Tibetan rejuvenating gymnastics: the essence and principles of performing basic exercises to achieve maximum effect. Tibetan gymnastics for the face - an effective way to combat age-related changes

These Tibetan exercises came to us from the East. This practice was carried out by the monks of a Tibetan monastery.

Tibetan exercises - give yourself just 5 minutes a day!

In my opinion, the advantage of this gymnastics is that this set of exercises is easy to integrate into your life. When there is not enough time for anything. And, as a rule, first of all - for yourself.

Gradually people are depleting their resources. They begin to look worse, older than their years. And then get sick.

What is the value of Tibetan exercises

These exercises compare favorably with other complexes for a number of reasons.

  • Lead to general rejuvenation of the body.

By doing these exercises REGULARLY, you will actually look younger after a while.

Of course, this time is different for everyone. And depends on current state your endocrine system.

And also, on how consistently you perform these exercises. If you make it a habit to do this complex every morning, and this will take from 30 to 40 days, then the result will not be long in coming.

  • Easy to do.

Exercises that are difficult to perform quickly run out of steam. And people often give up what they started again with the best intentions.

Tibetan hormonal exercises are suitable for people from adolescence to old age. Everyone can do it!

So you can safely share this complex with older members of your family.

  • Helps you wake up and feel energized in the morning.

The exercises can be done right in bed. Which is what I do every morning. Therefore, about vigor, this is from personal experience.

When is the best time to do Tibetan exercises?

There is a subtle point that directly affects the effectiveness of this gymnastics.

If you wake up before 6 am, your efficiency increases. True, getting up early requires going to bed no later than 10 p.m.

But, if you neglect this rule of going to bed, then the body begins to deplete. And you will no longer want to do morning hormonal exercises. Because the body did not have time to rest and recover. Such an attempt to cheer him up is perceived as violence.

In this case, you will abandon gymnastics, put it off until later, perhaps. But this means one thing - you will take away from yourself valuable resource, which allows you to prolong your youth and stay healthy.

In any case, the choice is yours.

This gymnastics can be performed during the day. But, as experience shows, few people, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, remember to devote time to exercise every day.

A set of Tibetan exercises

Each exercise is done 30 times at an approximate speed of 1 time per second.

1. Activating energy through the palms

While lying in bed, rub your palms so that you feel the warmth.

By the way, this is how you can check your CURRENT energy level:

· with a good energy level, you feel that your palms are becoming hot and dry

· with low energy, the palms are warm after rubbing; can't get them hot

· a low energy level is indicated by the fact that the palms are difficult to warm and become damp

Whatever the outcome, performing Tibetan exercises makes it possible to make your energy level optimal.

2. Vision activation

Close your eyes with your palms and do 30 pressures. It is useful to hold your hands over your eyes for a while. Which leads to increased nutrition of the eyes and surrounding receptors. If vision is impaired, the exposure time can be increased to 2 minutes.

For some people, when performing this exercise, visual functions are restored..

3. Hearing activation

Place your palms on your ears so that your fingers rest on the back of your head. Press your palms onto your ears 30 times, pressing them towards your head. Make movements soft, do not allow pain.

For some, this exercise helps cope with chronic ear inflammation. Hearing improves. It is clear that the restoration of such violations requires long time- about a year, maybe more. The main thing is to develop the habit of doing exercises daily.

4. Improvement of facial contour

Place thumbs hands behind ears. Squeeze the remaining fingers and move your fists from the chin to the ear, as if fixing them at the top point.

The result is improved lymph outflow. The oval of the face is tightened.

5. Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

The right palm lies on the forehead, the left one is at the top. Rub your forehead from temple to temple.

This accelerates the blood and helps smooth out wrinkles. It also helps clear the sinuses and activates the pituitary gland.

6. Normalization of pressure

Clasp your hands above your head. Right hand bottom, left top. Move your hands together a few centimeters from your head. First - from the forehead to the back of the head, then change the direction - from ear to ear.

If there is a problem with high or low blood pressure, it gradually returns to normal.

