Temperament and professions: how to choose a profession based on your character. How to avoid leg problems when constantly standing

Modern palmistry is far from the myths that have developed in society, this is a developing science with an evidence base, working very effectively for warning and relief of negative manifestations.
It is impossible to determine by hand what exactly a person works. But it is possible to identify his abilities and advise the most suitable type of profession. you can see if it's on yours place in a person’s life, how satisfying the job is, how psychologically it suits him. And unfortunately, I quite often see in my hands the wrong choice of profession. I really love working with children and teenagers - you can guide a person to the right choice. I will allow myself to use the materials of my author's articles and show how career guidance is carried out by hand.
There are four main types of hands - water, earth, fire, air. Attention - our chirological system has nothing to do with the elements in astrology!


Ah, these water hands! Among our clients, most of our clients have water hands. These hands are almost always problematic in one way or another. It is sometimes difficult for beginning palmists to figure it out in intricacy lines and signs on the hands of this type.


If in doubt, pick up a ruler. The water hand has a long palm and long fingers. If the palm is not very difficult yet, its rectangularity(an indicator of reduced practicality and spirituality) is visible to the eye (can be measured - the length is greater than the width), then with the size of the fingers there are doubts - are they long in relation to the palm? The easiest way to determine this is this: measure the width of the palm on the line between the two tubercles Mars and compare with the length of the middle finger. If it is longer than or equal to the width of the palm, the fingers are considered long.
The whole hand looks narrow, as if it was pulled and stretched out. The look is quite elegant - it’s not for nothing that in past centuries, when painting portraits, artists painted water hands for customers, regardless of what the hands actually were. It’s just that water hands have an aristocratic look. Here, take a look:
Another striking sign of a water hand is a large number of lines and signs on the palm. Sometimes to such an extent that the hands of a young man look as if they are old. It is difficult for beginners to figure it out. But there is no need to try to interpret every small line on water hands. After all, this large number of lines is an indicator of high emotionality. First try to simply highlight the main lines on these hands , track their beginning and end, interpret them. A large number of thin lines on the water hand can go across the palm from the Mount of Venus. These are stress lines. The more there are, the worse this person knows how to cope with stress. Do not confuse them with the main lines.


So, the main one distinguishing feature water - increased emotionality. This is their reward and at the same time their curse. They live by feelings, emotions. Receptive, vulnerable, sensitive, often touchy.their bright emotions give them charisma and can increase their attractiveness.But - at the same time, they can greatly interfere with their personal relationships and career. What initially attracts, with constant close communication, can begin to irritate others. After all, it is really difficult to withstand the whims and mood swings of a very emotional person for a long time. A large number of stress lines on the hand may not mean at all, that this man is deep unhappy.Rather - it does not hold stress. After all, different people treat the same event differently. Water ones give a sharp emotional reaction due to developed imagine yourself very strongly they are cheating..Therefore - The main and main recommendation for water people is to learn to cope with their emotions, to control themselves. They must be given a choice: either you will learn to control your emotions, or they will control you all your life. It is very worth looking at the water hand to see if there are any islands on lines of the mind - signs of periods of increased neuroticism. Emotional waters are more susceptible to blues than others (especially with a strongly inclined line of mind). They are often poor fighters, they need support, which is why they come to us so often. And their spirituality is usually higher, than other types of hands.
On watery hands It almost always makes sense to look for innate creative abilities. Aquatics are often gifted and have a creative streak. Unfortunately, these abilities are not always properly developed by parents from childhood.
But those who feel acutely both joy and suffering aquatic have the ability to sense other people, often capable to empathy.U many of them are a good “vest” for other people’s tears. Very often they are quite intuitive, often showing interest in occult practices.
Often they gullible, in everyday life aspects of life, they may be somewhat naive and slightly helpless. Not practical, for them usually spiritual values ​​may be higher than material ones. They should be wary of cynical people who may use them. Career.

Difficulties in building a career are not uncommon in water hands. The fact is that the ideal professions for water people are related with creativity, bohemian.and for Therefore, their creative abilities must be developed from childhood, which, oh, how far from always happens. As a result, aquatic people find themselves out of place in life. And relationships with colleagues with poorly managed emotionality are not easy to build. In addition to creative professions, aquatic people are suitable for professions related to mental labor. Aquatics are attentive to details, they can even get stuck on them. They can perform work related with care attention to detail, thoroughness. Good and for them and related works with communication (if there are no other signs of problems in communication), usually aquatic people have a good sense of people (doctors, psychologists, social workers, etc.) Work can be recommended to all aquatic people with beautiful, aesthetic objects, the contemplation of beauty gives them additional energy. If they have occult abilities, they can engage in occult practices. Heavy physical labor is absolutely contraindicated; it can seriously take away the health of aquatic people.
Recommendations: learn to control your emotions. Have a creative hobby.


1. Those with fiery hands always have a rectangular palm, i.e. palm length is longer width. If you doubt it - take a ruler (by the way, transparent rulers are very convenient in our work) and measure the length of the hand - from the top bracelet to the base of the middle finger. Then measure the width of the hand along the line of the location of the hillocks of Mars. The length should be greater than the width!
2. The fiery hand is a combination of a rectangular palm with short fingers. When in doubt (in fact, it is often difficult to determine by eye whether the fingers are long or short in relation to the palm), we resort again to measurement. Compare the length of the middle finger with the width of the palm on the line of the location of the tubercles of Mars. Fingers are considered short only if the length of the middle finger is less than the width of the palm. If these dimensions are the same, the fingers are considered long.
3. The line of life bends around the Mount of Venus in a wide arc, passing at a great distance from the thumb. This is a sign of a large supply of energy, which is characteristic of fiery ones.

