How to learn to hold your breath for a long time. Non-Silk Road

Breathing is one of the main instinctive features of human behavior. We do not monitor how we inhale and exhale, although this happens regularly and completely unconsciously. However, a person can control their breathing as an adult. Small children do not know how to consciously hold their breath until a certain moment.

Many yoga practitioners know that these exercises have a significant impact on the functioning of internal organs, primarily the vocal cords, diaphragm, and lungs. The delay, performed consciously and according to a certain pattern, gives unusual results in improving the health of the human body.

What is prana

Prana is the source of energy, the source of life. It is not measurable with any instruments, but its existence is not subject to any doubt. Prana exists in everything that surrounds us. Prana exists throughout the Universe, in all living things in this world. It is a source of nutrition, it provides energy resources for life.

Prana can be obtained in several ways. However, the easiest way to obtain it is to inhale. Before it begins its activity in the body, it passes through all energy flows. The charge of prana is extremely important because negatively colored prana will give off negative energy.

In yoga, breath holding is practiced because it is believed that this practice allows you to accumulate energetic force effects of prana. As you inhale, the lungs open, which allows you to fill all energy channels with this energy. Moreover, it is important to perform movements with the diaphragm, and not just with the lungs, since, with the participation of the abdomen, ventilation begins of those parts that are not affected during breathing using the chest. The best ascent of prana occurs when moving the stomach.

Benefits of holding your breath for the body

Firstly, when practicing delay, it is very important to follow the technique, since non-technical work can only strengthen the negativity accumulated in the body, and not cleanse it.

You should practice slowly, gradually increasing the intervals of holding your breath. The benefit of this technique is that not only the physical body is healed, but also the mental one. Thanks to the delay, the body receives improved memory, strengthened immune system function, improved blood flow, a rejuvenating effect, and improved functioning of internal organs. On mental level consciousness and energy channels are cleansed. The chakras begin to work more harmoniously and open.

To hold your breath correctly, it is best to get advice from a practicing yogi. Exist different techniques, each of which helps to gradually learn how to perform correctly and gradually.

What happens when you hold your breath

At correct technique After completing the delay, the body begins to turn on internal resources that were “asleep” in a calm state for it. This means that all metabolic processes begin to work faster, thereby activating vital energy.

A person’s internal resources have no boundaries, but not everyone knows how to properly use their potential. Holding your breath while inhaling and exhaling is somewhat different in the technical part of the practice, but their effect on a person is almost the same.

Every person can hold their breath, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. It is best to perform this practice under the guidance of a specialist. Getting the technique right requires a lot of hard practice.

Holding your breath while exhaling

It is worth starting the practice of delay with this technique. Delay on exhalation occurs much more physiologically than on inhalation. Its execution is easier than when inhaling.

In order to learn how to breathe while holding your exhale, you need to regulate your breathing calmly. It is best to take a comfortable body position, wear comfortable clothes, and relax. You can dim the lights and turn on relaxing music or a mantra.

Beginners should take a deep breath after a series of calm breathing movements, and then, after exhaling through the nose, hold their breath. After about 10 - 40 seconds, a feeling of lack of oxygen will occur. When dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms begin, you can take a calm, gradual breath.

If holding your breath while exhaling does not imply any unpleasant symptoms, you can make a volitional effort and hold on without inhaling for some more time. With each lesson you can increase the intervals.

What does holding your breath do as you exhale?

The body is renewed due to the receipt of prana, as well as the saturation of the blood with oxygen. All internal resources begin to work faster, as the body feels a lack of supply of the usual portion of oxygen.

It is important to practice holding regularly so that the body gets used to such stress. From the very first lesson, you should not hold the air for too long a period of time, as a negative reaction may follow. However, if the body does not resist, then this practice will only benefit.

How to increase breath retention

Before you start holding air, you need to learn how to breathe smoothly and calmly with your stomach, without using your chest. When you inhale with your stomach, it is mainly the diaphragm that works; it allows you to open the energy of many chakras and helps in your work.

You can practice holding air in water by lowering your head into a bowl with a small amount of it, but the easiest way to do this is in a sitting, relaxed position, having tuned in and done some preparation in advance.

In order to increase the intervals between breaths, you need to practice regularly, preferably with a mentor who could assess the correctness of mastering this technique.

There are some factors that influence the ability to increase breathing intervals. These factors include, first of all, excess weight. Secondly, you should not practice delay if a person is sick with colds and nasopharyngeal diseases. In this case, you simply won’t be able to take a full, high-quality breath.

Breath-holding exercises

First you need to take a comfortable position and completely relax. Nothing should distract a person from practice. You can dim the lights and turn on monotonous soothing music.

While performing the exercise, you need to concentrate on the energy that enters the body, is positively charged and heals it. As she exhales, she takes away all the negativity with her through her legs.

Breath-holding exercises are not easy to perform, but very effective. Make a series of calm breathing movements, hold your breath as you exhale and remain in this state for so long until slight dizziness begins. If there are other unpleasant symptoms, you can take a breath a little earlier. But the smallest interval is considered to be from 10 to 40 seconds.

Each person has their own capabilities, so there is no single time for all people. You should focus on your own feelings. Many professional divers and yoga practitioners can hold their breath for 10 minutes or more, but this is the result of long-term practice.