The mobility of the shoulder joints improves. The muscles of the upper arms are strengthened, making it easier to lift them.

7. Normalization of the thyroid gland

Place your right hand on the neck, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Left hand over right. Only the left hand moves to the navel and back, a few centimeters from the body.

Finally, place it again left hand over the right (as in the beginning), and hold it there for a while.

8. Normalization of intestinal function

Move your hands to your abdominal area. Right is below, left is above. Massage your stomach in a clockwise direction.

Exercise normalizes intestinal function. Allows you to solve the problem of recurring constipation.

9. Improving blood supply to capillaries

If the bed is soft, then move to a harder surface. On the floor, for example.

Legs and arms up. Rotate your palms and feet in different directions. And then shake your arms and legs vigorously.

This simple action not only improves blood supply to the capillaries, but also cleanses small energy channels.

10. Activating energy through the feet

It is more convenient to massage your feet while sitting. Rub your feet with your fists from bottom to top for 30 seconds. Focus on the center of your feet.

If the skin on your feet is dry, it is better to lubricate them with oil. You can use any vegetable oil. I prefer melted cow's milk.

Ready! You yourself already feel ready for a new day.

Especially for those who prefer to learn exercises not from text but from video guidance, this video from Ruslan Tsvirkun:

Do these simple Tibetan exercises and feel energetic, young, healthy and attractive!

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Who doesn't dream of staying healthy and full of energy into old age? However, beautiful appearance and good health become more and more difficult over the years. The task is simplified if you are familiar with the concept of the “eye of rebirth”. The exercises of Tibetan lamas are an opportunity to correct the situation by spending only 15–20 minutes a day. There is a legend that this ritual was invented by monks living in an ancient Tibetan monastery. This belief about wise men who revealed the secret of youth has real foundations. The physical condition of the body directly depends on spiritual harmony. What failures within a person lead to premature aging? The philosophy of Tibetan lamas is definitely of interest.

The effects of exercise on the human body

The secret of eternal youth is described in the book by Peter Kelder. It was he who was lucky enough to meet Tibetan lamas in 1938. It is not known how he managed to persuade the monks to openness. But as a result, Peter brought valuable knowledge from Tibet, which he later shared with a wide audience.

Effective rejuvenation of the body with the help of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is achieved by influencing the energy sphere. The theory is based on the presence of energy accumulation points in the human body. Rotation occurs around these centers. That is why lamas call such places vortices. Another name is chakras.

Flow depends on rotation speed vitality, and accordingly the state of health. A decrease in the power of energy fields provokes aging. Therefore, if you correctly influence certain points, you can extend your longevity. A set of special exercises stimulates rotation, bringing its strength to the limit.

There are a total of 19 vortices in the body. Large quantity plays a supporting role. Only 7 chakras are main. Failures in their work lead to a clear deterioration in the health of internal organs and skin condition. In this case, spiritual disharmony also occurs. The person becomes nervous and aggressive. He is more susceptible to stress, which, in turn, brings old age closer.

Each chakra is responsible for the functioning of certain glands. When everything is in order, the necessary substances are synthesized smoothly. The processes occurring in the body are regulated by hormones. Therefore, influencing vortices with the help of gymnastic exercises is of great importance. Let us list the aspects of the influence of the “eye of rebirth” on a person:

  • slowing down the aging process;
  • respiratory system training;
  • lung restoration;
  • increased mental abilities;
  • prevention of many diseases;
  • replenishment of energy reserves;
  • cleansing of toxins;
  • healing of joints;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • improved coordination;
  • muscle training and flexibility development;
  • relaxation of the body;
  • correction of body shapes.

Normalizing the functioning of the endocrine system costs a lot. Normal operation the whole body becomes difficult at the slightest changes in hormonal levels. Tibetan yoga is aimed at preventing problems, as well as solving them directly.

