How to survive a zombie apocalypse? Weapons against zombies. Zombie apocalypse in real life. Why are people afraid of the zombie apocalypse for good reason?

Zombies... Dear, poor zombies, they are being killed, but they don’t end, poor things. The very topic of the living dead is extremely annoying: everyone hates the idea that billions dead people will rise from their graves and will have to defend themselves. Many dudes stubbornly believe that all voodoo magic is bullshit, but in this post we will delve a little into the wrong steppe. A zombie may well still be alive, but at the same time he may categorically not understand anything. So fear, dear reader, today we will tell you why the zombie apocalypse is real and which scenarios are most realistic.

2. Neurotoxins

There is an indecently large number of poisons that slow down almost all the vital functions of the body. Only a good doctor can understand whether a person is completely dead or only partially dead. An example of such poisons is the poison of puffer fish. After poisoning, the victim is brought out of trance by special narcotic substances, loses his memory and personality, turning into a real zombie. By the way, all that talk about Haiti and zombie plantation workers is the real truth, especially considering that they are quite alive, but submissive and dumb as a cork.

3.Rabies virus

Like in the movie 28 Days Later. In fact, it is quite a real thing, especially considering that there is a mad cow disease virus in the world. Check if you have any of its symptoms:

  • change in gait;
  • hallucinations;
  • problems with coordination (eg, tripping and falling);
  • muscle twitching;
  • myoclonic spasms or seizures;
  • rapidly developing delirium or dementia.

Considering that such a virus is transmitted through blood and saliva, it can be considered a very real threat of a zombie invasion. But it is rarely found in nature. But aggression with the desire to tear and bite will be present.

4. Neurogenesis, stem cells and other joys of science

With the help of stem cells, it is absolutely possible to renew the human brain, or at least this is what everything is going towards. And now it’s time for real paranoia for zombie-fiction lovers. Let them replace arms and legs, but the crippled brain, restored by cells with the same deficiencies as its “mother brain,” will be just as incapacitated, but it will be new. Also, the body can be kept in suspended animation for some time, but resuscitation of this person may bring with it certain problems due to the destruction of the cerebral cortex. Let the person’s brain be new, but the connections in it will be lost, the personality will degrade to the state of a child, you will have to teach him everything again, but he will be happy to watch TV series based on the Russian zombie movie. Simply put, it will be a zombie, because it will not have a personality, but it will be obedient and submissive.

5. Nanobots


Nanotechnology is being developed not only in Russia. Small, agile robots will be able in the near future to build a small city inside a person or destroy their host. Why can’t such babies destroy connections in the human brain? Yes Easy! Read a good SF novel “Invincible” by Stanislaw Lem about little nanobots. Suppose bots remain in our bodies after death, what should they do to reanimate your body? Imagine that there will be as many such bots in a person’s body as there are leukocytes. Scary? Horrible!

Whether a zombie apocalypse could actually happen is a matter of opinion and debate. Let's put it this way: with modern capabilities in various fields of science, such a conversion of the dead is impossible. But who knows what the science of the future will “grow” and what “recipes” will appear? Those preparing to survive the zombie apocalypse know: science has nothing against zombies. In the end and.

Many zombie myths originate from superstitions in Africa and the Caribbean. This is not surprising given the large number of zombies in tropical regions where zombified people were used as free labor.

Since their first appearance in history, zombies have had a profound impact on our world, from religion to art. It is difficult to find an aspect of society that is not influenced by the undead. However, without delving into the breadth of the phenomenon, we will simply consider the undocumented but stated capabilities of zombies.


Hanging rags of flesh-destroying zombie bites. Catatonia, cold temperature, black blood, no bleeding - the heart of the dead does not function. Dead victims of a bite are driven by one instinct - the search for living flesh, food (this zombies differ from Haitian zombified ones, which are simply controlled by the “master”).

This happens in almost every zombie apocalypse movie, when crowds of gnawed corpses move towards hiding people in search of food. Zombies are inexorable and do not pay attention to pain - there are no receptors, neural connections are severed.

The body of a dead zombie functions thanks to the power of a “super virus”, when it revives the body with a dead consciousness, therefore, even after losing limbs. Anyone bitten or scratched by an infected dies and then returns as a zombie, so they quickly evolve and take over territory.

Like many monsters, zombies have roots in folklore and, according to some researchers, are real participants in the events in Haiti. Here we look at the Haitian zombies, and options for escaping from zombies.


