Transparent linoleum on the floor. When to use liquid linoleum: advantages and disadvantages. Do-it-yourself production process

May 27, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The desire to save for many developers often results in even greater expenses: cheap laminate wears out, linoleum tears, and ceramics crack from falling heavy objects. Do you want to do the job once and not have to repair the floor in a few years? Then the best option would be liquid linoleum– in the kitchen, hallway, bathroom or any other room it will last longer than most other options.

Features of liquid linoleum

First, we’ll look at what advantages this option has over other types of coatings, what disadvantages it has, and then we’ll talk about the main types of products and touch on the features of the work process. This will allow you to understand all the important nuances and help you make the right decision.

One thing worth noting important point: self-leveling polymer floor and liquid linoleum are the same thing, and if in point of sale they are trying to convince you that this is different materials, then most likely this is due to an attempt to sell something more expensive. Do not listen to the opinions of pseudo-experts; most often they claim that the types of products are different, but at the same time they cannot tell what the main differences are.

Pros and cons of self-leveling floors

As for the advantages of this type of flooring, there are a lot of them, we will list the most important and significant of them:

  • The layer can be from 1 to 7 mm; for residential premises, 1.5 mm is sufficient to ensure high strength and reliability. That is, the consumption of the composition is quite small, which reduces the cost of purchasing the material;
  • The surface is very durable and can easily withstand falling heavy objects and high loads from the movement of large numbers of people. It should also be noted that the material tolerates temperature changes well and practically does not change its properties, even if the surface becomes very hot or is exposed to frost;
  • Another very important factor– resistance to aggressive chemical compositions, for this reason this type of coating is very popular in industrial facilities. But even with home use this advantage is important, since you can wash the surface with the addition of detergents and don’t worry if any composition suddenly spills on the floor;

  • Environmental friendliness is another important criterion, which is receiving a lot of attention these days. The frozen surface has no effect negative impact on human health. In addition, the composition does not burn, which makes it possible to ensure high level fire safety;
  • The surface is resistant to moisture, so the coating is perfect for other places with constant humidity. The absence of seams on the surface provides additional reliability, since there are no potential leak points;

  • You can make floors in rooms of any size and configuration; the composition easily penetrates even into hard to reach places, you don't have to cut and adjust elements. This advantage is especially important for rooms non-standard shape, because when using traditional options the amount of waste increases significantly, in our case this negative factor is excluded;

  • Another very important advantage is the ease of surface care. It is enough to periodically wipe the floor with a damp cloth; no other operations are required.

Of course, liquid linoleum also has disadvantages and we cannot help but mention them:

  • The coating is very demanding in terms of surface preparation. To get the best result, it is necessary to level the plane to an almost ideal state, since any problems lead to unnecessary consumption of the composition and a significant increase in project costs;
  • The work process requires scrupulousness and strict compliance with all the requirements given by the manufacturer of the composition. Therefore, if you doubt your capabilities, it is better to involve specialists in the work; their services are not cheap, but you are guaranteed to get an ideal result;

  • In order for the surface to fully gain strength and the room can be used, 5-7 days must pass. That is, if you need to carry out work urgently, this option will not work; its installation must be planned in advance;
  • With constant exposure to direct sun rays individual areas may fade, this may worsen the appearance of the floor, although the strength characteristics will not be affected in any way;
  • If you decide to lay another covering, then dismantling liquid linoleum will take a lot of time and effort. It’s easier to make another floor on top, since the self-leveling option is an excellent base.

Types of compositions

Currently, there are four main options on sale, each of which has its own characteristics; let’s look at them in detail:

Methyl methacrylate compounds A universal solution that does not have a very attractive appearance, but it perfectly withstands loads and is resistant to atmospheric influences. But the composition has a very fast setting speed, so efficiency is important when working, so only professionals can do this option. Another feature is the ability to carry out work at both positive and negative temperatures
Cement-acrylic compositions This group of compositions is made on the basis of high-grade cement and acrylic copolymer with the addition of high-strength fillers. Due to their high resistance to chemical influences and temperature changes, such solutions are especially popular in enterprises Food Industry. It is worth noting that the technology for applying cement-acrylic mixtures is much more complex than other analogues
Epoxy based compounds Epoxy resin is well known for its strength characteristics, so it is not surprising that floor coverings are also made on its basis. The composition fits perfectly on both concrete and even metal. Such floors can be used both in industrial enterprises and in residential premises, as they are environmentally friendly, in addition, they can be used to create decorative coatings
Polyurethane liquid floors This option is the most popular today, as it combines such properties as strength, elasticity and wear resistance. Polyurethane-based compounds are used in both industrial and private buildings.

