Slavic runes and signs. Slavic runes: reliable amulets and help from higher powers in all spheres of life. Slavic amulets by date of birth

You are having a girl

With respect for a man, with love for a woman.

Woman's happiness, women's destiny. What are they? Different cultures have their own ideas about female happiness . There are answers to these questions in Russian culture. The woman was called here the guardian hearth and home
, housekeeper. The Bible says about this: “Let your greatest gain be patience.”

  1. Folk culture has great potential in raising a girl as a future woman.
    What holidays were there in the girl’s life?
  2. The holiday of the first bow, the first braid, the first scarf.
    When and how was the holiday of the first bow celebrated?
  3. There was great respect for a woman’s hair, which is why there were holidays associated with it. The celebration of the first bow took place in the women's half of the house with the invitation of women of the family line and, of course, the godmother. The girl was presented with various sweets and gifts, among which there were always bows.
    When was the holiday of the first braid celebrated?
  4. It was celebrated when the hair reached a length that could be braided. The girl was again presented with gifts, including bows.
    When was the feast of the first handkerchief celebrated?
  5. This holiday was in the life of every girl at three years old. She was taken to church and told biblical stories that she could understand. This age was considered successful for the beginning of religious education.
    It was at the age of three that Anna and Joakov brought their daughter, the Virgin Mary, to the temple to be raised. She independently climbed fifteen steps to the temple and remained there to be raised until she was fourteen years old.
  6. Have you often given gifts to a girl or woman?
    The girl was often given gifts and taught to be grateful for them. But every girl knew that gifts had to be earned through good behavior.
  7. How did girls’ clothes differ from women’s clothes?
    Girls' and women's clothing were the same in style, the only difference was in color. For girls, outfits were made from bright fabrics.
  8. What kind of jewelry did the girls wear?
    Women wore gold jewelry, and girls only wore silver.
  9. Why couldn’t the girl sit on the windowsill?
    “Don’t sit on the windowsill, girl, you won’t get married,” says folk proverb. This is one of the prohibitive signs. Firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly, from time immemorial, a girl should not have exposed herself.
  10. When did a girl become an “issue”?
    When a girl made at least 200 bottom-dwelling objects with her own hands and matured physiologically, her maternal or paternal grandfather dressed her granddaughter for left hand a ring as a sign that she can be a good housewife, mother and wife.
  11. Why does the bride stand to the left of the groom?
    From ancient times, the custom has come for the bride to stand to the left of the groom during the wedding, take him under her left arm and walk to the left. The groom left it free right hand
  12. so that he can use a weapon if necessary.
    Why does the groom carry the bride into his house in his arms?
  13. By this he once again reminds of the owner’s rights to his wife.
    What quality was considered the most important for a woman?
  14. The Bible says: “Let your greatest asset be with you—patience.” This quality of a woman was very highly valued.
    What crafts were considered women's?
  15. Embroidery, hemstitching, crocheting and knitting, patchwork technique, carpet weaving and carpet weaving, painting, gingerbread making, flower making, etc.
    Which saint protected women's crafts?
  16. Paraskeva-Friday.
    Which woman was considered the most pious? This name was deserved by a woman who had the largest and Friendly family

. Of course, she was distinguished by her hard work and patience. Bondareva, N. With respect for a man, with love for a woman

[Text] / N. Bondareva // Home education. 2004. No. 3. P. 14-18. The human home is filled with constantly moving energy. Agree that in your home, something happens and changes every day. For example, dishes broke, or a bird flew into the window. The energy of the home is constantly changing under the influence of the surrounding world. There is a large number associated with the house folk signs

, which are designed to warn household members about danger or tell about upcoming events. Let's look at the most common old signs about the house.

A bird flew into the house - a good omen. This means that soon you will receive good news or long-awaited guests will visit your home.

Seeing a spider in the house is good luck. This sign promises success, prosperity and health. You cannot kill a spider you find. According to the old saying, this can cause harm to all household members. Our ancestors believed that if you kill a spider, you will not be happy for seven years. Bad sign. This means that something unpleasant will happen in your home soon. There is only one way to avoid the consequences of this superstition: throw away all broken, old and cracked dishes and buy new ones. Throwing away the old one kitchen utensils, you will attract positive energy into your home.

A broken mirror is a very bad omen. If a mirror breaks in the house, then one of the household members is in danger of serious illness. In this case, you can’t look like shards. They should be collected and thrown away from the house, and a new one should be bought to replace the broken mirror.

You can't sit on the doorstep of a house. Also, you should not stand on the threshold for a long time. According to folk superstitions and signs, the threshold symbolizes the border between worlds. A large number is concentrated on the threshold negative energy from the street, who could not get into the house. The threshold accumulates negative flows, so you should not stand at the door for a long time, much less sit on the threshold.