The correct approach to gymnastics “the eye of rebirth”

When starting to perform exercises for the first time, keep in mind that the load should be minimal. An unprepared body needs time to adapt. Each time you can add more movements until you reach the maximum. According to Tibetan lamas, 21 times are enough to renew prana. There is no need to do more for rejuvenation. Everything should be in moderation. By doubling or even tripling this number of repetitions, people are no longer just being health conscious. In this case, we are talking about the practice of spiritual improvement.

Load increase scheme:

  • the first days three times per exercise;
  • second week – five repetitions;
  • third week – increase the amount up to 7 times;
  • fourth week – perform one exercise 9 times.

It turns out that every new week we add twice. As a result, it will take 9 weeks to reach the number 21. This will be a complete series of rituals. For four months, one approach per day is enough. Choose morning or evening. Once yoga becomes a habit, you can do two series daily.

In order for rituals to give real results, the following conditions must be adhered to:

  1. Tibetan rejuvenation yoga will be effective with a systematic approach. If you are not going to exercise regularly, you cannot expect positive changes. Even one missed day delays the goal;
  2. Control the depth of your breathing. The effectiveness of the exercises depends on this;
  3. When performing exercises, make every effort. Diligence is the key to success;
  4. It is better to do gymnastics on an empty stomach. Most the right time- dawn. But this is not important. You can return to rituals at any convenient time. You can do two approaches per day;
  5. You can’t force your body in the first days. If you feel tired or sore in your muscles, postpone the activity until tomorrow. Overvoltage gives a negative result;
  6. Correct execution - required condition. Every time improve your skills more and more. Don't do rituals just for show. Strive to surpass yourself yesterday;
  7. Take a break between exercises. You need to straighten your body and stand for a couple of minutes. In this case, you should breathe slowly and deeply;
  8. Allow yourself to rest after the rituals. Try to fully relax and mentally protect yourself from outside world. This doesn't take much time. Soon you will feel cheerful and will be able to do your usual activities.

The gymnastics of Tibetan monks is a real treasure. But not for the lazy. You can achieve results if you are dedicated.

Technique for performing rejuvenating exercises

It is quite possible to learn movements and do Tibetan exercises on your own to rejuvenate the body. There is nothing overly complicated about them.

Starting position

Vertical body position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended to the sides.

Exercise 1

We make rotational movements clockwise. After several rotations from left to right, you need to stop and listen to your feelings. If you don't feel dizzy, you can repeat. Otherwise, it's time to stop. Wait until the dizziness goes away. If necessary, it makes sense to sit down or even lie down. To make the exercise easier, experts advise keeping your gaze on one point. Watch it while you can. Then you turn around and again look for the selected point with your eyes. As for the pacing, it's slow to begin with. You can speed up each time. In this regard, everything is individual. There should be no discomfort after the exercise.

Exercise 2

We take a lying position. The face is directed upward. The back is straight. Hands pressed to the floor. They need to be aligned along the body. Let's exhale. Then we raise our head until our chin touches our chest. As you inhale, raise your legs vertically until right angle with the body. It is important to keep them level. Over time, you can strive to pull the dogs further towards the head. After lifting, we return to the starting position, exhaling as we do so. We repeat the exercise as long as strength allows. There is no point in tormenting your body with excessive loads. Especially if you are new to this business.

Exercise 3

While kneeling, keep your body straight. Hands should be on your hips. We tilt our heads forward. Then we throw our head back, simultaneously bending our spine. Resting your hands on your hips helps maximize the arc of your torso. We straighten up and repeat the exercise again. We control the rhythm of breathing. Bend – inhale, return to the original position – exhale. We try to fill the lungs completely. The more air, the better.

Exercise 4

Exercise in a sitting position. We take the starting position: sitting on the floor, stretch our legs forward and spread them shoulder-width apart. We press our hands to the body and rest our palms on the floor. Bend your neck so that your chin is pressed to your chest. Then we tilt our head back and raise our torso. At the same time, we bend our legs at the knees. This should happen during inhalation. Keep your body parallel to the floor, tensing the muscles of your body. The support is on the palms and feet. Then we sit down slowly while exhaling. Let's take a break. We repeat the action.

