Human socialization. personality and social life. Social life

The basis for the development of human society is a system that connects three groups of factors: natural, industrial, social.

The functions of the natural environment must ensure the sustainable prosperity of human society.

This goal is specified by three groups of subgoals: environmental, social, economic.

Environmental - ensuring health and sustainable continuation of the human race as a biological species.

Social - ensuring spiritual development, which ultimately includes the cognitive, artistic and moral development of a person.

Economic - the production of material goods and services sufficient to ensure environmental and social goals.

Achieving environmental and social goals is largely driven by economic goals.

The basic factor in solving the problems of providing people with material goods and improving biological health

and spiritual development of a person is the natural environment, the functions of which are shown in the figure (Fig. 1.5).

The ecological function of the natural environment is the oldest and most important. It existed long before the other two functions appeared. At the first stages of his development, man used the gifts of nature without mediated by labor. This period of using "wild" ecological systems characterized by gathering and hunting. Flaw natural resources compensated by human migration to places of abundance of water and food, and a favorable climate.

Human development

Social factors

Maintaining human life as a biological species: habitat, breathing air, food resources, water resources, metabolic resources

Biological factors

Cognitive development: information resource, means of information exchange

Artistic development: development of creativity, aesthetic satisfaction, development of a sense of beauty and harmony

Moral development: nurturing a sense of humanism, developing a sense of optimism and stability

Environmental factors

Reproduction of means of production: source of objects of labor, means of labor, spatial environment, energy resource, information resource

Reproduction of consumer goods Reproduction of labor force

Rice. 1.5. Functions of the natural environment 32

The impact of the natural environment on the socio-economic system is direct, but at the same time necessary. Professor Ya.Ya. Roginsky identifies five main ways in which the natural environment influences people: the first is a direct impact on people’s health, their physical endurance, performance, fertility and mortality; the second - through a person’s dependence on natural means of subsistence, on the abundance or lack of food, that is, game, fish, plant resources; third - the influence of the presence or absence of the necessary means of labor; fourth - the creation by nature itself of motives that encourage people to act, incentives to act in accordance with the requirements of changing environmental conditions; fifth - the presence or absence of natural barriers that prevent meetings and contacts between groups (oceans, deserts, mountains, swamps).

The absence of barriers, on the one hand, could turn out to be extremely useful for mutual enrichment of experience, and on the other hand, detrimental in the event of a collision with superior forces of hostile groups. (Roginsky Ya.Ya. Social essence and biological nature... - M.: Knowledge, 1983).

Analysis of the use of natural resources and social indicators economic development allows us to trace a clear mutual connection between the state of the natural environment (sufficiency of natural resources, environmental quality) and the level of development of the socio-economic system (Fig. 1.6). Direct and feedback connections can be specified as follows.

An abundance of natural resources and favorable natural conditions stimulate the growth of economic development and contribute to the prosperity of the social system. However, these same favorable opportunities for the existence of the socio-economic system gradually turn into a kind of brake for the emergence of revolutionary changes in the system and lead to a certain stagnation.

b) stimulates the involvement of new natural resources

1. Excess, flourishing

2. Natural resources. Natural environment

3. Deficiency, degradation

1. Heyday

2. Socio-economic system

3. Degradation

Stimulates growth in development rates

a) reduces labor intensity and load on the environment

Leads to depletion of natural resources, degradation of the natural environment

a) causes a crisis in the system

6) stimulates the search for ways out of the crisis

Slows down revolutionary changes

The deterioration of the natural environment forces us to look for ways out of the crisis, stimulates the emergence of basic technical ideas and principles, and revolutionary transformations in society.

Impact of the socio-economic system on the natural environment.

When analyzing feedback, it is also possible to identify positive and negative impacts. The development of the productive forces of society makes it possible to involve new natural resources in production or to use poorer sources and secondary resources, as well as to reduce the specific need for natural resources per unit of production and reduce the man-made load on the natural environment.

Intensive use of natural resources in the absence of high-quality development of productive forces leads to depletion of natural resources and degradation of the natural environment.

Society is a dynamic system, constantly developing. The development of society is influenced by many factors, among them it is customary to single out the objective factors of the development of society, those that do not directly depend on the will and conscious activity of people and social groups, and the subjective factors of the development of society, which depend on the will, interest and conscious activity of a person and various social groups.

The most important objective factor nature plays a role in the development of society. So, ancient civilizations arose on the banks of great rivers (they are called “river civilizations”). However, a natural factor can also contribute to death. A striking example of the influence of a natural factor on the development and death of civilizations is the Minoan civilization, the flourishing of which was facilitated by more favorable natural conditions, and the death was accelerated by a volcanic eruption.

Natural factor gives impetus to the technological factor - in favorable conditions In the tropics, hunting and gathering satisfy basic human needs, but changing conditions lead to the need to search for new technologies - ways to meet human needs. Agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts, and trade appeared. New forms of supporting life require more complex organization of society and improved culture. Some scientists associate the emergence of states with the need for massive irrigation work, for example, in the Nile Valley.

Technological factor can contribute to the rapid development of society, demographic growth, thanks to which there are more opportunities for subjective factors to manifest themselves.