These three signs - a long palm, short fingers, the life line runs far from the thumb (energy) and are the main ones. Of course, you can find other signs of a fiery hand, but they will be secondary, these three are absolutely enough.

Here is an example of a fiery hand open


First of all, fiery people are energetic, enterprising, impulsive people. They are overwhelmed with energy. They do not tolerate monotony well. In childhood, most children who are unable sit quietly for 45 minutes lessons in which teachers complain: fidget, get distracted, play around - owners of fiery hands. When I worked at school, it was enough to ask such fiery hands to erase the blackboard, go get chalk, etc. They just need physical release. Fiery children need to be raised by giving them enough movement and independence - otherwise, you can get problems, especially in adolescence. Fiery adults are always busy and active. They do not know how to keep track of all the little things, they often “burn” on them in various aspects of life. They are capable to scale, scope, large projects, but by little things just slip through the cracks. In everyday life fast, but careless. Not They know how to calculate their strength, they can take on more than they can bear.
They usually have leadership qualities and can be good organizers.
If the fiery energy does not find worthy use, they can become irritable and depressed. That is why so often on the fiery hand with clearly defined main lines we see a decent number of stress lines (comets) coming from the Mount of Venus. By tracking the end of these comets, we can determine in which aspect this person does not find correct application their stormy energy. Most of all, these comets often cut the line of fate - career, work are very important for fiery ones. It is not for nothing that they often ask about career first.
Please, when working with fiery ones, take into account their natural inattention. And if you see something important, emphasize it, focus on it, you can repeat it. Otherwise, the good part is that you tell me, he can Just not notice, perceive not serious enough. This is true not aquatic, which Every little thing can cause a storm in a glass. Fiery On the contrary, he may brush it aside and forget. There is no need to hammer everything in, but the most important thing should be repeated point by point at the end of the analysis during counseling.
Despite the inherent ease negligence, fiery - quite emotional people, often quite receptive. If a water person is more emotional about problems, a fire person strives to act. These are usually good fighters in life. But they don’t always see ways to solve problems, unresolved problems begin suppress them, accumulate stress (often hidden), irritability appears. And this often happens due to the fact that fire people feel much worse than water people people because of their globalities suffer because of little things.


Career is very important for a fiery person. This is often the first question they ask the palmist. We look at the line of fate. If it is weak, poorly and partially expressed, you can be sure that this person is not in his place in life. Here it is worth advising change of profession, especially since fire people, with their irrepressibility, often ask about the most suitable profession for them. Fire people are suitable for professions related to with scale, scope, energy and speed of execution. First of all, this is business, people management, all work related with movement, movement, travel, business trips. if put a fiery one in an office on a chair from bell to bell under the eyes of the boss, load him with a bunch of tedious, monotonous work with tracking all the little things - neurosis is guaranteed for him if he doesn’t run away in time. Ideally for a fiery one - come, quickly, energetically and a little carelessly do the work - and leave.
But! There may be signs on the hand that counteract fiery manifestations or, on the contrary, complement them. For example: bad weak Mercury is an obstacle in business, signs problems in communication (for example, tightly clenched fingers) can interfere with the manifestation of organizational abilities. Elements of the sybarite hand (the lower phalanges of the fingers expanding downwards) will give laziness, and such a fiery person will have many projects, but his energy will drain more for entertainment than to work (Pharaoh's plans, vaults -
Agathon the stove maker). On the other hand, a fiery person with square fingertips can show much more business qualities and work better with documents in general It’s better to keep track of little things. And the owners of an angularly protruding joint at the base thumb can endure work easier than other fiery ones with repeating cycles.
I often suggest that businessmen with fiery hands have an assistant with a water hand. Water people feel people better and can warn in time about danger with their sides.besides The water assistant perfectly monitors little things and pitfalls.



1. Square palm combined with short fingers. The length (from the upper bracelet to the base of the middle finger) and width (along the line of the hills of Mars) are approximately equal, the differences are not great. The length of the middle finger is less than the width of the palm.
2. Relatively small number of lines, often well-defined main lines, relatively small number of minor lines.
3. The flexibility of the finger joints is somewhat reduced.
This is what an earthly hand looks like

earthly hand


Square palm sets practicality, materialism. Earthly - realists, much more materialistic than fiery ones and aquatic. I think exactly for this reason, they come to us much less often than water and fire - they trust less in everything that cannot be touched with their hands and used in practice. Often They are brought by representatives of other types - after all, they are flexible and trusting. In difficult times, they come themselves due to the fact that many of them are quite superstitious.
Earthly - reliable, practical. Collectivists. Good-natured, open, simple-minded (although there may be practical acumen, everyday cunning - but easy to read, sewn with white thread. They can willingly provide help, responsive.
Their gullibility and naivety may border on with simplicity. But Here we should not assume that all earthly people have limited intelligence. Their intellectual capabilities are different, many of them are very smart. I would highlight here the case when the hand has a rough shape with poorly formed lines of the mind - the so-called primitive (elementary) hands as a subtype of earthly ones. But with primitive hands, a person is usually not inclined to study a lot, and is more inclined towards physical labor.
Because of openness and earthly gullibility often become victims of deceivers and swindlers, especially in cases where they are promised material benefits. They should be strongly advised to always remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap.
Earthly ones love very much nature, plants, animals. This is - the source of their life force, they need to take this into account and apply in life. Constantly those living and working in the city are in a state of tension; they definitely need to visit more often out of town, keep plants and pets in the house to maintain energy potential.
Peace-loving, good-natured, but - In a state of passion, it may be difficult for them to restrain themselves, they can be overly straightforward, harsh, and sometimes even rude.
Many earthly people are talented (if they have the appropriate signs), but they gravitate more toward applied creativity, creating things that can be applied in life (carving, knitting, needlework, etc.) If they have the appropriate signs, they can also engage in occult practices.