Zombies are well established in Haitian stories and mythology. Researchers who have studied Haitian culture have told of countless stories of victims whose bodies were brought back to life by bokor or sorcerers.

Such zombies are mindless slaves. They are not self-aware and are not particularly dangerous unless they receive salt to restore senses and consciousness. Stories like these are like “campfire stories”—they tap into the listener’s deepest fears and seem believable, despite all the improbability.

Even after studying numerous stories and rumors, researchers have not found convincing evidence to support the phenomenon of zombification of people.

Often, the supposed zombies received virtually no medical care to their apparent death, simply falling into prostration from psychological exhaustion. Researchers have encountered mistaken identity and fraud.

And yet we cannot completely reject the phenomenon, because there are truly unique cases.


In 1980, a man appeared in a Haitian village claiming to be Clairvius N., who died at the Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Dechapel on May 2, 1962. Clairvious did not know where he spent the lost years, although he remembered how at the time of his supposed death he was paralyzed but conscious. The man even saw how the doctor covered his face and stated: Bokor resurrected me and made me a zombie.

Since the strange claimant's death was recorded at the hospital, scientists were looking at the case as potential evidence of Haitian zombies. In fact, according to the documents, Clervey was buried.
Although when he disappeared, the family was reported as missing. The man answered all the questions about his family and childhood known to his loved ones. Eventually, he was accepted by his family and friends.

Clairvy was the impetus for the Zombie Project, a study of the origins of zombies conducted in Haiti between 1982 and 1984. During this time, ethnobotanist and anthropologist Dr. Wade Davis traveled to Haiti in the hope of discovering the origins of the Haitian zombies.

Davis traveled to Haiti with Nathan S. Cline's request. The doctor did not believe in and suspected a certain drug was responsible for the appearance of zombies. Because the drug can find medical use, especially in the field of anesthesiology, Kline hoped to collect samples, analyze them, and determine how they worked.

Among Haitians who believe in zombies, Davis found that bokor witchcraft has nothing to do with drugs or poisons. According to local legends, the bokor captures part of the soul of the chosen victim, directly related to the person.

However, an inquisitive researcher discovered that in their rituals the bokor used complex powders made from dried plants and animals.

Davis collected eight samples of "zombie powder" from four areas of Haiti. The ingredients were not identical, but seven of the eight samples had common components:

° One or more species of fish that contain a deadly neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin.
° Sea toad (Bufo Marinus or toad - yeah), secreting extremely poisonous and toxic substances
° The powders contained plant and animal ingredients such as lizards and spiders. Some even included crushed glass!

The use of spiderfish intrigued Davis. Tetrodotoxin causes paralysis and death, and victims of tetrodotoxin poisoning often remain conscious until death.

Paralysis blocks the reaction to external stimuli - like Clairvius. Medicine knows of cases where people took tetrodotoxin and appeared dead, although they then fully recovered.

Perhaps, Davis suggested, the powder applied externally created irritation and penetrated the victim's skin. If it was a drink, then tetrodotoxin would immediately paralyze the victim. In all applications, the poisoned person appeared dead. After waiting for the family to bury the victim, the bokor took the already zombified body out of the grave to hand it over to the “owner.”

Note that the zombified body required constant “feeding” with zombie powder in order to keep the victim under control. And again, in this case there is no classic zombie, when the body is absolutely dead, bitten, limbs are torn off, even the head is damaged - but continues to function in search of food. Whereas zombified people are a kind of business of a sorcerer who supplies slaves to the customer.

While Davis' theory is promising, it has some holes, the scientists noted, finding inconsistencies in the study.


There are several possible origins for the term "zombie". These include jumbie, a West Indian term for “ghost,” and nzambi, Kongo, meaning “spirit of a dead person.”

At first glance, Davis's research seems quite reasonable. Tetrodotoxin definitely causes paralysis and death. Although there are a couple of cases where people have recovered from near-fatal tetrodotoxin poisoning. For many people, the theory of a doctor of anthropology is enough, but scientists are a very meticulous people who need more comprehensive evidence.

Some of the samples Davis brought to the United States gave visible results when tested on the skin of rats and rhesus monkeys. The test subjects instantly fell into lethargy, becoming completely motionless, and lost their reactions to external stimuli... alas, the subjects did not become zombified and did not die, they generally fully recovered.