The first time you won't be able to hold your breath for more than one or two minutes.

While performing the exercise, you should not puff out your cheeks. This will only distract you with unpleasant sensations in your face, and the air accumulated behind your cheeks will only interfere with proper inhalation.

While holding your breath, to try to increase the time interval, you can try counting or reciting a poem to yourself to mentally distract yourself from the desire to inhale.

You can perform a series of breathing movements and take an insufficient breath, which will fill only part of the lungs with air. In this position, relax and hold your breath. It is advisable to hold out for at least a minute and a half, after which you can exhale, pushing out the remaining air and inhale again.

Why hold your breath in pranayama?

Many beginners, when practicing delay, neglect to perform asanas. However, before you start practicing pranayama, you need to make a complex of at least several basic asanas.

Preparation of the spine and the body as a whole will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the delay. During the main asanas of pranayama, the energy flow will be activated and prana will be able to freely enter the body, saturating it with vital energy.

Consciously regulating the flow of energy through breathing will open the chakras one by one, optimizing their functioning. Increased work in the spiritual sphere allows a person to rethink his life values ​​and interests. And thanks to breathing practice, he will feel like a completely different person.

How to Prepare for Breath Holding

Breath holding training requires some preparation. Depending on its level, the time interval between breaths will vary. Before you start breathing practice, you need to psychologically tune in, relax and take a comfortable body position.

It is best to practice delay in the morning, or on an empty stomach. It’s best even before the first glass of water. After practice you can have a drink and a light snack. There will be excess weight decisive factor in the emergence of difficulties during practice, so it is worth thinking about the well-being of your physical body before starting to practice delay techniques.

The harm of holding your breath

If the technique is performed incorrectly, holding your breath may be harmful. A borderline state of oxygen starvation of the body is considered dangerous, when the delay is too great for an unprepared person. The correct holding of breath determines whether this practice will bring benefit or harm to the body.

Holding your breath should be practiced gradually and regularly, preferably under the guidance of a competent mentor. If the technique is performed incorrectly, you can harm your body. In addition, you should remember that you should start practicing only after puberty. Teenagers and children cannot perform these exercises correctly.

The main energy prana, from which everything consists, enters the body not only with inhalation. There are other ways to obtain it, however, breathing is a very important aspect of the life of any organism.

Proper breathing allows you to cleanse and helps get rid of negativity and disease.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Today I will tell you about how to properly hold your breath, as well as the benefits and harms of such exercises. After all, the ability to hold your breath can be useful not only for those who engage in scuba diving, but also for people who practice yoga or simply take care of their health.

Before execution breathing exercises need to prepare. Firstly, you need the right psychological attitude. If a person is too tense, breathing will become difficult, so you should relax before starting the exercises. Secondly, there is no need to chase results and force your body. Even if you decide to get into the Guinness Book of Records (on this moment The world record for holding your breath underwater is 22 and a half minutes) you should start gradually.

Yoga practitioners count their pulse or heartbeat while holding their breath, and beginners can use a watch with second hand. You can also ask someone close to you to control the account. On initial stage This the best option, since they can insure you in case of dizziness.

Overweight people have a harder time holding their breath long time because they require more oxygen. Therefore, if you have a desire to start practicing, but excess weight gets in the way, this will be an excellent motivation to lose weight.

It is best to do breathing exercises on an empty stomach or about 3-4 hours after eating. And of course, before practicing, you should stop drinking alcohol, tobacco, coffee and black tea, otherwise it will put too much strain on the heart.

Kumbhaka - holding the breath in yoga

Yoga has its own terminology to describe the breathing process:

  1. Puraka - inhale
  2. Rechaka - exhale
  3. Kumbhaka - holding the breath (can be both while inhaling and exhaling)

The entire pranayama system is built on the combination of these elements in different modifications with yoga poses.

Holding your breath while exhaling

In yoga, holding the breath while exhaling is called Bahir Kumbhaka. It is with this exercise that it is best to begin the practice, as it helps cleanse the body.

Sit in a comfortable position. First you need to even out your breathing and take several calm breaths in and out through your nose, then smoothly exhale all the air from your lungs. After 10-30 seconds of delay, a feeling of suffocation and a strong desire to inhale occurs. Listen carefully and observe the sensations in your body. If you feel dizzy and ringing in your ears, inhale gently. If, apart from a strong desire to take a breath of air, there are no other disturbing sensations, then use willpower to pass this threshold. At this stage, the internal dialogue subsides and awareness grows.

Holding your breath while inhaling

Antar kumbhaka is holding your breath while inhaling, which saturates the body with oxygen and energy. Just like before performing the previous exercise, you should take a comfortable position, relax and take a few breaths. Then take a deep breath and hold your breath. When you have a strong urge to exhale, try to do it slowly and smoothly. As I already said, you shouldn’t chase results. Regardless of how long you are able to hold in the initial stages, over time their duration can be increased if you train the skills every day.

Traditionally in pranayama (breathing exercises) optimal ratio the time of inhalation, exhalation and retention, look like this - 4:2:4. Where 4 is the inhalation time, 2 is the delay, and 4 is the exhalation duration. That is, if you were able to inhale air for 10 seconds, then it is advisable to hold it for 5 seconds and exhale for 10 seconds.

If you purposefully train long delays, then simply inhale, make a maximum delay and exhale smoothly.