Ideal professions for earthlings should be somehow connected with nature (for example, forestry, ecology, etc.), the earth (geology, work in mines, land management, reclamation etc.), plants(agronomy, horticulture, floristry, landscape design, agriculture, etc.), animals (agronomy, veterinary medicine, cynology, biology, animal husbandry, etc.). They can make good doctors - provided that the profession involves manual work (surgery, dentistry, prosthetics, etc.). Various manual crafts and physical labor are also good for them. Owners of primitive hands can be good workers, with pleasure perform peasant labor.
Unfortunately, now, when the country’s agro-industrial potential has suffered so much, many earthly hands have a broken line of fate. As a rule, these are people working in distant professions from their type. It is especially difficult for earthlings in business, trade - because of their gullibility and naivety in these areas, they are often deceived and set up. And as practical people, they themselves often strive in these areas. look at the hands of sellers in the market - there are many earthly ones. Talk to them - they will confirm that it is not easy for them it is necessary. It is somewhat simpler if the goods are natural objects, plants, animals (here - energy recharge), but the risk remains to be deceived.
diligent, diligent, good at work performers.some earthly elements of the sybarite hand are found (the lower phalanges of the fingers thicken downward) - these are prone to laziness, but even in these cases necessary work perform


How to recognize an air hand

Main distinguishing feature air hand- a combination of a square palm and long fingers. If it is difficult for the eye determine whether they are long fingers in relation to the palm. As always, take a ruler, measure the length and width of the palm - they should have similar values. Next, compare the length of the middle finger with the width of the palm (on the line of the location of the hillocks of Mars). If middle finger equal to the width of the palm or longer - we consider the fingers long.
In addition, there are a number of other less obligatory signs of an air hand

Signs of an air hand:

1.Combination of a square palm with long fingers
2. Very often the air palm has a characteristic inclination of the fingers - all fingers noticeably lean towards the thumb.
3.Fingers are often flexible, hands are dry and soft.
4.The main lines are very sharp, minor - very thin.


The main character traits of aerials are intelligence and sociability.If water people live by emotions, air people live precisely with their minds. Their heads are always occupied with thoughts, they have a keen cognitive interest, they are curious. Air people have good logic, they let everything pass through them. they don’t just live with their minds - namely with their minds, they don’t really rely on on other people's opinions, they prefer to think everything over themselves and analyze.B In practice, we encounter this type of hands the least often. I thought for a long time - why? And the answer is on the surface.they much less emotional.their emotions are under strict control of the mind. They prefer to figure it out themselves in the situation. not very love to ask for advice. at the same time, these people sociable, happy support the conversation. During a personal consultation they can be somewhat critical; they first try to identify the logic, suspecting a purely psychological approach.
But in severe stress and psycho-traumatic situations, air creatures, with all their developed intelligence, can behave quite helplessly. After all, everything is fine in moderation. Some Poverty of emotions leads to the fact that the air one does not experience his emotions to the fullest force, but prefers analyze them, think them over. in such In some cases, it is useful for them to keep something like a diary, to write down their experiences. Almost all the air ones that I consulted, contacted came to me precisely in a state of severe stress, which was difficult for them to cope with using their usual logic.
The bright mind of the air requires a new one information.From here - They are characterized by some changeability and inconstancy. They may get tired of some activity that no longer brings new information. They may also become bored with a person who“spoke out” and began to repeat himself.
So, the main components of the air character are a good logical mind, sociability, a somewhat impoverished emotional world, and some inconstancy.


The ideal profession for an airman, in accordance with their character, should be associated with mental work or communication. Mental work professions should have specificity - the airman's mind requires new information, not routine. And this flow of new information should ideally be present.
Sociable airies cope well with works related with communication. of them They make excellent teachers and journalists. Many of them are able to work with a large number of people - among actors and show business representatives there are a lot of airheads. In my practice there have been cases when airheads contact me about their choice profession. I advised The profession of animator is quite popular now, this offer was accepted with joy (especially since it is, in principle, possible to try yourself in this field first as a hobby, parallel income).
If a profession is not associated with mental stress and communication, a person may become suddenly bored and change jobs and occupations. An airy person may study something that is “not his” out of curiosity, but he will get tired of it too quickly.

Of course. in practice you need to look at the hands as a whole, taking everything into account. Indeed, often, despite the clear type of hand, there may be signs that prevent a profession suitable for the type. Usually in this case, working on character gives positive results, because by looking at the hands you can quite easily identify which character trait is so interfering person... There are also mixed types of hands, here identifying suitable professions requires considerable experience.