An icon has fallen - expect death. The meaning of this sign is very scary for the residents of the house. If the icon fell by itself, then soon someone in the house will die.

A stray cat came into the house - a good omen. This means that now your home will be protected from all troubles, evil spirits, damage and the evil eye. If a cat came into the house after one of the household members died, then this means that the soul of the deceased came in the body of the cat.

A dog in the house is a bad omen. Our ancestors believed that dogs were the Devil’s helpers, and keeping them inside the house was strictly prohibited. If a dog howls, it’s not good. This may mean that something unpleasant will happen in the house soon. Dogs often howl to indicate a fire or flood.

You cannot keep two brooms in the house - there will be no money. According to this monetary sign, a broom is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. He sweeps away poverty and cleanses the house for an influx of profit. If there are two brooms in the house, then the monetary energy will split, which will lead to loss of finances and an unstable financial situation.

To an unmarried girl You can’t sit on the windowsill - you won’t get married. Our ancestors believed that a large amount of negative energy entered the house through the window. If a girl often sits by the window, she may be jinxed or a crown of celibacy may be placed on her.

You cannot whistle in the house, otherwise there will be no money. According to this ancient legend, whistling is considered the characteristic sound of thieves. If one of the household whistles, then robbers can be attracted to the house.

Old signs about the house will allow you to avoid troubles and predict future events. Live in peace and prosperity and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.03.2014 12:46

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What indoor plants have a negative impact on the surrounding space and attract bad luck? Esotericists highlight 5 indoor flowers, which are not worth...

For many years in a row, humanity has not ceased to believe in omens, despite the fact that fashion, priorities and other criteria of our time are changing. The essence of superstitions is passed down from generation to generation, and most of those who have heard about them believe in them and follow the corresponding rules. From the article you will learn why, according to signs, you cannot sit in this or that place, position, object, etc.

This sign applies in particular to pregnant women, although some manage to spread this superstition to all other people.

It is clear that a pregnant woman will try her best to protect her baby from all the troubles and adversities, which is why, often, women in the position:

  • They don’t tell others for a long time that they are carrying a child.
  • try to follow all the rules and regulations prescribed by doctors
  • pay increased attention to various signs and superstitions
  • refuse many things and products, even when doctors do not prohibit it

Many people have probably heard many times that pregnant women, according to superstitions, are prohibited from doing quite a lot of things:

  • visit burial sites
  • do sewing
  • don't step on the threshold
  • cross at intersections

Some of these prohibitions can be explained from a medical point of view, but in most cases they are fictions, completely unfounded, and no one can find an explanation for them.

Let's find out the definition and origin story of why pregnant women are prohibited from sitting in a position where one leg is crossed over the other. Explanation of the ban from various fields of activity:

  1. Signs. Since ancient times, it was believed that in order to avoid the birth of a crooked child, a pregnant woman should not sit cross-legged. This sign was a real taboo in those days when women were given birth by a midwife. Some explain this sign by saying that the ban exists in order to protect the baby in the womb from becoming entangled in the umbilical cord.

I would like to say right away that there is no medical evidence for either the first or the second fact. In some cases, babies are actually born with crooked legs or become entangled in the umbilical cord, but the reasons for this are completely different.

  1. Esoterics. If we carefully analyze the sign in question from the esoteric side, then we can note that:
  • experts in the field in question claim that in a person the center of all energy flows is located in the navel area;
  • If a pregnant woman crosses her legs or arms on her stomach, the shell of energy flows may break, and positive energy will leave the body.

The other “side of the coin” of this sign is that some people are sure that many people (not only pregnant women) very often automatically (without noticing it) cross their legs in their sleep or just sitting on a chair, because this can protect them from various kinds evil:

  • bad thoughts
  • evil spirits
  1. Medicine. If we consider this situation from a medical point of view, everything is much simpler here, especially since the arguments given below are not assumptions, but verified facts. It is not advisable for a pregnant woman to sit in a position where her leg is crossed over the other leg, because this can lead to:
  • Varicose veins. It should be noted that pregnant women often suffer from varicose veins. The position of the legs in question can further aggravate the already difficult situation with veins, because the elastic vessels of the limbs in the fossa under the knee are pinched, which means that blood stops circulating normally.

  • Thrombosis. In the event that a woman is predisposed to developing problems with veins, the following possible variant the development of this problem is the appearance of blood clots, and the deterioration of blood circulation in this is a wonderful help.
  • When a pregnant girl sits on a chair, bench or other surface for too long, with her legs crossed, this can again cause slow blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which can subsequently lead to a problem such as fetal hypoxia.
  • A pregnant woman, with an increase in the period of gestation, will herself feel that when sitting cross-legged, she begins to have pain in the spine, which means that this position of the legs does not bring anything positive for her health.

