Energy Protection. How to provide protection from dark forces and people? Protecting the aura from negative influences

How to protect your biofield

Eternity opens its arms and everything that you call the beginning disappears...
The light fills you and you don’t notice the flowing tears of a light dawn...
The heart beats quietly in the silence of the joyful penetration of rays...
Then Life happens...

But in life there are troubles and even invasions of your energy space... Know how to protect yourself, repel a blow, make a steel shield of unshakable will and movement...

The concept and principle of operation of the Shield

Using the simplest methods energy protection are different kinds shields
The concept of a shield: a shield is an energy structure formed by compacting an area of ​​the biofield in order to prevent the penetration of destructive energy impulses.
In fact, this definition includes both the concept and principle of operation of the shield. It is created within the biofield using the appropriate thought form. The shield can be reflective or scattering. Scattering shields are most often used due to their simplicity. When creating them, there is no need to trace the direction of the attack after it is reflected. On the other hand, reflective shields are the most effective because... can send a charge back to the enemy, hitting him with the same energy that he spent on you, and then add some from himself.
Below are some examples of reflective and scattering shields. There are also absorbing shields, but they are classified as master techniques.

Scattering Shields
Visualization: between you and the enemy is created Brick wall thickness from 1 to ... (as long as you can stand) rows. From the moment it is created, all enemy attacks will spend their strength on this wall without reaching you. Keep in mind - the shield works as long as you hold visualization.
Advantages: The wall is the most common energy shield. It is built on a fairly simple mental image and consumes little energy.
Disadvantages: Easy to open. It will not save you from an enemy stronger than you.
Note: For this and other techniques, you must master visualization techniques perfectly.
Visualization: A silvery-white web envelops you, forming a dome in the shape of half an egg above you. The threads become thicker and thicker until they turn into a solid wall.
Pros: Quite a simple shield. Its advantages over a wall are that it cannot be opened unnoticed and it surrounds you on all sides. The main advantage is that you can easily move around with it.
Disadvantages: Same as the “wall”.
Movements: The master waves his hand, as if drawing a line on the ground between himself and the enemy.
Visualization: The earth bursts along the drawn line and a flame bursts out of the crack, which separates the master from the enemy with a wall. Periodically, when the wall begins to weaken, the master moves his hands upward, as if lifting something, and thereby causes a new wave of fire.
Advantages: Provides relatively reliable protection from any type of energy attacks and allows you to compact it at the desired point without unnecessary movements and effort.
Disadvantages: You cannot move with this shield and a lot of energy is spent on it. Another disadvantage is the difficulty of visualization.
"Gray Wall"
Visualization: Before your eyes there is a gray wall. Dull, rough and cold. A feeling of complete security and isolation from outside world. Only the gray surface of the cement is visible and nothing else.
Advantages: This method is suitable for use in a crowd, when someone is trying to get under the “Dome” or cross the “Wall”... It is performed with eyes closed and does not require spatial visualizations.
Disadvantages: Eyes are closed, so you cannot monitor what is happening around you.
"Crystal Dome"
Visualization: From the middle of the body, somewhere inside behind the solar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which inflates with a sharp exhalation, “squeezing” out all the negativity and forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent “crystal material”.
Movement: With explosive expansion of the ball, arms sharply to the sides.
Advantages: Performs not only a protective, but also a cleansing function. Installs quickly.
Disadvantages: Doesn't last long.
Reflective Shields
"Wall with a mirror"
Visualization: The same brick wall, but there is a mirror on the outside. Thus, the enemy “sees” his reflection in it, which receives the entire attack directed at you.
Advantages: Reduces energy costs for a retaliatory attack, because all the force directed at you is reflected back.
Disadvantages: Difficulty in visualizing the reflection.
"Shield of Perseus"
Shield from the Mobile series. That is, it allows you to repel a narrowly targeted attack, hitting the enemy with it, without covering your entire body.
Visualization: A round mirror shield appears on the left (right) hand, which reflects energy attacks by placing it in the path of the release.
Advantages: Mobility, quick installation, low installation costs.
Disadvantages: Low strength. Required correct calculation angle of attack for effective repulsion. Difficulties in visualizing reflections.