The only nuance that should be remembered is that when carrying out work in the room, low humidity must be maintained until the layer has completely hardened

Remember that during work a strong odor is released and inhalation of the vapors of the composition can lead to deterioration of health.
Therefore, all work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area and a respirator should be used to protect the respiratory system.

A separate option that should be discussed is floors with a 3D effect. To create them, transparent polyurethane or epoxy compounds are used; the technology involves placing a picture on the surface, which is then filled with a layer of liquid linoleum and, after drying, a composition with a volumetric effect is obtained.

Another interesting solution– placement of any objects on the floor, for example, coins, and subsequent filling of the surface. This way you can get very interesting compositions that you create yourself; this option provides a unique result, since each specific case is unique.

As for manufacturers, there are quite a large number of options on the market; we will tell you about the most common ones, although the list may differ in each region:

  • The Feidal brand is known among specialists for its quality and reliability. The company produces a wide range of products, the cost of which varies from 15,000 to 20,000 per package of 24 kg. Polyurethane-based compositions are ideal for use in residential premises, the mixture consumption ranges from 2 to 4 kg per sq.m.;

  • Domestic products under the Praspan brand are also popular; their main advantage is their low price; a kilogram of the composition, depending on the brand, will cost you 250 rubles and more. It is important to choose best option for certain conditions;

  • Another a budget option– “Monopol” produces several versions of products on both polyurethane and polyester bases. The cost varies from 200 rubles or more;
  • Another good option is the self-leveling floor from the Teping company, the cost of a kilogram of the composition is from 600 rubles, while the quality and environmental friendliness meet the highest standards. You will be presented with a choice of different solutions For various types premises.

As for the workflow, this is the topic of a separate review, so here we will talk about the main stages and their features:

  • First of all, the base is cleaned of all contaminants., the remnants of old coatings are removed from it. All furniture is removed from the room, it must be empty;
  • Next, the surface is inspected for damage and cracks.. You also need to check the plane using a level, and if there are significant differences on it, then it is advisable to level it using cement mortar or self-leveling composition;
  • Then you need to treat the surface with a primer., it is needed in order to reduce the absorption of the surface and improve the adhesion of the composition to the base. Work can be continued only after the soil has completely dried;
  • The application of the base layer is carried out starting from the highest point in the room; if the level is the same, then you can start from one side and go to the exit. When working, a needle roller is used to remove air and distribute the composition over the surface. To move on the floor, purchase special devices– paint shoes, they allow you to walk on freshly poured compound;

  • Finally, a protective wear-resistant compound is applied to the top; if you want to get a design, then paint is applied before that. It all depends on the project, we have described the simplest option, all the features of the work will be indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Do not forget that it is not advisable to move on the surface until it has completely dried, even if it seems strong and reliable.


Filling liquid linoleum with your own hands is not the easiest task, but the result will be much better than most other options. The video in this article will tell and clearly show some important nuances, and if something is not clear to you, ask questions in the comments, and we will be happy to answer them.

May 27, 2016

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Innovative developments in the field of construction and renovation have made it possible to significantly expand the design options for premises. Lately The idea of ​​liquid linoleum is spreading rapidly. Getting acquainted with a new type of flooring will allow you to discover another facet in the art of design.

Purpose of liquid linoleum

A comparative characteristic between liquid linoleum and a roll product with the same name made it possible to identify the only commonality - a solid canvas. There is a vague similarity in appearance until you touch the surface. To the touch liquid linoleum resembles ceramic tiles. Otherwise, differences are present in all areas, from the properties and materials used to the installation principle. Another name more accurately reflects the essence of the coating - self-leveling floors.

Initially, liquid linoleum was intended for industrial use. The developers were faced with the task of creating a durable foundation, not subject to abrasion, for production and storage facilities. After original idea designers to decorate self-leveling floors with an individual design, the number of people who want to decorate their own home with liquid linoleum modern technologies grows exponentially.

