An example of the dendrology section in project documentation. Dendrology and dendrological plan. What is dendrological examination

Dendrology is the science of woody plants, their biological, economically useful and decorative properties, their application and use, which are greatly influenced by anthropogenic factors, the result economic activity person. Plays a huge role in solving important economic problems of improving the composition and increasing the productivity value of our natural forests, creating shelterbelts, strengthening mountain slopes, and serving as the basis for the use of various tree species when creating forest parks, parks and urban plantings, landscaping the construction area.

Dendrology data allows you to correctly solve the following problems:

  • select an assortment woody plants when creating parks, squares, forest parks, street plantings, windbreaks, taking into account soil - climatic conditions area of ​​the facility location;
  • improving the species composition of natural forests;
  • conservation of valuable, endangered species of woody plants.

For all types of design construction documentation, the classic dendrological part of the project, which includes dendrological plan, calculation of the compensation cost and the cost of compensatory landscaping, as well as a transfer sheet indicating the location of all trees and shrubs growing on the territory.

The dendrological plan is a special topographic map of the site with a detailed designation of the number of trees and shrubs, the perimeter of their placement, as well as species and quality characteristics obtained as a result of geodetic survey, accompanied by a count sheet.

The purpose of developing the dendrology section:

The “Dendrology” plan (section) is being developed in order to minimize the damage that human intervention can cause to the environment of the area where the facility is located, and with the goal of, upon completion of construction or reconstruction, maximizing the consequences of the intervention by planting new woody plants, restoring lawns, parks, public gardens , forest parks, street plantings, etc.

The main tasks solved in the process of developing the dendrology section:

  • Examination of all trees and shrubs located on the territory, their number, species, as well as their condition.
  • Providing recommendations regarding the conservation, cutting down or replanting of trees.
  • Drawing up a tally sheet indicating the characteristics of each individual tree.
  • Calculations of financial compensation for removed plants, shrubs and destroyed lawns.
  • Obtaining an expert opinion, which is issued by the Department for the approval and issuance of logging tickets of the Department of Environmental Management and Protection environment.
  • Registration and receipt of a felling ticket.

The development of a dendrological plan is necessary during the construction and reconstruction of buildings, laying utility networks, improvement and landscaping of the territory, as well as when issuing a passport for an existing facility and serves to visually display the actual location and accounting of green spaces of this facility.

The formation of a dendroplan is carried out for administrative, industrial, agricultural, as well as residential buildings on a general plan, construction plan or geological basis.

Based on the dendrological survey, the “Dendrology” section is developed as part of the project documentation and all necessary further approvals are carried out.

Legal basis for the development of the “Dendrology” section

  • GOST R 55935-2013.
  • GOST R 55528-2013.
  • Law of Moscow dated 05.05.1999 No. 17 “On the protection of green spaces.”
  • Decree of the Moscow Government No. 616-PP dated July 29, 2003 “On improving the procedure for compensatory landscaping in Moscow.”
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 30, 2003 “Methodological recommendations for assessing the viability of trees and the rules for their selection and appointment for cutting and replanting.”
  • Methodological recommendations for the preparation of dendrological plans and accounting statements, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of October 4, 2005 N 770-PP).

Initial data for the development of the Dendrology section

  • master plan, with indicated boundaries of the study area;
  • situational plan of the area on a working scale of 1:2000;
  • summary drawing engineering communications and networks when the construction site is located within a populated area;
  • construction master plan;
  • geological basis (in digital modern format);
  • permits for work.

The procedure for development and content of the dendrology section

The materials in the “dendrology” section include the dendroplane itself, a counting sheet, and a felling ticket.

The dendrological plan is the result of research. It is part of the design documentation and consists of the following items: an explanatory note, a counting (inventory) sheet and the main drawing, which is the dendroplane.

A dendroplan is a topological map of a site, on which all existing or planned green spaces, buildings, and communications are plotted. All plants or a group of them are marked with a serial number, which is deciphered in the tally sheet - a document necessarily attached to the dendrological plan.

The accounting sheet is a table indicating tree species, their characteristics (diameter, height, age) and description current state.