During the delays, you want to sharply exhale or inhale, depending on what kind of breath-hold you are doing. If you hold your exhalation, then at the end, I would advise you to exhale some more air and only then inhale. If you inhale, inhale a little more and then exhale. This will make your inhalation or exhalation smoother and without jerking.

Holding your breath while diving

The maximum breath holding time under water is 22 and a half minutes. Record holder Thomas Sytas was able to achieve such an incredible result thanks to preliminary saturation of the lungs with pure oxygen. This technology is not prohibited among participants. But even if you don't use artificial ventilation lungs, with the help of training you can learn to hold your breath for up to 10 minutes.

If you have already mastered breathing exercise on land, then you can move on to holding your breath in water. It is best to start practicing in the pool with a trainer or another experienced person. This gives at least some guarantee of safety. After all, if you lose consciousness while practicing in water, this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Some sources recommend hyperventilation (rapid, deep inhalations and exhalations) before diving into water. You should not follow this advice, as it makes you dizzy and increases the risk of fainting. On the contrary, breathing should be calm and relaxing. This will help you prepare physically and mentally.

Benefits of holding your breath

Breathing exercises have a healing effect on three levels - physiological, psychological and mental.

Kumbhaka increases the number of mitochondria in the body's cells, which break down fatty acids and help absorb the resulting energy. This increases strength and endurance.

Holding your breath slows down your metabolism, which helps prolong your youth. Breathing techniques have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, especially on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

On a psychological level, holding your breath helps in developing concentration and awareness. You can also use these techniques to stop the flow of thoughts.

Favorable changes occur even more high levels. The state of consciousness changes, energy flows are cleansed and normalized. The highest point that can be achieved through kumbhaka is samadhi.

The harm of holding your breath

During kumbhaka, when exhaling, hypoxia begins - oxygen starvation of the body, and during kumbhaka, when inhaling, hypercapnia occurs - excess accumulation in the blood carbon dioxide. These two conditions can be dangerous for the body, but even traditional medicine recognizes that with proper, regular use it brings undeniable benefits.

Nevertheless, long-term breath holdings should be taken seriously, and before starting the practice it is better to consult with a specialist to eliminate negative consequences.

Contraindications for holding your breath

Despite the enormous benefits, there are also many contraindications for holding your breath.

It is not advisable to practice kumbhaka with people suffering from mental disorders. The only exception is in the treatment of depression.

Women expecting the birth of a child should not experiment with holding their breath. There are other breathing exercises for pregnant women.

To this list you can also add a rare disease - anpoe (an involuntary cessation of ventilation of the lungs for a few seconds, usually occurring during sleep).

You should monitor the sensations in your body during practice. If tension occurs in the head or back of the head, it is better to stop the practice of holding your breath.

Sincerely, Ruslan Tsvirkun.

Today I found very interesting material about holding your breath. I couldn't pass by. Professor Neumyvakin also taught us how to breathe into a paper bag. And here is the complete set. Read, study, apply!

With Love, Natalya. Love yourself, take care of yourself!

Montreal, 2015.


Holding your breath allows you to integrate the body's systems.
Holding your breath while inhaling can temporarily raise your blood pressure.
Holding your breath as you exhale lowers blood pressure, facilitating blood circulation.

Holding your breath while inhaling affects the sympathetic nervous system.
Holding your breath while exhaling affects the parasympathetic nervous system.

What to remember when holding your breath?
Remember that the brain will signal to inhale when the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood rises too high. It does not respond to oxygen levels. The fact is that it reacts to the level of carbon dioxide. If you prepare to hold your breath with several full exhalations as you exhale the carbon dioxide, you will be able to hold your breath longer and feel comfortable doing so.
If you feel dizzy and disoriented, stop. Dizziness is not enlightenment. You must build this practice regularly and patiently. Drastically pushing beyond your capabilities will not help.
As you practice, create a place of calm in your mind and observe the changes in your body and mind.
In the practice of holding your breath while inhaling or exhaling, remember that the goal is to switch metabolic activity, balance the nervous system and emotional control.


Pranayama, or the science of Breathing
Breathing is the main tool. Improving breathing is the foundation for:

- ensuring health and vitality;
- discovery of creativity of emotions;
— mood control;
- development of concentration;
- providing a sense of connection.

Mindfulness of breathing begins with recognizing the breath as both simply physical breathing and as subtle vitality body and mind. We will study and break the habit of ignoring breathing. Think about breathing in broader terms than just inhaling and exhaling. Imagine that the breath and its movements are connected with all movements of all emotions and thoughts.

Breath and Word are closely related. They form the platform from which everything begins, and they build the shape and direction of human life. They govern our relationships with ourselves and with others. If we can consciously control certain patterns by shaping the abilities of breath and sound, we can creatively direct our lives and possibilities.

The first thing a baby does when it leaves the womb is take a deep breath. We push water out of our lungs and begin to persistently pump our diaphragm and lungs to get air - the invisible source of our life on Earth. Then we scream! We proclaim our arrival. All the doctors, nurses and parents are waiting for that first sound, the Word that means we are whole, we are expressing ourselves, and we are alive!

