DIY metal frame house. Cottages. Distinctive features of frame houses

Low-rise metal frame houses are popular all over the world. According to statistics, housing construction on a metal profile frame occupies 80% of all buildings. The main consumer regions of this technology are Scandinavia, the USA, and Canada.

Such houses have many advantages compared to capital buildings and houses built on a wooden frame.

Distinctive features of metal frame houses:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • short construction periods of buildings;
  • inertness to weather and climatic conditions;
  • low cost;
  • resistance to heat loss;
  • high fire safety;
  • seismic resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • freedom in choosing architectural solutions;
  • non-shrink technology.

The iron frame, its elements - light steel thin-walled structures, consists of galvanized profiles and thermal profiles, fastening strips and plates for assembling the frame, different types corners. They are not subject to rotting, withstand temperature changes, precipitation, and are resistant to the elements. A steel profile can serve as the basis of a structure without damage for more than 100 years.

It is possible to construct a building on a frame made of LSTK within a month. The parts of the building base are lightweight, which eliminates the use of lifts and cranes. Fastening of frame parts is carried out using threaded connections. These include: self-drilling or tapping screws, bolted connections.

Features of houses on a metal frame

Frame house construction not tied to the climate in the region. A metal frame for a house can be assembled in any climate zone; the main condition for weather conditions is comfort for the workers performing the installation.

The emergence and development of technology for the construction of residential buildings on metal frames is caused by the need to quickly erect low-rise buildings from materials cheaper than wood and the ability to establish industrial production frame parts.

Final cost frame house made of metal profiles and sandwich panels is significantly lower than construction made of brick, aerated concrete blocks, wood and ceramic blocks.

High thermal insulation characteristics structures are provided with high-quality insulation. Heating such buildings is much easier and more economical. The heat transfer resistance of a 25 cm thick frame wall is equal to that of 1.5 m thick masonry.

Sandwich panels used in frame construction use mineral wool insulation. Its temperature range is -60…+400ᵒС. The characteristics of wall panels make the house resistant to acids and other aggressive environments, temperature changes, and fire. The material from which they are made does not accumulate moisture and is resistant to damage by rodents and microorganisms.

Mineral wool insulation is natural and environmentally friendly. Frame elements made from LSTC can be reused. This property is highly valued by mining companies that build rotational camps. This causes less damage to the regional ecology.

Due to the light weight of the base and sandwich panels, the buildings do not shrink. In buildings built using this technology, it is possible to use different architectural possibilities, since spans without installation intermediate supports can reach 14-24 m.

Disadvantages of a metal profile frame

Base from metal parts has several disadvantages.

  1. In the event of a fire, the galvanized iron base loses its rigidity, the building twists in a spiral, it falls and warps. This feature reduces the evacuation time for residents. Wooden beam, as opposed to iron, is charred under the influence of fire, but maintains its shape.
  2. The complexity of installing built-in furniture and household appliances. To solve the problem, at the design stage, houses are determined with their installation locations, which are reinforced with additional profiles and wooden panels.
  3. Limited number of floors in the building and the inability to use heavy building materials.
  4. High conductivity electric current metal frame. Protection against this problem is the potential balancing system.

Manufacturing and installation of frames from LSTK

The skeleton of the house is made of C- and U-profiles. They are connected with self-tapping screws. The pitch between the racks is 600-1000 mm. It takes into account the dimensions of the insulation panels and allows you to conveniently attach other finishing materials.

If a house is being built according to an individual project, then after its development and approval of all the nuances for the placement of furniture and household appliances In the premises of the future building, a 3D model of the house is made. This allows customers to see the final result in miniature. Upon completion of the registration process project documentation the drawings are transferred to the plant that produces metal frame parts.

On the production line, each part is manufactured separately, numbered, and packaged. Finished parts are equipped with holes for fastenings and engineering Communication. To install the skeleton of the house, the base parts include connecting elements.

Buildings based on individual projects are much more expensive than houses made according to standard designs. To reduce the cost of housing construction, you can use a standard project with a frame made of thermoprofile or light steel thin-walled structures according to Canadian technology. What distinguishes it from other technologies for the rapid construction of buildings is its frame made of light reinforced concrete and special SIP panels, which have special thermal insulation characteristics.