The main subjective factors in the development of society are the masses, social groups and historical figures.

All factors can contribute both progress and regression of society.

If we look back and remember what society was like 200, 500, 1000 years ago, we will definitely come to the conclusion that social development is moving forward from simpler and more primitive forms to more complex and perfect ones, i.e. society is progressing. Progress is a direction of development, which is characterized by the progressive movement of society from lower and lower simple shapes social organization to higher and more complex ones. The concept of progress is opposed to the concept of regression, which is characterized by a reverse movement - from higher to lower, degradation, return to already outdated forms.

The idea of ​​the development of society as a progressive process finally took shape in the works of French enlighteners (Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Marie Jean Antoine de Condorcet, etc.). They identified the development of the human mind and the spread of education as a criterion of progress. A number of thinkers of the 19th century (for example, Henri Saint-Simon, Francois Marie Charles Fourier) highlighted the development of public morality as a criterion of progress. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel associated progress with the degree of consciousness of freedom. Marxism emphasized the development of productive forces as the main criterion of progress.

In modern sociology, historical progress is associated with the process of modernization, i.e., the transition from traditional society to industrial, and then to post-industrial.

Based on all of the above, we can say that the main criterion of progress is the degree of freedom that society provides to the individual to maximize the development of his capabilities.

However, moving forward does not exclude return movements and regression. Thus, the development of tools and high labor productivity are obvious evidence of progress, but they have given rise to global environmental and raw material problems. The conveniences of city life are accompanied by numerous “diseases of urbanization.” Progress is contradictory. The inconsistency of progress is that progress in one area of ​​social life can be accompanied or even be the cause of regression in another area of ​​social life.

(Additional information) Development of society, its sources and driving forces:

Progress (movement forward, success) is the idea that society develops from simple to complex, from lower to higher, from less ordered to more organized and fair.

Regression is an idea of ​​the development of society when it becomes less complex, developed, and cultural than it was.

Stagnation is a temporary stop of development.

Progress criteria:

1) Condorcet (18th century) considered the development of reason to be a criterion of progress.

2) Saint-Simon: the criterion of progress is morality. Society should be one where all people are brothers to each other.

3) Schelling: progress - gradual approach to a legal structure.

4) Hegel (19th century): sees progress in the consciousness of freedom.

5) Marx: progress is the development of material production, which allows one to master the elemental forces of nature and achieve social harmony and progress in the spiritual sphere.

6) B modern conditions progress is:

– life expectancy of society;

- Lifestyle;

- spiritual life.

Reform (change) is a change in any area of ​​life carried out by the authorities peacefully (social changes in public life).

Types of reforms: – economic,

– political (changes to the Constitution, electoral system, legal sphere).

Revolution (turn, coup) is a radical, qualitative change in any basic phenomena.

Modernization is adaptation to new conditions.

What drives human history (?):

1) Providentialists: everything in the world comes from God, according to divine providence.

2) History is made by great people.

3) Society develops according to objective laws.

a) Some scientists take the position that this is the theory of social evolutionism: society, as a part of nature, develops progressively and moves in a unilinear manner.

b) Others adhere to the theory of historical materialism: the driving force for the development of society is the recognition of the primacy of people’s material needs.

From Weber's point of view, the source and driving force of the development of society is the Protestant ethic: a person must work to become God's chosen one for salvation.

The study of the nature and specifics of social life should begin with the study of its primary element - man, man as an individual. But a person is not born an individual. In the process of life activity, especially at an early age, she acquires all one way or another necessary social signs and traits that help her live and act in the social environment, perceive it and make her own influential adjustments in the process of activity.

An individual does not have the opportunity to choose where, when and how to live. He finds a certain natural and social environment and is forced to adapt and adapt to its conditions. This process of “entry” into public life is usually called socialization. Its essence lies in mastering social roles (son, brother, friend, student, buyer, passenger, etc.) and acquiring skills in appropriate role behavior. The acquisition and adjustment of such skills are stimulated by encouragement or condemnation from others, through a system of social control. Socialization begins in early childhood and continues throughout life, as the options for role behavior are endless.

So, a person constantly feels his complete or at least partial dependence on other people or is depersonalized by external circumstances. She sees that her desire and aspiration each time encounter certain obstacles, her opportunities to realize her own will and achieve her goal are, as a rule, limited. Already from childhood she gets used to perceiving the world people, as strictly normalized and determined by custom, law or someone's will. Therefore, the theory of socialization acquires decisive importance in studying the system of action of these factors.

Socialization will be the process during which a human being with certain biological inclinations acquires certain qualities necessary for life in society. In a broader definition, this concept is understood as the process of an individual’s assimilation of patterns of behavior, psychological mechanisms, social norms and values ​​that are necessary for the successful functioning of the individual in a given society.