Depending on the filler, self-leveling floors are:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • based on epoxy resins;
  • containing methyl methacrylic resins;
  • polyurethane.

The first three compositions of self-leveling floors are more intended for industrial purposes; liquid self-leveling linoleum based on polyurethane is mainly used in residential premises. Despite the strength and wear resistance of all categories, the advantages of polyurethane flooring are added to its lightness, which contributes to the creation of an elegant coating. The thickness of the self-leveling floor varies in the range of 1-7 mm; according to the recommendations of experts, it is optimal to form a layer of 1.5 mm for standard loads. This will be enough to operate the self-leveling floor for the next 30 years.


Liquid linoleum has many more advantages than disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at all the essential nuances of self-leveling flooring:

Note! Required condition to ensure water resistance is correct production waterproofing at the preparatory stage.

Three things can overshadow the impression of the impeccability of liquid linoleum: high cost of materials, long period preparatory work and the presence of only 12 shades when decorating a single-color surface.

In-house manufacturing process

Every craftsman with operating skills can master the technology of laying liquid linoleum with his own hands. construction tools. Before going on to describe the sequence installation work, it should be noted one more advantage of liquid linoleum - unpretentiousness when applied to various substrates. The only condition that must be fulfilled is to exclude the possibility of them absorbing moisture. This is achieved by treating concrete or cement surfaces with special primers; impregnations are provided for wooden floors. Protective measures are aimed at preventing the absorption of expensive material, eliminating its unplanned consumption and, accordingly, reducing total cost production of liquid linoleum.

Work on the production of self-leveling floors includes the following stages:

Liquid linoleum, or, as it is also called, self-leveling flooring, is the most modern covering, which has a number of extremely tempting advantages. However, like any good thing, self-leveling linoleum has several disadvantages.

Certainly, negative sides liquid linoleum, which we will talk about below, cannot be called critical, but it is still necessary to know about them. So, let's talk in more detail about the disadvantages of self-leveling floors.

. Preparation of the main floor. In order to lay liquid linoleum efficiently, a perfectly flat surface is required. If the main floor has depressions or other irregularities, installing liquid linoleum on it is impossible. First, you need to level the base floor, which in itself is a rather expensive and time-consuming procedure. At the same time, preparing the main floor takes quite a lot of time, which seriously delays the completion of all work. And finally, laying liquid linoleum requires a dry base. In other words, the underlying floor should have a moisture content of no more than 5 percent.

Dismantling. After laying liquid linoleum and drying it, it will be extremely difficult to dismantle this coating. Therefore, to replace the liquid linoleum with a new or some other coating, the main floor will again have to be repaired.

Curing time. After laying liquid linoleum, the room cannot be used immediately, much less install furniture or continue repairs. Typically, it takes 5 to 6 days for liquid linoleum to completely harden.

Choice color solutions. Today there are not many color solutions for liquid linoleum. If none of the 12 available shades are suitable, the self-leveling floor will have to be decorated at the installation stage special material called chips.

Artificiality. Despite all the advantages of liquid linoleum, this coating is artificial, and this will not allow creating a microclimate in the room obtained by using natural materials.

Indeed, liquid linoleum has certain disadvantages, but, firstly, they are not too significant, and secondly, the quantity and quality of the advantages of this flooring more than offset all its negative aspects. It turns out that self-leveling floor is perfect solution, not only for commercial premises, but also for residential ones.

Among all the options for floor coverings, there are those that are characterized by increased strength and reliability, moreover, allowing you to create very beautiful and unusual bases. Increasingly, a type of material such as liquid linoleum is used for laying coverings in apartments and houses. This coating is otherwise called self-leveling flooring. And its installation is fundamentally different from the usual polyurethane linoleum.

Liquid linoleum or is a special composition of polymer substances that is used to create floor coverings. After pouring, it dries quickly enough and turns into a very durable monolithic base that feels like ceramic tiles. The material does not form seams, making it possible to create a uniform and beautiful floor throughout the house or in individual rooms. It is thanks to liquid linoleum that the floor can be turned into a real work of art, creating beautiful drawings on it. Sometimes this type of coating can imitate stone and other materials.