In the case of housing construction standard project the customer receives a finished frame of a certain size and shape. The base parts are labeled and packaged according to the house drawings.

As insulation, in addition to mineral wool, you can use:

  • basalt slabs;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • ecowool.

Brick and porcelain stoneware are used to decorate the exterior walls of the house. Hinged ventilated facades are often used as finishing for the facades of frame buildings. various types. Finishing materials such as siding and block house are becoming increasingly popular. Plastering and painting facade walls have not lost their relevance.

Complete with frame parts and connecting elements, the customer receives a description of the project, recommendations and instructions for assembling the frame, and a specification of all elements.

Frame construction is a relatively new direction on the Russian market. Quick construction of a house frame from profile pipe or wooden beams makes this technology popular for the construction of housing and small-sized architectural forms.

The profile pipe has its own advantages and application features, and structures frame type have many advantages.

Brief information about frame construction

In the first stages of development, metal frame construction was used only in the construction industrial buildings. Workshops, warehouses and hangars were built on frames made of profile pipes or channels.

In the process of technology evolution, it has become possible to use a frame made of corrugated pipe for the construction of the following objects:

  • Low-rise residential premises (construction of no more than 3 floors is allowed).
  • Cottages.
  • Buildings for commercial use (shop, cafe, gas station, office space).
  • Public buildings.

The main advantages of houses on a metal frame

The technology of building houses based on metal frames is used all over the world. This technology is most widespread in the USA, Japan and Western Europe. Residential buildings in these countries built using frame technology occupy an average of about 60%, and such construction continues to grow.

Frame houses have the following advantages:

  • Low cost. Compared to buildings in the construction of which they used traditional technology, frame houses do not require large expenses. However, it is worth remembering that a frame made of wooden beams will cost less than a similar structure made of a profile pipe. Also cost metal elements for the frame depends on the cross-section of the pipe.
  • Fast construction. Residential buildings using frame technology are built faster than with traditional construction. Using a profile pipe as the main material for the frame, you can reduce the construction time of housing by several times.
  • Elimination of wet processes. The frame of a house from a profile pipe allows you to build houses all year round in any weather. The only exception is the arrangement of the foundation. Although, you can make a columnar foundation from plastic pipes with your own hands, which is very practical.
  • No shrinkage. Frame houses do not require time for shrinkage either during construction processes or during the operation of the building.
  • Low labor costs. You can build a house frame from a profile pipe with your own hands. To build a house using frame technology, you will need the services of just a few assistants. In this case, it is possible to complete the main construction of the house within one month. Only the finishing inside the house will remain. At the same time, traditional construction is simply impossible under such conditions.

Along with many positive characteristics, frame buildings There are also disadvantages. The main disadvantage of the technology used to build a house from professional pipes is the complex design. To correctly calculate the load on a profile pipe in a certain place in the house, you will need the help of a professional. Only he can accurately calculate the weight that a profile pipe can withstand.

It is also difficult to independently select the cross-section and thickness of the material and calculate the size of the profile pipe. It is worth considering that the calculation of wooden beams is much simpler.

It is impossible not to mention problems with thermal insulation. Being a kind of cold bridge, the metal frame requires more high-quality insulation. And this inevitably leads to additional costs.

Technology for constructing a metal frame house

The apparent simplicity of the house on metal frame- it's just an illusion. In fact, the design of such buildings is quite complex. Its main elements can be called:

  • Foundation of the house. You can use lightweight types of foundation, but this part cannot be neglected. A foundation is not required for transported buildings, which include greenhouses or greenhouses. In this case, the calculation of the profile pipe is carried out with appropriate adjustments.
  • Metal carcass. For the construction of this part of the building, a profile pipe having square section 10*10 cm or 6*6 cm. You can determine the required pipe dimensions using a profile pipe calculator, taking the dimensions of the house under construction.
  • Wall cladding inside the house. The best option for interior decoration is a tongue-and-groove board 4-6 cm wide from coniferous trees. The material must be treated with antiseptic compounds and solutions that prevent fire.
  • Subfloor and finishing. The logs are laid from a similar profile pipe, a subfloor made of boards is laid on top of them and covered with any profile coating.
  • Insulation. The most popular material for insulating a frame house is extruded polystyrene foam 6-10 cm thick. For additional insulation For a frame made of a profile pipe, you can use strips of penoizol.
  • Finishing the external parts of the house. For execution finishing works can be used outside the building facade plaster or siding. With a sufficient construction budget, the possibility of finishing the house with natural wood is not excluded.
  • Roof. The roof frame of their profile pipe can be erected as a separate structure or as one of the frame elements. Depending on the roofing material and the installation angle of the roof rafters, the pipe parameters are calculated. The lighter the roofing material and larger angle between the rafters, the thinner the pipe can be used.