Socialization theory establishes under the influence of which social factors certain personality characteristics are created, and the very mechanism of the process of a person’s entry from the individual to the social. From these positions, the socialization system includes: social cognition, mastery of certain practical skills, assimilation of certain norms, positions, roles and statuses, development of value orientations and attitudes, as well as the inclusion of a person in active creative activity. Socialization includes the processes of assimilation, adaptation (getting used to new conditions), education (targeted influence on the spiritual sphere and behavior of the individual), training (mastering new knowledge) - in a word, mastering the “rules of life.” Sometimes, as derivatives, this includes maturation and maturation (sociopsychological and physiological processes of human formation). Thus, socialization is not only the acquisition of social and economic independence, but also the formation of personality. The individual is the starting point of this process, and the mature personality is the finishing point.

The process of socialization continues throughout life; several “life” cycles (stages) are distinguished in it: pre-labor, labor and non-labor. In this regard, socialization has an active character.

Depending on the age of a person, three main stages of socialization are conventionally defined: primary (socialization of a child, marginal (adolescent), persistent holistic socialization (transition to maturity). In addition, each period is characterized by certain characteristics. Thus, in adulthood, socialization is aimed at changing behavior in a new situation, and in childhood the emphasis is on the formation of value orientation. Adults leaning on own experience, are only able to evaluate and perceive them critically, and children are only able to assimilate them. In Fig. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the assimilation and acquisition of social characteristics and qualities in the process of socialization and depending on age: at an early age, the process of assimilation of qualities takes place most intensively, and, as a rule, the most important life, basic signs; at a later age, vice versa.

Socialization- as a purposeful constructive process - should begin in childhood, when almost 70% of the human personality is formed. If you are late, irreversible processes may begin. It is in childhood that the foundation of socialization is laid; time is its most vulnerable stage. The process of acquiring certain social qualities occurs with the help of someone else - agents of socialization (specific people who are responsible for training and assimilation of cultural norms and social roles of institutions of socialization (institutions, institutions that influence the process of socialization and direct it). Since socialization is divided into two type - primary and secondary, insofar as both agents and institutions of socialization are divided into primary (the immediate and immediate environment of a person: parents, family, relatives, friends, teachers, etc., and secondary (all those who stand in the second, less important echelon of influence per person: representatives of the administration of a school, institute, enterprise, army, church, law enforcement agencies, mass media, various formal organizations, official institutions).

Socialization goes through stages that coincide with the so-called life cycles. They mark important milestones in the biography of each person. Life cycles are associated with changes in social roles, acquisition of a new status, changes in lifestyle, and the like. This is the basis for one of the mechanisms of socialization - the so-called cyclical theory of socialization (according to the stages or cycles of individual human development). According to this theory of personality formation, there are 8 stages, respectively, with each of which a characteristic mechanism of perception and mastery of the social environment occurs:

This theory has socio-psychological and age aspects of human formation.

The process of socialization sometimes changes significantly. This is usually associated with a person’s transition to a new stage in life, a new life cycle. A person has to relearn a lot: to move away from previous values, norms, roles, rules of behavior - (desocialization) by learning and assimilating new values, norms, roles, rules of behavior to replace the old ones (resocialization). All these subprocesses are included in the structure of the multifaceted mechanism of socialization.

Sociology studies socialization in different aspects: socialization of generations in specific historical conditions, individuals in certain socio-economic conditions, age socialization in the conditions of a particular society. But it will be more complete if we begin to study social phenomena from the conditions of their formation: natural, economic, cultural. This is the so-called evolutionary (complex) level of the socialization mechanism (Fig. 2. Factors in the formation of social relations).

Natural. Let's start with the fact that “social life” is a complex of phenomena that arise from the interaction of individuals and groups. “Publicity” manifests itself in both the plant and animal worlds. In plants, this is a natural process of evolution, adaptation to the environment, direct dependence on conditions, and there is no conscious action or intentions in them. An animal has connections, an awakening, that people also have, using the example of uncoordinated associations (cockroaches) of cohesion high type(ants, bees, wolves, lions, monkeys). And since these connections are no longer determined by any factors, but only by natural ones, their influence on people can also be detected.

The initial foundations of social life are biological - these are the characteristics of the human body, biological needs, physiological processes. The main ones, thanks to which human culture was formed, are:

■ straight walking;

■ hands, fingers (until today universal tool human activity);

■ dependence of children on parents, care of the latter;

■ plasticity of needs, habits, developed adaptation;

■ stability and specificity of behavior (in particular, sexual "), connections.

There are various anthropological theories, according to which natural conditions are interpreted as the main factor in the development of society.

Geographical conditions- this is the second set of natural conditions. Man, as a “zoological species,” lives on land, where there is an influence of geographical conditions on its activities (relief, climatic and weather conditions). The specifics of these conditions reflect the placement of people, resettlement, and health status. (Example: comparison of the specifics of geographical and social conditions inhabitants of the tundra, desert, forest zone). There is a direction in sociological theory - geographical determinism, which explains the human psyche as a reaction to natural geographical conditions. (Example: comparison of the character of a Spaniard and a Swede). But man is a creative being, she changes, subordinates, adapts the environment. Dependence on geographical conditions was felt mainly only in primitive society. Therefore, the geographical environment, although it forms the basis, does not determine the course of social life.

Natural conditions also include demographic fundamentals: these are the phenomena of fertility, natural increase, population density; the relative composition of a certain type of population (youth, older people). All this affects economic and social processes and phenomena (production, standard of living). The demographic process also determines certain frameworks for social life. A rationally quantitatively regulated and hygienically healthy population is important factor social development.