This raised questions about the legitimacy of Davis' research and the actual components of the samples brought back from Haiti. Scientists asked:

° did he observe the desecration of graves while collecting the ingredients of the powder
° whether initial experiments with the tested powder were carried out by scientific specialists
° whether other substances were added to the tested powder
° who monitored the delivered powder for its original integrity

The questions suggested that the powder samples contained almost no tetrodotoxin. It's possible that putting the powder into a testing solution causes the active ingredients to break down, a Haitian zombie phenomenon researcher explained.

Subsequently, the details became clear: Davis repeated the use of the powder using rats and achieved absolutely no effect. Having studied several suspected zombies with the help of specialists, they discovered obvious signs mental illness.

Many people view Davis' work as the only possible explanation for the Haitian zombie phenomenon. Others reject it as unscientific and extremely dubious, not to say a hoax. To read more about the controversy surrounding the Haitian zombies and Davis's research, see the October 1988 issue of Science or The Lancet.

In fact, despite the improbability of the zombie phenomenon, Davis's work is the most informative in this area, since no other research has been carried out. Another thing is obvious: in remote regions of the planet, there may be secrets passed strictly within the family, including “recipes” for a hellish brew.

As already mentioned, zombies are part of our culture, firmly established in books, films and games, here are a few words about it, and survival in the event of a zombie apocalypse:


According to Davis's theories, a person poisoned with Haitian zombie powder begins to move either in a coffin or after being removed from the grave. If the procedure does not go as planned, the bokor has a protective mechanism. However, the powder can kill the victim completely and irrevocably.

Although zombies appeared in cinema in 1919, many cite George A. Romeros as the standard-setter for modern zombies. In the classic film Night of the Living Dead, Romero depicted zombies as slow-moving corpses reanimated by radiation from a satellite returning from Venus.

The radiation hit the recently dead, and the resulting zombies became invulnerable until someone destroyed their brains or separated their heads from their bodies. Luckily in Night of the Living Dead the zombies were stupid, non-conscious klutzes. The use of improvised objects was limited to the use of blunt objects as clubs.

In Romero's later work, the zombies became noticeably smarter and more self-aware, although they still moved slowly and had minimal intelligence.

Many authors have used Romero's concept of zombies:

° dead corpses reanimated by radiation, chemicals, viruses, witchcraft or natural disasters
° humans and animals are zombified, although cats are not subject to zombification
° very strong, but not very fast, rather sedentary
° immune to pain and able to function under any injury to the body except decapitation or brain destruction
° afraid of fire and bright flashes of light

The “zombie” virus is extremely contagious, even a scratch will lead to dire consequences. People bitten by zombies often quickly turn into zombies while still conscious.

In other cases, people die from a bite and are then reanimated with the same force as other zombies. In general, this rapid "virulence by bite" leads to a true zombie plague, in which the undead greatly outnumber living humans.

Zombies are undead, but not all undead are zombies, and a resurrected corpse is not always a zombie. Do you think it's a paradox? Not at all. For example, Frankenstein's monsters, assembled from various body parts, are not zombies because they have intelligence and consciousness.

Mummies can bear a striking resemblance to zombies, right down to their guttural speech and shocking walk. However, the deliberate physical preservation of mummies sets them apart from ordinary zombies. Initiated by a virus into bloodthirsty monsters, the people in 28 Days Later are not zombies because they do not die before taking on a zombie-like appearance (albeit a fast-moving one).

When they talk about the impossibility of a zombie apocalypse and give arguments about how the body works at the cellular level, it looks like deceit. Yes, a dead cell cannot, under any known conditions, recover to its documented functions. Neural connections are torn, blood has clotted in the muscle fibers, etc., etc. - everything, the body has cooled down, the tissues are torn.

Everything said is true, but true only for “known conditions.” But what if a myth buster like the “Ti5Wj virus” appears on the scene? The unknown condition represented by the unaccounted capabilities of TiDable, although it will not return the cell to full functioning, will restore cellular memory. And this is a step towards the appearance of zombies on the streets, from which you will have to escape.


Whether you encounter a typical zombie or a modified, smarter breed, the post-apocalyptic genre offers advice for surviving extreme situations and zombie attacks: the key is to panic.

° Move away from the zombie immediately. In most cases, you are able to move faster than you can.
° Gather food, water, radios, flashlights and weapons, and move to a safe place.
° If possible, open a shopping center, retail store, warehouse, or other location where you can easily access food and essential supplies.
° Stay away from densely populated areas where infestation is likely to be most severe.
° Barricade all entrances, be sure to check access to the premises from the basement levels.
° Never lock yourself in a corner or other enclosed space.
° Remember that anyone bitten or killed by a zombie will become a threat to you and others. However, it will be easier to survive in a group of familiar faces, or in a larger team - the choice is individual, and depends on your psychological portrait.

