Seeing fish in clear water in a dream. Dream Interpretation: catching fish in a dream. British dream book I dreamed about Fish

If you like swimming and often go fishing with friends or children, then constant dreams about fish in the water are an understandable phenomenon. Fish is part of our diet, and some types are considered a delicacy. In addition, many people like to watch documentaries about little-known inhabitants of the deep, we want to know more about whales, dolphins, ball and hammerfish, sardines and sharks.

If you are interested in one of the listed activities, then your subconscious’s choice of these animals is quite understandable. If you think that such dreams may have a deeper meaning, then you need to know why you dream about fish in water.

Before answering the question about the meaning of sleep with fish, you need to understand that its interpretation depends depending on the specific situation, taking into account all the details and images that appear when you sleep. It may happen that you dreamed of a lot of fish in the water or a lonely individual, you dreamed of a dead or alive, big or small, in the sea, river or on the shore, red, orange or other color fish. In each such case, the interpretation of the dream is different, since a swordfish is not the same as a dolphin.

IN general case It is believed that fish dreams are harbingers of positive events, since this animal swims according to its consciousness, moves freely, there are no restrictions for it, that is, the meaning of the dream implies the breadth of consciousness and relaxed sleeping state. Also, such dreams mean that good luck favors you in your recent endeavors, you can easily adapt to yours love relationships, new friends or a new job.

Sleeping fish in water

However, if you want to more specifically understand the manifestation of your subconscious, then you need to concentrate your attention on the details. For example, the appearance of sharks may indicate consequences stressful period, while the presence of dolphins in a dream indicates the existence of a completely opposite situation. Final psychoanalysis can only be done by the person who had such a dream by establishing a connection between the dream and personal events in life.

Interpretation of specific dreams

A specific situation or event in a dream greatly facilitates its interpretation:

  • If your subconscious mind shows dead fish floating in the water or on the shore, then this portends trouble and failure. Perhaps your subconscious is guessing that you have made the wrong decision in some area of ​​your life, and that is why you are seeing dead and decaying fish in dirty water. In addition, if things do not go the way you wanted and intended, if you have constant problems in a relationship with your significant other, if you are not accepted into any social circle, then such a nightmare can result in a real headache. Such dreams can also warn you of betrayal or the loss of a friend.
  • Animal size also plays a role important role, since small and large fish do not mean the same thing. Large sea creatures indicate that the magnitude of your pleasure and anxiety is greater than in the case of small fish. It should be noted that for some species size does not matter of great importance when interpreting a dream, since it is characteristic of them in reality. For example, the appearance of large sharks is almost always a bad sign.
  • Dreams about colorful fish, such as gold, white, orange or blue, have special meaning because these colors are unusual for sea animals, which are characterized by gray shades. Such manifestations of the subconscious are interpreted as positive, and the more and brighter than flowers you see, the happier moments of life you experience in given time. Everything goes well for you: love, money and health. You feel that your work brings only positive results, that your family will soon grow and that your friends understand you perfectly. If you dreamed of a black individual, then this is a harbinger of failure.
  • Fish that are not in the water also have their own interpretation. If they are dead, then this situation was described above, but if they are alive, then this means your great desire to succeed. The creativity of your mind is so great that it far exceeds the average person. Therefore, you are presented with situations that have a low probability of happening in real life.
  • The place where you see fish in your dream is also important. If an animal is swimming in the sea, then it is a symbol of freedom; if it is in a river, then the situation symbolizes fast brain activity, like the speed of water flow in a river. If the animal appeared in a lake or small reservoir, then the importance of such a dream is lower than in previous cases. It is usually interpreted as calm and harmony, and the cleaner and more transparent the water in the lake, the more perfect the state of your harmony.
  • If you dreamed of fish in an aquarium, then the interpretation of such a situation is not positive at best. An aquarium may mean that you feel trapped, disadvantaged; perhaps life circumstances require you to make immediate decisions, but you are confused and don’t know what to do. For example, these could be situations at work or in a relationship with your significant other. Animals in an aquarium are always interpreted as a symbol of stress and anxiety.
  • Flying fish in dreams speaks of the freedom and creativity of your mind. If you see that a flying fish actually cannot fly, then this indicates that you are missing a good opportunity and do not know how to show your talent.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of fish in clean water river, lake or sea is a harbinger of big wins and success. Conversely, if you dreamed of a lot of fish in the water swimming away from you, then this foretells that you will soon let a big chance slip away. Loss of luck also means a dream in which you hold a fish in your hands.
  • Fried fish is interpreted as a symbol of pain and illness. If you eat such fish in a dream, then this is a sign of prosperity and well-being. The appearance of an animal on your bed also portends bad luck or illness.
  • If a girl sees a fish in a dream, then soon an intelligent and attractive young man will appear in her life. It is interesting to note that some pregnant women often dream that they are swimming with these inhabitants of the seas and rivers.