At all times, the sages have told us that in order to get to Heaven, become subtle in our perception and control our destiny, firstly, we must improve our breathing and, secondly, appreciate every word we say out loud or to myself, word. The simplest approach to this practice is to use and control physical breathing. This will lead to control of words and emotions.

Simple Natural Breathing

In correct Simple Natural Breathing, the Navel Center is in motion: as you inhale, the stomach protrudes outward, and as you exhale, it draws inward. We use inhalation to become wider and exhalation to become taller.

Many people have learned to breathe the other way around: as they inhale, they suck in their stomach, thereby reducing the space for breathing. Especially those people who often worry or smoke are committed to this habit.

To learn how to breathe correctly, use natural, calm breathing and consider following points:
- wear clothes that are loose around the abdomen; such clothing will not impede the movement of the diaphragm;
- sit with a straight back, shoulders should be relaxed, eyes closed; you can do natural breathing while lying on your back.
During Natural Breathing, we breathe through the nose, which filters, warms and humidifies the air.
Try to perform full exhalations, during which the lungs are emptied as much as possible.

Characteristics of Breathing

The quantity, quality and circulation of breath create the basis of vitality and creativity. It is a barometer of how much energy usually flows through us, and how much reserve energy we have built up for emergencies.
Most people don't breathe correctly. Signs of shallow, spasmodic breathing and breathing are common top part lungs. Lack of relaxation and well-being, both on a personal and collective level, as well as other factors, interfere with proper breathing. Of all the positive changes that can occur, deep and long breathing is perhaps the most effective for greater wellness.

Physical Aspect

All movements require tension, however, when a person cannot freely return from muscular or mental tension to a relaxed state, he becomes stressed. Stress causes weak breathing - shallow, impulsive, breathing from the upper part of the lungs in a very rapid rhythm, which leads to chronic tension and weakening of the nervous system. And weak and incorrect breathing, in turn, increases susceptibility to stress. All this creates the basis for diseases and disorders in one or another body system.

Emotional Aspect

We hold a huge amount of tension and emotional trauma in our muscular structure in the form of a kind of muscle armor. Correct breathing, which changes our breathing habits and characteristics, allows us to free ourselves from tension. As we increase overall body flexibility and expand our lungs, our sensitivity increases as our armor decreases.

Breathing rate

When we consciously slow down our breathing rate, we benefit ourselves greatly. Typically, men breathe at a rate of 16-18 cycles per minute, women breathe at a rate of 18-20 cycles per minute.

Breathing 8 cycles per minute

Feeling more relaxed. Relieve stress and increase mental awareness. The parasympathetic nervous system begins to be affected. Healing processes are taking place.

Breathing 4 cycles per minute

Positive changes in mental function. Strong sense of awareness, increased visual clarity, increased body sensitivity. The pituitary and pineal glands begin to coordinate more precisely, producing a meditative state.

Breathing 1 cycle per minute

20 sec. inhale - 20 sec. inhalation delay - 20 seconds. exhalation Optimal interaction between the hemispheres of the brain.
Deep calming of anxiety, fears and worries. Openness to feeling your presence and presence of mind. Development of intuition. The whole brain works - especially the anterior part of the cerebral hemispheres.

Long Deep Breathing (Yogic Breathing)

Long Deep Breathing is the first technique usually taught after Simple Natural Breathing has been mastered. Long Deep Breathing uses the entire volume of the lungs, including three sections:

- abdominal or lower;
- chest or middle;
- clavicular or superior.

Long Deep Breathing begins by filling the abdominal cavity, then expanding the chest, and finally lifting the upper ribs and collarbones. Exhalation occurs in the reverse order: first the air comes out of the upper part of the lungs, then from the middle. Finally, the Navel Center is drawn inward towards the back.

Benefits of Long Deep Breathing

- Relaxes and calms due to its effect on the parasympathetic nervous system.
— Reduces and prevents the accumulation of toxic substances in the lungs, helping to cleanse small air alveoli.
- Stimulates brain chemistry, the formation of endorphins, which helps in the fight against depression.
- Helps the brain reach a new level of activity.
- Pushes spinal fluid towards the brain, providing more energy.
— Deep, long breathing combined with concentration stimulates the pituitary gland and improves intuition.
— Maximum filling of the lungs revitalizes and reconfigures the magnetic field.
- Purifies the blood.
— Regulates the acid-base balance of the body, which affects the ability to manage stressful situations.
— Activates and cleanses nerve channels.
- Helps in breaking down habitual subconscious patterns such as fears and feelings of insecurity.
- Helps in the fight against addictions.
- Provides the ability to manage negative states and emotions, maintaining clarity, sanity and patience.

Breath Hold

The purpose of holding your breath is to gradually adjust the nervous system.
The main thing in the mastery of holding your breath is the ability to hold your breath correctly while inhaling or exhaling. Instead, we often “just hold our breath.” We block our breathing, retract our chin, tense our neck and throat muscles, and tense our tongue. This crude technique can create a lot of tension in the eyes, the back of the head, the heart and the neck. Such a delay of more than 10 seconds occurs due to the cessation of breathing by creating opposition between the various muscle groups that are involved in breathing. It may be dangerous. Every time you perform this incorrect technique, you are training your subconscious mind to repeat the mistake.

CORRECT EXECUTION. Instead, you can properly train your subconscious so that it will serve you even when you are not consciously directing your breath. Holding your breath means relaxing the muscles of the diaphragm, ribs and abdominal cavity, which are responsible for the constant movement of breathing.