If you have the desire and interest, you can take a photo of your hands in macro mode and post it on the website http://astrovedic.ucoz.ru/forum/11 (or just send it to me, I’ll give you the address if you want)
Here my colleagues and I do brief hand analyzes for free and answer questions. My nickname on the forum is Martagon.
Be sure to indicate your leading hand (i.e., are you right-handed or left-handed), your age, your main question. Don’t ask a bunch of questions at once, if you want to get free services, it’s better to ask one or two specific questions, wait for an answer, and then you can more ask. don't be angry if there is no answer for several days - sometimes we are overwhelmed with work (many also do personal consulting, and in general we are living people, sometimes and we are sick, and others things may be wrong), but we will definitely try to help as quickly as possible!

Read the answers very carefully. On the forum we work for free, so we give short answers, so every word is important! Please note that hands do not carry sentences, they show what paths you choose in life in accordance with your mental type, and how this can affect your future. Chances and risks in different areas of life are important warnings to them It’s really worth listening carefully! Your hands can help you cure your fate.

The site employs palmists with different practice experiences, be understanding of the comments of beginners, appreciate people who are selflessly ready to help you in any way they can, be correct. If you want to thank the master, you can increase his reputation, the button under the master’s avatar.

We will try to help you. Please note: You can get answers for free to important questions warnings. But of course, incomparably more complete information will be provided by a full analysis of your hands. This is a lot of work, sometimes we analyze and write down information for one person for several days (examples of complete analyzes can be found here http://astrovedic.ucoz.ru/forum/83-2640–1, look through, there is more than one page). Therefore, this is a paid service. If you want, you can order a full analysis of your hands to any of our masters. To do this, you need to write him a personal message.
In a complete analysis of your hands, you can get detailed information about your personal relationships, health, career, life course, receive important warnings, tips on how to prevent negativity in fate. Based on a photo of two pairs of hands (his and hers), we can make an analysis for compatibility couples. Identify untapped abilities, determine the best profession. We also work with the hands of children.
Don’t be surprised by the abundance of free services on the site, we are practitioners, we constantly need to work with our hands to improve our skills.

So, we continue to study the lessons of scientific and practical palmistry. In this article I will tell you how to quickly pass the hand test for career guidance and talents. Yes, talents, because it is very important to find yourself in a profession that will help you realize yourself as an individual, will be your favorite thing to do throughout your life, bringing not only a lot of money, but most importantly moral satisfaction.

And we can achieve this when we understand what talent fate has given us and we are able to develop it. Only then can you become a real professional in your work, as the common people say, “from God.” Therefore, today we will try to find out which profession suits your hand.

Is it important to choose the right profession?

Now, the time of last bells and final exams, future students take the Unified State Exam. They face a very serious choice that can affect the course of further events. This choice is your future profession.

The decision is very complex and significant. You cannot make a mistake in your choice, because your fate depends on it. God forbid you become a doctor who hates his patients, curses his work, or an accountant who does not like to scrupulously understand primary documents, suffers from a lack of attention, and therefore often makes mistakes in reports.

Palmistry will help us understand the intricacies of fate and find out which profession is ideally suited to our character. In the article, I explained in detail what palmistry is, and also provided facts about the reliability of the information received from the palms of a person’s hands.

Let me remind you that palmistry is an ancient science that studies the individual characteristics, character traits of a person, the events he has experienced and the future using papillary patterns and lines on the hands. It is also worth noting that the lines on right hand they will tell us about the current state of affairs, and on the left is what is embedded in us by forces from above. For left-handers, reverse order.

Let's begin our test of predisposition to certain hand activities. After reading each paragraph, I recommend immediately looking at your hand and determining whether there are signs of such a profession or talent in your palm.

  1. Entrepreneur, businessman and top manager.

Let's start by examining the shape of the palm. Those with square palms really enjoy practicing. practical looking activities. If we add to this a clear line of fate (it is directed downwards from the middle finger to the wrist, it is rare), then he will achieve success in the field of management and business.

Very important sign a successful businessman is an unusually large thumb, symbolizing perseverance, determination, and a keen desire to achieve success at any cost.

The dominant straight little finger (Mercury finger) also speaks of the qualities that an entrepreneur should have - insight, intuition. The ambitions of a businessman's profession are reflected in the length of the index finger (in the language of palmists, the finger of Jupiter). It is unusually long.

  1. Writer, journalist, screenwriter, director, artist, composer and other creative professions.

An imaginative person can be recognized by his long palm. Such a person needs like air a job that can bring his creative ideas to life.

If you look closely at the hill under the ring finger, the so-called Hill of Apollo, then the large strong hill symbolizes the incredible optimism of its owner, as well as a positive attitude towards everything around him. He always looks happy and cheerful. This man works like hell to achieve his success.

Fate gave him a strong creativity, manifested in a great love for harmony and beauty. Success in creative work he is guaranteed. The dominant elevation near the edge of the palm opposite the thumb; in palmistry, the Mount of the Moon will tell us about the strong imagination of the owner of the palm.

He is endowed with natural eloquence. But his shyness and lack of self-confidence do not give him the opportunity to be a good speaker, so he pours out his art on paper. Also, this person will be able to successfully realize himself in the musical field, since writing and performing music pacifies his restless soul. The typical artist is a person with straight and smooth fingers.

  1. TV, radio host, TV journalist, teacher, psychologist, conflict specialist, professions that involve communicating with people.

People of such professions are endowed with hands air type. Signs of this type:

  • fingers long, palm square;
  • all fingers lean toward the thumb;
  • hands are dry, soft, fingers flexible.