On a note! By adding decorative elements (chips, sparkles, etc.) to the mixture for filling floors, you can do without creating patterns, and the surface will still turn out beautiful and unusual.

Liquid linoleum as a material has the following characteristics and features:

  • There are more than 10 basic background colors of the material, which can be connected to each other and create unusual abstract designs;
  • the thickness of the coating formed by the material is only 1.5-2 mm in a residential building or apartment and up to 7 mm in industrial facilities;
  • the cost of materials is quite high, but since their consumption is small, it makes sense to think about pouring such a coating in the house.

Liquid linoleum is the collective name for a number of mixtures that differ from each other in composition. They can be made based various components, which is why sometimes their characteristics differ significantly.

Table. The main types of liquid linoleum.

Viewa brief description of

This liquid linoleum is made on the basis of methyl methacrylate resin. It is characterized by increased frost resistance and is not afraid of exposure to sunlight. Often used on industrial sites and in freezers, often on the street, where it calmly withstands the effects of all natural factors.

Very durable and reliable look liquid floor containing cement and acrylic components. Recommended for installation inside industrial workshops, where there is a strong mechanical impact on the floors. Withstands changes in heat and humidity conditions well.

Liquid linoleum based epoxy resin. Not afraid of exposure to various chemical substances, therefore, previously it was often used to decorate floors in pharmaceutical workshops and laboratories. Less resistant to mechanical shocks than other types of floors.

The type of liquid linoleum most often used for residential construction. It is quite durable and allows you to create various types of coatings using various decorative components and materials. Its performance characteristics are quite enough to cope with the level of humidity in the kitchen or bathroom.

Purpose of liquid linoleum

Initially, this type of coating was used for finishing floors inside industrial workshops. His task was to create a durable coating resistant to chemical and mechanical influences. Floors in factories and inside warehouses had to be resistant to abrasion, not afraid of oil, trolleys with loads moving across them, or exposure to water. frequent washing floors These are the properties that self-leveling floors have.

However, now these types of bases are increasingly being used in household repairs. Owners of apartments and houses quickly realized that kitchen and bathroom floors should be as reliable as possible and not afraid of moisture. It is advisable that they do not leak in case of problems with the water supply and drainage system. Thus, liquid linoleum, which also has waterproofing properties, has become one of the best options coverings for these premises.

Prices for self-leveling floors

Self-leveling floor Weber

On a note! Over time, liquid linoleum began to be poured into other rooms - bedrooms, halls, corridors. But such a floor seems quite cold to the touch, so it is not recommended to install it in cool rooms and on the first floors of houses. An exception is the use of a base heating system.

Also, self-leveling floors are often used in shopping centers, dance halls and even sports grounds. Wear resistance allows them to be successfully used in car repair shops and premises where various complex technical work is carried out.

  • high abrasion resistance;
  • presence of antistatic properties;
  • increased level of waterproofing;
  • resistance to chemicals.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum

Like any material, liquid linoleum has its advantages and disadvantages. And it is important to know them before deciding to fill such floors. The advantages of using liquid linoleum are much greater than the disadvantages. Advantages of the material:

  • very durable and resistant to various types impact;
  • practically does not scratch;
  • waterproof, therefore it can be safely installed in the kitchen or bathroom and will even play the role of waterproofing in case of flooding (if properly prepared and installation requirements are met);
  • durable - service life can be 40 years or more;
  • environmentally friendly and non-flammable;
  • easy to maintain - easy to clean using available products;
  • has no seams;
  • dries quickly after pouring;
  • can be decorated in a variety of ways.

Disadvantages of coverage:

  • high cost of materials;
  • installation is simple, but at the same time requires a lot of attention and care - it’s easy to make a mistake, but very difficult to correct.

Prices for liquid linoleum

Since we are talking about the high cost of materials, it is important to find out approximately how much this coating option costs, or rather, everything that is needed to create it. On average, the price for 1 m2 starts from 450 rubles. But the more complex and interesting the floor decor is, the more expensive it will cost. Also, the cost will depend on the thickness of the foundation being poured. For example, a self-leveling methyl methacrylate floor 3 mm thick will cost 1,500 rubles per 1 m 2.

On a note! Compositions for creating domestically produced liquid linoleum are cheaper than imported ones, and the quality is not always as bad as they are said to be. But to get an ideal result, you should use components produced by trusted brands.