Social theories that study the problem of social development, the size and quality of the population are defined as the concept of demographic determinism. Natural conditions are a necessary basis of social life, but are not decisive.

Another group of conditions-factors of social life is economic conditions. As a biological source, man depends to a certain extent on nature, but this dependence is not decisive. Man is essentially a creator - he adapts, subordinates the elements of the natural environment, and works. The process of a person’s purposeful influence, during which he transforms elements of the natural environment into means of satisfying his needs, into material goods necessary for life, is called labor. This is a constant and necessary process, and therefore the production of material goods determines the basic processes of social life. In order to transform an element of nature into a specific and necessary, worthy form for use and consumption, a person brings into action all his natural forces: hands, fingers, head. Acting on nature, it also changes socially. The production process itself includes:

■ purposeful human activity;

■ the item that is being produced;

■ the instrument by which it is guided.

Tools of labor have been modified in historical development under the influence of man; The people who worked with these tools also changed. But the production process is not only a level of development; in this process, people interacted with each other and entered into certain relationships and interconnections. This is how production and economic relations were formed - a system of connections and dependencies in which people are engaged in the process of production, exchange, and consumption. Economic relations are the way in which people of a certain society produce their means of living and exchange products (since there is a division of labor). People, engaged in production, enter into certain social and political relations.

Production and economic relations were transformed onto a certain basis - the relationship of people to the instruments of production (form of ownership). In the process of historical and economic development, some mastered the means, others offered labor (physical strength, skill, knowledge). Hence the division of people into social classes and layers. Satisfaction with natural goods led to the formation of institutions of production, exchange and consumption, a certain system of relations, which, in turn, gave rise to various shapes communities of people.

Cultural Basics- this is the third set of factors that determine the phenomena and processes of social life.

The influence of culture on social life is expressed, first of all, through the socialization and formation of an individual, as well as through the formation and development of each individual era in the process of historical development of society, which, in turn, determines the shade and nature of socialization. The place and role of the phenomenon of culture is most fully realized thanks to the important social functions that culture has performed and continues to perform in society. Each individual becomes a member of society, and most importantly, an individual, only in the process of socialization, thanks to the assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, language, values, norms, traditions, rules of behavior of his social group and the whole society as a whole. Culture consolidates, unites, integrates people, ensures the integrity of society.

Schematically, socialization can be depicted as a system “child - family - person”. It is in the family that the child acquires the first signs of social life. A person is formed in the process of education. The child learns, accepts and acquires certain traits, knowledge and skills.

The creation and introduction of a value system is another form of cultural influence. Culture establishes a system of values ​​and defines criteria. This includes not only learning cultural norms and mastering social roles, but also the transmission from parents to children of social values, ideas about what is good and evil, good and bad, and the like. A person is primarily characterized by biological needs, and it satisfies them. In the further mechanism of satisfying needs, interests and values ​​arise, because they are realized in different ways, means, methods - a choice is formed in interests and means.

In such situations, values ​​come into play, the scale of values ​​- those “objects” (material and spiritual) that provide a person with internal balance, or those that are necessary to satisfy needs, maintain internal balance. This is an important factor in behavior. Thanks to the hierarchy of values, a person shows his attitude, behaves, and reacts differently. A combination of her actions in various situations is created. Values ​​are created and developed during the development of culture. They are acquired in social life - in the course of socialization. As a person develops, her value system is formed. A developed value system is the result of proper socialization. The value system determines the choice of means to satisfy needs, interests, and determines the direction of needs. And how the system of values ​​is modified in different situations is recognized as “patterns” of actions and behavior established within a certain culture.

Patterns of activity and patterns of behavior are also elements of the mechanism of formation and functioning of social relations. Patterns of behavior are certain patterns of behavior used in certain situations, that is: “how to behave and act in different conditions and situations." A pattern of behavior expresses a certain regularity in the course of phenomena established and accepted in a given culture. This is established scheme social behavior. This is a desirable model associated with values ​​that must be accepted. The accepted models become a style, a principle, and act in a certain way on the organization of human communities.

Ultimately, culture exerts an influential force on the formation of personality through the creation and functioning of social institutions and social systems. In the process of social development, forms of organization were historically formed joint activities people, according to which the latter, in the process of their life and mutual actions, use (and should) accepted social norms and socio-cultural patterns that determine sustainable forms social behavior. A person does not choose these norms and patterns, but consolidates them and acts in accordance with them.

Socialization, the establishment of values, samples and models, institutional factors are the most important ways of influencing culture on the course of social life. Together with economic foundations, it gives people symbols, values, defines, and also responds to needs, after satisfying basic biological needs. During socialization, the individual plays both a passive (assimilating social experience, perception of values) and active role (formation a certain system orientation, settings).

The process of socialization in sociology is also considered as a dual process of the internal and external nature of an individual’s actions. Internality in human behavior manifests itself in transformation external factors social environment into the internal processes of consciousness and a person’s orientation towards external influencing life factors as a dominant. Externality turns out to be the objectification of the external world of a person in his practical activity, and the system of one’s own manifestations of conscious action with outside world is a dominant trait. Thus, culture is what is acquired by a person in the process of socialization. And socialization is how a person assimilates culture. It is both a mechanism and a process.