The inventory sheet provides objective information about green spaces on the basis of which a conclusion is developed with recommendations for conservation, cutting down, replanting, and crowning. During planned felling valuable species trees that will be recorded in the document must be charged a compensation cost.

Coordination of the dendrology section

  • The department for approval and issuance of logging tickets of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow issues a Conclusion on the dendrological part of the project
  • Receiving a felling ticket.

An application for calculation of the section can be submitted through the feedback form on the website or by phone. The qualifications of our employees allow us to make calculations as quickly, transparently and informatively as possible for your convenience. We guarantee you a 10% discount on the full cost of the work if you have not received from us within 2 hours feedback. To do this, please write to us at [email protected] with a note in the subject line “Dendrology 10% discount”.

Before drawing up a dendrological plan, it is necessary to carry out preparations - determine the type of soil, mark the zones that receive the most sun and those that remain in the shade, and determine the climate zone. For example, Moscow and the Moscow region are in the temperate zone. After this you need to do the following:

  • Mark on the arboretum project all existing and planned buildings, communication lines, paths;
  • Select the areas you want to green;
  • Based on climatic and soil characteristics, select planting material. Remember that a high price will not necessarily mean a good survival rate, but it’s not worth saving either. Also, it is important to know maximum size root system, frost resistance, shade tolerance, species compatibility. Good landscape designer will strive to create a phytocenosis - a community of plants that do not compete with each other. At this stage, it is best to contact a dendrologist.
  • On the dendro project, mark single plantings with a circle, and group ones with a geometric figure in the shape of which they will be planted. All markings must be made for mature plantings.
  • Number the plants and make a list. Enter numbers and landing characteristics there. Also write down their cost, you can take photos of them appearance in adulthood. When purchasing, this will allow you to choose a material with similar characteristics, but at a lower price.

For small area(less than 10 acres) it is possible to develop a dendrological plan yourself. However for maximum effect with a guarantee of planting quality, it is best to contact the company for landscaping work. This way, the quality of the design will allow you not to worry about your summer cottage for a long time.

    accounting of all green spaces located on the construction site and laying communications;

    assessment of the compensation cost of felled trees;

    assessment of the cost of compensatory landscaping;

    coordination of the dendrological part of the project.

Section "Dendrology" is mandatory part of projects new construction or renovation. Sometimes, at the request of the customer, the “Dendrology” section is carried out at the pre-design stage (dendrology of the current situation) in order to maximize the preservation of green spaces during design. The results of the “Dendrology” section are dendroplane And balance sheet tree and shrub vegetation, taking into account its parameters and condition. To complete the “Dendrology” section on pre-project stage a geological basis of the site is required, project stages- construction plan, consolidated plan of utility networks and geological basis of the site. This section is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents.

Compensatory landscaping.
At the design stage, in the areas of compensatory landscaping, it is proposed to plant new trees to replace those cut down on the territory of the project site.

The “Compensatory landscaping” section is carried out at the design stage if it is impossible to:

    planting green spaces on the territory of the designed facility to replace those cut down;

    compensation for cut-down green spaces in cash.

To complete this section you will need:

    situational plan and geological basis for the compensatory landscaping site;

    section “Improvement and landscaping”;

    section "Dendrology" for the main project.

The result of the work is center And landing blueprints compensatory landscaping.

Active regulations to the section “Dendrology” and “Compensatory landscaping”:

    Law of Moscow dated May 5, 1999 No. 17 “On the protection of green spaces” (as amended on November 24, 2004).

    Decree of the Moscow Government dated October 4, 2005 No. 770-PP “On Methodological Recommendations for the Preparation of Dendrological Plans and Accounting Sheets.”

    Decree of the Moscow Government dated July 29, 2003 No. 616-PP “On improving the procedure for compensatory landscaping in the city of Moscow” (as amended on September 21, 2004).

List of documents for drawing up a conclusion on the dendrological part of the project.