Features of laying liquid linoleum

Self-leveling linoleum turns out to be not the easiest coating to install if you thoroughly study the entire process of pouring it. The fact is that at first glance at such work it seems that everything is simple: pour the mixture onto rough foundation, leveled and the floors are ready. But in reality everything turns out to be much more complicated.

One of the main aspects of the work is proper preparation subfloor. It is important not only to clean it well from debris, but also to make it even. There should be no cracks or gaps on the floor, and there should also be no significant differences in height (maximum permissible level– 2 mm).

Advice! A long rule will help determine the evenness of the floor. It is laid on the base at different points on the surface, and then the width of the gaps between it and the rough base is measured. If there are gaps larger than 2 mm, the subfloor needs to be leveled. If we neglect this aspect, then the consumption of the liquid linoleum mixture will increase significantly.

It is also important to repair cracks and crevices on the floor. construction staff, and it is recommended to grind off all protrusions whose height is greater than the horizontal level of the floor. Otherwise, liquid linoleum will have to fill all the cavities, and this significantly increases consumption expensive material. Filling the screed with a self-leveling mixture will allow you to level it.

Liquid linoleum is a mixture that should be poured onto a dust-free surface. If this is neglected, then all the debris from the base will end up on the surface of the floor being poured, which will lead to a decrease in its aesthetic qualities. Therefore, floors are not just swept with a broom - they must be carefully processed powerful vacuum cleaner and washed with water. It is also necessary to prime the base - the procedure will remove dust from the surface and reduce its absorption of moisture. It's better to use a primer deep penetration and apply it in 2 layers with an interval of 6-8 hours.

On a note! If the base cannot be repaired, it is recommended to completely remove old screed and form a new one. However, before pouring liquid linoleum you will have to wait until it dries. Drying time cement mixture screed is 28 days.

Liquid linoleum can also be poured onto other surfaces - ceramics, wood, etc. It is only important to properly prepare the base and take care of waterproofing.

Liquid linoleum in an apartment or house must be installed under certain conditions. The optimal air temperature for this work can vary from 5 to 25 degrees, and the humidity level should be about 60%. If these values ​​are different, the mixture will dry out too quickly, which will entail a violation of the installation technology and, accordingly, a decrease in the performance characteristics of the finished floor.

If it is planned to form a decorative layer on the floor of a room, then self-leveling floors are poured in two approaches. The first layer is a rough, base layer. A neutral white mixture is usually used to fill it. Next, you should choose a method for decorating the surface. There are several of them:

  • using materials of different colors;
  • using chips or sparkles, stones and other decorative elements;
  • creating a pattern on the floor. In this case, you will need a printed image.

On a note! Floors can be painted by hand, but this method requires painting skills.

After this, the floors are “closed” with transparent protective layer liquid linoleum. It is made in the same way as the base is leveled with a self-leveling mixture. Next, the floors should dry thoroughly. Usually, only a few hours are enough for polymerization, but experts advise waiting a few days before the base is fully used. Sometimes the drying time reaches 20 days - it all depends on the mixture used and the thickness of the coating applied.

DIY liquid linoleum

This type of coating can be filled with your own hands, without the involvement of third-party specialists. To do this, you need to purchase all the materials and be sure to study the instructions for working with them in order to avoid mistakes. Tools and materials that will be useful:

  • construction mixer;
  • floor filling mixture;
  • material for decoration;
  • squeegee;
  • regular roller - for soil;
  • leveling epoxy putty;
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • needle roller;
  • paint shoes;
  • finishing varnish.

Attention! Do not mix all the mixtures at once. Their polymerization time is quite short, and therefore it is better to mix first one portion for the base layer, and then the second for the finishing layer, which will cover the decorative coating.

Which will satisfy every member of a family living in a private house or apartment quite often becomes very difficult. Given the modern range of materials on our shelves, this is natural. But, as it turned out, there is the possibility of a compromise between lovers of exclusivity and supporters of conservatism. We are talking about liquid linoleum. Many have now asked themselves the question: what is this? Today our editors decided to answer this question and, together with the reader, try to figure out whether such flooring should be considered a priority.