To hold your breath while inhaling:
- Take a deep breath.
- Direct your attention to your collarbones and upper ribs.
- Raise your upper ribs slightly and hold them in that position.
- Relax your shoulders, throat and face.
- Tuck your chin in.
- Calm down.
- If you feel the urge to exhale, take a small breath instead.
To hold your breath while exhaling:
- Start with a full exhalation.
- Pull the Navel Center towards the spine.
- Lift your lower chest and diaphragm.
- Allow the upper ribs to relax.
- Do not bend your spine when you try to exhale completely - this will disrupt the functioning of the diaphragm.
- Tuck your chin in.
- Calm down.
- If the muscles begin to give impulses to inhale, consciously exhale a little more. This technique can significantly increase the duration of the delay without tension and struggle.

Benefits of Holding Your Breath

— Holding your breath allows you to integrate the body’s systems.
— Holding your breath while inhaling can temporarily raise your blood pressure.
— Holding your breath as you exhale lowers blood pressure, facilitating blood circulation.
— Holding your breath while inhaling affects the sympathetic nervous system.
— Holding your breath while exhaling affects the parasympathetic nervous system.

What to remember when holding your breath

- Remember that the brain will signal to inhale when the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood rises too high. It does not respond to oxygen levels. The fact is that it reacts to the level of carbon dioxide. If you prepare to hold your breath with several full exhalations as you exhale the carbon dioxide, you will be able to hold your breath longer and feel comfortable doing so.

- If you feel dizzy and disoriented, stop. Dizziness is not enlightenment. You must build this practice regularly and patiently. Drastically pushing beyond your capabilities will not help.

— As you practice, create a place of calm in your awareness and observe the changes in your body and mind.

- When practicing holding your breath while inhaling or exhaling, remember that the goal is to switch metabolic activity, balance the nervous system and emotional control.

Breath of Fire technique

- Breath of Fire is fast, rhythmic and continuous breathing without pauses between inhalation and exhalation. The length of the inhalation is equal to the length of the exhalation. (Approximately 2-3 breaths per second).
- It is always performed through the nose with closed mouth, unless otherwise stated.
— The Breath of Fire comes from the Navel Center and the solar plexus. As you exhale, the air is powerfully pushed out through the nose by drawing in the Navel Center and solar plexus towards the spine. This movement occurs automatically if you close the diaphragm quickly.
— As you inhale, you need to relax the upper abdominal muscles, the diaphragm will stretch downward, and the inhalation will seem like part of relaxation, and not an effort.
- The chest remains relaxed and slightly elevated throughout the breathing.
- If breathing is done correctly, there can be no stiffness in the arms, legs, face or abdomen.

— Start practicing Breath of Fire with 1-3 minutes. Some people can easily perform Breath of Fire for 10 minutes. Some people experience dizziness at the very beginning. If this happens, take a break. It is normal to feel tingling and lightness as your body adjusts to new breathing and new stimulation of the nervous system. Concentrating on the point between the eyebrows can relieve these sensations. Sometimes these symptoms are a result of this technique releasing toxins and other chemical elements. Symptoms can be relieved by drinking plenty of water and eating a light diet.

— Breath of Fire is not hyperventilation or Belly breathing
— There are limitations in the practice of breathing of fire. These apply to pregnant women and women going through their menstrual cycle.

Benefits of Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire:
— Frees the lungs, mucous membranes, and blood vessels from toxins and deposits.
— Increases lung capacity and gives vitality.
— Strengthens the nervous system to withstand stress.
— Restores the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
- Increases physical endurance and prepares you to perform effectively.
— Adjusts the subtle electromagnetic field so that the blood is saturated with energy.
– Reduces addiction habits narcotic substances, smoking and bad food.
– Increases oxygen supply to the brain, awakening a focused and neutral state of mind.
- Activates the immune system and can help prevent many diseases.
— Provides synchronization of biorhythms of body systems.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

In this breathing is always relaxed, deep and full. Left hand lies on his knee. Thumb right hand close your right nostril and index finger or use the ring finger of your right hand to close your left nostril.

- Close your right nostril and inhale gently and completely through your left nostril.
-Then close your left nostril and exhale through your right.
-Then inhale through your right nostril.
- Close your right nostril and exhale through your left.
- Continue, changing nostrils after each inhalation.

Benefits of Nadi Sodhan Breathing

Alternate breathing through both nostrils has the following effects:
– Balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain
— Integrates and grounds.
— Cleans the channels.
– Creates a deep sense of well-being and harmony on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
- May help with headaches, migraines and other symptoms related to stress.
— Inhale through the left nostril, exhale through the right: helps to calm down and integrate unwanted negative emotions and stress.

Wonderful on its own if done before bed.
- Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left: gives clarity and positive mood. Helps you focus on what's important.

Proportional Breathing

When we breathe in different respiratory proportions, we change the time of inhalation, retention and exhalation. Usually we breathe in the same proportion - with equal inhalations and exhalations. Consciously changing the proportionality of breathing produces different effects.

When you focus on inhalation, the sympathetic part of the nervous system increases your heart rate and increases your blood pressure. By focusing on exhalation, the parasympathetic nervous system calms the heart, nerves and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. It relaxes and provides cleansing, both on the physical and emotional levels.