Yes, everything went badly, the zombie apocalypse has come, but remain vigilant and patiently wait for rescuers. At the same time, continuing long-term preparation for survival and careful control of the territory of residence.

The theme of the transformation of most of the planet's population into hordes of zombies roaming the streets, hunting for a handful of survivors, has been exciting minds for decades. Interest in zombies either subsides or resumes with renewed vigor. Interestingly, the main supplier of films, games and books about the risen dead is the USA. Moreover, it is there that they prepare for the zombie apocalypse seriously and with all responsibility. For example, we recently wrote about upcoming exercises in Kansas that simulate the end of the world with the living dead, and in the spring of this year it became known that they also have an action plan in case of such a cataclysm. And this is not counting the numerous “survivors” who stock up in their bunkers with canned food and crowbars to break the skulls of living corpses. So why is the topic of zombie invasion so concerning to Americans? Let's try to figure it out.

We will not touch on the mythological origins of the term “zombie,” since more or less everyone knows about voodoo, and Haitian zombies are very different from those half-rotten herd cadavers that we are used to seeing on movie screens. For the same reasons, we will skip the film “White Zombie”, turning directly to the great and terrible George Romero, who gave us the film “Night of the Living Dead” in 1968, setting the clichés and framework of a new genre - zombie horror. True, the director did not use the term “zombie,” replacing it with the word “ghoul,” which can roughly be translated as “ghoul,” but it was journalists who “zombified” Romero’s walking dead.

True, Romero himself has repeatedly stated that zombies in his films are nothing more than a symbol of the average person who does not want to think, is subject to the herd instinct and is ready to kill those who are not like him. However, later Romero revised his view of the living dead, making them in “Land of the Dead” almost Nietzschean supermen, raising a rebellion against a completely rotten world order. But in general, zombies for the director remained a metaphorical image of the silent but aggressive majority.

Despite the rather transparent hints with which Romero literally hit the viewer in the forehead, the average person never recognized himself in this “zombie mirror”, but began to fear the external form - the real living dead.

It didn't take long and the zombies overran popular culture, appearing not only on movie screens, but also on the pages of comics and books, and later video games. Family tree The Walking Dead branched out, presenting to the public both absolutely creepy zombies running (“28 Days Later,” a remake of “Dawn of the Dead”) and even intelligent (“Land of the Dead”) zombies, as well as comical (“Living Carrion”) and touching (“Zombies” named Fido") and even romantic ("The Warmth of Our Bodies") cadavers.

Nevertheless, the fear of hordes of the undead hungry for living flesh is deeply imprinted in the subcortex of the ordinary American man in the street. Gun stores, seemingly as a joke, began producing anti-zombie kits, which, however, did not include toy machetes, knives and shotguns. The son of the famous comedian Mel Brooks, Max, added fuel to the fire by releasing his famous “Zombie Survival Guide,” which formed the basis for the truly scary and realistic (unlike the film adaptation) “World War Z.”

The generation that grew up watching the films of Romero and his imitators today occupies key positions in the American government, and the fear of the living dead prominences is breaking through into the activities of serious government agencies. As mentioned above, the Pentagon has at its disposal plan CONOP 8888, which provides for actions to repel an attack by a horde of the living dead and maintain public order among the survivors. True, the military claims that the image of zombies was chosen in order to avoid any political allusions, but it is difficult to imagine that Chinese paratroopers or Islamist sabotage groups would act like herds of the living dead, mindlessly darting under machine-gun fire, covering up fire points with their bodies.

State Governor Sam Brownback gives approximately the same reasons for conducting exercises in Kansas, arguing that “if you are ready for a zombie apocalypse, you are ready for anything,” and the theme of the living dead is used solely to create additional excitement around ordinary exercises to practice actions in emergency situation.

Zombie topics are not avoided by the media, which periodically release news that, even if they are canards, inevitably make the heart beat faster, deep down, bypassing rational arguments of common sense, raising doubt: “What if?”

In 2002, for example, a “zombie” was reported to have washed ashore on the island of St. Thomas, part of the US Virgin Islands. According to local newspaper reports later circulated around the world, the body of a man “with severely flayed skin” washed ashore. When the police arrived on the beach, the drowned man jumped to his feet and attacked the law enforcement officers. At the same time, several shots at the body, fired by confused policemen, did not produce any effect, and the policemen were forced to make a tactical retreat, throwing away their service weapons. However, among the onlookers who had gathered to look at the dead man, there was one brave guy who picked up a pistol and shot the walker three times in the head, laying him on the ground. The body was later taken by military doctors, and the further fate of the “zombie from the Virgin Islands” is unknown.