Black Shield
Position: Eyes closed (with good visualization you can open them), head slightly bent down, the impression is that with closed eyes you are looking at the enemy from under your eyebrows.
Visualization: Around the master, the space seems to begin to melt, turning into a black viscous substance, surrounding him with a solid, constantly changing and swaying wall. Any energy clot that gets into this substance also dissolves and gives up its energy to the shield, as if feeding it.
Advantages: One of the most reliable energy shields.
Disadvantages: The shield is double-sided, you can’t attack because of it.”
(Sham Eya Tsikon).


Since a person is constantly exposed to various energy-informational attacks throughout the day (evil eye, damage, slander, etc.), he needs bioenergetic protection. Moreover, every healer must protect his biofield, because... during the treatment process, he can “catch” other people’s diseases. Therefore, here are a few techniques to protect your aura.

In order to acquire skills in using defenses, healers recommend using various combinations of techniques. To improve physical condition and increase psychological stability, the following scheme for using protection is recommended: always at night, half an hour before bedtime, in the morning - after waking up, in the afternoon - before meeting an unpleasant person. This regimen must be followed for one and a half to two weeks, and if the condition improves, you can perform protection only in the morning and at night. Defense techniques are performed in parallel with exercises to increase bioenergetic potential. If the condition has significantly improved, protection is performed only in the morning.

Defense techniques:

Closing the contours of your biofield. This technique involves crossing your arms and legs in a conversation with a person from whom you can expect trouble, while you close the contour of your biofield, trying to prevent its leakage or breakdowns.

Protection is stronger with


(the technique is common in Eastern Siberia). This is done like this: big and index fingers of one hand are connected to the thumb and index finger of the other hand, forming a ring, the other three fingers overlap each other. This technique is popular in China and Japan.

The method is effective

"ring embeddings".

First, the thumb and index fingers of one hand form a ring, it is placed in the palm of the other hand, then the thumb and index fingers of the second hand form a ring and are placed in the palm of the first hand. This cycle is repeated three times. Usually, after the third time, the person performing the technique feels increased density around him, it seems as if his head is being squeezed by something. The attachment of the ring truly closes the contour of the human biofield.

Information and biological protection.

First, a protective shell is built, not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball. Then the ball is densely filled with silver-violet bioenergy. By outer surface The ball runs in the form of parallels and meridians, a ribbon on which is written: “You don’t need me (don’t need me).”

Rotation of the biofield.

Along with “protective shells,” healers recommend the so-called “rotation of the biofield.” The technique of this form of protection is similar to that described above, however, there is no dense shell, and the entire space between the body and the edge of the shell is filled with a viscous medium, something like porridge. This entire medium rotates around the axis of the body counterclockwise. When the rotation is done correctly, the feeling of the body disappears and what remains is the sensation of a homogeneous mass rotating in the shape of a cocoon.

Protection with a cross.

Mentally surround yourself with crosses on all sides, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, begin to move the crosses away from you to a distance of up to a meter. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses, feel how they are strengthened and form a single whole.

Combined protection. First, perform a “cross” defense, moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After this, make protection using a “shell” or “rotation of the biofield”.

Some advice from Siberian healers:

If you are a highly sensitive but insecure person, try to develop strong psychological immunity to the possibility of negative results for your health when someone else's information field is imposed. Immunity is developed in a comprehensive manner: defense techniques plus auto-training with the daily introduction of formulas that strengthen self-confidence and a successful outcome in any situation.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, concentrate and imagine that your face is enveloped by the warm and gentle rays of the sun, warming it and moving on. At the same time, make movements with your hands above your head, as if stopping the wall from penetrating anything bad into your head. Do this for two minutes.

Very often, a drop in vitality is not associated with the evil eye. Protective measures are recommended that lead to a sharp change in the general psychophysical state, for example, contrast or cold shower, fast dance, etc. Hot pepper gives excellent results, and the stronger it is, the more effective it is. A piece of pepper can be sucked like candy, or taken with coffee (for 100 g of coffee - 1 piece of pepper the size of a coin. Taking pepper while dancing is effective).