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Social life

The relationship between the natural and the social in man

The role of natural factors in the formation of social life

Social life

Culture and its influence on social development



Natural ratioone and social in man

In the structure of human nature one can find three components: biological nature, social nature and spiritual nature.

General health and longevity are genetically determined in human biological nature; temperament, which is one of four possible types: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic; talents and inclinations. It should be taken into account that each person is not a biologically repeated organism, the structure of its cells and DNA molecules (genes).

Biological nature is the only one real basis, on which man is born and exists. Each individual, each person exists from that time until his biological nature exists and lives. But with all his biological nature, man belongs to the animal world. And man is born only as the animal species Homo Sapiens; is not born as a human being, but only as a candidate for a human being. The newborn biological creature Homo Sapiens has yet to become a human being in the full sense of the word.

Man inherited his biological nature from the animal world. And biological nature relentlessly demands from every animal being that, having been born, it satisfies its biological needs: eat, drink, grow, mature, mature and reproduce its own kind in order to recreate its kind. To recreate one’s own race—that’s what an animal individual is born for, comes into the world.

The same meaning of life is embedded by biological nature in human life. A person, having been born, must receive from his ancestors everything necessary for his existence, growth, maturity, and, having matured, he must reproduce his own kind, give birth to a child.

Social nature also imposes criteria on a person to determine the meaning of his life.

On the one hand, man is the highest level of development of matter, a living organism. This means that, as a species representing the highest degree of development of animal organisms on Earth, it is included in the natural connection of phenomena and is subject to the laws of development of animal organisms. On the other hand, man is a social being. Its essence is developed in society, in interaction with other people, in the process of social activity. It is the result of the long development of man in society.

Only society ensures the existence of man both as an individual, a person, and as a biological species. People live in society, first of all, in order to biologically survive for each individual and the entire human race in general. Society, and not the individual, is the only guarantor of the existence of man as a biological species, Homo Sapiens. Only society accumulates, preserves and passes on to the next generations the experience of a person’s struggle for survival, the experience of the struggle for existence. Hence, in order to preserve both the species and the individual (personality), it is necessary to preserve the society of this individual (personality). Consequently, for each individual person, from the point of view of his nature, society is more important than he himself, an individual person. That is why, even at the level of biological interests, the meaning of human life is to take care of society more than one’s own, individual life. Even if in the name of preserving this, your own society, it is necessary to sacrifice your personal life.

The role of natural factors in the formation of social life

The concept of “social life” is used to denote a complex of phenomena that arise in the course of interaction between a person and social communities, as well as the sharing of natural resources necessary to meet needs. The biological, geographical, demographic and economic foundations of social life differ.

When analyzing the foundations of social life, one should analyze the peculiarities of human biology as a social subject, creating the biological possibilities of human labor, communication, and mastering the social experience accumulated by previous generations. These include such an anatomical feature of a person as an upright gait.

It allows you to better see your surroundings and use your hands in the process of work.

An important role in social activity is played by such a human organ as the hand with opposing thumb. Human hands can perform complex operations and functions, and the person himself can participate in various types labor activity. This should also include a gaze directed forward, and not to the sides, allowing you to see in three directions, complex mechanism vocal cords, larynx and lips, promoting speech development. Human brain and complexity nervous system provide the opportunity for high development of the individual’s psyche and intelligence. The brain serves as a biological prerequisite for reflecting the entire wealth of spiritual and material culture and its further development.

People of different races, brought up in the same cultural conditions, develop the same views, aspirations, ways of thinking and acting. It is important to note that education alone cannot arbitrarily shape the person being educated. Innate talent (for example, musical) has an important impact on social life.

Let us analyze various aspects of the influence of the geographical environment on human life as a subject of social life. It should be noted that there is a certain minimum of natural and geographical conditions that are necessary for successful human development.

Nature of occupations, type economic activity, objects and means of labor, food, etc. - all this significantly depends on human habitation in a particular zone (in the polar zone, in the steppe or in the subtropics).

Researchers note the influence of climate on human performance. A hot climate reduces the time of active activity. Cold climate requires great effort from people to maintain life.

Temperate climate in to the greatest extent promotes activity. Factors such as Atmosphere pressure, air humidity, winds are important factors that affect human health, which is an important factor in social life.

Soils play a major role in the functioning of social life. Their fertility combined with favorable climate creates conditions for the progress of the people living on them. This affects the pace of development of the economy and society as a whole. Poor soils hinder achievement high level life require significant human effort.

The terrain is no less important in social life. The presence of mountains, deserts, and rivers can become a natural defensive system for a particular people.

At the stage of the initial development of a particular people, the geographical environment left its specific imprint on its culture, both in its economic, political, and spiritual-aesthetic aspects. This is indirectly expressed in certain specific habits, customs, and rituals, in which the features of the people’s way of life associated with their living conditions are manifested.