Channel Cleansing V

Breathing in the ratio 1:4:2 (Inhale - 1 count, hold - 4 counts, exhale - 2 counts) It has a powerful cleansing effect.

Breathing through the Left and Right Nostrils

The simple mechanism of closing and opening the nostrils provides a wide range of techniques for controlling moods and energies. The nerves coming from the two hemispheres of the brain cross at the level of the point between the eyebrows. The left hemisphere is associated with right side body and right nostril; right hemisphere- with the left side of the body and the left nostril.

At any given time, we breathe predominantly through one nostril. The dominance of one or another nostril changes every 90-150 minutes. The length of this cycle reflects the universal rhythms, individual temperament, state of mind and physical balance of a person. The rhythm itself is associated mainly with the hypothalamus and pineal gland, as well as other areas of the brain.
You can use the technique of inhaling and exhaling exclusively through the right or left nostril in order to manifest the qualities associated with this nostril. For example, breathing only through the left nostril can help overcome compulsive eating habits.

Cannon Breath

Cannon Breathing helps cleanse and strengthen the parasympathetic nerves, and also improves digestion. Cannon Breathing is the breathing of Fire performed through the mouth.

During Cannon Breathing:
— The mouth forms the shape of the letter “o.” At the same time, you should not stretch your lips too much.
- Breathing pressure falls on the cheeks, but despite this, the cheeks should not be inflated.

Segmented Breathing

With segmented breathing, we break the inhalations and exhalations into several equal parts, separating each part a little, so that each part has its own clear beginning and ending. It stimulates the central nervous system and endocrine system.
Instead of inhaling in one long breath, we break the breath into separate “inhalations” and “subexhalations.”

Try not to retract your nostrils as you inhale and exhale, or breathe deeply. The purpose of this breathing is to stimulate certain nerves. Keep your nostrils relaxed and pay attention to the sensation of your breath and the movement of your diaphragm.

Type of segmented breathing Impact

4 parts inhale
1st part exhalation - healing, filling with energy, uplifting

4 parts inhale
4 parts exhalation - clarity, awakening, impact on the endocrine glands

8 parts inhale
8 parts exhalation - calmness, feeling the center

8 parts inhale
4 parts exhalation - focusing, filling with energy

4 parts inhale
8 parts exhalation - calm, liberation, relaxation

Breath of a Lion

Leo Breathing is powerful breathing from the upper chest and throat. It detoxifies and is good for the throat as well as the thyroid gland.

- Stick your tongue out of your mouth, stretch it to your chin.
- Breathe powerfully, forcing the breath from the root of the tongue so that it is silent.

Whistling Breathing (Beak Breathing)

When breathing with a whistle, the nerve endings in the tongue activate the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and the volume of the lungs increases.
-Pull your lips into a beak shape.
- Inhale, making a thin whistle.
- Exhale through your nose.

A variation of Beak Breathing

Inhale through your nose and exhale whistlingly through your mouth. Listen to the subtle whistling sound as you breathe.

Sitali Pranayama

Sitali Pranayama is known for its powerful cooling and relaxing effects on the body. With this breathing, the mind becomes clearer. This breathing lowers body temperature and helps digestion processes.
Execution technique
- Roll your tongue into a tube.
- Inhale through your tongue rolled into a tube.
- Exhale through your nose.
You may notice a bitter Taste on your tongue at the beginning. This is a sign of detoxification and will disappear over time.

Breath of Sitkari

Sitkari breathing is used to cleanse and activate the endocrine system. You inhale through clenched teeth and exhale through your nose.

Breathing Vatskar

During Vatskar breathing, we inhale air in small sips through the mouth. We do not lower the air all the way to the stomach, but only to the lungs.
Example: Take 8 or more breaths of air, then exhale slowly through your nose.

In Hatha Yoga, holding the breath releases energy (prana) and allows it to be distributed effectively. At this moment, the yogi can direct it to any place where he considers necessary. Yogis practice kumbhaka to control prana and thoughts.

There are three types of kumbhaka: the first type is external or pulmonary breathing, the second is internal or cellular breathing and kumbhaka.

The first is pulmonary, or external respiration. It ensures the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems and gas exchange in the alveoli. External breathing includes two phases: inhalation and exhalation. Yoga distinguishes two more:

1) Rechaka - exhale;
2) Kumbhaka with empty lungs;
3) Puraka - inhalation (its effectiveness depends on exhalation);
4) Kumbhaka with full lungs.

All pranayama exercises consist of modifications of these stages. From the point of view of pranayama, holding the breath is of paramount importance, and the other two stages are necessary condition implementation of Kumbhaka.

The second type is internal, or cellular respiration. Internal breathing involves all the cells of the body, and this is one of the main tasks of pranayama.

Kumbhaka is one of the three types of pranayama, namely puraka, rechaka and kumbhaka. There is also a fourth type called kevala-kumbhaka, which is divided into two types: antaranga and bahiranga. Holding the breath causes a certain state in the brain, certain changes in the spinal column, as well as in the physical body. Pranayama affects the nervous system and therefore the brain. You don't have to work your lungs intensely.