The owner of the air hand requires continuous communication with people. This person has such qualities as reliability, decency, and knows how to use his analytical abilities for the common good. A small sign in the form of a square under index finger called the teacher's square. He talks about an innate talent for teaching people. This person is able to clearly present even the most complex material.

  1. Trade. Sales Representative, trading agent, consultant, seller.

The seller's hand is of the fire type. He is even more open to communication than the owner of the air palm. The forces from above endowed him with intuition, thanks to which he is able to quickly accept effective solutions. He needs change like air. This person will be successful in the field of trade or a similar field where independence and self-reliance can be demonstrated. Fire palm type:

  • short fingers;
  • rectangular palm;
  • the line of life, bending around the thumb, passes at a decent distance from it.

The elevation at the base of the thumb, the so-called Mount of Venus, which stands out more than others in the palm, speaks of the powerful energy of the seller.

But, despite this, he is sincere, sensitive, responsive, easily perceives all the vicissitudes of fate, and is always positive. Such a seller will find happiness by selling goods that he likes.

  1. Auto mechanic, carpenter, plumber, electrician and other professions involving manual labor.

The hand of these professions is of the earth type. This person enjoys repetitive, monotonous work. Working in his favorite field, he will definitely become a master of his craft.

Character traits - reliability, honesty. The owner of such a hand is suitable for any profession where not only hands are involved, but also ingenuity. The earth type is:

  • short fingers on the palm in the shape of a square;
  • non-flexible joints of the phalanges;
  • There are practically no lines on the hand, but the main ones are clearly defined.
  1. Fashion designer, costume designer, interior designer, theater decorator.

]These people have a water-type palm. They love convenience and comfort at work. These creative people will perform well in a profession that gives them aesthetic pleasure. They can reveal their talent only with the help of family and friends. The water palm type is:

  • long palm with elongated fingers;
  • the whole brush looks narrow, as if elongated;
  • There are a lot of signs and lines.
  1. Geologist, tour guide, sailor, stewardess or steward, traveling professions.
His dream is to live away from the bustle of the city. Also this person may be great mathematician, engineer. After all, these professions also involve working in a solitary environment.
  1. Doctor, scientist, lawyer.

For people with a predisposition to these professions, the dominant feature on the hand is the Mount of Mercury (the elevation under the little finger). This elevation endows a person with insight and business sense.

In his work, he will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate such character traits as hard work, intelligence, eloquence, ingenuity and initiative. You can also recognize a scientist by his knobby fingers.

A doctor can also be recognized by his doctor's mark. It is a series of several vertical lines (usually three or four) located under the little finger. Often these lines are shifted towards the ring finger. Do not confuse with children's lines.

People with this sign feel compassion and love for everything on earth, they are endowed with the ability to heal and heal by laying on of hands. Such a sign can also be seen on the hand of a good veterinarian

  1. Military, police, athlete.

Strong Mount of Mars (elevations in the middle of the rib, as well as between the index and thumb) will tell us about an aggressive, brave, fighting person.

He loves the thrill. He is not afraid of danger, even in the most extreme situations he will remain calm. He needs adventure like air. He often achieves success in sports.

  1. Accountant, bank employee.

Long, pointed fingers reveal a person who attaches importance to every little detail. They are meticulous and precise. These qualities are necessary for people dealing with various kinds documents. A person with such signs will always make money with his mind, but not with his hands.

I am sure that every person has some kind of talent and it can be identified by the lines on the hand. True, most of us don’t even assume it’s there, or maybe don’t want to notice it. I'll try to find an explanation for this.

Sometimes a person simply cannot realize the presence of a particular talent. Sometimes his talent does not receive family approval. But the main reason is lack of motivation. People often talk about a catastrophic lack of time. I think this is an excuse and nothing more. You can always find time to do what you love.

Of course, developing talent requires certain sacrifices. For example, to develop the talent of a pianist, you need to play the piano 8 hours a day; not everyone is capable of this.

And yet, it is very important to correctly recognize your talent and try to develop it. Do this at least to the best of your ability, then you will receive incredible satisfaction from everything you do, because it will be in harmony with yourself, as well as in agreement with higher powers, who for some reason endowed us with this talent.

  1. Artistic abilities.

We have already examined the signs responsible for creative abilities, but to find out whether these talents can manifest themselves in an artist, you need to look at the ring finger (Apollo’s finger). When it is dominant, with a strong hill at the base, has an elongated upper phalanx, a wide pad, then all this will show the presence of artistic abilities in a person.

If he has a long second phalanx, then he is endowed with an excellent sense of color. This sign also applies to people with excellent taste in clothing. A sign of artistic talent is also a large mount of the Moon, which forms a so-called creative bend on the edge.

The owner of a moderately wide palm, a long little finger, and a strong thumb, in addition to all the above signs, will also achieve material success in his work. If there are no such business signs, he should be a simple full-time artist or engage in painting as a hobby.

  1. Literary ability.

We recognize them by the long little finger, the second phalanx of which should be the largest.

If the line of the mind (starts between the index and thumb, passes through the center of the palm to the opposite edge) ends on the Mount of the Moon, the person’s talent is reflected in writing fiction.

When the line of the mind crosses the palm directly, the ability will manifest itself in writing journalism. Lovers of elegant prose are distinguished by a highly developed lower part of the palm with the dominant mounts of Venus and the Moon. The angle of sound located at the base of the thumb will indicate the presence of poetic abilities, since the poet needs a sense of rhyme and rhythm.