Read in the article

What is liquid linoleum: main characteristics of the material

Speaking specifically in terms of composition, liquid linoleum can be compared with self-leveling floors, which have been presented on the Russian market for several years. The main difference between similar materials is only that it serves as a rough material, which is intended to level the surface. It turns out that in appearance these compositions are identical, but, in fact, they are intended for different purposes, which means that the methods of their use, as well as surface preparation, are strikingly different.

The characteristics of this material are truly amazing. The name here is completely inappropriate, especially when it comes to more expensive mixtures. The only parameter by which these two materials can be compared is the need to level the surface before laying (application).

Features of laying the mixture: possible difficulties

Laying liquid linoleum cannot be called elementary. The main difficulty lies in preparation. rough coating to filling. It's not enough to just sweep here. Experts also recommend that you then rinse it with water and any soap composition. The fact is that the slightest debris that remains on the rough fill will subsequently float to the surface. This will lead to unevenness and roughness on the finishing surface. The last stage is to apply 2 layers of floors with intervals of 6-7 hours between applications.

Helpful information! It is quite possible to lay liquid linoleum on wooden surfaces. However, here you will need to pay special attention to the quality of waterproofing.

Nuances of decorating self-leveling coatings

Often liquid linoleum is laid in office premises, at the same time, no one pays special attention to decoration. Simply adding a certain color is enough. But this question is more important. In these cases, after laying the main layer, they begin to apply a decorative one, which can be ordinary glitter. desired color. But the most complex (at the same time, the most beautiful) will be the option in which a colored or monochromatic pattern serves as such a layer. It is printed on a printer.

After the decorative layer is applied, a transparent layer is laid, consisting of quick-drying, which gives gloss and strength to the floor covering. Despite the fact that the resin mixed with the hardener dries in a few hours, it is not recommended to use the surface for several more days. Depending on the composition and thickness of the layer, this period can reach 20-25 days.

Interesting to know! Quite often, the method of applying a design yourself is used for decoration. In this case, you can get an exclusive coating, but this method requires skill. Professional artists are often hired for such purposes.

Possible mistakes made by novice craftsmen when pouring

Very often on the Internet you can find negative reviews about one or another composition of liquid linoleum. Such problems arise not through the fault of the manufacturer, but only due to non-compliance with the technology of pouring or drying the coating. It makes sense to consider in more detail the main mistakes that can be made when carrying out such work.

Failure to comply with the proportions and method of mixing the mixture

The packaging of the composition must indicate the exact proportions of the components used in the preparation of the composition. If they are not met, you don’t have to think about any quality of the final result. But, even if everything is done in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, the composition can be spoiled if the mixing speed is too high or, conversely, slow. This parameter is also indicated on the packaging (if it matters for a specific composition).

Incorrectly prepared surface, or incorrect assessment of one’s capabilities

The need for thorough preparation of the subfloor has already been mentioned, but labor productivity is also worth noting. The fact is that ready-made composition polymerizes quite quickly. Therefore, when mixing an excess amount of it, the master may simply not have time to work it out or even it out. But correcting a mistake is much more difficult than preventing it.

This kind of mistake is made most often. Typically, such mixtures are recommended to be dried at temperatures from 5ºC to 25ºC and humidity 60-65%. If the percentage is less than 50%, drying will occur much faster, which will lead to cracking of the surface. Increased temperature will lead to the same result.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of drafts in the room. They will lead to unevenness and fragility of the finishing floor covering.

Low quality rough floor screed in terms of strength

Such an omission will not allow liquid linoleum to withstand mechanical damage. As a result, this will lead to the floor covering becoming unusable long before the expiration date guaranteed by the manufacturer. That is why experts recommend completely removing and replacing it if its strength does not inspire confidence.

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Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum over regular linoleum

To make it easier for the reader to navigate the difference between floor coverings, let's look at their pros and cons in tabular form. Let's start with the positive aspects.

How can you be sure positive qualities liquid linoleum has much more. Its only disadvantage is the high cost of the material, which often scares away the consumer.

Let's sum it up

Despite the many nuances and rather high complexity of laying liquid linoleum, similar material is becoming increasingly popular among Russian consumers. This is due not only to the high performance characteristics of modern compounds, but also to the aesthetic appearance final result. We can only hope that in the near future the cost of liquid linoleum will gradually decrease.

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