Exercise 5

We take the emphasis while lying down. Straighten your arms, align your torso, continuing to rest on your palms. We move our head back. We begin to bend so that the fifth point is at the top. You need to take the shape of the letter “L”, resting on your palms and feet. The back should remain straight. Raising the body, we inhale air. The chin is pressed to the chest. We stay in this position for 3-4 seconds. We return to the starting position, exhaling. During exercise, the muscles of the whole body are constantly tense.

Unaccustomed to Tibetan rejuvenating gymnastics, the eye of rebirth may seem like a difficult test. In fact, physical fitness will improve every time. Over time, the exercises will no longer be so difficult. In difficult moments, remember that the result is worth the effort.

Complementary pearls

Ritual exercises are often called the pearls of Tibet. A person who knows their true value gains health and extends his life years. To ensure that the flow of internal energy does not dry up, it is better to perform the exercises in combination. After all, each of them complements each other. Let's consider their effect on the body.

The first exercise releases internal energy. Feeling better. I feel a surge of strength. Bad emotions recede. Increases stress resistance. In addition, rotations train the vestibular apparatus.

The second exercise helps improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Fixes problems genitourinary system. Increases libido. Affects the thyroid gland, improving its functioning. Plus it rejuvenates the skin.

The third exercise heals joints and tones the muscles of the back and neck. The ritual can also relieve diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis. This exercise is very useful for women. This is especially true for those who suffer from irregular cycles.

The fourth exercise has a beneficial effect on internal organs. Improves blood circulation. And during this ritual, the muscles of the back and legs are pumped. A person forgets about arthritis, lower back pain and other similar problems.

The fifth exercise makes the body flexible and strong. It affects the brain and stimulates its work. The memory function gradually improves, thoughts become clear, and concentration reaches its maximum possible limit. Internal reserves open up and a person becomes more collected and active.

There is a sixth exercise that helps improve your sex life and restore reproductive function. However, you should be interested in the sixth pearl after the first five take a reliable place in your daily plans.

Many people have rejuvenated their own bodies with the help of Tibetan pearls. This is evidenced by a huge number positive feedback. Those who have managed to master the skill talk about excellent health, increased performance, internal harmony and a youthful appearance. Of course, gymnastics should be accompanied by lifestyle adjustments:

  1. proper nutrition;
  2. rejection of bad habits;
  3. good sleep;
  4. moderate physical activity;
  5. quality rest.

They say it is impossible to turn back time. Of course, you will never be the same again. But feeling young and looking appropriate is an achievement that anyone can achieve. Peter Kelder says that the monks who lifted the curtain of secrecy were, in fact, very elderly. The age of each of them exceeded one hundred years. But I couldn’t dare call them old people. After all, none of them looked more than 25 years old.

Old age is not a reason to surrender to the mercy of nature. If you are willing to go against the grain, the “eye of rebirth” is on your side. Just five exercises a day and your physical and spiritual health is in perfect order!

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their faces. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

In eastern medicine, it is believed that the source of human diseases, as well as premature aging of the body, is impaired circulation vital energy qi. Tibetan wisdom says: “He who has qi blooms, but he who loses it dies.” Tibetan exercises to rejuvenate the body they act on 19 energy centers or body vortices. Longevity-prolonging yoga, called the Eye of Rebirth, is designed to improve the psychophysical state of a person.

Traditional medicine treats existing diseases of mankind using medications, the eastern one is aimed at preventing illnesses. Tibetan lamas believe that the causes of diseases are an imbalance of 3 forces in the body:

  • a nerve impulse or wind passing through all the cells of the body;
  • biological fluids (blood, bile), hormones, other secretion products;
  • products of cellular metabolism - mucus and phlegm.

Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation accelerate energy metabolism and work out the main muscle groups. Gymnastics, which takes 20 minutes, can improve flexibility and maintain body tone if there is not enough time for long yoga classes or other physical training.

Preparation for the ritual of Tibetan monks, principles of its implementation

Tibetan gymnastics for rejuvenation is not difficult, but unprepared people lacking practice should do the exercises gradually. It is recommended to exercise daily in the morning, on an empty stomach. The exercises must be performed on a rug or mat.