In 2012, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, known, however, for her eccentric behavior, started talking about the zombie apocalypse. Before the significant date of December 21, 2012, when the world was supposed to end according to the Mayan calendar, she said she would protect Australians from any threat, including “bloodthirsty zombies.”

All this, of course, is funny, but in reality there are cases of zombie behavior. Also in 2012, on the streets of Miami, police shot and killed a man who attacked a tramp and literally gnawed his face off. According to police, the victim was missing skin on his forehead, lips and nose. At the same time, in order to kill the cannibal, it took six shots - what is not the same invulnerability of zombies? Later, several more similar cases were recorded, and in all cases the attackers were under the influence of a synthetic drug, better known as bath salts.

Drugs are drugs, but all these cases show that there are areas in the human brain that, when activated or disabled by chemical or other means, cause him to hunt and literally devour his own kind alive, while increasing the pain threshold and, probably, increasing muscle strength and reflexes. According to Tim Verstynen and Bradley Wojtek's study, Zombie Diagnosis: Brain and Behavior, that area of ​​the brain is the amygdala. In general, there is good scope for the imagination and research of chemical weapons developers.

This also includes wasps that lay eggs in the body of spiders, forcing them to weave protective cocoons for the wasp offspring instead of webs.

There is no need to talk about rabies, or rather its second stage: aggressiveness and “superhuman” strength are some of the symptoms of the disease in humans. But even the flu virus can control a person. Binghamton University of the State of New York noted that participants in the experimental group that were inoculated with the influenza virus, instead of a quiet and measured life, suddenly developed social activity, visiting crowded parties and bars where it was easier for the virus to spread.

It turns out that by genetically modifying the same cordyceps or the causative agents of rabies and toxoplasmosis, scientists may well obtain a zombie virus. And if he breaks free, then we won’t have to hope for a successful outcome: according to research by University of Ottawa professor Robert Smith, humanity will have very little chance in such an outcome. For example, a city with a population of 500 thousand will turn into a horde of the living dead in just three days if there is only one infected person in it. Neutralizing the threat is possible only through clearly calibrated and well-organized massive attacks on walkers and a serious complex preventive measures, which is difficult to implement in the conditions of chaos that ensues in such a case.

It turns out that the danger of a zombie apocalypse, although not very high, still exists, and perhaps we should not ridicule those “survivors” who dig bunkers, stock up on provisions and blow off the heads of life-sized targets at shooting ranges.

Behind past years, the theme of zombies has developed and taken a strong position in our culture. Especially in last years The idea of ​​a zombie apocalypse is popular, in which the remnants of humanity fight for their place on the planet along with the walking dead, as in the series “The Walking Dead”.

Most often, the appearance of the first revived corpse is not mentioned anywhere and the mystery of how it all began is not revealed. In some disaster movie scenarios, the beginning of the apocalypse is an infectious disease.

Mutation of an organism occurs due to a pathogen transmitted from one person to another by a virus (as in " Resident Evil") by means of a bite.

Often, the scenario for the beginning of the “end of the world” is an accident at a secret facility or in a secret scientific laboratory, from where a deadly virus breaks out, turning people into eternally hungry cannibal dead (“28 days later”).

The appearance of aggressive zombies is also associated with magic, especially voodoo magic, due to which the zombified person obeys someone’s orders (as in the 1932 film “White Zombie”) or a demon or evil spirit is infused into a dead body. Also, one of the options for the appearance of zombies is recognized as “God’s punishment”, a kind of brain burning option, where there is only one goal left - to eat.

It has long been proven that they cannot exist in the real world, even despite the fascinating idea of ​​a zombie apocalypse; extreme survival in terrible conditions of struggle with a supernaturally strong enemy, practically indestructible.

Despite the romanticism of this combination of circumstances - one on one with one’s own “I” and with a small group of people (if you’re lucky), where you can find a connection with another person. Because now it’s harder for people to find mutual language, get out of the Internet space and establish contact with someone live, it’s another matter when everyone has no choice - romance!

There are several good reasons why zombies cannot exist and be part of the real world in principle. And only the power of magic can explain the existence of zombies.