  1. Acting abilities.

The long upper phalanx of the little finger symbolizes emotionality and sensuality. A real actor is endowed with such character traits. His fingers are unusually smooth, even, pointed, indicating the ability to freely express the widest range feelings.

A wide hand in combination with the above signs will indicate a self-confident, punchy character. And this is very necessary for an artist to achieve success.

  1. Musical talents.

A talented singer can be recognized by his fingers. They should be moderately long with rounded ends. The strong mount of Venus proves strong love to music.

Large Mount of the Moon - craving for musical harmony. In order to become famous, a person must have a long Apollo finger and a well-developed mount.

  1. Dancing talents.

Talented dancers are very rhythmic and have a sense of tact. That is why you can determine your dancing abilities using signs on your hand, practicality and sounds. They are located at the base of the thumb, like lines in the form of angles.

A dancer also needs to be resilient and energetic. Such traits are dominant if the life line is characteristically deep. This line originates between the index and thumb and is directed towards the wrist.

An unusually wide, large palm will indicate strength. A person will throw himself headlong into the world of dance if the hills of the Moon and Venus are high and strong.

Have you ever thought that a hairdresser is a dangerous profession? We've all been to a hairdresser at least once in our lives, and most of us believe that snapping scissors doesn't require much effort. However, the peculiarities of the hairdressing profession are such that already at a young age, many hairstyle designers suffer from serious chronic diseases that they received at work and from which they often have disabilities. Let's consider why a hairdresser loses his health.

Ben Mones, designer, art director/technologist and distributor for Jojo haircosmetic

Features of the hairdresser's profession that undermine his health

Loyalty to his beloved clients and his profession often costs a hairdresser an exorbitant price - disability from illnesses he received at work. Today, the hairdressing profession ranks 11th in the world in the ranking of the most popular professions that attract young people. The education of a young apprentice hairdresser lasts on average about three years; in Germany, for example, today there are more than 125 thousand employed hairdressers. But, unfortunately, many hairdressing designers are forced to part with what they love, and the reason for this is severely deteriorating health.

The peculiarities of the hairdresser's profession allow us to distinguish two groups of factors that negatively affect his health:

  • problems with the skin and respiratory system caused by specialist contacts with various chemicals which he uses in his work;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system caused by working with constant muscle tension and in uncomfortable positions.

As for the first group of factors, they are relatively obvious: the peculiarities of the hairdresser’s profession force him to constantly deal with hair dyes and various chemicals (including in aerosol form) that are used for styling). Dust, vapors, powders, spray particles enter the body, lead to headaches, irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and cause the development of bronchial asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease.

Besides, constant contact with water, wet hair and chemicals during bleaching or dyeing it becomes a severe stress for the skin, the cause of allergic and dermatological diseases on the skin, causing unbearable itching and turning work into torture.

With regard to the second group of factors, the reasons for the destructive effect on the health of hairdressers are not so obvious. However, according to occupational disease statistics, hairdressers and cosmetologists account for 47.3% of patients who consult a doctor with back pain. Representatives of other professions, such as salespeople, technicians and managers, complain of back pain much less frequently - about 34.4%. In the list of reasons that lead to disability of hairdressers, diseases of the musculoskeletal system come first. According to researchers, such diseases develop due to the fact that the characteristics of the profession require one-sidedly tense and uncomfortable postures during washing and cutting hair, tension in the lower back, sudden movements of the hands in the shoulder area, and overstrain of the joints of the hands.

Let us also remember that the hairdresser often acts as an adviser, comforter, and psychotherapist for the client. A wash, a haircut, and a style are not all that people expect when they go to a hairdresser. They are waiting for a show, waiting for a miracle, waiting for a confidential conversation. And all this - through suffering with a back sore from tension and hands sore from chemicals.

Wave your hand: features of the profession and joint problems

It may seem surprising to some, but such a joint problem as “tennis elbow” is characteristic not only of athletes, but also of hairdressers. This problem arises due to constant tension in the shoulders and wrists, due to working in a position where the arms are bent at the elbows and raised above shoulder level. The peculiarity of the profession is that from this tense position - when cutting, coloring and drying hair, when winding curlers on the client's hair - the hairdresser must sharply lower and raise his arms above shoulder level, hold them in this position for a long time, and then sharply lower and raise them again – and all this with a tool in hand.

If such hand movements and posture changes are performed repeatedly over a long period, then anatomical changes occur in the elbow and shoulder joints, in the wrist, and painful deviations begin at the physiological level, when other organs suffer due to excessive tension in the shoulder joint. Hairdressers complain to the doctor about spasms and severe pain in joints and muscles, and they are often diagnosed with bursitis. Moreover, constant overload and the resulting inflammatory processes can even lead to osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.

Keeping your back: problems with the spine caused by the peculiarities of the profession

Hairdressers are characterized by “turtle neck” syndrome, when the cervical spine shifts forward. This incorrect head position is often combined with a rounded back and the development of a stoop, since the specifics of the profession often require being in an inclined position while washing and cutting the client's hair. In this case, the hairdresser is often forced to lean far forward and then rise sharply back. It is known that some specialists tried to alleviate the condition of the back by doing part of the work sitting on a chair, but this position rather aggravated the condition, since it forced the back and arms raised at the elbows to strain. Thus, the pathological curvature of the spine in the lumbar region (lordosis) becomes another professional disease of the hairdresser.