Thus, geographical factors played a significant role in the formation of culture in the initial stages of the development of a particular people. Subsequently, reflected in culture, they can be reproduced by the people regardless of their original habitat

Based on the foregoing, it should be noted that when considering the role of the geographical environment, “geographical nihilism”, a complete denial of its impact on the functioning of society, is unacceptable. On the other hand, one cannot share the point of view of representatives of “geographical determinism”, who see an unambiguous and unidirectional relationship between the geographical environment and the processes of social life, when the development of society is completely determined by geographical factors. Taking into account the creative potential of the individual, the development of science and technology on this basis, and cultural exchange between peoples create a certain independence of man from the geographical environment. However, human social activity must fit harmoniously into the natural geographic environment. It should not violate its basic eco-connections.

Social life

Society as a whole is the largest system. Its most important subsystems are economic, political, social, and spiritual. In society, subsystems such as classes, ethnic, demographic, territorial and professional groups, family, etc. Each of the named subsystems includes many other subsystems. They can mutually regroup; the same individuals can be elements of different systems. An individual cannot but obey the requirements of the system in which he is included. He accepts its norms and values ​​to one degree or another. At the same time, in society there are simultaneously various forms of social activity and behavior, between which a choice is possible.

In order for society to function as a single whole, each subsystem must perform specific, strictly defined functions. The functions of subsystems mean the satisfaction of any social needs. Yet together they are aimed at maintaining the sustainability of society.

The development of social life represents a consistent transition from lower to higher socio-economic formations: from primitive communal to slaveholding, then to feudal, capitalist and communist.

Any civilization is characterized not only by a specific social production technology, but also, to no lesser extent, by its corresponding culture. It is characterized by a certain philosophy, socially significant values, a generalized image of the world, a specific way of life with its own special life principle, the basis of which is the spirit of the people, its morality, conviction, which also determine a certain attitude towards oneself.

The civilizational approach in sociology involves taking into account and studying what is unique and original in the organization of the social life of an entire region.

In the sphere of production and economic relations, this is the achieved level of development of technology and technology generated by the new stage of the scientific and technological revolution, the system of commodity-money relations, and the presence of a market.

In the political sphere, the general civilizational basis includes a legal state operating on the basis of democratic norms.

In the spiritual and moral sphere, the common heritage of all peoples are the great achievements of science, art, culture, as well as universal moral values.

Social life is shaped by a complex set of forces in which natural phenomena and processes are only one of the elements. Based on the conditions created by nature, a complex interaction of individuals manifests itself, which forms a new integrity, society, as a social system. Labor, as a fundamental form of activity, underlies the development of diverse types of organization of social life.

Social life can be defined as a complex of phenomena arising from the interaction of individuals, social groups, in a certain space, and the use of products located in it, necessary to satisfy needs.

Social life arises, reproduces and develops precisely because of the presence of dependencies between people. To satisfy his needs, a person must interact with other individuals, enter a social group, and participate in joint activities.

Dependence can be elementary, direct dependence on one’s friend, brother, colleague. Addiction can be complex and indirect. For example, the dependence of our individual life on the level of development of society, the effectiveness of the economic system, the effectiveness of the political organization of society, and the state of morals. There are dependencies between different communities of people (between urban and rural residents, students and workers, etc.).

Social connection is nothing more than dependence, which is realized through social action and appears in the form of social interaction. Let us consider in more detail such elements of social life as social action and interaction.

A striking example of interaction - manufacturing process. Here there is deep and close coordination of the system of actions of partners on issues for which a connection has been established between them, for example, the production and distribution of goods. An example of social interaction could be communication with work colleagues and friends. In the process of interaction, actions, services, personal qualities etc.

So, in all subjects that are significant for satisfying his needs, a person enters into deep, connected interaction with other people, with society as a whole. Social connections thus represent a variety of interactions consisting of actions and responses. As a result of repetition of one or another type of interaction, different types relationships between people.

The relationships that connect a social subject (individual, social group) with objective reality, and which are aimed at transforming it, are called human activity. Purposeful human activity consists of individual actions and interactions. In general, human activity is characterized by a creatively transformative nature, activity and objectivity.

It can be material and spiritual, practical and theoretical, transformative and educational, etc. Social action is at the core of human activity.

Cultureand its impact on societydevelopment

Currently, there are about 300 options for defining culture. Such diversity certainly indicates that culture occupies a special place in the life of mankind. It is an indicator of the material and spiritual maturity of society. It embodies the ability of society in each specific historical period to ensure the functioning of social life.

These abilities are characterized by the level of knowledge achieved, the quality and variety of created tools and means of life, the ability to practically apply them and use them for creative purposes, the degree of mastery of the spontaneous forces of nature, and the improvement of social life in the interests of society. Culture, obviously, acts as a qualitative side of any activity, as a way of thinking and behavior. At the same time, it represents certain values, both material and spiritual. IN real life they are fused, but there are also differences. Material culture, as a rule, is objective and tangible. Spiritual values ​​can appear not only in an objective-material shell, but also in an act of creative activity.

The components of material culture have a clear value expression. This cannot be said about spiritual culture: many of its objects are priceless and unique. Some researchers identify culture with the entire social sphere, others with spiritual life, others present it as a set of material and spiritual values, etc.