If you constantly receive visitors to your work who are not pleasant to you, after which you feel a loss of energy, take a long strip of paper and draw on one side women's faces, and on the other hand, men's, and the more, the better. Then roll the strip into a roller and tie it with pure wool thread, tie it in a knot, and cut off the ends and burn them. Carry the received amulet with you so that it always touches your body.

Rub your palms together until warmth appears in them, then bring them to your face, performing movements as if building a protective sphere around your head.

Close your eyes and imagine that all the bad things are going into your hands, and then shake the bad things from your hands into the fire or onto the ground. It is useful to carry out this procedure before preparing food so as not to introduce evil into it.

Systematically perform exercises to accumulate bioenergy. By constantly training, you will be able to raise your bioenergetic potential to such a level that, faced with which, sorcerers, psychics and elemental ill-wishers will simply not be able to deliver an energy blow - they will be too weak for this.

People often feel bad for no known reason. Many people find it difficult to understand that emotional and mental factors influence the state of the physical body. Poor mental well-being: depression, weakness, apathy and body pain can be caused by: internal conflict, and an energy attack from the outside. That is why we need to learn to strengthen our aura and protect ourselves from negative impact from the outside.

Most people are “vampires” because they unintentionally extract vitality. The same can be said about the entire hospital atmosphere. A weakened person feels better when a healthy person exuding energy is nearby. If you are full of strength, and in front of you is a sick person who is dear to you, happily share your energy. Life force - prana, is necessary for everyone, it is the basis of human life, and our attention is a directed flow of force to a certain place. The only point is how we use this personal power.

Ways to protect your aura from negativity

Almost all people drain energy from others from time to time. If you are a person with developed senses, you can feel prana flowing from you to another being. But how to protect the aura from the negativity of a hostile person? He also needs energy, but unfortunately, he is too ignorant to realize and block the leakage channels. Most of us find ourselves in this role more often than our inflated pride allows us to realize. In order to cut off energy leakage channels, you can use. Next, we will consider several ways to strengthen and protect the aura from negativity:

In addition to the human “vampire,” various energy entities invisible to the “normal eye” feed on prana. It is more difficult to protect yourself from such attacks than from the influence of other people, which is why more and more people are resorting to the services of a strong Magician.

In order to contact a bioenergy master, sign up for a session and receive protection from negativity, fill out the contact form below. Please indicate convenient days and times for the session. With love master Vivit, skype: showsinsho

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Everyone knows the feeling of loss of strength after communicating with someone a certain person:you feel a complete loss of strength, energy decline, stomach cramps and headache. This is a typical reaction to loss of energy.

Some people "suck" your energy, without even knowing it. But you should not indulge in energetic “vampirism”. You can protect yourself from this using the method of closing the internal energy circuit. No one can “steal” your energy if your energy flows are closed and circulate only within the body and aura.

To close the energy chain, sit cross-legged at the level of the ankle joints, and connect the pads of the fingers of both hands with each other. You can connect only the pads of the large and index finger. This completes your energy chain. You have protected yourself from energy losses.

Next time you interact with an energy vampire, assume this position. Place your hands calmly in your lap, interlocking your fingers and crossing your ankles. This is a common, completely natural posture for a person, which will not arouse any suspicion in the interlocutor. By the way, it is useful to do this when communicating with such a person on the phone.

When starting to practice such protection, be prepared for the fact that many people with whom you communicate will begin to reproach you for being closed and cold, although you have not lost your friendliness and openness. You just don’t allow anyone to steal your energy!

Technique No. 2. Energy breathing technique

In order for the aura to be strong and healthy, it is necessary Fresh air and proper breathing. Inhaling through the nose ensures maximum energy flow into the aura.

When a person breathes through his mouth, his aura loses energy. This harms the entire energy system. There are no filters between the mouth and lungs, and dust, dirt and other “ethereal debris” enter there with the air. In addition, when a person breathes through the mouth, cold air, and the person gets sick with acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and even pneumonia.