Believing in the explanations of esotericists or trusting medical statements is, of course, your choice, but the conclusion can be drawn unequivocally that it is undesirable for pregnant women to sit in the position in question.

Why can't you sit on the table?

Many signs have been lost in time, but a large number of superstitions have firmly entered our modern life, and consolidated their positions in everyday life.

In fact, many people don’t even think about why this or that cannot be done, and when asked “Why?” they answer that:

  • that's how it's done
  • such a sign
  • you can't and that's it

Let's find out why you can't sit on the table:

  1. One of some versions says that it is on the kitchen table that negative energy accumulates. This is beyond doubt only because at the table we:
  • discussing family problems
  • We make not the most positive and successful decisions
  • we sit down for it when we are very tired or angry at someone

All the negative vibes that have accumulated over time for a long time on the table, are immediately taken away by the person who sat on it.

  1. Another option: the table is the “palm of God,” because it is at it that we eat food, and by sitting on this object, we anger God.

If you show this kind of disrespect for God (it is worth noting that some are precisely for kitchen table read a prayer before every meal), the table will always be empty, and the financial situation will instantly worsen.

  1. Women pay increased attention to this superstition, because many believe that sitting on the table increases the likelihood of a girl being left alone for the rest of her life and never finding her soulmate with whom she can go through life.
  2. In addition to the fact that such behavior is considered bad omen, do not forget that sitting on the table means breaking the main rules of etiquette.

So, if you decide to sit on the table, you should fear not only the wrath of God, but also being considered an ignoramus in the eyes of others.

Why can't you squat?

You can’t squat – this is not a sign or a superstition, but a recommendation that experts in the medical industry subscribe to. It should be noted that some prohibitions, which are based on medical arguments and evidence, over time, are perceived by many as signs, so it is sometimes difficult to figure out whether it is a superstition or a recommendation.

So, let's figure out together what are the reasons for the ban in question, and what such a bad habit can lead to:

  1. When the knee is bent for a long enough period of time, the blood vessels are compressed, and it turns out that blood circulation in the lower extremities slows down. Very often this manifests itself in the form of:
  • numbness (loss of sensation)
  • goosebumps (as they say in common parlance)

For those who believe that doctors always exaggerate, we advise you to listen, in this case, to your body. Under normal conditions, you feel your legs perfectly, and no unpleasant sensations arise, but if you squat, you feel an unpleasant tingling and numbness in your legs.

  1. Do not forget that this body position is an additional (and, in this case, unwanted) load on the cardiovascular system. The heart begins to work with increased power to “push” through the compressed vessels required quantity blood (and, accordingly, oxygen, which is so necessary for normal functioning our entire body).

So, if you squat too long and too often, you can develop heart problems at a fairly early age.

  1. We should not forget that while squatting, some of our blood supply remains in the legs, separated from the general blood flow, which in the future can negatively affect work different organs and systems in our body.
  2. For those who suffer from vascular weakness and fragility, this recommendation is a categorical prohibition, failure to comply with which can most likely lead to serious damage to the blood vessels.
  3. For those who like to squat, it is no secret that cramps in the legs intensify and appear more and more often, which means that varicose veins are an unsurprising consequence of regularly finding the body in this position.
  4. Those who play sports should not squat, because this will minimize the results of your workout and will reduce all your efforts to nothing. The fact is that for normal development muscle tissue a sufficient amount of oxygen is needed, which comes there with the blood. By squeezing the blood vessels, you disrupt this process.
  5. As for pregnant women, squatting is a taboo for them. Every woman carrying a baby should know that this body position can lead to:
  • I'll have a miscarriage
  • premature birth

Among other things, with the body position in question, blood pressure increases greatly, which can have an extremely negative impact on the well-being and health of a pregnant woman.

If we talk about the aesthetics of this body position, it is simply absent here. Today, most people associate sitting on squats with the behavior of gopniks and ill-mannered people who have not even heard about culture and correct behavior in society.

Remember, short-term squatting will not harm your health in any way; only long and systematic sitting in this position can negatively affect your well-being and health.

It is a myth that squatting relaxes muscle tissue.

Why can't you sit on the doorstep?

People who consider themselves superstitious have always been especially careful about the threshold of their home. To this day, it is believed that this particular place is truly alive with magic. One of the results of this belief was the appearance of a sign that one should not sit on the threshold.

It should be noted right away that many cultures and beliefs believe that the threshold:

  • this is a special place, because this is the border that separates the world of the family from the world of all other people
  • protects the family’s home from all adversity and negative energy that comes from outside

It’s not for nothing that in the old days thresholds in houses were very high. It was believed that the higher the threshold, the more difficult it would be for evil spirits to get into the house and harm the family.