Kumbhaka is performed in two ways: sahita and kevala. When the breath is held deliberately and deliberately, it is sahita. Sahita kumbhaka is a pause in breathing:

a) after a full inhalation before the beginning of exhalation (antara or puraka kumbhaka)

b) after complete exhalation, preceding inhalation (bahya or rechaka kumbhaka).

Kevala means spontaneously or absolutely.

Kevala kumbhaka - pause in breathing, regardless of puraka or rechaka, similar to that, when the artist is completely absorbed in his art or the worshiper holds his breath in adoration of his subject. This state is often preceded by trembling in the body and fear, similar to the sensations overwhelming a person who is faced with the unknown. Patience and perseverance will overcome these feelings. Kevala Kumbhaka is instinctive and intuitive. In this state, one is completely absorbed in the object of one's worship and isolated from the world, experiencing a feeling of bliss and peace that surpasses understanding. Individuality is in tune with the Infinite (Hatha Yoga Pradipiha, II, 71).

Antara kumbhaka (antar kumbhaka) is the holding of the Lord in the form of cosmic or universal energy, which is immersed in individual energy. This is the state where the Lord (Paramat-ma) is united with the individual soul (jivatma).

Bahya kumbhaka (bahir kambhaka) is a state in which the yogi surrenders his very self in the form of breath to the Lord and immerses himself in the Breath of the Universe. This is the noblest form* of self-surrender, when the yogi's personality is completely immersed in the Lord.

Puraka, rechaka and kumbhaka produce different effects in the body.

Effects of holding your breath.
Holding your breath while inhaling while inhaling affects the sympathetic nervous system; may temporarily raise blood pressure. Holding your breath while exhaling affects the parasympathetic nervous system; lowers blood pressure, facilitating blood circulation.

Also, the effect of holding your breath depends on its duration. There are several grades of Kumbhaka with full lungs.

1. Kumbhaka lasting from 3 to 20 seconds.

The purpose of this type of Kumbhaka, accessible to everyone, is to promote the assimilation of inhaled air. During normal breathing, a person uses 6% of the 21% oxygen contained in the air. Thus, exhaled air contains 14 -15% oxygen. This is enough to revive a person by performing mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Holding your breath promotes more complete absorption of oxygen by the lungs and the release of excess carbon dioxide. In this case, breathing is performed with maximum efficiency. This type of Kumbhaka can be practiced anywhere; it has no contraindications. It is also a necessary preliminary step for the following exercises.

2. Kumbhaka lasting from 20 to 90 seconds.

If the breath hold lasts more than 20 seconds, then its results are more obvious. It is not dangerous if all Directions are followed. At the initial stage, it is advisable to study with a Teacher. Holding your breath lasts up to reasonable limits (do not force your body and do not use willpower!). Depending on your discretion, this exercise can be done every day.

3. Kumbhaka lasting from 90 seconds to several minutes.

This type of Kumbhaka can cause a controlled precomatose state in a yogi and completely restore the lost capabilities of the body.

The most important aspect of pranayama is kumbhaka. It also matters how you inhale and exhale air, but it is the breath-holding that needs to be developed. Kumbhaka stimulates the abilities inherent in the higher areas of the brain and actually affects the entire brain, develops it, stimulating all the nerve endings, it is one of the main techniques leading to purification of the mind.

There are eight ways in which pranayama can be practiced, but there are only two ways to perform kumbhaka. Breathing may be delayed either internally or by external means. Both of these forms of kumbhaka are performed using conscious control of the breath, but there is another form of kumbhaka that is performed spontaneously through the practice of pranayama. It is called Kevala Kumbhaka. It goes beyond the internal and external object.

Perfections achieved in yoga by kumbhaka.

“Nothing is unattainable in the three planes of existence for one who has mastered Kevala Kumbhaka and can perform the retention for as long as he wishes.”
Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
When perfection in pranayama (kevala kumbhaka) is achieved, “nothing is unattainable in the three planes of existence.” These three planes are conscious, subconscious and unconscious - Jagrat, Swapna and Sushupti. Sahita pranayama affects the conscious and subconscious levels, that is, the body, prana, mind and soul. Kevala Kumbhaka results in the awakening of the unconscious mind and body and leads to a state that goes beyond them. If there is awakening on all three planes, what cannot be achieved or what may remain unknown in this world?

“There is no doubt that the state of Raja Yoga is also achieved (through Kevala Kumbhaka). As a result of holding the breath, kundalini awakens, sushumna is purified and perfection in hatha yoga is achieved.” Hatha Yoga Pradipika
“When prana is stopped by holding the breath, the mind becomes free from all modifications. By practicing (this yoga), a person reaches the stage of raja yoga (highest unity). Thoughts, emotions and desires are not the mind, they are modifications of the mind, which are like waves in the ocean. The ocean is not one small wave or even hundreds of waves

Some tips from professional freedivers that can help you learn to hold your breath underwater for up to 8 minutes, or maybe even more.

1. Learn to take a deep breath

Take a breath. Only your shoulders and chest went up, didn't it? If yes, then you are using only the upper part of your lungs to breathe and you are breathing incorrectly. If you want to inhale more oxygen for a deep sea dive, you need to start using the full capacity of your lungs. Correct breathing starts from the diaphragm.
Inhale deeply through your mouth and imagine your lungs filling with oxygen, starting from the bottom. They are now filled to the diaphragm. Further, the air reached the sternum. And finally, the tops of the lungs in the upper part are filled with air.