What do different types of fish mean?

You must always pay attention what types you dreamed of sea animals, because this fact largely determines the meaning of the dream.

Dreams with sharks

Usually, when you see sharks in your dreams, it means that you are experiencing inconvenience and annoyance due to some specific event in real life. Also situations with sharks are interpreted as manifestation of fear in front of some person, it could be your enemy or a family member who asserts himself by punishing other family members.

If in your dreams you yourself are a shark that swims in searching for his victim, then this indicates that you have a strong and robust personality, persistent in achieving your goals. You won't stop until you get what you want. The most common dreams with sharks are as follows:

  • If a shark has attacked you, approached you and wants to bite you, then this is a clear sign of fear of someone or something. Moreover, your actions in such a situation are decisive when interpreting the dream. If you are trying to protect yourself from an animal, then you are a fighter and will be able to solve all your problems in real life. Otherwise, if you behave in a cowardly manner and allow the shark to attack you, then to solve the problems you have in life, you will need external help, such as the help of friends.
  • Sometimes the following situations happen: first a shark attacks you, then whales and dolphins appear and save your life. If your subconscious mind presents you with events in such a sequence, then in life you can always rely on the help of friends or your family in difficult times.
  • If you dreamed of a dead shark, then this situation is interpreted as your ability to resist enemies, as well as old friends who want to betray you or rob you. The same interpretation has a dream in which you are floating and see dying people or animals.
  • If you dreamed about a hammerhead shark or a white shark, then this is a real nightmare. However, if such an animal is chasing you, and you manage to elude it, then this means that you have a strong character and are able to overcome all the difficulties of life on your own.
  • If you dreamed of a baby shark, then the subconscious in this way expresses your love for life. Perhaps you want a child from your lover or you are already pregnant.

If you dream about dolphins

Although the dolphin is a mammal, it very often appears in our dreams together with other fish. As a rule, such dreams are interpreted as positive. They are associated with joy, optimism and the desire to live, since this animal is kinder and more affectionate than all others towards humans. However, depending on the context of the dream, its interpretation may vary. Also, your personal life influences this interpretation. Therefore, it is very important to find out all possible specific situations and their meaning, so as not to make mistakes when interpreting your own dream.

  • If you dreamed that you were playing with dolphins, then this situation describes your personality as social and kind-hearted, who enjoys the presence of friends.
  • If you are traveling by sea and suddenly come across a dead or wounded animal, then psychoanalysis describes such an event as the fear of losing someone close to you. You are afraid that a friend or family member will leave you forever. The only thing this nightmare teaches is to enjoy every joyful moment of life.
  • If you see yourself as a dolphin swimming in the sea, then this means that you are experiencing worry-free moments in life, you do not have any problems with your loved ones and close people, there are no problems at work. If you are sailing on a dolphin, then psychoanalysis says that you are at the stage of acceptance difficult decision, but deep down you understand that you are choosing the right path. Such situations include your own decision to quit your job or get married.
  • If during sleep you see a nightmare in which sharks or killer whales attack a dolphin, then this means that you smell betrayal, that is, you are afraid that a friend or close person. Some authors of such dreams claim that the situation that occurred in a dream very often has its subsequent reflection in reality.
  • The color of these sea creatures also speaks volumes and is associated with your inspiration in this moment life. For example, if you dream of many pink, cheerful dolphins, then this indicates that you are very much in love with someone. If dolphins have Blue colour, then your joy is associated with success in the professional and economic spheres of life.
  • If during sleep you understand that the dolphin is a newly born baby that you are holding in your hands, then this a clear sign that you want a child from your significant other. Another interpretation of this situation is that you recently lost a son or daughter and you miss him or her greatly.
  • The fresh water of a river or pool is not suitable for these mammals, which belong to the order of cetaceans; their place is in the salty waters of the seas along with other fish. If you see an animal flapping its fins in a river or stream, then your subconscious mind says that you are making the wrong decision. Perhaps you should re-think all your recent important decisions or intentions to do something.

Thus, the diversity of fish species also implies a diversity of interpretations of specific situations that arise in our subconscious.