Stages of construction of a frame house

Houses made from profile pipes are built with your own hands in a certain sequence:

  • Foundation. For the construction of frame houses, you can use a permanent concrete frame foundation, as well as a non-permanent one, for example, on screw piles. Houses on the second type of foundation can be transported, as they are transportable.
  • Frame installation. At this stage it is allowed to use ready-made frames factory production. To assemble such frames, no welding is required; all elements are connected using screws. Not excluded self-construction frame made of profile pipe. In this case, it is important not only to monitor the relative position of the elements, but also to control the quality of the connections. It is these places that are considered the weakest point when constructing frame houses from profile pipes. Installation work must be performed in a bottom-up direction. In this case, racks and columns are installed first, for the connection of which horizontal elements from tubes of smaller cross-section are used. To strengthen vertical elements, braces are used.
  • Roof installation. The roofing part is installed at the very last stage of the main construction. In this case, the construction team can be divided into two parts: one is engaged in the roofing, the other moves on to insulation and finishing.
  • After completing the installation of the frame, you can begin interior decoration.

According to experts in the field of architecture, metal frame technologies will take a leading position in the future. This means that building a frame house from a profile pipe with your own hands allows you to gain certain skills that can be useful not only for personal purposes, but also as an additional specialty.

Frame houses are popular in Lately, and the materials used to make them are varied.

The main criteria underlying the selection of building materials are sufficient strength, durability, safety for human life, water resistance, heat protection, and high stability To . Standard option- This . About 85% of residents of European countries and the USA live in frame-type houses with metal profiles. In Russian regions earlier steel frame used in the construction of production facilities, warehouse hangars and workshops. Today it is most often used in the construction of residential buildings.

The base of this type of house is made entirely of metal. The frame of all floors is made from it, as well as. The thickness of the profiles used, and their shape for each specific case their own, because they experience different external loads.

These buildings have certain features:

  • a lightweight metal frame for a house significantly reduces the weight of the structure;
  • accelerated construction time: due to the straightness of the steel profile, you do not need a level, a special square, a plumb line and a drill;
  • reliable insulation protects against thermal shocks.

Typically, the space between everyone wall panels filled with foam concrete or aerated concrete. You can use polyurethane foam insulation. For this purpose, a certain spraying method is used.

The space that we filled should form a special dense layer that reliably and efficiently retains heat. It is necessary to fill all cavities inside the metal profiles with foam, and that’s it. problem areas. Insulation material have to go High Quality and when hardened, form a dense coating.

Stone finishing

To decorate the frame walls of a house, all common finishing building materials are used.

For their decoration, you can only use painting and plaster. An original solution will be finished under a natural stone.

Finishing with silicate or decorative bricks, .

Cost of a frame house made of metal profile

The cost of a house with a metal frame will consist of the cost of the following important indicators:

  • project;
  • materials;
  • construction and installation works.

When purchasing a specific house assembly, the price will decrease due to the elimination of individual plan development. But even a standard common project has its own price. The cost of building materials and work does not exceed the price of wooden houses.

For example, the cost two-story house 6x6 m of panels with a rough finish will cost about 700 thousand rubles. If you choose to assemble it yourself, you can save a lot.

Prefabricated frame structures are the main type of low-rise buildings in Germany, Canada, Finland, USA, and Scandinavia. IN European countries The share of frame buildings accounts for about 80%, in North America about 1.5 million residential buildings of this type are built annually. Based on the experience of foreign colleagues, taking into account modern developments and innovative methods construction, Russian designers are increasingly using the technology of constructing frame buildings from light steel thin-walled structures (LSTC) in domestic housing construction every year.