Let us note that even the most general view of the problem of occupational diseases of hairdressers requires an attempt to attract the attention of specialists - both designers and doctors of relevant specializations - to develop measures to prevent diseases that destroy the health of professionals in this industry. It may be necessary to develop a set of special rules that allow alternative movements that do not lead to a destructive effect on the body of young specialists and preserve their health.

When choosing a profession, we are mainly guided by the level of salary or the prestige of the specialty, but we think little about how our decision will affect. Any profession leads to wear and tear on the busiest parts of the body. The weak point of teachers, artists and leaders at any level is the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems; physically overloaded people more often complain of diseases of the joints and spine; drivers - for sciatica and prostatitis, and white-collar workers and accountants - for problems with nerves and heart.

What profession, such and... diseases

What professional risks should be taken into account when choosing a particular job?
Teacher: various disorders nervous system, migraines, laryngitis and pharyngitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, myopia (myopia).
Doctor: infectious diseases(tuberculosis, hepatitis), heart disease (after 50 years, more than half of surgeons die from myocardial infarction or vascular lesions of the brain), depression, Parkinson's disease.
Programmer, PC operator, accountant : diseases of the spine (usually in the cervical region), tenosynovitis (inflammation and swelling of the tendons of the hand, the wrist and elbow joints may also be affected), bursitis (inflammation of the synovial bursa), blurred vision and “dry” eyes, hemorrhoids.
Manager, leader: chronic fatigue syndrome, heart and vascular disease, hypertension, neuroses, diseases respiratory system, decreased immunity.
Driver: diseases of the spine (mainly radiculitis), chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers, diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs, prostatitis, infertility, constipation.
Hairdresser: allergic diseases and bronchial asthma, varicose veins, diseases of the finger joints.
Seller, cook: diseases of the legs and veins (as a complication - trophic ulcers and thrombophlebitis).
Pilot, train or metro driver: hearing loss (cochlear neuritis), vibration disease, eye diseases.
Actor, musician: diseases of the nervous system and throat, depression, alcoholism.
Diver: decompression (caisson) illness, otitis, traumatic rupture of the eardrum and barotrauma of the inner ear.
Blacksmith, steelmaker, glass blower: heat damage, metabolic disorders and water-salt balance.
Miner, grinder, electric welder: respiratory diseases.

Is it possible to prevent the development of the disease through reasonable prevention?

Victims of a sedentary lifestyle

Their occupational diseases are a consequence of a latent stress state and uneven loads associated with monotonous, monotonous work: behind a factory conveyor belt, in front of a computer screen, at a table with various “pieces of paper”, etc. The main disadvantage of such work is a significant reduction motor activity and a labor regime that is more reminiscent of the operation of machines and units.
The cardiovascular system primarily suffers from such conditions. But it is precisely this vital mechanism that requires special care. The heart muscle, like any other, needs training: if it is not forced to work, it becomes sluggish and inert, and vice versa: maintaining constant activity of the heart muscle increases its endurance.
In addition, if a person sits most of the working time, his diaphragm does not expand completely: its size decreases by 2–3 cm (with a maximum volume of 8–10 cm). As a result, this most important muscle of our body “gets used” to using its full potential, and a person’s breathing becomes difficult.
Weakness, blurred vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears, paralysis of the limbs, migraine attacks, sharp pain in the chest and arms, often mistaken for symptoms of heart disease or inflammation of the joint capsule, can be triggered by incorrect posture and spasms of the neck muscles.
No specific preventive measures injuries and serious medical problems cannot be avoided.
For the entire circulatory system in general and blood vessels in particular, the greatest benefits come from sports associated with constant long-term stress on the entire body: jogging, swimming, skiing, cycling, gymnastics. The most important thing is that movement and exercise are regular and enjoyable.
Movement allows you to get rid of excess weight, normalizes blood pressure and blood fat levels. The supporting muscles are better supplied with blood, and nerves and muscles interact more effectively. This reduces the need for oxygen in the muscles and relieves the heart of unnecessary work.

Diseases of physical overload

For those people whose work involves intense physical labor, problems of a different order arise. Significant physical overload and non-compliance with labor safety regulations sometimes become decisive factor in the development of diseases of the spine, joints, ligaments and muscles, etc.
Prolonged neck tension has an adverse effect on blood vessels and nerves: tense muscles compress them and interfere with normal blood flow. Falls, back bruises, vibration, and working in one static position can also contribute to damage to the spine or individual vertebrae and nerves, which can lead to radiculitis and even plexitis - a disease of the plexus of the roots of the spinal nerves and their trunks. Carrying a significant load on your hands in front of you contributes to the appearance of an abdominal wall hernia.
When doing physical work with emphasis on the forearm, elbows, or palms, the ulnar nerve is often affected, and when working while sitting on your knees or squatting, the peroneal nerve of the lower extremities is often affected. If you have to work with your arms raised for a long time, pain may appear in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and neck.
In general, signs of physical overload can be: shortness of breath, pain and discomfort in the area of ​​working muscles, nausea, discoloration of the skin, dry mouth, flashing “spots” before the eyes, dizziness, hand tremors, blurred movements, lethargy and irritability, decreased activity labor. If such signs appear, you should definitely rest. Systematic overload, accompanied by such symptoms, is very unfavorable for health.