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Every woman is sure: if you dreamed of a fish swimming in the water, then this means pregnancy. If in your night dreams you managed to catch a pike in a pond with your hands or catch a mirror carp using a spinning rod, then such dreams only reinforce the confidence that pregnancy will come, and very soon. Such dreams should never be interpreted “one-sidedly”, because a fish peacefully splashing in a lake can be dreamed of by a gray-haired old man, a young girl, or a mature man, who is certainly not at risk of pregnancy under any circumstances.

Why do you dream of fish in water according to popular dream books?

Miller's Dream Book. Did you have a dream with a fish swimming in clear water? This means that fate is ready to present generous gifts, which you still need to be able to accept correctly. If the fish is dead and floats on the surface of the water with its belly up, then this portends loss and sorrow. If a disgruntled fisherman leaves the lake without a catch, then this indicates one thing: you need to set realistic goals for yourself. Watching in a dream how other people are trying to catch a slippery burbot or a log-like catfish is a sign of good health.

Vanga's dream book. Seeing the process of fishing in a dream is an ambiguous sign, since the result is very important for the full interpretation of such a dream. If the fishermen or the dreamer himself managed to catch a fish, then soon, in the real world, he will deal with his enemies and envious people. If the fishing doesn’t go well, then you won’t be able to celebrate the victory over your enemies yet.

Freud's Dream Book. If a person saw a fish swimming in clear water in a dream, then this clearly indicates that he does not have enough sex in his life, and he is constantly preoccupied with thoughts of carnal pleasures.

Successful fishing is a symbol of future victories on the love front. A lake teeming with fish of all types and sizes is a dream for those who experience real horror before the upcoming sexual intercourse.
The reason for this fear lies in inexperience or uncertainty.

According to the Modern Dream Book. If you dreamed of a school of fish in the sea, then the dreamer need not worry - luck will not leave him. Dreaming of fish swimming in a pond or lake brings great joy. Aquarium fish may be dreamed of by a person who has lost peace of mind, and such a dream clearly indicates to him that everything will soon get better, and he will regain what he lost. If fish swim in the pool - no matter what: big or small, then this means that the person has a persistent desire to have children.

Dream book of Nostradamus. If a person saw in a dream a lot of fish splashing in a pond, then this does not bode well, since he will have to spend a lot of effort to solve his problems. And this is provided that there may simply not be a positive result. Did you dream that a fish falls from the sky into the water? One should be wary of such a dream, since it is a harbinger of man-made disasters and natural disasters. A lonely fish swimming in clear water is very good sign, saying that help will come, and from where no one expected it.

According to the Chinese dream book. I dreamed that a fish was swimming not in a pond, but in a well - this is a sign: you will soon have to change your field of activity. Catching fish with nets or drag nets is a sign of good luck, and with a spinning rod is a sign of good luck. family well-being. A school of fish promises quick wealth, and if you dreamed of none other than carp, then this means an addition to the family. An unsuccessful attempt to pull fish out of a reservoir portends illness.

Why do women and men dream about fish in water?

If a woman dreams of a fish that she is diligently trying to catch with fishing gear or with her bare hands, then this is a sign of pregnancy.

If a man or woman dreams:

Predatory fish - to a quarrel or scandal at work.

Large fish means a solid profit.

Brightly colored fish - there is a risk of food poisoning.

Red fish - very soon the secret will become apparent.

A large school of fish - you don’t need to waste your energy, but concentrate on one thing.

A flock of fry means trouble and fuss.

Crucian carp - to illness.

Shark - an acquaintance awaits that will literally change your life.

Perch - for the birth of a son.

Pike - for the birth of a daughter.

Catfish - to trouble.

Trout - winning the lottery.

A light, large fish is a pleasant surprise.

Dark large fish - trouble.

Three fish swimming in clear water - to dizzying success and good luck.

What does it mean to fish in a dream?

If a woman catches fish in a dream, then this means pregnancy, and the sleeping male “fisherman” will receive in reality either an increase in salary or a promotion.

It is important what exactly you happened to go fishing with in your night dreams:

Fishing rod or spinning rod - tedious, tedious and unpleasant things will soon appear on the horizon.

The network is unexpected wealth, a good fix financial situation.

“Manual” method of fishing, that is, using own hands, is always interpreted differently, and if such a dream promises pregnancy for a woman, then for a man it means performing some actions at an accelerated pace. For example, he will have to very quickly make repairs in an apartment or disassemble/repair/assemble a car in one night.

What does it mean: to see a fish swimming in a dream:

Clear water - to a whirlwind romance with a representative of the opposite sex.

Transparent water - it has arrived perfect time to start a family.

Dirty water - the other half is not saying something and is being dark.

Muddy water - to make profit through illegal means.

Why do you dream about a lot of fish in the water?