Breathing through the nose charges our body with energy. The inner surface of the nose absorbs prana from the air - the life force with which the air is saturated. In many eastern breathing techniques, one deliberately concentrates attention on the tip of the nose and the entire nasal cavity during the inhalation phase. This promotes increased absorption of prana from the air, recharges the aura and activates the activity of all internal systems body.

The nostrils and nasal ducts are covered with tiny hairs that filter and sift the air. In addition, the incoming air is heated in the nasal mucosa. The air entering the lungs is purified and warmed, and the aura is charged with energy and strengthened.

IN breathing exercises Yogis call moon breathing go, and solar breathing - pingala. The fusion of ida with pingala gives birth to su-shumna. Our energy is characterized by two polarities - positive and negative, male and female, solar and lunar. The energy breathing technique quickly saturates the aura with energy and neutralizes the polarization of the body, improves memory and the ability to absorb information, and also harmonizes the activity of both hemispheres of the brain. If you perform this technique before learning new material, the learning time will be dramatically reduced, and the material will be grasped much easier and faster. If you do it throughout the day, it will effectively restore your strength.

The basic technique is alternating breathing through the nose, when inhalation occurs through one nostril and exhalation through the other. (Don’t forget that by consciously focusing your attention on the tip of your nose, especially during the inhalation phase, you greatly increase the effectiveness of this technique.) The rhythmic change in the “direction” of breathing is set by the fingers covering one or another nostril.

  1. Press it to your nose thumb right hand and exhale. Place the tip of your tongue on the upper palate behind your front teeth.
  2. Close your right nostril thumb; Inhale slowly in four counts through your left nostril.
  3. Continuing to close your right nostril, tightly pinch your left nostril with four fingers and hold your breath for sixteen counts. If you have never practiced concentrated rhythmic breathing techniques, then sixteen counts is too much for you. Then reduce this number or count at a faster pace. Over time, you will develop the ability to hold your breath for longer periods of time. Try inhaling for three counts, holding the breath for six counts, and then exhaling for three counts. Experiment until you find it optimal time execution that you will focus on initial stage performing this practice.
  4. Release your thumb, opening your right nostril. Continue to keep your left nostril closed. Exhale slowly through the right nostril for eight counts.
  5. Open your left nostril and remove right hand. Now lift it to your nose left hand and close your left nostril with your thumb. Inhale through your right nostril for four counts, then close your right nostril with the remaining fingers of your left hand and hold your breath, slowly counting to sixteen.
  6. Open your left nostril. Continue to keep your right nostril closed. Exhale slowly in eight counts through your left nostril.
  7. Repeat this cycle 4-5 times on each side alternately. Inhalation is performed through one nostril, then the breath is held, and exhalation is performed through the other nostril. The same procedure is then performed with a change of active nostril. For quick recovery, perform this technique four to five times for each nostril. At the same time, the body and aura are quickly saturated with fresh energy.
Every ten days, increase the number of repetitions by one.

Technique No. 3. Cleansing Spiral Technique

This exercise is based on visualization, it effectively cleanses and harmonizes the auric field. It is useful to perform it in the evening, especially on those days when you communicated with big amount of people. Completion time is five minutes.

  1. Sit comfortably and perform the technique of alternating rhythmic breathing through your nose. You can read a mantra or prayer. Then try to relax completely.
  2. Imagine how a small transparent fiery white vortex begins to form at a height of six meters above your head. It resembles a small energy funnel. As the funnel forms, imagine that its diameter is large enough to accommodate your aura. Imagine the tip of the funnel to be very thin and small. It should fit freely into the crown of the head and down along the spine.
  3. Visualize this vortex of “spiritual fire” swirling and spinning clockwise. When it touches your aura, it sucks in and burns all the energy debris you have accumulated.
  4. Imagine how this vortex descends lower and lower, entering your body and aura. It cleanses your energy field, freeing it from foreign energies accumulated during the day.
  5. Let it flow freely down your body and out through your legs into the ground.