Metal carcass

Low-rise frame houses made of wood, brick or reinforced concrete have been successfully built by humans for more than a thousand years. High performance, strength, reliability and durability of the metal “skeleton” of the building determine the active use of this construction technology. Modern anti-corrosion agents, as well as the fact that the frame is almost completely hidden facing materials and is not subject to destructive influences environment, ensure the operation of a metal frame building for at least 100 years.

The metal base of the structure consists of vertical racks, rafters, horizontal crossbars and other parts, firmly connected by bolts and filled with highly effective insulation, increasing the energy efficiency of the house. At manufacturing plants, thin-walled metal profiles are processed by hot galvanizing and coated with anti-corrosion compounds. A metal frame, manufactured according to a standard design or taking into account the wishes of the customer, makes it possible to build houses of any size, various shapes and configurations. Huge selection finishing materials allows you to create a unique building exterior and inimitable stylistic design inside the house.

Advantages of metal frame construction

Main advantage frame construction- short construction time. According to the finished project, a house made of metal frame can be built in 3-4 weeks. Construction of a cottage using complex custom development fits within 6-9 weeks.

Other advantages of a metal frame:

  • In the process of developing a building project, the weight of the building is known, which makes it possible exact calculation necessary materials to install the foundation.
  • All parts of a frame building, manufactured in one production facility, are easily combined with each other.
  • The lightness and compactness of the design elements eliminates the need to use expensive freight transport during transportation and special construction equipment for loading and installation work.
  • No waste or debris is generated during construction.
  • Absence mortars, requiring time and temperature regime for hardening, makes metal frame construction possible at any time of the year.
  • Large spans are installed without the use of additional supporting structures.
  • Installation of building elements is easy and quick using bolted connections.
  • Prefabricated metal frame technology allows any layout of the interior space.
  • Metal frame buildings are environmentally friendly and fireproof.


Development individual project houses made of metal frames are a very expensive pleasure. Highly qualified architects of a specialization that is still rare in Russia take part in the painstaking work on the calculations.

Detailed and calculated finished project houses on a metal frame posted on the Internet are now not uncommon. It is much cheaper to adapt an already created structure to suit your interests. For example, you can increase the area of ​​the entire suburban property, move a wall, move the entrance, add windows, change the shape of the stairs or increase the height of the ceilings by paying a small amount for changes in the plan of a metal frame house. Photos of the finished building will help solve the issue of wall decoration.

Frame assembly

Parts manufactured at the factory with extreme precision are marked in accordance with the “skeleton” assembly diagram. The construction of a house from a metal frame is facilitated by the fact that each element and hole strictly corresponds to the approved project. To assemble a strong frame of the building does not require special skills and complex instruments: no need to measure, cut, or adjust anything.

Low-rise private metal-frame houses are usually assembled by a team of 3-5 people. Transverse frames are assembled using bolted connections from vertical posts and horizontal crossbars, which are installed on the foundation. The design strength of the structure is given by ties and braces attached to the frames. Then the wall and roof purlins, frames for doors and windows are installed. The assembled supporting frame is filled with insulation and lined.

The cost of 1 m2 in a multi-storey metal frame building is reduced by approximately 20-30%, and the speed of construction of a residential building is 3 times faster. The construction of houses made of metal frames with high heat-saving indicators makes it possible to use economical LGST technology in the cold regions of the Far North.


The best option for installing a lightweight metal frame structure is a strip or pile-strip shallow foundation made of concrete. A simple reinforced concrete support can support a cottage of 2-3 floors. Simultaneously with laying the foundation, the necessary communications for the house are carried out: water supply and sewerage.

Wall installation

Thermal conductivity index of thin and light fencing wall structures comparable to the same parameter of a 50 cm thick brick wall. Residents of metal frame houses note that in frosty conditions the walls quickly warm up and do not cool down for a long time, holding internal heat. And in summer the rooms are fresh and cool. The hermetic and tight connection of all elements of the building prevents moisture from getting inside. The building assembly technology provides access to any part of the frame or enclosing structure. If necessary, you can easily replace the sheathing or part of the damaged insulation yourself.