To prevent intervertebral disc displacement before lifting weights, it is useful to inhale and hold your breath, as athletes do when lifting a barbell. At the same time, you need to bend your legs at the knees, trying to tilt your spine less; and it is better to turn only after the load has been lifted.
It is undesirable to make sudden body movements such as twisting an axis; you should not stand on straight legs for a long time; you need to periodically relax them one by one.
At physical activity To prevent hernias and radiculitis, thick, wide belts, weightlifting belts, etc. can be useful, but tightening the lower back should not be excessively tight.
It is more useful to carry bags on a belt and change hands. Sometimes it is more expedient to use a backpack with wide straps to carry heavy objects, and the load should be located evenly on both sides;
It is not advisable to start work on an empty stomach, but you should not overeat either.
Useful as a “smoke break” leisure: breathing exercises, relaxation of loaded muscles with shaking and stroking, light kneading. Sometimes, during physical overload, rest for 1–2 days is necessary to restore strength.

Alcoholism as an occupational disease?

In the UK, they analyzed which professions contribute to the development of alcoholism and bring people to an early grave. Here's the rating.

Men and women who work with alcohol drink more than others - bartenders, waiters, establishment owners .

In second place - actresses, secretaries and hairdressers.

Third place shared sailors and military . They're coming for them mid-level civil servants, musicians, construction workers, journalists, security guards, bailiffs .

And here least likely to die from alcohol abuse - in English farmers, high-tech managers, clergy, teachers, educators and nannies. Professionals are less prone to alcoholism drivers and doctors .

Are there professions for such people - people who need constant variety, change, movement? Or will you simply be forced, as adults say, to calm down and settle down?

Of course, you will have to make a decision in any case, because every profession requires responsibility and the performance of certain professional functions, whether you want it or not. But you can still try find a compromise between your temperament and reality. It is difficult to completely remake yourself, because such inconstancy is largely an innate property. Instability of interests, speed of switching of attention, increased emotionality are characteristic of people with a choleric temperament- Monotonous, monotonous work is truly contraindicated for them. I will offer several options that are suitable for such people.


Perhaps this is the type of activity that, if desired, gives the opportunity to work in a very diverse way. In the printed publication, on television, on the radio, in the electronic publication, in the press service and PR service of the organization, the specifics of journalistic work differ. When changing jobs, a journalist receives completely new tasks each time. He also has quite wide choose objects of labor. Yes, as a journalist, you, one way or another, work with the word - but you can talk about both people and theater premieres, both scientific achievements and economic news... A journalist has the opportunity with every new material to immerse yourself in a completely new and unfamiliar world. And the activity itself varies from intensive communication (note: again with the most different people) to quiet research work with documents. Such diversity is perhaps not found in any other profession.

Event organizer

If you are a sociable, sociable person, consider becoming a holiday organizer. This includes working with customers, directly holding the event, and intensive organizational activities. And creativity: for each order you have to develop a unique script. Holidays follow each other quickly, and there is an opportunity to switch to the next order - there is no time to be bored.


In general, any creative profession gives you a better chance of not getting bored - actor, artist, director, musician, photographer, designer, image maker... Traditionally, work on television is also considered quite varied.

Project Manager

Not long ago, the profession of project manager appeared. The task of such a specialist is to launch a business project from scratch. Each time the specifics of the project change: today this person organizes a recruitment agency, tomorrow - a cosmetology clinic, and the day after tomorrow - a furniture production workshop. You need to quickly understand the intricacies of a new business, select the appropriate specialists, and solve everything organizational matters. After the project is clearly organized, the manager moves on to the next one, leaving current tasks to other specialists.


A constant change of impressions is also ensured in professions associated with traveling around the country and the world: guide, geologist, geographer, archaeologist...


Good teachers and educators also say that there is never a dull moment in their profession: every day presents new challenges, each child requires an individual approach.

But at the other pole are professions for which, alas, monotony and monotony are more typical: work with documents (archivist, storekeeper, librarian, operators of various mechanisms, bank teller, accountant), work as a transport driver, cashier, proofreader, laboratory assistant.

Does the above mean that when choosing one of the recommended professions, you guarantee yourself: “I will never get tired of it”? Of course not. Yes, these professions provide more chances for varied activities, but then everything depends only on the person himself.

After all, in fact, almost any profession can be perceived as boring and monotonous, or as exciting and versatile. This largely depends on the mood, on the approach to business.

You might even get bored interesting job- even by the very fact of its diversity. And at the same time, you can develop in every business, mastering new facets of skill. In any profession, you can get stuck in a routine, but you can add a dose of creativity to your work. If there is movement, change, you won’t be bored. Waiting for someone to come and diversify your life is pointless. You can put it this way: you quickly get bored with something that you don’t put your soul into, a part of yourself. You will always quickly get bored with what is being done because “that’s the way it is,” “that’s the way it’s supposed to be,” everything that is somehow imposed and not consciously chosen. Take this into account when choosing a profession.

And one last thing. If you feel “bored” every month or two, no matter what you undertake, then you should take a closer look at yourself and look for the reasons for this situation. In addition to the points described above, think about this. Maybe you use the word “tired” to cover up your disappointment when you haven’t achieved the desired success in your activities? Or do you quickly get “bored” of everything exactly at the moment when you encounter the first difficulties? Or maybe it’s just overload, and general fatigue takes its toll, which also very often makes you feel like you’re “tired of everything.” Or is this a search for some kind of essence? Well, look for her! After all, what exactly is it that bores you? Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly. Only then can you do conscious choice. Good luck!

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