If you dreamed of a pond teeming with fish, then this is a very good sign, foreshadowing a good improvement in your financial situation. The larger the fish, the more banknotes the dreamer will see in reality.

The same applies to the number of individuals. If such a dream was dreamed by a person who decided to start a business, then it can be considered a good omen. So, don’t be afraid to master the new kind activities or invest cash into the project: everything will work out.

Dream Interpretation - big, small fish in water

If at night you dream of a small fish being swallowed up big fish, then such a dream should be taken into account, as it warns: you need to behave more carefully “with strongmen of the world this,” that is, with influential people. A carelessly dropped word or rudeness can cause serious trouble.

If a “naked” fish swims in the water, that is, without scales, this means that difficult times await the dreamer: he will lose his fortune or get sick.

In all other cases, the dreamed fish large sizes doesn't bode well. Except for situations when the sleeper has to catch it with his bare hands. This means deception or disappointment.
Or when a person watches a wounded or clearly sick fish frolic in a pond. This means the appearance of an envious person or an enemy.

A small fish in a dream is a harbinger of big changes in a person’s life. All attempts to catch her are interpreted as an imminent attack. happy days. If the caught fish slips out of his hands, it means that the dreamer will miss his chance. If you dreamed of dead small fish, this means grief, sadness and tears.

Dream options

  • Dead fish in the water - your plans will not come true;
  • releasing the fish into the water means missing an opportunity;
  • feed the fish in the water - a trip abroad is coming;
  • a fish swimming away that could not be caught - luck will pass you by;
  • rotten fish in the water - a series of troubles and disappointments lie ahead;
  • live fish in clean water - the upcoming deal will be profitable;
  • live fish in muddy, dirty water - you should not agree to the offer, there will be no benefit from it, but on the contrary: only losses;
  • managed to catch a fish - favor of fate;
  • seeing one fish eat another is a disappointment;
  • a fish splashing vigorously in the water is an unexpected joy;
  • catching fish with a torn net means experiencing the bitterness of defeat;
  • dry fish plunging into water is unheard of luck;
  • a fish with a human face - to war or armed conflict;
  • a fish spawning in the water - the birth of a child prodigy;
  • ride fish on the water - the disease will recede;
  • a fish swimming in a river - events will soon occur that will radically change life;
  • fishing from an ice hole in winter - there is no need to be too frank, since the information can be used by strangers pursuing selfish goals;
  • swim with the fish - your boss will praise you or give you a bonus.

See the interpretation: by the names of the fish, as well as the net, the trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, and indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, collapse of plans and disappointments.

Fishing in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

Seeing a fish caught by others in a dream foreshadows illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you watch the float of your fishing rod, which is calmly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is postponed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on your plans being fulfilled.

Catch big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

Catching a lot of fish in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money You'll get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of a lot of trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But fishing with nets, drags or seines means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success for those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portends danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream foreshadows death. Such a dream can also foreshadow insult or quarrels.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you take a fish in your hands, and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

A dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failures in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, as long as it is not raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, obstacles in business and disappointment await you. But if it is also full of bones, then disappointment or failure awaits you.

A dead fish floating on the water predicts that your wishes will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends receiving a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, the dream foretells the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they have given birth to a fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child He will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream foretells them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream foreshadows failures in business or in your personal life.

If you saw fishing gear in a dream, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Everyone dreams of lifting the secret veil of the dream world in order to learn about the events of the coming future and be able to prevent undesirable consequences. Night dreams in which a girl dreams of fish often have a positive interpretation.

Once you take a closer look at the details, you will see a clear picture.

A girl had a dream with a fish

For a young person, a dream in which she sees a fish in the water predicts the entry into her heart of a person who will become a constant companion in life. Will great and mutual love. – the relationship will be just as open, sincere and pure. If - wait for false promises and unjustified expectations, your chosen one will try to deceive you. The fish jumps to the surface - you can hope that you will soon find yourself in an interesting position.

Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream

For a girl or woman in a position to see a fish in the water in a dream is a favorable sign. will pass safely, and will be healthy.

To experience the pleasure of watching the splash of water and fish swimming in it means receiving a lucrative offer or a chance to make your dream come true.

If a fish hits you with its fin - receive good news. If you catch her, there will be big profits and prosperity for the family.

The dreamer is a woman

For a woman, a dream about fish has positive interpretation, symbolizing power and prosperity:

Huge fish

Such a dream portends swift career and success in love affairs. Your superiors will reward you for your professional and personal qualities, and mutual and sincere love will not take long to arrive.