    Letter from the customer; contact phone number, full name performer completely

    Construction plan with dendroplan, agreed upon with the legal owners of the territory (the project must clearly indicate the work area and secured territory engineering communications);

    Conclusion on the dendrological part of the project (approvals department);

    Conclusion of the environmental assessment of the department (in case of new construction of utilities)

    Payment order for payment of compensation cost for cut down trees and shrubs, destroyed lawn, grass cover and flower beds;

    A copy of the agreement with a specialized organization for cutting down, replanting and landscaping the territory;

    Transfer addresses agreed upon with the legal owners of the territories;

    Landscaping and landscaping project;

List of documents required for drawing up a conclusion on the dendrological partprojectwhen carrying out capital or current repairs engineering communications.

    Letter from the customer guaranteeing payment; contact phone number, full name performer in full;

    Dendroplan agreed with the legal owner of the territory;

    Statement of green spaces in printed form;

    Territory improvement project;

    Compensatory landscaping project.

List of documents requiredForobtaining a felling ticket for cutting down emergency and dead trees.

    Letter from the balance holder of green spaces; FULL NAME. performer, contact phone number;

    An inspection report of the territory, drawn up by a commission consisting of: legal owners of the territory, representatives of OATI, the Department, a specialized organization carrying out logging;

    A list of green spaces subject to felling and pruning, certified by the signature and seal of the legal owner of the territory;

    Map of the territory where symbols(black circles) shows the trees being cut down, certified by the signature and seal of the legal owner of the territory; white circles – trimming and saving

    Agreement with a specialized organization for cutting down trees;

    contact number

Deep rejuvenating pruning of trees and shrubs can only be done after obtaining a permit (felling ticket) from the Moscow Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Deep rejuvenating pruning of poplars is carried out in autumn-winter period before the start of sap flow.
For sanitary and molding pruning, a felling ticket is not required.

List of documentsForapproval of IRD.

    Cover letter on APU letterhead

    Sketch No. 1, approved in accordance with the established procedure

    APU conclusion

    for inspection of real estate

    according to design conditions

Land survey report.

    Conclusion of the SES

    Basis for the development of the IRD (order of the Ministry of Economic Development, resolution of the Moscow Government, extract from the Protocol of the Commission on Property and Land Relations)

List of documents for obtaining a felling permit associated with new construction and reconstruction (the procedure for approving felling during the implementation of urban planning activities).

    Letter from the customer, contact phone number, full name. performer completely.

    Decree of the Moscow government or order of the prefect administrative district, or another administrative document on a construction permit, adopted in the prescribed manner;

    Lease agreement (reservation act for the design period or certificate, letter on execution of the reservation act);

    Construction plan with dendroplan, agreed with the legal owners of the territory;

    Conclusion of the environmental assessment of the Department or conclusion

    State Environmental Expertise of the Ministry of Natural Resources for Central region;

    Conclusion on the dendrological part of the project;

    Statement of green spaces:

    Payment order for payment (for registration - invoice, for payment of compensation cost - payment order);

    Copies of contracts with organizations for cutting down, replanting and landscaping;

    The act of marking trees to be cut down;

    Addresses for replanting green spaces, agreed with the legal owners of the territory;

    Territory improvement project;

    Compensatory landscaping project.

List of documents
for registration
conclusionson the dendrological part of the project.

    Letter from the customer; with payment guarantee, contact phone number, full name. performer completely

    Decree of the Moscow Government or order of the prefect of the administrative district to maintain construction work

    Conclusion of the Department on IRD;

    Construction plan with dendroplan, agreed with the legal owner of the territory; (with engineering communications and work areas marked on the construction plan)

    Statement of green spaces (compiled by a dendrologist design organization), falling within the work area, compensation cost.

    Addresses for replanting green spaces, agreed upon with the legal owners of the territories;

    Territory improvement project;

    Compensatory landscaping project;

    An inspection report of a land plot at the allotment stage.

Construction planning begins with pre-design surveys, analysis of the land plot and its features. One of the stages design workdendrological examination, the main purpose of which is to determine the age and species of green spaces (trees, shrubs) and their value. Research is carried out when designing large-scale objects and in private construction for Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Russia.

Promterra company carries out geodetic, environmental, geological and dendrological surveys with permission from the Moscow Department of Natural Resources. Professional engineers, geologists, dendrologists and ecologists carry out reconnaissance on the ground, taking measurements and taking samples for laboratory tests to develop project documentation.