Technique No. 4. Protecting your aura with essential oil scents

Information, which is recorded in plant cells is transferred to essential oils. Since plants have a colossal reserve vital energy, then the aromas of essential oils, penetrating into the human aura, effectively influence its electromagnetic field. These aromas increase the immunity of the aura, harmoniously distribute energy, close holes, cracks, tails and other defects in the aura that arise as a result of the aggressive influence of the energy of the surrounding world. In other words, essential oils restore the integrity of the aura, thicken its field and enhance radiance.

Choose a specific oil or set of oils that corrects your energy problem that you intuitively know about. Certain oils can also be used for preventive purposes.

In order for the aromas of essential oils to effectively affect your bioenergy, you need to apply them to active (acupuncture) points on the body. To do this, you need to first prepare a bioenergy mixture. This is how she prepares.

Take 5-7 drops of your chosen essential oil and mix with 10-20 grams of any massage vegetable oil. This can be jojoba, cedar, sesame, soybean oils, walnut, avocado, almonds, grape seeds, apricot and peach kernels, coconut, wheat germ, pumpkin, etc. After taking a shower or bath, apply the prepared mixture to the following points of the body: the “third eye” area (between the eyebrows), earlobes, occipital cavity , area adjacent to the navel, area under the chest, elbow bends, wrists, inner surface thighs, lower legs and center of the feet. Then apply a few drops of pure essential oil to the comb and comb your hair - this way you will restore the energy halo.

You can also fumigate the room you are in. At the same time, the efficiency of energy purification in the space around you increases significantly.

Now let's talk about how specific essential oils affect the aura.

  • Orange: y densifies the energy layer of the aura after a serious long-term illness. Opens channels for positive information.
  • Basil: rejuvenates the aura. An effective antioxidant.
  • Bergamot: neutralizes aggressive energy coming from environment, enhances the radiance of the aura. Helps achieve creative success.
  • Verbena: Reduces the size of defects in the aura. Rejuvenates and smoothes the skin.
  • Carnation: strengthens the aura after injuries and operations. Protection from other people's anger and energy vampirism.
  • Geranium: restores correct form auras. Eliminates inferiority complex.
  • Bitter Orange: strengthens the aura, increases the spirituality and charm of the individual.
  • Ylang-ylang: develops the higher chakras. Strengthens the energy of love and kindness.
  • Ginger: eliminates energy tails and restores the aura after aggressive exposure to negative energies. Develops integrity of nature.
  • Kayaput: redistributes energy in the aura, pumping it up to underdeveloped chakras. Protection from envy.
  • Cedar: restores and renews the energy of the aura after stress and overexertion nervous system. Develops healthy motivation.
  • Cypress: promotes the harmonious distribution of energy in the aura. Complete protection from aggressive external energies.
  • Cinnamon: regenerates and thickens the aura. Eliminates self-pity and increases optimism.
  • Lavender: relaxes energy tension in the aura and dissolves auric nodes. Frees a person from the desire to envy others.
  • Incense: Returns the black energy that invaded your aura to the one who sent it to you. Aroma against evil eye and curses. “Patches up” energy cracks in the aura. Increases the glow of the aura.
  • Leuzea: Charges the aura with energy. Helps quickly restore strength after heavy physical activity.
  • Marjoram: strengthens the aura and enhances faith in oneself and one’s own strengths.
  • Melissa: regulates the energy of the aura. Inspires optimism.
  • Myrrh: Restores radiance and symmetry to the aura. Develops the ability to forgive other people's mistakes. Oil of love.
  • Juniper: protects the aura from aggressive energy. Develops intelligence and ability to find correct solution any problem.
  • Nutmeg:increases the energy density in the aura. Develops intuition and tolerance in love.
  • Mint: Renews the energy layers of the aura. Strengthens spiritual intimacy.
  • Oregano: “darns” holes in the aura that arise due to a person committing impulsive (ill-considered) actions. Helps cope with hysteria and temperament of nature.
  • Patchouli: brightens and aligns the aura. Helps to objectively analyze any situation.
  • Rose: harmonizes the energy of the aura. Transforms the unconstructive energy of frustration and bad thoughts into the spiritual energy of self-knowledge.
  • Rosemary: Increases aura immunity to black energy. Develops the heart chakra and returns interest in life after depression.
  • Sandalwood: condenses the energy of the aura. Promotes the development of talent and creative self-expression. Oil of love.
  • Pine: eliminates stagnant processes in the aura, promotes cleansing and renewal of the aura. Frees a person from feelings of guilt. Heals emotional trauma and develops a philosophical attitude towards life.
  • Yarrow: guardian of the aura from aggression, theft and injury.
  • Thyme: enhances the radiance of the aura and increases its immunity. Eliminates mechanisms of personal self-destruction.
  • Tea tree:resolves energy tumors, especially in the area of ​​the energy halo, resulting from unproductive thinking and the adoption of destructive life attitudes.
  • Sage: heals and renews the aura after deception in love. Expels black energies. Allows you to realize your creative potential.
  • Eucalyptus: Charges the aura with energy lost as a result of illness, curse, hatred and stress.