Tibetan rejuvenation of the body consists of five “pearls”, the order of which must be strictly observed. It is desirable that the number of repetitions of each exercise be 21 times, but you can start with three, adding 2 repetitions each week. Before performing it is recommended to take warm shower, slightly warming up the joints.

When performing the complex, all movements should be soft, smooth, without jerking. Watch your breathing. There should be no obvious joint or muscle pain. Exercises should smoothly transition from one to another, the break between them can be from 30 seconds to a minute.

Rejuvenating Tibetan exercises

Now let's learn how to perform 5 Tibetan rejuvenation exercises. Having allocated time to perform gymnastics, sit on the mat. Follow the instructions carefully:

  1. Stand up straight, extend your arms to the sides. Slowly rotate around your axis clockwise. To avoid getting dizzy quickly, you can fix your gaze on some object, trying to constantly catch it with your eyes. Avoid severe dizziness and nausea.
  2. Lying on the mat, press the palms of your hands to the floor, clasp your fingers. As you exhale, raise your head and press your chin to your chest. Smoothly lift your straight legs vertically up and take a deep breath. Lowering your legs down, exhale slowly. If your body is weak, you can raise your legs with your knees bent.
  3. Get on your knees, position them hip-width apart. Hips should be strictly vertical. Move your arms back slightly, pressing your palms to the back of your thighs. By tilting your head, lower your chin to your chest while exhaling. Slowly tilt your head back, inhale, bending your spine and chest forward. Return to the starting position.
  4. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you, spreading your feet 30 cm apart. The body should be straight. Place the palms of your straight arms on the floor. As you exhale, tilt your head back. Raise your body horizontally to the surface, with your legs bent at the knees. Inhale and hold for 2-3 seconds at the maximum point. Smoothly return to a sitting position.
  5. Turn your face to the mat, rest your toes and palms on the floor. Keep your body in this position. Exhale, tilt your head back. Bend your lower back, placing your body in an “L” position. Tuck your chin to your chest. Take a breath. Legs and arms should be straight.

Important tip! When performing exercises, you should strain your muscles as much as possible, avoiding sudden movements. Focus as much as possible on your sensations, listen to your body.

Tibetan medicine provides a unique set of exercises to prolong longevity and excellent well-being. Don't be lazy to do it every day. You will notice significant positive changes in your body, gain peace of mind, harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Lamas from Tibet claim that an old man can become young, and a sick person healthy, by adjusting the functioning modes of his energy vortexes

Proper nutrition

Tibetan rejuvenation includes not only physical exercise. To maintain eternal youth and health, you also need proper nutrition, without excesses. The Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation was found in 1971 by a UNESCO expedition. It was written on a clay tablet in a Tibetan monastery. It has now been translated into absolutely all languages ​​of the world.

Recipe for rejuvenation: healing elixir

The basis of the Tibetan rejuvenation recipe is garlic and alcohol. The drug is taken with milk. 350 g peeled garlic must be ground into wooden utensils until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Place in a glass container, pour in 200 g of purified alcohol. Close the vessel and let the contents brew for 10 days in a cool, dark place. A certain number of drops are added to ¼ glass of milk three times a day half an hour before meals. From the first to the sixth day, the number of drops of garlic tincture increases by one with each dose, and for the next 5 days they must be reduced in the reverse order.

The medicine helps cleanse the body, improve metabolism, normalize weight, improve vision, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Recipe for rejuvenation: herbal tincture

Another recipe for longevity is Tibetan herbal collection. It includes 4 components (100 g each):

  • immortelle;
  • Birch buds;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort.

The mixture must be finely crushed, mixed and sealed in a glass container. Brew 1 tablespoon of herb with 0.5 liters of boiling water and consume in the evening before bed with 1 spoon of honey. In the morning, heat the broth and drink 20 minutes before meals. Such treatment should be carried out for 3 months, the break should be 5 years (yes, this is not a typo - 5 years!).