2. What happens to the body when you hold your breath

When a person holds his breath for a long time, his body goes through three stages. Firstly, due to the increase in CO levels in the body, you will have a strong desire to take a breath. If you start to resist it, convulsions will begin in the diaphragm. It's just your body's way of saying, “Hey buddy, our CO levels are up here, maybe you should stop fooling around?”
If you can overcome these cramps, the second stage will begin, in which the spleen will pour up to 15% of fresh oxygen-rich blood into your circulatory system. In humans, this typically occurs when the body goes into shock, but in marine mammals such as whales and seals, this type of “ventilation” of blood in the spleen occurs constantly. When this oxygen-rich blood enters the bloodstream, the freediver stops cramping and feels more energized.
The third stage is loss of consciousness. The brain uses about 20% of the oxygen entering the body. When the brain receives a signal that there is not enough oxygen in the blood, it simply turns off. If this happens while a diver is diving, the sea will become his grave. Professional freedivers learn to recognize these signals and determine how much time they have to dive. When they experience cramps, they know they have a few more minutes to spend underwater. When oxygenated blood from the spleen enters the freediver's body, he understands that it is time to surface so as not to lose consciousness under water.
According to professional freedivers, a deep breath should take 20 seconds.

3. Static apnea training

This technique is used by deep sea divers to train the lungs to withstand the effects of holding their breath for long periods of time. They are called static because during their execution it is necessary to remain in place, not float or move at all. There are two training programs: the first will help cope with excess CO2, and the second will increase the volume of the lungs and, therefore, the amount of oxygen stored in them.

4. CO table

As you can see, the rest periods get shorter and shorter from set to set. During the rest period, it is important to breathe calmly without resorting to hyperventilation. If you cannot hold your breath for a minute, reduce this time to an acceptable level for you. If it's 30 seconds, you're fine. Just add 5 seconds every day. Perform the program once in the morning and once in the evening.

5. Table O

Using the program you see on Chart O, your lungs will be able to store more oxygen and function better when oxygen is scarce. In this exercise, you will have to hold your breath longer, but the periods of rest remain the same. As in the previous case, you can start with 30 seconds and add another 5 every day. Both workouts can be done on the same day, but they must be separated by a period of at least several hours.

The ability to hold your breath can be useful to you - both in sports and in everyday life. Maybe you want to learn how to swim long distances? Or maybe you just bet your friends on a bottle of whiskey and promised that you could hold out without breathing for a couple of minutes? In the end, it doesn't matter at all! The only important thing is that you want to learn how to do this and you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a professional trainer.

Don’t think that after 2-3 workouts you will get good results. Many people train for years to hold their breath for several minutes. You must change your habits and lifestyle.

How to learn to hold your breath underwater and more

You can develop this skill for no particular reason, just because. But it will be especially useful for people who engage in sports such as swimming, surfing, etc. You can do the training yourself, even at home, all you need is desire and willpower. You will have to train regularly, and also do not forget to increase your strength and endurance - play sports, it increases your lung capacity.

How to hold your breath for a long time on your own:

Hard surface. You need to train on a flat and hard surface. The optimal position is lying or kneeling.

State of calm. If you think about something extraneous or panic or get nervous, nothing will work out. Everything depends on your breathing, so try to free your brain from unnecessary thoughts and relax. Freeze in one position, your pulse will slow down.

Meditation- try to practice meditation several times a week, even 10-15 minutes a day is enough. Turn on slow music, relax and throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head.

Slow inhalations and exhalations. Now it's time to breathe from your belly, this is how you train your diaphragm. Inhale slowly, feel the diaphragm expand and fill with oxygen. Inhale and hold your breath for 5-6 seconds, exhale. Try to gradually increase this time by a few more seconds.

Exhalation- here it is important to release all carbon dioxide from the lungs. Exhale deeply and you will feel your diaphragm contracting. After exhaling, hold your breath again for a few seconds. Continue to take deep breaths and exhales for 2-3 minutes.

Immersion in water. Take one deep breath through your mouth and lower your head into the water. When diving, keep your nose and mouth closed. To prevent water from passing through your nostrils, close them with your fingers. When you have reached the limit and realize that you cannot stand it any longer, raise your head, exhale the remaining air, then inhale.

The next dive can be performed in 2-3 minutes, not earlier - your body must recover.

During the dive, control yourself and relax, no need to panic and be nervous. If you worry, your heart rate will increase and you may swallow water.

Proper nutrition, rest and giving up bad habits. Many people neglect all of the above points, although in fact they play a major role. If you drink and smoke, and also eat junk food, your body, including your lungs, will not function fully. Therefore, in order to hold your breath for a long time, you will have to give up your previous lifestyle.

Such experiments cannot be carried out alone.
This is dangerous and the consequences can be fatal, since you do not know how your body will react to oxygen deficiency. In some cases, loss of consciousness was observed, so there should be a person next to you who can provide assistance in an unforeseen situation.

Warning: If you feel dizzy while diving, rise to the surface immediately. You should not practice breathing if you feel unwell or have a headache or pressure surges.

You shouldn’t have any illusions and think that you will immediately be able to become a record holder for holding your breath. This skill requires constant training and effort on your part, and you must also take care to improve the overall physical fitness of your body.

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