By learning to strengthen and cleanse your aura, you not only destroy blockages in perception, but also increase the threshold of your sensitivity. You connect the physical and metaphysical worlds and begin to experience the more subtle aspects of life. Your intuition develops and your consciousness expands. Every new day becomes an extraordinary adventure, and life becomes a never-ending spiritual journey. This is the way to preserve youth, health and inner beauty.

Why do some people rarely get sick, overcome obstacles with ease, and get everything they need? How to protect yourself from negativity from the outside? How to build biofield protection?

One of the reasons for the successful state of affairs is the strong protection of the aura. The integrity of the biofield and its ability to reflect any external influences determines human health, its ability to repel various infections, the speed of recovery from stress and not being susceptible to stressful situations. If a person has a strong and reliable protection aura, then the proverb “comes out unscathed” can easily be applied to it. The stronger our biofield is protected, the more successful, healthy and happier a person is.

The human aura is vulnerable to various external influences. The slightest breakdown in the layers of the biofield causes serious harm and leads to negative consequences. It is quite possible to break through the aura only with the help of words, not to mention the special magical techniques used. How to protect your aura and yourself, and become invulnerable to negative influences, we will talk today in this article.

Protection of the human biofield

Before you can learn how to protect your aura from evil of any kind, you need to understand who can attack a person and cause damage. To be brief, there are 3 types of negative impacts aimed at disrupting our biofield and causing harm to a person:

  • A magical attack by ill-wishers, this can be a deliberate or accidental effect of the evil eye, damage, curse;
  • Attack of entities of the subtle worlds, including their deliberate settlement;
  • Household negativity, infection, being in “bad” places;
  • Introduction of negative programs, zombification, programming by a group of people, society, individuals;
  • The influence of geopathogenic zones, earth faults.

We will talk about each type of attack on a person separately. Now let’s dwell on the issue of building protection against energetic evil of all kinds.

Ways to protect yourself from negative influences

You can put protection on a person different ways. In this matter, the following factors must be taken into account: if there are already negative programs settled on the biofield (evil eye, damage, curse), the influence of the essence of the subtle world is being carried out, or programming has been carried out, then without cleaning the aura from negativity, it is pointless to put up protection. Evil has already found a loophole to man. How can I explain it more clearly? For example, imagine that there is an apple hanging on a branch, and there is already a worm sitting inside it. If you close the apple from external influence any kind of bag, paper or something else, then after a while you will find that it has been eaten from the inside. In order to somehow preserve the fruit, you need to remove the worm and remove the damage it caused. Only in this case will the apple be suitable for food for some time and retain its properties. So it is with the human biofield, if some kind of evil program has already been introduced into it or an entity has attacked it, then without removing this negativity, we will not achieve good results.

When thinking about the question of how to protect your aura, you must first of all be sure that there are no negative programs on you, and that no magical or essential attack is being made. Then, you have to choose the type of protection that is right for you. Only specialists in this matter can do this work effectively. Therefore, if you are looking for the most effective method To protect your aura and biofield from any kind of evil, contact specialists. They will diagnose the biofield, determine the presence and type of negativity directed at a person, and then clean the aura and select the best protective method and provide reliable energy protection.