Tibetanmantra rejuvenation

Since ancient times, Eastern girls have noticed that reciting special spells - mantras - helps slow down the aging process, get rid of physical ailments and renew the body. The rejuvenation mantra for water has special power, giving women beauty, charm and a feeling of boundless happiness. It is advisable to memorize the mantra “OM NAMA BHAGAVATE RUKMINI VALLABHAYA SWAHAHA”.

Before the ritual in the morning, you need to pour 2 glasses of water, speak or listen to the mantra. Next, you should drink water from one glass and freeze the second. At lunchtime, let the ice melt a little and wipe the skin of your face, neck and hands with this water. Lie down for a bit and take a warm shower.

After two weeks of such daily procedures, skin cells are renewed, appearance women become incredibly attractive.

Tibetan rejuvenation of the body, which includes the above procedures available to everyone, improves a person’s quality of life, miraculously prolonging longevity. Unusual? Yes, no one argues, but this is not a reason to refuse to try!

Most people are lazy by nature. Everyone knows that in order to have good health— movement is needed. But, unfortunately, knowing and understanding is not enough. Have to do!

Just when you think that for this you need to go to the gym, or to the pool, or somewhere else, the desire immediately disappears. It is human nature to “hang” in your comfort zone, and introducing some innovations into your life can often be very troublesome.

Of course, you can do a set of exercises at home. But there is a catch here too.

First, you need to choose certain exercises to work all muscle groups. But in this case, the exercises will take quite a lot of time - approximately 40 minutes daily.

There’s no time in the morning, we’re in a hurry to get to work. In the evening - laziness, came home from work, tired.

And secondly, it’s completely lazy to engage in the process of selecting these same exercises. After all, that’s a lot of material to dig through!

So we quit without even starting. It’s not without reason that they say: hard trouble is the beginning!

We would like something simpler... And even more efficient... So that it doesn’t take much time, and the health benefits are great. Where can I get this?

And here's where.

Many centuries ago, Tibetan monks developed a system of exercises aimed at activating and maintaining energy potential in the body.

After all, it is known that with a lack of energy, all human efforts are reduced to a minimum, or even to zero. This applies not only to health, but also to all other areas of human life.

If the body’s energy level is high enough, the body’s defenses increase, metabolism improves, and all systems and organs of the body work better. Including the brain. As a result, human health and social life moves to a higher quality level.

Simple Tibetan exercises have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. This is a set of 5 simple psychophysical exercises that help prolong a person’s youth and life, allowing him to be in excellent physical condition at any age.

The whole complex takes only 20 minutes. However, it is difficult to overestimate it positive influence for the entire human body.

Before talking about the exercises themselves, listen (that is, read)

Recommendations for performing exercises

As with everything else, the main condition for obtaining results is regularity.

You need to start doing the exercises gradually - with 3 repetitions of each exercise. We practice in this mode for the first week.

In the second week, we perform 5 repetitions of each exercise. In the third - 7. Thus, every week we add 2 repetitions. By the end of the ninth week, you will be doing 21 repetitions of each exercise.

Even with this number of repetitions, the exercises will not take you much time.

Exercises are performed in a certain sequence. The order of performing the exercises cannot be changed.

It is better to perform exercises in the morning, before breakfast. Well, if it doesn’t work out in the morning, you can do it in the evening. The main thing is not to drink or eat before exercise.

Now the exercises themselves. To understand the meaning of the exercises, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Therefore, I ask:

Numerous responses from people performing these exercises indicate that these exercises are literally miraculous. Diseases recede, the body seems to shake up and become younger.

The set of exercises is suitable for people of any age and any physical fitness.

I especially advise those who lead a sedentary lifestyle to start doing it, since the exercises themselves are very simple.

If anyone is familiar with this set of exercises, write your opinion about it in the comments.

Get a surge of strength and energy! Start doing a set of Tibetan exercises!

A set of Tibetan exercises to rejuvenate the body should be performed daily, improving the mobility of large joints and training muscles for good posture.