Among other things, in order for the protection to be stronger, a wide variety of rituals were performed at the doorstep:

  • the carcass of a dead bird was buried right under the threshold;
  • during the construction of the hut, a snake skin was thrown under the threshold;
  • Horseshoes were often hung over the threshold (and even now in modern apartments can be seen above front door this protective symbol).

The ancestors were sure that it was forbidden to sit on the threshold, because it was not at all good. This is due to the fact that when a person has a gathering on the threshold, the door to the house remains completely open, and at this moment the evil spirits and negative energy It is very easy to break into a home; the house appears to be unprotected from hardships and troubles.

Scientists studying the history of various superstitions and omens say that such a large number of different omens about the threshold also appeared due to the fact that before people They were buried right under the threshold (not all of them). According to some versions, unbaptized children were buried here, which is why sitting on the threshold was considered disrespectful to the spirits, and if you do this, you can cause their indignation and desire for revenge.

Popular superstitions also say that you should not pass any things and objects across the threshold, because the consequences of such an act can be:

  • causeless quarrels
  • scandals in the family
  • troubles

In addition to the mystical explanation of the prohibition in question, such a sign can also be explained with practical point vision, namely: to heat the stove in winter with wood and create warm atmosphere it was extremely difficult in the house, and sitting on the threshold with open door was considered a kind of sabotage.

Why can't you sit on the corner of the table?

A rather contradictory sign, because it has different interpretations. There are several beliefs about why girls should not sit at the corner of the table (for some reason, this has nothing to do with guys):

  1. “You definitely won’t get married then”—older women who believe that they have lived a lot and know everything are very fond of repeating this. In fact, this belief appeared for a reason; it’s all about symbols. If a girl sits on a corner, it turns out that the peak of the corner is directed directly at her, and thereby, as it were, separates the space. Sitting on a corner together will not work, no matter how thin the people are, and even if such attempts are made, the space between the halves will still be divided.
  2. Energy messages. In this case, this sign can be explained from the side of Feng Shui, although this version is similar to the previous one. The doctrine says that corners cut space, launching the so-called “poisoned arrow”. In this case, we are talking, first of all, about the energy of health. When a person sits on the corner of the table, it “hits” the heart and stomach, also the negative “arrow” is aimed at the solar plexus, and in Feng Shui it is this zone that is responsible for the center of the will (in this case, we are talking about supporting a man and his position in society ).

  1. It is also believed that the angle will be a significant hindrance in attempts to start a romance or intrigue.

You should also not lose sight of the theory that sitting on the corner is even useful. Maybe you've heard that whoever sits on the corner will always be with the corner. This means that if you need your own place and dream about it, then sitting on the corner is a useful activity.

If there is no place to sit at the table, and a place on the corner is free, take the opportunity to attract positive energy and get what you want (in this case, get your own home).

Why can't you sit on the windowsill?

Many superstitions and signs ceased to be relevant after serfdom was abolished:

  • the structure of society has changed
  • the way of life has changed
  • priorities have changed, etc.

The sign in question came to us from antiquity and is still relevant today. It was once said that if a girl sits on the windowsill, she will not get married. In those days, a young girl was not supposed to expose herself to everyone.

Let's find out what this is connected with and what our beloved grandmothers said about this:

  1. It was not good for the girl to show herself at the window, because if the groom sees the bride earlier than expected, the wedding will not take place.
  2. It was believed that if a young girl spends her time near the window, it means she is not doing anything, and she is not a housewife, and who needs such a non-economic wife.

We should also not forget about the practical explanations of such an old sign:

  1. Let's start by taking into account how strong the window sill is and how heavy the person who decides to sit on it is. The most likely result of such gatherings is that the window sill will simply break.
  2. There is a possibility of getting burned, because in winter there are very hot radiators under the windowsill.
  3. Don't forget about ethical rules. Not in vain in all public institutions Gatherings on window sills are prohibited.
  4. In principle, this is dangerous, especially if the window is open.

Whether you believe in this superstition or perceive it as a rule of ethics is up to you.

Why can't you sit with your back to the window?

It is impossible to say that this ban is irrelevant today, because Feng Shui supports this rule, and people believe that this is a bad omen.

  1. Feng Shui. The point is that while a person is sitting at the table, the element of water, not air, should be located behind him, so it is better to place the table in such a way that behind you is:
  • aquarium
  • water boiler
  • a stove on which there is always a full kettle of water

This has a beneficial effect both on work issues and tasks, and on digestion.

  1. Beliefs:
  • A person must see the enemy in the face, so that if he looks into his window, the person is ready for an attack (in the case of one-story houses).
  • The light energy must fall completely on the person, and not just on his back; the person must be aware of what is happening behind him (in this case, from outside the house)

If you believe in superstitions, there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that you still believe in your own strength, and do not rely solely on some signs. Be careful, but do not forget that many signs have no reason to believe them 100%.

Video: “Should pregnant women believe in omens?”

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