If the fish is huge and beautiful, causes you admiration, and you admire it, fate will bring you together with the true embodiment of beauty and gallantry, a reliable and caring man.

If you notice that the fish is trying to swim away from you, you will have to make a lot of effort to build happy and strong relationships with your chosen one.


Dreaming of making a profit. You can safely start business negotiations, make deals, implement new projects, and make financial investments. If you caught a big fish on a hook, it’s easy for you will be able to outperform competitors and envious people. If you catch it with your bare hands, you will discover a previously unknown source of strength and inspiration within yourself.


It promises a successful future, but you will have to work a little. If there are a lot of small fish, and they all swim to your feet - there will be enough fans, but most of them will not meet your expectations.

Small and colorful fish mean experiencing new and joyful experiences, exciting and happy moments.

See dead fish

A dream where you see in water symbolizes an unsuccessful ending for the things you have planned. Possibly ahead a series of troubles and losses. Refrain from making serious decisions or big purchases in the near future. Try to spend your efforts not on work and overcoming problems, but on leisure. If in a dream you take these fish with your hands and try to catch them from a pond - you might get sick, you will feel bad. Someone is catching fish for you - there are a lot of envious people around who want to harm you, try to avoid them.


See live fish in a dream - a good sign:

  • if she floats in - expect pleasant surprises from favorable fate and good opportunities;
  • together with her - to sincere and happy love;
  • watch - replenish energy reserves and vitality, a chance to improve your financial status;
  • bright and colorful fish in the pond - to new impressions, enthusiastic emotions and a pleasant time with friends, and perhaps an acquaintance.


Be prepared for possible failures and interference, unpleasant news. If a fish gives off a nasty putrid smell, this means that someone in your environment wishes you harm and is trying to harm you. There are envious people who poison your life. Holding such a fish in your hands - to illness and depression.

Standing in water with rotten fish means quarrels and disagreements, gossip around you. Do not let strangers or those you trust little into your plans.


If you dreamed that you were watching fish, and one of them swam too close and bit you - look around, someone from your close circle is trying to turn the picture on themselves. Perhaps your true destiny is nearby, and you don’t notice it. After the bite comes - to come meeting with relatives that you haven't seen for a long time. You try to bite her back - you will make a friend or lover soon. The fish is very big and not only bites, but also wants to swallow you - it’s time to be lucky and darling of fate.

Catching in a dream

This portends a girl pleasant chores And . Catch a small fish - to a quiet and measured family life. If it eluded you for a long time, and then came into your hands, expect unexpected and global changes.

If you are trying to catch a catch with a harpoon or a net, guests will come to you, great fun lies ahead.

They provide you with assistance in fishing - a reliable friend will appear, a loyal fan or simply an influential patron whom you can count on in difficult times.

Fish swims in dirty water

You're taking a risk lose the ability to think productively and realize oneself in professionally. Beware of competitors and grumpy colleagues. If you put your hands in the water and try to catch a fish, you can get involved in an unpleasant situation or they will try to drag you into a conflict against your will.

You shouldn't try to tie the knot right now because you risk making the wrong choice or depriving yourself of something important. Don't give up your favorite job or hobby for the sake of love.

You may not attach much importance to the interpretation of dreams, but it is still better to listen to what night dreams hint at - there is some truth in this.

A woman dreamed of a fish in the water ▼

Felomena's dream book considers fish in water as a need to pay close attention to relationships with. Understand the existing ones before it's too late.

A man dreamed of a fish in the water▼

Why do you dream about fish in water? You will take on a major task, participation in which will require a lot of time from you. The effort invested will be justified by the reward received.

What was the fish doing in the water?

Why do you dream of a fish swimming in the water▼

Seeing a fish swimming in the water in a dream means your skill and ability to quickly respond to the current situation will be noticed by your superiors. Business affairs are foreshadowed.

A fish jumps out of the water in a dream▼

If you dream that a fish jumps out of the water, a joyful and cheerful time will begin in life. In some cases, this dream can promise a girl something unexpected.

What kind of water was in your dream?

I dreamed of a fish in clear water▼

The dream book interprets fish in clear water as an extremely positive sign. Very soon you will be able to meet your true love, with whom you will spend your whole life side by side.

Dreaming of fish in dirty water▼

I dreamed of a fish in dirty water - the search for love will not be successful. Don’t despair, on the love front they will soon be replaced by success and will bring new interesting acquaintances.

Why do you dream about fish in troubled water▼

Seeing fish in a dream muddy water- suffer from disappointments in your personal life. The surrounding contenders for your heart will not be the ones you would like.

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