The Eye of Rebirth complex or Tibetan rejuvenation yoga includes exercises that affect the 19 vortexes or energy centers of the body. Old age and physical exhaustion of a person are associated with weakening of the vortices, loss of elasticity of the joints, and this is countered by the method of energy restoration. Tibetan exercises for rejuvenation work out the twelve large joints of the upper and lower extremities, ensuring rotation in them at high speed. It is during rotational movements that prana is produced - the energy of light and life.

Eliminating the cause of disease

Tibetan medicine calls the causes of diseases an imbalance of three forces in the body:

  • wind or a nerve impulse traveling through all cells;
  • bile is blood, bile, hormones and other secretion products;
  • phlegm or mucus - hormones and products of cellular metabolism.

Therefore, the exercises of Tibetan monks restore the speed of energy metabolism in the body, which Western and Soviet medicine forgot. At the same time, the method works on the main muscle groups that must be strong for health.

  1. The abdominal muscles are responsible for posture and resist back pain.
  2. The buttocks are the basis for proper walking and spinal health.
  3. Arms and shoulders are good posture and youth.
  4. Three layers of back muscles are needed to prevent and relieve neck pain.
  5. Stretching the muscles of the back of the thigh and lower back is necessary to restore normal movement and prevent pain.

Tibetan medicine works with energies, the movement of which controls the movement of fluids in the body, which is necessary to normalize metabolic processes.

In just 15 minutes a day, you can perform a ritual of energetic rejuvenation of the body anywhere. All you need is a space in which you can lie down freely and stand with your arms outstretched.

Gymnastics “five Tibetans” - great way maintain body tone when there is a lack of time for full-fledged training or lack of space to practice yoga. The five Tibetan exercises can be done at home in the hallway or in a hotel room between two beds. Most often, the complex is used as a warm-up before morning yoga or body workout.

Introduction to the ritual

The method of Tibetan monks is based on deep breathing and meditation. Therefore, beginners need to get involved in classes gradually, performing 1-3 repetitions of each exercise in one approach every day. Listen to the sensations of the body, do not overexert yourself. Stop the movement that causes pain or discomfort. A slight soreness should be present, but gymnastics should not make itself felt the next day with sore throat.

The Tibetan gymnastics method is based on getting the body to work in a single rhythm. The exercises engage the muscles surrounding the joints to supply them with blood and restore mobility.

Gymnastics is performed on a carpet, towel, yoga mat - the surface should not be too hard. A series of exercises is repeated 2-3 times a day, and best time for working with the body at sunrise and sunset.

Every day you need to move towards increasing the number of repetitions up to 21 times. Beginners should limit themselves to three repetitions, and after a week try to do each movement 6 times, divided into two approaches - 3 by 3. People notice that some exercises are easier than others. If you're having trouble doing 21 reps without stopping, you can break them up into three sets of seven. Having reached the required amount, you should not go further.

Gymnastics is designed to restore energy and does not imply the development of endurance, and 21 repetitions are just optimal for warming up and accelerating blood circulation. If after full cycle If you feel good, you can add another session a little later in the day.

The energy method involves a special breathing pattern. If you feel tired and spots appear before your eyes, you need to make sure that your exhalation is not delayed. Guidelines for the inhalation-exhalation cycle are described for each movement.

Exercise number one

Sufi spinning or whirling Dervishes are reminiscent of children's pranks.

  • Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides and begin to rotate clockwise, as if the dial were on the floor.
  • Look straight ahead, without fixing your gaze on specific objects, allow your vision to merge.
  • Reach the desired number of revolutions or stop if you feel instability. You need to breathe with your stomach.
  • When the rotation stops, inhale even more through the diaphragm so that the sense of balance returns to normal.

Exercise number two

Leg raises, body twists.

  1. Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body, palms up, straighten your legs, inhale with your stomach, raise your legs as high as possible and at the same time lift your head off the floor, bending your neck and pressing your chin to your chest.
  2. As you exhale, lower your legs and head.
  3. An important rule is not to lift your lower back off the floor while raising and lowering your legs. If the lower back begins to arch, then it is worth reducing the range of motion.
  4. The exercise helps to stretch the spine; to enhance its effectiveness, you need to tuck your pelvis slightly forward, pressing your lower back to the floor.