1) Firstly, often in films, literature and games, the zombie's brain is completely dead, controlled solely by the reflex of endless hunger. But the body cannot function without the brain! A dead body retains only some functions after death:

- hair and nails continue to grow;
- the rate of skin cell growth gradually decreases and stops with loss of blood circulation within a few days;

- urination may occur due to muscle weakening;
- after the heartbeat stops, the blood collects in the lowest place, depending on the position in which the person died, this can cause an erection, and during post-mortem relaxation and muscle contraction, ejaculation can occur;

- defecation occurs due to weakening of muscles and due to gases released in the body;
- reflexive muscle movement associated with areas of the nervous system that can still remain active for some time after death and send electrical signals to the muscles; in this case, strong movement is impossible, minor muscle spasms are observed;

- during decay and the activity of bacteria destroying the body, the amount of mucus and gases inside increases, and in combination with post-mortem rigor can sometimes lead to unpleasant and eerie sounds emanating from the dead body, as if the dead man is “speaking”;

- gases accumulating inside the body can also cause an unpleasant and extremely rare phenomenon of childbirth in a female corpse. This happens if a woman was pregnant during her lifetime, but after death the child’s corpse was not removed from the mother’s womb and was buried with her (they may not have known about the pregnancy, an autopsy was not performed, or due to religious beliefs they were buried together). Gases accumulated in a decomposing corpse lead to post-mortem expulsion of the fetus;

- Brain activity persists after the heart stops, the duration of brain activity can range from a few minutes to several days with the use of certain drugs and under certain circumstances, although if the heart begins to beat again, most often the brain will suffer irreparable damage due to oxygen deprivation.

As you can see, the human body is unable to continue to function very long after the fact of death, and the extent of its performance is limited to a few reflexes and minimal bodily functions.

2) Secondly, a decaying corpse, even if infected with a super virus, cannot move, walk, much less run, even if some part of the brain is alive and continues to send impulses to the limbs, because the muscle cells are dead and the impulses do not reach the neurons to muscle fibers, which in turn cannot contract.

In rotting meat, the cells are dead, and any movement requires impulses. Even if the dead person is new and fresh, impulses to his cells will arrive more and more slowly, because without blood supply the vital activity of the cells is impossible, therefore, they will die and decomposition will begin.

3) The heart does not work - the tissues are not supplied with oxygen, important events do not occur. biochemical processes, responsible for the production of energy with which the limbs move. In a body in which the heart and, accordingly, the lungs do not work, long-term aerobic processes, that is, movement, cannot occur, because there is no blood circulation and there is no oxygen supply.

Twitching of the arm is a muscle spasm, standing on two legs and moving is a complex and energy-consuming process that, firstly, requires impulses from the brain, and, secondly, energy for movement.

At a minimum, due to these 3 important aspects, humanity will never experience the zombie apocalypse in all its glory. You don’t have to loot the ruins of your city, fighting off aggressive walking corpses with a machete or shotgun in your hands. Raising a corpse from the grave and making it walk and attack others can only be done by magic that can move even dead cells and a non-functioning brain.

The closest movie about a zombie apocalypse to reality is 28 Weeks Later. In the film, the virus that turns people into "zombies" was called the rage virus and did not kill its carriers, depriving them of control over their actions and giving them super strength, which is very similar to the rabies virus.

Also transmitted through saliva or a bite, the virus infected the brain and spread along nerve pathways. Emotions are controlled by the frontal lobes of the brain, in the deep parts of which there are areas responsible for primitive emotions, such as aggression and hunger.

The part of the brain responsible for actions receives signals from them and controls these emotions by triggering the stop function. Obviously, when the brain is damaged, the stop functions stop working, which causes attacks of rage, and during aggression, hormones (testosterone, adrenaline, etc.) and enzymes are released that contribute to the emergence of superpower, which is already present in the potential of the human body.

Yes, we should not forget that humans do not use the full potential inherent in us by nature. Yes, in extreme situations with powerful adrenaline rushes, people are able to run faster or lift heavy things that they would not be able to lift in a normal situation. In these cases, the body works hard, but this is the functioning of the body controlled by the brain.

Considering all of the above, based on scientific data on the topic of zombies and the zombie apocalypse, this problem can be dismissed as utter nonsense. True, if the physical world does not allow the possibility of zombies existing in reality, then there is also the world of magical formulas.

In the world of magic and spells, with work on the body and objects, everything is much simpler. Here it is enough to whisper a spell, sprinkle some tricky powder on the fire, and any body changes its characteristics in the required direction. In this case, yes, not only are gnarled sticks charged with megatons of atomic energy possible here, but zombie creatures are also acceptable.

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