What protection to put on a person and a house

If you want to be protected from evil on all sides, then you need to put protection not only on the biofield, but also on your home. Man at home having a good time most time, here he relaxes, sleeps, takes a bath, eats, rests. Accordingly, your home should be completely safe, remember: “my home is my fortress.”

There are several types of protection for a person’s aura and his home:

  • energy method;
  • magical, through rituals;
  • talismans and amulets;
  • mental projections.

Each method has its own characteristics, strength and duration of action.

Energy methods are based on the use of a specific source of energy, elements, attraction Higher powers, Angels, Archangels, egregors, as well as generating cosmic energy and building barriers from evil. This includes protection with Cosmoenergetics, Reiki and other techniques.

The magical way of protecting a person from damage, the evil eye and negativity is based on the use of various rituals, prayers, and attracting the forces of the astral world. Magical protection through prayer therapy, the use of runes, magic signs, drawings, incantations, spells.

Protection of a person’s aura with the help of talismans and amulets is based on the use of various material objects. Objects act as them natural origin(minerals, roots, tree fruits, seeds, resins, aroma oils, herbs), as well as man-made (this can be various jewelry, threads, mirrors, pins, brooches, rings, bracelets, etc.).

Mental projections are quite powerful ways to protect a person or his home from ill-wishers. This includes various “magic shields” and “mental images”. With the help of healing energy, they build a filter protection that blocks the negative impact and reflects the blow. Among the methods of mental blocking of negativity, the protective mirror ball technique is used, mirror wall, golden egg, fire cocoon, pyramid, shell.

Only a person who has thoroughly studied each of the methods, has experience and is proficient in the relevant techniques can choose and decide what kind of protection to put on a person, a child or a house.
Strengthening personal protection and prevention from negative impacts

There are some methods of protection against negativity available for use. ordinary people, without energy practice. I will say right away that these techniques and methods are suitable for protection against weak negative influences, such as household negativity, the evil eye, and the influence of dark forces. All these methods will work if a person’s biofield is in order and he is in harmony with himself.

Protective technique against negativity “Egg”

The method is suitable for those who practice bioenergy and have fairly strong personal energy. To build a defense, you will need some skills: a well-developed imagination and the ability to touch an object with your gaze.

Training the technique will take no more than a week. What you need for this: 5-6 times a day, remember this technique and practice. One workout takes 1-2 minutes, so it can be done at any time. free time, at home, in the office, on the way to work, during lunch break.

If you lack visualization skills, then do exercises that develop your imagination every day. Choose a time and look at some object for a long time. Imagine its temperature, taste, tactile sensations from it. Then close your eyes and reproduce it in your mind's eye.

Try to remember the smallest details and details. mentally increase its size, bring it closer to you, smell it, touch it. Usually 21 days are enough to learn to reproduce mental images of objects with accuracy.

Technique for protection against the evil eye and damage “Egg”

  1. Relax, take 2-3 breaths.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. At a distance of 2 fingers from the navel upward, imagine a hot golden pea.
  4. Take it with your right hand and leave it in front at arm's length in front of you.
  5. Then place the same peas behind you at arm's length, to your left and right. The result is a cross horizontal plane, formed by 4 peas.
  6. Start mentally heating the peas turning them into burning coals..
  7. Then give them a boost and make them turn into a hoop. Mentally rotate the hoop clockwise around you. It should turn into a burning ring.
  8. Make the ring rotate in a spiral, lift it above your head by 50-60 cm and lower it below your feet by the same distance.
  9. Make a few turns around your body. As a result, you should end up with a dense fiery egg around you, the walls of which cool and turn golden. You can mentally touch them. Check them for tightness. Tap them. If they seem weak to you, then make another egg on top of this one to thicken the walls and increase the strength of the protection.

The “Egg” technique is well suited and works against negativity currently directed at you. You can use it during scandals, unpleasant conversations with relatives, bosses, colleagues and in any other cases when you clearly feel and understand that influence is directed at you.
In the future, we will look at several more protective techniques, analyze how they work, and also find out in which cases which protection to use. And also, for those who practice cosmoenergetics, we will analyze in detail how to properly build protection for yourself, an adult, a child and your home.

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How and how much to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become the dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with