For beginners, you can bend your legs until your abdominal muscles are strong enough to keep your back pressed to the floor. If you have lower back pain, you should place your palms or a thin pillow under your lower back. The goal is to achieve rhythmic flexion and extension with the same amplitude.

Exercise number three

Gymnastics for the spine, modified camel asana.

  1. Kneel, keeping your thighs together, arms down along your body, palms hanging at your sides.
  2. Bring your chin closer to your chest.
  3. As you inhale, raise your head and lean back, moving your hands to the back of your thighs so that they keep your lower back from excessive arching.
  4. Exhale when returning to the starting position - chin on chest, lower back relaxed.

Beginners are recommended to master pendulum movements, using the weight of the head to throw back and bring to the chest without overstraining the muscles. In the back position, you can bring your shoulder blades together. Maintain uniform movement, perform with open eyes to maintain balance. A little later, try the movement with your eyes closed to feel the difference and listen to how it affects the relaxation when throwing your head back.

Exercise number four

Strengthening the back, buttocks, improving posture, which is facilitated by gymnastics in general.

  1. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs, keeping your hips shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your palms on the floor at your sides, pointing your fingers forward, and lower your head to your chest.
  3. As you inhale, lift your buttocks off the floor and, bending your knees, align your lower legs vertically and your body and thighs parallel to the floor.
  4. The head falls freely back.
  5. As you exhale, return to the lower position.

Beginners need to learn how to build their body in the starting position. Place your palms on the floor, squeeze your shoulder blades together, keep your back straight with your legs straight, and maintain this body position while slightly lifting your pelvis.

Exercise number five

Inverted V Dog Pose.

  1. Get on all fours, place your palms shoulder-width apart.
  2. Inhale, rise on your toes, transfer your body weight to your arms, straighten your legs and arch your back, throw your head back.
  3. Keep all parts of your body suspended except your toes and hands to enter the cobra yoga asana.
  4. As you exhale, bend at the waist and knees, push your buttocks up and make an inverted V, pulling your chin to your chest and trying to place your feet completely on the floor.

Beginners need to learn how to move into an inverted V shape. Not everyone is able to press their feet to the floor; some people cannot do this at all due to muscle stiffness and a sedentary lifestyle. Once done required quantity repetitions, you have to work out a single rhythm of movement.

Completion of the complex

After completing the fifth exercise, lie flat on your stomach and spread your arms to the sides. The chin lies on the floor and the eyes are closed. Feel how the blood circulates through the body, wait until the pulse returns to normal. Then turn your head to one side and take several deep breaths in and out, resting for a minute.

After the Tibetan pearl complex, continue the day with morning yoga or go to work or for a walk, as the body is filled with energy sufficient to physical activity. If gymnastics is performed before bed, then you need to make sure you have 30-45 minutes to relax after renewing your energy. Falling asleep after the complex will have the effect of drinking coffee.

Elixir of Longevity

Found in 1971 in a Tibetan monastery, a recipe for rejuvenating the body with garlic is made in alcohol and taken daily with milk according to a certain scheme. Gymnastics is successfully complemented by taking this remedy.

  1. You need to take 350 g of garlic cloves and grate them, then mix 200 g of the mixture and 200 g of purified medical alcohol.
  2. The balm is infused in a jar for ten days in a dark cabinet, and the loan is filtered through cheesecloth and left for another three days.
  3. The course is designed for eleven days, and for the first five days the number of drops added to 50 ml of milk is increased for breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively. The first day is 1, 2, 3, the second is 4, 5, 6 and so on. The sixth day - 15, 14, 13, the seventh - 12, 11, 10. On the eleventh day, take 25 drops three times a day.

As a result of taking it, the functioning of organs is improved, the skin and blood vessels are cleansed. Some may experience increased strength, weight loss, and improved vision. As a result of doing the exercises and taking the elixir, the body will be freed from internal shackles and will generate energy.

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