, so it should be disinfected before use. To do this, everyone uses their own method. Here are some of them:

  • spill with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • place in the microwave and heat at full power for two minutes;
  • pour onto a baking sheet and heat in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees;
  • Place the soil in a well-packed bag in a container with hot water (+60...+70 degrees), cover with a lid and leave until the water has completely cooled.

The treated soil should be moistened and kept in a warm room for two weeks. During this time, bacteria useful for the growth and development of plants will multiply in it.

Seed treatment

Today, in most cases, stores sell already processed planting material. Before sowing, seeds purchased on the market or collected independently should be treated in one of the following ways:

  1. Place the solution of potassium permanganate in 15 minutes for 20 minutes, after wrapping it in gauze.
  2. Keep in the Fitosporin solution for one or two hours (1 drop of the drug per 100 ml of water).
  3. Soak for a day in a soda solution (1 gram of soda per 200 ml of water).
  4. For a day or two, soak in a solution of aloe juice squeezed from the leaves or purchased at a pharmacy with water. Aloe juice and water are taken in equal quantities and mixed. If you use juice that is squeezed from a home flower, then it should first be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days. Plants obtained from seeds treated in this way will differ high quality fruits, good yield and resistance to various diseases.

Planting tomatoes for seedlings - photo

If boxes or containers have been chosen for sowing seeds, then they are filled with moist soil, in which small holes are made using a pencil or stick at a distance of about 3-4 cm from each other. A seed is placed in each hole, which is then sprinkled with soil and moistened with warm water from a spray bottle.

Seedling containers are covered on top cling film, a transparent plastic bag or glass and placed in a warm place with an air temperature of +25 to +30 degrees.

To prevent the soil from starting to mold, it must be ventilated every day by lifting the film. As the soil dries, moisten it with a spray bottle.

Seedling care

The time for emergence of seedlings depends on the variety of tomatoes, the quality of the seeds and the conditions under which the crops are kept. The first seedlings may appear in 3-4 days. To prevent them from stretching out, the seedling containers are placed in a bright place. The film can be removed after all the shoots have appeared. The air temperature for young plants during the day should be within +20 degrees, and at night from +16 to +18 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the seedlings are not exposed to a draft.

Caring for tomato seedlings involves performing the following procedures:

  1. Watering. Seedlings should be moistened regularly, but carefully, only after the soil has dried. Seedlings growing in constantly very damp soil can easily rot and die. For irrigation use warm, settled water.
  2. Backlight. If the tomato bushes do not have enough light, they will begin to stretch out. Therefore, if necessary, they should be provided with a twelve-hour daylight hours, using additional source Sveta.
  3. Top dressing. Well-growing and developing plants with a thick trunk do not need to be fed. If poor soil was used for planting tomatoes and they grow poorly, then you can feed the plants with Kornerost or Agricola. Fertilizers should be applied when the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves. Before use, dilute a teaspoon of fertilizer in one liter of water.
  4. Picking. Tomatoes are not afraid of transplantation, and new roots quickly develop on their trunks buried in the soil, so many gardeners plant seedlings once or even twice. The first picking is carried out when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves. To do this, you need to prepare a separate cup with wet soil for tomatoes, dig up a bush with a fork or spatula, pinch the main root to a third of the soil and move it to a new container. Plants are buried down to the cotyledons, sprinkled with soil mixture and watered. After picking, the tomatoes should be provided with an air temperature 2-3 degrees higher than they grew before. When they take root in the new container, the temperature is lowered again.

After picking, caring for the seedlings remains the same as before. The bushes must be watered in a timely manner and provided with good lighting without direct sunlight. Since the transplant will be carried out in new soil, there is no point in fertilizing.

When to plant tomato seedlings?

When the threat of frost passes and warm weather sets in, tomato seedlings can be planted in open ground.

IN Krasnodar region and other warm areas, planting begins in early May. In Siberia, the Urals and the North, tomato seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the end of May - beginning of June. Greenhouse varieties should be planted under film two weeks earlier.

10-14 days before planting, the plants are hardened off, for which they are taken out to the site or an open balcony on warm days.

It is recommended to plant tomatoes after beets, carrots, green onions, cabbage, turnips, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, and green manure. You cannot plant tomatoes in beds where tomatoes, peas, physalis, eggplants, peppers, and potatoes grew last year.

Proper planting, care and adherence to crop rotation will guarantee a good harvest of tasty and healthy tomatoes, which can be eaten fresh and pickled for the winter. And you can find out about when and how to plant and grow if you follow the highlighted links.

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