Carrying out examinations in engineering dendrology

Conduct dendrological research Companies and organizations that have dendrologist engineers with appropriate qualifications on their staff can. Specialists examine the territory, determine the species composition of vegetation, the number of specimens growing in the studied perimeter.

Main types of dendrological services:

  • inspection of green spaces;
  • drawing up a dendroplan and accounting statements
  • inventory of green spaces;
  • certification of courtyard areas and improvement facilities;
  • registration of a felling ticket (construction) and an order for sanitary felling and reconstruction of green spaces and closure, turnkey;
  • monitoring the condition of green spaces - at permanent observation points (PPP), temporary observation points (TPP), as well as through expert examinations of individual green and natural areas(PEO);
  • landscape design(landscaping).

Before starting design work in Moscow and other Russian cities, it is necessary to decide what exactly will fall into the category of objects being studied. IN standard version These are trees and shrubs, but there are also a number of other plants. These can be subshrubs, tree vines, cushion-shaped and creeping plants.

The main body of work can be divided into the following groups:

  • vegetation inventory;
  • recommendations for preserving individual specimens;
  • compiling an assessment of the compensation cost of cut down shrubs and trees;
  • registration and receipt of logging tickets;
  • passing the state examination.

Dendrological studies of the area involve monitoring in order to determine the general situation at the designed site.

Regulatory provisions for dendrological surveys

Like any kind engineering surveys, dendrological work on the ground is carried out in accordance with the regulatory requirements of surveys. This is also relevant for the procedure for preparing reporting documentation.

The main legislative acts are:

  • “On the protection of green spaces”;
  • "ABOUT methodological recommendations on the preparation of dendrological plans and accounting statements”;
  • GOST R 55528-2013;
  • GOST R 55935-2013, etc.

In accordance with legal requirements, all green spaces that have been cut down must be compensated. This involves restoring plant species with new plantings, which will help maintain the natural balance in the area where construction is planned.

All dendrological work must comply with established regulations and be confirmed by reporting documentation.

Initial and reporting documentation for the territory survey

To order dendrological surveys, the customer must provide a package of initial documentation. It includes the following positions:

  • situational plan of the area;
  • general plan indicating the boundaries of the land plot;
  • construction master plan;
  • new master plan for utility networks.

Based on this documentation, specialists develop a project for carrying out work to survey the area. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming dendrological research, the period for compiling a dendroplane and its component parts may increase.

The result of the research is a dendrological conclusion about the area. This is a complex document, which includes: a dendroplan, an inventory (count) sheet and an explanatory note. You can familiarize yourself with the design rules in the document entitled “On methodological recommendations for drawing up plans and balance sheets.”

This is a drawing that is developed after studying the area. It indicates those located on plot of land trees, shrubs, lawns and other types of vegetation in accordance with the species characteristics. The basis for the drawing is the topographic plan.

The compiled dendrological statement (inventory, counting) is full list existing green spaces on the site, information about which is synchronized with the dendroplane. The document contains a description of plant specimens indicating characteristics and parameters (height, diameter, stemness).

Explanatory note

The text of the explanatory note indicates information about the land plot under study, the purposes of the work, and the methodology for its implementation. This is part of the final documentation, which must be attached to the dendroplane.

Expert opinion on dendrology

After reconnaissance of the area, specialists draw up a dendrological conclusion. The document indicates information about the status individual species green spaces, make predictions about their preservation or the need for cutting down and the presence of pests. If the tree trunk diameter is 22-24 cm, then they are not replanted - they must be cut down at the construction site.

In the system of engineering surveys, dendrological survey of the territory is an obligatory stage. Construction project provides for passing a state examination. It is conducted by the State Construction Supervision Committee (Mosgosstroynadzor). It is he who makes the decision on the possibility of legally cutting down green spaces or using lawns for construction.

For construction companies the dendroplan and the decision of the committee are of particular importance, since the optimization of design work depends on them. The drawn up drawing of the area with the designation of trees and vegetation has a statute of limitations of 4 years. After this period, the dendroplan must be updated to update the information.

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