However, it seems that the content of this category cannot be limited to any one sphere of life (material or spiritual), one value characteristic (aesthetic, moral or political), one form of activity (cognitive, educational, organizational, etc.) .

Each stage of society is distinguished by certain cultural and historical specifics. These differences are many: the number of accumulated cultural objects and methods of their manufacture, the assimilation and understanding of the experience of previous generations, the connection between various types cultural activities, cultural objects and human culture, the spirit of culture, influencing the system of principles, norms and rules of social life.

Culture performs diverse and responsible social functions. First of all, according to Smelser, it structures social life, that is, it does the same thing as genetically programmed behavior in the lives of animals. Learned behavior, common to an entire group of people and passed on from generation to generation, is culture. This process itself is called socialization. During its course, values, beliefs, norms, and ideals become part of the personality and shape its behavior.

The spiritual and moral function of culture is closely related to socialization. It identifies, systematizes, addresses, reproduces, preserves, develops and transmits eternal values ​​in society - goodness, beauty, truth. Values ​​exist as an integral system. The set of values ​​generally accepted in a particular social group or country, expressing their special vision of social reality, is called mentality. There are political, economic, aesthetic and other values. The dominant type of values ​​are moral values, which represent the preferred options for relationships between people, their connections with each other and society.

Culture also has a communicative function, which makes it possible to consolidate the connection between the individual and society, to see the connection between times, to establish a connection between progressive traditions, to establish mutual influence (mutual exchange), and to select what is most necessary and appropriate for replication.

One can also name such aspects of the purpose of culture as being an instrument for the development of social activity and citizenship.

Active development of the media in the twentieth century. led to the emergence of new cultural forms. Among them, the so-called Mass culture. It arose along with the emergence of a society of mass production and mass consumption.

IN Lately, another new form of culture has appeared - screen (virtual), associated with the computer revolution, based on the synthesis of a computer with video technology.

Sociologists note that culture is very dynamic. So, in the second half of the twentieth century. Significant changes have occurred in culture: the mass media have developed enormously, an industrial-commercial type of production of standardized spiritual goods has emerged, leisure time and spending on leisure have increased, culture has become a branch of the market economy.

social public natural culture


Man exists through metabolism with the environment. He breathes, consumes various natural products, and exists as a biological body within certain physicochemical, organic and other environmental conditions. As a natural, biological being, a person is born, grows, matures, ages and dies.

All this characterizes man as a biological being, defines him biological nature. But at the same time, it differs from any animal and, first of all, in the following features: it produces its own environment (dwelling, clothing, tools), changes the surrounding world not only according to the measure of its utilitarian needs, but also according to the laws of knowledge of this world, as well as and according to the laws of morality and beauty, it can act not only according to need, but also in accordance with the freedom of its will and imagination, while the action of an animal is focused exclusively on satisfying physical needs (hunger, instinct of procreation, group, species instincts, etc.); makes his life activity an object, treats it meaningfully, purposefully changes it, plans it.

All his natural inclinations and senses, including hearing, vision, and smell, become socially and culturally oriented. He evaluates the world according to the laws of beauty developed in a given social system, and acts according to the laws of morality that have developed in a given society. New, not only natural, but also social, spiritual and practical feelings develop in him. These are, first of all, feelings of sociality, collectivity, morality, citizenship, and spirituality.

All together, these qualities, both innate and acquired, characterize the biological and social nature of man.

Culture gives a person a sense of belonging to a community, fosters control over one’s behavior, and determines the style of practical life. At the same time, culture is a decisive way of social interactions and the integration of individuals into society.


1. Dubinin N. P. What is a person. - M.: Mysl, 1983.

2. Lavrienko V.N. Sociology: Textbook for universities - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2004.

3.Prokopova M.V. Basics of Sociology: Tutorial- M.: RDL Publishing House, 2001.

4. Sokolova V.A. Fundamentals of Sociology. Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2000.

5. Efendiev. A.G. Fundamentals of Sociology. Lecture course. Rep. ed. M., 1993.

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To begin with, let us turn to the analysis of the initial concepts - “nature” and “society”.

The concept "nature" is used in two senses. Nature in a broad sense– everything that exists, the whole world, the Universe, i.e. everything around us, including humans and society. Nature in the narrow sense– the natural environment in which human and social life takes place (the surface of the Earth with its special qualitative characteristics: climate, minerals, etc.).

Society there is an isolated part of nature that emerged into an independent, sociocultural reality as a result of the joint activities of people. The phenomena of culture and civilization are artificially created, second nature. Nature is much older than society, but since the existence of mankind, the history of people and the history of nature have been inextricably linked with each other: society is not isolated from nature, not protected from the influence of natural forces, both positive and negative.

The relationship between nature, society and man has always attracted the attention of philosophy.

Ancient philosophy gave priority to nature, to the Cosmos as a living, ordered whole. The ideal for man, understood as a part of the Cosmos, was considered to live in harmony with nature.

IN Middle Ages nature was placed lower than man, for the latter was thought of as the image and likeness of God, as the crown of creation and the king of earthly nature. It was believed that nature embodied the Divine plan.