When installing enclosing structures, various materials are used for their finishing:

  • Sandwich panels. Time-tested, warm and durable, fire-resistant and environmentally friendly sandwich panels consist of galvanized profiled sheets with polymer coating and filling made of polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam. The manufacturer produces panels of the appropriate size and, at the request of the customer, paints them at the factory.
  • Prefabricated structures. External side The walls are sheathed with corrugated sheets and insulation is laid. Using mineral wool necessary waterproofing layer. The inner side is sewn up with a board. Labor-intensive process guarantees high level thermal insulation.
  • Heat blocks. Modern lightweight multilayer material consists of insulation and two layers of expanded clay concrete: porous inside and high-density outside. The surface of the heat block does not require additional processing. It is enough to paint the outer part of the wall with a spray gun in your favorite color. Heat blocks are laid on special glue or cement mortar. With horizontal reinforcement every 4 rows of metal frame house can be of any height.

External and internal wall decoration

A durable metal frame house does not shrink and can withstand earthquakes up to magnitude 9. Decorative finishing The outer surface of the walls of such a house performs only an aesthetic function. Wide choose finishing materials allows you to give the house uniqueness and extravagance. From modern materials Finishing with slabs imitating natural stone and hinged ventilated facades made of fiber cement boards are very popular.

Internal wooden surface It is enough to treat the walls with an antiseptic and varnish or impregnate them with glaze azure. It is also possible to use any paint and varnish mixtures, wallpapering or finishing with decorative tiles.

Roof of a frame house

On a metal roof profile finished house from a metal frame, no matter flat or with slopes, with inside insulation is installed, vapor barrier material and is covered with plasterboard, less often plywood or board is used. Wind-waterproof fabric is laid on top of the profile, wooden sheathing, and the roof is covered with any roofing material: metal or ceramic tiles, ondulin, folded and so on.

Use of metal frames

Not only private houses on a metal frame are built using light steel thin-walled structures. The construction of buildings with wide spans without additional supports makes it possible to use this technology in the construction of garages, hangars, production workshops, warehouse complexes, shopping pavilions, sports facilities, agricultural buildings for keeping poultry, small and large livestock. Economical prefabricated buildings are characterized by high strength, low weight and mobility.

Recently in residential buildings And administrative buildings practical and comfortable stairs on a metal frame. Covered with plasterboard, wood or metal-plastic, they have no restrictions when choosing a shape and configuration.

Having experience construction work, pouring the foundation and assembling a house from a metal frame with your own hands will not be difficult. A exterior finishing and decorating the rooms of a self-built home will bring great pleasure.

Construction is always associated with large expenses and a lot of problems. It seems that this will last forever. This is what clients thought before, when they were not familiar with the technique of building houses from LSTK.

Today, the technology for constructing inexpensive panel-frame houses allows you to buy or build them on a turnkey basis in a matter of days, and what is most important is that you can live in it permanently, without moving to a city apartment for the winter.

Turnkey house made of metal frame

Buying a frame house does not always mean purchasing finished building. Selling a house sometimes comes down to delivery to the site. In this case, the buyer is responsible for assembly and finishing independently.

The cost of the “turnkey house” service is the price of the project plus the house kit (frame, fastening materials). Additional work(assembly, finishing inside, outside, etc.) the client chooses at his own discretion.

Which is better: buy a house kit or ready house

The company "Euro Stroy" is engaged in the sale, as well as their turnkey construction. The client is free to choose the project and materials. He decides what kind of house it will be: small one-story dacha or beautiful house 6 by 8 m with an attic. It is noteworthy that in both cases it will be an economical option for a residential building when compared with the cost of a similar structure made from other materials. By choosing the “turnkey house” option, you:

  • You don’t risk making mistakes when assembling the frame;
  • Don't waste time on construction;
  • Completely rely on the experience of employees;
  • You can control the process at all stages of construction;
  • You receive a finished house on an empty plot 8-16 weeks after laying the foundation;
  • Do not pay for the delivery of finishing materials;
  • You get a guarantee.

We build comfortable houses from a special thermal profile - you see the options in the photo. Let us decorate your home beautifully decorative panels German company Döcke Extrusion. You cannot distinguish it from an expensive elite brick cottage. We will adapt the project to any layout. Let's arrange separate room under the pool or winter Garden. We will create an elegant terrace with a balcony, professionally glaze the windows or make panoramic glazing. For convenience, we will add a garage and provide heating. The main thing is that it will take a maximum of 2 months. The final deadline will depend on the complexity of the project. .

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