IN Renaissance man discovered beauty in nature. The unity of man and nature was affirmed, but man is already striving to subjugate nature.

This aspiration becomes the leading one in New time when nature becomes an object of scientific knowledge and active transformative activities person.

Over time, this utilitarian-pragmatic attitude towards nature began to dominate in all technogenic civilizations right up to the present day. As opposition to this approach, an awareness of the need for human cooperation with nature and an equal dialogue with it is maturing.

Considering the fact of interaction between nature and society, we will focus in this issue on the role of nature in the life and development of society. It is clear that nature, forming the natural environment for humans, is a necessary condition for the existence and development of society.

The most important component of nature is geographical environment- a part of nature involved in the sphere of practical human activity. In more specific terms, it means the totality geographical location, surface structure, soil cover, fossil resources, climate, water resources, flora and fauna on the territory of the Earth on which a certain human society lives and develops. In other words, the geographical environment is represented by such components of nature as: lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

Plays a particularly important role in it biosphere- the living shell of our planet, the area of ​​​​interaction between living and nonliving things, which, with the advent of people, passes, according to Vernadsky, into a qualitatively new state - the noosphere.

Society also has its components:

anthroposphere– the sphere of life of people as biological organisms;

sociosphere– the area of ​​social relations between people;

biotechnosphere– area of ​​distribution of technological influence of mankind.

Highlight three aspects of nature's impact on society:

ecological– “nature around us” (geographical environment, as well as part of the near cosmos that humans explore);

anthropological– “nature is within us” (= natural-biological principle in man himself: heredity, racial characteristics, temperament, inclinations);

demographic, characterizing the biological characteristics of the entire human race.

These features are expressed in terms of “ population"(= a continuously reproducing set of people living in a certain territory), its " gender and age structure», « height», « density" The laws of population (fertility, mortality, growth or decline) are historical, biosocial in nature. It is recorded that the Earth's population increases noticeably from era to era.

There is a concept that states that population growth is a factor determining the development of society. Within its framework there were outlined two options: 1) population growth is good for society, because stimulates the development of production ( V. Petty in England in the 17th century, M.M.Kovalevsky in Russia, XIX century) 2) population growth is evil, the source of social disasters. Thus, the English economist and priest T.R. Malthus(1766-1834) in his work “Essay on the Law of Population” argued that population growth, if it does not meet resistance, occurs in geometric progression(doubles every 25 years), and the growth of livelihoods is arithmetic. From this Malthus concludes: the main evil leading to poverty of the population is its growth.

Despite the inaccuracies in calculations and forecasts, for the first time in Malthus the question of population becomes an object of strict scientific research. Moreover, modern demographic situation characterized as " population explosion» - a rapid increase in population growth rates due to the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America: if in 2000 the world’s population was 6 billion people, now it is already about 7 billion, in 2025 8 billion are expected, and in 2050 – 9.3 billion.

back side problems - a decrease in population growth in a number of developed countries: Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, etc. Negative dynamics are also observed in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. In general, maintaining the current growth rate of the Earth's population can lead to the destruction of the natural environment, economic decline, deterioration in the quality of life of people, migrant problems... To avoid this, it is necessary, at a minimum, to help reduce the rate of population growth in the countries of Asia and Africa, as well as to look for new ways to feed humanity, incl. due to the achievements of science, but this must be consistent with the solution of environmental problems.

The impact of nature on society (in its environmental aspect) received understanding within the framework geographical determinism– a direction in social philosophy, according to which factors of the geographical environment play a decisive role in the life and development of society. The foundations of this approach were outlined in antiquity ( Hippocrates), but it became especially widespread from the beginning of the 16th century. - the time of the beginning of great geographical discoveries.

One of the major representatives of geographical determinism in modern times C. Montesquieu in his book “On the Spirit of Laws,” he pursued the idea that climate, soil, and terrain determine the moral and psychological appearance of the people, and through this, the laws and social system.

So, if southern peoples relaxed and lazy, then the peoples of the North, where the climate is harsh and the soil is poor, are brave and inclined to defend their freedom. As a result, despotism is more likely to develop in the south than in the north. Montesquieu's conclusion: “The power of climate is stronger than all powers!”

The geographical direction was also represented in our country. K.I.Ber(17921876) argued that the fate of peoples is determined “in advance and inevitably by the nature of the area they occupy.” L.I. Mechnikov(1838-1888) also sought to prove that the geographical environment is a decisive force for historical progress, while emphasizing the role of waterways. The development of society, according to him, proceeds from the ancient, isolated from each other, river civilizations, to the sea, and then to the oceanic ones, which begin with the discovery of America. This process, according to Mechnikov, leads to the acceleration of the development of society, to an increase in its dynamics.

Some Russian thinkers raised the question more broadly - about the influence of cosmic factors on the development of society ( Chizhevsky, L. Gumilyov, Vernadsky and etc.).

Geographical determinism in general is criticized for a certain metaphysical thinking, for the fact that it does not take into account the evolution of society and its reverse influence on nature. However, despite the one-sidedness of the theories considered, they reflect some important points influence of natural factors on social life.

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